
Defines functions ss3sim_base

Documented in ss3sim_base

#' Base wrapper function to run an ss3sim simulation
#' This function is a wrapper function that can call \code{\link{run_ss3model}}
#' for the operating model, sample the output (add recruitment deviations,
#' survey the data, etc.), and run the estimation model. \code{ss3sim_base} is
#' the main internal function for \pkg{ss3sim}. It is intended to be used
#' through \code{\link{run_ss3sim}}, but can also be used directly.
#' @param iterations Which iterations to run. A numeric vector.
#' @param scenarios Which scenarios to run.
#' @param tv_params A named list containing arguments for
#'   \code{\link{change_tv}} (time-varying).
#' @param operat_params A named list containing arguments for \code{\link{change_o}}.
#' @param f_params A named list containing arguments for \code{\link{change_f}}.
#'   A mandatory case.
#' @param index_params A named list containing arguments for
#'   \code{\link{sample_index}}. A mandatory case.
#' @param lcomp_params A named list containing arguments for
#'   \code{\link{sample_lcomp}}. A mandatory case.
#' @param agecomp_params A named list containing arguments for
#'   \code{\link{sample_agecomp}}. A mandatory case.
#' @param calcomp_params A named list containing arguments for
#'   \code{\link{sample_calcomp}}, for conditional age-at-length data.
#'   Currently CAL is not implemented in this version of ss3sim,
#'   so calcomp_params should be NULL.
#' @param wtatage_params A named list containing arguments for
#'   \code{\link{sample_wtatage}}, for empirical weight-at-age data.
#' @param mlacomp_params A named list containing arguments for
#'   \code{\link{sample_mlacomp}}, for mean length-at-age data.
#' @param retro_params A named list containing arguments for
#'   \code{\link{change_retro}}.
#' @param estim_params A named list containing arguments for
#'   \code{\link{change_e}}.
#' @param em_binning_params A named list containing arguments for
#'   \code{\link{change_em_binning}}.
#' @param data_params A named list containing arguments for
#'   \code{\link{change_data}}.
#' @param om_dir The directory with the operating model you want to copy and use
#'   for the specified simulations.
#' @param em_dir The directory with the estimation model you want to copy and
#'   use for the specified simulations.
#' @template user_recdevs
#' @param user_recdevs_warn A logical argument allowing users to turn the
#'   warning regarding biased recruitment deviations off when \code{user_recdevs}
#'   are specified.
#' @param bias_adjust Run bias adjustment first?.
#' @param hess_always If \code{TRUE} then the Hessian will always be calculated.
#'   If \code{FALSE} then the Hessian will only be calculated for
#'   bias-adjustment runs thereby saving time.
#' @param print_logfile Logical. Print a log file?
#' @param sleep A time interval (in seconds) to pause on each iteration. Useful
#'   if you want to reduce average CPU time -- perhaps because you're working on
#'   a shared server.
#' @param seed The seed value to pass to \code{\link{get_recdevs}} when
#'   generating recruitment deviations. The generated recruitment deviations
#'   depend on the iteration value, but also on the value of \code{seed}. A
#'   given combination of iteration, number of years, and \code{seed} value will
#'   result in the same recruitment deviations.
#' @param ... Anything extra to pass to \code{\link{run_ss3model}}. For
#' example, you may want to pass additional options to \code{SS3} through
#' the argument \code{admb_options}. Anything that doesn't match a named
#' argument in \code{\link{run_ss3model}} will be passed to the
#' \code{\link{system}} call that runs \code{SS3}.
#' @author Sean Anderson with contributions from many others as listed in
#'   the DESCRIPTION file.
#' @importFrom r4ss SS_readdat SS_readforecast
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @return
#' The output will appear in whatever your current \R working directory
#' is. There will be folders named after your scenarios. They will
#' look like this:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{D0-F0-cod/1/om}
#' \item \code{D0-F0-cod/1/em}
#' \item \code{D0-F0-cod/2/om}
#' \item ...
#' }
# The input and output file structure of an \pkg{ss3sim} simulation:
# \figure{filestructure.png}
#' @seealso \code{\link{run_ss3sim}}
#' @export
#' @details
#' This function is written to be flexible. You can specify the fishing
#' mortality, survey index, length composition, age composition, and
#' time-varying parameters in the function call as list objects (see the
#' example below). For a generic higher-level function, see
#' \code{\link{run_ss3sim}}.
# The steps carried out within \code{ss3sim_base}:
# \figure{simsteps.png}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Create a temporary folder for the output and set the working directory:
#'   # Create a temporary folder for the output and set the working directory:
#'   temp_path <- file.path(tempdir(), "ss3sim-base-example")
#'   dir.create(temp_path, showWarnings = FALSE)
#'   wd <- getwd()
#'   setwd(temp_path)
#'   on.exit(setwd(wd), add = TRUE)
#'   # Find the data in the ss3sim package:
#'   d <- system.file("extdata", package = "ss3sim")
#'   om <- file.path(d, "models", "cod-om")
#'   em <- file.path(d, "models", "cod-em")
#'   case_folder <- file.path(d, "eg-cases")
#'   # Pull in file paths from the package example data:
#'   d <- system.file("extdata", package = "ss3sim")
#'   om_dir <- file.path(d, "models", "cod-om")
#'   em_dir <- file.path(d, "models", "cod-em")
#'   a <- get_caseargs(folder = file.path(d, "eg-cases"),
#'                     case_files = list(F = "F",
#'                                       D = c("index", "lcomp", "agecomp"),
#'                                       E = "E"),
#'                     scenario = "F0-D0-E0-cod")
#'   ss3sim_base(iterations = 1,
#'               scenarios = "F0-D0-E0-cod",
#'               f_params = a$F,
#'               index_params = a$index,
#'               lcomp_params = a$lcomp,
#'               agecomp_params = a$agecomp,
#'               tv_params = a$tv_params,
#'               estim_params = a$E,
#'               om_dir = om_dir,
#'               em_dir = em_dir)
#'   unlink("F0-D0-E0-cod", recursive = TRUE) # clean up
#'   # Or, create the argument lists directly in R and skip the case file setup:
#'   F0 <- list(years = 1:100,
#'              fisheries = 1,
#'              fvals = c(rep(0, 25), rep(0.114, 75)))
#'   index1 <- list(fleets = 2, years = list(seq(62, 100, by = 2)),
#'                  sds_obs = list(0.1))
#'   lcomp1 <- list(fleets = c(1, 2), Nsamp = list(100, 100),
#'                  years = list(26:100, seq(62, 100, by = 2)),
#'                  lengthbin_vector = NULL, cpar = c(1, 1))
#'   agecomp1 <- list(fleets = c(1, 2), Nsamp = list(100, 100),
#'                    years = list(26:100, seq(62, 100, by = 2)),
#'                    agebin_vector = NULL, cpar = c(1, 1))
#'   E0 <- list(natM_type = NULL, natM_n_breakpoints = NULL, natM_lorenzen = NULL,
#'              natM_val = NULL,
#'              par_name = c("LnQ_base_Fishery", "NatM_p_1_Fem_GP_1"),
#'              par_int = c(NA, NA), par_phase = c(-1, -1), forecast_num = 0)
#'   ss3sim_base(iterations = 1,
#'               scenarios = "D1-E0-F0-cod", #name as desired
#'               f_params = F0,
#'               index_params = index1,
#'               lcomp_params = lcomp1,
#'               agecomp_params = agecomp1,
#'               estim_params = E0,
#'               om_dir = om,
#'               em_dir = em)
#'   unlink("D1-E0-F0-cod", recursive = TRUE) # clean up
#' }

ss3sim_base <- function(iterations, scenarios, f_params,
  index_params, lcomp_params, agecomp_params, calcomp_params = NULL,
  wtatage_params = NULL, mlacomp_params = NULL, em_binning_params = NULL,
  estim_params = NULL, tv_params = NULL, operat_params = NULL, om_dir, em_dir,
  retro_params = NULL, data_params = NULL,
  user_recdevs = NULL, user_recdevs_warn = TRUE,
  bias_adjust = FALSE, hess_always = FALSE,
  print_logfile = TRUE, sleep = 0, seed = 21,
  ...) {

  # In case ss3sim_base is stopped before finishing:
  old_wd <- getwd()
  on.exit(setwd(old_wd), add = TRUE)

  if(bias_adjust) {
    # todo:
    # after running the EM r4ss::SS_fitbiasramp()
    # Put those values in the EM
    # Run the EM again
    warning("Bias adjustment is not yet implemented, please do so manually.")

  #TODO: consider adding a check of OM/EM structures before starting loop?
  # Probably sufficient to just warn if not structured correctly. Some things
  # to check:
  # - no .par file and .par file not used in the starter file
  # -  q included for all fleets (i.e., fishing and surveys).
  # - Anything else?

  for(sc in scenarios) {
    # TODO maybe: manipulate the OM for each scenario ONLY; this can't be done
    # in parallel, but may be faster than doing OM model runs for each
    # scenario in parallel (test this). Then, once the OM is created, it can
    # then be copied into each folder (along with the EM) and sampled from for
    # each iteration.
    for(i in iterations) {

      # Create folders, copy models, check for necessary files, rename
      # files for consistency
      copy_ss3models(model_dir = om_dir, scenarios = sc,
        iterations = i, type = "om")
      iteration_existed <- copy_ss3models(model_dir = em_dir, scenarios = sc,
        iterations = i, type = "em")
      if(iteration_existed) next

      # Make fake .dat files to silence SS3/ADMB:
      fake_dat <- c("om/ss.dat", "em/ss.dat")
      sapply(fake_dat, function(fi) write("\n", file.path(sc, i, fi)))

      # Make the OM as specified by the user -----------------------------------

      # Change the control file if using time varying
      if(!is.null(tv_params)) {
        # Change time-varying parameters; e.g. M, selectivity, growth...
        wd <- getwd()
        setwd(file.path(sc, i, "om"))
        # not running add_null() b/c parameters in tv_params are user specified
        change_tv(change_tv_list      = tv_params,
                  ctl_file_in         = "om.ctl",
                  ctl_file_out        = "om.ctl")
      # change the OM control file for NOT time varying parameters.
      if(!is.null(operat_params)) {
                 par_name = operat_params$par_name,
                 par_int = operat_params$par_int,
                 ctl_file_in = file.path(sc, i, "om", "om.ctl"),
                 ctl_file_out = file.path(sc,i, "om", "om.ctl")
      # The following section adds recruitment deviations
      # First, pull in sigma R from the operating model
      sigmar <- get_sigmar(file.path(sc, i, "om", "om"))
      recdevs <- get_recdevs(iteration = i, n = 2000, seed = seed)
      if(is.null(user_recdevs)) {
        sc_i_recdevs <- sigmar * recdevs - sigmar^2/2 # from the package data
      } else {if(user_recdevs_warn & i == 1) {
          warning("No bias correction is done internally for user-supplied ",
              "recruitment deviations and must be done manually. See the ",
              "vignette for more details. Biased recruitment deviations can ",
              "lead to biased model results.", call. = FALSE)
        sc_i_recdevs <- user_recdevs[, i] # user specified recdevs

      # Find number of years in OM to change recdevs and F
      datfile.orig <- SS_readdat(file.path(sc, i, "om", "ss3.dat"),
                                 version = NULL, verbose = FALSE)
      forfile.orig <- SS_readforecast(file.path(sc, i, "om", "forecast.ss"),
        verbose = FALSE)
      xyears <- seq(datfile.orig[["styr"]],
        datfile.orig[["endyr"]] + forfile.orig$Nforecastyrs)
      sc_i_recdevs <- setNames(sc_i_recdevs[seq_along(xyears)], xyears)
      change_rec_devs(recdevs      = sc_i_recdevs,
                      ctl_file_in  = file.path(sc, i, "om", "om.ctl"),
                      ctl_file_out = file.path(sc, i, "om", "om.ctl"))

      f_params <- add_nulls(f_params, c("years", "fisheries", "fvals"))
        change_f(years               = years,
                 fisheries           = fisheries,
                 fvals               = fvals,
                 ctl_file_in         = file.path(sc, i, "om", "om.ctl"),
                 ctl_file_out        = file.path(sc, i, "om", "om.ctl")))

      # Change the data structure in the OM to produce the expected
      # values we want. This sets up the 'dummy' bins before we run
      # the OM one last time. Then we'll sample from the expected values
      # with error.

      ## This returns a superset of all years/fleets/data types needed to
      ## do sampling.
      data_args <- calculate_data_units(
                                        # why no specification of index_params here? Need?
                                        lcomp_params    = lcomp_params,
                                        agecomp_params  = agecomp_params,
                                        calcomp_params  = calcomp_params,
                                        mlacomp_params  = mlacomp_params,
                                        wtatage_params  = wtatage_params)

      # Start by clearing out the old data. Important so that extra data
      # doesn't trip up change_data:
      datfile.modified <- clean_data(dat_list = datfile.orig,
        index_params = index_params, verbose = FALSE) # why only index_params called here?

      # check qs are correct.
      qpars_OM <- r4ss::SS_parlines(file.path(sc,i, "om", "om.ctl"))
      qpars_OM <- qpars_OM[grep("^LnQ", qpars_OM$Label), ]
      qinOM <- utils::type.convert(gsub("[a-zA-Z\\(\\)_]", "", qpars_OM$Label))
      #TODO: can get rid of this check if it is done earlier on the original
      # EM and OM files read in.
      if (any(!(index_params$fleets %in% qinOM))) {
        stop("There are user-selected fleets with indices that do not have q ",
             "parameters specified in the OM. User selected fleets: ",
             paste(index_params$fleets, collapse = ", "),
             "; fleets with q in OM control file: ", paste(qinOM, collapse = ", "),
             ". Please make sure your OM control file includes q parameters ",
             "for every fleet that may have an index."
      # Remove q setup lines and parlines for fleets that aren't being used as
      # an index of abundance. TODO: perhaps make into a function?
      remove_fleetnames <- datfile.orig$fleetnames[-index_params$fleets]
      # get list of remove_fleetnames
      # first param is fleetnames to remove

      if(length(remove_fleetnames) > 0) {
        tmp_ctl <- readLines(file.path(sc,i, "om", "om.ctl"))
        for(n in remove_fleetnames) {
          tmp_ctl <- remove_q_ctl(n, ctl.in = tmp_ctl, filename = FALSE,
                              ctl.out = NULL)
        # write here rather than in function to reduce number of times writing
        # to file.
        writeLines(tmp_ctl, file.path(sc,i, "om", "om.ctl"))

      data_params <- add_nulls(data_params, c("age_bins", "len_bins",
        "pop_binwidth", "pop_minimum_size", "pop_maximum_size",
        "tail_compression", "lcomp_constant"))

      # Note some are data_args and some are data_params:
      change_data(dat_list         = datfile.modified,
                  outfile          = file.path(sc, i, "om", "ss3.dat"),
                  fleets           = data_args$fleets,
                  years            = data_args$years,
                  types            = data_args$types,
                  age_bins         = data_params$age_bins,
                  len_bins         = data_params$len_bins,
                  pop_binwidth     = data_params$pop_binwidth,
                  pop_minimum_size = data_params$pop_minimum_size,
                  pop_maximum_size = data_params$pop_maximum_size,
                  tail_compression = data_params$tail_compression,
                  lcomp_constant   = data_params$lcomp_constant,
                  nsex = datfile.orig$Ngenders)

      # Run the operating model and copy the dat file over
      run_ss3model(scenarios = sc, iterations = i, type = "om", ...)
      if(!file.exists(file.path(sc, i, "om", "data.ss_new")))
          stop("The data.ss_new not created in the OM run for ",
                     sc, "-",i, ": is something wrong with initial model files?")
      expdata <- r4ss::SS_readdat(file.path(sc, i, "om", "data.ss_new"),
        section = 2, verbose = FALSE)
      #TODO: rather than write expdata to file: dat_list <- expdata; rm(expdata)
      r4ss::SS_writedat(expdata, file.path(sc, i, "em", "ss3.dat"),
        overwrite = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
      # Sample from the OM -----------------------------------------------------
      ## Read in the datfile once and manipulate as a list object, then
      ## write it back to file at the end, before running the EM.
      # todo: use expdata rather than reading in the file again
      dat_list <- SS_readdat(file.path(sc, i, "em", "ss3.dat"),
                             version = NULL, verbose = FALSE)
      ## Survey biomass index
      index_params <- add_nulls(index_params, c("fleets", "years", "sds_obs"))

      dat_list <- with(index_params,
        sample_index(dat_list        = dat_list,
                     outfile         = NULL,
                     fleets          = fleets,
                     years           = years,
                     sds_obs         = sds_obs))

      ## Add error in the length comp data
          lcomp_params <- add_nulls(lcomp_params,
                     c("fleets", "Nsamp", "years", "cpar", "ESS"))
          dat_list <- with(lcomp_params,
               sample_lcomp(dat_list         = dat_list,
                            outfile          = NULL,
                            fleets           = fleets,
                            Nsamp            = Nsamp,
                            years            = years,
                            cpar             = cpar,
                            ESS              = ESS))

      ## Add error in the age comp data. Need to do this last since other
      ## sampling functions rely on the age data. Also, if user doesn't
      ## call this function we need to delete the data
          agecomp_params <- add_nulls(agecomp_params,
                       c("fleets", "Nsamp", "years", "cpar", "ESS"))
          dat_list <- with(agecomp_params,
                          sample_agecomp(dat_list       = dat_list,
                                         outfile        = NULL,
                                         fleets         = fleets,
                                         Nsamp          = Nsamp,
                                         years          = years,
                                         cpar           = cpar,
                                         ESS            = ESS))

      ## Add error in the empirical weight-at-age comp data. Note that if
      ## arguments are passed to this function it's functionality is turned
      ## on by setting the wtatage switch to 1. If it's off SS will just
      ## ignore the wtatage.dat file so no need to turn it "off" like the
      ## other data.
      #TODO: check below section, as wtatage implementation has changed from 3.24
      # to 3.30.
          wtatage_params <-
              add_nulls(wtatage_params, c("fleets", "Nsamp", "years", "cv_wtatage"))
          ## A value of NULL for fleets signifies not to use this function,
          ## so exit early if this is the case.
              ## Make sure W@A option is turned on in the EM
              tmp_ctl <- readLines(file.path(sc,i,"em","em.ctl"))
              wtatage_line <- grep("0 means do not read wtatage.ss", tmp_ctl, fixed =TRUE)
              wtatage_option <- strsplit(tmp_ctl[wtatage_line], " ")[[1]]
              wtatage_option[1] <- 1
              tmp_ctl[wtatage_line] <- paste(wtatage_option, collapse = " ")
              writeLines(file.path(sc, i, "em", "em.ctl"))
              #sample wtatage.
                   sample_wtatage(wta_file_in = file.path(sc, i, "om", "wtatage.ss_new"),
                                  outfile     = file.path(sc, i, "em", "wtatage.ss"),
                                  dat_list    = dat_list,
                                  ctl_file_in = file.path(sc, i, "om", "control.ss_new"),
                                  fleets      = fleets,
                                  years       = years,
                                  cv_wtatage  = cv_wtatage))

      ## Add error in the mean length-at-age comp data. This sampling
      ## function needs full age data so needs to be done before that
      ## sampling function is called. Also, if this function isn't called
      ## we need to delete that data, so I'm doing that based on whether it
      ## is NULL, so it always needs to be called.
          mlacomp_params <- add_nulls(mlacomp_params, c("fleets", "Nsamp", "years", "mean_outfile"))
          dat_list <- with(mlacomp_params,
                          sample_mlacomp(dat_list       = dat_list,
                                         outfile        = NULL,
                                         ctl_file_in    = file.path(sc, i, "om", "control.ss_new"),
                                         fleets         = fleets,
                                         Nsamp          = Nsamp,
                                         years          = years,
                                         mean_outfile   = file.path(sc, i, "em",
                                                                 paste0(mean_outfile, ".csv"))))

      ## Add error in the conditional age at length comp data. The
      ## cal data are independent of the agecomp data for this
      ## package. Thus the sampling of agecomps has no influence on the
      ## calcomp data and vice versa.
      #TODO: is there a more realistic way to implement?
        #this stop message can be removed once conditional age at length implemented
        stop("Conditional age at length (CAL) is not yet implemented, please only ",
             "use models and scenarios without CAL.")
          calcomp_params <- add_nulls(calcomp_params, c("fleets", "years", "Nsamp"))
          dat_list <- with(calcomp_params,
                          sample_calcomp(dat_list         = dat_list,
                                         outfile          = NULL,
                                         fleets           = fleets,
                                         years            = years,
                                         Nsamp            = Nsamp))

      ## End of manipulating the data file, so clean it and write it
      dat_list <- clean_data(dat_list      = dat_list,
                            index_params   = index_params,
                            lcomp_params   = lcomp_params,
                            agecomp_params = agecomp_params,
                            calcomp_params = calcomp_params,
                            mlacomp_params = mlacomp_params,
                            verbose        = FALSE)

      # Make EM as specified by user -------------------------------------------

      ## Manipulate EM starter file for a possible retrospective analysis
      if(!is.null(retro_params)) {
        retro_params <- add_nulls(retro_params, "retro_yr")
             change_retro(str_file_in    = file.path(sc, i, "em", "starter.ss"),
                          str_file_out   = file.path(sc, i, "em", "starter.ss"),
                          retro_yr        = retro_yr))

	    ## Now change the binning structure in the EM ss3.dat file as needed
      if (!is.null(em_binning_params$lbin_method)) {
          em_binning_params <- add_nulls(em_binning_params,
            c("lbin_method", "bin_vector", "pop_binwidth",
              "pop_minimum_size", "pop_maximum_size"))
          dat_list <- change_em_binning(
              dat_list         = dat_list,
              outfile          = NULL,
              bin_vector       = em_binning_params$bin_vector,
              lbin_method      = em_binning_params$lbin_method,
              pop_binwidth     = em_binning_params$pop_binwidth,
              pop_minimum_size = em_binning_params$pop_minimum_size,
              pop_maximum_size = em_binning_params$pop_maximum_size)

      # Manipulate EM control file to adjust what gets estimated

      if(!is.null(estim_params)) {
        wd <- getwd()
        setwd(file.path(sc, i, "em"))
        estim_params <- add_nulls(estim_params,
          c("natM_type", "natM_n_breakpoints", "natM_lorenzen", "natM_val",
            "par_name", "par_int", "par_phase", "forecast_num"))
        dat_list <- with(estim_params,
         change_e(ctl_file_in          = "em.ctl",
                  ctl_file_out         = "em.ctl",
                  dat_list             = dat_list,
                  for_file_in          = "forecast.ss",
                  natM_type            = natM_type,
                  natM_n_breakpoints   = natM_n_breakpoints,
                  natM_lorenzen        = natM_lorenzen,
                  natM_val             = natM_val,
                  par_name             = par_name,
                  par_int              = par_int,
                  par_phase            = par_phase,
                  forecast_num         = forecast_num))

      #TODO: Perhaps removing the q could be moved to change_e, because
      # it is changing something in the estimation model?
      qpars <- r4ss::SS_parlines(file.path(sc, i, "em", "em.ctl"))
      qpars <- qpars[grep("^LnQ", qpars$Label), ]
      qinmodel <- utils::type.convert(gsub("[a-zA-Z\\(\\)_]", "", qpars$Label))
      for (irem in qinmodel) {
        if (irem %in% unique(datfile.modified$CPUE$index)) next
            ctl.in = file.path(sc, i, "em", "em.ctl"),
            ctl.out = file.path(sc, i, "em", "em.ctl"),
            overwrite = TRUE)
      #TODO: can get rid of this check if it is done earlier on the original
      # EM and OM files read in.
      if (any(!unique(datfile.modified$CPUE$index) %in% qinmodel)) {
        stop("Add q parameters to your EM for all fleets with an index.")

      ss_version <- get_ss_ver_dl(dat_list)
      SS_writedat(datlist = dat_list, outfile = file.path(sc, i, "em", "ss3.dat"),
        version = ss_version, overwrite = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
      # Run the EM -------------------------------------------------------------
      run_ss3model(scenarios = sc, iterations = i, type = "em",
        hess = ifelse(bias_adjust, TRUE, hess_always), ...)

      if(bias_adjust) {
        #todo: save the pre-bias adjustment output as
        # files with different names or in a subfolder
        file.copy(file.path(sc, i, "em", "em.ctl"),
          file.path(sc, i, "em", "em_beforebias.ctl"))
        biasoutput <- r4ss::SS_output(file.path(sc, i, "em"),
          repfile = "Report.sso", compfile = "none", covarfile = "covar.sso",
          forecast = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, printstats = FALSE,
          NoCompOK = TRUE)
        ramp <- r4ss::SS_fitbiasramp(replist = biasoutput,
          verbose = FALSE, plot = FALSE, print = TRUE,
          shownew = FALSE,
          oldctl = file.path(sc, i, "em", "em.ctl"),
          newctl = file.path(sc, i, "em", "em.ctl"))
# Write log file ---------------------------------------------------------------
# TODO pull the log file writing into a separate function and update
# for current arguments
      if(print_logfile) {
        today <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d")
        me <- Sys.info()["nodename"]
        sink(file.path(sc, i, "log.txt"))
        cat("These models were run on ", today,
            "\non the computer ", me,
            "\nin the folder ", getwd(),
            "\nwith the following arguments:", sep = "")
        cat("\n\n# change_tv arguments\n")
        cat("\n\n# change_f arguments\n")
        cat("\n\n# sample_index arguments\n")
        cat("\n\n# sample_lcomp arguments\n")
        cat("\n\n# sample_agecomp arguments\n")
        cat("\n\n# sample_calcomp arguments\n")
        cat("\n\n# sample_wtatage arguments\n")
        cat("\n\n# sample_mlacomp arguments\n")
        cat("\n\n# tail compression arguments\n")
        cat("\n\n# change_em_lbin_params arguments\n")
        cat("\n\n# change_data arguments\n")
        cat("\n\n# chante_retro arguments\n")
        cat("\n\n# bias adjust?\n")
        cat("\n\n# hess always?\n")
        cat("\n\n# User recdevs?\n")
        cat("\n\n# This run used the recruitment deviations (before scaling to sigma r):\n")
        cat("\n\n# With sigma r of\n")


      file.remove(file.path(sc, i, fake_dat))
      #  Pause to reduce average CPUE use?

    } # end iterations
  } # end scenarios

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ss3sim documentation built on Nov. 9, 2019, 1:06 a.m.