#### Mallows quasi-likelihood estimator of E. Cantoni and E. Ronchetti (2001)
#### based originally on Eva Cantoni's S-plus code "robGLM"
## FIXME{MM}: All these expression()s and eval()s -- once were really slick and fast.
## ----- Nowadays, with 'codetools' and the byte-compiler, they "just don't fit anymore"
## including those globalVariables() {also in other places!}:
globalVariables(c("residP", "residPS", "dmu.deta", "snu"), add=TRUE)
##' @title
##' @param wts a character string \dQuote{weights.on.x} specifying how weights should be computed
##' *or* a numeric vector of final weights in which case nothing is computed.
##' @param X n x p design matrix aka model.matrix()
##' @param intercept logical, if true, X[,] has an intercept column which should
##' not be used for rob.wts
##' @return n-vector of non-negative weights
##' @author Martin Maechler
robXweights <- function(wts, X, intercept=TRUE) {
stopifnot(length(d <- dim(X)) == 2, is.logical(intercept))
nobs <- d[1]
if(d[2]) { ## X has >= 1 column, and hence there *are* coefficients in the end
"none" =, nobs),
"hat" = wts_HiiDist(X)^2, # = (1 - Hii)^2
"robCov" = wts_RobDist(X, intercept, covFun = MASS::cov.rob),
## MCD is currently problematic: many singular subsamples
"covMcd" = wts_RobDist(X, intercept, covFun = covMcd),
stop("Weighting method", sQuote(wts),
" is not implemented"))
## (new; 2013-07-05; -> robustbase 0.9-9)
else if(is.list(wts)) {
if(length(wts) == 1 && is.function(covF <- wts[[1]]))
wts_RobDist(X, intercept, covFun = covF)
else stop("if a list, weights.on.x must contain a covariance function such as covMcd()")
else if(is.function(wts)) {
wts(X, intercept)
else {
if(!is.numeric(wts) || length(wts) != nobs)
## FIXME: "when not a string, a list, or a function, then ..."
stop(gettextf("weights.on.x needs %d none-negative values",
nobs), domain=NA)
if(any(wts) < 0)
stop("All weights.on.x must be none negative")
else ## p = ncoef == 0 {maybe intercept, but that's not relevant here},nobs)
##' @param intercept logical, if true, X[,] has an intercept column which should
##' not be used for rob.wts
glmrobMqle <-
function(X, y, weights = NULL, start = NULL, offset = NULL,
family, weights.on.x = "none",
control = glmrobMqle.control(), intercept = TRUE,
trace = FALSE)
## To DO:
## o weights are not really implemented as *extra* user weights; rather as "glm-weights"
## o offset is not fully implemented (really? -- should have test case!)
if(!is.matrix(X)) X <- as.matrix(X)
## never used:
## xnames <- dimnames(X)[[2]]
## ynames <- if (is.matrix(y)) rownames(y) else names(y)
nobs <- NROW(y)
stopifnot(nobs == nrow(X))
if (is.null(weights))
weights <-, nobs)
else if(any(weights <= 0))
stop("All weights must be positive")
if (is.null(offset))
offset <-, nobs) else if(!all(offset==0))
warning("'offset' not fully implemented")
variance <- family$variance
linkinv <- family$linkinv
if (!is.function(variance) || !is.function(linkinv))
stop("illegal 'family' argument")
mu.eta <- family$mu.eta
if (is.null(valideta <- family$valideta)) valideta <- function(eta) TRUE
if (is.null(validmu <- family$validmu)) validmu <- function(mu) TRUE
ncoef <- ncol(X)
w.x <- robXweights(weights.on.x, X=X, intercept=intercept)
### Initializations
stopifnot(control$maxit >= 1, (tcc <- control$tcc) >= 0)
## note that etastart and mustart are used to make 'family$initialize' run
etastart <- NULL; mustart <- NULL
## note that 'weights' are used and set by binomial()$initialize !
eval(family$initialize) ## --> n, mustart, y and weights (=ni)
ni <- as.vector(weights)# dropping attributes for computation
start <- = X, y = y, weights = weights, offset = offset,
family = family)$coefficients
if(any(ina <- {
cat("initial start 'theta' has NA's; eliminating columns X[, j];",
"j = ", pasteK(which(ina)),"\n") <- start
X <- X[, !ina, drop = FALSE]
start <- = X, y = y, weights = weights, offset = offset,
family = family)$coefficients
stop("start 'theta' has still NA's .. badly singular x\n")
ncoef <- length(start)
thetaOld <- theta <- as.vector(start) # as.v*(): dropping attributes
eta <- as.vector(X %*% theta)
mu <- linkinv(eta) # mu estimates pi (in [0,1]) at the binomial model
if (!(validmu(mu) && valideta(eta)))
stop("Cannot find valid starting values: You need help")
"binomial" = {
Epsi.init <- EpsiBin.init
Epsi <- EpsiBin
EpsiS <- EpsiSBin
Epsi2 <- Epsi2Bin
phiEst <- <- 1
"poisson" = {
Epsi.init <- EpsiPois.init
Epsi <- EpsiPois
EpsiS <- EpsiSPois
Epsi2 <- Epsi2Pois
phiEst <- <- expression({1})
"gaussian" = {
Epsi.init <- EpsiGaussian.init
Epsi <- EpsiGaussian
EpsiS <- EpsiSGaussian
Epsi2 <- Epsi2Gaussian <-
phiEst <- phiGaussianEst
"Gamma" = { ## added by ARu
Epsi.init <- EpsiGamma.init
Epsi <- EpsiGamma
EpsiS <- EpsiSGamma
Epsi2 <- Epsi2Gamma <-
phiEst <- phiGammaEst
## else
stop(gettextf("family '%s' not yet implemented", family$family),
sV <- NULL # FIXME workaround for codetools
comp.V.resid <- expression({
Vmu <- variance(mu)
if (any( stop("NAs in V(mu)")
if (any(Vmu == 0)) stop("0s in V(mu)")
sVF <- sqrt(Vmu) # square root of variance function
residP <- (y - mu)* sni/sVF # Pearson residuals
comp.scaling <- expression({
sV <- sVF * sqrt(phi)
residPS <- residP/sqrt(phi) # scaled Pearson residuals
comp.Epsi.init <- expression({
## d mu / d eta :
dmu.deta <- mu.eta(eta)
if (any( stop("NAs in d(mu)/d(eta)")
## "Epsi init" :
H <- floor(mu*ni - tcc* sni*sV)
K <- floor(mu*ni + tcc* sni*sV)
### Iterations
if(trace && ncoef) {
cat("Initial theta: \n")
local({names(theta) <- names(start); print(theta) })
digits <- max(1, getOption("digits") - 5) <- 6+digits # width of one number; need 8 for 2 digits: "-4.8e-11" <- ncoef*( + 1) - 1
cat(sprintf("%3s | %*s | %12s\n",
"it",, "d{theta}", "rel.change"))
mFormat <- function(x, wid) {
r <- formatC(x, digits=digits, width=wid)
sprintf("%*s", wid, sub("e([+-])0","e\\1", r))
sni <- sqrt(ni)
eval(comp.V.resid) #-> (Vmu, sVF, residP)
phi <- eval(
## Determine the range of phi values based on the distribution of |residP|
Rphi <- c(1e-12, 3*median(abs(residP)))^2
conv <- FALSE
if(ncoef) for (nit in 1:control$maxit) {
eval(comp.scaling) #-> (sV, residPS)
## Computation of alpha and (7) using matrix column means:
cpsi <-,,tcc)) - eval(Epsi)
EEq <- colMeans(cpsi * w.x * sni/sV * dmu.deta * X)
## Solve 1/n (t(X) %*% B %*% X) %*% delta.coef = EEq
DiagB <- eval(EpsiS) /(sni*sV) * w.x * (ni*dmu.deta)^2
if(any(n0 <- ni == 0)) DiagB[n0] <- 0 # instead of NaN
Dtheta <- solve(crossprod(X, DiagB*X)/nobs, EEq)
if (any(!is.finite(Dtheta))) {
warning("Non-finite coefficients at iteration ", nit)
theta <- thetaOld + Dtheta
eta <- as.vector(X %*% theta) + offset
mu <- linkinv(eta)
## estimation of the dispersion parameter
phi <- eval(phiEst)
## Check convergence: relative error < tolerance
relE <- sqrt(sum(Dtheta^2)/max(1e-20, sum(thetaOld^2)))
conv <- relE <= control$acc
if(trace) {
cat(sprintf("%3d | %*s | %12g\n", nit,,
collapse=" "), relE))
thetaOld <- theta
} ## end of iteration
else { ## ncoef == 0
conv <- TRUE
nit <- 0
if (!conv)
warning("Algorithm did not converge")
eps <- 10 * .Machine$double.eps
"binomial" = {
if (any(mu/weights > 1 - eps) || any(mu/weights < eps))
warning("fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred")
"poisson" = {
if (any(mu < eps))
warning("fitted rates numerically 0 occurred")
eval(comp.V.resid) #-> (Vmu, sVF, residP)
eval(comp.scaling) #-> (sV, residPS)
## Estimated asymptotic covariance of the robust estimator
if(ncoef) {
alpha <- colMeans(eval(Epsi) * w.x * sni/sV * dmu.deta * X)
DiagA <- eval(Epsi2) / (ni*sV^2)* w.x^2* (ni*dmu.deta)^2
matQ <- crossprod(X, DiagA*X)/nobs - tcrossprod(alpha, alpha)
DiagB <- eval(EpsiS) / (sni*sV)* w.x * (ni*dmu.deta)^2
if(any(n0 <- ni == 0)) DiagB[n0] <- 0 # instead of NaN
matM <- crossprod(X, DiagB*X)/nobs
matMinv <- solve(matM)
asCov <- matMinv %*% matQ %*% matMinv / nobs
} else { ## ncoef == 0
matM <- matQ <- asCov <- matrix(NA_real_, 0,0)
if(any(ina)) {# put NA's back, extending theta[] to "original length"
ok <- !ina[ok] <- theta ; theta <-
## also extend the "p x p" matrices with NA's --
##No : lm() and glm() also do *not* do this
##No p <- length(theta)
##No nm <- names(theta)
##No M <- matrix(NA_real_, p, p, dimnames = list(nm,nm))
##No Mn <- M; Mn[ok, ok] <- asCov ; asCov <- Mn
##No Mn <- M; Mn[ok, ok] <- matM ; matM <- Mn
##No Mn <- M; Mn[ok, ok] <- matQ ; matQ <- Mn
w.r <- pmin(1, tcc/abs(residPS))
names(mu) <- names(eta) <- names(residPS) # re-add after computation
list(coefficients = theta, residuals = residP, # s.resid = residPS,
fitted.values = mu,
w.r = w.r, w.x = w.x, ni = ni, dispersion = phi, cov = asCov,
matM = matM, matQ = matQ, tcc = tcc, family = family,
linear.predictors = eta, deviance = NULL, iter = nit, y = y,
converged = conv)
## NB: X is model.matrix() aka design matrix used; typically including an intercept
wts_HiiDist <- function(X) {
## Hii := diag( tcrossprod( qr.Q(qr(X)) ) ) == rowSums( qr.Q(qr(X)) ^2 ) :
x <- qr(X)
Hii <- rowSums(qr.qy(x, diag(1, nrow = NROW(X), ncol = x$rank))^2)
##' Compute robustness weights depending on the design 'X' only,
##' using robust(ified) Mahalanobis distances.
##' This is an auxiliary function for robXweights() activated typically by
##' weights.on.x = "..." from regression functions
##' @title Compute Robust Weights based on Robustified Mahalanobis - Distances
##' @param X n x p numeric matrix
##' @param intercept logical; should be true iff X[,1] is a column with the intercept
##' @param covFun function for computing a \bold{robust} covariance matrix;
##' e.g., MASS::cov.rob(), or covMcd().
##' @return n-vector of non-negative weights.
##' @author Martin Maechler
wts_RobDist <- function(X, intercept, covFun)
D2 <- if(intercept) { ## X[,] has intercept column which should not be used for rob.wts
X <- X[, -1, drop=FALSE]
Xrc <- covFun(X)
mahalanobis(X, center = Xrc$center, cov = Xrc$cov)
else { ## X[,] can be used directly
if(!is.matrix(X)) X <- as.matrix(X)
Xrc <- covFun(X)
S <- Xrc$cov + tcrossprod(Xrc$center)
mahalanobis(X, center = FALSE, cov = S)
p <- ncol(X) ## E[chi^2_p] = p
1/sqrt(1+, 8*(D2 - p)/sqrt(2*p)))
## MM: 'acc' seems a misnomer to me, but it's inherited from MASS::rlm
glmrobMqle.control <-
function(acc = 1e-04, test.acc = "coef", maxit = 50, tcc = 1.345)
if (!is.numeric(acc) || acc <= 0)
stop("value of acc must be > 0")
if (test.acc != "coef")
stop("Only 'test.acc = \"coef\"' is currently implemented")
## if (!(any(test.vec == c("coef", "resid"))))
## stop("invalid argument for test.acc")
if (!is.numeric(maxit) || maxit <= 0)
stop("maximum number of iterations must be > 0")
if (!is.numeric(tcc) || tcc <= 0)
stop("value of the tuning constant c (tcc) must be > 0")
list(acc = acc, test.acc = test.acc, maxit = maxit, tcc = tcc)
### ----------------- E[ f(psi ( X ) ) ] -------------------------------
## MM: These are now expressions instead of functions
## since 'Epsi*' and 'Epsi2*' are *always* called together
## and 'EpsiS*' when called is always after the other two
## ==> do common computations only once in Epsi*.init ==> more efficient!
## FIXME(2): Some of these fail when Huber's "c", 'tcc' is = +Inf
## ----- --> ../../robGLM1/R/rglm.R
## FIXME: Do use a "robFamily", a *list* of functions
## ------ which all have the same environment
## ===> can get same efficiency as expressions, but better OOP
### --- Poisson -- family ---
EpsiPois.init <- expression(
dpH <- dpois(H, mu); dpH1 <- dpois(H-1, mu)
dpK <- dpois(K, mu); dpK1 <- dpois(K-1, mu)
pHm1 <- ppois(H-1, mu) ; pH <- pHm1 + dpH # = ppois(H,*)
pKm1 <- ppois(K-1, mu) ; pK <- pKm1 + dpK # = ppois(K,*)
E2f <- mu*(dpH1 - dpH - dpK1 + dpK) + pKm1 - pHm1
EpsiPois <- expression(
tcc*(1 - pK - pH) + mu*(dpH - dpK)/sV
Epsi2Pois <- expression(
## Calculation of E(psi^2) for the diagonal elements of A in matrix Q:
tcc^2 * (pH + 1 - pK) + E2f
EpsiSPois <- expression(
## Calculation of E(psi*s) for the diagonal elements of B in the
## expression matrix M = 1/n t(X) %*% B %*% X:
tcc*(dpH + dpK) + E2f / sV
### --- Binomial -- family ---
EpsiBin.init <- expression({
pK <- pbinom(K, ni, mu)
pH <- pbinom(H, ni, mu)
pKm1 <- pbinom(K-1,, ni-1), mu)
pHm1 <- pbinom(H-1,, ni-1), mu)
pKm2 <- pbinom(K-2,, ni-2), mu)
pHm2 <- pbinom(H-2,, ni-2), mu)
## QlV = Q / V, where Q = Sum_j (j - mu_i)^2 * P[Y_i = j]
## i.e. Q = Sum_j j(j-1)* P[.] +
## (1- 2*mu_i) Sum_j j * P[.] +
## mu_i^2 Sum_j P[.]
QlV <- mu/Vmu*(mu*ni*(pK-pH) +
(1 - 2*mu*ni) * ifelse(ni == 1, (H <= 0)*(K >= 1), pKm1 - pHm1) +
(ni - 1) * mu * ifelse(ni == 2, (H <= 1)*(K >= 2), pKm2 - pHm2))
EpsiBin <- expression(
tcc*(1 - pK - pH) +
ifelse(ni == 1, (- (H < 0) + (K >= 1) ) * sV,
(pKm1 - pHm1 - pK + pH) * mu * sni/sV)
Epsi2Bin <- expression(
## Calculation of E(psi^2) for the diagonal elements of A in matrix Q:
tcc^2*(pH + 1 - pK) + QlV
EpsiSBin <- expression(
## Calculation of E(psi*s) for the diagonal elements of B in the
## expression matrix M = (X' B X)/n
mu/Vmu*(tcc*(pH - ifelse(ni == 1, H >= 1, pHm1)) +
tcc*(pK - ifelse(ni == 1, K > 0, pKm1))) + ifelse(ni == 0, 0, QlV / (sni*sV))
### --- Gaussian -- family ---
EpsiGaussian.init <- expression({
dc <- dnorm(tcc)
pc <- pnorm(tcc)
EpsiGaussian <- expression( 0 )
EpsiSGaussian <- expression( 2*pc-1 )
Epsi2Gaussian <- expression( 2*tcc^2*(1-pc)-2*tcc*dc+2*pc-1 ) <- expression(
## Classical estimation of the dispersion paramter phi = sigma^2
sum(((y - mu)/mu)^2)/(nobs - ncoef)
phiGaussianEst <- expression(
sphi <- mad(residP, center=0)^2
### --- Gamma -- family ---
Gmn <- function(t, nu) {
## Gm corrresponds to G * nu^((nu-1)/2) / Gamma(nu)
snu <- sqrt(nu)
snut <- snu+t
r <- numeric(length(snut))
ok <- snut > 0
r[ok] <- {
nu <- nu[ok]; snu <- snu[ok]; snut <- snut[ok]
exp((nu-1)/2*log(nu) - lgamma(nu) - snu*snut + nu*log(snut))
EpsiGamma.init <- expression({
nu <- 1/phi ## form parameter nu
snu <- 1/sqrt(phi) ## == sqrt (nu)
pPtc <- pgamma(snu + c(-tcc,tcc), shape=nu, rate=snu)
pMtc <- pPtc[1]
pPtc <- pPtc[2]
aux2 <- tcc*snu
GLtcc <- Gmn(-tcc,nu)
GUtcc <- Gmn( tcc,nu)
EpsiGamma <- expression( tcc*(1-pPtc-pMtc) + GLtcc - GUtcc )
EpsiSGamma <- expression( ((GLtcc - GUtcc) + snu*(pPtc-pMtc))/mu )
Epsi2Gamma <- expression({
(tcc^2*(pMtc+1-pPtc) + (pPtc-pMtc) +
(GLtcc*(1-aux2) - GUtcc*(1+aux2))/snu )
}) <- expression(
## Classical moment estimation of the dispersion parameter phi
sum(((y - mu)/mu)^2)/(nobs-ncoef)
phiGammaEst <- expression(
## robust estimation of the dispersion parameter by
## Huber's proposal 2
sphi <- uniroot(Huberprop2, interval=Rphi,
ns.resid=residP, mu=mu, Vmu=Vmu, tcc=tcc)$root
Huberprop2 <- function(phi, ns.resid, mu, Vmu, tcc)
compEpsi2 <- eval(Epsi2Gamma)
nobs <- length(mu)
## return h :=
sum(,*snu, tcc))^2) - nobs*compEpsi2
if(FALSE) ## no-eval version
Huberprop2 <- function(phi, ns.resid, mu, Vmu, tcc)
nobs <- length(mu)
nu <- 1/phi ## form parameter nu
snu <- 1/sqrt(phi) ## sqrt (nu)
pPtc <- pgamma(snu + c(-tcc,tcc), shape=nu, rate=snu)
pMtc <- pPtc[1]
pPtc <- pPtc[2]
ts <- tcc*snu
GLtcc <- Gmn(-tcc,nu) *(1-ts)/snu
GUtcc <- Gmn( tcc,nu) *(1+ts)/snu
compEpsi2 <- tcc^2 + (pPtc - pMtc)*(1-tcc^2) + GLtcc - GUtcc
## return h :=
sum(,*snu, tcc))^2) - nobs*compEpsi2
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