
Defines functions regplot

Documented in regplot

#' Plots a regression nomogram showing covariate distribution
#' @description 
#' \code{regplot} plots enhanced regression nomograms. Covariate distributions are superimposed on nomogram scales and the plot
#'	can be animated to allow on-the-fly changes to distribution representation and to 
#'	enable interactive outcome calculation. 
#' @param reg An R regression object from a regression command (see Details, for allowed regressions)
#' @param plots Specifies type of covariate plot. Default \code{plots=c("density","boxes")} specifies
#' density plots for numeric covariates and boxes for factors (see Details for
#' other options). 
#' @param center  If \code{TRUE} the mean values of continuous variables 
#' and  reference categories of factors are aligned vertically. 
#' Otherwise  continuous distributions are vertically aligned at zero 
#' together with reference categories of factors.
#' @param observation  To superimpose an observation, shown in (default) red.  
#' If \code{TRUE} superimposes an 
#' observation that is  first  row of the data used to build \code{reg}. 
#' Otherwise it may be a specified as any row of \code{reg} data  
#'  or as a dataframe conforming to the structure of the regression data. 
#'   \code{FALSE} omits any superposition.
#' @param title A string title  for the plot. If omitted the regression object name and class are output. 
#' @param points If \code{FALSE} the regression scores of each \eqn{\beta}\eqn{x} contribution are shown. 
#' Otherwise contributions are represented by a 0-100 "points" scale.  
#' @param failtime  For survival models only, otherwise ignored.  Used to specify 
#' cutoff times for risk probabilities or for quantiles of survival time. For the former 
#' \code{failtime=c(5,10)}, for example, 
#' specifies two probability scales for survival to 5 and 10 time units while  
#' \code{failtime=c("50\%","10\%")} specifies scales for \code{50\%} and \code{10\%}  quantiles. 
#' If \code{failtime} is omitted or \code{NULL}, a probability scale for a cutoff that is
#' the median of the time variable is adopted. .
#' @param prfail For survival models, otherwise ignored. If \code{TRUE} the
#' probability scale is of failure before \code{failtime}, otherwise after \code{failtime}.
#' @param baseS  For \code{coxph} and \code{cph} regressions only. If non-null, it specifies the baseline 
#' survival probability, for a non-centered model, corresponding to value(s) of \code{failtime}. If 
#' \code{NULL} the baseline probability is established from the regression object \code{reg}.
#' Specifying \code{baseS} can be used coerce alternative baselines.
#' @param odds For probability outcomes, the  nomogram scale is of  odds rather than probability.
#' @param nsamp  The size of a random sub-sample of data to plot covariate distributions 
#' (as plotting huge data may be slow and graphical precision, beyond a certain point, 
#'  unnecessary). 
#' @param showP Whether P-value  asterisk codes are to be displayed. For factors, 
#' the code for the most highly  significant level is shown. 
#' @param rank Positions the nomogram scales by importance, top down. Two options: \code{rank="range"} is by the  
#' range of the \eqn{\beta}\eqn{x}'s, and \code{rank="sd"} is by the standard deviation of the \eqn{\beta}\eqn{x}'s.
#' If \code{NULL} nomogram scales are arranged by order of main effects in the formula, and
#' with interactions at top of the page.  
#' @param subticks Puts minor tick marks on axes, where possible. 
#' @param interval Draws \code{95\%} confidence and prediction intervals. Values 
#' \code{"confidence"}, or \code{"prediction"}, place intervals on a
#'  calculated outcome for a specified \code{observation} (if \code{observation} is non \code{NULL}). 
#' A value \code{"coefficients"} draws confidence intervals on  \eqn{\beta}\eqn{x}
#' for  some values of \eqn{x}.
#' @param clickable \code{TRUE} if the graphic is active for on-the-fly mouse input (see Details).
#' @param ...  Additional graphics control parameters for font sizes, 
#' colours, layout (see Details).   
#  @import survival
#  @import vioplot
#  @import beanplot
#  @import graphics
#  @import stats
#  @import sm
#  @importFrom grDevices recordPlot replayPlot col2rgb rgb
#' @author Roger Marshall <rj.marshall@@auckland.ac.nz> School of Population Health, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
#' @return If \code{points=TRUE},  an  object is returned that
#' is a list of dataframes, each frame giving  points per covariate, and the last on the list a
#' total points-to-outcome look-up table.
# @export
#' @details Creates a nomogram  representation of a fitted regression. 
#' The regression object \code{reg} can be of different types from the \code{stats}, \code{survival} , 
#' \code{rms},  \code{MASS} and \code{lme4} libraries. Specifically models generated by 
#' the commands: \code{glm, Glm, lm, ols, lrm,  
#' survreg, psm, coxph, cph,  glm.nb, polr} or mixed model regressions \code{lmer},
#'  \code{glmer}, and \code{glmer.nb}. For \code{glm, Glm} and \code{glmer} 
#' the supported family/link pairings are: gaussian/identity, binomial/logit, quasibinomial/logit, poisson/log and quasipoisson/log. 
#' For ordinal regression, using \code{polr},  logit and probit models
#' are supported. For \code{survreg} and \code{psm} the distribution may be lognormal, gaussian, weibull, exponential or loglogistic.
#' For \code{glm.nb} (from package \code{MASS}) and  \code{glmer.nb}  only log-link is allowed. 
#' The plot can be made active for mouse input if \code{clickable=TRUE} 
#' so  allowing on-the-fly changes to distribution plot type 
#' (frequency boxes, bars, spikes, box plot, density, empirical cdf, violin and bean plots). These
#' options are presented by a temporary heading menu bar.  
#' Individual plots may be selected. Also values of \code{observation}  (if non-null) can be changed by clicking new values,
#' effectively making \code{regplot}  a interactive regression calculator. 
#'  The \code{plots} parameter specifies initial plot types. It is length 2. 
#'  The first item specifies a plot type for non-factor variables as one of:  
#'  \code{"no plot"}, \code{"density"}, \code{"boxes"}, \code{"spikes"}, \code{"ecdf"}, \code{"bars"},
#'   \code{"boxplot"}, \code{"violin"} or \code{"bean"}.
#'  The second item, is for factors and is one of: \code{"no plot"}, \code{"boxes"}, 
#'  \code{"bars"} or \code{"spikes"}.
#' The graphic shows a  scale for all main effects in the regression formula. 
#' Interactions are shown by separate nomogram scales.   
#' Factor-by-factor interactions are considered as factors and displayed with factor combinations. 
#' Factor-by-numeric interactions are displayed for the scale of 
#' the numeric variable(s) and separate scale for each factor level. 
#' Numeric-by-numeric interactions are shown with respect to the interaction
#' product scale. 
#' For random effects models  (\code{lmer} and \code{glmer}) 
#' an additional random effects scale is included. 
#' If models are stratified, by a \code{strata()} (or \code{strat()}  for \code{rms} models) 
#' in the model formula,  the
#'  behaviour differs depending on the model class. For survival models 
#'  each stratum has its own outcome scale, otherwise  it is included as a 
#'  term in the linear score with a its own nomogram scale.    
#'   If a model formula includes a function (e.g  \code{log()} or a spline \code{rcs()}) 
#'   a thumbnail plot of the shape of the transformation is placed on 
#'   the right of the nomogram scale. It can be toggled on and off by clicking on it (if \code{clickable=TRUE}).
#'  Additional \code{...} parameters may include items to control the look of the plot if users wish
#'  to change default settings:  
#' \code{dencol} colour fill of density plots and other
#'  representations of numeric data, 
#' \code{boxcol} fill of factor/logical frequency boxes, \code{obscol} colour of superimposed observation,
#' \code{spkcol} colour of spikes. Also font sizes can be set: \code{cexscales} for font size of points and nomogram scales, 
#' \code{cexvars} for variable names,  \code{cexcats} for category and variable values. 
#' To label scales immediately adjacent to the scale (not on the left) use \code{leftlabel=FALSE}. 
#' To draw dotted vertical lines to show more clearly score contributions to an observation 
#' use  \code{droplines=TRUE}.
#' @examples
#' ## 1.  Simulation
#' n <-500
#' X <- cbind(rnorm(n, sd = 1),rnorm(n, sd = 0.5))
#' ## make  outcome Y  with intercept 10 + random variation
#' Y <- 10 + X %*% c(0.2, 0.1) + rnorm(n, sd = 1)
#' D <- as.data.frame(cbind( Y,X)); colnames(D) <- c("Y","x1","x2")
#' model <- lm( Y ~ x1 + x2, data = D)
#' regplot(model, observation = D[1,], interval = "confidence")

#' ## 2 Survival model for pbc data
#' library(survival)
#' data(pbc) 
#' pbccox <-  coxph(formula = Surv(time,status==2) ~ age
#'                  + cut(bili,breaks=c(-Inf, 2, 4, Inf)) + sex  
#'                  + copper +as.factor(stage),data=pbc)
#' regplot(pbccox,observation=pbc[1,], clickable=TRUE, 
#'         points=TRUE, rank="sd",failtime = c(730,1825)) 

regplot <- function(reg, plots=c("density","boxes"), center=TRUE,observation=NULL,
            title=NULL,points=FALSE,failtime=NULL, prfail=NULL,
            baseS=NULL,odds=FALSE, nsamp=10000,showP=TRUE,
            rank=NULL, subticks=FALSE, interval=NULL, clickable=FALSE,
  ##  This is regplot v 1.0.
  ##  This file, regplot.R, contains main regplot() function
  ##  Functions called by regplot() are in separate file 
  ##  regplot_functions.R
  ## Is argument "reg" a valid regression object? 
  if(is.null(reg))    {return(message("Error: NULL regression object"))}
  ## test for NA reg  for an S3 object
  {return(message("Error: NA S3 type regression object"))}}
  modelname <- deparse(substitute(reg))
## extract type of regression  in "reg" and create
## logical type indicators.
  rtype     <- class(reg)[1]
  rms       <- (class(reg)[2]=="rms")
  if(is.na(rms)) rms <- FALSE
##  rms has call output   if(rms){  message(reg$call)}

  cox       <- (rtype=="coxph") | (rtype=="cph")
  lm        <- (rtype=="lm" ) | (rtype=="ols")
  glm       <- (rtype=="glm")  | (rtype=="Glm") 
  survreg   <- (rtype=="survreg") | (rtype=="psm")
  glm.nb    <- (rtype=="negbin")
  lmer      <- (rtype=="lmerMod")
  glmer     <- (rtype=="glmerMod")
  lrm       <- (rtype=="lrm")

## note glmer and glmer.nb have same class "glmerMod"
## so cannot be distinguished at this point. 
   lme4     <- glmer | lmer 
   polr     <- (rtype=="polr") 
  if(!( polr | glm | lm | cox | survreg | glm.nb | lme4 | lrm )){
    return(message(paste("regplot does not support class",
    paste("\"",rtype,"\"",sep=""),  "models")) )
     ## coerce so that lrm seen as logistic model
     reg$family <- c("","")
     reg$family[1] <- "binomial"
     reg$family[2]  <- "logit"
     glm <- TRUE
  ## checks on model classes and types allowed
  ## note: survreg here is either "survreg" or "psm(rms)"
  ## similarly glm is "glm" or "Glm(rms)"
  ## cox is "coxph" or "cph(rms)"
  ## lm  is "lm" or "ols(rms")
    dist <- reg$dist
    ## check on survreg() distribution types
    if(!(dist == "lognormal"   | dist == "loglogistic" | dist == "weibull"|
         dist == "exponential" | dist == "gaussian" ) ){
    return(message(paste("regplot does not support survreg distribution:",dist)))
    if( cox | survreg ){ 
    if(rms & ( is.null(reg$x) | is.null(reg$y) ) ){
      return(message(" \"x=TRUE\" and \"y=TRUE\" required in rms model build"))

  ols      <- FALSE
  logistic <- FALSE
  poisson  <- FALSE
  negbin   <- FALSE
  if(glm | glm.nb){
    ## is  glm class done an allowed family/link?
    fam  <- reg$family[1]
    link <- reg$family[2]
    ols           <- (fam=="gaussian"      & link=="identity")
    logistic      <- (fam=="binomial"      & link=="logit")
    quasibinomial <- (fam=="quasibinomial" & link=="logit")
    poisson       <- (fam=="poisson"       & link=="log")
    quasipoisson  <- (fam=="quasipoisson"  & link=="log")
    negbin        <- (glm.nb               & link=="log")
    if(!(ols | logistic | poisson | negbin | quasipoisson | quasibinomial)){
      return(message(paste("Cannot do for glm family/link combination:",
    ## quasipoisson is essentially poisson model  with identical beta-coefficients
    ## and only  standard errors differ  
    if(quasipoisson) poisson <- TRUE 
    ## and same for quasibinomial
    if(quasibinomial) logistic <- TRUE 
  polr_logistic <- FALSE
  polr_probit <- FALSE
 ## ordinal probit or logistic regression with polr 
    if(reg$method == "logistic"){
    logistic <- TRUE
    polr_logistic <- TRUE
     if(reg$method == "probit"){
       logistic <- FALSE
       polr_probit <- TRUE
       return(message(paste("polr method ", reg$method,"not supported")))
  ## lme4 mixed random effects models
  olser      <- FALSE
  logisticer <- FALSE
  poissoner  <- FALSE
  negbiner   <- FALSE
  ##for glmer (glmer, glmer.nb)
  if(glmer ){
    ## has glmer done an allowed family/link?
    fam        <- unlist(reg@resp$family)[1]
    link       <- unlist(reg@resp$family)[2]
    olser      <- (fam  == "gaussian" & link == "identity")
    logisticer <- (fam  == "binomial" & link == "logit")
    poissoner  <- (fam  == "poisson"  & link == "log")
    negbiner   <- (link == "log")  ## fam of form "Negative Binomial(xxxx)" for glmer.nb()

    if(!(olser | logisticer | poissoner | negbiner)){
      return(message(paste("glm family/link combination not supported:",
  if(!(polr | cox | survreg | lm | ols | logistic | poisson | negbin | lmer | glmer )){
    return(message("regplot does not support this regression model class"))}

## check on existence of locator(), for clickable=TRUE
if(clickable ){
  if(!exists("locator") ){
    message(paste("\"clickable=TRUE\" requires locator() function. It is not present"))
##  ellipsis ...  additional allowed parameters 
  #font sizes
  cexvars <- 1      ##  variables on lhs of plot
  cexcats <- 0.8    ##  labels mattached to category values
  cexscales <- 0.9  ##  fonts on points, total points, nomogram scales 
  # fefault colours
  dencol <- "#EEEEEE"  ## colour of density plot fill
  boxcol <- "#B3EADF"  ## colour of  factor boxes plot fill
  obscol <- "#FF0000"  ## colour of observation points (red) 
  spkcol <- "#669999"  ## colour of spike plots
  leftlabel <- TRUE   ## label of scale panels on the left
  droplines <- FALSE  ## vertical faint  lines of observation
  ##  ellipsis parameters
  ## overrides  with any ellipsis parameters:
  if(length(list(...)) !=0 ){

  XXX <- unlist(list(...))
  ## test for allowed additional ... parameters
  allowed <- c("cexscales","cexvars","cexcats", "dencol",
       "boxcol", "spkcol","obscol","leftlabel","droplines")
  allow <- is.element(names(XXX),allowed)
 message(paste("Note: there are non-allowed  ...  additional parameter(s):"))
 message(paste( names(XXX)[which(allow==FALSE)], collapse=" " ))
 ##  possible ellipsis three dot parameters: 
    V <- is.element(names(XXX),"cexscales")
  if(length(which(V==TRUE))>0 ) {
    cexscales <- as.single(XXX[which(V==TRUE)]) 
    V <- is.element(names(XXX),"cexvars")
  if(length(which(V==TRUE))>0 ) {
    cexvars <- as.single(XXX[which(V==TRUE)]) 
    V <- is.element(names(XXX),"cexcats")
  if(length(which(V==TRUE))>0 ) {
    cexcats <- as.single(XXX[which(V==TRUE)] )
    V <- is.element(names(XXX),"boxcol")
  if(length(which(V==TRUE))>0 ) {
    boxcol <- as.character(XXX[which(V==TRUE)] )
    V <- is.element(names(XXX),"obscol")
  if(length(which(V==TRUE))>0) {
    obscol <- as.character(XXX[which(V==TRUE)] )
    V <- is.element(names(XXX),"dencol")
  if(length(which(V==TRUE)) >0) {
    dencol <- as.character(XXX[which(V==TRUE)] )
    V <- is.element(names(XXX),"spkcol")
  if(length(which(V==TRUE)) >0) {
    spkcol <- as.character(XXX[which(V==TRUE)] )
   V <- is.element(names(XXX),"leftlabel")
  if(length(which(V==TRUE)) >0) {
    leftlabel <- XXX[which(V==TRUE)]
  V <- is.element(names(XXX),"droplines")
  if(length(which(V==TRUE)) >0) {
    droplines <- XXX[which(V==TRUE)]

## check on plots argument (plot types)

  if(length(plots) !=2)      {
    return(message(" \"plots\" argument should be length 2"))
    allowedc <- c("no plot","density","boxes","ecdf","bars","boxplot","violin","bean","spikes")
if(!(plots[1] %in% allowedc)){
  return(message(paste("plots[1] must be one of: "), paste0("\"",allowedc,"\"", collapse=" ")))
 allowedf <- c("no plot", "boxes","bars", "spikes")
if(!(plots[2] %in% allowedf)){
  return(message(paste("plots[2] must be one of: "), paste0("\"",allowedf,"\"", collapse=" ")))
## is a RED (or obscol) "person" to be added, is observation non-NULL?

 person <- !is.null(observation)

 logicalperson <- FALSE
     if(is.logical(observation) ){
 ## emtered a observation=TRUE or FALSE value  
      logicalperson <- observation
      if(observation == FALSE) person <- FALSE
     else   #if(is.logical(observation)

     if(nrow(observation)>1)    {
      message(paste("\"observation\" has >1 row. The first  row provides plotted values"))
      observation <- observation[1,]
## are there NAs in the observation? 
 if(!all(!is.na(observation))) {
   ## Note:  need a way to check on variables only required for regression
   ## Cannot do this at this stage, because these not yet identified. 
   ## but will crash if used vars are NA. Trap added later.
   NAobs <- names(observation)[which(is.na(observation))]
   #message(paste("Note: NAs in \"observation\" for: ",paste( NAobs ,collapse=", ") ))
 ##  message("Cannot do \"observation\" now FALSE")
##   person <- FALSE
         else  ## if(is.data.frame(obswrvation))
         {return(message(paste(" \"observation\"  is not a data frame")))
      }   #if(is.logical(observation))
  }  ##if(person
 ## other initialisations
  strata_levels <- NULL
  new_obs       <- TRUE
  adddata       <- NULL
  weighted      <- FALSE 
  nudist        <- TRUE
  splineplot    <- TRUE
  clickedonP    <- ""
  pointscale    <- points
  points_values <- list()
  ## default graph title, if not specified
 ## browser() 
 ## modelname <- deparse(substitute(reg))
  modelname <- paste(modelname, rtype, collapse=" ")
  if(survreg){modelname <- paste0(modelname,"(",dist,")", collapse=" ")
  if(is.null(title)) {title <- modelname}

  FORMULA <- formula(reg)

  message("Regression  ", modelname," formula:")
  message(paste(c(FORMULA[[2]],FORMULA[[1]],FORMULA[[3]]),collapse=" "))
## test for NA coefficients in model. Stop if so?
## NO. Now (june 2020)  continues.   
## reg$coefficients not defined for lme4 class
## must extract coefficients from summary(reg)  
          Sreg <- summary(reg)
          reg_coefficients <- Sreg$coefficients[,1]
          NAcoef <- which(is.na(reg_coefficients))
        NAcoef <- which(is.na(reg$coefficients))
   message("Model ",deparse(substitute(reg))," has NA beta-coefficient(s) for: ",
   paste(names(reg$coefficients)[NAcoef], collapse=", ") )
    message("Will attempt to continue. Preferable to reformulate model without NA coefficients") 


## extract key quantities required from each of regression classes
## 1: setting up extraction required for lme4 models 
    set1 <- lmer_1(reg)

  xlevels <-        set1[[1]]
  weighted <-       set1[[2]]
  W <-              set1[[3]]
  yvar <-           set1[[4]]
  coefficients <-   set1[[5]]
  offset <-         set1[[6]]
  SEbeta <-         set1[[7]]
  Lcoefficients <-  set1[[8]]
  Ucoefficients <-  set1[[9]]
  variable_names <- set1[[10]]
  randomv <-        set1[[11]]
  fixed.varnames <- set1[[12]]
  actualdata  <-    set1[[13]]
  fix_frame <-      set1[[14]]
  Pval <-           set1[[15]]
  x <-              set1[[16]]
  nointercept_term <-   set1[[17]]
  nointercept <- nointercept_term 
  }  ## if(lme4)
## 2: extraction required for polr models
  set1 <- polr_1(reg)
  xlevels <-        set1[[1]]
  weighted <-       set1[[2]]
  W <-              set1[[3]]
  yvar <-           set1[[4]]
  coefficients <-   set1[[5]]
  offset <-         set1[[6]]
  SEbeta <-         set1[[7]]
  Lcoefficients <-  set1[[8]]
  Ucoefficients <-  set1[[9]]
  variable_names <- set1[[10]]
  actualdata <-     set1[[11]]
   Pval <-          set1[[12]]
   x <-             set1[[13]]
   offsetvar <-     set1[[14]]
   intercepts  <-   set1[[15]]
   nointercept_term <- FALSE
   nointercept      <- FALSE

## 3: extraction required quantities for glm models
  if(glm | glm.nb| lm ) {set1 <- glm_1(reg)
  xlevels <-        set1[[1]]
  weighted <-       set1[[2]]
  W <-              set1[[3]]
  yvar <-           set1[[4]]
  coefficients <-   set1[[5]]
  offset <-         set1[[6]]
  SEbeta <-         set1[[7]]
  Lcoefficients <-  set1[[8]]
  Ucoefficients <-  set1[[9]]
  variable_names <- set1[[10]]
  actualdata <-     set1[[11]]
   Pval <-          set1[[12]]
   x <-             set1[[13]]
   offsetvar <-     set1[[14]]
   nointercept_term <-   set1[[15]]
  nointercept <- nointercept_term 
  }  ##if(if(glm | glm.nb

## 4: extraction for cox and survreg classes
##  (which includes cph | coxph and survreg | psm)
  if( cox | survreg ){ 
  set1 <- coxsurv_1(reg,cox)
  xlevels <-        set1[[1]]
  weighted <-       set1[[2]]
  W <-              set1[[3]]
  yvar <-           set1[[4]]
  coefficients <-   set1[[5]]
  offset <-         set1[[6]]
  SEbeta <-         set1[[7]]
  Lcoefficients <-  set1[[8]]
  Ucoefficients <-  set1[[9]]
  variable_names <- set1[[10]]
  deadvar <-        set1[[11]]
  actualdata <-     set1[[12]]
  Pval <-           set1[[13]]
  x <-              set1[[14]]
  strata_levels <-  set1[[15]]
  slevels <-        set1[[16]]
  vstrat  <-        set1[[17]]
  nointercept_term <-      set1[[18]]
  ## note slevels strata_levels distinction
  ## strata_levels is  of form  "x=0, y=a"
  ## slevels is the strata levels extracted from the reg object
  ## which could be of form  "0, a", omitting variable names
   nointercept <- !cox & nointercept_term

     } ##if(cox |survreg)


## make checks on  regplot arguments, and rearrange as required  
 if( !(cox | survreg) & !is.null(failtime) ){
   ##message("note: failtime parameter ignored for non-survival model")
   failtime <- NULL}
 if(!(cox | survreg) &  !is.null(prfail)){
   ##message("note: prfail parameter ignored for non-survival model")
   prfail <- NULL}
  if( is.null(prfail) )   {fail <- TRUE}       else {fail <- prfail}
  if( is.null(failtime) ) {tcut <- NA}         else {tcut <- failtime}
  ntimes <- 1
  medsurv <- FALSE
  if(!is.na(tcut[1])) {
    ntimes <- length(tcut)
    if(!is.numeric(failtime) ) {
   ## possibility of  %s  indicating medsurv TRUE
    ##  quantiles,  < time. But need > survival %s  
      Spercent <- 100 - as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(failtime,"%")) )
      medsurv <- TRUE
  ## ntimes parameter (which counts number of output response scales)
  ## allowed for survival models with  possibly >1 failtime scales
  ## and for polr ordinal scales
  if(ntimes >1 & !(cox | survreg)) ntimes <- 1
  if(polr) ntimes <- length(intercepts)
  ##  NB "s5" leftover name for "5 year survival". But is 
  ##  generic vector of baseline survival times 
  s5 <- vector(length=ntimes)
##  checks on valid call parameter arguments
  if( is.null(droplines) ) {droplines <- FALSE} else {droplines <- droplines}
  if( is.null(nsamp)) {nsamp <- 5000}           else {nsamp <- nsamp}
  if( is.null(baseS)) {baseS <- NULL }          else {baseS <- baseS}
  if(!is.null(baseS)){ nbaseS <- length(baseS)
    if(nbaseS != ntimes){
      return(message("non-NULL \"baseS\" and \"failtime\" must have same length"))}
  if( is.null(showP) ) {showP <- TRUE }         else {showP <- showP}
  if( is.null(odds) )  {odds <- FALSE }         else {odds <- odds}
  if( is.null(rank))   {rank <- FALSE }         else {howrank <- rank
                                                 rank <- TRUE
                                    if(howrank!="sd" & howrank!="range"){
                                    return(message("mis-specifed \"rank\" option, must be \"sd\" or \"range\""))
                                    rank <- FALSE}
 if( is.null(subticks) ) {showsubticks <- FALSE } else {showsubticks <- subticks}
 if( is.null(interval) ) {interval <- "none"} 
   if(!all(is.element(interval,c("conf","pred","none","coeff","coefficients", "confidence","prediction") )) ){
    return(message("mispecified \"interval\" parameter" ))
coeffCI <- is.element("coeff",interval) | is.element("coefficients",interval)
  confI <- is.element("conf",interval)  | is.element("confidence",interval)
  predI <- is.element("pred",interval)  | is.element("prediction",interval)
## cannot specify both confidence and prediction intervals
if(predI & !lm ){
  return(message(" \"prediction\" intervals not allowed for non-lm models. "))
 if(polr & confI){
   message("interval = \"confidence\" not supported for polr models")
   confI <- FALSE

if(confI & predI){
  message("Cannot specify both \"confidence\" and \"prediction\" intervals. Precedence to \"confidence\"")
  predI <- FALSE

if((confI|predI)  & !person){
  message(" \"confidence\" or \"prediction\" intervals ignored for NULL \"observation\" ")

if((confI|predI)  & lme4){
  message(" \"confidence\" or \"prediction\" intervals not supported for lme4 models ")
  confI <- FALSE
  predI <- FALSE
  if(cox & !is.null(baseS) & (confI | predI | coeffCI)){
    message("non-NULL \"baseS\" precludes \"interval\". \"interval\" ignored")
     confI <- FALSE
     predI <- FALSE
     coeffCI <- FALSE}
   ##pointscale <- FALSE
          " non-NULL \"baseS\" cannot be specifed for quantile \"failtime\""))} 
      if(confI | predI){
        message("confidence or prediction intervals cannot be done for for quantile \"failtime\"")
      confI <- FALSE
      predI <- FALSE}
##----- offset in model? --------------------------------------------- 
  if( offset){
     if(is.null(offsetvar)) { return(message("no offset variable")) }
  message(deparse(substitute(reg))," has an offset variable: ", offsetvar)
     ## ensure not a function
     gX <- getX(offsetvar)
     if(gX[2] !=""){
    return(message("function  offset ",offsetvar," not supported. Create a logged variable"))
## need to bind in  offset data into x, and augment coefficients and varaible_names

  x <- cbind(x,reg$offset)
  variable_names <- c(variable_names,offsetvar)
  coefficients   <- c(coefficients,1.0)

  }  #if(offset)
 num <- length(variable_names)
 ## get raw data with this command 
  dname <- getCall(reg)$data
    message("A data frame must be specified in the regression command")
    return(message("Using \"with(data,..)\" construction? Not supported"))
  rawdata <- eval(dname,environment(formula(reg)) )
  if(class(rawdata)[1] == "table")
  {message("Data not data.frame but is: ",
                  paste( class(rawdata), ". Will coerce to dataframe" ))
    ## try coecion
    rawdata <- as.data.frame(rawdata)
  ## check that it is same length 
##  for polr models rawdata does not seem to include outcome ?
  allv <- all.vars(FORMULA)

  if(nrow(rawdata) != nrow(actualdata)){
  ccobs <- complete.cases(rawdata[,allv])
  rawdata <- rawdata[ccobs,]}
  ## check on this
  if(nrow(rawdata) != nrow(actualdata)){

  message("Data has ", nrow(rawdata), " rows. Data used in fitting has ", nrow(actualdata)," rows")  
   return( message("Data and fitted data nrow mis-match not supported"))
## checks on specified  observation value 
if(logicalperson) {
      observation <- rawdata[1,]}

      ## check on  specified observation matching data
      requiredvars <- colnames(actualdata)
      ## no not names of actual data,  which may have a Surv() object
      ## use colnames of rawdata 
      rawdatavars <- colnames(rawdata)
     obs_indata <- colnames(observation) %in% rawdatavars
     data_inobs <-  rawdatavars  %in% colnames(observation) 
  ##  there are variable that are not in observation
        exc <- rawdatavars[which(!data_inobs)]
    ## but are these required in regression?
        req <- exc %in% requiredvars 
        message("\"observation\"  excludes required regression variable(s):")
        message(paste(  exc[which(req==TRUE)]  ," " ))
        person <- FALSE }
      ## observation has required variables, but may not
      ## precisely match rawdata, which may include other unused vars
      ## so need to exclude these else problem with 
      ## app <- rbind(observation,rawdata)
      reord       <- rawdatavars[which(data_inobs)]
      observation <- observation[reord]
      rawdata     <- rawdata[,reord]
  } ##if(person) 
  ##passed check, and person still TRUE. Further checks
## test for NA's of required variables in model (exclude Y)
     req <- all.vars(FORMULA)[-1]
     if((survreg | cox)){
     if(!is.na(deadvar))req <- req[-1]
##     print(observation[req])
 ## check on character observation variables matching data

     obsclass <- lapply(observation[req],class)
     dataclass <- lapply(rawdata[req],class)

     message("warning: classes of  data \"observation\" do not agree")
     person <- TRUE
     chars <- which(obsclass=="character")
     if(length(chars) > 0){
      for(chv in 1:length(chars)){
        vnm <- names(chars)[chv]

        allowedvalues <- unique(rawdata[,vnm]) 
        if(!(observation[vnm]) %in% allowedvalues){
            "inadmissible observation value ",colnames(observation[req])[chars[chv]],"=",
          person <- FALSE
##check on NAs in onservation
     nas <- which(is.na(observation[req]))
    if(length(nas) > 0){

        "NA values in \"observation\" for required variable(s): ",
      person <- FALSE
##  make a note of person shut down
     if(person == FALSE){
       message("\"observation = FALSE\" is assumed")
}  ##if(person 
 ## possibility of  :: package prefix added to variable_names. Strip away
 ##  why? :: operator interfers with using ":"  as interaction determiner
 ## need to add prohibition because, clicking obs
 ## doesnt work.  reg$terms contains the package name prefix
  dblcolon <- grep("::", variable_names) 
return(message("package prefix \"::\" detected in formula. Reformulate regression without"))
 ## set up inverses of  functions in formula 
inv <- checkvarsnew(variable_names,TRUE)
  # if(is.na(inv)) {
  #   return(message(" unsupported function") )
  # }
raw_variable_names <- unlist(inv[1])
inv_variable_names <- unlist(inv[2])

## note raw_variable names gives  for example for rcs(X1) + log(X2+10)
## the values  "rcs(X1)" and  "X2" 

ff <- unlist( getXmulti(variable_names)[2])
vv <- unlist( getXmulti(variable_names)[1])
## how to deal with interactions of functions? These returned with 
## vv=NA.  Replace all such ff with ""
ff[  which(is.na(vv) ) ] <- ""

pseud <- rep("",times=length(ff))
## pseudo variables of these types only, replace with the assocaited variable name 
##  why log()??
wh <- which( ff=="cut()" | ff=="abs()" | ff=="rcs()" | ff=="bs()" | ff == "ns()" | ff== "poly()" )
pseud[wh] <- vv[wh]

 nvars <- length(variable_names)
ordrd <- NULL
for(k in 1:nvars){
# #  
   whichv <- which(names(actualdata)==variable_names[k])
   type_v <- class(actualdata[, whichv ] )
## possibity of an "ordered" class of variables (as opposed to "factor", "numeric" 
   if(type_v[1] == "ordered"){
     ordrd <- c(ordrd,variable_names[k])
}  ## end for(k in 1:nvars)
 return(message(paste("regplot() does not support \"ordered\" class: ",
         paste(ordrd,collapse=" ") ) ) )


  ##  Start  endless "idling" loop while(TRUE) for  mouse clicks and Esc 
  ## trying to rationalise model.frame() calls with
  ## new observation. Required argument  pseudovarnames in added.obs()
  ## not known at this point.  Fashion alt  version pseud
  ## allowing for possible  spline type functions     

  ##raw_variable_names may have spline  rcs() or bs(s) 
  ## split into  variable and function , only need do on FIRSTRUN

if( glm |  lm | glm.nb | polr) { 

 #   ## FIRSTRUN creates base plot and other computations on
 #   ## first cycle of the idling
       vactual  <- colnames( actualdata )
  ##  f( glm |  lm | glm.nb )

 adddata <- added.obs(reg,observation,rawdata,actualdata ,pseud,NA)[[1]]

       vadded   <- colnames( adddata )
       included <- is.element( vactual, vadded )
       vin      <- vactual[which( !included )]
    ## need to coerce in a weights value (=1) into adddata
    adddata[which(names(adddata)=="(weights)")] <- 1

   }  ##if(FIRSTRUN)

if(offset ){
 ## need to coerce name of offset variable in adddata, 
## which is returned by model.frame from added.obs() to be "(offset)" 

   names(adddata)[ which(names(adddata)=="(offset)") ] <- offsetvar
   both <- rbind(actualdata,adddata)
## augment with whgo;le data  
  ## NTM. This model.matrix() call
  ## occasionally craps out. Unsure why . really should only
  ## require  data=adddata, but seems to require more than one observation
  ## so I augment actaul data by adding extra adddata row.
  ## This seems to work but may be slow if actual data large
  ## glm....
  MM   <- model.matrix(reg$terms,data=both)
  ## last row corresponds to adddata since both=rbind(actualdata,adddata)
  newX <- MM[nrow(MM),]
  if(offset) {

    newX <- c(newX, as.numeric(observation[offsetvar]) )
## remove the intercept term, or if a no-intercet rms model that 
  ## includes afactor (length(xlevels)>0, test also used in glm_1)
## within  if(person)
if(!nointercept_term | (nointercept_term & rms & length(xlevels)>0)  ){newX <- newX[-1]}
##nointercept <- nointercept_term

}  ##if(glm | glm.nb|  lm) 

##====== survival models =========================================================
if( cox  | survreg ){
## this is within an if(person)...  
#  ## check on time in observation 

  if(!all(is.element( yvar, names(observation) ) ) ){
   return( message(paste(yvar),"  missing in \"observation\" "))

   actualdata <- model.frame(reg)
  #remove first Surv(time, censor) element from vactual
   vactual <- colnames( actualdata )[-1]
   adddata <- added.obs(reg,observation,rawdata,actualdata ,pseud,NA)[[1]]
 ## need to coerce in a "(weights)" value into adddata
  ##  ladd <- length(adddata)
    adddata[which(names(adddata)=="(weights)") ] <- 1
   ## names(adddata)[ladd+1] <- "(weights)"

  vadded <-  colnames( adddata )[-1]
  actualdata1 <- actualdata[1,]
     }  ##if(FIRSTRUN cox

  both <- rbind(actualdata1,adddata)
  ## why does it need "both"  and not just data=adddata?
  ## ans : because clicked on factors returned as.character.
  ## fix to coerce as factors by merging into  the actualdata dataframe
  ## but don't need whole thing (which slows things up)
##cox survreg
##This was working fine  now craps out for cph?? FUCK FUCK FUCK
  MM <- model.matrix(reg,data=both)
  ##  use last row of combined data for plotting red points 
   newX <- MM[nrow(MM),,drop=FALSE] 
  newX <- MM[nrow(MM),]
  if(rms & !is.null(vstrat)){
  ## model.matrix for rms objects includes strat() variable
  ## with value attached e.g "strat(stage_4)1" try removing

    newX <- newX[ - which( substr(names(newX),start=1,stop=nchar(vstrat))==vstrat) ]

 ## remove intercept term of  newX (only for survreg, not Cox)
 if(survreg & !nointercept_term){newX <- newX[-1]}
}  #endif(cox  | survreg)
##====lme4 mixed effects models===========================================================      
## this is within an if(person)...  

      nc <- ncol(fix_frame)
 ## need manually build the fixed effect part of regression formula 
      connect <- "~"
      if(nointercept_term) connect <- "~ 0 + "
      form <- c( paste(fixed.varnames[1]),connect,
                paste(variable_names,collapse="+") )
      ## check for strata() in lme4
      for(i in 1:length(variable_names)){
        check <- getX(variable_names[i])
        if(check[2]=="strata()" | check[2]=="strat()"){
        return(  message(paste("stratified not supported for lme4 models: ", variable_names[i])))
## strat() in formula craps out model.matrix(form,y_adddata) below
## not worth effort to debug??           
      form <- paste(form, collapse="")
      form <- as.formula(form)
## keep the cut down formula as THE formula      
      FORMULA <- form
  adddata <- added.obs(reg,observation,rawdata,actualdata ,pseud,FORMULA)[[1]]    
  }  ##if(FIRSTRUN lmer
  newX <- model.matrix(form,adddata)
 if(nointercept) {
## form  has  connect = ~ + 0....
  ## newX   <- model.matrix(form,adddata)
   betas <- coefficients[1:(length(coefficients))]
   Lbetas <- Lcoefficients[1:(length(Lcoefficients))]
   Ubetas <- Ucoefficients[1:(length(Lcoefficients))]
   # form generates an intercept, so trim off first element

 newX  <- newX[-1]
 betas <- coefficients[2:(length(coefficients))]
Lbetas <- Lcoefficients[2:(length(Lcoefficients))]
Ubetas <- Ucoefficients[2:(length(Lcoefficients))]

 names(newX) <- names(betas)

  beta_order <- list(length=10)
}  #endif(lmer

}  #endif(person)


  if(!(ols|lm) & predI){
  message("Cannot do \"prediction\" interval for ",
  paste(rtype),".  \"confidence\" will be done instead")
  predI <- FALSE
  confI <- TRUE
 ## glmer or lmer  
  if(is.null( reg$formula )){ reg$formula <- formula(reg) }

nregcoef <- length(coefficients)
npars <- nregcoef

 ns <- ""

 sigcodes <- ifelse( Pval<.05  ,"*"  ,"" )
 sigcodes <- ifelse( Pval<.01  ,"**" ,sigcodes ) 
 sigcodes <- ifelse( Pval<.001 ,"***",sigcodes ) 
 #frig to patch if suppressing P values other option  showP=FALSE
 if(!showP){sigcodes <- ifelse(Pval>0,"","")}

  if((cox | survreg) ){
 ## need actualdata - may not have been done if !person
 ##@if(!person) {actualdata <- model.frame(reg)}
   SU      <- actualdata[,1]
   tmedian <- median(SU[,1])
 if(is.null(tcut[1]) | is.na(tcut[1]) ){
   ##get Surv object in SU extract first element which is time 
   ## and make time cutoff the median
   tcut <- tmedian
  else  ##if(cox | survreg) 
  {    if(!medsurv & (max(tcut) > max(SU[,1]) | min(tcut) < min(SU[,1])) ){
     return( message("failtime ",paste(failtime, collapse=" ")," out of range of observed: ",
       paste(signif(min(SU[,1]),4),signif(max(SU[,1]),4) ) ) )}
  }     ##if(cox | survreg

    ## use predict.merMod gives the linear score of
    ## fixed effects  +  estimated random effect
    ## fixed effect linear score calculates as per
    ##  fixed effect model. The difference used to 
    ##estimate random effects
     pred_tot_score <- predict(reg, type="link")
     if(weighted){ pred_tot_score <- rep(pred_tot_score,times=W)}

 ## if replicate weighted model, expand out x matrix to unit records
 ## need to hang on to original unexpanded rawdata
 ## for use in added.obs() which relies on row matching
 ## of rawdata to  model.frame(reg) 
 rawdata_original <- rawdata

  x <- x[rep(row.names(x),times =W), 1:ncol(x)]
  rawdata <- rawdata[rep(row.names(rawdata),times =W), 1:ncol(rawdata)]
  ##actualdata <- actualdata[rep(row.names(actualdata),times =W), 1:ncol(actualdata)]
  ##  large data?  Base distributions on subsample size nsamp (default 10000)
  ##  take subsample. Do so on first pass through
  if(nrow(x) > nsamp){
    nobs <- nrow(x)
   ## repeatable subsample  
    subs <- sample(1:nrow(x), size=nsamp)
    x    <- x[ subs, , drop = FALSE]
 if(lme4) {pred_tot_score <- pred_tot_score[subs]}

   message(paste0("Distributions estimated with \"nsamp=",nsamp,
  "\" random sub-sample of ", nobs ))
   rawdata <- rawdata[ subs , , drop=FALSE]

## need to mess about with parameters for coxph as it has no intercept.
 if(cox   ){ 

    betas  <- coefficients[1:npars]
    Lbetas <- Lcoefficients[1:npars]
    Ubetas <- Ucoefficients[1:npars]

## fix up if npars=1, when x is a vector, coerce to matrix
   x <- as.matrix(x)
   X <- x[,1:npars, drop=FALSE]
   intercept <- 0
   nointercept <- FALSE
 else   ##if(cox)
  # nai <- names(coefficients[1])
  #nointercept <- FALSE

 # if( !( nai =="(Intercept)" |  nai=="Intercept" ) ){
  if(nointercept_term ){
 ## model with no intercept, missing the  word "Intercept"
 ## in coefficient list
    ## note: this is important. rms no-intersept models differ
    ##  wrt parameterisation
    nointercept <- TRUE
## switch off the "nointercept" indicator, which is only
## used for the way non-rms objects deal with no intercept 
## parametrisation
  ## if(rms)   nointercept <- FALSE
    intercept <- 0
    betas <- coefficients[1:npars] 
    Lbetas <- Lcoefficients[1:npars]
    Ubetas <- Ucoefficients[1:npars]

    X <- x[,1:npars,drop = FALSE] 

      ## model with intercept

      betas <- coefficients[2:npars]
     Lbetas <- Lcoefficients[2:npars]
     Ubetas <- Ucoefficients[2:npars]
   sigcodes <- sigcodes[2:npars]
  intercept <- coefficients[1]
  X <- x[,2:npars,drop = FALSE]
 npars <- npars -1


 }  ## else if(cox 

 ##  patch for remote possibility but has occurred
 ##  fror exactly equal or near equal to 10 signif
 ##  places beta-coefficients
 notNA <-  which(!is.na(betas))
 Rbetas <- signif(betas,10)
 Rbetas <- Rbetas[notNA]
 dupes <- duplicated(Rbetas)

 if(any(dupes) ) {
   t <- which(table(Rbetas)>1)
   message("Note: duplicate or near duplicate beta-coefficients for:") 
   ## cant see how to output duplicates except in loop??
   lt <- length(t)
   for (it in 1:lt){
   message(it,": ", paste(collapse="  ",names( which(Rbetas==names(t[it]) ) )) )
   ## this raises a problem with table(S[,i])
   ## seeing identical values and not distinguishing
   ## between  factor levels. Case in point is:
#  library(kulife)
#  data(bees)
# model <- glm(Number ~ Locality + Type*Color,
# family=poisson, data=bees)
# XXX <- regplot(model,observation=TRUE,clickable=TRUE)

##  fudge by ensuring betas are NOT equal adding random bit
   wdupes <- which(dupes)
   nw <- length(wdupes)
##   print(betas[wdupes])
   betas[wdupes] <- betas[wdupes] + runif(n=nw)*0.000001

isinteraction <- vector(length=npars)

for (i in 1:(npars)){
  ## obtain last factor that is NOT an interaction (i.e. assume 
  ## interactions all contain : and tagged last  - have checked this to be the case ) 
  if(length(grep(":", names( betas[i] ) ) ) == 0 ) {
  isinteraction[i] <- FALSE}
    isinteraction[i] <- TRUE}

## check for logical variables in the data and  coerce them into appearing
## as factors, by augmenting the  reg$xlevels list, which  gives levels of
## factor variables. 

nvars <- length(variable_names)

  for(k in 1:nvars){
  whichv <- which(names(actualdata)==variable_names[k])
  type_v <- class(actualdata[, whichv ] )

 if(type_v[1]=="bs" | type_v[1]=="ns" | type_v[1]=="rcs" | type_v[1]=="poly" ) {
   if( getX(variable_names[k])[2] != paste0(type_v[1],"()")  ){
     return( message( paste0(type_v[1],"() functional must be specified within formula")) )
  if(type_v[1] == "logical"){
# message(paste("note: logical variable ",variable_names[k]," coerced to factor"))
# ### try coercing  to look like a factor   
     xxx <- c(xlevels,list(c("FALSE","TRUE")))
     names(xxx)[length(xxx)] <- variable_names[k]
     xlevels <- xxx
   }  ## end for(k in 1:nvars)

##   factorvarnames  does not include interactions at this point

factorvarnames <- names(xlevels)
n_interaction  <- sum(isinteraction)

firstfactor <- 0
isfact <- FALSE

 ## which interactions are interactions of factors?
 ## try to fudge in xlevels for factor interactions.
## nvar=lenghth(variable_names)

## note : nvars may not be long enough because with interactions variable_names 
## may be augmented. Set length to npars, should always be enough
  isa_pseudo <- vector(length=npars)
  DF <- vector(length=nvars)
  isa_factor <- vector(length=nvars)

  names(isa_factor) <- variable_names
  names(DF) <- variable_names
  irow <- 1
## determine type of variables in the  raw data 
## get names of variables used from actualdata
  datavars <- names(actualdata)
  dataclass  <- lapply(actualdata,class)
  factorvar <- ifelse(dataclass == "factor" ,TRUE,FALSE)

  pseudofactor <- rep(FALSE,times=length(factorvar))
  kernel_varname <- rep("",times=length(factorvar))
  ## factorvar is logical indicator of whether varaibles are factors.
  ## it includes first element is the outcome Y
  ## but doesnt account for interactions 
  ## entend length to include intractions

  kernel_varname <- rep("",times=length(isinteraction) + 1)
  names(pseudofactor) <- names(factorvar)

  lvls <- vector(length=length(datavars))
  names(lvls) <- datavars
 ## Note:  datavars includes   outcome in first position.
 ## and  fix up logical varaibles to behave as factors.  WHY???
  prohib <- NULL
  for(v in 1:length(datavars)){
    if(factorvar[v]){lvls[v] <- nlevels(actualdata[,v])}

    if(dataclass[v] == "logical"){
       factorvar[v] <- TRUE
            lvls[v] <- 2
    cls <- unlist(dataclass[v])[1]
    ## for rms object, above doesnt work (er rcs bot return, instead "rms"
    cls <- getX(datavars[v],outer=TRUE)[2]
     if(cls=="cut()" | cls == "bs()" | cls == "poly()" | 
         cls == "ns()" | cls=="rcs()"){
      uses_bs   <- cls == "bs()" 
      uses_poly <- cls == "poly()"
      uses_ns   <- cls == "ns()"
      uses_rcs  <- cls == "rcs()"

        prohib <- c(prohib, cls)
      factorvar[v] <- TRUE
       if(rms ){
## rms changes names of coefficients e.g for bs()  names are "1", "2" "3"..
## need to patch in the data varaible name e.g to give "bs(age)1", "bs(age)2"...
##  rcs(Age) transforamtion in rms makes element  eg  Age Age' Age''  etc
##  need to change to standard structure  rcs(Age)1 rcs(Age)2  rcs(Age)3...       
 ## can use element reg$asssign which has standard names
## later : no longer needed swith  names(coefficients) <- colnames(x) for model matrix x
         # zz <- which(names(reg$assign)==datavars[v])
         # coeffv <- unlist(reg$assign[zz])
         # names(coefficients)[coeffv] <- paste0(datavars[v],names(coefficients)[coeffv])
## and later: Simon T has example rcs() in Glm model fails. This is 
## point o failure, specifying levels. Unclear why I need +1? 
       lvls[v] <- length(grep(datavars[v], colnames(X),fixed=TRUE)) +1
      ## patch for possibility of for example bs(X,knots=4).  The "=" sign has
      ## been removed from names(coefficents) which has form
      ##  bs(X, knots 3)1  bs(X, knots 3)2 ... 
      ## but  is in datavars (which is names(actualdata) ) still includes "=". 
      ##  Need tp strip away to count the components of bs()
      ##  not required for rms() models for which  datavar names are pasted back
      ## in previous patch!
      ### datavars <- gsub("=","",datavars)

      lvls[v] <- length(grep(datavars[v], names(coefficients),fixed=TRUE)) + 1


             pseudofactor[v] <- TRUE
       ## unless cut()??
             if(cls=="cut()") {
              pseudofactor[v] <- FALSE
          ##    isa_factor[v] <- TRUE
    ## not allowed labels = in cut()
    XXX <- grep(datavars[v], pattern="labels = ")
    if(length(XXX) > 0){
      XXX <- grep(datavars[v], pattern="labels = NULL")
        return(message("\"labels = \" in cuts() not allowed. Use default"))

  }  #or(v in 1:length(datavars))

  message(paste(" interval =\"confidence\" not supported for ",paste(list(prohib))))
  confI <- FALSE

## fix up possibility of a character class. 
## make it like a factor. 

    for(v in 1:length(datavars)){
    if(dataclass[v] == "character")            {
       factorvar[v] <- TRUE
       lvls[v] <- length(unique(actualdata[,v]))}

  ## relies on ordering of effects - interaction last
  mixed_int <- FALSE
  is.mixedint <- logical(length=nvars)
  n_interaction_vars <- 0
  parameter_names <- names(betas) 
   # ## bug detect here for rms model  X1*(X2 >0)
   # ## emanating from here. pars_per_var() not correctly
   # ## working because variable_name and parameter_name mismatch.
   # ## fix with setting parameter_names as variable_names
   # ## KAEON!!
   # ## later: yest this results in failure for interaction model:
   # if(rms) parameter_names <- variable_names
  ## general case: just strip away intercept? 

   # parameter_names <- names(coefficients)
   # if(!nointercept) parameter_names <- parameter_names[-1]
nmain_effects <- 0 

  for (k in 1:nvars){
    isfact <- FALSE
    nway <- length(grep(":", variable_names[k] ))
##  is an interaction term:
## is an interaction term      
     n_interaction_vars <- n_interaction_vars +1
##     DF[k] <- pars_per_var(variable_names[k],parameter_names)
##     DF[k] <- pars_per_var(variable_names[k],variable_names[1:nmain_effects])
     ivars <- unlist(strsplit(variable_names[k],":"))
## alt way to get DF?
## which of ivar are factors or logical
     arefact <- which(dataclass[ivars]=="factor" | dataclass[ivars]=="logical")
 ## what are levels of these?

     if(length(arefact) > 0 ){
    #   dfs <- 1 
    #   ## assume dfof the term is (L1-1)(L2-1)  for number of levels L1,L2
    #   ## of factors
    #   ## unless  there are no main effects when dont subtract 1 
    #    for(nfs in 1 : length(arefact)){
    #  one <- ivars[nfs] %in% variable_names
    #  dfs <- dfs * ( length(unlist( xlevels[names(arefact[nfs])] ) )- one )
    #    }
    #  DF[k] <- dfs
    # ## browser()
## new way to establish DF using a function to match coefficents to varaibles 

       DF[k] <- inter_coeff(names(arefact),names(coefficients) )
       else  ## if(length(arefact) > 0 )
 ## no factors in interaction, so contributes 1 d.f
         DF[k] <- 1}
     for(v in 1:length(ivars)){
        iv <- which(names(dataclass)==ivars[v])
     class <- unlist(dataclass[iv])[1]
     if(class== "poly" | class== "bs" | class== "ns" | class== "rcs" ){
     return(message("interactions that include class ",paste(class), "() not supported"))
     ## why?  Not sure but fails sum(DF) == npars checksum  

        isa_factor[k] <- FALSE
        isa_pseudo[k] <- FALSE
  ## factor*factor interactions 
   ##  all are factors in the interaction     
   ##  establish how many parameters for this combo (degrees of freedom)
   ## it is a factor-interaction of order "nv"
   ## unclear whether this bit of code necessary
   ## because labels of factor interactions 
   ## obtained  from the parameter name. Anyway, retain as is. 
#     EE <- expand.grid(xlevels[ivars], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# ##  Yes I think so. "KANEON "xlevels"  returned
# ##  by  routines setting up regression parameters e.g. glm_1, polr_1 etc        
#     browser()
#         cross <- do.call(paste0, EE)
#         xxx <- list(xxx=cross)
#         names(xxx) <- variable_names[k]
#  ##     xlevels <- c(xlevels,xxx)
        isfact <- TRUE
        isa_factor[k] <- TRUE
      else  ##if(all(isa_factor
        ##  numeric*factor interactions 
       ## prohibition of bs() and poly() interactions
        classes <- unlist(dataclass[ivars])
        if(is.element("poly",classes) & is.element("bs",classes) )
         {return(message("poly() with bs() interaction not allowed"))
        ## this is not a good test  DF[k] can = 1 
        ## patchin a MUSTDO!
        if(DF[k] > 1 | TRUE ){mixed_int <- TRUE
      is.mixedint[k] <- TRUE}
    else  ##if(nway >0
## not an interaction   
  nmain_effects <- nmain_effects + 1 


       DF[k] <- lvls[variable_names[k]] -1 
       isfact <- TRUE
      isa_factor[k] <- TRUE
      isa_pseudo[k] <- FALSE
      if(pseudofactor[variable_names[k]] ) {
        isa_pseudo[k] <- TRUE
        isa_factor[k] <- FALSE
        isfact <- FALSE
       ##establish raw data name for the pseudo factors
    ## eg. pick out  "x"  from "bs(x, knots=3)"

      gx <- getX(names(pseudofactor[variable_names[k]]),outer=TRUE)
      if(gx[2] !=""){
        ## strip away anything to right of comma , e.g rcs(Age,knots=3)
        ## gx[1]="Age,knots=3" leaving Age
      kernel_varname[k] <- unlist(strsplit(gx[1],","))[1]
      else   ## of if(factorvar[variable_names[k]
      {DF[k] <- 1 
      isa_pseudo[k] <- FALSE
      isa_factor[k] <- FALSE
      gx <- getX(variable_names[k])

      if(gx[2] !=""){
     ## kernel_varname[k] <- unlist(strsplit(gx[1],","))[1]
   ##   kernel_varname[k] <- raw_variable_names[k]
        kernel_varname[k] <- gx[1]
## fudge in the additional parameter inserted with nointercept
## model when there is a factor. This required only for non-rms models.
##  requiring adding another degree of freedom for the
## additional category 

     if(nointercept & isfact & firstfactor == 0 & !rms) {

       firstfactor <- k
## further patch for case of no main effects and only interaction
##  e.g   Y ~  0 + sex:ethnicity, KANEON. 
       if(nmain_effects>0 ) DF[k] <- DF[k] +1

} ## end for(k in 1:nvars)

haslikefactors <- any(isa_pseudo) 
##  check on whether main effects for interactions.
## It has bearing on Cox model: basehaz() which won't
## work unless all main effects included


nomain <- NULL
main_effects <- variable_names[1:nmain_effects]

  ## check for non-allowed pseudo variable in interaction?

  pseudof <- which(pseudofactor==TRUE) - 1
  for(ps in 1:length(pseudof)){
  lg <- grep(x=variable_names[(nmain_effects +1):nvars],pattern=names(pseudof)[ps],fixed=T)
  if(length(lg) >0){
    return(message( paste(names(pseudof)[ps])," main effect not supported in interaction"))
for (k in (nmain_effects +1):nvars){
  ivars <- unlist(strsplit(variable_names[k],":"))
  for(v in 1:length(ivars)){
  if(!is.element(ivars[v],main_effects)) {nomain <- c(nomain," ",ivars[v])}
}  #for(k in...)

  nomain <- unique(nomain)
  message("Note: interaction but no main effects for:",paste(nomain,collapse=" "))
 if(cox & is.null(baseS)){
   return(message("Lower order effects required for Cox, or specify  \"baseS\" parameter"))}

## for mixed interactions (factor*numeric) in which the factor
##  has more than one level, need to 
## fudge variable_names, and update other arrays, after slotting
## in the names of the associated parameters
     new_variable_names <- NULL
     new_DF <- NULL
     new_isa_factor <- NULL

    i <- 0
    for(k in 1:nvars){

 ## append the names of the interaction terms      
      mxname <- parameter_names[(i+1):(i+DF[k])]
      new_variable_names <-  c(new_variable_names, mxname) 
      n_interaction_vars <- n_interaction_vars +DF[k] -1
      new_DF             <- c(new_DF,rep(1,times=DF[k]) )
      new_isa_factor     <- c(new_isa_factor,rep(FALSE,times=DF[k]))
      new_variable_names <- c(new_variable_names, variable_names[k])
      new_DF             <- c(new_DF,DF[k])
      new_isa_factor     <- c(new_isa_factor,isa_factor[k])
      i <- i +DF[k]
    variable_names <- new_variable_names
    nvars          <- length(variable_names)
    isa_factor     <- new_isa_factor
    DF             <- new_DF
  ## end of mixed terms   

## check that number of parameters matches number of degrees of freedom
## if not something serious has gone wrong.
if(sum(DF) != npars ){
message("Internal checksum fail.  DF",paste0("(",sum(DF),")"),
                " & no. parameters",paste0("(",npars,")")," mismatch. Contact developer")

  n_interaction_rows <- n_interaction_vars

##factorvarnames <- names(xlevels)
## number of main effect parameters
n_main_pars       <- npars - n_interaction
n_factor_rows     <- sum(isa_factor)
n_non_factor_rows <- sum(DF[which(!isa_factor)])

## set up the rows

n_non_factors <- npars - sum(DF,na.rm=TRUE)

## make sure factors main effcts (they might not be, could be just interaction)
index_factornames <- which(is.element(factorvarnames,variable_names))

levels <-        xlevels[ index_factornames]
## number of factors
n_main_factors <- length(levels)

if(n_main_pars ==0){
  message("This model has no main effects")

n_factors <- length(xlevels)
nrows     <- nvars
row_names <- variable_names

inv           <- checkvarsnew(row_names,FALSE)
raw_row_names <- unlist(inv[1])
inv_row_names <- unlist(inv[2])
wisa_pseudo   <- which(isa_pseudo==TRUE)
if(length(wisa_pseudo) >0  ){
  ## which pseudo variables are specified in formula e.g bs(age))
  ## these shown on nomogram with raw names 
  ## w <- which(kernel_varname != "")
  ##    raw_row_names[w] <- kernel_varname[w]
  raw_row_names[wisa_pseudo] <- kernel_varname[wisa_pseudo]
     ## browser()
   ##   inv_row_names[w] <- "xxx"

##message(paste( paste(" ",raw_row_names[wisa_pseudo]),  "  not clickable") )

## possibility that  functional formal may not correspond to a data variable
## eg  log(X1 + X2)
  test <- which(is.element(kernel_varname,c("",colnames(rawdata) ) ) == FALSE)

    ##message("no variable named ", kernel_varname[test]," in data")
    ## but may still be computable ?? Strange code?
    ## later  failing for log(X2+10) in formula. Because X2 not in data.
    ## actaully will pass this test but  fails in look_up when clicking
    ## on a variable value. But thought I had issue lof log(X +c)   sorted
    ## before look_up system introduced. 
  ##  return( message("no variable named ", kernel_varname[test]," in data") )
    test2 <- which(is.element(raw_variable_names[test],c("",colnames(rawdata) ) ) == FALSE)
    if(length(test2) > 0){

     message("Function ", raw_variable_names[test]," problem") 

vact       <- vector(length = npars  )
isadummy   <- vector(length = npars )
vact_names <- vector(length = npars  )
vact       <- seq(1:npars)
isadummy   <- rep(TRUE,times=npars)

i <- 0
k <- 0

for(k in 1:nvars ){
     nlev <- DF[k]
 ## need to create vact() giving variable number of each parameter (i)
    for(j in 1:nlev){
    i <- i + 1
    vact[i] <- k
      if(isa_factor[k]) {
      isadummy[i]   <- TRUE
      vact_names[i] <- variable_names[k]
      isadummy[i]   <- FALSE
      vact_names[i] <- variable_names[k]

  S <- X

## -------------------------------------------------------- 
## extract scores S[,i] associated with each beta-coefficient  
## -------------------------------------------------------- 

  for (i in 1:npars){
    S[,i] <- X[,i]*betas[i]


## center the  scores and data if center

  if(center){m <- colSums(X)/nrow(X)
 ## default align  to minimum values?
    ## do I want this?? Later. No  align to zero  so that actual
    ## beta*X scores or shown 
   {  #m <- apply(X,2,min)
    m <- rep(0,times=ncol(X))
  ## exclude factor variables from centering, make 0 always the reference
     m[which(isadummy)] <- 0
  X <- scale(X,center=m,scale=FALSE)

  bm <- m*betas
  S <- scale(S,center=bm,scale=FALSE)
  intercept <- intercept +sum(bm, na.rm=TRUE)

SS <- matrix(nrow=nrow(X),ncol=nrows)
XX <- matrix(nrow=nrow(X),ncol=nrows)
i <- 1
k <- 1

while (i <= npars) {
  dummys <- which(vact==k)

  if(length(dummys) >1) {
   SS[,k] <- rowSums( S[,dummys], na.rm=TRUE)
   XX[,k] <- SS[,k]
  i <- i + length(dummys)
  k <- k+1 
  SS[,k] <-  S[,i] 
  XX[,k] <-  X[,i]
 ## if isa_pseudo need to ensure XX is  betaX ie. =SS 
  ## why?  usually with isa_pseudo  e.g bs() dummys is 
  ## multivalued

  if(isa_pseudo[k]  ) XX[,k] <-  SS[,k]

  i <- i+1
  k <- k+1  

}  ##while (i <= npars) 

colnames(SS) <- row_names

## replace  S and X by collapsed values

S <- SS
X <- XX

  ## number panels show. Normally =nrows, except when interactions 
  npanels <- nrows

## set graphic boundaries. Max and min of beta-scores or fraction thereof??

L <- min(S[,],na.rm=TRUE)
M <- max(S[,],na.rm=TRUE)
diff <-  (M-L)
tickl <- (M-L)/50
tot_score <-  rowSums(S, na.rm=TRUE) 

##factr <- vector(length=nrows) + for possibility of mixed
isinteraction_row <-  vector(length= (nrows ))

#   ## for lmer,   ignore tot_score as computed, and use
#   ##  predict() in P-ranef values, noting  tot_score is minus intercept
#   ##  can calculate actual random effects by difference of predict() 
#   ##  and sum of  fixed effects

  random_effects <- pred_tot_score - (tot_score + intercept) 
   RER <- range(random_effects)
   ## adjust L and M boundary markers to accommodate  a (possibly greater) 
   ## spread of  random effects 

  L <- min(L,RER[1])
  M <- max(M,RER[2])
## override tot_score with predicted  (less intercept, added back in later)
## to use Lm_scale() nomogram function
   tot_score <-  pred_tot_score - intercept
 ## add additional panel at top for random effects    
    npanels <- npanels +1

}  ##@if(FIRSTRUN)
nstrata <- 1
if(!is.null(strata_levels)) nstrata <- length(strata_levels)

make_space <- 2 +(ntimes-1)*0.6 

  if(dev.cur() > 1) dev.off() 
  ## not sure about plotmargin, value seems to have no effect 
  ## whatsoever.
# mai  A numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right) 
#  which gives the margin size specified in inches. Figure: mai.png
#   mar   A numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right) 
# which gives the number of lines of margin to be specified on 
#  the four sides of the plot. The default is c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1.
  plotmargin <- 5
  par(mar=c(0,0,0,0) + plotmargin, mai=c(0,0,0,0),bg = "#FFFFFF") 
  plot(c(L-0.3*(M-L),M+0.1*(M-L)), c(0.5,npanels+2  + make_space),col="white",

##  "n" supresses border and x and y axes. 
##nrows <- npars
##  delta controls positioning of scale annotation and spacing, length of ticks etc
##  one delta unit below  
delta <- 0.05 + (0.2-0.05)*(npanels)/10
## long and short tick length
ltick <- 0.4*delta
stick <- 0.2*delta

##factr <- vector(length=nrows) + for possibility of lme4
##isinteraction_row <-  vector(length= (nrows + 1))

else  ##if(FIRSTRUN)
  if(nudist ){
  plot(c(L-0.3*(M-L),M+0.1*(M-L)), c(0.5,npanels+2 + make_space),col="white" ) 

sumcheck <- 0
aspect <- 1.4*(M-L)/(npanels+2 + make_space -0.5) 

# #try scaling point axis 0,-100  (L,M)

  lscale <- max(S[,],na.rm=TRUE)- min(S[,],na.rm=TRUE)

## set up ranking permutation for rank=TRUE
## (random effects not included in this)
 Rng <- vector(length=nrows) 
  for(i in 1:nrows){

      Rng[i] <- sd(S[,i])
     r<- range(S[,i]) 
     Rng[i] <- r[2]-r[1]

  irank <- order(Rng,decreasing=TRUE)

 else ## if(rank)
  {irank <- seq(1:nrows)}
  row_of_panel <- vector(length=(nrows ))
  ## checks on plot types

  plot.type  <- rep(plots[1],times <- npanels + 2) 
  plot.typef <- rep(plots[2],times <- npanels + 2)  
  selected <- rep(FALSE,times <- npanels + 2) 

}  ##if(FIRSTRUN)

## main graphics loop over potential nrows of the graphic. 
##  Those shown are "panels"  

if(nudist ){
none <- all(plot.type=="no plot")

g <- 1
##  note: this "ghost" loop for(ghost in 1:g) is device to add  confidence intervals
##  to beta-coefficients.  It repeats the same drawing code 
##  but  with betas replaced by Lbetas (ghost=2) and
##  Ubetas (ghost=3).  U and L beta coefficients are upper and lower
##  intervals, as previously calculated.
##  the confidence bars are actually added on when ghost=3.
if(coeffCI) g <- 3

for(ghost in 1:g){
        CIcol <- "#999999"
        lwid <- 1

  if(ghost==1) {gbetas <- betas
  axcol <- "black"
  subt <- showsubticks 
  cexc <- cexcats
  reftick <- vector(length=nrows)
  reftickval <- vector(length=nrows)
  center_tickpos <- vector(length=nrows)
  ref_ticks_pos <- vector(length=nrows)
  beta_order <- list(length=nrows)
  if(ghost==2) {gbetas <- Lbetas
## lower confidence scale
  lowerCI <- vector(length=nrows)

  axcol <- "white"
  subt <- FALSE
cexc <- cexcats*0.75  }
  if(ghost==3) {gbetas <- Ubetas
## upper confidence scale

  axcol <- "white"
  subt <- FALSE
cexc <- cexcats*0.75

npanel <- 0
  spacegap <- paste(rep(" ",times=8),collapse="")
## try a trick to only do matrix work in caxisX()
## on the first run  
if(FIRSTRUN){BXrawX <- list()

 for (row_num in 1:nrows){

   i <- irank[row_num]

   ## deal with stat significance, choose largest 
   ## note: max("","*","**","***") returns "***"!
     iv <- which(vact==i)
       ss <- sigcodes[iv]
            ss <- NA
            ss  <- max(sigcodes[iv], na.rm=TRUE)
     isint <- isinteraction[iv[1]]
   ##  isint <- (row_num > nmain_effects) 
     isinteraction_row[i] <- isint

   ## patching switch to omit showing interaction panels
   ## showpanel <- ( !isinteraction_row[i] | showi )
   ## prior showi=TRUE ensures showpanel always TRUE   
    showpanel <- TRUE
    isNApanel <- is.na(S[,i][1])
  ##row_names may include fuction e.g log(age)  (race="black") etv  
 v <- row_names[i]
 gX <- getX(v)

  ## except for logicals () use actual variable name
 ## eg as.factor(sex)  makes v = sex
 if(  gX[2] !="()"){ v <- raw_row_names[i]}
        numeric <- !isa_factor[i] | isa_pseudo[i] 

   if(showpanel) {npanel <- npanel + 1
   row_of_panel[npanel] <- row_num}
   ipos <- npanel+0.5 +make_space
   if(numeric ){
 ### numeric (non-factor variable) or interaction
 ##  make a  distribution type
  ## isNApanel indicates NA beta coefficient for a panel. Use to skip
  ##  drawing  distribution   
   uniq <- sort(unique(S[,i]))
   Xuniq <- sort(unique(X[,i]))
   luniq <- length(Xuniq)
   B <- gbetas[which(vact==i)]
   PT <- plot.type[npanel]

 if( PT !="no plot"  & showpanel & ghost==1){
  if(PT=="density") { myd <- mydensity(S[,i],ipos,dencol) 
   if(myd) {
    message(paste("singular density for ", row_names[i],"?"))}
  if(PT=="bars") { myd <- myhist(S[,i],ipos,dencol) 
 if(myd) {
    message(paste("singular value for ", row_names[i],"?"))}
  if(PT=="ecdf") { mycumul(S[,i],ipos,tickl,dencol)  }

## dencol or boxcol??  Maybe dencol?
  if(PT=="boxes"){  myboxes(S[,i],ipos,dencol,aspect,L,M)}

 if(PT=="spikes"){ myspikes(S[,i],ipos,spkcol,aspect,L,M)      }
## trialling myhist       
   if(PT=="bars"){ myhist(S[,i],ipos,dencol)      }

  bandwidth <- 0.01*(max(S[,i])-min(S[,i]))
  box <- vioplot(S[,i], add=TRUE,at=ipos+0.3,horizontal=TRUE,wex=0.5, border="blue", 
             h=bandwidth, colMed="black", pchMed=21, col=dencol)
## bug:  vioplot() outputs NULL whether assigned box <- or not.
##       must be an internal to vioplot output
##       cant see how to supress

   if(PT=="bean" ){

   bandwidth <- 0.01*(max(S[,i])-min(S[,i]))
   box <-  beanplot(S[,i], add=TRUE,at=ipos+0.3,horizontal=TRUE, maxwidth=0.5,
       what = c(0,1,0,1),  bw=bandwidth, log="", overallline="median",beanlinewd=0, 
      kernel="epanechnikov",  axes=FALSE, border="blue", col=dencol,method="overplot",
      ll=0.1 , frame.plot=FALSE,  pars = list(boxwex = 0.8, staplewex = 0.5, 
                                              outwex = 0.5,cex=0.5))  
    box <-  boxplot(S[,i], add=TRUE,at=ipos+0.3,horizontal=TRUE,  border="blue",col=dencol,
             pars = list(boxwex = 0.8, staplewex = 0.5, outwex = 0.5,cex=0.5))
     } ##if(!none 

## try adding confdence scale   

## now add the variable scale ruler
##  extract beta value for this numeric variable. 

  Beta <- gbetas[which(vact==i)]
    mean <- m[which(vact==i)] 
     ## nmax parameter used in pretty()  
   ## what is 10? Maximum  ticks, allows more of scale spaced?  
  nmax <-  round(min(8, 1+10*(max(S[,i]) -min(S[,i]))/lscale ),0)
  ##nmax <-  round(min(5, 1+5*(max(S[,i]) -min(S[,i]))/lscale ),0)
  ## fix nmax?
 ## continuous case
## if(showpanel){
## draw axis of continuous data, tranferring  code.  Messy, but trying to isolate   
   if(ghost==1) {
## fudge this for the case when   i is isa_pseudo, in which case
## X[,i]  is  sum of beta*x  over the  components of X
  if(!isa_pseudo[i]  ){
    ## is it a functional value?? kernel_varname[i] !=  ""

  axe <- plot_caxis(X,i,mean,nmax,Beta, isint,row_names,
  raw_row_names,inv_row_names,gX, subt,

##  eg.  function  such as log(), 

##  rawX <- rawdata[,kernel_varname[i]]
  ## test for variable in data
      if(!is.element(raw_variable_names[i],colnames(rawdata)) ){
       return(message(paste("variable ",raw_variable_names[i],
         "expected in data")))
   rawX <- rawdata[,raw_variable_names[i]]
    BXrawX_i <- NA
    BXrawX_i <- BXrawX[[i]]
  axe <- plot_caxisX(X[,i]*Beta, raw_variable_names[i],row_names[i],
     BXrawX[[i]] <- axe[[6]]



  } ##if(!isa_pseudo[i])
     else  ##if(!isa_pseudo[i])
      ##  isa_pseudo, ie.  possible spline, bs or poly, rcs()
         ## no attached  raw variable, i.e. function defined external to
         ## regression call
  axe <- plot_caxis(X,i,sum(mean*Beta),nmax,1.0, isint,row_names,
  raw_row_names,inv_row_names,gX, subt,
       else  ##if(kernel_varname[i]==""
         # associated raw variable name, try to form axis from raw data values
  rawX <- rawdata[,kernel_varname[i]]
  ## X[,i]  is sum of  b*X's over the splines 
  BXrawX_i <- NA
    BXrawX_i <- BXrawX[[i]]
    ##BWrawX_i <- matrix(BXrawX_i,ncol=2,nrow=length(BXrawX_i)/2)
  axe <- plot_caxisX(X[,i],  raw_row_names[i],row_names[i],
         L,M,ipos,ltick,delta,cexc,axcol,rawX,splineplot,FIRSTRUN, BXrawX_i )
     ## save the returned X,rawX matrix for subsequent use
     ##  avoiding recalculating
     BXrawX[[i]] <- axe[[6]] 
         raw_row_names[i] <- kernel_varname[i]
    ##fill in with any non-NA value
         inv_row_names[i] <- "xxx"
     } ##if(!isa_pseudo[i])

  ticks_pos <- axe[[1]]
  tickval <- axe[[2]]
  ticks <- axe[[3]]
    mid <- floor(length(ticks)*.5) +1
    ref_ticks_pos[row_num] <- list(ticks_pos)
    reftick[row_num] <- list(ticks)
    reftickval[row_num] <- list(tickval)

  ##  reftickpos[row_num] <- ticks_pos[mid] 

    center_tickpos[row_num] <- sum(mean*Beta)

    likeafunction <-  (!isa_pseudo[i] & kernel_varname[i]!="")
    ## note to myself. Current architecture looping over ghost,1,2,3  makes it impossible to   
    ##  get confidence intervals for  "likeafactor" variable e.g  rcs() or bs()
    ## because the matrix X, previously built, has beta-values built into it
    ##  ie.  X[,i] is sum(beta*S) for splines S.  The ghost=1,2,3 loops over
    ## lower(ghost=2) and upper (ghost=3) values of beta. I cannot see how to update
    ##  the X matrix .  Hence the !isa_pseudo[i] exclusion for ghost 2 and 3
    if(ghost==2 & !isa_pseudo[i] ){

        if(likeafunction) {
          pos <- NULL
          ticks <- unlist(reftick[row_num])
          ## use look up table to get  graph positions for untransformed "ticks"
          ## eg. ticks are actual Ages  of log(Age) 
        ## do reorder once out of the loop, for efficiency 
            XB <- X[,i]*Beta
           Raw <- rawX
             o <-  reorderxy(Raw,XB) 
           Raw <- unlist(o[1])
            XB <- unlist(o[2])

          for(j in 1:length(ticks) ){

          pos <- c(pos,lookup(Raw,XB,ticks[j],reorder=FALSE))

       lowerCI[row_num] <-   list( pos )

        }  ##if(likeafunction)
        lowerCI[row_num] <- list(unlist(reftick[row_num])*Beta - center_tickpos[row_num]) 
        }  ##else if(likeafunction)
       }#if(ghost==2 & !isa_pseudo[i] 

      if(ghost==3 & !isa_pseudo[i]){
        if(likeafunction) {
          ticks <- unlist(reftick[row_num])
           pos <- NULL

          #        ## eg. ticks are actual Ages  of log(Age) 
             XB <- X[,i]*Beta
            Raw <- rawX
              o <-  reorderxy(Raw,XB) 
            Raw <- unlist(o[1])
             XB <- unlist(o[2])

        for(j in 1:length(ticks) ){
          pos <- c(pos,lookup(Raw,XB, ticks[j],reorder=FALSE))
        upperCI <- pos 
        upperCI <- unlist(reftick[row_num])*Beta - center_tickpos[row_num]
        low <- unlist(lowerCI[row_num])

       ##diff <- upperCI -low
        nints <- length(low)
  ## draw intervals on beta*X at axis main tick marks 
  ## at most 5 intervals
        everyother <- ceiling(nints/5)
        sq <- seq(from=1,to=nints,by=everyother)
        ibar <- 0
        for(intvx in 1:length(sq)){
          intv <- sq[intvx]
      ## bar of continuous  variables     
      ## draw  CI bar if wide enough?
        ##  browser()
          if( abs(low[intv]-upperCI[intv]) > 0.001 ){
          ibar <- ibar +1 
         about <- ibar*0.07
       # refv <- reftickval[row_num]
       segments(low[intv], ipos+about, upperCI[intv], ipos+about,col=CIcol,lwd=lwid)
       midp <- (low[intv]+upperCI[intv])*0.5
       points(midp, ipos+about, col=CIcol,pch=19,cex=0.8,bg=CIcol)
}  ##if(ghost==3 & !isa_pseudo[i]

}  ##if(!isNApanel)
  ##left hand varaibles  
# put in left hand  axis labels
  lcol <- "black"
 ## if(showpanel){
    ## use italics, font=3, for interactions and
    ##  possible formula function   gX[2]  !=""
  ##if(isint | gX[2] != ""){

  if(isint ){
   ## try this to determine whether a factor*numeric interaction.
  ##  factor will be of for sexF for sex so not  in variable_names
  ivars <- unlist(strsplit(v,":"))
## what is the logic of this? I think only want to
  ## invoke revo() for numeric*factor interactions.
  ## if numeric*numeric ivars match the 
  ## variable_names??
  if(!all(is.element(ivars,variable_names)) ) { v <- revo(v,variable_names) }
  ## replace *  by :  in variable names? 
  v <- gsub(":", " * ", v, fixed = TRUE)
 if(leftlabel){  text(x=L-0.27*(M-L),y= ipos+0.4,paste(v,ss,sep=""),cex=cexvars, font=3,adj=c(0,1),col=lcol)
   text(x=min(ticks_pos),y= ipos,paste0(v,ss,spacegap),cex=cexvars, font=3,adj=c(1,0),col=lcol)
   else  #if(isint  | gX[2] != "") 

    text(x=L-0.27*(M-L),y= ipos+0.4,paste(v,ss,sep=""),cex=cexvars, 
   text(x=min(ticks_pos),y= ipos,paste0(v,ss,spacegap),cex=cexvars, 
##  } ##if(showpanel)
  }  ##if(ghost==1)

##} #if(showpanel)
## points corresponding to  main ticks  (for output, no other use):
tick_points <- round(100*(ticks_pos -L)/(M-L))
## assume non-negative X values not allowed
positv <- which(tickval >=0)

  pointsframe <-  as.data.frame( cbind(tickval[positv], tick_points[positv]) )
  colnames(pointsframe) <- c(v,"Points") 
  points_values[[nrows+1-i]] <-  pointsframe 

 }  ##if(pointscale)
   }  ##if(numeric)

   else  ##if(numeric)
 ## draw  frequencies of factors as boxes or spikes    
  PT <- plot.typef[npanel]
## patch for default  "boxes" if first run, with value density
## which has been default assigned for all plots  

       par_nos <- which(vact_names==variable_names[i])  
           B  <- gbetas[par_nos]

## make the labels for the  categories 

## use levels of factor variables unless an interaction
       cats <- unlist(xlevels[variable_names[i]])
## factor-by-factor interaction term: 
## using  beta coefficient names as labels
## and set a baseline "ref" label
## remove variable names from combination
## eg  sexF:EthnicPacific <-  F:Pacific
## (nb:variable_names[i] does not have category values attached) 
        cats <- remo(variable_names[i],names(B),xlevels)
      ## augment  B with baseline value zero
      if(nointercept & firstfactor==i){
          beta_values <- B}
      beta_values <- c(0,B)
      ## artifical beta=0 for ref category 
      ## pick up baseline category name
      names(beta_values[1]) <- names(cats[1])
 if(showpanel & ghost==1 ){
 lb <- length(which(!is.na(beta_values)  ) )
## can only do discrete  boxes, bars, spikes or no plot
## so if selected, need to revert to previous type 
## ensure that plot.type is saved
 # if(!is.element(PT,c("spikes","boxes","bars","no plot"))){
 #   PT <- plot.typef[npanel]
 #   plot.type[npanel] <- PT }
 PT <- plot.typef[npanel]
 if(PT == "spikes" | PT == "boxes" | PT == "bars" ){
  ## need to order betas  to match order of frequencies (frq) below,
  ## which are in increasing order of  beta coefficents
   ob <- order(beta_values)
   beta_values <- beta_values[ob] 
   cats <- cats[ob]
   ## need to save if confince interavl on coefficients are display
   ## save anyway!
   oblist <- as.list(ob)
   beta_order[[row_num]] <- oblist 
    if(PT=="spikes" ){

  ## frq is ordered by increasing S[,i] ie.
  ## by increasing betas    
   frq <- as.numeric(table(S[,i]))
   tot <- sum(frq)  
    frqx <- max(frq)
    sqx <- tot/frqx

              dy <- 0.6*(frq/tot)*sqx 
              dx <- 0.001* diff
              xleft <-  beta_values - dx
              xright <- beta_values + dx
              ybottom <- c(rep(ipos,times=lb)) 
              ytop <- c(rep(ipos,times=lb)) + dy
         segments(beta_values, ybottom,beta_values, ytop, lwd=3,col=spkcol)
        ## also add an axis 
       segments( min(beta_values),ipos,max(beta_values),ipos) 
      ## put black labels at top of spike


##  bar essentially same as spike but with a box.  
     if(PT=="bars" ){

  ## frq is ordered by increasing S[,i] ie.
  ## by increasing betas    
   frq <- as.numeric(table(S[,i]))
   tot <- sum(frq)  
    frqx <- max(frq)
    sqx <- tot/frqx

              dy <- 0.6*(frq/tot)*sqx 

              halfwide <- min(diff(beta_values))/2.2
  ## but not too wide ??
              halfwide <- min(halfwide, (M-L)/40)
  ## or fix width??  Yes, I think better  
              halfwide <- (M-L)/50
              xleft <-  beta_values - halfwide
              xright <- beta_values + halfwide
              ybottom <- c(rep(ipos,times=lb)) 
              ytop <- c(rep(ipos,times=lb)) + dy
              ## sort by height, draw with largest first
         o <- order(ytop, decreasing=TRUE)
   ytop    <- ytop[o]
   ybottom <- ybottom[o]
   xleft   <- xleft[o]
   xright  <- xright[o]
       rect(xleft, ybottom, xright,ytop,border="blue",col= boxcol) 
       ## mark axis at actual value
           ## also add an axis 
       segments( min(beta_values),ipos,max(beta_values),ipos) 
      ## put black labels at top of spike


    if(PT=="boxes")  {

## draw boxes 
 ## boxes drawn without labels, need to add labels, alternate positions
   frq <- as.numeric(table(S[,i]))
   tot <- sum(frq)  
   frqx <- max(frq)
   sqx <- sqrt(tot/frqx)
   dy <- 0.30*sqrt(frq/tot)*sqx 
## NB NTM There is a problem here, identified with interaction
   ## when  there are zero-frequencies of an interaction.  
   ## if this happens the length of frq is same as number of non-zero
   #  interactions and is not the same as length(betavalues).
   ## will trow a warning in 
   ##  (dy+0.8*delta)*plmi  since length(dy != lenght(plmi)
   ## could truncate length(plmi). But doesnt fix
   ## as labels (cats) wont necessarily match.
   ##  How to fix??

   ##lb <- min(lb,length(frq))
   plmi <- rep(c(-1,1), times=lb)
    adj <- rep(c(1,0), times=lb)
    plmi <- plmi[1:lb]

    if(length(plmi) != length(dy)){
     message("checksum error for plmi and dy. Contact developer")
    posn <- ipos  - (dy+0.8*delta)*plmi


    if(PT=="no plot"){
   {dx <- 0.01
    dy <- 0.01
    xleft <-  beta_values - dx
    xright <- beta_values + dx
    ybottom <- c(rep(ipos,times=lb ) ) - dy
    ytop <- c(rep(ipos,times=lb) ) + dy
    ob <- order(beta_values)

    plmi <- rep(c(-1,+1), times=lb)
    plmi <- plmi[1:lb]
    posn <- ipos  - delta*plmi 
 ## if(is.null(val)) val <- " "
   size <- 0.3
   ## draw vertical up/down ticks 
   ## also add an  axis 
    segments( min(beta_values),ipos,max(beta_values),ipos,col=axcol) 
    segments(beta_values[ob], ipos, beta_values[ob], ipos - 0.4*delta*plmi,col=axcol)

 }  ##showpanel & g=1 & lb >0
        lowerCI[row_num] <- list(beta_values )

    ## coefficient confidence of factors
        lwid <- 1
        upperCI <- beta_values
        lb <- length(beta_values)
        low <- unlist(lowerCI[row_num])
        plmi <- rep(c(1,-1), times=lb)
if(PT == "boxes" ){
   ##recall code for box position
   frq  <- as.numeric(table(S[,i]))
   tot  <- sum(frq)  
   frqx <- max(frq)
   sqx  <- sqrt(tot/frqx)
   dy  <- 0.3*sqrt(frq/tot)*sqx 

if(PT == "spikes"){
    frq <- as.numeric(table(S[,i]))
    tot <- sum(frq)  
    frqx <- max(frq)
    sqx <- tot/frqx
    dy <- 0.6*(frq/tot)*sqx
        if(PT == "boxes" | PT == "spikes" ) {    
## need to reorder low[] and upperCI[] to agree with 
## ordering of frequencies (saved as list beta_order)
        ob <- unlist(beta_order[row_num])
        low     <- low[ob]
        upperCI <-  upperCI[ob]

for(cat in 1:lb){
        ## set about for "no plot"
        about <- ipos + 0.1*cat
## if boxes put bar to align with box top or bottom       
       if(PT == "boxes" | PT == "spikes" ) {
## use dy[] to position vertically to meet with top of spike
## or bottom/top of box
          if(PT == "boxes"){ 
          about <- ipos - 1.2*( plmi[cat]*(dy[cat]) )}
       if(PT == "spikes" ) {about <- ipos + dy[cat]}
## dont draw interval for  baseline ??  or not NA
        if(low[cat] != upperCI[cat]){

       segments(low[cat],about, upperCI[cat], about,col=CIcol,lwd=lwid)
       midp <- 0.5*(low[cat] + upperCI[cat])
      ## segments(midp, ipos-1.3*about, midp, ipos-0.3*about,col=CIcol)
       points(midp,about,pch=19,cex=0.8, col=CIcol,bg=CIcol)
  ##     text(low[cat],ipos-about,paste(cats[cat]),cex=cexc,col="black")
  ##     text(upperCI[cat],ipos-about,paste(cats[cat]),cex=cexc,col="black")
   }  ##if(!isNApanel)
  lcol <- "black"

   ##reduce font size for complexity of interaction (number of colons)??
   ncolons <- length(unlist (gregexpr(":",v) ))
   ## prefer to show  *  instead of :  for interactions? Nah
   ##v <- gsub(":", " * ", v, fixed = TRUE)
   size <- cexvars- ncolons*0.1
if(leftlabel){   text(x=L-0.27*(M-L),y= ipos+0.4,paste(v,ss,sep=""),cex=cexvars, font=3,adj=c(0,1),col=lcol)
     {text(x=min(beta_values),y= ipos,paste0(v,ss,spacegap),cex=cexvars, font=3,adj=c(1,0),col=lcol)
   else  #if(isint) 

  if(leftlabel){  text(x=L-0.27*(M-L),y= ipos+0.4,paste(v,ss,sep=""),cex=cexvars, adj=c(0,1),col=lcol)
     else {text(x=min(beta_values),y= ipos,paste0(v,ss,spacegap),cex=cexvars, adj=c(1,0),col=lcol)
  ## if(showP) text(x=L-0.27*(M-L),y= ipos,paste(ss),cex=cexvars, col=lcol)
  }  #if(showpanel) 
## points table on ghost==1

        tick_points <- round(100*(beta_values-L)/(M-L))
        pointsframe <-  as.data.frame(cbind(cats,tick_points) )
        colnames(pointsframe) <- c(v,"Points") 
  ## make sure output ordered list same as graphic 
        points_values[[nrows + 1-i]] <-  pointsframe
  } ##if(ghost==1
}  ##else  of if(numeric

## end of main graphics loop for (row_num in 1:(nrows))

}  ## for(ghost in 1:g loop

## if mixed model add additional panel at the top. 
if( lme4 ){
 ipos <- npanel+1  +0.5 +make_space
## make  pretty scale. May be small REs, so dont want bunching on axis?

  nmax <- 4 
  eps <- 0.0001
  ## very small range of random_effects
  if((RER[2]-RER[1])/(M-L) < eps) {
    ticks <- signif( (RER[2]+RER[1])/2,4)
    {nmax <- round( 10* (RER[2]-RER[1])/(M-L) )
   ticks     <- pretty(random_effects,n=nmax) 
 segments(ticks,ipos,ticks,ipos - ltick,col="black",)
 if(showsubticks) subticksf(ticks,ticks,ipos,stick)
 text(x=ticks,y= ipos-delta,paste(ticks),cex=cexcats,col="black",)
if(leftlabel){  text(x=L-0.27*(M-L), adj=c(0,1),y= ipos+0.4,
  paste0("[RE:",randomv,"]"),cex=cexvars, font=3, col="black")
text(x=min(ticks),y= ipos,
paste(paste0("[RE:",randomv,"]"),spacegap),cex=cexvars, font=3, adj=c(1,0),col="black")
  if(selected[npanels] != "no plot"){
##  put on graphic of random effect distribution      

  allfact <- all(isa_factor)
  PT <- plot.type[npanels]
   RE_distribution(L,M,pointscale, random_effects, 
  PT,nrows,ltick, stick, center,delta,dencol,boxcol,

}  ##if(lme4)
# add beta X  or points scale  contributions at top of graphic

tickp <- pretty(S[,],n=8)
tickp <-  pretty(c(S[,],L,M),n=8)
# values of the ticks, keep in tickval

tickval <- tickp
# change output scale to points, 

if(pointscale) {
  tickval <- 100*(tickp -L)/(M-L)
  tickval <- pretty(tickval,n=8)
  tickval <- tickval[which(tickval >= 0 & tickval <=100 )]
  tickp   <- ((M-L)*tickval)/100 +L 


##  limit extent to graph boundaries
   limits <- which(tickp > L-0.1*(M-L) & tickp < M+0.11*(M-L) )
 if(length(limits) > 2){
    tickp <- tickp[limits]
  tickval <- tickval[limits]
sv      <- sieve(tickp,tickval, 0.04*(M-L))
tickp   <- unlist(sv[1])
tickval <- unlist(sv[2])

npos <- npanels+1 + make_space
ypos <- npos+0.4

text(x=tickp,y= ypos- delta,paste(signif(tickval,3)),cex=cexscales) 

# subticks?

if(showsubticks) subticksf(tickp, tickp,ypos,stick)

if(pointscale) {ex <- "Points  "
       if(center){ex <- expression(italic(paste(beta,"(X-m) terms  ")))}
      {ex <- expression(italic(paste(beta,"X terms  ")))}

text(x=L-0.27*(M-L), adj=c(0,1), ypos+1.5*delta ,ex ,cex=cexscales, font=3) 

#write title heading above  upper scale 
##titlepos <- min(ypos + 2.5*delta,npars+2+ make_space)
titlepos <- min(ypos + 2.5*delta,npanels+2+ make_space)

text((M+L)/2,titlepos, title ,cex=1.05 ,font=4) 

# =======================================================
# add  Total points scale and its distribution
## use yref_pos as reference point of "Total-points-to outcome"
 yref_pos <- make_space + 1

 allfact <- all(isa_factor)
 PT <- plot.type[npanels + 2]
 Total_distribution(L,M,pointscale, tot_score,none, 
   PT,nrows,ltick, stick, center,delta,dencol,boxcol,
   spkcol,tickl,aspect, yref_pos,  showsubticks,allfact,

Max_tot_score <- max(tot_score)
Min_tot_score <- min(tot_score)
Range <- Max_tot_score - Min_tot_score
tickvalues <- pretty(tot_score,n=6)

tickv <- tickvalues
tickp <- (M-L)* (tickv -Min_tot_score)/Range + L

## fix positions of the scale relative to values of pretty values
## draw line to fit L-M boundary, ticks having  screen coordinates

## require "pts" for pointscale
  tickv <- tickvalues
  ## convert to points, 
  tickv <- 100*(tickv -L*nrows)/(M-L)
  tickv <- pretty(tickv,n=8)
  ## convert back into actual total scores
  pts  <- ((M-L)*tickv)/100 +L*nrows
  tickp <- (M-L)* (pts -Min_tot_score)/Range + L 

## add score-to-probability nomograms scales at the bottom             

pos_of_nomo <- yref_pos-1.8
pos_of_nomo <- yref_pos-0.9*make_space

# ------logistic  nomogram-----------------------------------------  

if(logistic | logisticer ){
    time_gap <- make_space /(ntimes +1)
 for(time in 1:ntimes){
   Y <- yvar
   intercept_temp <- intercept
   if(polr_logistic){intercept_temp <- intercepts[time] -intercept
           ## if(center) intercept_temp <- intercept_temp -intercept
            Y <- names(intercepts)[time]
            pos_of_nomo <- time*time_gap
  }  ## for(time in 1:ntimes)
}  ## if(logistic | logisticer 

##----------probit polr nomogram----------------------
  ## set up sclaes for probit  polr
  time_gap <- make_space /(ntimes +1)
  for(time in 1:ntimes){
    intercept_temp <- intercepts[time] -intercept
    ## if(center) intercept_temp <- intercept_temp -intercept
    Y <- names(intercepts)[time]
    pos_of_nomo <- time*time_gap

}  ##if(polr_probit)

# ------lm  nomogram-----------------------------------------  
if(lm | ols | lmer | olser){
# ------poisson  nomogram-----------------------------------------  
if(poisson | negbin | poissoner | negbiner ){

# ------Cox or survreg nomogram-----------------------------------------  
if(cox | survreg){
  time_gap <- make_space /(ntimes +1)
strata_gap <- time_gap/(nstrata +1)

for(time in 1:ntimes){
  ## this establishes position of each time point nomogram 
  ## and if strata the first stratum scale

pos_of_nomo <- time*time_gap

  ftime <- tcut[time]
  base <- baseS[time]
  if(medsurv) Spt <- Spercent[time]
  ## use basehaz() to get hazards at X=0. Only do FIRSTRUN as it
  ##  may be time consuming

  if(FIRSTRUN & is.null(baseS) & time==1) {
  h <- basehaz(reg, centered=FALSE)

  if(rms & ncol(h)==3 & names(h)[3] == "strata"){
    ## rms strata have strata name (3rd col) as  e.g.  Sex="F"
    ## but  coxph/survreg returm just "F"
    ## need to strip away "Sex="  of rms basehaz()
    ## get kernel from strat(x), find number of characters + 1 for the = sign

    ## NTM:  this works ok for single valued strat. Not sure how it will work
    ##  with  multivalued e.g strat(age,sex).  But I cannot get rms  to do
    ##  multivalued strata anyway!. 
  nc <- nchar(getX(vstrat)[1] ) + 1 
  h[,3] <- substring(h[,3],first=nc+1)
  hmax <- h$time[nrow(h)]

  ## NTM: should h() be reduced taking out flat areas where hazard constant onver times??
  ## how?
    message("survival quantiles beyond time ", signif(hmax,3), " un-estimable")
  ## ?? patch in final time point. Current last row of h is max observed time
  ##rowh <- nrow(h)
  ## h <- rbind( h, c(h$hazard[rowh],5*h$time[rowh]) )
  ## note: if strata() in model h has 3rd column of   "strata"  value. 
  if(!is.null(baseS) & cox & nstrata >1){
    return(message("cox model with strata and baseS non-null not allowed"))
  if(!medsurv) {
  cxp <- Cox_scale(reg, tot_score,intercept,L,M,Range,Min_tot_score,delta,
  ## time is the time cutoff in loop for(time in 1:ntimes)
  ## s5  the returned single values base survival for that time 
  s5[time]  <- cxp$s5}
  {cxp <- Cox_scalemedsurv(reg, tot_score,intercept,L,M,Range,Min_tot_score,delta,
 ## strata_levels <- cxp$strata_levels

## survreg nomogram -------------------------------------------

  p <- 1/reg$scale


  ##note: p can be multivalued  if strata() specified, one parameter per strata
} ##if cox|survreg  
## finalise last total points table 
 if(FIRSTRUN & pointscale){
# make table for first [1]  element of s5 and tcut
    points_values[[nrows + 1]] <- 

##save the "bare" plot, i.e. without any red observation data
 bareplot <- recordPlot()
}  #if(nudist)

   nudist <- FALSE 

  ## start overlay in red (default obscol) observation dots, text  and lines   
     npanel <- 0
     for (row_num in 1:(nrows)){
       i <- irank[row_num]

#  add in  RED points  of observation and value 
      dummys <-  which(vact==i)

          value_one <- which(newX[dummys] ==1)
          ## NTM need a patch here to retain name of value_one
          ##  when only one single factor variable in model 
          ## horribly messy 
              if(class(newX)=="matrix" )  nms <- colnames(newX)[value_one]
              if(class(newX)=="numeric")  nms <- names(newX)[value_one]
          names(value_one) <- nms}
          levels <- unlist(xlevels[variable_names[i]])
            level <- levels[1]
            ## clicked on reference category
            addX <- 0

            if(nointercept & firstfactor==i)
            level <- levels[value_one]
            level <- levels[1+value_one]}
            addX <-  betas[names(value_one)] 
          ##write label text in bold (font=2) 
    plmi <- rep(c(1,-1), times=length(levels))
    ilev  <- which(levels==level)
    plmi <- plmi[ilev]

    ## rather messy trying to overwrite black with red. 
    ## do I need red text?  Maybe fixed position
     posn <- ipos  + 1.5*delta
     ##or suppress altogether??
   size <- 0.3
          }  ##if(isa_factor
    else  # of if(isa_factor

          addX <-  sum( betas[dummys]*(newX[dummys]-m[dummys]) )

## add RED dot point at observation value
 npos <- npanels+1 + make_space
##   if( !isinteraction_row[i]){ 
       npanel <- npanel +1
       ipos <- npanel+0.5 +make_space

    cex <- 1
    col <- obscol

 ## interaction red cross
      ##pch=4 is a multiplication X sign
      points(addX,ipos, col=obscol,cex=cex, pch=4, lwd=2, bg=obscol)
  ## make dot a little smaller if many rows 
    ## if(nrows>10){cex <- 0.8}
## output red dot

      points(addX,ipos, col=obscol,cex=cex, pch=21, bg=obscol)
## also add red point to top of beta X points scale
## join by vertical dropline??
      segments(addX,ipos+0.02,addX,npos+0.38, col=obscol,lty="dotted") 

      sumcheck <- sumcheck + 100*( addX-L )/( M-L )
    { sumcheck <- sumcheck +addX}


 cex <- 1

    ##add a X in red
     points(addX,npos+0.4, col=obscol,cex=cex, pch=4,lwd=2,  bg=obscol)}
   points(addX,npos+0.4, col=obscol,cex=cex, pch=21, bg=obscol)}
 }  ## end of adding in  RED points loop over row_num
      ipos <- npanel+1  +0.5 +make_space
      ## get the random effects using predict() with random.only
      ## for observation
      RE <- predict(reg,type="link",random.only=TRUE, newdata=observation) 
      points(RE,ipos, col=obscol,cex=cex, pch=8, bg=obscol) 

      segments(RE,ipos+0.02,RE,npos+0.38, col="pink") 
## another point on top 
    points(RE,npos+0.4, col=obscol,cex=cex, pch=8, bg=obscol)
   ## output in RED random effects values of observation
    ul = unlist(strsplit(randomv, split = ","))
    reffs <- NULL
    for(i in 1:length(ul)){
      O <- observation[,ul[i]]
        reffs <- c(reffs, paste0(ul[i],"=",signif(O,3) ))
        {reffs <- c(reffs, paste0(ul[i],"=",O ))
    reffs <- paste(reffs,collapse=" ")
  ## output in RED of random effect  

  text(x=L-0.27*(M-L), adj=c(0,1) ,y= ipos+2*delta,
  reffs,cex=cexvars, font=3, col=obscol)
    }  ##if(lme4)
 npos <- 1

  if(length(newX) != length(betas)){
## this may be a problem with NAs in beta. 
## Pick out only newX elements referring to m   
  newX <- newX[names(m)]
##message("Data inconsistency . Possible beta NAs, attempt to fix")

  totS <- sum((newX-m) *betas, na.rm=TRUE) 
## use predict() instead  to get total score instead
## invokes predict.merMod 
## get the linear score (type="link" with random.only=FALSE
## random.only makes prediction using only random effects)
    totS <- predict(reg,type="link", newdata=observation) - intercept
    totSpos <- (M-L)* (totS -Min_tot_score)/Range + L
 ## filled diamond pch=23
    sz <- 1.3
    if(npars > 10) {sz <- 0.8}
  ##position of total score scale (same as in Total_distribution() function
  Total_pos <- yref_pos - 1 
  ##  cant figure out exact positions of plot edge? Extends beyond
  ##  L-0.3*(M-L)  M+0.1*(M-L)  
  ## but how much and why?  Trial and error gives 0.36 and 0.16 about right 
  # print(totSpos)
  # print((totSpos-M)/(M-L))
  # print((L-totSpos)/(M-L))
  # if(totSpos < L-0.36*(M-L) | totSpos > M+0.16*(M-L))
  # {message("outcome arrow off screen")}
  ## drawing pointer red arrow scale in red
  ## aaaah  can get  from par()$user!
   if(totSpos < par()$usr[1] | totSpos > par()$usr[2])
  {message("outcome arrow off screen")}
   points(totSpos,Total_pos, col=obscol,cex=sz, pch=23, bg=obscol)
  ## draw downward arrowhead pch=25 from total scale, arrow cursor 
   ## total in red obscol
  exval <- paste(signif(totS,3),sep="")

  if(pointscale) {
    ## need to frig around to get the outputted points value
    ## using the checksum variable, which is increemtal sum of
    ## points of each variable. Messy!
     exval <- paste(signif(sumcheck,3), sep="")
  ## output total score in red - exval - in red of red diamond  on the total score axis   
 text(totSpos,Total_pos + delta, exval,cex=cexscales ,font=3,col=obscol ) 

 ##  add in  red output probabilities/means
 ## loop over ntime - the number of scales. ntimes=1 except
 ## for survival models where different failtimes may have
 ## been specified. 
 if(cox | survreg){
 for(time in 1:ntimes){ 
   ftime <- tcut[time] 
   pos_of_nomo <- time*time_gap ## value position just above the pos-of-nomo-scale
   redscore_ypos <- pos_of_nomo + 0.75*delta
 ## for Cox model   
   ftime <- tcut[time]
   stratum <- 1 
 ## get stratum number of the data in "observation"

   stratum <- which_stratum(strata_levels, vstrat, observation)
   ## need to identify which statrum "observation" is in. 
   if(is.null(baseS) ){
     ##get baseline survival for this stratum
    surv <- baseSt(tcut[time],h,stratum, betas,m)
    surv <- baseS[time] ^exp(sum(betas*m))}
    {surv <- baseS[time]}  
   pred_mean <- (surv^exp(totS))
    pred_mean <- pred_mean /(1-pred_mean)
    if(fail){pred_mean <- 1/pred_mean}
  if(fail) { pred_mean <- 1-pred_mean }
## pos=2  to the left of, adjusted for  strata scales if present
 ##  yposx <- redscore_ypos + (stratum-1)*(1/(nstrata+1)) -ltick

  yposx <- pos_of_nomo + (stratum-1)*strata_gap
## output RED value

  text(totSpos,yposx + 0.1*strata_gap + delta, paste(signif(pred_mean,3)),pos=2,

  ## For Cox model must coerce  observation have specified failtime
  ## in order that the predict() call with newdata=observation
  ## in pcheck()  correctily fixes estimated probabilitites to tcut[time]. 
   observation[yvar] <- tcut[time]
## cox arrowhead in red  for Cox and vertical pointer
  segments(totSpos,Total_pos, totSpos, yposx, col=obscol,cex=1.)

    points(totSpos, yposx +0.1*strata_gap, col=obscol,cex=sz, pch=25, bg=obscol)
 ## put the stratum value of the observation in red
## this as at 
if(nstrata > 1){ 
##text(L -0.3*(M-L) ,yposx+0.5*delta,adj=0,paste(stratum),font=4,cex=cexscales, col=obscol)
## cox
    if( confI | predI ) {
      warn <- pcheck(new_obs,reg,confI,predI, observation,
      intercept, lm,ols,cox,logistic,poisson,negbin,survreg,pred_mean,
      odds,L,M,Range, Min_tot_score,delta,yposx,obscol,dist,tcut[time],
    if(warn & !is.null(base)){
      message("non null baseS parameter likely reason")

     } ##if(!medsurv)
    Sprop <- Spercent[time]/100   
    stratum <- 1 
   stratum <- which_stratum(strata_levels, vstrat,observation)
    H   <- 1/(  exp(totS)  / (-log(Sprop) )  )
    tS <- baseht(H,h,stratum, betas,m)

yposx <- pos_of_nomo + (stratum-1)*strata_gap
## output RED value

  text(totSpos,yposx+0.1*strata_gap + delta, paste0(tS),pos=2,cex=cexscales,font=3,col=obscol  ) 

## cox medsurv arrowhead in red
  segments(totSpos,Total_pos, totSpos, yposx, col=obscol,cex=1.)
  points(totSpos, yposx+0.1*strata_gap , col=obscol,cex=sz, pch=25, bg=obscol)

## cox
   ## overwrite statrum number in red survreg . Supress??
#  if(nstrata>1){
# text(L -0.3*(M-L) ,yposx+0.5*delta,adj=0,paste(stratum),font=4,cex=cexscales, col=obscol)
# }

     } ##else if(!medsurv)   
## NTM found this line?? It is doing nothing?
## tcut[time] <- tcut[time]
  px <- p

  stratum <- 1 

  stratum <- which_stratum(strata_levels, vstrat, observation)
   px <- p[stratum]}

  pred_mean <- 1/ (1+(exp(-totS-intercept)*ftime)^px) }
  pred_mean <- 1- pnorm(px*log( exp(-totS-intercept)*tcut[time]) )}
  pred_mean <- 1- pnorm(px*(-totS-intercept + tcut[time]) )}
  if(dist=="weibull"| dist=="exponential"){
  lam <- exp(-totS-intercept)
  pred_mean <- exp(  -(lam*tcut[time])^px )
  if(fail) { pred_mean <- 1-pred_mean }
  if(odds) {pred_mean <- pred_mean/(1-pred_mean)}
  yposx <- pos_of_nomo +(stratum-1)*strata_gap
  text(totSpos,yposx+delta, paste(signif(pred_mean,3)),pos=2,cex=0.9,font=3,col=obscol  ) 
  ##survreg  arrowhead
   segments(totSpos,Total_pos, totSpos, yposx, col=obscol,cex=1.)
      points(totSpos, yposx + 2*ltick  , col=obscol,cex=sz, pch=25, bg=obscol)

#    ## overwrite statrum number in red survreg 
#  if(nstrata>1){
# text(L -0.3*(M-L) ,yposx+0.5*delta,adj=0,paste(stratum),font=4,cex=cexscales, col=obscol)
# }

 if( confI | predI ) pcheck(new_obs,reg,confI,predI, observation,intercept, 
   L,M,Range, Min_tot_score,delta, yposx, obscol,
  else  ##if(!medsurv
  Sprop <- Spercent[time]/100  
    lambda <- exp(-totS-intercept)
    pred_T <- ( ((1-Sprop)/Sprop) ^ (1/px) )/lambda
  pred_T <- exp( qnorm(1-Sprop)/px + (totS+intercept) )}
  pred_T <- qnorm(1-Sprop)/px + totS+intercept}
  if(dist=="weibull"| dist=="exponential"){
    lambda <- exp(-totS-intercept)

     pred_T <- ( (-log(Sprop))^(1/px) ) / lambda

  ## medsurv=TRUE
    ##survreg  arrowhead  for medsurv
  yposx <- pos_of_nomo +(stratum-1)*strata_gap
   segments(totSpos,Total_pos, totSpos, yposx, col=obscol,cex=1.)
   points(totSpos, yposx + 2*ltick  , col=obscol,cex=sz, pch=25, bg=obscol)
 text(totSpos,yposx+delta, paste(signif(pred_T,3)),pos=2,cex=0.9,font=3,col=obscol  ) 
## overwrite stratum number in red, suppress??
## if(nstrata>1){
##text(L -0.3*(M-L) ,yposx+0.5*delta,adj=0,paste(stratum),font=4,cex=cexscales, col=obscol)

  }  ##if(survreg)
 }  #for(time i 1:ntimes)
 }  ##if(cox | survreg   
 if(logistic |  polr_logistic){
     time_gap <- make_space /(ntimes +1)
     if(polr) totS <- -totS
      for(time in 1:ntimes){
        intercept_temp <- intercept
       if(polr) {intercept_temp <- intercepts[time] -intercept
      ##if(center)intercept_temp <- intercept_temp - intercept
              pred_mean <- exp(totS+intercept_temp)

            pred_mean <- exp(totS+intercept_temp)/(1 + exp(totS+intercept_temp))
  ## browser()
  ##text(totSpos,redscore_ypos, paste(signif(pred_mean,3)),pos=2,cex=0.9,font=3,col=obscol  ) 
  if(polr)pos_of_nomo <- time*time_gap
  text(totSpos,pos_of_nomo+delta, paste(signif(pred_mean,3)),pos=2,cex=0.9,font=3,col=obscol  ) 
  ## logistic/polr  arrowhead
   segments(totSpos,Total_pos, totSpos, pos_of_nomo, col=obscol,cex=1.)
   points(totSpos, pos_of_nomo + delta , col=obscol,cex=sz, pch=25, bg=obscol)


  if(confI | predI ) pcheck(new_obs,reg,confI , predI , observation,intercept, 
   L,M,Range, Min_tot_score,delta,pos_of_nomo, obscol,

   }   #for(time in 

   }  ##if(logistic polr)

 #---polr probit observation----------------------------------------------
 if( polr_probit){
   time_gap <- make_space /(ntimes +1)
  ## reverse scale required for polr 
   totS <- -totS
   for(time in 1:ntimes){
     intercept_temp <- intercepts[time] -intercept
     ##if(center)intercept_temp <- intercept_temp - intercept
     P <- pnorm(totS+intercept_temp)
     pred_mean <- P
       pred_mean <- P/(1-P)
     ## browser()
     ##text(totSpos,redscore_ypos, paste(signif(pred_mean,3)),pos=2,cex=0.9,font=3,col=obscol  ) 
     pos_of_nomo <- time*time_gap
     text(totSpos,pos_of_nomo+delta, paste(signif(pred_mean,3)),pos=2,cex=0.9,font=3,col=obscol  ) 
     ## logistic/polr  arrowhead
     segments(totSpos,Total_pos, totSpos, pos_of_nomo, col=obscol,cex=1.)
    points(totSpos, pos_of_nomo + delta , col=obscol,cex=sz, pch=25, bg=obscol)
   }   #for(time in 
 }  ##if(logistic polr)
      ## lme4, use predict()    
     pred_mean <- predict(reg,newdata=observation,type="response")
     if(odds) {pred_mean < pred_mean/(1-pred_mean)}
  text(totSpos,pos_of_nomo+delta, paste(signif(pred_mean,3)),pos=2,cex=0.9,font=3,col=obscol  ) 
  ## logisticer arrowhead
   segments(totSpos,Total_pos, totSpos, pos_of_nomo, col=obscol,cex=1.)
   points(totSpos, pos_of_nomo + delta , col=obscol,cex=sz, pch=25, bg=obscol)


  if(confI | predI ) pcheck(new_obs,reg,confI , predI , observation,intercept, 
   L,M,Range, Min_tot_score,delta,pos_of_nomo,obscol,



   if(poisson | negbin | poissoner | negbiner){
     if(poisson | negbin ){
      pred_mean <- exp(totS+intercept)
      {pred_mean <- predict(reg,newdata=observation,type="response")
     text(totSpos,pos_of_nomo + delta, paste(signif(pred_mean,3)),pos=2,cex=0.9,font=3,col=obscol  ) 
  ## poisson  arrowhead
   segments(totSpos,Total_pos, totSpos, pos_of_nomo, col=obscol,cex=1.)
   points(totSpos, pos_of_nomo + 2*ltick  , col=obscol,cex=sz, pch=25, bg=obscol)


if(confI | predI ) pcheck(new_obs,reg,confI , predI , observation,intercept, 
   L,M,Range, Min_tot_score,delta,pos_of_nomo,obscol,

  if(lm | ols | lmer | olser ){
    if(lm | ols){
    pred_mean <- totS+intercept
      ## for lmer | olser  uses predict.merMod
      pred_mean <- predict(reg,newdata=observation,type="response")
    text(totSpos,pos_of_nomo+ delta, paste(signif(pred_mean,4)),pos=2,cex=0.9,font=3,col=obscol  ) 
  ## lm  arrowhead
   segments(totSpos,Total_pos, totSpos, pos_of_nomo, col=obscol,cex=1.)
   points(totSpos, pos_of_nomo + 2*ltick  , col=obscol,cex=sz, pch=25, bg=obscol)

    if( confI | predI ) pcheck(new_obs,reg,confI , predI , observation,intercept, 
   L,M,Range, Min_tot_score,delta,pos_of_nomo,obscol,
    pred_mean <- predict(reg,newdata=observation,type="response")
    text(totSpos,pos_of_nomo + delta, paste(signif(pred_mean,4)),pos=2,cex=0.9,font=3,col=obscol  ) 

##    }  ##for(time in 1:ntimes) 
##   else
###  {
 }  ##if(person)
  ## end of  overlay  red (obscol) observation section  

   if(FIRSTRUN & clickable) {message('Click on graphic expected. To quit click Esc')}

  ##function clicked_action  to return action of a graphic mouse click

   esc <- TRUE
   if(clickable) {
  pre_splineplot <- splineplot
  act <- clicked_action(npanels,row_of_panel,nrows,L,M,S,isadummy,
  isinteraction_row, isa_factor,isa_pseudo,xlevels,row_names,vact,
  vact_names, nointercept,firstfactor,betas,m,person,nudist,irank,
    haslikefactors,splineplot,X,rawdata, kernel_varname,raw_variable_names)

## escaping clickable graphic 
   esc <- act[[1]]
## add title on Esc
  text((L+M)/2,titlepos, title ,cex=1.05 ,font=4) 

  if(points) {  output <- points_values  }
  {    output <- paste("note: points tables not constructed unless points=TRUE ")

}  #if(esc)


   nudist <- act[[2]]
   Rvar <- act[[3]]
   ## keep copy of Rvar
   ##RvarX <- Rvar
   Rval <- act[[4]]
   ##RvalX <- Rval
   selected <- act[[5]]

   plot.type <- act[[6]]
   plot.typef <- act[[7]]
   splineplot <- act[[8]]
   new_obs <- FALSE
   update <- FALSE 

  ##  allow update of  observed (red-dot) points subject to condition
  ##  allowed clickable values
  ##  if cannot be updated (and havent clicked to toggle splineplot)
# if(is.na(Rval[2] ) & splineplot==pre_splineplot & !nudist){
# message("Unable to update clicked value")}
## temporary overide this

   if((person & !is.na(Rval) & !is.nan(Rval) & !is.na(inverse(Rvar,FALSE)[2] ) ) ){
     ## update  "observation". Need to invert any functions
    update <- TRUE

      gX <- getX(Rvar)
      inv <- inverse(Rvar,TRUE)

  ##  elements of inverse:  [1]  is raw variable name
##    [2]  is the inverted expression in terms of "x"

        ## has to ""see" x in the calculation of the inverse
        ## so inv[2] should have x in it
      ##RvalX <- Rval

      Rval <- eval(parse(text=inv[2]) )
      Rvar <- inv[1]



       if(is.na(isa_factor[Rvar]) | class(Rval)=="logical"){
        observation[Rvar] <- Rval 
  ## ensure  observation is made into  factor,  
  ## with levels as in xlevels() 
          ## is it a cut()??
            XX <- factor(Rval, levels=unlist(xlevels[Rvar]))
     ## underlying variable of cut() is inv[1]
            Rvar <- inv[1]
            ## how to assign a value  for  level XX??
            ## has form (zz,ww] . Arbirtary assign ww?
            ## whittle down with strsplit()
            XX <- as.character(XX)
            XX <- unlist(strsplit(XX,","))[2]
            XX <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(XX,"]")))
## Note: this assumes that label=FALSE has been used in cut()
## otherwise label integer values, it wont work.
            observation[Rvar] <- XX

        observation[Rvar] <- factor(Rval, levels=unlist(xlevels[Rvar])) 
          }  ##if(getX(Rvar,outer=TRUE)[2]=="cut()")

        {observation[Rvar] <- Rval }

     if(is.numeric(Rval)) Rval <- signif(Rval,3)

     new_obs <- TRUE

     prev_adddata <- adddata
## update the adddata array, of possibly transformed variables

      ao <- added.obs( reg,observation,rawdata_original,actualdata ,pseud,FORMULA) 
 adddata     <- ao[[1]]
 ## possibility that clicked value has changed if "snapped" to observed sline datum
 observation <- ao[[2]]
## need double [[]] here!!
 if(is.numeric( observation[[Rvar]] ) ) Rval <- signif( observation[Rvar], 3)
## no change is a possibility
   new_obs <- !identical(adddata,prev_adddata)

   if(new_obs ){
     note_inv <- ""
     clickedon <-  paste("Clicked on ",paste0(Rvar,"=",Rval) )
        if( !identical(clickedon,clickedonP)) message(clickedon)
     clickedonP <- clickedon 
   }  ##if(new_obs)

   if(!update ) {message(paste("Non-clickable. Cannot update ", Rvar) ) }
      }  ##if(person & !is.na(Rval) & !is.nan(Rval))
   }  #if(clickable)
## Escape to close the program. 

   text((L+M)/2,titlepos, title ,cex=1.05 ,font=4) 
   if(points) { output <-  points_values}
   {output <- paste("note: points tables not constructed unless points=TRUE ")
  }  #if(esc)


} ## END OF MAIN reggplot function

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regplot documentation built on July 8, 2020, 7:31 p.m.