
Defines functions mvnorm.mixt.part mvnorm.mixt.mode rmvt.mixt dmvt.mixt plotmixt.3d plotmixt.2d plotmixt.1d plotmixt Qr.1d Qr.cumulant Qr.direct Qr nurs.cumulant kappars nurs.unique nurs.recursive nurs.direct nur.cumulant nur.unique nur.recursive nur.direct nurs nur mur.unique mur.recursive mur.direct mur psins psins.1d dmvnorm.deriv.scalar.sum dmvnorm.deriv.scalar dmvnorm.deriv.sum dmvnorm.deriv.mixt dmvnorm.deriv.unique dmvnorm.deriv.recursive dmvnorm.deriv.direct dmvnorm.deriv dmvnorm.mixt rmvnorm.mixt dnorm.deriv.mixt dnorm.deriv.sum dnorm.mixt rnorm.mixt

Documented in dmvnorm.mixt dmvt.mixt dnorm.mixt mur mvnorm.mixt.mode mvnorm.mixt.part nur nurs plotmixt Qr rmvnorm.mixt rmvt.mixt rnorm.mixt

## Univariate mixture normal densities and derivatives

rnorm.mixt <- function(n=100, mus=0, sigmas=1, props=1, mixt.label=FALSE)
    if (!(identical(all.equal(sum(props), 1), TRUE)))
        stop("Proportions don't sum to one")

    ## single component mixture
    if (identical(all.equal(props[1], 1), TRUE))
        if (mixt.label)
            rand <- cbind(rnorm(n=n, mean=mus, sd=sigmas), rep(1, n))
            rand <- rnorm(n=n, mean=mus, sd=sigmas)
    ## multiple component mixture
        k <- length(props)
        n.samp <- sample(1:k, n, replace=TRUE, prob=props) 
        n.prop <- numeric(0)

        ## compute number taken from each mixture
        for (i in 1:k)
            n.prop <- c(n.prop, sum(n.samp == i))

        rand <- numeric(0)

        for (i in 1:k)
            ## compute random sample from normal mixture component
            if (n.prop[i] > 0)
                if (mixt.label)
                    rand <- rbind(rand, cbind(rnorm(n=n.prop[i], mean=mus[i], sd=sigmas[i]), rep(i, n.prop[i])))
                    rand <- c(rand, rnorm(n=n.prop[i], mean=mus[i], sd=sigmas[i]))
    if (mixt.label) return(rand[sample(n),])
    else return(rand[sample(n)])

dnorm.mixt <- function(x, mus=0, sigmas=1, props=1)
    if (!(identical(all.equal(sum(props), 1), TRUE)))
    stop("Proportions don't sum to one")

    ## single component mixture
    if (identical(all.equal(props[1], 1), TRUE))
    dens <- dnorm(x, mean=mus[1], sd=sigmas[1])

    ## multiple component mixture
        k <- length(props)
        dens <- 0

        ## sum of each normal density value from each component at x  
        for (i in 1:k) dens <- dens + props[i]*dnorm(x, mean=mus[i], sd=sigmas[i])

## Derivatives of the univariate normal 
## (code: J.E.Chacon 08/06/2018)
## Parameters
## x - points to evaluate at
## sigma - std deviation
## r - derivative index 
## Returns
## r-th derivative at x

dnorm.deriv <- function (x, mu=0, sigma=1, deriv.order=0)
    r <- deriv.order
    phi <- dnorm(x, mean=mu, sd=sigma)
    x <- (x - mu)
    arg <- x / sigma
    hmold0 <- 1
    hmold1 <- arg
    hmnew <- 1
    if (r == 1)
        hmnew <- hmold1
    if (r >= 2) 
        for (i in (2:r)) {
            hmnew <- arg * hmold1 - (i - 1) * hmold0
            hmold0 <- hmold1
            hmold1 <- hmnew
    derivt <- (-1)^r * phi * hmnew / sigma^r


## Double sum  of K(X_i - X_j) used in density derivative estimation
## Parameters
## x - points to evaluate
## Sigma - variance matrix
## inc - 0 - exclude diagonals
##     - 1 - include diagonals
## Returns
## Double sum at x

dnorm.deriv.sum <- function(x, sigma, deriv.order, inc=1, binned=FALSE, bin.par, kfe=FALSE)
    r <- deriv.order
    n <- length(x)
    if (binned)
        if (missing(bin.par)) bin.par <- binning(x, h=sigma, supp=4+r) 
        est <- kdde.binned(x=x, H=sigma^2, h=sigma, deriv.order=r, bin.par=bin.par)$estimate
        sumval <- sum(bin.par$counts*est*n)
        if (inc == 0) 
            sumval <- sumval - n*dnorm.deriv(x=0, mu=0, sigma=sigma, deriv.order=r)
        sumval <- 0
        for (i in 1:n)
            sumval <- sumval + sum(dnorm.deriv(x=x[i] - x, mu=0, sigma=sigma, deriv.order=r)) 
        if (inc == 0) 
            sumval <- sumval - n*dnorm.deriv(x=0, mu=0, sigma=sigma, deriv.order=r)

    if (kfe)
        if (inc==1) sumval <- sumval/n^2
    else sumval <- sumval/(n*(n-1))

dnorm.deriv.mixt <- function(x, mus=0, sigmas=1, props=1, deriv.order=0)
    if (!(identical(all.equal(sum(props), 1), TRUE)))
    stop("Proportions don't sum to one")

    ## single component mixture
    if (identical(all.equal(props[1], 1), TRUE))
    dens <- dnorm.deriv(x, mu=mus[1], sigma=sigmas[1], deriv.order=deriv.order)

    ## multiple component mixture
        k <- length(props)
        dens <- 0

        ## sum of each normal density value from each component at x  
        for (i in 1:k)
            dens <- dens + props[i]*dnorm.deriv(x=x, mu=mus[i], sigma=sigmas[i], deriv.order=deriv.order)


## Multivariate normal densities and derivatives

## Multivariate normal mixture - random sample
## Parameters
## n - number of samples
## mus - matrix of means (each row is a vector of means from each component
##       density)
## Sigmas - matrix of covariance matrices (every d rows is a covariance matrix 
##          from each component density) 
## props - vector of mixing proportions 
## Returns
## Vector of n observations from the normal mixture 

rmvnorm.mixt <- function(n=100, mus=c(0,0), Sigmas=diag(2), props=1, mixt.label=FALSE)
    if (!(identical(all.equal(sum(props), 1), TRUE)))
    stop("Proportions don't sum to one")

    ## single component mixture
    if (identical(all.equal(props[1], 1), TRUE))
    if (mixt.label)
        rand <- cbind(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n=n, mean=mus, sigma=Sigmas), rep(1, n))
        rand <- cbind(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n=n, mean=mus, sigma=Sigmas))

    ## multiple component mixture
        k <- length(props)
        d <- ncol(Sigmas)
        n.samp <- sample(1:k, n, replace=TRUE, prob=props) 
        n.prop <- numeric(0)

        ## compute number taken from each mixture
        for (i in 1:k)
            n.prop <- c(n.prop, sum(n.samp == i))
        rand <- numeric(0)
        for (i in 1:k)
            ## compute random sample from normal mixture component
            if (n.prop[i] > 0)
                if (mixt.label)
                    rand <- rbind(rand, cbind(rmvnorm(n=n.prop[i], mean=mus[i,], sigma=Sigmas[((i-1)*d+1) : (i*d),]), rep(i, n.prop[i])))
                    rand <- rbind(rand, rmvnorm(n=n.prop[i], mean=mus[i,], sigma=Sigmas[((i-1)*d+1) : (i*d),]))


## Multivariate normal mixture - density values
## Parameters
## x - points to compute density at 
## mus - matrix of means
## Sigmas - matrix of covariance matrices 
## props - vector of mixing proportions 
## Returns
## Density values from the normal mixture (at x)

dmvnorm.mixt <- function(x, mus, Sigmas, props=1, verbose=FALSE)
    if (!(identical(all.equal(sum(props), 1), TRUE)))
        stop("Proportions don't sum to one")
    if (is.vector(x)) { d <- length(x); n <- 1 } 
    else { d <- ncol(x); n <- nrow(x) }
    if (missing(mus)) mus <- rep(0,d)
    if (missing(Sigmas)) Sigmas <- diag(d)
    ## single component mixture
    if (identical(all.equal(props[1], 1), TRUE))
        if (is.matrix(mus)) mus <- mus[1,]
        dens <- dmvnorm(x=x, mean=mus, sigma=Sigmas[1:d,])
    ## multiple component mixture
        if (verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar()
        k <- length(props)
        dens <- 0
        ## sum of each normal density value from each component at x
        for (i in 1:k)
            dens <- dens + props[i]*dmvnorm(x=x, mean=mus[i,], sigma=Sigmas[((i-1)*d+1):(i*d),])
            if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/k)
        if (verbose) close(pb)

## Computation of the r-th derivative vector of the Gaussian density

dmvnorm.deriv <- function(x, mu, Sigma, deriv.order=0, deriv.vec=TRUE, add.index=FALSE, only.index=FALSE, type="unique")
    type1 <- match.arg(type, c("recursive", "direct", "unique"))

    r <- deriv.order
    if(length(r)>1) stop("deriv.order should be a non-negative integer")
    sumr <- sum(r)

    if (missing(x)) d <- ncol(Sigma)
        if (is.vector(x)) x <- t(as.matrix(x))
        if (is.data.frame(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
        d <- ncol(x)
        n <- nrow(x)
    if (add.index | only.index | !deriv.vec)
        ## matrix of derivative indices
        ind.mat <- 0
        sumr.counter <- sumr
        if (sumr>=1) ind.mat <- diag(d)
            while (sumr.counter >1)
                ind.mat <- Ksum(diag(d), ind.mat)
                sumr.counter <- sumr.counter - 1
        ind.mat.minimal <- unique(ind.mat)
        ind.mat.minimal.logical <- !duplicated(ind.mat)

        if (only.index)
            if (deriv.vec) return (ind.mat)
            else  return(ind.mat.minimal)
    if (missing(mu)) mu <- rep(0,d)
    if (missing(Sigma)) Sigma <- diag(d)
    x.centred <- sweep(x, 2, mu)
    dens <- do.call(paste("dmvnorm.deriv", type1, sep="."), list(x=x.centred, Sigma=Sigma, deriv.order=r))
    if (is.vector(dens) & r>0) dens <- matrix(dens, nrow=1)
    if (!deriv.vec & r>0)
        ind.select <- numeric()
        for (i in 1:nrow(ind.mat.minimal))
            ind.select <- c(ind.select, head(which.mat(ind.mat.minimal[i,], ind.mat), n=1))

        dens <- dens[,ind.select]
        ind.mat <- ind.mat.minimal
    if (add.index) return(list(deriv=dens, deriv.ind=ind.mat))
    else return(dens)

## dmvnorm.deriv.direct computes the vector derivative of the Gaussian
## density phi_Sigma(x) on the basis of Equation (1) and Algotihm 2, as
## described in Chacon and Duong (2014)

dmvnorm.deriv.direct <- function(x,Sigma,deriv.order=0)
    if (is.vector(x)) { x <- matrix(x,nrow=1) }
    d <- ncol(Sigma)
    n <- nrow(x)
    r <- deriv.order

    Sigmainv <- chol2inv(chol(Sigma))
    Hermx <- matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=d^r)
    for (i in 1:n)
        for (j in 0:floor(r/2))
            Hermx[i,] <- Hermx[i,] + (-1)^j/(factorial(j)*factorial(r-2*j)*2^j)*
                Kpow(Sigmainv%*%x[i,], r-2*j)%x%Kpow(vec(Sigmainv),j)
            Hermx[i,] <- Sdrv.recursive(d=d,r=r,v=Hermx[i,])
    dens <- drop((-1)^r*factorial(r)*Hermx*dmvnorm(x,mean=rep(0,d), sigma=Sigma))

## dmvnorm.deriv.recursive computes the vector derivative of the Gaussian
## density phi_Sigma(x) on the basis of Equation (7) and Algorithm 2 as
## described in Section 5 of Chacon and Duong (2014)

dmvnorm.deriv.recursive <- function(x,Sigma,deriv.order=0)
    if (is.vector(x)) { x <- matrix(x,nrow=1) }
    d <- ncol(Sigma)
    n <- nrow(x)
    r <- deriv.order
    G <- Sigma
    Ginv <- chol2inv(chol(G))
    vGinv <- vec(Ginv)
    nvGinv <- matrix(rep(vGinv,n),byrow=TRUE,ncol=length(vGinv),nrow=n)
    arg <- matrix(x%*%Ginv, nrow=n)
    hmold0 <- matrix(1,nrow=n,ncol=1)
    hmold1 <- arg
    hmnew <- hmold0

    if(r==1) { hmnew <- hmold1 }
        for(i in 2:r)
            hmnew <- mat.Kprod(hmold1,arg)-(i-1)*mat.Kprod(nvGinv,hmold0)
            hmnew <- matrix(Sdrv.recursive(d=d,r=i,v=hmnew), nrow=n)
            hmold0 <- hmold1
            hmold1 <- hmnew        
    dens <- dmvnorm(x,mean=rep(0,d),sigma=Sigma)
    result <- drop(matrix(rep(dens,d^r),byrow=FALSE,nrow=n,ncol=d^r)*hmnew*(-1)^r)

## dmvnorm.deriv.unique computes the whole vector derivative of the Gaussian
## density phi_Sigma(x) from its unique coordinates, based on Algorithm 3 as
## described in Section 5 of Chacon and Duong (2014)

dmvnorm.deriv.unique <- function(x,Sigma,deriv.order=0)
    if (is.vector(x)) { x <- matrix(x,nrow=1) }
    d <- ncol(x)
    n <- nrow(x)
    r <- deriv.order 
    G <- Sigma
    Ginv <- chol2inv(chol(G))
    arg <- x%*%Ginv
    hmold0 <- matrix(1,nrow=n,ncol=1)
    hmold1 <- arg
    hmnew <- hmold0  
    udind0 <- matrix(rep(0,d),nrow=1,ncol=d)
    udind1 <- diag(d)
    if(r==1) { hmnew <- hmold1 }
        for (i in 2:r)
            Ndi1 <- ncol(hmold1)
            Ndi0 <- ncol(hmold0)
            hmnew <- numeric()
            for (j in 1:d)
                nrecj <- choose(d-j+i-1,i-1)        
                hmnew.aux <- arg[,j]*hmold1[,Ndi1-(nrecj:1)+1]
                for(k in j:d)
                    udind0.aux <- matrix(udind1[Ndi1-(nrecj:1)+1,],ncol=d,byrow=FALSE)
                    udind0.aux[,k] <- udind0.aux[,k]-1
                    valid.udind0 <- as.logical(apply(udind0.aux>=0,1,min))
                    enlarged.hmold0 <- matrix(0,ncol=nrow(udind0.aux),nrow=n)
                    for (ell in 1:nrow(udind0.aux))
                            pos <- which(rowSums((udind0-matrix(rep(udind0.aux[ell,],nrow(udind0)), nrow=nrow(udind0),byrow=TRUE))^2)==0)
                            enlarged.hmold0[,ell] <- hmold0[,pos] 
                    hmnew.aux <- hmnew.aux-Ginv[j,k]*matrix(rep(udind1[Ndi1-(nrecj:1)+1,k],n), nrow=n,byrow=TRUE)*enlarged.hmold0
                hmnew <- cbind(hmnew,hmnew.aux)
            hmold0 <- hmold1
            hmold1 <- hmnew

            ## compute the unique i-th derivative multi-indexes 
            nudind1 <- nrow(udind1)
            udindnew <- numeric()
            for (j in 1:d)
                Ndj1i <- choose(d+i-1-j,i-1)
                udind.aux <- matrix(udind1[nudind1-(Ndj1i:1)+1,],ncol=d,byrow=FALSE)
                udind.aux[,j] <- udind.aux[,j]+1
                udindnew <- rbind(udindnew,udind.aux)
            udind0 <- udind1
            udind1 <- udindnew
    if(r==0) result <- dmvnorm(x,mean=rep(0,d),sigma=Sigma)
    if(r==1) result <- (-1)*matrix(rep(dmvnorm(x,mean=rep(0,d),sigma=Sigma),d),
        per <- pinv.all(d=d,r=r)
        dind <- numeric()
        udind <- udind1
        dind.base <- rep(0,d^r)        
        udind.base <- rep(0,choose(d+r-1,r))
        for (i in 1:d)
            dind <- cbind(dind,rowSums(per==i)) ## Matrix of derivative indices
            dind.base <- dind.base+dind[,i]*(r+1)^(d-i) ## Transform each row to base r+1           
            udind.base <- udind.base+udind[,i]*(r+1)^(d-i) ## Transform each row to base r+1                       
        dlabs <- match(dind.base,udind.base)
        deriv.vector <- hmnew[,dlabs]*matrix(rep((-1)^rowSums(dind),n),nrow=n,byrow=TRUE)
        result <- matrix(rep(dmvnorm(x,mean=rep(0,d),sigma=Sigma),ncol(deriv.vector)), nrow=n,byrow=FALSE)*deriv.vector


dmvnorm.deriv.mixt <- function(x, mus, Sigmas, props, deriv.order, deriv.vec=TRUE, add.index=FALSE, only.index=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)
    if (!(identical(all.equal(sum(props), 1), TRUE)))
        stop("Proportions don't sum to one")

    if (is.vector(x)) d <- length(x)
    else d <- ncol(x)

    if (missing(mus)) mus <- rep(0,d)
    if (missing(Sigmas)) Sigmas <- diag(d)
    r <- deriv.order
    sumr <- sum(r)

    if (only.index | add.index) 
        ind.mat <- dmvnorm.deriv(x=x, mu=mus[1,], Sigma=Sigmas[1:d,], deriv.order=r, only.index=TRUE)
    if (only.index)  
    if (deriv.vec) return (ind.mat)
    else return(unique(ind.mat))
    ## derivatives 
    ## single component mixture
    if (identical(all.equal(props[1], 1), TRUE))
    if (is.matrix(mus)) mus <- mus[1,]
    dens <- dmvnorm.deriv(x=x, mu=mus, Sigma=Sigmas[1:d,], deriv.order=sumr)
    ## multiple component mixture
        k <- length(props)
        if (verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar()
        dens <- 0
        ## sum of each normal density value from each component at x  
        for (i in 1:k)
            dens <- dens + props[i]*dmvnorm.deriv(x=x, mu=mus[i,], Sigma=Sigmas[((i-1)*d+1):(i*d),], deriv.order=sumr)
            if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/k)
        if (verbose) close(pb)   

    if (!deriv.vec)
        dens <- dens[,!duplicated(ind.mat)]
        ind.mat <- unique(ind.mat)
    if (add.index) return(list(deriv=dens, deriv.ind=ind.mat))
    else return(deriv=dens)

## Double sum  of K(X_i - X_j) used in density derivative estimation
## Parameters
## x - points to evaluate
## Sigma - variance matrix
## inc - 0 - exclude diagonals
##     - 1 - include diagonals
## Returns
## Double sum at x

dmvnorm.deriv.sum <- function(x, Sigma, deriv.order=0, inc=1, binned=FALSE, bin.par, bgridsize, kfe=FALSE, deriv.vec=TRUE, add.index=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)
    r <- deriv.order
    d <- ncol(x)
    n <- nrow(x)
    if (missing(bgridsize)) bgridsize <- default.bgridsize(d)

    if (binned)
        d <- ncol(Sigma)
        n <- nrow(x)

        if (missing(bin.par)) bin.par <- binning(x, H=diag(diag(Sigma)), bgridsize=bgridsize)  
        est <- kdde.binned(x=x, bin.par=bin.par, H=Sigma, deriv.order=r, verbose=verbose)$estimate

        if (r>0)
            sumval <- rep(0, length(est))
            for (j in 1:length(est)) sumval[j] <- sum(bin.par$counts * n * est[[j]])
            sumval <- sum(bin.par$counts * n * est)
        ## transformation approach from Jose E. Chacon 06/12/2010
        if (0)
            Sigmainv12 <- matrix.sqrt(chol2inv(chol(Sigma)))
            y <- x %*% Sigmainv12
            if (missing(bin.par)) bin.par <- binning(x=y, H=diag(d), bgridsize=bgridsize)

            est <- kdde.binned(x=y, bin.par=bin.par, H=diag(d), deriv.order=r, verbose=verbose)$estimate
            if (r>0)
                sumval <- rep(0, length(est))
                for (j in 1:length(est)) sumval[j] <- sum(bin.par$counts *n*est[[j]]) 
                sumval <- sum(bin.par$counts * n * est)

            sumval <- det(Sigmainv12) * sumval  %*% Kpow(Sigmainv12, pow=r)
    ## exact computation 
        if (verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar() 
        if (r==0)
            n.seq <- block.indices(n, n, d=d, r=r, diff=TRUE)
            sumval <- 0
            for (i in 1:(length(n.seq)-1))
                difs <- differences(x=x, y=x[n.seq[i]:(n.seq[i+1]-1),])
                sumval <- sumval + sum(dmvnorm.deriv(x=difs, mu=rep(0,d), Sigma=Sigma, deriv.order=r, deriv.vec=deriv.vec))
                if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/(length(n.seq)-1)) 
            if (verbose) close(pb)
            ## only with r>0 
            ## original recursive code from Jose E. Chacon 03/2012
            if (2*floor(r/2)!=r) { sumval <- rep(0,d^r) }
                Sigmainv <- chol2inv(chol(Sigma))
                per <- perm.rep(d=d,r=r)
                dind <- numeric()
                for (i in 1:d) dind <- cbind(dind,rowSums(per==i)) ## matrix of derivative indices

                udind <- unique(dind)
                nudind <- nrow(udind)        
                dlabs <- numeric(nrow(dind))
                for (i in 1:nrow(udind))
                    dlabs <- dlabs+i*(rowSums((dind-matrix(rep(udind[i,],nrow(dind)),nrow=nrow(dind),byrow=TRUE))^2)==0)
                result <- rep(0,nudind)

                ndif <- n*(n-1)/2
                dif.ind <- numeric()

                M <- 1e6
                max.loop.size <- ceiling(M/nudind) ## inside the loop we need to store a matrix of order max.loop.size x nudind <= M
                nblocks <- ceiling(ndif/max.loop.size)
                blength <- c(rep(max.loop.size,nblocks-1),ndif-max.loop.size*(nblocks-1)) ## length of each of the blocks, the last one could be smaller
                tri.num <- (1:n)*((1:n)-1)/2
                for (kk in 1:nblocks)
                    b <- blength[kk]
                    if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, kk/nblocks) 
                    kkm <- (kk-1)*max.loop.size
                    tri.ind <- findInterval(kkm:(kkm+b-1), tri.num)
                    dif.ind.block <- cbind(kkm:(kkm+b-1) - tri.num[tri.ind]+1, tri.ind+1) 
                    difs.block <- x[dif.ind.block[,1],]-x[dif.ind.block[,2],]
                    arg <- difs.block %*% Sigmainv    
                    narg <- nrow(arg) 

                    hmold0 <- matrix(rep(1,narg),ncol=1,nrow=narg)
                    hmold1 <- arg
                    hmnew <- hmold0

                    udind0 <- matrix(rep(0,d),nrow=1,ncol=d)
                    udind1 <- diag(d)
                    if (r==1) { hmnew <- hmold1 }
                    if (r >= 2)
                        for (i in 2:r)
                            Ndi1 <- ncol(hmold1)
                            hmnew <- numeric()
                            for (j in 1:d)
                                nrecj <- choose(d-j+i-1,i-1)        
                                hmnew.aux <- arg[,j]*hmold1[,Ndi1-(nrecj:1)+1]
                                for (k in j:d)
                                    udind0.aux <- matrix(udind1[Ndi1-(nrecj:1)+1,],ncol=d,byrow=FALSE)
                                    udind0.aux[,k] <- udind0.aux[,k]-1
                                    valid.udind0 <- as.logical(apply(udind0.aux>=0,1,min))
                                    enlarged.hmold0 <- matrix(0,ncol=nrow(udind0.aux),nrow=narg)
                                    for (ell in 1:nrow(udind0.aux))
                                        if (valid.udind0[ell])
                                            pos <- which(rowSums((udind0-matrix(rep(udind0.aux[ell,],nrow(udind0)),nrow=nrow(udind0),byrow=TRUE))^2)==0)
                                            enlarged.hmold0[,ell] <- hmold0[,pos]
                                    ## in enlarged.hmold0 we put the vector hmold0 in those positions not having a -1 in any of the derivative order after subtracting e_k
                                    ## the remaining positions are zeroes
                                    ## surely this could be done in a more efficient way

                                    hmnew.aux <- hmnew.aux-Sigmainv[j,k]*matrix(rep(udind1[Ndi1-(nrecj:1)+1,k],narg),nrow=narg,byrow=TRUE)*enlarged.hmold0
                                hmnew <- cbind(hmnew,hmnew.aux)
                            hmold0 <- hmold1
                            hmold1 <- hmnew
                            ## compute the unique i-th derivative multi-indexes 
                            nudind1 <- nrow(udind1)
                            udindnew <- numeric()
                            for (j in 1:d)
                                Ndj1i <- choose(d+i-1-j,i-1)
                                udind.aux <- matrix(udind1[nudind1-(Ndj1i:1)+1,],ncol=d,byrow=FALSE)
                                udind.aux[,j] <- udind.aux[,j]+1
                                udindnew <- rbind(udindnew,udind.aux)
                            udind0 <- udind1
                            udind1 <- udindnew

                    hmnew <- hmnew*matrix(rep((-1)^rowSums(udind),narg),nrow=narg,byrow=TRUE)
                    phi <- dmvnorm(difs.block, mean=rep(0,d), sigma=Sigma)
                    phi <- matrix(rep(phi,nudind),ncol=nudind,byrow=FALSE)
                    result <- result+drop(colSums(phi*hmnew))

                result <- result[dlabs]    
                hm0 <- dmvnorm.deriv(x=rep(0,d),Sigma=Sigma,deriv.order=deriv.order)
                sumval <- 2*result+n*hm0
                if (verbose) close(pb)

    if (inc==0)
        sumval <- sumval - n*dmvnorm.deriv(x=rep(0,d), mu=rep(0,d), Sigma=Sigma, deriv.order=r)

    sumval <- drop(sumval)  
    if (kfe) { if (inc==1) sumval <- sumval/n^2 else sumval <- sumval/(n*(n-1)) }

    if (add.index)
        ind.mat <- dmvnorm.deriv(x=rep(0,d), mu=rep(0,d), Sigma=diag(d), deriv.order=r, only.index=TRUE)
        if (deriv.vec) return(list(sum=sumval, deriv.ind=ind.mat))
        else return(list(sum=sumval, deriv.ind=unique(ind.mat)))
    else return(sum=sumval)

## Single partial derivative of the multivariate normal with scalar variance matrix sigma^2 I_d  
## Code by Jose  Chacon 04/09/2007

dmvnorm.deriv.scalar <- function(x, mu, sigma, deriv.order, binned=FALSE)
    r <- deriv.order
    d <- ncol(x)

    sderiv <- sum(r)
    arg <- x/sigma
    darg <- dmvnorm(arg, mean=mu)/(sigma^(sderiv+d))
    for (j in 1:d)
        hmold0 <- 1
        hmold1 <- arg[,j]
        hmnew <- 1
        if (r[j] == 1) { hmnew <- hmold1 }
        if (r[j] >= 2) ## Multiply by the corresponding Hermite polynomial, coordinate-wise, using Fact C.1.4 in W&J (1995) and Willink (2005, p.273)
            for (i in (2:r[j]))
                hmnew <- arg[,j] * hmold1 - (i - 1) * hmold0
                hmold0 <- hmold1
                hmold1 <- hmnew
        darg <- hmnew * darg
    val <- darg*(-1)^sderiv

dmvnorm.deriv.scalar.sum <- function(x, sigma, deriv.order=0, inc=1, kfe=FALSE, binned=FALSE, bin.par, verbose=FALSE)
    r <- deriv.order
    d <- ncol(x)
    n <- nrow(x)

    if (binned)
        if (missing(bin.par)) bin.par <- binning(x, H=diag(d)*sigma^2)  
        n <- sum(bin.par$counts)

        ind.mat <- dmvnorm.deriv(x=rep(0,d), Sigma=diag(d), deriv.order=sum(r), deriv.vec=TRUE, only.index=TRUE)
        fhatr <- kdde.binned(bin.par=bin.par, H=sigma^2*diag(d), deriv.order=sum(r), deriv.vec=TRUE, w=rep(1,n), deriv.index=which.mat(r=r, ind.mat)[1])
        sumval <- sum(bin.par$counts * n * fhatr$est[[1]])
        if (verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar() 
        n.seq <- block.indices(n, n, d=d, r=r, diff=TRUE)
        sumval <- 0
        for (i in 1:(length(n.seq)-1))
            difs <- differences(x=x, y=x[n.seq[i]:(n.seq[i+1]-1),])
            sumval <- sumval + sum(dmvnorm.deriv.scalar(x=difs, mu=rep(0,d), sigma=sigma, deriv.order=r))
            if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/(length(n.seq)-1)) 
    if (verbose) close(pb)
    if (inc==0)
        sumval <- sumval - n*dmvnorm.deriv.scalar(x=t(as.matrix(rep(0,d))), mu=rep(0,d), sigma=sigma, deriv.order=r)
    if (kfe)
        if (inc==1) sumval <- sumval/n^2
        else sumval <- sumval/(n*(n-1))

## Normal scale psi functionals

psins.1d <- function(r, sigma)
    if (r %% 2 ==0)
        psins <- (-1)^(r/2)*factorial(r)/((2*sigma)^(r+1)*factorial(r/2)*pi^(1/2))
        psins <- 0

psins <- function(r, Sigma, deriv.vec=length(r)==1)
    d <- ncol(Sigma)
    if (deriv.vec)
        dens <- dmvnorm.deriv(x=rep(0,d), mu=rep(0,d), deriv.order=r, Sigma=2*Sigma, add.index=FALSE)
        dens <- dmvnorm.deriv(x=rep(0,d), mu=rep(0,d), deriv.order=sum(r), Sigma=2*Sigma, add.index=TRUE)
        if (!is.vector(dens$deriv.ind))
            i <- head(which.mat(r, dens$deriv.ind),n=1)
            dens <- dens$deriv[1,i]
            dens <- dens$deriv      
    dens <- drop(dens)


## Vector moments of the normal distribution

mur <- function(r, A, mu, Sigma, type="unique")
    type1 <- match.arg(type, c("direct", "recursive", "unique"))
    mur.val <- do.call(paste("mur", type1, sep="."), list(r=r, A=A, mu=mu, Sigma=Sigma))


## mur.direct computes the vector moment E[X^{\otimes r}] for a random
## vector with N(mu,Sigma) distribution, on the basis of Equation (8) in
## Section 6 of Chacon and Duong (2014)

mur.direct <- function(r, mu, Sigma)
    d <- ncol(Sigma)
    result <- as.vector(Kpow(mu,r))
    vS <- vec(Sigma)
    vSj <- 1
    if (r>=2)
        for(j in 1:floor(r/2))
            vSj <- as.vector(vSj%x%vS)
            cj <- prod(r:(r-2*j+1))/(prod(1:j)*2^j)
            mur2j <- as.vector(Kpow(mu,r-2*j))
            result <- result+cj*as.vector(mur2j%x%vSj)


## mur.recursive computes the vector moment E[X^{\otimes r}] for a random
## vector with N(mu,Sigma) distribution, on the basis of Equation (9) in
## Section 6 of Chacon and Duong (2014), using Equation (7) in Section 5
## to obtain the Hermite polynomial

mur.recursive <- function(r, mu, Sigma)
    d <- ncol(Sigma)
    G <- -Sigma
    vG <- vec(G)
    arg <- mu
    hmold0 <- 1
    hmold1 <- arg
    hmnew <- hmold0

    if (r==1) { hmnew <- hmold1 }
    if (r>=2) 
        for (i in 2:r)
            hmnew <- as.vector(arg%x%hmold1-(i-1)*(vG%x%hmold0))
            hmold0 <- hmold1
            hmold1 <- hmnew        


## mur.unique computes the vector moment E[X^{\otimes r}] for a random vector 
## with N(mu,Sigma) distribution, on the basis of Equation (9) in Section 6
## of Chacon and Duong (2014), using Algorithm 3 in Section 5, based on the
## unique partial derivatives, to obtain the Hermite polynomial

mur.unique <- function(r, mu, Sigma)
    d <- ncol(Sigma)
    G <- -Sigma
    arg <- mu
    hmold0 <- 1
    hmold1 <- arg
    hmnew <- hmold0
    udind0 <- matrix(rep(0,d),nrow=1,ncol=d)
    udind1 <- diag(d)
    if (r==1) { hmnew <- hmold1 }
    if (r>=2)
        for (i in 2:r)
            Ndi1 <- length(hmold1)
            Ndi0 <- length(hmold0)
            hmnew <- numeric()
            for (j in 1:d)
                nrecj <- choose(d-j+i-1,i-1)        
                hmnew.aux <- arg[j]*hmold1[Ndi1-(nrecj:1)+1]
                for(k in j:d)
                    udind0.aux <- matrix(udind1[Ndi1-(nrecj:1)+1,],ncol=d,byrow=FALSE)
                    udind0.aux[,k] <- udind0.aux[,k]-1
                    valid.udind0 <- as.logical(apply(udind0.aux>=0,1,min))
                    enlarged.hmold0 <- rep(0,nrow(udind0.aux))
                    for (ell in 1:nrow(udind0.aux))
                        if (valid.udind0[ell])
                            pos <- which(rowSums((udind0-matrix(rep(udind0.aux[ell,],nrow(udind0)),
                            enlarged.hmold0[ell] <- hmold0[pos]
                    hmnew.aux <- hmnew.aux-G[j,k]*udind1[Ndi1-(nrecj:1)+1,k]*enlarged.hmold0
                hmnew <- c(hmnew,hmnew.aux)
            hmold0 <- hmold1
            hmold1 <- hmnew

            ## Compute the unique i-th derivative multi-indexes 
            nudind1 <- nrow(udind1)
            udindnew <- numeric()
            for (j in 1:d)
                Ndj1i <- choose(d+i-1-j,i-1)
                udind.aux <- matrix(udind1[nudind1-(Ndj1i:1)+1,],ncol=d,byrow=FALSE)
                udind.aux[,j] <- udind.aux[,j]+1
                udindnew <- rbind(udindnew,udind.aux)
            udind0 <- udind1
            udind1 <- udindnew
    if (r==0) { result <- 1 }
    if (r==1) { result <- (-1)*hmnew } 
    if (r>=2)
        per <- pinv.all(d=d,r=r)    
        dind <- numeric()
        udind <- udind1
        dind.base <- rep(0,d^r)        
        udind.base <- rep(0,choose(d+r-1,r))
        for (i in 1:d)
            dind <- cbind(dind,rowSums(per==i)) ## Matrix of derivative indices
            dind.base <- dind.base+dind[,i]*(r+1)^(d-i) ## Transform each row to base r+1           
            udind.base <- udind.base+udind[,i]*(r+1)^(d-i) ## Transform each row to base r+1                       
        dlabs <- match(dind.base,udind.base)
        result <- hmnew[dlabs]*(-1)^rowSums(dind)


## Moments of quadratic forms in normal variables

nur <- function(r, A, mu, Sigma, type="cumulant")
    type <- match.arg(type, c("direct", "recursive", "unique", "cumulant"))
    nur.val <- do.call(paste("nur", type, sep="."), list(r=r, A=A, mu=mu, Sigma=Sigma))

nurs <- function(r, s, A, B, mu, Sigma, type="cumulant")
    type <- match.arg(type, c("direct", "recursive", "unique", "cumulant"))
    nur.val <- do.call(paste("nurs", type, sep="."), list(r=r, s=s, A=A, B=B, mu=mu, Sigma=Sigma))


## nur.direct computes the moment E[(X^T AX)^r] of the quadratic form
## X^T AX where X is a random vector with N(mu,Sigma) distribution, using
## Equation (10) in Section 6 of Chacon and Duong (2014), and the direct
## implementation mur.direct of the normal moments

nur.direct <- function(r,A,mu,Sigma)
    vA <- vec(A)
    result <- drop(Kpow(t(vA),r)%*%mur.direct(2*r,mu,Sigma))

## nur.recursive computes the moment E[(X^T AX)^r] of the quadratic form
## X^T AX where X is a random vector with N(mu,Sigma) distribution, using
## Equation (10) in Section 6 of Chacon and Duong (2014), and the recursive
## implementation mur.recursive of the normal moments

nur.recursive <- function(r,A,mu,Sigma)
    vA <- vec(A)
    result <- drop(Kpow(t(vA),r)%*%mur.recursive(2*r,mu,Sigma))

## nur.unique computes the moment E[(X^T AX)^r] of the quadratic form
## X^T AX where X is a random vector with N(mu,Sigma) distribution, using
## Equation (10) in Section 6 of Chacon and Duong (2014), and the function
## mur.unique to compute the normal moments from its unique coordinates

nur.unique <- function(r,A,mu,Sigma)
    vA <- vec(A)
    result <- sum(Kpow(vA,r)*mur.unique(2*r,mu,Sigma))

## nur.cumulant computes the moment E[(X^T AX)^r] of the quadratic form
## X^T AX where X is a random vector with N(mu,Sigma) distribution, using
## the recursive formula relating moments and cumulants

nur.cumulant <- function(r,A,mu,Sigma)
    if(r==0) { result <- 1 }
    if(r==1) { result <- sum(diag(A%*%Sigma))+t(mu)%*%A%*%mu }
        ASigma <- A%*%Sigma
        AS <- ASigma
        Amu <- A%*%mu
        kappas <- sum(diag(ASigma)+mu*Amu)
        nus <- kappas
        for (k in 2:r)
            knew <- k*t(mu)%*%ASigma%*%Amu
            ASigma <- ASigma%*%AS
            knew <- (knew+sum(diag(ASigma)))*factorial(k-1)*2^(k-1)
            nnew <- knew+sum(choose(k-1,1:(k-1))*nus*rev(kappas))
            kappas <- c(kappas,knew)
            nus <- c(nus,nnew)
        result <- nnew


## nurs.direct computes the joint moment E[(X^T AX)^r (X^T BX)^s] of the
## quadratic forms X^T AX and X^T BX, where X is a random vector with
## N(mu,Sigma) distribution, using Equation (10) in Section 6 of Chacon and
## Duong (2014), and the direct implementation mur.direct of the
## normal moments

nurs.direct <- function(r,s,A,B,mu,Sigma)
    vA <- vec(A)
    vB <- vec(B)    
    result <- (Kpow(t(vA),r)%x%Kpow(t(vB),s))%*%mur.direct(2*r+2*s,mu,Sigma)

## nurs.recursive computes the joint moment E[(X^T AX)^r (X^T BX)^s] of the
## quadratic forms X^T AX and X^T BX, where X is a random vector with
## N(mu,Sigma) distribution, using Equation (10) in Section 6 of Chacon and
## Duong (2014), and the recursive implementation mur.recursive of the
## normal moments

nurs.recursive <- function(r,s,A,B,mu,Sigma)
    vA <- vec(A)
    vB <- vec(B)    
    result <- (Kpow(t(vA),r)%x%Kpow(t(vB),s))%*%mur.recursive(2*r+2*s,mu,Sigma)

## nurs.unique computes the joint moment E[(X^T AX)^r (X^T BX)^s] of the
## quadratic forms X^T AX and X^T BX, where X is a random vector with
## N(mu,Sigma) distribution, using Equation (10) in Section 6 of Chacon and
## Duong (2014), and the function mur.unique to compute the normal moments
## from its unique coordinates

nurs.unique <- function(r,s,A,B,mu,Sigma)
    vA <- vec(A)
    vB <- vec(B)    
    result <- drop((Kpow(t(vA),r)%x%Kpow(t(vB),s))%*%mur.unique(2*r+2*s,mu,Sigma))

## nurs.cumulant computes the joint moment E[(X^T AX)^r (X^T BX)^s] of the
## quadratic forms X^T AX and X^T BX, where X is a random vector with
## N(mu,Sigma) distribution, using the recursive formula (11) in Section 6
## of Chacon and Duong (2014), relating moments and cumulants. The cumulants
## are computed using the function kappars, which is based on Theorem 3

kappars <- function(r,s,A,B,mu,Sigma)
    d <- ncol(A)
    if (r+s>1 & r>0 & s>0) { ind <- multicool::allPerm(multicool::initMC(c(rep(1,r),rep(2,s)))) }
    if (r+s==1 | r==0 | s==0) { ind <- matrix(c(rep(1,r),rep(2,s)),nrow=1) }
    if (r+s==0) { return(0) }
    nper <- nrow(ind)
    result <- 0
    Dmat <- solve(Sigma)%*%mu%*%t(mu)
    ASigma <- A%*%Sigma
    BSigma <- B%*%Sigma
    Id <- diag(d)
    for (i in 1:nper)
        product <- Id
        for (j in 1:(r+s))
            if (ind[i,j]==1) { product <- product%*%ASigma }
            else if(ind[i,j]==2) { product <- product%*%BSigma }
        result <- result+sum(diag(product%*%(Id/(r+s)+Dmat))) 
    result <- result*factorial(r)*factorial(s)*2^(r+s-1)


nurs.cumulant <- function(r,s,A,B,mu,Sigma)
    if(r==0  & s>0) { nurs <- nur.cumulant(s,B,mu,Sigma) }
    if(r>0   & s==0) { nurs <- nur.cumulant(r,A,mu,Sigma) }
    if(r==0  & s==0) { nurs <- 1 }
    if((r>0) & (s>0))
        K <- matrix(0,nrow=r+1,ncol=s)
        for (i in 0:r)
            for (j in 1:s)
                K[i+1,j] <- kappars(i,j,A,B,mu,Sigma)

        N <- matrix(0,nrow=r+1,ncol=s)
        for (i in 0:r)
            N[i+1,1] <- nur.cumulant(r=i,A=A,mu=mu,Sigma=Sigma)
        if (s>1)
            for (j in 1:(s-1))
                for (i in 0:r)
                    Choose <- outer(choose(i,0:i), choose(j-1,0:(j-1)))
                    N[i+1,j+1] <- sum(Choose*N[1:(i+1),1:j]*K[(i:0)+1,j:1])
        Choose <- outer(choose(r,0:r),choose(s-1,0:(s-1)))  
        nurs <- sum(Choose*N[1:(r+1),1:s]*K[(r:0)+1,s:1])


## V-statistics with multivariate Gaussian derivatives kernel

Qr <- function(x, y, Sigma, deriv.order=0, inc=1, type="cumulant", verbose=FALSE)
    if (missing(y)) y <- x
    type <- match.arg(type, c("direct", "cumulant"))
    if (type=="direct")
        Qr.val <- Qr.direct(x=x, y=y, Sigma=Sigma, r=deriv.order, inc=inc, verbose=verbose)
        Qr.val <- Qr.cumulant(x=x, y=y, Sigma=Sigma, r=deriv.order, inc=inc, verbose=verbose)

## Qr.direct computes the V-statistic using the direct approach, as
## described in Section 6 of Chacon and Duong (2014)

Qr.direct <- function(x, y, Sigma, r=0, inc=1, binned=FALSE, bin.par, bgridsize, verbose=FALSE)
    if (is.vector(x)) x <- matrix(x, nrow=1)
    d <- ncol(x)

    eta <- drop(Kpow(vec(diag(d)), r/2) %*% kfe(x=x, G=Sigma, deriv.order=r, inc=inc, verbose=verbose, binned=binned, bin.par=bin.par, add.index=FALSE))


## Qr.cumulant computes the V-statistic using the relationship with nur
## shown in Theorem 4 of Chacon and Duong (2014)

Qr.cumulant <- function(x, y, Sigma, r=0, inc=1, verbose=FALSE)
    if (is.vector(x)) x <- matrix(x, nrow=1)
    d <- ncol(x)
    r <- r/2
    if (missing(y)) y <- x
    if (is.vector(y)) y <- matrix(y, nrow=1)
    nx <- as.numeric(nrow(x))
    ny <- as.numeric(nrow(y))
    G <- Sigma
    Ginv <- chol2inv(chol(G))
    G2inv <- Ginv%*%Ginv
    G3inv <- G2inv%*%Ginv
    trGinv <- sum(diag(Ginv))
    trG2inv <- sum(diag(G2inv))   
    detG <- det(G)

    ## indices for separating into blocks for double sum calculation
    n.seq <- block.indices(nx, ny, d=d, r=r, diff=FALSE)
    if (verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar()

    if (r==0)
    xG <- x%*%Ginv
    a <- rowSums(xG*x)
    eta <- 0
    for (i in 1:(length(n.seq)-1))
        nytemp <- n.seq[i+1] - n.seq[i]
        ytemp <- matrix(y[n.seq[i]:(n.seq[i+1]-1),], ncol=d)
        aytemp <- rowSums((ytemp %*% Ginv) *ytemp)
        M <- a%*%t(rep(1,nytemp)) + rep(1, nx)%*%t(aytemp) - 2*(xG%*%t(ytemp))
        em2 <- exp(-M/2)
        eta <- eta + (2*pi)^(-d/2)*detG^(-1/2)*sum(em2)
        if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/(length(n.seq)-1))
    else if (r==1)
        xG <- x%*%Ginv
        xG2 <- x%*%G2inv
        a <- rowSums(xG*x)
        a2 <- rowSums(xG2*x)

        eta <- 0
        for (i in 1:(length(n.seq)-1))
            nytemp <- n.seq[i+1] - n.seq[i]
            ytemp <- matrix(y[n.seq[i]:(n.seq[i+1]-1),], nrow=nytemp)
            aytemp <- rowSums((ytemp %*% Ginv) *ytemp)
            aytemp2 <- rowSums((ytemp %*% G2inv) *ytemp)
            M  <- a%*%t(rep(1,nytemp))+rep(1,nx)%*%t(aytemp)-2*(xG%*%t(ytemp))
            M2 <- a2%*%t(rep(1,nytemp))+rep(1,nx)%*%t(aytemp2)-2*(xG2%*%t(ytemp))
            eta <- eta + (2*pi)^(-d/2)*detG^(-1/2)*sum(exp(-M/2)*(M2-trGinv))
            if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/(length(n.seq)-1))
    else if (r==2)
        xG <- x%*%Ginv
        xG2 <- x%*%G2inv
        xG3 <- x%*%G3inv
        a <- rowSums(xG*x)
        a2 <- rowSums(xG2*x)
        a3 <- rowSums(xG3*x)

        eta <- 0
        for (i in 1:(length(n.seq)-1))
            nytemp <- n.seq[i+1] - n.seq[i]
            ytemp <- matrix(y[n.seq[i]:(n.seq[i+1]-1),], ncol=d)
            aytemp <- rowSums((ytemp %*% Ginv) *ytemp)
            aytemp2 <- rowSums((ytemp %*% G2inv) *ytemp)
            aytemp3 <- rowSums((ytemp %*% G3inv) *ytemp)
            M  <- a%*%t(rep(1,nytemp))+rep(1,nx)%*%t(aytemp)-2*(xG%*%t(ytemp))
            M2 <- a2%*%t(rep(1,nytemp))+rep(1,nx)%*%t(aytemp2)-2*(xG2%*%t(ytemp))
            M3 <- a3%*%t(rep(1,nytemp))+rep(1,nx)%*%t(aytemp3)-2*(xG3%*%t(ytemp))
            eta <- eta + (2*pi)^(-d/2)*detG^(-1/2)*sum(exp(-M/2)*(2*trG2inv-4*M3
            if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/(length(n.seq)-1))
    else if (r>2)
        xG <- x%*%Ginv
        a <- rowSums(xG*x)
        eta <- 0
        for (i in 1:(length(n.seq)-1))
            nytemp <- n.seq[i+1] - n.seq[i]
            ytemp <- matrix(y[n.seq[i]:(n.seq[i+1]-1),], ncol=d)
            aytemp <- rowSums((ytemp %*% Ginv) *ytemp)
            M <- a %*% t(rep(1,nytemp)) + rep(1,nx)%*%t(aytemp) - 2*(xG%*%t(ytemp))
            edv2 <- exp(-M/2)

            P0 <- Ginv
            kappas <- matrix(nrow=as.numeric(nx*nytemp), ncol=r)
            for (j in 1:r)
                Gi1inv <- P0%*%Ginv
                trGi0inv <- sum(diag(P0))    
                xGi1inv <- x%*%Gi1inv
                xGi1invx <- rowSums(xGi1inv*x)
                aytemp <- rowSums((ytemp %*% Gi1inv) *ytemp)
                dvi1 <- xGi1invx%*%t(rep(1,nytemp))+rep(1,nx)%*%t(aytemp)-2*(xGi1inv%*%t(ytemp))
                kappas[,j] <- (-2)^(j-1)*factorial(j-1)*(-trGi0inv+j*dvi1)
                P0 <- Gi1inv
            nus <- matrix(nrow=as.numeric(nx*nytemp), ncol=r+1)        
            nus[,1] <- 1        
            for (j in 1:r)
                js <- 0:(j-1)
                if (j==1) nus[,2] <- kappas[,1]
                else nus[,j+1] <- rowSums(kappas[,j:1]*nus[,1:j]/matrix(rep(factorial(js)*
            eta <- eta + (2*pi)^(-d/2)*detG^(-1/2)*sum(edv2*nus[,r+1])
            if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/(length(n.seq)-1))
    if (verbose) close(pb)
    if (inc==0) eta <- (eta - (-1)^r*nx*nur.cumulant(r=r, A=Ginv, mu=rep(0,d), Sigma=diag(d))*(2*pi)^(-d/2)*detG^(-1/2))/(nx*(ny-1))
    if (inc==1) eta <- eta/(nx*ny)  


Qr.1d <- function(x, y, sigma, deriv.order=0, inc=1, verbose=FALSE)
    d <- 1
    r <- deriv.order/2
    if (missing(y)) y <- x
    nx <- length(x)
    ny <- length(y)
    g <- sigma

    n.seq <- block.indices(nx, ny, d=1, r=0, diff=FALSE)
    eta <- 0
    if (verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar() 
    if (r==0)
        a <- x^2
        for (i in 1:(length(n.seq)-1))
            if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/(length(n.seq)-1))
            nytemp <- n.seq[i+1] - n.seq[i]
            ytemp <- y[n.seq[i]:(n.seq[i+1]-1)]
            aytemp <- ytemp^2
            M <- a %*%t(rep(1,nytemp)) + rep(1, nx)%*%t(aytemp) - 2*(x %*% t(ytemp))
            em2 <- exp(-M/(2*g^2))
            eta <- eta + (2*pi)^(-d/2)*g^(-1)*sum(em2)
    else if (r>0)
        a <- x^2
        for (i in 1:(length(n.seq)-1))
            if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i/(length(n.seq)-1))
            nytemp <- n.seq[i+1] - n.seq[i]
            ytemp <- y[n.seq[i]:(n.seq[i+1]-1)]
            aytemp <- ytemp^2 
            M <- a %*% t(rep(1,nytemp)) + rep(1,nx)%*%t(aytemp) - 2*(x %*%t(ytemp))
            edv2 <- exp(-M/(2*g^2))

            kappas <- matrix(nrow=as.numeric(nx*nytemp), ncol=r)
            for (i in 1:r)
                aytemp <- ytemp^2
                dvi1 <- (a %*% t(rep(1,nytemp)) + rep(1,nx) %*% t(aytemp) - 2*(x%*%t(ytemp)))/g^(2*(i+1))
                kappas[,i] <- (-2)^(i-1)*factorial(i-1)*(-g^(-2*i)+i*dvi1)
            nus <- matrix(nrow=as.numeric(nx*nytemp), ncol=r+1)        
            nus[,1] <- 1        
            for (j in 1:r)
                js <- 0:(j-1)
                if (j==1) nus[,2] <- kappas[,1]
                else nus[,j+1] <- rowSums(kappas[,j:1]*nus[,1:j]/matrix(rep(factorial(js)*factorial(rev(js)),nx*nytemp),nrow=nx*nytemp,byrow=TRUE))*factorial(j-1)
            eta <- eta + (2*pi)^(-d/2)*g^(-1)*sum(edv2*nus[,r+1])
    if (verbose) close(pb)
    if (inc==0) eta <- (eta - nx*dnorm.deriv(x=0, mu=0, sigma=g, deriv.order=deriv.order))/(nx*(ny-1))
    if (inc==1) eta <- eta/(nx*ny) 


## Creates plots of mixture density functions
## Parameters
## mus - means
## Sigmas - variances
## props - vector of proportions of each mixture component 
## dfs - degrees of freedom
## dist - "normal" - normal mixture
##      - "t" - t mixture
## ...

plotmixt <- function(mus, sigmas, Sigmas, props, dfs, dist="normal", draw=TRUE, deriv.order=0, which.deriv.ind=1, binned=TRUE, ...)
    ## locally set random seed not to interfere with global random number generators
    if (!exists(".Random.seed")) rnorm(1)
    old.seed <- .Random.seed
    on.exit( { .Random.seed <<- old.seed } )

    if (!missing(sigmas)) plotmixt.1d(mus=mus, sigmas=sigmas, props=props, dfs=dfs, dist=dist, draw=draw, deriv.order=deriv.order, which.deriv.ind=which.deriv.ind, ...)
    else if (ncol(Sigmas)==2)
    plotmixt.2d(mus=mus, Sigmas=Sigmas, props=props, dfs=dfs, dist=dist, draw=draw, deriv.order=deriv.order, which.deriv.ind=which.deriv.ind,binned=binned, ...)
    else if (ncol(Sigmas)==3)
    plotmixt.3d(mus=mus, Sigmas=Sigmas, props=props, dfs=dfs, dist=dist, draw=draw, deriv.order=deriv.order, which.deriv.ind=which.deriv.ind, binned=binned, ...)

plotmixt.1d <- function(mus, sigmas, props, dfs, dist="normal", xlim, ylim, gridsize, draw=TRUE, deriv.order, which.deriv.ind, ...)
    dist <- match.arg(dist, c("normal", "t")) 
    maxsigmas <- 4*max(sigmas)

    if (missing(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(mus) - maxsigmas, max(mus) + maxsigmas)  
    if (missing(gridsize)) gridsize <- default.gridsize(1)

    x <- seq(xlim[1]-0.1*abs(diff(xlim)), xlim[2]+0.1*abs(diff(xlim)), length=gridsize)
    if (dist=="normal")
        if (deriv.order<=0) dens <- dnorm.mixt(x=x, mus=mus, sigmas=sigmas, props=props)
        else dens <- dnorm.deriv.mixt(x=x, mus=mus, sigmas=sigmas, props=props, deriv.order=deriv.order)
    else if (dist=="t") stop("1-d t mixture not yet implemented")

    fhat <- list()
    fhat$x <- x
    fhat$eval.points <- x
    fhat$estimate <- dens
    fhat$H <- diag(1)
    fhat$h <- 1
    fhat$gridtype <- "linear"
    fhat$gridded <- TRUE
    fhat$binned <- FALSE
    fhat$names <- parse.name(x)
    fhat$w <- rep(1, length(x))
    if (deriv.order>0)
        fhat$deriv.order <- deriv.order
        fhat$deriv.ind <- which.deriv.ind
    class(fhat) <- "kdde"

    if (draw) plot(fhat, xlim=xlim, ...)

plotmixt.2d <- function(mus, Sigmas, props, dfs, dist="normal", xlim, ylim, gridsize, nrand=1e4, draw=TRUE, binned, deriv.order, which.deriv.ind, display="slice", ...)
    dist <- match.arg(dist, c("normal", "t"))
    maxSigmas <- 4*max(Sigmas)

    if (is.vector(mus)) mus <- as.matrix(t(mus))
    if (missing(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(mus[,1]) - maxSigmas, max(mus[,1]) + maxSigmas)
    if (missing(ylim)) ylim <- c(min(mus[,2]) - maxSigmas, max(mus[,2]) + maxSigmas)
    if (missing(gridsize)) gridsize <- default.gridsize(2)

    x <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length=gridsize[1])
    y <- seq(ylim[1], ylim[2], length=gridsize[2])
    xy <- expand.grid(x, y)
    d <- ncol(Sigmas)

    if (dist=="normal")
        if (deriv.order<=0) dens <- dmvnorm.mixt(xy, mus=mus, Sigmas=Sigmas, props=props)
        else dens <- dmvnorm.deriv.mixt(xy, mus=mus, Sigmas=Sigmas, props=props, deriv.order=deriv.order)
    else if (dist=="t")
        if (deriv.order>0) stop("deriv.order>0 for t mixture not yet implemented")
        dens <- dmvt.mixt(xy, mus=mus, Sigmas=Sigmas, props=props, dfs=dfs)

    if (deriv.order<=0) dens.mat <- matrix(dens, ncol=length(x), byrow=FALSE)
        dens.mat <- list()
        for (i in 1:ncol(dens))
            dens.mat[[i]] <- matrix(dens[,i], ncol=length(x), byrow=FALSE)

    if (dist=="normal")
        x.rand <- rmvnorm.mixt(n=nrand, mus=mus, Sigmas=Sigmas, props=props)
    else if (dist=="t")
        x.rand <- rmvt.mixt(n=nrand, mus=mus, Sigmas=Sigmas, props=props, dfs=dfs)

    H <- Hns(x=x.rand, deriv.order=deriv.order)
    if (binned) H <- diag(diag(H))
    fhat.rand <- kdde(x=x.rand, H=H, deriv.order=deriv.order, binned=binned)
    fhat <- fhat.rand 
    fhat$x <- x.rand
    fhat$eval.points <- list(x,y)
    fhat$estimate <- dens.mat
    fhat$names <- c("x", "y")

    if (deriv.order>0)
        deriv.ind <- dmvnorm.deriv.mixt(xy, mus=mus, Sigmas=Sigmas, props=props, add.index=TRUE, only.index=TRUE, deriv.order=deriv.order, deriv.vec=TRUE)
        fhat$deriv.order <- deriv.order
        fhat$deriv.ind <- deriv.ind
        class(fhat) <- "kdde"
        if (draw) plot(fhat, which.deriv.ind=which.deriv.ind, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ...)
        if (draw) plot(fhat, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, display=display, ...)

plotmixt.3d <- function(mus, Sigmas, props, dfs, dist="normal", xlim, ylim, zlim, gridsize, nrand=1e4, draw=TRUE, binned, deriv.order, which.deriv.ind, ...)
    d <- 3
    dist <- match.arg(dist, c("normal", "t")) 
    maxsd <- sqrt(apply(Sigmas, 2, max))

    if (is.vector(mus)) mus <- as.matrix(t(mus))
    if (missing(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(mus[,1]) - 4*maxsd[1], max(mus[,1]) + 4*maxsd[1])
    if (missing(ylim)) ylim <- c(min(mus[,2]) - 4*maxsd[2], max(mus[,2]) + 4*maxsd[2])
    if (missing(zlim)) zlim <- c(min(mus[,3]) - 4*maxsd[3], max(mus[,3]) + 4*maxsd[3])
    if (missing(gridsize)) gridsize <- default.gridsize(3)

    x <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length=gridsize[1])
    y <- seq(ylim[1], ylim[2], length=gridsize[2])
    z <- seq(zlim[1], zlim[2], length=gridsize[3])
    xy <- expand.grid(x,y)

    if (deriv.order>0)
        if (dist=="t")
            stop("deriv.order>0 for t mixture not yet implemented")
        else if (dist=="normal")
            deriv.ind <- dmvnorm.deriv.mixt(cbind(xy,z[1]), mus=mus, Sigmas=Sigmas, props=props, deriv.order=deriv.order, add.index=TRUE, only.index=TRUE)
    if (deriv.order<=0) dens.array <- array(0, dim=gridsize)
    else { dens.array <- list(); for (i in 1:nrow(deriv.ind)) dens.array <- c(dens.array, list(array(0, dim=gridsize))) }

    for (i in 1:length(z))
        if (dist=="normal")
            if (deriv.order<=0)
                dens <- dmvnorm.mixt(cbind(xy, z[i]), mus=mus, Sigmas=Sigmas, props=props)
                dens <- dmvnorm.deriv.mixt(cbind(xy, z[i]), mus=mus, Sigmas=Sigmas, props=props, deriv.order=deriv.order)
        else if (dist=="t")
            dens <- dmvt.mixt(cbind(xy, z[i]), mus=mus, Sigmas=Sigmas, dfs=dfs, props=props)

        if (deriv.order<=0)
            dens.mat <- matrix(dens, ncol=length(x), byrow=FALSE)
            dens.array[,,i] <- dens.mat
            for (j in 1:ncol(dens))
                dens.mat <- matrix(dens[,j], ncol=length(x), byrow=FALSE)
                dens.array[[j]][,,i] <- dens.mat

    if (dist=="normal")
    x.rand <- rmvnorm.mixt(n=nrand, mus=mus, Sigmas=Sigmas, props=props)
    else if (dist=="t")
    x.rand <- rmvt.mixt(n=nrand, mus=mus, Sigmas=Sigmas, props=props, dfs=dfs)

    H <- Hns(x=x.rand, deriv.order=deriv.order)
    if (binned) H <- diag(diag(H))
    fhat.rand <- kdde(x=x.rand, H=H, deriv.order=deriv.order, binned=binned)

    fhat <- fhat.rand
    fhat$x <- head(x.rand, n=100)
    fhat$eval.points <- list(x,y,z)
    fhat$estimate <- dens.array
    fhat$names <- c("x", "y", "z")
    fhat$H <- H
    fhat$w <- rep(1,nrow(fhat$x))

    if (deriv.order>0)
        deriv.ind <- dmvnorm.deriv.mixt(xy, mus=mus, Sigmas=Sigmas, props=props, add.index=TRUE, only.index=TRUE, deriv.order=deriv.order, deriv.vec=TRUE)
        fhat$deriv.order <- deriv.order
        fhat$deriv.ind <- deriv.ind
        class(fhat) <- "kdde"
        if (draw) plot(fhat, which.deriv.ind=which.deriv.ind, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, zlim=zlim, ...)
        if (draw) plot(fhat, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, zlim=zlim, ...)

## Multivariate t mixture - density values
## Parameters
## x - points to compute density at    
## mus - vector of means 
## Sigmas - dispersion matrices
## dfs - degrees of freedom
## props - vector of mixing proportions
## Returns
## Value of multivariate t mixture density at x

dmvt.mixt <- function(x, mus, Sigmas, dfs, props)
    if (!(identical(all.equal(sum(props), 1), TRUE)))
        stop("Proportions don't sum to one")
    else if (length(dfs) != length(props))
        stop("Length of df and mixing proportions vectors not equal")

    ## single component mixture
    if (identical(all.equal(props[1], 1), TRUE))
        dens <- dmvt(x, delta=mus, sigma=Sigmas, df=dfs, log=FALSE)
    ## multiple component mixture
        if (is.vector(mus)) d <- length(mus)
        else d <- ncol(mus)
        k <- length(props)
        dens <- 0      
        for (i in 1:k)
            dens <- dens+props[i]*dmvt(x,delta=mus[i,],sigma=Sigmas[((i-1)*d+1):(i*d),], df=dfs[i], log=FALSE)

## Multivariate t mixture - random sample
## Parameters
## n - number of samples
## mus - means 
## Sigmas - matrix of dispersion matrices
## dfs - vector of degrees of freedom
## props - vector of mixing proportions 
## Returns
## Vector of n observations from the t mixture

rmvt.mixt <- function(n=100, mus=c(0,0), Sigmas=diag(2), dfs=7, props=1)
    if (!(identical(all.equal(sum(props), 1), TRUE)))  
        stop("Proportions don't sum to one")
    else if (length(dfs) != length(props))
        stop("Length of df and mixing proportions vectors not equal")  

    ## single component mixture
    if (identical(all.equal(props[1], 1), TRUE))
        rand <- rmvt(n=n, sigma=Sigmas, df=dfs)
        for (i in 1:length(mus)) rand[,i] <- rand[,i] + mus[i]
    ## multiple component mixture
        k <- length(props)
        d <- ncol(Sigmas)
        n.samp <- sample(1:k, n, replace=TRUE, prob=props) 
        n.prop <- numeric(0)

        ## compute number to be drawn from each component 
        for (i in 1:k) n.prop <- c(n.prop, sum(n.samp == i))

        ## generate random samples from each component
        rand <- numeric(0)
        for (i in 1:k)
            if (n.prop[i] > 0)
                rand.temp <- rmvt(n=n.prop[i],sigma=Sigmas[((i-1)*d+1):(i*d),],df=dfs[i])
                for (j in 1:length(mus[k,]))
                    rand.temp[,j] <- rand.temp[,j] + mus[i,j]

                rand <- rbind(rand, rand.temp)

## Moments of multivariate normal mixture

mvnorm.mixt.moment <- function (mus, Sigmas, props)
    if (!(identical(all.equal(sum(props), 1), TRUE)))
        stop("Proportions don't sum to one")
    d <- ncol(Sigmas)
    k <- length(props)
    mn <- rep(0, d)
    va <- matrix(0, nrow=d, ncol=d)
    for (i in 1:k)
        mn <- mn + props[i] * mus[i,]
        va <- va + props[i] * (Sigmas[((i-1)*d+1):(i*d),] + mus[i,] %*% t(mus[i,]))
    va <- va + mn %*% t(mn)
    return( list(mean=mn, var=va))

## Modes for normal mixture

mvnorm.mixt.mode <- function(mus, Sigmas, props=1, verbose=FALSE)
    if (!(identical(all.equal(sum(props), 1), TRUE))) 
        stop("Proportions don't sum to one")
    if (identical(all.equal(props[1], 1), TRUE)) 
        mm <- mus
        k <- length(props)
        d <- ncol(Sigmas)
        mm <- matrix(0, nrow=k, ncol=d)
        dmvnorm.mixt.temp <- function(x) {
            return(-1*dmvnorm.mixt(x=x, mus=mus, Sigmas=Sigmas, props=props))
        for (i in 1:k)
            result <- nlm(p=mus[i,], f=dmvnorm.mixt.temp, print.level=2*as.numeric(verbose))
            mm[i,] <- result$estimate

## Partition for 2-d normal mixture

mvnorm.mixt.part <- function(mus, Sigmas, props=1, xmin, xmax, gridsize, max.iter=100, verbose=FALSE)
    maxSigmas <- 4*max(Sigmas)
    if (is.vector(mus)) mus <- as.matrix(t(mus))
    if (missing(xmin)) xmin <- c(min(mus[,1]) - maxSigmas, min(mus[,2]) - maxSigmas)
    if (missing(xmax)) xmax <- c(max(mus[,1]) + maxSigmas, max(mus[,2]) + maxSigmas)
    if (missing(gridsize)) gridsize <- c(201,201)
    x <- seq(xmin[1], xmax[1], length=gridsize[1])
    y <- seq(xmin[2], xmax[2], length=gridsize[2])
    xy <- expand.grid(x, y)
    xy.orig <- xy
    d <- ncol(Sigmas)
    k <- length(props)
    a <- min(c(xmax[1]-xmin[1], xmax[2]-xmin[2]))/1e3

    ## max.iter mean shift iterations
    for (i in 1:max.iter)
        dens <- dmvnorm.mixt(xy, mus=mus, Sigmas=Sigmas, props=props)
        grad <- dmvnorm.deriv.mixt(xy, mus=mus, Sigmas=Sigmas, props=props,deriv.order=1)
        xy[,1] <- xy[,1] + a*grad[,1]/dens
        xy[,2] <- xy[,2] + a*grad[,2]/dens 
    xy.dist <- matrix(0, ncol=k, nrow=nrow(xy))
    for (i in 1:k) xy.dist[,i] <- apply(sweep(xy, 2, mus[i,])^2, 1, sum)
    xy.lab <- array(apply(xy.dist, 1, which.min), dim=gridsize)

    x.rand <- rmvnorm.mixt(n=1e3, mus=mus, Sigmas=Sigmas, props=props)
    fhat <- kde(x=x.rand, binned=TRUE)
    fhat$eval.points <- list(x, y)
    fhat$estimate <- xy.lab
    fhat$names <- c("x", "y") 
    class(fhat) <- "kde.part"

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