# Automatically generated from the noweb directory
#tt <- function(x) x
coxph <- function(formula, data, weights, subset, na.action,
init, control, ties= c("efron", "breslow", "exact"),
singular.ok =TRUE, robust,
model=FALSE, x=FALSE, y=TRUE, tt, method=ties,
id, cluster, istate, statedata, nocenter=c(-1, 0, 1), ...) {
missing.ties <- missing(ties) & missing(method) #see later multistate sect
ties <- match.arg(ties)
Call <-
## We want to pass any ... args to coxph.control, but not pass things
## like "dats=mydata" where someone just made a typo. The use of ...
## is simply to allow things like "eps=1e6" with easier typing
extraArgs <- list(...)
if (length(extraArgs)) {
controlargs <- names(formals(coxph.control)) #legal arg names
indx <- pmatch(names(extraArgs), controlargs, nomatch=0L)
if (any(indx==0L))
stop(gettextf("Argument %s not matched",
names(extraArgs)[indx==0L]), domain = NA)
if (missing(control)) control <- coxph.control(...)
# Move any cluster() term out of the formula, and make it an argument
# instead. This makes everything easier. But, I can only do that with
# a local copy, doing otherwise messes up future use of update() on
# the model object for a user stuck in "+ cluster()" mode.
if (missing(formula)) stop("a formula argument is required")
ss <- "cluster"
if (is.list(formula))
Terms <- if (missing(data)) terms(formula[[1]], specials=ss) else
terms(formula[[1]], specials=ss, data=data)
else Terms <- if (missing(data)) terms(formula, specials=ss) else
terms(formula, specials=ss, data=data)
tcl <- attr(Terms, 'specials')$cluster
if (length(tcl) > 1) stop("a formula cannot have multiple cluster terms")
if (length(tcl) > 0) { # there is one
factors <- attr(Terms, 'factors')
if (any(factors[tcl,] >1)) stop("cluster() cannot be in an interaction")
if (attr(Terms, "response") ==0)
stop("formula must have a Surv response")
if (is.null(Call$cluster))
Call$cluster <- attr(Terms, "variables")[[1+tcl]][[2]]
else warning("cluster appears both in a formula and as an argument, formula term ignored")
# [.terms is broken at least through R 4.1; use our
# local drop.special() function instead.
Terms <- drop.special(Terms, tcl)
formula <- Call$formula <- formula(Terms)
# create a call to model.frame() that contains the formula (required)
# and any other of the relevant optional arguments
# but don't evaluate it just yet
indx <- match(c("formula", "data", "weights", "subset", "na.action",
"cluster", "id", "istate"),
names(Call), nomatch=0)
if (indx[1] ==0) stop("A formula argument is required")
tform <- Call[c(1,indx)] # only keep the arguments we wanted
tform[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame) # change the function called
# if the formula is a list, do the first level of processing on it.
if (is.list(formula)) {
multiform <- TRUE
dformula <- formula[[1]] # the default formula for transitions
if (missing(statedata)) covlist <- parsecovar1(formula[-1])
else {
if (!inherits(statedata, "data.frame"))
stop("statedata must be a data frame")
if (is.null(statedata$state))
stop("statedata data frame must contain a 'state' variable")
covlist <- parsecovar1(formula[-1], names(statedata))
# create the master formula, used for model.frame
# the term.labels + reformulate + environment trio is used in [.terms;
# if it's good enough for base R it's good enough for me
tlab <- unlist(lapply(covlist$rhs, function(x)
attr(terms.formula(x$formula), "term.labels")))
tlab <- c(attr(terms.formula(dformula), "term.labels"), tlab)
newform <- reformulate(tlab, dformula[[2]])
environment(newform) <- environment(dformula)
formula <- newform
tform$na.action <- na.pass # defer any missing value work to later
else {
multiform <- FALSE # formula is not a list of expressions
covlist <- NULL
dformula <- formula
# add specials to the formula
special <- c("strata", "tt", "frailty", "ridge", "pspline")
tform$formula <- if(missing(data)) terms(formula, special) else
terms(formula, special, data=data)
# Make "tt" visible for coxph formulas, without making it visible elsewhere
if (!is.null(attr(tform$formula, "specials")$tt)) {
coxenv <- new.env(parent= environment(formula))
assign("tt", function(x) x, envir=coxenv)
environment(tform$formula) <- coxenv
# okay, now evaluate the formula
mf <- eval(tform, parent.frame())
Terms <- terms(mf)
# Grab the response variable, and deal with Surv2 objects
n <- nrow(mf)
Y <- model.response(mf)
isSurv2 <- inherits(Y, "Surv2")
if (isSurv2) {
# this is Surv2 style data
# if there were any obs removed due to missing, remake the model frame
if (length(attr(mf, "na.action"))) {
tform$na.action <- na.pass
mf <- eval.parent(tform)
if (!is.null(attr(Terms, "specials")$cluster))
stop("cluster() cannot appear in the model statement")
new <- surv2data(mf)
mf <- new$mf
istate <- new$istate
id <- new$id
Y <- new$y
n <- nrow(mf)
else {
if (!is.Surv(Y)) stop("Response must be a survival object")
id <- model.extract(mf, "id")
istate <- model.extract(mf, "istate")
if (n==0) stop("No (non-missing) observations")
if (length(id) >0) <- length(unique(id))
type <- attr(Y, "type")
multi <- FALSE
if (type=="mright" || type == "mcounting") multi <- TRUE
else if (type!='right' && type!='counting')
stop(paste("Cox model doesn't support \"", type,
"\" survival data", sep=''))
data.n <- nrow(Y) #remember this before any time transforms
if (!multi && multiform)
stop("formula is a list but the response is not multi-state")
if (multi) {
if (length(attr(Terms, "specials")$frailty) >0)
stop("multi-state models do not currently support frailty terms")
if (length(attr(Terms, "specials")$pspline) >0)
stop("multi-state models do not currently support pspline terms")
if (length(attr(Terms, "specials")$ridge) >0)
stop("multi-state models do not currently support ridge penalties")
if (!missing.ties) method <- ties <- "breslow"
if (control$timefix) Y <- aeqSurv(Y)
if (length(attr(Terms, 'variables')) > 2) { # a ~1 formula has length 2
ytemp <- innerterms(formula[1:2])
suppressWarnings(z <- as.numeric(ytemp)) # are any of the elements numeric?
ytemp <- ytemp[] # toss numerics, e.g. Surv(t, 1-s)
xtemp <- innerterms(formula[-2])
if (any(!, ytemp))))
warning("a variable appears on both the left and right sides of the formula")
# The time transform will expand the data frame mf. To do this
# it needs Y and the strata. Everything else (cluster, offset, weights)
# should be extracted after the transform
strats <- attr(Terms, "specials")$strata
hasinteractions <- FALSE
dropterms <- NULL
if (length(strats)) {
stemp <- untangle.specials(Terms, 'strata', 1)
if (length(stemp$vars)==1) strata.keep <- mf[[stemp$vars]]
else strata.keep <- strata(mf[,stemp$vars], shortlabel=TRUE)
istrat <- as.integer(strata.keep)
for (i in stemp$vars) { #multiple strata terms are allowed
# The factors attr has one row for each variable in the frame, one
# col for each term in the model. Pick rows for each strata
# var, and find if it participates in any interactions.
if (any(attr(Terms, 'order')[attr(Terms, "factors")[i,] >0] >1))
hasinteractions <- TRUE
if (!hasinteractions) dropterms <- stemp$terms
} else istrat <- NULL
if (hasinteractions && multi)
stop("multi-state coxph does not support strata*covariate interactions")
timetrans <- attr(Terms, "specials")$tt
if (missing(tt)) tt <- NULL
if (length(timetrans)) {
if (multi || isSurv2) stop("the tt() transform is not implemented for multi-state or Surv2 models")
# begin tt() preprocessing
timetrans <- untangle.specials(Terms, 'tt')
ntrans <- length(timetrans$terms)
if (is.null(tt)) {
tt <- function(x, time, riskset, weights){ #default to O'Brien's logit rank
obrien <- function(x) {
r <- rank(x)
unlist(tapply(x, riskset, obrien))
if (is.function(tt)) tt <- list(tt) #single function becomes a list
if (is.list(tt)) {
if (any(!sapply(tt, is.function)))
stop("The tt argument must contain function or list of functions")
if (length(tt) != ntrans) {
if (length(tt) ==1) {
temp <- vector("list", ntrans)
for (i in 1:ntrans) temp[[i]] <- tt[[1]]
tt <- temp
else stop("Wrong length for tt argument")
else stop("The tt argument must contain a function or list of functions")
if (ncol(Y)==2) {
if (length(strats)==0) {
sorted <- order(-Y[,1], Y[,2])
newstrat <-, nrow(Y))
newstrat[1] <- 1L
else {
sorted <- order(istrat, -Y[,1], Y[,2])
#newstrat marks the first obs of each strata
newstrat <- as.integer(c(1, 1*(diff(istrat[sorted])!=0)))
if (storage.mode(Y) != "double") storage.mode(Y) <- "double"
counts <- .Call(Ccoxcount1, Y[sorted,],
tindex <- sorted[counts$index]
else {
if (length(strats)==0) {
sort.end <- order(-Y[,2], Y[,3])
sort.start<- order(-Y[,1])
newstrat <- c(1L, rep(0, nrow(Y) -1))
else {
sort.end <- order(istrat, -Y[,2], Y[,3])
sort.start<- order(istrat, -Y[,1])
newstrat <- c(1L, as.integer(diff(istrat[sort.end])!=0))
if (storage.mode(Y) != "double") storage.mode(Y) <- "double"
counts <- .Call(Ccoxcount2, Y,
as.integer(sort.start -1L),
as.integer(sort.end -1L),
tindex <- counts$index
Y <- Surv(rep(counts$time, counts$nrisk), counts$status)
type <- 'right' # new Y is right censored, even if the old was (start, stop]
mf <- mf[tindex,]
istrat <- rep(1:length(counts$nrisk), counts$nrisk)
weights <- model.weights(mf)
if (!is.null(weights) && any(!is.finite(weights)))
stop("weights must be finite")
id <- model.extract(mf, "id") # update the id and/or cluster, if present
cluster <- model.extract(mf, "cluster")
tcall <- attr(Terms, 'variables')[timetrans$terms+2]
pvars <- attr(Terms, 'predvars')
pmethod <- sub("makepredictcall.", "", as.vector(methods("makepredictcall")))
for (i in 1:ntrans) {
newtt <- (tt[[i]])(mf[[timetrans$var[i]]], Y[,1], istrat, weights)
mf[[timetrans$var[i]]] <- newtt
nclass <- class(newtt)
if (any(nclass %in% pmethod)) { # It has a makepredictcall method
dummy <-[1]), tcall[[i]][[2]]))
ptemp <- makepredictcall(newtt, dummy)
pvars[[timetrans$terms[i]+2]] <- ptemp
attr(Terms, "predvars") <- pvars
# end tt() preprocessing
xlevels <- .getXlevels(Terms, mf)
# grab the cluster, if present. Using cluster() in a formula is no
# longer encouraged
cluster <- model.extract(mf, "cluster")
weights <- model.weights(mf)
# The user can call with cluster, id, robust, or any combination
# Default for robust: if cluster or any id with > 1 event or
# any weights that are not 0 or 1, then TRUE
# If only id, treat it as the cluster too
has.cluster <- !(missing(cluster) || length(cluster)==0) <- !(missing(id) || length(id)==0)
has.rwt<- (!is.null(weights) && any(weights != floor(weights)))
#has.rwt<- FALSE # we are rethinking this
has.robust <- (!missing(robust) && !is.null(robust)) # arg present
if ( id <- as.factor(id)
if (missing(robust) || is.null(robust)) {
if (has.cluster || has.rwt ||
( && (multi || anyDuplicated(id[Y[,ncol(Y)]==1]))))
robust <- TRUE else robust <- FALSE
if (!is.logical(robust)) stop("robust must be TRUE/FALSE")
if (has.cluster) {
if (!robust) {
warning("cluster specified with robust=FALSE, cluster ignored")
ncluster <- 0
clname <- NULL
else {
if (is.factor(cluster)) {
clname <- levels(cluster)
cluster <- as.integer(cluster)
} else {
clname <- sort(unique(cluster))
cluster <- match(cluster, clname)
ncluster <- length(clname)
} else {
if (robust && {
# treat the id as both identifier and clustering
clname <- levels(id)
cluster <- as.integer(id)
ncluster <- length(clname)
else {
ncluster <- 0 # has neither
# if the user said "robust", (time1,time2) data, and no cluster or
# id, complain about it
if (robust && is.null(cluster)) {
if (ncol(Y) ==2 || !has.robust) cluster <-, nrow(mf))
else stop("one of cluster or id is needed")
contrast.arg <- NULL #due to shared code with model.matrix.coxph
attr(Terms, "intercept") <- 1 # always have a baseline hazard
if (multi) {
# check for consistency of the states, and create a transition
# matrix
if (length(id)==0)
stop("an id statement is required for multi-state models")
mcheck <- survcheck2(Y, id, istate)
# error messages here
if (mcheck$flag["overlap"] > 0)
stop("data set has overlapping intervals for one or more subjects")
transitions <- mcheck$transitions
istate <- mcheck$istate
states <- mcheck$states
# build tmap, which has one row per term, one column per transition
if (missing(statedata))
covlist2 <- parsecovar2(covlist, NULL, dformula= dformula,
Terms, transitions, states)
else covlist2 <- parsecovar2(covlist, statedata, dformula= dformula,
Terms, transitions, states)
tmap <- covlist2$tmap
if (!is.null(covlist)) {
# first vector will be true if there is at least 1 transition for which all
# covariates are present, second if there is at least 1 for which some are not
good.tran <- bad.tran <- rep(FALSE, nrow(Y))
# We don't need to check interaction terms
termname <- rownames(attr(Terms, 'factors'))
trow <- (!, termname)))
# create a missing indicator for each term
termiss <- matrix(0L, nrow(mf), ncol(mf))
for (i in 1:ncol(mf)) {
xx <-[[i]])
if (is.matrix(xx)) termiss[,i] <- apply(xx, 1, any)
else termiss[,i] <- xx
for (i in levels(istate)) {
rindex <- which(istate ==i)
j <- which(covlist2$mapid[,1] == match(i, states)) #possible transitions
for (jcol in j) {
k <- which(trow & tmap[,jcol] > 0) # the terms involved in that
bad.tran[rindex] <- (bad.tran[rindex] |
apply(termiss[rindex, k, drop=FALSE], 1, any))
good.tran[rindex] <- (good.tran[rindex] |
apply(!termiss[rindex, k, drop=FALSE], 1, all))
n.partially.used <- sum(good.tran & bad.tran & !
omit <- (!good.tran & bad.tran) |
if (all(omit)) stop("all observations deleted due to missing values")
temp <- setNames(seq(omit)[omit], attr(mf, "row.names")[omit])
attr(temp, "class") <- "omit"
mf <- mf[!omit,, drop=FALSE]
attr(mf, "na.action") <- temp
Y <- Y[!omit]
id <- id[!omit]
if (length(istate)) istate <- istate[!omit] # istate can be NULL
if (length(dropterms)) {
Terms2 <- Terms[-dropterms]
X <- model.matrix(Terms2, mf, constrasts.arg=contrast.arg)
# we want to number the terms wrt the original model matrix
temp <- attr(X, "assign")
shift <- sort(dropterms)
for (i in seq(along.with=shift))
temp <- temp + 1*(shift[i] <= temp)
attr(X, "assign") <- temp
else X <- model.matrix(Terms, mf, contrasts.arg=contrast.arg)
# drop the intercept after the fact, and also drop strata if necessary
Xatt <- attributes(X)
if (hasinteractions) adrop <- c(0, untangle.specials(Terms, "strata")$terms)
else adrop <- 0
xdrop <- Xatt$assign %in% adrop #columns to drop (always the intercept)
X <- X[, !xdrop, drop=FALSE]
attr(X, "assign") <- Xatt$assign[!xdrop]
attr(X, "contrasts") <- Xatt$contrasts
offset <- model.offset(mf)
if (is.null(offset) || all(offset==0)) {
offset <- rep(0., nrow(mf))
meanoffset <- 0
} else if (any(!is.finite(offset) | !is.finite(exp(offset))))
stop("offsets must lead to a finite risk score")
else {
meanoffset <- mean(offset)
offset <- offset - meanoffset # this can help stability of exp()
weights <- model.weights(mf)
if (!is.null(weights) && any(!is.finite(weights)))
stop("weights must be finite")
assign <- attrassign(X, Terms) <- attr(X, "contrasts")
if (sum(Y[, ncol(Y)]) == 0) {
# No events in the data!
ncoef <- ncol(X)
ctemp <- rep(NA, ncoef)
names(ctemp) <- colnames(X)
concordance= c(concordant=0, discordant=0, tied.x=0, tied.y=0, tied.xy=0,
concordance=NA, std=NA, timefix=FALSE)
rval <- list(coefficients= ctemp,
var = matrix(0.0, ncoef, ncoef),
score =0,
iter =0,
linear.predictors = offset,
residuals = rep(0.0, data.n),
means = colMeans(X), method=method,
n = data.n, nevent=0, terms=Terms, assign=assign,
concordance=concordance, wald.test=0.0,
y = Y, call=Call)
class(rval) <- "coxph"
if (multi) {
if (length(strats) >0) {
# tmap starts with a "(Baseline)" row, which we want
# strats is indexed off the data frame, which includes the response, so
# turns out to be correct for the remaining rows of tmap
smap <- tmap[c(1L, strats),]
smap[-1,] <- ifelse(smap[-1,] >0, 1L, 0L)
if (nrow(smap) > 2) {
# multi state with more than 1 strata statement -- really unusual
temp <- smap[-1,]
if (!all(apply(temp, 2, function(x) all(x==0) || all(x==1)))) {
# the hard case: some transitions use one strata variable, some
# transitions use another. We need to keep them separate
strata.keep <- mf[,strats] # this will be a data frame
istrat <- sapply(strata.keep, as.numeric)
else smap <- tmap[1,,drop=FALSE]
cmap <- parsecovar3(tmap, colnames(X), attr(X, "assign"), covlist2$phbaseline)
xstack <- stacker(cmap, smap, as.integer(istate), X, Y, strata=istrat,
rkeep <- unique(xstack$rindex)
transitions <- survcheck2(Y[rkeep,], id[rkeep], istate[rkeep])$transitions
Xsave <- X # the originals may be needed later
Ysave <- Y
X <- xstack$X
Y <- xstack$Y
istrat <- xstack$strata
if (length(offset)) offset <- offset[xstack$rindex]
if (length(weights)) weights <- weights[xstack$rindex]
if (length(cluster)) cluster <- cluster[xstack$rindex]
t2 <- tmap[-c(1, strats),,drop=FALSE] # remove the intercept row and strata rows
r2 <- row(t2)[!duplicated(as.vector(t2)) & t2 !=0]
c2 <- col(t2)[!duplicated(as.vector(t2)) & t2 !=0]
a2 <- lapply(seq(along.with=r2), function(i) {cmap[assign[[r2[i]]], c2[i]]})
# which elements are unique?
tab <- table(r2)
count <- tab[r2]
names(a2) <- ifelse(count==1, row.names(t2)[r2],
paste(row.names(t2)[r2], colnames(cmap)[c2], sep="_"))
assign <- a2
# infinite covariates are not screened out by the na.omit routines
# But this needs to be done after the multi-X part
if (!all(is.finite(X)))
stop("data contains an infinite predictor")
# init is checked after the final X matrix has been made
if (missing(init)) init <- NULL
else {
if (length(init) != ncol(X)) stop("wrong length for init argument")
temp <- X %*% init - sum(colMeans(X) * init) + offset
# it's okay to have a few underflows, but if all of them are too
# small we get all zeros
if (any(exp(temp) > .Machine$double.xmax) || all(exp(temp)==0))
stop("initial values lead to overflow or underflow of the exp function")
pterms <- sapply(mf, inherits, 'coxph.penalty')
if (any(pterms)) {
pattr <- lapply(mf[pterms], attributes)
pname <- names(pterms)[pterms]
# Check the order of any penalty terms
ord <- attr(Terms, "order")[match(pname, attr(Terms, 'term.labels'))]
if (any(ord>1)) stop ('Penalty terms cannot be in an interaction')
pcols <- assign[match(pname, names(assign))]
fit <-, Y, istrat, offset, init=init,
weights=weights, method=method,
row.names(mf), pcols, pattr, assign,
nocenter= nocenter)
else {
rname <- row.names(mf)
if (multi) rname <- rname[xstack$rindex]
if( method=="breslow" || method =="efron") {
if (grepl('right', type))
fit <-, Y, istrat, offset, init, control,
weights=weights, method=method,
rname, nocenter=nocenter)
else fit <-, Y, istrat, offset, init, control,
weights=weights, method=method,
rname, nocenter=nocenter)
else if (method=='exact') {
if (type== "right")
fit <-, Y, istrat, offset, init, control,
weights=weights, method=method,
rname, nocenter=nocenter)
else fit <-, Y, istrat, offset, init, control,
weights=weights, method=method,
rname, nocenter=nocenter)
else stop(paste ("Unknown method to ties", method))
if (is.character(fit)) {
fit <- list(fail=fit)
class(fit) <- 'coxph'
else {
if (!is.null(fit$coefficients) && any($coefficients))) {
vars <- (1:length(fit$coefficients))[$coefficients)]
msg <-paste("X matrix deemed to be singular; variable",
paste(vars, collapse=" "))
if (!singular.ok) stop(msg)
# else warning(msg) # stop being chatty
fit$n <- data.n
fit$nevent <- sum(Y[,ncol(Y)])
if (length(id)>0) fit$ <-
fit$terms <- Terms
fit$assign <- assign
class(fit) <- fit$class
fit$class <- NULL
# don't compute a robust variance if there are no coefficients
if (robust && !is.null(fit$coefficients) && !all($coefficients))) {
fit$naive.var <- fit$var
# a little sneaky here: by calling resid before adding the
# na.action method, I avoid having missings re-inserted
# I also make sure that it doesn't have to reconstruct X and Y
fit2 <- c(fit, list(x=X, y=Y, weights=weights))
if (length(istrat)) fit2$strata <- istrat
if (length(cluster)) {
temp <- residuals.coxph(fit2, type='dfbeta', collapse=cluster,
# get score for null model
if (is.null(init))
fit2$linear.predictors <- 0*fit$linear.predictors
else fit2$linear.predictors <- c(X %*% init)
temp0 <- residuals.coxph(fit2, type='score', collapse=cluster,
else {
temp <- residuals.coxph(fit2, type='dfbeta', weighted=TRUE)
fit2$linear.predictors <- 0*fit$linear.predictors
temp0 <- residuals.coxph(fit2, type='score', weighted=TRUE)
fit$var <- t(temp) %*% temp
u <- apply(as.matrix(temp0), 2, sum)
fit$rscore <- coxph.wtest(t(temp0)%*%temp0, u, control$toler.chol)$test
#Wald test
if (length(fit$coefficients) && is.null(fit$wald.test)) {
#not for intercept only models, or if test is already done
nabeta <- !$coefficients)
# The init vector might be longer than the betas, for a sparse term
if (is.null(init)) temp <- fit$coefficients[nabeta]
else temp <- (fit$coefficients -
fit$wald.test <- coxph.wtest(fit$var[nabeta,nabeta], temp,
# Concordance. Done here so that we can use cluster if it is present
# The returned value is a subset of the full result, partly because it
# is all we need, but more for backward compatability with
if (length(cluster))
temp <- concordancefit(Y, fit$linear.predictors, istrat, weights,
cluster=cluster, reverse=TRUE,
timefix= FALSE)
else temp <- concordancefit(Y, fit$linear.predictors, istrat, weights,
reverse=TRUE, timefix= FALSE)
if (is.matrix(temp$count))
fit$concordance <- c(colSums(temp$count), concordance=temp$concordance,
else fit$concordance <- c(temp$count, concordance=temp$concordance,
na.action <- attr(mf, "na.action")
if (length(na.action)) fit$na.action <- na.action
if (model) {
if (length(timetrans)) {
stop("'model=TRUE' not supported for models with tt terms")
fit$model <- mf
if (x) {
if (multi) fit$x <- Xsave else fit$x <- X
if (length(timetrans)) fit$strata <- istrat
else if (length(strats)) fit$strata <- strata.keep
if (y) {
if (multi) fit$y <- Ysave else fit$y <- Y
fit$timefix <- control$timefix # remember this option
if (!is.null(weights) && any(weights!=1)) fit$weights <- weights
if (multi) {
fit$transitions <- transitions
fit$states <- states
fit$cmap <- cmap
fit$smap <- smap # why not 'stratamap'? Confusion with fit$strata
nonzero <- which(colSums(cmap)!=0)
fit$rmap <- cbind(row=xstack$rindex, transition= nonzero[xstack$transition])
# add a suffix to each coefficent name. Those that map to multiple transitions
# get the first transition they map to
single <- apply(cmap, 1, function(x) all(x %in% c(0, max(x)))) #only 1 coef
cindx <- col(cmap)[match(1:length(fit$coefficients), cmap)]
rindx <- row(cmap)[match(1:length(fit$coefficients), cmap)]
suffix <- ifelse(single[rindx], "", paste0("_", colnames(cmap)[cindx]))
newname <- paste0(names(fit$coefficients), suffix)
if (any(covlist2$phbaseline > 0)) {
# for proportional baselines, use a better name
base <- colnames(tmap)[covlist2$phbaseline]
child <- colnames(tmap)[which(covlist2$phbaseline >0)]
indx <- 1 + length(newname) - length(base):1 # coefs are the last ones
newname[indx] <- paste0("ph(", child, "/", base, ")")
phrow <- apply(cmap, 1, function(x) all(x[x>0] %in% indx))
matcoef <- cmap[!phrow,,drop=FALSE ] # ph() terms exluded
else matcoef <- cmap
names(fit$coefficients) <- newname
if (FALSE) {
# an idea that was tried, then paused: make the linear predictors
# and residuals into matrices with one column per transition
matcoef[matcoef>0] <- fit$coefficients[matcoef]
temp <- Xsave %*% matcoef
colnames(temp) <- colnames(cmap)
fit$linear.predictors <- temp
temp <- matrix(0., nrow=nrow(Xsave), ncol=ncol(fit$cmap))
temp[cbind(xstack$rindex, xstack$transition)] <- fit$residuals
# if there are any transitions with no covariates, residuals have not
# yet been calculated for those.
if (any(colSums(cmap) ==0)) {
from.state <- as.numeric(sub(":.*$", "", colnames(cmap)))
to.state <- as.numeric(sub("^.*:", "", colnames(cmap)))
# warning("no covariate residuals not filled in")
fit$residuals <- temp
class(fit) <- c("coxphms", class(fit))
names(fit$means) <- names(fit$coefficients)
fit$formula <- formula(Terms)
if (length(xlevels) >0) fit$xlevels <- xlevels
fit$contrasts <-
if (meanoffset !=0) fit$linear.predictors <- fit$linear.predictors + meanoffset
if (x & any(offset !=0)) fit$offset <- offset
fit$call <- Call
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