#' Extract sequence:protein ID mappings
#' @description Given a list of infiles, read the files,
#' retain the sequence and protein ID columns and bind the rows
#' @param infiles `list`. Outfiles from PD
#' @param seq_col `string` Column name for peptide sequence
#' @param prot_col `string` Column name for protein(s)
#' @param master_prot_col `string` Column name for master protein(s)
#' @return Returns an `data.frame` object which maps peptide sequences to
#' protein and master protein ID(s) for each infile
#' @keywords internal
read_infiles <- function(infiles,
seq2prot <- lapply(infiles, function(x){
utils::read.delim(x, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) %>%
dplyr::select(all_of(c(seq_col, prot_col, master_prot_col))) %>%
}) %>% do.call(what='rbind')
#' Approximate parsimony approach to map sequence to protein
#' across multiple samples
#' @description # Uses an approximate parsimony approach (e.g least number of
#' proteins required to account for all observed sequences) to generate a
#' single map from sequence to protein for all samples
#' @param seq2prot `data`. Output from \code{\link{read_infiles}}
#' @param seq_col `string` Column name for peptide sequence
#' @param prot_col `string` Column name for protein(s)
#' @param master_prot_col `string` Column name for master protein(s)
#' @return Returns an `data.frame` object which uniquely maps peptide sequence
#' to master protein
#' @keywords internal
get_sequence2protein <- function(seq2prot,
# get unique seq->prot mappings
seq_protein <- seq2prot %>%
separate_rows("Protein.Accessions", sep='; ') %>%
dplyr::select(all_of(c(seq_col, prot_col))) %>%
protein_to_sequences <- seq_protein %>%
group_by_at(prot_col) %>%
protein_to_sequences_map <- protein_to_sequences$Sequences
names(protein_to_sequences_map) <- protein_to_sequences[[prot_col]]
protein_counts <- protein_to_sequences_map %>%
names() %>%
sapply(function(x) length(protein_to_sequences_map[[x]]))
sequences_left_to_account_for <- unique(seq_protein[[seq_col]])
sequences_accounted_for <- NULL
n_seq_per_protein_values <- rev(names(table(protein_counts)))
s2p <- NULL
for(n in n_seq_per_protein_values){
proteins <- protein_counts[protein_counts==n]
mini_s2p <- rep(names(proteins), each=n)
names(mini_s2p) <- unlist(protein_to_sequences_map[names(proteins)], use.names=FALSE)
mini_s2p <- mini_s2p[!names(mini_s2p) %in% sequences_accounted_for]
rep_seq <- intersect(names(mini_s2p), sequences_accounted_for)
stop(sprintf('Something has gone wrong here, accounting for the same sequence more than once %s',
paste(rep_seq, collapse=',')))
sequences_accounted_for <- union(sequences_accounted_for, names(mini_s2p))
sequences_left_to_account_for <- setdiff(sequences_left_to_account_for, names(mini_s2p))
s2p <- c(s2p, mini_s2p)
new_seq_to_master <-
rlang::set_names(data.frame(names(s2p), s2p), c(seq_col, 'Protein')) %>%
group_by_at(seq_col) %>%
summarise('Updated.Master.Protein.Accessions'=paste(.data$Protein, collapse='; '))
#' Check if two protein IDs are the same allowing for:
#' 1. multiple IDs (default separated by '; ')
#' 2. mutiple IDs in any order
#' @description Check if two protein IDs are the same allowing for:
# 1. multiple IDs (default separated by '; ')
# 2. multiple IDs in any order
#' @param seq2prot `data`. Output from \code{\link{read_infiles}}
#' @param proteins1 `string` protein(s), set 1
#' @param proteins2 `string` protein(s), set 2
#' @param sep1 `string` delimiter for proteins1
#' @param sep2 `string` delimiter for proteins2
#' @return Returns an `Logical` where `TRUE` if the proteins1 and
#' proteins2 contain the same set of proteins
#' @keywords internal
match_proteins <- function(proteins1, proteins2, sep1='; ', sep2='; '){
proteins1 <- strsplit(proteins1, sep1)[[1]]
proteins2 <- strsplit(proteins2, sep2)[[1]]
return(setequal(proteins1, proteins2))
#' Compare the number of peptides per protein pre/post-consensus master protein
#' assignment
#' @param seq2new_master_prot `data`. Output from merging
#' \code{\link{read_infiles}} & \code{\link{get_sequence2protein}}
#' @param seq_col `string` Column name for peptide sequence
#' @param master_prot_col `string` Column name for master protein(s)
#' @return Returns an `ggplot` for the number of sequences per master protein
#' in the original infiles and after the consensus master protein assignment
#' @keywords internal
compare_sequences_per_protein <- function(seq2new_master_prot,
master_protein_counts <- seq2new_master_prot %>%
filter(!!sym(master_prot_col)!='') %>%
dplyr::select(one_of(c(seq_col, master_prot_col))) %>%
distinct() %>%
group_by_at(master_prot_col) %>%
tally() %>%
group_by(n) %>%
tally() %>%
new_master_protein_counts <- seq2new_master_prot %>%
filter(.data$Updated.Master.Protein.Accessions!='') %>%
dplyr::select(one_of(c(seq_col, 'Updated.Master.Protein.Accessions'))) %>%
distinct() %>%
group_by(.data$Updated.Master.Protein.Accessions) %>%
tally() %>%
group_by(n) %>%
tally() %>%
p <- new_master_protein_counts %>% rbind(master_protein_counts) %>%
arrange(.data$type) %>%
mutate(type=factor(.data$type, levels=c('Original', 'Updated'))) %>%
group_by(.data$type) %>%
mutate(cum_nn =cumsum(.data$nn)/sum(.data$nn)) %>%
ggplot(aes(log10(n), .data$cum_nn, colour=.data$type)) +
geom_step() +
theme_bw() +
theme(aspect.ratio=1) +
scale_colour_discrete(name='Master protein assignment') +
ylim(0, NA) +
xlab('Sequences per protein (log10)') +
ylab('Fraction of proteins')
#' Identify the proportion of exact matches in protein IDs
#' @description With object containing original and updated master protein
#' assignments, identify the proportion of exact matches in protein IDs
#' @param seq2new_master_prot `data`. Output from merging
#' \code{\link{read_infiles}} & \code{\link{get_sequence2protein}}
#' @param master_prot_col `string` Column name for master protein(s)
#' @return Prints the proportion of exact matches in the console.
#' @keywords internal
compare_IDs <- function(seq2new_master_prot, master_prot_col){
id_match <- seq2new_master_prot %>%
rowwise() %>%
!!sym(master_prot_col), .data$Updated.Master.Protein.Accessions),
'Same ID(s)', 'Different ID(s)')) %>%
pull(.data$same_id) %>%
print(round(100*id_match/sum(id_match), 1))
#' Identify the proportion of peptides with a single assigned master protein
#' @description With object containing original and updated master protein
#' assignments, identify the proportion with a single assigned master protein
#' @param seq2new_master_prot `data`. Output from merging
#' \code{\link{read_infiles}} & \code{\link{get_sequence2protein}}
#' @param master_prot_col `string` Column name for master protein(s)
#' @return Returns an `ggplot` for the number of sequences per master protein
#' in the original infiles and after the consensus master protein assignment
#' @keywords internal
compare_single_master <- function(seq2new_master_prot, master_prot_col){
single_master <- seq2new_master_prot %>%
mutate(original=ifelse(grepl('; ', !!(sym(master_prot_col))),
'Original:Multiple', 'Original:Single'),
updated=ifelse(grepl('; ', .data$Updated.Master.Protein.Accessions),
'Updated:Multiple', 'Updated:Single')) %>%
group_by(.data$original, .data$updated) %>%
count() %>%
spread(key=.data$updated, value=n) %>%
print(round(100*single_master/sum(single_master), 2))
#' Identify the consensus peptide to master protein mapping across multiple runs
#' @description Wrapper function to read in infiles,
#' identify the parsimonious proteins to account for the peptides and
#' then (optionally) compare the new and old master protein assignments
#' @param infiles `list`. Outfiles from PD
#' @param seq_col `string` Column name for peptide sequence
#' @param prot_col `string` Column name for protein(s)
#' @param master_prot_col `string` Column name for master protein(s)
#' @param compare_old_new `logical` Compare the consensus master protein
#' assignments with the original assignments
#' @return Returns an `data.frame` object which maps peptide sequences to
#' consensus master protein ID(s)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # The input in this example is 2x peptideGroups.txt outputs from Proteome
#' # Discoverer. Both files must have the columns (cols) specified. This may require
#' # re-exporting the peptideGroups.txt file from PD as the "Protein.Accessions"
#' # column is often not there by default.
#' get_parsimony_pep2prot(
#' list("peptideGroups1.txt", "peptideGroups2.txt"),
#' seq_col = "Sequence",
#' prot_col = "Protein.Accessions",
#' master_prot_col = "Master.Protein.Accessions",
#' compare_old_new = TRUE
#' )
#' }
#' @export
get_parsimony_pep2prot <- function(infiles, seq_col='Sequence',
seq2prot <- read_infiles(infiles, seq_col, prot_col, master_prot_col)
new_seq_to_master <- get_sequence2protein(seq2prot, seq_col, prot_col)
seq2new_master_prot <- seq2prot %>% merge(new_seq_to_master, by=seq_col)
'With original assignments, %s master proteins. With update, %s master proteins\n',
seq2new_master_prot, seq_col, master_prot_col))
message('Comparing Master Protein IDs\n')
compare_IDs(seq2new_master_prot, master_prot_col)
compare_single_master(seq2new_master_prot, master_prot_col)
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