## ##
## Package: onemap ##
## ##
## File: write_haplotypes.R ##
## Contains: parents_haplotypes, progeny_haplotypes, ##
## plot.onemap_progeny_haplotypes, ##
## plot.onemap_progeny_haplotypes_counts ##
## ##
## Written by Getulio Caixeta Ferreira and Cristiane Taniguti ##
## ##
## First version: 2020/05/26 ##
## License: GNU General Public License version 3 or later ##
## ##
globalVariables(c("grp", "for.split", ".", "pos", "prob", "pos2",
"allele","parents.homologs", "progeny.homologs", "homolog"))
globalVariables(c("V1", "V2", "V3", "V4",
"H1_P1", "H1_P2", "H2_P1", "H2_P2",
"P1_H1", "P1_H2", "P2_H1", "P2_H2"))
#' Generates data.frame with parents estimated haplotypes
#' @param ... objects of class sequence
#' @param group_names vector of characters defining the group names
#' @return data.frame with group ID (group), marker number (mk.number)
#' and names (mk.names), position in centimorgan (dist) and parents haplotypes
#' (P1_1, P1_2, P2_1, P2_2)
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data("onemap_example_out")
#' twopts <- rf_2pts(onemap_example_out)
#' lg1 <- make_seq(twopts, 1:5)
#' <- map(lg1)
#' parents_haplotypes(
#' }
#' @author Getulio Caixeta Ferreira, \email{}
#' @author Cristiane Taniguti, \email{}
#' @export
parents_haplotypes <- function(..., group_names=NULL){
input <- list(...)
if(length(input) == 0) stop("argument '...' missing, with no default")
# Accept list of sequences or list of list of sequences
if(inherits(input[[1]], "sequence")) <- input else <- unlist(input, recursive = FALSE)
if(!all(sapply(, function(x) inherits(x, "sequence")))) stop(paste("Input objects must be of 'sequence' class. \n"))
if(is.null(group_names)) group_names <- paste("Group",seq(, sep = " - ")
if(all(sapply(input, function(x) inherits(x, "sequence")))){
n <- length(sapply(input, function(x) inherits(x, "sequence")))
} else n <- 1
input_temp <- input
out_dat <- data.frame()
for(z in 1:n){
if(all(sapply(input_temp, function(x) inherits(x, "sequence")))) input <- input_temp[[z]]
marnames <- colnames(input$$geno)[input$seq.num]
if(length(input$seq.rf) == 1 && input$seq.rf == -1) {
# no information available for the order
warning("\nParameters not estimated.\n\n")
} else {
# convert numerical linkage phases to strings
link.phases <- matrix(NA,length(input$seq.num),2)
link.phases[1,] <- rep(1,2)
for (i in 1:length(input$seq.phases)) {
link.phases[i+1,] <- link.phases[i,]*c(1,1),
link.phases[i+1,] <- link.phases[i,]*c(1,-1),
link.phases[i+1,] <- link.phases[i,]*c(-1,1),
link.phases[i+1,] <- link.phases[i,]*c(-1,-1),
## display results
marnumbers <- input$seq.num
distances <- c(0,cumsum(get(get("", envir=.onemapEnv))(input$seq.rf)))
## whith diplotypes for class 'outcross'
if(inherits(input$, c("outcross", "f2"))){
## create diplotypes from segregation types and linkage phases
link.phases <- apply(link.phases,1,function(x) paste(as.character(x),collapse="."))
parents <- matrix("",length(input$seq.num),4)
for (i in 1:length(input$seq.num))
parents[i,] <- return_geno(input$$segr.type[input$seq.num[i]],link.phases[i])
out_dat_temp <- data.frame(group= group_names[z], mk.number = marnumbers, mk.names = marnames, dist = as.numeric(distances),
P1_1 = parents[,1],
P1_2 = parents[,2],
P2_1 = parents[,3],
P2_2 = parents[,4])
out_dat <- rbind(out_dat, out_dat_temp)
## whithout diplotypes for other classes
else if(inherits(input$, c("backcross", "riself", "risib"))){
warning("There is only a possible phase for this cross type\n")
} else warning("invalid cross type")
#' Generate data.frame with genotypes estimated by HMM and its probabilities
#' @param ... Map(s) or list(s) of maps. Object(s) of class sequence.
#' @param ind vector with individual index to be evaluated or "all" to include all individuals
#' @param most_likely logical; if \code{TRUE}, the most likely genotype receive 1 and all the rest 0.
#' If there are more than one most likely both receive 0.5.
#' if FALSE (default) the genotype probability is plotted.
#' @param group_names Names of the groups.
#' @return a data.frame information: individual (ind) and marker ID, group ID (grp), position in centimorgan (pos),
#' genotypes probabilities (prob), parents, and the parents homologs and the allele IDs.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data("onemap_example_out")
#' twopts <- rf_2pts(onemap_example_out)
#' lg1 <- make_seq(twopts, 1:5)
#' <- map(lg1)
#' progeny_haplotypes(
#' }
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyr
#' @author Getulio Caixeta Ferreira, \email{}
#' @author Cristiane Taniguti, \email{}
#' @export
progeny_haplotypes <- function(...,
ind = 1,
most_likely = FALSE){
#input map
input <- list(...)
if(length(input) == 0) stop("argument '...' missing, with no default")
# Accept list of sequences or list of list of sequences
if(inherits(input[[1]], "sequence")) <- input else <- unlist(input, recursive = FALSE)
if(!all(sapply(, function(x) inherits(x, "sequence")))) stop(paste("Input objects must be of 'sequence' class. \n"))
if(is.null(group_names)) group_names <- paste("Group",seq(, sep = " - ")
n.mar <- sapply(, function(x) length(x$seq.num))
n.ind <- sapply(, function(x) ncol(x$probs))/n.mar
ind.names <- lapply(, function(x) rownames(x$$geno))
ind.names <- unique(unlist(ind.names))
if(length(unique(n.ind)) != 1) stop("At least one of the sequences have different number of individuals in dataset.")
n.ind <- unique(n.ind)
if(is.null(ind.names)) ind.names <- 1:n.ind
if(ind[1] == "all"){
ind <- 1:n.ind
probs <- lapply(1:length(, function(x) cbind(ind = rep(1:n.ind, each = n.mar[x]),
grp = group_names[x],
marker =[[x]]$seq.num,
pos = c(0,cumsum(kosambi([[x]]$seq.rf))),[[x]]$probs))))
probs <- lapply(probs, function(x), x$ind)[ind])
if(inherits([[1]]$, "outcross") | inherits([[1]]$, "f2")){
phase <- list('1' = c(1,2,3,4),
'2' = c(2,1,4,3),
'3' = c(3,4,1,2),
"4" = c(4,3,2,1))
seq.phase <- lapply(, function(x) c(1,x$seq.phases))
# Adjusting phases
for(g in seq_along({
for(i in seq_along(ind)){
for(m in seq(n.mar[g])){
probs[[g]][[i]][m:n.mar[g],5:8] <- probs[[g]][[i]][m:n.mar[g],phase[[seq.phase[[g]][m]]]+4]
# If there are two most probably genotypes both will receive 0.5
probs <-,lapply(probs, function(x), x)))
probs[,5:8] <- t(apply(probs[,5:8], 1, function(x) as.numeric(x == max(x))/sum(x == max(x))))
# When P1_H1 it means the allele in homolog 1 of the parent 1
# when H1_P1 is the parent 1 allele in the progeny homolog 1
if(inherits([[1]]$, "outcross")){
probs <- probs %>%
mutate(P1_H1 = V1 + V2,
P1_H2 = V3 + V4,
P2_H1 = V1 + V3,
P2_H2 = V2 + V4) %>%
select(ind, marker, grp, pos, P1_H1, P1_H2, P2_H1, P2_H2) %>%
gather(parents, prob, P1_H1, P1_H2, P2_H1, P2_H2)
new.col <- t(sapply(strsplit(probs$parents, "_"), "[", 1:2))
colnames(new.col) <- c("parents", "parents.homologs")
cross <- "outcross"
} else {
probs <- probs %>%
mutate(H1_P1 = V1 + V2,
H1_P2 = V3 + V4,
H2_P1 = V1 + V3,
H2_P2 = V2 + V4) %>%
select(ind, marker, grp, pos, H1_P1, H1_P2, H2_P1, H2_P2) %>%
gather(parents, prob, H1_P1, H1_P2, H2_P1, H2_P2)
new.col <- t(sapply(strsplit(probs$parents, "_"), "[", 1:2))
colnames(new.col) <- c("progeny.homologs", "parents")
cross <- "f2"
} else {
probs <-,lapply(probs, function(x), x)))
probs[,5:6] <- t(apply(probs[,5:6], 1, function(x) as.numeric(x == max(x))/sum(x == max(x))))
if (inherits([[1]]$, c("backcross")) | inherits([[1]]$, c("riself", "risib"))){
if(inherits([[1]]$, c("backcross"))){
cross <- "backcross"
probs <- probs %>%
mutate(H1_P1 = V1 + V2, # homozygote parent
H1_P2 = 0,
H2_P1 = V2,
H2_P2 = V1)
} else if (inherits([[1]]$, c("riself", "risib"))){
cross <- "rils"
probs <- probs %>%
mutate(H1_P1 = V1,
H1_P2 = V2,
H2_P1 = V1,
H2_P2 = V2)
probs <- probs %>% select(ind, marker, grp, pos, H1_P1, H1_P2, H2_P1, H2_P2) %>%
gather(parents, prob, H1_P1, H1_P2, H2_P1, H2_P2)
new.col <- t(sapply(strsplit(probs$parents, "_"), "[", 1:2))
colnames(new.col) <- c("progeny.homologs", "parents")
probs <- cbind(probs, new.col)
probs <- cbind(probs[,-5], allele = probs[,5])
probs <-
probs$marker = colnames([[1]]$$geno)[probs$marker]
probs$ind <- ind.names[probs$ind]
if(most_likely) flag <- "most.likely" else flag <- "by.probs"
class(probs) <- c("onemap_progeny_haplotypes", cross, "data.frame", flag)
##' Plots progeny haplotypes
##' Figure is generated with the haplotypes for each selected individual. As a representation, the recombination breakpoints are here considered
##' to be in the mean point of the distance between two markers. It is important to highlight that it did not reflects the exact breakpoint position,
##' specially if the genetic map have low resolution.
##' @param x object of class onemap_progeny_haplotypes
##' @param col Color of parents' homologous.
##' @param position "split" or "stack"; if "split" (default) the alleles' are plotted separately. if "stack" the parents' alleles are plotted together.
##' @param show_markers logical; if \code{TRUE}, the markers (default) are plotted.
##' @param main An overall title for the plot; default is \code{NULL}.
##' @param ncol number of columns of the facet_wrap
##' @param ... currently ignored
##' @method plot onemap_progeny_haplotypes
##' @examples
##' \donttest{
#' data("onemap_example_out")
#' twopts <- rf_2pts(onemap_example_out)
#' lg1 <- make_seq(twopts, 1:5)
#' <- map(lg1)
#' plot(progeny_haplotypes(
##' }
##' @return a ggplot graphic
##' @import ggplot2
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyr
##' @author Getulio Caixeta Ferreira, \email{}
##' @author Cristiane Taniguti, \email{}
##' @export
plot.onemap_progeny_haplotypes <- function(x,
col = NULL,
position = "stack",
show_markers = TRUE,
main = "Genotypes", ncol=4, ...){
if(inherits(x, "outcross")){
n <- c("H1" = "P1", "H2" = "P2")
progeny.homologs <- names(n)[match(x$parents, n)]
probs <- cbind(x, progeny.homologs)
} else {
probs <- x
probs <- probs %>% group_by(ind, grp, allele) %>%
do(rbind(.,.[nrow(.),])) %>%
pos2 = c(0,pos[-1]-diff(pos)/2), # Because we don't know exactly where
# the recombination occurs, we ilustrate it in the mean point between
# markers
pos = c(pos[-nrow(.)], NA)))
if(inherits(x, "outcross")){
p <- ggplot(probs, aes(x = pos, col=allele, alpha = prob)) + ggtitle(main)
} else {
p <- ggplot(probs, aes(x = pos, col=parents, alpha = prob)) + ggtitle(main)
p <- p + facet_wrap(~ ind + grp , ncol = ncol) +
scale_alpha_continuous(range = c(0,1)) +
guides(fill = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE)) +
labs(alpha = "Prob", col = "Allele", x = "position (cM)")
if(is.null(col)) p <- p + scale_color_brewer(palette="Set1")
else p <- p + scale_color_manual(values = rev(col))
if(position == "stack"){
p <- p + geom_line(aes(x = pos2, y = progeny.homologs), size = ifelse(show_markers, 4, 5)) + labs(y = "progeny homologs")
if(show_markers) p <- p + geom_point(aes(y = progeny.homologs), size = 5, stroke = 2, na.rm = T, shape = "|")
if(position == "split"){
p <- p + geom_line(aes(x = pos2, y = allele), size = ifelse(show_markers, 4, 5))
if(show_markers) p <- p + geom_point(aes(y = allele), size = 5, stroke = 2, na.rm = T, shape = "|")
#' Plot number of breakpoints by individuals
#' Generate graphic with the number of break points for each individual
#' considering the most likely genotypes estimated by the HMM.
#' Genotypes with same probability for two genotypes are removed.
#' By now, only available for outcrossing and f2 intercross.
#' @param x object of class onemap_progeny_haplotypes
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data("onemap_example_out")
#' twopts <- rf_2pts(onemap_example_out)
#' lg1 <- make_seq(twopts, 1:5)
#' <- map(lg1)
#' progeny_haplotypes_counts(progeny_haplotypes(, most_likely = TRUE))
#' }
#' @return a \code{data.frame} with columns individuals ID (ind), group ID (grp),
#' homolog (homolog) and counts of breakpoints
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyr
progeny_haplotypes_counts <- function(x){
if(!inherits(x, "onemap_progeny_haplotypes")) stop("Input need is not of class onemap_progeny_haplotyes")
if(!inherits(x, "most.likely")) stop("The most likely genotypes must receive maximum probability (1)")
cross <- class(x)[2]
# Some genotypes receives prob of 0.5, here we need to make a decision about them
# Here we keep the genotype of the marker before it
doubt <- x[which(x$prob == 0.5),]
if(dim(doubt)[1] > 0){
if(any(which(x$prob == 0.5)) == 1){
x[1, "prob"] <- x[2, "prob"]
repl <- x[which(x$prob == 0.5)-1,"prob"]
x[which(x$prob == 0.5),"prob"] <- repl
x <- x[which(x$prob == 1),]
x <- x[order(x$ind, x$grp, x$prob, x$parents,x$pos),]
if(inherits(x, "outcross")){
counts <- x %>% group_by(ind, grp) %>%
mutate(seq = sequence(rle(as.character(allele))$length) == 1) %>%
group_by(ind, grp, parents) %>%
summarise(counts = sum(seq) -1,.groups = "keep") %>% ungroup()
counts$parents <- gsub("P", "H", counts$parents)
} else {
counts <- x %>% group_by(ind, grp, progeny.homologs) %>%
mutate(seq = sequence(rle(as.character(parents))$length) == 1) %>%
summarise(counts = sum(seq) -1) %>% ungroup()
colnames(counts)[3] <- "homolog"
class(counts) <- c("onemap_progeny_haplotypes_counts", cross, "data.frame")
globalVariables(c("counts", "colorRampPalette", "alleles"))
##' Plot recombination breakpoints counts for each individual
##' @param x object of class onemap_progeny_haplotypes_counts
##' @param by_homolog logical, if TRUE plots counts by homolog (two for each individuals), if FALSE plots total counts by individual
##' @param integer defining the number of graphics to be plotted, they separate the individuals in different plots
##' @param ncol integer defining the number of columns in plot
##' @param ... currently ignored
##' @return a ggplot graphic
##' @examples
##' \donttest{
#' data("onemap_example_out")
#' twopts <- rf_2pts(onemap_example_out)
#' lg1 <- make_seq(twopts, 1:5)
#' <- map(lg1)
#' prog.haplo <- progeny_haplotypes(, most_likely = TRUE)
#' plot(progeny_haplotypes_counts(prog.haplo))
##' }
##' @method plot onemap_progeny_haplotypes_counts
##' @import ggplot2
##' @importFrom ggpubr ggarrange
##' @import dplyr
##' @import tidyr
##' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
##' @importFrom grDevices colorRamp colorRampPalette
##' @export
plot.onemap_progeny_haplotypes_counts <- function(x,
by_homolog = FALSE, =NULL,
ncol=NULL, ...){
if(!inherits(x, "onemap_progeny_haplotypes_counts")) stop("Input need is not of class onemap_progeny_haplotyes_counts")
p <- list()
n.ind <- length(unique(x$ind))
nb.cols <- n.ind
mycolors <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(12, "Paired"))(nb.cols)
mycolors <- sample(mycolors)
if(is.null( & is.null(ncol)){
n.ind <- dim(x)[1]/2
if(n.ind/25 <= 1) { = 1
}else { = round(n.ind/25,0)
size <- dim(x)[1]
if( == 0){ <- rep(, each= size/
} else { <- c(rep(, each = round(size/,0)), rep(,
y_lim_counts <- max(x$counts) <-[1:size]
p <- x %>% mutate( = %>%
split(., .$ %>%
lapply(., function(x) ggplot(x, aes(x=homolog, y=counts)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", aes(fill=grp)) + theme_minimal() +
coord_flip() +
scale_fill_manual(values=mycolors) +
facet_grid(ind ~ ., switch = "y") +
theme(axis.title.y = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1),
strip.text.y.left = element_text(angle = 0)) +
labs(fill="groups") +
} else {
x <- x %>% ungroup %>% group_by(ind, grp) %>%
summarise(counts = sum(counts))
if(is.null( & is.null(ncol)){
if(n.ind/25 <= 1) { = 1
}else { = round(n.ind/25,0)
size <-n.ind
if( == 0){ <- rep(, each= size/
} else { <- c(rep(, each = round(size/,0)),rep(,
} <-[1:n.ind] <- rep(, each = length(unique(x$grp)))
x$ind <- factor(as.character(x$ind), levels = sort(as.character(unique(x$ind))))
temp <- x %>% ungroup() %>% group_by(ind) %>%
summarise(total = sum(counts))
y_lim_counts <- max(temp$total)
p <- x %>% ungroup() %>% mutate( = %>%
split(., .$ %>%
lapply(., function(x) ggplot(x, aes(x=ind, y=counts, fill=grp)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity") + coord_flip() +
scale_fill_manual(values=mycolors) +
theme(axis.title.y = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1)) +
labs(fill="groups") +
p <- ggarrange(plotlist = p, common.legend = T, label.x = 1, ncol = ncol, nrow = round(,0))
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