##' Sandwich smoother for matrix data
##' A fast bivariate \emph{P}-spline method for smoothing matrix data.
##' The smoothing parameter can be user-specified; otherwise, the function uses
##' grid searching method or \command{optim} for selecting the smoothing
##' parameter.
##' @param data n1 by n2 data matrix without missing data
##' @param covariates list of two vectors of covariates of lengths n1 and n2;
##' if NULL, then generates equidistant covariates
##' @param knots list of two vectors of knots or number of equidistant knots
##' for all dimensions; defaults to 35
##' @param p degrees of B-splines; defaults to 3
##' @param m order of differencing penalty; defaults to 2
##' @param lambda user-specified smoothing parameters; defaults to NULL
##' @param search.grid logical; defaults to TRUE, if FALSE, uses
##' \command{optim}
##' @param search.length number of equidistant (log scale) smoothing parameter;
##' defaults to 100
##' @param method see \command{optim}; defaults to \command{L-BFGS-B}
##' @param lower,upper bounds for log smoothing parameter, passed to
##' \command{optim}; defaults are -20 and 20.
##' @param control see \command{optim}
##' @param subj vector of subject id (corresponding to the columns of data); defaults to NULL
##' @param knots.option knot selection method; defaults to "equally-spaced"
##' @param periodicity vector of two logical, indicating periodicity in the direction of row and column; defaults to c(FALSE, FALSE)
##' @param selection selection of smoothing parameter; defaults to "GCV"
##' @return A list with components \item{lambda}{vector of length 2 of selected
##' smoothing parameters} \item{Yhat}{fitted data} \item{trace}{trace of the
##' overall smoothing matrix} \item{gcv}{value of generalized cross validation}
##' \item{Theta}{matrix of estimated coefficients}
##' @author Luo Xiao \email{}
##' @export
##' @importFrom Matrix kronecker as.matrix
##' @references Xiao, L., Li, Y., and Ruppert, D. (2013). Fast bivariate
##' \emph{P}-splines: the sandwich smoother. \emph{Journal of the Royal
##' Statistical Society: Series B}, 75(3), 577--599.
##' @examples
##' ##########################
##' #### True function #####
##' ##########################
##' n1 <- 60
##' n2 <- 80
##' x <- (1:n1)/n1-1/2/n1
##' z <- (1:n2)/n2-1/2/n2
##' MY <- array(0,c(length(x),length(z)))
##' sigx <- .3
##' sigz <- .4
##' for(i in 1:length(x))
##' for(j in 1:length(z))
##' {
##' #MY[i,j] <- .75/(pi*sigx*sigz) *exp(-(x[i]-.2)^2/sigx^2-(z[j]-.3)^2/sigz^2)
##' #MY[i,j] <- MY[i,j] + .45/(pi*sigx*sigz) *exp(-(x[i]-.7)^2/sigx^2-(z[j]-.8)^2/sigz^2)
##' MY[i,j] = sin(2*pi*(x[i]-.5)^3)*cos(4*pi*z[j])
##' }
##' ##########################
##' #### Observed data #####
##' ##########################
##' sigma <- 1
##' Y <- MY + sigma*rnorm(n1*n2,0,1)
##' ##########################
##' #### Estimation #####
##' ##########################
##' est <- fbps(Y,list(x=x,z=z))
##' mse <- mean((est$Yhat-MY)^2)
##' cat("mse of fbps is",mse,"\n")
##' cat("The smoothing parameters are:",est$lambda,"\n")
##' ########################################################################
##' ########## Compare the estimated surface with the true surface #########
##' ########################################################################
##' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
##' persp(x,z,MY,zlab="f(x,z)",zlim=c(-1,2.5), phi=30,theta=45,expand=0.8,r=4,
##' col="blue",main="True surface")
##' persp(x,z,est$Yhat,zlab="f(x,z)",zlim=c(-1,2.5),phi=30,theta=45,
##' expand=0.8,r=4,col="red",main="Estimated surface")
##' @importFrom stats optim
fbps <- function(data, subj=NULL,covariates = NULL, knots=35, knots.option="equally-spaced",
periodicity = c(FALSE,FALSE), p=3,m=2,lambda=NULL,
selection = "GCV",
search.grid = T, search.length = 100, method="L-BFGS-B",
lower= -20, upper=20, control=NULL){
# return a smoothed matrix using fbps
# data: a matrix
# covariates: the list of data points for each dimension
# knots: to specify either the number/numbers of knots or the vector/vectors of knots for each dimension; defaults to 35
# p: the degrees of B-splines
# m: the order of difference penalty
# lambda: the user-selected smoothing parameters
# lscv: for leave-one-subject-out cross validation, the columns are subjects
# method: see "optim"
# lower, upper, control: see "optim"
## data dimension
data_dim = dim(data)
n1 = data_dim[1]
n2 = data_dim[2]
## subject ID
if(is.null(subj)) subj = 1:n2
subj_unique = unique(subj)
I = length(subj_unique)
## covariates for the two axis
if(!is.list(covariates)) {
x=(1:n1)/n1-1/2/n1; ## if NULL, assume equally distributed
z = (1:n2)/n2-1/2/n2
x = covariates[[1]]
z = covariates[[2]]
## B-spline basis setting
p1 = rep(p,2)[1]
p2 = rep(p,2)[2]
m1 = rep(m,2)[1]
m2 = rep(m,2)[2]
## knots
K1 = rep(knots,2)[1]
xknots = select_knots(x,knots=K1,option=knots.option)
K2 = rep(knots,2)[2]
zknots = select_knots(z,knots=K2,option=knots.option)
xknots = knots[[1]]
K1 = length(xknots)-1
knots_left <- 2*xknots[1]-xknots[p1:1+1]
knots_right <- 2*xknots[K1] - xknots[K1-(1:p1)]
xknots <- c(knots_left,xknots,knots_right)
zknots= knots[[2]]
K2 = length(zknots)-1
knots_left <- 2*zknots[1]- zknots[p2:1+1]
knots_right <- 2*zknots[K2] - zknots[K2-(1:p2)]
zknots <- c(knots_left,zknots,knots_right)
Y = data
################### precalculation for fbps smoothing ##########################################66
List = pspline.setting(x,xknots,p1,m1,periodicity[1])
A1 = List$A
B1 = List$B
Bt1 = Matrix(t(as.matrix(B1)))
s1 = List$s
Sigi1_sqrt = List$Sigi.sqrt
U1 = List$U
A01 = Sigi1_sqrt%*%U1
c1 = length(s1)
List = pspline.setting(z,zknots,p2,m2,periodicity[2])
A2 = List$A
B2 = List$B
Bt2 = Matrix(t(as.matrix(B2)))
s2 = List$s
Sigi2_sqrt = List$Sigi.sqrt
U2 = List$U
A02 = Sigi2_sqrt%*%U2
c2 = length(s2)
#################select optimal penalty ####################################
tr <-function(A){ return(sum(diag(A)))} ## the trace of a square matrix
Ytilde = Bt1%*%(Y%*%B2)
Ytilde = t(A01)%*%Ytilde%*%A02
Y_sum = sum(Y^2)
ytilde = as.vector(Ytilde)
KH = function(A,B){
C = matrix(0,dim(A)[1],dim(A)[2]*dim(B)[2])
for(i in 1:dim(A)[1])
C[i,] = kronecker(A[i,],B[i,])
G = rep(0,I)
Ybar = matrix(0,c1,I)
C = matrix(0,c2,I)
Y2 = Bt1%*%Y
Y2 = matrix(t(A01)%*%Y2,c1,n2)
for(i in 1:I){
sel = (1:n2)[subj==subj_unique[i]]
len = length(sel)
G[i] = len
Ybar[,i] = as.vector(matrix(Y2[,sel],ncol=len)%*%rep(1,len))
C[,i] = as.vector(t(matrix(A2[sel,],nrow=len))%*%rep(1,len))
g1 = diag(Ybar%*%diag(G)%*%t(Ybar))
g2 = diag(Ybar%*%t(Ybar))
g3 = ytilde*as.vector(Ybar%*%diag(G)%*%t(C))
g4 = ytilde*as.vector(Ybar%*%t(C))
#g5 = as.vector(C%*%diag(G)%*%t(C))
#g6 = as.vector(C%*%t(C))
#g7 = as.vector(KH(Ytilde,Ytilde))
g5 = diag(C%*%diag(G)%*%t(C))
g6 = diag(C%*%t(C))
#cat("Processing completed\n")
fbps_gcv =function(x){
## two lambda's are the same
lambda1 = lambda
lambda2 = lambda
## two lambda's are different
sigma2 = 1/(1+lambda2*s2)
sigma1 = 1/(1+lambda1*s1)
sigma2_sum = sum(sigma2)
sigma1_sum = sum(sigma1)
sigma = kronecker(sigma2,sigma1)
sigma.2 = kronecker(sqrt(sigma2),sqrt(sigma1))
d = 1/(1-(1+lambda1*s1)/sigma2_sum*n2)
gcv = sum((ytilde*sigma)^2) - 2*sum((ytilde*sigma.2)^2)
gcv = gcv + sum(d^2*g1) - 2*sum(d*g2)
gcv = gcv - 2*sum(g3*kronecker(sigma2,sigma1*d^2))
gcv = gcv + 4*sum(g4*kronecker(sigma2,sigma1*d))
#sigma22 = kronecker(sigma2,sigma2)
#gcv = gcv + sum(g7*kronecker(sigma22*g5,sigma1^2*d^2))
#gcv = gcv - 2*sum(g7*kronecker(sigma22*g6,sigma1^2*d))
gcv = gcv + sum(ytilde^2*kronecker(sigma2^2*g5,sigma1^2*d^2))
gcv = gcv - 2*sum(ytilde^2*kronecker(sigma2^2*g6,sigma1^2*d))
if(selection=="GCV") {
gcv = sum((ytilde*sigma)^2) - 2*sum((ytilde*sigma.2)^2)
gcv = Y_sum + gcv
trace = sigma2_sum*sigma1_sum
gcv = gcv/(1-trace/(n1*n2))^2
fbps_est =function(x){
## two lambda's are the same
lambda1 = lambda
lambda2 = lambda
## two lambda's are different
sigma2 = 1/(1+lambda2*s2)
sigma1 = 1/(1+lambda1*s1)
sigma2_sum = sum(sigma2)
sigma1_sum = sum(sigma1)
sigma = kronecker(sigma2,sigma1)
sigma.2 = kronecker(sqrt(sigma2),sqrt(sigma1))
Theta = A01%*%diag(sigma1)%*%Ytilde
Theta = as.matrix(Theta%*%diag(sigma2)%*%t(A02))
Yhat = as.matrix(as.matrix(B1%*%Theta)%*%Bt2)
setting = list(x = list(knots = xknots, p = p1, m = m1),
z = list(knots = zknots, p = p2, m = m2)))
class(result) ="fbps"
if(search.grid ==T){
lower2 <- lower1 <- lower[1]
upper2 <- upper1 <- upper[1]
search.length2 <- search.length1 <- search.length[1]
if(length(lower)==2) lower2 <- lower[2]
if(length(upper)==2) upper2 <- upper[2]
if(length(search.length)==2) search.length2 <- search.length[2]
Lambda1 = seq(lower1,upper1,length = search.length1)
Lambda2 = seq(lower2,upper2,length = search.length2)
lambda.length1 = length(Lambda1)
lambda.length2 = length(Lambda2)
GCV = matrix(0,lambda.length1,lambda.length2)
for(j in 1:lambda.length1)
for(k in 1:lambda.length2){
GCV[j,k] = fbps_gcv(c(Lambda1[j],Lambda2[k]))
location = which(GCV==min(GCV))[1]
j0 = location%%lambda.length1
if(j0==0) j0 = lambda.length1
k0 = (location-j0)/lambda.length1+1
lambda = exp(c(Lambda1[j0],Lambda2[k0]))
} ## end of search.grid
if(search.grid == F){
fit = optim(0,fbps_gcv,method=method,control=control,
fit = optim(c(fit$par,fit$par),fbps_gcv,method=method,control=control,
if(fit$convergence>0) {
expression = paste("Smoothing failed! The code is:",fit$convergence)
lambda = exp(fit$par)
} ## end of optim
} ## end of finding smoothing parameters
lambda = rep(lambda,2)[1:2]
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