
# Plot the empirical distribution function of a sample from U(0,1)
# together with a confidence band of the corresponding K-S-test.
# Copyright (C) 2012 Michael Hoehle and Sebastian Meyer
# This file is part of the R package "surveillance",
# free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2,
# a copy of which is available at https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/.
# Parts of the 'ks.plot.unif' code are taken from R's ks.test.R source file
# with Copyright (C) 1995-2022 The R Core Team
# under GPL-2 (or later).
# Parameters:
#    U - numeric vector containing the sample (NA's are silently removed)
#    conf.level - confindence level for the K-S-test,
#                 can also be a vector of multiple levels
#    exact - see ks.test
#    col.conf - colour of the confidence band
#    col.ref - colour of the reference line

ks.plot.unif <- function (U, conf.level = 0.95, exact = NULL,
    col.conf = "gray", col.ref = "gray",
    xlab = expression(u[(i)]), ylab = "Cumulative distribution")
    stopifnot(is.vector(U, mode="numeric"))
    U <- U[!is.na(U)]
    n <- length(U)
    if(n < 1L) stop("empty sample")
    if (anyDuplicated(U)) {
        warning("ties should not be present for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test")
        TIES <- TRUE
    if (is.null(exact)) exact <- (n < 100) && !TIES

    ## Helper function to invert the K-S test. The function
    ## pKolmogorov2x is the CDF of the Kolmogorov test statistic (x).
    f <- if (exact) {
        function (x, p) {
            PVAL <- 1 - .Call(C_pKolmogorov2x, x, n)
            PVAL - p
    } else {
        function (x, p) {
            PVAL <- if (x == 0) 1 else 1 - .Call(C_pKS2, sqrt(n) * x, tol = 1e-6)
            PVAL - p

    ## Test inversion
    Dconf <- sapply(conf.level, function (level) {
        uniroot(f, lower=0, upper=1, p=1-level)$root

    ## Small helper function to draw a line
    myabline <- function (a, b, x.grid = seq(0,1,length.out=101), ...) {
        lines(x.grid, a + b * x.grid, ...)

    ## Figure 10 in Ogata (1988)
    plot(c(0,1), c(0,1), type="n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab)
    myabline(a=0, b=1, col=col.ref, lwd=2)
    lines(ecdf(U), verticals=TRUE, do.points=FALSE)
    sapply(Dconf, function (D) {
    	myabline(a=D, b=1, col=col.conf, lty=2)
        myabline(a=-D, b=1, col=col.conf, lty=2)
    #legend(x="topleft", col=col.conf, lty=2,
    #       legend=paste(100*conf.level,"% KS error bounds", sep=""))


# Check the residual process of fitted twinstim or twinSIR
# using ks.plot.unif on 1-exp(-diff(tau))
# and a scatterplot of u_i vs. u_{i+1} to inspect serial correlation
# Parameters:
#  object - a fitted twinSIR or twinstim model
# Draws the ECDF of the transformed residuals together with backtransformed
# 95% Kolmogorov-Smirnov error bounds.

checkResidualProcess <- function (object, plot = 1:2, mfrow = c(1,length(plot)),
    stopifnot(inherits(object, c("twinSIR", "twinstim", "simEpidataCS")))

    ## check plot argument
    if (is.logical(plot)) plot <- which(rep(plot, length.out = 2)) else {
        stopifnot(is.vector(plot, mode="numeric"), plot %in% 1:2)

    ## extract residual process
    tau <- do.call("residuals", args = list(substitute(object)),
                   envir = parent.frame())

    ## Transform to uniform variable
    Y <- diff(c(0,tau))
    U <- 1 - exp(-Y)

    ## Calculate KS test
    ks <- ks.test(U, "punif", alternative = "two.sided",
                  exact = match.call()[["exact"]])

    ## return value
    ret <- list(tau=tau, U=U, ks=ks)

    ## 2 types of plots
    plotcalls <- alist(
                 ## Investigate uniform distribution of U
                 ks.plot.unif(U, ...),
                 ## Investigate serial correlation between U_t and U_{t+1} which
                 ## corresponds to Figure 11 in Ogata (1988)
                 plot(tail(U,n=-1), head(U,n=-1),
                      xlab=expression(u[i]), ylab=expression(u[i+1]))

    ## eval selected plot calls
    if (length(plot) > 0L) {
        opar <- par(mfrow = mfrow); on.exit(par(opar))
        for (i in plot) eval(plotcalls[[i]])
    } else {

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