
Defines functions refit.merMod refit2.merMod print.ranef.mer ranef.merMod ngrps.factor ngrps.merMod ngrps.default ngrps nobs.merMod dummy model.matrix.merMod model.frame.merMod df.residual.merMod logLik.merMod npar.merMod isLMM.merMod isNLMM.merMod isGLMM.merMod isREML.merMod formula.merMod getFixedFormula fixef.merMod fitted.merMod family.nlsResp family.lmResp family.glmResp family.merMod extractAIC.merMod drop1.merMod devCrit REMLcrit deviance.merMod coefMer as.function.merMod anovaLmer glmerPwrssUpdate RglmerWrkIter mkdevfun nlmer glmer lmer

Documented in as.function.merMod deviance.merMod df.residual.merMod drop1.merMod dummy extractAIC.merMod family.merMod fitted.merMod fixef.merMod formula.merMod glmer isGLMM.merMod isLMM.merMod isNLMM.merMod isREML.merMod lmer logLik.merMod model.frame.merMod model.matrix.merMod ngrps ngrps.merMod nlmer nobs.merMod ranef.merMod refit.merMod REMLcrit

## NB:  doc in ../man/*.Rd  ***not*** auto generated
## FIXME: need to document S3 methods better (can we pull from r-forge version?)

##' Fit a linear mixed model (LMM)
lmer <- function(formula, data=NULL, REML = TRUE,
                 control = lmerControl(), start = NULL
               , verbose = 0L
               , subset, weights, na.action, offset
               , contrasts = NULL
               , devFunOnly=FALSE
    ## , ...)
    mc <- mcout <- match.call()
    missCtrl <- missing(control)
    ## see functions in modular.R for the body ..
    if (!missCtrl && !inherits(control, "lmerControl")) {
        if(!is.list(control)) stop("'control' is not a list; use lmerControl()")
        ## back-compatibility kluge
        warning("passing control as list is deprecated: please use lmerControl() instead",
        control <- do.call(lmerControl, control)
    ## if (!is.null(list(...)[["family"]])) {
    ##    warning("calling lmer with 'family' is deprecated; please use glmer() instead")
    ##    mc[[1]] <- quote(lme4::glmer)
    ##    if(missCtrl) mc$control <- glmerControl()
    ##    return(eval(mc, parent.frame(1L)))
    ## }
    mc$control <- control ## update for  back-compatibility kluge

    ## https://github.com/lme4/lme4/issues/50
    ## parse data and formula
    mc[[1]] <- quote(lme4::lFormula)
    lmod <- eval(mc, parent.frame(1L))
    mcout$formula <- lmod$formula
    lmod$formula <- NULL

    if (is.matrix(y <- model.response(lmod$fr)) && ncol(y) > 1) {
        stop("can't handle matrix-valued responses: consider using refit()")

    ## create deviance function for covariance parameters (theta)
    devfun <- do.call(mkLmerDevfun,
                        list(start=start, verbose=verbose, control=control)))
    if (devFunOnly) return(devfun)
    ## optimize deviance function over covariance parameters
    if (identical(control$optimizer,"none"))
        stop("deprecated use of optimizer=='none'; use NULL instead")
    opt <- if (length(control$optimizer)==0) {
               s <- getStart(start, environment(devfun)$pp)
                    conv=1000,message="no optimization")
           }  else {
               optimizeLmer(devfun, optimizer = control$optimizer,
                     restart_edge = control$restart_edge,
                     boundary.tol = control$boundary.tol,
                     control = control$optCtrl,
    cc <- checkConv(attr(opt,"derivs"), opt$par,
                    ctrl = control$checkConv,
                    lbound = environment(devfun)$lower)
    mkMerMod(environment(devfun), opt, lmod$reTrms, fr = lmod$fr,
             mc = mcout, lme4conv=cc) ## prepare output
}## { lmer }

##' Fit a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM)
glmer <- function(formula, data=NULL
                , family = gaussian
                , control = glmerControl()
                , start = NULL
                , verbose = 0L
                , nAGQ = 1L
                , subset, weights, na.action, offset, contrasts = NULL
                , mustart, etastart
                , devFunOnly = FALSE)
    if (!inherits(control, "glmerControl")) {
        if(!is.list(control)) stop("'control' is not a list; use glmerControl()")
        ## back-compatibility kluge
        if (class(control)[1]=="lmerControl") {
            warning("please use glmerControl() instead of lmerControl()",
            control <-
                ## unpack sub-lists
                c(control[!names(control) %in% c("checkConv","checkControl")],
            control["restart_edge"] <- NULL ## not implemented for glmer
        } else {
            msg <- "Use control=glmerControl(..) instead of passing a list"
            if(length(cl <- class(control))) {
                msg <- paste(msg, "of class", dQuote(cl[1]))
            warning(msg, immediate.=TRUE)

        control <- do.call(glmerControl, control)
    mc <- mcout <- match.call()

    ## family-checking code duplicated here and in glFormula (for now) since
    ## we really need to redirect at this point; eventually deprecate formally
    ## and clean up
    if (is.character(family))
        family <- get(family, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame(2))
    if( is.function(family)) family <- family()
    if (isTRUE(all.equal(family, gaussian()))) {
        ## redirect to lmer (with warning)
        warning("calling glmer() with family=gaussian (identity link) as a shortcut to lmer() is deprecated;",
                " please call lmer() directly")
        mc[[1]] <- quote(lme4::lmer)
        mc["family"] <- NULL            # to avoid an infinite loop
        return(eval(mc, parent.frame()))

    ## see https://github.com/lme4/lme4/issues/50
    ## parse the formula and data
    mc[[1]] <- quote(lme4::glFormula)
    glmod <- eval(mc, parent.frame(1L))
    mcout$formula <- glmod$formula
    glmod$formula <- NULL

    if (is.matrix(y <- model.response(glmod$fr))
        && ((family$family != "binomial" && ncol(y) > 1) ||
            (ncol(y) >2))) {
        stop("can't handle matrix-valued responses: consider using refit()")

    ## create deviance function for covariance parameters (theta)

    nAGQinit <- if(control$nAGQ0initStep) 0L else 1L
    devfun <- do.call(mkGlmerDevfun, c(glmod, list(verbose = verbose,
                                                   control = control,
                                                   nAGQ = nAGQinit)))
    if (nAGQ==0 && devFunOnly) return(devfun)
    ## optimize deviance function over covariance parameters

    ## FIXME: perhaps should be in glFormula instead??
    if (is.list(start)) {
        start.bad <- setdiff(names(start),c("theta","fixef"))
        if (length(start.bad)>0) {
            stop(sprintf("bad name(s) for start vector (%s); should be %s and/or %s",
                         paste(start.bad,collapse=", "),
        if (!is.null(start$fixef) && nAGQ==0)
            stop("should not specify both start$fixef and nAGQ==0")

    ## FIX ME: allow calc.derivs, use.last.params etc. if nAGQ=0
    if(control$nAGQ0initStep) {
        opt <- optimizeGlmer(devfun,
                             optimizer = control$optimizer[[1]],
                             ## DON'T try fancy edge tricks unless nAGQ=0 explicitly set
                             restart_edge=if (nAGQ==0) control$restart_edge else FALSE,
                             boundary.tol=if (nAGQ==0) control$boundary.tol else 0,
                             control = control$optCtrl,
                             nAGQ = 0,

    if(nAGQ > 0L) {

        ## update deviance function to include fixed effects as inputs
        devfun <- updateGlmerDevfun(devfun, glmod$reTrms, nAGQ = nAGQ)

        if (control$nAGQ0initStep) {
            start <- updateStart(start,theta=opt$par)
        ## if nAGQ0 was skipped
        ## we don't actually need to do anything here, it seems --
        ## getStart gets called again in optimizeGlmer

        if (devFunOnly) return(devfun)
        ## reoptimize deviance function over covariance parameters and fixed effects
        opt <- optimizeGlmer(devfun,
                             optimizer = control$optimizer[[2]],
                             control = control$optCtrl,
                             verbose = verbose,
    cc <- if (!control$calc.derivs) NULL else {
        if (verbose > 10) cat("checking convergence\n")
                  ctrl = control$checkConv,

    ## prepare output
    mkMerMod(environment(devfun), opt, glmod$reTrms, fr = glmod$fr,
             mc = mcout, lme4conv=cc)

}## {glmer}

##' Fit a nonlinear mixed-effects model
nlmer <- function(formula, data=NULL, control = nlmerControl(), start = NULL, verbose = 0L,
                  nAGQ = 1L, subset, weights, na.action, offset,
                  contrasts = NULL, devFunOnly = FALSE)

    vals <- nlformula(mc <- match.call())
    p <- ncol(X <- vals$X)
    if ((rankX <- rankMatrix(X)) < p)
        stop(gettextf("rank of X = %d < ncol(X) = %d", rankX, p))

    rho <- list2env(list(verbose=verbose,
                         tolPwrss=0.001, # this is reset to the tolPwrss argument's value later
    rho$pp <- do.call(merPredD$new,
                        list(X=X, n=length(vals$respMod$mu), Xwts=vals$respMod$sqrtXwt,
                             beta0=qr.coef(qr(X), unlist(lapply(vals$pnames, get,
                             envir = rho$resp$nlenv))))))
    rho$u0 <- rho$pp$u0
    rho$beta0 <- rho$pp$beta0
    ## deviance as a function of theta only :
    devfun <- mkdevfun(rho, 0L, verbose=verbose, control=control)
    if (devFunOnly && !nAGQ) return(devfun)
    devfun(rho$pp$theta) # initial coarse evaluation to get u0 and beta0
    rho$u0 <- rho$pp$u0
    rho$beta0 <- rho$pp$beta0
    rho$tolPwrss <- control$tolPwrss # Reset control parameter (the initial optimization is coarse)

    ## set lower and upper bounds: if user-specified, select
    ##  only the ones corresponding to random effects
    if (!is.null(lwr <- control$optCtrl$lower)) {
        rho$lower <- lwr[seq_along(rho$lower)]
        control$optCtrl$lower <- NULL
    upper <- rep(Inf, length(rho$lower))
    if (!is.null(upr <- control$optCtrl$upper)) {
        upper <- upr[seq_along(rho$lower)]
        control$optCtrl$upper <- NULL

    opt <- optwrap(control$optimizer[[1]], devfun, rho$pp$theta,

    rho$control <- attr(opt,"control")

    if (nAGQ > 0L) {
        ## set lower/upper to values already harvested from control$optCtrl$upper
        rho$lower <- if(!is.null(lwr)) lwr else c(rho$lower, rep.int(-Inf, length(rho$beta0)))
        upper     <- if(!is.null(upr)) upr else c(    upper, rep.int( Inf, length(rho$beta0)))
        rho$u0    <- rho$pp$u0
        rho$dpars <- seq_along(rho$pp$theta)
        ## fixed-effect parameters
        rho$beta0 <- pmin(upper[-rho$dpars],
        if (nAGQ > 1L) {
            if (length(vals$reTrms$flist) != 1L || length(vals$reTrms$cnms[[1]]) != 1L)
                stop("nAGQ > 1 is only available for models with a single, scalar random-effects term")
            rho$fac <- vals$reTrms$flist[[1]]
        devfun <- mkdevfun(rho, nAGQ, verbose=verbose, control=control)
        if (devFunOnly) return(devfun)

        opt <- optwrap(control$optimizer[[2]], devfun,
                       par = c(rho$pp$theta, rho$beta0),
                       lower = rho$lower,
                       upper = upper,
                       control = control$optCtrl,
                       adj = TRUE, verbose=verbose)

    mkMerMod(environment(devfun), opt, vals$reTrms, fr = vals$frame, mc = mc)
}## {nlmer}

## R 3.1.0 devel [2013-08-05]: This does not help yet
if(getRversion() >= "3.1.0") utils::suppressForeignCheck("nlmerAGQ")
if(getRversion() < "3.1.0") dontCheck <- identity

## *not* exported (had help page till early 2018)
## -> issue #92: -> also look at devfun2() in  ./profile.R (which returns class!)
##' Create a deviance evaluation function from a predictor and a response module
##' @param rho an `environment` already containing `verbose` and tolPwrss
##' @param nAGQ for glmer/nlmer: #{AGQ steps}; 0 <==> Laplace
##' @param maxit maximal number of PIRLS iterations
##' @param verbose integer specifying if outputs should be produced
##' @param control a list as from lmerControl() etc
mkdevfun <- function(rho, nAGQ=1L, maxit = if(extends(rho.cld, "nlsResp")) 300L else 100L,
                     verbose=0, control=list()) {
    ## FIXME: should nAGQ be automatically embedded in rho?
    stopifnot(is.environment(rho), ## class definition, compute and save :
              extends(rho.cld <- getClass(class(rho$resp)), "lmResp"))

    ## silence R CMD check warnings *locally* in this function
    ## (clearly preferred to using globalVariables() !]
    fac <- pp <- resp <- lp0 <- compDev <- dpars <- baseOffset <- tolPwrss <-
        pwrssUpdate <- ## <-- even though it's a function below
        GQmat <- nlmerAGQ <- NULL

    ## The deviance function (to be returned, with 'rho' as its environment):
    ff <-
    if (extends(rho.cld, "lmerResp")) {
        rho$lmer_Deviance <- lmer_Deviance
        function(theta) .Call(lmer_Deviance, pp$ptr(), resp$ptr(), as.double(theta))
    } else if (extends(rho.cld, "glmResp")) {
        ## control values will override rho values *if present*
        if (!is.null(tp <- control$tolPwrss)) rho$tolPwrss <- tp
        if (!is.null(cd <- control$ compDev)) rho$compDev <- cd
        if (nAGQ == 0L)
            function(theta) {
                p <- pwrssUpdate(pp, resp, tol=tolPwrss, GQmat=GHrule(0L),
                                 compDev=compDev, maxit=maxit, verbose=verbose)
        else  ## nAGQ > 0
            function(pars) {
                ## pp$setDelu(rep(0, length(pp$delu)))
                pp$setTheta(as.double(pars[dpars])) # theta is first part of pars
                spars <- as.numeric(pars[-dpars])
                offset <- if (length(spars)==0) baseOffset else baseOffset + pp$X %*% spars
                p <- pwrssUpdate(pp, resp, tol=tolPwrss, GQmat=GQmat,
                                 compDev=compDev, grpFac=fac, maxit=maxit, verbose=verbose)
    } else if (extends(rho.cld, "nlsResp")) {
        if (nAGQ <= 1L) {
            rho$nlmerLaplace <- nlmerLaplace
            rho$tolPwrss <- control$tolPwrss
            rho$maxit <- maxit
            switch(nAGQ + 1L,
                       .Call(nlmerLaplace, pp$ptr(), resp$ptr(), as.double(theta),
                             as.double(u0), beta0, verbose, FALSE, tolPwrss, maxit),
                       .Call(nlmerLaplace, pp$ptr(), resp$ptr(), pars[dpars],
                             u0,  pars[-dpars], verbose, TRUE, tolPwrss, maxit))
        } else {
            stop("nAGQ > 1  not yet implemented for nlmer models")
            rho$nlmerAGQ <- nlmerAGQ
            rho$GQmat    <- GHrule(nAGQ)
            ## function(pars) {
            ## .Call(nlmerAGQ, ## <- dontCheck(nlmerAGQ)  should work according to docs but does not
            ## pp$ptr(), resp$ptr(), fac, GQmat, pars[dpars],
            ## u0, pars[-dpars], tolPwrss)
    else stop("code not yet written")
    environment(ff) <- rho

## Determine a step factor that will reduce the pwrss
## The penalized, weighted residual sum of squares (pwrss) is the sum
## of the weighted residual sum of squares from the resp module and
## the squared length of u from the predictor module.  The predictor module
## contains a base value and an increment for the coefficients.
## @title Determine a step factor
## @param pp predictor module
## @param resp response module
## @param verbose logical value determining verbose output
## @return NULL if successful
## @note Typically all this is done in the C++ code.
##     The R code is for debugging and comparisons of
##     results.
## stepFac <- function(pp, resp, verbose, maxSteps = 10) {
##     stopifnot(is.numeric(maxSteps), maxSteps >= 2)
##     pwrss0 <- resp$wrss() + pp$sqrL(0)
##     for (fac in 2^(-(0:maxSteps))) {
##      wrss <- resp$updateMu(pp$linPred(fac))
##      pwrss1 <- wrss + pp$sqrL(fac)
##      if (verbose > 3L)
##          cat(sprintf("pwrss0=%10g, diff=%10g, fac=%6.4f\n",
##                      pwrss0, pwrss0 - pwrss1, fac))
##      if (pwrss1 <= pwrss0) {
##          pp$installPars(fac)
##          return(NULL)
##      }
##     }
##     stop("step factor reduced below ",signif(2^(-maxSteps),2)," without reducing pwrss")
## }

RglmerWrkIter <- function(pp, resp, uOnly=FALSE) {
    if (uOnly) pp$solveU() else pp$solve()
    resp$updateMu(pp$linPred(1))        # full increment
    resp$resDev() + pp$sqrL(1)

##' @param pp pred module
##' @param resp resp module
##' @param tol numeric tolerance
##' @param GQmat matrix of Gauss-Hermite quad info
##' @param compDev compute in C++ (as opposed to doing as much as possible in R)
##' @param grpFac grouping factor (normally found in environment ..)
##' @param verbose verbosity, of course
glmerPwrssUpdate <- function(pp, resp, tol, GQmat, compDev=TRUE, grpFac=NULL, maxit = 70L, verbose=0) {
    nAGQ <- nrow(GQmat)
    if (compDev) {
        if (nAGQ < 2L)
            return(.Call(glmerLaplace, pp$ptr(), resp$ptr(),
                         nAGQ, tol, as.integer(maxit),
        return(.Call(glmerAGQ, pp$ptr(), resp$ptr(),
                     tol, as.integer(maxit),
                     GQmat, grpFac, verbose))
 ### does this show anywhere ??? [i.e. is it ever used in our checks/examples/scripts/vignettes ?
 ### message("glmerPwrssUpdate(*, compDev=FALSE)  --> using more R, no direct .Call() to C.") # [DBG] only
    oldpdev <- .Machine$double.xmax
    uOnly   <- nAGQ == 0L
    i <- 0
    repeat {
        ## oldu <- pp$delu
        ## olddelb <- pp$delb
        pdev <- RglmerWrkIter(pp, resp, uOnly=uOnly)
        if (verbose > 2) cat(i,": ",pdev,"\n",sep="")
        ## check convergence first so small increases don't trigger errors
        if (is.na(pdev)) stop("encountered NA in PWRSS update")
        if (abs((oldpdev - pdev) / pdev) < tol)
        ## if (pdev > oldpdev) {
        ##     ## try step-halving
        ##     ## browser()
        ##     k <- 0
        ##     while (k < 10 && pdev > oldpdev) {
        ##         pp$setDelu((oldu + pp$delu)/2.)
        ##         if (!uOnly) pp$setDelb((olddelb + pp$delb)/2.)
        ##         pdev <- RglmerWrkIter(pp, resp, uOnly=uOnly)
        ##         k <- k+1
        ##     }
        ## }
        if (pdev > oldpdev) stop("PIRLS update failed")
        oldpdev <- pdev
        i <- i+1
    resp$Laplace(pp$ldL2(), 0., pp$sqrL(1))  ## FIXME: should 0. be pp$ldRX2 ?

## create a deviance evaluation function that uses the sigma parameters
## df2 <- function(dd) {
##     stopifnot(is.function(dd),
##            length(formals(dd)) == 1L,
##            is((rem <- (rho <- environment(dd))$rem), "Rcpp_reModule"),
##            is((fem <- rho$fem), "Rcpp_deFeMod"),
##            is((resp <- rho$resp), "Rcpp_lmerResp"),
##            all((lower <- rem$lower) == 0))
##     Lind <- rem$Lind
##     n <- length(resp$y)
##     function(pars) {
##      sigma <- pars[1]
##      sigsq <- sigma * sigma
##      sigmas <- pars[-1]
##      theta <- sigmas/sigma
##      rem$theta <- theta
##      resp$updateMu(numeric(n))
##      solveBetaU(rem, fem, resp$sqrtXwt, resp$wtres)
##      resp$updateMu(rem$linPred1(1) + fem$linPred1(1))
##      n * log(2*pi*sigsq) + (resp$wrss + rem$sqrLenU)/sigsq + rem$ldL2
##     }
## }

## bootMer() ---> now in ./bootMer.R

## Methods for the merMod class

## Anova for merMod objects
## @title anova() for merMod objects
## @param a merMod object
## @param ...   further such objects
## @param refit should objects be refitted with ML (if applicable)
## @return an "anova" data frame; the traditional (S3) result of anova()
anovaLmer <- function(object, ..., refit = TRUE, model.names=NULL) {
    mCall <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
    dots <- list(...)
    .sapply <- function(L, FUN, ...) unlist(lapply(L, FUN, ...))
    modp <- (as.logical(vapply(dots, is, NA, "merMod")) |
             as.logical(vapply(dots, is, NA, "lm")))
    if (any(modp)) {   ## multiple models - form table
        ## opts <- dots[!modp]
        mods <- c(list(object), dots[modp])
        nobs.vec <- vapply(mods, nobs, 1L)
        if (var(nobs.vec) > 0)
            stop("models were not all fitted to the same size of dataset")

        ## model names
        if (is.null(mNms <- model.names))
            mNms <- vapply(as.list(mCall)[c(FALSE, TRUE, modp)], deparse1, "")

        ## HACK to try to identify model names in situations such as
        ## 'do.call(anova,list(model1,model2))' where the model names
        ## are lost in the call stack ... this doesn't quite work but might
        ## be useful for future attempts?
        ## maxdepth <- -2
        ## depth <- -1
        ## while (depth >= maxdepth &
        ##        all(grepl("S4 object of class structure",mNms))) {
        ##     xCall <- match.call(call=sys.call(depth))
        ##     mNms <- .sapply(as.list(xCall)[c(FALSE, TRUE, modp)], deparse)
        ##     depth <- depth-1
        ## }
        ## if (depth < maxdepth) {
        if (any(substr(mNms, 1,4) == "new(") ||
            any(duplicated(mNms)) || ## <- only if S4 objects are *not* properly deparsed
            max(nchar(mNms)) > 200) {
            warning("failed to find model names, assigning generic names")
            mNms <- paste0("MODEL",seq_along(mNms))
        if (length(mNms) != length(mods))
            stop("model names vector and model list have different lengths")
        names(mods) <- sub("@env$", '', mNms) # <- hack
        models.reml <- vapply(mods, function(x) is(x,"merMod") && isREML(x), NA)
        models.GHQ <- vapply(mods, function(x) is(x,"glmerMod") && getME(x,"devcomp")$dims["nAGQ"]>1 , NA)
        if (any(models.GHQ) && any(vapply(mods, function(x) is(x,"glm"), NA)))
            stop("GLMMs with nAGQ>1 have log-likelihoods incommensurate with glm() objects")
        if (refit) {
            ## message only if at least one models is REML:
            if (any(models.reml)) message("refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)")
            mods[models.reml] <- lapply(mods[models.reml], refitML)
        } else { ## check that models are consistent (all REML or all ML)
            if(any(models.reml) && any(!models.reml))
                warning("some models fit with REML = TRUE, some not")
        ## devs <- sapply(mods, deviance)
        llks <- lapply(mods, logLik)
        ## Order models by increasing degrees of freedom:
        ii <- order(npar <- vapply(llks, attr, FUN.VALUE=numeric(1), "df"))
        mods <- mods[ii]
        llks <- llks[ii]
        npar   <- npar  [ii]
        calls <- lapply(mods, getCall)
        data <- lapply(calls, `[[`, "data")
        if(!all(vapply(data, identical, NA, data[[1]])))
            stop("all models must be fit to the same data object")
        header <- paste("Data:", abbrDeparse(data[[1]]))
        subset <- lapply(calls, `[[`, "subset")
        if(!all(vapply(subset, identical, NA, subset[[1]])))
            stop("all models must use the same subset")
        if (!is.null(subset[[1]]))
            header <- c(header, paste("Subset:", abbrDeparse(subset[[1]])))
        llk <- unlist(llks)
        chisq <- 2 * pmax(0, c(NA, diff(llk)))
        dfChisq <- c(NA, diff(npar))
        val <- data.frame(npar = npar,
                          ## afraid to swap in vapply here; wondering
                          ##   why .sapply was needed in the first place ...
                          AIC = .sapply(llks, AIC), # FIXME? vapply()
                          BIC = .sapply(llks, BIC), #  "       "
                          logLik = llk,
                          deviance = -2*llk,
                          Chisq = chisq,
                          Df = dfChisq,
                          "Pr(>Chisq)" = ifelse(dfChisq==0,NA,pchisq(chisq, dfChisq, lower.tail = FALSE)),
                          row.names = names(mods), check.names = FALSE)
        class(val) <- c("anova", class(val))
        forms <- lapply(lapply(calls, `[[`, "formula"), deparse1)
                  heading = c(header, "Models:",
                              paste(rep.int(names(mods), lengths(forms)),
                                    unlist(forms), sep = ": ")))
    else { ## ------ single model ---------------------
        if (length(dots)>0) {
            warnmsg <- "additional arguments ignored"
            nd <- names(dots)
            nd <- nd[nzchar(nd)]
            if (length(nd)>0) {
                warnmsg <- paste0(warnmsg,": ",
                                  paste(sQuote(nd),collapse=", "))
        dc <- getME(object, "devcomp")
        X <- getME(object, "X")
        stopifnot(length(asgn <- attr(X, "assign")) == dc$dims[["p"]])
        ss <- as.vector(object@pp$RX() %*% object@beta)^2
        names(ss) <- colnames(X)
        terms <- terms(object)
        nmeffects <- attr(terms, "term.labels")[unique(asgn)]
        if ("(Intercept)" %in% names(ss))
            nmeffects <- c("(Intercept)", nmeffects)
        ss <- unlist(lapply(split(ss, asgn), sum))
        stopifnot(length(ss) == length(nmeffects))
        df <- lengths(split(asgn, asgn))
        ## dfr <- unlist(lapply(split(dfr, asgn), function(x) x[1]))
        ms <- ss/df
        f <- ms/(sigma(object)^2)
        ## No longer provide p-values, but still the F statistic (may not be F distributed):
        ## P <- pf(f, df, dfr, lower.tail = FALSE)
        ## table <- data.frame(df, ss, ms, dfr, f, P)
        table <- data.frame(df, ss, ms, f)
        dimnames(table) <-
                 ## c("npar", "Sum Sq", "Mean Sq", "Denom", "F value", "Pr(>F)"))
                 c("npar", "Sum Sq", "Mean Sq", "F value"))
        if ("(Intercept)" %in% nmeffects)
            table <- table[-match("(Intercept)", nmeffects), ]
        structure(table, heading = "Analysis of Variance Table",
                  class = c("anova", "data.frame"))
}## {anovaLmer}

##' @importFrom stats anova
##' @S3method anova merMod
anova.merMod <- anovaLmer

##' @S3method as.function merMod
as.function.merMod <- function(x, ...) {
    rho <- list2env(list(resp  = x@resp$copy(),
                         pp    = x@pp$copy(),
                         beta0 = x@beta,
                         u0   =  x@u),
    ## FIXME: extract verbose [, maxit] and control
    mkdevfun(rho, getME(x, "devcomp")$dims[["nAGQ"]], ...)

## coef() method for all kinds of "mer", "*merMod", ... objects
## ------  should work with fixef() + ranef()  alone
coefMer <- function(object, ...)
        warning('arguments named ', paste(sQuote(...names()), collapse = ", "),
                ' ignored')
    fef <- data.frame(rbind(fixef(object)), check.names = FALSE)
    ref <- ranef(object, condVar = FALSE)
    ## check for variables in RE but missing from FE, fill in zeros in FE accordingly
    refnames <- unlist(lapply(ref,colnames))
    nmiss <- length(missnames <- setdiff(refnames,names(fef)))
    if (nmiss > 0) {
        fillvars <- setNames(data.frame(rbind(rep(0,nmiss))),missnames)
        fef <- cbind(fillvars,fef)
    val <- lapply(ref, function(x)
                  fef[rep.int(1L, nrow(x)),,drop = FALSE])
    for (i in seq_along(val)) {
        refi <- ref[[i]]
        row.names(val[[i]]) <- row.names(refi)
        nmsi <- colnames(refi)
        if (!all(nmsi %in% names(fef)))
            stop("unable to align random and fixed effects")
        for (nm in nmsi) val[[i]][[nm]] <- val[[i]][[nm]] + refi[,nm]
    class(val) <- "coef.mer"
} ##  {coefMer}

##' @importFrom stats coef
##' @S3method coef merMod
coef.merMod <- coefMer

## FIXME: should these values (i.e. ML criterion for REML models
##  and vice versa) be computed and stored in the object in the first place?
##' @importFrom stats deviance
##' @S3method deviance merMod
deviance.merMod <- function(object, REML = NULL, ...) {
                            ## type = c("conditional", "unconditional", "penalized"),
                            ## relative = TRUE, ...) {
    if (isGLMM(object)) {
        ## ------------------------------------------------------------
        ## proposed change to deviance function for GLMMs
        ## ------------------------------------------------------------
        ## @param type Type of deviance (can be unconditional,
        ## penalized, conditional)
        ## @param relative Should deviance be shifted relative to a
        ## saturated model? (only available with type == penalized or
        ## conditional)
        ## ------------------------------------------------------------
        ## ans <- switch(type[1],
        ##               unconditional = {
        ##                   if (relative) {
        ##                       stop("unconditional and relative deviance is undefined")
        ##                   }
        ##                   c(-2 * logLik(object))
        ##               },
        ##               penalized = {
        ##                   sqrL <- object@pp$sqrL(1)
        ##                   if (relative) {
        ##                       object@resp$resDev() + sqrL
        ##                   } else {
        ##                       useSc <- unname(getME(gm1, "devcomp")$dims["useSc"])
        ##                       qLog2Pi <- unname(getME(object, "q")) * log(2 * pi)
        ##                       object@resp$aic() - (2 * useSc) + sqrL + qLog2Pi
        ##                   }
        ##               },
        ##               conditional = {
        ##                   if (relative) {
        ##                       object@resp$resDev()
        ##                   } else {
        ##                       useSc <- unname(getME(gm1, "devcomp")$dims["useSc"])
        ##                       object@resp$aic() - (2 * useSc)
        ##                   }
        ##               })
        ## return(ans)
    if (isREML(object) && is.null(REML)) {
        warning("deviance() is deprecated for REML fits; use REMLcrit for the REML criterion or deviance(.,REML=FALSE) for deviance calculated at the REML fit")
        return(devCrit(object, REML=TRUE))
    devCrit(object, REML=FALSE)

REMLcrit <- function(object) {
    devCrit(object, REML=TRUE)

## original deviance.merMod -- now wrapped by REMLcrit
##    if REML fit return REML criterion
##    if ML fit, return deviance
##    if not LMM, stop.
##    if ML fit, compute and return REML criterion
##    if REML fit, return REML criterion
##    if ML fit, return deviance
##    if REML fit, compute and return deviance
devCrit <- function(object, REML = NULL) {
    ## cf. (1) lmerResp::Laplace in respModule.cpp
    ##     (2) section 5.6 of lMMwR, listing lines 34-42
    if (isTRUE(REML) && !isLMM(object))
        stop("can't compute REML deviance for a non-LMM")
    cmp <- object@devcomp$cmp
    if (is.null(REML) || is.na(REML[1]))
        REML <- isREML(object)
    if (REML) {
        if (isREML(object)) {
        } else {
            ## adjust ML results to REML
            lnum <- log(2*pi*cmp[["pwrss"]])
            n <- object@devcomp$dims[["n"]]
            nmp <- n - length(object@beta)
            ldW <- sum(log(weights(object, method = "prior")))
            - ldW + cmp[["ldL2"]] + cmp[["ldRX2"]] + nmp*(1 + lnum - log(nmp))
    } else {
        if (!isREML(object)) {
        } else {
            ## adjust REML results to ML
            n <- object@devcomp$dims[["n"]]
            lnum <- log(2*pi*cmp[["pwrss"]])
            ldW <- sum(log(weights(object, method = "prior")))
            - ldW + cmp[["ldL2"]] + n*(1 + lnum - log(n))

## copied from stats:::safe_pchisq
safe_pchisq <- function (q, df, ...) {
    df[df <= 0] <- NA
    pchisq(q = q, df = df, ...)

##' @importFrom stats drop1
##' @S3method drop1 merMod
drop1.merMod <- function(object, scope, scale = 0, test = c("none", "Chisq", "user"),
                         k = 2, trace = FALSE,
                         sumFun=NULL, ...) {
    evalhack <- "formulaenv"
    test <- match.arg(test)
    if ((test=="user" && is.null(sumFun)) ||
        ((test!="user" && !is.null(sumFun))))
        stop(sQuote("sumFun"),' must be specified if (and only if) test=="user"')
    tl <- attr(terms(object), "term.labels")
    if(missing(scope)) scope <- drop.scope(object)
    else {
        if(!is.character(scope)) {
            scope <- attr(terms(getFixedFormula(update.formula(object, scope))),
        if(!all(match(scope, tl, 0L) > 0L))
            stop("scope is not a subset of term labels")
    ns <- length(scope)
    if (is.null(sumFun)) {
        sumFun <- function(x,scale,k,...)
    ss <- sumFun(object, scale=scale, k=k, ...)
    ans <- matrix(nrow = ns + 1L, ncol = length(ss),
                  dimnames =  list(c("<none>", scope), names(ss)))
    ans[1, ] <- ss
    n0 <- nobs(object, use.fallback = TRUE)
    env <- environment(formula(object)) # perhaps here is where trouble begins??
    for(i in seq_along(scope)) {  ## was seq(ns), failed on empty scope
        tt <- scope[i]
        if(trace > 1) {
            cat("trying -", tt, "\n", sep='')
        ## FIXME: make this more robust, somehow?
        ## three choices explored so far:
        ##  (1) evaluate nfit in parent frame: tests in inst/tests/test-formulaEval.R
        ##      will fail on lapply(m_data_List,drop1)
        ##      (formula environment contains r,x,y,z but not d)
        ##  (2) evaluate nfit in frame of formula: tests will fail when data specified and formula is character
        ##  (3) update with data=NULL: fails when ...
        if (evalhack %in% c("parent","formulaenv")) {
            nfit <- update(object,
                           as.formula(paste("~ . -", tt)),
                           evaluate = FALSE)
            ## nfit <- eval(nfit, envir = env) # was  eval.parent(nfit)
            if (evalhack=="parent") {
                nfit <- eval.parent(nfit)
            } else if (evalhack=="formulaenv") {
                nfit <- eval(nfit,envir=env)
        } else {
            nfit <- update(object,
                           as.formula(paste("~ . -", tt)),data=NULL,
                           evaluate = FALSE)
            nfit <- eval(nfit,envir=env)
        if (test=="user") {
            ans[i+1, ] <- sumFun(object, nfit, scale=scale, k=k, ...)
        } else {
            ans[i+1, ] <- sumFun(nfit, scale, k = k, ...)
        nnew <- nobs(nfit, use.fallback = TRUE)
        if(all(is.finite(c(n0, nnew))) && nnew != n0)
            stop("number of rows in use has changed: remove missing values?")
    if (test=="user") {
        aod <- as.data.frame(ans)
    } else {
        dfs <- ans[1L, 1L] - ans[, 1L]
        dfs[1L] <- NA
        aod <- data.frame(npar = dfs, AIC = ans[,2])
        if(test == "Chisq") {
            ## reconstruct deviance from AIC (ugh)
            dev <- ans[, 2L] - k*ans[, 1L]
            dev <- dev - dev[1L] ; dev[1L] <- NA
            nas <- !is.na(dev)
            P <- dev
            P[nas] <- safe_pchisq(dev[nas], dfs[nas], lower.tail = FALSE)
            aod[, c("LRT", "Pr(Chi)")] <- list(dev, P)
        } else if (test == "F") {
            ## FIXME: allow this if denominator df are specified externally?
            stop("F test STUB -- unfinished maybe forever")
            dev <- ans[, 2L] - k*ans[, 1L]
            dev <- dev - dev[1L] ; dev[1L] <- NA
            nas <- !is.na(dev)
            P <- dev
            P[nas] <- safe_pchisq(dev[nas], dfs[nas], lower.tail = FALSE)
            aod[, c("LRT", "Pr(F)")] <- list(dev, P)
    head <- c("Single term deletions", "\nModel:", deparse(formula(object)),
              if(scale > 0) paste("\nscale: ", format(scale), "\n"))
    if (!is.null(method <- attr(ss,"method"))) {
        head <- c(head,"Method: ",method,"\n")
    structure(aod, heading = head, class = c("anova", "data.frame"))

##' @importFrom stats extractAIC
##' @S3method extractAIC merMod
extractAIC.merMod <- function(fit, scale = 0, k = 2, ...) {
    L <- logLik(refitML(fit))
    edf <- attr(L,"df")
    c(edf,-2*L + k*edf)

##' @importFrom stats family
##' @S3method family merMod
family.merMod <- function(object, ...) family(object@resp, ...)

##' @S3method family glmResp
family.glmResp <- function(object, ...) {
                                        # regenerate initialize
                                        # expression if necessary

    ## FIXME: may fail with user-specified/custom family?
    ## should be obsolete


##' @S3method family lmResp
family.lmResp <- function(object, ...) gaussian()

##' @S3method family nlsResp
family.nlsResp <- function(object, ...) gaussian()

##' @importFrom stats fitted
##' @S3method fitted merMod
fitted.merMod <- function(object, ...) {
    xx <- object@resp$mu
    if (length(xx)==0) {
        ## handle 'fake' objects created by simulate()
        xx <- rep(NA,nrow(model.frame(object)))
    if (is.null(nm <- rownames(model.frame(object)))) nm <- seq_along(xx)
    names(xx) <- nm
    if (!is.null(fit.na.action <- attr(model.frame(object),"na.action")))
        napredict(fit.na.action, xx)

##' Extract the fixed-effects estimates
##' Extract the estimates of the fixed-effects parameters from a fitted model.
##' @name fixef
##' @title Extract fixed-effects estimates
##' @aliases fixef fixed.effects fixef.merMod
##' @docType methods
##' @param object any fitted model object from which fixed effects estimates can
##' be extracted.
##' @param \dots optional additional arguments. Currently none are used in any
##' methods.
##' @return a named, numeric vector of fixed-effects estimates.
##' @keywords models
##' @examples
##' fixef(lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1|Subject) + (0+Days|Subject), sleepstudy))
##' @importFrom nlme fixef
##' @export fixef
##' @method fixef merMod
##' @export
fixef.merMod <- function(object, add.dropped=FALSE, ...) {
    X <- getME(object,"X")
    ff <- structure(object@beta, names = dimnames(X)[[2]])
    if (add.dropped) {
        if (!is.null(dd <- attr(X,"col.dropped"))) {
            ## restore positions dropped for rank deficiency
            vv <- numeric(length(ff)+length(dd))
            all.pos <- seq_along(vv)
            kept.pos <- all.pos[-dd]
            vv[kept.pos] <- ff
            names(vv)[kept.pos] <- names(ff)
            vv[dd] <- NA
            names(vv)[dd] <- names(dd)
            ff <- vv

getFixedFormula <- function(form) {
    RHSForm(form) <- nobars(RHSForm(form))

##' @importFrom stats formula
##' @S3method formula merMod
formula.merMod <- function(x, fixed.only=FALSE, random.only=FALSE, ...) {
    if (missing(fixed.only) && random.only) fixed.only <- FALSE
    if (fixed.only && random.only) stop("can't specify 'only fixed' and 'only random' terms")
    if (is.null(form <- attr(x@frame,"formula"))) {
        if (!grepl("lmer$",deparse(getCall(x)[[1]])))
            stop("can't find formula stored in model frame or call")
        form <- as.formula(formula(getCall(x),...))
    if (fixed.only) {
        form <- getFixedFormula(form)
    if (random.only) {
        ## from predict.R
        form <- reOnly(form,response=TRUE)

##' @S3method isREML merMod
isREML.merMod <- function(x, ...) as.logical(x@devcomp$dims[["REML"]])

##' @S3method isGLMM merMod
isGLMM.merMod <- function(x,...) {
  ## or: is(x@resp,"glmResp")

##' @S3method isNLMM merMod
isNLMM.merMod <- function(x,...) {
  ## or: is(x@resp,"nlsResp")

##' @S3method isLMM merMod
isLMM.merMod <- function(x,...) {
  !isGLMM(x) && !isNLMM(x)
  ## or: is(x@resp,"lmerResp") ?

npar.merMod <- function(object) {
    n <- length(object@beta) + length(object@theta) +
    ## FIXME: this is a bit of a hack: a user *might* have specified
    ## negative binomial family with a known theta, in which case we
    ## shouldn't count it as extra.  Either glmer.nb needs to set a
    ## flag somewhere, or we need class 'nbglmerMod' to extend 'glmerMod' ...
    ## We do *not* want to use the 'useSc' slot (as above), because
    ## although theta is in some sense a scale parameter, it's not
    ## one in the formal sense (and isn't stored in the 'sigma' slot)
    if (grepl("Negative Binomial",family(object)$family)) {
        n <- n+1
    ## TODO: how do we feel about counting the scale parameter ???

##' @importFrom stats logLik
##' @S3method logLik merMod
logLik.merMod <- function(object, REML = NULL, ...) {
    if (is.null(REML) || is.na(REML[1]))
        REML <- isREML(object)
    val <- -devCrit(object, REML = REML)/2
    ## dc <- object@devcomp
    nobs <- nobs.merMod(object)
              nobs = nobs,
              nall = nobs,
              df = npar.merMod(object),
              ## length(object@beta) + length(object@theta) + dc$dims[["useSc"]],
              class = "logLik")

##' @importFrom stats df.residual
##' @S3method df.residual merMod
##  TODO: not clear whether the residual df should be based
##  on p=length(beta) or p=length(c(theta,beta)) ... but
##  this is just to allow things like aods3::gof to work ...
df.residual.merMod <- function(object, ...) {

##' @importFrom stats logLik
##' @S3method model.frame merMod
model.frame.merMod <- function(formula, fixed.only=FALSE, ...) {
    fr <- formula@frame
    if (fixed.only) {
        vars <- attr(terms(fr),"varnames.fixed")
        if (is.null(vars)) {
            ## back-compatibility: saved objects pre 1.1-15
            ff <- formula(formula,fixed.only=TRUE)
            ## thanks to Thomas Leeper and Roman Lustrik, Stack Overflow
            ## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18017765/extract-variables-in-formula-from-a-data-frame
            vars <- rownames(attr(terms.formula(ff), "factors"))
        vars <- gsub("`","",vars) ## weirdness in deparsing variable names with spaces
        fr <- fr[vars]

##' @importFrom stats model.matrix
##' @S3method model.matrix merMod
model.matrix.merMod <-
             type = c("fixed", "random", "randomListRaw"), ...) {
           "fixed" = object@pp$X,
           "random" = getME(object, "Z"),
           "randomListRaw" = mmList(object))

##' Dummy variables (experimental)
##' Largely a wrapper for \code{model.matrix} that
##' accepts a factor, \code{f}, and returns a dummy
##' matrix with \code{nlevels(f)-1} columns.
dummy <- function(f, levelsToKeep){
  f <- as.factor(f)
  if (all(is.na(f))) return(rep(NA_real_, length(f)))
  mm <- model.matrix(~ 0 + f)
  colnames(mm) <- levels(f)

                                        # sort out levels to keep
  missingLevels <- missing(levelsToKeep)
  if(missingLevels) levelsToKeep <- levels(f)[-1]
  if(!any(levels(f) %in% levelsToKeep))
      stop("at least some of the levels in f ",
           "must also be present in levelsToKeep")
  if(!all(levelsToKeep %in% levels(f)))
      stop("all of the levelsToKeep must be levels of f")
  mm <- mm[, levelsToKeep, drop=FALSE]

  ##                                       # communicate that some usages are unlikely
  ##                                       # to help with readibility, which is the
  ##                                       # whole purpose of dummy()
  ## if((!missingLevels)&&(ncol(mm) > 1))
  ##     message("note from dummy:  explicitly specifying more than one ",
  ##             "level to keep may do little to improve readibility")

##' @importFrom stats nobs
##' @S3method nobs merMod
nobs.merMod <- function(object, ...) nrow(object@frame)

## used in  summary.merMod():
ngrps <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("ngrps")

ngrps.default <- function(object, ...) stop("Cannot extract the number of groups from this object")

ngrps.merMod <- function(object, ...) vapply(object@flist, nlevels, 1)

ngrps.factor <- function(object, ...) nlevels(object)

##' @importFrom nlme ranef
##' @export ranef

##' Extract the modes of the random effects
##' A generic function to extract the conditional modes of the random effects
##' from a fitted model object.  For linear mixed models the conditional modes
##' of the random effects are also the conditional means.
##' If grouping factor i has k levels and j random effects per level the ith
##' component of the list returned by \code{ranef} is a data frame with k rows
##' and j columns.  If \code{condVar} is \code{TRUE} the \code{"postVar"}
##' attribute is an array of dimension j by j by k.  The kth face of this array
##' is a positive definite symmetric j by j matrix.  If there is only one
##' grouping factor in the model the variance-covariance matrix for the entire
##' random effects vector, conditional on the estimates of the model parameters
##' and on the data will be block diagonal and this j by j matrix is the kth
##' diagonal block.  With multiple grouping factors the faces of the
##' \code{"postVar"} attributes are still the diagonal blocks of this
##' conditional variance-covariance matrix but the matrix itself is no longer
##' block diagonal.
##' @name ranef
##' @aliases ranef ranef.merMod
##' @param object an object of a class of fitted models with random effects,
##' typically an \code{"\linkS4class{merMod}"} object.
##' @param condVar an optional logical argument indicating if the conditional
##' variance-covariance matrices of the random effects should be added as an attribute.
##' @param postVar a (deprecated) synonym for \code{condVar}
##' @param drop an optional logical argument indicating components of the return
##' value that would be data frames with a single column, usually a column
##' called \sQuote{\code{(Intercept)}}, should be returned as named vectors.
##' @param whichel an optional character vector of names of grouping factors for
##' which the random effects should be returned.  Defaults to all the grouping
##' factors.
##' @param \dots some methods for this generic function require additional
##' arguments.
##' @return A list of data frames, one for each grouping factor for the random
##' effects.  The number of rows in the data frame is the number of levels of
##' the grouping factor.  The number of columns is the dimension of the random
##' effect associated with each level of the factor.
##' If \code{condVar} is \code{TRUE} each of the data frames has an attribute
##' called \code{"postVar"} which is a three-dimensional array with symmetric
##' faces.
##' When \code{drop} is \code{TRUE} any components that would be data frames of
##' a single column are converted to named numeric vectors.
##' @note To produce a \dQuote{caterpillar plot} of the random effects apply
##' \code{\link[lattice:xyplot]{dotplot}} to the result of a call to
##' \code{ranef} with \code{condVar = TRUE}.
##' @examples
##' fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy)
##' fm2 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1|Subject) + (0+Days|Subject), sleepstudy)
##' fm3 <- lmer(diameter ~ (1|plate) + (1|sample), Penicillin)
##' ranef(fm1)
##' str(rr1 <- ranef(fm1, condVar = TRUE))
##' dotplot(rr1)  ## default
##' ## specify free scales in order to make Day effects more visible
##' dotplot(rr1,scales = list(x = list(relation = 'free')))[["Subject"]]
##' str(ranef(fm2, condVar = TRUE))
##' op <- options(digits = 4)
##' ranef(fm3, drop = TRUE)
##' options(op)
##' @keywords models methods
##' @method ranef merMod
##' @export
ranef.merMod <- function(object, condVar = TRUE, drop = FALSE,
                         whichel = names(ans), postVar = FALSE, ...)

    if (length(L <- list(...))>0) {
        warning(paste("additional arguments to ranef.merMod ignored:",
                      paste(names(L),collapse=", ")))
    if (!missing(postVar) && missing(condVar)) {
        warning(sQuote("postVar")," is deprecated: please use ",
                sQuote("condVar")," instead")
        condVar <- postVar
    ans <- object@pp$b(1) ## not always == c(matrix(unlist(getME(object,"b"))))
    if (!is.null(fl <- object@flist)) {
        ## evaluate the list of matrices
        levs <- lapply(fl, levels)
        asgn <- attr(fl, "assign")
        cnms <- object@cnms
        nc <- lengths(cnms) ## number of terms
        ## nb <- nc * lengths(levs)[asgn] ## number of cond modes per term
        nb <- diff(object@Gp)  ## differencing group index is more robust
        nbseq <- rep.int(seq_along(nb), nb)
        ml <- split(ans, nbseq)
        for (i in seq_along(ml))
            ml[[i]] <- matrix(ml[[i]], ncol = nc[i], byrow = TRUE,
                              dimnames = list(NULL, cnms[[i]]))
        ## create a list of data frames corresponding to factors
        ans <- lapply(seq_along(fl),
                      function(i) {
                                     m <- ml[asgn == i]
                                     b2 <- vapply(m,nrow,numeric(1))
                                     ub2 <- unique(b2)
                                     if (length(ub2)>1)
                                         stop("differing numbers of b per group")
                         ## if number of sets of modes != number of levels (e.g. Gaussian process/phyloglmm),
                         ##   generate numeric sequence for names

                         rnms <- if (ub2==length(levs[[i]])) levs[[i]] else seq(ub2)
                         data.frame(do.call(cbind, m),
                                    row.names = rnms,
                                    check.names = FALSE)
        names(ans) <- names(fl)
                                        # process whichel
        stopifnot(is(whichel, "character"))
        whchL <- names(ans) %in% whichel
        ans <- ans[whchL]

        if (condVar) {
            sigsqr <- sigma(object)^2
            rp <- rePos$new(object)
            if(any(lengths(rp$terms) > 1L)) {
                ## use R machinery here ...
                vv <- arrange.condVar(object,condVar(object, scaled=TRUE))
            } else {
                vv <- .Call(merPredDcondVar, object@pp$ptr(), as.environment(rp))
                vv <- lapply(vv, "*", sigsqr)
            for (i in names(ans)) {
                attr(ans[[i]], "postVar") <- vv[[i]]
        if (drop)
            ans <- lapply(ans, function(el)
                          if (ncol(el) > 1) return(el)
                          pv <- drop(attr(el, "postVar"))
                          el <- drop(as.matrix(el))
                          if (!is.null(pv))
                              attr(el, "postVar") <- pv
        class(ans) <- "ranef.mer"
}## ranef.merMod

print.ranef.mer <- function(x, ...) {
    print(unclass(x), ...)
    if(any(has.pv <- vapply(x, function(el)
                            !is.null(attr(el, "postVar")), NA)))
        cat('with conditional variances for',
            paste(dQuote(names(x)[has.pv]), sep=", "), "\n")

## try to redo refit by calling modular structure ...
refit2.merMod <- function(object,
                          newresp=NULL) {
    ## the idea is to steal as much structure as we can from the
    ## previous fit, including
    ##  * starting parameter values
    ##  * random-effects structure
    ##  * fixed-effects structure
    ##  * model frame
    ## and jump into the modular structure at an appropriate place;
    ##  essentially, this should merge with a smart-as-possible
    ##  version of 'update' ...


## FIXME DRY: much of copy'n'paste from lmer() etc .. ==> become more modular (?)
refit.merMod <- function(object,
                         newresp = NULL,
                         newweights = NULL,
                         ## formula=NULL, weights=NULL,
                         rename.response = FALSE,
                         maxit = 100L, ...)

    l... <- list(...)

    ctrl.arg <- NULL
    if("control" %in% names(l...)) ctrl.arg <- l...$control

    if(!all(names(l...) %in% c("control", "verbose"))) {
        warning("additional arguments to refit.merMod ignored")
    ## TODO: not clear whether we should reset the names
    ##       to the new response variable.  Maybe not.

    ## retrieve name before it gets mangled by operations on newresp
    newrespSub <- substitute(newresp)

    ## for backward compatibility/functioning of refit(fit,simulate(fit))
    if (is.list(newresp)) {
        if (length(newresp)==1) {
            na.action <- attr(newresp,"na.action")
            newresp <- newresp[[1]]
            attr(newresp,"na.action") <- na.action
        } else {
            stop("refit not implemented for 'newresp' lists of length > 1: ",
                 "consider ", sQuote("lapply(object,refit)"))

    ## oldresp <- object@resp$y # need to set this before deep copy,
    ##                          # otherwise it gets reset with the call
    ##                          # to setResp below

    ## somewhat repeated from profile.merMod, but sufficiently
    ##  different that refactoring is slightly non-trivial
    ## "three minutes' thought would suffice ..."
    control <-
        if (!is.null(ctrl.arg)) {
            if (length(ctrl.arg$optCtrl) == 0) { ## use object's version:
                obj.control <- object@optinfo$control
                ignore.pars <- c("xst", "xt")
                if (any(ign <- names(obj.control) %in% ignore.pars))
                    obj.control <- obj.control[!ign]
                ctrl.arg$optCtrl <- obj.control
        else if (isGLMM(object))
    if (object@optinfo$optimizer == "optimx") {
        control$optCtrl <- object@optinfo$control
    ## we need this stuff defined before we call .glmerLaplace below ...
    pp      <- object@pp$copy()
    dc      <- object@devcomp
    nAGQ    <- dc$dims["nAGQ"] # possibly NA
    nth     <- dc$dims[["nth"]]
    verbose <- l...$verbose; if (is.null(verbose)) verbose <- 0L
    if (!is.null(newresp)) {
        ## update call and model frame with new response
        rcol <- attr(attr(model.frame(object), "terms"), "response")
        if (rename.response) {
            attr(object@frame,"formula")[[2]] <- object@call$formula[[2]] <-
            names(object@frame)[rcol] <- deparse(newrespSub)
        if (!is.null(na.act <- attr(object@frame,"na.action")) &&
            is.null(attr(newresp,"na.action"))) {
            ## will only get here if na.action is 'na.omit' or 'na.exclude'
            ## *and* newresp does not have an 'na.action' attribute
            ## indicating that NAs have already been filtered
            newresp <- if (is.matrix(newresp))
                newresp[-na.act, ]
            else newresp[-na.act]
        object@frame[[rcol]] <- newresp

    if (!is.null(newweights)) {
        ## DRY ...
        if (!is.null(na.act <- attr(object@frame,"na.action")) &&
            is.null(attr(newweights, "na.action"))) {
            newweights <- newweights[-na.act]
        object@frame[["(weights)"]] <- newweights
        oc <- attr(attr(object@frame, "terms"), "dataClasses")
        attr(attr(object@frame, "terms"), "dataClasses") <- c(oc, `(weights)` = "numeric")
        object@call$weights <- substitute(newweights)

        ## try to make sure new weights are findable later

    rr <- if(isLMM(object))
        mkRespMod(model.frame(object), REML = object@resp$REML)
    else if(isGLMM(object)) {
        mkRespMod(model.frame(object), family = family(object))
    } else
        stop("refit.merMod not working for nonlinear mixed models.\n",
             "try update.merMod instead.")

    if(!is.null(newresp)) {
        if(family(object)$family == "binomial") {
            ## re-do conversion of two-column matrix and factor
            ##  responses to proportion/weights format
            if (is.matrix(newresp) && ncol(newresp) == 2) {
                ntot <- rowSums(newresp)
                ## FIXME: test what happens for (0,0) rows
                newresp <- newresp[,1]/ntot
            if (is.factor(newresp)) {
                ## FIXME: would be better to do this consistently with
                ## whatever machinery is used in glm/glm.fit/glmer  ??
                newresp <- as.numeric(newresp)-1
        ## if (isGLMM(object) && rr$family$family=="binomial") {

        ## }
        stopifnot(length(newresp <- as.numeric(as.vector(newresp))) ==


    if (isGLMM(object)) {
        GQmat <- GHrule(nAGQ)

        if (nAGQ <= 1) {
            glmerPwrssUpdate(pp,rr, control$tolPwrss, GQmat, maxit=maxit)
        } else {
            glmerPwrssUpdate(pp,rr, control$tolPwrss, GQmat, maxit=maxit,
                             grpFac = object@flist[[1]])

    devlist <-
        if (isGLMM(object)) {
            baseOffset <- forceCopy(object@resp$offset)

            list(tolPwrss= dc$cmp [["tolPwrss"]],
                 compDev = dc$dims[["compDev"]],
                 nAGQ = unname(nAGQ),
                 lp0 = pp$linPred(1), ## object@resp$eta - baseOffset,
                 baseOffset = baseOffset,
                 pwrssUpdate = glmerPwrssUpdate,
                 ## save GQmat in the object and use that instead of nAGQ
                 GQmat = GHrule(nAGQ),
                 fac = object@flist[[1]],
                 pp=pp, resp=rr, u0=pp$u0, verbose=verbose, dpars=seq_len(nth))
        } else
            list(pp=pp, resp=rr, u0=pp$u0, verbose=verbose, dpars=seq_len(nth))
    ff <- mkdevfun(list2env(devlist), nAGQ=nAGQ, maxit=maxit, verbose=verbose)
    ## rho <- environment(ff) == list2env(devlist)
    xst       <- rep.int(0.1, nth)
    x0        <- pp$theta
    lower     <- object@lower
    if (!is.na(nAGQ) && nAGQ > 0L) {
        xst   <- c(xst, sqrt(diag(pp$unsc())))
        x0    <- c(x0, unname(fixef(object)))
        lower <- c(lower, rep(-Inf,length(x0)-length(lower)))
    ## control <- c(control,list(xst=0.2*xst, xt=xst*0.0001))
    ## FIX ME: allow use.last.params to be passed through
    calc.derivs <- !is.null(object@optinfo$derivs)
    ## if(isGLMM(object)) {
    ##     rho$resp$updateWts()
    ##     rho$pp$updateDecomp()
    ##     rho$lp0 <- rho$pp$linPred(1)
    ## }
    optimizer <- object@optinfo$optimizer
    if (!is.null(newopt <- ctrl.arg$optimizer)) {
        ## we might end up with a length-2 optimizer vector ...
        ##  use the *last* element
        optimizer <- newopt[length(newopt)]
    opt <- optwrap(optimizer,
                   ff, x0, lower=lower, control=control$optCtrl,
    cc <- checkConv(attr(opt,"derivs"),opt$par,
                    ## FIXME: was there a reason that ctrl was passed
                    ## via the call slot?  it was causing problems
                    ## when optTheta called refit (github issue #173)
                    # ctrl = eval(object@call$control)$checkConv,
                    ctrl = control$checkConv,
    if (isGLMM(object)) rr$setOffset(baseOffset)
    mkMerMod(environment(ff), opt,
             list(flist=object@flist, cnms=object@cnms,
                  Gp=object@Gp, lower=object@lower),
             object@frame, getCall(object), cc)

refitML.merMod <- function (x, optimizer="bobyqa", ...) {
    ## FIXME: optimizer is set to 'bobyqa' for back-compatibility, but that's not
    ##  consistent with lmer (default NM).  Should be based on internally stored 'optimizer' value
    if (!isREML(x)) return(x)
    stopifnot(is(rr <- x@resp, "lmerResp"))
    rho <- new.env(parent=parent.env(environment()))
    rho$resp <- new(class(rr), y=rr$y, offset=rr$offset, weights=rr$weights, REML=0L)
    xpp <- x@pp$copy()
    rho$pp <- new(class(xpp), X=xpp$X, Zt=xpp$Zt, Lambdat=xpp$Lambdat,
                  Lind=xpp$Lind, theta=xpp$theta, n=nrow(xpp$X))
    devfun <- mkdevfun(rho, 0L) # FIXME? also pass {verbose, maxit, control}
    opt <- ## "smart" calc.derivs rules
        if(optimizer == "bobyqa" && !any("calc.derivs" == ...names()))
            optwrap(optimizer, devfun, x@theta, lower=x@lower, calc.derivs=TRUE, ...)
            optwrap(optimizer, devfun, x@theta, lower=x@lower, ...)
    ## FIXME: Should be able to call mkMerMod() here, and be done
    n <- length(rr$y)
    pp <- rho$pp
    p <- ncol(pp$X)
    dims <- c(N=n, n=n, p=p, nmp=n-p, q=nrow(pp$Zt), nth=length(pp$theta),
              useSc=1L, reTrms=length(x@cnms),
              spFe=0L, REML=0L, GLMM=0L, NLMM=0L)#, nAGQ=NA_integer_)
    wrss <- rho$resp$wrss()
    ussq <- pp$sqrL(1)
    pwrss <- wrss + ussq
    cmp <- c(ldL2=pp$ldL2(), ldRX2=pp$ldRX2(), wrss=wrss, ussq=ussq,
             pwrss=pwrss, drsum=NA, dev=opt$fval, REML=NA,
             sigmaML=sqrt(pwrss/n), sigmaREML=sqrt(pwrss/(n-p)))
    ## modify the call  to have REML=FALSE. (without evaluating the call!)
    cl <- x@call
    cl[["REML"]] <- FALSE
    new("lmerMod", call = cl, frame=x@frame, flist=x@flist,
        cnms=x@cnms, theta=pp$theta, beta=pp$delb, u=pp$delu,
        optinfo = .optinfo(opt),
        lower=x@lower, devcomp=list(cmp=cmp, dims=dims), pp=pp, resp=rho$resp,

##' residuals of merMod objects                 --> ../man/residuals.merMod.Rd
##' @param object a fitted [g]lmer (\code{merMod}) object
##' @param type type of residuals
##' @param scaled scale residuals by residual standard deviation (=scale parameter)?
##' @param \dots additional arguments (ignored: for method compatibility)
residuals.merMod <- function(object,
                             type = if(isGLMM(object)) "deviance" else "response",
                             scaled = FALSE, ...) {
    r <- residuals(object@resp, type,...)
    fr <- model.frame(object)
    if (is.null(nm <- rownames(fr))) nm <- seq_along(r)
    names(r) <- nm
    if (scaled) r <- r/sigma(object)
    if (!is.null(na.action <- attr(fr, "na.action")))
        naresid(na.action, r)

##' @rdname residuals.merMod
##' @S3method residuals lmResp
##' @method residuals lmResp
residuals.lmResp <- function(object,
                             type = c("working", "response", "deviance",
                                      "pearson", "partial"), ...) {
    y <- object$y
    r <- object$wtres
    mu <- object$mu
           working =,
           response = y-mu,
           deviance =,
           pearson = r,
           partial = stop(gettextf("partial residuals are not implemented yet"),
                          call. = FALSE)

##' @rdname residuals.merMod
##' @S3method residuals glmResp
##' @method residuals glmResp
residuals.glmResp <- function(object, type = c("deviance", "pearson",
                                      "working", "response", "partial"),
                              ...) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    y <- object$y
    mu <- object$mu
           deviance = {
               d.res <- sqrt(object$devResid())
               ifelse(y > mu, d.res, -d.res)
           pearson = object$wtres,
           working = object$wrkResids(),
           response = y - mu,
           partial = stop(gettextf("partial residuals are not implemented yet"),
                    call. = FALSE)


hatvalues.merMod <- function(model, fullHatMatrix = FALSE, ...) {
    if(isGLMM(model)) warning("the hat matrix may not make sense for GLMMs")
    ## FIXME:  add restriction for NLMMs?

    ## prior weights, W ^ {1/2} :
    sqrtW <- Diagonal(x = sqrt(weights(model, type = "prior")))
    vList <- getME(model, c("L", "Lambdat", "Zt", "RX", "X", "RZX"))
    ## CL:= right factor of the random-effects component of the hat matrix  (64)
    CL <- with(vList,
               solve(L, solve(L,
                              Lambdat %*% Zt %*% sqrtW,
                              system = "P"), system = "L"))
    ## restore dimnames (needed since Matrix 1.5.2)
    dimnames(CL) <- dimnames(vList$Zt)
    ## CR:= right factor of the fixed-effects component of the hat matrix   (65)
    ##      {MM (FIXME Matrix):  t(.) %*% here faster than crossprod()}
    CR <- with(vList,
                     ## colScale(t(X), sqrtW) - crossprod(RZX, CL)
                     t(X) %*% sqrtW - crossprod(RZX, CL))
    res <- if(fullHatMatrix) { ## H = (C_L^T C_L + C_R^T C_R)             (63)
               crossprod(CL) + crossprod(CR)
           } else {
               ## diagonal of the hat matrix, diag(H) :
               colSums(CR^2) + colSums(CL^2)
    napredict(attr(model.frame(model),"na.action"), res)

###----- Printing etc ----------------------------

## lme4.0, for GLMM had
## 'Generalized linear mixed model fit by the Laplace approximation'
## 'Generalized linear mixed model fit by the adaptive Gaussian Hermite approximation'
## so did *not* mention  "maximum likelihood" at all in the GLMM case

methTitle <- function(dims) { # dims == object@devcomp$dims
    GLMM <- dims[["GLMM"]]
    kind <- switch(1L + GLMM * 2L + dims[["NLMM"]],
                   "Linear", "Nonlinear",
                   "Generalized linear", "Generalized nonlinear")
    paste(kind, "mixed model fit by",
          if(dims[["REML"]]) "REML"
          else paste("maximum likelihood",
                     if(GLMM) {
                         ## TODO? Use shorter wording here, for (new) 'long = FALSE' argument
                         if((nAGQ <- dims[["nAGQ"]]) == 1)
                             "(Laplace Approximation)"
                             sprintf("(Adaptive Gauss-Hermite Quadrature, nAGQ = %d)",

cat.f <- function(...) cat(..., fill = TRUE)

famlink <- function(object, resp = object@resp) {
    if(is(resp, "glmResp"))
        resp$family[c("family", "link")]
    else list(family = NULL, link = NULL)

##' @title print method title
##' @param mtit the result of methTitle(obj)
##' @param class typically class(obj)
.prt.methTit <- function(mtit, class) {
    if(nchar(mtit) + 5 + nchar(class) > (w <- getOption("width"))) {
        ## wrap around
        mtit <- strwrap(mtit, width = w - 2, exdent = 2)
        cat(mtit, " [",class,"]", sep = "", fill = TRUE)
    } else ## previous: simple one-liner
        cat(sprintf("%s ['%s']\n", mtit, class))

.prt.family <- function(famL) {
    if (!is.null(f <- famL$family)) {
        cat.f(" Family:", f,
              if(!is.null(ll <- famL$link)) paste(" (", ll, ")"))

.prt.resids <- function(resids, digits, title = "Scaled residuals:", ...) {
    ## FIXME: need testing code
    rq <- setNames(zapsmall(quantile(resids, na.rm=TRUE), digits + 1L),
                   c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max"))
    print(rq, digits = digits, ...)

.prt.call <- function(call, long = TRUE) {
    if (!is.null(cc <- call$formula))
        cat.f("Formula:", deparse(cc))
    if (!is.null(cc <- call$data))
        cat.f("   Data:", deparse(cc))
    if (!is.null(cc <- call$weights))
        cat.f("Weights:", deparse(cc))
    if (!is.null(cc <- call$offset))
        cat.f(" Offset:", deparse(cc))
    if (long && length(cc <- call$control) &&
        !identical((dc <- deparse(cc)), "lmerControl()"))
        ## && !identical(eval(cc), lmerControl()))
        cat.f("Control:", dc)
    if (!is.null(cc <- call$subset))
        cat.f(" Subset:", deparse(cc))

##' @title Extract Log Likelihood, AIC, and related statics from a Fitted LMM
##' @param object a LMM model fit
##' @param devianceFUN the function to be used for computing the deviance; should not be changed for  \pkg{lme4} created objects.
##' @param chkREML optional logical indicating \code{object} maybe a REML fit.
##' @param devcomp
##' @return a list with components \item{logLik} and \code{AICtab} where the first is \code{\link{logLik(object)}} and \code{AICtab} is a "table" of AIC, BIC, logLik, deviance, df.residual() values.
llikAIC <- function(object, devianceFUN = devCrit, chkREML = TRUE, devcomp = object@devcomp) {
    llik <- logLik(object)   # returns NA for a REML fit - maybe change?
    AICstats <- {
        if(chkREML && devcomp$dims[["REML"]])
            devcomp$cmp["REML"] # *no* likelihood stats here
        else {
            c(AIC = AIC(llik), BIC = BIC(llik), logLik = c(llik),
              deviance = devianceFUN(object),
              df.resid = df.residual(object))
    list(logLik = llik, AICtab = AICstats)

.prt.aictab <- function(aictab, digits = 1) {
    t.4 <- round(aictab, digits)
    if (length(aictab) == 1 && names(aictab) == "REML")
        cat.f("REML criterion at convergence:", t.4)
    else {
        ## slight hack to get residual df formatted as an integer
        t.4F <- format(t.4)
        t.4F["df.resid"] <- format(t.4["df.resid"])
        print(t.4F, quote = FALSE)

.prt.VC <- function(varcor, digits,
                    comp = "Std.Dev.",
                    corr = any(comp == "Std.Dev."),
                    formatter = format, ...) { # '...' *only* passed to print()
    cat("Random effects:\n")
    fVC <- formatVC(varcor, digits=digits, formatter=formatter, comp=comp, corr=corr)
    print(fVC, quote = FALSE, digits = digits, ...)

.prt.grps <- function(ngrps, nobs) {
    cat(sprintf("Number of obs: %d, groups: ", nobs),
        paste(paste(names(ngrps), ngrps, sep = ", "), collapse = "; "),
        fill = TRUE)

## FIXME: print header ("Warnings:\n") ?
##  change position in output? comes at the very end, could get lost ...
.prt.warn <- function(optinfo, summary=FALSE, ...) {
    if(length(optinfo) == 0) return() # currently, e.g., from refitML()
    ## check all warning slots: print numbers of warnings (if any)
    cc <- optinfo$conv$opt
    msgs <- unlist(optinfo$conv$lme4$messages)
    ## can't put nmsgs/nwarnings compactly into || expression
    ##   because of short-circuiting
    nmsgs <- length(msgs)
    warnings <- optinfo$warnings
    nwarnings <- length(warnings)
    if (cc > 0 || nmsgs > 0 || nwarnings > 0) {
        m <- if (cc==0) {
             } else if (!is.null(optinfo$message)) {
             } else ""
        convmsg <- sprintf("optimizer (%s) convergence code: %d %s",
                           optinfo$optimizer, cc, m)
        if (summary) {
            cat(convmsg,sprintf("; %d optimizer warnings; %d lme4 warnings",
        } else {

##  options(lme4.summary.cor.max = 20)  --> ./hooks.R
##                                           ~~~~~~~~
## was      .summary.cor.max <- 20    a lme4-namespace hidden global variable

## This is modeled a bit after  print.summary.lm :
## Prints *both*  'mer' and 'merenv' - as it uses summary(x) mainly
##' @S3method print summary.merMod
print.summary.merMod <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),
                                 correlation = NULL, symbolic.cor = FALSE,
                                 signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"),
                                 ranef.comp = c("Variance", "Std.Dev."),
                                 ranef.corr = any(ranef.comp == "Std.Dev."),
                                 show.resids = TRUE, ...)
    .prt.methTit(x$methTitle, x$objClass)
    .prt.call(x$call); cat("\n")
    .prt.aictab(x$AICtab); cat("\n")
    if (show.resids)
        ## need residuals.merMod() rather than residuals():
        ##  summary.merMod has no residuals method
        .prt.resids(x$residuals, digits = digits)
    .prt.VC(x$varcor, digits = digits, useScale = x$useScale,
            comp = ranef.comp,
            corr = ranef.corr, ...)
    .prt.grps(x$ngrps, nobs = x$devcomp$dims[["n"]])

    p <- nrow(x$coefficients)
    if (p > 0) {
        cat("\nFixed effects:\n")
        printCoefmat(x$coefficients, # too radical: zap.ind = 3, #, tst.ind = 4
                     digits = digits, signif.stars = signif.stars)
        ## do not show correlation when   summary(*, correlation=FALSE)  was used:
        hasCor <- !is.null(VC <- x$vcov) && !is.null(VC@factors$correlation)
        ## FIXME: don't understand the logic here. We can easily
        ## defend against the problem of missing pre-computed correlation
        ## function by reconstituting it if necessary
        ## (e.g. if using merDeriv::vcov.lmerMod), as in commented code below.
        ## However, we currently have a test (using fit_agridat_archbold,
        ## see test-methods.R) that fails if we 'fix' this problem ...
        ## if (hasCor && is.null(VC@factors$correlation)) {
        ##     ## defend against merDeriv definition of vcov.lmerMod; reconstruct
        ##     cc <- cov2cor(VC)
        ##     dimnames(cc) <- dimnames(VC) ## Matrix 1.5.2 bug
        ##     VC@factors <- c(VC@factors, list(correlation = cc))
        ## }
        if(is.null(correlation)) { # default
            cor.max <- getOption("lme4.summary.cor.max")
            correlation <- hasCor && (isTRUE(x$corrSet) || p <= cor.max)
            if(!correlation && p > cor.max && is.na(x$corrSet)) {
                nam <- deparse(substitute(x))
                if(length(nam) > 1 || nchar(nam) >= 32) nam <- "...."
                    "\nCorrelation matrix not shown by default, as p = %d > %d.",
                    "Use print(%s, correlation=TRUE)  or",
                    "    vcov(%s)        if you need it\n", sep = "\n"),
                                p, cor.max, nam, nam))
        else if(!is.logical(correlation)) stop("'correlation' must be NULL or logical")
        if(correlation) {
            if(is.null(VC)) VC <- vcov(x, correlation = TRUE)
            corF <- VC@factors$correlation
            if (is.null(corF)) { # can this still happen?
                message("\nCorrelation of fixed effects could have been required in summary()")
                corF <- cov2cor(VC)
            p <- ncol(corF)
            if (p > 1) {
                rn <- rownames(x$coefficients)
                rns <- abbreviate(rn, minlength = 11)
                cat("\nCorrelation of Fixed Effects:\n")
                if (is.logical(symbolic.cor) && symbolic.cor) {
                    corf <- as(corF, "matrix")
                    dimnames(corf) <- list(rns,
                                           abbreviate(rn, minlength = 1, strict = TRUE))
                } else {
                    corf <- matrix(format(round(corF@x, 3), nsmall = 3),
                                   ncol = p,
                                   dimnames = list(rns, abbreviate(rn, minlength = 6)))
                    corf[!lower.tri(corf)] <- ""
                    print(corf[-1, -p, drop = FALSE], quote = FALSE)
                } ## !symbolic.cor
            }  ## if (p > 1)
        } ## if (correlation)
    } ## if (p>0)

    if(length(x$fitMsgs) && any(nchar(x$fitMsgs) > 0)) {
        cat("fit warnings:\n"); writeLines(x$fitMsgs)
}## print.summary.merMod

##' @S3method print merMod
print.merMod <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),
                         correlation = NULL, symbolic.cor = FALSE,
                         signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"),
                         ranef.comp = "Std.Dev.",
                         ranef.corr = any(ranef.comp == "Std.Dev."), ...)
    dims <- x@devcomp$dims
    .prt.methTit(methTitle(dims), class(x))
    .prt.family(famlink(x, resp = x@resp))
    .prt.call(x@call, long = FALSE)
    ## useScale <- as.logical(dims[["useSc"]])

    llAIC <- llikAIC(x)
    .prt.aictab(llAIC$AICtab, 4)
    varcor <- VarCorr(x)
    .prt.VC(varcor, digits = digits, comp = ranef.comp, corr = ranef.corr, ...)
    ngrps <- vapply(x@flist, nlevels, 0L)
    .prt.grps(ngrps, nobs = dims[["n"]])
    if(length(cf <- fixef(x)) > 0) {
        cat("Fixed Effects:\n")
        print.default(format(cf, digits = digits),
                      print.gap = 2L, quote = FALSE, ...)
    } else cat("No fixed effect coefficients\n")

    fitMsgs <- .merMod.msgs(x)
    if(any(nchar(fitMsgs) > 0)) {
        cat("fit warnings:\n"); writeLines(fitMsgs)

##' @exportMethod show
setMethod("show",  "merMod", function(object) print.merMod(object))

##' Return the deviance component list
devcomp <- function(x) {
    .Deprecated("getME(., \"devcomp\")")
    stopifnot(is(x, "merMod"))

##' @exportMethod getL
setMethod("getL", "merMod", function(x) {
    .Deprecated("getME(., \"L\")")
    getME(x, "L")

##' used by tnames
mkPfun <- function(diag.only = FALSE, old = TRUE, prefix = NULL){
        function(g,e) {
            mm <- outer(e,e,paste,sep = ".")
            if(old) {
                diag(mm) <- e
            } else {
                mm[] <- paste(mm,g,sep = "|")
                if (!is.null(prefix)) mm[] <- paste(prefix[2],mm,sep = "_")
                diag(mm) <- paste(e,g,sep = "|")
                if (!is.null(prefix))  diag(mm) <- paste(prefix[1],diag(mm),sep = "_")
            mm <- if (diag.only) diag(mm) else mm[lower.tri(mm,diag = TRUE)]
            if(old) paste(g,mm,sep = ".") else mm

##' Construct names of individual theta/sd:cor components
##' @param object a fitted model
##' @param diag.only include only diagonal elements?
##' @param old (logical) give backward-compatible results?
##' @param prefix a character vector with two elements giving the prefix
##' for diagonal (e.g. "sd") and off-diagonal (e.g. "cor") elements
tnames <- function(object, diag.only = FALSE, old = TRUE, prefix = NULL) {
    pfun <- mkPfun(diag.only=diag.only, old=old, prefix=prefix)
    c(unlist(mapply(pfun, names(object@cnms), object@cnms)))

## -> ../man/getME.Rd
getME <- function(object, name, ...) UseMethod("getME")

##' Extract or Get Generalized Components from a Fitted Mixed Effects Model
getME.merMod <- function(object,
                  name = c("X", "Z","Zt", "Ztlist", "mmList",
                  "y", "mu", "u", "b",
                  "Gp", "Tp",
                  "L", "Lambda", "Lambdat", "Lind", "Tlist", "A",
                  "RX", "RZX", "sigma",
                  "fixef", "beta", "theta", "ST",
                  "REML", "is_REML",
                  "n_rtrms", "n_rfacs",
                  "N", "n", "p", "q",
                  "p_i", "l_i", "q_i", "k", "m_i", "m",
                  "devcomp", "offset", "lower",
                  ), ...)
    if(missing(name)) stop("'name' must not be missing")
    ## Deal with multiple names -- "FIXME" is inefficiently redoing things
    if (length(name <- as.character(name)) > 1) {
        names(name) <- name
        return(lapply(name, getME, object = object))
    if(name == "ALL") ## recursively get all provided components
                      getME.merMod, object=object, simplify=FALSE))

    name <- match.arg(name)
    rsp  <- object@resp
    PR   <- object@pp
    dc   <- object@devcomp
    th   <- object@theta
    cnms <- object@cnms
    dims <- dc $ dims
    Tpfun <- function(cnms) {
        ltsize <- function(n) n*(n+1)/2 # lower triangle size
        cLen <- cumsum(ltsize(lengths(cnms)))
        setNames(c(0, cLen),
                 c("beg__", names(cnms))) ## such that diff( Tp ) is well-named
    ## mmList. <- mmList(object)
    if(any(name == c("p_i", "q_i", "m_i")))
        p_i <- vapply(mmList(object), ncol, 1L)
    if(any(name == c("l_i", "q_i")))
        l_i <- vapply(object@flist, nlevels, 1L)
           "X" = PR$X, ## ok ? - check -- use model.matrix() method instead?
           "Z" = t(PR$Zt),
           "Zt" = PR$Zt,
           "Ztlist" =
               getInds <- function(i) {
                   n <- diff(object@Gp)[i] ## number of elements in this block
                   nt <- length(cnms[[i]]) ## number of REs
                   inds <- lapply(seq(nt), seq, to = n, by = nt)  ## pull out individual RE indices
                   inds <- lapply(inds,function(x) x + object@Gp[i])  ## add group offset
               inds <- do.call(c,lapply(seq_along(cnms),getInds))
               setNames(lapply(inds,function(i) PR$Zt[i,]),
                        tnames(object,diag.only = TRUE))
           "mmList" = mmList.merMod(object),
           "y" = rsp$y,
           "mu" = rsp$mu,
           "u" = object@u,
           "b" = crossprod(PR$Lambdat, object@u), # == Lambda %*% u
           "L" = PR$ L(),
           "Lambda" = t(PR$ Lambdat),
           "Lambdat" = PR$ Lambdat,
           "A" = PR$Lambdat %*% PR$Zt,
           "Lind" = PR$ Lind,
           "RX" = structure(PR$RX(), dimnames = list(colnames(PR$X), colnames(PR$X))), ## maybe add names elsewhere?
           "RZX" = structure(PR$RZX, dimnames = list(NULL, colnames(PR$X))), ## maybe add names elsewhere?
           "sigma" = sigma(object),
           "Gp" = object@Gp,
           "Tp" = Tpfun(cnms), # "term-wise theta pointer"
           "flist" = object@flist,
           "fixef" = fixef(object),
           "beta"  = object@beta,
           "theta" = setNames(th, tnames(object)),
           "ST" = setNames(vec2STlist(object@theta, n = lengths(cnms)),
           "Tlist" = {
               nc <- lengths(cnms) # number of columns per term
               nt <- length(nc)    # number of random-effects terms
               ans <- vector("list",nt)
               names(ans) <- names(nc)
               pos <- 0L
               for (i in 1:nt) { # will need modification for more general Lambda
                   nci <- nc[i]
                   tt <- matrix(0., nci, nci)
                   inds <- lower.tri(tt, diag=TRUE)
                   nthi <- sum(inds)
                   tt[inds] <- th[pos + seq_len(nthi)]
                   pos <- pos + nthi
                   ans[[i]] <- tt
           "REML" = dims[["REML"]],
           "is_REML" = isREML(object),
           ## number of random-effects terms
           "n_rtrms" = length(cnms),
           ## number of random-effects grouping factors
           "n_rfacs" = length(object@flist),
           "N" = dims[["N"]],
           "n" = dims[["n"]],
           "p" = dims[["p"]],
           "q" = dims[["q"]],
           "p_i" = p_i,
           "l_i" = l_i,
           "q_i" = p_i * l_i,
           "k" = length(cnms),
           "m_i" = choose(p_i + 1, 2),
           "m" = dims[["nth"]],
           "cnms" = cnms,
           "devcomp" = dc,
           "offset" = rsp$offset,
           "lower" = setNames(object@lower, tnames(object)),
           "devfun" = {
               verbose <- getCall(object)$verbose; if (is.null(verbose)) verbose <- 0L
               if (isGLMM(object)) {
                   reTrms <- getME(object,c("Zt","theta","Lambdat","Lind","flist","cnms"))
                   d1 <- mkGlmerDevfun(object@frame, getME(object,"X"),
                                       reTrms=reTrms, family(object),
                   nAGQ <- object@devcomp$dims[["nAGQ"]]
                   updateGlmerDevfun(d1, reTrms, nAGQ=nAGQ)
               } else {
                   ## copied from refit ... DRY ...
                   devlist <- list(pp=PR, resp=rsp, u0=PR$u0, dpars=seq_along(PR$theta), verbose=verbose)
                            ## FIXME: fragile ... // also pass 'maxit' ?
                            verbose=verbose, control=object@optinfo$control)
           ## FIXME: current version gives lower bounds for theta parameters only:
           ## -- these must be extended for [GN]LMMs -- give extended value including -Inf values for beta values?

           "glmer.nb.theta" = if(isGLMM(object) && isNBfamily(rsp$family$family))
               getNBdisp(object) else NA,

           "..foo.." = # placeholder!
           stop(gettextf("'%s' is not implemented yet",
                         sprintf("getME(*, \"%s\")", name))),
           ## otherwise
           stop(sprintf("Mixed-Effects extraction of '%s' is not available for class \"%s\"",
                        name, class(object))))
}## {getME}

##' @importMethodsFrom Matrix t %*% crossprod diag tcrossprod
##' @importClassesFrom Matrix dgCMatrix dpoMatrix corMatrix

## Extract the conditional variance-covariance matrix of the fixed-effects
## parameters
vcov.merMod <- function(object, correlation = TRUE, sigm = sigma(object),
                        use.hessian = NULL, ...)

    hess.avail <-
         ## (1) numerical Hessian computed?
        (!is.null(h <- object@optinfo$derivs$Hessian) &&
         ## (2) does Hessian include fixed-effect parameters?
         nrow(h) > (ntheta <- length(getME(object,"theta"))))
    if (is.null(use.hessian)) use.hessian <- hess.avail
    if (use.hessian && !hess.avail) stop(shQuote("use.hessian"),
                                         "=TRUE specified, ",
                                         "but Hessian is unavailable")
    calc.vcov.hess <- function(h) {
        ## invert 2*Hessian, catching errors and forcing symmetric result
        ## ~= forceSymmetric(solve(h/2)[i,i]) : solve(h/2) = 2*solve(h)
        h <- tryCatch(solve(h),
                      error=function(e) matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(h),ncol=ncol(h)))
        i <- -seq_len(ntheta)  ## drop var-cov parameters
        h <- h[i,i]
        forceSymmetric(h + t(h))

    ## alternately: calculate var-cov from implicit (RX) information
    ## provided by fit (always the case for lmerMods)
    V <- sigm^2 * object@pp$unsc()

    if (hess.avail) {
        V.hess <- calc.vcov.hess(h)
        bad.V.hess <- any(is.na(V.hess))
        if (!bad.V.hess) {
            ## another 'bad var-cov' check: positive definite?
            e.hess <- eigen(V.hess,symmetric = TRUE,only.values = TRUE)$values
            if (min(e.hess) <= 0) bad.V.hess <- TRUE
    if (!use.hessian && hess.avail) {
        ## if hessian is available, go ahead and check
        ## for similarity with the RX-based estimate
        var.hess.tol <- 1e-4 # FIXME: should var.hess.tol be user controlled?
        if (!bad.V.hess && any(abs(V-V.hess) > var.hess.tol * V.hess))
            warning("variance-covariance matrix computed ",
                    "from finite-difference Hessian\nand ",
                    "from RX differ by >",var.hess.tol,": ",
                    "consider ",shQuote("use.hessian=TRUE"))
    if (use.hessian) {
        if (!bad.V.hess) {
            V <- V.hess
        } else {
            warning("variance-covariance matrix computed ",
                    "from finite-difference Hessian is\n",
                    "not positive definite or contains NA values: falling back to ",
                    "var-cov estimated from RX")

    ## FIXME: try to catch non-PD matrices
    rr <- tryCatch(as(V, "dpoMatrix"), error = function(e)e)
    if (inherits(rr, "error")) {
        warning(gettextf("Computed variance-covariance matrix problem: %s;\nreturning NA matrix",
                         rr$message), domain = NA)
        rr <- matrix(NA,nrow(V),ncol(V))

    nmsX <- colnames(object@pp$X)
    dimnames(rr) <- list(nmsX,nmsX)

        rr@factors$correlation <-
            if(!is.na(sigm)) as(rr, "corMatrix") else rr # (is NA anyway)

##' @importFrom stats vcov
##' @S3method vcov summary.merMod
vcov.summary.merMod <- function(object, ...) {
    if(is.null(object$vcov)) stop("logic error in summary of merMod object")

##' Make variance and correlation matrices from \code{theta}
##' @param sc scale factor (residual standard deviation)
##' @param cnms component names
##' @param nc numeric vector: number of terms in each RE component
##' @param theta theta vector (lower-triangle of Cholesky factors)
##' @param nms component names (FIXME: nms/cnms redundant: nms=names(cnms)?)
##' @seealso \code{\link{VarCorr}}
##' @return A matrix
##' @export
mkVarCorr <- function(sc, cnms, nc, theta, nms) {
    ncseq <- seq_along(nc)
    thl <- split(theta, rep.int(ncseq, (nc * (nc + 1))/2))
    if(!all(nms == names(cnms))) ## the above FIXME
        warning("nms != names(cnms)  -- whereas lme4-authors thought they were --\n",
                "Please report!", immediate. = TRUE)
    ans <- lapply(ncseq, function(i)
                  ## Li := \Lambda_i, the i-th block diagonal of \Lambda(\theta)
                  Li <- diag(nrow = nc[i])
                  Li[lower.tri(Li, diag = TRUE)] <- thl[[i]]
                  rownames(Li) <- cnms[[i]]
                  ## val := \Sigma_i = \sigma^2 \Lambda_i \Lambda_i', the
                  val <- tcrossprod(sc * Li) # variance-covariance
                  stddev <- sqrt(diag(val))
                  corr <- t(val / stddev)/stddev
                  diag(corr) <- 1
                  structure(val, stddev = stddev, correlation = corr)
    if(is.character(nms)) {
        ## FIXME: do we want this?  Maybe not.
        ## Potential problem: the names of the elements of the VarCorr() list
        ##  are not necessarily unique (e.g. fm2 from example("lmer") has *two*
        ##  Subject terms, so the names are "Subject", "Subject".  The print method
        ##  for VarCorrs handles this just fine, but it's a little awkward if we
        ##  want to dig out elements of the VarCorr list ... ???
        if (anyDuplicated(nms))
            nms <- make.names(nms, unique = TRUE)
        names(ans) <- nms
    structure(ans, sc = sc)

##' Extract variance and correlation components
VarCorr.merMod <- function(x, sigma = 1, ...)
  ## TODO: now that we have '...', add  type=c("varcov","sdcorr","logs" ?
    if (is.null(cnms <- x@cnms))
        stop("VarCorr methods require reTrms, not just reModule")
        sigma <- sigma(x)
    nc <- lengths(cnms) # no. of columns per term
    structure(mkVarCorr(sigma, cnms = cnms, nc = nc, theta = x@theta,
                        nms = { fl <- x@flist; names(fl)[attr(fl, "assign")]}),
              useSc = as.logical(x@devcomp$dims[["useSc"]]),
              class = "VarCorr.merMod")

if(FALSE)## *NOWHERE* used _FIXME_ ??
## Compute standard errors of fixed effects from an merMod object
## @title Standard errors of fixed effects
## @param object "merMod" object,
## @param ... additional, optional arguments.  None are used at present.
## @return numeric vector of length length(fixef(.))
unscaledVar <- function(object, ...) {
    stopifnot(is(object, "merMod"))
    sigma(object) * diag(object@pp$unsc())

##' @S3method print VarCorr.merMod
print.VarCorr.merMod <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),
	comp = "Std.Dev.", corr = any(comp == "Std.Dev."), formatter = format, ...) {
    print(formatVC(x, digits=digits, comp=comp, corr=corr, formatter=formatter),
          quote = FALSE, ...)

##' "format()" the 'VarCorr' matrix of the random effects -- for
##' print()ing and show()ing
##' @title Format the 'VarCorr' Matrix of Random Effects
##' @param varc a \code{\link{VarCorr}} (-like) matrix with attributes.
##' @param digits the number of significant digits.
##' @param comp character vector of length one or two indicating which
##' columns out of "Variance" and "Std.Dev." should be shown in the
##' formatted output.
##' @param formatter the \code{\link{function}} to be used for
##' formatting the standard deviations and or variances (but
##' \emph{not} the correlations which (currently) are always formatted
##' as "0.nnn"
##' @param ... optional arguments for \code{formatter(*)} in addition
##' to the first (numeric vector) and \code{digits}.
##' @return a character matrix of formatted VarCorr entries from \code{varc}.
formatVC <- function(varcor, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),
                     comp = "Std.Dev.", corr = any(comp == "Std.Dev."),
                     formatter = format,
                     useScale = attr(varcor, "useSc"),
    c.nms <- c("Groups", "Name", "Variance", "Std.Dev.")
    avail.c <- c.nms[-(1:2)]
    if(anyNA(mcc <- pmatch(comp, avail.c)))
        stop("Illegal 'comp': ", comp[is.na(mcc)])
    nc <- length(colnms <- c(c.nms[1:2], (use.c <- avail.c[mcc])))
    if(length(use.c) == 0)
        stop("Must show variances and/or standard deviations")
    reStdDev <- c(lapply(varcor, attr, "stddev"),
                  if(useScale) list(Residual = unname(attr(varcor, "sc"))))
    reLens <- lengths(reStdDev)
    nr <- sum(reLens)
    reMat <- array('', c(nr, nc), list(rep.int('', nr), colnms))
    reMat[1+cumsum(reLens)-reLens, "Groups"] <- names(reLens)
    reMat[,"Name"] <- c(unlist(lapply(varcor, colnames)), if(useScale) "")
    if(any("Variance" == use.c))
        reMat[,"Variance"] <- formatter(unlist(reStdDev)^2, digits = digits, ...)
    if(any("Std.Dev." == use.c))
        reMat[,"Std.Dev."] <- formatter(unlist(reStdDev),   digits = digits, ...)
    if (any(reLens > 1L)) { ## append lower triangular matrix of correlations / covariances
        maxlen <- max(reLens)
        Lcomat <- if(corr)
                      lapply(varcor, attr, "correlation")
                  else # just the matrix, i.e. {dim,dimnames}
                      lapply(varcor, identity)
				## function(v) `attributes<-`(v, attributes(v)[c("dim","dimnames")])
        co <- # corr or cov
                           function(x) {
                               x <- as.matrix(x)
                               dig <- max(2, digits - 2) # use 'digits' !
                               ## not using formatter() for correlations
                               cc <- format(round(x, dig), nsmall = dig)
                               cc[!lower.tri(cc)] <- ""
                               nr <- nrow(cc)
                               if (nr >= maxlen) return(cc)
                               cbind(cc, matrix("", nr, maxlen-nr))
                           }))[, -maxlen, drop = FALSE]
        if (nrow(co) < nrow(reMat))
            co <- rbind(co, matrix("", nrow(reMat) - nrow(co), ncol(co)))
        colnames(co) <- c(if(corr) "Corr" else "Cov", rep.int("", max(0L, ncol(co)-1L)))
        cbind(reMat, co, deparse.level=0L)
    } else reMat

##' @S3method summary merMod
summary.merMod <- function(object,
                           correlation = (p <= getOption("lme4.summary.cor.max")),
                           use.hessian = NULL,
    if (...length() > 0) {
        ## FIXME: need testing code
        warning("additional arguments ignored")
    ## se.calc:
    hess.avail <- (!is.null(h <- object@optinfo$derivs$Hessian) &&
                   nrow(h) > length(getME(object,"theta")))
    if (is.null(use.hessian)) use.hessian <- hess.avail
    if (use.hessian && !hess.avail)
        stop("'use.hessian=TRUE' specified, but Hessian is unavailable")
    resp <- object@resp
    devC <- object@devcomp
    dd <- devC$dims
    ## cmp <- devC$cmp
    useSc <- as.logical(dd[["useSc"]])
    sig <- sigma(object)
    ## REML <- isREML(object)

    famL <- famlink(resp = resp)
    p <- length(coefs <- fixef(object))

    ## protect against merDeriv's vcov.glmerMod(), which only
    ## handles binomial and Poisson values
    if (is(object, "glmerMod") && !family(object)$family %in% c("binomial", "poisson")) {
        vcov <- vcov.merMod
    vc <- vcov(object, use.hessian = use.hessian)
    stdError <- sqrt(diag(vc))
    coefs <- cbind("Estimate" = coefs,
                   "Std. Error" = stdError)
    if (p > 0) {
        coefs <- cbind(coefs, (cf3 <- coefs[,1]/coefs[,2]), deparse.level = 0)
        colnames(coefs)[3] <- paste(if(useSc) "t" else "z", "value")
        if (isGLMM(object)) # FIXME: if "t" above, cannot have "z" here
            coefs <- cbind(coefs, "Pr(>|z|)" =
                           2*pnorm(abs(cf3), lower.tail = FALSE))

    llAIC <- llikAIC(object)
    ## FIXME: You can't count on object@re@flist,
    ##        nor compute VarCorr() unless is(re, "reTrms"):
    varcor <- VarCorr(object)
                                        # use S3 class for now
    structure(list(methTitle = methTitle(dd),
                   objClass = class(object),
                   devcomp = devC,
                   isLmer = is(resp, "lmerResp"),
                   useScale = useSc,
                   logLik = llAIC[["logLik"]],
                   family = famL$family,
                   link = famL$link,
                   ngrps = ngrps(object),
                   coefficients = coefs,
                   sigma = sig,
                   ## explicitly call method to avoid getting m
                   ## essed up by merDeriv's vcov method
                   ##  (which doesn't assign a VC attribute)
                   vcov = vcov.merMod(object, correlation = correlation, sigm = sig),
                   varcor = varcor, # and use formatVC(.) for printing.
                   AICtab = llAIC[["AICtab"]],
                   call = object@call,
                   residuals = residuals(object,"pearson",scaled = TRUE),
                   fitMsgs = .merMod.msgs(object),
                   optinfo = object@optinfo,
                   ## put corrSet **last** so we don't mess up people relying on numeric indexing
                   ##  of elements (!!)
                   corrSet = if(!missing(correlation)) correlation else NA # TRUE/FALSE (when set) / NA
                   ), class = "summary.merMod")

## TODO: refactor? Why the hell do we need a summary method for summary.merMod?
##' @S3method summary summary.merMod
summary.summary.merMod <- function(object, varcov = TRUE, ...) {
    if(varcov && is.null(object$vcov))
        object$vcov <- vcov.merMod(object, correlation = TRUE, sigm = object$sigma)

##' @importFrom stats weights
##' @S3method weights merMod
weights.merMod <- function(object, type = c("prior","working"), ...) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    isPrior <- type == "prior"
    if(!isGLMM(object) && !isPrior)
        stop("working weights only available for GLMMs")
    res <- if(isPrior) object@resp$weights else object@pp$Xwts^2
    ## the working weights available through pp$Xwts should be
    ## equivalent to:
    ##     object@resp$weights*(object@resp$muEta()^2)/object@resp$variance()
    ## however, the unit tests in tests/glmmWeights.R suggest that this
    ## equivalence is approximate.  this may be fine, however, if the
    ## discrepancy is due to another instance of the general problem of
    ## reference class fields not being updated at the optimum, then this
    ## could cause real problems.  see for example:
    ## https://github.com/lme4/lme4/issues/166

    ## FIXME:  what to do about missing values (see stats:::weights.glm)?
    ## FIXME:  add unit tests

## utility function: x is a ranef.mer object, nx is the name of an element
asDf0 <- function(x,nx,id=FALSE) {
    xt <- x[[nx]]
    ss <- stack(xt)
    ss$ind <- factor(as.character(ss$ind), levels = colnames(xt))
    ss$.nn <- rep.int(reorder(factor(rownames(xt)), xt[[1]],
                              FUN = mean,sort = sort), ncol(xt))
    ## allow 'postVar' *or* 'condVar' names
    pv <- attr(xt,"postVar")
    if (is.null(pv)) {
        pv <- attr(xt,"condVar")
    if (!is.null(pv)) {
        tmpfun <- function(pvi) {
            unlist(lapply(1:nrow(pvi), function(i) sqrt(pvi[i, i, ])))
        if (!is.list(pv)) {
            ss$se <- tmpfun(pv)
        } else {
            ## rely on ordering when unpacking!
            ss$se <- unlist(lapply(pv,tmpfun))
    if (id) ss$id <- nx

## convert ranef object to a long-format data frame, e.g. suitable
##  for ggplot2 (or homemade lattice plots)
## FIXME: have some gymnastics to do if terms, levels are different
##  for different grouping variables - want to maintain ordering
##  but still allow rbind()ing
as.data.frame.ranef.mer <- function(x, ...) {
    xL <- lapply(names(x), asDf0, x=x, id=TRUE)
    ## combine
    xD <- do.call(rbind,xL)
    ## rename ...
    oldnames <- c("values", "ind", ".nn", "se",    "id")
    newnames <- c("condval","term","grp", "condsd","grpvar")
    names(xD) <- newnames[match(names(xD),oldnames)]
    ## reorder ...
    neworder <- c("grpvar","term","grp","condval")
    if ("condsd" %in% names(xD)) neworder <- c(neworder,"condsd")

dim.merMod <- function(x) {
    getME(x, c("n", "p", "q", "p_i", "l_i", "q_i", "k", "m_i", "m"))

## Internal utility, only used in optwrap() :
##' @title Get the optimizer function and check it minimally
##' @param optimizer character string ( = function name) *or* function
getOptfun <- function(optimizer) {
    if (((is.character(optimizer) && optimizer == "optimx") ||
         deparse(substitute(optimizer)) == "optimx")) {
        if (!requireNamespace("optimx")) {
            stop(shQuote("optimx")," package must be installed order to ",
                 "use ",shQuote('optimizer="optimx"'))
        optfun <- optimx::optimx
    } else if (is.character(optimizer)) {
        optfun <- tryCatch(get(optimizer), error = function(e) NULL)
    } else optfun <- optimizer
    if (is.null(optfun)) stop("couldn't find optimizer function ",optimizer)
    if (!is.function(optfun)) stop("non-function specified as optimizer")
    needArgs <- c("fn","par","lower","control")
    if (anyNA(match(needArgs, names(formals(optfun)))))
        stop("optimizer function must use (at least) formal parameters ",
             paste(sQuote(needArgs), collapse = ", "))

optwrap <- function(optimizer, fn, par, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf,
                    control = list(), adj = FALSE, calc.derivs = TRUE,
                    use.last.params = FALSE,
                    verbose = 0L)
    ## control must be specified if adj==TRUE;
    ##  otherwise this is a fairly simple wrapper
    optfun <- getOptfun(optimizer)
    optName <- if(is.character(optimizer)) optimizer
    else ## "good try":

    lower <- rep_len(lower, length(par))
    upper <- rep_len(upper, length(par))

    if (adj)
        ## control parameter tweaks: only for second round in nlmer, glmer
               "bobyqa" = {
                   if(!is.numeric(control$rhobeg)) control$rhobeg <- 0.0002
                   if(!is.numeric(control$rhoend)) control$rhoend <- 2e-7
               "Nelder_Mead" = {
                   if (is.null(control$xst))  {
                       thetaStep <- 0.1
                       nTheta <- length(environment(fn)$pp$theta)
                       betaSD <- sqrt(diag(environment(fn)$pp$unsc()))
                       control$xst <- 0.2* c(rep.int(thetaStep, nTheta),
                                             pmin(betaSD, 10))
                   if (is.null(control$xt)) control$xt <- control$xst*5e-4
           "bobyqa" = {
               if(all(par == 0)) par[] <- 0.001  ## minor kludge
               if(!is.numeric(control$iprint)) control$iprint <- min(verbose, 3L)
           "Nelder_Mead" = control$verbose <- verbose,
           "nloptwrap" = control$print_level <- min(as.numeric(verbose),3L),
           ## otherwise:
           if(verbose) warning(gettextf(
               "'verbose' not yet passed to optimizer '%s'; consider fixing optwrap()",
                                        optName), domain = NA)
    arglist <- list(fn = fn, par = par, lower = lower, upper = upper, control = control)
    ## optimx: must pass method in control (?) because 'method' was previously
    ## used in lme4 to specify REML vs ML
    if (optName == "optimx") {
        if (is.null(method <- control$method))
            stop("must specify 'method' explicitly for optimx")
        arglist$control$method <- NULL
        arglist <- c(arglist, list(method = method))
    ## FIXME: test!  effects of multiple warnings??
    ## may not need to catch warnings after all??
    curWarnings <- list()
    opt <- withCallingHandlers(do.call(optfun, arglist),
                               warning = function(w) {
                                   curWarnings <<- append(curWarnings,list(w$message))
    ## cat("***",unlist(tail(curWarnings,1)))
    ## FIXME: set code to warn on convergence !=0
    ## post-fit tweaking
    if (optName == "bobyqa") {
        opt$convergence <- opt$ierr
    } else if (optName == "Nelder_Mead") {
        ## fix-up: Nelder_Mead treats running out of iterations as "convergence" (!?)
        if (opt$NM.result==4) opt$convergence <- 4
    } else if (optName == "optimx") {
        opt <- list(par = coef(opt)[1,],
                    fvalues = opt$value[1],
                    method = method,
                    conv = opt$convcode[1],
                    feval = opt$fevals + opt$gevals,
                    message = attr(opt,"details")[,"message"][[1]])
    if ((optconv <- getConv(opt)) != 0) {
        wmsg <- paste("convergence code",optconv,"from",optName)
        if (!is.null(getMsg(opt))) wmsg <- paste0(wmsg,": ",getMsg(opt))
        curWarnings <<- append(curWarnings,list(wmsg))
    ## pp_before <- environment(fn)$pp
    ## save(pp_before,file="pp_before.RData")

    if (calc.derivs) {
        if (use.last.params) {
            ## +0 tricks R into doing a deep copy ...
            ## otherwise element of ref class changes!
            ## FIXME:: clunky!!
            orig_pars <- opt$par
            orig_theta <- environment(fn)$pp$theta+0
            orig_pars[seq_along(orig_theta)] <- orig_theta
        if (verbose > 10) cat("computing derivatives\n")
        derivs <- deriv12(fn, opt$par, fx = opt$value)
        if (use.last.params) {
            ## run one more evaluation of the function at the optimized
            ##  value, to reset the internal/environment variables in devfun ...
    } else derivs <- NULL

    if (!use.last.params) {
        ## run one more evaluation of the function at the optimized
        ##  value, to reset the internal/environment variables in devfun ...
    structure(opt, ## store all auxiliary information
              optimizer = optimizer,
              control   = control,
              warnings  = curWarnings,
              derivs    = derivs)

as.data.frame.VarCorr.merMod <- function(x,row.names = NULL,
                                         optional = FALSE,
                                         order = c("cov.last", "lower.tri"),
                                         ...)  {
    order <- match.arg(order)
    tmpf <- function(v,grp) {
        vcov <- c(diag(v), v[lt.v <- lower.tri(v, diag = FALSE)])
        sdcor <- c(attr(v,"stddev"),
        nm <- rownames(v)
        n <- nrow(v)
        dd <- data.frame(grp = grp,
                         var1 = nm[c(seq(n), col(v)[lt.v])],
                         var2 = c(rep(NA,n), nm[row(v)[lt.v]]),
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        if (order=="lower.tri") {
            ## reorder *back* to lower.tri order
            m <- matrix(NA,n,n)
            diag(m) <- seq(n)
            m[lower.tri(m)] <- (n+1):(n*(n+1)/2)
            dd <- dd[m[lower.tri(m, diag=TRUE)],]
    r <- do.call(rbind,
                 c(mapply(tmpf, x,names(x), SIMPLIFY = FALSE),
                   deparse.level = 0))
    if (attr(x,"useSc")) {
        ss <- attr(x,"sc")
        r <- rbind(r,data.frame(grp = "Residual",var1 = NA,var2 = NA,
                                vcov = ss^2,
                                sdcor = ss),
                   deparse.level = 0)
    rownames(r) <- NULL

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