## paircomp() is the class constructor:
## - data: integer coded matrix of n subjects (rows) and
## choose(k, 2) paired comparisons (columns)
## - labels: labels of k objects
## - mscale: measurement scale for comparisons (centered around 0)
## - ordered: logical. Is a:b different from b:a?
## - covariates: data frame with k rows for object covariates
paircomp <- function(data, labels = NULL, mscale = NULL, ordered = FALSE, covariates = NULL)
## data should be matrix(-like)
npc <- NCOL(data)
if(npc == 1L | data <- as.matrix(data)
## compute unique non-NA values
data_unique <- as.vector(na.omit(unique(as.vector(data))))
## compute number of subjects and objects
nsubj <- NROW(data)
nobj <- 0.5 + sqrt(0.25 + if(ordered) npc else 2 * npc)
## covariates should be data.frame(-like)
if(!is.null(covariates)) covariates <-
## sanity checks
stopifnot(is.matrix(data), nobj >= 2, isTRUE(all.equal(nobj, round(nobj))),
isTRUE(all.equal(data_unique, round(data_unique))))
if(!is.null(covariates)) stopifnot(nrow(covariates) == nobj)
## coerce to integer and set dimnames
cnam <- which(upper.tri(diag(nobj)), arr.ind = TRUE)
if(ordered) cnam <- rbind(cnam, cnam[,2:1])
cnam <- apply(cnam, 1, paste, collapse = ":")
data <- structure(as.integer(data), .Dim = c(nsubj, npc), .Dimnames = list(rownames(data), cnam))
data_unique <- as.integer(data_unique)
## process labels
if(is.null(labels)) labels <- make.unique(rep(letters, length.out = nobj), sep = "") else {
if(length(labels) != nobj) stop("length of labels does not match number of objects")
## process mscale
if(is.null(mscale)) {
mscale <- if(length(data_unique) < 1) c(-1, 1) else {
mscale <- max(abs(data_unique))
if(!(mscale > 0)) mscale <- 1
mscale <- (-mscale):mscale
if(!(0 %in% data_unique)) mscale <- mscale[-(length(mscale)+1)/2]
} else {
if(!all(data_unique %in% mscale)) stop("mscale does not match data")
mscale <- as.integer(sort(mscale))
if(max(abs(mscale)) <= 0) stop("mscale needs to have non-zero elements")
if(abs(head(mscale, 1)) != tail(mscale, 1)) stop("mscale must by symmetric")
## process covariates
if(!is.null(covariates)) rownames(covariates) <- seq_along(labels)
rval <- data
class(rval) <- "paircomp"
attributes(rval) <- c(attributes(rval), list(
labels = labels,
mscale = mscale,
ordered = ordered,
covariates = covariates))
class(rval) <- "paircomp"
## Methods: format() handles character formatting
## utilized in print() and as.character() method.
format.paircomp <- function(x, sep = ", ", brackets = TRUE,
abbreviate = NULL, width = getOption("width") - 7, ...)
## process brackets
if(is.null(brackets)) brackets <- TRUE
if(is.logical(brackets)) brackets <- if(brackets) c("{", "}") else ""
brackets <- rep(as.character(brackets), length.out = 2)
## set up comparison symbols
mscale <- as.integer(sort(unique(c(mscale(x), 0))))
mscale_max <- tail(mscale, 1)
mscale_symbol <- if(mscale_max > 2L) {
paste(ifelse(abs(mscale) > 1L, abs(mscale), ""), c("<", "=", ">")[sign(mscale) + 2L], sep = "")
} else if(mscale_max == 2L) {
c("<<", "<", "=", ">", ">>")[mscale + 3L]
} else {
c("<", "=", ">")[mscale + 2L]
## process labels
lab <- labels(x)
## abbreviate
if(is.null(abbreviate)) abbreviate <- TRUE
if(is.logical(abbreviate)) {
nlab <- max(nchar(lab))
abbreviate <- if(abbreviate) as.numeric(cut(nlab, c(-Inf, 1.5, 4.5, 7.5, Inf))) else nlab
lab <- abbreviate(lab, abbreviate)
## expand
ix <- which(upper.tri(diag(length(lab))), arr.ind = TRUE)
if(!attr(x, "ordered")) {
lab1 <- lab[ix[,1]]
lab2 <- lab[ix[,2]]
} else {
lab1 <- c(lab[ix[,1]], lab[ix[,2]])
lab2 <- c(lab[ix[,2]], lab[ix[,1]])
pc <- as.matrix(x)
pc <- pc + mscale_max + 1
pc <- apply(pc, 1, function(x) paste(
ifelse(, "NA", paste(lab1, mscale_symbol[x], lab2, sep = " ")),
collapse = sep))
## Handle NAs differently? Maybe via "a ? b"?
## check width
if(is.null(width)) width <- TRUE
if(is.logical(width)) width <- if(width) getOption("width") - 7 else Inf
width <- width - sum(nchar(brackets))
wi <- nchar(pc) > width
if(any(wi)) {
pc[wi] <- paste(substr(pc[wi], 1, width - 3), "...", sep = "")
## add brackets
pc <- paste(brackets[1], pc, brackets[2], sep = "")
## assure names (if any)
names(pc) <- rownames(unclass(x))
print.paircomp <- function(x, quote = FALSE, ...)
print(format(x, ...), quote = quote)
## Basic summaries:
## str() just shows structure (no data),
## summary() shows frequency table for each comparison.
str.paircomp <- function(object, width = getOption("width") - 7, ...)
rval <- sprintf(" Paired comparisons from %d subjects for %d objects: %s.\n",
nrow(unclass(object)), length(labels(object)), paste(labels(object), collapse = ", "))
if(is.null(width)) width <- TRUE
if(is.logical(width)) width <- if(width) getOption("width") - 7 else Inf
if(nchar(rval) > width) rval <- paste(substr(rval, 1, width - 3), "...\n", sep = "")
summary.paircomp <- function(object, abbreviate = FALSE, decreasing = TRUE, pcmatrix = FALSE, weights = NULL, ...)
## data
dat <- as.matrix(object)
## process labels
lab <- labels(object)
## abbreviate
if(is.null(abbreviate)) abbreviate <- TRUE
if(is.logical(abbreviate)) {
nlab <- max(nchar(lab))
abbreviate <- if(abbreviate) as.numeric(cut(nlab, c(-Inf, 1.5, 4.5, 7.5, Inf))) else nlab
lab <- abbreviate(lab, abbreviate)
## rownames
ix <- which(upper.tri(diag(length(lab))), arr.ind = TRUE)
if(!attr(object, "ordered")) {
lab1 <- lab[ix[,1]]
lab2 <- lab[ix[,2]]
} else {
lab1 <- c(lab[ix[,1]], lab[ix[,2]])
lab2 <- c(lab[ix[,2]], lab[ix[,1]])
rnam <- paste(format(lab1), ":", format(lab2))
## colnames
mscale <- mscale(object)
mscale_max <- tail(mscale, 1)
cnam <- if(mscale_max > 2L) {
paste(ifelse(abs(mscale) > 1L, abs(mscale), ""), c("<", "=", ">")[sign(mscale) + 2L], sep = "")
} else if(mscale_max == 2L) {
c("<<", "<", "=", ">", ">>")[mscale + 3L]
} else {
c("<", "=", ">")[mscale + 2L]
if(decreasing) cnam <- rev(cnam)
if(any( cnam <- c(cnam, "NA's")
rval <- if(is.null(weights)) {
t(apply(dat, 2, function(x) table(factor(x, levels = mscale))))
} else {
weights <- rep(weights, length.out = nrow(dat))
t(apply(dat, 2, function(x) xtabs(weights ~ factor(x, levels = mscale))))
if(decreasing) rval <- rval[, ncol(rval):1, drop = FALSE]
if(any( rval <- cbind(rval, apply(dat, 2, function(x) sum(
dimnames(rval) <- list(rnam, cnam)
## return paired-comparison matrix (only for unordered binary paircomp's)
## FIXME: better name for argument / standalone method?
## FIXME: table() and xtabs() are both not generic...
if(pcmatrix) {
rval <- rval[, colnames(rval) != "NA's"] # no NA's
wincols <- if(decreasing) mscale < 0L else mscale > 0L # no undecided
losscols <- if(decreasing) mscale > 0L else mscale < 0L
mat <- matrix(0L, ncol = length(lab), nrow = length(lab))
if(!attr(object, "ordered")) {
dimnames(mat) = list(">" = lab, "<" = lab)
mat[ix] <- rowSums(rval[, wincols, drop = FALSE])
mat <- t(mat)
mat[ix] <- rowSums(rval[, losscols, drop = FALSE])
rval <- t(mat)
} else {
ordarr <- array(0L, c(length(lab), length(lab), 2L),
dimnames = list(">" = lab, "<" = lab,
order = c("1", "2")))
mat[ix] <- rowSums(rval[ seq_len(nrow(rval)/2), wincols, drop = FALSE])
mat <- t(mat)
mat[ix] <- rowSums(rval[ seq_len(nrow(rval)/2), losscols, drop = FALSE])
ordarr[, , "1"] <- t(mat)
mat[ix] <- rowSums(rval[-seq_len(nrow(rval)/2), losscols, drop = FALSE])
mat <- t(mat)
mat[ix] <- rowSums(rval[-seq_len(nrow(rval)/2), wincols, drop = FALSE])
ordarr[, , "2"] <- t(mat)
rval <- ordarr
## extract and combine observations
length.paircomp <- function(x) nrow(unclass(x))
"[.paircomp" <- function(x, i, ...) {
xattr <- attributes(x)[c("labels", "mscale", "ordered", "covariates")]
x <- unclass(x)[i,,drop=FALSE]
attributes(x) <- c(attributes(x), xattr)
structure(x, class = "paircomp")
c.paircomp <- function(...)
args <- list(...)
check_list <- function(x) {
if(length(x) < 2) return(TRUE)
x1 <- x[[1]]
all(sapply(2:length(x), function(i) identical(x[[i]], x1)))
if(!check_list(lapply(args, attr, "labels"))) stop("objects have different labels")
if(!check_list(lapply(args, attr, "mscale"))) stop("objects have different mscales")
if(!check_list(lapply(args, attr, "ordered"))) stop("objects are differently ordered")
if(!check_list(lapply(args, attr, "covariates"))) stop("objects have different covariates")
rval <- args[[1]]
xattr <- attributes(rval)[c("labels", "mscale", "ordered", "covariates")]
rval <-"rbind", lapply(args, function(x) as.matrix(x)))
attributes(rval) <- c(attributes(rval), xattr)
structure(rval, class = "paircomp")
rep.paircomp <- function(x, ...) {
ix <- if(length(x) > 0) 1:length(x) else 0
x[rep(ix, ...)]
xtfrm.paircomp <- function(x) {
if(length(x) > 0) 1:length(x) else 0
## mscale(): new generic with extractor method for paircomp
mscale <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("mscale")
mscale.paircomp <- function(object, ...) attr(object, "mscale")
"mscale<-" <- function(object, value) UseMethod("mscale<-")
"mscale<-.paircomp" <- function(object, value) {
ms <- attr(object, "mscale")
val <- as.integer(sort(value))
if(!isTRUE(all.equal(val, value))) warning("mscale sorted to be in increasing order")
stopifnot(all(val %in% ms) | all(ms %in% val) | length(ms) == length(value))
if(max(abs(val)) <= 0) stop("mscale needs to have non-zero elements")
if(abs(head(val, 1)) != tail(val, 1)) stop("mscale must by symmetric")
if(length(ms) == length(value)) {
object[] <- val[as.vector(object) - min(ms) + 1]
} else if(all(val %in% ms)) {
object[!(as.vector(object) %in% val)] <- NA
attr(object, "mscale") <- unique(val)
## covariates(): new generic with extractor method for paircomp
covariates <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("covariates")
"covariates<-" <- function(object, value) UseMethod("covariates<-")
covariates.paircomp <- function(object, ...) {
if(is.null(attr(object, "covariates"))) return(NULL)
rval <- attr(object, "covariates")
rownames(rval) <- labels(object)
"covariates<-.paircomp" <- function(object, value) {
if(! {
dval <-
if(ncol(dval) == 1) names(dval) <- paste(deparse(substitute(value), width.cutoff = 500), collapse = " ")
value <- dval
if(nrow(value) != length(labels(object))) stop("Number of rows in covariates does not match number of objects.")
rownames(value) <- 1:length(labels(object))
attr(object, "covariates") <- value
## names() queries/sets subject names,
## labels() queries/sets object names, (new generic labels<-)
## levels() is an alias for labels() (but discouraged to avoid confusion with mscale)
names.paircomp <- function(x) rownames(unclass(x))
"names<-.paircomp" <- function(x, value) {
x <- unclass(x)
rownames(x) <- value
structure(x, class = "paircomp")
"labels<-" <- function(object, value) UseMethod("labels<-")
labels.paircomp <- function(object, ...) attr(object, "labels")
"labels<-.paircomp" <- function(object, value) {
if(!(length(value) == length(attr(object, "labels")))) stop("length of labels does not match")
attr(object, "labels") <- value
## The idea was to have levels() synonymous with labels(),
## but there are situations where R then concludes that this
## is in fact a factor, argh...
## levels.paircomp <- function(x, ...) attr(x, "labels")
## "levels<-.paircomp" <- function(x, value) {
## labels(x) <- value
## x
## }
## reorder() method enables selection of subsets
## of objects to be compared and/or re-ordering of
## objects.
## subset() currently just calls reorder(), in addition
## selection of subsets of subjects would be nice to have.
reorder.paircomp <- function(x, labels, ...)
xlab <- labels(x)
if(missing(labels)) labels <- xlab
if(is.character(labels)) labels <- sapply(labels, match.arg, choices = xlab)
if(is.character(labels)) labels <- match(labels, xlab)
if(length(labels) < 2) stop("Need to compare at least two objects.")
## select relevant columns
nlab <- labels
ix <- which(upper.tri(diag(length(xlab))), arr.ind = TRUE)
wi <- apply(ix, 1, function(z) all(z %in% nlab))
ndat <- if(attr(x, "ordered")) as.matrix(x)[, c(wi, wi), drop = FALSE]
else as.matrix(x)[, wi, drop = FALSE]
## re-order comparisons (if necessary)
if(!identical(nlab, sort(nlab))) {
if(!attr(x, "ordered")) {
## set up indexes
ix <- ix[wi,, drop = FALSE]
nix <- which(upper.tri(diag(length(nlab))), arr.ind = TRUE)
nix <- matrix(nlab[nix], ncol = 2)
## match
wi <- apply(nix, 1, function(x) x[1] > x[2])
nix[wi,] <- nix[wi, 2:1]
onam <- apply(ix, 1, paste, collapse = ":")
nnam <- apply(nix, 1, paste, collapse = ":")
ord <- match(nnam, onam)
## reorder
ndat <- ndat[, ord, drop = FALSE]
ndat[, wi] <- -1 * ndat[, wi]
} else {
## set up indexes
ix <- ix[wi,, drop = FALSE]
nix <- which(upper.tri(diag(length(nlab))), arr.ind = TRUE)
nix <- matrix(nlab[nix], ncol = 2)
## match
onam <- apply(rbind(ix, ix[,2:1]), 1, paste, collapse = ":")
nnam <- apply(rbind(nix, nix[,2:1]), 1, paste, collapse = ":")
ord <- match(nnam, onam)
## reorder
ndat <- ndat[, ord, drop = FALSE]
## call constructor to setup proper new paircomp object
labels = attr(x, "labels")[nlab], mscale = mscale(x),
ordered = attr(x, "ordered"), covariates = attr(x, "covariates")[nlab,,drop=FALSE])
subset.paircomp <- function(x, subset, select, ...)
if(!missing(subset)) stop("'subset' argument not yet implemented.")
## FIXME: This should enable the user to select all observations with, say:
## "a > b" or "a : b > -1" etc.
reorder(x, labels = select, ...)
## coercion functions, all fairly straightforward
as.character.paircomp <- function(x, ...) {
format(x, abbreviate = FALSE, width = FALSE, ...)
as.integer.paircomp <-
as.matrix.paircomp <- function(x, ...) {
rval <- unclass(x)
attr(rval, "labels") <- attr(rval, "mscale") <- attr(rval, "ordered") <- attr(rval, "covariates") <- NULL
## colnames
lab <- attr(x, "labels")
ix <- which(upper.tri(diag(length(lab))), arr.ind = TRUE)
if(!attr(x, "ordered")) {
lab1 <- lab[ix[,1]]
lab2 <- lab[ix[,2]]
} else {
lab1 <- c(lab[ix[,1]], lab[ix[,2]])
lab2 <- c(lab[ix[,2]], lab[ix[,1]])
colnames(rval) <- paste(lab1, ":", lab2, sep = "")
as.double.paircomp <- function(x, ...) {
rval <- as.matrix(x, ...)
rval[] <- as.double(rval)
} <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...,
nm = paste(deparse(substitute(x), width.cutoff = 500L), collapse = " "))
nrows <- length(x)
if(is.null(row.names)) {
if(nrows == 0L) {
row.names <- character()
} else {
if(length(row.names <- names(x)) == nrows && !anyDuplicated(row.names)) {
} else {
row.names <- .set_row_names(nrows)
if(!is.null(names(x))) names(x) <- NULL
value <- list(x)
if(!optional) names(value) <- nm
attr(value, "row.names") <- row.names
class(value) <- "data.frame"
## visualization of aggregated data
plot.paircomp <- function(x, off = 0.05,
xlab = "Proportion of comparisons", ylab = "", tol.xlab = 0.05,
abbreviate = TRUE, hue = NULL, chroma = 40, luminance = 80,
xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = NULL, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", ...)
## tabulate
tab <- summary(x)
## omit NAs
if(ncol(tab) > length(mscale(x))) tab <- tab[,-ncol(tab)]
## basic dimensions
lab <- labels(x)
nobj <- length(lab)
ix <- which(upper.tri(diag(nobj)), arr.ind = TRUE)
if(attr(x, "ordered")) ix <- rbind(ix, ix[,2:1])
npc <- nrow(ix)
has_undecided <- min(abs(mscale(x))) < 1
## labeling
if(is.logical(abbreviate)) {
nlab <- max(nchar(lab))
abbreviate <- if(abbreviate) as.numeric(cut(nlab, c(-Inf, 1.5, 4.5, 7.5, Inf))) else nlab
alab <- abbreviate(lab, abbreviate)
## coordinates: (cumulative) proportions
xcprob <- t(matrix(apply(tab, 1, function(z) as.vector(cumsum(z)[-length(z)]/sum(z))), ncol = nrow(tab)))
yprob <- as.vector(rowSums(tab)/sum(tab))
ycprob <- 1 + (npc-1) * off - c(0, cumsum(yprob[-npc] + off))
## HCL-based sequential palette
if(is.null(hue)) hue <- seq(0, by = 360/nobj, length = nobj)
hue <- rep(hue, length.out = nobj)
chroma <- c(chroma, 0)
luminance <- c(luminance, 95)[1:2]
ns <- max(mscale(x)) + 1
col <- sapply(hue, function(z) {
rval <- seq(1, 0, length = ns)
hcl(z, chroma[2] - diff(chroma) * rval,
luminance[2] - diff(luminance) * rval^0.8, fixup = TRUE)
## default arguments
if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(0, 1 + (npc-1) * off)
## raw plot
plot(0, 0, type = "n", axes = FALSE,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
## actual rectangles
for(i in 1:npc) {
rect(c(0, xcprob[i,]), ycprob[i] - yprob[i], c(xcprob[i,], 1), ycprob[i],
col = c(if(has_undecided) col[,ix[i,1]] else col[-nrow(col),ix[i,1]],
## position for x axis labels
xat <- c(xcprob[1,], 1) - diff(c(0, xcprob[1,], 1))/2
if(any(diff(xat) < tol.xlab)) xat <- 1:ncol(tab)/(ncol(tab) + 1)
## labeling
axis(3, at = xat, labels = colnames(tab), tick = FALSE)
axis(2, at = ycprob - yprob/2, labels = alab[ix[,1]], tick = FALSE, las = 1)
axis(4, at = ycprob - yprob/2, labels = alab[ix[,2]], tick = FALSE, las = 1)
## separate within-pair orders by horizontal line
if(attr(x, "ordered")) abline(h = ycprob[npc/2 + 1] + off/2, xpd = TRUE)
## return centered y coordinates invisibly
invisible(ycprob - yprob/2)
## default NA handling <- function(x) apply(, 1, all)
## FIXME: need more flexible na.* methods
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