
Defines functions change_tv add_tv_parlines

Documented in add_tv_parlines change_tv

#' Methods to include time-varying parameters in an SS3 operating model
#' \code{change_tv} takes SS3 \code{.ctl}, \code{.par}, and \code{.dat} files
#' and implements time-varying parameters using environmental variables.
#' \code{change_tv} is specifically set up to work with an operating model
#' \code{.ctl} file.
#' @param change_tv_list *A list of named vectors. Names correspond to parameters
#' in the operating model that currently do not use environmental deviations and
#' the vectors correspond to deviations. See the section "Specifying the
#' \code{change_tv_list}" below for help on specifying this argument.
#' @template ctl_file_in
#' @template ctl_file_out
#' @template dat_file_in
#' @template dat_file_out
#' @author Kotaro Ono, Carey McGilliard, Kelli Johnson, and Kathryn Doering
#' @family change functions
#' @return The function creates modified versions of the  \code{.ctl} and
#'   \code{.dat} files if ctl_file_out and dat_file_out are not NULL. The function
#'   also returns a list of the modified \code{.ctl} and \code{.dat} R objects
#'   invisibly.
#' @template casefile-footnote
#' @details
#' Although there are three ways to implement time-varying parameters within
#' SS3, \pkg{ss3sim} and \code{change_tv} only use the environmental variable
#' option. Within SS3, time-varying parameters work on an annual time-step.
#' Thus, for models with multiple seasons, the time-varying parameters will
#' remain constant for the entire year.
#' The \code{ctl_file_in} argument needs to be a \code{.ss_new} file because
#' the documentation in \code{.ss_new} files are automated and standardized.
#' This function takes advantage of the standard documentation the
#' \code{.ss_new} files to determine which lines to manipulate and where to
#' add code in the \code{.ctl}, \code{.par}, and \code{.dat} files, code that
#' is necessary to implement time-varying parameters.
#' \pkg{ss3sim} uses annual recruitment deviations and may not work with a
#' model that ties recruitment deviations to environmental covariates. If you
#' need to compare the environment to annual recruitment deviations, the
#' preferred option is to transform the environmental variable into an age 0
#' pre-recruit survey. See page 55 of the SS3 version 3.24f manual for more
#' information.
#' @section Specifying the \code{change_tv_list}:
#' Parameters will change to vary with time according to the vectors of
#' deviations passed to \code{change_tv_list}. Vectors of deviations, also
#' referred to as environmental data, must have a length equal to \code{
#' endyr-startyr+1}, where \code{endyr} and \code{startyr} are specified the
#' \code{.dat} file. Specify years without deviations as zero.
#' Parameter names must be unique and match the full parameter name in the
#' \code{.ctl} file. Names for stock recruit parameters must contain "devs",
#' "R0", or "steep", and only one stock recruit parameter can be time-varying
#' per model.
#' This feature will include an *additive* functional linkage between
#' environmental data and the parameter where the link parameter is fixed at a
#' value of one and the par value is specified in the \code{.par} file:
#' \eqn{par'[y] = par + link * env[y]}.
#' For catchability (\eqn{q}) the *additive* functional linkage is implemented
#' on the log scale: \eqn{ln(q'[y]) = ln(q) + link * env[y]}
#' @section Passing arguments to \code{change_tv} through \code{\link{run_ss3sim}}:
#' (1) create a case file with an arbitrary letter
#' not used elsewhere (anything but D, E, F, or R) and (2) include the line
#' \code{function_type; change_tv} in your case file. For example, you might
#' want to use M for natural mortality, S for selectivity, or G for growth.
#' @importFrom r4ss SS_readdat SS_writedat
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Create a temporary folder for the output and set the working directory:
#' temp_path <- file.path(tempdir(), "ss3sim-tv-example")
#' dir.create(temp_path, showWarnings = FALSE)
#' wd <- getwd()
#' setwd(temp_path)
#' on.exit(setwd(wd), add = TRUE)
#' d <- system.file("extdata", package = "ss3sim")
#' om <- file.path(d, "models", "cod-om")
#' dir.create("cod-om")
#' file.copy(om, ".", recursive = TRUE)
#' setwd("cod-om")
#' change_tv(change_tv_list =
#'             list("NatM_p_1_Fem_GP_1" = c(rep(0, 20), rep(.1, 80)),
#'                  "SR_BH_steep"=rnorm(100, 0, 0.05)),
#'           ctl_file_in  = "codOM.ctl",
#'           ctl_file_out = "example.ctl",
#'           dat_file_in  = "codOM.dat",
#'           dat_file_out = "example.dat")
#' # Clean up:
#' unlink("cod-om", recursive = TRUE)
#' }

change_tv <- function(change_tv_list,
  ctl_file_in = "control.ss_new", ctl_file_out = "om.ctl",
  dat_file_in = "ss3.dat", dat_file_out = "ss3.dat") {
  # read in necessary ss files.
  ss3.ctl <- readLines(con = ctl_file_in)
  ss3.dat <- SS_readdat(dat_file_in, verbose = FALSE)
  ss3.ctl.parlines <- SS_parlines(ctl_file_in, verbose = FALSE)

  # Function requires that the directories associated with the out files are all
  #   the same, so check this.
    out_dirnames <- lapply(c(ctl_file_out, dat_file_out), function(x) dirname(x))
    out_dirnames <- unique(unlist(out_dirnames))
    if (length(out_dirnames) > 1) {
      stop("Directories for all out files need to be the same in order for the",
           "function change_tv to work.")

  # For all variables the following coding is used
   # mg = Natural mortality and growth parameters
   # sr = Stock recruit parameters
   # qs = Catchability paramaters
   # sx = Selectivity parameters

  # TODO:change so this script can be used with other time varying
  # parameters already in the model
  # TODO: if the variable being added is the same over years, then there is no
  # need to use timevarying. Check this, and change the init value in the ctl
  # file instead of time varying if this is the case. (might be best to do this
  # in a separate function.)

  # check that the parameter we want to change is not already time varyingin the
  # model; if it is, stop code
  baseom_tv <-  ss3.ctl.parlines[(ss3.ctl.parlines$Label %in% names(change_tv_list)), ,
                                 drop = FALSE]
  if(any(baseom_tv[, c("env-var", "use_dev", "Block")] != 0)) {
    stop("One or more of the parameters listed in change_tv is already ",
         "time-varying in the base operating model. ss3sim cannot change ",
         "time-varying properties of parameters that are already specified as ",
  # For now, stop if there are any time varying parameters specified.
  # TODO: make this so the existing time varying structure can be retained., and
  # this check can be eliminated.
  if(any(ss3.ctl.parlines[ , c("env-var", "use_dev", "Block")] != 0)) {
    stop( "There are one or more environmental linkages specified already in",
          " the base operating model. At this time, ss3sim cannot change time-",
          "varying properties of parameters when there are already time-varying",
          "parameters specified in the base operating model.")

  # check the user is not requesting tv paramters that should not or cannot be
  # time varying
  invalid_pars <- c("CV_young", "CV_old", "SR_sigmaR", "SR_autocorr")
  any_invalid <- lapply(invalid_pars, function(x) grep(x, names(change_tv_list)))
  if(length(unique(unlist(any_invalid))) > 0) {
    stop("Some requested time-varying parameters are not allowed. User ",
         "requested variable(s) ",
         paste0(invalid_pars[which(any_invalid > 0)], collapse = ", "),
         " should not or cannot be time varying in Stock Synthesis models.")
  # Divide .dat file at the environmental variable table
  # If no environmental variables create an empty table to be filled later
  dat.varnum.counter <- ss3.dat$N_environ_variables

  if(is.null(ss3.dat$envdat)) {
    ss3.dat.tbl <- data.frame(array(dim=c(0,3),
                                    dimnames = list(NULL,
                                                    c("Yr", "Variable", "Value"))))
  } else {
    ss3.dat.tbl <- ss3.dat$envdat

  # Find where the params to change are in the control file, and stop the
  # script if it cannot be found.
  divider.a <- grep("#_Spawner-Recruitment", ss3.ctl, fixed = TRUE)[1]
  divider.b <- grep("#_Q_setup", ss3.ctl, fixed = TRUE)[1]
  divider.c <- grep("_size_selex_patterns", ss3.ctl, fixed = TRUE)[1]
  lab <- sapply(names(change_tv_list),
                function(x) {
                  val <- grep(pattern = x, x = ss3.ctl, fixed = TRUE)[1]
                  if(is.na(val)) {
                    stop( "Could not locate the parameter ", x, " in the ",
                          "operating model .ctl file. Check that the parameter",
                          " is spelled correctly and in the correct case. ",
                          "Have you standardized your .ctl file by running it ",
                          "through SS and used the control.ss_new file?")
                               if(val < divider.a) temp <- "mg"
                               if(val > divider.a & val < divider.b) temp <- "sr"
                               if(val > divider.b & val < divider.c) temp <- "qs"
                               if(val > divider.c) temp <- "sx"
                               if(x %in% ss3.dat$fleetnames) temp <- "qs"
  tab <- as.data.frame.table(table(lab))
# For MG parms or selectivity parameters, turn on the environmental link in the
# ctl file parameter line and add the values to the environmental data in the
# data file.
  temp.data <- change_tv_list#[lab == "mg" | lab == "sr"| lab == "sx" | lab == "qs"]
for(i in seq_along(temp.data)) {
  dat.varnum.counter <- dat.varnum.counter + 1
  par.ch <- grep(names(temp.data)[i], ss3.ctl, fixed = TRUE)[1]
  par.ex <- regexpr(names(temp.data)[i], ss3.ctl[par.ch], fixed = TRUE)[1]
  val <- strsplit(substr(ss3.ctl[par.ch], start=1, stop=par.ex-1), " ")[[1]]
    # Check that the par line is the correct length.
    # values might include spaces or #, make them NA and remove
    # should result in a vector with length == 14
    val <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(val))
    check <- is.na(val)
    if (sum(check) > 0) {
      val <- val[check == FALSE]
        if(length(val) < 14) {
          stop(paste("Please check", names(temp.data)[i], "in the control file,
               because the vector is less than 14 entries."))
    # Set the environmental link and environmental var (8th element)
    # where a 3 digit value is put in to specify link and env var. 2 is used
    # for an additive link. (e.g., to sepecify an additive link with env. var 3,
    # put 203 as the 8th element.)
    # link = 2 use an additive fxn of environmental variable (g)
    # value of g in year y (env(y,-g))
    # param`(y) = param + link*env(y,-g)
    val[8] <- as.numeric(paste0("2", "0", dat.varnum.counter))
    ss3.ctl[par.ch] <- paste(c(val, "#",  names(temp.data)[i]), collapse = " ")
  dat <- data.frame("Yr" = ss3.dat$styr:ss3.dat$endyr,
                    "Variable" = dat.varnum.counter,
                    "Value" = temp.data[i])
    colnames(dat) <- c("Yr", "Variable", "Value")
    ss3.dat.tbl <- rbind(ss3.dat.tbl, dat)

  # Set time varying autogeneration setting to all 1's to make sure SS will not
  # autogenerate them.
  autogen_line <- grep("# autogen: ", ss3.ctl)
  ss3.ctl[grep("# autogen: ", ss3.ctl)] <- paste0("1 1 1 1 1 # autogen: 1st ",
                                                  "element for biology, 2nd ",
                                                  "for SR, 3rd for Q, 4th",
                                                  "reserved, 5th for selex")
  # find comment for no time varying MG
  tv_cmt <- grep("#_no timevary", ss3.ctl) #unfortunately, does not exist for SR
  # look for each one.
  tv_cmt_lines <- ss3.ctl[tv_cmt]
  parnames <- paste0(c("MG","SR", "Q", "selex"), " parameters")
  for(n in parnames){
    tmp_line <- grep(n, tv_cmt_lines)
    if(is.null(tmp_line)& (n != "SR parameters")){
      stop("ss3sim could not find the ctl file location where time varying ",
           "short parameter lines should be specified for", n, ". Please make",
          "sure you are using a standardized ctl file generated from SS ",
          "(i.e., was a control.ss_new file")
  if (length(tv_cmt) > 4) {
    stop("There are more than four lines in the control file ", ctl_file_in,
         " that include the text '#_no timevary. Please make sure you are",
         "using a control file that has the default .ss_new formatting.")
  # add short time varying parameter lines at their necessary sections.
  if("sr" %in% tab$lab) {
    if(!is.null(grep("SR parameters",tv_cmt_lines))){
      ss3.ctl <- add_tv_parlines("sr", tab, "SR parameters", ss3.ctl)
    } else {
      #TODO:  make it so it is not necessary to run the model file through
      # 3.30.14 or greater if want to use SR params?
      stop("ss3sim could not find the place where stock recruitment time varying",
           "parameters should be added. Please run your OM model through SS ",
           " version >= 3.30.14 to get the necessary line for ss3sim to search",
           "for: `#_no timevary SR parameters` in the control.ss_new file.")
  for(n in c("mg", "qs", "sx")) {
    n_string <- switch(n, "mg" = "MG parameters",
                          "qs" = "Q parameters",
                          "sx" = "selex parameters")
    ss3.ctl <- add_tv_parlines(n, tab, n_string, ss3.ctl)
  # Finish changing the data file based on the tv params.
  ss3.dat$N_environ_variables <- dat.varnum.counter
  ss3.dat$envdat <- ss3.dat.tbl

  # Write out manipulated files.
  # TODO: may want to make the ctl file have more standard commenting if not
  # going to run the OM except for once at the end... eventually, perhaps using
  # SS_read/writectl instead can be useful in this regard.
  if(!is.null(ctl_file_out)) writeLines(ss3.ctl, ctl_file_out)
  if(!is.null(dat_file_out)) {
  SS_writedat(ss3.dat, dat_file_out, overwrite = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
  invisible(list(ctl_out = ss3.ctl, dat_out = ss3.dat))

#' Add short time varying parameter lines. At time of writing, this method will
#' work for MG, selectivity, and catchability time varying, but not for SR
#' @param string The code representing the section the parameter is from.
#' @param tab As created in \code{change_tv()}
#' @param ctl_string The code as called in the .ss_new comment for time varying.
#' @param ss3.ctl A ss control file that has been read in using \code{readLines()}.
#' @return A modified version of ss3.ctl (a vector of strings), containing the
#'   new parameter line
add_tv_parlines <- function(string, tab, ctl_string, ss3.ctl) {
  if (string %in% tab$lab){
    line_num <- grep(paste0("#_no timevary ",ctl_string) , ss3.ctl)
    n_pars <- tab[tab$lab == string, "Freq"]
    # TODO: may want to add labels?
    if(n_pars > 0) {
      lines <- paste0("# timevary ", ctl_string)
      lines <- c(lines, rep(paste0("-2 2 1 0 99 0 -5 # TV_par_line for ",ctl_string ), times = n_pars))
      ss3.ctl <- append(ss3.ctl, lines, after = line_num)
      ss3.ctl <- ss3.ctl[-line_num] # b/c don't want to say no timevary anymore.

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ss3sim documentation built on Nov. 9, 2019, 1:06 a.m.