#' Functional principal component analysis with fast covariance estimation
#' A fast implementation of the sandwich smoother (Xiao et al., 2013)
#' for covariance matrix smoothing. Pooled generalized cross validation
#' at the data level is used for selecting the smoothing parameter.
#' @param Y,ydata the user must supply either \code{Y}, a matrix of functions
#' observed on a regular grid, or a data frame \code{ydata} representing
#' irregularly observed functions. See Details.
#' @param Y.pred if desired, a matrix of functions to be approximated using
#' the FPC decomposition.
#' @param argvals numeric; function argument.
#' @param pve proportion of variance explained: used to choose the number of
#' principal components.
#' @param var logical; should an estimate of standard error be returned?
#' @param simul logical; if \code{TRUE} curves will we simulated using
#' Monte Carlo to obtain an estimate of the \code{sim.alpha} quantile at each
#' \code{argval}; ignored if \code{var == FALSE}
#' @param sim.alpha numeric; if \code{simul==TRUE}, quantile to estimate at
#' each \code{argval}; ignored if \code{var == FALSE}
#' @param npc how many smooth SVs to try to extract, if \code{NA} (the
#' default) the hard thresholding rule of Gavish and Donoho (2014) is used (see
#' Details, References).
#' @param center logical; center \code{Y} so that its column-means are 0? Defaults to
#' \code{TRUE}
#' @param p integer; the degree of B-splines functions to use
#' @param m integer; the order of difference penalty to use
#' @param knots number of knots to use or the vectors of knots; defaults to 35
#' @param lambda smoothing parameter; if not specified smoothing parameter is
#' chosen using \code{\link[stats]{optim}} or a grid search
#' @param alpha numeric; tuning parameter for GCV; see parameter \code{gamma}
#' in \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}}
## @param maxiter how many iterations of the power algorithm to perform at
## most (defaults to 15)
## @param tol convergence tolerance for power algorithm (defaults to 1e-4)
## @param diffpen difference penalty order controlling the desired smoothness
## of the right singular vectors, defaults to 3 (i.e., deviations from local
## quadratic polynomials).
## @param gridsearch use \code{\link[stats]{optimize}} or a grid search to
## find GCV-optimal smoothing parameters? defaults to \code{TRUE}.
## @param alphagrid grid of smoothing parameter values for grid search
## @param lower.alpha lower limit for for smoothing parameter if
## \code{!gridsearch}
## @param upper.alpha upper limit for smoothing parameter if
## \code{!gridsearch}
## @param verbose generate graphical summary of progress and diagnostic
## messages? defaults to \code{FALSE}
## @param score.method character; method to use to estimate scores; one of
## \code{"blup"} or \code{"int"} (default)
#' @param search.grid logical; should a grid search be used to find \code{lambda}?
#' Otherwise, \code{\link[stats]{optim}} is used
#' @param search.length integer; length of grid to use for grid search for
#' \code{lambda}; ignored if \code{search.grid} is \code{FALSE}
#' @param method method to use; see \code{\link[stats]{optim}}
#' @param lower see \code{\link[stats]{optim}}
#' @param upper see \code{\link[stats]{optim}}
#' @param control see \code{\link[stats]{optim}}
#' @param periodicity Option for a periodic spline basis. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @return A list with components
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \code{Yhat} - If \code{Y.pred} is specified, the smooth version of
#' \code{Y.pred}. Otherwise, if \code{Y.pred=NULL}, the smooth version of \code{Y}.
#' \item \code{scores} - matrix of scores
#' \item \code{mu} - mean function
#' \item \code{npc} - number of principal components
#' \item \code{efunctions} - matrix of eigenvectors
#' \item \code{evalues} - vector of eigenvalues
#' \item \code{pve} - The percent variance explained by the returned number of PCs
#' }
#' if \code{var == TRUE} additional components are returned
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \code{sigma2} - estimate of the error variance
#' \item \code{VarMats} - list of covariance function estimate for each
#' subject
#' \item \code{diag.var} - matrix containing the diagonals of each matrix in
#' \item \code{crit.val} - list of estimated quantiles; only returned if
#' \code{simul == TRUE}
#' }
#' @author Luo Xiao
#' @seealso \code{\link{}} for another covariance-estimate based
#' smoothing of \code{Y}; \code{\link{fpca2s}} and \code{\link{fpca.ssvd}}
#' for two SVD-based smoothings.
#' @references Xiao, L., Li, Y., and Ruppert, D. (2013).
#' Fast bivariate \emph{P}-splines: the sandwich smoother,
#' \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B}, 75(3), 577-599.
#' Xiao, L., Ruppert, D., Zipunnikov, V., and Crainiceanu, C. (2016).
#' Fast covariance estimation for high-dimensional functional data.
#' \emph{Statistics and Computing}, 26, 409-421.
#' DOI: 10.1007/s11222-014-9485-x.
#' @examples
#' #### settings
#' I <- 50 # number of subjects
#' J <- 3000 # dimension of the data
#' t <- (1:J)/J # a regular grid on [0,1]
#' N <- 4 #number of eigenfunctions
#' sigma <- 2 ##standard deviation of random noises
#' lambdaTrue <- c(1,0.5,0.5^2,0.5^3) # True eigenvalues
#' case = 1
#' ### True Eigenfunctions
#' if(case==1) phi <- sqrt(2)*cbind(sin(2*pi*t),cos(2*pi*t),
#' sin(4*pi*t),cos(4*pi*t))
#' if(case==2) phi <- cbind(rep(1,J),sqrt(3)*(2*t-1),
#' sqrt(5)*(6*t^2-6*t+1),
#' sqrt(7)*(20*t^3-30*t^2+12*t-1))
#' ###################################################
#' ######## Generate Data #############
#' ###################################################
#' xi <- matrix(rnorm(I*N),I,N);
#' xi <- xi %*% diag(sqrt(lambdaTrue))
#' X <- xi %*% t(phi); # of size I by J
#' Y <- X + sigma*matrix(rnorm(I*J),I,J)
#' results <- fpca.face(Y,center = TRUE, argvals=t,knots=100,pve=0.99)
#' # calculate percent variance explained by each PC
#' evalues = results$evalues
#' pve_vec = evalues * results$npc/sum(evalues)
#' ###################################################
#' #### FACE ########
#' ###################################################
#' Phi <- results$efunctions
#' eigenvalues <- results$evalues
#' for(k in 1:N){
#' if(Phi[,k] %*% phi[,k]< 0)
#' Phi[,k] <- - Phi[,k]
#' }
#' ### plot eigenfunctions
#' par(mfrow=c(N/2,2))
#' seq <- (1:(J/10))*10
#' for(k in 1:N){
#' plot(t[seq],Phi[seq,k]*sqrt(J),type="l",lwd = 3,
#' ylim = c(-2,2),col = "red",
#' ylab = paste("Eigenfunction ",k,sep=""),
#' xlab="t",main="FACE")
#' lines(t[seq],phi[seq,k],lwd = 2, col = "black")
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats smooth.spline optim
#' @importFrom Matrix as.matrix
#' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm
fpca.face <-
function(Y=NULL,ydata=NULL,Y.pred = NULL,argvals=NULL,pve = 0.99, npc = NULL,
var = FALSE, simul = FALSE, sim.alpha = 0.95,
center=TRUE,knots=35,p=3,m=2,lambda=NULL,alpha = 1,
method="L-BFGS-B", lower=-20,upper=20, control=NULL,
periodicity = FALSE){
## data: Y, I by J data matrix, functions on rows
## argvals: vector of J
## knots: to specify either the number of knots or the vectors of knots;
## defaults to 35;
## p: the degree of B-splines;
## m: the order of difference penalty
## lambda: user-selected smoothing parameter
## method: see R function "optim"
## lower, upper, control: see R function "optim"
data_dim <- dim(Y)
I <- data_dim[1] ## number of subjects
J <- data_dim[2] ## number of obs per function
if(is.null(argvals)) argvals <- (1:J)/J-1/2/J ## if NULL, assume equally spaced
meanX <- rep(0,J)
if(center) {##center the functions
meanX <- colMeans(Y, na.rm=TRUE)
meanX <- smooth.spline(argvals,meanX,all.knots =TRUE)$y
Y <- t(t(Y)- meanX)
## specify the B-spline basis: knots
p.p <- p
m.p <- m
if(knots+p.p>=J) cat("Too many knots!\n")
K.p <- knots
knots <- seq(-p.p,K.p+p.p,length=K.p+1+2*p.p)/K.p
knots <- knots*(max(argvals)-min(argvals)) + min(argvals)
if(length(knots)>1) K.p <- length(knots)-2*p.p-1
if(K.p>=J) cat("Too many knots!\n")
stopifnot(K.p <J)
c.p <- K.p + p.p
######### precalculation for smoothing #############
List <- pspline.setting(argvals,knots,p.p,m.p, periodicity=periodicity)
B <- List$B
Bt <- Matrix(t(as.matrix(B)))
s <- List$s
Sigi.sqrt <- List$Sigi.sqrt
U <- List$U
A0 <- Sigi.sqrt%*%U
MM <- function(A,s,option=1){
######## precalculation for missing data ########
imputation <- FALSE
Niter.miss <- 1
Index.miss <-
num.miss <- rowSums(
for(i in 1:I){
y <- Y[i,]
seq <- (1:J)[!]
seq2 <-(1:J)[]
t1 <- argvals[seq]
t2 <- argvals[seq2]
fit <- smooth.spline(t1,y[seq])
temp <- predict(fit,t2,all.knots=TRUE)$y
if(max(t2)>max(t1)) temp[t2>max(t1)] <- mean(y[seq])#y[seq[length(seq)]]
if(min(t2)<min(t1)) temp[t2<min(t1)] <- mean(y[seq])#y[seq[1]]
Y[i,seq2] <- temp
Y0 <- matrix(NA,c.p,I)
imputation <- TRUE
Niter.miss <- 100
convergence.vector <- rep(0,Niter.miss);
iter.miss <- 1
totalmiss <- mean(Index.miss)
while(iter.miss <= Niter.miss&&convergence.vector[iter.miss]==0) {
######## Transform the Data #############
Ytilde <- as.matrix(t(A0)%*%as.matrix(Bt%*%t(Y)))
C_diag <- rowSums(Ytilde^2)
if(iter.miss==1) Y0 = Ytilde
######## Select Smoothing Parameters #############
Y_square <- sum(Y^2)
Ytilde_square <- sum(Ytilde^2)
face_gcv <- function(x) {
lambda <- exp(x)
lambda_s <- (lambda*s)^2/(1 + lambda*s)^2
gcv <- sum(C_diag*lambda_s) - Ytilde_square + Y_square
trace <- sum(1/(1+lambda*s))
gcv <- gcv/(1-alpha*trace/J/(1-totalmiss))^2
if(is.null(lambda)) {
fit <- optim(0,face_gcv,method=method,lower=lower,upper=upper,control=control)
if(fit$convergence>0) {
expression <- paste("Smoothing failed! The code is:",fit$convergence)
lambda <- exp(fit$par)
} else {
Lambda <- seq(lower,upper,length=search.length)
Length <- length(Lambda)
Gcv <- rep(0,Length)
for(i in 1:Length)
Gcv[i] <- face_gcv(Lambda[i])
i0 <- which.min(Gcv)
lambda <- exp(Lambda[i0])
YS <- MM(Ytilde,1/(1+lambda*s),2)
#### Eigendecomposition of Smoothed Data #########
if(c.p <= I){
temp <- YS%*%t(YS)/I
Eigen <- eigen(temp,symmetric=TRUE)
A <- Eigen$vectors
Sigma <- Eigen$values/J
} else {
temp <- t(YS)%*%YS/I
Eigen <- eigen(temp,symmetric=TRUE)
Sigma <- Eigen$values/J
#N <- sum(Sigma>0.0000001)
A <- YS%*%(Eigen$vectors%*%diag(1/sqrt(Eigen$values)))/sqrt(I)
if(iter.miss>1&&iter.miss< Niter.miss) {
diff <- norm(YS-YS.temp,"F")/norm(YS,"F")
if(diff <= 0.02)
convergence.vector[iter.miss+1] <- 1
YS.temp <- YS
iter.miss <- iter.miss + 1
N <- min(I,c.p)
d <- Sigma[1:N]
d <- d[d>0]
per <- cumsum(d)/sum(d)
N <- ifelse (is.null(npc), min(which(per>pve)), min(npc, length(d)))
####### Principal Scores #########
######## data imputation #########
if(imputation) {
A.N <- A[,1:N]
d <- Sigma[1:N]
sigmahat2 <- max(mean(Y[!Index.miss]^2) -sum(Sigma),0)
Xi <- t(A.N)%*%Ytilde
Xi <- t(as.matrix(B%*%(A0%*%((A.N%*%diag(d/(d+sigmahat2/J)))%*%Xi))))
Y <- Y*(1-Index.miss) + Xi*Index.miss
#if(iter.miss%%10==0) print(iter.miss)
} ## end of while loop
### now calculate scores
if(is.null(Y.pred)) Y.pred = Y
else {Y.pred = t(t(as.matrix(Y.pred))-meanX)}
N <- ifelse (is.null(npc), min(which(per>pve)), npc)
if (N>ncol(A)) {
warning(paste0("The requested npc of ", npc,
" is greater than the maximum allowable value of ",
ncol(A), ". Using ", ncol(A), "."))
N <- ncol(A)
npc <- N
Ytilde <- as.matrix(t(A0)%*%(Bt%*%t(Y.pred)))
sigmahat2 <- max(mean(Y[!Index.miss]^2) -sum(Sigma),0)
Xi <- t(Ytilde)%*%(matrix(A[,1:N], ncol = N)/sqrt(J))
Xi <- MM(Xi,Sigma[1:N]/(Sigma[1:N] + sigmahat2/J))
eigenvectors = as.matrix(B%*%(A0%*% matrix(A[,1:N], ncol = N)))
eigenvalues = Sigma[1:N]
Yhat <- t(matrix(A[,1:N], ncol = N))%*%Ytilde
if(N > 1){
Yhat <- as.matrix(B %*%( A0%*%matrix(A[,1:N], ncol = N) %*% diag(eigenvalues/(eigenvalues+sigmahat2/J))%*%Yhat ) )
Yhat <- as.matrix(B %*%( A0 %*% matrix(A[,1:N], ncol = N) %*% Yhat * eigenvalues/(eigenvalues+sigmahat2/J)))
Yhat <- t(Yhat + meanX)
scores <- sqrt(J)*Xi[,1:N]
mu <- meanX
efunctions <- eigenvectors[,1:N]
evalues <- J*eigenvalues[1:N]
pve <- per[N]
ret.objects <- c("Yhat", "Y", "scores", "mu", "efunctions", "evalues", "npc", "pve")
if(var) {
sigma2 = sigmahat2
VarMats = vector("list",I)
diag.var = matrix(NA, nrow=I,ncol=J)
crit.val = rep(0,I)
for(i.subj in 1:I){
temp = sigma2*eigenvectors%*%solve(t(eigenvectors)%*%eigenvectors + sigma2*diag(eigenvalues))%*%t(eigenvectors)
VarMats[[i.subj]] = temp
diag.var[i.subj,] = diag(temp)
if (simul & sigma2 != 0) {
norm.samp = mvrnorm(2500, mu = rep(0, J), Sigma = VarMats[[i.subj]])/matrix(sqrt(diag(VarMats[[i.subj]])),
nrow = 2500, ncol = J, byrow = TRUE)
crit.val[i.subj] = quantile(apply(abs(norm.samp), 1, max), sim.alpha)
ret.objects = c(ret.objects,"sigma2","diag.var","VarMats")
if (simul) {
ret.objects = c(ret.objects, "crit.val")
ret = lapply(1:length(ret.objects), function(u) get(ret.objects[u]))
names(ret) = ret.objects
class(ret) = "fpca"
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