
Defines functions graphab_metric

Documented in graphab_metric

#' Compute connectivity metrics from a graph in the Graphab project
#' @description The function computes connectivity metrics on a graph from a
#' link set in a Graphab project
#' @param proj_name A character string indicating the Graphab project name.
#' The project name is also the name of the project directory in which the
#' file proj_name.xml is.
#' @param graph A character string indicating the name of the graph on which
#' the metric is computed. This graph has been created with Graphab
#' or using \code{\link{graphab_graph}} function and is associated
#' with a link set. Only the links present in the graph and their corresponding
#' weights will be used in the computation, together with patch areas.
#' @param metric A character string indicating the metric which will be computed
#' on the graph. This metric can be:\itemize{
#' \item{A global metric:\itemize{
#' \item{Probability of Connectivity (\code{metric = 'PC'}): Sum of products of
#' area of all pairs of patches weighted by their interaction probability,
#' divided by the square of the area of the study zone.
#' This ratio is the equivalent to the probability that two points randomly
#' placed in the study area are connected.}
#' \item{Equivalent Connectivity (\code{metric = 'EC'}): Square root of the
#' sum of products of capacity of all pairs of patches weighted by their
#' interaction probability. This is the size of a single patch (maximally
#' connected) that would provide the same probability of connectivity as the
#' actual habitat pattern in the landscape (Saura et al., 2011).}
#' \item{Integral Index of Connectivity (\code{metric = 'IIC'}): For the
#' entire graph: product of patch areas divided by the number of links
#' between them, the sum is divided by the square of the area of the study
#' zone. IIC is built like the PC index but using the inverse of a topological
#' distance rather than a negative exponential function of the distance
#' based on the link weight.}
#' }}
#' \item{A local metric:\itemize{
#' \item{Flux (\code{metric = 'F'}): For the focal patch i : sum of area
#' of patches other than i and weighted according to their minimum distance
#' to the focal patch through the graph. This sum is an indicator of the
#' potential dispersion from the patch i or, conversely to the patch i}
#' \item{Betweenness Centrality index (\code{metric = 'BC'}): Sum of the
#' shortest paths through the focal patch i, each path is weighted by the
#' product of the areas of the patches connected and of their interaction
#' probability. All possible paths between every pair of patches is
#' considered in this computation.}
#' \item{Interaction Flux (\code{metric = 'IF'}): Sum of products of the focal
#' patch area with all the other patches, weighted by their interaction
#' probability.}
#' \item{Degree (\code{metric = 'Dg'}): Number of edges connected to the
#' node i i.e. number of patches connected directly to the patch i.}
#' \item{Closeness Centrality index (\code{metric = 'CCe'}): Mean distance
#' from the patch i to all other patches of its component k.}
#' \item{Current Flux (\code{metric = 'CF'}): Sum of currents passing through
#' the patch i. \eqn{c_{i}^{j}} represents the current through the patch i when
#' currents are sent from all patches (except j) to the patch j.
#' The patch j is connected to the ground.}
#' }}
#' \item{A delta metric:\itemize{
#' \item{delta Probability of Connectivity (\code{metric = 'dPC'}): Rate of
#' variation between the value of PC index and the value of PC' corresponding
#' to the removal of the patch i. The value of \code{dPC} is decomposed
#' into three parts:\itemize{
#' \item{\eqn{dPC_{area}} is the variation induced by the area lost after removal;}
#' \item{\eqn{dPC_{flux}} is the variation induced by the loss of interaction
#' between the patch i and other patches;}
#' \item{\eqn{dPC_{connector}} is the variation induced by the modification of
#' paths connecting other patches and initially routed through i.}
#' }
#' }}
#' }}
#' For most metrics, the interaction probability is computed for each pair of
#' patches from the path that minimizes the distance d (or the cost) between
#' them. It then maximizes \eqn{{e}^{-\alpha d_{ij}}} for patches i and j.
#' To use patch capacity values different from the patch area, please use
#' directly Graphab software.
#' @param multihab A logical (default = FALSE) indicating whether the
#' 'multihabitat' mode is used when computing the metric. It only applies to
#' the following metrics: 'EC', 'F', 'IF' and 'BC'. If TRUE, then the project
#' must have been created with the option \code{nomerge=TRUE}. It then returns
#' several columns with metric values including the decomposition of the
#' computation according to the type of habitat of every patch.
#' Be careful, this option is in development and we cannot guarantee the
#' results are correct.
#' @param dist A numeric or integer value specifying the distance at which
#' dispersal probability is equal to \code{prob}. This argument is mandatory
#' for weighted metrics (PC, F, IF, BC, dPC, CCe, CF) but not used for others.
#' It is used to set \eqn{\alpha} for computing dispersal probabilities associated
#' with all inter-patch distances such that dispersal probability between
#' patches i and j is \eqn{p_{ij}= e^{-\alpha d_{ij}}}.
#' @param prob A numeric or integer value specifying the dispersal probability
#' at distance \code{dist}. By default, \code{code=0.05}. It is used to set
#' \eqn{\alpha} (see param \code{dist} above).
#' @param beta A numeric or integer value between 0 and 1 specifying the
#' exponent associated with patch areas in the computation of metrics
#' weighted by patch area. By default, \code{beta=1}. When \code{beta=0}, patch
#' areas do not have any influence in the computation.
#' @param cost_conv FALSE (default) or TRUE. Logical indicating whether numeric
#' \code{dist} values are converted from cost-distance into Euclidean distance
#' using a log-log linear regression. See also \code{\link{convert_cd}}
#' function.
#' @param return_val Logical (default = TRUE) indicating whether metric values
#' are returned in R (TRUE) or only stored in the patch attribute layer (FALSE)
#' @param proj_path (optional) A character string indicating the path to the
#' directory that contains the project directory. It should be used when the
#' project directory is not in the current working directory. Default is NULL.
#' When 'proj_path = NULL', the project directory is equal to \code{getwd()}.
#' @param alloc_ram (optional, default = NULL) Integer or numeric value
#' indicating RAM gigabytes allocated to the java process. Increasing this
#' value can speed up the computations. Too large values may not be compatible
#' with your machine settings.
#' @return If \code{return_val=TRUE}, the function returns a \code{data.frame}
#' with the computed metric values and the corresponding patch ID when the
#' metric is local or delta metric, or the numeric value of the global metric.
#' @details The metrics are described in Graphab 2.8 manual:
#' \url{https://sourcesup.renater.fr/www/graphab/download/manual-2.8-en.pdf}
#' Graphab software makes possible the computation of other metrics.
#' Be careful, when the same metric is computed several times, the option
#' \code{return=TRUE} is not returning the right columns. In these cases,
#' use \code{\link{get_graphab_metric}}.
#' @export
#' @author P. Savary
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' graphab_metric(proj_name = "grphb_ex",
#'                graph = "graph",
#'                metric = "PC",
#'                dist = 1000,
#'                prob = 0.05,
#'                beta = 1)
#' }

graphab_metric <- function(proj_name, # character
                           graph, # cost or euclid
                           metric, # character
                           multihab = FALSE, # logical
                           dist = NULL, # dist threshold
                           prob = 0.05, # dispersal probability
                           beta = 1, # area weight
                           cost_conv = FALSE, # FALSE (default) or true
                           return_val = TRUE, #
                           proj_path = NULL, # if null getwd() otherwise a character path
                           alloc_ram = NULL){

  # Check for project directory path
      stop(paste0(proj_path, " is not an existing directory or the path is ",
                  "incorrectly specified."))
    } else {
      proj_path <- normalizePath(proj_path)
  } else {
    proj_path <- normalizePath(getwd())

  # Check for proj_name class
  if(!inherits(proj_name, "character")){
    stop("'proj_name' must be a character string")
  } else if (!(paste0(proj_name, ".xml") %in%
               list.files(path = paste0(proj_path, "/", proj_name)))){
    stop("The project you refer to does not exist.
         Please use graphab_project() before.")

  proj_end_path <- paste0(proj_path, "/", proj_name, "/", proj_name, ".xml")

  ### Check for multihab
  if(!inherits(multihab, "logical")){
    stop("'multihab' must be equal to either TRUE or FALSE.")
  } else if (multihab){
    # If multihab = TRUE, check merge

    # Check whether the project is compatible: merge_res == TRUE
      stop(paste0("The project must have been built without merging habitat ",
                  "patches corresponding to different codes."))

    message("Be careful, the multihab = TRUE option is in development.
            We cannot guarantee the results are correct.")

    # If multihab = TRUE, check that the metric is compatible
    if(!any(metric %in% c("EC", "F", "IF", "BC"))){
      stop(paste0("When 'multihab = TRUE', 'metric' must be equal to either ",
                  "'EC', 'F', 'IF' or 'BC'."))
    } else {
      # If multihab = TRUE, transform the metric parameter
      metric <- paste0(metric, "h")

  # Check for graph class
  if(!inherits(graph, "character")){
    stop("'graph' must be a character string")
  } else if (!(paste0(graph, "-voronoi.shp") %in%
               list.files(path = paste0(proj_path, "/", proj_name)))){
    stop("The graph you refer to does not exist")
  } else if (length(list.files(path = paste0(proj_path,
                                             "/", proj_name),
                               pattern = "-voronoi.shp")) == 0){
    stop("There is not any graph in the project you refer to.
         Please use graphab_graph() before.")

  # Check for metric and parameters

  list_all_metrics <- c("PC", "EC", "ECh", "IIC", "dPC",
                        "F", "BC", "IF", "Dg", "CCe", "CF",
                        "Fh", "IFh", "BCh")

  list_glob_metrics <- list_all_metrics[1:5]
  list_loc_metrics <- list_all_metrics[6:length(list_all_metrics)]

  list_dist_metrics <- c("PC", "EC", "ECh",
                         "F", "Fh",
                         "BC", "BCh",
                         "IF", "IFh", "dPC")

  if(metric %in% list_dist_metrics){
      stop(paste0("To compute ", metric, ", specify a distance associated to
                  a dispersal probability (default=0.05)"))
    } else if(!inherits(dist, c("numeric", "integer"))){
      stop("'dist' must be a numeric or integer value")
    } else if(!inherits(prob, c("numeric", "integer"))){
      stop("'prob' must be a numeric or integer value")
    } else if(!inherits(beta, c("numeric", "integer"))){
      stop("'beta' must be a numeric or integer value")
    } else if(beta < 0 || beta > 1){
      stop("'beta' must be between 0 and 1")
    } else if(prob < 0 || prob > 1){
      stop("'prob' must be between 0 and 1")

  ### Special case with dPC
  if(metric == "dPC"){
      stop("Option 'cost_conv = TRUE' is not available with the metric dPC")

  # Special case of CF with beta
  if(metric == "CF"){
    if(beta < 0 || beta > 1){
      stop("'beta' must be between 0 and 1")

  if(!inherits(metric, "character")){
    stop("'metric' must be a character string")
  } else if(!(metric %in% list_all_metrics)){
    stop(paste0("'metric' must be ", paste(list_all_metrics, collapse = " or ")))
  } else if(metric %in% list_loc_metrics){
    level <- "patch"
  } else if(metric %in% list_glob_metrics){
    level <- "graph"

  # Check for cost_conv
    stop("'cost_conv' must be a logical (TRUE or FALSE).")

  # Check for return_val
    stop("'return_val' must be a logical (TRUE or FALSE).")

  # Check for Graphab
  gr <- get_graphab(res = FALSE, return = TRUE)

  if(gr == 1){
    message("Graphab has been downloaded")

  # Get java path
  java.path <- Sys.which("java")

  # Get graphab path
  version <- "graphab-2.8.jar"
  path_to_graphab <- paste0(rappdirs::user_data_dir(), "/graph4lg_jar/", version)

  # Command line

  cmd <- c("-Djava.awt.headless=true", "-jar", path_to_graphab,
           "--project", proj_end_path,
           "--usegraph", graph)

  if(level == "graph"){
    cmd <- c(cmd, "--gmetric", metric)
  } else if (level == "patch"){
    cmd <- c(cmd, "--lmetric", metric)

  if(metric %in% list_dist_metrics){
      cmd <- c(cmd,
               paste0("d={", dist, "}"),
               paste0("p=", prob),
               paste0("beta=", beta))
    } else {
      cmd <- c(cmd,
               paste0("d=", dist),
               paste0("p=", prob),
               paste0("beta=", beta))
  } else if (metric == "CF"){
    cmd <- c(cmd,
             paste0("beta=", beta))


  if(metric == "dPC"){
    cmd[8] <- "--delta"
    cmd[13] <- "obj=patch"

    if(inherits(alloc_ram, c("integer", "numeric"))){
      cmd <- c(paste0("-Xmx", alloc_ram, "g"), cmd)
    } else {
      stop("'alloc_ram' must be a numeric or an integer")

  # Run the command line
  rs <- system2(java.path, args = cmd, stdout = TRUE)

  if(length(rs) == 1){
    if(rs == 1){
      message("An error occurred")
    } else {
      message(paste0("Metric '", metric, "' has been computed in the project ",
  } else {
    message(paste0("Metric '", metric, "' has been computed in the project ",

    if(level == "graph"){

      if (metric == "dPC") {

        #   fdpc <- list.files(path = proj_name, pattern = "delta-dPC")
        #   file.info(paste0("./", proj_name, "/", fdpc))[, 'mtime']
        #   file.info(paste0("./", proj_name, "/",
        #                    name_txt))

        name_txt <- paste0("delta-dPC_d", dist, "_p", prob, "_", graph, ".txt")
        res_dpc <- utils::read.table(file = paste0(proj_path, "/",
                                                   proj_name, "/",
                                     header = TRUE)[-1, ]

        vec_res <- c(paste0("Project : ", proj_name),
                     paste0("Graph : ", graph),
                     paste0("Metric : ", metric),
                     paste0("Dist : ", dist),
                     paste0("Prob : ", prob),
                     paste0("Beta : ", beta))

        res <- list(vec_res, res_dpc)

      } else if (metric %in% c("EC", "PC", "IIC", "ECh")) {

        #   fdpc <- list.files(path = proj_name, pattern = "delta-dPC")
        #   file.info(paste0("./", proj_name, "/", fdpc))[, 'mtime']
        #   file.info(paste0("./", proj_name, "/",
        #                    name_txt))

        name_txt <- paste0(metric, ".txt")
        res_val <- utils::read.table(file = paste0(proj_path, "/",
                                                   proj_name, "/",
                                     header = TRUE)

        if(metric == "ECh"){
          colnames(res_val)[5:ncol(res_val)] <- paste0("EC_",
                                          2, -1))

        vec_res <- c(paste0("Project : ", proj_name),
                     paste0("Graph : ", graph),
                     paste0("Metric : ", metric),
                     paste0("Dist : ", dist),
                     paste0("Prob : ", prob),
                     paste0("Beta : ", beta))

        res <- list(vec_res, res_val)


    } else if (level == "patch"){

      tab <- utils::read.csv(file = paste0(proj_path, "/",
                                           proj_name, "/patches.csv"))

      # name_met <- gsub(stringr::str_split(rs[3], pattern = ":")[[1]][2],
      #                  pattern = " ", replacement = "")

      if(metric %in% list_dist_metrics){

        if(multihab == FALSE){

            # name_met <- paste0(metric, "_d", dist,
            #                    "_p", prob, "_beta", beta,
            #                    "_", graph)
            # df_res <- tab[, c(1, which(colnames(tab) == name_met))]

            df_res <- tab[, c(1:3, ncol(tab))]

            vec_res <- c(paste0("Project : ", proj_name),
                         paste0("Graph : ", graph),
                         paste0("Metric : ", metric),
                         paste0("Dist : ", dist),
                         paste0("Prob : ", prob),
                         paste0("Beta : ", beta))

        } else {

          # Get habitat code
          hab_code <- get_graphab_raster_codes(proj_name = proj_name,
                                               mode = 'habitat',
                                               proj_path = proj_path)
          # Number of habitat types
          nb_hab_type <- length(hab_code)

          if (metric %in% c("Fh", "IFh")){

            # df_res according to number of habitat types
            df_res <- tab[, c(1:3, which(colnames(tab) == "Code"),
                              (ncol(tab)- nb_hab_type + 1):ncol(tab))]

            vec_res <- c(paste0("Project : ", proj_name),
                         paste0("Graph : ", graph),
                         paste0("Metric : ", metric),
                         paste0("Dist : ", dist),
                         paste0("Prob : ", prob),
                         paste0("Beta : ", beta))

          } else if(metric == "BCh"){

            nb_combin <- (nb_hab_type * (nb_hab_type - 1)/2) + nb_hab_type
            # df_res according to number of habitat types
            df_res <- tab[, c(1:3, which(colnames(tab) == "Code"),
                              (ncol(tab)- nb_combin + 1):ncol(tab))]

            vec_res <- c(paste0("Project : ", proj_name),
                         paste0("Graph : ", graph),
                         paste0("Metric : ", metric),
                         paste0("Dist : ", dist),
                         paste0("Prob : ", prob),
                         paste0("Beta : ", beta))


      } else if (metric == "CF"){

        name_met <- paste0(metric, "_beta", beta,
                           "_", graph)

        df_res <- tab[, c(1:3, which(colnames(tab) == name_met))]

        vec_res <- c(paste0("Project : ", proj_name),
                     paste0("Graph : ", graph),
                     paste0("Metric : ", metric),
                     paste0("Beta : ", beta))

      res <- list(vec_res, df_res)


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graph4lg documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 5:43 p.m.