# Initialize model environments
all_modes <- c("classification", "regression", "censored regression")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Rules about model-related information
### Definitions:
# - the model is the model type (e.g. "rand_forest", "linear_reg", etc)
# - the model's mode is the species of model such as "classification" or "regression"
# - the engines are within a model and mode and describe the method/implementation
# of the model in question. These are often R package names.
### The package dependencies are model- and engine-specific. They are used across modes
### The `fit` information is a list of data that is needed to fit the model. This
### information is specific to an engine and mode.
### The `predict` information is also list of data that is needed to make some sort
### of prediction on the model object. The possible types are contained in `pred_types`
### and this information is specific to the engine, mode, and type (although there
### are no types across different modes).
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
parsnip <- rlang::new_environment()
parsnip$models <- NULL
parsnip$modes <- c(all_modes, "unknown")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pred_types <-
c("raw", "numeric", "class", "prob", "conf_int", "pred_int", "quantile",
"time", "survival", "linear_pred", "hazard")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
model_info_table <-
utils::read.delim(system.file("models.tsv", package = "parsnip"))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Working with the parsnip model environment
#' These functions read and write to the environment where the package stores
#' information about model specifications.
#' @param items A character string of objects in the model environment.
#' @param ... Named values that will be assigned to the model environment.
#' @param name A single character value for a new symbol in the model environment.
#' @param value A single value for a new value in the model environment.
#' @keywords internal
#' @references "How to build a parsnip model"
#' \url{}
#' @examplesIf !parsnip:::is_cran_check()
#' # Access the model data:
#' current_code <- get_model_env()
#' ls(envir = current_code)
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
get_model_env <- function() {
current <- utils::getFromNamespace("parsnip", ns = "parsnip")
#' @rdname get_model_env
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
get_from_env <- function(items) {
mod_env <- get_model_env()
rlang::env_get(mod_env, items, default = NULL)
#' @rdname get_model_env
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
set_in_env <- function(...) {
mod_env <- get_model_env()
rlang::env_bind(mod_env, ...)
#' @rdname get_model_env
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
set_env_val <- function(name, value) {
if (length(name) != 1 || !is.character(name)) {
rlang::abort("`name` should be a single character value.")
mod_env <- get_model_env()
x <- list(value)
names(x) <- name
rlang::env_bind(mod_env, !!!x)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
error_set_object <- function(object, func) {
msg <-
"`{func}()` expected a model specification to be supplied to the \\
`object` argument, but received a(n) `{class(object)[1]}` object."
if (inherits(object, "function") &&
isTRUE(environment(object)$.packageName == "parsnip")) {
msg <- c(
"i" = "Did you mistakenly pass `model_function` rather than `model_function()`?"
cli::cli_abort(msg, call = call2(func))
check_eng_val <- function(eng) {
if (rlang::is_missing(eng) || length(eng) != 1 || !is.character(eng))
rlang::abort("Please supply a character string for an engine name (e.g. `'lm'`)")
check_model_exists <- function(model) {
if (rlang::is_missing(model) || length(model) != 1 || !is.character(model)) {
rlang::abort("Please supply a character string for a model name (e.g. `'linear_reg'`)")
current <- get_model_env()
if (!any(current$models == model)) {
rlang::abort(glue::glue("Model `{model}` has not been registered."))
check_model_doesnt_exist <- function(model) {
if (rlang::is_missing(model) || length(model) != 1 || !is.character(model)) {
rlang::abort("Please supply a character string for a model name (e.g. `'linear_reg'`)")
current <- get_model_env()
if (any(current$models == model)) {
rlang::abort(glue::glue("Model `{model}` already exists"))
check_mode_val <- function(mode) {
if (rlang::is_missing(mode) || length(mode) != 1 || !is.character(mode)) {
rlang::abort("Please supply a character string for a mode (e.g. `'regression'`).")
stop_incompatible_mode <- function(spec_modes, eng = NULL, cls = NULL, call) {
if (is.null(eng) & is.null(cls)) {
msg <- "Available modes are: "
if (!is.null(eng) & is.null(cls)) {
msg <- glue::glue("Available modes for engine {eng} are: ")
if (is.null(eng) & !is.null(cls)) {
msg <- glue::glue("Available modes for model type {cls} are: ")
if (!is.null(eng) & !is.null(cls)) {
msg <- glue::glue("Available modes for model type {cls} with engine {eng} are: ")
msg <- glue::glue(
glue::glue_collapse(glue::glue("'{spec_modes}'"), sep = ", ")
rlang::abort(msg, call = call)
stop_incompatible_engine <- function(spec_engs, mode, call) {
msg <- glue::glue(
"Available engines for mode {mode} are: ",
glue::glue_collapse(glue::glue("'{spec_engs}'"), sep = ", ")
rlang::abort(msg, call = call)
stop_missing_engine <- function(cls, call) {
info <-
get_from_env(cls) %>%
dplyr::group_by(mode) %>%
dplyr::summarize(msg = paste0(unique(mode), " {",
paste0(unique(engine), collapse = ", "),
.groups = "drop")
if (nrow(info) == 0) {
rlang::abort(paste0("No known engines for `", cls, "()`."), call = call)
msg <- paste0(info$msg, collapse = ", ")
msg <- paste("Missing engine. Possible mode/engine combinations are:", msg)
rlang::abort(msg, call = call)
check_mode_for_new_engine <- function(cls, eng, mode) {
all_modes <- get_from_env(paste0(cls, "_modes"))
if (!(mode %in% all_modes)) {
rlang::abort(paste0("'", mode, "' is not a known mode for model `", cls, "()`."))
# check if class and mode and engine are compatible
check_spec_mode_engine_val <- function(cls, eng, mode, call = caller_env()) {
all_modes <- get_from_env(paste0(cls, "_modes"))
if (!(mode %in% all_modes)) {
rlang::abort(paste0("'", mode, "' is not a known mode for model `", cls, "()`."),
call = call)
model_info <- rlang::env_get(get_model_env(), cls)
# Initially, check if the specification is well-defined in the current model
# parsnip model environment. If so, return early.
# If not, troubleshoot more precisely and raise a relevant error.
model_env_match <-
vctrs::vec_slice(model_info, model_info$engine == eng & model_info$mode == mode)
if (vctrs::vec_size(model_env_match) == 1) {
# Cases where the model definition is in parsnip but all of the engines
# are contained in a different package
model_info_parsnip_only <-
model_info_table %>% dplyr::filter( %>% dplyr::select(-pkg),
model_info %>% dplyr::mutate(model = cls),
by = c("model", "engine", "mode")
if (nrow(model_info_parsnip_only) == 0) {
check_mode_with_no_engine(cls, mode, call = call)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# First check engine against any mode for the given model class
spec_engs <- model_info$engine
# engine is allowed to be NULL
if (!is.null(eng) && !(eng %in% spec_engs)) {
"Engine '", eng, "' is not supported for `", cls, "()`. See ",
"`show_engines('", cls, "')`."
call = call
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check modes based on model and engine
spec_modes <- model_info$mode
if (!is.null(eng)) {
spec_modes <- spec_modes[model_info$engine == eng]
spec_modes <- unique(c("unknown", spec_modes))
if (is.null(mode) || length(mode) > 1) {
stop_incompatible_mode(spec_modes, eng, call = call)
} else if (!(mode %in% spec_modes)) {
stop_incompatible_mode(spec_modes, eng, call = call)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check engine based on model and model
# How check for compatibility with the chosen mode (if any)
if (!is.null(mode) && mode != "unknown") {
spec_engs <- spec_engs[model_info$mode == mode]
spec_engs <- unique(spec_engs)
if (!is.null(eng) && !(eng %in% spec_engs)) {
stop_incompatible_engine(spec_engs, mode, call = call)
check_mode_with_no_engine <- function(cls, mode, call) {
spec_modes <- get_from_env(paste0(cls, "_modes"))
if (!(mode %in% spec_modes)) {
stop_incompatible_mode(spec_modes, cls = cls, call = call)
check_arg_val <- function(arg) {
if (rlang::is_missing(arg) || length(arg) != 1 || !is.character(arg))
rlang::abort("Please supply a character string for the argument.")
check_submodels_val <- function(has_submodel) {
if (!is.logical(has_submodel) || length(has_submodel) != 1) {
rlang::abort("The `submodels` argument should be a single logical.")
check_func_val <- function(func) {
msg <-
"`func` should be a named vector with element 'fun' and the optional ",
"elements 'pkg', 'range', 'trans', and 'values'.",
"`func` and 'pkg' should both be single character strings."
if (rlang::is_missing(func) || !is.vector(func))
nms <- sort(names(func))
if (all(is.null(nms))) {
if (length(func) == 1) {
if (isTRUE(any(nms != "fun"))) {
} else {
# check for extra names:
allow_nms <- c("fun", "pkg", "range", "trans", "values")
nm_check <- nms %in% c("fun", "pkg", "range", "trans", "values")
not_allowed <- nms[!(nms %in% allow_nms)]
if (length(not_allowed) > 0) {
if (!is.character(func[["fun"]])) {
if (any(nms == "pkg") && !is.character(func[["pkg"]])) {
check_fit_info <- function(fit_obj) {
if (is.null(fit_obj)) {
rlang::abort("The `fit` module cannot be NULL.")
# check required data elements
exp_nms <- c("defaults", "func", "interface", "protect")
has_req_nms <- exp_nms %in% names(fit_obj)
if (!all(has_req_nms)) {
glue::glue("The `fit` module should have elements: ",
glue::glue_collapse(glue::glue("`{exp_nms}`"), sep = ", "))
# check optional data elements
opt_nms <- c("data")
other_nms <- setdiff(exp_nms, names(fit_obj))
has_opt_nms <- other_nms %in% opt_nms
if (any(!has_opt_nms)) {
msg <- glue::glue("The `fit` module can only have optional elements: ",
glue::glue_collapse(glue::glue("`{exp_nms}`"), sep = ", "))
if (any(other_nms == "data")) {
data_nms <- names(fit_obj$data)
if (length(data_nms == 0) || any(data_nms == "")) {
rlang::abort("All elements of the `data` argument vector must be named.")
if (!is.list(fit_obj$defaults)) {
rlang::abort("The `defaults` element should be a list: ")
check_pred_info <- function(pred_obj, type) {
if (all(type != pred_types)) {
glue::glue("The prediction type should be one of: ",
glue::glue_collapse(glue::glue("'{pred_types}'"), sep = ", "))
exp_nms <- c("args", "func", "post", "pre")
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(sort(names(pred_obj)), exp_nms))) {
glue::glue("The `predict` module should have elements: ",
glue::glue_collapse(glue::glue("`{exp_nms}`"), sep = ", "))
if (!is.null(pred_obj$pre) & !is.function(pred_obj$pre)) {
rlang::abort("The `pre` module should be null or a function: ")
if (!is.null(pred_obj$post) & !is.function(pred_obj$post)) {
rlang::abort("The `post` module should be null or a function: ")
if (!is.list(pred_obj$args)) {
rlang::abort("The `args` element should be a list. ")
spec_has_pred_type <- function(object, type) {
possible_preds <- names(object$spec$method$pred)
any(possible_preds == type)
check_spec_pred_type <- function(object, type) {
if (!spec_has_pred_type(object, type)) {
possible_preds <- names(object$spec$method$pred)
glue::glue("No {type} prediction method available for this model."),
glue::glue("Value for `type` should be one of: ",
glue::glue_collapse(glue::glue("'{possible_preds}'"), sep = ", "))
check_pkg_val <- function(pkg) {
if (rlang::is_missing(pkg) || length(pkg) != 1 || !is.character(pkg)) {
rlang::abort("Please supply a single character value for the package name.")
check_interface_val <- function(x) {
exp_interf <- c("data.frame", "formula", "matrix")
if (length(x) != 1 || !(x %in% exp_interf)) {
glue::glue("The `interface` element should have a single value of: ",
glue::glue_collapse(glue::glue("`{exp_interf}`"), sep = ", "))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Tools to Register Models
#' These functions are similar to constructors and can be used to validate
#' that there are no conflicts with the underlying model structures used by the
#' package.
#' @param model A single character string for the model type (e.g.
#' `"rand_forest"`, etc).
#' @param mode A single character string for the model mode (e.g. "regression").
#' @param eng A single character string for the model engine.
#' @param has_submodel A single logical for whether the argument
#' can make predictions on multiple submodels at once.
#' @param func A named character vector that describes how to call
#' a function. `func` should have elements `pkg` and `fun`. The
#' former is optional but is recommended and the latter is
#' required. For example, `c(pkg = "stats", fun = "lm")` would be
#' used to invoke the usual linear regression function. In some
#' cases, it is helpful to use `c(fun = "predict")` when using a
#' package's `predict` method.
#' @param type A single character value for the type of prediction. Possible
#' values are: `class`, `conf_int`, `numeric`, `pred_int`, `prob`, `quantile`,
#' and `raw`.
#' @param pkg An options character string for a package name.
#' @param parsnip A single character string for the "harmonized" argument name
#' that `parsnip` exposes.
#' @param original A single character string for the argument name that
#' underlying model function uses.
#' @param value A list that conforms to the `fit_obj` or `pred_obj` description
#' below, depending on context.
#' @param pre,post Optional functions for pre- and post-processing of prediction
#' results.
#' @param options A list of options for engine-specific preprocessing encodings.
#' See Details below.
#' @param ... Optional arguments that should be passed into the `args` slot for
#' prediction objects.
#' @keywords internal
#' @details These functions are available for users to add their
#' own models or engines (in a package or otherwise) so that they can
#' be accessed using `parsnip`. This is more thoroughly documented
#' on the package web site (see references below).
#' In short, `parsnip` stores an environment object that contains
#' all of the information and code about how models are used (e.g.
#' fitting, predicting, etc). These functions can be used to add
#' models to that environment as well as helper functions that can
#' be used to makes sure that the model data is in the right
#' format.
#' `check_model_exists()` checks the model value and ensures that the model has
#' already been registered. `check_model_doesnt_exist()` checks the model value
#' and also checks to see if it is novel in the environment.
#' The options for engine-specific encodings dictate how the predictors should be
#' handled. These options ensure that the data
#' that `parsnip` gives to the underlying model allows for a model fit that is
#' as similar as possible to what it would have produced directly.
#' For example, if `fit()` is used to fit a model that does not have
#' a formula interface, typically some predictor preprocessing must
#' be conducted. `glmnet` is a good example of this.
#' There are four options that can be used for the encodings:
#' `predictor_indicators` describes whether and how to create indicator/dummy
#' variables from factor predictors. There are three options: `"none"` (do not
#' expand factor predictors), `"traditional"` (apply the standard
#' `model.matrix()` encodings), and `"one_hot"` (create the complete set
#' including the baseline level for all factors). This encoding only affects
#' cases when [fit.model_spec()] is used and the underlying model has an x/y
#' interface.
#' Another option is `compute_intercept`; this controls whether `model.matrix()`
#' should include the intercept in its formula. This affects more than the
#' inclusion of an intercept column. With an intercept, `model.matrix()`
#' computes dummy variables for all but one factor levels. Without an
#' intercept, `model.matrix()` computes a full set of indicators for the
#' _first_ factor variable, but an incomplete set for the remainder.
#' Next, the option `remove_intercept` will remove the intercept column
#' _after_ `model.matrix()` is finished. This can be useful if the model
#' function (e.g. `lm()`) automatically generates an intercept.
#' Finally, `allow_sparse_x` specifies whether the model function can natively
#' accommodate a sparse matrix representation for predictors during fitting
#' and tuning.
#' @references "How to build a parsnip model"
#' \url{}
#' @examplesIf !parsnip:::is_cran_check()
#' # set_new_model("shallow_learning_model")
#' # Show the information about a model:
#' show_model_info("rand_forest")
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
set_new_model <- function(model) {
current <- get_model_env()
set_env_val("models", unique(c(current$models, model)))
set_env_val(model, tibble::new_tibble(list(engine = character(0), mode = character(0))))
paste0(model, "_pkgs"),
tibble::new_tibble(list(engine = character(0), pkg = list(), mode = character(0)))
set_env_val(paste0(model, "_modes"), "unknown")
paste0(model, "_args"),
engine = character(0),
parsnip = character(0),
original = character(0),
func = list(),
has_submodel = logical(0)
paste0(model, "_fit"),
engine = character(0),
mode = character(0),
value = list()
paste0(model, "_predict"),
engine = character(0),
mode = character(0),
type = character(0),
value = list()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname set_new_model
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
set_model_mode <- function(model, mode) {
current <- get_model_env()
if (!any(current$modes == mode)) {
current$modes <- unique(c(current$modes, mode))
paste0(model, "_modes"),
unique(c(get_from_env(paste0(model, "_modes")), mode))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname set_new_model
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
set_model_engine <- function(model, mode, eng) {
check_mode_for_new_engine(model, eng, mode)
new_eng <- tibble::new_tibble(list(engine = eng, mode = mode), nrow = 1)
old_eng <- get_from_env(model)
engs <-
old_eng %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(new_eng) %>%
set_env_val(model, engs)
set_model_mode(model, mode)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname set_new_model
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
set_model_arg <- function(model, eng, parsnip, original, func, has_submodel) {
old_args <- get_from_env(paste0(model, "_args"))
new_arg <-
engine = eng,
parsnip = parsnip,
original = original,
func = list(func),
has_submodel = has_submodel
), nrow = 1)
updated <- try(dplyr::bind_rows(old_args, new_arg), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(updated, "try-error")) {
rlang::abort("An error occured when adding the new argument.")
updated <- vctrs::vec_unique(updated)
set_env_val(paste0(model, "_args"), updated)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname set_new_model
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
set_dependency <- function(model, eng, pkg = "parsnip", mode = NULL) {
model_info <- get_from_env(model)
pkg_info <- get_from_env(paste0(model, "_pkgs"))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check engine
has_engine <-
model_info %>%
dplyr::distinct(engine) %>%
dplyr::filter(engine == eng) %>%
if (has_engine != 1) {
glue::glue("The engine '{eng}' has not been registered for model '{model}'.")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check mode; if missing assign all modes
all_modes <- unique(model_info$mode[model_info$engine == eng])
if (is.null(mode)) {
# For backward compatibility
mode <- all_modes
} else {
if (length(mode) > 1) {
rlang::abort("'mode' should be a single character value or NULL.")
if (!any(mode == all_modes)) {
rlang::abort(glue::glue("mode '{mode}' is not a valid mode for '{model}'"))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
new_pkgs <- tibble(engine = eng, pkg = list(pkg), mode = mode)
# Add the new entry to the existing list for this engine (if any) and
# keep unique results
eng_pkgs <-
pkg_info %>%
dplyr::filter(engine == eng) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(new_pkgs) %>%
# Take unique combinations in case packages have alread been registered
dplyr::distinct() %>%
# In case there are existing results (in a list column pkg), aggregate the
# list results and re-list their unique values.
dplyr::group_by(mode, engine) %>%
dplyr::summarize(pkg = list(unique(unlist(pkg))), .groups = "drop") %>%
dplyr::select(engine, pkg, mode)
pkg_info <-
pkg_info %>%
dplyr::filter(engine != eng) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(eng_pkgs) %>%
dplyr::arrange(engine, mode)
set_env_val(paste0(model, "_pkgs"), pkg_info)
#' @rdname set_new_model
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
get_dependency <- function(model) {
pkg_name <- paste0(model, "_pkgs")
if (!any(pkg_name != rlang::env_names(get_model_env()))) {
rlang::abort(glue::glue("`{model}` does not have a dependency list in parsnip."))
rlang::env_get(get_model_env(), pkg_name)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This will be used to see if the same information is being registered for the
# same model/mode/engine (and prediction type). If it already exists and the
# new information is different, fail with a message. See issue #653
is_discordant_info <- function(model, mode, eng, candidate,
pred_type = NULL, component = "fit") {
current <- get_from_env(paste0(model, "_", component))
# For older versions of parsnip before set_encoding()
new_encoding <- is.null(current) & component == "encoding"
if (new_encoding) {
} else {
current <- dplyr::filter(current, engine == eng & mode == !!mode)
if (component == "predict" & !is.null(pred_type)) {
current <- dplyr::filter(current, type == pred_type)
p_type <- paste0("and prediction type '", pred_type, "'")
} else {
p_type <- ""
if (nrow(current) == 0) {
same_info <- isTRUE(all.equal(current, candidate, check.environment = FALSE))
if (!same_info) {
"The combination of engine '{eng}' and mode '{mode}' {p_type} already has ",
"{component} data for model '{model}' and the new information being ",
"registered is different."
# Also check for general registration
check_unregistered <- function(model, mode, eng) {
model_info <- get_from_env(model)
has_engine <-
model_info %>%
dplyr::filter(engine == eng & mode == !!mode) %>%
if (has_engine != 1) {
glue::glue("The combination of engine '{eng}' and mode '{mode}' has not ",
"been registered for model '{model}'.")
#' @rdname set_new_model
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
set_fit <- function(model, mode, eng, value) {
check_spec_mode_engine_val(model, eng, mode)
check_unregistered(model, mode, eng)
new_fit <-
engine = eng,
mode = mode,
value = list(value)
), nrow = 1)
if (!is_discordant_info(model, mode, eng, new_fit)) {
old_fits <- get_from_env(paste0(model, "_fit"))
updated <- try(dplyr::bind_rows(old_fits, new_fit), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(updated, "try-error")) {
rlang::abort("An error occured when adding the new fit module.")
paste0(model, "_fit"),
#' @rdname set_new_model
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
get_fit <- function(model) {
fit_name <- paste0(model, "_fit")
if (!any(fit_name != rlang::env_names(get_model_env()))) {
rlang::abort(glue::glue("`{model}` does not have a `fit` method in parsnip."))
rlang::env_get(get_model_env(), fit_name)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname set_new_model
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
set_pred <- function(model, mode, eng, type, value) {
check_spec_mode_engine_val(model, eng, mode)
check_pred_info(value, type)
check_unregistered(model, mode, eng)
model_info <- get_from_env(model)
new_pred <-
list(engine = eng, mode = mode, type = type, value = list(value)),
nrow = 1
pred_check <- is_discordant_info(model, mode, eng, new_pred, pred_type = type, component = "predict")
if (!pred_check) {
old_pred <- get_from_env(paste0(model, "_predict"))
updated <- try(dplyr::bind_rows(old_pred, new_pred), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(updated, "try-error")) {
rlang::abort("An error occured when adding the new fit module.")
set_env_val(paste0(model, "_predict"), updated)
#' @rdname set_new_model
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
get_pred_type <- function(model, type) {
pred_name <- paste0(model, "_predict")
if (!any(pred_name != rlang::env_names(get_model_env()))) {
rlang::abort(glue::glue("`{model}` does not have any `pred` methods in parsnip."))
all_preds <- rlang::env_get(get_model_env(), pred_name)
if (!any(all_preds$type == type)) {
rlang::abort(glue::glue("`{model}` does not have any prediction methods in parsnip."))
dplyr::filter(all_preds, type == !!type)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname set_new_model
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
show_model_info <- function(model) {
cat("Information for `", model, "`\n", sep = "")
" modes:",
paste0(get_from_env(paste0(model, "_modes")), collapse = ", "),
engines <- get_from_env(model)
if (nrow(engines) > 0) {
cat(" engines: \n")
weight_info <-
~ get_from_env(paste0(.x, "_fit")) %>% mutate(model = .x)
) %>%
purrr::list_rbind() %>%
dplyr::mutate(protect = map(value, ~ .x$protect)) %>%
dplyr::select(-value) %>%
has_wts = purrr::map_lgl(protect, ~ any(grepl("^weight", .x))),
has_wts = ifelse(has_wts, cli::symbol$sup_1, "")
) %>%
dplyr::select(engine, mode, has_wts)
engines %>%
dplyr::left_join(weight_info, by = c("engine", "mode")) %>%
engine = paste0(engine, has_wts),
mode = format(paste0(mode, ": "))
) %>%
dplyr::group_by(mode) %>%
engine = paste0(sort(engine), collapse = ", ")
) %>%
lab = paste0(" ", mode, engine, "\n")
) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::pull(lab) %>%
cat(sep = "")
cat("\n", cli::symbol$sup_1, "The model can use case weights.\n\n", sep = "")
} else {
cat(" no registered engines.\n\n")
args <- get_from_env(paste0(model, "_args"))
if (nrow(args) > 0) {
cat(" arguments: \n")
args %>%
dplyr::select(engine, parsnip, original) %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
engine = format(paste0(" ", engine, ": ")),
parsnip = paste0(" ", format(parsnip), " --> ", original, "\n")
) %>%
dplyr::group_by(engine) %>%
engine2 = ifelse(dplyr::row_number() == 1, engine, ""),
parsnip = ifelse(dplyr::row_number() == 1, paste0("\n", parsnip), parsnip),
lab = paste0(engine2, parsnip)
) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::pull(lab) %>%
cat(sep = "")
} else {
cat(" no registered arguments.\n\n")
fits <- get_from_env(paste0(model, "_fit"))
if (nrow(fits) > 0) {
cat(" fit modules:\n")
fits %>%
dplyr::select(-value) %>%
mutate(engine = paste0(" ", engine)) %>% %>%
print(row.names = FALSE)
} else {
cat(" no registered fit modules.\n\n")
preds <- get_from_env(paste0(model, "_predict"))
if (nrow(preds) > 0) {
cat(" prediction modules:\n")
preds %>%
dplyr::group_by(mode, engine) %>%
dplyr::summarize(methods = paste0(sort(type), collapse = ", ")) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
mutate(mode = paste0(" ", mode)) %>% %>%
print(row.names = FALSE)
} else {
cat(" no registered prediction modules.\n\n")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname set_new_model
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
pred_value_template <- function(pre = NULL, post = NULL, func, ...) {
if (rlang::is_missing(func)) {
rlang::abort("Please supply a value to `func`. See `?set_pred`.")
list(pre = pre, post = post, func = func, args = list(...))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
check_encodings <- function(x) {
if (!is.list(x)) {
rlang::abort("`values` should be a list.")
req_args <- list(predictor_indicators = rlang::na_chr,
compute_intercept = rlang::na_lgl,
remove_intercept = rlang::na_lgl,
allow_sparse_x = rlang::na_lgl)
missing_args <- setdiff(names(req_args), names(x))
if (length(missing_args) > 0) {
"The values passed to `set_encoding()` are missing arguments: ",
paste0("'", missing_args, "'", collapse = ", ")
extra_args <- setdiff(names(x), names(req_args))
if (length(extra_args) > 0) {
"The values passed to `set_encoding()` had extra arguments: ",
paste0("'", extra_args, "'", collapse = ", ")
#' @export
#' @rdname set_new_model
#' @keywords internal
set_encoding <- function(model, mode, eng, options) {
keys <- tibble::new_tibble(list(model = model, engine = eng, mode = mode), nrow = 1)
options <- tibble::as_tibble(options)
new_values <- dplyr::bind_cols(keys, options)
enc_check <- is_discordant_info(model, mode, eng, new_values, component = "encoding")
if (!enc_check) {
# Allow for older versions before set_encoding() was created
nm <- paste0(model, "_encoding")
current <- get_from_env(nm)
db_values <- dplyr::bind_rows(current, new_values)
set_env_val(nm, db_values)
#' @rdname set_new_model
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
get_encoding <- function(model) {
nm <- paste0(model, "_encoding")
res <- try(get_from_env(nm), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {
# for objects made before encodings were specified in parsnip
res <-
get_from_env(model) %>%
model = model,
predictor_indicators = "traditional",
compute_intercept = TRUE,
remove_intercept = TRUE,
allow_sparse_x = FALSE
) %>%
dplyr::select(model, engine, mode, predictor_indicators,
compute_intercept, remove_intercept)
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