
#' Make scatter, box and bar plots for genes
#' This function takes an object of class iCellR and provides plots for genes.
#' @param x An object of class iCellR.
#' @param gene Gene name/names to be plotted.
#' @param box.to.test A cluster number so that all the boxes in the box plot would be compared to. If set to "0" the cluster with the highest avrage would be choosen, default = 0.
#' @param box.pval Choose from "sig.values" and "sig.signs". If set to "sig.signs" p values would be replaced with signs ("na", "*", "**", "***"), default = "sig.signs".
#' @param plot.data.type Choose between "tsne", "pca", "umap", "knetl", "diffusion", "pseudo.A" and "pseudo.B", default = "tsne".
#' @param clust.dim 2 for 2D plots and 3 for 3D plots, default = 2.
#' @param col.by Choose from "clusters" and "conditions", default = "clusters".
#' @param data.type Choose from "main", "atac, "atac.imputed" and "imputed", default = "main".
#' @param scaleValue Scale the colors, default = FALSE.
#' @param min.scale If scaleValue = TRUE, set a number for min, default = -2.5.
#' @param max.scale If scaleValue = TRUE, set a number for max, default = 2.5.
#' @param cond.shape If TRUE the conditions will be shown in shapes.
#' @param conds.to.plot Choose the conditions you want to see in the plot, default = NULL (all conditions).
#' @param plot.type Choose from "scatterplot", "boxplot" and "barplot", default = "scatterplot".
#' @param cell.size A number for the size of the points in the plot, default = 1.
#' @param cell.colors Colors for heat mapping the points in "scatterplot", default = c("gray","red").
#' @param box.cell.col A color for the points in the box plot, default = "black".
#' @param box.color A color for the boxes in the "boxplot", default = "red".
#' @param box.line.col A color for the lines around the "boxplot", default = "green".
#' @param back.col A color for the plot background, default = "black".
#' @param cell.transparency Color transparency for points in "scatterplot" and "boxplot", default = 1.
#' @param box.transparency Color transparency for box in "boxplot", default = 0.5.
#' @param interactive If set to TRUE an interactive HTML file will be created, default = TRUE.
#' @param out.name If "interactive" is set to TRUE, the out put name for HTML, default = "plot".
#' @param write.data Write export the data used for the plot plot, default = TFALSE.
#' @return An object of class iCellR.
#' @importFrom ggpubr stat_compare_means
#' @import plyr
#' @importFrom htmlwidgets saveWidget
#' @importFrom plotly ggplotly layout plot_ly
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb colorRampPalette rgb
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom stats aggregate as.dendrogram cor cor.test dist hclust p.adjust prcomp quantile sd t.test
#' @importFrom utils capture.output packageVersion read.table write.table
#' @importFrom graphics legend par plot
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_segment geom_violin guide_colorbar guide_legend guides scale_color_discrete scale_colour_gradient scale_fill_gradient2 scale_x_continuous scale_y_continuous scale_y_discrete stat_summary coord_polar element_rect element_text element_blank facet_wrap scale_color_manual geom_hline geom_jitter geom_vline ylab xlab ggtitle theme_bw aes theme geom_bar geom_point geom_boxplot geom_errorbar position_dodge geom_tile geom_density geom_line
#' @export
gene.plot <- function (x = NULL,
                       gene = NULL,
                       cond.shape = FALSE,
                       conds.to.plot = NULL,
                       data.type = "main",
                       box.to.test = 0,
                       box.pval = "sig.signs",
                       plot.data.type = "tsne",
                       scaleValue = TRUE,
                       min.scale = 0,
                       max.scale = 2.5,
                       clust.dim = 2,
                       col.by = "clusters",
                       plot.type = "scatterplot",
                       cell.size = 1,
                       cell.colors = c("gray","red"),
                       box.cell.col = "black",
                       box.color = "red",
                       box.line.col = "green",
                       back.col = "white",
                       cell.transparency = 1,
                       box.transparency = 0.5,
                       interactive = TRUE,
                       out.name = "plot",
                       write.data = FALSE) {
  if ("iCellR" != class(x)[1]) {
    stop("x should be an object of class iCellR")
  ## get main data
  if (data.type == "main") {
    DATAmain <- x@main.data
  if (data.type == "imputed") {
    DATAmain <- x@imputed.data
  if (data.type == "atac") {
    DATAmain <- x@atac.main
  if (data.type == "atac.imputed") {
    DATAmain <- x@atac.imputed
  if (is.null(gene)) {
    stop("There is no gene name provided. Please provide gene/genes to plot")
  AllGenes = row.names(DATAmain)
  absent = which((gene %in% AllGenes) == FALSE)
  absentgenes = gene[absent]
  gene <- setdiff(gene,absentgenes)
  if(length(absentgenes) != 0)
    absentgenes = paste(absentgenes, collapse=",")
    ToPrint <- paste("WARNING:",absentgenes, "not available in your data", sep=" ")
    presentgenes = paste(gene, collapse=",")
    ToPrint2 <- paste("WARNING:","plotting",presentgenes, sep=" ")
  # get the gene from the main data
  sub.data <- subset(DATAmain,rownames(DATAmain) %in% gene)
  data.t <- t(sub.data)
  if(1 < dim(data.t)[2]) {
    data.t <- rowSums(data.t)
  data.expr <- as.data.frame(data.t)
  ##### get cluster data
  # 2 dimentions
  if (clust.dim == 2) {
    if (plot.data.type == "tsne") {
      MyTitle = "tSNE Plot"
      DATA <- x@tsne.data
    if (plot.data.type == "pca") {
      MyTitle = "PCA Plot"
      DATA <- x@pca.data
    if (plot.data.type == "umap") {
      MyTitle = "UMAP Plot"
      DATA <- x@umap.data
    if (plot.data.type == "diffusion") {
      MyTitle = "Diffusion Map Plot"
      DATA <- x@diffusion.data
    if (plot.data.type == "knetl") {
      MyTitle = "KNetL Plot"
      DATA <- x@knetl.data
  # 3 dimentions
  if (clust.dim == 3) {
    if (plot.data.type == "tsne") {
      MyTitle = "3D tSNE Plot"
      DATA <- x@tsne.data.3d
    if (plot.data.type == "pca") {
      MyTitle = "3D PCA Plot"
      DATA <- x@pca.data
    if (plot.data.type == "knetl") {
      MyTitle = "KNetL Plot"
      DATA <- x@knetl.data.3d
    if (plot.data.type == "diffusion") {
      MyTitle = "Diffusion Map Plot"
      DATA <- x@diffusion.data
  if(length(gene) == 1) {
    MyTitle <- paste(MyTitle,"for (",gene,")")
    geneNAME <- gene
  if(length(gene) > 1){
    MyTitle <- paste(MyTitle,"for (multiple genes)")
    geneNAME <- "multiple genes"
  # conditions
  if (col.by == "conditions") {
    col.legend <- data.frame(do.call('rbind', strsplit(as.character(rownames(DATA)),'_',fixed=TRUE)))[1]
    col.legend.box <- factor(as.matrix(col.legend))
    MyConds = col.legend.box
  # clusters
  if (col.by == "clusters") {
    if (is.null(x@best.clust)) {
      stop("Clusters are not assigend yet")
    } else {
      col.legend.box <- x@best.clust
      col.legend.box <- factor(x@best.clust$clusters)
      #      col.legend.box$clusters <- sub("^", "cl.",col.legend.box$clusters)
      #      col.legend.box <- factor(col.legend.box$clusters)
  ###### make binary
  #  data.binary <- data.t > 0
  #  data.binary <- as.data.frame(data.binary)
  #  col.legend.bin = data.binary[[gene]]
  #### make heamap
  col.legend = log2(data.expr + 1)
  col.legend <- as.numeric(as.matrix(col.legend))
  # fix scale
  FixScale <- function (mydata, min, max){
    Mydat <- mydata
    Mydat[Mydat > max] <- max
    Mydat[Mydat < min] <- min
  # fix color for ADTs
  if (scaleValue == FALSE) {
    if ( length(grep("^ADT_", gene, value = TRUE)) == 1) {
      Lo3=(quantile(col.legend,0.05)) # 1
      Lo2=(quantile(col.legend,0.10)) # 2
      Lo1=(quantile(col.legend,0.25)) # 3
      MID=(quantile(col.legend,0.50)) # 4
      Up1=(quantile(col.legend,0.75)) # 5
      Up2=(quantile(col.legend,0.90)) # 6
      Up3=(quantile(col.legend,0.95)) # 7
      col.legend <- replace(col.legend, col.legend > Up3, Up3)
      col.legend <- replace(col.legend, col.legend > Up2 & col.legend < Up3 ,Up2)
      col.legend <- replace(col.legend, col.legend > Up1 & col.legend < Up2 ,Up1)
      col.legend <- replace(col.legend, col.legend > MID & col.legend < Up1 ,MID)
      col.legend <- replace(col.legend, col.legend > Lo1 & col.legend < MID ,Lo1)
      col.legend <- replace(col.legend, col.legend < Lo2 ,Lo1)
  #      if ( length(grep("^ADT_", gene, value = T)) == 0) {
  #        col.legend = col.legend
  #      }
  if (scaleValue == TRUE) {
    col.legend <- scale(col.legend)
    col.legend <- FixScale(mydata = col.legend, min = min.scale, max = max.scale)
  # fix the dataframe
  MyConds <- data.frame(do.call('rbind', strsplit(as.character(rownames(DATA)),'_',fixed=TRUE)))[1]
  MyConds <- factor(as.matrix(MyConds))

  if (length(col.legend.box) == 0){
    DATA <- cbind(DATA, Expression = col.legend, Conditions = MyConds)
  if (length(col.legend.box) != 0){
    DATA <- cbind(DATA, Expression = col.legend, Clusters = col.legend.box, Conditions = MyConds)
  if (!is.null(conds.to.plot)) {
    DATA <- subset(DATA, DATA$Conditions %in% conds.to.plot)
  if (plot.type == "scatterplot") {
    # plot 2d
    #    Conditions = col.legend.box
    if (clust.dim == 2) {
      if (cond.shape == FALSE) {
        myPLOT <- ggplot(DATA, aes(DATA[,1], y = DATA[,2],
                                   text = row.names(DATA), color = Expression)) +
          geom_point(size = cell.size, alpha = cell.transparency) +
          scale_colour_gradient(low = cell.colors[1], high = cell.colors[2], name="") +
          xlab("Dim1") +
          ylab("Dim2") +
          ggtitle(MyTitle) +
          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = back.col, colour = "black"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                legend.key = element_rect(fill = back.col))
      if (cond.shape == TRUE) {
        myPLOT <- ggplot(DATA, aes(DATA[,1], y = DATA[,2],
                                   text = row.names(DATA), shape = Conditions,color = Expression)) +
          geom_point(size = cell.size, alpha = cell.transparency) +
          scale_colour_gradient(low = cell.colors[1], high = cell.colors[2], name="") +
          xlab("Dim1") +
          ylab("Dim2") +
          ggtitle(MyTitle) +
          theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = back.col, colour = "black"),
                panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                legend.key = element_rect(fill = back.col))
      } #else {
      #      myPLOT <- ggplot(DATA, aes(DATA[,1], y = DATA[,2],
      #                                 text = row.names(DATA), color = Expression)) +
      #        geom_point(size = cell.size, alpha = cell.transparency) +
      #        scale_colour_gradient(low = cell.colors[1], high = cell.colors[2], name="") +
      #        xlab("Dim1") +
      #        ylab("Dim2") +
      #        ggtitle(paste(MyTitle,"for (",gene,")")) +
      #        theme_bw()
      #    }
    # plot 3d
    if (clust.dim == 3) {
      myPLOT <- plot_ly(DATA, x = DATA[,1], y = DATA[,2], z = DATA[,3], text = row.names(DATA),
                        color = col.legend.bin, opacity = cell.transparency, marker = list(size = cell.size + 2)) %>%
        layout(DATA, x = DATA[,1], y = DATA[,2], z = DATA[,3]) %>%
        layout(plot_bgcolor = back.col) %>%
        layout(paper_bgcolor = back.col) %>%
        layout(title = MyTitle,
               scene = list(xaxis = list(title = "Dim1"),
                            yaxis = list(title = "Dim2"),
                            zaxis = list(title = "Dim3")))
  # plot box plot
  #  Yaxis1 = data.expr[[gene]]
  #  Yaxis = Yaxis1 + 1
  #  Yaxis = log2(Yaxis)
  if (plot.type == "boxplot") {
    if (cond.shape == FALSE) {
      myPLOT <- ggplot(DATA, aes(x = Clusters, y=log2(Expression + 1))) +
        theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90)) +
        geom_jitter(height = 0,color = box.cell.col, size = cell.size, alpha = cell.transparency) +
        ggtitle(geneNAME) +
        geom_violin(trim=TRUE, col = "black", alpha = cell.transparency) +
        geom_boxplot(fill = box.color,
                     col = "green",
                     notch = FALSE,
                     outlier.shape = NA,
                     alpha = box.transparency) +
        ylab("scaled normalized expression") +
        stat_summary(fun=mean, geom="point", size=2, color="blue") +
    if (cond.shape == TRUE) {
      #      Conditions = DATA$Conditions
      myPLOT <- ggplot(DATA, aes(x = Clusters, y=log2(Expression + 1))) +
        theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90)) +
        geom_jitter(height = 0,color = box.cell.col, size = cell.size, alpha = cell.transparency) +
        ggtitle(geneNAME) +
        geom_violin(trim=TRUE, col = "black", alpha = cell.transparency) +
        geom_boxplot(fill = box.color,
                     col = "green",
                     notch = FALSE,
                     outlier.shape = NA,
                     alpha = box.transparency) +
        ylab("scaled normalized expression") +
        stat_summary(fun=mean, geom="point", size=2, color="blue") +
      myPLOT <- myPLOT + facet_wrap(~ Conditions)
    # add p-val
    if(length(gene) > 1){
      box.to.test = 1
    if (box.to.test == 0) {
      if (dim(x@clust.avg)[1] == 0) {
        box.to.test = 1
    if (box.to.test == 0) {
            if (dim(x@clust.avg)[1] != 0) {
        AvData <- x@clust.avg
        row.names(AvData) <- AvData$gene
        AvData <- AvData[,-1]
        AvData <- subset(AvData,row.names(AvData) == gene)
        box.to.test <- as.numeric(which.max(AvData))
    if (box.pval == "sig.signs") {
      myPLOT <- myPLOT + stat_compare_means(label = "p.signif", ref.group = box.to.test)
    if (box.pval == "sig.values") {
      myPLOT <- myPLOT + stat_compare_means(aes(label = paste0("p = ", ..p.format..)),ref.group = box.to.test)
  ############################ Bar plot
  #  mydata=cbind(data.expr,Yaxis1,col.legend.box)
  ## function to make sd
  data_summary <- function(data, varname, groupnames){
    summary_func <- function(x, col){
      c(mean = mean(x[[col]], na.rm=TRUE),
        sd = sd(x[[col]], na.rm=TRUE))
    data_sum<-ddply(data, groupnames, .fun=summary_func,
    data_sum <- rename(data_sum, c("mean" = varname))
  ### get sd data ready
  if (plot.type == "barplot") {
    if (cond.shape == FALSE) {
      df2 <- data_summary(DATA, varname="Expression",
      myPLOT <- ggplot(df2, aes(x = Clusters, y = Expression, fill = Clusters)) +
        geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=Expression, ymax=Expression+sd), width=.2,
                      position=position_dodge(.9)) +
                     alpha = cell.transparency,
                     show.legend = FALSE) +
        ylab("avraged normalized expression") +
        xlab(".") +
        ggtitle(geneNAME) +
        theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90))
    if (cond.shape == TRUE) {
      df2 <- data_summary(DATA, varname="Expression",
      myPLOT <- ggplot(df2, aes(x = Clusters, y = Expression, fill = Clusters)) +
        geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=Expression, ymax=Expression+sd), width=.2,
                      position=position_dodge(.9)) +
                     alpha = cell.transparency,
                     show.legend = FALSE) +
        ylab("avraged normalized expression") +
        xlab(".") +
        ggtitle(geneNAME) +
        theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90)) + facet_wrap(~ Conditions)
  if (plot.type == "violin") {
    if (cond.shape == FALSE) {
      myPLOT <- ggplot(DATA,
        aes(x = Clusters, y=log2(Expression + 1))) +
        theme_classic() + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90)) +
        ggtitle(geneNAME) +
        geom_violin(trim=TRUE, col = "black", alpha = cell.transparency) +
        ylab("scaled normalized expression") +
    if (cond.shape == TRUE) {
      myPLOT <- ggplot(DATA,
        aes(x = Clusters, y=log2(Expression + 1), fill=Conditions)) +
        theme_classic() + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90)) +
        ggtitle(geneNAME) +
        geom_violin(trim=TRUE, col = "black", alpha = cell.transparency) +
        ylab("scaled normalized expression") +
  # return
if (write.data == TRUE) {
  if (scaleValue == FALSE) {
    DATA$Expression <- 2^(DATA$Expression)-1
             row.names = TRUE,quote = FALSE,sep="\t")
if (write.data == FALSE) {
  if (interactive == TRUE) {
    OUT.PUT <- paste(out.name, ".html", sep="")
    htmlwidgets::saveWidget(ggplotly(myPLOT), OUT.PUT)
  } else {

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iCellR documentation built on Oct. 9, 2021, 5:07 p.m.