
Defines functions GGMpathStats.fused GGMnetworkStats.fused sparsify.fused plot.ptest hist.ptest summary.ptest print.ptest fused.test .scambleYlist .scoreStatistic default.penalty .tensorProd .cartesianProd .char2num .charAdjMat optPenalty.fused optPenalty.fused.auto plot.optPenaltyFusedGrid print.optPenaltyFusedGrid optPenalty.fused.grid .lambdasFromMatrix .reconstructLambda .parseLambda .afcvl .sfcvl .kfcvl .fcvl ridgeP.fused .init.ridgeP.fused .PLL.fused .LL.fused KLdiv.fused pooledP pooledS kegg.target .parents getKEGGPathway createS default.target.fused is.Xlist isSymmetricPSD isSymmetricPD

Documented in createS default.penalty default.target.fused fused.test getKEGGPathway GGMnetworkStats.fused GGMpathStats.fused hist.ptest isSymmetricPD isSymmetricPSD is.Xlist kegg.target KLdiv.fused optPenalty.fused optPenalty.fused.auto optPenalty.fused.grid plot.optPenaltyFusedGrid plot.ptest pooledP pooledS print.optPenaltyFusedGrid print.ptest ridgeP.fused sparsify.fused summary.ptest

## Module B: rags2ridges Fused

#' Test for symmetric positive (semi-)definiteness
#' Function to test if a \code{matrix} is symmetric positive (semi)definite or
#' not.
#' Tests positive definiteness by Cholesky decomposition.  Tests positive
#' semi-definiteness by checking if all eigenvalues are larger than
#' \eqn{-\epsilon|\lambda_1|} where \eqn{\epsilon} is the tolerance and
#' \eqn{\lambda_1} is the largest eigenvalue.
#' @param M A square symmetric matrix.
#' @param tol A numeric giving the tolerance for determining positive
#'   semi-definiteness.
#' @return Returns a \code{logical} value. Returns \code{TRUE} if the \code{M}
#'   is symmetric positive (semi)definite and \code{FALSE} if not.  If \code{M}
#'   is not even symmetric, the function throws an error.
#' @author Anders Ellern Bilgrau Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>,
#'   Wessel N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{isSymmetric}}
#' @examples
#' A <- matrix(rnorm(25), 5, 5)
#' \dontrun{
#' isSymmetricPD(A)
#' }
#' B <- symm(A)
#' isSymmetricPD(B)
#' C <- crossprod(B)
#' isSymmetricPD(C)
#' isSymmetricPSD(C)
#' @export
isSymmetricPD <- function(M) {

  nm <- deparse(substitute(M))
  if (!is.matrix(M) || !is.numeric(M)) {
    stop(nm, " is not a numeric matrix")
  if (!isSymmetric(M)) {
    stop(nm, " is not a symmetric matrix")

  chM <- try(chol(M), silent = TRUE)  # M is P.D. iff it has a Cholesky decomp.
  if (inherits(chM, "try-error")) {
  } else {


#' @rdname isSymmetricPD
#' @details While \code{isSymmetricPSD} returns \code{TRUE} if the matrix is
#'   symmetric positive definite and \code{FASLE} if not. In practice, it tests
#'   if all eigenvalues are larger than -tol*|l| where l is the largest
#'   eigenvalue. More
#'   \href{https://scicomp.stackexchange.com/questions/12979/testing-if-a-matrix-is-positive-semi-definite}{here.}
#' @export
isSymmetricPSD <- function(M, tol = 1e-4) {
  nm <- deparse(substitute(M))
  if (!is.matrix(M) || !is.numeric(M)) {
    stop(nm, " is not a numeric matrix")
  if (!isSymmetric(M)) {
    stop(nm, " is not a symmetric matrix")

  # TODO: Improve speed
  evals <- eigen(M, symmetric = TRUE)$values # M is PSD iff eigenvals >= 0 SLOW!
  if (all(evals > -tol*abs(max(evals)))) {
  } else {


#' Test if fused list-formats are correctly used
#' Function to check if the argument submits to the various \code{list}-formats
#' used by the fused ridge estimator and related functions are correct. That
#' is, it tests if generic fused list arguments (such as \code{Slist},
#' \code{Tlist}, \code{Plist}, \code{Ylist}) are properly formatted.
#' @param Xlist A \code{list} of precision matrices of equal size
#'   (\code{Plist}), sample covariance matrices (\code{Slist}), data matrices
#'   (\code{Ylist})
#' @param Ylist \code{logical}. Is \code{Xlist} a \code{list} of data matrices
#'   with the same number of columns (\code{Ylist}).
#' @param semi \code{logical}. Should the matrices in the list be tested to be
#'   positive semi definite or positive definite?
#' @return Returns \code{TRUE} if all tests are passed, throws error if not.
#' @author Anders Bilgrau, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>, Wessel N.
#'   van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{ridgeP.fused}}, \code{\link{optPenalty.fused}}
#' @references Bilgrau, A.E., Peeters, C.F.W., Eriksen, P.S., Boegsted, M., and
#'   van Wieringen, W.N. (2020).  Targeted Fused Ridge Estimation of Inverse
#'   Covariance Matrices from Multiple High-Dimensional Data Classes.  Journal
#'   of Machine Learning Research, 21(26): 1-52.
#'   van Wieringen, W.N. & Peeters, C.F.W. (2016).  Ridge Estimation of Inverse
#'   Covariance Matrices from High-Dimensional Data, Computational Statistics &
#'   Data Analysis, vol. 103: 284-303.  Also available as arXiv:1403.0904v3
#'   [stat.ME].
#' @examples
#' Slist <- createS(n = c(4, 6, 9), p = 10)
#' is.Xlist(Slist, semi = TRUE)
#' @export is.Xlist
is.Xlist <- function(Xlist, Ylist = FALSE, semi = FALSE) {

  xlist <- deparse(substitute(Xlist))
  if (!is.list(Xlist)) {
    stop(xlist, " should be a list")
  if (!all(sapply(Xlist, is.matrix))) {
    stop("All elements of ", xlist, " should be matrices")
  if (!all(sapply(Xlist, is.numeric))) {
    stop("All elements of ", xlist, " should be numeric matrices")
  if (length(unique(c(sapply(Xlist, dim)))) != 1L) {
    stop("All matrices in ", xlist,
         " should be square and have the same size.")
  if (semi) {
    if (!all(sapply(Xlist, isSymmetricPSD))) {
      stop("All matrices in ", xlist, " should be symmetric and positive ",
           "semi definite.")
  } else {
    if (!all(sapply(Xlist, isSymmetricPD))) {
      stop("All matrices in ", xlist, " should be symmetric and positive ",
  if (!all(sapply(seq_along(Xlist),
                  function(i) identical(dimnames(Xlist[[1]]),
                                        dimnames(Xlist[[i]]))))) {
    stop("dimnames of the elements of ", xlist, " are not identical")


#' Generate data-driven targets for fused ridge estimation
#' Generates a list of (data-driven) targets to use in fused ridge estimation.
#' Simply a wrapper for \code{\link{default.target}}.
#' @param Slist A \code{list} of length \eqn{K} of \code{numeric} covariance
#'   matrices of the same size for \eqn{K} classes.
#' @param ns A \code{numeric} vector of sample sizes corresponding to the
#'   entries of \code{Slist}.
#' @param type A \code{character} giving the choice of target to construct. See
#'   \code{\link{default.target}} for the available options. Default is
#'   \code{"DAIE"}.
#' @param by A \code{character} vector with the same length as \code{Slist}
#'   specifying which groups should share target.  For each unique entry of
#'   \code{by} a target is constructed.  If omitted, the default is to assign a
#'   unique target to each class.  If not given as a \code{character} coercion
#'   into one is attempted.
#' @param \dots Arguments passed to \code{\link{default.target}}.
#' @return A \code{list} of \eqn{K} covariance target matrices of the same size.
#' @author Anders E. Bilgrau, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>, Wessel
#'   N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{default.target}}
#' @examples
#' # Make some toy data
#' ns <- c(3, 4)  # Two classes with sample size 3 and 4
#' Slist <- createS(ns, p = 3)  # Generate two 3-dimensional covariance matrices
#' Slist
#' # Different choices:
#' default.target.fused(Slist, ns)
#' default.target.fused(Slist, ns, by = seq_along(Slist)) # The same as before
#' default.target.fused(Slist, ns, type = "Null")
#' default.target.fused(Slist, ns, type = "DAPV")
#' default.target.fused(Slist, ns, type = "DAPV", by = rep(1, length(Slist)))
#' # Make some (more) toy data
#' ns <- c(3, 4, 6, 7)  # Two classes with sample size 3 and 4
#' Slist <- createS(ns, p = 2)  # Generate four 2-dimensional covariance matrices
#' # Use the same target in class 1 and 2, but another in class 3 and 4:
#' default.target.fused(Slist, ns, by = c("A", "A", "B", "B"))
#' @export default.target.fused
default.target.fused <- function(Slist, ns, type = "DAIE", by, ...) {
  stopifnot(length(Slist) == length(ns))

  if (missing(by)) {
    by <- seq_along(Slist)
  stopifnot(length(by) == length(Slist))
  by <- as.character(by)
  stopifnot(!anyNA(by) && is.character(by))

  Tlist <- vector("list", length(Slist))
  names(Tlist) <- names(Slist)
  for (lvl in unique(by)) {
    get <- lvl == by
    pooled <- pooledS(Slist, ns, subset = get)
    Tpool <- default.target(pooled, type = type, ...)
    Tlist[get] <- replicate(sum(get), Tpool, simplify = FALSE)


#' Simulate sample covariances or datasets
#' Simulate data from a p-dimensional (zero-mean) gaussian graphical model (GGM)
#' with a specified (or random) topology and return the sample covariance matrix
#' or matrices. Can also return the original simulated data or underlying
#' precision matrix.
#' The data is simulated from a zero-mean \code{p}-dimensional multivariate
#' gaussian distribution with some precision matrix determined by the argument
#' \code{topology} which defines the GGM. If \code{precision} is \code{TRUE} the
#' population precision matrix is returned. This is useful to see what the
#' actual would-be-used precision matrices are. The available values of
#' \code{topology} are described below. Unless otherwise stated the diagonal
#' entries are always one. If \code{m} is 2 or greater block diagonal precision
#' matrices are constructed and used. \itemize{ \item \code{"identity"}: uses
#' the identity matrix (\code{diag(p)}) as precision matrix.  Corresponds to no
#' conditional dependencies.  \item \code{"star"}: simulate from a star
#' topology. Within each block the first node is selected as the "hub". The
#' off-diagonal entries \eqn{(1,j)} and \eqn{(j,1)} values taper off with the
#' value \eqn{1/(j + 1)}.  \item \code{"clique"}: simulate from clique topology
#' where each block is a complete graph with off-diagonal elements equal to
#' \code{nonzero}.  \item \code{"complete"}: alias for (and identical to)
#' \code{"clique"}.  \item \code{"chain"}: simulate from a chain topology where
#' the precision matrix is a tridiagonal matrix with off-diagonal elements (in
#' each block) given by argument \code{nonzero}.  \item \code{"banded"}:
#' precision elements \code{(i,j)} are given by \eqn{1/(|i-j|+1)} if \eqn{|i-j|}
#' is less than or equal to \code{banded.n} and zero otherwise. \item
#' \code{"scale-free"}: The non-zero pattern of each block is generated by a
#' Barabassi random graph. Non-zero off-diagonal values are given by
#' \code{nonzero}.  Gives are very "hubby" network.  \item \code{"Barabassi"}:
#' alias for \code{"scale-free"}.  \item \code{"small-world"}: The non-zero
#' pattern of each block is generated by a 1-dimensional Watts-Strogatz random
#' graph with \code{banded.n} starting neighbors and \eqn{5\%} probability of
#' rewiring.  Non-zero off-diagonal values are given by \code{nonzero}. Gives
#' are very "bandy" network.  \item \code{"Watts-Strogatz"}: alias for
#' \code{"small-world"} \item \code{"random-graph"}: The non-zero pattern of
#' each block is generated by a Erdos-Renyi random graph where each edge is
#' present with probability \eqn{1/p}.  Non-zero off-diagonal values are given
#' by \code{nonzero}.  \item \code{"Erdos-Renyi"}: alias for
#' \code{"random-graph"} } When \code{n} has length greater than 1, the datasets
#' are generated i.i.d. given the topology and number of blocks.
#' Arguments \code{invwishart} and \code{nu} allows for introducing class
#' homogeneity. Large values of \code{nu} imply high class homogeneity.
#' \code{nu} must be greater than \code{p + 1}. More precisely, if
#' \code{invwishart == TRUE} then the constructed precision matrix is used as
#' the scale parameter in an inverse Wishart distribution with \code{nu} degrees
#' of freedom. Each class covariance is distributed according to this inverse
#' Wishart and independent.
#' @param n A \code{numeric} vector giving number of samples. If the length is
#'   larger than 1, the covariance matrices are returned as a list.
#' @param p A \code{numeric} of length 1 giving the dimension of the
#'   samples/covariance.
#' @param topology character. The topology to use for the simulations. See the
#'   details.
#' @param dataset A \code{logical} value specifying whether the sample
#'   covariance or the simulated data itself should be returned.
#' @param precision A \code{logical} value. If \code{TRUE} the constructed
#'   precision matrix is returned.
#' @param nonzero A \code{numeric} of length 1 giving the value of the nonzero
#'   entries used in some topologies.
#' @param m A \code{integer} giving the number of blocks (i.e. conditionally
#'   independent components) to create. If \code{m} is greater than 1, then the
#'   given \code{topology} is used on \code{m} blocks of approximately equal
#'   size.
#' @param banded.n A \code{integer} of length one giving the number of bands.
#'   Only used if \code{topology} is one of \code{"banded"},
#'   \code{"small-world"}, or \code{"Watts-Strogatz"}.
#' @param invwishart \code{logical}. If \code{TRUE} the constructed precision
#'   matrix is used as the scale matrix of an inverse Wishart distribution and
#'   class covariance matrices are drawn from this distribution.
#' @param nu \code{numeric} greater than \code{p + 1} giving the degrees of
#'   freedom in the inverse Wishart distribution.  A large \code{nu} implies
#'   high class homogeneity.  A small \code{nu} near \code{p + 1} implies high
#'   class heterogeneity.
#' @param Plist An optional \code{list} of \code{numeric} matrices giving the
#'   precision matrices to simulate from. Useful when random matrices have
#'   already been generated by setting \code{precision = TRUE}.
#' @return The returned type is dependent on \code{n} and \code{covariance}. The
#'   function generally returns a \code{list} of \code{numeric} matrices with
#'   the same length as \code{n}. If \code{covariance} is \code{FALSE} the
#'   simulated datasets with size \code{n[i]} by \code{p} are given in the
#'   \code{i} entry of the output. If \code{covariance} is \code{TRUE} the
#'   \code{p} by \code{p} sample covariances of the datasets are given. When
#'   \code{n} has length 1 the \code{list} structure is dropped and the matrix
#'   is returned.
#' @author Anders E. Bilgrau, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>, Wessel
#'   N. van Wieringen
#' @examples
#' ## Generate some simple sample covariance matrices
#' createS(n = 10, p = 3)
#' createS(n = c(3, 4, 5), p = 3)
#' createS(n = c(32, 55), p = 7)
#' ## Generate some datasets and not sample covariance matrices
#' createS(c(3, 4), p = 6, dataset = TRUE)
#' ## Generate sample covariance matrices from other topologies:
#' A <- createS(2000, p = 4, topology = "star")
#' round(solve(A), 3)
#' B <- createS(2000, p = 4, topology = "banded", banded.n = 2)
#' round(solve(B), 3)
#' C <- createS(2000, p = 4, topology = "clique")  # The complete graph (as m = 1)
#' round(solve(C), 3)
#' D <- createS(2000, p = 4, topology = "chain")
#' round(solve(D), 3)
#' ## Generate smaple covariance matrices from block topologies:
#' C3 <- createS(2000, p = 10, topology = "clique", m = 3)
#' round(solve(C3), 1)
#' C5 <- createS(2000, p = 10, topology = "clique", m = 5)
#' round(solve(C5), 1)
#' ## Can also return the precision matrix to see what happens
#' ## m = 2 blocks, each "banded" with 4 off-diagonal bands
#' round(createS(1, 12, "banded", m = 2, banded.n = 4, precision = TRUE), 2)
#' ## Simulation using graph-games
#' round(createS(1, 10, "small-world", precision = TRUE), 2)
#' round(createS(1, 5, "scale-free", precision = TRUE), 2)
#' round(createS(1, 5, "random-graph", precision = TRUE), 2)
#' ## Simulation using inverse Wishart distributed class covariance
#' ## Low class homogeneity
#' createS(n = c(10,10), p = 5, "banded", invwishart = TRUE, nu = 10)
#' ## Extremely high class homogeneity
#' createS(n = c(10,10), p = 5, "banded", invwishart = TRUE, nu = 1e10)
#' # The precision argument can again be used to see the actual realised class
#' # precision matrices used when invwishart = TRUE.
#' # The Plist argument is used to reuse old precision matrices or
#' # user-generated ones
#' P <- createS(n = 1, p = 5, "banded", precision = TRUE)
#' lapply(createS(n = c(1e5, 1e5), p = 5, Plist = list(P, P+1)), solve)
#' @export
createS <- function(n, p,
                    topology = "identity",
                    dataset = FALSE,
                    precision = FALSE,
                    nonzero = 0.25,
                    m = 1L,
                    banded.n = 2L,
                    invwishart = FALSE,
                    nu = p + 1,
                    Plist) {

  if (missing(p) && !missing(Plist)) {
    p <- nrow(Plist[[1]])
  stopifnot(p > 1)
  stopifnot(m >= 1)
  G <- length(n)

  if (dataset && precision) {
    stop("dataset and precision cannot be TRUE at the same time.")

  if (invwishart && missing(nu)) {
    stop("argument 'nu' is missing. Supply the degrees of freedom 'nu' for ",
         "the inverse Wishart distribution.")

  topology <- match.arg(topology,
                        c("identity", "star", "clique", "complete",
                          "chain", "banded", "Barabassi", "small-world",
                          "scale-free", "Watts-Strogatz", "random-graph",

  # Construct the precision matrix "constructor"
  if (topology == "identity") {

    submat <- function(p) diag(p)

  } else if (topology == "star") {

    submat <- function(p) {
      subP <- diag(p)
      subP[1, seq(2, p)] <- subP[seq(2, p), 1] <- 1/seq(2, p)

  } else if (topology == "chain") {

    submat <- function(p) {
      s <- seq_len(p - 1)
      subP <- diag(p)
      subP[cbind(s, s + 1)] <- subP[cbind(s + 1, s)] <- nonzero

  } else if (topology == "clique" || topology == "complete") {

    submat <- function(p) {
      subP <- diag(p)
      subP[lower.tri(subP)] <- subP[upper.tri(subP)]  <- nonzero

  } else if (topology == "banded") {

    submat <- function(p) {
      if (banded.n > p) {
        stop("The number of bands cannot exceed the dimension of each block")
      subP <- diag(p)
      for (j in seq(1, banded.n)) {
        s <- seq_len(p - j)
        subP[cbind(s, s + j)] <- subP[cbind(s + j, s)] <- 1/(j + 1)

  } else if (topology == "Barabassi" || topology == "scale-free") {

    submat <- function(p) {
      G <- barabasi.game(p, power = 1, directed = FALSE)
      adj <- get.adjacency(G, sparse = FALSE)
      return(diag(p) + nonzero*adj)

  } else if (topology == "Watts-Strogatz" || topology == "small-world") {

    submat <- function(p) {
      G <- watts.strogatz.game(1, p, banded.n, 0.05)
      adj <- get.adjacency(G, sparse = FALSE)
      return(diag(p) + nonzero*adj)

  } else if (topology == "Erdos-Renyi" || topology == "random-graph") {

    submat <- function(p) {
      G <- erdos.renyi.game(p, 1/p)
      adj <- get.adjacency(G, sparse = FALSE)
      return(diag(p) + nonzero*adj)

  } else {

    stop("requested topology not implemented yet.")


  # Construct the block split
  blocks <- split(seq_len(p), ceiling(m*seq_len(p)/p))

  # Fill in blocks to construct full precisions
  P <- diag(p)
  for (b in blocks) {
    P[b, b] <- submat(length(b))
  if (rcond(P) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {  # Check condition number
    warning("The generated precision matrix has a very high condition number ",
            "and the generated data might be unreliable.")
  S <- solve(P)

  # Construct names
  n.letters <- which.max(p <= 26^(1:3))
  x <- expand.grid(rep(list(LETTERS), n.letters))
  nms <- do.call(paste0, x)

  # Construct list to fill and iterate over all classes
  ans <- vector("list", G)
  names(ans) <- paste0("class", seq_len(G))
  for (g in seq_len(G)) {

    if (!missing(Plist)) {
      stopifnot(length(Plist) == length(n))
      stopifnot(nrow(Plist[[g]]) == ncol(Plist[[g]]))
      stopifnot(nrow(Plist[[g]]) == p)

      Sg <- solve(Plist[[g]])
    } else if (invwishart) {
      stopifnot(nu - p - 1 > 0)
      Sg <- drop(.armaRInvWishart(n = 1, psi = (nu - p - 1)*S, nu = nu))
    } else {
      Sg <- S

    if (precision) {

      if (invwishart) {
        ans[[g]] <- solve(Sg)
      } else {
        ans[[g]] <- P

    } else {

      ans[[g]] <- rmvnormal(n = n[g], mu = rep(0, p), sigma = Sg)

      if (!dataset) {
        ans[[g]] <- covML(ans[[g]])


    if (p <= 17576) {  # Only give names for "small" dimensions
      colnames(ans[[g]]) <- nms[1:p]
      if (!dataset) {
        rownames(ans[[g]]) <- nms[1:p]

  if (G == 1) {  # Simplify output if ns is length 1
    ans <- ans[[1]]


#' Download KEGG pathway
#' Download information and graph object of a given pathway from the Kyoto
#' Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) database.
#' Usage of this function requires an internet connection.  The igraph objects
#' can be obtained with \code{igraph::igraph.from.graphNEL}.  The moral graph
#' can be obtained with \code{gRbase::moralize}. To obtain the adjacency matrix,
#' use \code{gRbase::as.adjMAT} or \code{igraph::get.adjacency}
#' @param kegg.id A \code{character} giving the KEGG ID, e.g. \code{"map04210"},
#'   \code{"map04064"}, \code{"map04115"}. Can be prefixed with \code{"path:"}.
#' @return Returns a \code{list} with entries: \item{df}{A \code{data.frame}
#'   description of the KEGG pathway.} \item{graph}{The KEGG pathway represented
#'   as a \code{graphNEL} object.}
#' @note It is currently necessary to \code{require("KEGGgraph")} (or
#'   \code{require("KEGGgraph")}) due to a bug in \pkg{KEGGgraph}.
#' @author Anders Ellern Bilgrau, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>,
#'   Wessel N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{kegg.target}}
#' @references \url{https://www.genome.jp/kegg/}
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (require("KEGGgraph")) {
#'   getKEGGPathway("map04064")
#' }
#' }
#' @export
getKEGGPathway <- function(kegg.id) {
  if (!requireNamespace("KEGGgraph", quietly=TRUE)) {
    stop("This function requires the bioconductor package 'KEGGgraph' and its.",
         "\ndependencies. To use it, install KEGGgraph to use it by running:\n",

  # Download
  tmp.file <- paste0(tempfile(), ".kgml")
  kgml <- KEGGgraph::retrieveKGML(gsub("path:", "", kegg.id), organism="hsa",
                                  destfile = tmp.file, method = "internal")

  # Pathway data.frame information
  df        <- KEGGgraph::parseKGML2DataFrame(tmp.file)
  df$to.e   <- KEGGgraph::translateKEGGID2GeneID(df$to)
  df$from.e <- KEGGgraph::translateKEGGID2GeneID(df$from)

  # Pathway igraph and graphNEL
  graph <- KEGGgraph::KEGGpathway2Graph(KEGGgraph::parseKGML(tmp.file))

  # Make sure that the graph is simple
  # A confirmed bug in KEGGgraph and now corrected in the development branch.
  # The following lines is a temporary work-around
  graph <- igraph.to.graphNEL(simplify(igraph.from.graphNEL(graph)))

  return(list(df = df, graph = graph))

.parents <- function(node, graph) {
  # - Function for extracting the parents of a node
  # - node  > A characther giving the node name in the graph
  # - graph > The graph
  # NOTES:
  # - Alternative to gRbase::parents()

  if (!requireNamespace("graph")) {
    stop("package 'graph' needed for this function.")

  is.child <- sapply(graph::edges(graph), function(n) node %in% n)

#' Construct target matrix from KEGG
#' Construct a target matrix by combining topology information from the Kyoto
#' Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) database and pilot data.
#' The function estimates the precision matrix based on the topology given by
#' the KEGG database.  Requires a connection to the internet.
#' @param Y The complete observation matrix of observations with variables in
#'   columns. The column names should be on the form e.g.  \code{"hsa:3988"}
#'   ("\code{<organism>:<Entrez id>}"). It can however also be just the Entrez
#'   id with or without the post-fixed \code{"_at"} and then the specified
#'   \code{organism} will be assumed.
#' @param kegg.id A \code{character} giving the KEGG ID, e.g. \code{"map04210"},
#'   \code{"map04064"}, or \code{"map04115"}.
#' @param method The method for estimating the non-zero entries moralized graph
#'   of the KEGG topology.  Currently, only \code{"linreg"} is implemented.
#' @param organism A \code{character} giving the organism, the default is
#'   \code{"hsa"} (homo-sapiens).
#' @param graph A \code{graphNEL} object specifying the topology of the pathway.
#'   Can be used to avoid repeatedly downloading the information.
#' @return Returns a target \code{matrix} with size depending on the
#'   \code{kegg.id}.
#' @note It is currently nessesary to \code{require("KEGGgraph")} (or
#'   \code{require("KEGGgraph")}) due to a bug in \pkg{KEGGgraph}.
#' @author Anders Ellern Bilgrau, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>,
#'   Wessel N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{getKEGGPathway}}, \code{\link{default.target}}, and
#'   \code{\link{default.target.fused}}
#' @references \url{https://www.genome.jp/kegg/}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (require("KEGGgraph")) {
#' kegg.g <- getKEGGPathway("map04115")$graph
#' # Create some toy data with the correct names
#' Y <- createS(n = 10, p = numNodes(kegg.g), dataset = TRUE)
#' colnames(Y) <- nodes(kegg.g)
#' T <- kegg.target(Y, "map04115")
#' print(T[1:10, 1:10])
#' }
#' }
#' @export kegg.target
kegg.target <- function(Y, kegg.id, method = "linreg", organism = "hsa",
                        graph = getKEGGPathway(kegg.id)$graph) {
  method <- match.arg(method)
  stopifnot(length(organism) == 1L)

  if (!requireNamespace("KEGGgraph") && !requireNamespace("graph")) {

    stop("This function requires the bioconductor package 'KEGGgraph' and its.",
         "\ndependencies. To use it, install KEGGgraph to use it by running:\n",


  # Check input

  correct.format <- grepl("^([[:alpha:]]+:)?[0-9]+(_at)?$", colnames(Y))
  s <- sum(!correct.format)
  if (s > 0) {
    wmsg <- paste("Found %d colnames of Y which incorrectly formatted.",
                  "They should be on the form <organism>:<entrez id> or",
                  "<entrez id> optionally be postfixed with '_at'")
    warning(sprintf(wmsg, s))

  splt <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(Y), ":"),
                 function(x) if (length(x)==2) x[1] else organism)
  if (any(splt != organism)) {
    stop("The prefix does not always match the specified organism")

  # Download pathway and graphNEL object

  stopifnot(is(graph, "graphNEL"))
  if (!is.dag(igraph.from.graphNEL(graph))) {
    warning("The graph obtained from KEGG is not acyclic. Results are only",
            " approximate.")

  # Try to correct colnames (and save the old ones)
  colnames.org <- colnames(Y)
  colnames(Y) <- gsub("_at$", "", colnames(Y))  # Remove any _at post-fix,
  colnames(Y) <- gsub(paste0("^", organism, ":"), "", colnames(Y)) # rm prefix
  colnames(Y) <- paste0(organism, ":", colnames(Y)) # Put prefix back on all

  # Determine nodes/variables both on array and in pathway and subset
  common <- intersect(graph::nodes(graph), colnames(Y))
  ind <- match(common, colnames(Y))

  if (length(common) == 0) {
    stop("There were no gene IDs in pathway and supplied data. ",
         "Check that the column names are correctly formatted.")
  g <- graph::subGraph(common, graph) #=removeNode(setdiff(nodes(G),common),G)
  Ysub <- Y[, common]

  # Center the data
  Ysub <- scale(Ysub, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)

  if (method == "linreg") {

    # Intitialize precision matrix
    p <- graph::numNodes(g)
    prec <- matrix(0, p, p)
    rownames(prec) <- colnames(prec) <- common
    for (node in graph::nodes(g)) {

      pa.node <- .parents(node, g)
      # fit <- lm(Ysub[, node] ~ Ysub[, pa.node])  # Alternative computation
      # tausq <- summary(fit)$sigma^2
      fit <- lm.fit(x = cbind(Intercept = 1, Ysub[, pa.node, drop = FALSE]),
                    y = Ysub[, node])
      tausq <- (sum(fit$residuals^2)/(nrow(Ysub) - fit$rank))
      beta <- coef(fit)

      # Update entries [node, node]
      prec[node, node] <- prec[node, node] + 1/tausq

      # Update entries [node, pa(node)]
      prec[node, pa.node] <- prec[node, pa.node] - beta[pa.node]/tausq
      prec[pa.node, node] <- prec[node, pa.node]

      # Update entries [pa(node), pa(node)]
      prec[pa.node, pa.node] <-
        prec[pa.node, pa.node] + tcrossprod(beta[pa.node])/tausq

      if (anyNA(prec)) {
        stop("NAs were introduced")

    if (!isSymmetricPD(prec)) {
      warning("Constructed target is not symmetric PD")

    rownames(prec) <- colnames(prec) <- colnames.org[ind]

  } else {

    stop("No other methods are currently implemented")



#' Compute the pooled covariance or precision matrix estimate
#' Compute the pooled covariance or precision matrix estimate from a \code{list}
#' of covariance matrices or precision matrices.
#' When \code{mle} is \code{FALSE} the given covariance/precision matrices is
#' assumed to have been computed using the denominator \code{ns[i] - 1}. Hence,
#' the sum of all \code{ns} minus \eqn{G} is used a the denominator of the
#' pooled estimate. Conversely, when \code{mle} is \code{TRUE} the total sum of
#' the sample sizes \code{ns} is used as the denominator in the pooled estimate.
#' The function \code{pooledP} is equivalent to a wrapper for \code{pooledS}.
#' That is, it inverts all the precision matrices in \code{Plist}, applies
#' \code{pooledS}, and inverts the resulting matrix.
#' @param Slist A \code{list} of length \eqn{G} of \code{numeric} covariance
#'   matrices of the same size.
#' @param ns A \code{numeric} vector for length \eqn{G} giving the sample sizes
#'   in the corresponding entries of \code{Slist}
#' @param mle \code{logical}. If \code{TRUE}, the (biased) MLE is given. If
#'   \code{FALSE}, the biased corrected estimate is given. Default is
#'   \code{TRUE}.
#' @param subset \code{logical} vector of the same length as \code{Slist} giving
#'   the classes to pool. Default is all classes.
#' @param Plist A \code{list} of length \eqn{G} of invertible \code{numeric}
#'   precision matrices of the same size.
#' @return \code{pooledS} returns the pooled covariance matrix, that is a
#'   \code{numeric} matrix with the same size as the elements of \code{Slist}.
#'   Similarly, \code{pooledP} returns the pooled precision matrix, i.e. a
#'   \code{numeric} matrix with the same size as the elements of \code{Plist}.
#' @author Anders Ellern Bilgrau, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>,
#'   Wessel N. van Wieringen
#' @examples
#' ns <- c(4, 6, 8)
#' Slist <- createS(ns, p = 6)
#' pooledS(Slist, ns)
#' pooledS(Slist, ns, mle = FALSE)
#' # Pool the first two classes only, leave out the remaning
#' pooledS(Slist, ns, subset = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE))
#' pooledS(Slist, ns, subset = ns > 5) # Pool studies with sample size > 5
#' # Pooled precision matrices
#' ns <- c(7, 8, 9)
#' Plist <- lapply(createS(ns, p = 6), solve)
#' pooledS(Plist, ns)
#' @export
pooledS <- function(Slist, ns, subset = rep(TRUE, length(ns)), mle = TRUE) {
  # Check inputs
  mle <- as.logical(mle)
  subset <- as.logical(subset)
  if (any(is.na(mle))) {
    stop("mle could not be coerced to a logical")
  if (any(is.na(subset))) {
    stop("subset could not be coerced to a logical")
  stopifnot(is.list(Slist) && length(Slist) == length(ns))
  stopifnot(is.logical(mle) && length(mle) == 1)
  stopifnot(is.logical(mle) && length(subset) == length(Slist))
  if (!any(subset)) {
    stop("argument subset must contain at least one TRUE entry.")

  # Subsetting
  Slist <- Slist[subset]
  ns <- ns[subset]

  # Compute estimate
  ans <- .armaPooledS(Slist = Slist, ns = ns, mle = mle)
  dimnames(ans) <- dimnames(Slist[[1]])


#' @rdname pooledS
#' @export
pooledP <- function(Plist, ns, subset = rep(TRUE, length(ns)), mle = TRUE) {
  # Check inputs
  mle <- as.logical(mle)
  subset <- as.logical(subset)
  if (any(is.na(mle))) {
    stop("mle could not be coerced to a logical")
  if (any(is.na(subset))) {
    stop("subset could not be coerced to a logical")
  stopifnot(is.list(Plist) && length(Plist) == length(ns))
  stopifnot(is.logical(mle) && length(mle) == 1)
  stopifnot(is.logical(mle) && length(subset) == length(Plist))
  if (!any(subset)) {
    stop("argument subset must contain at least one TRUE entry.")

  # Subsetting
  Plist <- Plist[subset]
  ns <- ns[subset]

  # Compute estimate
  ans <- .armaPooledP(Plist = Plist, ns = ns, mle = mle)
  dimnames(ans) <- dimnames(Plist[[1]])


#' Fused Kullback-Leibler divergence for sets of distributions
#' Function calculating the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two sets of
#' multivariate normal distributions. In other words, it calculates a weigthed
#' mean of Kullback-Leibler divergences between multiple paired normal
#' distributions.
#' @param MtestList A \code{list} of mean vectors of the approximating
#'   multivariate normal distribution for each class. Assumed to be zero vectors
#'   if not supplied.
#' @param MrefList A \code{list} of mean vectors of the reference multivariate
#'   normal distribution for each class. Assumed to be zero vectors if not
#'   supplied.
#' @param StestList A \code{list} of covariance matrices of the approximating
#'   multivariate normal distribtuion for each class. Usually a \code{list} of
#'   sample covariance matrices.
#' @param SrefList A \code{list} of covariance matrices of the references
#'   multivariate normal distribtuion for each class. Usually a \code{list} of
#'   the population or reference covariance matrices.
#' @param ns a \code{numeric} of the same length as the previous arguments
#'   giving the sample sizes. Used as weights in the weighted mean.
#' @param symmetric a \code{logical} indicating if original symmetric version of
#'   KL divergence should be calculated.
#' @return Function returns a \code{numeric} representing the (optionally
#'   symmetric) fused Kullback-Leibler divergence.
#' @author Anders Ellern Bilgrau, Wessel N. van Wieringen, Carel F.W. Peeters
#'   <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>
#' @seealso \code{\link{KLdiv}}
#' @examples
#' # Create some toy data
#' n <- c(40, 60, 80)
#' p <- 10
#' Stest <- replicate(length(n), diag(p), simplify = FALSE)
#' Sref <- createS(n, p = p)
#' KLdiv.fused(StestList = Stest, SrefList = Sref, ns = n, symmetric = FALSE)
#' KLdiv.fused(StestList = Stest, SrefList = Sref, ns = n, symmetric = TRUE)
#' @export KLdiv.fused
KLdiv.fused <- function(MtestList, MrefList, StestList, SrefList, ns,
                        symmetric = FALSE) {

  if (missing(MtestList)) {
    MtestList <- replicate(length(StestList), rep(0, nrow(StestList[[1]])),
                           simplify = FALSE)
  if (missing(MrefList)) {
    MrefList <- replicate(length(StestList), rep(0, nrow(StestList[[1]])),
                          simplify = FALSE)
  KLdivs <- mapply(KLdiv, MtestList, MrefList, StestList, SrefList,
                   MoreArgs = list(symmetric = symmetric))


.LL.fused <- function(Slist, Plist, ns){
  # - Function that computes the value of the (negative) combined log-likelihood
  # - Slist > A list sample covariance matrices for each class
  # - Plist > A list of the same length as (Slist) of precision matrices
  #   (possibly regularized inverse of covariance or correlation matrices)
  # - ns > A vector of sample sizes of the same length as Slist.

  LLs <- mapply(.LL, Slist, Plist)

.PLL.fused <- function(Slist, Plist, ns, Tlist, lambda){
  # - Function that computes the value of the (negative) penalized combined
  #   log-likelihood
  # - Slist   > A list of G sample covariance matrices for each class
  # - Plist   > A list of G precision matrices with the same size as Slist.
  #             Possibly regularized inverse of covariance matrices.
  # - ns      > A vector of sample sizes of the same length as Slist.
  # - Tlist   > A list of G p.d. target matrices
  # - lambda  > A non-negative symmetric G by G penalty matrix

  penalty <- 0
  for (g1 in seq_along(Slist)) {
    for (g2 in seq_len(g1)) {
      if (g1 == g2) { # Ridge penalty
        penalty <- penalty +
          lambda[g1, g1]*.FrobeniusLoss(Slist[[g1]], Tlist[[g1]])
      } else {  # Fused contribution
        penalty <- penalty +
          lambda[g1, g2]*.FrobeniusLoss(Slist[[g1]] - Tlist[[g1]],
                                        Slist[[g2]] - Tlist[[g2]])
  penalty <- penalty/2

  ans <- .LL.fused(Slist, Plist, ns) + penalty

## Functions for the fused ridge estimator

.init.ridgeP.fused <- function(Slist, ns, Tlist, lambda, ...) {
  # - Internal function for selecting initial values for Plist
  # - Slist   > A list of length G of sample correlation matrices the same size
  #             as those of Plist.
  # - Tlist   > A list of length G of target matrices the same size
  #             as those of Plist. Default is given by default.target.
  # - ns      > A vector of length G giving the sample sizes.
  # - lambda  > A numeric non-negative symmetric G by G penalty matrix giving
  #             the penalties of the fused ridge estimator. The diagonal entries
  #             correspond to the class ridge penalites. The off-diagonal
  #             entries, lambda[g1, g2] say, determine the retainment of
  #             similarities between estimates in classes g1 and g2.
  #             If lambda is a single number, a diagonal penalty with lambda in
  #             the diagonal is used (lambda*diag(G)).
  #             If lambda is supplied as a numeric vector of two numbers,
  #             the first is used as a common ridge penalty and the second
  #             as a common fusion penalty.
  # - ...     > Arguments passed to .armaRidgeP

#   Spool <- pooledS(Slist, ns)
#   if (length(unique(Tlist)) == 1L) { # If all targets equal
#     init.Plist <-
#       .armaRidgeP(Spool, target = Tlist[[1]], .trace(lambda)/sum(ns), ...)
#     init.Plist <- replicate(length(ns), init.Plist, simplify = FALSE)
#   } else {
#     init.Plist <- vector("list", length(ns))
#     for (i in seq_along(ns)) {
#       init.Plist[[i]] <-
#         .armaRidgeP(Spool, target = Tlist[[i]], lambda[i,i]/ns[i], ...)
#     }
#   }

  init.Plist <- default.target.fused(Slist, ns, type = "DAIE")

  names(init.Plist) <- names(Slist)

#' Fused ridge estimation
#' Performs fused ridge estimation of multiple precision matrices in cases
#' where multiple classes of data is present for given a penalty matrix.
#' Performs a coordinate ascent to find the maximum likelihood of the fused
#' likelihood problem for a given ridge penalty \eqn{lambda} and fused penalty
#' matrix \eqn{Lambda_f}.
#' @param Slist A \code{list} of length \eqn{G} of covariance matrices, i.e.
#' square, symmetric \code{numeric} matrices of the same size.  The \eqn{g}th
#' matrix should correspond to the \eqn{g}th class.
#' @param ns A \code{numeric} vector of sample sizes on which the matrices in
#' \code{Slist} are based.  I.e. \code{ns[g]} correspond to \code{Slist[[g]]}.
#' @param Tlist A \code{list} of length \eqn{G} of \code{numeric} p.d. target
#' matrices corresponding to the matrices in \code{Slist}.  If not supplied,
#' the default is given by \code{\link{default.target}}.
#' @param lambda The \eqn{G} by \eqn{G} penalty matrix.  That is, a symmetric,
#' non-negative \code{numeric} \code{matrix} of size \eqn{G} times \eqn{G}
#' giving the class- and pair-specific penalties.  The diagonal entries are the
#' class specific ridge penalties.  I.e. \code{lambda[i, i]} is the ridge
#' penalty for class \eqn{i}.  The off-diagonal entries are the pair-specific
#' fusion penalties.  I.e. \code{lambda[i, j]} is the fusion penalty applied on
#' the pair of classes \eqn{i} and \eqn{j}.
#' Alternatively, can be supplied as a \code{numeric} of length 1 or 2.  If a
#' single number, a diagonal penalty with lambda in the diagonal is used If
#' supplied as a \code{numeric} vector of two numbers, the first is used as a
#' common ridge penalty and the second as a common fusion penalty.
#' @param Plist An optional \code{list} of initial precision matrices for the
#'   fused ridge algorithm the same size as \code{Slist}.  Can be omitted.
#'   Default is the nonfused ridge precision estimate using the pooled
#'   covariance matrix corresponding to setting all fusion penalties to zero.
#' @param maxit A single \code{integer} giving the maximum number of allowed
#'   iterations.  Can be set to \code{Inf}.  If \code{maxit} is hit, a warning
#'   is given.
#' @param relative \code{logical} indicating if the convergence criterion should
#'   be on a relative scale.
#' @param verbose \code{logical}. Set to \code{TRUE} for extra output.
#' @param eps A single positive \code{numeric} giving the convergence threshold.
#' @return Returns a \code{list} as \code{Slist} with precision estimates of the
#'   corresponding classes.
#' @note For extreme fusion penalties in \code{lambda} the algorithm is quite
#'   sensitive to the initial values given in \code{Plist}.
#' @author Anders Ellern Bilgrau, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>,
#'   Wessel N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{default.penalty}} \cr \code{\link{ridgeP}} for the
#'   regular ridge estimate
#' @references Bilgrau, A.E., Peeters, C.F.W., Eriksen, P.S., Boegsted, M., and
#'   van Wieringen, W.N. (2020).  Targeted Fused Ridge Estimation of Inverse
#'   Covariance Matrices from Multiple High-Dimensional Data Classes.  Journal
#'   of Machine Learning Research, 21(26): 1-52.
#' @examples
#' # Create some (not at all high-dimensional) data on three classes
#' p <- 5  # Dimension
#' ns <- c(4, 6, 8)  # Sample sizes (K = 3 classes)
#' Slist <- createS(ns, p = p)
#' str(Slist, max.level = 2)  # The structure of Slist
#' #
#' # Estimate the precisions (using the complete penalty graph)
#' #
#' res1 <- ridgeP.fused(Slist, ns, lambda = c(1.3, 2.1))
#' print(res1)
#' # The same using the penalty matrix (the diagnal is ignored)
#' mylambda  <- matrix(c(1.3, 2.1, 2.1,
#'                       2.1, 1.3, 2.1,
#'                       2.1, 2.1, 1.3), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE)
#' res2 <- ridgeP.fused(Slist, ns, lambda = mylambda)
#' stopifnot(all.equal(res1, res2))
#' #
#' # Estimate the precisions (using a non-complete penalty graph)
#' #
#' # Say we only want to shrink pairs (1,2) and (2,3) and not (1,3)
#' mylambda[1,3] <- mylambda[3,1] <- 0
#' print(mylambda)
#' res3 <- ridgeP.fused(Slist, ns, lambda = mylambda)
#' # which similar to, but not the same as res1 and res2.
#' #
#' # Using other custom target matrices
#' #
#' # Construct a custom target list
#' myTlist <- list(diag(p), matrix(1, p, p), matrix(0, p, p))
#' res4 <- ridgeP.fused(Slist, ns, Tlist = myTlist, lambda = c(1.3, 2.1))
#' print(res4)
#' # Alternative, see ?default.target.fused
#' myTlist2 <- default.target.fused(Slist, ns, type = "Null")  # For the null target
#' res5 <- ridgeP.fused(Slist, ns, Tlist = myTlist2, lambda = c(1.3, 2.1))
#' print(res5)
#' @export ridgeP.fused
ridgeP.fused <- function(Slist,
                         Tlist = default.target.fused(Slist, ns),
                         maxit = 100L,
                         verbose = TRUE,
                         relative = TRUE,
                         eps = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {

  stopifnot(length(Slist) == length(Tlist))
  G <- length(Slist)  # Number of groups

  # Hande special imputs of lambda
  if (!is.matrix(lambda) && is.numeric(lambda)) {
    if (length(lambda) == 1) {
      lambda <- diag(lambda, G)
    } else if (length(lambda) == 2) {
      tmp <- matrix(lambda[2], G, G)
      diag(tmp) <- lambda[1]
      lambda <- tmp
    } else {
      stop("If lambda is not a numeric matrix, it should have length 1 or 2.")

  if (!isSymmetric(lambda, check.attributes = FALSE)) {
    stop("lambda must be symmetric")
  if (!all(lambda >= 0)) {
    stop("entries of lambda must be non-negative")
  if (!all(diag(lambda) > 0)) {
    stop("the diagonal of lambda must be strictly postive")

  # Initialize estimates with the regular ridges from the pooled covariance
  if (missing(Plist)) {
    Plist <- .init.ridgeP.fused(Slist, ns = ns, Tlist = Tlist, lambda = lambda)
  stopifnot(length(Slist) == length(Plist))

  # Overwrite the starting estimate with the fused estimate
  Plist <- .armaRidgeP.fused(Slist = Slist, ns = ns, Tlist = Tlist,
                             lambda = lambda, Plist = Plist, maxit = maxit,
                             eps = eps, relative = relative, verbose = verbose)

  # Keep dimnames and names
  for (g in seq_along(Slist)) {
    dimnames(Plist[[g]]) <- dimnames(Slist[[g]])
  names(Plist) <- names(Slist)


## LOOCV (and approximation) for the fused setting

.fcvl <- function(lambda, Ylist, Tlist, init.Plist, hotstart = FALSE, ...) {
  # - (Internal) Computes the fused leave-one-out cross-validation loss for
  #   given penalty matrix
  # - lambda     > The G by G penalty matrix.
  # - Ylist      > A list of length G of matrices of observations with samples
  #                in the rows and variables in the columns. A least 2
  #                samples (rows) are needed in each entry.
  # - Tlist      > A list of length G of target matrices the same size
  #                as those of Plist. Default is given by default.target.
  # - init.Plist > Initial estimates used in .armaRidgeP.fused
  # - hotstart   > If TRUE, the latest estimate is used for each left out
  # - ...        > Arguments passed to .armaRidgeP.fused

  G <- length(Ylist)
  ns.org <- sapply(Ylist, nrow)
  Slist.org <- lapply(Ylist, covML)

  # If Plist is not supplied
  if (missing(init.Plist)) {
    init.Plist <- .init.ridgeP.fused(Slist.org, ns.org, Tlist, lambda)

  slh <- numeric(sum(ns.org))  # To store LOOCV losses for each sample
  j <- 1
  for (g in seq_len(G)) {
    ns <- ns.org        # "Reset" number of samples in each group
    ns[g] <- ns[g] - 1  # Update sample size in g'th group
    this.Slist <- Slist.org
    for (i in seq_len(ns.org[g])) {
      this.Slist[[g]] <-
        covML(Ylist[[g]][-i, , drop = FALSE])
        # crossprod(Ylist[[g]][-i, , drop = FALSE])/ns[g]

      this.Plist <- .armaRidgeP.fused(Slist = this.Slist, ns = ns,
                                      Tlist = Tlist, lambda = lambda,
                                      Plist = init.Plist, verbose = FALSE, ...)

      Sig <- crossprod(Ylist[[g]][i,  , drop = FALSE])
      slh[j] <- ns[g]*.LL(Sig, this.Plist[[g]])

      if (hotstart) {
        init.Plist <- this.Plist

      j <- j + 1


.kfcvl <- function(lambda, Ylist, Tlist, init.Plist, k, ...) {
  # - (Internal) Computes the k-fold fused cross-validation loss for a penalty
  #   matrix. The data for each class is divided into k parts. The first part
  #   in each class is left out, the fused estimate is computed based on the
  #   remaning, and the loss is computed. Then this is repeated for the remaning
  #   parts.
  # - lambda  > The G by G penalty matrix.
  # - Ylist   > A list of length G of matrices of observations with samples
  #             in the rows and variables in the columns. A least 2
  #             samples (rows) are needed in each entry.
  # - Tlist   > A list of length G of target matrices the same size
  #             as those of Plist. Default is given by default.target.
  # - Plist   > Initial estimates
  # - k       > The fold of the cross validation. I.e. k is the number of
  #             roughly equally sized parts the samples for each class are
  #             partitioned into.
  # - ...     > Arguments passed to .armaRidgeP.fused

  G <- length(Ylist)
  ns.org <- sapply(Ylist, nrow)
  if (min(ns.org) < k) {
    stop("The least class sample size is less than the specified k = ", k)

  # If Plist is not supplied
  if (missing(init.Plist)) {
    Slist.org  <- lapply(Ylist, covML)
    init.Plist <- .init.ridgeP.fused(Slist.org, ns.org, Tlist, lambda)

  # Split each class into k equally sized parts
  parts <- lapply(ns.org, function(n) sample(ceiling(k*seq_len(n)/n)))

  # Run through all k splits in each class
  slh <- matrix(0, k, G)
  for (i in seq_len(k)) {
    # Pick out ALL BUT the i'th fold in each class and compute estimate
    Ylist.i <- mapply(function(x, ind) x[ind != i, , drop = FALSE],
                      Ylist, parts, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    ns.i    <- sapply(Ylist.i, nrow)
    Slist.i <- lapply(Ylist.i, covML)
    Plist.i <- .armaRidgeP.fused(Slist = Slist.i, ns = ns.i, Tlist = Tlist,
                                 lambda = lambda, Plist = init.Plist,
                                 verbose = FALSE, ...)

    # Evaluate estimate with left out data:
    for (g in seq_len(G)) {
      Ylist.ig <- Ylist[[g]][parts[[g]] == i, , drop = FALSE]
      nig <- nrow(Ylist.ig)
      Sig <- crossprod(Ylist.ig)/nig
      slh[i, g] <- .LL(Sig, Plist.i[[g]])



.sfcvl <- function(lambda, Ylist, Tlist, Plist, ...) {
  # - (Internal) Computes the "special" LOOCV loss for given penalty parameters
  # - Only updates the class estimate in which the sample is left out.
  # - lambda  > The G by G penalty matrix.
  # - Ylist   > A list of length G of matrices of observations with samples
  #             in the rows and variables in the columns. A least 2
  #             samples (rows) are needed in each entry.
  # - Tlist   > A list of length G of target matrices the same size
  #             as those of Plist. Default is given by default.target.
  # - Plist   > Initial estimates
  # - ...     > Arguments passed to .armaRidgeP.fused and ridgeP.fused

  G <- length(Ylist)
  ns.org <- sapply(Ylist, nrow)
  Slist.org <- lapply(Ylist, covML)

  # If Plist is not supplied
  if (missing(Plist)) {
    Plist.org <-  ridgeP.fused(Slist = Slist.org, ns = ns.org, Tlist = Tlist,
                               lambda = lambda, verbose = FALSE, ...)
  } else {
    Plist.org <- Plist

  slh <- numeric(sum(ns.org))
  j <- 1
  for (g in seq_len(G)) {
    ns <- ns.org        # "Reset" number of samples in each group
    ns[g] <- ns[g] - 1  # Update sample size in g'th group

    for (i in seq_len(ns.org[g])) {
      Plist <- Plist.org
      Slist <- Slist.org
      Slist[[g]] <- covML(Ylist[[g]][-i, , drop = FALSE])

      # Update only the estimate in group "g".
      # Note these exported C++ functions are index from g = 0
      if (sum(lambda) < 1e50) {
        Plist[[g]] <- .armaFusedUpdateI(g0 = g - 1,  Plist = Plist,
                                        Slist = Slist, Tlist = Tlist, ns = ns,
                                        lambda = lambda)
      } else {
        Plist[[g]] <- .armaFusedUpdateIII(g0 = g - 1,  Plist = Plist,
                                          Slist = Slist, Tlist = Tlist, ns = ns,
                                          lambda = lambda)

      Sig <- crossprod(Ylist[[g]][i,  , drop = FALSE])
      slh[j] <- .LL(Sig, Plist[[g]])
      j <- j +1


.afcvl <- function(lambda, Ylist, Tlist, Plist, ...) {
  # - (Internal) Computes the approximate LOOCV loss for at given penalty
  #   parameters.
  # - lambda  > The G by G penalty matrix.
  # - Ylist   > A list of length G of matrices of observations with samples
  #             in the rows and variables in the columns.
  # - Tlist   > A list of length G of target matrices the same size
  #             as those of Plist. Default is given by default.target.
  # - Plist   > A list of inital values for the parameter estimates
  # - ...     > Arguments passed to ridgeP.fused

  ns <- sapply(Ylist, nrow)
  G <- length(ns)
  Slist <- lapply(Ylist, covML)
  Plist <- ridgeP.fused(Slist = Slist, Tlist = Tlist, ns = ns,
                       lambda = lambda, verbose = FALSE, ...)
  n.tot <- sum(ns)
  nll <- .LL.fused(Slist = Slist, Plist = Plist, ns)/n.tot
  p <- nrow(Slist[[1]])
  bias <- 0

  # Implementation 1
  for (g in seq_along(ns)) {
    for (i in seq_len(ns[g])) {
      Sig <- crossprod(Ylist[[g]][i, , drop = FALSE])
      fac1 <- diag(nrow(Sig)) - Sig %*% Plist[[g]]
      fac2 <- Plist[[g]] %*% (Slist[[g]] - Sig) %*% Plist[[g]]
      bias <- bias  + sum(fac1 * fac2)/(2*n.tot)

#   # Implementation 2  (SVANTE)
#   for (g in seq_along(ns)) {
#     lambdabar <- (lambda + sum(lambdaF[g,-g]))/ns[g]
#     P1 <- Plist[[g]]
#     P2 <- P1 %*% P1
#     P2mP1 <- P2 - Plist[[g]]
#     P4mP3 <- P2mP1 %*% P2
#     for (i in seq_len(ns[g])) {
#       yig <- Ylist[[g]][i, , drop = TRUE]
#       b1 <- (yig %*% P2mP1) %*% yig
#       b2 <- lambdabar*((yig %*% P4mP3) %*% yig)
#       bias <- bias + (b1 + b2)
#     }
#   }
#   bias <- bias/(2*n.tot*(n.tot-1))
#   # Implementation 3 (VUCACIC)
#   for (g in seq_along(ns)) {
#     for (i in seq_len(ns[g])) {
#       Sig <- crossprod(Ylist[[g]][i, , drop = FALSE])
#       bias <- bias +
#         sum((solve(Plist[[g]]) - Sig)*Plist[[g]]*(Slist[[g]]-Sig)*Plist[[g]])
#     }
#   }
#   bias <- bias/(2*n.tot*(n.tot-1))
#   # Implementation 4
#   qf <- function(x, A) return(colSums(x * (A %*% x)))
#   for (g in seq_along(ns)) {
#     ng <- ns[g]
#     t1 <- p*log((ng-1)/ng)
#     for (i in seq_len(ng)) {
#       yik <- Ylist[[g]][i, ]
#       yOy <- qf(yik, Plist[[g]])
#       oneMinusyOy <- 1 - yOy/ng
#       t1 - log(oneMinusyOy) + (yOy^2/oneMinusyOy - yOy)/ng
#     }
#   }
#   bias <- bias/(2*n.tot*(n.tot-1))
#   # Implementation 5
#   bias <- 0
#   for (g in seq_along(ns)) {
#     bias <- bias + ns[g]*sum(Plist[[g]]*(solve(Plist[[g]]) - Slist[[g]]))
#     bias <- bias + (1/rcond(Plist[[g]]))
#   }
#   bias <- bias/(2*n.tot)

  return(nll + bias)

.parseLambda <- function(lambda) {
  # - A function to parse a character matrix that defines the class of penalty
  #   graphs and unique parameters for cross validation.
  # - Returns a data.frame of different indices for each level to be penalized
  #   equally.
  # - This data.frame is to be used to construct numeric matrices of penalties.
  # - lambda > A symmetric G by G character matrix defining the class of penalty
  #            matrices to cross validate over.
  #            Entries with NA, "" (the empty string), or "0" are
  #            interpreted as that that pair should omitted.
  #            Entries coercible to numeric are (in turn) interpreted as fixed

  stopifnot(nrow(lambda) == ncol(lambda))

  # Handle special values
  lambda[is.na(lambda)] <- "0"
  lambda[lambda %in% ""] <- "0"

  parsedLambda <-
    data.frame(name = as.character(lambda), row = as.integer(row(lambda)),
               col = as.integer(col(lambda)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  parsedLambda$val <- suppressWarnings({as.numeric(parsedLambda$name)})
  parsedLambda$fixed <- !is.na(parsedLambda$val)
  parsedLambda$variable <- !parsedLambda$fixed
  nf <- !parsedLambda$fixed
  parsedLambda$index[nf] <- as.numeric(as.factor(parsedLambda$name[nf]))

  u <- unique(subset(parsedLambda, select = -c(row, col)))

  attr(parsedLambda, "n.classes") <- nrow(lambda)
  attr(parsedLambda, "n.fixed") <- sum(u$fixed)
  attr(parsedLambda, "n.variables") <- nrow(u) - attr(parsedLambda, "n.fixed")

.reconstructLambda <- function(lambdas, parsedLambda) {
  # - Reconstruct the numeric penalty matrix lambda from a vector (lambdas)
  #   of penalties using the .parseLambda output.
  # - lambdas      > A numeric vector of the penalties. The length of lambdas
  #                  is the number of non-fixed entries in parsedLambda
  # - parsedLambda > A data.frame describing the penalty matrix.
  #                  Should be the output from .parseLambda.

  if (length(lambdas) != attributes(parsedLambda)$n.variables) {
    stop("The number of lambdas does not correspond with the number of",
         " non-fixed penalties given in parsedLambda")

  G <- attributes(parsedLambda)$n.classes
  var <- parsedLambda$variable
  vals <- parsedLambda$val
  vals[var] <- lambdas[parsedLambda$index[var]]
  lambda <- matrix(vals, G, G)

.lambdasFromMatrix <- function(lambda.init, parsedLambda) {
  # - Create the "lambdas" vector used in the optimizers from a numeric matrix.
  # - lambda.init  > A numeric matrix of the initial penalty matrix.
  # - parsedLambda > A data.frame describing the penalty matrix.
  #                  Should be the output from .parseLambda.

  u <- parsedLambda[!duplicated(parsedLambda$index), ]
  u <- u[!u$fixed, ]
  lambdas <- numeric(attributes(parsedLambda)$n.variables)
  stopifnot(length(lambdas) == nrow(u))
  lambdas[u$index] <- lambda.init[as.matrix(subset(u, select = c(row, col)))]

  # Try to reconstruct the given matrix
  relambda.init <- .reconstructLambda(lambdas, parsedLambda)
  if (!all(relambda.init == lambda.init)) {
    warning("The fixed penalties do not agree with the specified initial ",
            "penalty matrix.")

#' @rdname optPenalty.fused
#' @export
optPenalty.fused.grid <-
  function(Ylist, Tlist,
           lambdas = 10^seq(-5, 5, length.out = 15),
           lambdaFs = lambdas,
           cv.method = c("LOOCV", "aLOOCV", "sLOOCV", "kCV"),
           k = 10,
           verbose = TRUE,
           ...) {
  # - Cross validation for the fused ridge estimator on a grid to determine
  #   optimal lambda and lambdaF.
  # - Ylist       > A list of length G of matrices of observations with samples
  #                 in the rows and variables in the columns.
  # - Tlist       > A list of length G of target matrices the same size
  #                 as those of Plist. Default is given by default.target.
  # - lambdas     > A vector of ridge penalties
  # - lambdaFs    > A vector of fusion penalties
  # - cv.method   > The LOOCV type to use. Allowed values are LOOCV, aLOOCV,
  #                 sLOOCV, kCV for leave-one-out cross validation (LOOCV),
  #                 appproximate LOOCV, special LOOCV, and k-fold CV, resp.
  # - k           > Number of parts in k-fold CV. Only use if method is "kCV".
  # - ...         > Arguments passed to ridgeP.fused
  # - verbose     > logical. Print extra information. Defaults is TRUE.
  # NOTES:
  # - The complete penalty graph is assumed (i.e. all ridge penalties
  #   equal and all fusion penalties equal)

  cv.method <- match.arg(cv.method)

  if (missing(Tlist)) {  # If Tlist is not provided
    Tlist <- lapply(Ylist, function(Y) default.target(covML(Y)))

  G <- length(Ylist)

  stopifnot(all(lambdas > 0))
  stopifnot(all(lambdaFs >= 0))

  if (cv.method == "LOOCV") {
    cvfunc <- .fcvl
  } else if (cv.method == "aLOOCV") {
    cvfunc <- .afcvl
  } else if (cv.method == "sLOOCV") {
    cvfunc <- .sfcvl
  } else if (cv.method == "kCV") {
    cvfunc <-  function(lambda, Ylist = Ylist, Tlist = Tlist, ...) {
      .kfcvl(lambda, Ylist = Ylist, Tlist = Tlist, k = k, ...)
  } else {
    stop("cv.method not implmented.")

  # Calculate CV scores
  if (verbose) {
    cat("Calculating cross-validated negative log-likelihoods...\n")

  slh <- matrix(NA, length(lambdas), length(lambdaFs))
  dimnames(slh) <- list("lambdas" = lambdas, "lambdaFs" = lambdaFs)
  for (l1 in seq_along(lambdas)) {
    for (l2 in seq_along(lambdaFs)) {
      # Create penalty matrix
      lambda <- matrix(lambdaFs[l2], G, G)
      diag(lambda) <- lambdas[l1]

      # Evaluate loss
      slh[l1, l2] <- cvfunc(lambda = lambda, Ylist = Ylist, Tlist = Tlist, ...)

      if (verbose) {
        cat(sprintf("lambda = %.3e (%d), lambdaF = %.3e (%d), fcvl = %.3e\n",
                   lambdas[l1],  l1, lambdaFs[l2], l2, slh[l1, l2]))

  output <- list(lambda = lambdas, lambdaF = lambdaFs, fcvl = slh)
  class(output) <- "optPenaltyFusedGrid"

#' Print and plot functions for fused grid-based cross-validation
#' Print and plot functions for the output from
#' \code{\link{optPenalty.fused.grid}} which performs a grid based
#' cross-validation (CV) search to find optimal penalty parameters. Currently,
#' only the complete penalty graph is supported.
#' @param x A \code{optPenaltyFusedGrid}-object print or plot.  Usually the
#'   output of \cr \code{\link{optPenalty.fused.grid}}.
#' @param add.text A \code{logical} value controlling if the text should be
#'   added to the plot.
#' @param add.contour A \code{logical} value controlling if the contour lines
#'   should be added to the plot.
#' @param col A \code{character} vector of colours used in the image plot.
#' @param \dots Arguments passed on.  In \code{print.optPenaltyFusedGrid} the
#'   arguments are passed to \code{print.matrix}.  In
#'   \code{plot.optPenaltyFusedGrid} are passed to the standard \code{plot}
#'   function.
#' @return Invisibly returns the object (\code{x}).
#' @author Anders Ellern Bilgrau, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>,
#'   Wessel N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{optPenalty.fused.grid}}
#' @references Bilgrau, A.E., Peeters, C.F.W., Eriksen, P.S., Boegsted, M., and
#'   van Wieringen, W.N. (2020).  Targeted Fused Ridge Estimation of Inverse
#'   Covariance Matrices from Multiple High-Dimensional Data Classes.  Journal
#'   of Machine Learning Research, 21(26): 1-52.
#' @export
print.optPenaltyFusedGrid <- function(x, ...) {
  with(x, print(fcvl))

#' @rdname print.optPenaltyFusedGrid
#' @export
plot.optPenaltyFusedGrid <- function(x, add.text = TRUE, add.contour = TRUE,
                                     col = rainbow(100, end = 0.8), ...) {
  with(x, {
    image(log(lambda), log(lambdaF), fcvl, col = col)
    if (add.contour) {
      contour(log(lambda), log(lambdaF), log(fcvl - min(fcvl) + 1), add = TRUE,
              nlevels = 15, col = "White", drawlabels = FALSE)
    cols <- with(x, ifelse(fcvl == min(fcvl), "red", "black"))
    if (add.text) {
      text(log(lambda)[c(row(fcvl))], log(lambdaF)[c(col(fcvl))],
           sprintf("%0.1f", fcvl), cex = 0.7, col = cols)

#' @rdname optPenalty.fused
#' @importFrom stats optim
#' @export
optPenalty.fused.auto <-
           cv.method = c("LOOCV", "aLOOCV", "sLOOCV", "kCV"),
           k = 10,
           verbose = TRUE,
           maxit.ridgeP.fused = 1000,
           optimizer = "optim",
           maxit.optimizer = 1000,
           debug = FALSE,
           optim.control = list(trace = verbose, maxit = maxit.optimizer),
           ...) {

  cv.method <- match.arg(cv.method)
  G <- length(Ylist)

  if (missing(lambda)) {  # Handle missing lambda
    lambda <- matrix("fusion", G, G)
    diag(lambda) <- "ridge"

  # Interpret given lambda
  parsedLambda <- .parseLambda(lambda)

  if (verbose) {  # Report interpretation
    n.fixed     <- attributes(parsedLambda)$n.fixed
    n.variables <- attributes(parsedLambda)$n.variables
    nonfix <- with(parsedLambda, paste(unique(name[!fixed]), collapse = ", "))
    fixed  <- with(parsedLambda, paste(unique(name[ fixed]), collapse = ", "))
    message("Found ", n.fixed + n.variables, " unique penalties of which ",
            n.fixed, " are interpreted as fixed and ", n.variables,
            " are to be determined by ", cv.method, ".\n",
            "Non-fixed parameters: ", nonfix,
            "\nFixed parameters: ", ifelse(n.fixed, fixed, "<none>"))

  # Determine what loss function to use
  if (cv.method == "LOOCV") {
    cvfunc <- .fcvl
  } else if (cv.method == "aLOOCV") {
    cvfunc <- .afcvl
  } else if (cv.method == "sLOOCV") {
    cvfunc <- .sfcvl
  } else if (cv.method == "kCV") {
    cvfunc <-  function(lambda, Ylist = Ylist, Tlist = Tlist, ...) {
      .kfcvl(lambda, Ylist = Ylist, Tlist = Tlist, k = k, ...)
  } else {
    stop("cv.method not implmented.")

  # Construct optim/nlm objective function, parameters are assumed on log-scale
  cvl <- function(lambdas, ...) {
    elambdas <- exp(lambdas)
    lambda <- .reconstructLambda(elambdas, parsedLambda)
    return(cvfunc(lambda = lambda, Ylist = Ylist, Tlist = Tlist,
                  maxit = maxit.ridgeP.fused, ...))

  if (missing(lambda.init)) {
    # Get somewhat sensible starting value for non-fixed diagonal entries
    # (ridge penalties) and by choosing off-diag lambda to be zero.
    f <- function(x) {
      lambdas <- suppressWarnings({.lambdasFromMatrix(diag(exp(x), G),
    st <- optimize(f, lower = -20, upper = 20)$minimum
    lambdas.st <- suppressWarnings({log(.lambdasFromMatrix(diag(exp(st), G),
    lambdas.st[lambdas.st == -Inf] <- -40
    lambdas.st[lambdas.st ==  Inf] <-  40

  } else {

    if (is.matrix(lambda.init) && is.numeric(lambda.init) &&
        isSymmetric(lambda.init)) {
      lambdas.st <- log(.lambdasFromMatrix(lambda.init, parsedLambda))
      lambdas.st[lambdas.st == -Inf] <- -40
      lambdas.st[lambdas.st ==  Inf] <-  40

    } else {
      stop("The supplied inital parameters must be a symmetric numeric matrix")

  if (optimizer == "optim") {

    ans <- optim(lambdas.st, fn = cvl, ..., control = optim.control)
    par <- ans$par
    val <- ans$value

    args <- list(...)
    if (!is.null(args$method)) {
      if (args$method != "SANN" && ans$convergence == 1) {
        warning("Iteration limit of optim had been reached.")
      if (args$method == "Nelder-Mead" && ans$convergence == 10) {
        warning("Degeneracy of the Nelder-Mead simplex.")

  } else if (optimizer == "nlm") {

    ans <- nlm(cvl, lambdas.st, iterlim = maxit.optimizer, ...)
    par <- ans$estimate
    val <- ans$minimum


  # Format optimal values
  opt.lambdas <- exp(par)
  opt.lambda <- .reconstructLambda(opt.lambdas, parsedLambda)
  dimnames(opt.lambda) <- dimnames(lambda)

  # Construct output
  res <- list(Plist = NA,
              lambda = opt.lambda,
              lambda.unique = NA,
              value = val)

  # Compute estimate at optimal values
  res$Plist <- ridgeP.fused(Slist = lapply(Ylist, covML),
                            ns = sapply(Ylist, nrow),
                            Tlist = Tlist, lambda = res$lambda,
                            maxit = maxit.ridgeP.fused, verbose = FALSE)

  res$lambda.unique <- unique(opt.lambda[lower.tri(opt.lambda, diag = TRUE)])
  names(res$lambda.unique) <- lambda[match(res$lambda.unique, opt.lambda)]

  if (debug) {
    attr(res, "optim.debug") <- ans


#' Identify optimal ridge and fused ridge penalties
#' Functions to find the optimal ridge and fusion penalty parameters via
#' leave-one-out cross validation. The functions support leave-one-out
#' cross-validation (LOOCV), \eqn{k}-fold CV, and two forms of approximate
#' LOOCV. Depending on the used function, general numerical optimization or a
#' grid-based search is used.
#' \code{optPenalty.fused.auto} serves a utilizes \code{\link{optim}} for
#' identifying the optimal fused parameters and works for general classes of
#' penalty graphs.
#' \code{optPenalty.fused.grid} gives a grid-based evaluation of the
#' (approximate) LOOCV loss.
#' @param Ylist A \code{list} of \eqn{G} matrices of data with \eqn{n_g} samples
#'   in the rows and \eqn{p} variables in the columns corresponding to \eqn{G}
#'   classes of data.
#' @param Tlist A \code{list} of \eqn{G} of p.d. class target matrices of size
#'   \eqn{p} times \eqn{p}.
#' @param lambda A symmetric \code{character} \code{matrix} encoding the class
#'   of penalty matrices to cross-validate over.  The diagonal elements
#'   correspond to the class-specific ridge penalties whereas the off-diagonal
#'   elements correspond to the fusion penalties.  The unique elements of lambda
#'   specify the penalties to determine by the method specified by
#'   \code{cv.method}.  The penalties can be fixed if they are coercible to
#'   numeric values, such as e.g. \code{"0"}, \code{"2.71"} or \code{"3.14"}.
#'   Fusion between pairs can be "left out"" using either of \code{""},
#'   \code{NA}, \code{"NA"}, or \code{"0"}.  See \code{\link{default.penalty}}
#'   for help on the construction hereof and more details.  Unused and can be
#'   omitted if \code{grid == TRUE}.
#' @param cv.method \code{character} giving the cross-validation (CV) to use.
#'   The allowed values are \code{"LOOCV"}, \code{"aLOOCV"}, \code{"sLOOCV"},
#'   \code{"kCV"} for leave-one-out cross validation (LOOCV), appproximate
#'   LOOCV, special LOOCV, and k-fold CV, respectively.
#' @param k \code{integer} giving the number of approximately equally sized
#'   parts each class is partioned into for \eqn{k}-fold CV.  Only use if
#'   \code{cv.method} is \code{"kCV"}.
#' @param verbose \code{logical}. If \code{TRUE}, progress information is
#'   printed to the console.
#' @param lambda.init A \code{numeric} penalty \code{matrix} of initial values
#'   passed to the optimizer. If omitted, the function selects a starting values
#'   using a common ridge penaltiy (determined by 1D optimization) and all
#'   fusion penalties to zero.
#' @param maxit.ridgeP.fused A \code{integer} giving the maximum number of
#'   iterations allowed for each fused ridge fit.
#' @param optimizer \code{character}. Either \code{"optim"} or \code{"nlm"}
#'   determining which optimizer to use.
#' @param maxit.optimizer A \code{integer} giving the maximum number of
#'   iterations allowed in the optimization procedure.
#' @param debug \code{logical}. If \code{TRUE} additional output from the
#'   optimizer is appended to the output as an attribute.
#' @param lambdas A \code{numeric} vector of positive ridge penalties.
#' @param lambdaFs A \code{numeric} vector of non-negative fusion penalties.
#' @param grid \code{logical.} Should a grid based search be used? Default is
#'   \code{FALSE}.
#' @param optim.control A \code{list} of control arguments for
#'   \code{\link{optim}}.
#' @param \dots For \code{optPenalty.fused}, arguments are passed to
#'   \code{optPenalty.fused.grid} or \code{optPenalty.fused.auto} depending on
#'   the value of \code{grid}.  In \code{optPenalty.fused.grid}, arguments are
#'   passed to \code{ridgeP.fused}.  In \code{optPenalty.fused.auto}, arguments
#'   are passed to the optimizer.
#' @return \code{optPenalty.fused.auto} returns a \code{list}:\cr \item{Plist}{A
#'   \code{list} of the precision estimates for the optimal parameters.}
#'   \item{lambda}{The estimated optimal fused penalty matrix.}
#'   \item{lambda.unique}{The unique entries of the \code{lambda}.  A more
#'   concise overview of \code{lambda}} \item{value}{The value of the loss
#'   function in the estimated optimum.}
#'   \code{optPenalty.fused.LOOCV} returns a \code{list}:\cr \item{ridge}{A
#'   \code{numeric} vector of grid values for the ridge penalty}
#'   \item{fusion}{The \code{numeric} vector of grid values for the fusion
#'   penalty} \item{fcvl}{The \code{numeric} \code{matrix} of evaluations of the
#'   loss function}
#' @author Anders Ellern Bilgrau, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>,
#'   Wessel N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso See also \code{\link{default.penalty}}, \code{optPenalty.LOOCV}.
#' @references Bilgrau, A.E., Peeters, C.F.W., Eriksen, P.S., Boegsted, M., and
#'   van Wieringen, W.N. (2020).  Targeted Fused Ridge Estimation of Inverse
#'   Covariance Matrices from Multiple High-Dimensional Data Classes.  Journal
#'   of Machine Learning Research, 21(26): 1-52.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Generate some (not so) high-dimensional data witn (not so) many samples
#' ns <- c(4, 5, 6)
#' Ylist <- createS(n = ns, p = 6, dataset = TRUE)
#' Slist <- lapply(Ylist, covML)
#' Tlist <- default.target.fused(Slist, ns, type = "DIAES")
#' # Grid-based
#' lambdas <- 10^seq(-5, 3, length.out = 7)
#' a <- optPenalty.fused.grid(Ylist, Tlist,
#'                            lambdas = lambdas,
#'                            cv.method = "LOOCV", maxit = 1000)
#' b <- optPenalty.fused.grid(Ylist, Tlist,
#'                            lambdas = lambdas,
#'                            cv.method = "aLOOCV", maxit = 1000)
#' c <- optPenalty.fused.grid(Ylist, Tlist,
#'                            lambdas = lambdas,
#'                            cv.method = "sLOOCV", maxit = 1000)
#' d <- optPenalty.fused.grid(Ylist, Tlist,
#'                            lambdas = lambdas,
#'                            cv.method = "kCV", k = 2, maxit = 1000)
#' # Numerical optimization (uses the default "optim" optimizer with method "BFGS")
#' aa <- optPenalty.fused.auto(Ylist, Tlist, cv.method = "LOOCV", method = "BFGS")
#' print(aa)
#' bb <- optPenalty.fused.auto(Ylist, Tlist, cv.method = "aLOOCV", method = "BFGS")
#' print(bb)
#' cc <- optPenalty.fused.auto(Ylist, Tlist, cv.method = "sLOOCV", method = "BFGS")
#' print(cc)
#' dd <- optPenalty.fused.auto(Ylist, Tlist, cv.method = "kCV", k=3, method="BFGS")
#' print(dd)
#' #
#' # Plot the results
#' #
#' # LOOCV
#' # Get minimums and plot
#' amin  <- log(expand.grid(a$lambda, a$lambdaF))[which.min(a$fcvl), ]
#' aamin <- c(log(aa$lambda[1,1]), log(aa$lambda[1,2]))
#' # Plot
#' filled.contour(log(a$lambda), log(a$lambdaF), log(a$fcvl), color = heat.colors,
#'                plot.axes = {points(amin[1], amin[2], pch = 16);
#'                             points(aamin[1], aamin[2], pch = 16, col = "purple");
#'                             axis(1); axis(2)},
#'                xlab = "lambda", ylab = "lambdaF", main = "LOOCV")
#' # Approximate LOOCV
#' # Get minimums and plot
#' bmin <- log(expand.grid(b$lambda, b$lambdaF))[which.min(b$fcvl), ]
#' bbmin <- c(log(bb$lambda[1,1]), log(unique(bb$lambda[1,2])))
#' filled.contour(log(b$lambda), log(b$lambdaF), log(b$fcvl), color = heat.colors,
#'                plot.axes = {points(bmin[1], bmin[2], pch = 16);
#'                             points(bbmin[1], bbmin[2], pch = 16, col ="purple");
#'                             axis(1); axis(2)},
#'                xlab = "lambda", ylab = "lambdaF", main = "Approximate LOOCV")
#' #
#' # Arbitrary penalty graphs
#' #
#' # Generate some new high-dimensional data and a 2 by 2 factorial design
#' ns <- c(6, 5, 3, 2)
#' df <- expand.grid(Factor1 = LETTERS[1:2], Factor2 = letters[3:4])
#' Ylist <- createS(n = ns, p = 4, dataset = TRUE)
#' Tlist <- lapply(lapply(Ylist, covML), default.target, type = "Null")
#' # Construct penalty matrix
#' lambda <- default.penalty(df, type = "CartesianUnequal")
#' # Find optimal parameters,
#' # Using optim with method "Nelder-Mead" with "special" LOOCV
#' ans1 <- optPenalty.fused(Ylist, Tlist, lambda = lambda,
#'                          cv.method = "sLOOCV", verbose = FALSE)
#' print(ans1$lambda.unique)
#' # By approximate LOOCV using optim with method "BFGS"
#' ans2 <- optPenalty.fused(Ylist, Tlist, lambda = lambda,
#'                          cv.method = "aLOOCV", verbose = FALSE,
#'                          method = "BFGS")
#' print(ans2$lambda.unique)
#' # By LOOCV using nlm
#' lambda.init <- matrix(1, 4, 4)
#' lambda.init[cbind(1:4,4:1)] <- 0
#' ans3 <- optPenalty.fused(Ylist, Tlist, lambda = lambda,
#'                          lambda.init = lambda.init,
#'                          cv.method = "LOOCV", verbose = FALSE,
#'                          optimizer = "nlm")
#' print(ans3$lambda.unique)
#' # Quite different results!
#' #
#' # Arbitrary penalty graphs with fixed penalties!
#' #
#' # Generate some new high-dimensional data and a 2 by 2 factorial design
#' ns <- c(6, 5, 5, 5)
#' df <- expand.grid(DS = LETTERS[1:2], ER = letters[3:4])
#' Ylist <- createS(n = ns, p = 4, dataset = TRUE)
#' Tlist <- lapply(lapply(Ylist, covML), default.target, type = "Null")
#' lambda <- default.penalty(df, type = "Tensor")
#' print(lambda)  # Say we want to penalize the pair (1,2) with strength 2.1;
#' lambda[2,1] <- lambda[1,2] <- 2.1
#' print(lambda)
#' # Specifiying starting values is also possible:
#' init <- diag(length(ns))
#' init[2,1] <- init[1,2] <- 2.1
#' res <- optPenalty.fused(Ylist, Tlist, lambda = lambda, lambda.init = init,
#'                         cv.method = "aLOOCV", optimizer = "nlm")
#' print(res)
#' }
#' @export optPenalty.fused
optPenalty.fused <- function(Ylist, Tlist, lambda = default.penalty(Ylist),
                             cv.method = c("LOOCV", "aLOOCV", "sLOOCV", "kCV"),
                             k = 10, grid = FALSE, ...) {
  cv.method <- match.arg(cv.method)

  if (grid) {
    res <- optPenalty.fused.grid(Ylist = Ylist, Tlist = Tlist,
                                 cv.method = cv.method, k = k, ... )
  } else {
    res <- optPenalty.fused.auto(Ylist = Ylist, Tlist = Tlist,
                                 lambda = lambda,
                                 cv.method = cv.method, k = k,...)

## Automatic penalty matrix constructor

.charAdjMat <- function(fac, name = "X", ordered = is.ordered(fac)) {
  # - Create a complete character adjacency matrix from a factor. This function
  #   is used in the constructing the character penalty matrix in
  #   default.penalty.
  # - fac     > A factor of some length. Can be ordered.
  # - name    > A character giving the text which should appear in the adjacent
  #             entries. If not a character, the object name of fac is used.
  # - ordered > logical specifiying if fac should be interpreted as ordered.
  # Examples:
  #  rags2ridges:::.charAdjMat(factor(LETTERS[1:3]))
  #  rags2ridges:::.charAdjMat(factor(LETTERS[1:3]), name = "Y")
  #  rags2ridges:::.charAdjMat(factor(LETTERS[1:3]), name = NULL)
  #  rags2ridges:::.charAdjMat(ordered(factor(LETTERS[1:5])))

  G <- nlevels(fac)
  if (is.character(name)) {
    lab <- name
  } else {
    lab <- deparse(substitute(fac))
  if (ordered) {
    M <- matrix("", G, G)
    M[row(M) == (col(M) + 1)] <- lab
    M[row(M) == (col(M) - 1)] <- lab
  } else {
    M <- matrix(lab, G, G)
    diag(M) <- ""
  rownames(M) <- colnames(M) <- levels(fac)

.char2num <- function(X) {
  # - Create a character adjacency matrix to a numeric one
  # - X  > A character matrix where "" signify non-adjacency.
  # Examples:
  # A <- rags2ridges:::.charAdjMat(factor(LETTERS[1:3]))
  # rags2ridges:::.char2num(A)

  X[X != ""] <- "1"
  X[X == ""] <- "0"
  Y <- structure(as.numeric(X), dim = dim(X), dimnames = dimnames(X))

.cartesianProd <- function(A, B) {
  # - Construct the Cartesian product graph from two "character" matrices.
  # - A > A character matrix where "" signify non-adjacency.
  # - B > A character matrix where "" signify non-adjacency.
  # Examples:
  # A <- rags2ridges:::.charAdjMat(factor(LETTERS[1:3]), name = "X")
  # B <- rags2ridges:::.charAdjMat(factor(letters[4:5]), name = "Y")
  # rags2ridges:::.cartesianProd(A, B)

  AI <- kronecker(.char2num(A), diag(nrow(B)), make.dimnames = TRUE)
  IB <- kronecker(diag(nrow(A)), .char2num(B), make.dimnames = TRUE)
  gprod <- AI + IB  # Kronecker sum

  ans <- kronecker(A, B, FUN = paste0, make.dimnames = TRUE)
  ans[!as.logical(gprod)] <- ""

.tensorProd <- function(A, B) {
  # - Construct the Tensor (or categorical) product graph from two "character"
  #   matrices.
  # - A > A character matrix where "" signify non-adjacency.
  # - B > A character matrix where "" signify non-adjacency.
  # Examples:
  # A <- rags2ridges:::.charAdjMat(factor(LETTERS[1:3]), name = "X")
  # B <- rags2ridges:::.charAdjMat(factor(letters[4:5]), name = "Y")
  # rags2ridges:::.tensorProd(A, B)

  gprod <- kronecker(.char2num(A), .char2num(B), make.dimnames = TRUE)

  ans <- kronecker(A, B, FUN = paste0, make.dimnames = TRUE)
  ans[!as.logical(gprod)] <- ""

#' Construct commonly used penalty matrices
#' Function that constructs default or commonly use penalty matrices according
#' to a (factorial) study design.  The constructed penalty matrix can be used
#' directly in \code{\link{optPenalty.fused.auto}} or serve as basis for
#' modification.
#' The \code{type} gives a number of common choices for the penalty matrix:
#' \itemize{ \item \code{'Complete'} is the complete penalty graph with equal
#' penalties.  \item \code{'CartesianEqual'} corresponds to a penalizing along
#' each "direction" of factors with a common penalty. The choice is named
#' Cartesian as it is the Cartesian graph product of the complete penalty
#' graphs for the individual factors.  \item \code{'CartesianUnequal'}
#' corresponds to a penalizing each direction of factors with individual
#' penalties.  \item \code{'TensorProd'} correspond to penalizing the
#' "diagonals" only.  It is equivalent to the graph tensor products of the
#' complete graphs for each individual factor.  }
#' @param G A \code{numeric} giving the number of classes. Can also be a
#'   \code{list} of length \code{G} such as the usual argument \code{Slist} from
#'   other \pkg{rags2ridges} functions.  Can be omitted if \code{df} is given.
#' @param df A \code{data.frame} with \code{G} rows and factors in the columns.
#'   Note, the columns has to be of type \code{factor}.  Can be omitted when
#'   \code{G} is given and \code{type == "Complete"}.  The factors can be
#'   ordered.
#' @param type A character giving the type of fused penalty graph to construct.
#'   Should be \code{'Complete'} (default), \code{'CartesianEqual'}, or
#'   \code{'CartesianUnequal'} or \code{'TensorProd'} or an unique abbreviation
#'   hereof. See details.
#' @return Returns a \code{G} by \code{G} character matrix which specify the
#'   class of penalty graphs to be used.  The output is suitable as input for
#'   the penalty matrix used in \code{\link{optPenalty.fused.auto}}.
#' @author Anders E. Bilgrau, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>, Wessel
#'   N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{ridgeP.fused}}, \code{\link{optPenalty.fused}},
#'   \code{\link{default.target}}
#' @references Bilgrau, A.E., Peeters, C.F.W., Eriksen, P.S., Boegsted, M., and
#'   van Wieringen, W.N. (2020).  Targeted Fused Ridge Estimation of Inverse
#'   Covariance Matrices from Multiple High-Dimensional Data Classes.  Journal
#'   of Machine Learning Research, 21(26): 1-52.
#' @examples
#'   # Handling one-way designs
#'   default.penalty(2)
#'   default.penalty(4)
#'   Slist <- vector("list", 6)
#'   default.penalty(Slist)   # The function uses only the length of the list
#'   df0 <- expand.grid(Factor = c("lvl1", "lvl2"))
#'   default.penalty(df0)
#'   # A more elaborate example
#'   df1 <- expand.grid(DS = c("DS1", "DS2", "DS3"), ER = c("ER+", "ER-"))
#'   # Usage (various interface demonstrations)
#'   default.penalty(6, df1, type = "Complete")
#'   default.penalty(6, type = "CartesianEqual")  # GIVES WARNING
#'   default.penalty(6, df1, type = "CartesianEqual")
#'   default.penalty(Slist, df1, type = "CartesianEqual")
#'   default.penalty(6, df1, type = "CartesianUnequal")
#'   default.penalty(df1)
#'   # A 2 by 2 by 2 design
#'   df2 <- expand.grid(A = c("A1", "A2"), B = c("B1", "B2"), C = c("C1", "C3"))
#'   default.penalty(df2)
#'   default.penalty(df2, type = "CartesianEqual")
#'   default.penalty(df2, type = "CartesianUnequal")
#' @export default.penalty
default.penalty <- function(G, df,
                            type = c("Complete", "CartesianEqual",
                                     "CartesianUnequal", "TensorProd")) {

  type <- match.arg(type)

  if (missing(G) && !missing(df)) {
    G <- nrow(df)

  if (is.data.frame(G)) {
    df <- G
    G <- nrow(df)

  if (missing(G) && !missing(df)) {
    G <- nrow(df)

  if (is.list(G)) {
    G <- length(G)

  if (missing(df)) {
    if (type != "Complete") {
      warning("No data.frame 'df' given and 'type' does not equal 'Complete'.",
              " Setting 'type' to 'Complete'")
      type <- "Complete"
    df <- data.frame(Class = factor(seq_len(G)))

  if (!all(sapply(df, is.factor))) {
    stop("Not all columns in the data.frame 'df' are factors")

  stopifnot(G == nrow(df))

  # Make sure the levels of the factors are ordered correctly
  for (i in seq_len(ncol(df))) {
    df[[i]] <- factor(df[[i]], levels = unique(df[[i]]))

  # Construct penalty matrix class
  if (type == "Complete") {

    M <- matrix("fusion", G, G)
    rownames(M) <- colnames(M) <- Reduce(":", df)
    diag(M) <- "ridge"

  } else if (type == "CartesianEqual" || type == "CartesianUnequal") {

    adj.mats <- lapply(seq_along(df),
                       function(i) .charAdjMat(df[[i]], name = names(df)[i]))
    M <- Reduce(.cartesianProd, adj.mats)

    if (type == "CartesianEqual") {
      M[M != ""] <- "fusion"
    diag(M) <- "ridge"

  } else if (type == "TensorProd") {

    adj.mats <- lapply(seq_along(df),
                       function(i) .charAdjMat(df[[i]], name = names(df)[i]))
    M <- Reduce(.tensorProd, adj.mats)
    diag(M) <- "ridge"

  } else {

    stop("type =", type, "not implemented yet!")


## To fuse or not to fuse --- Test H0: Omega_1 = ... = Omega_G

.scoreStatistic <- function(Plist, Slist, ns) {
  # - Function for computing the score statistic
  # - Plist > A list of precision matrices
  # - Slist > A list of sample covariance matrices
  # - ns    > A vector with the same length as Plist and Slist of sample sizes

  stopifnot(length(Plist) == length(Slist))
  stopifnot(length(ns) == length(Plist))

  U <- 0
  for (g in seq_along(ns)) {
    X <- ns[g]*(Plist[[g]] - Slist[[g]])
    diag(X) <- 0.5*diag(X)
    U <- U + sum(X * (Plist[[g]] %*% X %*% Plist[[g]]))

.scambleYlist <- function(Ylist) {
  # - Function for permuting the class labels of Ylist, equivalent to
  #   scrambling/permuting all obervations.
  # - Ylist > A list of observations matrices for each class

  ns <- sapply(Ylist, nrow)
  cl <- factor(rep(names(Ylist), ns))
  Y  <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, Ylist))
  out <- split(Y, sample(cl))
  out <- lapply(out, as.matrix)

#' Test the necessity of fusion
#' Function for testing the null hypothesis that all population precision
#' matrices are equal and thus the necessity for the fusion penalty. Note, the
#' test performed is conditional on the supplied penalties and targets.
#' The function computes the observed score statistic \eqn{U_obs} using the
#' fused ridge estimator on the given data. Next, the score statistic is
#' computed a number of times (given by \code{n.permutations}) under the
#' null-hypothesis by effectively permuting the class labels of the data.
#' @param Ylist A \code{list} of length \eqn{G} of observations matrices for
#'   each class.  Variables are assumed to correspond to the columns.
#' @param Tlist A \code{list} of target matrices for each class. Should be same
#'   length as \code{Ylist}-
#' @param lambda A non-negative, symmetric \eqn{G} by \eqn{G} \code{matrix}
#'   giving the ridge and fusion penalties.
#' @param n.permutations The number of permutations to approximate the null
#'   distribution.  Default is 100. Should be increased if sufficient computing
#'   power is available.
#' @param verbose Print out extra progress information
#' @param \dots Arguments passed to \code{\link{ridgeP.fused}}.
#' @return Returns a \code{list} values containing the observed test statistic
#'   and the test statistic under the null distribution.
#' @author Anders Ellern Bilgrau, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>,
#'   Wessel, N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{ridgeP.fused}}
#' @references Bilgrau, A.E., Peeters, C.F.W., Eriksen, P.S., Boegsted, M., and
#'   van Wieringen, W.N. (2020).  Targeted Fused Ridge Estimation of Inverse
#'   Covariance Matrices from Multiple High-Dimensional Data Classes.  Journal
#'   of Machine Learning Research, 21(26): 1-52.
#' @examples
#' ns <- c(10, 5, 23)
#' Ylist <- createS(ns, p = 15, topology = "banded", dataset = TRUE)
#' # Use the identity target matrix for each class
#' Tlist <- replicate(length(ns), diag(15), simplify = FALSE)
#' # Do the test
#' lm <- matrix(10, 3, 3)
#' diag(lm) <- 1
#' ft <- fused.test(Ylist, Tlist, lambda = lm,
#'                  n.permutations = 500)
#' print(ft)
#' # Summary spits out a bit more information
#' summary(ft)
#' # The returned object can alo be plotted via
#' hist(ft)
#' # or via the alias
#' plot(ft)
#' # Customization and parameters work a usual:
#' hist(ft, col = "steelblue", main = "Null distribution", add.extra = FALSE,
#'      xlab = "Score statistic", freq = FALSE)
#' @export
fused.test <- function(Ylist, Tlist, lambda,
                       n.permutations = 100, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  stopifnot(length(Ylist) == length(Tlist))
  stopifnot(nrow(lambda) == length(Ylist))
  stopifnot(ncol(lambda) == length(Ylist))

  G <- length(Ylist)
  ns <- sapply(Ylist, nrow)
  n.tot <- sum(ns)
  lambda.null <- G*lambda/sum(ns)

  # Compute observed statistic
  if (verbose) {message("Computing the observed score statistic... ")}
  Slist <- lapply(Ylist, covML)
  Spool.obs <- pooledS(Slist, ns)
  Plist.obs <- list()
  for (i in seq_len(G)) {
    Plist.obs[[i]] <- .armaRidgeP(Spool.obs, target = Tlist[[i]],
                                  lambda = lambda.null[i,i])

  Uobs <- .scoreStatistic(Plist = Plist.obs, Slist = Slist, ns = ns)

  # Approximate null distribution by permutation
  if (verbose) {message("Computing the score statistics under permutation... ")}
  Unull <- numeric()
  for (j in seq_len(n.permutations)) {
    Ylist.tmp <- .scambleYlist(Ylist)  # Permute class labels
    Spool.tmp <- pooledS(lapply(Ylist.tmp, covML), ns)
    Plist.null <- list()
    for (i in seq_len(G)) {
      Plist.null[[i]] <- .armaRidgeP(Spool.tmp,
                                     target = Tlist[[i]],
                                     lambda = lambda.null[i,i])
    Unull[j] <- .scoreStatistic(Plist = Plist.null,
                                Slist = lapply(Ylist.tmp, covML), ns = ns)

    if (verbose && j %% 10 == 0) {
      cat(sprintf("%d of %d done\n", j, n.permutations))

  # Return results
  ans <- list(observed = Uobs, null.dist = Unull)
  class(ans) <- "ptest"

#' Print and summarize fusion test
#' Print and summary functions for the fusion test performed by
#' \code{\link{fused.test}}.
#' @param x,object The object to print or summarize. Usually the output of
#'   \code{\link{fused.test}}.
#' @param digits An \code{integer} controlling the number of printed digits.
#' @param \dots Arguments passed on.  In \code{summary.ptest} the arguments are
#'   passed to \code{print.ptest}.  In \code{print.ptest} are passed to the
#'   standard \code{summary} function.
#' @return Invisibly returns the object.
#' @author Anders Ellern Bilgrau, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>,
#'   Wessel N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{fused.test}}, \code{\link{hist.ptest}}
#' @references Bilgrau, A.E., Peeters, C.F.W., Eriksen, P.S., Boegsted, M., and
#'   van Wieringen, W.N. (2020).  Targeted Fused Ridge Estimation of Inverse
#'   Covariance Matrices from Multiple High-Dimensional Data Classes.  Journal
#'   of Machine Learning Research, 21(26): 1-52.
#' @examples
#' ns <- c(10, 5, 23)
#' Ylist <- createS(ns, p = 15, topology = "banded", dataset = TRUE)
#' # Use the identity target matrix for each class
#' Tlist <- replicate(length(ns), diag(15), simplify = FALSE)
#' # Do the test
#' lam <- matrix(10, 3, 3)
#' diag(lam) <- 1
#' ft <- fused.test(Ylist, Tlist, lambda = lam, n.permutations = 500)
#' @export
print.ptest <- function(x, digits = 4L, ...) {
  x$n.extreme <- sum(x$null.dist >= x$observed)
  x$n.permutations <- length(x$null.dist)
  x$p.val.unbiased <- x$n.extreme/x$n.permutations
  x$p.val.biased <- (x$n.extreme + 1)/(x$n.permutations + 1)
  pval <- format.pval(x$p.val.unbiased, digits = digits,
                      eps = 1/x$n.permutations)

  cat("\nScore-based permutation test\n\n")
  cat("Null hypothesis: Population precision matrices are equal\n")
  cat("Alternative:     Population precision matrices are not equal\n\n")
  cat(sprintf("Observed statistic: U = %0.3f, ", x$observed))
  cat(sprintf("p-value %s\n", ifelse(grepl("<", pval), pval, paste("=", pval))))
  cat("Summary of null distribution obtained by permutation:\n")
  print(summary(x$null.dist, digits = digits, ...))

#' @rdname print.ptest
#' @export
summary.ptest <- function(object, ...) {
  object <- print.ptest(object, ...)
  cat("\nThe number of extreme observations under the null hypothesis")
  cat(sprintf("\nwas %d out of %d permutations.",
              object$n.extreme, object$n.permutations))


#' @rdname plot.ptest
#' @export
hist.ptest <- function(x, add.extra = TRUE, ...) {
  hist.args <- list(...)
  if (!hasArg("xlim")) {
    hist.args$xlim <- range(x$null.dist, x$observed)
  if (!hasArg("col")) {
    hist.args$col <- "gray"
  if (!hasArg("main")) {
    hist.args$main <- "Null distribution of U"
  if (!hasArg("xlab")) {
    hist.args$xlab <- "U"
  out <- do.call(hist, c(list(x$null.dist), hist.args), quote = FALSE)
  out$xname <- "x$null.dist"

  if (add.extra) {
    abline(v = x$observed, col = "red", lwd = 2)
    text(x$observed, y = par()$usr[4],
         labels = "Observed U", pos = 3, xpd = TRUE)

#' Plot the results of a fusion test
#' Plot a histogram of the null distribution and the observed test statistic in
#' a permutation type "fusion test".
#' \code{plot.ptest} is simply a wrapper for \code{hist.ptest}.
#' @param x A \code{ptest} object (a list). Usually the output of
#'   \code{\link{fused.test}}.
#' @param add.extra A logical. Add extra information to the plot.
#' @param \dots Arguments passed to \code{plot}.
#' @return Invisibly returns \code{x} with extra additions.
#' @author Anders Ellern Bilgrau, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>,
#'   Wessel N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{fused.test}}, \code{\link{print.ptest}}
#' @references Bilgrau, A.E., Peeters, C.F.W., Eriksen, P.S., Boegsted, M., and
#'   van Wieringen, W.N. (2020).  Targeted Fused Ridge Estimation of Inverse
#'   Covariance Matrices from Multiple High-Dimensional Data Classes.  Journal
#'   of Machine Learning Research, 21(26): 1-52.
#' @examples
#' ns <- c(10, 5, 23)
#' Ylist <- createS(ns, p = 15, topology = "banded", dataset = TRUE)
#' # Use the identity target matrix for each class
#' Tlist <- replicate(length(ns), diag(15), simplify = FALSE)
#' # Do the test
#' lam <- matrix(10, 3, 3)
#' diag(lam) <- 1
#' ft <- fused.test(Ylist, Tlist, lambda = lam, n.permutations = 500)
#' # The returned object can alo be plotted via
#' hist(ft)
#' # or via the alias
#' plot(ft)
#' @export
plot.ptest <- function(x, add.extra = TRUE, ...) {
  hist.ptest(x, add.extra = add.extra, ...)

## Sparsification and network stats

#' Determine support of multiple partial correlation/precision matrices
#' A simple wrapper for \code{\link{sparsify}} which determines the support of
#' a \code{list} of partial correlation/precision matrix by various methods and
#' returns the sparsified matrices.
#' @param Plist A \code{list} of \code{numeric} precision matrices.
#' @param \dots Arguments passed to \code{\link{sparsify}}.
#' @return A \code{list} of the same length as \code{Plist} with the output from
#'   \code{\link{sparsify}}.
#' @author Anders Ellern Bilgrau, Wessel N. van Wierigen, Carel F.W. Peeters
#'   <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>
#' @seealso \code{\link{sparsify}}
#' @examples
#' ns <- c(10, 11)
#' Ylist <- createS(ns, p = 16, dataset = TRUE)
#' Slist <- lapply(Ylist, covML)
#' Tlist <- default.target.fused(Slist, ns)
#' # Obtain regularized precision under optimal penalty
#' opt <- optPenalty.fused.auto(Ylist, Tlist, cv.method = "aLOOCV",
#'                             maxit.ridgeP.fused = 1500)
#' # Use the optimal penalties
#' Plist <- ridgeP.fused(Slist, ns, lambda = opt$lambda, maxit = 1000)
#' # Determine support regularized (standardized) precision under optimal penalty
#' res <- sparsify.fused(Plist, threshold = "top", verbose = FALSE)
#' round(res[[1]]$sparsePrecision, 1)
#' round(res[[2]]$sparsePrecision, 1)
#' @export sparsify.fused
sparsify.fused <- function(Plist, ...) {
  return(lapply(Plist, sparsify, ...))

#' Gaussian graphical model network statistics
#' Compute various network statistics from a \code{list} sparse precision
#' matrices. The sparse precision matrix is taken to represent the conditional
#' independence graph of a Gaussian graphical model. This function is a simple
#' wrapper for \code{\link{GGMnetworkStats}}.
#' For details on the columns see \code{\link{GGMnetworkStats}}.
#' @param Plist A \code{list} of sparse precision/partial correlation matrix.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} of the various network statistics for each
#' class. The names of \code{Plist} is prefixed to column-names.
#' @author Anders E. Bilgrau, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>, Wessel
#' N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{GGMnetworkStats}}
#' @examples
#' ## Create some "high-dimensional" data
#' set.seed(1)
#' p <- 10
#' ns <- c(5, 6)
#' Slist <- createS(ns, p)
#' ## Obtain sparsified partial correlation matrix
#' Plist    <- ridgeP.fused(Slist, ns, lambda = c(5.2, 1.3), verbose = FALSE)
#' PCsparse <- sparsify.fused(Plist , threshold = "absValue", absValueCut = 0.2)
#' SPlist <- lapply(PCsparse, "[[", "sparsePrecision") # Get sparse precisions
#' ## Calculate GGM network statistics in each class
#' \dontrun{GGMnetworkStats.fused(SPlist)}
#' @export GGMnetworkStats.fused
GGMnetworkStats.fused <- function(Plist) {
  res <- lapply(Plist, GGMnetworkStats, as.table = TRUE)
  if (is.null(names(res))) {
    names(res) <- seq_along(Plist)

#' Fused gaussian graphical model node pair path statistics
#' A simple wrapper for \code{\link{GGMpathStats}}.
#' @param sparsePlist A \code{list} of sparsified precision matrices.
#' @param \dots Arguments passed to \code{\link{GGMpathStats}}.
#' @return A \code{list} of path stats.
#' @note The function currently fails if no paths are present in one of the
#'   groups.
#' @author Anders E. Bilgrau, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@@wur.nl>, Wessel
#'   N. van Wieringen
#' @seealso \code{\link{GGMpathStats}}
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain some (high-dimensional) data
#' set.seed(1)
#' ns <- c(10, 11)
#' Slist <- createS(ns, p = 7, topology = "banded")
#' Tlist <- default.target.fused(Slist, ns)
#' ## Obtain regularized precision and sparsify
#' Plist <- ridgeP.fused(Slist, ns, Tlist, lambda = c(1, 1.6))
#' sparsePlist <- sparsify.fused(Plist, threshold = "absValue", absValueCut = 0.20)
#' SPlist <- lapply(sparsePlist, "[[", "sparsePrecision")
#' ## Obtain information on mediating and moderating paths between nodes 14 and 23
#' res <- GGMpathStats.fused(SPlist, node1 = 3, node2 = 4, graph = FALSE)
#' @export GGMpathStats.fused
GGMpathStats.fused <- function(sparsePlist, ...) {
  # See if verbose is in ... and set to GGMpathStats default if not
  args <- list(...)
  if (is.null(args[["verbose"]])) {
    verbose <- formals(GGMpathStats)$verbose

  # Run through each class
  res <- vector("list", length(sparsePlist))
  names(res) <- names(sparsePlist)
  for (g in seq_along(res)) {
    if (verbose) {
          "Class: ", names(res)[g], "\n", sep = "")
    res[[g]] <- GGMpathStats(sparsePlist[[g]], ...)

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