
'spatialize' <- function(dsn,engine=c("native","sf")# ,"sp","geojsonsf")
                         ,style="auto" ## auto none internal keep
                        # ,zoom=NA
                         ,subset="",verbose=FALSE,...) {
   if (FALSE) {
      cat("spatialize match.call(): ---------------\n")
      a <- as.list(match.call())
      for (i in tail(seq_along(names(a)),-1)) {
         if (i>length(a))
         if (is.language(a[[i]])) {
            b <- try(eval(a[[i]]))
            if (!inherits(b,"try-error"))
               try(a[[i]] <- b)
   if (isMulti <- ((!is_spatial(dsn))&&(!isS4(dsn) & all(sapply(dsn,is_spatial))))) {
      arglist <- as.list(match.call())
      ret <- vector("list",length(dsn))
      names(ret) <- names(dsn)
      dsn <- eval(arglist[["dsn"]])
      for (i in seq_along(ret)) {
         arglist[["dsn"]] <- dsn[[i]]
         ret[[i]] <- do.call(as.character(arglist[[1]]),arglist[-1]) ## RECURSIVE
   engList <- try(as.character(as.list(match.fun("spatialize"))[["engine"]])[-1]
   if (inherits(engList,"try-error"))
      engList <- c("native","sf")
   if ((engine[1]=="geojsonsf")&&(requireNamespace("geojsonsf",quietly=.isPackageInUse())))
      engList <- c(engList,"geojsonsf")
   if ((engine[1]=="sp")&&(requireNamespace("sp",quietly=.isPackageInUse())))
      engList <- c(engList,"sp")
   if (F) {
      if (.isPackageInUse()) {
         engine <- match.arg(engine)
      else {
         if (length(engine)<length(engList)) {
            engList <- c(engList,"sp")
         engine <- match.arg(engine,engList)
   engine <- match.arg(engine,engList)
   if (resetGrid)
   toResetGrid <- 0L
  # message(paste(.parentFunc(),collapse=" -> "))
  # print(c(expand=expand,border=border))
  # geocode <- match.arg(geocode)
   geocodeStatus <- FALSE
   hasOpened <- FALSE
   toUnloadMethods <- !("methods" %in% .loaded())
   if (is.na(resetProj))
      resetProj <- TRUE
   cpg <- NULL
   if (engine=="sp") {
      isSF <- !.isSP(dsn) & !is.data.frame(dsn)
      isSP <- TRUE
   else if (engine %in% c("sf","geojsonsf")) {
      isSF <- requireNamespace("sf",quietly=.isPackageInUse())
      isSP <- !isSF
   else if (F) { ## deprecated 'rgdal'
      loaded <- loadedNamespaces() #.loaded()
      if (any(c("sf","geojsonsf") %in% loaded))
         isSF <- TRUE
      else if (("sp" %in% loaded)||("rgdal" %in% loaded))
         isSF <- FALSE
         isSF <- requireNamespace("sf",quietly=.isPackageInUse())
      isSP <- !isSF
   else if ((.isSP(dsn))&&(isNamespaceLoaded("sp"))) {
      isSP <- TRUE
      isSF <- !isSP
   else {
      isSF <- requireNamespace("sf",quietly=.isPackageInUse())
      isSP <- !isSF
   jsonSF <- FALSE
   cond1 <- style %in% c("auto","keep")
   if ((length(crs))&&(cond1)) {
      style <- .epsg2proj4(crs,verbose=FALSE)
   else if (!cond1) {
      crs2 <- .epsg2proj4(style,force=TRUE,verbose=FALSE)
      if ((.isWKT(crs2))||(.isProj4(crs2)))
         style <- crs2
   isEPSG <- FALSE
  # isPROJ4 <- nchar(style)>36 ## need more accurate detecton of proj4
   isPROJ4 <- (.isProj4(style))||(.isWKT(style))||
   if (FALSE)
   if (length(style)) {
      if (is.numeric(style))
         isEPSG <- TRUE
      else if ((is.character(style))&&(!nchar(.gsub("\\d","",style))))
         isEPSG <- TRUE
   if ((isEPSG)&&(is.numeric(style)))
      style <- as.character(style)
   if (isPROJ4 | isEPSG)
   isNative <- engine=="native"
   if (is.character(dsn)) {
      if (length(dsn)>1) {
         pattern <- "\\.(gpkg|tab|kml|geojson|mif|fgb|sqlite|shp|shz|osm|csv)(\\.(zip|rar|gz|bz2))*$"
         dsn <- dsn[.grep(pattern,basename(dsn))]
         if (length(dsn)!=1)
            stop("Either filename is not recognized or multiple files")
   proj4 <- NULL
   provider <- FALSE
   if ((!cond1)&&(T | is.character(dsn))&&(isFALSE(resetProj))) { ## ++20230612
      provider <- style %in% .tileService(providers=TRUE)
     # if (T | !(style %in% .tileService(providers=TRUE))) { ## 20240216
      if (!.isWeb())
         resetProj <- TRUE
      else if (!provider) { ## 20240221
         resetProj <- TRUE
   if (!((is.character(dsn))&&(length(dsn)==1))) {
      nextCheck <- TRUE
      if ((.isSF(dsn))||(.isSP(dsn))) {
        ## try mget(names(match.call())[-1])
         if ((resetProj)||(length(as.list(match.call())[-1])==1))
      if (FALSE) { ## 20180125--
         spcl <- paste0("Spatial",c("Points","Lines","Polygons"))
         spcl <- c(spcl,paste0(spcl,"DataFrame"))
         spcl <- "Spatial"
     # if ((nextCheck)&&(inherits(dsn,spcl))) {
      if ((nextCheck)&&(.isSP(dsn))) {
         if ((!toUnloadMethods)&&(!("methods" %in% .loaded()))) {
            if (FALSE) {
              # .require("methods")
               opW <- options(warn=1)
               warning("Package 'methods' is required for S4 object coercion.")
            toUnloadMethods <- TRUE
         if ((!isNative)&&(isSF)) {
            obj <- sf::st_as_sf(dsn)
         else {
            isSP <- TRUE
            isSF <- !isSP
            obj <- dsn
         nextCheck <- FALSE
      if ((nextCheck)&&(inherits(dsn,"sf"))) {
         if (isNative) {
            isSF <- TRUE
            isSP <- !isSF
         else if (isSP) { ## cross-classes
            dsn <- sf::as_Spatial(dsn)
            if (isSF)
               isSF <- FALSE
         obj <- dsn
         nextCheck <- FALSE
      if ((nextCheck)&&(is.array(dsn))) {
      if ((nextCheck)&&(is.ursa(dsn,"grid"))) {
      if ((nextCheck)&&(is.ursa(dsn))) {
         if ((isSF)||(isSP)) {
            obj <- as.data.frame(dsn)
            if (style!="auto") {
               crsNow <- style
               crsNow <- ursa_proj(dsn)
            isCRS <- ((!is.na(crsNow))&&(nchar(crsNow)))
            if (!((is.character(coords))&&(length(coords)==2))) {
               coords <- basename(.maketmp(2))
               colnames(obj)[1:2] <- coords
            if (isSF) {
               if (isCRS) {
                  obj <- sf::st_as_sf(obj,coords=coords,crs=crsNow)
                  obj <- sf::st_as_sf(obj,coords=coords)
            else if (isSP) {
               sp::coordinates(obj) <- coords
               if (isCRS)
                  sp::proj4string(obj) <- crsNow
            rm(dsn) ## requierd?
            nextCheck <- FALSE
      if ((nextCheck)&&(is.data.frame(dsn))&&
          (is.character(coords))&&(length(coords)==2)) {
         if (inherits(dsn,"track_xy"))
            coords <- c("x_","y_")
         else if (!all(coords %in% colnames(dsn))) {
            mname <- colnames(dsn)
            indX <- .grep("^coords.x1$",mname)
            if (!length(indX))
               indX <- .grep("^x$",mname)
            if (!length(indX))
               indX <- .grep("^(lng$|lon)",mname)
            if (!length(indX))
               indX <- .grep("^east",mname)
            if (!length(indX))
               indX <- .grep("^x1$",mname)
            indY <- .grep("^coords.x2$",mname)
            if (!length(indY))
               indY <- .grep("^y$",mname)
            if (!length(indY))
               indY <- .grep("^lat",mname)
            if (!length(indY))
               indY <- .grep("^north",mname)
            if (!length(indY))
               indY <- .grep("^x2$",mname)
            if ((!length(indX))&&(!length(indY))) {
               indX <- .grep("^000x1$",mname)
               indY <- .grep("^000x2$",mname)
            if ((!length(indX))&&(!length(indY))) {
               indX <- .grep("^x_$",mname)
               indY <- .grep("^y_$",mname)
            if ((!length(indX))&&(!length(indY))) {
               indX <- .grep(paste0("^",coords[1],"$"),mname)
               indY <- .grep(paste0("^",coords[2],"$"),mname)
            ind <- c(indX[1],indY[1])
            if ((any(is.na(ind)))||(length(ind)!=2)) {
               stop("unable to detect 'x' and 'y' coordinates")
            coords <- mname[ind]
         #isCRS <- ((!is.na(crsNow))&&(nchar(crsNow)))
         if (style!="auto")
            crsNow <- style
         else if (inherits(dsn,"track_xy"))
            crsNow <- sf::st_crs(attr(dsn,"crs_",exact=TRUE))$proj4string
            crsNow <- NA
         if (is.na(crsNow)) {
            if ((.lgrep("^(lon|lng$)",coords[1])==1)&&(.lgrep("^lat",coords[2])==1))
               crsNow <- .crsWGS84()
            else if (is.data.frame(dsn)) {
               if (is.character(attr(dsn,"crs")))
                  crsNow <- attr(dsn,"crs")
         isCRS <- ((!is.na(crsNow))&&(nchar(crsNow)))
         if (isSF) {
            xy <- dsn[,coords]
            ind <- unique(c(which(is.na(xy[,1])),which(is.na(xy[,2]))))
            if (length(ind))
               dsn <- dsn[-ind,]
            if (inherits(try(sf::st_crs(crsNow),silent=TRUE),"try-error")) {
               obj <- sf::st_as_sf(dsn,coords=coords,crs=4326)
            else if (isCRS)
               obj <- sf::st_as_sf(dsn,coords=coords,crs=crsNow)
               obj <- sf::st_as_sf(dsn,coords=coords)
         else if (isSP) {
            obj <- dsn
            sp::coordinates(obj) <- coords
            if (isCRS) {
               if (!.try(sp::proj4string(obj) <- crsNow)) ## sp::CRS() loads 'sf'
                  sp::proj4string(obj) <- "EPSG:4326"
         nextCheck <- FALSE
      if ((FALSE)&&(nextCheck)&&((isSF)||(isNative))) { ## has checked early
         if (isNative) {
            loaded <- loadedNamespaces() #.loaded() ## changed 20180226
            if ("sf" %in% loaded)
               isSF <- TRUE
            else if (("sp" %in% loaded)||("rgdal" %in% loaded))
               isSF <- FALSE
               isSF <- requireNamespace("sf",quietly=.isPackageInUse())
            isSP <- !isSF
        # nextCheck <- isSP
      if ((nextCheck)&&(isSF)) {
         if (is.array(dsn)) {
            message("process 'array' by 'sf' -- TODO (dilemma: raster is array)")
         else if (is.numeric(dsn)) {
            proj4 <- attr(dsn,"crs") ## from 'ursa_bbox()'
            limLonLat <- all(dsn>=-360 & dsn<=+360)
            if (length(dsn)==2) { ## point
              # obj <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(dsn))
               obj <- sf::st_as_sf(data.frame(lon=dsn[1],lat=dsn[2])
            else if (length(dsn)==4) { ## boundary
               if (dsn[1]>dsn[3])
                  dsn[1] <- dsn[1]-360
               obj <- matrix(dsn[c(1,2,1,4,3,4,3,2,1,2)],ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
               if (TRUE) {
                  x <- obj[,1]
                  y <- obj[,2]
                  n <- 256
                  x <- c(seq(x[1],x[2],len=n),seq(x[2],x[3],len=n)
                  y <- c(seq(y[1],y[2],len=n),seq(y[2],y[3],len=n)
                  obj <- cbind(x,y)
              # colnames(obj) <- c("lon","lat")
               ##~ obj <- sf::st_sf(sf::st_sfc(sf::st_polygon(list(obj)))
                               ##~ ,coords=c("lon","lat"),crs=4326)
              # obj <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_multilinestring(list(obj)))#,crs=4326)
               obj <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_polygon(list(obj)))#,crs=4326)
              # obj <- sf::st_sf(obj)
               obj <- NULL
            if (!is.null(obj)) {
               if (limLonLat)
                  sf::st_crs(obj) <- 4326
               else if (!is.null(proj4)) {
                  sf::st_crs(obj) <- proj4
                  style <- proj4
                 # grid <- session_grid() ## ++ 20220702
                 # session_grid(NULL) ## -- 20220702 ??
                  sf::st_crs(obj) <- session_crs()
         else if (inherits(dsn,c("sfc","sf"))) {
            obj <- dsn
            dsn <- class(obj)
         else {
            if ((TRUE)&&(inherits(dsn,"list"))&&(inherits(dsn,"data.frame"))) {
               if (length(unique(sapply(dsn,length)))==1)
                  dsn <- as.data.frame(dsn)
               cl <- sapply(dsn,function(x) {
                  if (!inherits(x,c("integer","numeric","character","factor"
                     stop("TODO #38")
            obj <- try(sf::st_as_sf(dsn,coords=coords))
            if (inherits(obj,"try-error")) {
               message(paste("(#32) unable to process object of class"
                            ,.sQuote(paste(class(dsn),collapse=" | "))))
               return(NULL) ## 32L
            else {
               limLonLat <- all(dsn[,coords]>=-360 & dsn[,coords]<=+360)
               if (limLonLat)
                  sf::st_crs(obj) <- 4326
            dsn <- class(dsn)
      else if ((nextCheck)&&(isSP)) { # if (isSP)
         proj4 <- attr(dsn,"crs")
         if (is.array(dsn))
            message("process 'array' by 'sp' -- TODO (dilemma: raster is array)")
         else if (is.numeric(dsn)) {
            limLonLat <- all(dsn>=-360 & dsn<=+360)
            if (length(dsn)==2) { ## point
               obj <- data.frame(lon=dsn[1],lat=dsn[2])
               sp::coordinates(obj) <- ~lon+lat
              # sp::proj4string(obj) <- sp::CRS("+init=epsg:4326")
            else if (length(dsn)==4) { ## boundary
               if (dsn[1]>dsn[3])
                  dsn[1] <- dsn[1]-360
               obj <- matrix(dsn[c(1,2,1,4,3,4,3,2,1,2)],ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
               if (TRUE) {
                  x <- obj[,1]
                  y <- obj[,2]
                  n <- 256
                  x <- c(seq(x[1],x[2],len=n),seq(x[2],x[3],len=n)
                  y <- c(seq(y[1],y[2],len=n),seq(y[2],y[3],len=n)
                  obj <- cbind(x,y)
              # obj <- sp::SpatialLines(list(sp::Lines(sp::Line(obj),1L))
              #                        ,proj4string=sp::CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))
               obj <- sp::SpatialLines(list(sp::Lines(sp::Line(obj),1L)))
           # else
           #    obj <- NULL
            if (limLonLat) {
               sp::proj4string(obj) <- sp::CRS("EPSG:4326")
            else if (!is.null(proj4)) {
               sp::proj4string(obj) <-  sp::CRS(proj4,doCheckCRSArgs=FALSE)
               style <- proj4
            else {
               sp::proj4string(obj) <- sp::CRS(session_crs(),doCheckCRSArgs=FALSE)
         else if (inherits(dsn,"data.frame")) {
            obj <- dsn
            sp::coordinates(obj) <- coords
            limLonLat <- all(dsn[,coords]>=-360 & dsn[,coords]<=+360)
            if (limLonLat)
               sp::proj4string(obj) <- sp::CRS("EPSG:4326")
            dsn <- class(dsn)
         else if (inherits(dsn,"ursaGrid")) {
            obj <- as.data.frame(dsn)
            sp::coordinates(obj) <- c("x","y")
            sp::proj4string(obj) <- sp::CRS(spatial_crs(dsn),doCheckCRSArgs=FALSE)
            sp::gridded(obj) <- TRUE
         else {
            obj <- try(methods::as(dsn,"Spatial"))
         if (inherits(obj,"try-error")) {
            message(paste("(#33) unable to process object of class"
            return(NULL) ## 33L
         else {
           # isSP <- TRUE
           # isSF <- !isSP
   else {
      if ((FALSE)&&(isNative)) { ## this check has been done early
         loaded <- .loaded()
         if ("sf" %in% loaded)
            isSF <- TRUE
         else if (("sp" %in% loaded)||("rgdal" %in% loaded))
            isSF <- FALSE
            isSF <- requireNamespace("sf",quietly=.isPackageInUse())
         isSP <- !isSF
      if (file.exists(zname <- paste0(dsn,".gz"))) {
         dsn <- zname
      else if (file.exists(zname <- paste0(dsn,".bz2"))) {
         dsn <- zname
      if (!file.exists(dsn)) {
         list1 <- spatial_dir(path=dirname(dsn),pattern=basename(dsn))
         if (length(list1)==1)
            dsn <- list1
      if (!file.exists(dsn)) {
         aname <- paste0(dsn,".zip")
         if (isZip <- file.exists(aname)) {
            ziplist <- unzip(aname,exdir=tempdir());on.exit(file.remove(ziplist))
            dsn <- .grep("\\.shp$",ziplist,value=TRUE)
         else if (.lgrep("^(http|https|ftp)://",dsn)) {
            mode <- ifelse(.lgrep("(txt|json)$",dsn),"wt","wb")
            dsn <- .ursaCacheDownload(dsn,mode=mode)
         else if (.lgrep("\\.(gpkg|tab|kml|geojson|mif|fgb|sqlite|shp|shz|osm)(\\.(zip|gz|bz2))*$"
                 ,basename(dsn))) {
            message(paste("#40. It seems that specified non-existent file name"
                         ,sQuote(dsn),"rather than geocode request."))
         else {
            geocodeArgs <- as.list(args(.geocode))
            geocodeList <- eval(geocodeArgs$service)
            if ((length(geocode)==1)&&(!nchar(geocode)))
               geocode <- geocodeList
            if (FALSE) {
               arglist <- list(...)
               if (length(ind <- .grep("area",names(arglist)))) {
                  area <- arglist[[ind]]
                  area <- eval(geocodeArgs$area)
            da <- try(.geocode(dsn,service=geocode[1],place=place
            if ((inherits(da,"try-error"))||((is.null(da))&&(length(geocode)>1))) {
               geocode <- geocode[2]
               da <- .geocode(dsn,service=geocode,area=area,select="top"
            else if (length(geocode)>1)
               geocode <- geocode[1]
            if (is.null(da)) {
               cat(paste("unable to geocode request",dQuote(dsn),"\n"))
            if (is_spatial(da)) {
              # obj <- data.frame(src=dsn)
              # spatial_geometry(obj) <- da
               obj <- da
               geocodeStatus <- TRUE
               hasOpened <- TRUE
            else {
               if (is.null(dim(da))) {
                  if (length(da)==4)
                     da <- da[c("minx","miny","maxx","maxy")]
                  else if (length(da)==2) {
                     arglist <- as.list(match.call()) ## try mget(names(match.call())[-1])
                     arglist$dsn <- da
                     arglist[[1]] <- tail(as.character(arglist[[1]]),1)
                     if ((TRUE)&&("auto" %in% style)) {
                        arglist$style <- switch(geocode
                                       ,google="google terrain color"
                     return(do.call(arglist[[1]],arglist[-1])) ## RECURSIVE!!!
                  da <- da[,c("minx","miny","maxx","maxy")]
               if (da[1]>da[3])
                  da[3] <- da[3]+360
               da <- matrix(da[c(1,2,1,4,3,4,3,2,1,2)],ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
               if (TRUE) {
                  x <- da[,1]
                  y <- da[,2]
                  n <- 256
                  x <- c(seq(x[1],x[2],len=n),seq(x[2],x[3],len=n)
                  y <- c(seq(y[1],y[2],len=n),seq(y[2],y[3],len=n)
                  da <- cbind(x,y)
               if (isSF) {
                  obj <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_multilinestring(list(da)),crs=4326)
                 # sf::st_write(obj,"rect.geojson");q()
               if (isSP) {
                  obj <- sp::SpatialLines(list(sp::Lines(sp::Line(da),1L))
               geocodeStatus <- TRUE
               hasOpened <- TRUE
      else {
         jsonSF <- (engine %in% c("native","geojsonsf"))&&(isSF)&&(.lgrep("\\.geojson",dsn))&&
        #    print(data.frame(engine=engine,isSP=isSP,isSF=isSF,jsonSF=jsonSF))
         if (jsonSF)
         else if (isZip <- .lgrep("\\.zip$",dsn)>0) {
            opW <- options(warn=1)
            layer <- gsub("^\\./","",layer)
            ziplist <- unzip(dsn,list=TRUE)$Name
            fname <- grep(layer,ziplist,value=TRUE)
            if (!identical(ziplist,fname)) {
               if (grepl("\\.shp$",fname)) {
                  fname <- paste0("^",gsub("\\.shp$","",layer),"\\.(cpg|dbf|prj|shp|shx)$")
                  ziplist <- ziplist[grep(fname,ziplist)]
            ziplist <- unzip(dsn,files=ziplist,exdir=tempdir())
            if ((FALSE)&&(!length(ziplist))&&(nchar(Sys.which("7z")))) {
               ziplist <- system(paste("7z","l","-scsUTF-8",dsn),intern=TRUE)
            dsn <- .grep("\\.(shp|shz|fgb|sqlite|gpkg|geojson)$",ziplist,value=TRUE)
         else if ((nchar(Sys.which("gzip")))&&(isZip <- .lgrep("\\.gz$",dsn)>0)) {
            dsn0 <- dsn
            dsn <- tempfile();on.exit(file.remove(dsn))
            system2("gzip",c("-f -d -c",.dQuote(dsn0)),stdout=dsn,stderr=FALSE)
         else if ((nchar(Sys.which("bzip2")))&&(isZip <- .lgrep("\\.bz2$",dsn)>0)) {
            dsn0 <- dsn
            dsn <- tempfile();on.exit(file.remove(dsn))
            system2("bzip2",c("-f -d -c",.dQuote(dsn0)),stdout=dsn,stderr=FALSE)
         else if ((T)&&(nchar(Sys.which("7z")))&&(isZip <- .lgrep("\\.rar$",dsn)>0)) {
            stop(dsn,": this archive type is not supported")
            ziplist <- system(paste("7z","l","-scsUTF-8",dsn),intern=TRUE)
            ind <- .grep("-{19}\\s",ziplist)
            ziplist <- ziplist[(ind[1]+1):(ind[2]-1)]
            ziplist <- substr(ziplist,54L,nchar(ziplist))
            ziplist <- .gsub("\\\\","/",ziplist)
            dir1 <- dir(path=tempdir())
           # print(dir1)
            dir2 <- dir(path=tempdir())
           # print(dir2)
            rarlist <- system(paste("rar","lb",.dQuote(dsn)),intern=TRUE)
            system2("rar",c("e -o+",.dQuote(dsn),tempdir()),stdout=NULL)
           # print(rarlist)
           # file.remove(rarlist)
         if (length(dsn)>1) {
            rel <- as.list(match.call()) ## try mget(names(match.call())[-1])
            rname <- names(rel)
            j <- NULL
            for (i in seq_along(rel)[-1]) {
               if (is.language(rel[[i]])) {
                  if (isTRUE(getOption("ursaNoticeMatchCall")))
                     message('spatialize: try `mget(names(match.call())[-1])` instead of `as.list(match.call())`')
                  res <- eval.parent(rel[[i]])
                  if (is.null(res))
                     j <- c(j,i)
                  else if (is.language(res)) {
                     res <- eval.parent(res)
                     if (!is.language(res)) {
                        rel[[i]] <- res
                        stop("unable to evaluate agrument ",.sQuote(rname[i]))
                     rel[[i]] <- res 
            if (length(j))
               rel <- rel[-j]
            arglist <- c(rel,list(...))
            fun <- tail(as.character(arglist[[1]]),1)
            ret <- lapply(dsn,function(d) {
               arglist$dsn <- paste0(d)
              # str(arglist)
            names(ret) <- spatial_basename(dsn)
         if (isCDF <- .lgrep("\\.(nc|hdf)$",dsn)>0) {
            obj <- .read_nc(dsn,".+")
            if (!inherits(obj,"data.frame"))
               obj <- as.data.frame(as.ursa(obj[sapply(obj,is.ursa)]))
            else {
               indX <- .grep("^(lon|x$|west|east)",colnames(obj))
               indY <- .grep("^(lat|y$|south|north)",colnames(obj))
               if (!length(indX))
                  indX <- 1L
               if (!length(indY))
                  indY <- 2L
               colnames(obj)[c(indX,indY)] <- c("x","y")
            p4s <- attr(obj,"crs")
            if (isSF) {
               if (!is.null(p4s))
                  obj <- sf::st_as_sf(obj,coords=c("x","y"),crs=attr(obj,"crs"))
                  obj <- sf::st_as_sf(obj,coords=c("x","y"))
            if (isSP) {
               sp::coordinates(obj) <- ~x+y
               if (!is.null(p4s))
                  sp::proj4string(obj) <- sp::CRS(p4s,doCheckCRSArgs=FALSE)
            hasOpened <- TRUE
           # display(a)
      if ((!hasOpened)&&((!geocodeStatus)||(file.exists(dsn)))) {
         if (jsonSF) {
            epsg <- "XXXXXXXXX"
            inMemory <- FALSE
            a <- dsn
            opGeoW <- options(warn=-1)
            if (T | .lgrep("\\.(gz|bz2|xz)$",a)) {
               a <- readLines(a)
               inMemory <- TRUE
            obj <- try(geojsonsf::geojson_sf(a),silent=TRUE)
            if (inherits(obj,"try-error")) {
               if (!inMemory) {
                  a <- readLines(a)
                  inMemory <- TRUE
                  obj <- try(geojsonsf::geojson_sf(a),silent=TRUE)
            if (inherits(obj,"try-error")) {
               a <- paste(a,collapse="")
               obj <- try(geojsonsf::geojson_sf(a))
            if (inherits(obj,"try-error")) {
               obj <- sf::st_read(dsn,quiet=TRUE)
               if (!spatial_count(obj))
            else {
               if (T & inMemory) {
                  if (length(a)==1)
                     a2 <- substr(a,1,160)
                     a2 <- head(a,5)
                  if (length(ind <- grep("\"crs\"\\:",a2))) {
                     if (length(grep("EPSG",a2[ind])))
                        epsg <- gsub(".*EPSG\\D+(\\d+)\\D+.*","\\1",a2[ind])
               if (nchar(epsg)<7)
                  spatial_crs(obj) <- as.integer(epsg)
            if (length(ind <- which(sapply(obj,inherits,"character")))) {
               for (i in ind) {
                  a <- na.omit(obj[,i,drop=TRUE])
                  if (length(grep("\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}Z"
                                 ,a))==length(a)) {
                     d <- as.POSIXct(obj[,i,drop=TRUE],tz="UTC"
                     obj[,i] <- as.POSIXct(as.numeric(d),origin=.origin())
                  else if (length(grep("^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}$",a))==length(a)) {
                     obj[,i] <- as.Date(obj[,i,drop=TRUE],tz="UTC")
         else {
            if ((isSF)&&(isSP)) {
               isSF <- !.forceRGDAL() ## .forceRGDAL(TRUE)
            opW <- options(warn=ifelse(isSP,-1,0))
            if (isSF) {
               lname <- try(sf::st_layers(dsn)$name)
            else {
               lname <- try(.rgdal_ogrListLayers(dsn))
            if (inherits(lname,"try-error")) {
               cat("Cannot get layers\n")
            if (!is.character(layer)) {
               layer <- lname[layer[1]]
            else {
               layer <- .grep(layer,lname,value=TRUE)
            if (length(layer)>1) {
               if (prevBehaviour <- FALSE) {
                  print(paste("Select only one layer:",paste(paste0(seq(layer),")")
                                             ,.sQuote(layer),collapse=", ")),quote=FALSE)
               else {
                  rel <- as.list(match.call()) ## try mget(names(match.call())[-1])
                  rname <- names(rel)
                  j <- NULL
                  for (i in seq_along(rel)[-1]) {
                     if (is.language(rel[[i]])) {
                        if (isTRUE(getOption("ursaNoticeMatchCall")))
                           message('spatialize: try `mget(names(match.call())[-1])` instead of `as.list(match.call())`')
                        res <- eval.parent(rel[[i]])
                        if (is.null(res))
                           j <- c(j,i)
                        else if (is.language(res)) {
                           res <- eval.parent(res)
                           if (!is.language(res)) {
                              rel[[i]] <- res
                              stop("unable to evaluate agrument ",.sQuote(rname[i]))
                           rel[[i]] <- res 
                  if (length(j))
                     rel <- rel[-j]
                  arglist <- c(rel,list(...))
                  ret <- lapply(layer,function(l) {
                     arglist$layer <- paste0("^",l,"$")
                    # str(arglist)
                  names(ret) <- layer
            if (isSF) {
              # opW2 <- options(warn=0)
               obj <- sf::st_read(dsn,layer=layer,quiet=TRUE)
              # options(opW2)
               if (!spatial_count(obj)) {
                  if (isTRUE(getOption("ursaNoticeMatchCall")))
                     message('spatialize: try `mget(names(match.call())[-1])` instead of `as.list(match.call())`')
                 # res <- eval.parent(rel[[i]])
                  rel <- as.list(match.call()) ## try mget(names(match.call())[-1])
                  rel[["dsn"]] <- quote(obj)
                  obj <- do.call(as.character(rel[[1]]),rel[-1])
                  if (!spatial_count(obj))
               if (TRUE) {
                  .o <- obj
                  obj <- try(sf::st_zm(.o,drop=TRUE))
                  if (inherits(obj,"try-error"))
                     obj <- .o
               if (isSP) {
                  obj <- sf::as_Spatial(obj)
                  isSF <- FALSE
            else {
               if (isSHP <- .lgrep("\\.shp$",dsn)>0) {
                  cpgname <- .gsub("\\.shp$",".cpg",dsn)
                  if (file.exists(cpgname)) {
                     cpg <- readLines(cpgname,warn=FALSE)
                     cpg <- "UTF-8"
               else {
                  cpg <- "UTF-8"
               ##~ obj <- readOGR(dsn,layer,pointDropZ=TRUE,encoding=enc
                                    ##~ ,use_iconv=!is.null(enc),verbose=FALSE)
               obj <- .rgdal_readOGR(dsn,layer,pointDropZ=TRUE,encoding=cpg
                                    ,use_iconv=cpg %in% "UTF-8"
                                    ## --20191112 use_iconv=!isSHP
               if ((length(names(obj))==1)&&(names(obj)=="FID")) {
                  info <- .rgdal_ogrInfo(dsn,layer)
                  if (info$nitems==0)
                     methods::slot(obj,"data")$FID <- NULL
      if (geocodeStatus) {
         isSP <- .isSP(obj)
         isSF <- .isSF(obj)
   if ("keep" %in% style) {
      crs <- spatial_crs(obj)
     # style <- crs
     # print(data.frame(style=style,crs=crs,isEPSG=isEPSG,isPROJ4=isPROJ4))
     # print(resetProj)
  # resetProj <- FALSE
   if (verbose)
   if (nchar(subset)) {
      obj <- do.call("subset",list(obj,parse(text=subset)))
   if ((geocodeStatus)&&("auto" %in% style)) {
      style <- switch(geocode,nominatim=c("Positron","mapnik","openstreetmap color")[1]
                             ,google="google terrain color")
   if ((toUnloadMethods)&&("package:methods" %in% search())) {
     # print(search())
     # but namespace "methods" is not unloaded, because namespace "sp" is loaded
     # 'as' is not found now
   if (FALSE) { ## deprecated
      if (isSF) {
         dname <- try(names(sf::st_agr(obj)),silent=TRUE)
         if (inherits(dname,"try-error"))
            dname <- character()
      else if (isSP) {
         dname <- try(colnames(methods::slot(obj,"data")),silent=TRUE)
         if (inherits(dname,"try-error"))
            dname <- character()
      dname <- spatial_fields(obj)
   dname0 <- dname
   hasTable <- length(dname)>0
   if (is.na(field)[1])
      field <- ".+"
   else if (length(field)>1)
      field <- paste0("^(",paste(field,collapse="|"),")$")
   dname <- .grep(field,dname,value=TRUE)
  # str(dname);q()
   if ((hasTable)&&(!length(dname))) {
      message("unable to get fields by name")
     # str(asf)
     # return(invisible(20L))
   isSP <- .isSP(obj)
   isSF <- .isSF(obj)
   if ((!identical(dname0,dname))&&(length(dname))) {
      if (isSF)
         obj <- obj[,dname]
      if (isSP) {
         obj <- obj[,dname]
   if (hasTable) {
      if (isSF)
         cl <- lapply(obj,class)[dname]
      else if (isSP)
         cl <- lapply(methods::slot(obj,"data"),class)[dname]
      for (i in seq_along(dname)) {
         cl2 <- cl[i]
         if (isSF) {
            da <- obj[,dname[i],drop=TRUE] ## sf>=0.5
            if (inherits(da,c("track_xy","random_points")))
               da <- unclass(da)
           # da <- obj[,dname[i],drop=TRUE][,,drop=TRUE] ## sf>=0.4
           # str(da)
         else if (isSP) {
            da <- methods::slot(obj,"data")[,dname[i],drop=TRUE]
         if (is.character(da)) {
            if (jsonSF) {
               ind <- which(Encoding(da) %in% c("unknown"))
               if (length(ind))
                  Encoding(da[ind]) <- "UTF-8"
           # str(dname[i])
            isDateTime <- FALSE
            skipParse <- TRUE # .isPackageInUse()
           # if (dname[i]=="time")
           #    str(da)
            nc <- try(nchar(na.omit(da)))
            if (inherits(nc,"try-error")) {
               msg <- attr(nc,"condition")$message
               if (.lgrep("element\\s\\d+",msg)) {
                  ind <- as.integer(.gsub(".*element\\s(\\d+).*","\\1",msg))
                  if (!is.na(ind))
                     msg <- paste0(msg,": ",da[ind])
               message("Data field ",.sQuote(dname[i]),": ",msg)
              # str(da)
              # print(c(warn=getOption("warn")))
               if (F) {
                  opW <- options(warn=ifelse(.isPackageInUse(),1,1))
                  warning("Check specified encoding for input data table")
            else if ((dev <- TRUE)&&(length(unique(nc))==1)&&
                  (.lgrep("\\d{4}.*\\d{2}.*\\d{2}",da))) {
               nNA <- length(which(is.na(da)))
               s <- sapply(gregexpr("(-|\\.|/)",da),function(x) length(x[x>=0]))
               if (all(s>=2)) {
                  s <- sapply(gregexpr("(-|\\.|/)",da),function(x) diff(x)[1])
                  if (all(s==3))
                     da <- .gsub(".*(\\d{4})(.?)(\\d{2})(.?)(\\d{2})(.*)"
               else if (FALSE & length(grep("(\\d{8})($|\\D.*$)",da))==length(da)) {
                  da <- .gsub(".*(\\d{4})(.?)(\\d{2})(.?)(\\d{2})(.+)*"
                             ,"\\1-\\3-\\5\\6 6='\\6' 7='\\7'",da)
                  skipParse <- TRUE
               if (!skipParse) {
                 # da <- .gsub(".*(\\d{4})(.?)(\\d{2})(.?)(\\d{2})(.*)","\\1-\\3-\\5\\6",da)
                  a <- as.POSIXct(as.POSIXlt(da,format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ",tz="UTC"))
                  if (all(is.na(a))) {
                     a <- as.POSIXct(da,tz="",format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                  if (all(is.na(a))) {
                     a <- as.POSIXct(da,tz="",format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
                  if (all(is.na(a))) {
                     a <- as.POSIXct(da,tz="",format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M")
                  if (all(is.na(a))) {
                     a <- as.Date(da,format="%Y-%m-%d")
                  if (length(which(is.na(a)))==length(which(is.na(da)))) {
                     da <- a
                     if (nchar(tz <- Sys.getenv("TZ"))) {
                        da <- as.POSIXct(as.POSIXlt(da,tz=tz))
                     isDateTime <- TRUE
           # if (dname[i]=="time")
           #    str(da)
            if (!isDateTime) {
              # da <- iconv(da,to="UTF-8")
              # Encoding(da) <- "UTF-8"
              # if (is.null(cpg)) ## ++ 20180527
              #    Encoding(da) <- "UTF-8"
            if ((is.character(da))&&(anyNA(da))) {
               ind <- which(!is.na(da))
              # da[ind] <- paste0("a",da[ind]) ## devel
               opN <- options(warn=-1)
               daD <- as.numeric(da[ind])
               if (!anyNA(daD)) {
                  if (.is.integer(daD))
                     da <- as.integer(da)
                     da <- as.numeric(da)
           ## if inherits(da,"POSIXlt") then 'da' is a list with 9 items
            if (isSF)
               obj[,dname[i]] <- da
            else if (isSP) {
               if (!inherits(da,c("Date","POSIXct"))) {
                  opW <- options(warn=-1)
                  da2 <- as.numeric(da)
                  if ((!anyNA(da2))&&(length(grep("^0.+",da))==0)) {
                     da <- if (.is.integer(da2)) as.integer(round(da2)) else da2
               methods::slot(obj,"data")[,dname[i]] <- da
         else if (TRUE) {
            cond1 <- isTRUE(!is.factor(da))
            cond2 <- isTRUE(try(.is.integer(na.omit(da))))
            isInt <- cond1 && cond2
           # isInt <- .is.integer(da)
            if (isInt) { # &&(!is.integer(da))
               da <- as.integer(round(da))
               if (isSF)
                  obj[,dname[i]] <- da
               else if (isSP)
                  methods::slot(obj,"data")[,dname[i]] <- da
         else if ((FALSE)&&(isSP)) {
            if (.is.integer(na.omit(da))) {
               methods::slot(obj,"data")[,dname[i]] <- as.integer(da)
     # Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE",lc)
     # str(asf)
   if (!exists("obj")) {
      stop("Object cannot be recognized as spatial")
   if (jsonSF) {
      cname <- spatial_colnames(obj)
      Encoding(cname) <- "UTF-8"
      spatial_colnames(obj) <- cname
   if (isSF) {
      if ((is.data.frame(obj))&&(!nrow(obj)))
         return(obj) # return(spatial_data(obj))
      if (!sum(sapply(spatial_geometry(obj),length)))
   ##~ if ((isSP)&&(!length(methods::slot(spatial_geometry(obj),"coords")))) {
      ##~ stop("NULL geometry for Spatial class")
      ##~ return(spatial_data(obj))
   ##~ }
   if (isSF) {
      if (TRUE) { ## not tested for multiple geometries POLYGON/MULTIPOLYGON
         if (inherits(obj,"sfc"))
            geoType <- .grep("^sfc_.+$",class(obj),value=TRUE)
            geoType <- .grep("^sfc_.+$",class(obj[[attr(obj,"sf_column")]]),value=TRUE)
         geoType <- .gsub("^sfc_","",geoType)
         if (geoType=="GEOMETRY")
            geoType <- unique(as.character(sf::st_geometry_type(obj)))
      else { ## low perfomance for long geometry
         geoType <- unique(as.character(sf::st_geometry_type(obj)))
   if (isSP)
      geoType <- switch(class(sp::geometry(obj))
   if (("POLYGON" %in% geoType)&&("MULTIPOLYGON" %in% geoType)) {
      if (isSF) {
         ret <- .try(obj <- sf::st_cast(obj,"MULTIPOLYGON"))
      if (isSP) {
         stop("POLYGON to MULTIPOLYGON for 'Spatial' is not implemented")
   projClass <- c("longlat","stere","laea","merc")
   projPatt <- paste0("(",paste(projClass,collapse="|"),")")
   staticMap <- c("openstreetmap","sputnikmap","google")
   tilePatt <- paste0("(",paste0(unique(c(staticMap,.tileService())),collapse="|"),")")
   retina <- getOption("ursaRetina",1)
   len <- 640L # as.integer(round(640*getOption("ursaRetina",1)))
   if (is.na(size[1]))
      size <- c(len,len)
   else if (is.character(size)) {
      size <- as.integer(unlist(strsplit(
                   .gsub("(\\d+)\\D+(\\d+)","\\1 \\2",size),split="\\s")))
   else if (is.numeric(size))
      size <- rep(size,length=2)
   if (is.numeric(size))
      len <- as.integer(round(max(size)))
   g2 <- getOption("ursaSessionGrid")
   if (any(is.na(border))) {
      if ((!is.null(g2))||(!is.null(grid)))
         border <- 0L
         border <- 27L
   if (!.lgrep("(none|auto|keep)",style)) {
      if ((!is.null(proj4))&&(proj4!=style))
         resetProj <- TRUE
   if (isEPSG)
      resetProj <- FALSE
  # q()
  # if ((proj=="internal")&&(!is.na(keepProj))) {
  #    g2 <- NULL
  # }
   if (resetProj)
      g0 <- NULL
   else if ((is.null(grid))&&(!is.null(g2)))
      g0 <- g2
   else if (is.null(grid))
      g0 <- NULL
   else {
      g0 <- ursa_grid(grid)
  # style <- "merc"
   if (provider) {
      proj <- "merc"
      art <- style
   else {
      if (!.lgrep(projPatt,style))
         proj <- "auto"
         proj <- .gsub2(projPatt,"\\1",style)
      if (!.lgrep(tilePatt,style)) {
         art <- "none"
      else {
         art <- .gsub2(tilePatt,"\\1",style)
         proj <- "merc" #ifelse(art=="polarmap",art,"merc")
   isStatic <- .lgrep("static",style)>0
   mlen <- switch(art,google=640,openstreetmap=960,sputnikmap=640)
   if (isStatic) {
      len[len>mlen] <- mlen
  # canTile <- .lgrep(art,eval(as.list(args(".tileService"))$server))>0
   if (style=="web") {
      canTile <- TRUE
   else if (proj %in% c("onemorekwd?",projClass)) {
      canTile <- FALSE
   else {
      canTile <- .lgrep(art,.tileService())>0
      if ((!canTile)&&(!.isCRS(style))) {
         if ((!style %in% c("auto","none","keep"))&&(!isPROJ4)) {
            canTile <- style %in% .tileService(providers=TRUE)
        # if (canTile)
        #    art <- style
  # str(list(style=style,art=art,canTile=canTile))
   isTile <- .lgrep("(tile|polarmap)",style)>0 & canTile | 
   if ((!isStatic)&&(!isTile)) {
      if (art %in% staticMap)
         isStatic <- TRUE
      else if (canTile)
         isTile <- TRUE
         art <- "none"
   tpat <- unlist(gregexpr("\\{[xyz]\\}",style))
   tpat <- length(tpat[tpat>0])
   toZoom <- (isTile)||(isStatic)||("web" %in% style)||.lgrep("^tile",style)||
             ("polarmap" %in% style)||
  # isColor <- .lgrep("colo(u)*r",style)>0
   isWeb <- .lgrep(tilePatt,art)
   if (verbose) {
     # str(as.list(match.call()))
  # isOSM <- proj %in% "osm"
  # isGoogle <- proj %in% "google"
  # http://static-api.maps.sputnik.ru/v1/?width=400&height=400&z=6&clng=179&clat=70
  #                                &apikey=5032f91e8da6431d8605-f9c0c9a00357
  # isWeb <- isOSM | isGoogle | tryTile
   if ((is.null(g0))||(is.numeric(lon0))||(is.numeric(lat0))) {
  # if ((resetProj)||(is.ursa(g0,"grid"))||(is.numeric(lon0))||(is.numeric(lat0))) {
      proj4 <- spatial_crs(obj)
      if (verbose)
      if ((is.na(proj4))&&(nchar(style))) {
         hasProj <- if (.isProj4(style)) .lgrep("\\+proj=.+",style)>0
                    else nchar(.crsProj(style))>0
         if (hasProj) { ## ++ 20180530
            proj4 <- style
           # isPROJ4 <- FALSE
      if ((proj4=="")&&(!(proj %in% c("auto","internal","keep")))) {
         resetProj <- TRUE
         proj4 <- "auto"
      isLonLat <- .isLongLat(proj4)
      if ((proj %in% c("auto"))&&(isLonLat)&&(!isEPSG)&&(style!="keep")) { ## added 2016-08-09
         resetProj <- TRUE
         proj4 <- "auto"
      if ((isLonLat)&&(proj==style)&&(proj %in% c("laea","stere"))) {
         resetProj <- TRUE
         proj4 <- "auto"
      isMerc <- .isMerc(proj4)
      if (isMerc) {
         major <- .crsSemiMajor(proj4) #.gsub(".+\\+a=(\\S+)\\s.+","\\1",proj4) ## 20037508
         if (identical(major,proj4)) {
            if (.lgrep("\\+(datum|ellps)=WGS84",proj4)) ## TODO for WKT
               B <- 20037508
            else ## yandex?
               B <- 20037508
           # print(B)
            B <- as.numeric(major)*pi
      if (isPROJ4)
         resetProj <- FALSE
      if (is.numeric(lon0) | is.numeric(lat0) | resetProj) {
         if (isSF) {
            asf2 <- sf::st_transform(obj,4326)
            asf_geom2 <- sf::st_geometry(asf2)
            xy <- lapply(asf_geom2,function(z) {
               if (!is.list(z)) {
                  if (is.null(dim(z))) {
                     d <- ifelse(inherits(z,"XYZ"),3,2)
                     dim(z) <- c(length(z)/d,d)
                  z <- list(z)
               xy2 <- lapply(z,function(z2) {
                  if (!is.list(z2))
                     z2 <- list(z2)
         if (isSP) {
            asp2 <- sp::spTransform(obj,"EPSG:4326")
            if (geoType=="POINT") {
               xy <- sp::coordinates(asp2)
            else {
               asp2_geom <- switch(geoType,POLYGON=methods::slot(sp::geometry(asp2),"polygons")
               xy <- lapply(asp2_geom,function(z) {
                  gz <- switch(geoType
                  lapply(gz,function(z3) t(sp::coordinates(z3)))
         if (is.list(xy)) {
            xy <- unlist(xy)
            if (is.null(xy)) {
               if (verbose)
                  cat("Spatial object is NULL")
            xy <- matrix(c(xy),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
         if (verbose)
         lon2 <- na.omit(xy[,1])
         lat2 <- na.omit(xy[,2])
         if (!length(lon2)) {
         if ((nrow(xy)>1)&&(length(lon2))) {
           # x <- cos(lon2*pi/180)
           # y <- sin(lon2*pi/180)
           # x <- mean(x)
           # y <- mean(y)
           # print(c(x=mean(x),y=mean(y)))
           # theta <- rep(0,length(x))
           # ind <- which(x!=0)
           # theta[-ind] <- pi/2*sign(y[-ind])
           # theta[ind] <- atan(y[ind]/x[ind])
           # ind <- which(x<0)
           # theta[ind] <- pi+theta[ind]
           # theta <- theta-pi
           # theta <- theta*180/pi
           # theta <- mean(theta)
           # lon2 <- range(lon2)
           # lon2 <- theta*pi/180
           # if (theta>180)
           #    theta <- theta-360
           # else if (theta<=(-180))
           #    theta <- theta+360
            lon3 <- lon2
            lon4 <- lon2
            ind3 <- which(lon3<0)
            ind4 <- which(lon4>180)
            lon3[ind3] <- lon3[ind3]+360
            lon4[ind4] <- lon4[ind4]-360
            lon5 <- lon2+360
            sd2 <- sd(lon2)
            sd3 <- sd(lon3)
            sd4 <- sd(lon4)
            sd5 <- sd(lon5)
            dr2 <- diff(range(lon2))
            dr3 <- diff(range(lon3))
            dr4 <- diff(range(lon4))
            dr5 <- diff(range(lon5))
            dr0 <- min(c(dr2,dr3,dr4,dr5))
            if (verbose)
            if (verbose)
            if ((sd3<=sd2)&&(sd3<=sd4)&&(dr3==dr0)) {
              # if (length(ind3))
              #    selection <- 3L
               lon2 <- lon3
            else if ((sd4<=sd2)&&(sd4<=sd3)&&(dr4==dr0)) {
              # if (length(ind4))
              #    selection <- 4L
               lon2 <- lon4
        # if ((any(lon2<180))&&(any(lon2>180)))
        #    selection <- 3L
         if (verbose)
        # selection <- 0L
         if ((FALSE)&&(mean(lon2)>0))
            lon2[lon2<0] <- lon2[lon2<0]+360
         bbox <- c(range(lon2),range(lat2))[c(1,3,2,4)]
        # options(ursaRasterizeSelection=selection)
        # options(ursaRasterizeBbox=bbox)
         theta2 <- mean(range(lon2))
        # print(c(old=theta2,new=theta))
        # lon_0 <- if (is.numeric(lon0)) lon0 else mean(range(lon2))
         lon_0 <- if (is.numeric(lon0)) lon0 else round(theta2,4)
         lat_ts <- if (is.numeric(lat0)) lat0 else round(mean(lat2),4)
         if (proj=="laea")
            lat_0 <- lat_ts
            lat_0 <- if (lat_ts>=0) 90 else -90
         if (((proj=="merc")&&(.lgrep("(polarmap|ArcticConnect|ArcticSDI|tile357[123456])",style)>0))||
               ((proj=="auto")&&("web" %in% style)&&(isTRUE(crs %in% 3571:3576)))) {
            proj <- "laea"
         else if (proj=="auto") {
            if (("web" %in% style)||(tpat==3))
           # if (style=="web")
               proj <- "merc"
            else if (.lgrep("tile3857",style))
               proj <- "merc"
            else if (.lgrep("(polarmap|ArcticConnect|ArcticSDI|tile357[123456])",style))
               proj <- "laea"
            else if ((any(lat2<0))&&(any(lat2>0)))
               proj <- "merc"
            else if (isEPSG)
               proj <- "epsg"
               proj <- "stere"
         if (verbose)
         if (proj=="stere") {
            t_srs <- paste("+proj=stere"
                          ,"+k=1","+x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs")
         else if (proj=="laea") {
            if (.lgrep("(polarmap|ArcticConnect|ArcticSDI|^web$)",style)) {
               if (length(crs)) {
                  lon_0 <- as.numeric(gsub(".*\\+lon_0=(\\S+)\\s.*","\\1"
               lon_0[lon_0<(-165) || lon_0>=(+135)] <- -180
               lon_0[lon_0>=(-165) && lon_0<(-125)] <- -150
               lon_0[lon_0>=(-125) && lon_0<(-70)] <- -100
               lon_0[lon_0>=(-70) && lon_0<(-25)] <- -40
               lon_0[lon_0>=(-25) && lon_0<(+50)] <- 10
               lon_0[lon_0>=(50) && lon_0<(+135)] <- 90
            t_srs <- paste("+proj=laea"
                          ,"+k=1","+x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs")
         else if (proj=="merc")
            t_srs <- paste("+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137"
                          ,"+x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m"
                         # ,"+nadgrids=@null"
                          ,"+wktext +no_defs")
         else if ((proj %in% c("longlat"))||(isLonLat)) {
            t_srs <- .crsWGS84()
         else if (proj %in% c("zzzgoogle")) {
            if (FALSE)#(selection %in% c(1000L,3L))
               t_srs <- paste("+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137"
                             ,"+lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=180.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0"
                             ,"+units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs")
               t_srs <- paste("+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137"
                             ,"+lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0"
                             ,"+units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs")
            t_srs <- NULL
         if (is.character(t_srs)) {
           # bbox <- ursa:::.project(matrix(spatial_bbox(a),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
           #                        ,proj=spatial_crs(a),inv=TRUE)
            if (isSF) {
               obj <- sf::st_transform(obj,t_srs)
               if ((TRUE)&&(.lgrep("\\+proj=longlat",t_srs))&&(max(lon2)>180)) {
                  if (verbose)
                     .elapsedTime("lon+360 -- start")
                  objG0 <- spatial_geometry(obj)
                  objG1 <- lapply(objG0,function(g1) {
                     if (!is.list(g1))
                     ret1 <- lapply(g1,function(g2) {
                        if (!is.list(g2))
                     attributes(ret1) <- attributes(g1)
                  attributes(objG1) <- attributes(objG0)
                  spatial_geometry(obj) <- objG1
                  if (verbose)
                     .elapsedTime("lon+360 -- finish")
            if (isSP) {
              # print(t_srs)
              # obj <- sp::spTransform(obj,t_srs)
              # print(c(sp::bbox(obj)),digits=12)
               obj <- spatial_transform(obj,t_srs)
               if ((TRUE)&&(.lgrep("\\+proj=longlat",t_srs))&&(max(lon2)>180)) {
                  if (verbose)
                     .elapsedTime("lon+360 -- start")
                  geoType <- spatial_geotype(obj)
                  if (geoType=="POINT") {
                     methods::slot(obj,"coords") <- .lonPlus360(methods::slot(obj,"coords"))
                  else {
                     objG0 <- spatial_geometry(obj)
                     objG1 <- switch(geoType
                     xy <- lapply(objG1,function(z) {
                        gz <- switch(geoType
                        gz <- lapply(gz,function(z3) {
                           methods::slot(z3,"coords") <- .lonPlus360(methods::slot(z3,"coords"))
                        if (geoType=="POLYGON")
                           methods::slot(z,"Polygons") <- gz
                        else if (geoType=="LINE")
                           methods::slot(z,"Lines") <- gz
                        else if (geoType=="POINT")
                           methods::slot(z,"Points") <- gz
                     if (geoType=="POLYGON")
                        methods::slot(objG0,"polygons") <- xy
                     else if (geoType=="LINE")
                        methods::slot(objG0,"lines") <- xy ## gz? (20190921)
                     else if (geoType=="POINT")
                        objG0 <- xy ## gz?  (20190921)
                     spatial_geometry(obj) <- objG0
                  if (verbose)
                     .elapsedTime("lon+360 -- finish")
        # xy <- .project(xy,t_srs)
        # print(summary(xy))
      else if (isEPSG | isPROJ4) {
         a <- .try({
            t_srs <- ifelse(isPROJ4,style,.epsg2proj4(style))
           # str(style)
           # str(t_srs)
            if (isSF) {
               patt <- "\\+init=epsg\\:(.+)\\s*$"
               if (length(grep(patt,t_srs)))
                  t_srs <- as.integer(gsub(patt,"\\1",t_srs))
              # str(sf::st_crs(obj))
               obj <- sf::st_transform(obj,t_srs)
            if (isSP) {
              # str(sp::proj4string(obj))
               obj <- sp::spTransform(obj,t_srs)
         if (!a) {
            t_srs <- ifelse(isPROJ4,style,.epsg2proj4(style,force=TRUE))
            if (isSF) {
               obj <- sf::st_transform(obj,t_srs)
            if (isSP) {
               obj <- sp::spTransform(obj,t_srs)
  # else if (((isSF)&&(is.ursa(a,"grid")))||((isSP)&&(is.ursa(asp,"grid")))) {
   else if (is.ursa(g0,"grid")) {
      t_srs <- g0$crs
      if (isSF) {
        # opE <- options(show.error.messages=TRUE)
        # print(sf::st_bbox(obj))
         src0 <- spatial_crs(obj) # sf::st_crs(obj)$proj4string
         if (!is.na(src0)) {
           # if (!.isPackageInUse())
           #    cat("Please devel comparison of two WKTs\n")
            t_srs <- spatial_crs(t_srs)
            g0$crs <- t_srs
            if ((!identical(.crsBeauty(src0,extended=TRUE)
               obj <- sf::st_transform(obj,t_srs)
        # print(sf::st_crs(obj)$proj4string)
        # print(sf::st_bbox(obj))
        # options(opE)
      if (isSP) {
         if (FALSE)
            src0 <- sp::proj4string(obj)
         else if (FALSE) {
            src0 <- methods::slot(obj,"proj4string")
            if (methods::is(src0,"CRS"))
               src0 <- methods::slot(src0,"projargs")
            src0 <- spatial_crs(obj)
        # print(c(sp::bbox(obj)))
         if ((!is.na(src0))&&(T | !identical(src0,t_srs))) {
            if (.lgrep("\\+init=epsg",t_srs)) {
               t_srs <- .epsg2proj4(t_srs,force=TRUE)
               if (.lgrep("\\+init=epsg",src0))
                  src0 <- .epsg2proj4(src0,force=TRUE)
               if (!identical(src0,t_srs))
                  obj <- sp::spTransform(obj,t_srs) ## not tested
            else {
               if ((!identical(src0,t_srs))&&(nchar(t_srs)>0)) {
                  opW <- options(warn=ifelse(.isPackageInUse(),-1,1))
                  obj <- sp::spTransform(obj,sp::CRS(t_srs,doCheckCRSArgs=FALSE))
        # print(sp::proj4string(obj))
        # print(c(sp::bbox(obj)))
   if (FALSE) { ## deprecated
      if (isSF) {
         obj_geom <- sf::st_geometry(obj)
        # bbox <- c(sf::st_bbox(obj_geom)) ## low performance sp<=0.5-2
         if (inherits(obj,"sfc"))
            bbox <- c(sf::st_bbox(obj_geom))
            bbox <- attr(obj[[attr(obj,"sf_column")]],"bbox") ## ~ sf::st_bbox
         proj4 <- sf::st_crs(obj)$proj4string
      if (isSP) {
         obj_geom <- switch(geoType,POLYGON=methods::slot(sp::geometry(obj),"polygons")
         bbox <- c(sp::bbox(obj))
         if (length(bbox)==6) {
            bbox <- bbox[c(1,2,4,5)]
           # names(bbox) <- c("xmin","ymin","zmin","xmax","ymax","zmax")
         names(bbox) <- c("xmin","ymin","xmax","ymax")
         proj4 <- sp::proj4string(obj)
   else {
      bbox <- spatial_bbox(obj)
      proj4 <- spatial_crs(obj)
      if ((FALSE)&&(isSP)) {
         obj_geom <- spatial_geometry(obj)
         obj_geom <- switch(geoType,POLYGON=methods::slot(obj_geom,"polygons")
   if ((bbox["xmin"]==bbox["xmax"])||(bbox["ymin"]==bbox["ymax"]))
      bbox <- bbox+100*c(-1,-1,1,1)
   if (FALSE) {
      .sc <- ifelse(.lgrep("\\+proj=(zzzlonglat|zzzmerc)",proj4)>0,0,expand-1)
      indx <- c("minx","maxx")
      bbox[indx] <- mean(bbox[c(1,3)])+c(-1,1)*expand*diff(bbox[c(1,3)])/2
      bbox[c(2,4)] <- mean(bbox[c(2,4)])+c(-1,1)*expand*diff(bbox[c(2,4)])/2
   else {
      if ((bbox[1]>0)&&(bbox[3]<0))
         bbox[3] <- bbox[3]+360
      .sc <- (expand-1)*sqrt(diff(bbox[c(1,3)])*diff(bbox[c(2,4)]))/2
      bbox <- bbox+c(-1,-1,1,1)*.sc
   if (is.null(g0)) {
      if (!is.na(cell)) {
         res <- rep(cell,length=2)
         g0 <- regrid(bbox=unname(bbox[c("xmin","ymin","xmax","ymax")]),res=res
      else {
         res <- max(c(bbox["xmax"]-bbox["xmin"]),(bbox["ymax"]-bbox["ymin"]))/len
         p <- pretty(res)
         res <- p[which.min(abs(res-p))]
         g1 <- ursa_grid()
         g1$resx <- g1$resy <- as.numeric(res)
         g1$crs[] <- proj4
         g0 <- regrid(g1,bbox=unname(bbox[c("xmin","ymin","xmax","ymax")])
                     ,border=0) ## border=border
   if (toZoom) {
      res <- with(g0,sqrt(resx*resy))
      s <- 2*6378137*pi/(2^(1:21+8))
      zoom <- which.min(abs(s-res))
      if (("polarmap" %in% style)&&(zoom>9)) {
         znew <- 9
         g0 <- regrid(g0,res=s[znew],expand=ifelse(dev <-F ,2^(zoom-znew),1))
         zoom <- znew
         g0 <- regrid(g0,res=s[zoom])
   if (any(border!=0)) {
      g0 <- regrid(g0,border=border)
   if ((isWeb)||("web" %in% style)) {
      if (retina>1) {
         if (retina<2)
            retina <- 2
         else if ((retina>2)&&(retina<4))
            retina <- 4
         g0 <- regrid(g0,mul=retina)
         g0$retina <- retina
   if ((FALSE)&&(isWeb)) {
      bbox <- with(g0,.project(cbind(c(minx,maxx),c(miny,maxy))
      basemap <- .geomap(bbox,border=0,style=style,verbose=verbose)
      g0 <- ursa(basemap,"grid")
      attr(obj,"basemap") <- basemap
   if (is.null(g2)) {
   geoMix <- (.lgrep("point",geoType)>0)+
   if (geoMix) {
      geoEach <- spatial_geotype(obj,each=TRUE)
      obj <- lapply(c("point","line","polygon"),function(gf) {
         if (!length(ind <- .grep(gf,geoEach)))
         res <- obj[ind,]
         da <- spatial_data(res)
         ind <- rep(TRUE,ncol(da))
         if (T)
            for (i in seq_along(ind))
               ind[i] <- !all(is.na(da[[i]]))
      obj <- obj[sapply(obj,function(o) !is.null(o))]
  # str(list(style=style,proj=proj))
   cond1 <- ((proj!=style[1])&&(!style %in% c("none","keep","web")))
   cond2 <- (isPROJ4)||(!geocodeStatus)
   ##~ print(isPROJ4)
   ##~ print(geocodeStatus)
   ##~ print(c(cond1=cond1,cond2=cond2))
   if (i_am_not_ready_to_cancel_it <- ((cond1)&&(!cond2))) {
      if (!inherits(obj,"SpatialPixels"))
         attr(obj,"grid") <- g0
         attr(obj,"ursaGrid") <- g0
      attr(obj,"toUnloadMethods") <- toUnloadMethods
      attr(obj,"colnames") <- dname
      attr(obj,"style") <- style
      attr(obj,"geocodeStatus") <- geocodeStatus
     # attr(obj,"engine") <- ifelse(isSF,"sf","sp")
      if (exists("dsn"))
         attr(obj,"dsn") <- dsn
  # class(obj) <- c(class(obj),"ursaVectorExternal")

Try the ursa package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ursa documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:35 a.m.