
Defines functions associate

Documented in associate

associate <-
  function(formula,data,permutations=500,seed=NA,plot=TRUE,classic=FALSE,cex.leg=0.7,n.levels=NA,prompt=TRUE,color=TRUE,...) {
    #Make sure permutations parameter is a positive integer.  If 0, report classic results.
    if( is.numeric(permutations) == FALSE ) {
      stop(paste("Error:  permutations parameter must be a positive integer.  You entered:",permutations,"\n"))
    if (permutations < 0) {
      stop(paste("Error:  permutations parameter must be a positive integer.  You entered:",permutations,"\n"))
    if (permutations==0) { classic <- TRUE }
    #If permutations isn't an integer, round it to be one
    permutations <- round(permutations)
    #Determine if plots must be made.  If new plot, set to default parameters
    if( (classic==FALSE & permutations <=0) | plot==FALSE ) { plot <- FALSE } else { 
      par(mar=c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1) }
    op <- options() 
    FORM <- formula(formula)
    variables <- as.character(attr(terms(FORM), "variables"))[-1]
    if(length(variables)==1) { variables <- c(variables,variables) }
    x.label <- variables[2]
    y.label <- variables[1]
    #Define x and y, checking data first before the existing environment 
    if( class(try(eval(parse(text=variables[2]),envir=data),silent=TRUE))=="try-error" ) {
      x <- eval(parse(text=variables[2]))
    } else { x <- eval(parse(text=variables[2]),envir=data) }
    if( class(try(eval(parse(text=variables[1]),envir=data),silent=TRUE))=="try-error" ) {
      y <- eval(parse(text=variables[1]))
    } else { y <- eval(parse(text=variables[1]),envir=data) }
    #Make sure x and y are things we can work with.  If x/y is "AsIs", convert to numerical
    if( length(setdiff(c(class(x)[1],class(y)[1]),c("character","factor","numeric","integer","logical","AsIs","ordered")))>0) {
      stop(paste("Error:  both x and y need to be numeric vectors, character vectors, or factors.\n Currently, x is",class(x),"and y is",class(y),"\n"))
    if(head(class(x),1)=="AsIs") { x <- as.numeric(x) }
    if(head(class(y),1)=="AsIs") { y <- as.numeric(y) }
    #Make sure there's enough data
    if( length(x) < 2 | length(y) < 2) { stop(paste("Error:  need at least 2 observations to proceed.  Currently, only have",length(x),"\n")) }
    #If simulations are to be performed, set the random number seed if necessary
    if(!is.na(seed)) { set.seed(seed) }
    #If a large number of simulations is requested, make sure it is desired (and default to classic if not)
    if(permutations>5000 & prompt==TRUE) {
      cat(paste("You requested",permutations,"permutations to approximate the p-values.  This may take a while.\n"))
      cat(paste("If you are sure you want to continue, type y then enter/return  \n"))
      line <- readline()
      if( line %in% c("yes","y","Y","Yes","YES","ye","YE","Ye") == FALSE ) { permutations <-0; classic=TRUE }
    #If a large number of cases are involved, make sure it is desired (and default to classic if not)
    n.cases <- length( intersect( which(complete.cases(x)),which(complete.cases(y)) ))
    if( n.cases >5000 & prompt==TRUE) {
      cat(paste("You have",n.cases,"observations.  This may take a while.\n"))
      cat(paste("If you are sure you want to continue, type y then enter/return  \n"))
      line <- readline()
      if( line %in% c("yes","y","Y","Yes","YES","ye","YE","Ye") == FALSE ) { permutations <-0; classic=TRUE }
    #Define important functions to avoid loading in unnecessary libraries
    #Brown-Forsythe test (Levene's test) for equal spread of y between levels of x
    levene.test <- function(y,x) {
      level.names <- levels(x)
      for (i in 1:length(level.names)) {
        selected <- which(x==level.names[i])
        y[selected] <- abs(y[selected]-median(y[selected])) 
      return( (anova(lm(y~x))[5])[1,1] )
    #White test of constant variance:  this is verbatim from Package bstats version 1.1-11-5
    white.test <- function(lmobj, squares.only = FALSE)
      stopifnot(head(class(lmobj),1) == "lm")
      mydata <- lmobj$model
      mydata[, 1] <- lmobj$residual^2
      fml <- lmobj$call$formula
      formula1 <- paste(fml[2], fml[1], fml[3])
      pvs <- attr(lmobj$terms, "term.labels")
      k <- length(pvs)
      n <- length(lmobj$fit)
      for (i in 1:k) {
        tmp <- NULL
        if (substr(pvs[i], 1, 2) == "I(") {
          tmp2 <- substr(pvs[i], 3, nchar(pvs[i]) - 1)
        else {
          tmp2 <- pvs[i]
        for (j in 1:nchar(tmp2)) {
          tmp1 <- substr(tmp2, j, j)
          if (tmp1 == ":")
            tmp <- paste(tmp, "*", sep = "")
          else tmp <- paste(tmp, tmp1, sep = "")
        pvs[i] <- tmp
      formula2 <- paste(fml[2], fml[1])
      for (i in 1:k) {
        if (i > 1)
          formula2 <- paste(formula2, "+", sep = "")
        formula2 <- paste(formula2, "I(", pvs[i], ")", sep = "")
        if (squares.only) {
          formula2 <- paste(formula2, "+I(", pvs[i], "*", pvs[i],
                            ")", sep = "")
        else {
          for (j in i:k) formula2 <- paste(formula2, "+I(",
                                           pvs[i], "*", pvs[j], ")", sep = "")
      method <- ifelse(squares.only, "White test for constant variance, squares only",
                       "White test for constant variance")
      out <- lm(as.formula(formula2), data = mydata)
      if (summary(out)$r.squared == 1) {
        RVAL <- NULL
        warning("Test failed.  Possible reasons:\n\t (1) collinearity, or (2) sample size is not big enough for the White's test.")
      else {
        LM = summary(out)$r.squared * n
        names(LM) <- "White"
        df <- out$rank - 1
        names(df) <- "df"
        RVAL <- list(statistic = LM, parameter = df, method = method,
                     p.value = pchisq(LM, df, lower.tail = FALSE), data.name = NULL)
        class(RVAL) <- "htest"
    #Breusch-Pagan Test test of constant variance:  this is verbatim from Package bstats version 1.1-11-5
    bptest <- function (formula, varformula = NULL, studentize = TRUE, data = list())
      dname <- paste(deparse(substitute(formula)))
      if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) {
        X <- if (is.matrix(formula$x))
        else model.matrix(terms(formula), model.frame(formula))
        y <- if (is.vector(formula$y))
        else model.response(model.frame(formula))
        Z <- if (is.null(varformula))
        else model.matrix(varformula, data = data)
      else {
        mf <- model.frame(formula, data = data)
        y <- model.response(mf)
        X <- model.matrix(formula, data = data)
        Z <- if (is.null(varformula))
        else model.matrix(varformula, data = data)
      if (!(all(c(row.names(X) %in% row.names(Z), row.names(Z) %in%
                  row.names(X))))) {
        allnames <- row.names(X)[row.names(X) %in% row.names(Z)]
        X <- X[allnames, ]
        Z <- Z[allnames, ]
        y <- y[allnames]
      k <- ncol(X)
      n <- nrow(X)
      resi <- lm.fit(X, y)$residuals
      sigma2 <- sum(resi^2)/n
      if (studentize) {
        w <- resi^2 - sigma2
        fv <- lm.fit(Z, w)$fitted
        bp <- n * sum(fv^2)/sum(w^2)
        method <- "studentized Breusch-Pagan test"
      else {
        f <- resi^2/sigma2 - 1
        fv <- lm.fit(Z, f)$fitted
        bp <- 0.5 * sum(fv^2)
        method <- "Breusch-Pagan test"
      names(bp) <- "BP"
      df <- ncol(Z) - 1
      names(df) <- "df"
      RVAL <- list(statistic = bp, parameter = df, method = method,
                   p.value = pchisq(bp, df, lower.tail = FALSE), data.name = dname)
      class(RVAL) <- "htest"
    #Shapiro-Wilk test of multivariate normality.  Lifted from package mvnormtest version 0.1-9
    mshapiro.test <- function(U)
      if (!is.matrix(U))
        stop("U[] is not a matrix with number of columns (sample size) between 3 and 5000")
      n <- ncol(U)
      if (n < 3 || n > 5000)
        stop("sample size must be between 3 and 5000")
      rng <- range(U)
      rng <- rng[2] - rng[1]
      if (rng == 0)
        stop("all `U[]' are identical")
      Us <- apply(U, 1, mean)
      R <- U - Us
      M.1 <- solve(R %*% t(R), tol = 1e-18)
      Rmax <- diag(t(R) %*% M.1 %*% R)
      C <- M.1 %*% R[, which.max(Rmax)]
      Z <- t(C) %*% U
    CX <- head(class(x),1)
    CY <- head(class(y),1)
    #Determine what we're looking at:  case=0 both numeric, case=1 y numeric/x categorical, case=2 y categorical/x numeric; case3=both categorical
    case <- sum( c( CX=="character" | CX=="factor" | CX == "logical" | CX == "ordered", CY=="character" | CY=="factor" | CY == "logical" | CY=="ordered" ))
    #x and y are both numeric
    if(case==0) { 
      #Consider only complete cases
      complete.x <- intersect( which(!is.na(x)), which(is.finite(x)))
      complete.y <- intersect( which(!is.na(y)), which(is.finite(y)))
      complete.cases <- intersect(complete.x,complete.y)
      x <- x[complete.cases]
      y <- y[complete.cases]
      if(plot==TRUE) {
        xrange <- c(min(x),max(x))
        yrange <- c(min(y),max(y))
        xhist <- hist(x,plot = FALSE)
        yhist <- hist(y,plot = FALSE)
        top <- max(c(xhist$counts, yhist$counts))
        if(classic==TRUE & permutations > 0) { 
          nf <- layout(matrix(c(2,2,2,0,1,1,1,3,1,1,1,3,1,1,1,3,4,4,5,5,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,6,6,7,7),ncol=4,byrow=TRUE)) } else { 
            nf <- layout(matrix(c(2,2,2,0,1,1,1,3,1,1,1,3,1,1,1,3,4,4,5,5,4,4,5,5),ncol=4,byrow=TRUE)) }
        par(mar = c(4.4,4.2,1,1))
        plot(x, y, xlim = xrange, ylim = yrange, xlab=x.label, ylab=y.label,...)
        par(mar = c(0,4,1,1))
        barplot(xhist$counts, axes = FALSE, ylim = c(0, top), space = 0); legend("topleft",x.label,cex=cex.leg)
        par(mar = c(4,0,1,1))
        barplot(yhist$counts, axes = FALSE, xlim = c(0, top), space = 0, horiz = TRUE); legend("bottomright",y.label,cex=cex.leg)
        #Include QQ plots if classic tests are requested
        if(classic==TRUE) {
          par(mar = c(4.4,4.2,1,1))
      pearson <- cor(x,y)
      pearson.pvalue <- cor.test(x,y)$p.value
      spearman <- cor(x,y,method="spearman")
      #Turn off/on warnings
      old.warn <- options()$warn
      options(warn = -1)
      spearman.pvalue <- cor.test(x,y,method="spearman")$p.value
      options(warn = old.warn)
      cat(paste("Association between",x.label,"(numerical) and ",y.label,"(numerical)\n using",length(x),"complete cases\n"))
      #Obtain approximate permutation p-values and plot sampling distributions when no association exists.
      #Range of p-values quoted is a 95% confidence interval
      if(permutations>0) {
        perm.cor <- rep(0,permutations)
        perm.spear <- rep(0,permutations)
        for (i in 1:permutations) {
          x.perm <- x
          y.perm <- sample(y)
          perm.cor[i] <- cor(x.perm,y.perm)
          perm.spear[i] <- cor(x.perm,y.perm,method="spearman") }
        if(plot==TRUE) { 
          xlimit <- max(c(max(abs(perm.cor)),max(abs(perm.spear)),abs(pearson),abs(spearman)))
          ylimit <- max(hist(perm.cor,breaks=20,plot=FALSE)$counts)
          hist(perm.cor,breaks=20,ylab="",xlab="Chance values of Pearson",xlim=c(-xlimit,xlimit),main="",axes=FALSE)
          ylimit <- max(hist(perm.spear,breaks=20,plot=FALSE)$counts)
          hist(perm.spear,breaks=20,axes=FALSE,ylab="",xlab="Chance values of Spearman",xlim=c(-xlimit,xlimit),main="")
        cor.extreme <- length(which(abs(perm.cor)>=abs(pearson)))
        cor.pvalue <- cor.extreme/permutations
        spear.extreme <- length(which(abs(perm.spear)>=abs(spearman)))
        spear.pvalue <- spear.extreme/permutations
        RESULTS <- matrix(c(pearson,spearman,cor.pvalue,spear.pvalue),nrow=2)
        rownames(RESULTS) <- c("Pearson's r","Spearman's rank correlation")
        colnames(RESULTS) <- c("Value","Estimated p-value")
        cat("Permutation procedure:\n")
        cat(paste("With",permutations,"permutations, we are 95% confident that:\n","the p-value of Pearson's correlation (r) is between",round(binom.test(cor.extreme,permutations)$conf.int[1],digits=3),
        cat(paste(" the p-value of Spearman's rank correlation is between",
        cat("Note:  If 0.05 is in this range, increase the permutations= argument.\n\n")
      if(classic==TRUE) {
        M <- lm(y~x)
        if(length(unique(x))<length(x)) {
          FULL <- lm(y~0+as.factor(x))
          linearity <- anova(FULL,M)$"Pr(>F)"[2]
        } else {linearity <- NA}
        equalspread <- as.numeric(bptest(M)$p.value)
        twomoment <- as.numeric(white.test(M)$p.value)
        if( length(x) <= 5000 ) {
          normality.x <- shapiro.test(x)$p.value
          normality.y <- shapiro.test(y)$p.value
          mvnormality <- mshapiro.test(matrix(c(x,y),nrow=2,byrow=TRUE))$p.value
        } else {
          normality.x <- ks.test(x,"pnorm",mean(x),sd(x))$p.value
          normality.y <- ks.test(y,"pnorm",mean(y),sd(y))$p.value
          mvnormality <- NA
        RESULTS2 <- matrix(
        RESULTS2 <- data.frame(RESULTS2)
        rownames(RESULTS2) <- c("Pearson's r","Spearman's rank correlation")            
        colnames(RESULTS2) <- c("Value","Approximate p-value")
        assumption.pvalues <- c(linearity,equalspread,twomoment,normality.x,normality.y,mvnormality)
        ASSUMPTIONS <- data.frame(Test=c("Linearity","Equal Spread","Linearity+Spread",paste("Normality",x.label),paste("Normality",y.label),"Bivariate Normality"),pvalue=assumption.pvalues,Pass=assumption.pvalues>.05,row.names=NULL)
        cat("Classic approach (must check assumptions):\n")
        cat("\nTests of assumptions:\n\t-matters for Classic approach\n\t-can be overly strict, so use graphics and judgment if Pass is FALSE\n")
        print(ASSUMPTIONS,row.names=FALSE) }
      cat("\n\nAdvice: If stream of points is well described by an ellipse, use Pearson's r.\nOtherwise, as long as stream is monotonic, use Spearman's rank correlation\nor try logs, e.g. associate( log10(y)~log10(x) )\n")
    #one of x/y is numeric while the other is categorical
    if(case==1) {
      #If y is the numeric variable, we are comparing averages for each level of x, otherwise try logistic regression
      if( head(class(y),1)=="numeric" | head(class(y),1)=="integer" ) { subcase <- 1 } else { subcase <- 2}
      #Tackle the y numerical and x categorical case first
      if(subcase==1)  {
        #Consider only complete cases
        complete.x <- which(!is.na(x))
        complete.y <- intersect( which(!is.na(y)), which(is.finite(y)))
        complete.cases <- intersect(complete.x,complete.y)
        x <- x[complete.cases]
        y <- y[complete.cases]
        #Coerce x to be a factor if it is not, and store the level names
        if(head(class(x),1)!="ordered") { x <- factor(x) }
        if(min(table(x))<2) { stop("At least one level of the x variable has a single observation.  Terminating. ")}
        n.levels <- length(unique(x))
        level.names <- sort(unique(x))
        #Make side-by-side boxplots, histograms, QQ plots, and sampling distributions.
        if(plot==TRUE) {
          if(classic==TRUE & permutations > 0) {       
            if(n.levels >=3) { 
              ML <- matrix(0,nrow=n.levels,ncol=4)
              fill <- c(rep(1,n.levels),2:(1+2*n.levels),sort(rep(seq(2*n.levels+2,by=1,length=3),floor(n.levels/3))))
            } else {
              ML <- matrix(0,ncol=4,nrow=6)
              fill <- c(rep(1,6),sort(rep(2:5,3)),sort(rep(6:8,2)))          
          if(classic==TRUE & permutations==0) {
            ML <- matrix(0,nrow=n.levels,ncol=3)
            if(n.levels >=3) { fill <- c(rep(1,n.levels),2:(1+2*n.levels)) } else {
              fill <- c(rep(1,2),2,3,4,5) }
          if(classic==FALSE & permutations>0) {
            if(n.levels >=3) { 
              ML <- matrix(0,nrow=n.levels,ncol=4)
              fill <- c(rep(1,n.levels),2:(1+2*n.levels),sort(rep(seq(2*n.levels+2,by=1,length=3),floor(n.levels/3))))
            } else {
              ML <- matrix(0,ncol=4,nrow=6)
              fill <- c(rep(1,6),sort(rep(2:5,3)),sort(rep(6:8,2)))          
          ML[1:length(fill)] <- fill
          ML <- t(ML)
          for (i in 1:n.levels) {
            if(i==1) { 
              hist(y[x==as.character(level.names[i])],ylab="Frequency",xlab=y.label,main="") } else {
                hist(y[x==as.character(level.names[i])],xlab=y.label,ylab="",main="") }
          #If classic tests are desired, make sure to include QQ plots
          for (i in 1:n.levels) {
        sizes <- as.numeric(table(x))
        means <- as.numeric(tapply(y,x,mean))
        ranks <- as.numeric(tapply(order(y),x,mean))
        medians <- as.numeric(tapply(y,x,median))
        med <- median(y)
        O <- tapply(y,x,function(x)length(which(x>=med)))
        n.tot <- tapply(y,x,length)
        MM <- matrix(c(O,n.tot-O),nrow=length(O),byrow=FALSE)
        mean.stat <- as.numeric(unlist(anova(lm(y~x))[4]))[1]
        #Turn off/on warnings
        old.warn <- options()$warn
        options(warn = -1)
        median.test <- chisq.test(MM)$p.val
        median.test.stat <- chisq.test(MM)$stat
        options(warn = old.warn)
        kruskal <- kruskal.test(y~x)$p.val
        rank.stat <- kruskal.test(y~x)$stat
        if(permutations>0) {
          perm.avg <- rep(0,permutations)
          perm.rank <- rep(0,permutations)
          perm.median <- rep(0,permutations)
          #Turn off/on warnings
          old.warn <- options()$warn
          options(warn = -1)
          for (i in 1:permutations) {
            x.new <- sample(x) 
            perm.avg[i] <- as.numeric(unlist(anova(lm(y~x.new))[4]))[1]
            perm.rank[i] <- kruskal.test(y~x.new)$stat
            O <- tapply(y,x.new,function(x)length(which(x>=med)))
            MM <- matrix(c(O,n.tot-O),nrow=length(O),byrow=FALSE)
            perm.median[i] <- chisq.test(MM)$stat
          options(warn = old.warn)
          more.extreme.mean <- length(which(perm.avg>=mean.stat))
          mean.pvalue <- more.extreme.mean/permutations
          more.extreme.rank <- length(which(perm.rank>=rank.stat))
          rank.pvalue <- more.extreme.rank/permutations
          more.extreme.median <- length(which(perm.median>=median.test.stat))
          median.pvalue <- more.extreme.median/permutations
          if(plot==TRUE) { 
            xlimit <- max(c(perm.avg,mean.stat))
            ylimit <- max(hist(perm.avg,breaks=50,plot=FALSE)$counts)
            hist(perm.avg,breaks=25,xlab="Chance values of Discrepancy",xlim=c(0,xlimit),main="",ylab="",axes=FALSE)
            xlimit <- max(c(perm.rank,rank.stat))
            ylimit <- max(hist(perm.rank,breaks=50,plot=FALSE)$counts)
            hist(perm.rank,breaks=25,xlab="Chance values of Discrepancy",xlim=c(min(c(perm.rank,rank.stat)),max(c(perm.rank,rank.stat))),main="",ylab="",axes=FALSE)
            legend("center","Mean Ranks",cex=cex.leg)
            xlimit <- max(c(perm.median,median.test.stat))
            ylimit <- max(hist(perm.median,breaks=50,plot=FALSE)$counts)
            hist(perm.median,breaks=25,xlab="Chance values of Discrepancy",xlim=c(0,xlimit),main="",ylab="",axes=FALSE)
          RESULTS <- matrix(prettyNum(c(means,mean.stat,mean.pvalue,ranks,rank.stat,rank.pvalue,medians,median.test.stat,median.pvalue),drop0trailing=TRUE,digits=4,format="e"),nrow=3,byrow=TRUE)
          RESULTS <- data.frame(RESULTS)        
          rownames(RESULTS) <- c("Averages (ANOVA)","Mean Ranks (Kruskal)","Medians")
          colnames(RESULTS) <- c(as.character(level.names),"Discrepancy","Estimated p-value")
        if(classic==TRUE) {
          anova.pval <- as.numeric(unlist(anova(lm(y~x)))[9])
          RESULTS2 <- matrix(prettyNum(c(
          RESULTS2 <- data.frame(RESULTS2)
          rownames(RESULTS2) <- c("Averages (ANOVA)","Mean Ranks (Kruskal)","Medians")
          colnames(RESULTS2) <- c(as.character(level.names),"Approximate p-value")
          var.test <- levene.test(y,x)
          if( max(sizes) <= 5000 ) {
            norm.test <- aggregate(y,list(x),function(x)shapiro.test(x)$p.value)[,2]
          } else { norm.test <- aggregate(y,list(x),function(x)ks.test(x,"pnorm",mean(x),sd(x))$p.value)[,2] }
          assumption.pvalues <- c(var.test,norm.test)
          ASSUMPTIONS <- data.frame(Test=c("Equal Variance",paste("Normality",level.names) ),pvalue=assumption.pvalues,Pass=assumption.pvalues>.05)
        cat(paste("Association between",x.label,"(categorical) and ",y.label,"(numerical)\n using",length(x),"complete cases\n"))
        cat("\nSample Sizes")
        if(permutations>0) {
          cat("\nPermutation procedure:\n")
          CI <- round(binom.test(more.extreme.mean,permutations)$conf.int,digits=3)
          cat(paste("With",permutations,"permutations, we are 95% confident that\n"))
          cat(paste(" the p-value of ANOVA (means) is between",CI[1],"and",CI[2],"\n"))
          CI <- round(binom.test(more.extreme.rank,permutations)$conf.int,digits=3)
          cat(paste(" the p-value of Kruskal-Wallis (ranks) is between",CI[1],"and",CI[2],"\n"))
          CI <- round(binom.test(more.extreme.median,permutations)$conf.int,digits=3)            
          cat(paste(" the p-value of median test is between",CI[1],"and",CI[2],"\n"))
          cat("Note:  If 0.05 is in a range, change permutations= to a larger number\n\n") 
        if(classic==TRUE) {
          cat("Classic approach (must check assumptions):\n")
          cat("\nTests of assumptions:\n\t-matters for Classic approach\n\t-can be overly strict, use graphics and judgment if FALSE)\n")
          cat("\nFor classic p-values to be reliable, check the sample sizes below:\n")
          cat("  If n < 10, samples must pass test for Normality and Equal Variance\n  If n < 25, distribution must be roughly symmetric and pass test of Equal Variance \n  If n < 100, distribution can't be extremely skewed \n  If n > 100, p-values are reliable\n ")
        cat("\n\nAdvice: If it makes sense to compare means (i.e., no extreme outliers and the \ndistributions aren't too skewed), use the ANOVA.  If there there are \nsome obvious extreme outliers but the distributions are roughly symmetric, use \nRank test.  Otherwise, use the Median test or rerun the test using, e.g., log10(y) \ninstead of y\n")
      #y categorical and x numerical
      if(subcase==2)  {   
        if(plot==TRUE) { ML <- matrix(1:3,nrow=3,byrow=TRUE) 
        par(mar=c(4,4.2,0.4,0.4)) }
        #Consider only complete cases
        if(head(class(y),1)!="ordered") { y <- factor(y) }
        complete.x <- intersect( which(!is.na(x)), which(is.finite(x)))
        complete.y <- intersect( which(!is.na(y)), which(y!="") )
        complete.cases <- intersect(complete.x,complete.y)
        x <- x[complete.cases]
        xx <- x
        y <- droplevels(y[complete.cases])
        if(min(table(y))<2) { stop("At least one level of the y variable has a single observation.  Terminating. ")}
        level.names <- levels(y)
        ny.levels <- length(levels(y))
        D.temp <- data.frame(x=x,y=y);  D.temp <- D.temp[order(D.temp$x),]
        n <- nrow(D.temp)
        cat(paste("Association between",x.label,"(numerical) and ",y.label,"(categorical):\n\n using",length(x),"complete cases\n"))
        cat("\nSample Sizes")
        if(plot==TRUE) {
          FOREST <- randomForest(y~x,data=D.temp)
          PROBS <- FOREST$votes
          xf.values <- D.temp$x
        if(classic==TRUE) { 
          fit1 <- vglm(y~x,data=D.temp,multinomial)
          fit2 <- vglm(y~1,data=D.temp,multinomial)
          CHI <- -2*logLik(fit2) + 2*logLik(fit1)
          classic.pval <- 1-pchisq(CHI,ny.levels)
          FIT <- data.frame( fitted(fit1) )
          FIT$x <- D.temp$x
        if(is.na(n.levels)) { n.cats <- min(6,ceiling(n/length(levels(y))/10)) } else { n.cats <- n.levels } 
        n.inside <- floor(n/n.cats)
        x.cat <- rep(n.inside,n.cats)
        extra <- length(x)-n.inside*n.cats
        x.cat <- x.cat + sample(c(rep(1,extra),rep(0,n.cats-extra)))
        x.breaks <- c(1,cumsum(x.cat))
        new.x <- c()
        xlevel.names <- c()
        for (i in 1:n.cats) { 
          x.name <- paste(prettyNum(D.temp$x[x.breaks[i]],drop0trailing=TRUE,digits=3,format="e"),"to",prettyNum(D.temp$x[x.breaks[i+1]],drop0trailing=TRUE,digits=3,format="e"))
          new.x <- c(new.x,rep(x.name,x.cat[i]))
          xlevel.names <- c(xlevel.names,x.name)
        D.temp$x <- ordered(factor(new.x,levels=xlevel.names,ordered=TRUE))
        x <- D.temp$x;  y <- D.temp$y
        nx.levels <- length(levels(x))
        names(D.temp) <- c(x.label,y.label)
        cat(paste("\nAnalysis proceeds by grouping",x.label,"into",n.cats,"categories:\n"))
        CN <- paste(levels(x)[1],levels(x)[2],sep=", ")
        if(n.cats>2) { 
          for (i in 3:n.cats) { CN <- paste(CN,levels(x)[i],sep=", ")  } }
        #Make sure there's enough levels
        if( nx.levels < 2 | ny.levels < 2) { 
          stop(paste("Error:  need at least 2 levels to proceed.  x has",nx.levels,"and y has",ny.levels)) }    
        xlevel.names <- levels(x);  ylevel.names <- levels(y)
        if(permutations>0) {
          test.pval <- chisq.test(x,y,simulate.p.value=TRUE,B=permutations)$p.value
        if (color==TRUE) {
          if(ny.levels>8) { COLORS <- rainbow(2*ny.levels-1)[seq(1,by=2,length=ny.levels)] } else { 
            COLORS <- 1:ny.levels }
        } else {
          COLORS <- grey(seq(.1,.7,length=ny.levels));   }
        if(plot==TRUE) {
          marginal.y <- apply(O,2,sum)/n
          break.y <- c(0,cumsum(marginal.y))
          for (i in 1:ny.levels) {
            text(1.12,(break.y[i+1]+break.y[i])/2,ylevel.names[i],srt=0,pos=4)   }
          marginal.x <- apply(O,1,sum)/n
          break.x <- c(0,cumsum(marginal.x))
          for(i in 1:nx.levels) {
            text( (break.x[i+1]+break.x[i])/2,-.05,xlevel.names[i],cex=0.8)
            marginal.y <- O[i,]/sum(O[i,])
            break.y <- c(0,cumsum(marginal.y))
            for (j in 1:ny.levels) { rect(break.x[i],break.y[j],break.x[i+1],break.y[j+1],col=COLORS[j]) }
          puts <- c()
          for(i in 1:nx.levels) { puts <- c(puts,(break.x[i+1]+break.x[i])/2) }
          for(i in 1:nx.levels) { text( puts[i],-.05,xlevel.names[i],cex=0.8 ) }
          for(i in 1:ny.levels) {
            lines(puts,O[,i]/apply(O,1,sum),col=COLORS[i] )
          for (i in 1:ny.levels) { 
          if(classic==TRUE) {
            for (i in 1:ny.levels) { 
        RESULTS <- c()
        if(classic==TRUE & permutations >0) { 
          RESULTS <- matrix(c(test.pval,classic.pval),nrow=2,ncol=1)
          RESULTS <- data.frame(RESULTS)
          rownames(RESULTS) <- c("Splitting into Categories","Using Logistic Curve")
          colnames(RESULTS) <- c("Estimated p-value") }
        if(classic==TRUE & permutations<=0) { 
          RESULTS <- matrix(classic.pval,nrow=1,ncol=1)
          RESULTS <- data.frame(RESULTS)
          rownames(RESULTS) <- c("Using Logistic Curve")
          colnames(RESULTS) <- c("Estimated p-value")  }
        if(classic==FALSE & permutations>0) { 
          RESULTS <- matrix(c(test.pval),nrow=1,ncol=1)
          RESULTS <- data.frame(RESULTS)
          rownames(RESULTS) <- c("Splitting into Categories")
          colnames(RESULTS) <- c("Estimated p-value") }
        if(permutations>0) { 
          more.extreme <- round(permutations*test.pval)
          CI <- binom.test(more.extreme,permutations)$conf.int
          cat(paste("\nWith",permutations,"permutations, we are 95% confident that the p-value (obtained by splitting\n",x.label,"into categories) is between",round(CI[1],digits=3),"and",round(CI[2],digits=3),"\n"))
          cat(paste("Note: If 0.05 is in this range, change permutations= to a larger number\n")) }
        if(classic==TRUE) { 
          cat("\n\nNote:  p-value using the logistic curve requires that the curve provides an\n adequate description of how the probabilities change.\n") }
    #x and y are both categorical
    if(case==2) {
      complete.x <- which(!is.na(x))
      complete.y <- which(!is.na(y))
      complete.cases <- intersect(complete.x,complete.y)
      x <- x[complete.cases]
      y <- y[complete.cases]
      if(head(class(x),1)!="ordered") { x <- factor(x) }
      if(head(class(y),1)!="ordered") { y <- factor(y) }
      if(min(table(x))<2) { stop("At least one level of the x variable has a single observation.  Terminating. ")}
      if(min(table(y))<2) { stop("At least one level of the y variable has a single observation.  Terminating. ")}
      n <- length(x)
      nx.levels <- length(unique(x))
      ny.levels <- length(unique(y))
      #Make sure there's enough levels
      if( nx.levels < 2 | ny.levels < 2) { 
        stop(paste("Error:  need at least 2 levels to proceed.  x has",nx.levels,"and y has",ny.levels)) }
      if(plot==TRUE) { ML <- matrix(1,ncol=1) }
      if(plot==TRUE & permutations > 0) { ML <- matrix(1:2,ncol=1) }
      if(plot==TRUE) {  layout(ML);       par(mar = c(4,4.2,1,1))  }
      xlevel.names <- levels(x)
      ylevel.names <- levels(y)
      CONT.TAB <- table(x,y)
      CONT.TAB <- addmargins(CONT.TAB)
      rownames(CONT.TAB)[nx.levels+1] <- "Total"
      colnames(CONT.TAB)[ny.levels+1] <- "Total"
      E<-(apply(O,1,sum) %o% apply(O,2,sum))/n
      #Turn off/on warnings
      old.warn <- options()$warn
      options(warn = -1)
      chisq.stat <- as.numeric( chisq.test(x,y)$stat )
      chisq.pval <- chisq.test(x,y)$p.value
      chisq.vals <- rep(0,permutations)
      if(permutations>0) {
        for (i in 1:permutations) { chisq.vals[i] <- as.numeric(chisq.test(sample(x),y)$stat) }
        more.extreme <- length(which(chisq.vals>=chisq.stat))
        chisq.sim <- more.extreme/permutations
      options(warn = old.warn)
      TABLE <- table(x,y)
      for (i in 1:nx.levels) {
        TABLE[i,] <- TABLE[i,]/sum(TABLE[i,]) }
      TABLE <- rbind(TABLE,table(y)/length(y))
      rownames(TABLE)[dim(TABLE)[1]] <- "Marginal"
      if(plot==TRUE) {
        if (color==TRUE) {
          if(ny.levels>8) { COLORS <- rainbow(2*ny.levels-1)[seq(1,by=2,length=ny.levels)] } else { 
            COLORS <- 1:ny.levels }
        } else {
          COLORS <- grey(seq(.1,.7,length=ny.levels));   }
        marginal.y <- apply(O,2,sum)/n
        break.y <- c(0,cumsum(marginal.y))
        for (i in 1:ny.levels) {
          text(1.10,(break.y[i+1]+break.y[i])/2,ylevel.names[i],srt=0,pos=4,cex=1)   }
        marginal.x <- apply(O,1,sum)/n
        break.x <- c(0,cumsum(marginal.x))
        for(i in 1:nx.levels) {
          text( (break.x[i+1]+break.x[i])/2,-.05,xlevel.names[i] )
          marginal.y <- O[i,]/sum(O[i,])
          break.y <- c(0,cumsum(marginal.y))
          for (j in 1:ny.levels) { rect(break.x[i],break.y[j],break.x[i+1],break.y[j+1],col=COLORS[j]) }
        if(permutations>0) {
          hist(chisq.vals,xlab="Chance value of Discrepancy",ylab="",main="",breaks=25,axes=FALSE,xlim=c(0,max(c(chisq.vals,chisq.stat))))
      ASSUMPTIONS <- round(E,digits=1)
      cat(paste("Association between",x.label,"(categorical) and ",y.label,"(categorical):\n\n using",length(x),"complete cases\n"))
      cat("Contingency table:\n")
      cat("\n Table of Expected Counts:\n")
      cat(paste("\nConditional distributions of y (",y.label,") for each level of x (",x.label,"):\nIf there is no association, these should look similar to each other and\n similar to the marginal distribution of y\n",sep=""))
      if(permutations>0) {
        RESULTS <- matrix(c(chisq.stat,chisq.sim),nrow=1,ncol=2)
        RESULTS <- data.frame(RESULTS) 
        colnames(RESULTS) <- c("Discrepancy","Estimated p-value") 
        rownames(RESULTS) <- " "
        cat("\nPermutation procedure:\n")
        CI <- binom.test(more.extreme,permutations)$conf.int
        cat(paste("With",permutations,"permutations, we are 95% confident that:\n","the p-value is between",round(CI[1],digits=3),"and",round(CI[2],digits=3),"\nIf 0.05 is in this range, change permutations= to a larger number\n")) }
      if(classic==TRUE) {
        RESULTS <- matrix(c(chisq.stat,chisq.pval),nrow=1,ncol=2)
        RESULTS <- data.frame(RESULTS)
        rownames(RESULTS) <- " "
        colnames(RESULTS) <- c("Discrepancy","Estimated p-value") 
        cat("\nClassic approach (must check assumptions):\n")
        cat("\nReminder:  Classic approach requires most expected counts >= 5.  No requirements\n for permutation approach.\n")
    par(mar=c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1)

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