# Functions for generating excitation source: either noise with generateNoise()
# or harmonics with generateHarmonics()
#' Generate noise
#' Generates noise of length \code{len} and with spectrum defined by rolloff
#' parameters OR by a specified filter \code{spectralEnvelope}. This function is
#' called internally by \code{\link{soundgen}}, but it may be more convenient to
#' call it directly when synthesizing non-biological noises defined by specific
#' spectral and amplitude envelopes rather than formants: the wind, whistles,
#' impact noises, etc. See \code{\link{fart}} and \code{\link{beat}} for
#' similarly simplified functions for tonal non-biological sounds.
#' Algorithm: paints a spectrogram with desired characteristics, sets phase to
#' zero, and generates a time sequence via inverse FFT.
#' @seealso \code{\link{soundgen}} \code{\link{fart}} \code{\link{beat}}
#' @inheritParams soundgen
#' @param len length of output
#' @param spectralEnvelope (optional): as an alternative to using rolloffNoise,
#' we can provide the exact filter - a vector of non-negative numbers
#' specifying the desired spectrum on a linear scale up to Nyquist frequency
#' (samplingRate / 2). The length doesn't matter as it can be interpolated
#' internally to windowLength_points/2. A matrix specifying the filter for
#' each STFT step is also accepted. The easiest way to obtain spectralEnvelope
#' is to call soundgen:::getSpectralEnvelope or to use the spectrum /
#' spectrogram of a recorded sound
#' @param windowLength_points the length of fft window, points
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # .5 s of white noise
#' samplingRate = 16000
#' noise1 = generateNoise(len = samplingRate * .5,
#' samplingRate = samplingRate)
#' # playme(noise1, samplingRate)
#' # seewave::meanspec(noise1, f = samplingRate)
#' # Percussion (run a few times to notice stochasticity due to temperature = .25)
#' noise2 = generateNoise(len = samplingRate * .15, noise = c(0, -80),
#' rolloffNoise = c(4, -6), attackLen = 5, temperature = .25)
#' noise3 = generateNoise(len = samplingRate * .25, noise = c(0, -40),
#' rolloffNoise = c(4, -20), attackLen = 5, temperature = .25)
#' # playme(c(noise2, noise3), samplingRate)
#' \dontrun{
#' playback = list(TRUE, FALSE, 'aplay', 'vlc')[[1]]
#' # 1.2 s of noise with rolloff changing from 0 to -12 dB above 2 kHz
#' noise = generateNoise(len = samplingRate * 1.2,
#' rolloffNoise = c(0, -12), noiseFlatSpec = 2000,
#' samplingRate = samplingRate, play = playback)
#' # spectrogram(noise, samplingRate, osc = TRUE)
#' # Similar, but using the dataframe format to specify a more complicated
#' # contour for rolloffNoise:
#' noise = generateNoise(len = samplingRate * 1.2,
#' rolloffNoise = data.frame(time = c(0, .3, 1), value = c(-12, 0, -12)),
#' noiseFlatSpec = 2000, samplingRate = samplingRate, play = playback)
#' # spectrogram(noise, samplingRate, osc = TRUE)
#' # To create a sibilant [s], specify a single strong, broad formant at ~7 kHz:
#' windowLength_points = 1024
#' spectralEnvelope = soundgen:::getSpectralEnvelope(
#' nr = windowLength_points / 2, nc = 1, samplingRate = samplingRate,
#' formants = list('f1' = data.frame(time = 0, freq = 7000,
#' amp = 50, width = 2000)))
#' noise = generateNoise(len = samplingRate,
#' samplingRate = samplingRate, spectralEnvelope = as.numeric(spectralEnvelope),
#' play = playback)
#' # plot(spectralEnvelope, type = 'l')
#' # Low-frequency, wind-like noise
#' spectralEnvelope = soundgen:::getSpectralEnvelope(
#' nr = windowLength_points / 2, nc = 1, lipRad = 0,
#' samplingRate = samplingRate, formants = list('f1' = data.frame(
#' time = 0, freq = 150, amp = 30, width = 90)))
#' noise = generateNoise(len = samplingRate,
#' samplingRate = samplingRate, spectralEnvelope = as.numeric(spectralEnvelope),
#' play = playback)
#' # Manual filter, e.g. for a kettle-like whistle (narrow-band noise)
#' spectralEnvelope = c(rep(0, 100), 120, rep(0, 100)) # any length is fine
#' # plot(spectralEnvelope, type = 'b') # notch filter at Nyquist / 2, here 4 kHz
#' noise = generateNoise(len = samplingRate, spectralEnvelope = spectralEnvelope,
#' samplingRate = samplingRate, play = playback)
#' # Compare to a similar sound created with soundgen()
#' # (unvoiced only, a single formant at 4 kHz)
#' noise_s = soundgen(pitch = NULL,
#' noise = data.frame(time = c(0, 1000), value = c(0, 0)),
#' formants = list(f1 = data.frame(freq = 4000, amp = 80, width = 20)),
#' play = playback)
#' # Use the spectral envelope of an existing recording (bleating of a sheep)
#' # (see also the same example with tonal source in ?addFormants)
#' data(sheep, package = 'seewave') # import a recording from seewave
#' sound_orig = as.numeric(sheep@left)
#' samplingRate = sheep@samp.rate
#' # playme(sound_orig, samplingRate)
#' # extract the original spectrogram
#' windowLength = c(5, 10, 50, 100)[1] # try both narrow-band (eg 100 ms)
#' # to get "harmonics" and wide-band (5 ms) to get only formants
#' spectralEnvelope = spectrogram(sound_orig, windowLength = windowLength,
#' samplingRate = samplingRate, output = 'original', padWithSilence = FALSE)
#' sound_noise = generateNoise(len = length(sound_orig),
#' spectralEnvelope = spectralEnvelope, rolloffNoise = 0,
#' samplingRate = samplingRate, play = playback)
#' # playme(sound_noise, samplingRate)
#' # The spectral envelope is similar to the original recording. Compare:
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
#' seewave::meanspec(sound_orig, f = samplingRate, dB = 'max0')
#' seewave::meanspec(sound_noise, f = samplingRate, dB = 'max0')
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
#' # However, the excitation source is now white noise
#' # (which sounds like noise if windowLength is ~5-10 ms,
#' # but becomes more and more like the original at longer window lengths)
#' }
generateNoise = function(
rolloffNoise = 0,
noiseFlatSpec = 1200,
rolloffNoiseExp = 0,
spectralEnvelope = NULL,
noise = NULL,
temperature = .1,
attackLen = 10,
windowLength_points = 1024,
samplingRate = 16000,
overlap = 75,
dynamicRange = 80,
smoothing = list(),
invalidArgAction = c('adjust', 'abort', 'ignore')[1],
play = FALSE) {
# wiggle pars
if (temperature > 0) { # set to 0 when called internally by soundgen()
# len = rnorm_truncated(n = 1,
# mean = len,
# sd = len * temperature * .5,
# low = 0, high = len * 2, # max 2 * original length
# roundToInteger = TRUE,
# invalidArgAction = 'adjust')
if (is.list(rolloffNoise)) {
rolloffNoise = wiggleAnchors(
temperature = temperature,
temp_coef = .5,
low = c(-Inf, permittedValues['rolloffNoise', 'low']),
high = c(Inf, permittedValues['rolloffNoise', 'high']),
invalidArgAction = invalidArgAction,
wiggleAllRows = TRUE
} else {
rolloffNoise = rnorm_truncated(
n = length(rolloffNoise),
mean = rolloffNoise,
sd = abs(rolloffNoise) * temperature * .5,
low = permittedValues['rolloffNoise', 'low'],
high = permittedValues['rolloffNoise', 'high'],
invalidArgAction = invalidArgAction
noiseFlatSpec = rnorm_truncated(
n = 1,
mean = noiseFlatSpec,
sd = noiseFlatSpec * temperature * .5,
low = permittedValues['noiseFlatSpec', 'low'],
high = permittedValues['noiseFlatSpec', 'high'], # samplingRate / 2,
invalidArgAction = invalidArgAction
if (is.list(rolloffNoiseExp)) {
rolloffNoiseExp = wiggleAnchors(
temperature = temperature,
temp_coef = .5,
low = c(-Inf, permittedValues['rolloffNoiseExp', 'low']),
high = c(Inf, permittedValues['rolloffNoiseExp', 'high']),
invalidArgAction = invalidArgAction,
wiggleAllRows = TRUE
} else {
rolloffNoiseExp = rnorm_truncated(
n = length(rolloffNoise),
mean = rolloffNoiseExp,
sd = abs(rolloffNoiseExp) * temperature * .5,
low = permittedValues['rolloffNoiseExp', 'low'],
high = permittedValues['rolloffNoiseExp', 'high'],
invalidArgAction = invalidArgAction
attackLen = rnorm_truncated(
n = length(attackLen),
mean = attackLen,
sd = attackLen * temperature * .5,
low = permittedValues['attackLen', 'low'],
high = len / samplingRate * 1000 / 2,
invalidArgAction = invalidArgAction
noise = wiggleAnchors(
temperature = temperature,
temp_coef = .5,
low = c(0, -dynamicRange),
high = c(1, 0),
invalidArgAction = invalidArgAction,
wiggleAllRows = TRUE
if (is.vector(spectralEnvelope)) {
spectralEnvelope = rnorm_truncated(
n = length(spectralEnvelope),
mean = spectralEnvelope + .1, # to wiggle zeros
sd = spectralEnvelope * temperature * .5,
low = 0, high = Inf,
invalidArgAction = 'adjust'
# convert anchors to a smooth contour of breathing amplitudes
if (is.list(noise)) {
breathingStrength =, c(smoothing, list(
anchors = noise,
len = len,
normalizeTime = FALSE,
valueFloor = permittedValues['noiseAmpl', 'low'],
valueCeiling = permittedValues['noiseAmpl', 'high'],
samplingRate = samplingRate,
plot = FALSE
# convert anchor amplitudes from dB to linear multipliers
breathingStrength = 10 ^ (breathingStrength / 20)
if (sum( > 0) {
return(rep(0, len))
# plot(breathingStrength)
} else {
breathingStrength = rep(1, len)
# set up spectral filter
step = seq(1,
len + windowLength_points,
by = windowLength_points - (overlap * windowLength_points / 100))
# len + windowLength_points gives us two extra windows, since otherwise
# the sequence is a bit shorter than needed after i-fft
nr = windowLength_points / 2
nc = length(step)
if (is.null(spectralEnvelope)) {
# basic linear rolloff above noiseFlatSpec Hz
bin = samplingRate / 2 / nr
binsPerKHz = round(1000 / bin)
flatBins = round(noiseFlatSpec / bin)
idx = (flatBins + 1):nr # the bins affected by rolloffNoise
if (is.list(rolloffNoise) |
(is.numeric(rolloffNoise) & length(rolloffNoise) > 1)) {
# Johnson_2012_Acoustic-and-Auditory-Phonetics, Fig. 7.1:
# spectrum of turbulent noise
rolloffNoise =, c(smoothing, list(
anchors = rolloffNoise,
len = nc,
valueFloor = permittedValues['rolloffNoise', 'low'],
valueCeiling = permittedValues['rolloffNoise', 'high']
spectralEnvelope = matrix(1, nrow = nr, ncol = nc)
for (c in 1:nc) {
spectralEnvelope[idx, c] = 10 ^ (rolloffNoise[c] / 20 * (idx - flatBins) / binsPerKHz)
} else {
a = rep(1, nr)
a[idx] = 10 ^ (rolloffNoise / 20 * (idx - flatBins) / binsPerKHz)
spectralEnvelope = matrix(rep(a, nc), ncol = nc)
# exponential rolloff starting from 0 Hz (Klatt & Klatt, 1990)
if ((is.list(rolloffNoiseExp) && any(rolloffNoiseExp$value != 0)) |
(is.numeric(rolloffNoiseExp) && any(rolloffNoiseExp != 0))) {
if ((is.list(rolloffNoiseExp) && length(rolloffNoiseExp$value) > 1) |
(is.numeric(rolloffNoiseExp) && length(rolloffNoiseExp) > 1)) {
rolloffNoiseExp =, c(smoothing, list(
anchors = rolloffNoiseExp,
len = nc,
valueFloor = permittedValues['rolloffNoiseExp', 'low'],
valueCeiling = permittedValues['rolloffNoiseExp', 'high']
for (c in 1:nc) {
spectralEnvelope[, c] = spectralEnvelope[, c] *
10 ^ (log2(1:nr) * rolloffNoiseExp[c] / 20)
} else {
r_exp = 10 ^ (log2(1:nr) * rolloffNoiseExp / 20)
for (c in 1:nc) {
spectralEnvelope[, c] = spectralEnvelope[, c] * r_exp
# image(t(spectralEnvelope))
} else {
# user-specified exact spectral envelope
if (is.vector(spectralEnvelope)) {
spectralEnvelope = spectralEnvelope[!]
if (length(spectralEnvelope) != nr) {
# interpolate to correct freq resolution
spectralEnvelope =, c(smoothing, list(
anchors = spectralEnvelope, len = nr)))
# spectralEnvelope = approx(spectralEnvelope, n = nr, method = 'linear')$y
spectralEnvelope = matrix(rep(spectralEnvelope, nc), ncol = nc)
} else { # interpolate the matrix
spectralEnvelope = na.omit(spectralEnvelope)
if (ncol(spectralEnvelope) != nc | nrow(spectralEnvelope) != nr) {
message('Incorrect dimensions of spectralEnvelope matrix. Interpolating...')
spectralEnvelope = interpolMatrix(spectralEnvelope,
nr = nr, nc = nc,
interpol = 'approx')
# image(t(spectralEnvelope))
# plot(spectralEnvelope[, 1], type = 'l')
# plot(log10(spectralEnvelope[, 1]) * 20, type = 'l')
if (sum(spectralEnvelope) == 0) {
# zero filter - nothing to synthesize
warning('These settings will result in silence!')
breathing = rep(0, len)
} else {
## instead of synthesizing the time series and then doing fft-ifft,
# we can simply synthesize spectral noise, convert to complex
# (setting imaginary=0 or random), and then do inverse FFT just once
# set up spectrum with white noise (works b/c phase doesn't matter for noise)
z1 = matrix(as.complex(runif(nr * nc)), nrow = nr, ncol = nc)
# multiply by filter
z1_filtered = z1 * spectralEnvelope
# do inverse FFT
breathing = as.numeric(
f = samplingRate,
ovlp = overlap,
wl = windowLength_points,
output = "matrix"
breathing = matchLengths(breathing, len = len) # pad with 0s or trim
breathing = breathing / max(abs(breathing)) * breathingStrength # normalize
# add attack
if (is.numeric(attackLen)) {
if (any(attackLen > 0)) {
l = floor(attackLen * samplingRate / 1000)
if (length(l) == 1) l = c(l, l)
breathing = .fade(
list(sound = breathing, samplingRate = samplingRate),
fadeIn_points = l[1],
fadeOut_points = l[2]
# plot(breathing, type = 'l')
if (play == TRUE) playme(breathing, samplingRate = samplingRate)
if (is.character(play)) {
playme(breathing, samplingRate = samplingRate, player = play)
# spectrogram(breathing, samplingRate = samplingRate)
# seewave::meanspec(breathing, f = samplingRate, wl = windowLength_points, dB = 'max0')
#' Generate harmonics
#' Internal soundgen function.
#' Returns one continuous, unfiltered, voiced syllable consisting of several
#' sine waves.
#' @param pitch a contour of fundamental frequency (numeric vector). NB: for
#' computational efficiency, provide the pitch contour at a reduced sampling
#' rate pitchSamplingRate, eg 3500 points/s. The pitch contour will be
#' upsampled before synthesis.
#' @inheritParams soundgen
#' @param specEnv a matrix representing the filter (only needed for formant
#' locking)
#' @param pitchDriftDep scale factor regulating the effect of temperature on the
#' amount of slow random drift of f0 (like jitter, but slower): the higher,
#' the more f0 "wiggles" at a given temperature
#' @param pitchDriftFreq scale factor regulating the effect of temperature on
#' the frequency of random drift of f0 (like jitter, but slower): the higher,
#' the faster f0 "wiggles" at a given temperature
#' @param amplDriftDep drift of amplitude mirroring pitch drift
#' @param subDriftDep drift of subharmonic frequency and bandwidth mirroring
#' pitch drift
#' @param rolloffDriftDep drift of rolloff mirroring pitch drift
#' @param randomWalk_trendStrength try 0 to 1 - the higher, the more likely rw
#' is to get high in the middle and low at the beginning and end (i.e. max
#' effect amplitude in the middle of a sound)
#' @param rolloff_perAmpl as amplitude goes down from max to
#' \code{-dynamicRange}, \code{rolloff} increases by \code{rolloff_perAmpl}
#' dB/octave. The effect is to make loud parts brighter by increasing energy
#' in higher frequencies
#' @param normalize if TRUE, normalizes to -1...+1 prior to applying attack and
#' amplitude envelope. W/o this, sounds with stronger harmonics are louder
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' rolloffExact1 = c(.2, .2, 1, .2, .2)
#' s1 = soundgen:::generateHarmonics(pitch = seq(400, 530, length.out = 1500),
#' rolloffExact = rolloffExact1)
#' spectrogram(s1, 16000, ylim = c(0, 4))
#' # playme(s1, 16000)
#' rolloffExact2 = matrix(c(.2, .2, 1, .2, .2,
#' 1, .5, .2, .1, .05), ncol = 2)
#' s2 = soundgen:::generateHarmonics(pitch = seq(400, 530, length.out = 1500),
#' rolloffExact = rolloffExact2)
#' spectrogram(s2, 16000, ylim = c(0, 4))
#' # playme(s2, 16000)
generateHarmonics = function(pitch,
glottis = 0,
attackLen = 50,
nonlinBalance = 0,
nonlinDep = 50,
nonlinRandomWalk = NULL,
jitterDep = 0,
jitterLen = 1,
vibratoFreq = 5,
vibratoDep = 0,
shimmerDep = 0,
shimmerLen = 1,
rolloff = -9,
rolloffOct = 0,
rolloffKHz = 0,
rolloffParab = 0,
rolloffParabHarm = 3,
rolloff_perAmpl = 0,
rolloffExact = NULL,
formantLocking = NULL,
specEnv = NULL,
formantSummary = NULL,
temperature = .025,
pitchDriftDep = .5,
pitchDriftFreq = .125,
amplDriftDep = 1,
subDriftDep = 4,
rolloffDriftDep = 3,
randomWalk_trendStrength = .1,
shortestEpoch = 300,
subRatio = 1,
subFreq = 100,
subDep = 0,
subWidth = 10000,
ampl = NA,
normalize = TRUE,
smoothing = list(),
overlap = 75,
samplingRate = 16000,
pitchFloor = 75,
pitchCeiling = 3500,
pitchSamplingRate = 3500,
dynamicRange = 80) {
## PRE-SYNTHESIS EFFECTS (NB: the order in which effects are added is NOT arbitrary!)
# vibrato (performed on pitch, not pitch_per_gc!)
if (is.list(vibratoDep)) {
if (any(vibratoDep$value > 0)) {
lp = length(pitch)
for (p in c('vibratoFreq', 'vibratoDep')) {
old = get(p)
if (length(old) > 1) {
new =, c(smoothing, list(
anchors = old,
len = lp,
method = 'approx',
valueFloor = permittedValues[p, 'low'],
valueCeiling = Inf # permittedValues[p, 'high'],
assign(p, new)
vibrato = 2 ^ (sin(2 * pi * cumsum(vibratoFreq) /
pitchSamplingRate) * vibratoDep / 12)
# plot(vibrato, type = 'l')
pitch = pitch * vibrato # plot(pitch, type = 'l')
# transform f0 per s to f0 per glottal cycle
gc = getGlottalCycles(pitch, samplingRate = pitchSamplingRate) # our "glottal cycles"
pitch_per_gc = pitch[gc]
nGC = length(pitch_per_gc)
# to avoid recalculating gc for each contour like jitterDep,
# we can upsample them to length nGC and just take gc indices
# scaled to length nGC instead of length(pitch)
gc1 = ceiling(gc * nGC / length(pitch))
# vectorized par-s should be upsampled and converted from ms to gc scale
update_pars = c(
'rolloff', 'rolloffOct', 'rolloffParab', 'rolloffParabHarm', 'rolloffKHz',
'jitterDep', 'jitterLen', 'shimmerDep', 'shimmerLen',
'subRatio', 'subFreq', 'subDep', 'subWidth'
for (p in update_pars) {
old = get(p)
if (length(old) > 1) {
new =, c(smoothing, list(
anchors = old,
len = nGC,
valueFloor = permittedValues[p, 'low'],
valueCeiling = permittedValues[p, 'high'])))[gc1]
assign(p, new)
# generate a short amplitude contour to adjust rolloff per glottal cycle
rolloffAmpl = rep(0, nGC)
if (is.numeric(ampl) | is.list(ampl)) {
if (any(ampl$value != 0)) {
amplContour =, c(smoothing, list(
anchors = ampl,
len = nGC,
valueFloor = -dynamicRange,
valueCeiling = 0,
samplingRate = samplingRate
# plot(amplContour, type='l')
amplContour = (amplContour + dynamicRange) / dynamicRange - 1
rolloffAmpl = amplContour * rolloff_perAmpl
# get a random walk for intra-syllable variation
if (temperature > 0 &
(nonlinBalance < 100 | !is.null(nonlinRandomWalk))) {
rw = getRandomWalk(
len = nGC,
rw_range = temperature,
trend = c(randomWalk_trendStrength, -randomWalk_trendStrength),
rw_smoothing = .95
) # plot(rw, type = 'l')
rw = rw - mean(rw) + 1 # change mean(rw) to 1
if (is.null(nonlinRandomWalk)) {
rw_0_100 = zeroOne(rw) * 100
# plot(rw_0_100, type = 'l')
rw_bin = getIntegerRandomWalk(
nonlinBalance = nonlinBalance,
minLength = ceiling(shortestEpoch / 1000 * pitch_per_gc)
# minLength is shortestEpoch / period_ms, where
# period_ms = 1000 / pitch_per_gc
} else {
# interpolate or downsample user-provided random walk by simple repetition,
# so that its new length = nGC (overrides shortestEpoch)
rw_bin = approx(nonlinRandomWalk, n = nGC, method = 'constant')$y
# plot(rw_bin)
vocalFry_on = (rw_bin > 0) # when is vocal fry on? For ex., rw_bin==1
# sets vocal fry on only in regime 1, while rw_bin>0 sets vocal fry on
# in regimes 1 and 2 (i.e. together with jitter)
jitter_on = shimmer_on = (rw_bin == 2)
} else {
rw = rep(1, nGC)
vocalFry_on = jitter_on = shimmer_on = rep(TRUE, nGC)
## prepare the harmonic stack
if (is.null(rolloffExact)) {
# calculate the number of harmonics to generate (from lowest pitch to Nyquist)
nHarmonics = floor(samplingRate / 2 / min(pitch_per_gc))
# get rolloff
if (length(rolloff) < nGC) {
rolloff = spline(rolloff, n = nGC)$y
rolloff_source = getRolloff(
pitch_per_gc = pitch_per_gc,
nHarmonics = nHarmonics,
rolloff = (rolloff + rolloffAmpl) * rw ^ rolloffDriftDep,
rolloffOct = rolloffOct,
rolloffKHz = rolloffKHz,
rolloffParab = rolloffParab,
rolloffParabHarm = rolloffParabHarm,
samplingRate = samplingRate,
dynamicRange = dynamicRange
} else {
rolloff_user = as.matrix(rolloffExact)
rolloff_source = interpolMatrix(
nr = nrow(rolloff_user), # don't change the number of harmonics
nc = nGC, # interpolate over time
interpol = 'approx'
rownames(rolloff_source) = 1:nrow(rolloff_source)
# NB: rolloff_source at this stage should be a matrix WITH NUMBERED ROWS
# add formantLocking
if (!is.null(formantLocking) && !is.null(specEnv) && !is.null(formantSummary)) {
shortestEpoch_points = shortestEpoch / 1000 * samplingRate
median_gc_points = samplingRate / median(pitch)
pitch_per_gc = lockToFormants(
pitch = pitch_per_gc,
specEnv = specEnv,
formantSummary = formantSummary,
rolloffMatrix = rolloff_source,
lockProb = formantLocking,
minLength = round(shortestEpoch_points / median_gc_points),
plot = FALSE
# if we want to be super-precise, we could actually recalculate rolloff_source
# calculate jitter (random variation of F0)
if (any(jitterDep > 0) & any(jitter_on)) {
jitter_per_gc = wiggleGC(dep = jitterDep / 12,
len = jitterLen,
nGC = nGC,
pitch_per_gc = pitch_per_gc,
rw = rw,
effect_on = jitter_on)
pitch_per_gc = pitch_per_gc * jitter_per_gc
# plot(pitch_per_gc, type = 'l')
# calculate random drift of F0 (unlike jitter, this is a random walk rather
# than random variation around a target value, and normally slower than
# jitter)
if (temperature > 0) {
# calculate the amount of smoothing to apply to the random walk
rw_smoothing = 2 / (1 + exp(100 * temperature * pitchDriftFreq))
# print(rw_smoothing)
# temp = seq(0, 1, .01)
# plot(temp, 2 / (1 + exp(100 * temp * .05)))
# rw_smoothing is ~n_points in getRandomWalk() as proportion of nGC, but
# gc's are shorter at higher pitch; to ensure that smoothing is consistent
# per s, we do * mean(pitch_per_gc) / 100 (ie default at 100 Hz)
rw_smoothing = 1 - (1 - rw_smoothing) / (mean(pitch_per_gc) / 100)
# print(paste('rw_smoothing =', rw_smoothing, 'n =', nGC * (1 - rw_smoothing)))
# rw_range is 1 semitone per second when temp = .05 and
# pitchDriftDep = .5 (defaults)
rw_range = temperature * 40 * # 40 * .05 * .5 = 1
length(pitch) / pitchSamplingRate / 12
drift = getRandomWalk(
len = length(pitch_per_gc),
rw_range = rw_range,
rw_smoothing = rw_smoothing,
method = 'spline'
drift_centered = drift - mean(drift)
drift = 2 ^ drift_centered
# plot (drift, type = 'l')
drift_pitch = 2 ^ (drift_centered * pitchDriftDep)
pitch_per_gc = pitch_per_gc * drift_pitch
# plot(pitch_per_gc, type = 'l')
# as a result of adding pitch effects, F0 might have dropped to indecent
# values, so we double-check and flatten if necessary
pitch_per_gc[pitch_per_gc > pitchCeiling] = pitchCeiling
pitch_per_gc[pitch_per_gc < pitchFloor] = pitchFloor
# make sure we don't have harmonics above Nyquist with the changed pitch
nHarmonics = floor(samplingRate / 2 / pitch_per_gc)
nr = nrow(rolloff_source)
for (c in 1:ncol(rolloff_source)) {
if (nHarmonics[c] < nr) {
rolloff_source[nHarmonics[c]:nr] = 0
# NB: this whole pitch_per_gc trick is purely for computational efficiency.
# The entire pitch contour can be fed in, but then it takes up to 1 s
# per s of audio
# image(t(log(rolloff_source)))
# add shimmer (random variation in amplitude)
if (any(shimmerDep > 0) & any(shimmer_on)) {
shimmer_per_gc = wiggleGC(dep = shimmerDep / 100,
len = shimmerLen,
nGC = nGC,
pitch_per_gc = pitch_per_gc,
rw = rw,
effect_on = shimmer_on)
rolloff_source = t(t(rolloff_source) * shimmer_per_gc)
# multiplies the first column of rolloff_source by shimmer_per_gc[1],
# the second column by shimmer_per_gc[2], etc
# synthesize one glottal cycle at a time or a whole epoch at once?
synthesize_per_gc = FALSE
if (is.list(glottis)) {
if (any(glottis$value > 0)) {
synthesize_per_gc = TRUE
# add vocal fry (subharmonics)
if (!synthesize_per_gc & # can't add subharmonics if doing one gc
# at a time (one f0 period)
any(subDep > 0) & any(vocalFry_on)) {
vocalFry = getVocalFry(
rolloff = rolloff_source,
pitch_per_gc = pitch_per_gc,
subRatio = subRatio,
subFreq = subFreq * rw ^ subDriftDep,
subDep = subDep * rw ^ subDriftDep * vocalFry_on,
subWidth = subWidth * rw ^ subDriftDep,
shortestEpoch = shortestEpoch,
dynamicRange = dynamicRange
rolloff_source = vocalFry$rolloff # list of matrices
epochs = vocalFry$epochs # dataframe
} else {
# if we don't need to add vocal fry
rolloff_source = list(rolloff_source)
epochs = data.frame ('start' = 1, 'end' = length(pitch_per_gc))
if (synthesize_per_gc) {
# synthesize one glottal cycle at a time
rolSrc = rolloff_source
for (e in 1:length(rolloff_source)) {
rolSrc[[e]] = rolloff_source[[e]]
rolSrc[[e]] = as.list([[e]]))
for (i in 1:length(rolSrc[[e]])) {
rolSrc[[e]][[i]] = matrix(rolSrc[[e]][[i]],
ncol = 1,
dimnames = list(rownames(rolloff_source[[e]])))
rolSrc = unlist(rolSrc, recursive = FALSE) # get rid of epochs
glottisClosed_per_gc =, c(smoothing, list(
anchors = glottis,
len = nGC,
valueFloor = 0
# warp glottis anchors to ensure that their timing is not affected by the delay
# of adding extra silence between glottal cycles when glottis > 0
warpRows = (1:nrow(glottis))[-c(1, nrow(glottis))]
# except for first and last row (time = 0 or 1 - nowhere to move)
if (length(warpRows) > 0) {
# calculate the dur of each glottal cylce + pause, in ms
gc_dur = 1000 / pitch_per_gc * (1 + glottisClosed_per_gc / 100)
dur = sum(gc_dur) # nominal dur with these gc's
cs = cumsum(gc_dur)
for (r in warpRows) {
# where it should be (time of glottis anchor, ms)
target_dur = glottis$time[r] * dur
# move the time anchor to where it will coincide with target_dur, given
# the modified dur of glottal cycles with pauses
glottis$time[r] = which(cs > target_dur)[1] / nGC
glottisClosed_per_gc =, c(smoothing, list(
anchors = glottis,
len = nGC,
valueFloor = 0
waveform = generateGC(pitch_per_gc = pitch_per_gc,
glottisClosed_per_gc = glottisClosed_per_gc,
rolloff_per_gc = rolSrc,
samplingRate = samplingRate)
} else {
# synthesize continuously
waveform = generateEpoch(pitch_per_gc = pitch_per_gc,
epochs = epochs,
rolloff_per_epoch = rolloff_source,
samplingRate = samplingRate)
# sum(
# plot(waveform[], type = 'l')
# spectrogram(waveform, samplingRate = samplingRate, osc = TRUE)
# playme(waveform, samplingRate = samplingRate)
# seewave::meanspec(waveform, f = samplingRate)
# add attack
if (is.numeric(attackLen)) {
if (any(attackLen > 0)) {
l = floor(attackLen * samplingRate / 1000)
if (length(l) == 1) l = c(l, l)
waveform = .fade(list(sound = waveform, samplingRate = samplingRate),
fadeIn_points = l[1],
fadeOut_points = l[2])
# plot(waveform, type = 'l')
# pitch drift is accompanied by amplitude drift
if (temperature > 0 & amplDriftDep > 0 && diff(range(drift)) != 0) {
drift_ampl = zeroOne(drift) * temperature
drift_ampl = drift_ampl - mean(drift_ampl) + 1 # hist(drift_ampl)
gc_upsampled = upsampleGC(pitch_per_gc, samplingRate = samplingRate)$gc
drift_upsampled = approx(drift_ampl, # otherwise pitchDriftDep scales amplDriftDep
n = length(waveform),
x = gc_upsampled[-length(gc_upsampled)])$y
waveform = waveform * drift_upsampled ^ amplDriftDep
# plot(drift_upsampled, type = 'l')
# plot(waveform, type = 'l')
# normalize to be on the same scale as breathing (NB: after adding attack,
# b/c fading the ends can change the overall range if eg peak ampl is at the beg.)
if (normalize) waveform = waveform / max(abs(waveform))
# apply amplitude envelope
if (is.numeric(ampl) | is.list(ampl)) {
if (any(ampl$value != 0)) {
amplEnvelope =, c(smoothing, list(
anchors = ampl,
len = length(waveform),
valueFloor = -dynamicRange,
samplingRate = samplingRate
# plot(amplEnvelope, type = 'l')
# convert from dB to linear multiplier
amplEnvelope = 10 ^ (amplEnvelope / 20)
waveform = waveform * amplEnvelope
# playme(waveform, samplingRate = samplingRate)
# spectrogram(waveform, samplingRate = samplingRate)
#' Generate glottal cycles
#' Internal soundgen function. Takes descriptives of a number of glottal cycles
#' (f0, closed phase, rolloff - note that all three should be vectors of the
#' same length, namely nGC) and creates a waveform consisting of a string of
#' these glottal cycles separated by pauses (if there is a closed phase). The
#' principle is to work with one glottal cycle at a time and create a sine wave
#' for each harmonic, with amplitudes adjusted by rolloff.
#' @param pitch_per_gc pitch per glottal cycle, Hz
#' @param glottisClosed_per_gc proportion of closed phase per glottal cycle, \%
#' @param rolloff_per_gc a list of one-column matrices, one for each glottal
#' cycle, specifying rolloff per harmonic (linear multiplier, ie NOT in dB)
#' Each matrix has as many rows as there are harmonics, and rownames specify
#' the ratio to F0 (eg 1.5 means it's a subharmonic added between f0 and its
#' first harmonic)
#' @param samplingRate the sampling rate of generated sound, Hz
#' @param wn windowing function applied to each glottal cycle (see
#' \code{\link[seewave]{ftwindow}})
#' @param interpol method used to adjust the number of gc to target duration
#' @return Returns a waveform as a non-normalized numeric vector centered at
#' zero.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' pitch_per_gc = seq(100, 150, length.out = 25)
#' glottisClosed_per_gc = seq(0, 300, length.out = 25)
#' m = matrix(10 ^ (-6 * log2(1:200) / 20))
#' rownames(m) = 1:nrow(m)
#' rolloff_per_gc = rep(list(m), 25)
#' s = soundgen:::generateGC(pitch_per_gc, glottisClosed_per_gc,
#' rolloff_per_gc, samplingRate = 16000)
#' # plot(s, type = 'l')
#' # playme(s)
generateGC = function(pitch_per_gc,
wn = 'none',
interpol = 'approx') {
gc_len = round(samplingRate / pitch_per_gc) # length of each gc, points
gc_closed = round(gc_len * glottisClosed_per_gc / 100) # length of each pause, points
# adjust nGC to have ~the same duration as w/o closed phase
nGC_orig = length(pitch_per_gc)
dur_target = sum(gc_len)
dur_with_closed = dur_target + sum(gc_closed)
nGC = round(dur_target / dur_with_closed * length(pitch_per_gc))
if (interpol == 'approx') {
# use splines to reduce the number of gc's in a smart way
idx_orig = 1:nGC_orig
idx = seq(1, nGC_orig, length.out = nGC)
pitch_per_gc_adj = spline(x = idx_orig, y = pitch_per_gc, xout = idx)$y
glottisClosed_per_gc_adj = approx(x = idx_orig, y = glottisClosed_per_gc, xout = idx)$y
rolloff_per_gc_adj = rolloff_per_gc[round(idx)] # too big for spline
} else {
# just pick enough gc's
idx = round(seq(1, nGC_orig, length.out = nGC))
pitch_per_gc_adj = pitch_per_gc[idx]
glottisClosed_per_gc_adj = glottisClosed_per_gc[idx]
rolloff_per_gc_adj = rolloff_per_gc[idx]
gc_len_adj = round(samplingRate / pitch_per_gc_adj)
gc_closed_adj = round(gc_len_adj * glottisClosed_per_gc_adj / 100)
# gc_closed_adj[nGC] = 1 # don't add silence after the last gc
# synthesize one glottal cycle at a time
waveform = 0
for (i in 1:nGC) {
cycle = 0
idx = 0:(gc_len_adj[i] - 1) # count from zero, ensuring the gc starts at sin(0) = 0
for (h in 1:nrow(rolloff_per_gc_adj[[i]])) {
times_f0 = as.numeric(rownames(rolloff_per_gc_adj[[i]])[h]) # freq of harmonic h
cycle = cycle +
sin(2 * pi * pitch_per_gc_adj[i] * times_f0 * idx / samplingRate) *
# cycle = cycle / max(abs(cycle))
# just use the first, positive half of each glottal cycle
# (a hack - should really try more realistic shapes)
# cycle[(gc_len_adj[i]/2) : gc_len_adj[i]] = 0
# cycle[cycle < 0] = 0
# plot(cycle, type = 'l')
# spectrogram(cycle, samplingRate, ylim = c(0, 2))
# seewave::spec(rep(cycle,10), f = samplingRate, flim = c(0, 2), alim = c(-50, 0), dB = 'max0')
if (wn == 'none') {
waveform = c(waveform, cycle, rep(0, gc_closed_adj[i]))
# Alternative to simple concatenation: cross-fade (doesn't make much difference in practice)
# fadeTime_ms = 2
# fadeTime_points = round(fadeTime_ms * samplingRate / 1000)
# fadeTime_points = min(fadeTime_points, 2 * round(gc_closed_adj[i] / 4))
# new = crossFade(cycle, rep(0, gc_closed_adj[i] + 2 * fadeTime_points), crossLenPoints = fadeTime_points, shape = 'lin')
# waveform = crossFade(waveform, new, crossLenPoints = fadeTime_points, shape = 'lin')
} else {
# window before glueing gc with pauses
win = seewave::ftwindow(wl = gc_len_adj[i], wn = wn)
# plot(win, type = 'b')
cycle_win = cycle * win
# plot(cycle_win, type = 'l')
# spectrogram(cycle_win, samplingRate, ylim = c(0, 10))
# seewave::spec(rep(cycle_win,10), f = samplingRate, flim = c(0, 2), alim = c(-50, 0), dB = 'max0')
waveform = c(waveform, cycle_win, rep(0, gc_closed_adj[i]))
# plot(waveform, type = 'l')
# playme(waveform, samplingRate)
# spectrogram(waveform, samplingRate, ylim = c(0, 10))
# seewave::spec(waveform, f = samplingRate, flim = c(0, 2), alim = c(-50, 0), dB = 'max0')
#' Generate an epoch
#' Internal soundgen function.
#' Takes descriptives of a number of glottal cycles (f0, closed phase, rolloff)
#' and creates a continuous waveform. The principle is to work with one epoch
#' with stable regime of subharmonics at a time and create a sine wave for each
#' harmonic, with amplitudes adjusted by rolloff.
#' @param pitch_per_gc pitch per glottal cycle, Hz
#' @param rolloff_per_epoch a list of matrices with one matrix for each epoch; each
#' matrix should contain one column for each glottal cycle and one row for
#' each harmonic (linear multiplier, ie NOT in dB). Rownames specify the ratio
#' to F0 (eg 1.5 means it's a subharmonic added between f0 and its first
#' harmonic)
#' @param epochs a dataframe specifying the beginning and end of each epoch
#' @param samplingRate the sampling rate of generated sound, Hz
#' @return Returns a waveform as a non-normalized numeric vector centered at zero.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' pitch_per_gc = seq(100, 150, length.out = 90)
#' epochs = data.frame (start = c(1, 51),
#' end = c(50, 90))
#' m1 = matrix(rep(10 ^ (-6 * log2(1:200) / 20), 50), ncol = 50, byrow = FALSE)
#' m2 = matrix(rep(10 ^ (-12 * log2(1:200) / 20), 40), ncol = 40, byrow = FALSE)
#' rownames(m1) = 1:nrow(m1)
#' rownames(m2) = 1:nrow(m2)
#' rolloff_source = list(m1, m2)
#' s = soundgen:::generateEpoch(pitch_per_gc, epochs,
#' rolloff_source, samplingRate = 16000)
#' # plot(s, type = 'l')
#' # playme(s)
generateEpoch = function(pitch_per_gc,
samplingRate) {
# Upsample pitch contour to full resolution (samplingRate).
# Uses a more sophisticated but still very fast version of linear
# interpolation, which takes into account the variable length
# of glottal cycles
up = upsampleGC(pitch_per_gc, samplingRate = samplingRate)
pitch_upsampled = up$pitch
gc_upsampled = up$gc
integr = cumsum(pitch_upsampled) / samplingRate
waveform = 0
# synthesize one epoch at a time and join by cross-fading
for (e in 1:nrow(epochs)) {
idx_gc_up = gc_upsampled[epochs$start[e]:(epochs$end[e] + 1)]
idx_up = min(idx_gc_up):max(idx_gc_up)
waveform_epoch = 0
integr_epoch = integr[idx_up]
rolloff_epoch = rolloff_per_epoch[[e]] # rolloff_source MUST be a list!
for (h in 1:nrow(rolloff_epoch)) {
# NB: rolloff_source can have fewer
# harmonics that nHarmonics, since weak harmonics are discarded for
# computational efficiency. Or it can have a lot more than nHarmonics,
# if we add vocal fry
times_f0 = as.numeric(rownames(rolloff_epoch)[h]) # freq of harmonic h
# as a multiple of f0
am_upsampled = approx(rolloff_epoch[h, ],
n = length(idx_up),
x = idx_gc_up[-length(idx_gc_up)])$y
# plot(am_upsampled, type = 'l')
# the actual waveform synthesis happens HERE:
waveform_epoch = waveform_epoch +
sin(2 * pi * integr_epoch * times_f0) * am_upsampled
# plot(waveform_epoch[1000:2000], type = 'l')
waveform = crossFade(waveform,
samplingRate = samplingRate,
crossLen = 15) # longer crossLen
# provides for smoother transitions, but it shortens the resulting sound.
# Short transitions preserve sound duration but may create a click
# where two epochs are joined
# plot(waveform, type = 'l')
# playme(waveform, samplingRate)
#' Fart
#' While the same sounds can be created with soundgen(), this facetious function
#' produces the same effect more efficiently and with very few control
#' parameters. With default settings, execution time is ~ 10 ms per second of
#' audio sampled at 16000 Hz. Principle: creates separate glottal cycles with
#' harmonics, but no formants. See \code{\link{soundgen}} for more details.
#' @seealso \code{\link{soundgen}} \code{\link{generateNoise}}
#' \code{\link{beat}}
#' @inheritParams soundgen
#' @param sylLen syllable length, ms (not vectorized)
#' @param rolloff rolloff of harmonics in source spectrum, dB/octave (not
#' vectorized)
#' @param plot if TRUE, plots the waveform
#' @return Returns a normalized waveform.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' f = fart()
#' # playme(f)
#' \dontrun{
#' while (TRUE) {
#' fart(sylLen = 300, temperature = .5, play = TRUE)
#' Sys.sleep(rexp(1, rate = 1))
#' }
#' }
fart = function(glottis = c(50, 200),
pitch = 65,
temperature = 0.25,
sylLen = 600,
rolloff = -10,
samplingRate = 16000,
play = FALSE,
plot = FALSE) {
glottis = reformatAnchors(glottis)
pitch = reformatAnchors(pitch)
# wiggle pars
if (temperature > 0) {
rolloff = rnorm_truncated(n = 1,
mean = rolloff,
sd = rolloff * temperature * .5,
low = -50, high = 10)
sylLen = rnorm_truncated(n = 1,
mean = sylLen,
sd = sylLen * temperature * .5,
low = 0, high = 10000)
glottis = wiggleAnchors(
glottis, temperature, temp_coef = .5,
low = c(0, 0), high = c(1, 10000),
wiggleAllRows = TRUE
pitch = wiggleAnchors(
pitch, temperature, temp_coef = 1,
low = c(0, 0), high = c(1, 10000),
wiggleAllRows = TRUE
# prepare pitch contour
pitch = getSmoothContour(anchors = pitch,
len = round(sylLen * 3500 / 1000))
# synthesize the sound
s = generateHarmonics(
pitch = pitch,
glottis = glottis,
rolloff = rolloff,
samplingRate = samplingRate,
pitchSamplingRate = 3500
# plot(s, type = 'l')
# spectrogram(f, osc = T, samplingRate = samplingRate, ylim = c(0, 2))
# seewave::spec(f, f = samplingRate, dB = 'max0')
# amplitude drift
if (temperature > 0) {
drift = getRandomWalk(
len = 100,
rw_range = temperature * 10,
rw_smoothing = .95,
method = 'spline'
) + 1
# plot(drift, type = 'l')
drift_upsampled = approx(drift,
n = length(s))$y
s = s * drift_upsampled
s = s / max(abs(s))
if (play == TRUE) playme(s, samplingRate)
if (is.character(play)) {
playme(s, samplingRate = samplingRate, player = play)
if (plot) {
time = (1:length(s)) / samplingRate * 1000
plot(time, s, type = 'l', xlab = 'Time, ms')
#' Generate beat
#' Generates percussive sounds from clicks through drum-like beats to sliding
#' tones. The principle is to create a sine wave with rapid frequency modulation
#' and to add a fade-out. No extra harmonics or formants are added. For this
#' specific purpose, this is vastly faster and easier than to tinker with
#' \code{\link{soundgen}} settings, especially since percussive syllables tend
#' to be very short.
#' @seealso \code{\link{soundgen}} \code{\link{generateNoise}}
#' \code{\link{fart}}
#' @inheritParams soundgen
#' @param nSyl the number of syllables to generate
#' @param sylLen average duration of each syllable, ms
#' @param pauseLen average duration of pauses between syllables, ms
#' @param pitch fundamental frequency, Hz - a vector or data.frame(time = ...,
#' value = ...)
#' @param fadeOut if TRUE, a linear fade-out is applied to the entire syllable
#' @return Returns a non-normalized waveform centered at zero.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' playback = c(TRUE, FALSE)[2]
#' # a drum-like sound
#' s = beat(nSyl = 1, sylLen = 200,
#' pitch = c(200, 100), play = playback)
#' # plot(s, type = 'l')
#' # a dry, muted drum
#' s = beat(nSyl = 1, sylLen = 200,
#' pitch = c(200, 10), play = playback)
#' # sci-fi laser guns
#' s = beat(nSyl = 3, sylLen = 300,
#' pitch = c(1000, 50), play = playback)
#' # machine guns
#' s = beat(nSyl = 10, sylLen = 10, pauseLen = 50,
#' pitch = c(2300, 300), play = playback)
beat = function(nSyl = 10,
sylLen = 200,
pauseLen = 50,
pitch = c(200, 10),
samplingRate = 16000,
fadeOut = TRUE,
play = FALSE) {
len = sylLen * samplingRate / 1000
pitchContour = getSmoothContour(anchors = pitch,
len = len,
valueFloor = 0,
thisIsPitch = TRUE)
int = cumsum(pitchContour)
beat = sin(2 * pi * int / samplingRate)
if (fadeOut) {
beat = .fade(list(sound = beat, samplingRate = samplingRate),
fadeIn_points = 0,
fadeOut_points = length(beat))
# plot(beat, type = 'l')
# spectrogram(beat, samplingRate, ylim = c(0, 1))
if (nSyl > 1) {
pause = rep(0, round(pauseLen / 1000 * samplingRate))
beat = rep(c(beat, pause), nSyl)
beat = beat / max(abs(beat)) # normalize
if (play == TRUE) playme(beat, samplingRate)
if (is.character(play)) {
playme(beat, samplingRate = samplingRate, player = play)
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