
Defines functions plotProf confint.profBinom profBinom plot.profile.discrim profile.discrim confint.discrim confint.anota plot.anota plot.discrim print.discrim print.anota discrimSim discrim

Documented in confint.anota confint.discrim discrim discrimSim plot.anota plot.discrim plot.profile.discrim print.discrim profile.discrim

AnotA <-
  function (x1, n1, x2, n2, ...)
### Revise for better computational methods (don't use glm unless it
### is needed to get the standard errors?) and reconsider the output.
  m <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m[[1]] <- as.name("c")
  m <- eval.parent(m) # evaluate the *list* of arguments
  data <- m
  for(i in data) {
    if(i != abs(trunc(i)) | i==0)
      stop("Data have to be positive integers")
  if(x1 >= n1)
    stop("'x1' has to be smaller than 'n1'")
  if(x2 >= n2)
    stop("'x2' has to be smaller than 'n2'")
  call <- match.call()
  test <- "A-Not A"
  ## Arrange data:
  xt <-  cbind(c(x1, x2), c(n1 - x1, n2 - x2))
  ## Fit GLM:
  res <- glm(xt ~ gl(2,1),
             family = binomial(link = "probit"), ...) # added ""  to probit 1.4-6
  ## Prepare output:
  b <- coef(summary(res))
  coef <- -b[2,1] # d-prime
  se <- b[2,2]
  vcov <- as.matrix(se^2) # variance-covariance
### FIXME: Do not use Fishers exact test here!
  p.value <- fisher.test(xt, alternative="greater")$p.value
  ## Naming:
  names(vcov) <- names(se) <- names(coef) <- "d-prime"
  fit <- list(coefficients = coef, res.glm = res, vcov = vcov, se = se,
              data = data, p.value = p.value, test = test,
              call = call)
  class(fit) <- c("anota")

discrim <-
  function(correct, total, d.prime0, pd0, conf.level = 0.95,
           method = c("duotrio", "tetrad", "threeAFC", "twoAFC",
             "triangle", "hexad", "twofive", "twofiveF"),
           double = FALSE,
           statistic = c("exact", "likelihood", "score", "Wald"),
           test = c("difference", "similarity"), ...)
  stopifnot(length(correct) == 1L, is.numeric(correct),
            length(total) == 1L, is.numeric(total),
            length(conf.level) == 1L, is.numeric(conf.level),
            conf.level >= 0, conf.level <= 1,
            is.logical(double) || is.numeric(double) && length(double) == 1L)
  m <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
  method <- match.arg(method)
  test <- match.arg(test)
  stat <- match.arg(statistic)
  m[[1]] <- as.name("list")
  m$method <- m$statistic <- m$test <- NULL
  m <- eval.parent(m) # evaluate the *list* of arguments
  x <- m$correct;  n <- m$total
  call <- match.call()
  ## use round - as.integer also strips names:
  if(!isTRUE(all.equal(round(x), x)) || x < 0)
    stop("'correct' has to be a non-negative integer")
  x <- as.integer(round(x))
  if(!isTRUE(all.equal(round(n), n)) || n <= 0)
    stop("'total' has to be a positive integer")
  n <- as.integer(round(n))
  if(x > n)
    stop("'correct' cannot be larger than 'total'")
  if(method %in% c("hexad", "twofive", "twofiveF") && double)
      stop("'double' method for 'hexad', 'twofive' and 'twofiveF' are not yet implemented")
  Pguess <- pc0 <- getPguess(method=method, double=double)
  pd0 <- 0 ## Initial default value.
  ## Check value of null hypothesis (pd0/d.prime0):
  null.args <- c("pd0", "d.prime0")
  isPresent <- sapply(null.args, function(arg) !is.null(m[[arg]]))
  if(sum(isPresent) > 1)
      stop("Only specify one of 'pd0' and 'd.prime0'")
  if(test == "similarity" && sum(isPresent) == 0)
      stop("Either 'pd0' or 'd.prime0' has to be specified for a similarity test")
  alt.scale <- "d-prime" ## default value
  ## Test value of null hypothesis arg:
  if(sum(isPresent)) {
      alt.scale <- switch(null.args[isPresent],
                          "pd0" = "pd",
                          "d.prime0" = "d-prime",
                          stop("Argument not recognized"))
      if(alt.scale == "pd") {
          pd0 <- m$pd0
                    length(pd0) == 1L,
                    pd0 >= 0,
                    pd0 <= 1)
          if(test == "similarity" && pd0 == 0)
              warning("'pd0' should be positive for a similarity test")
          pc0 <- pd2pc(pd0, Pguess)
      } else if(alt.scale == "d-prime") {
          d.prime0 <- m$d.prime0
                    length(d.prime0) == 1L,
                    d.prime0 >= 0)
          if(test == "similarity" && d.prime0 == 0)
              warning("'d.prime0' should be positive for a similarity test")
          pc0 <- psyfun(d.prime0, method=method, double=double)
          pd0 <- pc2pd(pc=pc0, Pguess=Pguess)
  ## Compute estimates:
  mu <- x/n
  se.mu <- sqrt(mu*(1 - mu)/n)
  ## Draft coefficient table:
  table <- array(NA, dim = c(3, 4))
  rownames(table) <- c("pc", "pd", "d-prime")
  colnames(table) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "Lower", "Upper")
  ## Fill in estimates:
  obj <- rescale(pc = mu, method = method, double=double)
  table[,1] <- unlist(obj$coefficients)
  pc.hat <- table[1,1]
  ## Fill in standard errors:
  if(mu < 1 && mu > Pguess) {
    obj <- rescale(pc = mu, std.err = se.mu, method = method, double=double)
    table[,2] <- unlist(obj$std.err)
  ## Get p-value, CI and test statistic:
  if(stat == "exact") {
    p.value <-
      if(test == "difference")
        1 - pbinom(q = x - 1, size = n, prob = pc0)
        pbinom(q = x, size = n, prob = pc0)
    ci <- c(binom.test(x = x, n = n, alternative = "two.sided",
                       conf.level = conf.level)$conf.int)
  if(stat == "likelihood") {
    prof <- profBinom(x, n, nProf = 100)
    ci <- c(confint(prof, level = conf.level))
    logLikMax <- dbinom(x, n, pc.hat, log = TRUE)
    logLikNull <- dbinom(x, n, pc0, log = TRUE)
    Stat <- sign(table[1,1] - pc0) *
      sqrt(2 * (logLikMax - logLikNull))
### Note: Stat can get negative here.
    p.value <-
      if(test == "difference") pnorm(Stat, lower.tail = FALSE)
      else pnorm(Stat)
  if(stat == "Wald") {
    Stat <- (pc.hat - pc0) / sqrt(pc.hat*(1 - pc.hat)/n)
    p.value <-
      if(test == "difference") pnorm(Stat, lower.tail = FALSE)
      else pnorm(Stat)
    a <- (1 - conf.level)/2
    ci <- mu + se.mu * qnorm(c(a, 1 - a))
  if(stat == "score") {
    ci <- prop.test(x = x, n = n, alternative = "two.sided",
                    conf.level = conf.level)$conf.int
    ## prop.test needs p in (0, 1):
    PC0 <- delimit(x=pc0, lower=0+1e-8, upper=1-1e-8)
    if(test == "difference")
### NOTE: need suppressWarnings to ignore warning about dubious
### chi-square approximation:
        score <- suppressWarnings(prop.test(x = x, n = n, alternative = "greater",
                                            p = PC0, correct = FALSE))
      score <- suppressWarnings(prop.test(x = x, n = n, alternative = "less",
                         p = PC0, correct = FALSE))
    Stat <- score$statistic
    p.value <- score$p.value
  if(sum(is.na(ci)) == 0) {
    ci <- delimit(x = ci, lower = 0, upper = 1)
    intervals <- rescale(pc = ci, method = method, double = double)$coefficients
    table[,3] <- unlist(intervals[1,])
    table[,4] <- unlist(intervals[2,])
  res <- list(coefficients = table, p.value = p.value, call = call,
              test = test, method = method, statistic = stat,
              data = c("correct" = x, "total" = n), pd0 = pd0,
              conf.level = conf.level, alt.scale = alt.scale,
              double = double)
  if(stat != "exact")
    res$stat.value <- Stat
  if(stat == "score")
    res$df <- score$parameter
  if(stat == "likelihood")
    res$profile <- prof
  class(res) <- "discrim"

discrimOld <-
function (success, total,
          method = c("duotrio", "threeAFC", "twoAFC", "triangle"),
          pd0 = 0, type = c("difference", "similarity"), ...)
    m <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
    method <- match.arg(method)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    m[[1]] <- as.name("list")
    m$method <- m$type <- NULL
    m <- eval.parent(m) # evaluate the *list* of arguments
    x <- m$success;  n <- m$total
    call <- match.call()
    if(x != trunc(x) | x<=0)
        stop("'success' has to be a positive integer")
    if(n != trunc(n) | n<=0)
        stop("'total' has to be a positive integer")
    if(x >= n)
        stop("'total' has to be larger than 'success'")
    if(pd0 < 0 | pd0 > 1)
        stop("'pd0' has to be between zero and one")
    p <- getPguess(method)
    ## Compute p-value:
    p.value <-
        if(type == "difference")
            1 - pbinom(x - 1, n, pd0 + p * (1 - pd0))
            pbinom(x, n, pd0 + p * (1 - pd0))
    if(x/n > p) {
##         stop("'succes'/'total' has to be larger than ",
##              ifelse(p < 1/2, "1/3", "1/2") , " for the ",
##              method, " test")
    ## Create glm-family object
        fam <- switch(method,
                      duotrio = duotrio(),
                      threeAFC = threeAFC(),
                      twoAFC = twoAFC(),
                      triangle = triangle() )
        ## Compute d-prime:
        xt <- matrix(c(x, n - x), ncol = 2)
        etastart <- fam$linkfun(xt[1, 1]/sum(xt))
        res <- glm(xt ~ 1, family = fam, etastart = etastart,
                   control = glm.control(epsilon = 1e-05, maxit = 50), ...)
        ## Prepare output:
        s.res <- summary(res)
        coef <- coef(res)
        vcov <- s.res$cov.unscaled
        se <- s.res$coef[,2]
    else {
        coef <- 0
        vcov <-  se <- NA
        res <- NULL
    data <- c(success = x, total = n)
    ## Naming:
    names(coef) <- names(se) <- names(vcov) <- "d-prime"
    ## Output'ing and class'ing:
    fit <- list(coefficients = coef, res.glm = res, vcov = vcov, se = se,
                data = data, p.value = p.value, test = method,
                call = call)
    class(fit) <- "anota"

discrimSim <-
  function(sample.size, replicates, d.prime, sd.indiv = 0,
           method = c("duotrio", "halfprobit", "probit", "tetrad",
             "triangle", "twoAFC", "threeAFC", "hexad", "twofive", "twofiveF"),
           double = FALSE)
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if(sample.size != trunc(sample.size) | sample.size <= 0)
    stop("'sample.size' has to be a positive integer")
  if(replicates != trunc(replicates) | replicates < 0)
    stop("'replicates' has to be a non-negativ integer")
  if(d.prime < 0) stop("'d.prime' has to be non-negative")
  if(sd.indiv < 0) stop("'sd.indiv' has to be non-negative")
  if(method %in% c("hexad", "twofive", "twofiveF") && double)
    stop("'double' method for 'hexad', 'twofive' and 'twofiveF' are not yet implemented")
  ## Individual deviations in d.prime:
  D <- rnorm(n = sample.size, mean = 0, sd = sd.indiv)
  q <- delimit(d.prime + D, lower = 0) # individual d.prime's
  ## Compute no. correct answers for the test:
  n.correct <- rbinom(n=sample.size, size=replicates,
                      prob=psyfun(q, method=method, double=double))

print.anota <-
  function(x, digits = getOption("digits"),
                           alpha=.05, ...) {
  coef <- x$coef; se <- x$se; p.value <- x$p.value
  p <- 1-alpha/2
  lower <- coef - qnorm(p) * se
  lower <- ifelse(lower <= 0, 0, lower)
  upper <- coef + qnorm(p) * se
  mat <- c(coef, se, lower, upper, p.value)
  table <- matrix(mat, nrow = length(coef))
  rownames(table) <- names(coef)
  colnames(table) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "Lower",
                       "Upper", "P-value")
  cat("\nCall: ", deparse(x$call), "\n\n")
  cat("Results for the", x$test, "test:\n\n")
  print(table, digits = digits)

print.discrim <-
  function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
  text1 <- switch(x$statistic,
                  "exact" = "'exact' binomial test.",
                  "likelihood" = "likelihood root statistic.",
                  "Wald" = "Wald statistic.",
                  "score" = "Pearson and score statistics.")
  txt <- if(x$double) "\nEstimates for the double" else "\nEstimates for the"
  cat(paste(txt, x$method,
            "discrimination protocol with", x$data[1],
            "correct\nanswers in",
            x$data[2], "trials. One-sided p-value and",
            round(100 * x$conf.level, 3),
            "% two-sided confidence\nintervals are based on the",
            text1, "\n\n"))
  print(x$coefficients, digits = digits)
  Pguess <- getPguess(method=x$method, double=x$double)
  d.prime0 <- psyinv(pd2pc(x$pd0, Pguess), method = x$method,
  null.value <- switch(x$alt.scale,
                       "pd" = x$pd0,
                       "d-prime" = psyinv(pd2pc(x$pd0, Pguess),
                       method=x$method, double=x$double))
  cat(paste("\nResult of", x$test, "test:\n"))
  if(x$statistic == "Wald")
    cat(paste("Wald statistic = ", format(x$stat.value, digits),
              ", p-value: ", format.pval(x$p.value, digits=4), "\n",
  if(x$statistic == "likelihood")
    cat(paste("Likelihood Root statistic = ",
              format(x$stat.value, digits),
              ", p-value: ", format.pval(x$p.value, digits=4), "\n",
  if(x$statistic == "exact")
    cat(paste("'exact' binomial test: ",
              "p-value =", format.pval(x$p.value, digits=4), "\n"))
  if(x$statistic == "score")
    cat(paste("Pearson X-square statistic = ",
              format(x$stat.value, digits), ", df = ", x$df,
              ", p-value: ", format.pval(x$p.value, digits=4), "\n",
  sep = ""))
  cat("Alternative hypothesis: ")
            ifelse(x$test == "difference", "greater", "less"),
            "than", format(null.value, digits=digits), "\n\n"))
  if(any(is.na(x$coefficients[, 2])))
      cat("Standard errors are not estimable due to an observed proportion either\n",
          "at or below guessing level or at 100%. Everything else is still valid.\n\n", sep="")

plot.discrim <-
  function(x, main = TRUE, length = 1000, ...)
  z <- seq(-5, 5, length.out = length)
  y <- dnorm(z)
  y2 <- dnorm(z, mean = coef(x)[3, 1])
  main.txt <- ifelse(main,
                     paste("Distribution of sensory intensity for",
                           ifelse(x$double, "the double", "the"),
                           x$method, "test"), c("") )
  plot(z, y, type="l", xlab = "Sensory Magnitude",
       ylab = "", main = main.txt, las = 1, lty = 2, ...)
  lines(z, y2, col = "red", lty = 1, ...)

plot.anota <-
  function(x, main = TRUE, length = 1000, ...)
  z <- seq(-5, 5, length.out = length)
  y <- dnorm(z)
  y2 <- dnorm(z, mean = coefficients(x))
  main.txt <- ifelse(main,
                     paste("Distribution of sensory intensity for the",
                           x$test, "test"), c("") )
  plot(z, y, type="l", xlab = "Sensory Magnitude",
       ylab = "", main = main.txt, las = 1, lty = 2, ...)
  lines(z, y2, col = "red", lty = 1, ...)

## discrimr <- ## Discrim revised
##   function(formula, data, weights, start, subset, na.action, contrasts
##            = NULL, method = c("duotrio", "probit", "threeAFC",
##                      "triangle", "twoAFC", "logit"), Hess = TRUE, ...)
## {
##   nll <- function(beta, X, y, w) { # negative log-likelihood
##     eta <- offset
##     eta <- eta + X %*% beta
##     p <- link.inv(eta)
##     if(all(p > 0 && p < 1))
##       -sum(2 * w * (y*log(p/(1 - p)) + log(1-p)))
##     else(Inf)
##   }
##   grd <- function(beta, X, y, w) { # gradient
##     eta <- offset
##     eta <- eta + X %*% beta
##     p <- link.inv(eta)
##     if(all(p > 0)) {
##       ##      cat(NROW(w), NROW(p), NROW(y), "X = ", dim(X), "\n")
##       -2 * t(X) %*% (w * muEta(eta) * (y/p - (1-y)/(1-p)))
##       ## browser() } else(rep(NA, length(beta)))
##     }
##   }
##   m <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE) m$start <- m$Hess <-
##     m$method  <-  m$... <- NULL
##   m[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame") if
##   (is.matrix(eval.parent(m$data))) m$data <- as.data.frame(data) m
##   <- eval.parent(m) Terms <- attr(m, "terms") x <-
##     model.matrix(Terms, m, contrasts) n <- nrow(x) cons <- attr(x,
##                                                                 "contrasts") wt <- model.weights(m) if (!length(wt)) wt <- rep(1,
##     n) offset <- model.offset(m) if (length(offset) <= 1) offset <-
##     rep(0, n) y <- model.response(m) if (NCOL(y) == 2) { n <- y[, 1] +
##     y[, 2] y <- ifelse(n == 0, 0, y[, 1]/n) wt <- wt * n }
##     stopifnot(all(wt > 0)) if(missing(start)) start <- rep(0, ncol(x))
##     if(missing(data)) if(length(start) != ncol(x))
##     stop("'start' is not of correct length") method <-
##     match.arg(method) dn <- dimnames(x)[[2]] link.inv <-
##     switch(method, duotrio = duotrio()$linkinv, probit = pnorm,
##     threeAFC = threeAFC()$linkinv, triangle = triangle()$linkinv,
##     twoAFC = twoAFC()$linkinv, logit = plogis
## ###                     twoAFC = function(eta) {pnorm(eta/sqrt(2))}
##                      )
##   muEta <- switch(method,
##                   duotrio = duotrio()$mu.eta,
##                   probit = dnorm,
##                   threeAFC = threeAFC()$mu.eta,
##                   triangle = triangle()$mu.eta,
##                   twoAFC = twoAFC()$mu.eta,
##                   logit = dlogis
##                   )
##   fit <- optim(start, fn=nll, gr=grd, X=x, y=y, w=wt, method="BFGS", #
##                hessian = Hess, ...)
##   ## Fitted values (probabilities):
##   fit$fitted <- p <- link.inv(offset + x %*% fit$par)
##   ## Deviance:
##   fit$dev <- 2 * wt * (y * log(y/p) + (1 - y) * log((1 - y)/(1 - p)))
##   fit$deviance <-  sum(fit$dev)
##   fit$resid.dev <- sign(y - p) * sqrt(fit$dev)
##   se <- NULL
##   if(Hess) {
##     fit$vcov <- solve(fit$hessian)
##     fit$se <- sqrt(diag(fit$vcov))
##     names(fit$se) <- dn
##     dimnames(fit$vcov) <- list(dn, dn)
##   }
##   fit$coef <- fit$par
##   fit$data <- data
##   fit$test <- method
##   fit$call <- match.call()
##   names(fit$coef) <- dn
##   class(fit) <- "discrimr"
##   fit
## }

confint.anota <-
  function(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...)
### get confint from the discrim object.
  ## Using confint.glm from MASS:
  ci <- confint(object$res, level = level)
  rownames(ci) <- c("threshold", "d.prime")
  ci[2,] <- rev(-ci[2,])

confint.discrim <-
  function(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...)
### get confint from the discrim object.
  if(level == object$conf.level)
    obj <- object$coefficients[, 3:4]
  else {
    call <- update(object, conf.level = level, evaluate = FALSE)
    obj <- eval.parent(call)$coefficients[, 3:4]
  attr(obj, "method") <- object$method
  attr(obj, "conf.level") <- object$conf.level
  attr(obj, "statistic") <- object$statistic

profile.discrim <-
  function(fitted, ...)
  if(fitted$statistic == "likelihood")
    prof <- fitted$profile
  else {
    call <- update(fitted, statistic = "likelihood", evaluate = FALSE)
    fitted <- eval.parent(call)
    prof <- fitted$profile
  pg <- getPguess(method=fitted$method, double=fitted$double)
  prof <- prof[prof$pSeq >= pg, ]
### FIXME: This does not handle if x/n < pg, as the relative
### likelihood needs to be rescaled to have max in pg in that case.
### - Really?
  prof$d.prime <-
      psyinv(prof$pSeq, method=fitted$method, double=fitted$double)
  keep <- is.finite(prof$d.prime)
  prof$pSeq <- NULL
  prof <- prof[keep, ]
  attr(prof, "method") <- fitted$method
  class(prof) <- c("profile.discrim", "data.frame")

plot.profile.discrim <-
  function(x, level = c(0.99, 0.95), fig = TRUE, method = "natural",
           n = 1e3, ...)
  lim <- sapply(level, function(x) exp(-qchisq(x, df = 1)/2))
  if (fig == TRUE) {
    npl.spline <- spline(x$d.prime, x$Lroot, n = n, method = method)
    plot(npl.spline$x, exp(-npl.spline$y^2/2), type = "l", las = 1,
         ylim = c(0, 1),
         xlab = "d-prime", ylab = "Relative Likelihood",
         main = "", ...)
    abline(h = lim)
  ## class(x) <- c("nProfile.discrim", "data.frame")

profBinom <- function(success, total, nProf = 100, ...)
    x <- success; n <- total
    if(x != trunc(x) || x < 0)
        stop("'success' has to be a non-negative integer")
    if(n != trunc(n) || n <= 0)
        stop("'total' has to be a positive integer")
    if(x > n)
        stop("'success' > 'total' not allowed")
    pHat <- x/n
    logLik <- dbinom(x, n, pHat, log=TRUE)
    ## pSeq <- seq(from=1e-4, to=1-1e-4, length=nProf)
    pSeq <- seq(from = 1e-8, to = 1-1e-8, length = nProf)
    ## add 'from' and 'to' to the argument list?
    if(!(pHat %in% pSeq))
        pSeq <- sort(c(pHat, pSeq))
    ll <- dbinom(x, n, pSeq, log=TRUE)
    sign <- 2*(pSeq > pHat) -1
    Lroot <- sign * sqrt(2) * sqrt(-ll + logLik)
    prof <- data.frame(pSeq = pSeq, Lroot=Lroot)
    attr(prof, "logLik") <- logLik
    attr(prof, "pHat") <- pHat ## MLE
    class(prof) <- c("profBinom", "data.frame")

confint.profBinom <- function(object, parm, level=0.95, ...) {
    a <- (1-level)/2
    a <- c(a, 1-a)
    cutoff <- qnorm(a)
    sp <- with(object, spline(plogis(pSeq), Lroot))
    ci <- array(0, dim=c(1,2))
    ci[] <- approx(sp$y, sp$x, xout = cutoff)$y
    ci <- qlogis(ci)
    pHat <- attr(object, "pHat")
    if(pHat == 0) ci[1] <- 0
    if(pHat == 1) ci[2] <- 1
    rownames(ci) <- "p"
    colnames(ci) <- c("lower", "upper")
    attr(ci, "level") <- level

plotProf <-
             method = c("duotrio", "tetrad", "threeAFC", "twoAFC",
             "triangle", "hexad", "twofive", "twofiveF"),
             double = FALSE, log = FALSE, relative = TRUE, ...)
    method <- match.arg(method)
    double <- as.logical(double[1L])
    if(method == "binom") {
        sp <- with(object, spline(pSeq, Lroot))
        xlab <- "p"
    } else {
        fam <- getFamily(method=method, double=double)
        dSeq <- fam$linkfun(object$pSeq)
        skip <- seq_len(sum(dSeq == 0) -1) ## skip leading zeros
        sp <- spline(dSeq[-skip], object$Lroot[-skip])
        xlab <- expression(delta)
        y <- -sp$y^2/2
    } else {
        y <- -sp$y^2/2 + attr(object, "logLik")
    if(!log) y <- exp(y)
    plot(sp$x, y, type ="l", xlab=xlab,
         ylab = "Relative likelihood", ...)
### Make correct ylab for various cases.
    if(relative & !log)
        abline(h = c(0.1465, .0362))
### Include level-argument and compute the levels.
    ## points(ci.pHat, rep(.1465, 2))
### should something be returned? x and y perhaps?

## `discrimPwr` <-
##   function (delta, sample.size, alpha = 0.05,
##             method = c("duotrio", "threeAFC", "twoAFC", "triangle"),
##             pd0 = 0, type = c("difference", "similarity"))
## {
## ### m <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
##     method <- match.arg(method)
##     type <- match.arg(type)
## ### m[[1]] <- as.name("list")
## ### m$method <- NULL
## ### eval.parent(m) # evaluate the *list* of arguments
##     ss <- sample.size
##     ## Control arguments:
##     if(ss != trunc(ss) | ss <= 0)
##         stop("'sample.size' has to be a positive integer")
##     if(delta < 0) stop("'delta' has to be non-negative")
##     if(alpha <= 0 | alpha >= 1)
##         stop("'alpha' has to be between zero and one")
##     if(pd0 < 0 | pd0 > 1)
##         stop("'pd0' has to be between zero and one")
##     ## Find the prob corresponding to delta:
##     prob <- switch(method,
##                    duotrio = duotrio(),
##                    triangle = triangle(),
##                    twoAFC = twoAFC(),
##                    threeAFC = threeAFC() )
##     ## prob under the null hypothesis:
##     Pguess <- ifelse(method %in% c("duotrio", "twoAFC"), 1/2, 1/3)
##     ## critical value in a one-tailed binomial test:
##     xcr <- findcr(ss, alpha, Pguess, type = type, pd0)
##     ## Compute power of the test:
##     if(type == "difference")
##         power <- 1 - pbinom(xcr - 1, ss, prob$linkinv(delta))
##     else
##         power <- pbinom(xcr, ss, prob$linkinv(delta))
##     power
## }

## discrimPwr <-
##   function(delta, sample.size, alpha = 0.05,
##            method = c("duotrio", "threeAFC", "twoAFC", "triangle"),
##            pd0 = 0, test = c("difference", "similarity"))
## {
##   ## match and test arguments:
##   method <- match.arg(method)
##   test <- match.arg(test)
##   ss <- sample.size
##   if(ss != trunc(ss) | ss <= 0)
##     stop("'sample.size' has to be a positive integer")
##   if(delta < 0) stop("'delta' has to be non-negative")
##   if(alpha <= 0 | alpha >= 1)
##     stop("'alpha' has to be between zero and one")
##   if(pd0 < 0 | pd0 > 1)
##     stop("'pd0' has to be between zero and one")
##   ## get pc from delta:
##   pc <- psyfun(delta, method = method)
##   Pguess <- ifelse(method %in% c("duotrio", "twoAFC"), 1/2, 1/3)
##   ## critical value in one-tailed binomial test:
##   xcr <- findcr(ss, alpha, Pguess, test = test, pd0)
##   ## compute power of the test from critical value:
##   if(test == "difference") {
##     xcr <- delimit(xcr, lower = 1, upper = ss + 1)
##     power <- 1 - pbinom(q = xcr - 1, size = ss, prob = pc)
##   }
##   else if(test == "similarity") {
##     xcr <- delimit(xcr, lower = 0, upper = ss)
##     power <- pbinom(q = xcr, size = ss, prob = pc)
##   }
##   else ## should never happen
##     stop("'test' not recognized")
##   return(power)
## }

### This is not working due to the discreteness of the binomial
### distribution:
### testSS <- function(target.power, pdA, pd0, sample.size, alpha = 0.05,
###                    pGuess, test)
### ### Is sample.size the required sample size for a one-tailed binomial test?
### ### Result: boolean
###   ((discrimPwr2(pdA = pdA, pd0 = pd0, sample.size = sample.size,
###                 alpha = alpha, pGuess = pGuess, test = test)
###     >= target.power) &&
###    (discrimPwr2(pdA = pdA, pd0 = pd0, sample.size = sample.size - 1,
###                 alpha = alpha, pGuess = pGuess, test = test)
###     < target.power))

## discrimSSold <-
##   function (delta, power, alpha = 0.05,
##             method = c("duotrio", "threeAFC", "twoAFC", "triangle"),
##             pd0 = 0, type = c("difference", "similarity"), start = 1)
## {
##     method <- match.arg(method)
##     type <- match.arg(type)
##     if(delta < 0) stop("'delta' has to be non-negative")
##     if(alpha <= 0 | alpha >= 1)
##         stop("'alpha' has to be between zero and one")
##     if(power <= 0 | power >= 1)
##         stop("'power' has to be between zero and one")
##     if(pd0 < 0 | pd0 > 1)
##         stop("'pd0' has to be between zero and one")
##     i <- start
##     while (discrimPwr(delta = delta, sample.size = i,
##                       alpha = alpha, method = method,
##                       pd0 = pd0, type = type) < power)
##         i <- i + 1
##     i
## }

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