#' Reformat formants
#' Internal soundgen function.
#' Checks that the formants are formatted in a valid way and expands them to a
#' standard list of dataframes with time, frequency, amplitude, and bandwidth of
#' each formant specified explicitly.
#' @param formants character string like "aoiu", numeric vector like "c(500,
#' 1500, 2400)", or a list with an entry for each formant
#' @param output 'all' (default) includes times stamps, freqs, amplitudes, and
#' bandwidths; 'freqs' includes only frequencies
#' @param keepNonInteger if FALSE, fractional (anti)formants like 'f1.5' are
#' removed
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' soundgen:::reformatFormants(NA)
#' soundgen:::reformatFormants('aau')
#' soundgen:::reformatFormants(c(500, 1500, 2500))
#' soundgen:::reformatFormants(list(f1 = 500, f2 = c(1500, 1700)))
#' soundgen:::reformatFormants(list(
#' f1 = list(freq = 800, amp = 30),
#' f2 = list(freq = c(1500, 1700, 2200), width = c(100, 150, 175))
#' ))
#' f = list(f1 = c(550, 600), f2 = c(1100, NA, 1600), f2.5 = 2500, f3 = 3000)
#' soundgen:::reformatFormants(f)
#' soundgen:::reformatFormants(f, output = 'freqs')
#' soundgen:::reformatFormants(f, output = 'freqs', keepNonInteger = FALSE)
#' soundgen:::reformatFormants(c(500, 1400), output = 'freqs')
#' soundgen:::reformatFormants(list(f1 = 500, f2 = 1400), output = 'freqs')
#' soundgen:::reformatFormants(list(f1 = c(570, 750),
#' f2 = NA, f3 = c(2400, 2200, NA)), output = 'freqs')
reformatFormants = function(formants,
output = c('all', 'freqs')[1],
keepNonInteger = TRUE) {
if (is.null(formants)) {
formants = NA
} else if (is.character(formants)) {
# "aui" etc - read off values from presets$M1
formants = convertStringToFormants(formants)
} else if (is.numeric(formants)) {
# expand to full format from e.g. "formants = c(500, 1500, 2500)"
freqs = formants
formants = vector('list', length(freqs))
names(formants) = paste0('f', 1:length(freqs))
if (output == 'all') {
for (f in 1:length(freqs)) {
formants[[f]] = data.frame(time = 0,
freq = freqs[f],
amp = NA,
width = getBandwidth(freqs[f]))
} else {
# just the frequencies
for (f in 1:length(freqs)) {
formants[[f]] = data.frame(freq = freqs[f])
if (is.list(formants)) {
if (is.null(names(formants))) {
names(formants) = paste0('f', 1:length(formants))
for (f in 1:length(formants)) {
formant =[[f, drop = FALSE]])
if (ncol(formant) == 1) colnames(formant) = 'freq'
if (is.list(formant)) {
if ('freq' %in% names(formant)) {
if (output == 'all') {
# expand to full format from e.g. f1 = list(freq = 550, amp = 30)
if (is.null(formant$time)) {
formant$time = seq(0, 1, length.out = nrow(formant))
if (is.null(formant$amp)) {
formant$amp = NA
if (is.null(formant$width)) {
formant$width = getBandwidth(formant$freq)
} else {
# expand to full format from e.g. f1 = 550
# (numbers are assumed to represent frequency)
if (output == 'all') {
formant = data.frame(
time = seq(0, 1, length.out = length(formant)),
freq = formant,
amp = rep(NA, length(formant)),
width = getBandwidth(formant)
} else {
formant = data.frame(freq = as.numeric(formant))
if (output == 'all') {
# make sure columns are in the right order (for esthetics & debugging)
formants[[f]] = formant[, c('time', 'freq', 'amp', 'width')]
} else {
formants[[f]] = formant
} else if (!is.null(formants)) {
if (any(! {
stop('If defined, formants must be either a list or a string of characters
from dictionary presets: a, o, i, e, u, 0 (schwa)')
} else {
if (!keepNonInteger) {
# remove non-integer (anti)formants, if any
non_integer_formants = apply(as.matrix(names(formants)),
function(x) {
grepl('.', x, fixed = TRUE)
if (any(non_integer_formants)) formants = formants[!non_integer_formants]
#' Get bandwidth
#' Internal soundgen function.
#' Calculates formant bandwidth as a function of formant frequencies using a
#' modified version of TMF-63 formula. Namely, above 500 Hz it follows the
#' original formula from Tappert, Martony, and Fant (TMF)-1963, and below 500 Hz
#' it applies a correction to allow for energy losses at low frequencies. See
#' Khodai-Joopari & Clermont (2002), "Comparison of formulae for estimating
#' formant bandwidths". Below 250 Hz the bandwidth is forces to drop again to
#' avoid very large values near zero (just guesswork!)
#' @param f a vector of formant frequencies, Hz
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' f = 1:5000
#' plot(f, soundgen:::getBandwidth(f), type = 'l',
#' xlab = 'Formant frequency, Hz', ylab = 'Estimated bandwidth, Hz')
getBandwidth = function(f) {
b = rep(NA, length(f))
f1 = which(f < 250)
f2 = which(f >= 250 & f < 500)
f3 = which(f >= 500)
# just guesswork below 250 Hz - no data for such low freqs,
# apart from elephant rumbles etc.
b[f1] = 26.38541 - .042 * f[f1] + .0011 * f[f1] ^ 2
# see Khodai-Joopari & Clermont 2002
b[f2] = 52.08333 * (1 + (f[f2]-500) ^ 2/ 10 ^ 5)
b[f3] = 50 * (1 + f[f3] ^ 2 / 6 / 10 ^ 6)
# plot(f, b, type = 'l')
#' Prepare a list of formants
#' Internal soundgen function.
#' Takes a string of phonemes entered WITHOUT ANY BREAKS. Recognized phonemes in
#' the human preset dictionary: vowels "a" "o" "i" "e" "u" "0" (schwa);
#' consonants "s" "x" "j".
#' @param phonemeString a string of characters from the dictionary of phoneme
#' presets, e.g., uaaaaii (short u - longer a - medium-long i)
#' @param speaker name of the preset dictionary to use
#' @return Returns a list of formant values, which can be fed directly into
#' \code{\link{getSpectralEnvelope}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' formants = soundgen:::convertStringToFormants(phonemeString = 'a')
#' formants = soundgen:::convertStringToFormants(
#' phonemeString = 'au', speaker = 'M1')
#' formants = soundgen:::convertStringToFormants(
#' phonemeString = 'aeui', speaker = 'F1')
#' formants = soundgen:::convertStringToFormants(
#' phonemeString = 'aaeuiiiii', speaker = 'Chimpanzee')
convertStringToFormants = function(phonemeString, speaker = 'M1') {
availablePresets = names(presets[[speaker]]$Formants$vowels)
if (length(availablePresets) < 1) {
warning(paste0('No phoneme presets found for speaker ', speaker,
'. Defaulting to M1'))
speaker = 'M1'
availablePresets = names(presets[[speaker]]$Formants$vowels)
input_phonemes = strsplit(phonemeString, "")[[1]]
valid_phonemes = input_phonemes[input_phonemes %in% availablePresets]
unique_phonemes = unique(valid_phonemes)
if (length(valid_phonemes) < 1)
# for each input vowel, look up the corresponding formant values
# in the presets dictionary and append to formants
vowels = list()
formantNames = character()
for (v in 1:length(unique_phonemes)) {
vowels[[v]] = presets[[speaker]]$Formants$vowels[unique_phonemes[v]][[1]]
formantNames = c(formantNames, names(vowels[[v]]))
formantNames = sort(unique(formantNames))
names(vowels) = unique_phonemes
# make sure we have filled in info on all formants from the entire
# sequence of vowels for each individual vowel
for (v in 1:length(vowels)) {
absentFormants = formantNames[!formantNames %in% names(vowels[[v]])]
for (f in absentFormants) {
closestFreq = unlist(sapply(vowels, function(x) x[f]))
# names_stripped = substr(names(closestFreq),
# nchar(names(closestFreq)) - 3,
# nchar(names(closestFreq)))
# closestFreq = closestFreq[which(names_stripped == 'freq')]
vowels[[v]] [[f]] = as.numeric(na.omit(closestFreq))[1]
# NB: instead of the last [1], ideally we should specify some intelligent
# way to pick up the closest vowel with this missing formant, not just the
# first one, but that's only a problem in long sequences of vowels with
# really different numbers of formants (nasalization)
# initialize a common list of exact formants
formants = vector("list", length(formantNames))
names(formants) = formantNames
# for each vowel, append its formants to the common list
for (v in 1:length(valid_phonemes)) {
vowel = vowels[[valid_phonemes[v]]]
for (f in 1:length(vowel)) {
formantName = names(vowel)[f]
formants[[formantName]] = c(formants[[formantName]], vowel[[f]])
#' Lock to formants
#' Internal soundgen function
#' When f0 or another relatively strong harmonic is close to one of the
#' formants, the pitch contour is modified so as to "lock" it to this formant.
#' The relevant metric is energy gain (ratio of amplitudes before and after the
#' adjustment) penalized by the magnitude of the necessary pitch jump (in
#' semitones) and the amplitude of the locked harmonic relative to f0.
#' @param pitch pitch contour, numeric vector (normally pitch_per_gc)
#' @param specEnv spectral envelope as returned by getSpectralEnvelope
#' @param rolloffMatrix rolloff matrix as returned by getRolloff
#' @param formantSummary matrix of exact formant frequencies (formants in rows,
#' time in columns)
#' @param lockProb the (approximate) proportion of sound affected by formant
#' locking
#' @param minLength the minimum number of consecutive pitch values affected
#' (shorter segments of formant locking are ignored)
#' @param plot if TRUE, plots the original and modified pitch contour
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' n = 50
#' pitch = getSmoothContour(len = n, anchors = c(600, 2000, 1900, 400),
#' thisIsPitch = TRUE, plot = TRUE)
#' rolloffMatrix = getRolloff(pitch_per_gc = pitch)
#' specEnv = getSpectralEnvelope(nr = 512, nc = length(pitch),
#' formants = list(f1 = c(800, 1200), f2 = 2000, f3 = c(3500, 3200)),
#' lipRad = 0, temperature = .00001, plot = TRUE)
#' formantSummary = t(data.frame(f1 = c(800, 1200), f2 = c(2000, 2000), f3 = c(3500, 3200)))
#' pitch2 = soundgen:::lockToFormants(pitch = pitch, specEnv = specEnv,
#' rolloffMatrix = rolloffMatrix,
#' formantSummary = formantSummary,
#' lockProb = .5, minLength = 5, plot = TRUE)
#' pitch3 = soundgen:::lockToFormants(pitch = pitch, specEnv = specEnv,
#' rolloffMatrix = rolloffMatrix,
#' formantSummary = formantSummary,
#' lockProb = list(time = c(0, .7, 1), value = c(0, 1, 0)),
#' minLength = 5, plot = TRUE)
lockToFormants = function(pitch,
rolloffMatrix = NULL,
lockProb = .1,
minLength = 3,
plot = FALSE) {
if (!is.null(rolloffMatrix)) {
nr = nrow(rolloffMatrix)
} else {
nr = 1
rolloffMatrix = matrix(1)
n = length(pitch)
if (is.list(lockProb)) {
lockProb = getSmoothContour(
anchors = lockProb,
len = n,
valueFloor = permittedValues['formantLocking', 'low'],
valueCeiling = permittedValues['formantLocking', 'high']
freqs = as.numeric(rownames(specEnv)) * 1000
specEnv = interpolMatrix(
nr = nrow(specEnv),
nc = n,
interpol = 'approx'
# rownames(specEnv) = freqs
formants = interpolMatrix(as.matrix(formantSummary), nc = n)
# Calculate how much we can gain by locking a harmonic to a formant at each time point
d = data.frame(pitch = pitch)
d$pitch2 = d$pitch1 = d$pitch
d[, c('idx_max_gain', 'gain', 'nearest_formant')] = NA
for (i in 1:n){ # for each time point (normally glottal cycle in pitch_per_gc)
if (FALSE) {
plot(freqs, specEnv[, i], type = 'l')
abline(v = pitch[i], lty = 3)
# formants =, specEnv[, i]),
# threshold = 1, plot = FALSE))
# for each harmonic in rolloffMatrix
temp = data.frame(harmonic = 1:nr, gain = NA, nearest_formant = NA)
for (h in 1:nr) { # for each harmonic
nearest_formant = which.min(abs(formants[, i] - pitch[i] * h))
nearest_formant_amp = specEnv[which.min(abs(formants[nearest_formant, i] - freqs)), i]
idx_cur = which.min(abs(freqs - pitch[i] * h))
amp_gain = nearest_formant_amp / specEnv[idx_cur, i]
# amp_gain ~ how much E can be gained if locked to nearest formant
dist_to_nearest_formant = max(1, 12 * abs(log2(pitch[i] * h) - log2(formants[nearest_formant, i])))
# in semitones (anything closer than 1 semitone counts as 1 semitone to
# standardize penalization, otherwise we divide by very small numbers and
# thus inflate apparent gain)
temp$gain[h] = amp_gain / dist_to_nearest_formant * rolloffMatrix[h, i]
temp$nearest_formant[h] = formants[nearest_formant, i]
d$idx_max_gain[i] = which.max(temp$gain)
d$gain[i] = temp$gain[d$idx_max_gain[i]]
d$nearest_formant[i] = temp$nearest_formant[d$idx_max_gain[i]]
# the prob of locking to the nearest formant is some function of the gain in E
# penalized by dist_to_nearest_formant
# find the frames in which formant locking should be applied
lockThreshold = as.numeric(quantile(d$gain, probs = 1 - lockProb)) # can be a vector
lock_idx = which(d$gain > lockThreshold)
d$pitch1[lock_idx] = d$nearest_formant[lock_idx] / d$idx_max_gain[lock_idx]
# only preserve sufficiently long fragments of formant locking
d$pitch2 = d$pitch1
if (is.numeric(minLength) && minLength > 1) {
d$modif = (d$pitch != d$pitch1)
r = rle(d$modif)
r = data.frame(len = r[[1]], val = r[[2]], idx = 1)
if (r$len[1] < minLength) r$val[1] = FALSE
for (i in 2:nrow(r)) {
r$idx[i] = sum(r$len[1:(i - 1)]) + 1
if (r$len[i] < minLength) {
r$val[i] = FALSE
r1 = r[r$val == TRUE, , drop = FALSE]
d$modif1 = FALSE
#modif1 = soundgen:::clumper(modif, minLength = 5)
if (nrow(r1) >= 1) {
for (j in 1:nrow(r1)) {
d$modif1[r1$idx[j] : (r1$idx[j] + r1$len[j] - 1)] = TRUE
# + exclude rapid changes b/w the harmonic to which to lock? Tricky b/c we need to access different formant frequencies again, or find some intelligent way of removing pitch jumps
# un-modify short fragments, reverting to the original pitch
no_modif = which(d$modif1 == FALSE)
d$pitch2 = d$pitch1
d$pitch2[no_modif] = d$pitch[no_modif]
# # median smoothing to remove weird pitch jumps
# d$pitch2 = soundgen:::medianSmoother(data.frame(p = d$pitch1),
# smoothing_ww = 30,
# smoothingThres = 1)
if (plot) {
y_min = min(d[, c('pitch', 'pitch1', 'pitch2')]) / 1.1
y_max = max(d[, c('pitch', 'pitch1', 'pitch2')]) * 1.1
plot(d$pitch, type = 'l', lty = 2, col = 'red', ylim = c(y_min, y_max))
points(d$pitch1, type = 'l', lty =3, col = 'blue')
points(d$pitch2, type = 'l')
# for (f in 1:length(formants)) {
# abline(h = formants[[f]]$freq, lty = 3)
# }
#' Get formants
#' Internal soundgen function
#' A barebones version of analyze() that only measures formants. Called by
#' formant_app()
#' @param audio input sound as returned by readAudio
#' @inheritParams analyze
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' data(sheep, package = 'seewave')
#' f = soundgen:::getFormants(soundgen:::readAudio(sheep, from = .1, to = .5))
#' f[11:15, 1:5]
getFormants = function(
windowLength = 50,
step = 25,
wn = 'gaussian',
zp = 0,
dynamicRange = 80,
silence = 0.04,
formants = list(),
nFormants = NULL) {
windowLength_points = audio$samplingRate * (windowLength / 1000)
frameBank = getFrameBank(
sound = audio$sound,
samplingRate = audio$samplingRate,
windowLength_points = windowLength_points,
wn = wn,
step = step,
zp = zp,
normalize = TRUE,
filter = NULL,
padWithSilence = FALSE,
timeShift = audio$timeShift
timestamps = as.numeric(colnames(frameBank))
myseq = (timestamps - audio$timeShift * 1000 - windowLength / 2) *
audio$samplingRate / 1000 + 1
myseq[1] = 1 # just in case of rounding errors
l = length(myseq)
myseq[l] = min(myseq[l], audio$ls - windowLength_points)
# which frames are silent
m = max(abs(audio$sound))
m_to_scale = m / audio$scale
silence = silence * m / m_to_scale
ampl = apply(as.matrix(1:length(myseq)), 1, function(x) {
# perceived intensity - root mean square of amplitude
# (NB: m / scale corrects the scale back to original, otherwise sound is [-1, 1])
sqrt(mean((audio$sound[myseq[x]:(myseq[x] + windowLength_points - 1)]) ^ 2, na.rm = TRUE))
cond_silence = ampl >= silence
framesToAnalyze = which(cond_silence)
nf = length(framesToAnalyze)
fmts = NULL
no_formants = FALSE
if (is.null(nFormants)) nFormants = 100
# try one frame to see how many formants are returned
fmts_list = vector('list', length = nf)
if (nFormants > 0 & nf > 0) {
# we don't really know how many formants will be returned by phonTools, so
# we save everything at first, and then trim to nFormants
for (i in 1:nf) {
fmts_list[[i]] = try(suppressWarnings(
c(list(frameBank[, framesToAnalyze[i]],
fs = audio$samplingRate, verify = FALSE),
silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(fmts_list[[i]], 'try-error')) {
fmts_list[[i]] = data.frame(formant = NA, bandwidth = NA)[-1, ]
# check how many formants we will/can save
nFormants_avail = min(nFormants, max(unlist(lapply(fmts_list, nrow))))
if (nFormants_avail > 0) {
nFormants = nFormants_avail
availableRows = 1:nFormants
fmts = matrix(NA, nrow = ncol(frameBank), ncol = nFormants * 2)
colnames(fmts) = paste0('f', rep(availableRows, each = 2),
rep(c('_freq', '_width'), nFormants))
# iterate through the full formant list and save what's needed
for (i in 1:nf) {
ff = fmts_list[[i]]
if (is.list(ff)) {
nr = nrow(ff)
if (nr < nFormants) {
ff[(nr + 1):nFormants, ] = NA
temp = matrix(NA, nrow = nFormants, ncol = 2)
temp[availableRows, ] = as.matrix(ff[availableRows, ])
fmts[framesToAnalyze[i], ] = matrix(t(temp), nrow = 1)
} else {
no_formants = TRUE
} else if (nFormants > 0 && nf == 0) {
no_formants = TRUE
if (no_formants) {
# no formant analysis
availableRows = 1:nFormants
fmts = matrix(NA, nrow = ncol(frameBank), ncol = nFormants * 2)
colnames(fmts) = paste0('f', rep(availableRows, each = 2),
rep(c('_freq', '_width'), nFormants))
out = cbind(
data.frame(time = timestamps),
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