
Defines functions predict.glmmTMB assertIdenticalModels

Documented in predict.glmmTMB

## Helper function for predict.
## Assert that we can use old model (data.tmb0) as basis for
## predictions using the new data (data.tmb1):
assertIdenticalModels <- function(data.tmb1, data.tmb0, allow.new.levels=FALSE) {
    ## Check terms. Only 'blockReps' and 'blockSize' are allowed to
    ## change.  Note that we allow e.g. spatial covariance matrices to
    ## change, while e.g. an unstrucured covariance must remain the
    ## same.
    checkTerms <- function(t1, t0) {
        ## Defensive check:
        stopifnot(identical(names(t1), names(t0)))
        ## *Never* allowed to differ:
        testIdentical <- function(checkNm) {
            unlist( Map( function(x,y)
                identical(x[checkNm], y[checkNm]), t0, t1) )
        ok <- testIdentical( c("blockNumTheta", "blockCode") )
        if ( ! all(ok) ) {
            msg <- c("Prediction is not possible for terms: ",
                     paste(names(t1)[!ok], collapse=", "), "\n",
                     "Probably some factor levels in 'newdata' require fitting a new model.")
        ## Sometimes allowed to differ:
        if ( ! allow.new.levels ) {
            ok <- testIdentical( c( "blockReps", "blockSize") )
            if ( ! all(ok) ) {
                msg <- c("Predicting new random effect levels for terms: ",
                         paste(names(t1)[!ok], collapse=", "), "\n",
                         "Disable this warning with 'allow.new.levels=TRUE'")
                ## FIXME: warning or error ?
    checkTerms( data.tmb1$terms,   data.tmb0$terms )
    checkTerms( data.tmb1$termszi, data.tmb0$termszi )
    ## Fixed effect parameters must be identical
    checkModelMatrix <- function(X1, X0) {
        if( !identical(colnames(X1), colnames(X0)) ) {
            msg <- c("Prediction is not possible for unknown fixed effects: ",
                     paste( setdiff(colnames(X1), colnames(X0)), collapse=", "), "\n",
                     "Probably some factor levels in 'newdata' require fitting a new model.")
    ## get whichever of the model matrices is non-zero
    getX <- function(data,suffix="") {
        denseX <- data[[paste0("X",suffix)]]
        sparseX <- data[[paste0("X",suffix,"S")]]
        if (ncol(denseX)>0) denseX else sparseX
    checkModelMatrix(getX(data.tmb1), getX(data.tmb0))
    checkModelMatrix(getX(data.tmb1,"zi"), getX(data.tmb0,"zi"))
    checkModelMatrix(getX(data.tmb1,"d"), getX(data.tmb0,"d"))

##' prediction
##' @param object a \code{glmmTMB} object
##' @param newdata new data for prediction
##' @param newparams new parameters for prediction
##' @param se.fit return the standard errors of the predicted values?
##' @param cov.fit return the covariance matrix of the predicted values?                        
##' @param zitype deprecated: formerly used to specify type of zero-inflation probability. Now synonymous with \code{type}
##' @param type Denoting \eqn{mu} as the mean of the conditional distribution and
##' \code{p} as the zero-inflation probability,
##' the possible choices are:
##' \describe{
##' \item{"link"}{conditional mean on the scale of the link function,
##' or equivalently the linear predictor of the conditional model}
##' \item{"response"}{expected value; this is \eqn{mu*(1-p)} for zero-inflated models
##' and \code{mu} otherwise}
##' \item{"conditional"}{mean of the conditional response; \code{mu} for all models
##' (i.e., synonymous with \code{"response"} in the absence of zero-inflation}
##' \item{"zprob"}{the probability of a structural zero (returns 0 for non-zero-inflated models)}
##' \item{"zlink"}{predicted zero-inflation probability on the scale of
##' the logit link function (returns \code{-Inf} for non-zero-inflated models)}
##' \item{"disp"}{dispersion parameter however it is defined for that particular family as described in  \code{\link{sigma.glmmTMB}}}
##' }
##' @param na.action how to handle missing values in \code{newdata} (see \code{\link{na.action}});
##' the default (\code{na.pass}) is to predict \code{NA}
##' @param debug (logical) return the \code{TMBStruc} object that will be
##' used internally for debugging?
##' @param re.form \code{NULL} to specify individual-level predictions; \code{~0} or \code{NA} to specify population-level predictions (i.e., setting all random effects to zero)
##' @param allow.new.levels allow previously unobserved levels in random-effects variables? see details.
##' @param \dots unused - for method compatibility
##' @param fast predict without expanding memory (default is TRUE if \code{newdata} and \code{newparams} are NULL and population-level prediction is not being done)
##' @details
##' \itemize{
##' \item To compute population-level predictions for a given grouping variable (i.e., setting all random effects for that grouping variable to zero), set the grouping variable values to \code{NA}. Finer-scale control of conditioning (e.g. allowing variation among groups in intercepts but not slopes when predicting from a random-slopes model) is not currently possible.
##' \item Prediction of new random effect levels is possible as long as the model specification (fixed effects and parameters) is kept constant.
##' However, to ensure intentional usage, a warning is triggered if \code{allow.new.levels=FALSE} (the default).

##' \item Prediction using "data-dependent bases" (variables whose scaling or transformation depends on the original data, e.g. \code{\link{poly}}, \code{\link[splines]{ns}}, or \code{\link{poly}}) should work properly; however, users are advised to check results extra-carefully when using such variables. Models with different versions of the same data-dependent basis type in different components (e.g. \code{formula= y ~ poly(x,3), dispformula= ~poly(x,2)}) will probably \emph{not} produce correct predictions.
##' }
##' @examples
##' data(sleepstudy,package="lme4")
##' g0 <- glmmTMB(Reaction~Days+(Days|Subject),sleepstudy)
##' predict(g0, sleepstudy)
##' ## Predict new Subject
##' nd <- sleepstudy[1,]
##' nd$Subject <- "new"
##' predict(g0, newdata=nd, allow.new.levels=TRUE)
##' ## population-level prediction
##' nd_pop <- data.frame(Days=unique(sleepstudy$Days),
##'                      Subject=NA)
##' predict(g0, newdata=nd_pop)
##' @importFrom TMB sdreport
##' @importFrom stats optimHess model.frame na.fail na.pass napredict contrasts<-
##' @export
predict.glmmTMB <- function(object,
                            re.form=NULL, allow.new.levels=FALSE,
                            type = c("link", "response",
                                     "conditional", "zprob", "zlink",
                            zitype = NULL,
                            na.action = na.pass,
                            ...) {
  ## FIXME: add re.form

  check_dots(..., .action = "warning")
  if (cov.fit) {
      if (!se.fit) message("se.fit set to TRUE because cov.fit = TRUE")
      se.fit <- TRUE

  if (!is.null(zitype)) {
     warning("zitype is deprecated: please use type instead")
     type <- zitype
  type <- match.arg(type)

  ## FIXME: better test? () around re.form==~0 are *necessary*
  ## could steal isRE from lme4 predict.R ...
  pop_pred <- (!is.null(re.form) && ((re.form==~0) ||
  if (!(is.null(re.form) || pop_pred)) {
      stop("re.form must equal NULL, NA, or ~0")

  ## match type arg with internal name
  ## FIXME: warn if "link"
  ziPredNm <- switch(type,
                     response   = "corrected",
                     link       =,
                     conditional= "uncorrected",
                     zlink      = ,
                     zprob      = "prob",
                     disp       = "disp", #zi irrelevant; just reusing variable
                     stop("unknown type ",type))
  ziPredCode <- .valid_zipredictcode[ziPredNm]

  ## oldPar <- get_pars(object)
  oldPar <- object$fit$par
  if (!is.null(newparams)) oldPar <- newparams

  new_stuff <- !is.null(newdata) || !is.null(newparams) || pop_pred
  if (isTRUE(fast) && new_stuff) {
    stop("fast=TRUE is not compatible with newdata/newparams/population-level prediction")

  if (is.null(fast)) fast <- !new_stuff

  ## what to ADREPORT:
  ## 0 = no pred; 1 = response scale; 2 = link scale
  do_pred_val <- if (!se.fit) 0 else if (!grepl("link",type)) 1 else 2

  na.act <- attr(model.frame(object),"na.action")
  do.napred <- missing(newdata) && !is.null(na.act)

  ## DRY: there is a little bit of repeated code here but didn't
  ## want to make a giant if-block
  ## ('goto' would be handy here ...)
  if (noZI(object) && type %in% c("zprob", "zlink")) {
    dd <- if (!is.null(newdata)) newdata else object$obj$env$data$Xd
    pred <- se <- setNames(numeric(nrow(dd)), rownames(dd))
    se[] <- NA_real_
    pred[] <- if (type == "zprob") 0 else -Inf
    if (do.napred) {
      pred <- napredict(na.act, pred)
      if (se.fit) se <- napredict(na.act,se)
    if (cov.fit) covfit <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = length(se.fit), ncol = length(se.fit), dimnames = list(names(se.fit), names(se.fit)))
    if (!se.fit) return(pred) else if (cov.fit) return(list(fit=pred, se.fit=se, cov.fit = covfit)) else return(list(fit=pred, se.fit=se))

  if (fast) {
    ee <- environment(object$obj$fn)
    lp <- ee$last.par.best                 ## used in $report() call below
    dd <- ee$data         ## data object
    orig_vals <- dd[c("whichPredict", "doPredict", "ziPredictCode")]
    dd$whichPredict <- as.numeric(seq(nobs(object)))  ## replace 'whichPredict' entry
    if (se.fit) {
      dd$doPredict <- do_pred_val
    dd$ziPredictCode <- ziPredCode
    assign("data",dd, ee) ## stick this in the appropriate environment
    newObj <- object$obj
    ## restore original values to environment of the object
    ## putting add=TRUE first would be more readable,
    ##  but that tickles a bug in R < 4.0.2
        expr=    {
            for (i in names(orig_vals)) {
                dd[[i]] <- orig_vals[[i]]
                assign("data",dd, environment(object$obj$fn))
        add = TRUE)
    ## end of 'fast predict'
   }  else {

  mc <- mf <- object$call
  ## FIXME: DRY so much
  ## now work on evaluating model frame
  ## do we want to re-do this part???

  ## need to 'fix' call to proper model.frame call whether or not
  ## we have new data, because ... (??)
  m <- match(c("subset", "weights", "offset", "na.action"),
             names(mf), 0L)
  mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]

  mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  ## substitute *combined* data frame, in hopes of getting all of the
  ##  bits we need for any of the model frames ...
  tt <- terms(object$modelInfo$allForm$combForm)
  pv <- attr(terms(model.frame(object)),"predvars")
  ## get rid of response variable     
  attr(tt,"predvars") <- pv[-2] ## was: fix_predvars(pv,tt)
  mf$formula <- RHSForm(tt, as.form=TRUE)

  ## fix_predvars (in utils.R) is NO LONGER USED
  ## We now rely on the 'variables' and 'predvars' attributes matching
  ## up correctly, **except for the response variable**, from the
  ## terms of 'combForm' and the model frame, and working with whatever
  ## newdata= argument is provided.
  ## Passes existing tests/known cases.
  ## We should still be on the lookout for crazy/unforeseen
  ## usage of data-dependent bases (e.g. polynomials or splines with
  ## different arguments in different parts of the model ...)
  ## This could be further improved by making RHSForm()
  ##  use delete.response() -- handles dropping response from predvars
  ## Would still need careful testing etc..

  if (is.null(newdata)) {
    mf$data <- mc$data ## restore original data
    newFr <- object$frame
  } else {
    mf$na.action <- na.action
    if (pop_pred) {
        ## add missing components in newdata
        ## (placeholder only to avoid error in model frame construction:
        ##  value shouldn't matter since all b values will be fixed to NA anyway ...)
        req_vars <- all.vars(RHSForm(formula(object, reOnly = TRUE)))
        for (fnew in setdiff(req_vars, names(newdata))) {
            newdata[[fnew]] <- NA
    mf$data <- newdata
    newFr <- eval.parent(mf)

  omi <- object$modelInfo  ## shorthand ("**o**bject$**m**odel**I**nfo")

  respCol <- match(respNm <- names(omi$respCol),names(newFr))
  ## create *or* overwrite response column for prediction data with NA
  newFr[[respNm]] <- NA

  ## FIXME: not yet handling population-level predictions (re.form
  ##  or new levels/allow.new.levels)

  ## append to existing model frame
  ## rbind loses attributes!
  ## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46258816/copy-attributes-when-using-rbind
  ## at this point I'm not even sure if contrasts are actually *used*
  ## for anything in the prediction process: do mismatches even matter?
  safe_contrasts <- function(x) {
      if (length(levels(x))<2) return(NULL) else return(contrasts(x))
  aug_contrasts <- function(c1,new_levels) {
  augFr <- rbind(object$frame,newFr)
  facs <- which(vapply(augFr,is.factor,logical(1)))
  for (fnm in names(augFr)[facs]) {
      c1 <- safe_contrasts(object$frame[[fnm]])
      c2 <- safe_contrasts(newFr[[fnm]])
      if (!allow.new.levels) {
          c1_sub <- c1[rownames(c2),colnames(c2),drop=FALSE]
          if (!is.null(c2) &&
              ## maybe too coarse, but as mentioned above, I don't
              ##  even know if such mismatches really matter ...
              !(isTRUE(all.equal(c1_sub,c2)) ||
                isTRUE(all.equal(c1,c2)))) {
              stop("contrasts mismatch between original and prediction frame in variable ",
      ## DON'T check for contrasts mismatch with new levels
      ##   (hope we don't miss anything important!)
      ## what do we do here?
      ## the new levels aren't actually going to get used for anything,
      ##  but they break the contrast construction. Extend the contrast
      ##  matrix with a properly labeled zero matrix.
      if (!is.null(c1)) {
          new_levels <- stats::na.omit(setdiff(unique(newFr[[fnm]]),levels(object$frame[[fnm]])))
          contrasts(augFr[[fnm]]) <- aug_contrasts(c1,new_levels)

  ## Pointers into 'new rows' of augmented data frame.
  w <- nrow(object$fr) + seq_len(nrow(newFr))

  ## Variety of possible binomial inputs are taken care of by
  ## 'mkTMBStruc' further down.
  yobs <- augFr[[names(omi$respCol)]]

   ## extract smooth information
   ## NULL if missing
   old_smooths <- lapply(omi$reTrms, function(x) x[["smooth_info"]])

  ## need eval.parent() because we will do eval(mf) down below ...
  TMBStruc <-
        ## FIXME: make first arg of mkTMBStruc into a formula list
        ## with() interfering with eval.parent() ?
                               old_smooths = old_smooths,
                               ## don't need priors when predicting ...
                               priors = NULL)

    ## drop rank-deficient columns if necessary
    for (nm in c("", "zi", "d")) {
        xnm <- paste0("X", nm)
        betanm <- paste0("beta", nm)
        X <- getME(object, xnm)
        if (prod(dim(X)) > 0 && !is.null(dd <- attr(X, "col.dropped"))) {
            if (is(X, "Matrix")) xnm <- paste0(xnm, "S")
            TMBStruc$data.tmb[[xnm]] <- TMBStruc$data.tmb[[xnm]][,-dd]
            TMBStruc$parameters[[betanm]] <- TMBStruc$parameters[[betanm]][-dd]

  ## short-circuit
  if(debug) return(TMBStruc)

  ## Check that the model specification is unchanged:
                        object$obj$env$data, allow.new.levels)

  ## Check that the necessary predictor variables are finite (not NA nor NaN)
  if (se.fit) {
    with(TMBStruc$data.tmb, if(any(!is.finite(X)) |
                             any(!is.finite(Z@x)) |
                             any(!is.finite(Xzi)) |
                             any(!is.finite(Zzi@x)) |
    ) stop("Some variables in newdata needed for predictions contain NAs or NaNs.
           This is currently incompatible with se.fit=TRUE or cov.fit=TRUE."))

  ## FIXME: what if newparams only has a subset of components?

  if (!is.null(maparg <- TMBStruc$mapArg)) {
     full_pars <- get_pars(object, unlist=FALSE)
     for (i in names(maparg)) {
         mapind <- which(is.na(maparg[[i]]))
         if (length(mapind)>0) {
             TMBStruc$parameters[[i]][mapind] <- full_pars[[i]][mapind]

  if (pop_pred) {
      TMBStruc <- within(TMBStruc, {
          parameters$b[] <- 0
          mapArg$b <- factor(rep(NA,length(parameters$b)))

  n_orig <- openmp(n = object$modelInfo$parallel)
  if (openmp_debug()) {
      cat("predict: setting OpenMP threads to ", n_orig, " on exit\n")
  on.exit(openmp(n_orig), add = TRUE)

  newObj <- with(TMBStruc,
                           map = mapArg,
                           random = randomArg,
                           profile = NULL, # TODO: Optionally "beta"
                           silent = TRUE,
                           DLL = "glmmTMB"))
  newObj$fn(oldPar)  ## call once to update internal structures
  lp <- newObj$env$last.par

  }  ## NOT fast

  ## set TMB threads to value from original model fit/reset on exit
  if (!is.null(parallel <- object$modelInfo$parallel)) {
    n_orig <- openmp(NULL)
    if (openmp_debug()) cat("resetting TMB threads to ",  parallel, "\n")
    on.exit(openmp(n = n_orig), add = TRUE)

  if (openmp_debug()) cat("TMB threads currently set to ", openmp(NULL), "\n")
  return_eta <- type %in% c("zlink", "link")
  if (!se.fit) {
    rr <- newObj$report(lp)
    pred <- if (return_eta) rr$eta_predict else rr$mu_predict
  } else {
    H <- with(object,optimHess(oldPar,obj$fn,obj$gr))
    ## FIXME: Eventually add 'getReportCovariance=FALSE' to this sdreport
    ##        call to fix memory issue (requires recent TMB version)
    ## Fixed! (but do we want a flag to get it ? ...)
    if (cov.fit) {
        sdr <- sdreport(newObj,oldPar,hessian.fixed=H,getReportCovariance=TRUE)
        covfit <- sdr$cov
    } else sdr <- sdreport(newObj,oldPar,hessian.fixed=H,getReportCovariance=FALSE)
    sdrsum <- summary(sdr, "report") ## TMB:::summary.sdreport(sdr, "report")
    w <- if (return_eta) "eta_predict" else "mu_predict"
    ## multiple rows with identical names; naive indexing
    ## e.g. sdrsum["mu_predict", ...] returns only the first instance
    w <- which(rownames(sdrsum)==w)
    pred <- sdrsum[w,"Estimate"]
    se <- sdrsum[w,"Std. Error"]
    if (cov.fit) covfit <- covfit[w, w]
  if (do.napred) {
      pred <- napredict(na.act,pred)
      if (se.fit) se <- napredict(na.act,se)
      if (cov.fit) {
          tmp <- covfit
          covfit <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = length(se.fit), ncol = length(se.fit), dimnames = list(names(se.fit), names(se.fit)))
          covfit[!is.na(covfit)] <- as.vector(tmp)
  if (!se.fit) return(pred) else if (cov.fit) return(list(fit=pred, se.fit=se, cov.fit = covfit)) else return(list(fit=pred, se.fit=se))

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glmmTMB documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:56 p.m.