
Defines functions varying.grid.interp.1d varying.grid.interp kde.approx grid.interp.3d grid.interp.2d grid.interp.1d grid.interp find.gridpts make.supp make.grid.ks contourProbs contourSizes contourLevels.kde contourLevels plotkde.3d plotkde.2d plotkde.1d plot.kde predict.kde kde.points.1d kde.points kde.grid.nd kde.grid.3d kde.positive.2d kde.grid.2d kde.unit.interval.1d kde.positive.1d kde.grid.1d kde

Documented in contourLevels contourLevels.kde contourProbs contourSizes kde plot.kde predict.kde

## Multivariate kernel density estimators

## Multivariate kernel density estimate using normal kernels
## Parameters
## x - points
## H - bandwidth matrix
## gridsize - number of interval points in grid
## supp - effective support of kernel
## eval.points - compute density estimate at these points (if missing
##            and dim(x) = 2, 3 compute density estimate over grid)  
## eval.levels - compute 3-D in 2-D slices taken at these level curves   
## Returns
## list with first d components with the points that the density
## estimate is evaluated at, and values of the density estimate 

kde <- function(x, H, h, gridsize, gridtype, xmin, xmax, supp=3.7, eval.points, binned, bgridsize, positive=FALSE, adj.positive, w, compute.cont=TRUE, approx.cont=TRUE, unit.interval=FALSE, density=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)
    ## default values
    ksd <- ks.defaults(x=x, w=w, binned=binned, bgridsize=bgridsize, gridsize=gridsize)
    d <- ksd$d; n <- ksd$n; w <- ksd$w
    binned <- ksd$binned
    gridsize <- ksd$gridsize
    bgridsize <- ksd$bgridsize
    if (binned & d>4) stop("Binned estimation for d>4 not implemented. Set binned=FALSE for exact estimation.")

    ## clip data to xmin, xmax grid limits for binned estimation
    grid.clip <- binned    
    if (grid.clip) 
        if (!missing(xmax)) xmax <- xmax[1:d]
        if (!missing(xmin)) xmin <- xmin[1:d]
        if (positive & missing(xmin)) { xmin <- rep(0,d) } 
        if (unit.interval) { if (missing(xmin)) xmin <- rep(0,d); if (missing(xmax)) xmax <- rep(1,d) }
        xt <- truncate.grid(x=x, y=w, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax)
        x <- xt$x; w <- xt$y; n <- length(w)
    ## default bandwidths
    if (d==1 & missing(h)) 
        if (positive) x1 <- log(x) else x1 <- x
        if (unit.interval) x1 <- qnorm(x)
        h <- hpi(x=x1, nstage=2, binned=default.bflag(d=d, n=n), deriv.order=0)
    if (d>1 & missing(H))
        if (positive) x1 <- log(x) else x1 <- x
        H <- Hpi(x=x1, nstage=2, binned=default.bflag(d=d, n=n), deriv.order=0)
    ## compute binned estimator
    if (binned)
        if (positive)
            if (d==1)
                fhat <- kde.positive.1d(x=x, h=h, bgridsize=bgridsize, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, w=w, binned=binned, adj.positive=adj.positive)
            else if (d==2)
                fhat <- kde.positive.2d(x=x, H=H, bgridsize=bgridsize, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, w=w, binned=binned, adj.positive=adj.positive)
        else if (unit.interval)
             fhat <- kde.unit.interval.1d(x=x, w=w, binned=binned, h=h)
            fhat <- kdde.binned(x=x, H=H, h=h, bgridsize=bgridsize, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, w=w, deriv.order=0, verbose=verbose)
        if (!missing(eval.points))
            fhat$estimate <- predict(fhat, x=eval.points)
            fhat$eval.points <- eval.points
        ## compute exact (non-binned) estimator   
        ## 1-dimensional    
        if (d==1)
            if (missing(eval.points))
                if (unit.interval)
                    fhat <- kde.unit.interval.1d(x=x, w=w, h=h, binned=FALSE)
                else if (positive)
                    fhat <- kde.positive.1d(x=x, h=h, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, w=w, binned=FALSE, adj.positive=adj.positive)
                    fhat <- kde.grid.1d(x=x, h=h, gridsize=gridsize, supp=supp, positive=positive, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, adj.positive=adj.positive, gridtype=gridtype, w=w)
                fhat <- kde.points.1d(x=x, h=h, eval.points=eval.points, positive=positive, adj.positive=adj.positive, w=w)
        ## multi-dimensional
            if (is.data.frame(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
            if (missing(eval.points))
                if (d==2)
                    if (positive)
                        fhat <- kde.positive.2d(x=x, H=H, gridsize=gridsize, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, w=w, binned=binned, adj.positive=adj.positive)
                        fhat <- kde.grid.2d(x=x, H=H, gridsize=gridsize, supp=supp, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, gridtype=gridtype, w=w, verbose=verbose)
                else if (d==3)
                    fhat <- kde.grid.3d(x=x, H=H, gridsize=gridsize, supp=supp, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, gridtype=gridtype, w=w, verbose=verbose) 
                    fhat <- kde.grid.nd(x=x, H=H, gridsize=gridsize, supp=supp, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, gridtype=gridtype, w=w, verbose=verbose)
                fhat <- kde.points(x=x, H=H, eval.points=eval.points, w=w, verbose=verbose)     
    if (density) fhat$estimate[fhat$estimate<0] <- 0
    fhat$binned <- binned
    fhat$names <- parse.name(x)  ## add variable names
    fhat$w <- w
    fhat$type <- "kde" 
    class(fhat) <- "kde"
    ## compute prob contour levels
    if (compute.cont & missing(eval.points))
        fhat$cont <- contourLevels(fhat, cont=1:99, approx=approx.cont)

## Univariate kernel density estimate on a grid

kde.grid.1d <- function(x, h, gridsize, supp=3.7, positive=FALSE, adj.positive, xmin, xmax, gridtype, w)
    if (missing(xmin)) xmin <- min(x) - h*supp
    if (missing(xmax)) xmax <- max(x) + h*supp
    if (missing(gridtype)) gridtype <- "linear"

    if (positive)
        if (missing(adj.positive)) adj.positive <- abs(min(x))
        y <- log(x + adj.positive)  ## transform positive data x to real line

        gridx <- seq(max(0, xmin), xmax, length=gridsize)
        gridy <- log(gridx + adj.positive)
        gridtype.vec <- "linear" 
        y <- x
        gridtype1 <- match.arg(gridtype, c("linear", "sqrt", "quantile", "exp")) 
        if (gridtype1=="linear")
            gridy <- seq(xmin, xmax, length=gridsize)
        else if (gridtype1=="sqrt")
            gridy.temp <- seq(sign(xmin)*sqrt(abs(xmin)), sign(xmax)*sqrt(abs(xmax)), length=gridsize)
            gridy <- sign(gridy.temp) * gridy.temp^2
        else if (gridtype1=="exp")
            gridy.temp <- seq(exp(xmin), exp(xmax), length=gridsize)
            gridy <- log(gridy.temp)
        gridtype.vec <- gridtype1
    n <- length(y)

    est <- dnorm.mixt(x=gridy, mus=y, sigmas=rep(h, n), props=w/n)
    fhat <- list(x=y, eval.points=gridy, estimate=est, h=h, H=h^2, gridtype=gridtype.vec, gridded=TRUE)
    if (positive)
        ## compute transformation KDE
        fhat$estimate <- fhat$estimate/(exp(gridy))
        fhat$x <- x
        fhat$eval.points <- exp(gridy) - adj.positive  
    class(fhat) <- "kde"

kde.positive.1d <- function(x, h, adj.positive, binned=FALSE, xmin, xmax, compute.cont=TRUE, approx.cont=TRUE, ...)
    if (missing(adj.positive)) adj.positive <- abs(min(x)) 
    y <- log(x + adj.positive) 
    if (missing(h)) h <- hpi(y, binned=binned)

    d <- 1
    tol <- 3.7
    tol.h <-  tol*h
    if (missing(xmin)) xmin <- min(x) - tol.h
    if (missing(xmax)) xmax <- max(x) + tol.h
    xmin[xmin<0] <- 0
    ymin1 <- log(xmin + adj.positive)
    ymax1 <- log(xmax + adj.positive)

    fhaty <- kde(x=y, h=h, xmin=ymin1, xmax=ymax1, gridtype=c("exp"), binned=binned, compute.cont=compute.cont, approx.cont=approx.cont, ...) 
    fhaty$estimate[is.nan(fhaty$estimate)] <- 0

    fhatx <- fhaty
    fhatx$x <- x
    fhatx$eval.points <- exp(fhaty$eval.points) - adj.positive
    jacobian <- abs(exp(fhaty$eval.points))
    jacobian[jacobian<=0] <- min(fhatx$estimate[fhatx$estimate>0]) 
    fhatx$estimate <- fhaty$estimate/jacobian

    if (compute.cont)
        fhatx$cont <- contourLevels(fhatx, cont=1:99, approx=approx.cont)
    ## re-sample on regular grid    
    ep <- seq(fhatx$eval.points[1], tail(fhatx$eval.points,n=1), length=length(fhatx$eval.points))
    fhatx$estimate <- predict(fhatx, x=ep)
    fhatx$eval.points <- ep


kde.unit.interval.1d <- function(x, h, w, binned=FALSE)
    d <- 1
    y <- qnorm(x)
    if (missing(h)) h <- hpi(y)
    xseq <- tail(head(seq(0,1, length=default.gridsize(d)+2),n=-1), n=-1)
    fhaty <- kde(x=y, h=h, w=w, binned=binned)
    fhaty$estimate <- predict(fhaty, x=qnorm(xseq))
    fhatx <- fhaty
    fhatx$eval.points <- xseq
    fhatx$estimate <- fhaty$estimate/dnorm(qnorm(xseq))

    ## apply loess smoothing for unsmooth binned estimates
    if (binned)
        fhatx.loess <- loess(fhatx$estimate ~ fhatx$eval.points, span=0.1)
        fhatx.smoothed <- fhatx
        fhatx.smoothed$eval.points <- xseq
        fhatx.smoothed$estimate <- predict(fhatx.loess, x=xseq)
        fhatx <- fhatx.smoothed
    fhatx$x <- x


## Bivariate kernel density estimate using normal kernels, evaluated over grid
## Parameters
## x - data points
## H - bandwidth matrix
## gridsize - number of interval points in grid
## supp - effective support of kernel
## Returns
## list with fields
## x - data points
## eval.points - points that KDE is evaluated at
## estimate - KDE evaluated at eval.points 
## H - bandwidth matrix 

kde.grid.2d <- function(x, H, gridsize, supp, gridx=NULL, grid.pts=NULL, xmin, xmax, gridtype, w, verbose=FALSE)
    ## initialise grid 
    n <- nrow(x)
    if (is.null(gridx))
    gridx <- make.grid.ks(x, matrix.sqrt(H), tol=supp, gridsize=gridsize, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, gridtype=gridtype) 

    suppx <- make.supp(x, matrix.sqrt(H), tol=supp)

    if (is.null(grid.pts)) grid.pts <- find.gridpts(gridx, suppx)    
    fhat.grid <- matrix(0, nrow=length(gridx[[1]]), ncol=length(gridx[[2]]))
    if (verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar()
    for (i in 1:n)
        ## compute evaluation points 
        eval.x <- gridx[[1]][grid.pts$xmin[i,1]:grid.pts$xmax[i,1]]
        eval.y <- gridx[[2]][grid.pts$xmin[i,2]:grid.pts$xmax[i,2]]
        eval.x.ind <- c(grid.pts$xmin[i,1]:grid.pts$xmax[i,1])
        eval.y.ind <- c(grid.pts$xmin[i,2]:grid.pts$xmax[i,2])
        eval.x.len <- length(eval.x)
        eval.pts <- expand.grid(eval.x, eval.y)
        fhat <- dmvnorm(eval.pts, x[i,], H)

        ## place vector of density estimate values `fhat' onto grid 'fhat.grid' 
        for (j in 1:length(eval.y))
        fhat.grid[eval.x.ind, eval.y.ind[j]] <- 
        fhat.grid[eval.x.ind, eval.y.ind[j]] + 
          w[i]*fhat[((j-1) * eval.x.len + 1):(j * eval.x.len)]
        if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/n)
    if (verbose) close(pb)
    fhat.grid <- fhat.grid/n
    gridx1 <- list(gridx[[1]], gridx[[2]]) 
    fhat.list <- list(x=x, eval.points=gridx1, estimate=fhat.grid, H=H, gridtype=gridx$gridtype, gridded=TRUE)


## Bivariate KDE for data in positive quadrant

kde.positive.2d <- function(x, H, adj.positive, binned=FALSE, xmin, xmax, compute.cont=TRUE, approx.cont=TRUE, ...)
    if (missing(adj.positive)) adj.positive <- abs(apply(x, 2, min)) 
    y <- log(cbind(x[,1] + adj.positive[1],x[,2] + adj.positive[2])) 
    if (missing(H)) H <- Hpi(y, binned=binned)

    d <- ncol(x)
    tol <- 3.7
    tol.H <-  tol * diag(H)
    if (missing(xmin)) xmin <- apply(x, 2, min) - tol.H
    if (missing(xmax)) xmax <- apply(x, 2, max) + tol.H
    xmin[xmin<0] <- 0
    ymin1 <- log(pmax(xmin + adj.positive, apply(x, 2, min)))
    ymax1 <- log(xmax + adj.positive)

    fhaty <- kde(x=y, H=H, xmin=ymin1, xmax=ymax1, gridtype=c("exp", "exp"), binned=binned, compute.cont=compute.cont, approx.cont=approx.cont, ...) 
    fhaty$estimate[is.nan(fhaty$estimate)] <- 0

    fhatx <- fhaty
    fhatx$x <- x
    fhatx$eval.points[[1]] <- exp(fhaty$eval.points[[1]]) - adj.positive[1]
    fhatx$eval.points[[2]] <- exp(fhaty$eval.points[[2]]) - adj.positive[2]
    jacobian <- abs(exp(fhaty$eval.points[[1]]) %o% exp(fhaty$eval.points[[2]]))
    jacobian[jacobian<=0] <- min(fhatx$estimate[fhatx$estimate>0]) 
    fhatx$estimate <- fhaty$estimate/jacobian

    if (compute.cont)
        fhatx$cont <- contourLevels(fhatx, cont=1:99, approx=approx.cont)


## Trivariate kernel density estimate using normal kernels, evaluated over grid
## Parameters
## x - data points
## H - bandwidth matrix
## gridsize - number of interval points in grid
## supp - effective support of kernel
## Returns
## list with fields
## x - data points
## eval.points - points that KDE is evaluated at
## estimate - KDE evaluated at eval.points 
## H - bandwidth matrix 

kde.grid.3d <- function(x, H, gridsize, supp, gridx=NULL, grid.pts=NULL, xmin, xmax, gridtype, w, verbose=FALSE)
    ## initialise grid 
    n <- nrow(x)

    if (is.null(gridx))
    gridx <- make.grid.ks(x, matrix.sqrt(H), tol=supp, gridsize=gridsize, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, gridtype=gridtype) 
    suppx <- make.supp(x, matrix.sqrt(H), tol=supp)

    if (is.null(grid.pts))
    grid.pts <- find.gridpts(gridx, suppx)    
    fhat.grid <- array(0, dim=c(length(gridx[[1]]), length(gridx[[2]]), length(gridx[[3]])))
    if (verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar()

    for (i in 1:n)
        ## compute evaluation points
        eval.x <- gridx[[1]][grid.pts$xmin[i,1]:grid.pts$xmax[i,1]]
        eval.y <- gridx[[2]][grid.pts$xmin[i,2]:grid.pts$xmax[i,2]]
        eval.z <- gridx[[3]][grid.pts$xmin[i,3]:grid.pts$xmax[i,3]]
        eval.x.ind <- c(grid.pts$xmin[i,1]:grid.pts$xmax[i,1])
        eval.y.ind <- c(grid.pts$xmin[i,2]:grid.pts$xmax[i,2])
        eval.z.ind <- c(grid.pts$xmin[i,3]:grid.pts$xmax[i,3])
        eval.x.len <- length(eval.x)
        eval.pts <- expand.grid(eval.x, eval.y)

        ## place vector of density estimate values `fhat' onto grid 'fhat.grid' 

        for (k in 1:length(eval.z))
            fhat <- w[i]*dmvnorm(cbind(eval.pts, eval.z[k]), x[i,], H)
            for (j in 1:length(eval.y))
                fhat.grid[eval.x.ind,eval.y.ind[j], eval.z.ind[k]] <- 
                    fhat.grid[eval.x.ind, eval.y.ind[j], eval.z.ind[k]] + 
                    fhat[((j-1) * eval.x.len + 1):(j * eval.x.len)]
        if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/n)
    if (verbose) close(pb)
    fhat.grid <- fhat.grid/n
    gridx1 <- list(gridx[[1]], gridx[[2]], gridx[[3]]) 
    fhat.list <- list(x=x, eval.points=gridx1, estimate=fhat.grid, H=H, gridtype=gridx$gridtype, gridded=TRUE)


kde.grid.nd <- function(x, H, gridsize, supp, gridx=NULL, grid.pts=NULL, xmin, xmax, gridtype, w, verbose=FALSE)
    ## initialise grid 
    n <- nrow(x)
    if (is.null(gridx))
        gridx <- make.grid.ks(x, matrix.sqrt(H), tol=supp, gridsize=gridsize, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, gridtype=gridtype) 
    gridx1 <- gridx
    gridx1$stepsize <- NULL
    gridx1$gridtype <- NULL
    eval.points <- do.call(expand.grid, gridx1)
    est <- kde.points(x=x, H=H, eval.points=eval.points, w=w, verbose=verbose)$estimate 
    fhat.grid <- array(est, dim=gridsize)
    fhat.list <- list(x=x, eval.points=gridx1, estimate=fhat.grid, H=H, gridtype=gridx$gridtype, gridded=TRUE)


## Multivariate kernel density estimate using normal kernels,
## evaluated at each sample point
## Parameters
## x - data points
## H - bandwidth matrix
## eval.points - points where to evaluate density estimate
## Returns
## list with fields
## x - data points
## eval.points - points that KDE is evaluated at
## estimate - KDE evaluated at eval.points 
## H - bandwidth matrix 

kde.points <- function(x, H, eval.points, w, verbose) 
    n <- nrow(x)
    d <- ncol(x)
    ne <- nrow(eval.points)
    Hs <- replicate(n, H, simplify=FALSE) 
    Hs <- do.call(rbind, Hs)
    fhat <- dmvnorm.mixt(x=eval.points, mus=x, Sigmas=Hs, props=w/n, verbose=verbose)
    return(list(x=x, eval.points=eval.points, estimate=fhat, H=H, gridded=FALSE))

kde.points.1d <- function(x, h, eval.points, positive=FALSE, adj.positive, w) 
    n <- length(x)

    if (positive)
        if (missing(adj.positive)) adj.positive <- abs(min(x))
        y <- log(x + adj.positive)  ## transform positive data x to real line
        eval.pointsy <- log(eval.points + adj.positive)
        y <- x
        eval.pointsy <- eval.points

    est <- dnorm.mixt(x=eval.pointsy, mus=y, sigmas=rep(h,n), props=w/n)
    if (positive)
        est <- est/(eval.points + adj.positive) 
    fhat <- list(x=x, eval.points=eval.points, estimate=est, h=h, H=h^2, gridded=FALSE)


## S3 methods for KDE objects

## predict method for KDE objects

predict.kde <- function(object, ..., x, zero.flag=TRUE)
    fhat <- grid.interp(x=x, gridx=object$eval.points, f=object$estimate)
    if (!zero.flag) warning("zero.flag=FALSE has been deprecated and no longer has any effect")

## plot method

plot.kde <- function(x, ...)
    fhat <- x
    if (is.vector(fhat$x)) plotkde.1d(fhat, ...)
        d <- ncol(fhat$x)

        if (d==2) 
            opr <- options()$preferRaster; if (!is.null(opr)) if (!opr) options("preferRaster"=TRUE)
            plotret <- plotkde.2d(fhat, ...)
            if (!is.null(opr)) options("preferRaster"=opr)
        else if (d==3)
            plotkde.3d(fhat, ...)
          stop ("Plot function only available for 1, 2 or 3-d data")

plotkde.1d <- function(fhat, xlab, ylab="Density function", add=FALSE,
  drawpoints=FALSE, col=1, col.pt=4, col.cont=1, cont.lwd=1, jitter=FALSE, cont, abs.cont, approx.cont=TRUE, alpha=1, ...) 
    if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- fhat$names
    col <- transparency.col(col, alpha=alpha)

    if (add) lines(fhat$eval.points, fhat$estimate, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, col=col, ...)
    else plot(fhat$eval.points, fhat$estimate, type="l", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, col=col, ...) 

    ## compute contours
    if (!missing(cont) | !missing(abs.cont)) 
        if (missing(abs.cont))
            if (!is.null(fhat$cont))
                cont.ind <- rep(FALSE, length(cont))
                for (j in 1:length(cont))
                    ci <- which(cont[j]==(100-as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(names(fhat$cont),"%")))))
                    if (length(ci)==0) cont.ind[j] <- NA else cont.ind[j] = ci
                if (any(is.na(cont.ind)))
                    hts <- contourLevels(fhat, prob=(100-cont)/100, approx=approx.cont)
                    hts <- fhat$cont[cont.ind]
                hts <- contourLevels(fhat, prob=(100-cont)/100, approx=approx.cont)
          hts <- abs.cont 
        if (is.null(fhat$deriv.order))
            hts <- sort(hts, decreasing=TRUE)
            cont.ind <- 1-as.numeric(fhat$estimate>=hts[1])
            cont.ind[cont.ind==1] <- NA   
            lines(fhat$eval.points, cont.ind, col=col.cont, lwd=cont.lwd)
           for (i in 1:length(hts))
               cont.ind <- 1-as.numeric(abs(fhat$estimate)>=abs(hts[i]))
               cont.ind[cont.ind==1] <- NA    
               lines(fhat$eval.points, cont.ind, col=col.cont, lwd=cont.lwd)      
    if (drawpoints)
        if (jitter) rug(jitter(fhat$x), col=col.pt)
        else rug(fhat$x, col=col.pt)

plotkde.2d <- function(fhat, display="slice", cont=c(25,50,75), abs.cont, approx.cont=TRUE, xlab, ylab, zlab="Density function", cex=1, pch=1, labcex=1, add=FALSE, drawpoints=FALSE, drawlabels=TRUE, theta=-30, phi=40, d=4, col.pt=4, col, col.fun, alpha=1, lwd=1, border=1, thin=3, kdde.flag=FALSE, ticktype="detailed", ...) 
    disp <- match.arg(display, c("slice", "persp", "image", "filled.contour", "filled.contour2"))
    if (disp=="filled.contour2") disp <- "filled.contour"
    if (!is.list(fhat$eval.points)) stop("Need a grid of density estimates")

    if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- fhat$names[1]
    if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- fhat$names[2]
    if (missing(col.fun)) 
        if (any(fhat$type=="kcurv")) col.fun <- function(n) { hcl.colors(n, palette="Oranges",rev=TRUE, alpha=alpha) }
        else col.fun <- function(n) { hcl.colors(n, palette="heat",rev=TRUE, alpha=alpha) }
    ## perspective/wireframe plot
    if (disp=="persp")
        hts <- seq(0, 1.1*max(fhat$estimate,na.rm=TRUE), length=100)
        if (missing(col)) col <- col.fun(length(hts)+1)
        if (length(col)<length(hts)) col <- rep(col, length=length(hts))
        col <- transparency.col(col, alpha=alpha)

        ## thinning indices
        plot.ind <- list(seq(1, length(fhat$eval.points[[1]]), by=thin), seq(1, length(fhat$eval.points[[2]]), by=thin))

        z <- fhat$estimate[plot.ind[[1]], plot.ind[[2]]]
        nrz <- nrow(z)
        ncz <- ncol(z)
        zfacet <- z[-1, -1] + z[-1, -ncz] + z[-nrz, -1] + z[-nrz, -ncz]
        facetcol <- cut(zfacet, length(col)+1)

        plotret <- persp(fhat$eval.points[[1]][plot.ind[[1]]], fhat$eval.points[[2]][plot.ind[[2]]], z, theta=theta, phi=phi, d=d, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, zlab=zlab, col=col[facetcol], border=border, ticktype=ticktype, ...)
    else if (disp=="slice") 
        ## compute contours
        if (missing(abs.cont))
            if (!is.null(fhat$cont))
                cont.ind <- rep(FALSE, length(cont))
                for (j in 1:length(cont))
                    ci <- which(cont[j]==(100-as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(names(fhat$cont),"%")))))
                    if (length(ci)==0) cont.ind[j] <- NA else cont.ind[j] = ci
                if (any(is.na(cont.ind)))
                    hts <- contourLevels(fhat, prob=(100-cont)/100, approx=approx.cont)
                    hts <- fhat$cont[cont.ind]
                hts <- contourLevels(fhat, prob=(100-cont)/100, approx=approx.cont)
            hts <- abs.cont 

        hts <- sort(hts)
        if (missing(col)) col <- col.fun(length(hts))
        if (length(col)<length(hts)) col <- rep(col, times=length(hts))
        col <- transparency.col(col, alpha=alpha)

        ## draw contours
        j <- 0
        for (i in 1:length(hts)) 
            if (missing(abs.cont)) { ni <- length(hts)-i+1; scale <- (100-cont[i])/hts[i]; scale2 <- cont[ni]/hts[ni] }
            else { ni <- i; scale <- 1; scale2 <-1 }

            if (hts[i]>0 | !is.null(fhat$deriv.order))
                j <- j+1
                if (j==1) 
                    contour(fhat$eval.points[[1]], fhat$eval.points[[2]], fhat$estimate*scale, level=hts[i]*scale, label=signif(hts[ni]*scale2), add=add, drawlabels=drawlabels, col=col[i], lwd=lwd, labcex=labcex, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
                    contour(fhat$eval.points[[1]], fhat$eval.points[[2]], fhat$estimate*scale, level=hts[i]*scale, label=signif(hts[ni]*scale2), add=TRUE, drawlabels=drawlabels, col=col[i], lwd=lwd, labcex=labcex, ...)

        ## add points 
        if (drawpoints) points(fhat$x[,1], fhat$x[,2], col=col.pt, cex=cex, pch=pch)
    ## image plot
    else if (disp=="image")
        if (missing(col)) col <- col.fun(100)
        col <- transparency.col(col, alpha=alpha)
        image(fhat$eval.points[[1]], fhat$eval.points[[2]], fhat$estimate, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, add=add, col=col, ...)

        ## add points 
        if (drawpoints) points(fhat$x[,1], fhat$x[,2], col=col.pt, cex=cex, pch=pch)
    else if (disp=="filled.contour")
        ## compute contours
        if (missing(abs.cont))
            if (!is.null(fhat$cont))
                cont.ind <- rep(FALSE, length(cont))
                for (j in 1:length(cont))
                    ci <- which(cont[j]==(100-as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(names(fhat$cont),"%")))))
                    if (length(ci)==0) cont.ind[j] <- NA else cont.ind[j] = ci
                if (any(is.na(cont.ind)))
                    hts <- contourLevels(fhat, prob=(100-cont)/100, approx=approx.cont)
                    hts <- fhat$cont[cont.ind]
                hts <- contourLevels(fhat, prob=(100-cont)/100, approx=approx.cont)
            hts <- abs.cont 
        hts <- sort(hts)

        if (missing(col)) col <- c("transparent", col.fun(length(hts)))
        col <- transparency.col(col, alpha=alpha)
        clev <- c(min(c(fhat$estimate, hts)-0.01*max(abs(fhat$estimate))), hts, max(c(fhat$estimate, hts)) + 0.01*max(abs(fhat$estimate)))

        if (!add) plot(fhat$eval.points[[1]], fhat$eval.points[[2]], type="n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
        .filled.contour(fhat$eval.points[[1]], fhat$eval.points[[2]], z=fhat$estimate, levels=clev, col=col)
        if (!missing(lwd))
            for (i in 1:length(hts)) 
                if (missing(abs.cont)) { ni <- length(hts)-i+1; scale <- (100-cont[i])/hts[i]; scale2 <- cont[ni]/hts[ni] }
                else { ni <- i; scale <- 1; scale2 <-1 }

                if (lwd >=1) contour(fhat$eval.points[[1]], fhat$eval.points[[2]], fhat$estimate*scale, level=hts[i]*scale, label=signif(hts[ni]*scale2,3), add=TRUE, drawlabels=drawlabels, col=1, lwd=lwd, labcex=labcex, ...)

        ## add points 
        if (drawpoints) points(fhat$x[,1], fhat$x[,2], col=col.pt, cex=cex, pch=pch)

    if (disp=="persp") invisible(plotret)
    else invisible()
plotkde.3d <- function(fhat, display="plot3D", cont=c(25,50,75), abs.cont, approx.cont=TRUE, colors, col, col.fun, alphavec, size=3, cex=1, pch=1, theta=-30, phi=40, d=4, ticktype="detailed", bty="f", col.pt=4, add=FALSE, xlab, ylab, zlab, drawpoints=FALSE, alpha, box=TRUE, axes=TRUE, ...)
    ## compute contours
    if (missing(abs.cont))
        if (!is.null(fhat$cont))
            cont.ind <- rep(FALSE, length(fhat$cont))
            for (j in 1:length(cont))
                cont.ind[which(cont[j] == 100-as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(names(fhat$cont),"%"))))] <- TRUE
            if (all(!cont.ind))
                hts <- contourLevels(fhat, prob=(100-cont)/100, approx=approx.cont)
                hts <- fhat$cont[cont.ind]
            hts <- contourLevels(fhat, prob=(100-cont)/100, approx=approx.cont)
        hts <- abs.cont
    nc <- length(hts)
    if (missing(col)) 
        if (missing(col.fun)) 
            if (any(fhat$type=="kcurv")) col.fun <- function(n) { hcl.colors(n, palette="Oranges",rev=TRUE) }
            else col.fun <- function(n) { hcl.colors(n, palette="heat",rev=TRUE) }
        col <- col.fun(n=length(hts))
    colors <- col
    if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- fhat$names[1]
    if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- fhat$names[2]
    if (missing(zlab)) zlab <- fhat$names[3]
    if (missing(alphavec))
        if (is.null(fhat$deriv.order)) alphavec <- seq(0.1,0.5,length=nc)
        else alphavec <- c(rev(seq(0.1,0.4,length=round(nc/2))), seq(0.1,0.4,length=round(nc/2)))
    if (missing(alpha)) alpha <- 0.1 
    else if (!missing(alpha)) { alphavec <- rep(alpha,nc) }
    disp <- match.arg(display, c("plot3D", "rgl")) 
    if (disp %in% "plot3D")
        for (i in 1:nc)
            if (hts[nc-i+1] < max(fhat$estimate))
                plot3D::isosurf3D(x=fhat$eval.points[[1]], y=fhat$eval.points[[2]], z=fhat$eval.points[[3]], colvar=fhat$estimate, level=hts[nc-i+1], add=add | (i>1), col=colors[i], alpha=alphavec[i], phi=phi, theta=theta, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, zlab=zlab, d=d, ticktype=ticktype, bty=bty, ...)
        if (drawpoints) plot3D::points3D(x=fhat$x[,1], y=fhat$x[,2], z=fhat$x[,3], cex=cex, col=col.pt, add=TRUE, pch=pch, d=d)    
    else if (disp %in% "rgl")
        ## suggestions from Viktor Petukhov 08/03/2018
        if (!requireNamespace("rgl", quietly=TRUE)) stop("Install the rgl package as it is required.", call.=FALSE)
        if (!requireNamespace("misc3d", quietly=TRUE)) stop("Install the misc3d package as it is required.", call.=FALSE)
        fhat.eval.mean <- sapply(fhat$eval.points, mean)
        if (drawpoints)
            rgl::plot3d(fhat$x[,1],fhat$x[,2],fhat$x[,3], size=size, col=col.pt, alpha=alpha, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, zlab=zlab, add=add, box=FALSE, axes=FALSE, ...)
            rgl::plot3d(fhat$x[,1],fhat$x[,2],fhat$x[,3], size=0, col="transparent", alpha=0, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, zlab=zlab, add=add, box=FALSE, axes=FALSE, ...)

        for (i in 1:nc)
            if (hts[nc-i+1] < max(fhat$estimate))
                misc3d::contour3d(fhat$estimate, level=hts[nc-i+1], x=fhat$eval.points[[1]], y=fhat$eval.points[[2]], z=fhat$eval.points[[3]], add=TRUE, color=colors[i], alpha=alphavec[i], box=FALSE, axes=FALSE, ...)
        if (axes) rgl::axes3d(c("x","y","z"))
        if (box) rgl::box3d()

## contourLevels method
## create S3 generic 

contourLevels <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("contourLevels")    

contourLevels.kde <- function(x, prob, cont, nlevels=5, approx=TRUE, ...)
    fhat <- x
    if (is.vector(fhat$x))
        d <- 1; n <- length(fhat$x)
        d <- ncol(fhat$x); n <-nrow(fhat$x)
        if (!is.matrix(fhat$x)) fhat$x <- as.matrix(fhat$x)

    if (is.null(x$w)) w <- rep(1, n)
    else w <- x$w

    if (is.null(fhat$gridded))
        if (d==1) fhat$gridded <- fhat$binned
        else fhat$gridded <- is.list(fhat$eval.points)
    if (missing(prob) & missing(cont))
        hts <- pretty(fhat$estimate, n=nlevels) 
        if (approx & fhat$gridded)
            dobs <- predict(fhat, x=fhat$x)
            dobs <- kde(x=fhat$x, H=fhat$H, eval.points=fhat$x, w=w)$estimate 
        if (!missing(prob) & missing(cont))
            hts <- quantile(dobs, prob=prob)
        if (missing(prob) & !missing(cont))
            hts <- quantile(dobs, prob=(100-cont)/100)

## Riemann sums to compute approximate Lebesgue measure of contour set

contourSizes <- function(x, abs.cont, cont=c(25,50,75), approx=TRUE)
    if (missing(abs.cont))
        abs.cont <- contourLevels(x, cont=cont, approx=approx)
    num.int <- rep(0, length(abs.cont))
    if (!is.null(names(abs.cont))) names(num.int) <- names(abs.cont) 
    if (!is.list(x$eval.points))
        delta.int <- head(diff(x$eval.points), n=1)
        delta.int <- prod(sapply(lapply(x$eval.points, diff), head, n=1)) 
    for (j in 1:length(abs.cont)) 
        num.int[j] <- sum(x$estimate>abs.cont[j])

## Riemann sums to compute approximate probability of contour set

contourProbs <- function(x, abs.cont, cont=c(25,50,75), approx=TRUE)
    if (missing(abs.cont)) 
        abs.cont <- contourLevels(x, cont=cont, approx=approx)
    num.int <- rep(0, length(abs.cont))
    if (!is.null(names(abs.cont))) 
        names(num.int) <- names(abs.cont)
    if (!is.list(x$eval.points)) 
        delta.int <- head(diff(x$eval.points), n=1)
        eval.points.midpoint <- (head(x$eval.points,n=-1)+tail(x$eval.points,n=-1))/2
        delta.int <- prod(sapply(lapply(x$eval.points, diff), head, n=1)) 
        eval.points.midpoint <- expand.grid(lapply(x$eval.points, function(y) { (head(y,n=-1)+tail(y,n=-1))/2 }))
    x.evmp <- predict(x, x=eval.points.midpoint)
    for (i in 1:length(num.int)) num.int[i] <- sum(x.evmp*(x.evmp>=abs.cont[i])*delta.int)

## Generate grid over a set of points
## Parameters
## x - data points
## H - bandwidth matrix
## tol - tolerance = extra coverage exceeding the range of x   
## gridsize - number of points for each direction
## Returns
## gridx - list of intervals, one for each co-ord direction so that
##         gridx[[1]] x gridx[[2]] x ... x gridx[[d]] is the grid
## stepsize - vector of step sizes 

make.grid.ks <- function(x, H, tol, gridsize, xmin, xmax, gridtype)
    d <- ncol(x)
    tol.H <-  tol * diag(H)
    if (missing(xmin)) xmin <- apply(x, 2, min) - tol.H
    if (missing(xmax)) xmax <- apply(x, 2, max) + tol.H

    stepsize <- rep(0, d)
    gridx <- numeric(0)
    if (length(gridsize)==1)  gridsize <- rep(gridsize, d)
    if (missing(gridtype)) gridtype <- rep("linear", d)
    gridtype.vec <- rep("", d)

    for (i in 1:d)
        gridtype1 <- match.arg(gridtype[i], c("linear", "sqrt", "quantile", "exp")) 
        if (gridtype1=="linear")
            gridx <- c(gridx, list(seq(xmin[i], xmax[i], length=gridsize[i])))
            stepsize[i] <- abs(gridx[[i]][1] - gridx[[i]][2])
        else if (gridtype1=="sqrt")
            gridx.temp <- seq(sign(xmin[i])*sqrt(abs(xmin[i])), sign(xmax[i])*sqrt(abs(xmax[i])), length=gridsize[i])
            gridx <- c(gridx, list(sign(gridx.temp) * gridx.temp^2))
            stepsize[i] <- NA
        else if (gridtype1=="quantile")
            gridx.temp <- qnorm(seq(1e-2, 1-1e-2, length=gridsize[i]))
            gridx <- c(gridx, list(xmin[i] + (xmax[i]-xmin[i])*(gridx.temp-min(gridx.temp))/(max(gridx.temp)-min(gridx.temp))))
            stepsize[i] <- NA
        else if (gridtype1=="exp")
            gridx.temp <- seq(exp(xmin[i]), exp(xmax[i]), length=gridsize[i])
            gridx <- c(gridx, list(log(gridx.temp)))
            stepsize[i] <- NA
        gridtype.vec[i] <- gridtype1
    gridx <- c(gridx, list(stepsize = stepsize, gridtype=gridtype.vec))


## Generate kernel (rectangular) support at data point
## Parameters
## x - data points
## H - bandwidth matrix
## tol - tolerance = extra coverage exceeding the range of x 
## Returns
## list of min and max points of support (here we parameterise rectangles
## by their min = lower left co-ord and max = upper right coord)

make.supp <- function(x, H, tol)
    n <- nrow(x)
    d <- ncol(x)
    tol.H <- tol * diag(H)
    xmin <- matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=d)
    xmax <- matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=d)

    for (i in 1:n)
        xmin[i,] <- x[i,] - tol.H
        xmax[i,] <- x[i,] + tol.H 
    return(list(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax))

## Find the grid points contained in kernel support rectangles 
## Parameters
## gridx - grid (list of subdivided intervals)
## rectx - rectangles (list of min and max points) 
## Returns
## list of min and max points of the grid for each rectangle 

find.gridpts <- function(gridx, suppx)
    xmax <- suppx$xmax
    xmin <- suppx$xmin
    d <- ncol(xmax)
    n <- nrow(xmax)
    gridpts.min <- matrix(0, ncol=d, nrow=n)
    gridpts.max <- gridpts.min
    for (i in 1:n)
        for (j in 1:d)    
            ## find index of last element of gridx smaller than min support  
            tsum <- sum(xmin[i,j] >= gridx[[j]])
            if (tsum==0)
                gridpts.min[i,j] <- 1
                gridpts.min[i,j] <- tsum

            ## find index of first element gridx greater than max support 
            gridpts.max[i,j] <- sum(xmax[i,j] >= gridx[[j]])
    return(list(xmin=gridpts.min, xmax=gridpts.max))

## Interpolate the values of f defined on gridx at new values x 

grid.interp <- function(x, gridx, f)
    if (!is.list(gridx))
        ## uniform grid
        if (isTRUE(all.equal(diff(gridx), rep(diff(gridx)[1], length(gridx)-1))))
            fx <- grid.interp.1d(x=as.vector(x), gridx=gridx, f=f)
        ## non-uniform grid
            fx <- varying.grid.interp.1d(x=as.vector(x), gridx=gridx, f=f)
        if (is.vector(x)) x <- as.matrix(t(x))
        d <- ncol(x)
        n <- nrow(x)

        if (d<2) stop("x should be a vector") 
        gridx.diff <- lapply(lapply(gridx,diff), getElement, 1)
        for (i in 1:length(gridx.diff)) gridx.diff[[i]] <- rep(gridx.diff[[i]], sapply(gridx, length)[i]-1)
        uniform.grid.flag <- isTRUE(all.equal(lapply(gridx,diff), gridx.diff))

        ## uniform grid
        if (d==2 & uniform.grid.flag) fx <- grid.interp.2d(x=x, gridx=gridx, f=f)
        else if (d==3 & uniform.grid.flag) fx <- grid.interp.3d(x=x, gridx=gridx, f=f)
        else ## d >=4 or non-uniform grid
            gridsize <- sapply(gridx,length)
            gind <- matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=d)
            for (i in 1:n)
                for (j in 1:d)
                    tsum <- sum(x[i,j] >= gridx[[j]])
                    if (tsum==0) gind[i,j] <- 1
                    else gind[i,j] <- tsum
            for (j in 1:d) gind[gind[,j]>=gridsize[j],j] <- gridsize[j]-1

            bperm <- list()
            for (j in 1:d) bperm[[j]] <- elem(1,2)
            binary.perm <- as.matrix(expand.grid(bperm))
            colnames(binary.perm) <- NULL
            gind.list <- list()
            fx <- rep(0, length=n)
            for (i in 1:n)
                gind.list[[i]] <- matrix(gind[i,], nrow=2^d, ncol=d, byrow=TRUE) + binary.perm
                w <- matrix(0, nrow=2^d, ncol=d)
                gridw <- matrix(0, nrow=2^d, ncol=d)
                for (j in 1:d)
                    gind.list[[i]][,j][gind.list[[i]][,j]>=gridsize[j]] <- gridsize[j]
                    gridw[,j] <- gridx[[j]][gind.list[[i]][,j]]
                w <- abs(matrix(as.numeric(x[i,]), nrow=2^d, ncol=d, byrow=TRUE) - gridw)
                w <- apply(w, 1, prod)
                w <- w/sum(w)
                fx[i] <- sum(w*f[gind.list[[i]][2^d:1,]])

grid.interp.1d <- function(x, gridx, f)
   n <- length(x)
   gpoints1 <- gridx
   M1 <- length(gpoints1)
   a1 <- gpoints1[1]
   b1 <- gpoints1[M1]
   out <- .C(C_interp1d, x1=as.double(x), n=as.integer(n), a1=as.double(a1), b1=as.double(b1), M1=as.integer(M1), fun=as.double(as.vector(f)), est=double(n))

grid.interp.2d <- function(x, gridx, f)
   n <- nrow(x)
   gpoints1 <- gridx[[1]]
   gpoints2 <- gridx[[2]]
   M1 <- length(gpoints1)
   M2 <- length(gpoints2)
   a1 <- gpoints1[1]
   a2 <- gpoints2[1]
   b1 <- gpoints1[M1]
   b2 <- gpoints2[M2]

   out <- .C(C_interp2d, x1=as.double(x[,1]), x2=as.double(x[,2]), n=as.integer(n), a1=as.double(a1), a2=as.double(a2), b1=as.double(b1), b2=as.double(b2), M1=as.integer(M1), M2=as.integer(M2), fun=as.double(as.vector(f)), est=double(n))

grid.interp.3d <- function(x, gridx, f)
   n <- nrow(x)
   gpoints1 <- gridx[[1]]
   gpoints2 <- gridx[[2]]
   gpoints3 <- gridx[[3]]
   M1 <- length(gpoints1)
   M2 <- length(gpoints2)
   M3 <- length(gpoints3)
   a1 <- gpoints1[1]
   a2 <- gpoints2[1]
   a3 <- gpoints3[1]
   b1 <- gpoints1[M1]
   b2 <- gpoints2[M2]
   b3 <- gpoints3[M3]
   out <- .C(C_interp3d, x1=as.double(x[,1]), x2=as.double(x[,2]), x3=as.double(x[,3]), n=as.integer(n), a1=as.double(a1), a2=as.double(a2), a3=as.double(a3), b1=as.double(b1), b2=as.double(b2), b3=as.double(b3), M1=as.integer(M1), M2=as.integer(M2), M3=as.integer(M3), fun=as.double(as.vector(f)), est=double(n))

## Linear intepolation based on kernel estimation grid
## alias for predict.kde

kde.approx <- function(fhat, x)
    return(grid.interp(x=x, gridx=fhat$eval.points, f=fhat$estimate))

## Find the nearest grid points surrounding point x for non-uniform grids 

varying.grid.interp <- function(x, gridx, f)
    if (!is.list(gridx))
        return(varying.grid.interp.1d(x=x, gridx=gridx, f=f))
        if (is.vector(x)) x <- as.matrix(t(x))
        d <- ncol(x)
        n <- nrow(x)
        gridsize <- sapply(gridx,length)
        gind <- matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=d)

        for (i in 1:n)
            for (j in 1:d)
                tsum <- sum(x[i,j] >= gridx[[j]])
                if (tsum==0) gind[i,j] <- 1
                else gind[i,j] <- tsum

    bperm <- list()
    for (j in 1:d) bperm[[j]] <- elem(1,2)
    binary.perm <- as.matrix(expand.grid(bperm))
    colnames(binary.perm) <- NULL

    gind.list <- list()
    fx <- rep(0, length=n)
    for (i in 1:n)
        gind.list[[i]] <- matrix(gind[i,], nrow=2^d, ncol=d, byrow=TRUE) + binary.perm
        w <- matrix(0, nrow=2^d, ncol=d)
        gridw <- matrix(0, nrow=2^d, ncol=d)
        for (j in 1:d)
            gind.list[[i]][,j][gind.list[[i]][,j]>=gridsize[j]] <- gridsize[j]
            gridw[,j] <- gridx[[j]][gind.list[[i]][,j]]
        w <- 1/apply((matrix(as.numeric(x[i,]), nrow=2^d, ncol=d, byrow=TRUE) - gridw)^2, 1, sum)
        w[w>1e5] <- 1e5
        w <- w/sum(w)
        fx[i] <- sum(w*f[gind.list[[i]]])


varying.grid.interp.1d <- function(x, gridx, f)
    n <- length(x)
    gind <- rep(0, length=n)

    for (i in 1:length(x))
        tsum <- sum(x[i] >= gridx)
        if (tsum==0) gind[i] <- 1
        else gind[i] <- tsum
    gind2 <- gind+1
    gind2[gind2>length(gridx)] <- length(gridx)
    gind2[x<=gridx[1]] <- gind[x<=gridx[1]]
    gind <- cbind(gind, gind2)
    colnames(gind) <- NULL

    fx <- rep(0, n)
    for (i in 1:n)
        w <- 1/(x[i] - gridx[gind[i,]])^2
        w[w>1e5] <- 1e5
        w <- w/sum(w)   
        fx[i] <- sum(w*f[gind[i,]])


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