
Defines functions ncappc

Documented in ncappc

# This R-script performs diagnostic tests on PK/PD models using non-compartmental analysis parameters
# Chayan, 11/2014

#  roxygen comments
#' Performs NCA calculations and population PK model diagnosis.
#' \pkg{ncappc} is a flexible tool, to
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item perform a traditional NCA
#'  \item perform simulation-based posterior predictive checks for a
#' population PK model using NCA metrics.
#' }
#' Non-compartmental analysis (NCA) calculates pharmacokinetic (PK) metrics 
#' related to the systemic exposure to a drug following administration, e.g. 
#' area under the concentration-time curve and peak concentration. \pkg{ncappc} 
#' performs a traditional NCA using the observed plasma concentration-time data.
#' In the presence of simulated plasma concentration-time data, \pkg{ncappc} 
#' also performs simulation-based posterior predictive checks (ppc) using NCA 
#' metrics for the corresponding population PK (PopPK) model used to generate 
#' the simulated data. The diagnostic analysis is performed at the population as
#' well as the individual level. The distribution of the simulated population 
#' means of each NCA metric is compared with the corresponding observed 
#' population mean. The individual level comparison is performed based on the 
#' deviation of the mean of any NCA metric based on simulations for an 
#' individual from the corresponding NCA metric obtained from the observed data.
#' Additionally, \pkg{ncappc} reports the normalized prediction distribution 
#' error (NPDE) of the simulated NCA metrics for each individual and their 
#' distribution within a population. \pkg{ncappc} produces two default outputs 
#' depending on the type of analysis performed, i.e., traditional NCA and PopPK 
#' diagnosis. The PopPK diagnosis feature of \pkg{ncappc} produces 7 sets of 
#' graphical outputs to assess the ability of a population model to simulate the
#' concentration-time profile of a drug and thereby identify model 
#' misspecification. In addition, tabular outputs are generated showing the 
#' values of the NCA metrics estimated from the observed and the simulated data,
#' along with the deviation, NPDE, regression parameters used to estimate the 
#' elimination rate constant and the related population statistics. The default 
#' values of the arguments used in \pkg{ncappc} are shown in the \strong{Usage}
#' section of this document and/or in \strong{bold} in the \strong{Arguments} 
#' section.
#' @param obsFile Observed concentration-time data from an internal data frame
#'   or an external table with comma, tab or space as separators. 
#' @param simFile NONMEM simulation output with the simulated concentration-time
#'   data from an internal data frame or an external table. \code{NULL} produces
#'   just the NCA output, a filename or data frame produces the NCA output as
#'   well as the PopPK diagnosis. If \code{new_data_method=TRUE} then this can
#'   be a compressed file as well. 
#' @param str1Nm Column name for 1st level population stratifier. Default is
#'   \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param str1 Stratification ID of the members within 1st level stratification
#'   (e.g c(1,2)). Default is \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param str2Nm Column name for 2nd level population stratifier. Default is
#'   \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param str2 Stratification ID of the members within 2nd level stratification
#'   (e.g c(1,2)). Default is \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param str3Nm Column name for 3rd level population stratifier. Default is
#'   \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param str3 Stratification ID of the members within 3rd level stratification
#'   (e.g c(1,2)). Default is \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param concUnit Unit of concentration (e.g. "ng/mL"). Default is 
#'   \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param timeUnit Unit of time (e.g. "h"). Default is \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param doseUnit Unit of dose amount (e.g. "ng"). Default is
#'   \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param obsLog If \code{TRUE} concentration in observed data is in logarithmic
#'   scale. Default is \strong{\code{FALSE}}
#' @param simLog If \code{TRUE} concentration in simulated data is in 
#'   logarithmic scale. Default is \strong{\code{FALSE}}
#' @param psnOut If \code{TRUE} observed data is an output from PsN or in NONMEM
#'   output format. Default is \strong{\code{TRUE}}
#' @param idNmObs Column name for ID in observed data. Default is \strong{"ID"}
#' @param timeNmObs Column name for time in observed data. Default is
#'   \strong{"TIME"}
#' @param concNmObs Column name for concentration in observed data. Default is
#'   \strong{"DV"}
#' @param idNmSim Column name for ID in simulated data. Default is \strong{"ID"}
#' @param timeNmSim Column name for time in simulated data. Default is
#'   \strong{"TIME"}
#' @param concNmSim Column name for concentration in simulated data. Default is
#'   \strong{"DV"}
#' @param onlyNCA If \code{TRUE} only NCA is performed and ppc part is ignored
#'   although simFile is not \code{NULL}. Default is \strong{\code{FALSE}}
#' @param AUCTimeRange User-defined window of time used to estimate AUC. Default
#'   is \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param backExtrp If \code{TRUE} back-extrapolation is performed while
#'   estimating AUC. Default is \strong{\code{FALSE}}
#' @param LambdaTimeRange User-defined window of time to estimate elimination
#'   rate-constant. This argument lets the user to choose a specific window of
#'   time to be used to estimate the elimination rate constant (Lambda) in the
#'   elimination phase. The accepted format for the input to this argument is a
#'   numeric array of two elements; \code{c(14,24)} will estimate the Lambda
#'   using the data within the time units 14 to 24. Default is
#'   \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param LambdaExclude User-defined excluded observation time points for
#'   estimation of Lambda. This can be numeric value or logical condition (e.g.
#'   c(1, 2, "<20", ">=100", "!=100")). Default is \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param doseAmtNm Column name to specify dose amount. Default is
#'   \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param adminType Route of administration. Allowed options are iv-bolus,
#'   iv-infusion or extravascular. Default is \strong{"extravascular"}
#' @param doseType Steady-state (ss) or non-steady-state (ns) dose. Default is
#'   \strong{"ns"}
#' @param doseTime Dose time prior to the first observation for steady-state
#'   data. Default is \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param Tau Dosing interval for steady-state data. Default is
#'   \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param TI Infusion duration. If TI is a single numeric value, TI is the same
#'   for all individuals. If TI is the name of a column with numeric data
#'   present in the data set, TI is set to the unique value of the column for a
#'   given individual. Default is \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param method Method to estimate AUC. \code{linear} method applies the linear
#'   trapezoidal rule to estimate the area under the curve. \code{log} method 
#'   applies the logarithmic trapezoidal rule to estimate the area under the 
#'   curve. \code{linearup-logdown} method applies the linear trapezoidal rule
#'   to estimate the area under the curve for the ascending part of the curve
#'   and the logarithmic trapezoidal rule to estimate the area under the curve
#'   for the descending part of the curve. Default is
#'   \strong{"linearup-logdown"}
#' @param blqNm Name of BLQ column if used to exclude data. Default is
#'   \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param blqExcl Excluded BLQ value; either a numeric value or a logical
#'   condition (e.g. 1 or ">=1" or c(1,">3")). Used only if the \code{blqNm} is
#'   not \code{NULL}. Default is \strong{"1"}
#' @param evid If \code{TRUE} EVID is used to filter data. Default is
#'   \strong{\code{TRUE}}
#' @param evidIncl Included values in EVID. Default is \strong{"0"}
#' @param mdv If \code{TRUE} MDV is used to include data when MDV=0. Default is
#'   \strong{\code{FALSE}}
#' @param filterNm Column name to filter data. Default is \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param filterExcl Row exclusion criteria based on the column defined by
#'   \code{filterNm}. This can be numeric value or logical condition (e.g. c(1,
#'   2, "<20", ">=100", "!=100")). Default is \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param negConcExcl If \code{TRUE} negative concentrations are excluded.
#'   Default is \strong{\code{FALSE}}
#' @param param NCA parameters (AUClast, AUClower_upper, AUCINF_obs,
#'   AUCINF_pred, AUMClast, Cmax, Tmax, HL_Lambda_z). Default is
#'   \strong{(c"AUClast", "Cmax")}
#' @param timeFormat time format (number, H:M, H:M:S). Default is
#'   \strong{"number"}
#' @param dateColNm column name for date if used (e.g. "Date", "DATE"). Default
#'   is \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param dateFormat date format (D-M-Y, D/M/Y or any other combination of
#'   D,M,Y). Default is \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param spread Measure of the spread of simulated data (\code{"ppi"} (95\%
#'   parametric prediction interval) or \code{"npi"} (95\% nonparametric
#'   prediction interval)). Default is \strong{"npi"}
#' @param tabCol Output columns to be printed in the report in addition to ID,
#'   dose and population strata information (list of NCA metrics in a string
#'   array). Default is \strong{c("AUClast", "Cmax", "Tmax", "AUCINF_obs",
#'   "Vz_obs", "Cl_obs", "HL_Lambda_z")}
#' @param figFormat format of the produced figures (bmp, jpeg, tiff, png).
#'   Default is \strong{"tiff"}
#' @param noPlot If \code{TRUE} only NCA calculations are performed without any
#'   plot generation. Default is \strong{\code{FALSE}}
#' @param printOut If \code{TRUE} tabular and graphical outputs are saved on the
#'   disk. Default is \strong{\code{TRUE}}
#' @param studyName Name of the study to be added as a description in the
#'   report. Default is \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param new_data_method If \code{TRUE} a faster method of reading data is
#'   tested. Default is \strong{\code{TRUE}}
#' @param overwrite_SIMDATA If \code{TRUE} new information is created in the
#'   SIMDATA directory. If \code{FALSE} the information in the SIMDATA directory
#'   is used. If \code{NULL} a dialog will come up to ask the user what to do.
#'   Default is \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param overwrite_sim_est_file If \code{TRUE} The NCA metrics are created again based
#' on the simulation data.  If \code{FALSE} the information in the ncaSimEst file
#'   is used. If \code{NULL} a dialog will come up to ask the user what to do.
#'   Default is \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param outFileNm Additional tag to the name of the output html and pdf output
#'   file hyphenated to the standard ncappc report file name standard ncappc
#'   report file name. Default is \strong{\code{NULL}}
#' @param out_format What type of output format should the NCA report have? 
#'   Pass "all" to render all formats defined within the rmarkdown file.
#'   Pass "first" to render the first format defined within the rmarkdown file.
#'   Pass "html" to render in HTML.
#'   Pass "pdf" to render in PDF. 
#' @param gg_theme Which ggplot theme should be used for the plots?
#' @param parallel Should the nca computations for the simulated data be run in parallel? See
#'   \code{\link[PopED]{start_parallel}} for a description and additional arguments that can be 
#'   added to this function and passed to \code{\link[PopED]{start_parallel}}.
#' @param extrapolate Should the NCA calculations extrapolate from the last observation to infinity?
#' @param timing Should timings of calculations be reported to the screen?
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to other functions, including \code{\link[PopED]{start_parallel}}.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import grid
#' @import gridExtra
#' @import scales
#' @import gtable
#' @import knitr
#' @import Cairo
#' @import xtable
#' @import reshape2
#' @importFrom dplyr first n row_number
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%" 
#' @importFrom rlang ":=" 
# @importFrom rlang ".data" 
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off 
#' @importFrom stats median IQR quantile var complete.cases setNames
#' @importFrom utils read.table menu data
#' @return NCA results and diagnostic test results
#' @export
#' @examples
#' out <- ncappc(obsFile=system.file("extdata","pkdata.csv",package="ncappc"), 
#'   onlyNCA = TRUE,
#'   extrapolate = TRUE,
#'   printOut = FALSE,
#'   evid = FALSE,
#'   psnOut=FALSE)
#' data_1 <- data.frame(
#'   ID=1,
#'   TIME = c(0,0.25,0.5,1,1.5,2,3,4,6,8,12,16,24),
#'   DV=c(0, 0.07, 0.14, 0.21, 0.24, 0.27, 0.26, 0.25, 0.22, 0.19, 0.13, 0.081, 0.033)
#' )
#' out_1 <- ncappc(obsFile=data_1,
#'                 onlyNCA = TRUE,
#'                 extrapolate = TRUE,
#'                 printOut = FALSE,
#'                 evid = FALSE,
#'                 timing=TRUE)
#' data_2 <- dplyr::filter(data_1,TIME>17|TIME<3)
#' out_2 <- ncappc(obsFile=data_2,
#'                 onlyNCA = TRUE,
#'                 extrapolate = TRUE,
#'                 printOut = FALSE,
#'                 evid = FALSE,
#'                 force_extrapolate=TRUE)

ncappc <- function(obsFile="nca_original.npctab.dta",
                   out_format = "html",
                   timing = FALSE,
  "..density.." <- "meanObs" <- "sprlow" <- "sprhgh" <- "AUClast" <- 
    "AUCINF_obs" <- "Cmax" <- "Tmax" <- "FCT" <- "ID" <- "STR1" <- 
    "STR2" <- "STR3" <- "NPDE" <- "mcil" <- "mciu" <- "sdu" <- "sducil" <- 
    "sduciu" <- "scale_linetype_manual" <- "scale_color_manual" <- "xlab" <- 
    "ylab" <- "guides" <- "guide_legend" <- "theme" <- "element_text" <- 
    "unit" <- "element_rect" <- "geom_histogram" <- "aes" <- "geom_vline" <- 
    "grid.arrange" <- "unit.c" <- "grid.grab" <- "ggsave" <- "facet_wrap" <- 
    "ggplot" <- "labs" <- "geom_point" <- "geom_errorbarh" <- "knit2html" <- 
    "knit2pdf" <- "knit" <- "file_test" <- "tail" <- "read.csv" <- "read.table" <- 
    "dev.off" <- "write.table" <- "head" <- "write.csv" <- "coef" <- "dist" <- 
    "lm" <- "median" <- "na.omit" <- "percent" <- "qchisq" <- "qnorm" <- "qt" <- 
    "quantile" <- "scale_y_continuous" <- "sd" <- "STRAT1" <- "STRAT2" <- 
    "STRAT3" <- "sdcil" <- "sdciu" <- "str" <- NSUB <- NULL
  if(!is.null(gg_theme)) theme_set(gg_theme) #theme_bw(base_size=22))
  usrdir <- getwd()
  alwprm <- c("AUClast","AUClower_upper","AUCINF_obs","AUCINF_pred","AUMClast","Cmax","Tmax","HL_Lambda_z")
  # Observed data
  if (is.null(obsFile)){stop("Name of the file with observed data is required.")}
  if (!is.data.frame(obsFile)){
    if (!file_test("-f", obsFile)){stop("File for the observed data does not exist.")}
    # read observed data file
    if (!psnOut){
      extn <- tail(unlist(strsplit(obsFile, ".", fixed=T)), n=1)
      if(extn=="csv"){indf <- read.csv(obsFile)}else{indf <- read.table(obsFile, header=T)}
      message("Note: The observed data file is expected to be generated by PsN since psnOut is set to TRUE.")
      #indf <- read.table(obsFile, header=T, skip=1)
      indf <- read_nm_table(obsFile)
      indf <- as.data.frame(indf)
    indf <- obsFile
  # Simulated data is not supplied
    if (is.null(simFile)){
      message("Note: Simulated data file is not supplied. Only NCA module will be executed.")
      onlyNCA <- TRUE
      if (!is.data.frame(simFile) && !file_test("-f", simFile)){
        message(paste0("Note: Simulated data file, ",simFile,", is not found in the working directory. Only NCA module will be executed."))
        simFile <- NULL
        #backExtrp <- FALSE
  # Check observed data
  obsList <- nca.check.obs(obsData=indf,
                           idNmObs=idNmObs, timeNmObs=timeNmObs, concNmObs=concNmObs,
                           doseType=doseType, doseTime=doseTime, Tau=Tau,
                           filterNm=filterNm, filterExcl=filterExcl,
                           str1Nm=str1Nm, str1=str1,
                           str2Nm=str2Nm, str2=str2,
                           str3Nm=str3Nm, str3=str3,
                           AUCTimeRange=AUCTimeRange, LambdaTimeRange=LambdaTimeRange,
                           adminType=adminType, TI=TI, doseAmtNm=doseAmtNm,
                           dateColNm=dateColNm, dateFormat=dateFormat, timeFormat=timeFormat,
                           concUnit=concUnit, timeUnit=timeUnit, doseUnit=doseUnit,
                           blqNm=blqNm, blqExcl=blqExcl,evid=evid, evidIncl=evidIncl, mdv=mdv)
  indf            <- obsList$obsData
  refdf           <- obsList$refdf
  str1            <- obsList$str1
  str2            <- obsList$str2
  str3            <- obsList$str3
  LambdaTimeRange <- obsList$LambdaTimeRange
  TI              <- obsList$TI
  TInum           <- obsList$TInum
  dateFormat      <- obsList$dateFormat
  timeFormat      <- obsList$timeFormat
  dunit           <- obsList$dunit
  tunit           <- obsList$tunit
  cunit           <- obsList$cunit
  aucunit         <- obsList$aucunit
  aumcunit        <- obsList$aumcunit
  clunit          <- obsList$clunit
  vlunit          <- obsList$vlunit
  doseAmtNm       <- obsList$doseAmtNm
  npr       <- length(param)
  obsFileNm <- ifelse(is.data.frame(obsFile), deparse(substitute(obsFile)), obsFile)
  outData   <- data.frame()  # Create empty data frame for output
  # cpopStrNm = Combined stratifyting column names
  # npopStr   = Number of stratification levels
  # popStrNm1 = 1st level stratifying column name
  # popStr1   = 1st level stratification ID names
  # npopStr1  = Number of 1st level stratification ID names
  popStrNm1 <- NULL
  popStrNm2 <- NULL
  popStrNm3 <- NULL
  if (is.null(str1Nm)  & is.null(str2Nm)  & is.null(str3Nm)) {case<-1; npopStr<-0} # No stratification
  if (!is.null(str1Nm) & is.null(str2Nm)  & is.null(str3Nm)) {case<-2; cpopStrNm<-str1Nm; npopStr<-1; popStrNm1<-str1Nm; popStr1<-str1; npopStr1<-length(str1)} # Str1
  if (is.null(str1Nm)  & !is.null(str2Nm) & is.null(str3Nm)) {case<-2; cpopStrNm<-str2Nm; npopStr<-1; popStrNm1<-str2Nm; popStr1<-str2; npopStr1<-length(str2)} # Str2
  if (is.null(str1Nm)  & is.null(str2Nm)  & !is.null(str3Nm)){case<-2; cpopStrNm<-str3Nm; npopStr<-1; popStrNm1<-str3Nm; popStr1<-str3; npopStr1<-length(str3)} # Str3
  # Str1 & Str2
  if (!is.null(str1Nm) & !is.null(str2Nm) & is.null(str3Nm)){
    case<-3; cpopStrNm<-paste(str1Nm,str2Nm,sep=", "); npopStr<-2; popStrNm1<-str1Nm; popStrNm2<-str2Nm; popStr1<-str1; popStr2<-str2; npopStr1<-length(str1); npopStr2<-length(str2)
  # Str1 & Str3
  if (!is.null(str1Nm) & is.null(str2Nm) & !is.null(str3Nm)){
    case<-3; cpopStrNm<-paste(str1Nm,str3Nm,sep=", "); npopStr<-2; popStrNm1<-str1Nm; popStrNm2<-str3Nm; popStr1<-str1; popStr2<-str3; npopStr1<-length(str1); npopStr2<-length(str3)
  # Str2 & Str3
  if (is.null(str1Nm) & !is.null(str2Nm) & !is.null(str3Nm)){
    case<-3; cpopStrNm<-paste(str2Nm,str3Nm,sep=", "); npopStr<-2; popStrNm1<-str2Nm; popStrNm2<-str3Nm; popStr1<-str2; popStr2<-str3; npopStr1<-length(str2); npopStr2<-length(str3)
  # Str1 & Str2 & Str3
  if (!is.null(str1Nm) & !is.null(str2Nm) & !is.null(str3Nm)){
    case<-4; cpopStrNm<-paste(str1Nm,str2Nm,str3Nm,sep=", ")
    popStrNm1<-str1Nm; popStrNm2<-str2Nm; popStrNm3<-str3Nm
    popStr1<-str1; popStr2<-str2; popStr3<-str3
    npopStr1<-length(str1); npopStr2<-length(str2); npopStr3<-length(str3)
  if (!is.null(studyName)){
    txt <- paste0("Name of the study: \"",studyName,"\"")
    txt <- paste(txt,paste0("Name of the file with the observed data: \"",obsFileNm,"\""),sep="\n")
    txt <- paste0("Name of the file with the observed data: \"",obsFileNm,"\"")
  txt <- paste(txt,paste0("Route of administration: ",adminType),sep="\n")
  if (doseType == "ss"){
    txt <- paste(txt,paste0("Dose type: steady-state with dosing interval (Tau) of",Tau),sep="\n")
    txt <- paste(txt,"Dose type: non-steady-state",sep="\n")
  txt <- paste(txt,paste0("No. of population stratification levels: ",npopStr),sep="\n")
  if (case==2){
    txt <- paste(txt,paste0("Population stratification column: ",cpopStrNm),sep="\n")
    txt <- paste(txt,paste0("Population stratification ID within ",popStrNm1,": ",paste(popStr1,collapse=", ")),sep="\n")
  }else if (case==3){
    txt <- paste(txt,paste0("Population stratification columns: ",cpopStrNm),sep="\n")
    txt <- paste(txt,paste0("1st level population stratification ID within ",popStrNm1,": ",paste(popStr1,collapse=", ")),sep="\n")
    txt <- paste(txt,paste0("2nd level population stratification ID within ",popStrNm2,": ",paste(popStr2,collapse=", ")),sep="\n")
  }else if (case==4){
    txt <- paste(txt,paste0("Population stratification columns: ",cpopStrNm),sep="\n")
    txt <- paste(txt,paste0("1st level population stratification ID within ",popStrNm1,": ",paste(popStr1,collapse=", ")),sep="\n")
    txt <- paste(txt,paste0("2nd level population stratification ID within ",popStrNm2,": ",paste(popStr2,collapse=", ")),sep="\n")
    txt <- paste(txt,paste0("3rd level population stratification ID within ",popStrNm3,": ",paste(popStr3,collapse=", ")),sep="\n")
  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  # Initiate plot lists for pdf output
  concplot   <- list(); histobsplot <- list(); popplot      <- list(); devplot <- list(); outlierplot <- list()
  forestplot <- list(); npdeplot    <- list(); histnpdeplot <- list()
  # calculate the NCA parameters for the observed data
  obs_nca <- estimate_nca(case=case,
                          all_data = refdf,
                          dvLog = obsLog, dataType="obs",
                          idNm=idNmObs, timeNm=timeNmObs, concNm=concNmObs,
                          adminType=adminType, TI=TI,
                          dateColNm=dateColNm, dateFormat=dateFormat, timeFormat=timeFormat,
  nca_obs_time <- PopED::toc(echo = F)
  if(timing) message("Time taken to estimate NCA parameters on observed data: ", sprintf("%.3f",nca_obs_time), " seconds.")
  outData <- obs_nca$outData
  pddf <- obs_nca$pddf
  cdata <- obs_nca$cdata

  if (!noPlot){
    concplot <- dv_vs_idv(case, cdata, concplot, printOut, usrdir, figFormat,
                          cunit, tunit,
                          npopStr1, STRAT1, popStr1, popStrNm1, 
                          npopStr2, STRAT2, popStr2, popStrNm2, 
                          npopStr3, STRAT3, popStr3, popStrNm3)
    histobsplot <- hist_nca_obs(case, outData, AUClast, AUCINF_obs, Cmax, Tmax, cunit, tunit, spread, 
                                printOut, usrdir, figFormat, histobsplot, 
                                npopStr1, STRAT1, popStr1, popStrNm1, 
                                npopStr2, STRAT2, popStr2, popStrNm2, 
                                npopStr3, STRAT3, popStr3, popStrNm3)
  # Statistical analysis for each patient group
  statData <- data.frame()
  statPrm  <- c("N","Nunique","Min","Max","Mean","Median","SD","SE","CVp","CI95l","CI95u","geoMean","gCVp")
  ncaPrm   <- c("C0","Tmax","Cmax","Cmax_D","Tlast","Clast","AUClast","AUMClast","MRTlast","No_points_Lambda_z",
  if (case == 1){
    tmpDF    <- outData[,ncaPrm]
    statData <- sapply(tmpDF, function(x){x<-as.numeric(as.character(x)); if(length(x[complete.cases(x)])<2){rep(NA,13)}else{out.digits(calc.stat(x[complete.cases(x)]),dig=4)}})
    statData <- data.frame(statData)
    if (nrow(statData) != 0) statData <- cbind(data.frame(Stat=statPrm), statData)
  if (case == 2){
    for (s1 in 1:npopStr1){
      tmpDF    <- outData[outData$STRAT1==popStr1[s1],ncaPrm]
      tmpStat  <- sapply(tmpDF, function(x){x<-as.numeric(as.character(x)); if(length(x[complete.cases(x)])<2){rep(NA,13)}else{out.digits(calc.stat(x[complete.cases(x)]),dig=4)}})
      tmpStat  <- data.frame(tmpStat)
      if (nrow(tmpStat) == 0) next
      tmpStat  <- cbind(data.frame(STRAT1=popStr1[s1],Stat=statPrm), tmpStat)
      statData <- rbind(statData, tmpStat)
    names(statData)[names(statData)%in%"STRAT1"] <- popStrNm1
  if (case == 3){
    for (s1 in 1:npopStr1){
      for (s2 in 1:npopStr2){
        tmpDF    <- outData[outData$STRAT1==popStr1[s1] & outData$STRAT2==popStr2[s2],ncaPrm]
        tmpStat  <- sapply(tmpDF, function(x){x<-as.numeric(as.character(x)); if(length(x[complete.cases(x)])<2){rep(NA,13)}else{out.digits(calc.stat(x[complete.cases(x)]),dig=4)}})
        tmpStat  <- data.frame(tmpStat)
        if (nrow(tmpStat) == 0) next
        tmpStat  <- cbind(data.frame(STRAT1=popStr1[s1],STRAT2=popStr2[s2],Stat=statPrm), tmpStat)
        statData <- rbind(statData, tmpStat)
    names(statData)[names(statData)%in%c("STRAT1","STRAT2")] <- c(popStrNm1,popStrNm2)
  if (case == 4){
    for (s1 in 1:npopStr1){
      for (s2 in 1:npopStr2){
        for (s3 in 1:npopStr3){
          tmpDF    <- outData[outData$STRAT1==popStr1[s1] & outData$STRAT2==popStr2[s2] & outData$STRAT3==popStr3[s3],ncaPrm]
          tmpStat  <- sapply(tmpDF, function(x){x<-as.numeric(as.character(x)); if(length(x[complete.cases(x)])<2){rep(NA,13)}else{out.digits(calc.stat(x[complete.cases(x)]),dig=4)}})
          tmpStat  <- data.frame(tmpStat)
          if (nrow(tmpStat) == 0) next
          tmpStat  <- cbind(data.frame(STRAT1=popStr1[s1],STRAT2=popStr2[s2],STRAT3=popStr3[s3],Stat=statPrm), tmpStat)
          statData <- rbind(statData, tmpStat)
    names(statData)[names(statData)%in%c("STRAT1","STRAT2","STRAT3")] <- c(popStrNm1,popStrNm2,popStrNm3)
  if (printOut){
    if (is.null(outFileNm) || outFileNm==""){
      write.table(statData, file=paste0(usrdir,"/ObsStat.tsv"), sep="\t", col.names=T, row.names=F, quote=F)
      write.table(statData, file=paste0(usrdir,"/ObsStat-",outFileNm,".tsv"), sep="\t", col.names=T, row.names=F, quote=F)
  ## Finished with observed data 
  ## Start with simulated data
  # Print output files if simulated data does not exist
  if (is.null(simFile) || onlyNCA){
    # Raname ID and stratifier columns and format output table sigfig
    if (case == 1){
      names(outData)[names(outData)%in%c("ID")] <- c(idNmObs)
      #outData[,c(2:ncol(outData))] <- as.data.frame(lapply(outData[,c(2:ncol(outData))], FUN=function(x) out.digits(x,dig=4)))
    if (case == 2){
      names(outData)[names(outData)%in%c("ID","STRAT1")] <- c(idNmObs,popStrNm1)
      #outData[,c(3:ncol(outData))] <- as.data.frame(lapply(outData[,c(3:ncol(outData))], FUN=function(x) out.digits(x,dig=4)))
    if (case == 3){
      names(outData)[names(outData)%in%c("ID","STRAT1","STRAT2")] <- c(idNmObs,popStrNm1,popStrNm2)
      #outData[,c(4:ncol(outData))] <- as.data.frame(lapply(outData[,c(4:ncol(outData))], FUN=function(x) out.digits(x,dig=4)))
    if (case == 4){
      names(outData)[names(outData)%in%c("ID","STRAT1","STRAT2","STRAT3")] <- c(idNmObs,popStrNm1,popStrNm2,popStrNm3)
      #outData[,c(5:ncol(outData))] <- as.data.frame(lapply(outData[,c(5:ncol(outData))], FUN=function(x) out.digits(x,dig=4)))
    # Subset table to print in the report
    if (case == 1) {prnTab <- head(cbind(outData[,1:2], subset(outData, select = tabCol)),50); names(prnTab)[1:2] <- names(outData)[1:2]}
    if (case == 2) {prnTab <- head(cbind(outData[,1:3], subset(outData, select = tabCol)),50); names(prnTab)[1:3] <- names(outData)[1:3]}
    if (case == 3) {prnTab <- head(cbind(outData[,1:4], subset(outData, select = tabCol)),50); names(prnTab)[1:4] <- names(outData)[1:4]}
    if (case == 4) {prnTab <- head(cbind(outData[,1:5], subset(outData, select = tabCol)),50); names(prnTab)[1:5] <- names(outData)[1:5]}
    # Add unit to report table header
    tabUnit1 <- data.frame(NAME=c("Dose"))
    tabUnit2 <- data.frame(NAME=c("C0","Tmax","Cmax","Cmax_D","Tlast","Clast","AUClast","AUMClast","MRTlast","AUClower_upper","Lambda_z","Lambda_z_lower","Lambda_z_upper","HL_Lambda_z","AUCINF_obs","AUCINF_D_obs","Vz_obs","Cl_obs","AUCINF_pred","AUCINF_D_pred","Vz_pred","Cl_pred","AUMCINF_obs","AUMCINF_pred","MRTINF_obs","MRTINF_pred","Tau","Tmin","Cmin","Cavg","AUCtau","AUMCtau","Clss","Vss_obs","Vss_pred"))
    tabUnit <- rbind(tabUnit1,tabUnit2)
    streamsEnv <- parent.frame()
    if (exists("outData"))     assign("ncaOutput", outData, envir=streamsEnv)
    if (exists("statData"))    assign("ObsStat", statData, envir=streamsEnv)
    if (exists("concplot"))    assign("concPlot", concplot, envir=streamsEnv)
    if (exists("histobsplot")) assign("histobsPlot", histobsplot, envir=streamsEnv)
    if (printOut){
      if (is.null(outFileNm) || outFileNm==""){
        write.table(outData, file=paste0(usrdir,"/ncaOutput.tsv"), sep="\t", row.names=F, col.names=T, quote=F)
        write.table(outData, file=paste0(usrdir,"/ncaOutput-",outFileNm,".tsv"), sep="\t", row.names=F, col.names=T, quote=F)
      fnOut <- list(arglist=match.call(), case=case, TXT=txt, pddf=pddf, prnTab=prnTab, spread=spread, conc=concplot, histobs=histobsplot)   # Function output list
    ############## Analyze the simulated data if exists ####################
    simDir <- paste0(usrdir,"/SIMDATA")

    extra_name <- paste0("-",outFileNm)
    if (is.null(outFileNm) || outFileNm=="") extra_name <- ""
    sim_est_file <- paste0("ncaSimEst",extra_name,".tsv.gz")
    # Check status of ncaSimEst
    if (file.exists(sim_est_file)){
      if (is.null(overwrite_sim_est_file)){
          cat(paste0("\nThe file ", sim_est_file, " already exists.\n")) 
          cat("Please choose one of the following options:\n")
          dirTest <- menu(c("Overwrite it",
                            "Rename and create a new one",
                            "Use as it is."))
        } else {
          dirTest <- "1"
      }else if (overwrite_sim_est_file){
        dirTest <- "1"
      }else if (!overwrite_sim_est_file) {
        dirTest <- "3"
      if (dirTest == "1"){
      }else if (dirTest == "2"){
        print(paste0("\nRenaming ", sim_est_file, " to ", sim_est_file,"_previous\n"))
        file.rename(from=sim_est_file, to=paste0(sim_est_file,"_previous"))
      }else if (dirTest == "3"){
        #file_list <- list.files(path="./SIMDATA/", pattern="sim_[0-9]*.csv", full.names=T)
        setwd(usrdir);stop("Don't know what to do with ",sim_est_file," \n")
        #setwd(usrdir);stop("Bad choice!!! Please choose either 1 or 2 or 3\n")
    }else if (file.exists(simDir)){     # Check status of SIMDATA
      if (is.null(overwrite_SIMDATA)){
          cat("\nDirectory \"SIMDATA\" already exists.\n") 
          cat("Please choose one of the following options:\n")
          dirTest <- menu(c("Overwrite it",
                            "Rename \"SIMDATA\" and create a new one",
                            "Use \"SIMDATA\" as it is."))
        } else {
          dirTest <- "1"
      }else if (overwrite_SIMDATA){
        dirTest <- "1"
      }else if (!overwrite_SIMDATA) {
        dirTest <- "3"
      if (dirTest == "1"){
        unlink(simDir, recursive=TRUE)
      }else if (dirTest == "2"){
        print("\nRenaming \"SIMDATA\" to \"SIMDATA_PREVIOUS\"\n")
        file.rename(from="SIMDATA", to="SIMDATA_PREVIOUS")
      }else if (dirTest == "3"){
        file_list <- list.files(path="./SIMDATA/", pattern="sim_[0-9]*.csv", full.names=T)
        setwd(usrdir);stop("Don't know what to do with \"SIMDATA\" \n")
        #setwd(usrdir);stop("Bad choice!!! Please choose either 1 or 2 or 3\n")
      dirTest <- "0"
    # If SIMDATA is newly created, read NM output and perform NCA
    if (dirTest != 3){
      if (is.data.frame(simFile)){
        nmdf <- simFile
        if (new_data_method){
          message("Reading the simulated data file\n")
          nmdf <- read_nm_table(simFile,sim_num = T,sim_name="NSUB")
          nmdf <- data.frame(nmdf)
        } else {
          message("Reading the simulated data file\n")
          nmdf <- nca.read.sim(simFile=simFile, MDV.rm=F)
      if (printOut){
        if (is.null(outFileNm) || outFileNm==""){
          #write.table(nmdf, file=paste0(usrdir,"/ncaSimData.tsv"), row.names=F, quote=F, sep="\t")
          readr::write_delim(nmdf, file.path(usrdir,"ncaSimData.tsv.gz"), delim = "\t")
          #write.table(nmdf, file=paste0(usrdir,"/ncaSimData-",outFileNm,".tsv"), row.names=F, quote=F, sep="\t")
          readr::write_delim(nmdf, file.path(usrdir,paste0("ncaSimData-",outFileNm,".tsv.gz")), delim = "\t")
      simID <- unique(sort(nmdf$NSUB))
      nsim  <- length(simID)
      dset  <- "sim"
      # Perform checks on simulated NM output file (nmdf)
      simList <- nca.check.sim(simData=nmdf,
      nmdf      <- simList$simData
      srdf      <- simList$simRefData
      str1      <- simList$str1
      str2      <- simList$str2
      str3      <- simList$str3
      doseAmtNm <- simList$doseAmtNm
      # cpopStrNm = Combined stratifyting column names
      # npopStr   = Number of stratification levels
      # popStrNm1 = 1st level stratifying column name
      # popStr1   = 1st level stratification ID names
      # npopStr1  = Number of 1st level stratification ID names
      if (!is.null(str1Nm) & is.null(str2Nm)  & is.null(str3Nm)) {case<-2; cpopStrNm<-str1Nm; npopStr<-1; popStrNm1<-str1Nm; popStr1<-str1; npopStr1<-length(str1)} # Str1
      if (is.null(str1Nm)  & !is.null(str2Nm) & is.null(str3Nm)) {case<-2; cpopStrNm<-str2Nm; npopStr<-1; popStrNm1<-str2Nm; popStr1<-str2; npopStr1<-length(str2)} # Str2
      if (is.null(str1Nm)  & is.null(str2Nm)  & !is.null(str3Nm)){case<-2; cpopStrNm<-str3Nm; npopStr<-1; popStrNm1<-str3Nm; popStr1<-str3; npopStr1<-length(str3)} # Str3
      # Str1 & Str2
      if (!is.null(str1Nm) & !is.null(str2Nm) & is.null(str3Nm)){
        case<-3; cpopStrNm<-paste(str1Nm,str2Nm,sep=", "); npopStr<-2; popStrNm1<-str1Nm; popStrNm2<-str2Nm; popStr1<-str1; popStr2<-str2; npopStr1<-length(str1); npopStr2<-length(str2)
      # Str1 & Str3
      if (!is.null(str1Nm) & is.null(str2Nm) & !is.null(str3Nm)){
        case<-3; cpopStrNm<-paste(str1Nm,str3Nm,sep=", "); npopStr<-2; popStrNm1<-str1Nm; popStrNm2<-str3Nm; popStr1<-str1; popStr2<-str3; npopStr1<-length(str1); npopStr2<-length(str3)
      # Str2 & Str3
      if (is.null(str1Nm) & !is.null(str2Nm) & !is.null(str3Nm)){
        case<-3; cpopStrNm<-paste(str2Nm,str3Nm,sep=", "); npopStr<-2; popStrNm1<-str2Nm; popStrNm2<-str3Nm; popStr1<-str2; popStr2<-str3; npopStr1<-length(str2); npopStr2<-length(str3)
      # Str1 & Str2 & Str3
      if (!is.null(str1Nm) & !is.null(str2Nm) & !is.null(str3Nm)){
        case<-4; cpopStrNm<-paste(str1Nm,str2Nm,str3Nm,sep=", ")
        popStrNm1<-str1Nm; popStrNm2<-str2Nm; popStrNm3<-str3Nm
        popStr1<-str1; popStr2<-str2; popStr3<-str3
        npopStr1<-length(str1); npopStr2<-length(str2); npopStr3<-length(str3)
      # Calculate AUC parameters for the simulation data
      # simData_tot <- data.frame()
      # PopED::tic()
      # #nsim=10
      # for (s in 1:nsim){
      #   simData <- data.frame()
      #   smdf    <- nmdf[nmdf$NSUB == simID[s],]
      #   sim_nca <- estimate_nca(case=case,
      #                           pkData=smdf, 
      #                           all_data = srdf,
      #                           doseAmtNm=doseAmtNm,
      #                           dvLog = simLog, dataType="sim",
      #                           idNm=idNmSim, timeNm=timeNmSim, concNm=concNmSim,
      #                           adminType=adminType, TI=TI,
      #                           dateColNm=dateColNm, dateFormat=dateFormat, timeFormat=timeFormat,
      #                           backExtrp=backExtrp,negConcExcl=negConcExcl,doseType=doseType,
      #                           method=method,AUCTimeRange=AUCTimeRange,LambdaTimeRange=LambdaTimeRange,
      #                           LambdaExclude=LambdaExclude,doseTime=doseTime,Tau=Tau,simFile=simFile,onlyNCA=onlyNCA,
      #                           npopStr1,npopStr2,npopStr3,
      #                           popStrNm1,popStrNm2,popStrNm3,
      #                           popStr1,popStr2,popStr3,
      #                           dunit=dunit,extrapolate=extrapolate,...)
      #   simData <- sim_nca$outData
      #   simData$NSIM <- s
      #   simData_tot <- dplyr::bind_rows(simData_tot,simData)
      # }
      # nca_sim_time <- PopED::toc(echo = F)
      # message("Time taken to estimate NCA parameters on simulated data: ", 
      #         sprintf("%.3f",nca_sim_time), 
      #         " seconds.")

      # set up parallel computing
        parallel <- PopED::start_parallel(parallel,...) 
        on.exit(if(parallel && (attr(parallel,"type")=="snow")) parallel::stopCluster(attr(parallel,"cluster")))
      cores <- 1
      if(!is.null(attr(parallel, "cores"))) cores <- attr(parallel, "cores")
      message("Expected time to estimate NCA parameters on simulated data: ", sprintf("%.3f",(nca_obs_time*(1.2))*nsim/60/cores), " minutes.")
      #  define function with data first
      tmp_fun <- function(x,...){
        out <- estimate_nca(case=case,
                            all_data = srdf,
                            dvLog = simLog, dataType="sim",
                            idNm=idNmSim, timeNm=timeNmSim, concNm=concNmSim,
                            adminType=adminType, TI=TI,
                            dateColNm=dateColNm, dateFormat=dateFormat, timeFormat=timeFormat,
        out$NSUB <- x$NSUB[1]
      # split the data
      split_data <- split(nmdf,nmdf$NSUB) 
        #dplyr::filter(NSUB<20) %>% 
      # compute the NCA statsitics
      if(parallel && (attr(parallel,"type")=="multicore")){
        res <- parallel::mclapply(split_data,tmp_fun,...,mc.cores=attr(parallel, "cores"))
      } else if(parallel && (attr(parallel,"type")=="snow")){
        res <- parallel::parLapply(attr(parallel, "cluster"),split_data,tmp_fun,...)
      } else {
        res <- lapply(split_data,tmp_fun,...)
      simData_tot <- dplyr::bind_rows(res)
      # add NSIM column
      tmp <- simData_tot %>% dplyr::distinct(NSUB) %>% dplyr::mutate(NSIM=row_number())
      #tmp$NSIM <- 1:nrow(tmp)
      simData_tot <- dplyr::left_join(simData_tot,tmp,by="NSUB")
      nca_sim_time <- PopED::toc(echo = F)
      if(timing) message("Time taken to estimate NCA parameters on simulated data: ", 
              " minutes.")
      if (case == 1) names(simData_tot)[names(simData_tot)%in%c("ID")] <- c(idNmSim)
      if (case == 2) names(simData_tot)[names(simData_tot)%in%c("ID","STRAT1")] <- c(idNmSim,popStrNm1)
      if (case == 3) names(simData_tot)[names(simData_tot)%in%c("ID","STRAT1","STRAT2")] <- c(idNmSim,popStrNm1,popStrNm2)
      if (case == 4) names(simData_tot)[names(simData_tot)%in%c("ID","STRAT1","STRAT2","STRAT3")] <- c(idNmSim,popStrNm1,popStrNm2,popStrNm3)
      readr::write_delim(simData_tot, file.path(usrdir,sim_est_file), delim = "\t")
    } else {
      if (file.exists(sim_est_file)){
        simData_tot <- suppressMessages(readr::read_delim(file.path(usrdir,sim_est_file),delim = "\t"))
        nsim <- max(simData_tot$NSIM)
        simData_tot <- as.data.frame(simData_tot)
      } else if(file.exists(simDir)){
        # read all simulated NCA parameters to a list
        lasdf <- lapply(list.files(path = simDir, pattern="sim_[0-9]*.csv",full.names=T),function(i){read.csv(i, header=T)})
        nsim  <- length(lasdf)
        simData_tot <- do.call(rbind, lapply(lasdf, as.data.frame))
    dasdf <- simData_tot
    # # Rename the ID and stratification column names to ID, STRAT1, STRAT2 and/STRAT3
    # if (case==1) lasdf <- lapply(seq(lasdf), function(i){x <- data.frame(lasdf[[i]]); names(x)[match(c(idNmSim),names(x))] <- c("ID"); return(x)})
    # if (case==2) lasdf <- lapply(seq(lasdf), function(i){x <- data.frame(lasdf[[i]]); names(x)[match(c(idNmSim,popStrNm1),names(x))] <- c("ID","STRAT1"); return(x)})
    # if (case==3) lasdf <- lapply(seq(lasdf), function(i){x <- data.frame(lasdf[[i]]); names(x)[match(c(idNmSim,popStrNm1,popStrNm2),names(x))] <- c("ID","STRAT1","STRAT2"); return(x)})
    # if (case==4) lasdf <- lapply(seq(lasdf), function(i){x <- data.frame(lasdf[[i]]); names(x)[match(c(idNmSim,popStrNm1,popStrNm2,popStrNm3),names(x))] <- c("ID","STRAT1","STRAT2","STRAT3"); return(x)})
    # if (printOut){
    #   if (is.null(outFileNm) || outFileNm==""){
    #     write.table(dasdf, file=paste0(usrdir,"/ncaSimEst.tsv"), row.names=F, quote=F, sep="\t")
    #   }else{
    #     write.table(dasdf, file=paste0(usrdir,"/ncaSimEst-",outFileNm,".tsv"), row.names=F, quote=F, sep="\t")
    #   }
    # }
    if (case==1) names(dasdf)[match(c(idNmSim),names(dasdf))] <- c("ID")
    if (case==2) names(dasdf)[match(c(idNmSim,popStrNm1),names(dasdf))] <- c("ID","STRAT1")
    if (case==3) names(dasdf)[match(c(idNmSim,popStrNm1,popStrNm2),names(dasdf))] <- c("ID","STRAT1","STRAT2")
    if (case==4) names(dasdf)[match(c(idNmSim,popStrNm1,popStrNm2,popStrNm3),names(dasdf))] <- c("ID","STRAT1","STRAT2","STRAT3")
    # Set plot output dimensions
    if (npr<=2){
      hth<-14; wth<-15; phth<-7; pwth<-6
    }else if (npr>2 & npr<=4){
      hth<-20; wth<-16; phth<-8; pwth<-7
    }else if (npr>4 & npr<=6){
      hth<-26; wth<-16; phth<-9; pwth<-8
    }else if (npr>6){
      hth<-26; wth<-22; phth<-9; pwth<-10
    # Plot population histogram of mean and variance of parameters
    if (!noPlot) pop_hist_list <- hist_mean_var(obs_data=outData, sim_data=dasdf,
    # Perform ppc; sensitive to onlyNCA
    if (!onlyNCA){
      devcol  <- paste0("d",param)
      npdecol <- paste0("npde",param)
      # ggplot options for the forest plot
      ggOpt_forest <- list(xlab("\nNPDE"),ylab(""),
                           labs(title = "Forest plot of NPDE\nErrorbar = 95% confidence interval\n"),
                           theme(axis.text.x = element_text(vjust=1,hjust=1,size=10),
                                 axis.text.y = element_text(hjust=0,size=10),
                                 strip.text.x = element_text(size=10),
                                 legend.text = element_text(size=12),
                                 title = element_text(size=14,face="bold"),
                                 legend.position = "bottom", legend.direction = "horizontal",
                                 legend.background = element_rect(),
                                 legend.key.height = unit(1,"cm")),
                           facet_wrap(~type, scales="fixed", ncol=2))
      OTL   <- data.frame(No_of_outliers=numeric(0),ID_metric=character(0))
      npde  <- data.frame()
      fpval <- data.frame(type=character(0),mean=numeric(0),mcil=numeric(0),mciu=numeric(0),sdu=numeric(0),sducil=numeric(0),sduciu=numeric(0),str=character(0))
    if (case == 1){
      tdasdf <- dasdf
      id     <- unique(tdasdf$ID)
      pde    <- data.frame()
      metric <- ""
      nout   <- 0
      for (i in 1:length(id)){
        obsdata <- subset(outData, ID==id[i])
        simdata <- subset(tdasdf, ID==id[i])
        figlbl  <- NULL
        pdeout  <- nca.pde.deviation.outlier(obsdata=obsdata,simdata=simdata,idNm="ID",id=id[i],spread=spread,figlbl=figlbl,calcparam=alwprm,diagparam=param,cunit=cunit,tunit=tunit,noPlot=noPlot,onlyNCA=onlyNCA)
        pde     <- rbind(pde, cbind(data.frame(ID=id[i]), pdeout$pde))
        outData[outData$ID==id[i],] <- pdeout$obsdata
        if (!onlyNCA && pdeout$metric != ""){
          nout   <- nout + 1
          metric <- paste(metric,pdeout$metric,sep=", ")
          if (!noPlot){
            gdr      <- pdeout$grob
            mylegend <- pdeout$legend
            lheight  <- pdeout$lheight
            if (printOut){
              fl <- paste0(usrdir,"/Outlier_ID-",id[i])
              if (figFormat=="tiff"){
              suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(gdr,mylegend, heights=unit.c(unit(1, "npc") - lheight, lheight))))
            suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(gdr,mylegend, heights=unit.c(unit(1, "npc") - lheight, lheight))))
            ggr <- grid.grab()
            outlierplot[[length(outlierplot)+1]] <- ggr
      if (!onlyNCA){
        if (metric != "") metric <- gsub("^, ", "", metric)
        OTL  <- rbind(OTL, data.frame(No_of_outlier=nout,ID_metric=metric))
        npde <- rbind(npde,pde)
        npde   <- nca.npde(pdedata=npde,pdecol=alwprm)
        npdeNm <- paste0("npde",alwprm)
        for (r in 1:nrow(outData)){
          if (nrow(npde[npde$ID==outData$ID[r],])!=1){
            outData[r,npdeNm] <- NaN
            outData[r,npdeNm] <- npde[npde$ID==outData$ID[r],npdeNm]
        plotdata <- outData
        if (nrow(plotdata) != 0) {
          figlbl <- "All data"
          # Deviation plot
          if (!noPlot){
            ggdev <- nca.deviation.plot(plotdata=plotdata,xvar="ID",devcol=devcol,figlbl=figlbl,spread=spread,cunit=cunit,tunit=tunit)
            if (!is.null(ggdev)){
              if (printOut) suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(ggsave(filename=paste0(usrdir,"/Deviation_",figlbl,".",figFormat),height=hth,width=wth,units="cm",dpi=120)))
              devplot[[length(devplot)+1]] <- ggdev
          # NPDE plot
          npdeout <- nca.npde.plot(plotdata=plotdata,xvar="ID",npdecol=npdecol,figlbl=figlbl,cunit=cunit,tunit=tunit)
          if (!is.null(npdeout$forestdata)) {
            forestdata <- npdeout$forestdata
            forestdata$str <- figlbl
            fpval <- rbind(fpval, forestdata)
            if (!noPlot){
              npdeplot[[length(npdeplot)+1]] <- npdeout$ggnpde
              if (printOut) suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(ggsave(filename=paste0(usrdir,"/NPDE_",figlbl,".",figFormat),height=hth,width=wth,units="cm",dpi=120)))
              histnpdeplot[[length(histnpdeplot)+1]] <- npdeout$gghnpde
              if (printOut) suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(ggsave(filename=paste0(usrdir,"/HistNPDE_",figlbl,".",figFormat),height=hth,width=wth,units="cm",dpi=120)))
            if (!noPlot){
              # Forest plot for NPDE
              fpval$FCT <- paste0("mean=",signif(fpval$mean,2),"+/-CI=",signif(fpval$mcil,2),",",signif(fpval$mciu,2),", SD=",signif(fpval$sd,2),"+/-CI=",signif(fpval$sdcil,2),",",signif(fpval$sdciu,2))
              xlim1 <- floor(min(fpval$mcil)); xlim2 <- ceiling(fpval$sdciu)
              ggplt <- ggplot(fpval) + ggOpt_forest +
                geom_point(aes(mean,str,color="mean"), show.legend=T, size=2) +
                #geom_errorbarh(aes(x=mean,y=str,xmin=mcil,xmax=mciu),size=0.4, color="red",height=0.1) +
                geom_errorbarh(aes(y=str,xmin=mcil,xmax=mciu),size=0.4, color="red",height=0.1) +
                geom_point(aes(sd,str,color="SD"), size=2) +
                #geom_errorbarh(aes(x=sd,y=str,xmin=sdcil,xmax=sdciu), size=0.4, color="darkgreen", height=0.1) +
                geom_errorbarh(aes(y=str,xmin=sdcil,xmax=sdciu), size=0.4, color="darkgreen", height=0.1) +
                geom_text(aes(label=out.digits(mean,dig=2),x=mean,y=str,color="mean",vjust=-1),size=4,show.legend=F) +
                geom_text(aes(label=out.digits(mcil,dig=2),x=mcil,y=str,color="mean",vjust=-2.5),size=4,show.legend=F) +
                geom_text(aes(label=out.digits(mciu,dig=2),x=mciu,y=str,color="mean",vjust=-2.5),size=4,show.legend=F) +
                geom_text(aes(label=out.digits(sd,dig=2),x=sd,y=str,color="SD",vjust=1.5),size=4,show.legend=F) +
                geom_text(aes(label=out.digits(sdcil,dig=2),x=sdcil,y=str,color="SD",vjust=2.5),size=4,show.legend=F) +
              forestplot[[length(forestplot)+1]] <- ggplt
              if (printOut) suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(ggsave(filename=paste0(usrdir,"/ForestNPDE.",figFormat),height=hth,width=wth,units="cm",dpi=120)))
    }else if (case==2){
      for (s1 in 1:npopStr1){
        if (nrow(dasdf[dasdf$STRAT1==popStr1[s1],]) == 0) next
        tdasdf <- subset(dasdf, STRAT1==popStr1[s1])
        id     <- unique(tdasdf$ID)
        pde    <- data.frame()
        metric <- ""
        nout   <- 0
        figlbl <- paste0(popStrNm1,"-",popStr1[s1])
        for (i in 1:length(id)){
          obsdata <- subset(outData, ID==id[i] & STRAT1==popStr1[s1])
          simdata <- subset(tdasdf, ID==id[i])
          pdeout  <- nca.pde.deviation.outlier(obsdata=obsdata,simdata=simdata,idNm="ID",id=id[i],spread=spread,figlbl=figlbl,calcparam=alwprm,diagparam=param,cunit=cunit,tunit=tunit,noPlot=noPlot,onlyNCA=onlyNCA)
          pde     <- rbind(pde, cbind(data.frame(ID=id[i],STRAT1=popStr1[s1]), pdeout$pde))
          outData[(outData$ID==id[i] & outData$STRAT1==popStr1[s1]),] <- pdeout$obsdata
          if (!onlyNCA && pdeout$metric != ""){
            nout     <- nout + 1
            metric   <- paste(metric,pdeout$metric,sep=", ")
            if (!noPlot){
              gdr      <- pdeout$grob
              mylegend <- pdeout$legend
              lheight  <- pdeout$lheight
              if (printOut){
                fl <- paste0(usrdir,"/Outlier_ID-",id[i],"_",figlbl)
                if (figFormat=="tiff"){
                suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(gdr,mylegend, heights=unit.c(unit(1, "npc") - lheight, lheight))))
              suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(gdr,mylegend, heights=unit.c(unit(1, "npc") - lheight, lheight))))
              ggr <- grid.grab()
              outlierplot[[length(outlierplot)+1]] <- ggr
        if (!onlyNCA){
          if (metric != "") metric <- gsub("^, ", "", metric)
          OTL  <- rbind(OTL, data.frame(No_of_outlier=nout,ID_metric=metric))
          npde <- rbind(npde,pde)
      if (!onlyNCA){
        npde   <- nca.npde(pdedata=npde,pdecol=alwprm)
        npdeNm <- paste0("npde",alwprm)
        for (r in 1:nrow(outData)){
          if (nrow(npde[(npde$ID==outData$ID[r] & npde$STRAT1==outData$STRAT1[r]),])!=1){
            outData[r,npdeNm] <- NaN
            outData[r,paste0("npde",alwprm)] <- npde[(npde$ID==outData$ID[r] & npde$STRAT1==outData$STRAT1[r]),paste0("npde",alwprm)]
        for (s1 in 1:npopStr1){
          plotdata <- subset(outData, STRAT1==popStr1[s1])
          if (nrow(plotdata) == 0) next
          figlbl <- paste0(popStrNm1,"-",popStr1[s1])
          # Deviation plot
          if (!noPlot){
            ggdev <- nca.deviation.plot(plotdata=plotdata,xvar="ID",devcol=devcol,figlbl=figlbl,spread=spread,cunit=cunit,tunit=tunit)
            if (!is.null(ggdev)){
              if (printOut) suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(ggsave(filename=paste0(usrdir,"/Deviation_",figlbl,".",figFormat),height=hth,width=wth,units="cm",dpi=120)))
              devplot[[length(devplot)+1]] <- ggdev
          # NPDE plot
          npdeout <- nca.npde.plot(plotdata=plotdata,xvar="ID",npdecol=npdecol,figlbl=figlbl,cunit=cunit,tunit=tunit)
          if (is.null(npdeout$forestdata)) next
          forestdata <- npdeout$forestdata
          forestdata$str <- figlbl
          fpval <- rbind(fpval, forestdata)
          if (!noPlot){
            npdeplot[[length(npdeplot)+1]] <- npdeout$ggnpde
            if (printOut) suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(ggsave(filename=paste0(usrdir,"/NPDE_",figlbl,".",figFormat),height=hth,width=wth,units="cm",dpi=120)))
            histnpdeplot[[length(histnpdeplot)+1]] <- npdeout$gghnpde
            if (printOut) suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(ggsave(filename=paste0(usrdir,"/HistNPDE_",figlbl,".",figFormat),height=hth,width=wth,units="cm",dpi=120)))
        if (!noPlot){
          # Forest plot for NPDE
          fpval$FCT <- paste0("mean=",signif(fpval$mean,2),"+/-CI=",signif(fpval$mcil,2),",",signif(fpval$mciu,2),", SD=",signif(fpval$sd,2),"+/-CI=",signif(fpval$sdcil,2),",",signif(fpval$sdciu,2))
          xlim1 <- floor(min(fpval$mcil)); xlim2 <- ceiling(fpval$sdciu)
          ggplt <- ggplot(fpval) + ggOpt_forest +
            geom_point(aes(mean,str,color="mean"), show.legend=T, size=2) +
            #geom_errorbarh(aes(x=mean,y=str,xmin=mcil,xmax=mciu),size=0.4, color="red",height=0.1) +
            geom_errorbarh(aes(y=str,xmin=mcil,xmax=mciu),size=0.4, color="red",height=0.1) +
            geom_point(aes(sd,str,color="SD"), size=2) +
            #geom_errorbarh(aes(x=sd,y=str,xmin=sdcil,xmax=sdciu), size=0.4, color="darkgreen", height=0.1) +
            geom_errorbarh(aes(y=str,xmin=sdcil,xmax=sdciu), size=0.4, color="darkgreen", height=0.1) +
            geom_text(aes(label=out.digits(mean,dig=2),x=mean,y=str,color="mean",vjust=-1),size=4,show.legend=F) +
            geom_text(aes(label=out.digits(mcil,dig=2),x=mcil,y=str,color="mean",vjust=-2.5),size=4,show.legend=F) +
            geom_text(aes(label=out.digits(mciu,dig=2),x=mciu,y=str,color="mean",vjust=-2.5),size=4,show.legend=F) +
            geom_text(aes(label=out.digits(sd,dig=2),x=sd,y=str,color="SD",vjust=1.5),size=4,show.legend=F) +
            geom_text(aes(label=out.digits(sdcil,dig=2),x=sdcil,y=str,color="SD",vjust=2.5),size=4,show.legend=F) +
          forestplot[[length(forestplot)+1]] <- ggplt
          if (printOut) suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(ggsave(filename=paste0(usrdir,"/ForestNPDE.",figFormat),height=hth,width=wth,units="cm",dpi=120)))
    }else if (case == 3){
      for (s1 in 1:npopStr1){
        for (s2 in 1:npopStr2){
          if (nrow(dasdf[dasdf$STRAT1==popStr1[s1] & dasdf$STRAT2==popStr2[s2],]) == 0) next
          tdasdf <- subset(dasdf, STRAT1==popStr1[s1] & STRAT2==popStr2[s2])
          id     <- unique(tdasdf$ID)
          pde    <- data.frame()
          metric <- ""
          nout   <- 0
          for (i in 1:length(id)){
            obsdata <- subset(outData, ID==id[i] & STRAT1==popStr1[s1] & STRAT2==popStr2[s2])
            simdata <- subset(tdasdf, ID==id[i])
            figlbl  <- paste0(popStrNm1,"-",popStr1[s1],"_",popStrNm2,"-",popStr2[s2])
            pdeout  <- nca.pde.deviation.outlier(obsdata=obsdata,simdata=simdata,idNm="ID",id=id[i],spread=spread,figlbl=figlbl,calcparam=alwprm,diagparam=param,cunit=cunit,tunit=tunit,noPlot=noPlot,onlyNCA=onlyNCA)
            pde     <- rbind(pde, cbind(data.frame(ID=id[i],STRAT1=popStr1[s1],STRAT2=popStr2[s2]), pdeout$pde))
            outData[(outData$ID==id[i] & outData$STRAT1==popStr1[s1] & outData$STRAT2==popStr2[s2]),] <- pdeout$obsdata
            if (!onlyNCA && pdeout$metric != ""){
              nout     <- nout + 1
              metric   <- paste(metric,pdeout$metric,sep=", ")
              if (!noPlot){
                gdr      <- pdeout$grob
                mylegend <- pdeout$legend
                lheight  <- pdeout$lheight
                if (printOut){
                  fl <- paste0(usrdir,"/Outlier_ID-",id[i],"_",figlbl)
                  if (figFormat=="tiff"){
                  suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(gdr,mylegend, heights=unit.c(unit(1, "npc") - lheight, lheight))))
                suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(gdr,mylegend, heights=unit.c(unit(1, "npc") - lheight, lheight))))
                ggr <- grid.grab()
                outlierplot[[length(outlierplot)+1]] <- ggr
          if (!onlyNCA){
            if (metric != "") metric <- gsub("^, ", "", metric)
            OTL  <- rbind(OTL, data.frame(No_of_outlier=nout,ID_metric=metric))
            npde <- rbind(npde,pde)
      if (!onlyNCA){
        npde   <- nca.npde(pdedata=npde,pdecol=alwprm)
        npdeNm <- paste0("npde",alwprm)
        for (r in 1:nrow(outData)){
          if (nrow(npde[(npde$ID==outData$ID[r] & npde$STRAT1==outData$STRAT1[r] & npde$STRAT2==outData$STRAT2[r]),])!=1){
            outData[r,npdeNm] <- NaN
            outData[r,paste0("npde",alwprm)] <- npde[(npde$ID==outData$ID[r] & npde$STRAT1==outData$STRAT1[r] & npde$STRAT2==outData$STRAT2[r]),paste0("npde",alwprm)]
        for (s1 in 1:npopStr1){  
          for (s2 in 1:npopStr2){
            plotdata <- subset(outData, STRAT1==popStr1[s1] & STRAT2==popStr2[s2])
            if (nrow(plotdata) == 0) next
            figlbl <- paste0(popStrNm1,"-",popStr1[s1],"_",popStrNm2,"-",popStr2[s2])
            # Deviation plot
            if (!noPlot){
              ggdev <- nca.deviation.plot(plotdata=plotdata,xvar="ID",devcol=devcol,figlbl=figlbl,spread=spread,cunit=cunit,tunit=tunit)
              if (!is.null(ggdev)){
                if (printOut) suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(ggsave(filename=paste0(usrdir,"/Deviation_",figlbl,".",figFormat),height=hth,width=wth,units="cm",dpi=120)))
                devplot[[length(devplot)+1]] <- ggdev
            # NPDE plot
            npdeout <- nca.npde.plot(plotdata=plotdata,xvar="ID",npdecol=npdecol,figlbl=figlbl,cunit=cunit,tunit=tunit)
            if (is.null(npdeout$forestdata)) next
            forestdata <- npdeout$forestdata
            forestdata$str <- figlbl
            fpval <- rbind(fpval, forestdata)
            if (!noPlot){
              npdeplot[[length(npdeplot)+1]] <- npdeout$ggnpde
              if (printOut) suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(ggsave(filename=paste0(usrdir,"/NPDE_",figlbl,".",figFormat),height=hth,width=wth,units="cm",dpi=120)))
              histnpdeplot[[length(histnpdeplot)+1]] <- npdeout$gghnpde
              if (printOut) suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(ggsave(filename=paste0(usrdir,"/HistNPDE_",figlbl,".",figFormat),height=hth,width=wth,units="cm",dpi=120)))
        if (!noPlot){
          # Forest plot for NPDE
          fpval$FCT <- paste0("mean=",signif(fpval$mean,2),"+/-CI=",signif(fpval$mcil,2),",",signif(fpval$mciu,2),", SD=",signif(fpval$sd,2),"+/-CI=",signif(fpval$sdcil,2),",",signif(fpval$sdciu,2))
          xlim1 <- floor(min(fpval$mcil)); xlim2 <- ceiling(fpval$sdciu)
          ggplt <- ggplot(fpval) + ggOpt_forest +
            geom_point(aes(mean,str,color="mean"), show.legend=T, size=2) +
            #geom_errorbarh(aes(x=mean,y=str,xmin=mcil,xmax=mciu),size=0.4, color="red",height=0.1) +
            geom_errorbarh(aes(y=str,xmin=mcil,xmax=mciu),size=0.4, color="red",height=0.1) +
            geom_point(aes(sd,str,color="SD"), size=2) +
            #geom_errorbarh(aes(x=sd,y=str,xmin=sdcil,xmax=sdciu), size=0.4, color="darkgreen", height=0.1) +
            geom_errorbarh(aes(y=str,xmin=sdcil,xmax=sdciu), size=0.4, color="darkgreen", height=0.1) +
            geom_text(aes(label=out.digits(mean,dig=2),x=mean,y=str,color="mean",vjust=-1),size=4,show.legend=F) +
            geom_text(aes(label=out.digits(mcil,dig=2),x=mcil,y=str,color="mean",vjust=-2.5),size=4,show.legend=F) +
            geom_text(aes(label=out.digits(mciu,dig=2),x=mciu,y=str,color="mean",vjust=-2.5),size=4,show.legend=F) +
            geom_text(aes(label=out.digits(sd,dig=2),x=sd,y=str,color="SD",vjust=1.5),size=4,show.legend=F) +
            geom_text(aes(label=out.digits(sdcil,dig=2),x=sdcil,y=str,color="SD",vjust=2.5),size=4,show.legend=F) +
          forestplot[[length(forestplot)+1]] <- ggplt
          if (printOut) suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(ggsave(filename=paste0(usrdir,"/ForestNPDE.",figFormat),height=hth,width=wth,units="cm",dpi=120)))
    }else if (case == 4){
      for (s1 in 1:npopStr1){
        for (s2 in 1:npopStr2){
          for (s3 in 1:npopStr3){
            if (nrow(dasdf[dasdf$STRAT1==popStr1[s1] & dasdf$STRAT2==popStr2[s2] & dasdf$STRAT3==popStr3[s3],]) == 0) next
            tdasdf <- subset(dasdf, STRAT1==popStr1[s1] & STRAT2==popStr2[s2] & STRAT3==popStr3[s3])
            id     <- unique(tdasdf$ID)
            pde    <- data.frame()
            metric <- ""
            nout   <- 0
            for (i in 1:length(id)){
              obsdata <- subset(outData, ID==id[i] & STRAT1==popStr1[s1] & STRAT2==popStr2[s2] & STRAT3==popStr3[s3])
              simdata <- subset(tdasdf, ID==id[i])
              if (nrow(obsdata)==0 | nrow(simdata)==0) next
              figlbl  <- paste0(popStrNm1,"-",popStr1[s1],"_",popStrNm2,"-",popStr2[s2],"_",popStrNm3,"-",popStr3[s3])
              pdeout  <- nca.pde.deviation.outlier(obsdata=obsdata,simdata=simdata,idNm="ID",id=id[i],spread=spread,figlbl=figlbl,calcparam=alwprm,diagparam=param,cunit=cunit,tunit=tunit,noPlot=noPlot,onlyNCA=onlyNCA)
              pde     <- rbind(pde, cbind(data.frame(ID=id[i],STRAT1=popStr1[s1],STRAT2=popStr2[s2],STRAT3=popStr3[s3]), pdeout$pde))
              outData[(outData$ID==id[i] & outData$STRAT1==popStr1[s1] & outData$STRAT2==popStr2[s2] & outData$STRAT3==popStr3[s3]),] <- pdeout$obsdata
              if (!onlyNCA && pdeout$metric != ""){
                nout     <- nout + 1
                metric   <- paste(metric,pdeout$metric,sep=", ")
                if (!noPlot){
                  gdr      <- pdeout$grob
                  mylegend <- pdeout$legend
                  lheight  <- pdeout$lheight
                  if (printOut){
                    fl <- paste0(usrdir,"/Outlier_ID-",id[i],"_",figlbl)
                    if (figFormat=="tiff"){
                    suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(gdr,mylegend, heights=unit.c(unit(1, "npc") - lheight, lheight))))
                  suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(grid.arrange(gdr,mylegend, heights=unit.c(unit(1, "npc") - lheight, lheight))))
                  ggr <- grid.grab()
                  outlierplot[[length(outlierplot)+1]] <- ggr
            if (!onlyNCA){
              if (metric != "") metric <- gsub("^, ", "", metric)
              OTL  <- rbind(OTL, data.frame(No_of_outlier=nout,ID_metric=metric))
              npde <- rbind(npde,pde)
      if (!onlyNCA){
        npde   <- nca.npde(pdedata=npde,pdecol=alwprm)
        npdeNm <- paste0("npde",alwprm)
        for (r in 1:nrow(outData)){
          if (nrow(npde[(npde$ID==outData$ID[r] & npde$STRAT1==outData$STRAT1[r] & npde$STRAT2==outData$STRAT2[r] & npde$STRAT3==outData$STRAT3[r]),])!=1){
            outData[r,npdeNm] <- NaN
            outData[r,paste0("npde",alwprm)] <- npde[(npde$ID==outData$ID[r] & npde$STRAT1==outData$STRAT1[r] & npde$STRAT2==outData$STRAT2[r] & npde$STRAT3==outData$STRAT3[r]),paste0("npde",alwprm)]
        for (s1 in 1:npopStr1){
          for (s2 in 1:npopStr2){
            for (s3 in 1:npopStr3){
              plotdata <- subset(outData, STRAT1==popStr1[s1] & STRAT2==popStr2[s2] & STRAT3==popStr3[s3])
              if (nrow(plotdata) == 0) next
              figlbl  <- paste0(popStrNm1,"-",popStr1[s1],"_",popStrNm2,"-",popStr2[s2],"_",popStrNm3,"-",popStr3[s3])
              # Deviation plot
              if (!noPlot){
                ggdev <- nca.deviation.plot(plotdata=plotdata,xvar="ID",devcol=devcol,figlbl=figlbl,spread=spread,cunit=cunit,tunit=tunit)
                if (!is.null(ggdev)){
                  if (printOut) suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(ggsave(filename=paste0(usrdir,"/Deviation_",figlbl,".",figFormat),height=hth,width=wth,units="cm",dpi=120)))
                  devplot[[length(devplot)+1]] <- ggdev
              # NPDE plot
              npdeout <- nca.npde.plot(plotdata=plotdata,xvar="ID",npdecol=npdecol,figlbl=figlbl,cunit=cunit,tunit=tunit)
              if (is.null(npdeout$forestdata)) next
              forestdata <- npdeout$forestdata
              forestdata$str <- figlbl
              fpval <- rbind(fpval, forestdata)
              if (!noPlot){
                npdeplot[[length(npdeplot)+1]] <- npdeout$ggnpde
                if (printOut) suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(ggsave(filename=paste0(usrdir,"/NPDE_",figlbl,".",figFormat),height=hth,width=wth,units="cm",dpi=120)))
                histnpdeplot[[length(histnpdeplot)+1]] <- npdeout$gghnpde
                if (printOut) suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(ggsave(filename=paste0(usrdir,"/HistNPDE_",figlbl,".",figFormat),height=hth,width=wth,units="cm",dpi=120)))
        if (!noPlot){
          # Forest plot for NPDE
          fpval$FCT <- paste0("mean=",signif(fpval$mean,2),"+/-CI=",signif(fpval$mcil,2),",",signif(fpval$mciu,2),", SD=",signif(fpval$sd,2),"+/-CI=",signif(fpval$sdcil,2),",",signif(fpval$sdciu,2))
          xlim1 <- floor(min(fpval$mcil)); xlim2 <- ceiling(fpval$sdciu)
          ggplt <- ggplot(fpval) + ggOpt_forest +
            geom_point(aes(mean,str,color="mean"), show.legend=T, size=2) +
            #geom_errorbarh(aes(x=mean,y=str,xmin=mcil,xmax=mciu),size=0.4, color="red",height=0.1) +
            geom_errorbarh(aes(y=str,xmin=mcil,xmax=mciu),size=0.4, color="red",height=0.1) +
            geom_point(aes(sd,str,color="SD"), size=2) +
            #geom_errorbarh(aes(x=sd,y=str,xmin=sdcil,xmax=sdciu), size=0.4, color="darkgreen", height=0.1) +
            geom_errorbarh(aes(y=str,xmin=sdcil,xmax=sdciu), size=0.4, color="darkgreen", height=0.1) +
            geom_text(aes(label=out.digits(mean,dig=2),x=mean,y=str,color="mean",vjust=-1),size=4,show.legend=F) +
            geom_text(aes(label=out.digits(mcil,dig=2),x=mcil,y=str,color="mean",vjust=-2.5),size=4,show.legend=F) +
            geom_text(aes(label=out.digits(mciu,dig=2),x=mciu,y=str,color="mean",vjust=-2.5),size=4,show.legend=F) +
            geom_text(aes(label=out.digits(sd,dig=2),x=sd,y=str,color="SD",vjust=1.5),size=4,show.legend=F) +
            geom_text(aes(label=out.digits(sdcil,dig=2),x=sdcil,y=str,color="SD",vjust=2.5),size=4,show.legend=F) +
          forestplot[[length(forestplot)+1]] <- ggplt
          if (printOut) suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(ggsave(filename=paste0(usrdir,"/ForestNPDE.",figFormat),height=hth,width=wth,units="cm",dpi=120)))
    # Statistical analysis for each patient group
    statDataSim <- data.frame()
    statPrm     <- c("N","Nunique","Min","Max","Mean","Median","SD","SE","CVp","CI95l","CI95u","geoMean","gCVp")
    ncaPrm <- c("Tmax","Cmax","AUClast","AUClower_upper","AUCINF_obs","AUC_pExtrap_obs","AUCINF_pred","AUC_pExtrap_pred","AUMClast","AUMCINF_obs","AUMC_pExtrap_obs","AUMCINF_pred","AUMC_pExtrap_pred","HL_Lambda_z","Rsq","Rsq_adjusted","No_points_Lambda_z")
    if (case == 1){
      tmpDF       <- dasdf[,ncaPrm]
      statDataSim <- sapply(tmpDF, function(x){x<-as.numeric(as.character(x)); if(length(x[complete.cases(x)])<2){rep(NA,13)}else{out.digits(calc.stat(x[complete.cases(x)]),dig=4)}})
      statDataSim <- data.frame(statDataSim)
      if (nrow(statDataSim) != 0) statDataSim <- cbind(data.frame(Stat=statPrm), statDataSim)
    if (case == 2){
      for (s1 in 1:npopStr1){
        tmpDF    <- dasdf[dasdf$STRAT1==popStr1[s1],ncaPrm]
        tmpStat  <- sapply(tmpDF, function(x){x<-as.numeric(as.character(x)); if(length(x[complete.cases(x)])<2){rep(NA,13)}else{out.digits(calc.stat(x[complete.cases(x)]),dig=4)}})
        tmpStat  <- data.frame(tmpStat)
        if (nrow(tmpStat) == 0) next
        tmpStat     <- cbind(data.frame(STRAT1=popStr1[s1],Stat=statPrm), tmpStat)
        statDataSim <- rbind(statDataSim, tmpStat)
      names(statDataSim)[names(statDataSim)%in%"STRAT1"] <- popStrNm1
    if (case == 3){
      for (s1 in 1:npopStr1){
        for (s2 in 1:npopStr2){
          tmpDF    <- dasdf[dasdf$STRAT1==popStr1[s1] & dasdf$STRAT2==popStr2[s2],ncaPrm]
          tmpStat  <- sapply(tmpDF, function(x){x<-as.numeric(as.character(x)); if(length(x[complete.cases(x)])<2){rep(NA,13)}else{out.digits(calc.stat(x[complete.cases(x)]),dig=4)}})
          tmpStat  <- data.frame(tmpStat)
          if (nrow(tmpStat) == 0) next
          tmpStat     <- cbind(data.frame(STRAT1=popStr1[s1],STRAT2=popStr2[s2],Stat=statPrm), tmpStat)
          statDataSim <- rbind(statDataSim, tmpStat)
      names(statDataSim)[names(statDataSim)%in%c("STRAT1","STRAT2")] <- c(popStrNm1,popStrNm2)
    if (case == 4){
      for (s1 in 1:npopStr1){
        for (s2 in 1:npopStr2){
          for (s3 in 1:npopStr3){
            tmpDF    <- dasdf[dasdf$STRAT1==popStr1[s1] & dasdf$STRAT2==popStr2[s2] & dasdf$STRAT3==popStr3[s3],ncaPrm]
            tmpStat  <- sapply(tmpDF, function(x){x<-as.numeric(as.character(x)); if(length(x[complete.cases(x)])<2){rep(NA,13)}else{out.digits(calc.stat(x[complete.cases(x)]),dig=4)}})
            tmpStat  <- data.frame(tmpStat)
            if (nrow(tmpStat) == 0) next
            tmpStat     <- cbind(data.frame(STRAT1=popStr1[s1],STRAT2=popStr2[s2],STRAT3=popStr3[s3],Stat=statPrm), tmpStat)
            statDataSim <- rbind(statDataSim, tmpStat)
      names(statDataSim)[names(statDataSim)%in%c("STRAT1","STRAT2","STRAT3")] <- c(popStrNm1,popStrNm2,popStrNm3)
    if (printOut){
      if (is.null(outFileNm) || outFileNm==""){
        write.table(statDataSim, file=paste0(usrdir,"/SimStat.tsv"), sep="\t", col.names=T, row.names=F, quote=F)
        write.table(statDataSim, file=paste0(usrdir,"/SimStat-",outFileNm,".tsv"), sep="\t", col.names=T, row.names=F, quote=F)
    # Print output table
    # Raname ID and stratifier columns and format output table sigfig
    if (case == 1){
      names(outData)[names(outData)%in%c("ID")] <- c(idNmObs)
      #outData[,c(2:ncol(outData))] <- as.data.frame(lapply(outData[,c(2:ncol(outData))], FUN=function(x) out.digits(x,dig=4)))
    if (case == 2){
      names(outData)[names(outData)%in%c("ID","STRAT1")] <- c(idNmObs,popStrNm1)
      #outData[,c(3:ncol(outData))] <- as.data.frame(lapply(outData[,c(3:ncol(outData))], FUN=function(x) out.digits(x,dig=4)))
    if (case == 3){
      names(outData)[names(outData)%in%c("ID","STRAT1","STRAT2")] <- c(idNmObs,popStrNm1,popStrNm2)
      #outData[,c(4:ncol(outData))] <- as.data.frame(lapply(outData[,c(4:ncol(outData))], FUN=function(x) out.digits(x,dig=4)))
    if (case == 4){
      names(outData)[names(outData)%in%c("ID","STRAT1","STRAT2","STRAT3")] <- c(idNmObs,popStrNm1,popStrNm2,popStrNm3)
      #outData[,c(5:ncol(outData))] <- as.data.frame(lapply(outData[,c(5:ncol(outData))], FUN=function(x) out.digits(x,dig=4)))
    # Subset table to print in the report
    if (case == 1) prnTab <- head(cbind(outData[,1:2], subset(outData, select = tabCol)),50)
    if (case == 2) prnTab <- head(cbind(outData[,1:3], subset(outData, select = tabCol)),50)
    if (case == 3) prnTab <- head(cbind(outData[,1:4], subset(outData, select = tabCol)),50)
    if (case == 4) prnTab <- head(cbind(outData[,1:5], subset(outData, select = tabCol)),50)
    streamsEnv <- parent.frame()
    if (exists("outData"))      assign("ncaOutput", outData, envir=streamsEnv)
    if (exists("statData"))     assign("ObsStat", statData, envir=streamsEnv)
    if (exists("statDataSim"))  assign("SimStat", statDataSim, envir=streamsEnv)
    if (exists("nmdf"))         assign("ncaSimData", nmdf, envir=streamsEnv)
    if (exists("dasdf"))        assign("ncaSimEst", dasdf, envir=streamsEnv)
    if (exists("concplot"))     assign("concPlot", concplot, envir=streamsEnv)
    if (exists("histobsplot"))  assign("histobsPlot", histobsplot, envir=streamsEnv)
    if (exists("popplot"))      assign("popPlot", popplot, envir=streamsEnv)
    if (!onlyNCA){
      if (exists("devplot"))      assign("devPlot", devplot, envir=streamsEnv)
      if (exists("outlierplot"))  assign("outlierPlot", outlierplot, envir=streamsEnv)
      if (exists("forestplot"))   assign("forestPlot", forestplot, envir=streamsEnv)
      if (exists("npdeplot"))     assign("npdePlot", npdeplot, envir=streamsEnv)
      if (exists("histnpdeplot")) assign("histnpdePlot", histnpdeplot, envir=streamsEnv)
    if (printOut){
      # Create HTML output
      simFileNm <- ifelse(is.data.frame(simFile), deparse(substitute(simFile)), simFile)
      txt <- paste(txt,paste0("Name of the NONMEM simulation output file: \"",simFileNm,"\""),sep="\n")
      txt <- paste(txt,paste0("Number of simulations performed: ",nsim),sep="\n")
      if (is.null(outFileNm) || outFileNm==""){
        write.table(outData, file=paste0(usrdir,"/ncaOutput.tsv"), sep="\t", row.names=F, col.names=T, quote=F)
        write.table(outData, file=paste0(usrdir,"/ncaOutput-",outFileNm,".tsv"), sep="\t", row.names=F, col.names=T, quote=F)
      if (!onlyNCA){
        pddf <- cbind(pddf,OTL); names(pddf)[c((ncol(pddf)-1),ncol(pddf))] <- c("No. of outliers","Outlier IDs and outlying metrics")
        fnOut <- list(arglist=match.call(), case=case, TXT=txt, pddf=pddf, prnTab=prnTab, NSIM=nsim, spread=spread, conc=concplot, histobs=histobsplot, pop=popplot, dev=devplot, outlier=outlierplot, forest=forestplot, npde=npdeplot, histnpde=histnpdeplot, phth=phth, pwth=pwth)
        fnOut <- list(arglist=match.call(), case=case, TXT=txt, pddf=pddf, prnTab=prnTab, NSIM=nsim, spread=spread, conc=concplot, histobs=histobsplot, pop=popplot, phth=phth, pwth=pwth)
  if (printOut){
    misc <- system.file("misc", package = "ncappc")
    if (is.null(simFile) || onlyNCA){
      mdFile <- paste(misc,"ncappcReport-NCA.Rmd",sep="/")
      nwFile <- paste(misc,"ncappcReport-NCA.Rnw",sep="/")
      if (is.null(outFileNm) || outFileNm==""){
        outNm <- paste0("ncappcReport-NCA.tex")
        outNm <- paste0("ncappcReport-NCA-",outFileNm,".tex")
      #if (!onlyNCA){
      mdFile <- paste(misc,"ncappcReport-NCA-PPC.Rmd",sep="/")
      nwFile <- paste(misc,"ncappcReport-NCA-PPC.Rnw",sep="/")
      if (is.null(outFileNm) || outFileNm==""){
        outNm <- paste0("ncappcReport-NCA-PPC.tex")
        outNm <- paste0("ncappcReport-NCA-PPC-",outFileNm,".tex")
      # }else{
      #   mdFile <- paste(misc,"ncappcReport-NCA-NOPPC.Rmd",sep="/")
      #   nwFile <- paste(misc,"ncappcReport-NCA-NOPPC.Rnw",sep="/")
      #   if (is.null(outFileNm) || outFileNm==""){
      #     outNm <- paste0("ncappcReport-NCA-NOPPC.tex")
      #   }else{
      #     outNm <- paste0("ncappcReport-NCA-NOPPC-",outFileNm,".tex")
      #   }
      # }
    rmd_name <- "ncappc_report"
    if(!is.null(outFileNm)) rmd_name <- paste0(rmd_name,"-",outFileNm)
    rmd_name <- paste0(rmd_name,".Rmd")
    file.copy(paste(misc,"ncappc_report.Rmd",sep="/"),rmd_name,overwrite = TRUE)
    # file.copy(paste(misc,"ncappc_report.Rmd",sep="/"),"ncappc_report.Rmd",overwrite = TRUE)
    file.copy(paste(misc,"styles.tex",sep="/"),"styles.tex",overwrite = TRUE)
    file.copy(paste(misc,"styles2.tex",sep="/"),"styles2.tex",overwrite = TRUE)
    file.copy(paste(misc,"custom.css",sep="/"),"custom.css",overwrite = TRUE)
    message("\nprocessing file:",rmd_name,"\n")
    if(out_format == "html"){
      out_file_name <- rmarkdown::render(rmd_name,output_format = "bookdown::html_document2",quiet = T)
      # out_file_name <- rmarkdown::render("ncappc_report.Rmd",output_format = "bookdown::html_document2",quiet = T)

    if(out_format == "pdf"){
      out_file_name <- rmarkdown::render(rmd_name,output_format = "bookdown::pdf_document2",quiet = T)
    if(out_format == "all"){
      out_file_name <- rmarkdown::render(rmd_name,output_format = "all",quiet = T)
    if(out_format == "first"){
      out_file_name <- rmarkdown::render(rmd_name,quiet = T)
    message("Output created:\n  ",paste(out_file_name,collapse = "\n  "),"\n")
    # knit2html(input=mdFile, output=outNm, style=paste(misc,"custom.css",sep="/"))#, force_v1 = TRUE)
    # knit(input=nwFile, output=outNm)#, force_v1 = TRUE)
    # if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix"){
    #   texcomp <- system('which texi2pdf')
    #   if (texcomp == 0){
    #     knit2pdf(input=nwFile, output=outNm)#, force_v1 = TRUE)
    #   }else{
    #     print("Please install \"texi2pdf\" to compile the produced tex file into a PDF report")
    #   }
    # }else if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows"){
    #   texcomp <- system('kpsewhich pdftex --version')
    #   if (texcomp == 0){
    #     knit2pdf(input=nwFile, output=outNm)#, force_v1 = TRUE)
    #   }else{
    #     print("Please install \"pdftex\" to compile the produced tex file into a PDF report")
    #   }
    # }
  unlink(list.files(pattern = "^.*ncappcReport-.*aux$|^.*ncappcReport-.*log$|^.*ncappcReport-.*out$|^.*ncappcReport-.*toc$|^.*ncappcReport-.*md$"))
  unlink(list.files(pattern = "sum.tex"))
  unlink(list.files(pattern = "tab.tex"))
  unlink(list.files(pattern = "knitr.sty"))
  if(!exists("fnOut")) fnOut <- list()
  # if (exists("outData"))     assign("ncaOutput", outData, envir=streamsEnv)
  fnOut$ncaOutput <- outData
  # if (exists("statData"))    assign("ObsStat", statData, envir=streamsEnv)
  # if (exists("concplot"))    assign("concPlot", concplot, envir=streamsEnv)
  # if (exists("histobsplot")) assign("histobsPlot", histobsplot, envir=streamsEnv)

Try the ncappc package in your browser

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ncappc documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:31 p.m.