
Defines functions polarPlot

Documented in polarPlot

#' Function for plotting bivariate polar plots with smoothing.
#' Function for plotting pollutant concentration in polar coordinates showing
#' concentration by wind speed (or another numeric variable) and direction. Mean
#' concentrations are calculated for wind speed-direction \sQuote{bins} (e.g.
#' 0-1, 1-2 m/s,...  and 0-10, 10-20 degrees etc.).  To aid interpretation,
#' \code{gam} smoothing is carried out using \code{mgcv}.
#' The bivariate polar plot is a useful diagnostic tool for quickly gaining an
#' idea of potential sources. Wind speed is one of the most useful variables to
#' use to separate source types (see references). For example, ground-level
#' concentrations resulting from buoyant plumes from chimney stacks tend to peak
#' under higher wind speed conditions. Conversely, ground-level, non-buoyant
#' plumes such as from road traffic, tend to have highest concentrations under
#' low wind speed conditions. Other sources such as from aircraft engines also
#' show differing characteristics by wind speed.
#' The function has been developed to allow variables other than wind speed to
#' be plotted with wind direction in polar coordinates. The key issue is that
#' the other variable plotted against wind direction should be discriminating in
#' some way. For example, temperature can help reveal high-level sources brought
#' down to ground level in unstable atmospheric conditions, or show the effect a
#' source emission dependent on temperature e.g. biogenic isoprene.
#' The plots can vary considerably depending on how much smoothing is done.  The
#' approach adopted here is based on the very flexible and capable \code{mgcv}
#' package that uses \emph{Generalized Additive Models}. While methods do exist
#' to find an optimum level of smoothness, they are not necessarily useful. The
#' principal aim of \code{polarPlot} is as a graphical analysis rather than for
#' quantitative purposes. In this respect the smoothing aims to strike a balance
#' between revealing interesting (real) features and overly noisy data. The
#' defaults used in [polarPlot()] are based on the analysis of data from many
#' different sources. More advanced users may wish to modify the code and adopt
#' other smoothing approaches.
#' Various statistics are possible to consider e.g. mean, maximum, median.
#' \code{statistic = "max"} is often useful for revealing sources. Pair-wise
#' statistics between two pollutants can also be calculated.
#' The function can also be used to compare two pollutant species through a
#' range of pair-wise statistics (see help on \code{statistic}) and Grange et
#' al. (2016) (open-access publication link below).
#' Wind direction is split up into 10 degree intervals and the other variable
#' (e.g. wind speed) 30 intervals. These 2D bins are then used to calculate the
#' statistics.
#' These plots often show interesting features at higher wind speeds (see
#' references below). For these conditions there can be very few measurements
#' and therefore greater uncertainty in the calculation of the surface. There
#' are several ways in which this issue can be tackled. First, it is possible to
#' avoid smoothing altogether and use [polarFreq()]. Second, the effect of
#' setting a minimum number of measurements in each wind speed-direction bin can
#' be examined through \code{min.bin}. It is possible that a single point at
#' high wind speed conditions can strongly affect the surface prediction.
#' Therefore, setting \code{min.bin = 3}, for example, will remove all wind
#' speed-direction bins with fewer than 3 measurements \emph{before} fitting the
#' surface. Third, consider setting \code{uncertainty = TRUE}. This option will
#' show the predicted surface together with upper and lower 95% confidence
#' intervals, which take account of the frequency of measurements.
#' Variants on \code{polarPlot} include [polarAnnulus()] and [polarFreq()].
#' @param mydata A data frame minimally containing \code{wd}, another variable
#'   to plot in polar coordinates (the default is a column \dQuote{ws} --- wind
#'   speed) and a pollutant. Should also contain \code{date} if plots by time
#'   period are required.
#' @param pollutant Mandatory. A pollutant name corresponding to a variable in a
#'   data frame should be supplied e.g. \code{pollutant = "nox"}. There can also
#'   be more than one pollutant specified e.g. \code{pollutant = c("nox",
#'   "no2")}. The main use of using two or more pollutants is for model
#'   evaluation where two species would be expected to have similar
#'   concentrations. This saves the user stacking the data and it is possible to
#'   work with columns of data directly. A typical use would be \code{pollutant
#'   = c("obs", "mod")} to compare two columns \dQuote{obs} (the observations)
#'   and \dQuote{mod} (modelled values). When pair-wise statistics such as
#'   Pearson correlation and regression techniques are to be plotted,
#'   \code{pollutant} takes two elements too. For example, \code{pollutant =
#'   c("bc", "pm25")} where \code{"bc"} is a function of \code{"pm25"}.
#' @param x Name of variable to plot against wind direction in polar
#'   coordinates, the default is wind speed, \dQuote{ws}.
#' @param wd Name of wind direction field.
#' @param type \code{type} determines how the data are split i.e. conditioned,
#'   and then plotted. The default is will produce a single plot using the
#'   entire data. Type can be one of the built-in types as detailed in
#'   \code{cutData} e.g. \dQuote{season}, \dQuote{year}, \dQuote{weekday} and so
#'   on. For example, \code{type = "season"} will produce four plots --- one for
#'   each season.
#'   It is also possible to choose \code{type} as another variable in the data
#'   frame. If that variable is numeric, then the data will be split into four
#'   quantiles (if possible) and labelled accordingly. If type is an existing
#'   character or factor variable, then those categories/levels will be used
#'   directly. This offers great flexibility for understanding the variation of
#'   different variables and how they depend on one another.
#'   Type can be up length two e.g. \code{type = c("season", "weekday")} will
#'   produce a 2x2 plot split by season and day of the week. Note, when two
#'   types are provided the first forms the columns and the second the rows.
#' @param statistic The statistic that should be applied to each wind
#'   speed/direction bin. Because of the smoothing involved, the colour scale
#'   for some of these statistics is only to provide an indication of overall
#'   pattern and should not be interpreted in concentration units e.g. for
#'   \code{statistic = "weighted.mean"} where the bin mean is multiplied by the
#'   bin frequency and divided by the total frequency. In many cases using
#'   \code{polarFreq} will be better. Setting \code{statistic = "weighted.mean"}
#'   can be useful because it provides an indication of the concentration *
#'   frequency of occurrence and will highlight the wind speed/direction
#'   conditions that dominate the overall mean.Can be:
#'   \itemize{ \item  \dQuote{mean} (default), \dQuote{median}, \dQuote{max}
#'   (maximum), \dQuote{frequency}. \dQuote{stdev} (standard deviation),
#'   \dQuote{weighted.mean}.
#'   \item \code{statistic = "nwr"} Implements the Non-parametric Wind
#'   Regression approach of Henry et al. (2009) that uses kernel smoothers. The
#'   \code{openair} implementation is not identical because Gaussian kernels are
#'   used for both wind direction and speed. The smoothing is controlled by
#'   \code{ws_spread} and \code{wd_spread}.
#'   \item \code{statistic = "cpf"} the conditional probability function (CPF)
#'   is plotted and a single (usually high) percentile level is supplied. The
#'   CPF is defined as CPF = my/ny, where my is the number of samples in the y
#'   bin (by default a wind direction, wind speed interval) with mixing ratios
#'   greater than the \emph{overall} percentile concentration, and ny is the
#'   total number of samples in the same wind sector (see Ashbaugh et al.,
#'   1985). Note that percentile intervals can also be considered; see
#'   \code{percentile} for details.
#'   \item When \code{statistic = "r"} or \code{statistic = "Pearson"}, the
#'   Pearson correlation coefficient is calculated for \emph{two} pollutants.
#'   The calculation involves a weighted Pearson correlation coefficient, which
#'   is weighted by Gaussian kernels for wind direction an the radial variable
#'   (by default wind speed). More weight is assigned to values close to a wind
#'   speed-direction interval. Kernel weighting is used to ensure that all data
#'   are used rather than relying on the potentially small number of values in a
#'   wind speed-direction interval.
#'   \item When \code{statistic = "Spearman"}, the Spearman correlation
#'   coefficient is calculated for \emph{two} pollutants. The calculation
#'   involves a weighted Spearman correlation coefficient, which is weighted by
#'   Gaussian kernels for wind direction an the radial variable (by default wind
#'   speed). More weight is assigned to values close to a wind speed-direction
#'   interval. Kernel weighting is used to ensure that all data are used rather
#'   than relying on the potentially small number of values in a wind
#'   speed-direction interval.
#'   \item \code{"robust_slope"} is another option for pair-wise statistics and
#'   \code{"quantile.slope"}, which uses quantile regression to estimate the
#'   slope for a particular quantile level (see also \code{tau} for setting the
#'   quantile level).
#'   \item \code{"york_slope"} is another option for pair-wise statistics which
#'   uses the \emph{York regression method} to estimate the slope. In this
#'   method the uncertainties in \code{x} and \code{y} are used in the
#'   determination of the slope. The uncertainties are provided by
#'   \code{x_error} and \code{y_error} --- see below.}
#' @param limits The function does its best to choose sensible limits
#'   automatically. However, there are circumstances when the user will wish to
#'   set different ones. An example would be a series of plots showing each year
#'   of data separately. The limits are set in the form \code{c(lower, upper)},
#'   so \code{limits = c(0, 100)} would force the plot limits to span 0-100.
#' @param exclude.missing Setting this option to \code{TRUE} (the default)
#'   removes points from the plot that are too far from the original data. The
#'   smoothing routines will produce predictions at points where no data exist
#'   i.e. they predict. By removing the points too far from the original data
#'   produces a plot where it is clear where the original data lie. If set to
#'   \code{FALSE} missing data will be interpolated.
#' @param uncertainty Should the uncertainty in the calculated surface be shown?
#'   If \code{TRUE} three plots are produced on the same scale showing the
#'   predicted surface together with the estimated lower and upper uncertainties
#'   at the 95% confidence interval. Calculating the uncertainties is useful to
#'   understand whether features are real or not.  For example, at high wind
#'   speeds where there are few data there is greater uncertainty over the
#'   predicted values. The uncertainties are calculated using the GAM and
#'   weighting is done by the frequency of measurements in each wind
#'   speed-direction bin. Note that if uncertainties are calculated then the
#'   type is set to "default".
#' @param percentile If \code{statistic = "percentile"} then \code{percentile}
#'   is used, expressed from 0 to 100. Note that the percentile value is
#'   calculated in the wind speed, wind direction \sQuote{bins}. For this reason
#'   it can also be useful to set \code{min.bin} to ensure there are a
#'   sufficient number of points available to estimate a percentile. See
#'   \code{quantile} for more details of how percentiles are calculated.
#'   \code{percentile} is also used for the Conditional Probability Function
#'   (CPF) plots. \code{percentile} can be of length two, in which case the
#'   percentile \emph{interval} is considered for use with CPF. For example,
#'   \code{percentile = c(90, 100)} will plot the CPF for concentrations between
#'   the 90 and 100th percentiles. Percentile intervals can be useful for
#'   identifying specific sources. In addition, \code{percentile} can also be of
#'   length 3. The third value is the \sQuote{trim} value to be applied. When
#'   calculating percentile intervals many can cover very low values where there
#'   is no useful information. The trim value ensures that values greater than
#'   or equal to the trim * mean value are considered \emph{before} the
#'   percentile intervals are calculated. The effect is to extract more detail
#'   from many source signatures. See the manual for examples. Finally, if the
#'   trim value is less than zero the percentile range is interpreted as
#'   absolute concentration values and subsetting is carried out directly.
#' @param cols Colours to be used for plotting. Options include
#'   \dQuote{default}, \dQuote{increment}, \dQuote{heat}, \dQuote{jet} and
#'   \code{RColorBrewer} colours --- see the \code{openair} \code{openColours}
#'   function for more details. For user defined the user can supply a list of
#'   colour names recognised by R (type \code{colours()} to see the full list).
#'   An example would be \code{cols = c("yellow", "green", "blue")}. \code{cols}
#'   can also take the values \code{"viridis"}, \code{"magma"},
#'   \code{"inferno"}, or \code{"plasma"} which are the viridis colour maps
#'   ported from Python's Matplotlib library.
#' @param weights At the edges of the plot there may only be a few data points
#'   in each wind speed-direction interval, which could in some situations
#'   distort the plot if the concentrations are high. \code{weights} applies a
#'   weighting to reduce their influence. For example and by default if only a
#'   single data point exists then the weighting factor is 0.25 and for two
#'   points 0.5. To not apply any weighting and use the data as is, use
#'   \code{weights = c(1, 1, 1)}.
#'   An alternative to down-weighting these points they can be removed
#'   altogether using \code{min.bin}.
#' @param min.bin The minimum number of points allowed in a wind speed/wind
#'   direction bin.  The default is 1. A value of two requires at least 2 valid
#'   records in each bin an so on; bins with less than 2 valid records are set
#'   to NA. Care should be taken when using a value > 1 because of the risk of
#'   removing real data points. It is recommended to consider your data with
#'   care. Also, the \code{polarFreq} function can be of use in such
#'   circumstances.
#' @param mis.col When \code{min.bin} is > 1 it can be useful to show where data
#'   are removed on the plots. This is done by shading the missing data in
#'   \code{mis.col}. To not highlight missing data when \code{min.bin} > 1
#'   choose \code{mis.col = "transparent"}.
#' @param alpha The alpha transparency to use for the plotting surface (a value
#'   between 0 and 1 with zero being fully transparent and 1 fully opaque).
#'   Setting a value below 1 can be useful when plotting surfaces on a map using
#'   the package \code{openairmaps}.
#' @param upper This sets the upper limit wind speed to be used. Often there are
#'   only a relatively few data points at very high wind speeds and plotting all
#'   of them can reduce the useful information in the plot.
#' @param angle.scale Sometimes the placement of the scale may interfere with an
#'   interesting feature. The user can therefore set \code{angle.scale} to any
#'   value between 0 and 360 degrees to mitigate such problems. For example
#'   \code{angle.scale = 45} will draw the scale heading in a NE direction.
#' @param units The units shown on the polar axis scale.
#' @param force.positive The default is \code{TRUE}. Sometimes if smoothing data
#'   with steep gradients it is possible for predicted values to be negative.
#'   \code{force.positive = TRUE} ensures that predictions remain positive. This
#'   is useful for several reasons. First, with lots of missing data more
#'   interpolation is needed and this can result in artefacts because the
#'   predictions are too far from the original data. Second, if it is known
#'   beforehand that the data are all positive, then this option carries that
#'   assumption through to the prediction. The only likely time where setting
#'   \code{force.positive = FALSE} would be if background concentrations were
#'   first subtracted resulting in data that is legitimately negative. For the
#'   vast majority of situations it is expected that the user will not need to
#'   alter the default option.
#' @param k This is the smoothing parameter used by the \code{gam} function in
#'   package \code{mgcv}. Typically, value of around 100 (the default) seems to
#'   be suitable and will resolve important features in the plot. The most
#'   appropriate choice of \code{k} is problem-dependent; but extensive testing
#'   of polar plots for many different problems suggests a value of \code{k} of
#'   about 100 is suitable. Setting \code{k} to higher values will not tend to
#'   affect the surface predictions by much but will add to the computation
#'   time. Lower values of \code{k} will increase smoothing. Sometimes with few
#'   data to plot \code{polarPlot} will fail. Under these circumstances it can
#'   be worth lowering the value of \code{k}.
#' @param normalise If \code{TRUE} concentrations are normalised by dividing by
#'   their mean value. This is done \emph{after} fitting the smooth surface.
#'   This option is particularly useful if one is interested in the patterns of
#'   concentrations for several pollutants on different scales e.g. NOx and CO.
#'   Often useful if more than one \code{pollutant} is chosen.
#' @param key.header Adds additional text/labels to the scale key. For example,
#'   passing the options \code{key.header = "header", key.footer = "footer1"}
#'   adds addition text above and below the scale key. These arguments are
#'   passed to \code{drawOpenKey} via \code{quickText}, applying the
#'   \code{auto.text} argument, to handle formatting.
#' @param key.footer see \code{key.footer}.
#' @param key.position Location where the scale key is to plotted. Allowed
#'   arguments currently include \code{"top"}, \code{"right"}, \code{"bottom"}
#'   and \code{"left"}.
#' @param key Fine control of the scale key via \code{drawOpenKey}. See
#'   \code{drawOpenKey} for further details.
#' @param auto.text Either \code{TRUE} (default) or \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}
#'   titles and axis labels will automatically try and format pollutant names
#'   and units properly e.g.  by subscripting the `2' in NO2.
#' @param ws_spread The value of sigma used for Gaussian kernel weighting of
#'   wind speed when \code{statistic = "nwr"} or when correlation and regression
#'   statistics are used such as \emph{r}. Default is \code{0.5}.
#' @param wd_spread The value of sigma used for Gaussian kernel weighting of
#'   wind direction when \code{statistic = "nwr"} or when correlation and
#'   regression statistics are used such as \emph{r}. Default is \code{4}.
#' @param x_error The \code{x} error / uncertainty used when \code{statistic =
#'   "york_slope"}.
#' @param y_error The \code{y} error / uncertainty used when \code{statistic =
#'   "york_slope"}.
#' @param kernel Type of kernel used for the weighting procedure for when
#'   correlation or regression techniques are used. Only \code{"gaussian"} is
#'   supported but this may be enhanced in the future.
#' @param formula.label When pair-wise statistics such as regression slopes are
#'   calculated and plotted, should a formula label be displayed?
#' @param tau The quantile to be estimated when \code{statistic} is set to
#'   \code{"quantile.slope"}. Default is \code{0.5} which is equal to the median
#'   and will be ignored if \code{"quantile.slope"} is not used.
#' @param plot Should a plot be produced? \code{FALSE} can be useful when
#'   analysing data to extract plot components and plotting them in other ways.
#' @param ... Other graphical parameters passed onto \code{lattice:levelplot}
#'   and \code{cutData}. For example, \code{polarPlot} passes the option
#'   \code{hemisphere = "southern"} on to \code{cutData} to provide southern
#'   (rather than default northern) hemisphere handling of \code{type =
#'   "season"}. Similarly, common axis and title labelling options (such as
#'   \code{xlab}, \code{ylab}, \code{main}) are passed to \code{levelplot} via
#'   \code{quickText} to handle routine formatting.
#' @import lattice
#' @import mgcv
#' @return an [openair][openair-package] object. `data` contians four set
#'   columns: \code{cond}, conditioning based on \code{type}; \code{u} and
#'   \code{v}, the translational vectors based on \code{ws} and \code{wd}; and
#'   the local \code{pollutant} estimate.
#' @author David Carslaw
#' @family polar directional analysis functions
#' @references
#' Ashbaugh, L.L., Malm, W.C., Sadeh, W.Z., 1985. A residence time probability
#' analysis of sulfur concentrations at ground canyon national park. Atmospheric
#' Environment 19 (8), 1263-1270.
#' Carslaw, D.C., Beevers, S.D, Ropkins, K and M.C. Bell (2006). Detecting and
#' quantifying aircraft and other on-airport contributions to ambient nitrogen
#' oxides in the vicinity of a large international airport.  Atmospheric
#' Environment. 40/28 pp 5424-5434.
#' Carslaw, D.C., & Beevers, S.D. (2013). Characterising and understanding
#' emission sources using bivariate polar plots and k-means clustering.
#' Environmental Modelling & Software, 40, 325-329.
#' doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2012.09.005
#' Henry, R.C., Chang, Y.S., Spiegelman, C.H., 2002. Locating nearby sources of
#' air pollution by nonparametric regression of atmospheric concentrations on
#' wind direction. Atmospheric Environment 36 (13), 2237-2244.
#' Henry, R., Norris, G.A., Vedantham, R., Turner, J.R., 2009. Source region
#' identification using Kernel smoothing. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43 (11),
#' 4090e4097. http:// dx.doi.org/10.1021/es8011723.
#' Uria-Tellaetxe, I. and D.C. Carslaw (2014). Source identification using a
#' conditional bivariate Probability function. Environmental Modelling &
#' Software, Vol. 59, 1-9.
#' Westmoreland, E.J., N. Carslaw, D.C. Carslaw, A. Gillah and E. Bates (2007).
#' Analysis of air quality within a street canyon using statistical and
#' dispersion modelling techniques. Atmospheric Environment. Vol.  41(39), pp.
#' 9195-9205.
#' Yu, K.N., Cheung, Y.P., Cheung, T., Henry, R.C., 2004. Identifying the impact
#' of large urban airports on local air quality by nonparametric regression.
#' Atmospheric Environment 38 (27), 4501-4507.
#' Grange, S. K., Carslaw, D. C., & Lewis, A. C. 2016. Source apportionment
#' advances with bivariate polar plots, correlation, and regression techniques.
#' Atmospheric Environment. 145, 128-134.
#' \url{https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1352231016307166}
#' @examples
#' # Use openair 'mydata'
#' # basic plot
#' polarPlot(openair::mydata, pollutant = "nox")
#' \dontrun{
#' # polarPlots by year on same scale
#' polarPlot(mydata, pollutant = "so2", type = "year", main = "polarPlot of so2")
#' # set minimum number of bins to be used to see if pattern remains similar
#' polarPlot(mydata, pollutant = "nox", min.bin = 3)
#' # plot by day of the week
#' polarPlot(mydata, pollutant = "pm10", type = "weekday")
#' # show the 95% confidence intervals in the surface fitting
#' polarPlot(mydata, pollutant = "so2", uncertainty = TRUE)
#' # Pair-wise statistics
#' # Pearson correlation
#' polarPlot(mydata, pollutant = c("pm25", "pm10"), statistic = "r")
#' # Robust regression slope, takes a bit of time
#' polarPlot(mydata, pollutant = c("pm25", "pm10"), statistic = "robust.slope")
#' # Least squares regression works too but it is not recommended, use robust
#' # regression
#' # polarPlot(mydata, pollutant = c("pm25", "pm10"), statistic = "slope")
#' }
#' @export
polarPlot <-
           pollutant = "nox",
           x = "ws",
           wd = "wd",
           type = "default",
           statistic = "mean",
           limits = NULL,
           exclude.missing = TRUE,
           uncertainty = FALSE,
           percentile = NA,
           cols = "default",
           weights = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75),
           min.bin = 1,
           mis.col = "grey",
           upper = NA,
           angle.scale = 315,
           units = x,
           force.positive = TRUE,
           k = 100,
           normalise = FALSE,
           key.header = statistic,
           key.footer = pollutant,
           key.position = "right",
           key = TRUE,
           auto.text = TRUE,
           ws_spread = 1.5,
           wd_spread = 5,
           x_error = NA,
           y_error = NA,
           kernel = "gaussian",
           formula.label = TRUE,
           tau = 0.5,
           alpha = 1,
           plot = TRUE,
           ...) {
    ## get rid of R check annoyances
    z <- . <- NULL

    if (statistic == "percentile" & is.na(percentile[1] & statistic != "cpf")) {
      warning("percentile value missing, using 50")
      percentile <- 50

    if (statistic == "cpf" & is.na(percentile[1])) {
      warning("percentile value missing, using 75")
      percentile <- 75

    # Allow for period notation
    statistic <- gsub("\\.| ", "_", statistic)

    # Build vector for many checks
    correlation_stats <- c(
      "r", "slope", "intercept", "robust_slope",
      "robust_intercept", "quantile_slope",
      "quantile_intercept", "Pearson", "Spearman", "york_slope", "trend"

    if (statistic %in% correlation_stats && length(pollutant) != 2) {
      stop("Correlation statistic requires two pollutants.")

    # if statistic is trend, then don't force to be positive
    if (statistic == "trend") {
      force.positive <- FALSE

    # names of variables for use later
    nam.x <- x
    nam.wd <- wd

    if (length(type) > 2) stop("Maximum number of types is 2.")

    ## can't have conditioning here
    if (uncertainty) type <- "default"

    if (uncertainty & length(pollutant) > 1) {
      stop("Can only have one pollutant when uncertainty = TRUE")

    if (!statistic %in% c(
      "mean", "median", "frequency", "max", "stdev", "trend",
      "weighted_mean", "percentile", "cpf", "nwr", correlation_stats
    )) {
      stop(paste0("statistic '", statistic, "' not recognised."), call. = FALSE)

    if (length(weights) != 3) stop("weights should be of length 3.")

    if (key.header == "nwr") key.header <- "NWR"
    if (key.header == "weighted_mean") key.header <- "weighted\nmean"
    if (key.header == "percentile") {
      key.header <- c(paste(percentile, "th", sep = ""), "percentile")

    if ("cpf" %in% key.header) key.header <- c("CPF", "probability")

    ## greyscale handling
    if (length(cols) == 1 && cols == "greyscale") {
      trellis.par.set(list(strip.background = list(col = "white")))

    ## set graphics
    current.strip <- trellis.par.get("strip.background")
    current.font <- trellis.par.get("fontsize")

    ## reset graphic parameters
      fontsize = current.font

    ## extra.args setup
    extra.args <- list(...)

    ## label controls
    extra.args$xlab <- if ("xlab" %in% names(extra.args)) {
      quickText(extra.args$xlab, auto.text)
    } else {
      quickText("", auto.text)

    extra.args$ylab <- if ("ylab" %in% names(extra.args)) {
      quickText(extra.args$ylab, auto.text)
    } else {
      quickText("", auto.text)

    extra.args$main <- if ("main" %in% names(extra.args)) {
      quickText(extra.args$main, auto.text)
    } else {
      quickText("", auto.text)

    if ("fontsize" %in% names(extra.args)) {
      trellis.par.set(fontsize = list(text = extra.args$fontsize))

    # if clustering, return lower resolution plot
    extra.args$cluster <- if ("cluster" %in% names(extra.args)) {
    } else {

    ## layout default
    if (!"layout" %in% names(extra.args)) {
      extra.args$layout <- NULL

    ## extract variables of interest
    vars <- c(wd, x, pollutant)

    if (statistic == "york_slope") {
      vars <- c(vars, x_error, y_error)

    if (any(type %in% dateTypes)) vars <- c(vars, "date")

    mydata <- checkPrep(mydata, vars, type, remove.calm = FALSE)

    mydata <- na.omit(mydata)

    ## this is used later for the 'x' scale
    min.scale <- min(mydata[[x]], na.rm = TRUE)

    # check to see if a high proportion of the data is negative
    if (length(which(mydata[pollutant] < 0)) / nrow(mydata) > 0.1 && force.positive) {
      warning(">10% negative data detected, set force.positive = FALSE?")

    # scale data by subtracting the min value this helps with dealing
    # with negative data on radial axis (starts from zero, always
    # positive)
    # return radial scale as attribute "radial_scale" on returned data for external plotting
    radial_scale <- range(mydata[[x]])
    mydata[[x]] <- mydata[[x]] - min(mydata[[x]], na.rm = TRUE)

    # if more than one pollutant, need to stack the data and set type =
    # "variable" this case is most relevent for model-measurement
    # compasrions where data are in columns Can also do more than one
    # pollutant and a single type that is not "default", in which case
    # pollutant becomes a conditioning variable

    # if statistic is 'r' we need the data for two pollutants in columns
    if (length(pollutant) > 1 && !statistic %in% correlation_stats) {
      if (length(type) > 1) {
        warning(paste("Only type = '", type[1], "' will be used", sep = ""))
        type <- type[1]

      ## use pollutants as conditioning variables
      mydata <- gather(mydata,
        key = variable, value = value, pollutant,
        factor_key = TRUE
      ## now set pollutant to "value"
      pollutant <- "value"

      if (type == "default") {
        type <- "variable"
      } else {
        type <- c(type, "variable")

    ## cutData depending on type
    mydata <- cutData(mydata, type, ...)

    ## if upper ws not set, set it to the max to display all information
    max.ws <- max(mydata[[x]], na.rm = TRUE)
    min.ws <- min(mydata[[x]], na.rm = TRUE)
    clip <- TRUE ## used for removing data where ws > upper

    if (is.na(upper)) {
      upper <- max.ws
      clip <- FALSE

    # resolution deprecated, int is resolution of GAM surface predictions over int * int grid
    # 51 works well with bilinear interpolation of results

    int <- 51

    ## binning wd data properly
    ## use 10 degree binning of wd if already binned, else 5
    if (all(mydata[[wd]] %% 10 == 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
      wd.int <- 10
    } else {
      if (toupper(statistic) == "NWR") wd.int <- 2 else wd.int <- 5 ## how to split wd

    if (toupper(statistic) == "NWR") ws_bins <- 40 else ws_bins <- 30

    if (statistic == "nwr") k <- 200 # limit any smoothing

    ws.seq <- seq(min.ws, max.ws, length = ws_bins)
    wd.seq <- seq(from = wd.int, to = 360, by = wd.int) ## wind directions from wd.int to 360
    ws.wd <- expand.grid(x = ws.seq, wd = wd.seq)

    u <- with(ws.wd, x * sin(pi * wd / 180)) ## convert to polar coords
    v <- with(ws.wd, x * cos(pi * wd / 180))

    ## data to predict over
    input.data <- expand.grid(
      u = seq(-upper, upper, length = int),
      v = seq(-upper, upper, length = int)

    if (statistic == "cpf") {
      ## can be interval of percentiles or a single (threshold)
      if (length(percentile) > 1) {
        statistic <- "cpfi" # CPF interval

        if (length(percentile) == 3) {
          ## in this case there is a trim value as a proprtion of the mean
          ## if this value <0 use absolute values as range
          Mean <- mean(mydata[[pollutant]], na.rm = TRUE)

          if (percentile[3] < 0) {
            Pval <- percentile[1:2]
          } else {
            Pval <- quantile(
                mydata[[pollutant]] >= Mean *
              probs = percentile[1:2] / 100,
              na.rm = TRUE
        } else {
          Pval <- quantile(
            probs = percentile / 100, na.rm = TRUE

        sub <- paste(
          "CPF (", format(Pval[1], digits = 2), " to ",
          format(Pval[2], digits = 2), ")",
          sep = ""
      } else {
        Pval <- quantile(mydata[[pollutant]], probs = percentile / 100, na.rm = TRUE)

        sub <- paste(
          "CPF at the ", percentile,
          "th percentile (=", format(Pval, digits = 2), ")",
          sep = ""
    } else {
      sub <- NULL

    prepare.grid <- function(mydata) {
      ## identify which ws and wd bins the data belong
      wd <- cut(
        wd.int * ceiling(mydata[[wd]] / wd.int - 0.5),
        breaks = seq(0, 360, wd.int), include.lowest = TRUE

      x <- cut(
        breaks = seq(0, max.ws, length = ws_bins + 1),
        include.lowest = TRUE

      if (!statistic %in% c(correlation_stats, "nwr", "trend")) {
        binned <- switch(statistic,
          frequency = tapply(mydata[[pollutant]], list(wd, x), function(x) {
          mean = tapply(mydata[[pollutant]], list(wd, x), function(x) {
            mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
          median = tapply(mydata[[pollutant]], list(wd, x), function(x) {
            median(x, na.rm = TRUE)
          max = tapply(mydata[[pollutant]], list(wd, x), function(x) {
            max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
          stdev = tapply(mydata[[pollutant]], list(wd, x), function(x) {
            sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)
          cpf = tapply(
            mydata[[pollutant]], list(wd, x),
            function(x) {
                x > Pval
              )) / length(x))
          cpfi = tapply(
            mydata[[pollutant]], list(wd, x),
            function(x) {
                which(x > Pval[1] & x <= Pval[2])
              ) / length(x))
          weighted_mean = tapply(
            mydata[[pollutant]], list(wd, x),
            function(x) {
              (mean(x) * length(x) / nrow(mydata))
          percentile = tapply(mydata[[pollutant]], list(wd, x), function(x) {
            quantile(x, probs = percentile / 100, na.rm = TRUE)

        binned <- as.vector(t(binned))
      } else if (toupper(statistic) == "NWR") {
        binned <- rowwise(ws.wd) %>%
            across(.cols = everything()),
            x = nam.x, y = nam.wd, pollutant = pollutant,
            ws_spread = ws_spread, wd_spread = wd_spread, kernel

        binned <- binned$conc
      } else if (toupper(statistic) == "TREND") {
        binned <- rowwise(ws.wd) %>%
            across(.cols = everything()),
            x = nam.x, y = nam.wd, pollutant = pollutant, "date",
            ws_spread = ws_spread, wd_spread = wd_spread, kernel,
            tau = tau

        binned <- binned$conc
      } else {
        binned <- rowwise(ws.wd) %>%
            across(.cols = everything()),
            statistic = statistic,
            x = nam.x, y = nam.wd, pol_1 = pollutant[1], pol_2 = pollutant[2],
            ws_spread = ws_spread, wd_spread = wd_spread, kernel, tau = tau,
            x_error = x_error, y_error = y_error

        # Get vector
        binned <- binned$stat_weighted

        # A catch for surface plotting
        binned <- ifelse(binned == Inf, NA, binned)

      # Building the plot begins...
      ## frequency - remove points with freq < min.bin
      bin.len <- tapply(mydata[[pollutant[1]]], list(x, wd), length)
      binned.len <- as.vector(bin.len)

      ## apply weights
      W <- rep(1, times = length(binned))
      ids <- which(binned.len == 1)
      W[ids] <- W[ids] * weights[1]
      ids <- which(binned.len == 2)
      W[ids] <- W[ids] * weights[2]
      ids <- which(binned.len == 3)
      W[ids] <- W[ids] * weights[3]

      ## set missing to NA
      ids <- which(binned.len < min.bin)
      binned[ids] <- NA

      # for removing missing data later
      binned.len[ids] <- NA

      if (force.positive) n <- 0.5 else n <- 1

      ## no uncertainty to calculate
      if (!uncertainty) {
        ## catch errors when not enough data to calculate surface
        Mgam <- try(gam(binned^n ~ s(u, v, k = k), weights = W), TRUE)

        if (!inherits(Mgam, "try-error")) {
          pred <- predict.gam(Mgam, input.data)
          pred <- pred^(1 / n)
          pred <- as.vector(pred)

          # interpolate results for speed, but not for clustering
          if (extra.args$cluster) {
            results <- interp_grid(input.data, z = pred, n = 101)
            int <- 101
          } else {
            results <- interp_grid(input.data, z = pred, n = 201)
            int <- 201
        } else {
          results <- data.frame(u = u, v = v, z = binned)
          exclude.missing <- FALSE
          warning(call. = FALSE, paste("Not enough data to fit surface.\nTry reducing the value of the smoothing parameter, k to less than ", k, ". \nOr use statistic = 'nwr'.", sep = ""))
      } else {
        ## uncertainties calculated, weighted by number of points in each bin
        Mgam <- gam(binned^n ~ s(u, v, k = k), weights = binned.len)
        pred <- predict.gam(Mgam, input.data, se.fit = TRUE)
        uncer <- 2 * as.vector(pred[[2]]) ## for approx 95% CI
        pred <- as.vector(pred[[1]])^(1 / n)

        ## do not weight for central prediction
        Mgam <- gam(binned^n ~ s(u, v, k = k))
        pred <- predict.gam(Mgam, input.data)
        pred <- as.vector(pred)
        Lower <- (pred - uncer)^(1 / n)
        Upper <- (pred + uncer)^(1 / n)
        pred <- pred^(1 / n)

        n <- length(pred)

        # interpolate each uncertainty surface

        lower_uncer <- interp_grid(input.data, z = Lower, n = 201) %>% mutate(uncertainty = "lower uncertainty")
        upper_uncer <- interp_grid(input.data, z = Upper, n = 201) %>% mutate(uncertainty = "upper uncertainty")
        prediction <- interp_grid(input.data, z = pred, n = 201) %>% mutate(uncertainty = "prediction")
        results <- bind_rows(prediction, lower_uncer, upper_uncer)
        int <- 201

      ## function to remove points too far from original data
      exclude <- function(results) {
        ## exclude predictions too far from data (from mgcv)
        x <- seq(-upper, upper, length = int)
        y <- x
        res <- int
        wsp <- rep(x, res)
        wdp <- rep(y, rep(res, res))

        ## data with gaps caused by min.bin
        all.data <- na.omit(data.frame(u, v, binned.len))
        ind <- with(all.data, exclude.too.far(wsp, wdp, u, v, dist = 0.05))

        results$z[ind] <- NA

      if (exclude.missing) results <- exclude(results)


    ## if min.bin >1 show the missing data. Work this out by running twice:
    ## first time with no missings, second with min.bin.
    ## Plot one surface on top of the other.

    if (!missing(min.bin)) {
      tmp <- min.bin
      min.bin <- 0
      res1 <- mydata %>%
        group_by(across(type)) %>%
        group_modify(~ prepare.grid(.))

      min.bin <- tmp

      res <- mydata %>%
        group_by(across(type)) %>%
        group_modify(~ prepare.grid(.))

      res$miss <- res1$z
    } else {
      res <- mydata %>%
        group_by(across(type)) %>%
        group_modify(~ prepare.grid(.))

    ## with CPF make sure not >1 due to surface fitting
    if (any(res$z > 1, na.rm = TRUE) & statistic %in% c("cpf", "cpfi")) {
      id <- which(res$z > 1)
      res$z[id] <- 1

    ## remove wind speeds > upper to make a circle
    if (clip) res$z[(res$u^2 + res$v^2)^0.5 > upper] <- NA

    ## proper names of labelling
    strip.dat <- strip.fun(res, type, auto.text)
    strip <- strip.dat[[1]]
    strip.left <- strip.dat[[2]]
    pol.name <- strip.dat[[3]]
    if (uncertainty) strip <- TRUE

    ## normalise by divining by mean conditioning value if needed
    if (normalise) {
      res <- mutate(res, z = z / mean(z, na.rm = TRUE))

      if (missing(key.footer)) key.footer <- "normalised\nlevel"

    # correlation notation
    if (statistic %in% c("r", "Pearson", "Spearman")) {
      if (missing(key.footer)) {
        key.footer <- paste0("corr(", pollutant[1], ", ", pollutant[2], ")")

      # make sure smoothing does not results in r>1 or <-1
      # sometimes happens with little data at edges
      id <- which(res$z > 1)
      if (length(id) > 0) res$z[id] <- 1

      id <- which(res$z < -1)
      if (length(id) > 0) res$z[id] <- -1

    # if regression, set key.footer to 'm' (slope)
    if (grepl("slope|intercept", statistic) & length(pollutant == 2)) {
      key.footer <- "m"

    # Labels for correlation and regression, keep lower case like other labels
    if (statistic %in% c("r", "Pearson")) key.header <- expression(italic("Pearson\ncorrelation"))

    if (statistic == "Spearman") key.header <- expression(italic("Spearman\ncorrelation"))

    if (statistic == "robust_slope") key.header <- "robust\nslope"

    if (statistic == "robust_intercept") key.header <- "robust\nintercept"

    if (statistic == "york_slope") key.header <- "York regression\nslope"

    if (statistic == "quantile_slope") {
      key.header <- paste0("quantile slope\n(tau: ", tau, ")")

    if (statistic == "quantile_intercept") {
      key.header <- paste0("quantile intercept\n(tau: ", tau, ")")

    ## auto-scaling
    nlev <- 200 ## preferred number of intervals

    ## handle missing breaks arguments

    if (any(is.null(limits)) | any(is.na(limits))) {
      # breaks <- pretty(res$z, n = nlev)
      breaks <- seq(
        min(res$z, na.rm = TRUE), max(res$z, na.rm = TRUE),
        length.out = nlev
      labs <- pretty(breaks, 7)
      labs <- labs[labs >= min(breaks) & labs <= max(breaks)]
      at <- labs
    } else {
      ## handle user limits and clipping
      breaks <- seq(min(limits), max(limits), length.out = nlev)
      labs <- pretty(breaks, 7)
      labs <- labs[labs >= min(breaks) & labs <= max(breaks)]
      at <- labs

      ## case where user max is < data max
      if (max(limits) < max(res[["z"]], na.rm = TRUE)) {
        id <- which(res[["z"]] > max(limits))
        res[["z"]][id] <- max(limits)
        labs[length(labs)] <- paste(">", labs[length(labs)])

      ## case where user min is > data min
      if (min(limits) > min(res[["z"]], na.rm = TRUE)) {
        id <- which(res[["z"]] < min(limits))
        res[["z"]][id] <- min(limits)
        labs[1] <- paste("<", labs[1])

    nlev2 <- length(breaks)

    col <- openColours(cols, (nlev2 - 1))

    col.scale <- breaks

    ## special handling of layout for uncertainty
    if (uncertainty & is.null(extra.args$layout)) extra.args$layout <- c(3, 1)

    legend <- list(
      col = col, at = col.scale,
      labels = list(labels = labs, at = at),
      space = key.position, auto.text = auto.text,
      footer = key.footer, header = key.header,
      height = 1, width = 1.5, fit = "all"

    legend <- makeOpenKeyLegend(key, legend, "polarPlot")

    ## scaling
    ## scaling of 'zeroed' data
    ## note - add upper because user can set this to be different to data
    intervals <- pretty(c(mydata[[x]], upper))

    ## labels for scaling
    labels <- pretty(c(mydata[[x]], upper) + min.scale)
    ## offset the lines/labels if necessary
    intervals <- intervals + (min(labels) - min.scale)
    ## add zero in the middle if it exists
    if (min.scale != 0) {
      labels <- labels[-1]
      intervals <- intervals[-1]

    # if uncertainty = TRUE, change type for plotting (3 panels)
    if (uncertainty) {
      type <- "uncertainty"

    temp <- paste(type, collapse = "+")
    myform <- formula(paste("z ~ u * v | ", temp, sep = ""))

    Args <- list(
      x = myform, res, axes = FALSE,
      as.table = TRUE,
      strip = strip,
      strip.left = strip.left,
      col.regions = col,
      region = TRUE,
      aspect = 1,
      sub = sub,
      par.strip.text = list(cex = 0.8),
      scales = list(draw = FALSE),
      xlim = c(-upper * 1.025, upper * 1.025),
      ylim = c(-upper * 1.025, upper * 1.025),
      colorkey = FALSE,
      legend = legend,

      # add footnote formula if regression used
      page = function(n) {
        if (formula.label & grepl("slope|intercept", statistic) &
          length(pollutant == 2)) {
              "Formula: ", pollutant[1], " = m.", pollutant[2], " + c"
            x = .99,
            y = 0.01,
            default.units = "npc",
            gp = gpar(fontsize = 10),
            just = c("right", "bottom")
      panel = function(x, y, z, subscripts, ...) {
        ## show missing data due to min.bin
        if (min.bin > 1) {
            x, y, res$miss,
            col.regions = mis.col,
            labels = FALSE

          x, y, z,
          at = col.scale,
          pretty = TRUE,
          col.regions = col,
          labels = FALSE,
          alpha.regions = alpha

        angles <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 360)

        sapply(intervals, function(x) {
            x * sin(angles), x * cos(angles),
            col = "grey", lty = 5

          1.07 * intervals * sin(pi * angle.scale / 180),
          1.07 * intervals * cos(pi * angle.scale / 180),
            paste(labels, c("", "", units, rep("", 7))),
            function(x) {
              quickText(x, auto.text)
          cex = 0.7, pos = 4

        ## add axis line to central polarPlot
        lsegments(-upper, 0, upper, 0)
        lsegments(0, -upper, 0, upper)

        ltext(upper * -1 * 0.95, 0.07 * upper, "W", cex = 0.7)
        ltext(0.07 * upper, upper * -1 * 0.95, "S", cex = 0.7)
        ltext(0.07 * upper, upper * 0.95, "N", cex = 0.7)
        ltext(upper * 0.95, 0.07 * upper, "E", cex = 0.7)

    ## reset for extra.args
    Args <- listUpdate(Args, extra.args)

    plt <- do.call(levelplot, Args)

    if (plot) {
      if (length(type) == 1) {
      } else {
          strip = strip,
          strip.left = strip.left

    newdata <- res
    # return attribute of scale used - useful for data with negative scales such as air_temp
    attr(newdata, "radial_scale") <-  range(radial_scale)
    output <- list(plot = plt, data = newdata, call = match.call())
    class(output) <- "openair"

    # Final return

# Gaussian bivariate density function
gauss_dens <- function(x, y, mx, my, sx, sy) {
  (1 / (2 * pi * sx * sy)) *
    exp((-1 / 2) * ((x - mx)^2 / sx^2 + (y - my)^2 / sy^2))

# NWR kernel calculations
simple_kernel <- function(data, mydata, x = "ws",
                          y = "wd", pollutant,
                          ws_spread, wd_spread, kernel) {
  # Centres
  ws1 <- data[[1]]
  wd1 <- data[[2]]

  # centred ws, wd
  ws_cent <- mydata[[x]] - ws1
  wd_cent <- mydata[[y]] - wd1
  wd_cent <- ifelse(wd_cent < -180, wd_cent + 360, wd_cent)

  weight <- gauss_dens(ws_cent, wd_cent, 0, 0, ws_spread, wd_spread)

  conc <- sum(mydata[[pollutant]] * weight) /

  return(data.frame(conc = conc))

# function to to kernel weighting of a quantile regression trend
simple_kernel_trend <- function(data, mydata, x = "ws",
                                y = "wd", pollutant, date,
                                ws_spread, wd_spread, kernel, tau) {
  # Centres
  ws1 <- data[[1]]
  wd1 <- data[[2]]

  # Gaussian bivariate density function
  gauss_dens <- function(x, y, mx, my, sx, sy) {
    (1 / (2 * pi * sx * sy)) *
      exp((-1 / 2) * ((x - mx)^2 / sx^2 + (y - my)^2 / sy^2))

  # centred ws, wd
  ws_cent <- mydata[[x]] - ws1
  wd_cent <- mydata[[y]] - wd1
  wd_cent <- ifelse(wd_cent < -180, wd_cent + 360, wd_cent)

  weight <- gauss_dens(ws_cent, wd_cent, 0, 0, ws_spread, wd_spread)
  weight <- weight / max(weight)

  mydata$weight <- weight

  # quantreg is a Suggests package, so make sure it is there
  try_require("quantreg", "polarPlot")

  # don't fit all data - takes too long with no gain
  mydata <- filter(mydata, weight > 0.00001)

  # Drop dplyr's data frame for formula
  mydata <- data.frame(mydata)

  # Build model
    fit <- try(quantreg::rq(
      mydata[[pollutant[1]]] ~ mydata[[date]],
      tau = tau,
      weights = mydata[["weight"]], method = "fn"
    ), TRUE)

  # Extract statistics
  if (!inherits(fit, "try-error")) {
    # Extract statistics
    slope <- 365.25 * 24 * 3600 * fit$coefficients[2]
  } else {
    slope <- NA

  return(data.frame(conc = slope))

# No export
calculate_weighted_statistics <-
  function(data, mydata, statistic, x = "ws",
           y = "wd", pol_1, pol_2,
           ws_spread, wd_spread, kernel, tau,
           x_error, y_error) {
    weight <- NULL
    # Centres
    ws1 <- data[[1]]
    wd1 <- data[[2]]

    # centred ws, wd
    ws_cent <- mydata[[x]] - ws1
    wd_cent <- mydata[[y]] - wd1
    wd_cent <- ifelse(wd_cent < -180, wd_cent + 360, wd_cent)

    weight <- gauss_dens(ws_cent, wd_cent, 0, 0, ws_spread, wd_spread)
    weight <- weight / max(weight)

    mydata$weight <- weight

    # Select and filter
    vars <- c(pol_1, pol_2, "weight")

    if (!all(is.na(c(x_error, y_error)))) {
      vars <- c(vars, x_error, y_error)
    thedata <- mydata[vars]
    #  thedata <- thedata[complete.cases(thedata), ]

    # don't fit all data - takes too long with no gain
    thedata <- thedata[which(thedata$weight > 0.001), ]

    # don't try and calculate stats is there's not much data
    if (nrow(thedata) < 100) {
      return(data.frame(ws1, wd1, NA))

    # useful for showing what the weighting looks like as a surface
    # openair::scatterPlot(mydata, x = "ws", y = "wd", z = "weight", method = "level")

    if (statistic %in% c("r", "Pearson", "Spearman")) {
      if (statistic == "r") statistic <- "Pearson"

      # Weighted Pearson correlation
      stat_weighted <- contCorr(thedata[[pol_1]], thedata[[pol_2]],
        w = thedata$weight, method = statistic

      result <- data.frame(ws1, wd1, stat_weighted)

    # Simple least squared regression with weights
    if (statistic %in% c("slope", "intercept")) {
      # Drop dplyr's data frame for formula
      thedata <- data.frame(thedata)

      # Calculate model, no warnings on perfect fits.
      fit <- lm(thedata[, pol_1] ~ thedata[, pol_2], weights = thedata[, "weight"])

      # Extract statistics
      if (statistic == "slope") stat_weighted <- fit$coefficients[2]
      if (statistic == "intercept") stat_weighted <- fit$coefficients[1]

      # Bind together
      result <- data.frame(ws1, wd1, stat_weighted)

    if (statistic == "york_slope") {
      thedata <- as.data.frame(thedata) # so formula works

      result <- try(YorkFit(thedata,
        X = names(thedata)[2],
        Y = names(thedata)[1],
        Xstd = x_error, Ystd = y_error,
        weight = thedata$weight
      ), TRUE)

      # Extract statistics
      if (!inherits(result, "try-error")) {
        # Extract statistics
        stat_weighted <- result$Slope
      } else {
        stat_weighted <- NA

      result <- data.frame(ws1, wd1, stat_weighted)

    # Robust linear regression with weights
    if (grepl("robust", statistic, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
      # Drop dplyr's data frame for formula
      thedata <- data.frame(thedata)

      # Build model, optimal method (MM) cannot use weights
      fit <- suppressWarnings(
          thedata[, pol_1] ~ thedata[, pol_2],
          weights = thedata[, "weight"], method = "M"
        ), TRUE)

      # Extract statistics
      if (!inherits(fit, "try-error")) {
        # Extract statistics
        if (statistic == "robust_slope") stat_weighted <- fit$coefficients[2]
        if (statistic == "robust_intercept") stat_weighted <- fit$coefficients[1]
      } else {
        if (statistic == "robust_slope") stat_weighted <- NA
        if (statistic == "robust_intercept") stat_weighted <- NA

      # Bind together
      result <- data.frame(ws1, wd1, stat_weighted)

    # Quantile regression with weights
    if (grepl("quantile", statistic, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
      # quantreg is a Suggests package, so make sure it is there
      try_require("quantreg", "polarPlot")

      # Drop dplyr's data frame for formula
      thedata <- data.frame(thedata)

      # Build model
        fit <- try(quantreg::rq(
          thedata[[pol_1]] ~ thedata[[pol_2]],
          tau = tau,
          weights = thedata[["weight"]], method = "br"
        ), TRUE)

      if (!inherits(fit, "try-error")) {
        # Extract statistics
        if (statistic == "quantile_slope") stat_weighted <- fit$coefficients[2]
        if (statistic == "quantile_intercept") stat_weighted <- fit$coefficients[1]
      } else {
        if (statistic == "quantile_slope") stat_weighted <- NA
        if (statistic == "quantile_intercept") stat_weighted <- NA

      # Bind together
      result <- data.frame(ws1, wd1, stat_weighted)

    # Return

# Taken directly from the boot package to save importing
corr <- function(d, w = rep(1, nrow(d)) / nrow(d)) {
  s <- sum(w)
  m1 <- sum(d[, 1L] * w) / s
  m2 <- sum(d[, 2L] * w) / s
  (sum(d[, 1L] * d[, 2L] * w) / s - m1 * m2) /
    sqrt((sum(d[, 1L]^2 * w) / s - m1^2) * (sum(d[, 2L]^2 * w) / s - m2^2))

# From enlightenr package
kernel_smoother <- function(x, kernel = "gaussian") {
  kernel <- tolower(kernel)
  if (kernel %in% c("gaussian", "normal")) {
    x <- (2 * pi)^-0.5 * exp(-0.5 * x^2)
  if (kernel == "epanechnikov") {
    x <- 3 / 4 * (1 - x^2) * indicator_function(x)
  if (kernel == "logistic") {
    x <- 1 / (exp(x) + 2 + exp(-x))
  if (kernel == "cosine") {
    x <- pi / 4 * cos((pi / 2) * x) * indicator_function(x)
  if (kernel == "triangular") {
    x <- (1 - abs(x)) * indicator_function(x)
  if (kernel %in% c("box", "uniform")) {
    x <- 1 / 2 * indicator_function(x)
  if (kernel == "tricube") {
    x <- 70 / 81 * (1 - abs(x)^3)^3 * indicator_function(x)
  if (kernel == "triweight") {
    x <- 35 / 32 * (1 - x^2)^3 * indicator_function(x)
  if (kernel %in% c("biweight", "quartic")) {
    x <- 15 / 16 * (1 - x^2)^2 * indicator_function(x)

indicator_function <- function(x) ifelse(abs(x) <= 1, 1, 0)

# weighted Pearson and Spearman correlations, based on wCorr package
contCorr <- function(x, y, w, method = c("Pearson", "Spearman")) {
  if (!is.numeric(x)) {
    x <- as.numeric(x)
  if (!is.numeric(y)) {
    y <- as.numeric(y)
  if (!is.numeric(w)) {
    w <- as.numeric(w)
  pm <- pmatch(tolower(method[[1]]), tolower(c("Pearson", "Spearman")))
  if (pm == 2) {
    # x <- rank(x) # rank gives averages for ties
    # y <- rank(y)
    x <- wrank(x, w)
    y <- wrank(y, w)
  xb <- sum(w * x) / sum(w)
  yb <- sum(w * y) / sum(w)
  numerator <- sum(w * (x - xb) * (y - yb))
  denom <- sqrt(sum(w * (x - xb)^2) * sum(w * (y - yb)^2))
  numerator / denom

wrank <- function(x, w = rep(1, length(x))) {
  # sort by x so we can just traverse once
  ord <- order(x)
  rord <- (1:length(x))[order(ord)] # reverse order
  xp <- x[ord] # x, permuted
  wp <- w[ord] # weights, permuted
  rnk <- rep(NA, length(x)) # blank ranks vector
  # setup first itteration
  t1 <- 0 # total weight of lower ranked elements
  i <- 1 # index
  t2 <- 0 # total weight of tied elements (including self)
  n <- 0 # number of tied elements
  while (i < length(x)) {
    t2 <- t2 + wp[i] # tied weight increases by this unit
    n <- n + 1 # one additional tied unit
    if (xp[i + 1] != xp[i]) { # the next one is not a tie
      # find the rank of all tied elements
      rnki <- t1 + (n + 1) / (2 * n) * t2
      # push that rank to all tied units
      for (ii in 1:n) {
        rnk[i - ii + 1] <- rnki
      # reset for next itteration
      t1 <- t1 + t2 # new total weight for lower values
      t2 <- 0 # new tied weight starts at 0
      n <- 0 # no tied units
    i <- i + 1
  # final row
  n <- n + 1 # add final tie
  t2 <- t2 + wp[i] # add final weight to tied weight
  rnki <- t1 + (n + 1) / (2 * n) * t2 # final rank
  # push that rank to all final tied units
  for (ii in 1:n) {
    rnk[i - ii + 1] <- rnki
  # order by incoming index, so put in the original order

YorkFit <- function(input_data, X = "X", Y = "Y",
                    Xstd = "Xstd", Ystd = "Ystd",
                    weight = NA,
                    Ri = 0, eps = 1e-7) {
  # weight can be supplied to apply to errors

  tol <- 1e-7 # need to refine

  # b0 initial guess at slope for OLR
  form <- formula(paste(Y, "~", X))
  mod <- lm(form, data = input_data)
  b0 <- mod$coefficients[2]

  X <- input_data[[X]]
  Y <- input_data[[Y]]

  Xstd <- input_data[[Xstd]]
  Ystd <- input_data[[Ystd]]

  # don't try regression if < 3 points
  if (sum(!is.na(X)) < 3 || sum(!is.na(Y)) < 3) {

  # used in polar plots - Gaussian kernel weighting
  if (!all(is.na(weight))) {
    Xstd <- Xstd / weight
    Ystd <- Ystd / weight

  Xw <- 1 / (Xstd^2) # X weights
  Yw <- 1 / (Ystd^2) # Y weights


  b <- b0
  b.diff <- tol + 1

  n <- 0 # counter for debugging

  while (b.diff > tol && n < 100) {
    n <- n + 1 # counter to keep a check on convergence

    b.old <- b
    alpha.i <- sqrt(Xw * Yw)
    Wi <- (Xw * Yw) / ((b^2) * Yw + Xw - 2 * b * Ri * alpha.i)
    WiX <- Wi * X
    WiY <- Wi * Y
    sumWiX <- sum(WiX, na.rm = TRUE)
    sumWiY <- sum(WiY, na.rm = TRUE)
    sumWi <- sum(Wi, na.rm = TRUE)
    Xbar <- sumWiX / sumWi
    Ybar <- sumWiY / sumWi
    Ui <- X - Xbar
    Vi <- Y - Ybar

    Bi <- Wi * ((Ui / Yw) + (b * Vi / Xw) - (b * Ui + Vi) * Ri / alpha.i)
    wTOPint <- Bi * Wi * Vi
    wBOTint <- Bi * Wi * Ui
    sumTOP <- sum(wTOPint, na.rm = TRUE)
    sumBOT <- sum(wBOTint, na.rm = TRUE)
    b <- sumTOP / sumBOT

    # zero or problematic data
    if (anyNA(b, b.old)) {
        Intercept = NA, Slope = NA,
        Int_error = NA, Slope_error = NA,
        OLS_slope = NA

    b.diff <- abs(b - b.old)

  a <- Ybar - b * Xbar
  wYorkFitCoefs <- c(a, b)


  Xadj <- Xbar + Bi
  WiXadj <- Wi * Xadj
  sumWiXadj <- sum(WiXadj, na.rm = TRUE)
  Xadjbar <- sumWiXadj / sumWi
  Uadj <- Xadj - Xadjbar
  wErrorTerm <- Wi * Uadj * Uadj
  errorSum <- sum(wErrorTerm, na.rm = TRUE)
  b.err <- sqrt(1 / errorSum)
  a.err <- sqrt((1 / sumWi) + (Xadjbar^2) * (b.err^2))
  wYorkFitErrors <- c(a.err, b.err)

  lgth <- length(X)
  wSint <- Wi * (Y - b * X - a)^2
  sumSint <- sum(wSint, na.rm = TRUE)
  wYorkGOF <- c(sumSint / (lgth - 2), sqrt(2 / (lgth - 2))) # GOF (should equal 1 if assumptions are valid), #standard error in GOF

  ans <- tibble(
    Intercept = a, Slope = b,
    Int_error = a.err, Slope_error = b.err,
    OLS_slope = b0


# bi-linear interpolation on a regular grid
# allows surface predictions at a low resolution to be interpolated, rather than using a GAM
interp.surface <- function(obj, loc) {
  # obj is a surface or image  object like the list for contour, persp or image.
  # loc a matrix of 2 d locations -- new points to evaluate the surface.
  x <- obj$x
  y <- obj$y
  z <- obj$z
  nx <- length(x)
  ny <- length(y)
  # this clever idea for finding the intermediate coordinates at the new points
  # is from J-O Irisson
  lx <- approx(x, 1:nx, loc[, 1])$y
  ly <- approx(y, 1:ny, loc[, 2])$y
  lx1 <- floor(lx)
  ly1 <- floor(ly)
  # x and y distances between each new point and the closest grid point in the lower left hand corner.
  ex <- lx - lx1
  ey <- ly - ly1
  # fix up weights to handle the case when loc are equal to
  # last grid point.  These have been set to NA above.
  ex[lx1 == nx] <- 1
  ey[ly1 == ny] <- 1
  lx1[lx1 == nx] <- nx - 1
  ly1[ly1 == ny] <- ny - 1
  # bilinear interpolation finds simple weights based on the
  # the four corners of the grid box containing the new
  # points.
  return(z[cbind(lx1, ly1)] * (1 - ex) * (1 - ey) + z[cbind(lx1 +
    1, ly1)] * ex * (1 - ey) + z[cbind(lx1, ly1 + 1)] * (1 -
    ex) * ey + z[cbind(lx1 + 1, ly1 + 1)] * ex * ey)

# function to do bilinear interpolation given input grid and number of points required
interp_grid <- function(input.data, x = "u", y = "v", z, n = 201) {
  # current number of points
  int <- length(unique(input.data[[x]]))

  obj <- list(
    x = seq(min(input.data[[x]]), max(input.data[[x]]), length.out = int),
    y = seq(min(input.data[[y]]), max(input.data[[y]]), length.out = int),
    z = matrix(z, nrow = int)

  loc <- expand.grid(
    x = seq(min(input.data[[x]]), max(input.data[[x]]), length.out = n),
    y = seq(min(input.data[[y]]), max(input.data[[y]]), length.out = n)

  res.interp <- interp.surface(obj, loc)

  out <- expand.grid(
    u = seq(min(input.data[[x]]), max(input.data[[x]]), length.out = n),
    v = seq(min(input.data[[y]]), max(input.data[[y]]), length.out = n)

  results <- data.frame(out, z = res.interp)

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