
Defines functions export_as_pdf .figure_out_colinds .tab_to_colpath_set tt_to_flextable .split_colwidths as_result_df result_df_v0_experimental lookup_result_df_specfun result_df_specs handle_rdf_row do_data_row do_content_row make_result_df_md_colnames do_label_row path_enriched_df collapse_values collapse_path import_from_tsv export_as_tsv

Documented in as_result_df export_as_pdf export_as_tsv import_from_tsv path_enriched_df result_df_specs tt_to_flextable

#' @importFrom tools file_ext
### XXX is the stuff in this file correct or should we be exporting *formatted* values to
### meet the needs of consumers of this? Do we ened to support both?

#' Create Enriched flat value table with paths
#' This function creates a flat tabular file of cell values and
#' corresponding paths via \code{\link{path_enriched_df}}. I then
#' writes that data.frame out as a `tsv` file.
#' By default (i.e. when \code{value_func} is not specified,
#' List columns where at least one value has length > 1 are collapsed
#' to character vectors by collapsing the list element with \code{"|"}.
#' @note There is currently no round-trip capability for this type of export.
#' You can read values exported this way back in via \code{import_from_tsv}
#' but you will receive only the data.frame version back, NOT a \code{TableTree}.
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @param file character(1). The path of the file to written to or read from.
#' @inheritParams path_enriched_df
#' @return \code{NULL} silently for \code{export_as_tsv}, a data.frame with
#' re-constituted list values for \code{export_as_tsv}.
#' @export
#' @rdname tsv_io
#' @importFrom utils write.table read.table

export_as_tsv <- function(tt, file = NULL, path_fun = collapse_path,
                          value_fun = collapse_values) {
    df <- path_enriched_df(tt, path_fun = path_fun, value_fun = value_fun)
    write.table(df, file, sep = "\t")

.collapse_char <- "|"
.collapse_char_esc <- "\\|"

##' @export
##' @rdname tsv_io
import_from_tsv <- function(file) {
    rawdf <- read.table(file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
                         function(col) {
        if(!any(grepl(.collapse_char, col, fixed = TRUE)))
            I(strsplit(col, split = .collapse_char_esc))


collapse_path <- function(paths) {
        return(vapply(paths, collapse_path, ""))
    paste(paths, collapse = .collapse_char)

collapse_values <- function(colvals) {
    if(!is.list(colvals)) ## || all(vapply(colvals, length, 1L) == 1))
    else if(all(vapply(colvals, length, 1L) == 1))
    vapply(colvals, paste, "", collapse = .collapse_char)

#' Transform `TableTree` object to Path-Enriched data.frame
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @param path_fun function. Function to transform paths into single-string
#'   row/column names.
#' @param value_fun function. Function to transform cell values into cells of
#'   the data.frame. Defaults to \code{collapse_values} which creates strings
#'   where multi-valued cells are collapsed together, separated by \code{|}.
#' @export
#' @return A data frame of \code{tt}'s cell values (processed by
#'   \code{value_fun}, with columns named by the full column paths (processed by
#'   \code{path_fun} and an additional \code{row_path} column with the row paths
#'   (processed by by \code{path_fun}).
#' @examples
#' lyt <- basic_table() %>%
#'   split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
#'   analyze(c("AGE", "BMRKR2"))
#' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl)
#' path_enriched_df(tbl)

path_enriched_df <- function(tt, path_fun = collapse_path, value_fun = collapse_values) {
    rdf <- make_row_df(tt)
    cdf <- make_col_df(tt)
    cvs <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, cell_values(tt)))
    cvs <- as.data.frame(lapply(cvs, value_fun))
    row.names(cvs) <- NULL
    colnames(cvs) <- path_fun(cdf$path)
    preppaths <- path_fun(rdf[rdf$node_class != "LabelRow", ]$path)
    cbind.data.frame(row_path = preppaths, cvs)


do_label_row <- function(rdfrow, maxlen) {
    pth <- rdfrow$path[[1]]
    c(as.list(pth), replicate(maxlen - length(pth), list(NA_character_)), list(row_num = rdfrow$abs_rownumber, content = FALSE, node_class = rdfrow$node_class))

make_result_df_md_colnames <- function(maxlen) {
    spllen <- floor((maxlen - 2) / 2)
    ret <- character()
    if(spllen > 0 )
        ret <- paste(c("spl_var", "spl_value"), rep(seq_len(spllen), rep(2, spllen)), sep = "_")
    ret <- c(ret, c("avar_name", "row_name", "row_num", "is_group_summary", "node_class"))

do_content_row <- function(rdfrow, maxlen) {
    pth <- rdfrow$path[[1]]

    contpos <- which(pth == "@content")

    seq_before <- seq_len(contpos - 1)

    ret <- c(as.list(pth[seq_before]), replicate(maxlen - contpos, list(NA_character_)),
      list(tail(pth, 1)),
      list(row_num = rdfrow$abs_rownumber, content = TRUE, node_class = rdfrow$node_class))

do_data_row <- function(rdfrow, maxlen) {

    pth <- rdfrow$path[[1]]
    pthlen <- length(pth)
    ## odd means we have a multi-analsysis step in the path, we dont' want that in the result data frame
    if(pthlen %% 2 == 1) {
        pth <- pth[-1*(pthlen - 2)]
    c(as.list(pth[seq_len(pthlen - 2)]),
      replicate(maxlen - pthlen, list(NA_character_)),
      as.list(tail(pth, 2)),
      list(row_num = rdfrow$abs_rownumber, content = FALSE, node_class = rdfrow$node_class))


handle_rdf_row <- function(rdfrow, maxlen) {
    nclass <- rdfrow$node_class
    if(rdfrow$path[[1]][1] == "root") {
        rdfrow$path[[1]] <- rdfrow$path[[1]][-1]
        maxlen <- maxlen - 1
    ret <- switch(nclass,
           LabelRow = do_label_row(rdfrow, maxlen),
           ContentRow = do_content_row(rdfrow, maxlen),
           DataRow = do_data_row(rdfrow, maxlen),
           stop("Unrecognized node type in row dataframe, unable to generate result data frame")
    setNames(ret, make_result_df_md_colnames(maxlen))

#' Result Data Frame Specifications
#' @return a named list of result data frame extraction functions by "specification"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' result_df_specs()
result_df_specs <- function() {
   list(v0_experimental = result_df_v0_experimental)

lookup_result_df_specfun <- function(spec) {
    if(!(spec %in% names(result_df_specs())))
        stop("unrecognized result data frame specification: ",
             "If that specification is correct you may  need to update your version of rtables")

result_df_v0_experimental <- function(tt) {

    raw_cvals <- cell_values(tt)
    ## if the table has one row and multiple columns, sometimes the cell values returns a list of the cell values
    ## rather than a list of length 1 reprsenting the single row. This is bad but may not be changable
    ## at this point.
    if(nrow(tt) == 1 && length(raw_cvals) > 1)
        raw_cvals <- list(raw_cvals)
    cellvals <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, raw_cvals))
    row.names(cellvals) <- NULL
    rdf <- make_row_df(tt)
    df <- cbind(rdf[rdf$node_class != "LabelRow",
                    c("name", "label", "abs_rownumber", "path", "reprint_inds", "node_class")],
    maxlen <- max(lengths(df$path))
    metadf <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, lapply(seq_len(NROW(df)), function(ii) handle_rdf_row(df[ii,], maxlen = maxlen)))
    cbind(metadf[metadf$node_class != "LabelRow",],

#' Generate a Result Data Frame
#' @param tt `VTableTree`. The table.
#' @param spec character(1). The specification to use to
#' extract the result data frame. See details
#' @param ... Passed to spec-specific result data frame conversion function.
#' @details Result data frame specifications may differ in the exact information they include and
#' the form in which they represent it. Specifications whose names end in "_experimental"
#' are subject to change without notice, but specifications without the "_experimental"
#' suffix will remain available \emph{including any bugs in their construction} indefinitely.
#' @note This function may eventually be migrated to a separate package, and so should
#' not be called via `::`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' lyt <- basic_table() %>%
#'     split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
#'     split_rows_by("STRATA1") %>%
#'   analyze(c("AGE", "BMRKR2"))
#' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl)
#' as_result_df(tbl)
as_result_df <- function(tt, spec = "v0_experimental", ...) {

    result_df_fun <- lookup_result_df_specfun(spec)
    result_df_fun(tt, ...)

.split_colwidths <- function(ptabs, nctot, colwidths) {

    ret <- list()
    i <- 1L

    rlw <- colwidths[1]
    colwidths <- colwidths[-1]
    donenc <- 0
    while(donenc < nctot) {
        curnc <- NCOL(ptabs[[i]])
        ret[[i]] <- c(rlw, colwidths[seq_len(curnc)])
        colwidths <- colwidths[-1*seq_len(curnc)]
        donenc <- donenc + curnc
        i <- i + 1

### Migrated to formatters.

#' @importFrom formatters export_as_txt
#' @examples
#' lyt <- basic_table() %>%
#'   split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
#'   analyze(c("AGE", "BMRKR2", "COUNTRY"))
#' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl)
#' cat(export_as_txt(tbl, file = NULL, paginate = TRUE, lpp = 8))
#' \dontrun{
#' tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")
#' export_as_txt(tbl, file = tf)
#' system2("cat", tf)
#' }
#' @export

## #' Export as plain text with page break symbol
## #'
## #' @inheritParams gen_args
## #' @inheritParams tostring
## #' @inheritParams paginate_table
## #' @param file character(1). File to write.
## #' @param paginate logical(1). Should \code{tt} be paginated before writing the file. Defaults to `TRUE` if any sort of page dimension is specified.
## #' @param \dots Passed directly to \code{\link{paginate_table}}
## #' @param page_break character(1). Page break symbol (defaults to outputting \code{"\\s"}).
## #' @return \code{file} (this function is called for the side effect of writing the file.
## #'
## #' @note When specified, `font_size` is used *only* to determine pagination based
## #' on page dimensions. The written file is populated in raw ASCII text, which
## #' does not have the concept of font size.
## #'
## #' @export
## #'
## #' @seealso [export_as_pdf()]
## #'
## export_as_txt <- function(tt, file = NULL,
##                           page_type = NULL,
##                           landscape = FALSE,
##                           pg_width = page_dim(page_type)[if(landscape) 2 else 1],
##                           pg_height = page_dim(page_type)[if(landscape) 1 else 2],
##                           font_family = "Courier",
##                           font_size = 8,  # grid parameters
##                           paginate = .need_pag(page_type, pg_width, pg_height, lpp, cpp),
##                           cpp = NULL,
##                           lpp = NULL,
##                           ..., page_break = "\\s\\n",
##                           hsep = default_hsep(),
##                           indent_size = 2,
##                           tf_wrap = paginate,
##                           max_width = cpp,
##                           colwidths = propose_column_widths(matrix_form(tt, TRUE))) {
##     if(!is.null(colwidths) && length(colwidths) != ncol(tt) + 1)
##         stop("non-null colwidths argument must have length ncol(tt) + 1 [",
##              ncol(tt) + 1, "], got length ", length(colwidths))
##     if(paginate) {
##         gp_plot <- gpar(fontsize = font_size, fontfamily = font_family)

##         pdf(file = tempfile(), width = pg_width, height = pg_height)
##         on.exit(dev.off())
##         grid.newpage()
##         pushViewport(plotViewport(margins = c(0, 0, 0, 0), gp = gp_plot))

##         cur_gpar <-  get.gpar()
##         if(is.null(page_type) && is.null(pg_width) && is.null(pg_height) &&
##            (is.null(cpp) || is.null(lpp))) {
##             page_type <- "letter"
##             pg_width <- page_dim(page_type)[if(landscape) 2 else 1]
##             pg_height <- page_dim(page_type)[if(landscape) 1 else 2]
##         }

##         if (is.null(lpp)) {
##             lpp <- floor(convertHeight(unit(1, "npc"), "lines", valueOnly = TRUE) /
##                          (cur_gpar$cex * cur_gpar$lineheight))
##         }
##         if(is.null(cpp)) {
##             cpp <- floor(convertWidth(unit(1, "npc"), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE) *
##                          font_lcpi(font_family, font_size, cur_gpar$lineheight)$cpi)
##         }
##         if(tf_wrap && is.null(max_width))
##             max_width <- cpp

##         tbls <- paginate_table(tt, cpp = cpp, lpp = lpp, tf_wrap = tf_wrap, max_width = max_width,
##                                colwidths = colwidths, ...)
##     } else {
##         tbls <- list(tt)
##     }

##     res <- paste(mapply(function(tb, cwidths, ...) {
##         ## 1 and +1 are because cwidths includes rowlabel 'column'
##         cinds <- c(1, .figure_out_colinds(tb, tt) + 1L)
##         toString(tb, widths = cwidths[cinds], ...)
##     },
##     MoreArgs = list(hsep = hsep,
##                     indent_size = indent_size,
##                     tf_wrap = tf_wrap,
##                     max_width = max_width,
##                     cwidths = colwidths),
##     tb = tbls),
##     collapse = page_break)

##     if(!is.null(file))
##         cat(res, file = file)
##     else
##         res
## }

#' Create a `FlexTable` object representing an `rtables` `TableTree`
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @param paginate logical(1). Should \code{tt} be paginated and exported as
#'   multiple `flextables`. Defaults to \code{FALSE}
#' @inheritParams paginate_table
#' @param total_width numeric(1). Total width in inches for the resulting
#'   `flextable(s)`. Defaults to 5.
#' @return a `flextable` object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' analysisfun <- function(x, ...) {
#'     in_rows(row1 = 5,
#'             row2 = c(1, 2),
#'             .row_footnotes = list(row1 = "row 1 - row footnote"),
#'             .cell_footnotes = list(row2 = "row 2 - cell footnote"))
#' }
#' lyt <- basic_table(title = "Title says Whaaaat", subtitles = "Oh, ok.",
#'                main_footer = "ha HA! Footer!") %>%
#' split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
#' analyze("AGE", afun = analysisfun)
#' tbl <-  build_table(lyt, ex_adsl)
#' ft <- tt_to_flextable(tbl)
#' ft

tt_to_flextable <- function(tt, paginate = FALSE, lpp = NULL,
                            cpp = NULL,
                            colwidths = propose_column_widths(matrix_form(tt, indent_rownames = TRUE)),
                            tf_wrap = !is.null(cpp),
                            max_width = cpp,
                            total_width = 10) {
    if(!requireNamespace("flextable") || !requireNamespace("officer")) {
        stop("this function requires the flextable and officer packages. ",
             "Please install them if you wish to use it")

    ## if we're paginating, just call
    if(paginate) {
            stop("lpp must be specified when calling tt_to_flextable with paginate=TRUE")
        tabs <- paginate_table(tt, lpp = lpp, cpp = cpp, tf_wrap = tf_wrap, max_width = max_width, ...)
        cinds <- lapply(tabs, function(tb) c(1, .figure_out_colinds(tb, tt) + 1L))
        return(mapply(tt_to_flextable, tt = tabs, colwidths = cinds, MoreArgs = list(paginate = FALSE, total_width = total_width),
                      SIMPLIFY = FALSE))

    final_cwidths <- total_width * colwidths / sum(colwidths)
    matform <- matrix_form(tt, indent_rownames = TRUE)

    ## this was nrow_header before but that seems wrong!
    hnum <- mf_nlheader(matform) ## attr(matform, "nrow_header")

    content <- as.data.frame(matform$strings[-(1:hnum), , drop = FALSE])

    rdf <- make_row_df(tt)

    hdr <- matform$strings[1:hnum, , drop = FALSE]

    flx <- flextable::qflextable(content)

    flx <- flextable::set_header_labels(flx, values = setNames(as.vector(hdr[hnum, , drop = TRUE]), names(content)))
    flx <- flextable::width(flx, width = final_cwidths)

    if(hnum > 1) {
        for(i in (hnum - 1):1) {
            sel <- spans_to_viscell(matform$spans[i, ])
            flx <- flextable::add_header_row(flx, top = TRUE,
                                             values = as.vector(hdr[i, sel]),
                                  colwidths = as.integer(matform$spans[i, sel]))

    flx <- flextable::align(flx, j = 2:(NCOL(tt) + 1), align = "center", part = "header")
    flx <- flextable::align(flx, j = 2:(NCOL(tt) + 1),  align = "center", part = "body")
    for(i in seq_len(NROW(tt))) {
        flx <- flextable::padding(flx, i = i, j = 1, padding.left = 10 * rdf$indent[[i]])
    if(length(matform$ref_footnotes) > 0) {
        flx <- flextable::add_footer_lines(flx, values = matform$ref_footnotes)

    if(length(all_titles(tt)) > 0 && any(nzchar(all_titles(tt)))) {
        real_titles <- all_titles(tt)
        real_titles <- real_titles[nzchar(real_titles)]
        flx <- flextable::hline(flx, i = 1L,
                                border = officer::fp_border(), part = "header")
        ## rev is because add_header_lines(top=TRUE) seems to put them in backwards!!! AAHHHH
        flx <- flextable::add_header_lines(flx, values = rev(real_titles),
                                           top = TRUE)

    if(length(all_footers(tt)) > 0) {
        flx <- flextable::hline(flx, i = length(matform$ref_footnotes),
                                border = officer::fp_border(), part = "footer")
        flx <- flextable::add_footer_lines(flx, values = all_footers(tt))

    flx <- flextable::font(flx, fontname = "courier")

    flextable::set_table_properties(flx, layout = "autofit")

.tab_to_colpath_set <- function(tt) {
           function(y) paste(pos_to_path(tree_pos(y)), collapse = " "),
.figure_out_colinds <- function(subtab, fulltab) {

#' Export as PDF
#' The PDF output is based on the ASCII output created with `toString`
#' @inheritParams formatters::export_as_txt
#' @inheritParams tostring
#' @inheritParams grid::plotViewport
#' @inheritParams paginate_table
#' @param file file to write, must have `.pdf` extension
#' @param   width  Deprecated,  please  use   `pg_width`  or  specify
#'     `page_type`.  The width of  the graphics  region in inches
#' @param  height  Deprecated,  please  use  `pg_height`  or  specify
#'     `page_type`. The height of  the graphics  region in
#'     inches
#' @param  fontsize Deprecated,  please use  `font_size`. the  size of
#'     text (in points)
#' @param margins numeric(4). The number of lines/characters of margin on the
#'     bottom, left, top, and right sides of the page.
#' @param ... arguments passed on to `paginate_table`
#' @importFrom grDevices pdf
#' @importFrom grid textGrob grid.newpage gpar pushViewport plotViewport unit grid.draw
#'   convertWidth convertHeight grobHeight grobWidth
#' @details By default, pagination is performed, with default
#' `cpp` and `lpp` defined by specified page dimensions and margins.
#' User-specified `lpp` and `cpp` values override this, and should
#' be used with caution.
#' Title and footer materials are also word-wrapped by default
#' (unlike when printed to the terminal), with `cpp`, as
#' defined above, as the default `max_width`.
#' @seealso [formatters::export_as_txt()]
#' @importFrom grid textGrob get.gpar
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off
#' @export
#' @examples
#' lyt <- basic_table() %>%
#'   split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
#'   analyze(c("AGE", "BMRKR2", "COUNTRY"))
#' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl)
#' \dontrun{
#' tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf")
#' export_as_pdf(tbl, file = tf, pg_height = 4)
#' tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf")
#' export_as_pdf(tbl, file = tf, lpp = 8)
#' }
export_as_pdf <- function(tt,
                          page_type = "letter",
                          landscape = FALSE,
                          pg_width = page_dim(page_type)[if(landscape) 2 else 1],
                          pg_height = page_dim(page_type)[if(landscape) 1 else 2],
                          width = NULL,
                          height = NULL, # passed to pdf()
                          margins = c(4, 4, 4, 4),
                          font_family = "Courier",
                          fontsize = 8,  # grid parameters
                          font_size = fontsize,
                          paginate = TRUE,
                          lpp = NULL,
                          cpp = NULL,
                          hsep = "-",
                          indent_size = 2,
                          tf_wrap = TRUE,
                          max_width = NULL,
                          colwidths = propose_column_widths(matrix_form(tt, TRUE)),
                          ... # passed to paginate_table
) {
    stopifnot(file_ext(file) != ".pdf")
    if(!is.null(colwidths) && length(colwidths) != ncol(tt) + 1)
        stop("non-null colwidths argument must have length ncol(tt) + 1 [",
             ncol(tt) + 1, "], got length ", length(colwidths))

    gp_plot <- gpar(fontsize = font_size, fontfamily = font_family)

    ## soft deprecation. To become hard deprecation.
        pg_height <- height

        pg_width <- width

    if(missing(font_size) && !missing(fontsize))
        font_size <- fontsize

    pdf(file = file, width = pg_width, height = pg_height)
    pushViewport(plotViewport(margins = margins, gp = gp_plot))

    cur_gpar <-  get.gpar()
    if (is.null(lpp)) {
        lpp <- floor(convertHeight(unit(1, "npc"), "lines", valueOnly = TRUE) /
                     (cur_gpar$cex * cur_gpar$lineheight)) - sum(margins[c(1, 3)]) # bottom, top
    if(is.null(cpp)) {
        cpp <- floor(convertWidth(unit(1, "npc"), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE) *
                     font_lcpi(font_family, font_size, cur_gpar$lineheight)$cpi) - sum(margins[c(2, 4)]) # left, right
    if(tf_wrap && is.null(max_width))
        max_width <- cpp

    tbls <- if (paginate) {
                paginate_table(tt, lpp = lpp, cpp = cpp, tf_wrap = tf_wrap, max_width = max_width, colwidths = colwidths, ...)
            } else {
    stbls <- lapply(lapply(tbls,
                           function(tbl_i) {
        cinds <- c(1, .figure_out_colinds(tbl_i, tt) + 1L)
        toString(tbl_i, widths = colwidths[cinds], hsep = hsep,
                 indent_size = indent_size, tf_wrap = tf_wrap,
                 max_width = max_width)
    }), function(xi) substr(xi, 1, nchar(xi) - nchar("\n")))
    gtbls <- lapply(stbls, function(txt) {
            label = txt,
            x = unit(0, "npc"), y = unit(1, "npc"),
            just = c("left", "top")

    npages <- length(gtbls)
    exceeds_width <- rep(FALSE, npages)
    exceeds_height <- rep(FALSE, npages)

    for (i in seq_along(gtbls)) {
        g <- gtbls[[i]]

        if (i > 1) {
            pushViewport(plotViewport(margins = margins, gp = gp_plot))

        if (convertHeight(grobHeight(g), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE) >
            convertHeight(unit(1, "npc"), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE)) {
            exceeds_height[i] <- TRUE
            warning("height of page ", i, " exceeds the available space")
        if (convertWidth(grobWidth(g), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE) >
            convertWidth(unit(1, "npc"), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE)) {
            exceeds_width[i] <- TRUE
            warning("width of page ", i, " exceeds the available space")

     list(file = file, npages = npages, exceeds_width = exceeds_width, exceeds_height = exceeds_height, lpp = lpp, cpp = cpp)

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rtables documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 5:07 p.m.