
Defines functions commit_SolrCore commitQueryParams convertSolrQueryResponse_default resultLength SolrErrorHandler processSolrResponse readVersion readSystem readSchema readSchemaXMLFile readSchemaFromREST isSimpleQuery dropNAs resolveFieldNames sortFieldNames resolveFields retrieveFieldNames sortFieldsBySchema readLuke numFound SolrCore

Documented in SolrCore

### =========================================================================
### SolrCore objects
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------

### Represents a Solr core; responsible for obtaining the Solr schema
### and processing Solr queries.

### We assume that the schema is relatively static and thus cache it
### during initialization. In theory though, we could retrieve it from
### the URI dynamically.


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### Constructor

SolrCore <- function(uri, ...) {
  if (!is(uri, "RestUri"))
    uri <- RestUri(uri, ...)
  else if (length(list(...)) > 0L)
    warning("arguments in '...' are ignored when uri is a RestUri")
  schema <- readSchema(uri)
  version <- readVersion(uri)
  new("SolrCore", uri=uri, schema=schema, version=version)

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### Accessors

setMethod("name", "SolrCore", function(x) name(x@schema))

numFound <- function(x, query) {
    emptyQuery <- head(query, 0L)
    responseType(emptyQuery) <- "list"
    ndoc(eval(emptyQuery, x))

setMethod("ndoc", "SolrCore", function(x, query = SolrQuery()) {
  numFound <- numFound(x, query)
  p <- translateBoundsParams(params(query), numFound)
  min(numFound, p$rows)

setGeneric("schema", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("schema"))

setMethod("schema", "SolrCore", function(x, query = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(query))
        augment(schema(x), query)
    else x@schema

readLuke <- function(x) {
    processSolrResponse(read(x@uri$admin$luke, list(nTerms=0L, wt="json")))

sortFieldsBySchema <- function(x, schema) {
    schemaNames <- names(fields(schema))
    x[order(max.col(globMatchMatrix(schemaNames, x), ties.method="first"))]

retrieveFieldNames <- function(x) {
    ans <- tryCatch(names(readLuke(x)$fields),
                    error = function(e) {
                        warning("Luke request handler ",
                                "unavailable --- ",
                                "try 'includeStatic=TRUE'")
    internal <- grepl("^_|____", ans)

resolveFields <- function(x, query = NULL, ...) {
    schema <- schema(x, query)
    fn <- resolveFieldNames(x, query, ...)

sortFieldNames <- function(x, schema, query) {
    x <- sortFieldsBySchema(x, schema)
    if (!is.null(query)) {
        x <- sortFieldsByQuery(x, query)

resolveFieldNames <- function(x, query = NULL, includeStatic = FALSE) {
    if (!is.null(query)) {
        isPattern <- flIsPattern(query)
        if (!any(isPattern)) {
    ans <- retrieveFieldNames(x)
    if (includeStatic) {
        f <- fields(schema(x))
        ans <- union(ans, names(f)[!dynamic(f) & !hidden(f)])
    sortFieldNames(ans, schema(x), query)

setMethod("fieldNames", "SolrCore",
          function(x, query = NULL, onlyStored = FALSE, onlyIndexed = FALSE,
                   includeStatic = FALSE)
                  if (is.character(query)) {
                      query <- subset(SolrQuery(), fields=query)
                  if (!is.null(query) && !is(query, "SolrQuery")) {
                      stop("if non-NULL, 'query' must be a SolrQuery")
                  if (!isTRUEorFALSE(includeStatic)) {
                      stop("'includeStatic' must be TRUE or FALSE")
                  if (!isTRUEorFALSE(onlyStored)) {
                      stop("'onlyStored' must be TRUE or FALSE")
                  if (!isTRUEorFALSE(onlyIndexed)) {
                      stop("'onlyIndexed' must be TRUE or FALSE")
                  if (onlyStored || onlyIndexed) {
                      f <- resolveFields(x, query, includeStatic)
                      keep <-
                          (if (onlyStored) stored(f) else TRUE) &
                              (if (onlyIndexed) indexed(f) | docValues(f)
                               else TRUE)
                  } else {
                      resolveFieldNames(x, query, includeStatic)

setGeneric("version", function(x) standardGeneric("version"))

setMethod("version", "SolrCore", function(x) {

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setGeneric("updateParams", function(x) standardGeneric("updateParams"))

setMethod("updateParams", "ANY", function(x) {

setMethod("updateParams", "data.frame", function(x) {
              splitFields <- names(x)[vapply(x, is.list, logical(1L))]
              splitParams <- rep("true", length(splitFields))
              names(splitParams) <-
                  rep(paste0("f.", splitFields, ".split"), length(splitFields))
              c(list(map="NA:"), splitParams)

setMethod("update", "SolrCore", function(object, value, commit=TRUE,
                                         atomic=FALSE, ...)
  if (!isTRUEorFALSE(commit)) {
    stop("'commit' must be TRUE or FALSE")
  if (!isTRUEorFALSE(atomic)) {
    stop("'atomic' must be TRUE or FALSE")
  if (is(value, "AsIs")) {
    class(value) <- setdiff(class(value), "AsIs")
  } else {
    value <- toUpdate(value, schema=schema(object), atomic=atomic)
  media <- as(value, "Media")
  query.params <- updateParams(value)
  if (commit) {
    query.params <- c(query.params, commitQueryParams(...))
  create(object@uri$update, media, query.params)

setGeneric("toUpdate", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("toUpdate"))
setMethod("toUpdate", "ANY", function(x, schema, atomic=FALSE, ...) {
  x <- toSolr(x, schema, ...)
  if (atomic) {
    if (is.null(uniqueKey(schema))) {
      stop("modifying documents requires a 'uniqueKey' in the schema")
    x <- unname(lapply(as(x, "DocList"), function(xi) {
      uk <- names(xi) == uniqueKey(schema)
      xi[is.na(xi)] <- list(NULL)
      xi[!uk] <- lapply(xi[!uk], function(f) list(set = f))

dropNAs <- function(x) {
  if (is.list(x)) {
    x[is.na(x)] <- NULL

setMethod("toUpdate", "list", function(x, schema, atomic=FALSE, ...) {
  if (is.data.frame(x)) {
  delete <- vapply(x, is.null, logical(1))
  if (!atomic && any(delete)) {
    x[!delete] <- lapply(toSolr(x[!delete], schema, ...),
                         function(xi) list(doc=xi))
    x[delete] <- lapply(names(x)[delete], function(nm) list(id=nm))
    setNames(x, ifelse(delete, "delete", "add"))
  } else {
    if (!atomic) {
      x <- lapply(x, dropNAs)

isSimpleQuery <- function(x) {
    length(params(x)$fq) <= 1L &&
            params(x)$fq <- NULL
            identical(x, SolrQuery())

setMethod("delete", "SolrCore", function(x, which = SolrQuery(), ...) {
  if (!isSimpleQuery(which)) {
    warning("delete() cannot handle 'which' more complex than ",
            "'subset(SolrQuery(), [expr])'")
  which <- translate(which, core=x)
  query <- params(which)$fq
  if (is.null(query)) {
    query <- params(which)$q
  invisible(update(x, I(list(delete=list(query=as.character(query)))), ...))

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### READ

setMethod("docs", "SolrCore", function(x, ...) read(x, ...))

setMethod("read", "SolrCore",
          function(x, query=SolrQuery(), as=c("list", "data.frame"))
            if (!is(query, "SolrQuery")) {
              stop("'query' must be a SolrQuery")
            as <- match.arg(as)
            responseType(query) <- if (grouped(query)) "list" else as
            as(docs(eval(query, x)), as, strict=FALSE)

readSchemaFromREST <- function(uri) {

readSchemaXMLFile <- function(uri) {
  parseSchemaXML(read(uri$admin$file, file="schema.xml"))

readSchema <- function(uri) {
  tryCatch(readSchemaXMLFile(uri), error = function(e) {
    tryCatch(readSchemaFromREST(uri), error = function(e) {
        stop("Failed to retrieve schema.\n",
             "rsolr requires schema via REST or as XML from admin module.\n",
             paste("Error from REST:", e))

readSystem <- function(uri) {
  processSolrResponse(read(uri$admin$system, wt="json"))

readVersion <- function(uri) {
  }, error = function(e) {
      warning("Failed to retrieve version, assuming 5.0")

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### Summarizing

setGeneric("facets", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("facets"))

setMethod("facets", "SolrCore", function(x, by, ...) {
              by <- head(by, 0)
              facets(eval(by, x), ...)

setGeneric("groupings", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("groupings"))

setMethod("groupings", "SolrCore", function(x, by, ...) {
              groupings(eval(by, x), ...)

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### Query Evaluation

processSolrResponse <- function(response, type = "json") {
  ## some SOLR instances return text/plain for responses...
  ## this also happens for errors
  if (is.character(response)) {
    mediaType <- switch(type,
    media <- new(mediaType, response)
    response <- as(media, mediaTarget(media))

## Unfortunately Solr does not describe errors with CSV output (!)
## So we reissue the query with JSON when one occurs
SolrErrorHandler <- function(core, query) {
  function(e) {
    if (is(e, "Not_Found")) {
        stop("Solr core '", name(core), "' does not exist", call.=FALSE)
    if (!is(e, "Bad_Request")) {
    if (params(query)$wt == "json") {
      response <- processSolrResponse(attr(e, "body"), params(query)$wt)
      stop("[", response$error$code, "] ", response$error$msg,
           if (!is.null(response$error$trace))
             paste("\nJava stacktrace:\n", response$error$trace),
    } else {
      params(query)$wt <- "json"
      eval(query, core)

setMethod("eval", c("SolrQuery", "SolrCore"),
          function (expr, envir, enclos)
            if (is.null(responseType(expr)))
              responseType(expr) <- "list"
            expr <- translate(expr, core=envir)
            query <- as.character(expr)
            response <- tryCatch(read(envir@uri$select, query),
                                 error = SolrErrorHandler(envir, expr))
            response <- processSolrResponse(response, params(expr)$wt)
            convertSolrQueryResponse(response, envir, expr)

setGeneric("ngroup", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("ngroup"))

setMethod("ngroup", "SolrCore", function(x, query) {
              params(query)$group.limit <- 0L
              ngroup(eval(query, x))

resultLength <- function(x, query) {
  ans <- if (grouped(query))
    ngroup(x, query)
  else numFound(x, query)
  if (length(ans) > 1L) {
    warning("ambiguous result length (multiple groupings)")

           function(x, core, query) standardGeneric("convertSolrQueryResponse"),

convertSolrQueryResponse_default <- function(x, core, query) {
    fromSolr(x, schema(core), query)

setMethod("convertSolrQueryResponse", "ANY", convertSolrQueryResponse_default)

setMethod("convertSolrQueryResponse", "data.frame",

setMethod("convertSolrQueryResponse", "list", function(x, core, query) {
              ListSolrResult(x, core, query)

setMethod("eval", c("TranslationRequest", "SolrCore"),
          function (expr, envir, enclos) {
              if (!missing(enclos)) {
                  warning("'enclos' is ignored")
              translate(expr@src, expr@target, envir)

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### Other commands

setGeneric("commit", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("commit"))

commitQueryParams <- function(...) {
  def <- as.function(c(formals(commit_SolrCore)[-1], list(NULL)))
  call.args <- as.list(match.call(def))[-1]
  args <- formals(def)
  args[names(call.args)] <- call.args
  args <- do.call(c, c(commit="true", lapply(args, eval, args)))

commit_SolrCore <- function(x, waitSearcher=TRUE, softCommit=FALSE,
                            optimize=TRUE, maxSegments=if (optimize) 1L)
  args <- tail(as.list(match.call()), -2)
  resp <- read(x@uri$update, do.call(commitQueryParams, args), wt="json")
setMethod("commit", "SolrCore", commit_SolrCore)

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### Show

setMethod("show", "SolrCore", function(object) {
  cat("SolrCore object\n")
  cat("name:", name(object), "\n")
  cat("ndoc:", ndoc(object), "\n")
  cat("schema:", length(fields(schema(object))), "fields\n")

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### Utilities

setMethod("purgeCache", "SolrCore", function(x) {

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rsolr documentation built on May 18, 2022, 9:07 a.m.