#' Find zero crossing
#' Internal soundgen function.
#' \code{findZeroCrossing} looks for the last negative point before a zero
#' crossing as close as possible to the specified location. Since this is
#' primarily intended for joining waveforms without a click, this function only
#' looks at upward segments of a waveform (see example).
#' @param ampl a vector of amplitudes oscillating around zero, such as a sound
#' waveform
#' @param location the index indicating the desired location of a zero crossing
#' @return Returns the index of the last negative value before zero crossing
#' closest to specified location.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' ampl = sin(1:100/2)
#' plot(ampl, type = 'b')
#' lines(1:100, rep(0,100), lty = 2)
#' zc = vector()
#' for (i in 1:length(ampl)){
#' zc[i] = soundgen:::findZeroCrossing (ampl, i)
#' # find zc closest to each of 100 points
#' }
#' for (z in unique(zc)){
#' points(z, ampl[z], col = 'red', pch = 17)
#' # only on upward segments
#' }
#' zc # see which zc is closest to each point
findZeroCrossing = function(ampl, location) {
len = length(ampl)
if (len < 1 | location < 1 | location > len)
return (NA)
if (len == 1 & location == 1)
zc_left = zc_right = NA
# left of location
if (location > 1) {
i = location
while (i > 1) {
if (ampl[i] > 0 & ampl[i - 1] < 0) {
zc_left = i - 1
i = i - 1
# right of location
if (location < len)
i = location
while (i < (len - 1)) {
if (ampl[i + 1] > 0 & ampl[i] < 0) {
zc_right = i
i = i + 1
if ( & return (NA)
zc_nearest = which.min(c(abs(zc_left - location), abs(zc_right - location)))
if (zc_nearest == 1) {
return (zc_left)
} else if (zc_nearest == 2) {
return (zc_right)
} else {
return (NA) # zc not found
#' Upsample glottal cycles
#' Internal soundgen function.
#' Upsamples a pitch contour to samplingRate through linear interpolation
#' between successive glottal cycles.
#' @param pitch_per_gc a vector of fundamental frequencies per glottal cycle
#' @param samplingRate target sampling rate after upsampling, in Hz
#' @return Returns a list of two vectors: pitch_upsampled (the upsampled version
#' of the input) and gc_upsampled (new indices of glottal cycles on an
#' upsampled scale)
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' soundgen:::upsampleGC(pitch_per_gc = c(100, 150, 130), samplingRate = 16000)
upsampleGC = function(pitch_per_gc, samplingRate = 16000) {
l = length(pitch_per_gc)
gccrossLenPoints = round(samplingRate / pitch_per_gc)
c = cumsum(gccrossLenPoints)
gc_upsampled = c(1, c)
if (l == 1) {
pitch_upsampled = rep(pitch_per_gc, gccrossLenPoints)
} else if (l == 2) {
pitch_upsampled = seq(pitch_per_gc[1], pitch_per_gc[2], length.out = sum(gccrossLenPoints))
} else {
# find time stamps (in gc) corresponding to centers of each pitch value
t = rep(1, l)
t[1] = 1 # start at 1
t[l] = sum(gccrossLenPoints) # end at total number of gc
for (i in 2:(l - 1)) {
t[i] = c[i - 1] + round(gccrossLenPoints[i] / 2)
pitch_upsampled = spline(x = t,
y = pitch_per_gc,
n = tail(c, 1))$y
# plot(pitch_upsampled, type = 'l')
return (list(pitch = pitch_upsampled, gc = gc_upsampled))
#' Divide f0 contour into glottal cycles
#' Internal soundgen function.
#' Returns a vector of indices giving the borders between "glottal cycles",
#' assuming that we know the true f0 at each time point (as we do in synthesized
#' sounds). The first index is always 1.
#' @param pitch a vector of fundamental frequency values
#' @param samplingRate sampling rate at which f0 values are provided
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # 100 ms of audio with f0 steadily increasing from 150 to 200 Hz
#' soundgen:::getGlottalCycles(seq(150, 200, length.out = 350),
#' samplingRate = 3500)
getGlottalCycles = function (pitch, samplingRate) {
if (length(pitch) < 2) return(1)
glottalCycles = numeric()
i = 1 # the first border is the first time point
while (i < length(pitch)) {
glottalCycles = c(glottalCycles, i)
# take steps proportionate to the current F0
i = i + max(2, floor(samplingRate / pitch[i]))
#' Syllable structure of a bout
#' Internal soundgen function.
#' Stochastic generation of syllable structure of a bout. Calls
#' \code{\link{rnorm_truncated}} to vary the duration of each new syllable and of
#' pauses between syllables. Total bout duration will also vary, unless
#' temperature is zero. However, the output will always contain exactly
#' \code{nSyl} syllables.
#' @param nSyl the desired number of syllables
#' @param sylLen the desired mean syllable duration, in ms (vectorized)
#' @param pauseLen the desired mean pause between syllables, in ms (vectorized)
#' @param sylDur_min,sylDur_max the lower and upper bounds on possible syllable
#' duration, in ms
#' @param pauseDur_min,pauseDur_max the lower and upper bounds on possible pause
#' duration, in ms
#' @param temperature a non-negative float regulating the stochasticity of
#' syllable segmentation; 0 = no stochasticity; 1 = sd of proposals is equal
#' to sylLen (very strong stochasticity)
#' @param plot produce a plot of syllable structure?
#' @inheritParams soundgen
#' @return Returns a matrix with a list of start-end points for syllables
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' soundgen:::divideIntoSyllables (nSyl = 1, sylLen = 180)
#' soundgen:::divideIntoSyllables (nSyl = 5, sylLen = 180,
#' pauseLen = 55, temperature = 0.2, plot = TRUE)
#' soundgen:::divideIntoSyllables (nSyl = 5, sylLen = 180,
#' pauseLen = 55, temperature = 0)
#' soundgen:::divideIntoSyllables (nSyl = 3, sylLen = 100,
#' pauseLen = 25, temperature = 0.5)
#' # sylLen and pauseLen are vectorized:
#' soundgen:::divideIntoSyllables (nSyl = 15, sylLen = 100:200,
#' pauseLen = c(80, 25, 80), temperature = 0.05, plot = TRUE)
divideIntoSyllables = function (nSyl,
sylDur_min = 20,
sylDur_max = 10000,
pauseDur_min = 20,
pauseDur_max = 1000,
temperature = 0.025,
invalidArgAction = c('adjust', 'abort', 'ignore')[1],
plot = FALSE) {
if (nSyl == 1) {
# no variation for a single syllable
out = data.frame(start = 0, end = sylLen)
} else {
# up- or downsample durations to nSyl
if (length(sylLen) > 1 & length(sylLen) != nSyl) {
sylLen = getSmoothContour(anchors = sylLen, len = nSyl)
if (length(pauseLen) > 1 & length(pauseLen) != (nSyl - 1)) {
pauseLen = getSmoothContour(anchors = pauseLen, len = nSyl - 1)
# generate random lengths of syllabels and pauses under constraints
syls = rnorm_truncated(
n = nSyl,
mean = sylLen,
low = sylDur_min,
high = sylDur_max,
sd = sylLen * temperature,
invalidArgAction = invalidArgAction
pauses = rnorm_truncated(
n = nSyl - 1,
mean = pauseLen,
low = pauseDur_min,
high = pauseDur_max,
sd = pauseLen * temperature,
invalidArgAction = invalidArgAction
out = data.frame(start = rep(0, nSyl), end = rep(0, nSyl))
for (i in 1:nSyl) {
if (i == 1) {
out$start[i] = 0
} else {
out$start[i] = out$end[i - 1] + pauses[i - 1] # start time of syllable, in ms
out$end[i] = out$start[i] + syls[i] # end time of syllable, in ms
out$dur = out$end - out$start
if (plot) {
# for the UI
t = 1:max(out)
plot(t, rep(1, length(t)), type = 'n', xlab = 'Time, ms', ylab = '',
bty = 'n', yaxt = 'n', ylim = c(0.8, 1.2))
for (i in 1:nrow(out)) {
rect(xleft = out[i, 1], xright = out[i, 2], ybottom = .9, ytop = 1.1,
col = 'blue')
text(x = mean(c(out[i, 2], out[i, 1])), y = 1,
col = 'yellow', cex = 5, labels = i)
#' Randomly modify anchors
#' Internal soundgen function.
#' A helper function for introducing random variation into any anchors (for
#' pitch / breathing / amplitude / ...). At higher temperatures can also add or
#' delete an anchor. NB: make sure the lower and upper bounds are reasonable
#' given the scale of df$value!
#' @param df dataframe of anchors, for ex. \code{data.frame(time = c(0, .1, .8,
#' 1), value = c(100, 230, 180, 90))}
#' @param temperature,temp_coef regulate the amount of stochasticity
#' ("wiggling"). Since \code{temperature} is used in several functions,
#' \code{temp_coef} gives more flexibility by controlling how much temperature
#' affects this particular aspect, namely random variation in anchors. These
#' two are multiplied, so \code{temp_coef} of 0.5 halves the effect of
#' temperature.
#' @param low,high bounds on possible variation. Both \code{low} and \code{high}
#' should be vectors of length 2: the first element specifies the boundary for
#' \code{df$time} and the second for \code{df$value}. Ex.: low = c(0,1) - low
#' bound on "time"=0, low bound on "value"=1
#' @param wiggleAllRows should the first and last time anchors be wiggled? (TRUE
#' for breathing, FALSE for other anchors)
#' @param sd_values (optional) the exact value of sd used by rnorm_truncated in
#' columns 2 and beyond
#' @param roundToInteger if TRUE, rounds the values (not time points)
#' @inheritParams soundgen
#' @return Modified original dataframe.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' soundgen:::wiggleAnchors(df = data.frame(
#' time = c(0, .1, .8, 1), value = c(100, 230, 180, 90)),
#' temperature = .2, temp_coef = .1, low = c(0, 50), high = c(1, 1000),
#' wiggleAllRows = FALSE) # pitch
#' soundgen:::wiggleAnchors(df = data.frame(time = 0, value = 240),
#' temperature = .2, temp_coef = .1, low = c(0, 50), high = c(1, 1000),
#' wiggleAllRows = FALSE) # pitch, single anchor
#' soundgen:::wiggleAnchors(df = data.frame(
#' time = c(-100, 100, 600, 900), value = c(-120, -80, 0, -120)),
#' temperature = .4, temp_coef = .5, low = c(-Inf, -120), high = c(+Inf, 30),
#' wiggleAllRows = TRUE) # noise
#' # formants
#' formants = list(f1 = list(time = 0, freq = 860, amp = 30, width = 120),
#' f2 = list(time = c(0,1), freq = 1280,
#' amp = c(10,40), width = 120))
#' for (f in 1:length(formants)) {
#' formants[[f]] = soundgen:::wiggleAnchors(
#' df = formants[[f]],
#' temperature = .4, temp_coef = .5,
#' low = c(0, 50, 0, 1),
#' high = c(1, 8000, 120, 2000),
#' wiggleAllRows = FALSE
#' )
#' }
#' print(formants)
#' # manually provided sd (temp only affects prob of adding/dropping anchors)
#' soundgen:::wiggleAnchors(df = data.frame(
#' time = c(0, .1, .8, 1), value = c(100, 230, 180, 90)),
#' wiggleAllRows = FALSE, sd_values = 5)
wiggleAnchors = function(df,
temperature = .05,
temp_coef = 1,
low = c(0, -Inf),
high = c(1, Inf),
wiggleAllRows = FALSE,
sd_values = NULL,
roundToInteger = FALSE,
invalidArgAction = c('adjust', 'abort', 'ignore')[1]) {
if (temperature == 0 | temp_coef == 0) return(df)
if (any( return(NA)
if (! df =
if (ncol(df) != length(low) |
ncol(df) != length(high) |
length(low) != length(high)) {
warning('Vectors "low" and "high" should be the same length as ncol(df)')
# should we add a new anchor or remove one?
action = sample(c('nothing', 'remove', 'add'),
size = 1,
prob = c(1 - temperature, temperature / 2, temperature / 2))
if (action == 'add') { # add an anchor
if (nrow(df) == 1) {
# the first anchor is the original, the second random
idx = 2:ncol(df)
newAnchor = try(rnorm_truncated(
n = ncol(df) - 1,
mean = as.numeric(df[1, idx]),
sd = ifelse(is.numeric(sd_values),
as.numeric(df[1, idx] * temperature * temp_coef)),
low = low[idx],
high = high[idx],
roundToInteger = roundToInteger,
invalidArgAction = invalidArgAction))
if (inherits(newAnchor, 'try-error')) {
stop(paste('Failed to add an anchor to df:', paste(df, collapse = ', ')))
} else {
df = rbind(df, c(1, newAnchor))
df[1, 1] = 0 # make time c(0, 1)
} else {
# insert between any two existing anchors
a1 = sample(1:nrow(df), size = 1)
direction = sample(c(-1, 1), size = 1)
a2 = ifelse(a1 + direction < 1 | a1 + direction > nrow(df),
a1 - direction,
a1 + direction)
i1 = min(a1, a2)
i2 = max(a1, a2) # insert between rows i1 and i2
newAnchor = colMeans(df[i1:i2, ])
df = rbind(df[1:i1, ],
df[i2:nrow(df), ])
} else if (action == 'remove') {
if (wiggleAllRows) {
# we can remove any anchor
idx = sample(1:nrow(df), 1)
df = df[-idx, ]
} else {
# we don't touch the first and last anchors
if (nrow(df) > 2) {
# NB: sample() may return 1 if nrow(df) = 2, hence sampleModif()
idx = sampleModif(x = (2:(nrow(df) - 1)), size = 1)
df = df[-idx, ]
rownames(df) = 1:nrow(df) # in case we added / removed an anchor
# wiggle anchors
if (wiggleAllRows) {
orig = NULL
} else {
# save the original time values and put them back in later (usually 0 and 1)
orig = c(df[1, 1], df[nrow(df), 1])
if (nrow(df) == 1) {
ranges = as.numeric(df)
} else {
ranges = as.numeric(apply(df, 2, function(x) abs(diff(range(x)))))
# if no variation in values, defaults to value
z = which(ranges == 0)
ranges[z] = abs(as.numeric(df[1, z]))
for (i in 1:ncol(df)) {
w = try(rnorm_truncated(
n = nrow(df),
mean = as.numeric(df[, i]),
sd = ifelse(i > 1 & !is.null(sd_values),
as.numeric(ranges[i] * temperature * temp_coef)),
low = low[i],
high = high[i],
roundToInteger = roundToInteger,
invalidArgAction = invalidArgAction
if (inherits(w, 'try-error')) {
warning(paste('Failed to wiggle column', i, 'of df:',
paste(df, collapse = ', ')))
} else {
df[, i] = w
if (is.numeric(orig)) {
df[c(1, nrow(df)), 1] = orig
# make sure the anchors are still in the right time order
df = df[order(df$time), ]
#' Scale noise anchors
#' Internal soundgen function.
#' Scales a dataframe containing noise anchors so as to preserve the timing of
#' positive anchors relative to the new syllable duration. Negative time anchors
#' are not changed: the pre-aspiration length is constant, regardless of the
#' actual syllable duration. Time anchors from 0 to sylLen are proportional to
#' the actual syllable duration re the average expected duration (which the user
#' sees in the UI when choosing time anchors). Time anchors beyond sylLen are
#' scaled to preserve post-aspiration duration.
#' @param noiseTime vector of time points at which noise anchors are defined
#' @param sylLen_old syllable length relative to which the timing of noise anchors is
#' specified
#' @param sylLen_new the new syllable length
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' noiseTime = c(-20, 50, 120)
#' soundgen:::scaleNoiseAnchors(noiseTime, sylLen_old = 100, sylLen_new = 200)
#' soundgen:::scaleNoiseAnchors(noiseTime, sylLen_old = 100, sylLen_new = 50)
#' soundgen:::scaleNoiseAnchors(noiseTime, sylLen_old = 200, sylLen_new = 300)
scaleNoiseAnchors = function(noiseTime, sylLen_old, sylLen_new) {
idx_mid = which(noiseTime > 0 & # not before syl
noiseTime < sylLen_old) # not after syl
idx_after = which(noiseTime >= sylLen_old) # after syl
noiseTime[idx_mid] = noiseTime[idx_mid] * sylLen_new / sylLen_old
noiseTime[idx_after] = noiseTime[idx_after] - sylLen_old + sylLen_new
#' Wiggle glottal cycles
#' Internal soundgen function
#' Helper function for preparing a vector of multiplication factors for adding
#' jitter and shimmer per glottal cycle. Generates random anchors for each
#' jitter/shimmer period and draws a smooth contour between them by spline
#' interpolation.
#' @param dep a vector of any length specifying the strengh of applied effect as
#' 2 ^ rnorm(..., 0, dep))
#' @param len a vector of any length specifying the period of applied effect in
#' ms
#' @param nGC number of glottal cycles
#' @param pitch_per_gc vector of length nGC specifying pitch per glottal cycle,
#' Hz
#' @param rw vector of length nGC specifying a random walk around 1 to multiply
#' the effect with
#' @param effect_on vector of length nGC specifying glottal cycles to which the
#' effect should be applied (0 = off, 1 = on)
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' plot(soundgen:::wiggleGC(dep = 5 / 12, len = c(3, 50), nGC = 100,
#' pitch_per_gc = rnorm(100, 150, 10),
#' rw = rep(1, 100), effect_on = rep(1, 100)),
#' type = 'b')
#' plot(soundgen:::wiggleGC(dep = 5 / 12, len = c(3, 50), nGC = 100,
#' pitch_per_gc = rnorm(100, 150, 10),
#' rw = rep(1, 100),
#' effect_on = c(rep(1, 30), rep(0, 20), rep(1, 50))),
#' type = 'b')
#' plot(soundgen:::wiggleGC(dep = c(1/12, 10/12), len = c(3, 50), nGC = 100,
#' pitch_per_gc = rnorm(100, 150, 10),
#' rw = rep(1, 100), effect_on = rep(1, 100)),
#' type = 'b')
wiggleGC = function(dep, len, nGC, pitch_per_gc, rw, effect_on) {
# if (length(dep) > 1) dep = getSmoothContour(dep, len = nGC)
# if (length(len) > 1) len = getSmoothContour(len, len = nGC)
ratio = pitch_per_gc * len / 1000 # the number of gc that make
# up one period of effect (vector of length nGC)
idx = 1
i = 1
while (i < nGC) {
i = tail(idx, 1) + ratio[i]
idx = c(idx, i)
idx = round(idx)
idx = idx[idx <= nGC]
idx = unique(idx) # pitch for these gc will be wiggled
len_dep = length(dep)
if (len_dep == 1) {
dep_idx = rep(dep, length(idx))
} else {
dep_idx = approx(dep, n = length(idx))$y
effect = 2 ^ (rnorm(
n = length(idx),
mean = 0,
sd = dep_idx
) * rw[idx] * effect_on[idx])
# plot(effect, type = 'b')
# upsample to length nGC
effect_per_gc = spline(effect, n = nGC, x = idx)$y
# plot(effect_per_gc, type = 'b')
#' Validate parameters
#' Internal soundgen function
#' Checks whether the value of a numeric parameter falls within the allowed
#' range. Options: abort, reset to default, throw a warning and continue.
#' @param p parameter name
#' @param gp parameter value
#' @param def matrix or dataframe containing reference values (low, high,
#' default)
#' @param invalidArgAction what to do if an argument is invalid or outside the
#' range: 'adjust' = reset to default value, 'abort' = stop execution,
#' 'ignore' = throw a warning and continue (may crash)
#' @keywords internal
validatePars = function(p, gp, def,
invalidArgAction = c('adjust', 'abort', 'ignore')[1]) {
if (any(gp < def[p, 'low']) |
any(gp > def[p, 'high'])) {
if (invalidArgAction == 'abort') {
# exit with a warning
"\n", p, " should be between ", def[p, 'low'], " and ",
def[p, 'high'], "; exiting",
". Use invalidArgAction = 'ignore' to override"))
} else if (invalidArgAction == 'ignore') {
# throw a warning and continue
"\n", p, " should be between ", def[p, 'low'], " and ",
def[p, 'high'], "; override with caution"))
} else {
# reset p to default, with a warning
gp = def[p, 'default']
"\n", p, " should be between ", def[p, 'low'], " and ",
def[p, 'high'], "; resetting to ", def[p, 'default'],
". Use invalidArgAction = 'ignore' to override"))
#' Object to string
#' Internal soundgen function. Converts any object to a string that preserves all internal structure and names.
#' @param x any R object (unquoted)
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' soundgen:::objectToString('adja')
#' soundgen:::objectToString(500)
#' soundgen:::objectToString(c(870, 1250, 1900))
#' soundgen:::objectToString(list(f1 = c(870, 1250), f2 = list(freq = 500, amp = 30)))
#' soundgen:::objectToString(list(
#' pitch = list(time = c(0, 1), value = c(160, 150)),
#' noise = list(time = c(-1, 170, 362), value = c(-14, 0, -26)),
#' mouth = list(time = c(0, 0.07, 1), value = c(0, 0.48, 0.32))))
#' # NB: no matter how long, the object is still returned as an unbroken string
objectToString = function(x) {
if (is.character(x)) {
cp = x
} else {
# tried and failed: toString, capture.output(call('print', x)), etc.
cp = deparse(x, width.cutoff = 500, control = c('keepNA', 'niceNames'))
if (length(cp) > 1) cp = paste(cp, collapse = '')
# deparse1 comes close, but it require R 4.0 and mishandles strings
#' Silence sound segments
#' Internal soundgen function
#' Fills specified segments with silence (0) and fades in-out the ends of the
#' silenced segment.
#' @param x sound as a numeric vector
#' @param samplingRate sampling rate, Hz
#' @param na_seg dataframe containing columns "start_prop" and "end_prop"
#' @param attackLen attack length, ms
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' s = runif(4000) * 2 - 1
#' s1 = soundgen:::silenceSegments(s, 16000,
#' na_seg = data.frame(prop_start = c(.1, .5), prop_end = c(.2, .85)),
#' attackLen = c(5, 15))
#' osc(s1)
silenceSegments = function(
attackLen = 50
) {
ls = length(x)
l = floor(attackLen * samplingRate / 1000)
if (length(l) == 1) l = c(l, l)
for (r in 1:nrow(na_seg)) {
idx_start = round(na_seg$prop_start[r] * ls)
idx_end = round(na_seg$prop_end[r] * ls)
idx_zero = idx_start:idx_end
x[idx_zero] = 0
if (any(attackLen > 0)) {
if (na_seg$prop_start[r] > 0) {
# fade out at idx_start
fade_from = max(1, idx_start - l[2])
fade_idx = fade_from:idx_start
x[fade_idx] = .fade(
list(sound = x[fade_idx], samplingRate = samplingRate),
fadeIn_points = 0,
fadeOut_points = l[2])
if (na_seg$prop_end[r] < 1) {
# fade out the start of the next syl
fade_to = min(ls, idx_end + l[1])
fade_idx = idx_end:fade_to
x[fade_idx] = .fade(
list(sound = x[fade_idx], samplingRate = samplingRate),
fadeIn_points = l[1],
fadeOut_points = 0)
# spectrogram(x, samplingRate)
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