## adds a grid behind the picture
.plotGrid <- function(grid, x.vec, y.vec, row.h, col.w, grid.col="#33333333", scale.min=NULL, scale.max=NULL, text.cex=1) {
if(grid == "none") {
Nr <- length(y.vec)
Nc <- length(x.vec)
if(grid == "at") {
segments(x.vec, y.vec[1] - row.h/2,
x.vec, y.vec[Nr] + row.h/2, col=grid.col )
segments(x.vec[1] - col.w/2, y.vec,
x.vec[Nc] + col.w/2, y.vec, col=grid.col )
if(grid == "between" || grid == "scale") {
x.vec <- x.vec - col.w / 2
x.vec2 <- c(x.vec, x.vec[Nc] + col.w)
y.vec <- y.vec - row.h/2
y.vec2 <- c(y.vec, y.vec[Nr] + row.h)
segments(x.vec2, y.vec2[1],
x.vec2, y.vec2[Nr+1], col=grid.col )
segments(x.vec2[1], y.vec2,
x.vec2[Nc+1], y.vec2, col=grid.col )
if(grid == "scale" && !(is.null(scale.min) || is.null(scale.max))) {
ticks <- axisTicks(c(scale.min, scale.max), log=F)
tick.height <- row.h / 5
n.t <- length(ticks)
x.vec3 <- rep(x.vec, each=n.t) + rep(0:(n.t-1), length(x.vec)) * col.w / (n.t - 1)
segments(x.vec3, y.vec2[1], x.vec3, y.vec2[Nr + 1], col="#33333333" )
segments(x.vec2, y.vec2[1], x.vec2, y.vec2[Nr+1], col="#333333cc" )
segments(x.vec2[1], y.vec2, x.vec2[Nc+1], y.vec2, col="#333333cc" )
labs <- as.character(c(scale.min, scale.max))
sw <- strwidth(labs, cex=text.cex)
for(i in 1:Nc) {
text(c(x.vec[i] + sw[1]/2, x.vec[i] + col.w - sw[2]/2), y.vec[1] - tick.height, labs, pos=1, cex=text.cex, col="#333333cc")
segments(x.vec3, y.vec[1], x.vec3, y.vec[1] - tick.height, col="#333333cc")
## return p value formatted for legend
.pformat <- function(p) {
pp <- 10^-p
if(pp < 0.001) {
if(pp < 0.01) {
return(sprintf("%.3f", pp))
return(sprintf("%.2f", pp))
## legend for the pvalEffectPlot
.pvalEffectPlotLegend <- function(
.draw.test, palfunc,
line.h, col.w, row.h,
min.e, max.e,
min.p, max.p,
) {
N <- 5
# broad: pvalue and effect size on one row
# tall: pvalue and effect size one above another <- switch(, broad=0.5, tall=0) <- switch(, broad=0, tall=line.h * 5 + row.h)
width <- switch(, broad=0.5, tall=1)
# labels
text(0, line.h * 2.5 + row.h, "Effect size:", adj=c(0, 0), cex=text.cex[3])
text(, + line.h * 2.5 + row.h, "P value:", adj=c(0, 0), cex=text.cex[3])
xc <- seq(col.w, width - col.w, length.out=N)
yc <- rep(line.h * 2 + row.h/2, N)
if(symmetrical) {
ev <- seq(-1, 1, length.out=N)
} else {
ev <- seq(0, 1, length.out=N)
ex <- rep(max.p, N)
# draw the figures for the effect size range (no color)
.draw.test(NULL, NULL, xc, yc, ev, mq=ex, color=NULL)
lab.y.pos <- line.h * 0.5
# smallest and highest effect size
text(xc[1], lab.y.pos, signif(min.e,2), adj=c(0.5, 0), cex=text.cex[3])
text(xc[5], lab.y.pos, signif(max.e,2), adj=c(0.5, 0), cex=text.cex[3])
# a range of significance thresholds
ex <- signif(seq(min.p, max.p, length.out=N),2)
col <- palfunc(1.1*ex)
# draw the figures for the p values (same size)
.draw.test(NULL, NULL, + xc, + yc, ev=rep(0.4, N), mq=1.1*ex, color=col)
for(i in 1:5) {
text( + xc[i], + lab.y.pos, .pformat(ex[i]), adj=c(0.5, 0), cex=text.cex[3])
## returns a function for mapping a value onto a color palette
.getColFunc <- function(min, max, end.col, null.col="#FFFFFF00", start.col="auto", mid.col=NULL, alpha="99", pal.l=12) {
if(start.col == "auto") {
ppp <- colorRampPalette(c("white", end.col))(10)
start.col <- ppp[3]
if(is.null(mid.col)) {
pal <- c( null.col, paste0(colorRampPalette(c(start.col, end.col))(pal.l), alpha))
pal <- c(pal, pal[length(pal)])
} else {
pal <- c( null.col, paste0(colorRampPalette(c(start.col, mid.col, end.col))(pal.l), alpha))
pal <- c(pal, pal[length(pal)])
iv <- seq(min, max, length.out=pal.l+1)
ret <- function(x) {
ind <- findInterval(x, iv, rightmost.closed=TRUE) + 1
#' Create an effect size / p-value plot
#' Create a heatmap-like plot showing information about both effect size
#' and p-values.
#' pvalEffectPlot shows a heatmap-like plot. Each row corresponds to one
#' series of tests (e.g. one module), and each column corresponds to the time points or conditions for which
#' a given analysis was run. Each significant result is shown as
#' a red dot. Size of the dot corresponds to the effect size (or any
#' arbitrary value), and intensity of the color corresponds to the log10 of
#' p-value.
#' Just like a heatmap corresponds to a single numeric matrix, the pvalue /
#' effect plot corresponds to two matrices: one with the effect size, and
#' another one with the p-values. Each cell in the matrix corresponds to the
#' results of a single statistical test.
#' For example, a number of genes or transcriptional modules might be tested
#' for differential expression or enrichment, respectively, in several conditions.
#' By default, each test outcome is represented by a dot of varying size
#' and color. Alternatively, a function may be specified with the parameter
#' 'plot.func'. It will be called for each test result to be drawn. The plot.func function must take the following arguments:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{row, col}{either row / column number or the id of the row / column to plot; NULL if drawing legend}
#' \item{x, y}{user coordinates of the result to visualize}
#' \item{w, h}{width and height of the item to plot}
#' \item{e}{Enrichment -- a relative value between 0 and 1, where 0 is the minimum and 1 is the maximum enrichment found}
#' \item{p}{P-value -- an absolute value between 0 and 1}
#' }
#' For the purposes of drawing a legend, the function must accept NULL
#' p-value or a NULL enrichment parameter.
#' @return Invisibly returns a NULL value.
#' @param e matrix with effect sizes
#' @param p matrix with probabilities
#' @param col.labels Labels for the columns. If NULL, names of the elements
#' of the list x will be used.
#' @param pval.thr The p-value must be this or lower in order for a test result to be visualized
#' @param pval.cutoff On visual scale, all p-values below pval.cutoff will be replaced by pval.cutoff
#' @param row.labels Labels for the modules. This must be a named vector, with module IDs as vector names. If NULL, module titles from
#' the analyses results will be used.
#' @param grid Style of a light-grey grid to be plotted; can be "none", "at" and "between"
#' @param grid.color Color of the grid to be plotted (default: light grey)
#' @param Style of column names: "top" (default), "bottom", "both", "none"
#' @param plot.cex a numerical value giving the amount by which the plot
#' symbols will be maginfied
#' @param text.cex a numerical value giving the amount by which the plot
#' text will be magnified, or a vector containing three cex values for row labels, column labels and legend, respectively
#' @param plot.func Optionally, a function to be used to draw the dots. See "Details"
#' @param Style of the legend: "auto" -- automatic; "broad":
#' pval legend side by side with effect size legend; "tall": effect size
#' legend above pval legend; "none" -- no legend.
#' @param min.e,max.e scale limits for the effect size
#' @param symmetrical effect sizes are distributed symmetrically around 0 (default: FALSE)
#' @import grDevices
#' @import graphics
#' @import plotwidgets
#' @export
pvalEffectPlot <- function(e, p,
pval.thr=0.01, pval.cutoff=1e-6,
row.labels=NULL, col.labels=NULL,
grid="at", grid.color="#33333333",
plot.cex=1, text.cex=1,"top",
min.e=NULL,max.e=NULL) {
# ---------------------------------------
# initializations
grid <- match.arg(grid, c("none", "at", "between", "scale"))
me <- e ; mq <- -log10(p)
Nc <- ncol(me) ; Nr <- nrow(me)
if(Nc == 0 || Nr == 0) stop(sprintf("Nothing to plot (%d cols, %d rows)", Nc, Nr))
min.p <- -log10(pval.thr)
max.p <- -log10(pval.cutoff)
if(is.null(min.e)) { min.e <- min(me) }
if(is.null(max.e)) { max.e <- max(me) }
if(is.null(row.labels) || length(row.labels) != Nr) row.labels <- 1:Nr
if(is.null(col.labels) || length(col.labels) != Nc) col.labels <- 1:Nc <- match.arg(, c( "top", "bottom", "both", "none" ) )
if(length(text.cex) == 1) text.cex <- rep(text.cex, 3)
else if(length(text.cex) != 3) stop("Incorrect text.cex parameter: it should be either one or three numbers" )
# -----------------------------------------
# Legend style and parameters <- match.arg(, c("auto", "tall", "broad", "none"))
if( == "auto") {
if(Nc < 7) { <- "tall"
} else { <- "broad"
legend.ysize <- switch(, broad=1, tall=2, none=.2)
# ---------------------------------------
# plotting
oldpar <- par(mar=rep(1,4), usr=rep(c(-0.04, 1.04), 2), xpd=NA)
# ---------------------------------------
# calculate plotting parameters
# maximum row text height
line.h <- max(strheight(row.labels, cex=text.cex[1]))
legend.l.h <- strheight("PpJk", cex=text.cex[3])
pp <- par("pin")
# maximum height of the text in the top row
# with columns, we need to recalculate due to rotation
colnht <- max(strwidth(col.labels, cex=text.cex[2])) * pp[1] / pp[2]
colnwd <- max(strheight(col.labels, cex=text.cex[2])) * pp[2] / pp[1]
#print(sprintf("rownwd=%.2f colnwd=%.2f\n", rownwd, colnwd))
# maximum row text width ("row name width = rownwd")
rownwd <- max(strwidth(row.labels, cex=text.cex[1])) * 1.1
if(rownwd > 1)
warning("Figure too narrow, text will not fit in; use smaller text.cex")
col.w <- 1/(Nc) *(1-rownwd-colnwd)
if(col.w < colnwd) warning( "Figure too narrow, the labels will overlap.\nConsider using smaller text.cex" )
#message(sprintf("rownwd=%.2f, col.w=%.2f, colnwd=%.2f\n", rownwd, col.w, colnwd))
if( == "broad") {
if(col.w * 14 > 1) col.w <- 1/14
if( == "tall") {
if(col.w * 7 > 1) col.w <- 1/7
} <- switch(, top=1, bottom=1, both=2, none=0) <- 1 - * (line.h + colnht)
row.h <- 1/(Nr + legend.ysize) * ( - 5 * legend.ysize * legend.l.h)
if(row.h < 0 ) warning("Figure too short, text will not fit in; use smaller text.cex")
if(row.h < line.h) warning( "Figure too short, the labels will overlap.\nConsider using smaller text.cex" )
if(row.h > 4 * line.h) row.h <- 4 * line.h
# columns tend to get too wide if there are too few
# if(col.w > 3 * row.h * pp[2] / pp[1]) {
# col.w <- 3 * row.h * pp[2] / pp[1]
# }
# reserve space at the bottom
bottom.h <- (legend.l.h * 5 + row.h) * legend.ysize
if( %in% c("bottom", "both")) {
bottom.h <- bottom.h + line.h + colnht
x.vec <- rownwd + colnwd + ((1:Nc) - 0.5) * col.w
y.vec <- bottom.h + ((1:Nr) - 0.5) * row.h
#abline(h=bottom.h, col="red")
#message(sprintf("bottom.h=%.3f, y.vec[1]=%.3f", bottom.h, y.vec[1]))
# setup the internal drawing function
.draw.test <- function(row, col, xc, yc, ev, mq, color) {
# if a plotting function is provided, we will use it
if(!is.null(plot.func)) {
for(i in 1:length(xc)) { plot.func(row=row[i], col=col[i], x=xc[i], y=yc[i], col.w, row.h, e=ev[i], p=mq[i]) }
} else {
if(is.null(color)) color <- "#33333333" ;
if(symmetrical) {
cex <- (1 + 2*abs(ev)) * plot.cex
} else {
cex <- (1 + 2*ev) * plot.cex
points(xc, yc, col=color, pch=19, cex=cex)
# plot the labels
text(rownwd + colnwd * 0.5, rev(y.vec), row.labels, pos=2, cex=text.cex[1] )
# column labels
if( %in% c("both", "top")) {
coln.y.pos <- rep( bottom.h + Nr * row.h + line.h, Nc)
text( x.vec, coln.y.pos, col.labels, srt=90, adj=c(0, 0.5), cex=text.cex[2])
if( %in% c("both", "bottom")) {
coln.y.pos <- rep( bottom.h - line.h, Nc)
text( x.vec, coln.y.pos, col.labels, srt=90, adj=c(1, 0.5), cex=text.cex[2])
# ---------------------------------------
# add light grey grid
.plotGrid(grid, x.vec, y.vec, row.h, col.w, grid.col=grid.color, scale.max=max.e, scale.min=min.e, text.cex=text.cex[1])
# ---------------------------------------
# plot the test results
mq[mq > max.p] <- max.p
signif <- mq >= min.p # not significant points
if(all(!signif)) { # nothing significant at all
stop(sprintf("Nothing to do: no p-values below %.2e", 10^-min.p))
pmin2 <- min(mq[signif]) # lowest p but not above pval
if(symmetrical) {
palfunc <- .getColFunc(-max(mq), max(mq), start.col="blue", mid.col="grey", end.col="red")
col <- palfunc(mq * sign(me))
} else {
palfunc <- .getColFunc(pmin2, max(mq), "red")
col <- palfunc(mq)
dme <- max.e - min.e
if(dme == 0) dme <- 1
if(symmetrical) {
ev <- me / max.e
} else {
ev <- (me - min.e)/dme
xc <- x.vec[col(me)]
yc <- rev(y.vec)[row(me)]
.draw.test(row(me)[signif], col(me)[signif], xc[signif], yc[signif], ev[signif], mq[signif], col[signif])
#lines(c(x.vec[1], x.vec[2]), rep(y.vec[1], 2), col="red", lwd=2)
# ---------------------------------------
# add a legend
if( != "none")
.pvalEffectPlotLegend(.draw.test, palfunc,
legend.l.h, col.w, row.h,
min.e, max.e,
min.p, max.p,
#' Plot a summary of multiple tmod analyses
#' Plot a summary of multiple tmod analyses
#' This function is useful if you run an analysis for several conditions or
#' time points and would like to summarize the information on a plot.
#' You can use lapply() to generate a list with tmod results and use
#' tmodPanelPlot to visualize it.
#' tmodPanelPlot shows a heatmap-like plot. Each row corresponds to one
#' module, and columns correspond to the time points or conditions for which
#' the tmod analyses were run. Each significantly enriched module is shown as
#' a red dot. Size of the dot corresponds to the effect size (for example, AUC
#' in the CERNO test), and intensity of the color corresponds to the q-value.
#' By default, tmodPanelPlot visualizes each the results of a single
#' statistical test by a red dot, or blue and red dots if the effect sizes are both
#' negative and positive. However, it is often interesting to know how
#' many of the genes in a module are significantly up- or down regulated.
#' tmodPanelPlot can draw a pie chart based on the optional argument "pie".
#' The argument must be a list of length equal to the length of x.
#' Note also that the names of the pie list must be equal to the names of x.
#' Objects returned by the function tmodDecideTests can be directly used
#' here. The rownames of either the data frame or the array must be the
#' module IDs.
#' @param x either a list, in which each element has been generated with a tmod test function, or the result of the tmodSummary function
#' @param pie a list of data frames with information for drawing a pie chart
#' @param clust whether, in the resulting data frame, the modules should be
#' ordered by clustering them with either q-values ("qval") or the effect size
#' ("effect"). If "sort" or NULL, the modules are sorted alphabetically by their ID.
#' If "keep", then the order of the modules is kept.
#' @param select a character vector of module IDs to show. If clust == "keep", then in that particular
#' order.
#' @param filter.empty.cols If TRUE, all elements (columns) with no enrichment below pval.thr in any row will be removed
#' @param filter.empty.rows If TRUE, all modules (rows) with no enrichment below pval.thr in any column will be removed
#' @param filter.unknown If TRUE, modules with no annotation will be omitted
#' @param filter.rows.pval Rows in which no p value is below this threshold will be omitted
#' @param filter.rows.auc Rows in which no AUC value is above this threshold will be omitted
#' @param if provided, show only modules with IDs in this character vector
#' @param pval.thr Results with p-value above pval.thr will not be shown
#' @param pval.thr.lower Results with p-value below pval.thr.lower will look identical on the plot
#' @param col.labels Labels for the columns. If NULL, names of the elements
#' of the list x will be used.
#' @param row.labels Labels for the modules. This must be a named vector, with module IDs as vector names. If NULL, module titles from
#' the analyses results will be used.
#' @param Automatic generation of row labels from module
#' data: "both" or "auto" (default, ID and title), "id" (only ID), "title" (only title),
#' "none" (no row label)
#' @param grid Style of a light-grey grid to be plotted; can be "none", "at" and "between"
#' @param plot.cex a numerical value giving the amount by which the plot
#' symbols will be maginfied
#' @param text.cex a numerical value giving the amount by which the plot
#' text will be magnified, or a vector containing three cex values for row labels, column labels and legend, respectively
#' @param plot.func Optionally, a function to be used to draw the dots. See "pvalEffectPlot"
#' @param Can be "auto" (default), "dot", "symdot", "pie", "boxpie", "rug" (see Details)
#' @param pie.colors character vector of length equal to the cardinality of the third dimension of the pie argument. By default: blue, grey and red.
#' @param Style of column names: "top" (default), "bottom", "both", "none"
#' @param Style of the legend: "auto" -- automatic; "broad":
#' pval legend side by side with effect size legend; "tall": effect size
#' legend above pval legend
#' @param min.e,max.e scale limits for the effect size (default: 0.5 and 1.0)
#' @param ... Any further arguments will be passed to the pvalEffectPlot function (for example, grid.color)
#' @return a data frame with a line for each module encountered anywhere in
#' the list x, two columns describing the module (ID and module title), and
#' two columns(effect size and q value) for each element of list x.
#' @seealso tmodDecideTests, tmodSummary, pvalEffectPlot, simplePie
#' @examples
#' data(Egambia)
#' E <- Egambia[,-c(1:3)]
#' pca <- prcomp(t(E), scale.=TRUE)
#' # Calculate enrichment for first 5 PCs
#' gs <- Egambia$GENE_SYMBOL
#' gn.f <- function(r) {
#' o <- order(abs(r), decreasing=TRUE)
#' tmodCERNOtest(gs[o],
#' qval=0.01)
#' }
#' x <- apply(pca$rotation[,3:4], 2, gn.f)
#' tmodPanelPlot(x, text.cex=0.7)
#' @export
tmodPanelPlot <- function(x, pie=NULL, clust="qval", select=NULL,
filter.empty.cols=FALSE, filter.empty.rows=TRUE, filter.unknown=TRUE,
pie.colors=c("#0000FF", "#cccccc", "#FF0000" ),
plot.cex=1, text.cex=1,"auto",
min.e=.5, max.e=1,"auto", ... ) {
x <- .xcheck(x)
# check whether the pie object is correct
if(!is.null(pie)) pie <- .piecheck(pie, x)
# create a summary
if(!is(x, "tmodSummary")) {
df <- tmodSummary(x, clust=clust, filter.empty=FALSE, filter.unknown=filter.unknown, select=select)
} else {
df <- x
df <- df[ df$ID %in%, , drop=FALSE ]
# get the column labels
if(is.null(col.labels)) { col.labels <- attr(df, "rid") }
# handle row labels <- match.arg(, c("title", "id", "auto", "both", "none"))
if(is.null(row.labels)) {
row.labels <- switch(,
auto=sprintf("%s (%s)", df$Title, df$ID),
both=sprintf("%s (%s)", df$Title, df$ID),
none=rep("", nrow(df)))
} else {
if(!all(df$ID %in% names(row.labels)))
stop("row.labels must be a named vector with all module IDs")
row.labels <- row.labels[ df$ID ]
min.p <- -log10(pval.thr)
max.p <- -log10(pval.thr.lower)
# calculate q and e matrices
m <- as.matrix(df[,-c(1:2),drop=FALSE])
Nc <- ncol(m)/2
Nr <- nrow(m)
# split the matrix in two
me <- m[,(1:Nc)*2-1,drop=FALSE]
me[] <- 0.5
mq <- m[,(1:Nc)*2,drop=FALSE]
mq[] <- 1
mq <- -log10(mq)
# ----- FILTERING ------------
## TODO: this should be done by tmodSummary rather than here
row.ids <- df$ID
# remove rows with no at least one pval below filter.rows.pval
minps <- apply(mq, 1, max)
sel <- minps > -log10(filter.rows.pval)
# remove rows with at least one AUC above filter.rows.auc
maxaucs <- apply(me, 1, max)
sel <- sel & maxaucs >= filter.rows.auc
if(sum(!sel) == nrow(mq)) stop("No rows remain after filtering")
mq <- mq[sel,,drop=F]
me <- me[sel,,drop=F]
df <- df[sel,,drop=F]
row.labels <- row.labels[sel]
row.ids <- row.ids[sel]
# remove rows w/o a significant p-value
if(filter.empty.rows) {
minps <- apply(mq, 1, max)
sel <- minps > min.p
mq <- mq[sel,,drop=F]
me <- me[sel,,drop=F]
row.labels <- row.labels[sel]
row.ids <- row.ids[sel]
# remove cols w/o a significant p-value
if(filter.empty.cols) {
minps <- apply(mq, 2, max)
sel <- minps > min.p
mq <- mq[,sel,drop=F]
me <- me[,sel,drop=F]
col.labels <- col.labels[sel]
# ------------ PLOTTING ----------------
# prepare the pie plotting function
if(!is.null(pie)) {
if( == "auto") { <- "rug" }
plot.func <- .preparePlotFunc(row.ids,
pie, min.p, max.p, pie.colors, plot.cex,
if( == "auto") {
if(all(me >= 0, na.rm=TRUE)) { <- "dot"
} else { <- "dotsymm"
## just red dots
if( == "dot") { plot.func <- NULL }
## just blue and red dots
if( == "dotsymm") {
symmetrical <- TRUE
} else {
symmetrical <- FALSE
# make the actual plot -- pass it on to pvalEffectPlot
pvalEffectPlot(me, 10^-mq,
row.labels=row.labels, col.labels=col.labels, pval.thr=pval.thr,
grid=grid, plot.cex=plot.cex, text.cex=text.cex,
min.e=min.e, max.e=max.e,
## select a function which is used to recalculate the bounding box and its
## position, depending on the pie style
.selCalcXYWH <- function(style="pie") {
ret <- NULL
if(style %in% c( "pie", "boxpie")) {
# for pie and boxpie, the size of the plotting widget is proportional to
# the effect size, scaled in vertical as well as horizontal, centered
ret <- function(x, y, w, h, e, plot.cex) {
w <- w * plot.cex * (0.5 + e/2)
h <- h * plot.cex * (0.5 + e/2)
pp <- par("pin")
w2 <- w * pp[1] / pp[2]
if(w2 < h) {
h <- w2
} else {
w <- h * pp[2] / pp[1]
return(list(x=x, y=y, w=w, h=h))
} else if(style == "rug") {
# rug takes up all the available vertical space, but is scaled
# horizontally to reflect the effect size, left-adjusted
ret <- function(x, y, w, h, e, plot.cex) {
x <- x - w /2
w <- w * (0.5 + e )/1.5
x <- x + w / 2
h <- h * 0.9
return(list(x=x, y=y, w=w, h=h))
## choose the right function for plotting
.selPiePlotFunc <- function(style) {
## return a plotting function for use as parameter in pvalEffectPlot
.preparePlotFunc <- function(row.ids, pie, min.p, max.p, pie.colors, plot.cex, style="pie") {
style <- match.arg(style, c("pie", "rug", "boxpie"))
# prepare the pie coloring function
col.funcs <- lapply(pie.colors,
function(xx) .getColFunc( min.p, max.p, xx, alpha="FF" )
# different pie styles call for different bounding boxes, positions and
# plotting functions. Here is the right place to decide which to take.
calcXYWH.func <- .selCalcXYWH(style)
piePlot.func <- .selPiePlotFunc(style)
# here we generate the plotting function that will be called both for
# drawing the legend and drawing the pie charts on the panel plot
plot.func <- function(row, col, x, y, w, h, e, p) {
# this is where we take the additional arguments from the "pie" object
# and turn it into arguments for the pie widget plotting function
if(is.null(row)) {
v <- c(10, 10, 10) # row is null when called from legend!
rect(x - w/2, y - h/2, x + w/2, y + h/2, border="#999999")
} else {
id <- row.ids[row]
v <- pie[[col]][id,]
if(sum(v) == 0) {
warning(sprintf("For module %s, condition %d, sum of pie data is zero", row.ids[row], col))
mycols <- sapply(col.funcs, function(x) x(p))
xywh <- calcXYWH.func(x, y, w, h, e, plot.cex)
with(xywh, piePlot.func(x, y, w, h, v=v, col=mycols))
## ---------------- argument checking for tmodPanelPlot ---------------------------
## check whether the "pie" argument is correct
.piecheck <- function(pie, x) {
if(!is(pie, "list"))
stop( "pie must be a list. Make sure that is.list(pie) == TRUE")
if(is.null(names(pie))) {
warning("names(pie) is NULL. Generating default names")
names(pie) <- paste0("X.", 1:length(pie))
if(is(x, "tmodSummary")) {
.names <- attr(x, "rid")
} else {
.names <- names(x)
if(! all(.names %in% names(pie))) {
missing.names <- paste(.names[ ! .names %in% names(pie) ], collapse=", ")
stop(sprintf("All named elements of x must be found in pie. Missing:\n%s\nPlease make sure that all(names(x) %in% names(pie))",
## if this is not a direct result of tmodDecideTests, we need to make
## sure that the contents is correct
if(!"tmodDecideClass" %in% class(pie)) {
foo <- sapply(pie, function(x) length(intersect(class(x), c("data.frame", "matrix"))) < 1)
if(any(foo)) {
msg <- sprintf("Elements:\n%s\nare not data frames or matrices\n",
paste(names(pie)[foo], collapse=", "))
stop(paste0(msg, "Elements of pie list should be either data frames or matrices"))
pie <- pie[names(x)]
pie <- sapply(pie, as.matrix, simplify=FALSE)
## check whether the x argument is correct
.xcheck <- function(x) {
is.tmodSummary <- is(x, "tmodSummary")
if(!is(x, "list") && !is.tmodSummary) {
stop( "x must be a list object. Make sure that is.list(x) == TRUE. Alternatively, x must be the result of tmodSummary()")
if(!is.tmodSummary) {
z <- sapply(x,
if(any(!z)) {
warning(sprintf("Some elements of x are not data frames, removing %d elements", sum(!z)))
x <- x[ z ]
if(length(x) < 1)
stop("No usable elements of x")
if(is.null(names(x))) {
warning("names(x) is NULL. Generating default names")
names(x) <- paste0("X.", 1:length(x))
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