
Defines functions calculate_rrs

Documented in calculate_rrs

#' Calculates Regulon specificity score (RSS) from binary regulon activity.
#' @param metadata Dataframe containing metadata about cells. Has to create a column named cell_type that assigns groupings to cells.
#' Can be the meta.data slot from a Seurat object.
#' @param binary_regulons Data frame with bianry regulons, where regulons are rows and columns are cells. Can be created from output of binarize_regulons().
#' @keywords SCENIC, regulons, binary activity, kmeans, thresholds
#' @import philentropy
#' @import svMisc
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyr
#' @export
#' @examples

## Iterate over all cell types and perform jensen shannon divergence test using binary regulon activity and genotype

calculate_rrs <- function(metadata,binary_regulons,cell_type_column){

  cell_types <- unique(metadata[,cell_type_column])
  regulons <- rownames(binary_regulons)

  jsd_matrix_ct <- data.frame("regulon" = c(),
                              "cell_type" = c(),
                              "jsd" = c())

  cell_type_counter <- 0
  for(ct in unique(cell_types)) {

    cell_type_counter <- cell_type_counter + 1
    print(paste("Processing cell type:",cell_type_counter,ct,sep=" "))

    for(regulon_no in 1:length(regulons)) {

      regulon <- regulons[regulon_no]

      regulon_vec <- binary_regulons[regulon,]

      regulon_vec_sum <- sum(regulon_vec)

      ## Check that there are cells with binary activity > 0 for this regulon
      if(regulon_vec_sum > 0){


      regulon_norm <- regulon_vec/regulon_vec_sum

      genotype_vec <- metadata[colnames(binary_regulons),]
      genotype_vec <- genotype_vec %>%
        mutate("cell_class" = if_else(get(cell_type_column) == ct,1,0))

      genotype_vec <- genotype_vec$cell_class
      genotype_norm <- genotype_vec/sum(genotype_vec)

      dist_df <- rbind(regulon_norm,genotype_norm)

      ## Calculate the Jensen-Shannon divergence
      jsd_divergence <- suppressMessages(philentropy::JSD(dist_df))

      ## Calculate Jensen-Shannon distance
      rss <- 1-sqrt(jsd_divergence)

      regulon_jsd <- data.frame("regulon" = regulon,
                                "cell_type" = ct,
                                "RSS" = rss[1])

      jsd_matrix_ct <- rbind(jsd_matrix_ct,regulon_jsd)

      }else if(regulon_vec_sum == 0){
        print(paste("Filtered out:",regulon,". No cells with binary activity > 0 identified. Please check your threshold for this regulon!",sep=""))


  jsd_matrix_ct <- jsd_matrix_ct %>%

FloWuenne/scFunctions documentation built on June 3, 2021, 6:42 p.m.