#' Multilevel functional principal components analysis with fast covariance estimation
#' Decompose dense or sparse multilevel functional observations using multilevel
#' functional principal component analysis with the fast covariance estimation
#' approach.
#' The fast MFPCA approach (Cui et al., 2023) uses FACE (Xiao et al., 2016) to estimate
#' covariance functions and mixed model equations (MME) to predict
#' scores for each level. As a result, it has lower computational complexity than
#' MFPCA (Di et al., 2009) implemented in the \code{} function, and
#' can be applied to decompose data sets with over 10000 subjects and over 10000
#' dimensions.
#' @param Y A multilevel functional dataset on a regular grid stored in a matrix.
#' Each row of the data is the functional observations at one visit for one subject.
#' Missingness is allowed and need to be labeled as NA. The data must be specified.
#' @param id A vector containing the id information to identify the subjects. The
#' data must be specified.
#' @param visit A vector containing information used to identify the visits.
#' If not provided, assume the visit id are 1,2,... for each subject.
#' @param twoway Logical, indicating whether to carry out twoway ANOVA and
#' calculate visit-specific means. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param weight The way of calculating covariance. \code{weight = "obs"} indicates
#' that the sample covariance is weighted by observations. \code{weight = "subj"}
#' indicates that the sample covariance is weighted equally by subjects. Defaults to \code{"obs"}.
#' @param argvals A vector containing observed locations on the functional domain.
#' @param pve Proportion of variance explained. This value is used to choose the
#' number of principal components for both levels.
#' @param npc Pre-specified value for the number of principal components.
#' If given, this overrides \code{pve}.
#' @param pve2 Proportion of variance explained in level 2. If given, this overrides
#' the value of \code{pve} for level 2.
#' @param npc2 Pre-specified value for the number of principal components in level 2.
#' If given, this overrides \code{npc} for level 2.
#' @param p The degree of B-splines functions to use. Defaults to 3.
#' @param m The order of difference penalty to use. Defaults to 2.
#' @param knots Number of knots to use or the vectors of knots. Defaults to 35.
#' @param silent Logical, indicating whether to not display the name of each step.
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @return A list containing:
#' \item{Yhat}{FPC approximation (projection onto leading components)
#' of \code{Y}, estimated curves for all subjects and visits}
#' \item{Yhat.subject}{Estimated subject specific curves for all subjects}
#' \item{Y.df}{The observed data}
#' \item{mu}{estimated mean function (or a vector of zeroes if \code{center==FALSE}).}
#' \item{eta}{The estimated visit specific shifts from overall mean.}
#' \item{scores}{A matrix of estimated FPC scores for level1 and level2.}
#' \item{efunctions}{A matrix of estimated eigenfunctions of the functional
#' covariance, i.e., the FPC basis functions for levels 1 and 2.}
#' \item{evalues}{Estimated eigenvalues of the covariance operator, i.e., variances
#' of FPC scores for levels 1 and 2.}
#' \item{pve}{The percent variance explained by the returned number of PCs.}
#' \item{npc}{Number of FPCs: either the supplied \code{npc}, or the minimum
#' number of basis functions needed to explain proportion \code{pve} of the
#' variance in the observed curves for levels 1 and 2.}
#' \item{sigma2}{Estimated measurement error variance.}
#' @author Ruonan Li \email{}, Erjia Cui \email{}
#' @references Cui, E., Li, R., Crainiceanu, C., and Xiao, L. (2023). Fast multilevel
#' functional principal component analysis. \emph{Journal of Computational and
#' Graphical Statistics}, 32(3), 366-377.
#' Di, C., Crainiceanu, C., Caffo, B., and Punjabi, N. (2009).
#' Multilevel functional principal component analysis. \emph{Annals of Applied
#' Statistics}, 3, 458-488.
#' Xiao, L., Ruppert, D., Zipunnikov, V., and Crainiceanu, C. (2016).
#' Fast covariance estimation for high-dimensional functional data.
#' \emph{Statistics and Computing}, 26, 409-421.
#' @export
#' @importFrom splines spline.des
#' @importFrom mgcv s smooth.construct gam predict.gam
#' @importFrom MASS ginv
#' @importFrom Matrix crossprod
#' @importFrom stats smooth.spline optim
#' @examples
#' data(DTI)
#' mfpca.DTI <- mfpca.face(Y = DTI$cca, id = DTI$ID, twoway = TRUE)
mfpca.face <- function(Y, id, visit = NULL, twoway = TRUE, weight = "obs", argvals = NULL,
pve = 0.99, npc = NULL, pve2 = NULL, npc2 = NULL, p = 3, m = 2,
knots = 35, silent = TRUE){
pspline.setting.mfpca <- function(x,knots=35,p=3,m=2,weight=NULL,type="full",
# design matrix
K = length(knots)-2*p-1
B = spline.des(knots=knots, x=x, ord=p+1, outer.ok=TRUE,sparse=TRUE)$design
bs = "ps"
if(knots.option == "quantile"){
bs = "bs"
s.object = s(x=x, bs=bs, k=K+p, m=c(p-1,2), sp=NULL)
object = smooth.construct(s.object,data = data.frame(x=x),knots=list(x=knots))
P = object$S[[1]]
if(knots.option == "quantile") P = P / max(abs(P))*10 # rescaling
if(is.null(weight)) weight <- rep(1,length(x))
Sig = crossprod(matrix.multiply.mfpca(B,weight,option=2),B)
eSig = eigen(Sig)
V = eSig$vectors
E = eSig$values
if(min(E)<=0.0000001) {
E <- E + 0.000001;
Sigi_sqrt = matrix.multiply.mfpca(V,1/sqrt(E))%*%t(V)
tUPU = Sigi_sqrt%*%(P%*%Sigi_sqrt)
Esig = eigen(tUPU,symmetric=TRUE)
U = Esig$vectors
s = Esig$values
A = B%*%(Sigi_sqrt%*%U)
s = NULL
Sigi_sqrt = NULL
List = list("A" = A, "B" = B, "s" = s, "Sigi.sqrt" = Sigi_sqrt, "U" = U, "P" = P)
quadWeights.mfpca <- function(argvals, method = "trapezoidal"){
ret <- switch(method,
trapezoidal = {D <- length(argvals)
1/2*c(argvals[2] - argvals[1], argvals[3:D] -argvals[1:(D-2)], argvals[D] - argvals[D-1])},
midpoint = c(0,diff(argvals)),
stop("function quadWeights: choose either trapezoidal or midpoint quadrature rule"))
## Organize the input
if(silent == FALSE) print("Organize the input")
stopifnot((!is.null(Y) & !is.null(id)))
## specify visit variable if not provided
if (!is.null(visit)){
visit <- as.factor(visit)
}else{ ## if visit is not provided, assume the visit id are 1,2,... for each subject
visit <- as.factor(ave(id, id, FUN=seq_along))
id <- as.factor(id) ## convert id into a factor
## organize data into one data frame
df <- data.frame(id = id, visit = visit, Y = I(Y))
rm(id, visit, Y)
## derive several variables that will be used later
J <- length(levels(df$visit)) ## number of visits
L <- ncol(df$Y) ## number of observations along the domain
nVisits <- data.frame(table(df$id)) ## calculate number of visits for each subject
colnames(nVisits) = c("id", "numVisits")
ID = sort(unique(df$id)) ## id of each subject
I <- length(ID) ## number of subjects
## assume observations are equally-spaced on [0,1] if not specified
if (is.null(argvals)) argvals <- seq(0, 1, length.out=L)
## Estimate population mean function (mu) and visit-specific mean function (eta)
if(silent == FALSE) print("Estimate population and visit-specific mean functions")
meanY <- colMeans(df$Y, na.rm = TRUE)
fit_mu <- gam(meanY ~ s(argvals))
mu <- as.vector(predict(fit_mu, newdata = data.frame(argvals = argvals)))
rm(meanY, fit_mu)
mueta = matrix(0, L, J)
eta = matrix(0, L, J) ## matrix to store visit-specific means
colnames(mueta) <- colnames(eta) <- levels(df$visit)
Ytilde <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(df$Y), ncol = ncol(df$Y))
if(twoway==TRUE) {
for(j in 1:J) {
ind_j <- which(df$visit == levels(df$visit)[j])
if(length(ind_j) > 1){
meanYj <- colMeans(df$Y[ind_j,], na.rm=TRUE)
meanYj <- df$Y[ind_j,]
fit_mueta <- gam(meanYj ~ s(argvals))
mueta[,j] <- predict(fit_mueta, newdata = data.frame(argvals = argvals))
eta[,j] <- mueta[,j] - mu
Ytilde[ind_j,] <- df$Y[ind_j,] - matrix(mueta[,j], nrow = length(ind_j), ncol = L, byrow = TRUE)
rm(meanYj, fit_mueta, ind_j, j)
} else{
Ytilde <- df$Y - matrix(mu, nrow = nrow(df$Y), ncol = L, byrow = TRUE)
df$Ytilde <- I(Ytilde) ## Ytilde is the centered multilevel functional data
## FACE preparation: see Xiao et al. (2016) for details
if(silent == FALSE) print("Prepare ingredients for FACE")
## Specify the knots of B-spline basis
if(knots+p>=L) cat("Too many knots!\n")
K.p <- knots
knots <- seq(-p, K.p+p, length=K.p+1+2*p)/K.p
knots <- knots*(max(argvals)-min(argvals)) + min(argvals)
if(length(knots)>1) K.p <- length(knots)-2*p-1
if(K.p>=L) cat("Too many knots!\n")
stopifnot(K.p < L)
c.p <- K.p + p # the number of B-spline basis functions
## Precalculation for smoothing
List <- pspline.setting.mfpca(argvals, knots, p, m)
B <- List$B # B is the J by c design matrix
Sigi.sqrt <- List$Sigi.sqrt # (t(B)B)^(-1/2)
s <- List$s # eigenvalues of Sigi_sqrt%*%(P%*%Sigi_sqrt)
U <- List$U # eigenvectors of Sigi_sqrt%*%(P%*%Sigi_sqrt)
A0 <- Sigi.sqrt %*% U
G <- crossprod(B) / nrow(B)
eig_G <- eigen(G, symmetric = T)
G_half <- eig_G$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(eig_G$values)) %*% t(eig_G$vectors)
G_invhalf <- eig_G$vectors %*% diag(1/sqrt(eig_G$values)) %*% t(eig_G$vectors)
Bnew <- as.matrix(B %*% G_invhalf) #the transformed basis functions
Anew <- G_half %*% A0
rm(List, Sigi.sqrt, U, G, eig_G, G_half)
## Impute missing data of Y using FACE and estimate the total covariance (Kt)
if(silent == FALSE) print("Estimate the total covariance (Kt)")
Ji <- as.numeric(table(df$id))
diagD <- rep(Ji, Ji)
smooth.Gt = face.Cov.mfpca(Y=unclass(df$Ytilde), argvals, A0, B, Anew, Bnew, G_invhalf, s)
## impute missing data of Y using FACE approach
df$Ytilde[which($Ytilde))] <- smooth.Gt$Yhat[which($Ytilde))]
YH <- unclass(df$Ytilde)*sqrt(nrow(df$Ytilde)/(I*diagD))
smooth.Gt <- face.Cov.mfpca(Y=YH, argvals, A0, B, Anew, Bnew, G_invhalf, s)
diag_Gt <- colMeans(df$Ytilde^2)
## Estimate principal components of the within covariance (Kw)
if(silent == FALSE) print("Estimate principal components of the within covariance (Kw)")
inx_row_ls <- split(1:nrow(df$Ytilde), f=factor(df$id, levels=unique(df$id)))
Ysubm <- t(vapply(inx_row_ls, function(x) colSums(df$Ytilde[x,,drop=FALSE],na.rm=TRUE), numeric(L)))
weights <- sqrt(nrow(df$Ytilde)/(sum(diagD) - nrow(df$Ytilde)))
YR <-"rbind",lapply(1:I, function(x) {
weights*sqrt(Ji[x]) * t(t(df$Ytilde[inx_row_ls[[x]],,drop=FALSE]) - Ysubm[x,]/Ji[x])
weights <- sqrt(nrow(df$Ytilde)/sum(Ji>1))
YR <-"rbind",lapply(1:I, function(x) {
if(Ji[x]>1) return((weights/sqrt(Ji[x]-1)) * t(t(df$Ytilde[inx_row_ls[[x]],,drop=FALSE]) - Ysubm[x,]/Ji[x]))
smooth.Gw <- face.Cov.mfpca(Y=YR, argvals, A0, B, Anew, Bnew, G_invhalf, s)
sigma.Gw <- smooth.Gw$evalues # raw eigenvalues of Gw
per <- cumsum(sigma.Gw)/sum(sigma.Gw)
if (is.null(pve2)) pve2 <- pve
if (!is.null(npc)){
if (is.null(npc2)) npc2 <- npc
N.Gw <- ifelse (is.null(npc2), min(which(per>pve2)), min(npc2, length(sigma.Gw)))
pve2 <- per[N.Gw]
smooth.Gw$efunctions <- smooth.Gw$efunctions[,1:N.Gw]
smooth.Gw$evalues <- smooth.Gw$evalues[1:N.Gw]
rm(Ji, diagD, inx_row_ls, weights, weight, Ysubm, YR, B, Anew, G_invhalf, s, per, N.Gw, sigma.Gw)
## Estimate principal components of the between covariance (Kb)
if(silent == FALSE) print("Estimate principal components of the between covariance (Kb)")
temp = smooth.Gt$decom - smooth.Gw$decom
Eigen <- eigen(temp,symmetric=TRUE)
Sigma <- Eigen$values
d <- Sigma[1:c.p]
d <- d[d>0]
per <- cumsum(d)/sum(d)
N.Gb <- ifelse (is.null(npc), min(which(per>pve)), min(npc, length(d)))
smooth.Gb <- list(evalues=Sigma[1:N.Gb], efunctions=Bnew%*%Eigen$vectors[,1:N.Gb])
pve1 <- per[N.Gb]
rm(smooth.Gt, temp, Eigen, Sigma, d, per, N.Gb, Bnew)
## Estimate eigenvalues and eigenfunctions at two levels by calling the
## eigenfunction (in R "base" package) on discretized covariance matrices.
if(silent == FALSE) print("Estimate eigenvalues and eigenfunctions at two levels")
efunctions <- list(level1=as.matrix(smooth.Gb$efunctions), level2=as.matrix(smooth.Gw$efunctions))
evalues <- list(level1=smooth.Gb$evalues,level2=smooth.Gw$evalues)
npc <- list(level1=length(evalues[[1]]), level2=length(evalues[[2]]))
pve <- list(level1 = pve1, level2 = pve2)
names(efunctions) <- names(evalues) <- names(npc) <- c("level1", "level2")
rm(smooth.Gb, smooth.Gw)
# Estimate the measurement error variance (sigma^2)
if(silent == FALSE) print("Estimate the measurement error variance (sigma^2)")
cov.hat <- lapply(c("level1", "level2"), function(x) colSums(t(efunctions[[x]]^2)*evalues[[x]]))
T.len <- argvals[L] - argvals[1]
T1.min <- min(which(argvals >= argvals[1] + 0.25 * T.len))
T1.max <- max(which(argvals <= argvals[L] - 0.25 * T.len))
DIAG <- (diag_Gt - cov.hat[[1]] - cov.hat[[2]])[T1.min:T1.max]
w2 <- quadWeights.mfpca(argvals[T1.min:T1.max], method = "trapezoidal")
sigma2 <- max(weighted.mean(DIAG, w = w2, na.rm = TRUE), 0) ## estimated measurement error variance
rm(cov.hat, T.len, T1.min, T1.max, DIAG, w2)
# Estimate the principal component scores
if(silent == FALSE) print("Estimate principal component scores")
## estimated subject-visit and subject-specific underlying smooth curves
Xhat <- Xhat.subject <- matrix(0, nrow(df$Y), L)
phi1 <- efunctions[[1]] ## extract eigenfunctions for simpler notations
phi2 <- efunctions[[2]]
score1 <- matrix(0, I, npc[[1]]) ## matrices storing scores of two levels
score2 <- matrix(0, nrow(df$Y), npc[[2]])
unVisits <- unique(nVisits$numVisits) ## unique number of visits
if(length(unVisits) < I){
for(j in 1:length(unVisits)){
Jm <- unVisits[j]
## calculate block matrices
if(sigma2 < 1e-10){
A <- Jm * (t(phi1) %*% phi1)
B <- matrix(rep(t(phi1) %*% phi2, Jm), nrow = npc[[1]])
temp <- ginv(t(phi2) %*% phi2)
A <- Jm * (t(phi1) %*% phi1) / sigma2 + 1 / evalues[[1]]
A <- Jm * (t(phi1) %*% phi1) / sigma2 + diag(1 / evalues[[1]])
B = matrix(rep(t(phi1) %*% phi2 / sigma2, Jm), nrow = npc[[1]])
temp = ginv(t(phi2) %*% phi2 / sigma2 + 1 / evalues[[2]])
temp = ginv(t(phi2) %*% phi2 / sigma2 + diag(1 / evalues[[2]]))
C <- t(B)
invD <- kronecker(diag(1, Jm), temp)
## calculate inverse of each block components separately
MatE <- ginv(A-B%*%invD%*%C)
MatF <- -invD%*%C%*%MatE
MatG <- -MatE%*%B%*%invD
MatH <- invD - invD%*%C%*%MatG
Mat1 <- cbind(MatE,MatG)
Mat2 <- cbind(MatF,MatH)
## estimate the principal component scores using MME
ind.Jm <- nVisits$id[which(nVisits$numVisits == Jm)]
YJm <- matrix(df$Ytilde[which(df$id %in% ind.Jm),], ncol = L)
int1 <- rowsum(df$Ytilde[which(df$id %in% ind.Jm),] %*% phi1, rep(1:length(ind.Jm), each = Jm))
int2 <- t(matrix(t(df$Ytilde[which(df$id %in% ind.Jm),] %*% phi2), nrow = npc[[2]]*Jm))
int <- cbind(int1, int2)
if(sigma2 >= 1e-10){
int <- int / sigma2
score1[which(nVisits$id %in% ind.Jm),] <- int %*% t(Mat1)
score2[which(df$id %in% ind.Jm),] <- t(matrix(Mat2 %*% t(int), nrow = npc[[2]]))
temp <- score1[which(nVisits$id %in% ind.Jm),] %*% t(phi1)
Xhat.subject[which(df$id %in% ind.Jm),] <- temp[rep(1:length(ind.Jm), each = Jm),]
Xhat[which(df$id %in% ind.Jm),] <- Xhat.subject[which(df$id %in% ind.Jm),] +
score2[which(df$id %in% ind.Jm),] %*% t(phi2)
for(g in 1:length(levels(df$visit))){
ind.visit <- which(df$visit == levels(df$visit)[g])
Xhat.subject[ind.visit,] <- t(t(Xhat.subject[ind.visit,]) + mu + eta[,levels(df$visit)[g]])
Xhat[ind.visit,] <- t(t(Xhat[ind.visit,]) + mu + eta[,levels(df$visit)[g]])
rm(YJm, g, ind.visit, ind.Jm)
for(m in 1:I){
Jm <- nVisits[m, 2] ## number of visits for mth subject
## calculate block matrices
if(sigma2 < 1e-10){
A <- Jm * (t(phi1) %*% phi1)
B <- matrix(rep(t(phi1) %*% phi2, Jm), nrow = npc[[1]])
temp <- ginv(t(phi2) %*% phi2)
A <- Jm * (t(phi1) %*% phi1) / sigma2 + 1 / evalues[[1]]
A <- Jm * (t(phi1) %*% phi1) / sigma2 + diag(1 / evalues[[1]])
B = matrix(rep(t(phi1) %*% phi2 / sigma2, Jm), nrow = npc[[1]])
temp = ginv(t(phi2) %*% phi2 / sigma2 + 1 / evalues[[2]])
temp = ginv(t(phi2) %*% phi2 / sigma2 + diag(1 / evalues[[2]]))
C <- t(B)
invD <- kronecker(diag(1, Jm), temp)
## calculate inverse of each block components separately
MatE <- ginv(A-B%*%invD%*%C)
MatF <- -invD%*%C%*%MatE
MatG <- -MatE%*%B%*%invD
MatH <- invD - invD%*%C%*%MatG
Mat1 <- cbind(MatE,MatG)
Mat2 <- cbind(MatF,MatH)
## estimate the principal component scores
int1 <- colSums(matrix(df$Ytilde[df$id==ID[m],], ncol = L) %*% phi1)
int2 <- matrix(df$Ytilde[df$id==ID[m],], ncol = L) %*% phi2
if(sigma2 < 1e-10){
int <- c(int1, as.vector(t(int2)))
int <- c(int1, as.vector(t(int2))) / sigma2
score1[m,] <- Mat1 %*% int
score2[which(df$id==ID[m]),] <- matrix(Mat2 %*% int, ncol = npc[[2]], byrow=TRUE)
for (j in which(df$id==ID[m])) {
Xhat.subject[j,] <- as.matrix(mu) + eta[,df$visit[j]] + as.vector(phi1 %*% score1[m,])
Xhat[j,] <- Xhat.subject[j,] + as.vector(phi2 %*% score2[j,])
scores <- list(level1 = score1, level2 = score2)
rm(A, B, C, int, int1, int2, invD, Mat1, Mat2, MatE, MatF, MatG, MatH, temp, j, Jm, unVisits, phi1, phi2, score1, score2)
# Organize the results
if(silent == FALSE) print("Organize the results")
res <- list(Yhat = Xhat, Yhat.subject = Xhat.subject, Y.df = df$Y, mu = mu, eta = eta,
scores = scores,
efunctions = efunctions,
evalues = evalues, npc = npc,
pve = pve,
sigma2 = sigma2)
rm(df, efunctions, eta, evalues, mueta, nVisits, npc, scores, Xhat, Xhat.subject,
argvals, diag_Gt, I, ID, J, mu, pve, L, sigma2)
class(res) <- "mfpca"
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