
Defines functions read.adp.nortek read.aquadoppProfiler read.aquadoppHR read.aquadopp decodeHeaderNortek

Documented in decodeHeaderNortek read.adp.nortek read.aquadopp read.aquadoppHR read.aquadoppProfiler

# vim:textwidth=80:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:softtabstop=4

# Data format overview
# hardware [a5 05 X1 X2]  48 bytes, 2*(short word made from X1 and X2)
# head     [a5 04 X1 X2] 224 bytes, 2*(short word made from X1 and X2)
# user     [a5 00 X1 X2] 512 bytes, 2*(short word made from X1 and X2)
# profiles, each starting with a5 2a [aquadoppHR] or a5 21 [aquadoopp profiler] [other]
# 1. p38 System Integrator Guide says to offset 53 bytes for velocity, but I have to offset 54 to recover data
#     that match the manufacturer's (*.v1, *.v2, *.v3) files.

# notes for nortek:
# 1. "spare" at offset 74 (page 31) now seems to be salinity
# 2. extra byte
# 3. should state the order of headers at the start, not end
# 4. should state the algorithms to infer cellSize, blankingDistance, etc. from file
# 5. beamAngle should be in data file
# 6. generally, docs should indicate everything that is in the files, e.g. (prominently!)
#    the beamAngles in the 'head' configuration section.
# 7. the C code suggests the velocityScale is in the second bit of conf.hMode
#    but the docs suggest the fifth bit (page 31)

#' Decode a Nortek Header
#' Decode data in a Nortek ADV or ADP header.
#' Decodes the header in a binary-format Nortek ADV/ADP file.  This function is
#' designed to be used by [read.adp()] and [read.adv()],
#' but can be used directly as well.  The code is based on information in the
#' Nortek System Integrator Guide (2008) and on postings on the Nortek
#' ``knowledge center'' discussion board.  One might assume that the latter is
#' less authoritative than the former.  For example, the inference of cell size
#' follows advice found at
#' https://www.nortekusa.com/en/knowledge-center/forum/hr-profilers/736804717,
#' which contains a typo in an early posting that is
#' corrected later on.
#' @param buf a ``raw'' buffer containing the header
#' @param type type of device
#' @param debug a flag that turns on debugging.  Set to 1 to get a moderate
#' amount of debugging information, or to 2 to get more.
#' @param \dots additional arguments, passed to called routines.
#' @return A list containing elements `hardware`, `head`, `user`
#' and `offset`.  The easiest way to find the contents of these is to run
#' this function with `debug=3`.
#' @author Dan Kelley and Clark Richards
#' @seealso Most users should employ the functions [read.adp()] and
#' [read.adv()] instead of this one.
#' @references 1. Information on Nortek profilers (including the System
#' Integrator Guide, which explains the data format byte-by-byte) is available
#' at `https://www.nortekusa.com/usa?set_language=usa` after login.
#' 2. The Nortek Knowledge Center
#' https://www.nortekusa.com/en/knowledge-center
#' may be of help if problems arise in dealing with data from Nortek instruments.
decodeHeaderNortek <- function(buf,
    type=c("aquadoppHR", "aquadoppProfiler", "aquadopp", "aquadoppPlusMagnetometer", "vector"),
    type <- match.arg(type)
    oceDebug(debug, "decodeHeaderNortek(buf, type=\"", type, "\", ...) {\n", sep="", unindent=1)
    oceDebug(debug, "buf starts:", buf[1:20], "\n")
    degToRad <- atan2(1, 1) / 45
    syncCode <- as.raw(0xa5)
    idHardwareConfiguration <- as.raw(0x05)
    idHeadConfiguration <- as.raw(0x04)
    idUserConfiguration <- as.raw(0x00)
    headerLengthHardware <- 48
    headerLengthHead <- 224
    headerLengthUser <- 512
    hardware <- head <- user <- list()
    o <- 0                              # offset
    for (header in 1:3) {
        # FIXME: code is needlessly written as if headers could be in different order
        oceDebug(debug, "\n")
        #oceDebug(debug, "examining buf[o+2]=", buf[o+2], "to see what type of header block is next...\n")
        if (buf[o+1] != syncCode)
            stop("expecting syncCode 0x", syncCode, " but got 0x", buf[o+1], " instead (while reading header #", header, ")")
        if (buf[o+2] == idHardwareConfiguration) {
            # see page 29 of System Integrator Guide
            oceDebug(debug, "\nHARDWARE CONFIGURATION\n", unindent=1)
            hardware$size <- readBin(buf[o+3:4], "integer", signed=FALSE, n=1, size=2, endian="little")
            if (hardware$size != 24)
                stop("size of hardware header expected to be 24 two-byte words, but got ", hardware$size)
            if (2 * hardware$size != headerLengthHardware)
                stop("size of hardware header expected to be ", headerLengthHardware, "but got ", hardware$size)
            oceDebug(debug, "hardware$size=", hardware$size, "\n")
            hardware$serialNumber <- gsub(" *$", "", paste(readBin(buf[o+5:18], "character", n=14, size=1), collapse=""))
            oceDebug(debug, "hardware$serialNumber", hardware$serialNumber, "\n")
            hardware$config <- readBin(buf[o+19:20], "raw", n=2, size=1)
            oceDebug(debug, "hardware$config:", hardware$config, "\n")
            hardware$frequency <- readBin(buf[o+21:22], "integer", n=1, size=2, endian="little", signed=FALSE) # not used
            oceDebug(debug, "hardware$frequency:", hardware$frequency, "\n")
            hardware$picVersion <- readBin(buf[o+23:24], "integer", n=1, size=2, endian="little")
            oceDebug(debug, "hardware$picVersion=", hardware$picVersion, "\n")
            hardware$hwRevision <- readBin(buf[o+25:26], "integer", n=1, size=2, endian="little")
            oceDebug(debug, "hardware$hwRevision=", hardware$hwRevision, "\n")
            hardware$recSize <- readBin(buf[o+27:28], "integer", n=1, size=2, endian="little")
            oceDebug(debug, "hardware$recSize=", hardware$recSize, "\n")
            hardware$velocityRange <- readBin(buf[o+29:30], "integer", n=1, size=2, signed=FALSE, endian="little")
            oceDebug(debug, "hardware$velocityRange=", hardware$velocityRange, "\n")
            hardware$fwVersion <- as.numeric(paste(readBin(buf[o+43:46], "character", n=4, size=1), collapse=""))
            oceDebug(debug, "hardware$fw.version=", hardware$fw.version, "\n")
            o <- o + 2 * hardware$size
        } else if (buf[o+2] == idHeadConfiguration) {
            # see page 30 of System Integrator Guide
            oceDebug(debug, "HEAD CONFIGURATION\n", unindent=1)
            #buf <- readBin(file, "raw", headerLengthHead)
            head$size <- readBin(buf[o+3:4], "integer", signed=FALSE, n=1, size=2)
            if (2 * head$size != headerLengthHead)
                stop("size of head header expected to be ", headerLengthHead, "but got ", head$size)
            oceDebug(debug, "head$size=", head$size, "\n")
            # Nortek doc "system-integrator-manual_Mar2016.pdf" (page 23) says for the "head configuration":
            # bit 0: Pressure sensor (0=no, 1=yes)
            # bit 1: Magnetometer sensor (0=no, 1=yes)
            # bit 2: Tilt sensor (0=no, 1=yes)
            # bit 3: Tilt sensor mounting (0=up, 1=down)
            # issue1220 debug <- debug + 10
            # issue1220 head$config <- byteToBinary(buf[o+5:6], endian="little")
            # issue1220 oceDebug(debug, "head$config=", head$config, "\n")
            # issue1220 configTEST <- rawToBits(buf[o+5:6])
            # issue1220 oceDebug(debug, "configTEST=", configTEST, "\n")
            # issue1220 oceDebug(debug, "head$config=", head$config, "\n")
            # issue1220 head$configPressureSensor <- substr(head$config[1], 1, 1) == "1"
            # issue1220 oceDebug(debug, "head$configPressureSensor=", head$configPressureSensor, "\n")
            # issue1220 head$configMagnetometerSensor <- substr(head$config[1], 2, 2) == "1"
            # issue1220 oceDebug(debug, "head$configMagnetometerSensor=", head$configMagnetometerSensor, "\n")
            # issue1220 head$configTiltSensor <- substr(head$config[1], 3, 3) == "1"
            # issue1220 oceDebug(debug, "head$configTiltSensor=", head$configTiltSensor, "\n")
            # issue1220 head$tiltSensorOrientation <- if (substr(head$config[1], 4, 4) == "1") "downward" else "upward"
            # issue1220 oceDebug(debug, "head$tiltSensorOrientation=", head$tiltSensorOrientation, "\n")
            tmpBits <- rawToBits(buf[o+5])
            head$configPressureSensor <- tmpBits[1] == as.raw(0x1)
            head$configMagnetometerSensor <- tmpBits[2] == as.raw(0x1)
            head$configTiltSensor <- tmpBits[3] == as.raw(0x1)
            head$configTiltSensorOrientation <- ifelse(tmpBits[4] == as.raw(0x1), "downward", "upward")
            oceDebug(debug, "head$configPressureSensor=", head$configPressureSensor, "\n")
            oceDebug(debug, "head$configMagnetometerSensor=", head$configMagnetometerSensor, "\n")
            oceDebug(debug, "head$configTiltSensor=", head$configTiltSensor, "\n")
            oceDebug(debug, "head$configTiltSensorOrientation=", head$configTiltSensorOrientation, "\n")

            head$frequency <- readBin(buf[o+7:8], "integer", n=1, size=2, endian="little", signed=FALSE)
            oceDebug(debug, "head$frequency=", head$frequency, "kHz\n")
            head$headType <- readBin(buf[o+9:10], "integer", n=1, size=2, endian="little")
            oceDebug(debug, "head$headType=", head$headType, "\n")
            head$headSerialNumber <- gsub(" *$", "", paste(readBin(buf[o+11:22], "character", n=12, size=1), collapse=""))
            oceDebug(debug, "head$headSerialNumber=", head$headSerialNumber, "\n")

            # NOTE: p30 of System Integrator Guide does not detail anything from offsets 23 to 119;
            # the inference of beamAngles and transformationMatrix is drawn from other code.
            # Since I don't trust any of this, I hard-wire beamAngle in at the end.
            head$beamAngles <- readBin(buf[o+23:30], "integer", n=4, size=2, endian="little", signed=TRUE)

            oceDebug(debug, "head$beamAngles=", head$beamAngles, "(deg)\n")
            # Transformation matrix (before division by 4096)
            # FIXME: should we change the sign of rows 2 and 3 if pointed down??
            head$transformationMatrix <- matrix(readBin(buf[o+31:48], "integer", n=9, size=2, endian="little"), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE) / 4096
            oceDebug(debug, "head$transformationMatrix\n")
            oceDebug(debug, format(head$transformationMatrix[1, ], width=15), "\n")
            oceDebug(debug, format(head$transformationMatrix[2, ], width=15), "\n")
            oceDebug(debug, format(head$transformationMatrix[3, ], width=15), "\n")
            head$numberOfBeams <- readBin(buf[o+221:222], "integer", n=1, size=2, endian="little")
            oceDebug(debug, "head$numberOfBeams=", head$numberOfBeams, "\n")
            o <- o + 2 * head$size
        } else if (buf[o+2] == idUserConfiguration) {
            # User Configuration [p30-32 of System Integrator Guide]
            oceDebug(debug, "USER CONFIGURATION\n", unindent=1)
            user$size <- readBin(buf[o+3:4], what="integer", n=1, size=2, endian="little")
            if (2 * user$size != headerLengthUser)
                stop("size of user header expected to be ", headerLengthUser, "but got ", user$size)
            #buf <- readBin(file, "raw", headerLengthUser)
            user$transmitPulseLength <- readBin(buf[o+5:6], "integer", n=1, size=2, endian="little", signed=FALSE)
            oceDebug(debug, "user$transmitPulseLength=", user$transmitPulseLength, "\n")

            user$T2 <- readBin(buf[o+7:8], "integer", n=1, size=2, endian="little", signed=FALSE)
            oceDebug(debug, "user$T2=", user$T2, "(blanking distance, in counts)\n")

            user$receiveLength <- readBin(buf[o+9:10], "integer", n=1, size=2, endian="little", signed=FALSE)
            oceDebug(debug, "user$receiveLength=T3=", user$receiveLength, "counts\n")
            oceDebug(debug, " ABOVE FROM buf[o+9]=0x", buf[o+9], " and buf[o+10]=0x", buf[0+10], "\n", sep="")

            user$timeBetweenPings <- readBin(buf[o+11:12], "integer", n=1, size=2, endian="little", signed=FALSE)
            oceDebug(debug, "user$timeBetweenPings=", user$timeBetweenPings, "in counts\n")

            user$timeBetweenBurstSequences <- readBin(buf[o+13:14], "integer", n=1, size=2, endian="little", signed=FALSE)
            oceDebug(debug, "user$timeBetweenBurstSequences=", user$timeBetweenBurstSequences, "in counts\n")

            user$numberOfBeamSequencesPerBurst <- readBin(buf[o+15:16], "integer", n=1, size=2, endian="little", signed=FALSE)
            oceDebug(debug, "user$numberOfBeamSequencesPerBurst=", user$numberOfBeamSequencesPerBurst, "in counts\n")

            user$averagingInterval <- readBin(buf[o+17:18], "integer", n=1, size=2, endian="little")
            oceDebug(debug, "user$averagingInterval=", user$averagingInterval, "in seconds\n")
            user$numberOfBeams <- readBin(buf[o+19:20], "integer", n=1, size=2, endian="little")
            oceDebug(debug, "user$numberOfBeams=", user$numberOfBeams, "\n")

            user$timCtrlReg <- readBin(buf[o+21:22], "raw", n=2)
            oceDebug(debug, "user$timCtrlReg=", user$timCtrlReg, "\n")

            user$measurementInterval <- readBin(buf[o+39:40], "integer", n=1, size=2, endian="little")
            oceDebug(debug, "user$measurementInterval=", user$measurementInterval, "\n")
            user$deploymentName <- readBin(buf[o+41:47], "character", n=1, size=6)
            oceDebug(debug, "user$deploymentName=", user$deploymentName, "\n")
            user$comments <- readBin(buf[o+257+0:179], "character", n=1, size=180)
            oceDebug(debug, "user$comments=", user$comments, "\n")

            # Nortek doc "system-integrator-manual_Mar2016.pdf" (page 24-25) says for the "mode":
            #   bit 0: use user specified sound speed (0=no, 1=yes)
            #   bit 1: diagnostics/wave mode 0=disable, 1=enable)
            #   bit 2: analog output mode (0=disable, 1=enable)
            #   bit 3: output format (0=Vector, 1=ADV)
            #   bit 4: scaling (0=1 mm, 1=0.1 mm)
            #   bit 5: serial output (0=disable, 1=enable)
            #   bit 6: reserved EasyQ
            #   bit 7: stage (0=disable, 1=enable)
            #   bit 8: output power for analog input (0=disable, 1=enable)
            # and we want bit 4. In R notation, that is rawToBits()[5]
            # issue1220 user$mode <- byteToBinary(buf[o+59:60], endian="little")
            # issue1220 user$velocityScale <- if (substr(user$mode[2], 4, 4) == "0") 0.001 else 0.0001
            user$mode <- rawToBits(buf[o+59:60])
            oceDebug(debug, "user$mode: ", user$mode, "\n")
            user$velocityScale <- ifelse(user$mode[5] == 0x00, 0.001, 0.0001)
            oceDebug(debug, "user$velocityScale: ", user$velocityScale, "\n")

            tmp.cs <- readBin(buf[o+33:34], "integer", n=1, size=2, endian="little")
            if (tmp.cs == 0) user$originalCoordinate <- "enu" # page 31 of System Integrator Guide
            else if (tmp.cs == 1) user$originalCoordinate <- "xyz"
            else if (tmp.cs == 2) user$originalCoordinate <- "beam"
            else stop("unknown originalCoordinate ", tmp.cs)
            oceDebug(debug, "user$originalCoordinate: ", user$originalCoordinate, "\n")
            user$numberOfCells <- readBin(buf[o+35:36], "integer", n=1, size=2, endian="little")
            oceDebug(debug, "user$numberOfCells: ", user$numberOfCells, "\n")
            user$hBinLength <- readBin(buf[o+37:38], "integer", n=1, size=2, endian="little", signed=FALSE)
            oceDebug(debug, "user$hBinLength: ", user$hBinLength, " (p31 of System Integrator Guide)\n")
            # The cell size is computed with different formulae for different devices, and
            # different frequencies.  See
            #   https://www.nortekusa.com/en/knowledge-center/forum/hr-profilers/736804717
            # for the details (and note that there are some typos from the Nortek advisor, which
            # get corrected later on that webpage).
            if (type == "aquadoppHR") {
                # (NOTE: 1674 is hBinLength)
                # CS = (1674/256)*0.00675*cos(25) = 0.04 m, for a 2 MHz instrument
                # For a 1 MHz instrument you must multiply by twice the sampling distance, i.e. 0.0135 m
                if (isTRUE(all.equal.numeric(head$frequency, 2000))) {
                    user$cellSize <- user$hBinLength / 256 * 0.00675 * cos(25 * degToRad)
                    user$blankingDistance <- user$T2 * 0.00675 * cos(25 * degToRad) - user$cellSize
                } else if (isTRUE(all.equal.numeric(head$frequency, 1000))) {
                    user$cellSize <- user$hBinLength / 256 * 0.01350 * cos(25 * degToRad)
                    user$blankingDistance <- user$T2 * 0.01350 * cos(25 * degToRad) - user$cellSize
                } else {
                    warning("unknown frequency ", head$frequency, " (only understand 1MHz and 2MHz); using 2Mhz formula to calculate cell size")
                    user$cellSize <- user$hBinLength / 256 * 0.00675 * cos(25 * degToRad)
                    user$blankingDistance <- user$T2 * 0.00675 * cos(25 * degToRad) - user$cellSize
            } else if (type == "aquadoppProfiler") {
                if (isTRUE(all.equal.numeric(head$frequency, 2000))) {
                    user$cellSize <- user$hBinLength / 256 * 0.0239 * cos(25 * degToRad)
                } else if (isTRUE(all.equal.numeric(head$frequency, 1000))) {
                    user$cellSize <- user$hBinLength / 256 * 0.0478 * cos(25 * degToRad)
                } else if (isTRUE(all.equal.numeric(head$frequency, 600))) {
                    user$cellSize <- user$hBinLength / 256 * 0.0797 * cos(25 * degToRad)
                } else if (isTRUE(all.equal.numeric(head$frequency, 400))) {
                    user$cellSize <- user$hBinLength / 256 * 0.1195 * cos(25 * degToRad)
                } else {
                    warning("unknown frequency", head$frequency, "(only understand 1MHz and 2MHz); using 1Mhz formula to calculate cell size")
                    user$cellSize <- user$hBinLength / 256 * 0.0478 * cos(25 * degToRad)
                    #user$cellSize <- user$hBinLength / 256 * 0.00675 * cos(25 * degToRad)
                user$blankingDistance <- user$T2 * 0.0229 * cos(25 * degToRad) - user$cellSize
            } else if (type == "aquadopp" || type == "aquadoppPlusMagnetometer") {
                #user$cellSize <- user$hBinLength / 256 * 0.00675 * cos(25 * degToRad)
                #user$blankingDistance <- user$T2 * 0.00675 * cos(25 * degToRad) - user$cellSize
                warning("using fixed cell size and blanking distance for Aquadopp, since cannot infer these from the file")
                user$cellSize <- 0.75  # value for one particular test file
                user$blankingDistance <- 0.37 # value for one particular test file
            } else if (type == "vector") {
                # Formula (revised) from Nortek https://www.nortekusa.com/en/knowledge-center/forum/hr-profilers/595666030
                # Cell size (mm) = T3counts * 1000 * 750 / 480000
                soundspeed <- 1500
                user$cellSize <- user$receiveLength * (soundspeed / 2) / 480.0e3 # drop the 1000 to get m
                user$blankingDistance <- 0 # ?
            } else {
                warning("unknown instrument type \"", type, "\", so calculating cell size as though it is a 2MHz AquadoppHR")
                user$cellSize <- user$hBinLength / 256 * 0.00675 * cos(25 * degToRad)
                user$blankingDistance <- user$T2 * 0.00675 * cos(25 * degToRad) - user$cellSize
            # FIXME: eventually, incorporate the AWAC and Continental devices, using
            # the above formulae, with coefficients as below (from the nortek forum)
            # For the AWAC the table for cell size looks like this:
            # 0.0478 for 1 MHz
            # 0.0797 for 600 kHz
            # And for the Continental:
            # 0.0945 for 470 kHz
            # 0.2221 for 190 kHz

            oceDebug(debug, "cellSize=", user$cellSize, "m (FIXME: using formula from unknown source)\n")
            user$measurementInterval <- readBin(buf[o+39:40], "integer", n=1, size=2, endian="little")
            oceDebug(debug, "measurementInterval=", user$measurementInterval, "\n")

            #  bit 0: use user specified sound speed (0=no, 1=yes)
            #  bit 1: diagnostics/wave mode 0=disable, 1=enable)
            #  bit 2: analog output mode (0=disable, 1=enable)
            #  bit 3: output format (0=Vector, 1=ADV)
            #  bit 4: scaling (0=1 mm, 1=0.1 mm)
            #  bit 5: serial output (0=disable, 1=enable)
            #  bit 6: reserved EasyQ
            #  bit 7: stage (0=disable, 1=enable)
            #  bit 8: output power for analog input (0=disable, 1=enable)

            # FIXME: Sample.cpp has 0.022888 for the factor on user$T2
            #if (isTRUE(all.equal.numeric(head$frequency, 1000))) {
            #    #user$blankingDistance <- cos(25*degToRad) * (0.0135 * user$T2 - 12 * user$T1 / head$frequency)
            #    user$blankingDistance <- cos(25*degToRad) * (0.0135 * user$blankingDistance - 12 * user$transmitPulseLength / head$frequency)
            #} else if (isTRUE(all.equal.numeric(head$frequency, 2000))) {
            #    #user$blankingDistance <- cos(25*degToRad) * (0.00675 * user$T2 - 12 * user$T1 / head$frequency)
            #    user$blankingDistance <- cos(25*degToRad) * (0.00675 * user$blankingDistance - 12 * user$transmitPulseLength / head$frequency)
            #} else {
            #    user$blankingDistance <- 0
            #cat("adp.nortek.R:245 user$blankingDistance", user$blankingDistance, "\n")
            oceDebug(debug, "blankingDistance=", user$blankingDistance, "; user$T1=", user$T1, "and user$T2=", user$T2, "\n")
            user$swVersion <- readBin(buf[o+73:74], "integer", n=1, size=2, endian="little") / 10000
            oceDebug(debug, "swVersion=", user$swVersion, "\n")
            user$salinity <- readBin(buf[o+75:76], "integer", n=1, size=2, endian="little") * 0.1
            oceDebug(debug, "salinity=", user$salinity, "\n")
            o <- o + 2 * user$size
        } else {
            stop("cannot understand byte 0x", buf[o+1], "; expecting one of the following: 0x",
                 idHardwareConfiguration, " [hardware configuration] 0x",
                 idHeadConfiguration, " [head configuration] or 0x", idUserConfiguration, " [user configuration]\n")
    list(hardware=hardware, head=head, user=user, offset=o+1)

#' Read a Nortek Aquadopp File
#' The R code is based on information in the Nortek System Integrator Guide
#' (2017), postings on the Nortek ``knowledge center'' discussion board, and
#' discussions with Nortek engineers (Dec. 2020).
#' @param type Either "aquadopp" for a standard aquadopp file (the default), or
#'     "aquadoppPlusMagnetometer" for a file which includes the raw magnetometer
#'     data.
#' @param orientation Optional character string specifying the orientation of the
#' sensor, provided for those cases in which it cannot be inferred from the
#' data file.  The valid choices are `"upward"`, `"downward"`, and
#' `"sideward"`.
#' @param distance Optional vector holding the distances of bin centres from the
#' sensor.  This argument is ignored except for Nortek profilers, and need not
#' be given if the function determines the distances correctly from the data.
#' The problem is that the distance is poorly documented in the Nortek System
#' Integrator Guide (2008 edition, page 31), so the function must rely on
#' word-of-mouth formulae that do not work in all cases.
#' @param despike if `TRUE`, [despike()] will be used to clean
#' anomalous spikes in heading, etc.
#' @references
#' 1. Information on Nortek profilers (including the System Integrator Guide,
#' which explains the data format byte-by-byte) is available at
#' `https://www.nortekusa.com/`.  (One must join the site to see the
#' manuals.)
#' 2. The Nortek Knowledge Center
#' `https://www.nortekusa.com/en/knowledge-center` may be of help if
#' problems arise in dealing with data from Nortek instruments.
#' @template adpTemplate
#' @template encodingIgnoredTemplate
#' @author Dan Kelley and Clark Richards
#' @family things related to adp data
#' @family functions that read adp data
read.aquadopp <- function(file,
    if (missing(file))
        stop("must supply 'file'")
    if (is.character(file)) {
        if (!file.exists(file))
            stop("cannot find file '", file, "'")
        if (0L == file.info(file)$size)
            stop("empty file '", file, "'")
    if (!interactive())
        monitor <- FALSE
    return(read.adp.nortek(file, from=from, to=to, by=by, tz=tz,
        longitude=longitude, latitude=latitude,
        type=type, orientation=orientation, distance=distance,
        monitor=monitor, despike=despike, processingLog=processingLog,
        debug=debug, ...))

#' Read Nortek Aquadopp-HR File
#' The R code is based on information in
#' the Nortek System Integrator Guide (2008) and on postings on the Nortek
#' ``knowledge center'' discussion board.  One might assume that the latter is
#' less authoritative than the former.  For example, the inference of cell size
#' follows advice found at
#' `https://www.nortekusa.com/en/knowledge-center/forum/hr-profilers/736804717`,
#' which contains a typo in an early posting that is
#' corrected later on.
#' @param despike if `TRUE`, [despike()] will be used to clean
#' anomalous spikes in heading, etc.
#' @param orientation Optional character string specifying the orientation of the
#' sensor, provided for those cases in which it cannot be inferred from the
#' data file.  The valid choices are `"upward"`, `"downward"`, and
#' `"sideward"`.
#' @param distance Optional vector holding the distances of bin centres from the
#' sensor.  This argument is ignored except for Nortek profilers, and need not
#' be given if the function determines the distances correctly from the data.
#' The problem is that the distance is poorly documented in the Nortek System
#' Integrator Guide (2008 edition, page 31), so the function must rely on
#' word-of-mouth formulae that do not work in all cases.
#' @references
#' 1. Information on Nortek profilers (including the System Integrator Guide,
#' which explains the data format byte-by-byte) is available at
#' `https://www.nortekusa.com/`.  (One must join the site to see the
#' manuals.)
#' 2. The Nortek Knowledge Center
#' `https://www.nortekusa.com/en/knowledge-center` may be of help if
#' problems arise in dealing with data from Nortek instruments.
#' @template adpTemplate
#' @template encodingIgnoredTemplate
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to adp data
#' @family functions that read adp data
read.aquadoppHR <- function(file,
    if (missing(file))
        stop("must supply 'file'")
    if (is.character(file)) {
        if (!file.exists(file))
            stop("cannot find file '", file, "'")
        if (0L == file.info(file)$size)
            stop("empty file '", file, "'")
    if (!interactive())
        monitor <- FALSE
    return(read.adp.nortek(file, from=from, to=to, by=by, tz=tz,
        longitude=longitude, latitude=latitude,
        orientation=orientation, distance=distance,
        monitor=monitor, despike=despike, processingLog=processingLog,
        debug=debug, ...))

#' Read a Nortek Aquadopp-Profiler File
#' The R code is based on information in
#' the Nortek System Integrator Guide (2008) and on postings on the Nortek
#' ``knowledge center'' discussion board.  One might assume that the latter is
#' less authoritative than the former.  For example, the inference of cell size
#' follows advice found at
#' `https://www.nortekusa.com/en/knowledge-center/forum/hr-profilers/736804717`,
#' which contains a typo in an early posting that is
#' corrected later on.
#' @param despike if `TRUE`, [despike()] will be used to clean
#' anomalous spikes in heading, etc.
#' @param orientation Optional character string specifying the orientation of the
#' sensor, provided for those cases in which it cannot be inferred from the
#' data file.  The valid choices are `"upward"`, `"downward"`, and
#' `"sideward"`.
#' @param distance Optional vector holding the distances of bin centres from the
#' sensor.  This argument is ignored except for Nortek profilers, and need not
#' be given if the function determines the distances correctly from the data.
#' The problem is that the distance is poorly documented in the Nortek System
#' Integrator Guide (2008 edition, page 31), so the function must rely on
#' word-of-mouth formulae that do not work in all cases.
#' @references
#' 1. Information on Nortek profilers (including the System Integrator Guide,
#' which explains the data format byte-by-byte) is available at
#' `https://www.nortekusa.com/`.  (One must join the site to see the
#' manuals.)
#' 2. The Nortek Knowledge Center
#' `https://www.nortekusa.com/en/knowledge-center` may be of help if
#' problems arise in dealing with data from Nortek instruments.
#' @template adpTemplate
#' @template encodingIgnoredTemplate
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to adp data
#' @family functions that read adp data
read.aquadoppProfiler <- function(file,
    if (missing(file))
        stop("must supply 'file'")
    if (is.character(file)) {
        if (!file.exists(file))
            stop("cannot find file '", file, "'")
        if (0L == file.info(file)$size)
            stop("empty file '", file, "'")
    return(read.adp.nortek(file, from=from, to=to, by=by, tz=tz,
        longitude=longitude, latitude=latitude,
        orientation=orientation, distance=distance,
        monitor=monitor, despike=despike, processingLog=processingLog,
        debug=getOption("oceDebug"), ...))

#' Read a Nortek ADP File
#' @param despike a logical value indicating whether to use [despike()] to remove
#' anomalous spikes in heading, etc.
#' @param type a character string indicating the type of instrument.
#' @param orientation an optional character string specifying the orientation of
#' the sensor, provided for those cases in which it cannot be inferred from the
#' data file.  The valid choices are `"upward"`, `"downward"`, and
#' `"sideward"`.
#' @param distance an optional vector holding the distances of bin centres from
#' the sensor.  This argument is ignored except for Nortek profilers, and need
#' not be given if the function determines the distances correctly from the
#' data.  The problem is that the distance is poorly documented in the Nortek
#' System Integrator Guide (2008 edition, page 31), so the function must rely
#' on word-of-mouth formulae that do not work in all cases.
#' @references
#' 1. Information on Nortek profilers (including the System Integrator Guide,
#' which explains the data format byte-by-byte) is available at
#' `https://www.nortekusa.com/`.  (One must join the site to see the
#' manuals.)
#' 2. The Nortek Knowledge Center
#' `https://www.nortekusa.com/en/knowledge-center` may be of help if
#' problems arise in dealing with data from Nortek instruments.
#' @template adpTemplate
#' @template encodingIgnoredTemplate
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' @family things related to adp data
#' @family functions that read adp data
read.adp.nortek <- function(file, from=1, to, by=1, tz=getOption("oceTz"),
    longitude=NA, latitude=NA,
    type=c("aquadoppHR", "aquadoppProfiler", "aquadopp", "aquadoppPlusMagnetometer"), orientation, distance,
    monitor=FALSE, despike=FALSE, processingLog,
    if (missing(file))
        stop("must supply 'file'")
    if (is.character(file)) {
        if (!file.exists(file))
            stop("cannot find file '", file, "'")
        if (0L == file.info(file)$size)
            stop("empty file '", file, "'")
    if (!interactive())
        monitor <- FALSE
    #degToRad <- atan2(1, 1) / 45
    profileStart <- NULL # prevents scope warning in rstudio; defined later anyway
    bisectAdpNortek <- function(buf, t.find, add=0, debug=0) {
        oceDebug(debug, "bisectAdpNortek(t.find=", format(t.find), ", add=", add, "\n")
        len <- length(profileStart)
        lower <- 1
        upper <- len
        passes <- floor(10 + log(len, 2)) # won't need this many; only do this to catch coding errors
        for (pass in 1:passes) {
            middle  <- floor((upper + lower) / 2)
            minute  <- bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[middle] + 4])
            second  <- bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[middle] + 5])
            day     <- bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[middle] + 6])
            hour    <- bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[middle] + 7])
            year    <- bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[middle] + 8])
            year    <- year + ifelse(year >= 90, 1900, 2000)
            month   <- bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[middle] + 9])
            sec1000 <- bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[middle] + 10])
            t <- ISOdatetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second + sec1000/1000, tz=tz)
            oceDebug(debug, "t=", format(t), "| (from data",
                sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d", year, month, day),
                sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d", hour, minute, second, sec1000), ") | pass",
                format(pass, width=2), "/", passes, " | middle=", middle, "(", middle/upper*100, "%)\n")
            if (t.find < t) {
                upper <- middle
            } else {
                lower <- middle
            if (upper - lower < 2) {
        middle <- middle + add          # may use add to extend before and after window
        if (middle < 1) middle <- 1
        if (middle > len) middle <- len
        minute  <- bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[middle] + 4])
        second  <- bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[middle] + 5])
        day     <- bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[middle] + 6])
        hour    <- bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[middle] + 7])
        year    <- bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[middle] + 8])
        year    <- year + ifelse(year >= 90, 1900, 2000)
        month   <- bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[middle] + 9])
        sec1000 <- bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[middle] + 10])
        t <- ISOdatetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second + sec1000/1000, tz=tz)
        oceDebug(debug, "result: t=", format(t), " at vsd.start[", middle, "]=", profileStart[middle], "\n")
        return(list(index=middle, time=t))
    if (missing(to))
        to <- NA                       # will catch this later
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (type=="aquadoppPlusMagnetometer") oceDebug(debug, "Reading an aquadopp file which includes raw magnetometer data\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "read.adp.nortek(...,from=", format(from), ",to=", format(to), "...)\n")
    res <- new("adp")
    #fromKeep <- from
    #toKeep <- to
    #syncCode <- as.raw(0xa5)
    if (is.character(file)) {
        filename <- fullFilename(file)
        file <- file(file, "rb")
    if (!inherits(file, "connection"))
        stop("argument `file' must be a character string or connection")
    if (!isOpen(file)) {
        filename <- "(connection)"
        open(file, "rb")
    seek(file, 0, "start")
    seek(file, 0, "start")
    # go to the end, so the next seek (to get to the data) reveals file length
    seek(file, where=0, origin="end")
    fileSize <- seek(file, where=0)
    oceDebug(debug, "fileSize=", fileSize, "\n")
    buf <- readBin(file, what="raw", n=fileSize, size=1)
    header <- decodeHeaderNortek(buf, type=type, debug=debug-1)
    #averagingInterval <- header$user$averagingInterval
    numberOfBeams <- header$numberOfBeams
    numberOfCells <- header$numberOfCells
    #bin1Distance <- header$bin1Distance
    #xmitPulseLength <- header$xmitPulseLength
    #cellSize <- header$cellSize
    #profilesInFile <- readBin(buf[header$offset + 2:3], what="integer", n=1, size=2, endian="little")
    oceDebug(debug, "profile data at buf[", header$offset, "] et seq.\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "matching bytes: 0x", buf[header$offset], " 0x", buf[header$offset+1], " 0x", buf[header$offset+2], "\n", sep="")
    profileStart <- .Call("match3bytes", buf, buf[header$offset], buf[header$offset+1], buf[header$offset+2])
    profilesInFile <- length(profileStart)
    if (is.na(to)) {
        to <- profilesInFile
    oceDebug(debug, "profilesInFile=", profilesInFile, "\n")

    measurementStart <- ISOdatetime(2000+bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[1]+8]), # year FIXME: have to check if before 1990
        bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[1]+9]), # month
        bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[1]+6]), # day
        bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[1]+7]), # hour
        bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[1]+4]), # min
        bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[1]+5]), # sec
    measurementEnd <- ISOdatetime(2000+bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[profilesInFile]+8]), # year FIXME: have to check if before 1990
        bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[profilesInFile]+9]), # month
        bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[profilesInFile]+6]), # day
        bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[profilesInFile]+7]), # hour
        bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[profilesInFile]+4]), # min
        bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[profilesInFile]+5]), # sec
    measurementDeltat <- as.numeric(ISOdatetime(2000+bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[2]+8]), # year FIXME: have to check if before 1990
        bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[2]+9]), # month
        bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[2]+6]), # day
        bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[2]+7]), # hour
        bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[2]+4]), # min
        bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[2]+5]), # sec
        tz=tz)) - as.numeric(measurementStart)
    oceDebug(debug, "ORIG measurement.deltat=", measurementDeltat, "\n")
    measurementDeltat <- (as.numeric(measurementEnd) - as.numeric(measurementStart)) / profilesInFile
    oceDebug(debug, "NEW  measurementDeltat=", measurementDeltat, "\n")
    if (inherits(from, "POSIXt")) {
        if (!inherits(to, "POSIXt"))
            stop("if 'from' is POSIXt, then 'to' must be, also")
        fromPair <- bisectAdpNortek(buf, from, -1, debug-1)
        from <- fromIndex <- fromPair$index
        toPair <- bisectAdpNortek(buf, to, 1, debug-1)
        to <- toIndex <- toPair$index
        oceDebug(debug, "  from=", format(fromPair$t), " yields profileStart[", fromIndex, "]\n",
            "  to  =", format(toPair$t),   " yields profileStart[", toIndex, "]\n",
            "  by=", by, "s\n",
            "profileStart[1:10]=", profileStart[1:10], "\n",
            "profileStart[", fromPair$index, "]=", profileStart[fromPair$index], "at time", format(fromPair$t), "\n",
            "profileStart[",   toPair$index, "]=", profileStart[toPair$index], "at time", format(toPair$t), "\n")
        time1 <- ISOdatetime(2000+bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[1]+8]), # year FIXME: have to check if before 1990
            bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[1]+9]), # month
            bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[1]+6]), # day
            bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[1]+7]), # hour
            bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[1]+4]), # min
            bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[1]+5]), # sec
        time2 <- ISOdatetime(2000+bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[2]+8]), # year FIXME: have to check if before 1990
            bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[2]+9]), # month
            bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[2]+6]), # day
            bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[2]+7]), # hour
            bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[2]+4]), # min
            bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart[2]+5]), # sec
        dt <- as.numeric(difftime(time2, time1, units="secs"))
        oceDebug(debug, "dt=", dt, "s; at this stage, by=", by, "(not interpreted yet)\n")
        profileStart <- profileStart[profileStart[fromIndex] < profileStart & profileStart < profileStart[toIndex]]
        if (is.character(by))
            by <- floor(0.5 + ctimeToSeconds(by) / dt)
        oceDebug(debug, "by=", by, "profiles (after change)\n")
        profileStart <- profileStart[seq(1, length(profileStart), by=by)]
        oceDebug(debug, "dt=", dt, "\n", "by=", by, "profileStart[1:10] after indexing:", profileStart[1:10], "\n")
    } else {
        fromIndex <- from
        toIndex <- to
        if (toIndex < 1 + fromIndex)
            stop("need more separation between from and to")
        if (is.character(by))
            stop("cannot have string for 'by' if 'from' and 'to' are integers")
        profileStart <- profileStart[seq(from=from, to=to, by=by)]
        oceDebug(debug, "profileStart[1:10] after indexing:", profileStart[1:10], "\n")
    profilesToRead <- length(profileStart)
    oceDebug(debug, "profilesToRead=", profilesToRead, "\n")
    profileStart2 <- sort(c(profileStart, profileStart+1)) # use this to subset for 2-byte reads
    numberOfCells <- header$user$numberOfCells
    numberOfBeams <- header$head$numberOfBeams
    oceDebug(debug, "numberOfCells=", numberOfCells, "\n")
    oceDebug(debug, "numberOfBeams=", numberOfBeams, "\n")
    items <-  numberOfCells *  numberOfBeams
    time <- ISOdatetime(2000+bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart+8]), # year FIXME: have to check if before 1990
        bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart+9]), # month
        bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart+6]), # day
        bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart+7]), # hour
        bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart+4]), # min
        bcdToInteger(buf[profileStart+5]), # sec
    class(time) <- c("POSIXt", "POSIXct") # FIXME do we need this?
    attr(time, "tzone") <- getOption("oceTz") # Q: does file hold the zone?
    # aquadopp error: see table 5.4 (p40) and table 5.10 (p53) of system-integrator-manual_jan2011.pdf
    error <- readBin(buf[profileStart2 + 10], what="integer", n=profilesToRead, size=2, endian="little", signed=FALSE)
    heading <- 0.1 * readBin(buf[profileStart2 + 18], what="integer", n=profilesToRead, size=2, endian="little", signed=TRUE)
    pitch <- 0.1 * readBin(buf[profileStart2 + 20], what="integer", n=profilesToRead, size=2, endian="little", signed=TRUE)
    roll <- 0.1 * readBin(buf[profileStart2 + 22], what="integer", n=profilesToRead, size=2, endian="little", signed=TRUE)
    pressure.MSB <- readBin(buf[profileStart + 24], what="integer", n=profilesToRead, size=1, endian="little", signed=FALSE)
    pressure.LSW <- readBin(buf[profileStart2 + 26], what="integer", n=profilesToRead, size=2, endian="little", signed=FALSE)
    pressure <- (as.integer(pressure.MSB)*65536 + pressure.LSW) * 0.001 # CHECK
    temperature <- 0.01 * readBin(buf[profileStart2 + 28], what="integer", n=profilesToRead, size=2, endian="little")
    # if type=aquadoppPlusMagnetometer read the extra fields -- issue 1758, and SIG 2020:
    if (type == "aquadoppPlusMagnetometer") {
        soundSpeed <- 0.1 * readBin(buf[profileStart2 + 30], what="integer", n=profilesToRead, size=2, endian="little")
        ensCount <- readBin(buf[profileStart2 + 32], what="integer", n=profilesToRead, size=2, endian="little")
        compHx <- readBin(buf[profileStart2 + 34], what="integer", n=profilesToRead, size=2, endian="little")
        compHy <- readBin(buf[profileStart2 + 36], what="integer", n=profilesToRead, size=2, endian="little")
        compHz <- readBin(buf[profileStart2 + 38], what="integer", n=profilesToRead, size=2, endian="little")
    v <- array(double(), dim=c(profilesToRead, numberOfCells,  numberOfBeams))
    a <- array(raw(), dim=c(profilesToRead,  numberOfCells,  numberOfBeams)) # echo amplitude
    q <- array(raw(), dim=c(profilesToRead,  numberOfCells,  numberOfBeams)) # correlation
    velocityScale <- 1e-3              # FIXME: why not use the value in user$velocityScale?
    # FIXME: why does 54 work, given 53 in docs? [see 38 of System Integrator Guide]
    oShift <- switch(type, aquadoppHR=54, aquadoppProfiler=30, aquadopp=30, aquadoppPlusMagnetometer=40)
    for (i in 1:profilesToRead) {
        o <- profileStart[i] + oShift
        #oceDebug(debug, 'getting data chunk',i,' at file position',o,'\n')
        v[i, , ] <- velocityScale * matrix(readBin(buf[o + seq(0, 2*items-1)], "integer", n=items, size=2,
            endian="little", signed=TRUE), ncol=numberOfBeams, byrow=FALSE)
        # BUG BUG BUG why difference in byrow for v vs a and q?
        o <- o + items * 2
        a[i, , ] <- matrix(buf[o + seq(0, items-1)], ncol=items, byrow=TRUE)
        o <- o + items
        q[i, , ] <- matrix(buf[o + seq(0, items-1)], ncol=items, byrow=TRUE) # FIXME: this is correlation, not quality
        if (monitor) {
            cat(".", ...)
            if (!(i %% 50)) cat(i, "\n", ...)
    if (monitor) cat("\nRead", profilesToRead,  "of the", profilesInFile, "profiles in", filename, "\n", ...)

    if (missing(distance)) {
        distance <- seq(header$user$blankingDistance+header$user$cellSize, by=header$user$cellSize, length.out=header$user$numberOfCells)
    } else {
        if (length(distance) != dim(v)[2]) {
            stop("the argument distance is of length ", length(distance), ",
                which does not match the second dimension of the velocity matrix, ", dim(v)[2])

    # get diagnostic data, if any, and trim them to same index range as conventional data
    if (type == "aquadopp") {
        diaStart <- .Call("match3bytes", buf, 0xa5, 0x80, 0x15)
        oceDebug(debug, "diaStart range:", range(diaStart), "\n")
        diaStart <- subset(diaStart, diaStart >= profileStart[fromIndex])
        diaStart <- subset(diaStart, diaStart <= profileStart[toIndex])
        oceDebug(debug, "LATER diaStart range:", range(diaStart), "\n")
        diaToRead <- length(diaStart)
        diaStart2 <- sort(c(diaStart, diaStart+1))
        timeDia <- ISOdatetime(2000+bcdToInteger(buf[diaStart+8]),
            bcdToInteger(buf[diaStart+9]), # month
            bcdToInteger(buf[diaStart+6]), # day
            bcdToInteger(buf[diaStart+7]), # hour
            bcdToInteger(buf[diaStart+4]), # min
            bcdToInteger(buf[diaStart+5]), # sec
        # aquadopp error: see table 5.4 (p40) and table 5.10 (p53) of system-integrator-manual_jan2011.pdf
        errorDia <- readBin(buf[diaStart2 + 10], what="integer", n=diaToRead, size=2, endian="little", signed=FALSE)
        headingDia <- 0.1 * readBin(buf[diaStart2 + 18], what="integer", n=diaToRead, size=2, endian="little", signed=TRUE)
        pitchDia <- 0.1 * readBin(buf[diaStart2 + 20], what="integer", n=diaToRead, size=2, endian="little", signed=TRUE)
        rollDia <- 0.1 * readBin(buf[diaStart2 + 22], what="integer", n=diaToRead, size=2, endian="little", signed=TRUE)
        pressureMSB <- readBin(buf[diaStart + 24], what="integer", n=diaToRead, size=1, endian="little", signed=FALSE)
        pressureLSW <- readBin(buf[diaStart2 + 26], what="integer", n=diaToRead, size=2, endian="little", signed=FALSE)
        pressureDia <- (as.integer(pressureMSB)*65536 + pressureLSW) * 0.001
        temperatureDia <- 0.01 * readBin(buf[diaStart2 + 28], what="integer", n=diaToRead, size=2, endian="little")
        vDia <- array(double(), dim=c(diaToRead,  1,  3))
        vDia[, , 1] <- 0.001 * readBin(buf[diaStart2 + 30], what="integer", n=diaToRead, size=2, endian="little", signed=TRUE)
        vDia[, , 2] <- 0.001 * readBin(buf[diaStart2 + 32], what="integer", n=diaToRead, size=2, endian="little", signed=TRUE)
        vDia[, , 3] <- 0.001 * readBin(buf[diaStart2 + 34], what="integer", n=diaToRead, size=2, endian="little", signed=TRUE)
        aDia <- array(raw(), dim=c(diaToRead,  1,  3))
        aDia[, , 1] <- buf[diaStart + 36]
        aDia[, , 2] <- buf[diaStart + 37]
        aDia[, , 3] <- buf[diaStart + 38]
    } else if (type == "aquadoppPlusMagnetometer") {
        diaStart <- .Call("match3bytes", buf, 0xa5, 0x80, 0x15)
        oceDebug(debug, "diaStart range:", range(diaStart), "\n")
        diaStart <- subset(diaStart, diaStart >= profileStart[fromIndex])
        diaStart <- subset(diaStart, diaStart <= profileStart[toIndex])
        oceDebug(debug, "LATER diaStart range:", range(diaStart), "\n")
        diaToRead <- length(diaStart)
        diaStart2 <- sort(c(diaStart, diaStart+1))
        timeDia <- ISOdatetime(2000+bcdToInteger(buf[diaStart+8]),
            bcdToInteger(buf[diaStart+9]), # month
            bcdToInteger(buf[diaStart+6]), # day
            bcdToInteger(buf[diaStart+7]), # hour
            bcdToInteger(buf[diaStart+4]), # min
            bcdToInteger(buf[diaStart+5]), # sec
        # aquadopp error: see table 5.4 (p40) and table 5.10 (p53) of system-integrator-manual_jan2011.pdf
        errorDia <- readBin(buf[diaStart2 + 10], what="integer", n=diaToRead, size=2, endian="little", signed=FALSE)
        headingDia <- 0.1 * readBin(buf[diaStart2 + 18], what="integer", n=diaToRead, size=2, endian="little", signed=TRUE)
        pitchDia <- 0.1 * readBin(buf[diaStart2 + 20], what="integer", n=diaToRead, size=2, endian="little", signed=TRUE)
        rollDia <- 0.1 * readBin(buf[diaStart2 + 22], what="integer", n=diaToRead, size=2, endian="little", signed=TRUE)
        pressureMSB <- readBin(buf[diaStart + 24], what="integer", n=diaToRead, size=1, endian="little", signed=FALSE)
        pressureLSW <- readBin(buf[diaStart2 + 26], what="integer", n=diaToRead, size=2, endian="little", signed=FALSE)
        pressureDia <- (as.integer(pressureMSB)*65536 + pressureLSW) * 0.001
        temperatureDia <- 0.01 * readBin(buf[diaStart2 + 28], what="integer", n=diaToRead, size=2, endian="little")
        # nolint start object_usage_linter
        ensCountDia <- readBin(buf[profileStart2 + 32], what="integer", n=profilesToRead, size=2, endian="little")
        # nolint end object_usage_linter
        soundSpeedDia <- 0.1 * readBin(buf[profileStart2 + 30], what="integer", n=profilesToRead, size=2, endian="little")
        compHxDia <- readBin(buf[profileStart2 + 34], what="integer", n=profilesToRead, size=2, endian="little")
        compHyDia <- readBin(buf[profileStart2 + 36], what="integer", n=profilesToRead, size=2, endian="little")
        compHzDia <- readBin(buf[profileStart2 + 38], what="integer", n=profilesToRead, size=2, endian="little")
        vDia <- array(double(), dim=c(diaToRead,  1,  3))
        vDia[, , 1] <- 0.001 * readBin(buf[diaStart2 + 40], what="integer", n=diaToRead, size=2, endian="little", signed=TRUE)
        vDia[, , 2] <- 0.001 * readBin(buf[diaStart2 + 42], what="integer", n=diaToRead, size=2, endian="little", signed=TRUE)
        vDia[, , 3] <- 0.001 * readBin(buf[diaStart2 + 44], what="integer", n=diaToRead, size=2, endian="little", signed=TRUE)
        aDia <- array(raw(), dim=c(diaToRead,  1,  3))
        aDia[, , 1] <- buf[diaStart + 46]
        aDia[, , 2] <- buf[diaStart + 47]
        aDia[, , 3] <- buf[diaStart + 48]

    res@data <- list(
    if (type=="aquadoppPlusMagnetometer") {
        res@data <- c(res@data,
    # Sometimes there can be an extra sample, with a time of
    # NA. Because the times are continuous without the extra sample,
    # for now I'll just remove the entire sample
    tNA <- which(is.na(time))
    if (length(tNA) > 0) {
        for (field in names(res@data)) {
            if (!(field %in% "distance")) {
                if (field %in% c("v", "a", "q")) {
                    res@data[[field]] <- res@data[[field]][-tNA, , , drop=FALSE]
                } else {
                    res@data[[field]] <- res@data[[field]][-tNA]
        warning(paste("Found and removed", length(tNA), "NAs in the time vector."))
    if (type == "aquadopp" || type == "aquadoppPlusMagnetometer" && diaToRead > 0) {
        # FIXME: there may be other things here, e.g. does it try to measure salinity?
        res@data$timeDia <- timeDia
        res@data$errorDia <- errorDia
        res@data$headingDia <- headingDia
        res@data$pitchDia <- pitchDia
        res@data$rollDia <- rollDia
        res@data$pressureDia <- pressureDia
        res@data$temperatureDia <- temperatureDia
        res@data$vDia <- vDia
        res@data$aDia <- aDia
        if (type == "aquadoppPlusMagnetometer") {
            res@data$soundSpeedDia <- soundSpeedDia
            res@data$compHxDia <- compHxDia
            res@data$compHyDia <- compHyDia
            res@data$compHzDia <- compHzDia
    if (missing(orientation)) {
        orientation <- header$head$configTiltSensorOrientation # FIXME: is there a 'header$head'?
    } else {
        orientation <- match.arg(orientation, c("sideward", "upward", "downward"))
    res@metadata$manufacturer <- "nortek"
    res@metadata$fileType <- type
    res@metadata$filename <- filename
    res@metadata$latitude <- latitude
    res@metadata$longitude <- longitude
    res@metadata$numberOfSamples <- dim(v)[1]
    res@metadata$numberOfCells <- dim(v)[2]
    res@metadata$numberOfBeams <- dim(v)[3]
    res@metadata$numberOfBeamSequencesPerBurst <- header$user$numberOfBeamSequencesPerBurst
    res@metadata$measurementStart <- measurementStart
    res@metadata$measurementEnd <- measurementEnd
    res@metadata$measurementDeltat <- measurementDeltat
    res@metadata$subsampleStart <- time[1]
    res@metadata$subsampleEnd <- time[length(time)]
    res@metadata$subsampleDeltat <- as.numeric(time[2]) - as.numeric(time[1])
    res@metadata$size <- header$head$size
    res@metadata$serialNumber <- header$hardware$serialNumber
    res@metadata$internalCodeVersion <- header$hardware$picVersion
    res@metadata$hardwareRevision <- header$hardware$hwRevision
    res@metadata$recSize <- header$hardware$recSize
    res@metadata$velocityRange <- header$hardware$velocityRange # FIXME: should check against velocityMaximum
    res@metadata$firmwareVersion <- header$hardware$fwVersion
    res@metadata$config <- header$hardware$config
    res@metadata$configPressureSensor <- header$head$configPressureSensor
    res@metadata$configMagnetometerSensor <- header$head$configMagnetometerSensor
    res@metadata$configTiltSensor <- header$head$configTiltSensor
    res@metadata$beamAngle <- 25     # FIXME: may change with new devices
    res@metadata$tiltSensorOrientation <- header$head$tiltSensorOrientation
    res@metadata$orientation <- orientation
    res@metadata$frequency <- header$head$frequency
    res@metadata$headSerialNumber <- header$head$headSerialNumber
    res@metadata$bin1Distance <- header$user$blankingDistance # FIXME: is this right?
    res@metadata$blankingDistance <- header$user$blankingDistance
    res@metadata$measurementInteres <- header$user$measurementInteres
    res@metadata$transformationMatrix <- header$head$transformationMatrix
    res@metadata$deploymentName <- header$user$deploymentName
    res@metadata$cellSize <- header$user$cellSize
    res@metadata$velocityResolution <- velocityScale
    res@metadata$velocityMaximum <- velocityScale * 2^15
    res@metadata$originalCoordinate <- header$user$originalCoordinate
    res@metadata$oceCoordinate <- header$user$originalCoordinate
    res@metadata$oceBeamUnspreaded <- FALSE
    res@metadata$units$v <- list(unit=expression(m/s), scale="")
    res@metadata$units$distance <- list(unit=expression(m), scale="")
    res@metadata$units$pressure <- list(unit=expression(dbar), scale="")
    res@metadata$units$salinity <- list(unit=expression(), scale="PSS-78")
    res@metadata$units$temperature <- list(unit=expression(degree*C), scale="ITS-90")
    res@metadata$units$soundSpeed <- list(unit=expression(m/s), scale="")
    res@metadata$units$heading <- list(unit=expression(degree), scale="")
    res@metadata$units$pitch <- list(unit=expression(degree), scale="")
    res@metadata$units$roll <- list(unit=expression(degree), scale="")
    res@metadata$units$headingStd <- list(unit=expression(degree), scale="")
    res@metadata$units$pitchStd <- list(unit=expression(degree), scale="")
    res@metadata$units$rollStd <- list(unit=expression(degree), scale="")
    res@metadata$units$attitude <- list(unit=expression(degree), scale="")
    if (missing(processingLog))
        processingLog <- paste("read.adp.nortek(file=\"", filename, "\", from=", from, ", to=", to, ", by=", by, ")", sep="")
    res@processingLog <- processingLogItem(processingLog)
}                                       # read.adp.nortek()

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

oce documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:18 p.m.