#' A function that will perform fgsea analysis on all cells in a given Seurat object.
#' @param seurat_object The S4 Seurat object which contains filtered and normalized cells in the data slot.
#' @param output_dir The relative directory that will be used to save results.
#' @param de_groups The two group labels to use for differential expression, supplied as a vector.
#' @param clusters_to_exclude Define a vector of clusters for which you don't want to perform DE analysis.
#' @keywords Seurat, DE, differential expression
#' @import fgsea
#' @import Seurat
#' @import plyr
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' DE_Seurat()
#' }
## dependencies:
## Seurat : https://github.com/satijalab/seurat
## Plotly : https://plot.ly/r/
## ggplot2 : https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/
perform_fgsea <- function(seurat_object,
cell_types = sort(unique(seurat_object@ident)),
output_dir = ".",
## Define cell types etc
df_total = NULL
for (celltypename in cell_types) {
celltype_seurat_subset <- SubsetData(seurat_object,
ident.use = celltypename)
#Plot enrichment graph for the cell type (average)
average_cell_Type <- AverageExpression(celltype_seurat_subset, genes.use = NULL, return.seurat = FALSE,
add.ident = NULL, use.scale = TRUE, use.raw = FALSE,
show.progress = TRUE)
gene_names <- rownames(average_cell_Type)
average_cell_Type <- unlist(average_cell_Type, recursive = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)
names(average_cell_Type) <- gene_names
#Caculate the enrichment score for each cell and save gsea NES
celltype_seurat_subset.scaled.data <- celltype_seurat_subset@scale.data
colnames <- colnames(celltype_seurat_subset@data)
cell_count <- 0
## Load mouse pathways from gskb
for (cellname in colnames) {
cell_count <- cell_count + 1
cell <- celltype_seurat_subset.scaled.data[,cellname]
fgseaRes <- fgsea(pathways = mm_pathway,
stats = cell,
fgseaRes <-data.frame(fgseaRes, cell_type=celltypename)
gsea <- rbind(gsea,fgseaRes)
df_total <- rbind(df_total,gsea)
fwrite(df_total, file ="GSEA_GOautophagy.txt", sep="\t")
df_total <- fread("GSEA_GOautophagy.txt", header=T)
#Make nice volcano plot
volcano_plot <- ggplot(df_total,aes(NES,-log(padj), color=cell_type)) + geom_point(size=2) +
data = subset(df_total,(NES > 1 ) & (padj < 0.05)), col="red"
) +
ggtitle("Volcano Plot")
ggsave(volcano_plot, filename="VolcanoPlot.png")
#Make nice bar plot
summarySE <- function(data=NULL, measurevar, groupvars=NULL, na.rm=TRUE,
conf.interval=.95, .drop=TRUE) {
# New version of length which can handle NA's: if na.rm==T, don't count them
length2 <- function (x, na.rm=FALSE) {
if (na.rm) sum(!is.na(x))
else length(x)
# This does the summary. For each group's data frame, return a vector with
# N, mean, and sd
datac <- ddply(data, groupvars, .drop=.drop,
.fun = function(xx, col) {
c(N = length2(xx[[col]], na.rm=na.rm),
mean = mean (xx[[col]], na.rm=na.rm),
sd = sd (xx[[col]], na.rm=na.rm)
# Rename the "mean" column
datac <- rename(datac, c("mean" = measurevar))
datac$se <- datac$sd / sqrt(datac$N) # Calculate standard error of the mean
# Confidence interval multiplier for standard error
# Calculate t-statistic for confidence interval:
# e.g., if conf.interval is .95, use .975 (above/below), and use df=N-1
ciMult <- qt(conf.interval/2 + .5, datac$N-1)
datac$ci <- datac$se * ciMult
tgc <- summarySE(df_total, measurevar="NES", groupvars="cell_type")
tgc2 <- tgc
tgc2$cell_type <- factor(tgc2$cell_type)
png("BarPlotNES.Retina_GOautophagy_CTL_SEM_black.png", width=3000, height=2000, res=300)
ggplot(tgc2, aes(x=reorder(cell_type,-NES), y=NES, fill=NULL)) +
geom_bar(position=position_dodge(), colour="black", stat="identity") +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=NES-se, ymax=NES+se),
width=.2, # Width of the error bars
xlab("Cell Type") +
ylab("Mean of Normalized Enrichement Score (± SEM)") +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45, hjust=1))
aov.dfb <- aov(NES ~ cell_type, data=df_total)
posthoc <- TukeyHSD(x=aov.dfb, "cell_type", conf.level=0.95)
posthoc.save <- as.data.frame(posthoc$cell_type)
write.table(posthoc.save, "Anova_Tukey_Retina_GOautophagy_CTL.txt", sep="\t")
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