
Defines functions binomial.twostage.time concordanceTwinACE concordanceTwostage p11.binomial.twostage.RV binomial.twostage

Documented in binomial.twostage binomial.twostage.time concordanceTwinACE concordanceTwostage p11.binomial.twostage.RV

##' Fits Clayton-Oakes or bivariate Plackett (OR) models for binary data
##' using marginals that are on logistic form.
##' If clusters contain more than two times, the algoritm uses a compososite likelihood
##' based on all pairwise bivariate models.
##' The pairwise pairwise odds ratio model provides an alternative to the alternating logistic
##' regression (ALR).
##' The reported standard errors are based on a cluster corrected score equations from the
##' pairwise likelihoods assuming that the marginals are known. This gives correct standard errors
##' in the case of the Odds-Ratio model (Plackett distribution) for dependence, but incorrect standard
##' errors for the Clayton-Oakes types model (that is also called "gamma"-frailty). For the additive gamma version of the
##' standard errors
##' are adjusted for the uncertainty in the marginal models via an iid deomposition using the iid() function of
##' lava. For the clayton oakes model that is not speicifed via the random effects these can be
##' fixed subsequently using the iid influence functions for the marginal model, but typically this does not
##' change much.
##' For the Clayton-Oakes version of the model, given the gamma distributed random effects it is
##' assumed that the probabilities are indpendent, and that the marginal survival functions are on logistic form
##' \deqn{
##' logit(P(Y=1|X)) = \alpha + x^T \beta
##' }
##' therefore conditional on the random effect the probability of the event is
##' \deqn{
##' logit(P(Y=1|X,Z)) = exp( -Z \cdot Laplace^{-1}(lamtot,lamtot,P(Y=1|x)) )
##' }
##' Can also fit a structured additive gamma random effects model, such
##' the ACE, ADE model for survival data:
##' Now random.design specificies the random effects for each subject within a cluster. This is
##' a matrix of 1's and 0's with dimension n x d.  With d random effects.
##' For a cluster with two subjects, we let the random.design rows be
##'  \eqn{v_1} and \eqn{v_2}.
##' Such that the random effects for subject
##' 1 is \deqn{v_1^T (Z_1,...,Z_d)}, for d random effects. Each random effect
##' has an associated parameter \eqn{(\lambda_1,...,\lambda_d)}. By construction
##' subjects 1's random effect are Gamma distributed with
##' mean \eqn{\lambda_j/v_1^T \lambda}
##' and variance \eqn{\lambda_j/(v_1^T \lambda)^2}. Note that the random effect
##' \eqn{v_1^T (Z_1,...,Z_d)} has mean 1 and variance \eqn{1/(v_1^T \lambda)}.
##' It is here asssumed that  \eqn{lamtot=v_1^T \lambda} is fixed over all clusters
##' as it would be for the ACE model below.
##' The DEFAULT parametrization uses the variances of the random effecs (var.par=1)
##' \deqn{
##' \theta_j  = \lambda_j/(v_1^T \lambda)^2
##' }
##' For alternative parametrizations (var.par=0) one can specify how the parameters relate
##' to \eqn{\lambda_j} with the function
##' Based on these parameters the relative contribution (the heritability, h) is
##' equivalent to  the expected values of the random effects  \eqn{\lambda_j/v_1^T \lambda}
##' Given the random effects the probabilities  are independent and on the form
##' \deqn{
##' logit(P(Y=1|X)) = exp( - Laplace^{-1}(lamtot,lamtot,P(Y=1|x)) )
##' }
##' with the inverse laplace of the gamma distribution with mean 1 and variance lamtot.
##' The parameters \eqn{(\lambda_1,...,\lambda_d)}
##' are related to the parameters of the model
##' by a regression construction \eqn{pard} (d x k), that links the \eqn{d}
##' \eqn{\lambda} parameters
##' with the (k) underlying \eqn{\theta} parameters
##' \deqn{
##' \lambda = theta.des  \theta
##' }
##' here using theta.des to specify these low-dimension association. Default is a diagonal matrix.
##' @export
##' @aliases binomial.twostage binomial.twostage.time
##' @references
##' Two-stage binomial modelling
##' @examples
##' data(twinstut)
##' twinstut0 <- subset(twinstut, tvparnr<4000)
##' twinstut <- twinstut0
##' twinstut$binstut <- (twinstut$stutter=="yes")*1
##' theta.des <- model.matrix( ~-1+factor(zyg),data=twinstut)
##' margbin <- glm(binstut~factor(sex)+age,data=twinstut,family=binomial())
##' bin <- binomial.twostage(margbin,data=twinstut,var.link=1,
##'          clusters=twinstut$tvparnr,theta.des=theta.des,detail=0)
##' summary(bin)
##' twinstut$cage <- scale(twinstut$age)
##' theta.des <- model.matrix( ~-1+factor(zyg)+cage,data=twinstut)
##' bina <- binomial.twostage(margbin,data=twinstut,var.link=1,
##' 		         clusters=twinstut$tvparnr,theta.des=theta.des)
##' summary(bina)
##' theta.des <- model.matrix( ~-1+factor(zyg)+factor(zyg)*cage,data=twinstut)
##' bina <- binomial.twostage(margbin,data=twinstut,var.link=1,
##' 		         clusters=twinstut$tvparnr,theta.des=theta.des)
##' summary(bina)
##' \donttest{ ## Reduce Ex.Timings
##' ## refers to zygosity of first subject in eash pair : zyg1
##' ## could also use zyg2 (since zyg2=zyg1 within twinpair's))
##' out <- easy.binomial.twostage(stutter~factor(sex)+age,data=twinstut,
##'                           response="binstut",id="tvparnr",var.link=1,
##' 	             	      theta.formula=~-1+factor(zyg1))
##' summary(out)
##' ## refers to zygosity of first subject in eash pair : zyg1
##' ## could also use zyg2 (since zyg2=zyg1 within twinpair's))
##' desfs<-function(x,num1="zyg1",num2="zyg2")
##'     c(x[num1]=="dz",x[num1]=="mz",x[num1]=="os")*1
##' out3 <- easy.binomial.twostage(binstut~factor(sex)+age,
##'       data=twinstut,response="binstut",id="tvparnr",var.link=1,
##'       theta.formula=desfs,desnames=c("mz","dz","os"))
##' summary(out3)
##' }
##' ### use of clayton oakes binomial additive gamma model
##' ###########################################################
##' \donttest{ ## Reduce Ex.Timings
##' data <- simbinClaytonOakes.family.ace(10000,2,1,beta=NULL,alpha=NULL)
##' margbin <- glm(ybin~x,data=data,family=binomial())
##' margbin
##' head(data)
##' data$number <- c(1,2,3,4)
##' data$child <- 1*(data$number==3)
##' ### make ace random effects design
##' out <- ace.family.design(data,member="type",id="cluster")
##' out$pardes
##' head(out$des.rv)
##' bints <- binomial.twostage(margbin,data=data,
##'      clusters=data$cluster,detail=0,var.par=1,
##'      theta=c(2,1),var.link=0,
##'      random.design=out$des.rv,theta.des=out$pardes)
##' summary(bints)
##' data <- simbinClaytonOakes.twin.ace(10000,2,1,beta=NULL,alpha=NULL)
##' out  <- twin.polygen.design(data,id="cluster",zygname="zygosity")
##' out$pardes
##' head(out$des.rv)
##' margbin <- glm(ybin~x,data=data,family=binomial())
##' bintwin <- binomial.twostage(margbin,data=data,
##'      clusters=data$cluster,var.par=1,
##'      theta=c(2,1),random.design=out$des.rv,theta.des=out$pardes)
##' summary(bintwin)
##' concordanceTwinACE(bintwin)
##' }
##' @keywords binomial regression
##' @author Thomas Scheike
##' @export
##' @param margbin Marginal binomial model
##' @param data data frame
##' @param method Scoring method "nr", for lava NR optimizer
##' @param detail Detail
##' @param clusters Cluster variable
##' @param silent Debug information
##' @param weights Weights for log-likelihood, can be used for each type of outcome in 2x2 tables.
##' @param theta Starting values for variance components
##' @param theta.des design for dependence parameters, when pairs are given the indeces of the
##' theta-design for this pair, is given in pairs as column 5
##' @param var.link Link function for variance
##' @param var.par parametrization
##' @param var.func when alternative parametrizations are used this function can specify how the paramters are related to the \eqn{\lambda_j}'s.
##' @param iid Calculate i.i.d. decomposition when iid>=1, when iid=2 then avoids adding the uncertainty for marginal paramters for additive gamma model (default).
##' @param notaylor Taylor expansion
##' @param model model
##' @param marginal.p vector of marginal probabilities
##' @param beta.iid iid decomposition of marginal probability  estimates for each subject, if based on GLM model this is computed.
##' @param Dbeta.iid derivatives of marginal model wrt marginal parameters, if based on GLM model this is computed.
##' @param strata strata for fitting: considers only pairs where both are from same strata
##' @param max.clust max clusters
##' @param se.clusters clusters for iid decomposition for roubst standard errors
##' @param numDeriv uses Fisher scoring aprox of second derivative if 0, otherwise numerical derivatives
##' @param random.design random effect design for additive gamma model, when pairs are given the
##' indeces of the pairs random.design rows are given as columns 3:4
##' @param pairs matrix with rows of indeces (two-columns) for the pairs considered in the pairwise composite score, useful for case-control sampling when marginal is known.
##' @param dim.theta dimension of theta when pairs and pairs specific design is given. That is when pairs has 6 columns.
##' @param additive.gamma.sum this is specification of the lamtot in the models via a matrix that is multiplied onto the parameters theta (dimensions=(number random effects x number of theta parameters), when null then sums all parameters. Default is a matrix of 1's
##' @param pair.ascertained if pairs are sampled only when there are events in the pair i.e. Y1+Y2>=1.
##' @param case.control if data is case control data for pair call, and here 2nd column of pairs are probands (cases or controls)
##' @param twostage default twostage=1, to fit MLE use twostage=0
##' @param beta is starting value for beta for MLE version
##' @param no.opt for not optimizing 
##' @param ... for NR of lava 
binomial.twostage <- function(margbin,data=parent.frame(),
{ ## {{{
    ## {{{ seting up design and variables
    rate.sim <- 1; sym=1;
    if (model=="clayton.oakes"  || model=="gamma") dep.model <- 1 else if (model=="plackett" || model=="or") dep.model <- 2 else stop("Model must by either clayton.oakes or plackett \n");
    antpers <- NROW(data);
    if (!is.null(pairs)) nn <- NROW(pairs) else nn <- 1

### marginal prediction and binomial response, two types of calls ## {{{
    if (inherits(margbin,"glm")) {
        ps <- predict(margbin,newdata=data,type="response")
        if (margbin$family$family!="binomial") warning("not binomial family\n");
        ### takes data to extract response and predictions, these could be different for pairs call
        cause <- data[,all.vars(margbin$formula)[1]]

	if (!is.numeric(cause)) stop(paste("response in data",margbin$formula)[1],"not numeric\n");
	if (is.null(beta.iid))   beta.iid <- lava::iid(margbin,id=clusters)
	if (is.null(Dbeta.iid)) Dbeta.iid <- model.matrix(margbin$formula,data=data) * ps
	if (twostage==0)            Xbeta <- model.matrix(margbin$formula,data=data)
    else if (inherits(margbin,"formula")) {
        margbin <- glm(margbin,data=data,family=binomial())
        ps <- predict(margbin,type="response")
        cause <- margbin$y
	if (twostage==0)            Xbeta <- model.matrix(margbin$formula,data=data)
	if (is.null(Dbeta.iid)) Dbeta.iid <- model.matrix(margbin$formula,data=data) * ps
	if (is.null(beta.iid))   beta.iid <- iid(margbin,id=clusters)
    }  else if (is.null(marginal.p))
        stop("without marginal model, marginal p's must be given\n");

    if (!is.null(marginal.p)) {
        if (length(margbin)!=antpers)
            stop("with marginal margbin is response \n")
        else cause <- margbin
        if (length(marginal.p)!=antpers)
            stop("length same as data dimension  \n")
        else ps <- marginal.p
    ## }}}

    notaylor <- 1
    if (is.null(weights)==TRUE) weights <- rep(1,antpers);
    if (is.null(strata)==TRUE) strata<- rep(1,antpers);
    if (length(strata)!=antpers) stop("Strata must have length equal to number of data points \n");

# {{{ cluster setup
    out.clust <- cluster.index(clusters);
    clusters <- out.clust$clusters
    maxclust <- out.clust$maxclust
    antclust <- out.clust$cluster.size
    clusterindex <- out.clust$idclust
    clustsize <- out.clust$cluster.size
    call.secluster <- se.clusters

    if (is.null(se.clusters)) { se.clusters <- clusters; antiid <- nrow(clusterindex);} else  {
	iids <-  unique(se.clusters);
	antiid <- length(iids);
	if (is.numeric(se.clusters)) se.clusters <-  fast.approx(iids,se.clusters)-1
	 else se.clusters <- as.integer(factor(se.clusters, labels = seq(antiid)))-1
    if (length(se.clusters)!=length(clusters)) stop("Length of seclusters and clusters must be same\n");

    if ((!is.null(max.clust))) if (max.clust< antiid) {
        coarse.clust <- TRUE
	qq <- unique(quantile(se.clusters, probs = seq(0, 1, by = 1/max.clust)))
	qqc <- cut(se.clusters, breaks = qq, include.lowest = TRUE)
	se.clusters <- as.integer(qqc)-1
	max.clusters <- length(unique(se.clusters))
	maxclust <- max.clust
	antiid <- max.clusters
# }}}

    if (is.null(beta)==TRUE & twostage==0) beta <- coef(margbin) else beta <- 0
    ## }}}
  dimbeta <- length(beta);

  ### setting design for random variables, in particular with pairs are given
  ddd <- randomDes(dep.model,random.design,theta.des,theta,antpers,additive.gamma.sum,pairs,var.link,clusterindex,dim.theta)

  pair.structure=ddd$pair.structure; dep.model=ddd$dep.model
  dim.rv <- ddd$dim.rv; additive.gamma.sum=ddd$additive.gamma.sum

  if (dep.model==3) model <- "clayton.oakes"

if (pair.structure==1) {
    if (length(case.control)!=antpairs)         case.control <- rep(case.control[1],antpairs)
    if (length(pair.ascertained)!=antpairs) pair.ascertained <- rep(pair.ascertained[1],antpairs)
    if (any(case.control+pair.ascertained==2))  stop("Each pair is either case.control pair or pair.ascertained \n");

    if (is.null(Dbeta.iid)) Dbeta.iid <- matrix(0,length(cause),1);
    ptrunc <- rep(1,antpers);


    obj <- function(par)
    { ## {{{

      if (pair.structure==0 | dep.model!=3) Xtheta <- as.matrix(theta.des) %*% matrix(c(par[seq(1,ptheta)]),nrow=ptheta,ncol=1);
      if (pair.structure==1 & dep.model==3) Xtheta <- matrix(0,antpers,1); ## not needed
      if (pair.structure==1 & dep.model!=3) Xtheta <- as.matrix(theta.des) %*% matrix(c(par[seq(1,ptheta)]),nrow=ptheta,ncol=1);

      if (twostage==0) epar <- par[seq(1,ptheta)] else epar <- par
      if (twostage==0) { ### update, marginal.p og score for logistic model
	    beta <- par[seq(ptheta+1,ptheta+dimbeta)]
	    lp <- c(Xbeta %*%  beta)
            psu <- exp(lp)/(1+exp(lp))
            dpsu <- psu/(1+exp(lp))
	    Dbeta.iid <- Xbeta * dpsu
	    ps <- psu

      if (var.link==1 & dep.model==3) epar <- c(exp(epar)) else epar <- c(epar)
      partheta <- epar

      if (var.par==1 & dep.model==3) {
       ## from variances to
       if (is.null(var.func)) {
	    sp <- sum(epar)
	    partheta <- epar/sp^2
         } else partheta <- epar; ## par.func(epar)

      if (pair.structure==0)
            outl<-.Call("twostageloglikebin", ## {{{
            icause=cause,ipmargsurv=ps, itheta=c(partheta), ithetades=theta.des, icluster=clusters,
	    iclustsize=clustsize,iclusterindex=clusterindex, ivarlink=var.link,iiid=iid,iweights=weights,
	    isilent=silent,idepmodel=dep.model, itrunkp=ptrunc,istrata=strata,iseclusters=se.clusters,
	    iantiid=antiid, irvdes=random.design,iags=additive.gamma.sum,ibetaiid=Dbeta.iid,pa=pair.ascertained,
	    twostage=twostage, PACKAGE="mets")
            ## }}}
      else outl<-.Call("twostageloglikebinpairs", ## {{{
            icause=cause,ipmargsurv=ps, itheta=c(partheta), ithetades=theta.des,
            icluster=clusters,iclustsize=clustsize,iclusterindex=clusterindex, ivarlink=var.link,
             ## }}}

      if (detail==3) print(c(par,outl$loglike))

         ## variance parametrization, and inverse.link
	 if (dep.model==3) {# {{{
	    if (var.par==1) {
		 ## from variances to and with sum for all random effects
		 if (is.null(var.func)) {
		 if (var.link==0)  {
	###		 print(c(sp,epar))
		     mm <- matrix(-epar*2*sp,length(epar),length(epar))
		     diag(mm) <- sp^2-epar*2*sp
		 } else {
		    mm <- -c(epar) %o% c(epar)*2*sp
		    diag(mm) <- epar*sp^2-epar^2*2*sp
		    mm <- mm/sp^4
		 } else mm  <- numDeriv::hessian(var.func,par)
	      } else {
	          if (var.link==0) mm <- diag(length(epar)) else
			  mm <- diag(length(c(epar)))*c(epar)
              if (twostage==0) {  ### beta for logistic regression also part of model
		      mm0 <- diag(length(par))
		      mm0[1:nrow(mm),1:nrow(mm)] <- mm
		      mm <- mm0

	      }# }}}

	    if (dep.model==3) {# {{{
	       outl$score <-  t(mm) %*% outl$score
	       if (twostage==1) outl$DbetaDtheta <-  t(mm) %*% outl$DbetaDtheta
	       outl$Dscore <- t(mm) %*% outl$Dscore %*% mm
               if (iid==1) outl$theta.iid <- t(t(mm) %*% t(outl$theta.iid))
	    }# }}}

            attr(outl,"grad") <- attr(outl,"gradient") <-outl$score
	    attr(outl,"hessian") <- outl$Dscore
            outl$gradient <- outl$score 
            outl$hessian <- -outl$Dscore

###            if (oout==0) ret <- c(-1*outl$loglike) else if (oout==1) ret <- sum(outl$score^2) else if (oout==3) ret <- outl$score else ret <- outl

    if (oout==0) ret <- with(outl,structure(-outl$loglike,gradient=-gradient,hessian=-hessian))
    else if (oout==1) ret <- outl$gradient 
    else if (oout==2) ret <- outl

    } ## }}}

  theta.iid <- NULL
  logl <- NULL
  p <- theta
  if (twostage==0) p <- c(p,beta);
  theta <- p
  oout <- 0
  opt <- NULL
  if (no.opt==FALSE) {
      if (tolower(method)=="nr") {
          tim <- system.time(opt <- lava::NR(p,obj,...))
          opt$timing <- tim
          opt$estimate <- opt$par
      } else {
          opt <- nlm(obj,beta,...)
          opt$method <- "nlm"
      cc <- opt$estimate;  ## names(cc) <- colnames(X)
      oout <- 2
      val <- c(list(coef=cc),obj(opt$estimate))
 } else val <- c(list(coef=beta),obj(p))
 theta <- matrix(val$coef,ncol=1)

    if (numDeriv>=1) {
         oout <- 1
         if (detail==1 ) cat("starting numDeriv for second derivative \n");
         val$hessian <- numDeriv::jacobian(obj,p,method="simple")
         if (detail==1 ) cat("finished numDeriv for second derivative \n");

  hess <- val$hessian
  if (!is.na(sum(hess))) hessi <- lava::Inverse(val$hessian) else hessi <- diag(nrow(val$hessian))

    ## {{{ handling output
    iid.tot <- NULL
    var.tot <- robvar.theta <- NULL
    beta <- NULL
    if (iid>=1) {
        theta.iid <- val$theta.iid %*% hessi
        if (dep.model==3 & iid!=2  & (!is.null(beta.iid)))
	if (nrow(beta.iid)==nrow(val$theta.iid) & twostage==1) {
	     theta.beta.iid <- (beta.iid %*% t(val$DbetaDtheta) ) %*% hessi
	     theta.iid  <- theta.iid+theta.beta.iid
	     iid.tot <- cbind(theta.iid,beta.iid)
	     var.tot <- crossprod(iid.tot)
        var.theta <- robvar.theta  <- (t(theta.iid) %*% theta.iid)
	if (is.null(var.tot)) var.tot <- var.theta
    } else var.theta <- -1* hessi

  if (inherits(margbin,"glm")) beta <- coef(margbin);
  if (twostage==0) beta <- theta[seq(ptheta,ptheta+dimbeta)]

  if (iid==1) var.theta <- robvar.theta else var.theta <- -hessi
  if (!is.null(colnames(theta.des))) thetanames <- colnames(theta.des) else thetanames <- paste("dependence",1:length(theta),sep="")
   if (length(thetanames)==nrow(theta)) { rownames(theta) <- thetanames; rownames(var.theta) <- colnames(var.theta) <- thetanames; }

    ud <- list(coef=val$coef,theta=theta,score=val$gradient,hess=hess,hessi=hessi,
    attr(ud, "binomial") <- TRUE
    attr(ud, "ptheta") <- ptheta
    attr(ud, "Formula") <- formula
    attr(ud, "Clusters") <- clusters
    attr(ud, "Type") <- model
    attr(ud,"ags")<- additive.gamma.sum
    attr(ud,"twostage")<- twostage
    attr(ud,"pair.ascertained")<- pair.ascertained
    ### to be consistent with structure for survival twostage model
    attr(ud, "additive-gamma") <- (dep.model==3)*1
    attr(ud, "likepairs") <- c(val$likepairs)
    if (dep.model==3 & pair.structure==0) {
       attr(ud, "pardes") <- theta.des
       attr(ud, "theta.des") <- theta.des
       attr(ud, "rv1") <-    random.design[1,]
    if (dep.model==3 & pair.structure==1) {
       nrv <- clusterindex[1,6]
       attr(ud, "theta.des") <- matrix(theta.des[1,1:(nrv*ptheta)],nrv,ptheta)
       attr(ud, "pardes") <-    matrix(theta.des[1,1:(nrv*ptheta)],nrv,ptheta)
       attr(ud, "rv1") <-    random.design[1,]
       attr(ud, "nrv") <- clusterindex[1,6]

    attr(ud, "response") <- "binomial"
    ## }}}
} ## }}}

##' @export
p11.binomial.twostage.RV <- function(theta,rv1,rv2,p1,p2,pardes,ags=NULL,link=0,i=1,j=1) { ## {{{
	## computes p11 pij for additive gamma binary random effects model
     if (is.null(ags)) ags <- matrix(1,dim(pardes))
     out <- .Call("claytonoakesbinRV",theta,i,j,p1,p2,rv1,rv2,pardes,ags,link,PACKAGE="mets")$like
} ## }}}

##' @export
concordanceTwostage<- function(theta,p,rv1,rv2,theta.des,additive.gamma.sum=NULL,link=0,var.par=0,...)
{# {{{

   ### takes dependence paramter from output
      ptheta <- length(theta)

   if (var.par==1) theta <- theta/sum(theta)^2

   nn <- nrow(as.matrix(rv1))
   if (is.matrix(p)==FALSE) { ll <- length(p); p <- matrix(p,ll,2); }
   if (ncol(p)!=2) p <- matrix(p,ncol=2)
   if (is.matrix(rv1)==FALSE) rv1 <- matrix(rv1,nn,length(rv1),byrow=TRUE)
   if (is.matrix(rv2)==FALSE) rv2 <- matrix(rv2,nn,length(rv1),byrow=TRUE)

   if (is.null(additive.gamma.sum)) ags <- matrix(1,ncol(rv1),ptheta) else ags <- additive.gamma.sum

   tabs <- list()
   for (i in 1:nn)
        p1 <- p[i,1]
        p2 <- p[i,2]
	p11 <- p11.binomial.twostage.RV(theta,rv1[i,],rv2[i,],p1,p2,theta.des,ags=ags,link=link)
	p01 <- p[i,1]-p11
	p10 <- p[i,2]-p11
	p00 <- 1-p01-p10+p11
	tabs[[i]] <- list(pmat=matrix(c(p00,p10,p01,p11),2,2),casewise=c(p11/p1,p11/p2),marg=c(p1,p2))

}	# }}}

##' @export
concordanceTwinACE<- function(object,rv1=NULL,rv2=NULL,xmarg=NULL,type="ace",...)
{# {{{

if (type=="ace" | type=="ade") {
if (is.null(rv1))  rv1 <- rbind(c(1,0,0,0,1),c(0,1,1,0,1))
if (is.null(rv2))  rv2 <- rbind(c(1,0,0,0,1),c(0,1,0,1,1))
if (type=="ae" | type=="de") {
if (is.null(rv1))  rv1 <- rbind(c(1,0,0,0),c(0,1,1,0))
if (is.null(rv2))  rv2 <- rbind(c(1,0,0,0),c(0,1,0,1))

var.par <- attr(object,"var.par")
var.link <- attr(object,"var.link")
theta.des <- attr(object,"theta.des")
twostage <- attr(object,"twostage")

if (twostage==0) {
	pt <- attr(object,"ptheta")
	theta <- object$theta[seq(1,pt)]
        beta <- object$theta[seq(pt+1,length(object$theta))]
	var.theta <- object$robvar.theta[seq(1,pt),seq(1,pt)]
	var.tot <- object$var.theta
} else {
	theta <- object$theta;
	beta <- object$beta
	var.theta <- object$var.theta;
	var.tot <- object$var.tot

if (var.link==1) theta <- exp(theta)
ags <- attr(object,"ags");
if (is.null(xmarg)) {xmarg <- rep(0,length(beta)); xmarg[1] <- 1;}

nn <- nrow(rv1)
if (is.matrix(rv1)==FALSE) rv1 <- matrix(rv1,nn,length(rv1),byrow=TRUE)
if (is.matrix(rv2)==FALSE) rv2 <- matrix(rv2,nn,length(rv1),byrow=TRUE)
if (is.null(ags)) ags <- matrix(1,ncol(rv1),length(theta));

   fp <- function(par) {# {{{
       pp <- par[1:length(theta)];
       beta <- par[(length(theta)+1):length(par)];
       xp  <- sum(xmarg*beta);
       pm <- exp(xp)/(1+exp(xp));
       if (var.par==1) pp <- pp/sum(pp)^2
       p11 <- p11.binomial.twostage.RV(pp,rv1l,rv2l,pm,pm,theta.des,ags=ags,link=0)
       casewise <- p11/pm
       ret <- c(p11,casewise,pm)
       names(ret) <- c("concordance","casewise concordance","marginal")
   }# }}}

   tabs <- list()
   for (i in 1:nn)
      rv1l <- rv1[i,]
      rv2l <- rv2[i,]
      tabs<-c(tabs,setNames(list(tabs[[i]] <- lava::estimate(coef=c(theta,beta),vcov=var.tot,f=function(p) fp(p))), nnn[i]))

}	# }}}

##' @export
binomial.twostage.time <- function(formula,data,id,...,silent=1,fix.censweights=1,
breaks=Inf,pairsonly=TRUE,fix.marg=NULL,cens.formula,cens.model="aalen",weights="w") {
   ## {{{
    m <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    m <- m[match(c("","data"),names(m),nomatch = 0)]
    Terms <- terms(cens.formula,data=data)
    m$formula <- Terms
    m[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    M <- eval(m,envir=parent.frame())

    censtime <- model.extract(M, "response")
    status <- censtime[,2]
    time <- censtime[,1]
    timevar <- colnames(censtime)[1]
    outcome <- as.character(terms(formula)[[2]])
    if (is.null(breaks)) breaks <-  quantile(time,c(0.25,0.5,0.75,1))

    outcome0 <- paste(outcome,"_dummy")
    res <- list()
    logor <- cif <- conc <- c()
    k <- 0
    for (tau in rev(breaks)) {
        if ((length(breaks)>1) & (silent==0)) message(tau)
        ### construct min(T_i,tau) or T_i and related censoring variable,
        ### thus G_c(min(T_i,tau)) or G_c(T_i) as weights
        if ((fix.censweights==1 & k==0) | (fix.censweights==0)) {
        data0 <- data
        time0 <- time
        status0 <- status
        cond0 <- (time>tau)
        if ((fix.censweights==1 & k==0) | (fix.censweights==0)) status0[cond0 & status==1] <- 3
        if (fix.censweights==0) status0[cond0 & status==1] <- 3
        data0[,outcome] <- data[,outcome]
        data0[cond0,outcome] <- FALSE
        if ((fix.censweights==1 & k==0) | (fix.censweights==0)) time0[cond0] <- tau
        if ((fix.censweights==1 & k==0) | (fix.censweights==0)) {
		data0$S <- survival::Surv(time0,status0==1)
	if ((fix.censweights==1 & k==0) | (fix.censweights==0))
        dataw <- ipw(update(cens.formula,S~.),data=data0,cens.model=cens.model,
        if ((fix.censweights==1))
		dataw[,outcome] <- (dataw[,outcome])*(dataw[,timevar]<tau)
	marg.bin <- glm(formula,data=dataw,weights=1/dataw[,weights],family="quasibinomial")
        pudz <- predict(marg.bin,newdata=dataw,type="response")
	dataw$pudz <- pudz
	datawdob <- fast.reshape(dataw,id=id)
        datawdob$minw <- pmin(datawdob$w1,datawdob$w2)
        dataw2 <- fast.reshape(datawdob)
	### removes second row of singletons
	dataw2  <- subset(dataw2,!is.na(dataw2$minw))
	k <- k+1
	if (!is.null(fix.marg)) dataw2$pudz <- fix.marg[k]
        suppressWarnings( b <- binomial.twostage(dataw2[,outcome],data=dataw2,clusters=dataw2[,id],marginal.p=dataw2$pudz,weights=1/dataw2$minw,...))
        theta0 <- b$theta[1,1]
        prev <- prev0 <- exp(coef(marg.bin)[1])/(1+exp(coef(marg.bin)[1]))
	if (!is.null(fix.marg)) prev <- fix.marg[k]
        concordance <- plack.cif2(prev,prev,theta0)
	conc <- c(conc,concordance)
	cif <- c(cif,prev0)
	logor <- rbind(logor,coef(b))
    res <- list(varname="Time",var=breaks,concordance=rev(conc),cif=rev(cif),
} ## }}}

##' Fits two-stage binomial for describing depdendence in binomial data
##' using marginals that are on logistic form using the binomial.twostage funcion, but
##' call is different and easier and the data manipulation is build into the function.
##' Useful in particular for family design data.
##' If clusters contain more than two times, the algoritm uses a compososite likelihood
##' based on the pairwise bivariate models.
##' The reported standard errors are based on the estimated information from the
##' likelihood assuming that the marginals are known. This gives correct standard errors
##' in the case of the plackett distribution (OR model for dependence), but incorrect for
##' the clayton-oakes types model. The OR model is often known as the ALR model.
##' Our fitting procedures gives correct standard errors due to the ortogonality and is
##' fast.
##' @examples
##' data(twinstut)
##' twinstut0 <- subset(twinstut, tvparnr<4000)
##' twinstut <- twinstut0
##' twinstut$binstut <- (twinstut$stutter=="yes")*1
##' theta.des <- model.matrix( ~-1+factor(zyg),data=twinstut)
##' margbin <- glm(binstut~factor(sex)+age,data=twinstut,family=binomial())
##' bin <- binomial.twostage(margbin,data=twinstut,var.link=1,
##' 		         clusters=twinstut$tvparnr,theta.des=theta.des,detail=0,
##' 	                 method="nr")
##' summary(bin)
##' lava::estimate(coef=bin$theta,vcov=bin$var.theta,f=function(p) exp(p))
##' twinstut$cage <- scale(twinstut$age)
##' theta.des <- model.matrix( ~-1+factor(zyg)+cage,data=twinstut)
##' bina <- binomial.twostage(margbin,data=twinstut,var.link=1,
##' 		         clusters=twinstut$tvparnr,theta.des=theta.des,detail=0)
##' summary(bina)
##' theta.des <- model.matrix( ~-1+factor(zyg)+factor(zyg)*cage,data=twinstut)
##' bina <- binomial.twostage(margbin,data=twinstut,var.link=1,
##' 		         clusters=twinstut$tvparnr,theta.des=theta.des)
##' summary(bina)
##' out <- easy.binomial.twostage(stutter~factor(sex)+age,data=twinstut,
##'                               response="binstut",id="tvparnr",var.link=1,
##' 			          theta.formula=~-1+factor(zyg1))
##' summary(out)
##' ## refers to zygosity of first subject in eash pair : zyg1
##' ## could also use zyg2 (since zyg2=zyg1 within twinpair's))
##' ## do not run t save time
##' # desfs <- function(x,num1="zyg1",namesdes=c("mz","dz","os"))
##' #     c(x[num1]=="mz",x[num1]=="dz",x[num1]=="os")*1
##' #
##' #out3 <- easy.binomial.twostage(binstut~factor(sex)+age,
##' #                               data=twinstut, response="binstut",id="tvparnr",
##' #                               var.link=1,theta.formula=desfs,
##' #                               desnames=c("mz","dz","os"))
##' #summary(out3)
##' \donttest{ ## Reduce Ex.Timings
##' n <- 1000
##' set.seed(100)
##' dd <- simBinFam(n,beta=0.3)
##' binfam <- fast.reshape(dd,varying=c("age","x","y"))
##' ## mother, father, children  (ordered)
##' head(binfam)
##' ########### ########### ########### ########### ########### ###########
##' ####  simple analyses of binomial family data
##' ########### ########### ########### ########### ########### ###########
##' desfs <- function(x,num1="num1",num2="num2")
##' {
##'      pp <- 1*(((x[num1]=="m")*(x[num2]=="f"))|(x[num1]=="f")*(x[num2]=="m"))
##'      pc <- (x[num1]=="m" | x[num1]=="f")*(x[num2]=="b1" | x[num2]=="b2")*1
##'      cc <- (x[num1]=="b1")*(x[num2]=="b1" | x[num2]=="b2")*1
##'      c(pp,pc,cc)
##' }
##' ud <- easy.binomial.twostage(y~+1,data=binfam,
##'      response="y",id="id",
##'      theta.formula=desfs,desnames=c("pp","pc","cc"))
##' summary(ud)
##' udx <- easy.binomial.twostage(y~+x,data=binfam,
##'      response="y",id="id",
##'      theta.formula=desfs,desnames=c("pp","pc","cc"))
##' summary(udx)
##' ########### ########### ########### ########### ########### ###########
##' ####  now allowing parent child POR to be different for mother and father
##' ########### ########### ########### ########### ########### ###########
##' desfsi <- function(x,num1="num1",num2="num2")
##' {
##'     pp <- (x[num1]=="m")*(x[num2]=="f")*1
##'     mc <- (x[num1]=="m")*(x[num2]=="b1" | x[num2]=="b2")*1
##'     fc <- (x[num1]=="f")*(x[num2]=="b1" | x[num2]=="b2")*1
##'     cc <- (x[num1]=="b1")*(x[num2]=="b1" | x[num2]=="b2")*1
##'     c(pp,mc,fc,cc)
##' }
##' udi <- easy.binomial.twostage(y~+1,data=binfam,
##'      response="y",id="id",
##'      theta.formula=desfsi,desnames=c("pp","mother-child","father-child","cc"))
##' summary(udi)
##' ##now looking to see if interactions with age or age influences marginal models
##' ##converting factors to numeric to make all involved covariates numeric
##' ##to use desfai2 rather then desfai that works on binfam
##' nbinfam <- binfam
##' nbinfam$num <- as.numeric(binfam$num)
##' head(nbinfam)
##' desfsai <- function(x,num1="num1",num2="num2")
##' {
##'     pp <- (x[num1]=="m")*(x[num2]=="f")*1
##' ### av age for pp=1 i.e parent pairs
##'     agepp <- ((as.numeric(x["age1"])+as.numeric(x["age2"]))/2-30)*pp
##'     mc <- (x[num1]=="m")*(x[num2]=="b1" | x[num2]=="b2")*1
##'     fc <- (x[num1]=="f")*(x[num2]=="b1" | x[num2]=="b2")*1
##'     cc <- (x[num1]=="b1")*(x[num2]=="b1" | x[num2]=="b2")*1
##'     agecc <- ((as.numeric(x["age1"])+as.numeric(x["age2"]))/2-12)*cc
##'     c(pp,agepp,mc,fc,cc,agecc)
##' }
##' desfsai2 <- function(x,num1="num1",num2="num2")
##' {
##'     pp <- (x[num1]==1)*(x[num2]==2)*1
##'     agepp <- (((x["age1"]+x["age2"]))/2-30)*pp ### av age for pp=1 i.e parent pairs
##'     mc <- (x[num1]==1)*(x[num2]==3 | x[num2]==4)*1
##'     fc <- (x[num1]==2)*(x[num2]==3 | x[num2]==4)*1
##'     cc <- (x[num1]==3)*(x[num2]==3 | x[num2]==4)*1
##'     agecc <- ((x["age1"]+x["age2"])/2-12)*cc ### av age for children
##'     c(pp,agepp,mc,fc,cc,agecc)
##' }
##' udxai2 <- easy.binomial.twostage(y~+x+age,data=binfam,
##'      response="y",id="id",
##'      theta.formula=desfsai,
##'      desnames=c("pp","pp-age","mother-child","father-child","cc","cc-age"))
##' summary(udxai2)
##' }
##' @keywords binomial regression
##' @export
##' @param margbin Marginal binomial model
##' @param data data frame
##' @param response name of response variable in data frame
##' @param id name of cluster variable in data frame
##' @param method Scoring method
##' @param Nit Number of iterations
##' @param detail Detail for more output for iterations
##' @param silent Debug information
##' @param weights Weights for log-likelihood, can be used for each type of outcome in 2x2 tables.
##' @param control Optimization arguments
##' @param theta Starting values for variance components
##' @param theta.formula design for depedence, either formula or design function
##' @param desnames names for dependence parameters
##' @param deshelp if 1 then prints out some data sets that are used, on on which the design function operates
##' @param var.link Link function for variance
##' @param iid Calculate i.i.d. decomposition
##' @param step Step size
##' @param model model
##' @param marginal.p vector of marginal probabilities
##' @param strata strata for fitting
##' @param max.clust max clusters used for i.i.d. decompostion
##' @param se.clusters clusters for iid decomposition for roubst standard errors
easy.binomial.twostage <- function(margbin=NULL,data=parent.frame(),method="nr",
                                   Nit=60,detail=0, silent=1,weights=NULL,control=list(),
{ ## {{{
   if (inherits(margbin,"glm")) ps <- predict(margbin,type="response")
   else if (inherits(margbin,"formula")) {
       margbin <- glm(margbin,data=data,family=binomial())
       ps <- predict(margbin,type="response")
   }  else if (is.null(marginal.p))
	   stop("without marginal model, marginal p's must be given\n");

    if (!is.null(marginal.p)) ps <- marginal.p

    data <- cbind(data,ps)

### make all pairs in the families,
    fam <- familycluster.index(data[,id])
    data.fam <- data[c(fam$familypairindex),]
    data.fam$subfam <- c(fam$subfamilyindex)

### make dependency design using wide format for all pairs
    data.fam.clust <- fast.reshape(data.fam,id="subfam")
    if (is.function(theta.formula)) {
        desfunction <- compiler::cmpfun(theta.formula)
	if (deshelp==1){
            cat("These names appear in wide version of pairs for dependence \n")
            cat("design function must be defined in terms of these: \n")
            cat(names(data.fam.clust)); cat("\n")
            cat("Here is head of wide version with pairs\n")
            print(head(data.fam.clust)); cat("\n")
###	des.theta <- Reduce("rbind",lapply(seq(nrow(data.fam.clust)),function(i) unlist(desfunction(data.fam.clust[i,] ))))
        des.theta <- t(apply(data.fam.clust,1, function(x) desfunction(x)))
	colnames(des.theta) <- desnames
	desnames <- desnames
    } else {
        if (is.null(theta.formula)) theta.formula <- ~+1
        des.theta <- model.matrix(theta.formula,data=data.fam.clust)
        desnames <- colnames(des.theta);
    data.fam.clust <- cbind(data.fam.clust,des.theta)
    if (deshelp==1) {
        cat("These names appear in wide version of pairs for dependence \n")

### back to long format keeping only needed variables
    data.fam <- fast.reshape(data.fam.clust,varying=c(response,id,"ps"))
    if (deshelp==1) {
	cat("Back to long format for binomial.twostage (head)\n");
	cat(paste("binomial.twostage, called with reponse",response,"\n"));
	cat(paste("cluster=",id,",  subcluster (pairs)=subfam \n"));
	cat(paste("design variables ="));
	cat("\n  theta design (head) \n")
	cat("\n  response (head) \n")

    out <- binomial.twostage(data.fam[,response],data=data.fam,
                             detail=detail, method=method, Nit=Nit,step=step,

} ## }}}

##' @export
simBinPlack <- function(n,beta=0.3,theta=1,...) { ## {{{
    x1 <- rbinom(n,1,0.5)
    x2 <- rbinom(n,1,0.5)
    p1 <- exp(0.5+x1*beta)
    p2 <- exp(0.5+x2*beta)
    p1 <- p1/(1+p1)
    p2 <- p2/(1+p2)
    p11 <- plack.cif2(p1,p2,theta)
    p10 <- p1-p11
    p01 <- p2-p11
    p00 <- 1- p10-p01-p11
    y1 <- rbinom(n,1,p1)
    y2 <- (y1==1)*rbinom(n,1,p11/p1)+(y1==0)*rbinom(n,1,p01/(1-p1))
} ## }}}

##' @export
simBinFam <- function(n,beta=0.0,rhopp=0.1,rhomb=0.7,rhofb=0.1,rhobb=0.7) { ## {{{
    xc <- runif(n)*0.5
    xm <- rbinom(n,1,0.5+xc);
    xf <- rbinom(n,1,0.5+xc);
    xb1 <- rbinom(n,1,0.3+xc);
    xb2 <- rbinom(n,1,0.3+xc);
    rn <- matrix(rnorm(n*4),n,4)
    corm <- matrix( c(1,rhopp,rhomb,rhomb, rhopp,1,rhofb,rhofb, rhomb,rhofb,1,rhobb, rhomb,rhofb,rhobb,1),4,4)
    rnn <- t( corm %*% t(rn))
    zm <- exp(rnn[,1]); zf <- exp(rnn[,2]); zb1 <- exp(rnn[,3]); zb2 <- exp(rnn[,4]);
    pm <- exp(0.5+xm*beta+zm)
    pf <- exp(0.5+xf*beta+zf)
    pf <- pf/(1+pf)
    pm <- pm/(1+pm)
    pb1 <- exp(0.5+xb1*beta+zb1)
    pb1 <- pb1/(1+pb1)
    pb2 <- exp(0.5+xb2*beta+zb2)
    pb2 <- pb2/(1+pb2)
    ym <- rbinom(n,1,pm)
    yf <- rbinom(n,1,pf)
    yb1 <- rbinom(n,1,pb1)
    yb2 <- rbinom(n,1,pb2)
    agem <- 20+runif(n)*10
    ageb1 <- 5+runif(n)*10
} ## }}}

##' @export
simBinFam2 <- function(n,beta=0.0,alpha=0.5,lam1=1,lam2=1,...) { ## {{{
    x1 <- rbinom(n,1,0.5); x2 <- rbinom(n,1,0.5);
    x3 <- rbinom(n,1,0.5); x4 <- rbinom(n,1,0.5);
### random effects speicification of model via gamma distributions
    zf <- rgamma(n,shape=lam1); zb <- rgamma(n,shape=lam2);
    if (length(alpha)!=4) alpha <- rep(alpha[1],4)
    if (length(beta)!=4) beta <- rep(beta[1],4)
    pm <- exp(alpha[1]+x1*beta[1]+zf)
    pf <- exp(alpha[2]+x2*beta[2]+zf)
    pf <- pf/(1+pf)
    pm <- pm/(1+pm)
    pb1 <- exp(alpha[3]+x1*beta[3]+zf+zb)
    pb1 <- pb1/(1+pb1)
    ym <- rbinom(n,1,pm)
    yf <- rbinom(n,1,pf)
    yb1 <- rbinom(n,1,pb1)
    yb2 <- rbinom(n,1,pb1)
} ## }}}

##' @export
simbinClaytonOakes.family.ace <- function(K,varg,varc,beta=NULL,alpha=NULL)  ## {{{
  ## K antal clustre (families), n=antal i clustre
###  K <- 10000
  n <- 4 # family members with ace structure
  sumpar <- sum(varg+varc)
  varg <- varg/sumpar^2;
  varc <- varc/sumpar^2
  ## total variance 1/(varg+varc)
  ## {{{  random effects
  ###  means varg/(varg+varc) and variances varg/(varg+varc)^2
  eta <- varc+varg
  ### mother and father share environment
  ### children share half the genes with mother and father and environment
  mother.g <-  cbind(rgamma(K,varg*0.25)/eta, rgamma(K,varg*0.25)/eta, rgamma(K,varg*0.25)/eta, rgamma(K,varg*0.25)/eta)
  father.g <-  cbind(rgamma(K,varg*0.25)/eta, rgamma(K,varg*0.25)/eta, rgamma(K,varg*0.25)/eta, rgamma(K,varg*0.25)/eta)
  env <- rgamma(K,varc)/eta
  mother <- apply(mother.g,1,sum)+env
  father <- apply(father.g,1,sum)+env
  child1 <- apply(cbind(mother.g[,c(1,2)],father.g[,c(1,2)]),1,sum) + env
  child2 <- apply(cbind(mother.g[,c(1,3)],father.g[,c(1,3)]),1,sum) + env
  Gam1 <- cbind(mother,father,child1,child2)
  ## }}}

  ## {{{ marginals p's and conditional p's given random effects
  ### marginals p's for mother, father, children
  xb1 <- rbinom(K,1,0.5)
  xb2 <- rbinom(K,1,0.5)
  xm <- rbinom(K,1,0.5)
  xf <- rbinom(K,1,0.5)
  if (is.null(beta)) beta <- rep(0.3,4)
  if (is.null(alpha)) alpha <- rep(0.5,4)
  pm <- exp(alpha[1]+xm*beta[1]); pf <- exp(alpha[2]+xf*beta[2])
  pb1 <- exp(alpha[3]+xb1*beta[3]); pb2 <- exp(alpha[4]+xb2*beta[4])
  p <- cbind(pm,pf,pb1,pb2)
  p <- p/(1+p)

  vartot <- eta
  pgivenZ <- ilap(vartot,p)
###  pgivenZ <- ilap(vartot,p)
  pgivenZ <- exp(- Gam1*pgivenZ)
  ## }}}

  Ybin <- matrix(rbinom(n*K,1,c(pgivenZ)),K,n)
  Ybin <- t(Ybin)
  xs <- cbind(xm,xf,xb1,xb2)
  type <- rep(c("mother","father","child","child"),K)

  ud <- data.frame(ybin=c(Ybin),x=c(t(xs)),type=type,cluster=rep(1:K,each=n))

} ## }}}

##' @export
simbinClaytonOakes.twin.ace <- function(K,varg,varc,beta=NULL,alpha=NULL)  ## {{{
  ## K antal clustre (families), n=antal i clustre
  n <- 2 # twins with ace structure
  ## total variance 1/(varg+varc)
  sumpar <- sum(varg+varc)
  varg <- varg/sumpar^2;
  varc <- varc/sumpar^2
  ## {{{  random effects
  ###  means varg/(varg+varc) and variances varg/(varg+varc)^2
  eta <- varc+varg
  ### mother and father share environment
  ### children share half the genes with mother and father and environment
  dz.g <-  cbind(rgamma(K/2,varg*0.5)/eta, rgamma(K/2,varg*0.5)/eta, rgamma(K/2,varg*0.5)/eta)
  mz.g <-  rgamma(K/2,varg)/eta
  env1 <- rgamma(K/2,varc)/eta
  env2 <- rgamma(K/2,varc)/eta
  mz   <- mz.g+env1
  dz1 <- apply(dz.g[,c(1,2)],1,sum) + env2
  dz2 <- apply(dz.g[,c(1,3)],1,sum) + env2
  Gam1 <- rbind(cbind(mz,mz),cbind(dz1,dz2))
  ## }}}

  ## {{{ marginals p's and conditional p's given random effects
  ### marginals p's for mother, father, children
  xb1 <- rbinom(K,1,0.5)
  xb2 <- rbinom(K,1,0.5)
  if (is.null(beta)) beta <- rep(0.3,2)
  if (is.null(alpha)) alpha <- rep(0.5,2)
  pb1 <- exp(alpha[1]+xb1*beta[1]);
  pb2 <- exp(alpha[2]+xb2*beta[2])
  p <- cbind(pb1,pb2)
  p <- p/(1+p)

  vartot <- eta
  pgivenZ <- ilap(vartot,p)

###  pgivenZ <- ilap(vartot,p)
  pgivenZ <- exp(- Gam1*pgivenZ)
  ## }}}

  Ybin <- matrix(rbinom(n*K,1,c(pgivenZ)),K,n)
  Ybin <- t(Ybin)
  xs <- cbind(xb1,xb2)
  type <- rep(c("twin1","twin2"),K)
  zygosity <- rep(c("MZ","DZ"),each=K)

  ud <- data.frame(ybin=c(Ybin),x=c(t(xs)),type=type,cluster=rep(1:K,each=n),zygosity=zygosity)

} ## }}}

##' @export
simbinClaytonOakes.pairs <- function(K,varc,beta=NULL,alpha=NULL)  ## {{{
  ## K antal clustre (families), n=antal i clustre
###  K <- 10000
  n <- 2 # twins with ace structure
  ## total variance 1/(varg+varc)
  ## {{{  random effects
  ###  means varg/(varg+varc) and variances varg/(varg+varc)^2
  eta <- varc <- 1/varc
  ### mother and father share environment
  ### children share half the genes with mother and father and environment
  rans <- rgamma(K,varc)/eta
  Gam1 <- cbind(rans,rans)
  ## }}}
###  apply(Gam1,2,mean); apply(Gam1,2,var); cor(Gam1)

  ## {{{ marginals p's and conditional p's given random effects
  ### marginals p's for mother, father, children
  x1 <- rbinom(K,1,0.5)
  x2 <- rbinom(K,1,0.5)
  if (is.null(beta)) beta <- rep(0.3,2)
  if (is.null(alpha)) alpha <- rep(0.5,2)
  p1 <- exp(alpha[1]+x1*beta[1]);
  p2 <- exp(alpha[1]+x2*beta[2])
  p <- cbind(p1,p2)
  p <- p/(1+p)

  vartot <- eta
###  pgivenZ <- mets:::ilap(vartot,p)
  pgivenZ <- ilap(vartot,p)
  pgivenZ <- exp(- Gam1*pgivenZ)
  ## }}}

  Ybin <- matrix(rbinom(n*K,1,c(pgivenZ)),K,n)
  Ybin <- t(Ybin)

  xs <- cbind(x1,x2)
  ud <- cbind(c(Ybin),c(t(xs)),rep(1:K,each=n))

  ud <- cbind(ud)
  ud <- data.frame(ud)

} ## }}}

### pairwise POR model based on case-control data
##' @export
CCbinomial.twostage <- function(margbin=NULL,data=parent.frame(),method="nlminb",
    Nit=60,detail=0, silent=1,weights=NULL, control=list(),
{ ## {{{
  ### under construction

    if (inherits(margbin,"glm")) ps <- predict(margbin,type="response")
    else if (inherits(margbin,"formula")) {
        margbin <- glm(margbin,data=data,family=binomial())
        ps <- predict(margbin,type="response")
    }  else if (is.null(marginal.p)) stop("without marginal model, marginal p's must be given\n");

    if (!is.null(marginal.p)) ps <- marginal.p

    data <- cbind(data,ps)

### make all pairs in the families,
    fam <- familycluster.index(data[,id])
    data.fam <- data[fam$familypairindex,]
    data.fam$subfam <- fam$subfamilyindex

### make dependency design using wide format for all pairs
    data.fam.clust <- fast.reshape(data.fam,id="subfam")
    if (is.function(theta.formula)) {
        desfunction <- compiler::cmpfun(theta.formula)
	if (deshelp==1){
            cat("These names appear in wide version of pairs for dependence \n")
            cat("design function must be defined in terms of these: \n")
            cat(names(data.fam.clust)); cat("\n")
            cat("Here is head of wide version with pairs\n")
            print(head(data.fam.clust)); cat("\n")
###	des.theta <- Reduce("rbind",lapply(seq(nrow(data.fam.clust)),function(i) unlist(desfunction(data.fam.clust[i,] ))))
        des.theta <- t(apply(data.fam.clust,1, function(x) desfunction(x)))
	colnames(des.theta) <- desnames
	desnames <- desnames
    } else {
        if (is.null(theta.formula)) theta.formula <- ~+1
        des.theta <- model.matrix(theta.formula,data=data.fam.clust)
        desnames <- colnames(des.theta);
    data.fam.clust <- cbind(data.fam.clust,des.theta)
    if (deshelp==1) {
        cat("These names appear in wide version of pairs for dependence \n")

### back to long format keeping only needed variables
    data.fam <- fast.reshape(data.fam.clust,varying=c(response,id,"ps"))
    if (deshelp==1) {
	cat("Back to long format for binomial.twostage (head)\n");
	cat(paste("binomial.twostage, called with reponse",response,"\n"));
	cat(paste("cluster=",id,",  subcluster (pairs)=subfam \n"));
	cat(paste("design variables ="));

    out <- binomial.twostage(data.fam[,response],data=data.fam,
                             detail=detail, method=method, Nit=Nit,step=step,
                             iid=iid,theta=theta, var.link=var.link,model=model,
                             marginal.p=data.fam[,"ps"], se.clusters=data.fam[,id])
} ## }}}

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