
predictmeans <- function (model, modelterm, data=NULL, pairwise=FALSE, atvar=NULL, adj="none", Df=NULL, lsd_bar=TRUE,
                          level=NULL, covariate=NULL, meandecr=NULL, letterCI=FALSE, trans = I, transOff=0, responsen=NULL, count=FALSE, 
                          plotord=NULL, plottitle=NULL, plotxlab=NULL, plotylab=NULL, mplot=TRUE, barplot=FALSE, pplot=TRUE, 
                          bkplot=TRUE, plot=TRUE, jitterv=0.2, basesz=12, prtnum=TRUE, prtplt=TRUE, newwd=TRUE,
                          permlist=NULL, ncore=3, ndecimal=4) {
  if(any(missing(model), missing(modelterm))) stop("The arguments 'model', and 'modelterm' must be provided!")
  if (!(modelterm %in% attr(terms(model), "term.labels"))) stop(paste("The", modelterm, "must be exactly a term in the model (especially check the order of interaction)."))  
  predictmeansPlot <- predictmeansBarPlot <- NULL
  if (inherits(model, "aovlist")) stop("Plese use model 'lme' instead of 'aov'!")
  if (inherits(model, "glm")) {
    trans <- model$family$linkinv  # identical(trans, make.link("log")$linkinv)
    if (model$family$family %in% c("poisson", "quasipoisson")) count=TRUE
  if (inherits(model, "glmerMod")) {
    trans <- slot(model, "resp")$family$linkinv
  if (inherits(model, "glmmTMB")) {
    trans <- model$modelInfo$family$linkinv
    if (model$modelInfo$family$family %in% c("poisson", "quasipoisson")) count=TRUE
  vars <- unlist(strsplit(modelterm, "\\:"))
  mdf <- model.frame(model)
  if(any(!is.element(vars, names(mdf)[sapply(mdf,is.factor)])))
    stop(paste(vars, "must be factor(s)!"))
  # option checking
  if (length(vars)==1) atvar <- NULL
  if (!is.null(permlist) && !unique(permlist%in%c("NULL", ""))) {pairwise <- TRUE; if (adj=="tukey") stop("The p-value can't be adjusted by Tukey methd!")}
  if (!is.null(atvar) && !unique(atvar%in%c("NULL", ""))) pairwise <- TRUE
  if (adj != "none") pairwise <- TRUE
  if (letterCI) {atvar <- NULL; pairwise <- TRUE; adj <- "none"; if (is.null(level)) slevel <- level <- 0.166 else slevel <- level}
  if (is.null(level)) slevel <- level <- 0.05
  if (!is.null(plotord) && !unique(plotord%in%c("NULL", ""))) plot <- mplot <- TRUE
  if (!is.logical(meandecr)) meandecr <- NULL
  if (!prtplt) newwd <- FALSE
  ctr.matrix <- Kmatrix(model, modelterm, covariate, data=data, prtnum=prtnum) 
  KK <- ctr.matrix$K
  label <- ctr.matrix$fctnames
  rownames(label) <- rownames(KK)
  response <- ctr.matrix$response
  mp <- mymodelparm(model) 
  n.table <- table(mdf[, vars, drop = FALSE])
  ndf <- data.frame(n.table)       ## To obtain info from model
  K <- KK[, mp$estimable, drop = FALSE]          # To match coef names
  if (any(ndf$Freq==0)) {    
    rnTrt <- do.call("paste", c(ndf[, vars, drop=FALSE], sep=":"))
    rnTrt <- rnTrt[ndf$Freq!=0]      # To delete any missing level in factor
    K <- K[rownames(K)%in%rnTrt,]
    label <- label[rownames(label)%in%rnTrt,]
  pm <- K %*% mp$coef
  vcovm <- mp$vcov
  # ses <- sqrt(diag(K %*% tcrossprod(vcovm, K)))
  ses <- as.numeric(apply(K, 1, function(x) {y <- matrix(x, nrow=1);sqrt(y %*% tcrossprod(mp$vcov, y))}))
  mt <- data.frame(pm, ses, label)
  LL <- UL <- NULL	
  bkmt <- mt  # for back transformed
  mean.table <- round(xtabs(pm ~ ., mt[, c("pm", vars)], drop.unused.levels = TRUE), ndecimal)
  se.table <- round(xtabs(ses ~ ., mt[, c("ses", vars)], drop.unused.levels = TRUE), ndecimal+1)
  mean.table[!(n.table)] <- NA
  se.table[!(n.table)] <- NA
  if (length(vars) > 1) {
    varsnlevel <- numeric(0)
    for (i in vars) varsnlevel[i] <- nlevels(mdf[, i])
    tbvars <- names(sort(varsnlevel, decreasing = TRUE))
    mean.table <- ftable(mean.table, row.vars =tbvars[1], col.var=tbvars[-1])
    se.table <- ftable(se.table, row.vars =tbvars[1], col.var=tbvars[-1])
  if (length(na.omit(unique(se.table)))==1) {
    se.table <- min(se.table, na.rm=TRUE)
    names(se.table) <- "All means have the same SE"
  nK <- nrow(K)          # To setup various matrix and row, col names
  rnK <- rownames(K)
  varn1 <- varn2 <- rep(0, nK * (nK - 1)/2)
  if (nK == 1) {
    SED.out <- NA
    LSD <- NA
  }else {
    kindx <- 1:nK
    CM <-  matrix(0, nrow=nK * (nK - 1)/2, ncol=nK)
    t <- 1
    for (i in 2:nK) {                      # To construct pairwise comparison K matrix by col order
      for (j in 1:(i-1)) {
        CM[t, ] <- (kindx == j) - (kindx == i)
        varn1[t] <- rnK[i]
        varn2[t] <- rnK[j]
        t <- t+1
    nKK <- nrow(KK)          # To setup various matrix and row, col names
    rnKK <- rownames(KK)
    KKvarn1 <- KKvarn2 <- rep(0, nKK * (nKK - 1)/2)
    tt <- 1
    for (i in 2:nKK) {                      
      for (j in 1:(i-1)) {
        KKvarn1[tt] <- rnKK[i]
        KKvarn2[tt] <- rnKK[j]
        tt <- tt+1
    KKvarndiff <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(strsplit(KKvarn1, "\\:")), byrow=T, nrow=length(KKvarn1)),
                             matrix(unlist(strsplit(KKvarn2, "\\:")), byrow=T, nrow=length(KKvarn2)))
    rK <- CM%*%K                    # calculate stats
    cm <- rK%*%mp$coef
    vcov.contr <- rK %*% tcrossprod(vcovm, rK)
    dses <- sqrt(diag(vcov.contr))
    if (adj == "bonferroni") level <- level/length(dses)
    SED.out <- c(Max.SED = max(dses), Min.SED = min(dses), Aveg.SED = mean(dses))
    dses.df <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(strsplit(varn1, "\\:")), byrow=T, nrow=length(varn1)),
                          matrix(unlist(strsplit(varn2, "\\:")), byrow=T, nrow=length(varn2)), dses)
    if (length(vars) > 1) { # all(length(vars) > 1, SED.out[1]!=SED.out[2])
      dses.m <- matrix(0, nrow=3, ncol=length(vars))
      colnames(dses.m) <- vars
      rownames(dses.m) <- c("Aveg.SED", "Min.SED", "Max.SED")
      for (i in 1:length(vars)) {
        varsindx <- as.character(dses.df[,i])==as.character(dses.df[, length(vars)+i])
        if(any(varsindx))  # in case of A/B
          dses.m[,i] <- summary.default(dses.df[varsindx,"dses"])[c(4,1,6)]  else {dses.m[,i] <- NA; atvar <- NULL}
      attr(SED.out, "For the Same Level of Factor") <- dses.m
    if (is.null(permlist) || all(permlist%in%c("NULL", ""))) {
      if (length(Df) == 0) {
        if (inherits(model, "lme")) {
          Df <- terms(model$fixDF)[modelterm]
        }else if (inherits(model, "lmerMod")) {
          Df <- median(df_term(model, modelterm), na.rm=TRUE)
        }else Df <- mp$df
        if (Df==0) stop("You need provide Df for this model!")
      LSD <- round(qt(1 - level/2, df = Df) * SED.out, ndecimal+1)
      names(LSD) <- c("Max.LSD", "Min.LSD", "Aveg.LSD")
      attr(LSD, "For the Same Level of Factor") <- NULL
      if (length(vars) > 1) {
        rownames(dses.m) <- c("Aveg.LSD", "Min.LSD", "Max.LSD")
        attr(LSD, "For the Same Level of Factor") <- round(qt(1 - level/2, df = Df) * dses.m, ndecimal+1)
      } # end of if LSD
      attr(LSD, "Significant level") <- slevel
      attr(LSD, "Degree of freedom") <- round(Df, 2)
      LSD <- round(2 * SED.out[1:3], ndecimal+1)
      names(LSD) <- c("Max.LSD", "Min.LSD", "Aveg.LSD")        
      if (length(vars) > 1) {
        rownames(dses.m) <- c("Aveg.LSD", "Min.LSD", "Max.LSD")
        attr(LSD, "For the Same Level of Factor") <- round(2 * dses.m, ndecimal+1)
      attr(LSD, "Note") <- "This is a approximate LSD (i.e. 2*SED) at 0.05 level."	  
    if (pairwise) {
      p_valueMatrix <- NULL
      tvm <- t.p.valuem <- LSDm <- Diffm <- matrix(0, ncol = nK, nrow = nK)
      rownames(tvm) <- colnames(tvm) <- rownames(t.p.valuem) <- colnames(t.p.valuem) <- rownames(LSDm) <- colnames(LSDm) <- rnK
      t.v <- cm/dses
      if (all(is.null(permlist) || all(permlist%in%c("NULL", "")), adj=="tukey")) p.tukey <- ptukey(sqrt(2)*abs(t.v), nK, Df, lower.tail=FALSE)
      tvm[upper.tri(tvm)] <- t.v
      if (is.null(permlist) || all(permlist%in%c("NULL", ""))) {
        t.p.values <- 2 * pt(-abs(t.v), Df)
        nsim <- length(permlist[[1]])
        tValue <- function(x, rK){
          cm <- rK%*%x$coef
          vcovm <- x$vcov
          vcov.contr <- rK %*% tcrossprod(vcovm, rK)
          ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov.contr))
          t.v <- cm/ses
        if (.Platform$OS.type=="windows") {
          cl <- makeCluster(ncore)	  
          clusterExport(cl, c("tValue", "rK", "t.v"), envir = environment())       
          t.TableL <- parLapplyLB(cl, permlist[[1]], function(x) round(abs(tValue(x, rK)),6) >= round(abs(t.v), 6)) 
          t.TableL <- mclapply(permlist[[1]], function(x) {
            round(abs(tValue(x, rK)),6) >= round(abs(t.v), 6)
          }, mc.cores=ncore)
        t.TableL <- matrix(unlist(t.TableL), ncol = length(t.TableL))
        t.p.values <-  (rowSums(t.TableL)+1)/(nsim+1)	
      } # end of if (is.null(permlist))
      if (is.null(atvar) || all(atvar%in%c("NULL", ""))) {
        if (adj=="tukey") t.p.valuem[upper.tri(t.p.valuem)] <- p.tukey else
          t.p.valuem[upper.tri(t.p.valuem)] <- p.adjust(t.p.values, adj)
        t.p.valuep <- t.p.valuem    # for plot
        t.p.valuem <- t(t.p.valuem) + tvm
        names(t.p.valuem) <- NULL
        if (is.null(permlist) || all(permlist%in%c("NULL", ""))) {
          attr(t.p.valuem, "Degree of freedom") <- Df
          attr(t.p.valuem, "Note") <- paste("The matrix has t-value above the diagonal, p-value (adjusted by '",
                                            adj, "' method) below the diagonal", sep="")
          LSDm.up <- qt(1-level/2, df = Df)*dses
          LSDm[upper.tri(LSDm)] <- LSDm.up
          Diffm[upper.tri(Diffm)] <- cm
          LSDm <- t(LSDm)+Diffm
          names(LSDm) <- NULL
          attr(LSDm,"Significant level") <- slevel
          attr(LSDm,"Degree of freedom") <- Df
          attr(LSDm,"Note") <- paste("LSDs matrix has mean differences (row-col) above the diagonal, LSDs (adjusted by '",
                                     adj, "' method) below the diagonal", sep="")
          attr(t.p.valuem, "Note") <- paste("The matrix has t-value above the diagonal, and ", nsim, " times permutation p-value (adjusted by '",
                                            adj, "' method) below the diagonal", sep="")       
        } # end of if (is.null(permlist)) 
        if (!is.null(meandecr) && is.logical(meandecr)) groupRn <- rnK[order(mt$pm, decreasing = meandecr)] else groupRn <- NULL
        t.p.valuemGrp <- t.p.valuem
        t.p.valuemGrp[upper.tri(t.p.valuemGrp)] <- t(t.p.valuemGrp)[upper.tri(t.p.valuemGrp)]
        if (!is.null(groupRn))  t.p.valuemGrp <- t.p.valuemGrp[groupRn, groupRn]
        if (nrow(t.p.valuep) > 2) p_valueMatrix <- round(t(t.p.valuep), 4)
        if (all(nrow(t.p.valuep) > 2, pplot, plot, prtplt)) {
          mtitle <- plottitle
          if (is.null(plottitle) || plottitle%in%c("NULL", "")) mtitle <- paste("Level Plot of p-value (adjusted by '", adj, "' method)\n for Pairwise Comparison", sep="")		
          PMplot(t(t.p.valuep), level=slevel, legendx=0.69, mtitle=mtitle, newwd=newwd)          
        dses.df$tvalue <- t.v
        dses.df$pvalue <- t.p.values 
        for (i in which(vars%in%atvar)) { # To find rows relating atvar
          KKvarndiff <- KKvarndiff[which(as.character(KKvarndiff[, i]) == as.character(KKvarndiff[, length(vars) + i])), ]
        atvar.df <- f_loj_krc(KKvarndiff, dses.df, by.x=names(KKvarndiff), by.y=names(KKvarndiff))            
        names(atvar.df)[1:length(vars)] <- vars
        atvar.df$adj.pvalue <- unlist(lapply(split(atvar.df, atvar.df[, atvar]), function(x) {
          t_value <- x$tvalue
          t_valueN <- length(na.omit(t_value)) 
          if (t_valueN < 2) x$adj.pvalue <- x$pvalue
            if (adj=="tukey") x$adj.pvalue <- ptukey(sqrt(2)*abs(x$tvalue), t_valueN, Df, lower.tail=FALSE)
            else x$adj.pvalue <- p.adjust(x$pvalue, adj)
        rnK.df <- as.data.frame(matrix(unlist(strsplit(rnKK, "\\:")), byrow=T, nrow=nKK)) # To find the suitable names for pm
        colnames(rnK.df) <- vars
        for (i in vars) {       # To ensure factor vars  have the same level as original
          rnK.df[,i] <- factor(rnK.df[,i], levels=levels(mdf[, i][[1]]))
        rnK.df  <- rnK.df [do.call(order, rnK.df[, atvar, drop=FALSE]),]   
        resvar <- vars[!vars%in%atvar]   # The rest of vars rather than at var		
        rnK.df <- rnK.df[, c(atvar, resvar)]   # To ensure the right matrix name later
        atvar.levels <- unique(do.call("paste", c(rnK.df[, atvar, drop=FALSE], sep=" : ")))
        resvar.levels <- unique(do.call("paste", c(rnK.df[, resvar, drop=FALSE], sep=" : "))) 
        rcnplotm <- do.call("paste", c(rnK.df[, , drop=FALSE], sep=" : ")) # row col names of image plot 
        # mean table arrange by atvar
        mt.atvar <- mt[do.call(order, mt[, atvar, drop=FALSE]),]		
        bkmt <- mt.atvar[, c(atvar, resvar, "pm", "ses")]
        listlength <- length(atvar.levels)
        pmlist <- pmlistTab <- vector("list", listlength)
        indexlength <- nrow(atvar.df)/listlength
        nrow.pm <- length(resvar.levels)
        for (i in 1:listlength) {           # extract pvalues for each factor level
          atvar.pm <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow.pm, ncol=nrow.pm)
          atvar.pm[upper.tri(atvar.pm)] <- atvar.df$adj.pvalue[(indexlength*i-(indexlength-1)):(indexlength*i)]
          rownames(atvar.pm) <- colnames(atvar.pm) <- resvar.levels
          pmlist[[i]] <- t(atvar.pm)
          outtab <- round(as.table(t(atvar.pm)), 4)
          outtab[outtab < 0.0001] <- "0.0001"
          outtab[col(outtab)==row(outtab)] <- 1.0000
          outtab[upper.tri(outtab)] <-""
          Grpatvar.pm <- t(atvar.pm)+ atvar.pm
          if (all(!is.na(outtab))) outtab <- as.table(cbind(outtab, Group=multcompLetters(Grpatvar.pm, Letters=LETTERS, threshold=slevel)[resvar.levels]))
          pmlistTab[[i]] <- outtab  		  
        if (nrow.pm > 2) p_valueMatrix <- pmlist
        if (all(nrow.pm > 2, pplot, plot, prtplt)) { 
          mtitle <- plottitle
          if (is.null(plottitle) || plottitle%in%c("NULL", ""))  mtitle <- paste("Adjusted p-value (by '", adj, 
                                                                                 "' method)\n for Pairwise Comparison at Each Level of '",paste(atvar, collapse =" and "), "'", sep="")
          PMplot(pmlist, level=slevel, xylabel=rcnplotm, legendx=0.69, mtitle=mtitle, newwd=newwd)          
      } # if (is.null(atvar))
    }# end of if(pairwise)    
    meanTable <- mt
    meanTable$Df <- Df
    if (is.null(permlist) || all(permlist%in%c("NULL", ""))) {    
      meanTable$LL <- meanTable$pm - qt(1 - slevel/2, df = Df) * meanTable$ses
      meanTable$UL <- meanTable$pm + qt(1 - slevel/2, df = Df) * meanTable$ses
      meanTable$LL <- meanTable$pm - 2 * meanTable$ses
      meanTable$UL <- meanTable$pm + 2 * meanTable$ses
      slevel <- 0.05
      meanTable$Df <- NA
    rownames(meanTable) <- NULL
    meanTable <- meanTable[c(vars, "pm", "ses", "Df", "LL", "UL")]	
    meanTable[c("pm", "LL", "UL")] <- round(meanTable[c("pm", "LL", "UL")], ndecimal)
    meanTable$ses <- round(meanTable$ses, ndecimal+1)    
    colnames(meanTable) <- c(vars, "Mean", "SE", "Df", paste("LL(", (1 - slevel) * 100, "%)", sep = ""),
                             paste("UL(", (1 - slevel) * 100, "%)", sep = ""))
    if (plot) {
      if (length(vars) > 3)
        cat("\n", "There is no plot for more than three-way interaction! \n\n")
      plotmt <- na.omit(mt)	  
      yMin <- min(plotmt[, "pm"])
      yMax <- max(plotmt[, "pm"])
      offSet <- 0.25 * (yMax - yMin)     
      if (is.null(atvar) || all(atvar%in%c("NULL", ""))) {
        if (lsd_bar) LSD_value <- LSD[3] else LSD_value <- SED.out[3] 	  
        if (lsd_bar)  LSD_value <- mean(attr(LSD,"For the Same Level of Factor")[1, atvar])
        else LSD_value <- mean(attr(SED.out, "For the Same Level of Factor")[1, atvar])
      if (lsd_bar)  bar_label <- "Aveg.LSD" else bar_label <- "Aveg.SED"
      up <- yMin + LSD_value
      lsdBar <- cbind(plotmt[, vars, drop=FALSE], up=up, yMin=yMin)
      limits <- aes(ymax = (pm + ses)*(pm > 0) + pmin(pm + ses, 0)*(pm <= 0), ymin=(pm - ses)*(pm < 0) + pmax(pm - ses, 0)*(pm >= 0))
      if (length(vars) == 1) {
        mxlab <- plotxlab
        if (is.null(plotxlab) || plotxlab%in%c("NULL", "")) mxlab <- paste("\n", vars, sep="")
        mylab <- plotylab
        if (is.null(plotylab) || plotylab%in%c("NULL", "")) mylab <- paste(response, "\n", sep="")		  
        if (mplot) {
          if (newwd) dev.new()
          mtitle <- plottitle
          if (is.null(plottitle) || plottitle%in%c("NULL", "")) mtitle <- paste("Predicted means for \"", vars, "\" with ", bar_label, " (", slevel * 100, "%) Bar", sep="") 
          p <- ggplot(plotmt, aes(eval(parse(text = vars)), pm, group=1))+
            labs(title=paste(mtitle, "\n", sep=""), x=mxlab, y=mylab)+
            lims(x= c(bar_label, levels(plotmt[, vars])), y = c(yMin - offSet, max(yMax + offSet, yMin + LSD_value + offSet))) +
            geom_errorbar(aes(ymax=up, ymin=yMin, x=bar_label), width=0.15, linewidth=0.8, colour="blue") +  #data=lsdBar, 
          predictmeansPlot <- p
          if (prtplt) print(p)		  
        } # end of if mplot	   
        if (barplot) {
          if (newwd) dev.new()
          mtitle <- plottitle
          if (is.null(plottitle) || plottitle%in%c("NULL", "")) mtitle <- paste("Predicted means for \"", modelterm, "\" with SE Bars", sep = "")
          dodge <- position_dodge(width=0.9)
          p <- ggplot(plotmt, aes(eval(parse(text = vars)), pm))+
            labs(title=paste(mtitle, "\n", sep=""), x=mxlab, y=mylab)+
            ylim(c(min(0, (min(pm) - max(ses)) * 1.2), max(0, (max(pm) + max(ses)) * 1.2))) +
            geom_bar(position=dodge, stat="identity", fill="papayawhip", colour="darkgreen") +
            geom_errorbar(limits, position=dodge, width=0.25, colour="blue")+theme_bw(basesz)+
            theme(panel.border = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(), panel.grid = element_blank())
          predictmeansBarPlot <- p
          if (prtplt) print(p)
      if (length(vars) == 2) {
        if (is.null(plotord) || all(plotord%in%c("NULL", ""))) {
          plotord <- 1:2
          if (!(is.null(atvar) || all(atvar%in%c("NULL", "")))){
            atvar_num <- which(vars %in% atvar)
            plotord <- c(atvar_num, setdiff(1:length(vars), atvar_num))
        fact1 <- (vars[plotord])[1]
        fact2 <- (vars[plotord])[2]
        mxlab <- plotxlab
        if (is.null(plotxlab) || plotxlab%in%c("NULL", "")) mxlab <- paste("\n", fact1, sep="")
        mylab <- plotylab
        if (is.null(plotylab) || plotylab%in%c("NULL", "")) mylab <- paste(response, "\n", sep="")
        if (mplot) {     
          if (newwd) dev.new()
          mtitle <- plottitle
          if (is.null(plottitle) || plottitle%in%c("NULL", ""))  mtitle <- paste("Predicted means for \"", fact1, "\" by \"", fact2, "\" with ", paste(atvar, collapse=" "), " ", bar_label, " (", slevel * 100, "%) Bar", sep = "")
          plotmt[, fact1] <- factor(plotmt[, fact1], levels = c(bar_label, levels(plotmt[, fact1])))
          p <- ggplot(plotmt, aes(eval(parse(text = fact1)), pm, group=eval(parse(text = fact2)), col=eval(parse(text = fact2))))+
            labs(title=paste(mtitle, "\n", sep=""), x=mxlab, y=mylab)+
            lims(x= levels(plotmt[, fact1]), y = c(yMin - offSet, max(yMax + offSet, yMin + LSD_value + offSet))) +
            geom_line(aes(linetype=eval(parse(text = fact2)), col=eval(parse(text = fact2))), linewidth=0.96)+
            geom_errorbar(aes(ymax=up, ymin=yMin, x=bar_label), width=0.15, linewidth=0.8, colour="blue")+
            guides(linetype = guide_legend(title = fact2))+
            guides(col = guide_legend(title = fact2))+
          predictmeansPlot <- p
          if (prtplt) print(p)
        } # end if mplot
        if (barplot) {
          if (newwd) dev.new()
          mtitle <- plottitle
          if (is.null(plottitle) || plottitle%in%c("NULL", ""))  mtitle <- paste("Predicted means for \"", modelterm, "\" with SE Bars", sep = "")
          dodge <- position_dodge(width=0.9)
          p <- ggplot(plotmt, aes(eval(parse(text = fact1)), pm, group=eval(parse(text = fact2)), fill=  eval(parse(text = fact2))))+
            geom_point(position=dodge) +
            geom_bar(stat = "identity", position=dodge)+
            labs( x = mxlab, y = mylab, title =mtitle)+
            ylim(c(min(0, (min(pm) - max(ses)) * 1.1), max(0, (max(pm) + max(ses)) * 1.1))) +
            geom_errorbar(limits, position=dodge, width=0.25, colour="blue")+theme_bw(basesz)+
            theme(panel.border = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(), panel.grid = element_blank())+            
            theme(legend.position = "top")+guides(fill = guide_legend(title = fact2))
          predictmeansBarPlot <- p
          if (prtplt) print(p)
      if (all(length(vars) == 3, mplot)) {
        if (newwd) dev.new()
        mtitle <- plottitle
        if (is.null(plotord) || all(plotord%in%c("NULL", ""))) {
          plotord <- 1:3
          if (!(is.null(atvar) || all(atvar%in%c("NULL", ""))) && length(atvar)==1){
            atvar_num <- which(vars %in% atvar)
            plotord <- c(atvar_num, setdiff(1:length(vars), atvar_num))
        fact1 <- (vars[plotord])[1]
        fact2 <- (vars[plotord])[2]
        fact3 <- (vars[plotord])[3]
        plotmt[, fact1] <- factor(plotmt[, fact1], levels = c(bar_label, levels(plotmt[, fact1])))
        if (is.null(plottitle) || plottitle%in%c("NULL", "")) mtitle <- paste("Predicted means for '", fact1, "' by '", fact2, "' for each '",
                                                                              fact3, "'\n with ", paste(atvar, collapse=" "), " ", bar_label, " (", slevel * 100, "%) Bar\n", sep = "")
        mxlab <- plotxlab
        if (is.null(plotxlab) || plotxlab%in%c("NULL", "")) mxlab <- paste("\n", fact1, sep="")
        mylab <- plotylab
        if (is.null(plotylab) || plotylab%in%c("NULL", "")) mylab <- paste(response, "\n", sep="") 
        p <- ggplot(plotmt, aes(eval(parse(text = fact1)), pm, group=factor(eval(parse(text = fact2))), col=factor(eval(parse(text = fact2)))))+
          labs(title=paste(mtitle, "\n", sep=""), x=mxlab, y=mylab)+
          lims(x= levels(plotmt[, fact1]), y = c(yMin-0.5*offSet, max(yMax+0.5*offSet, yMin+LSD_value+0.5*offSet))) +
          geom_errorbar(aes(ymax=up, ymin=yMin, x=bar_label), width=0.15, linewidth=0.8, colour="blue")+
          geom_line(aes(linetype=eval(parse(text = fact2)), col=eval(parse(text = fact2))), linewidth=0.8)+
          facet_grid(eval(parse(text = paste("~",fact3, sep=""))))+
          guides(group = guide_legend(fact2))+
          guides(linetype = guide_legend(fact2))+
          guides(col = guide_legend(fact2))+
        predictmeansPlot <- p
        if (prtplt) print(p)
  if (!is.null(trans)) {    
    Mean <- Trt <- predictmeansBKPlot <- NULL
    bkmt$Mean <- trans(bkmt$pm)-transOff
    if (identical(trans, make.link("log")$linkinv) || identical(trans, exp)) bkmt$Mean <- exp(bkmt$pm)-transOff
    if (is.null(permlist) || all(permlist%in%c("NULL", ""))) {    
      bkmt$LL <- trans(bkmt$pm - qt(1 - slevel/2, df = Df) * bkmt$ses)-transOff
      bkmt$UL <- trans(bkmt$pm + qt(1 - slevel/2, df = Df) * bkmt$ses)-transOff
      bkmt$LL <- trans(bkmt$pm - 2 * bkmt$ses)-transOff
      bkmt$UL <- trans(bkmt$pm + 2 * bkmt$ses)-transOff
    bkmt$pm <- bkmt$ses <- NULL
    nc <- ncol(bkmt)    
    bkmt[, (nc - 2):nc] <- round(bkmt[, (nc - 2):nc], ndecimal)
    if (count) {
      bkmt[, (nc - 2):nc] <- round(bkmt[, (nc - 2):nc], 0)
      bkmt[, (nc - 2):nc][bkmt[, (nc - 2):nc] < 0] <- 0
    if (plot && bkplot) {
      if (!is.null(atvar) && !unique(atvar%in%c("NULL", ""))) mdf <- mdf[do.call(order, mdf[, c(atvar, resvar), drop=FALSE]),]	  
      if (response %in% names(mdf)) {    ## Transformed y before modelling
        if (inherits(mdf[, response], "factor")){
          bky <- as.numeric(mdf[, response])-1
          if (inherits(model, "glm") || inherits(model, "glmerMod") || inherits(model, "glmmTMB")) {
            bky <- mdf[, response]
            if (!is.null(dim(mdf[, response]))) bky <- mdf[, response][,1]/rowSums(mdf[, response])
            bky <- trans(mdf[, response])
          }# end of if glm or glmer
        }# end of if factor
      }else{       ## Transformed y within modelling
        nresponse <- regmatches(response, regexec("\\(([^<]+)\\)", response))[[1]][2]
        if (!nresponse %in% names(mdf)) {
          if (is.null(responsen) || all(responsen%in%c("NULL", "")))  stop("Please provide suitable name for response variable using option 'responsen'!")
          nresponse <- responsen
        bky <- mdf[, nresponse]
      if (is.list(bky)) bky <- bky[[1]]	  
      if (is.null(atvar) || all(atvar%in%c("NULL", ""))) { 
        Trtn <- do.call("paste", c(mdf[, vars, drop=FALSE], sep=":"))  	  
        newdata2 <- data.frame(bky=bky, Trtn=Trtn)
        bkmt$Trt <- do.call("paste", c(bkmt[, vars, drop=FALSE], sep=":"))
        Trtn <- do.call("paste", c(mdf[, c(atvar, resvar), drop=FALSE], sep=":"))  	  
        newdata2 <- data.frame(bky=bky, Trtn=Trtn)
        bkmt$Trt <- do.call("paste", c(bkmt[, c(atvar, resvar), drop=FALSE], sep=":"))
      xMax <- max(max(bkmt[, nc], na.rm=TRUE), bky, na.rm=TRUE)
      xMin <- min(min(bkmt[, nc - 1], na.rm=TRUE), bky, na.rm=TRUE)
      xoffSet <- 0.15 * (xMax - xMin)
      mtitle <- plottitle
      if (is.null(plottitle) || plottitle%in%c("NULL", "")) mtitle <- paste("Back Transformed Means with ", (1 - slevel) * 100, "% CIs\n for '",
                                                                            modelterm, "'", "\n", sep = "")
      if (newwd) dev.new()
      xlimv <- c(xMin - xoffSet, xMax + xoffSet)
      p <- ggplot(bkmt, aes(Mean, Trt))+
        labs(title=mtitle, x="", y="")+
        xlim(xlimv) +
        geom_point(colour="red") + geom_errorbarh(aes(xmax = UL, xmin=LL ), height=0.2, linewidth=0.8, colour="red") +
        scale_y_discrete(limits = rev(unique(bkmt$Trt)))+
        geom_point(aes(x=bky, y=Trtn), shape=1, position = position_jitter(width = jitterv, height = jitterv), colour="blue", alpha=0.6, data=newdata2)+
      predictmeansBKPlot <- p
      if (prtplt) print(p)
    rownames(bkmt) <- NULL
    bkmt$Trt <- NULL
    if (!(is.null(atvar) || all(atvar%in%c("NULL", "")))) {
      all_var_names <- colnames(meanTable)
      meanTable <- meanTable[c(atvar, resvar, setdiff(all_var_names, vars))]
      meanTable <- with(meanTable, meanTable[order(eval(parse(text=c(atvar, resvar)[length(vars):1]))),])
    if (all(!identical(trans, function(x) x, ignore.environment=TRUE), !identical(trans, I, ignore.environment=TRUE))) {
      meanTable <- cbind(meanTable, round(bkmt[, (ncol(bkmt)-2):ncol(bkmt)], ndecimal))
      colnames(meanTable)[(ncol(meanTable)-2):ncol(meanTable)] <-  c("Bk_Mean", paste("Bk_LL(", (1 - slevel) * 100, "%)", sep = ""),
                                                                     paste("Bk_UL(", (1 - slevel) * 100, "%)", sep = ""))
    if ((is.null(atvar) || all(atvar%in%c("NULL", ""))) && pairwise) {        
      if (!is.null(meandecr) && is.logical(meandecr)) meanTable <- meanTable[order(meanTable$Mean, decreasing = meandecr), ]
      meanTable$LetterGrp <- multcompLetters(t.p.valuemGrp, Letters=LETTERS, threshold=slevel)
      if (letterCI)  meanTable$LetterGrp <- ci_mcp(meanTable[, grepl("^LL", names(meanTable))], meanTable[, grepl("^UL", names(meanTable))])
      meanTable <- list(Table=meanTable, Note=paste("Letter-based representation of pairwise comparisons at significant level '", slevel, "'", sep=""))
      # attr(meanTable, "Note") <- paste("Note: letter-based representation of pairwise comparisons at significant level '", slevel, "'", sep="")
    predictmeansPlot <- list(predictmeansPlot, predictmeansBKPlot)
  if (pairwise) {
    if (is.null(atvar) || all(atvar%in%c("NULL", ""))) {
      if (all(is.null(permlist) || all(permlist%in%c("NULL", "")), adj %in% c("none", "bonferroni"))) {
        outputlist <- list("Predicted Means" = mean.table, "Standard Error of Means" = se.table,
                           "Standard Error of Differences" = SED.out, LSD = LSD, "Pairwise LSDs"=round(LSDm,ndecimal+1), 
                           "Pairwise p-value" = round(t.p.valuem, 4), predictmeansPlot=predictmeansPlot,
                           predictmeansBarPlot=predictmeansBarPlot, mean_table=meanTable, p_valueMatrix=p_valueMatrix)
        class(outputlist) = "pdmlist"
        outputlist <- list("Predicted Means" = mean.table, "Standard Error of Means" = se.table,
                           "Standard Error of Differences" = SED.out, LSD = LSD, "Pairwise p-value" = round(t.p.valuem, 4), 
                           predictmeansPlot=predictmeansPlot, predictmeansBarPlot=predictmeansBarPlot, mean_table=meanTable,
        class(outputlist) = "pdmlist"
      outputlist <- vector("list", listlength+8)
      outputlist[[1]] <- mean.table
      outputlist[[2]] <- se.table
      outputlist[[3]] <- SED.out
      outputlist[[4]] <- LSD
      outputlist[[5]] <- paste("For variable '", paste(resvar, collapse =" and "), "' at each level of '", paste(atvar, collapse =" and "), "'", sep="")                   
      for (i in 6: (listlength+5))  outputlist[[i]] <- pmlistTab[[i-5]]
      outputlist[[listlength+6]] <- meanTable
      outputlist[[listlength+7]] <- predictmeansPlot
      outputlist[[listlength+8]] <- predictmeansBarPlot
      outputlist[[listlength+9]] <- p_valueMatrix		
      # print(outputlist)
      if (is.null(permlist) || all(permlist%in%c("NULL", ""))) {
        names(outputlist)<- c("Predicted Means", "Standard Error of Means", "Standard Error of Differences",
                              "LSD", paste("Pairwise comparison p-value (adjusted by '", adj, "' method)", sep=""), 
                              atvar.levels, "mean_table", "predictmeansPlot", "predictmeansBarPlot", "p_valueMatrix")[1:length(outputlist)]								   
        names(outputlist) <- c(c("Predicted Means", "Standard Error of Means", "Standard Error of Differences",
                                 "Approximated LSD"), paste("Pairwise '", nsim, "' times permuted p-value (adjusted by '", adj, "' method)", sep=""), 
                               atvar.levels, "mean_table", "predictmeansPlot", "predictmeansBarPlot", "p_valueMatrix")[1:length(outputlist)]                     
      class(outputlist) <- "pdmlist"
  }else {
    outputlist=list("Predicted Means" = mean.table, "Standard Error of Means" = se.table,
                    "Standard Error of Differences" = SED.out, LSD = LSD, predictmeansPlot=predictmeansPlot,
                    predictmeansBarPlot=predictmeansBarPlot, mean_table=meanTable)
    class(outputlist) <- "pdmlist"
  #  }

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predictmeans documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 5:07 p.m.