
Defines functions DsATAC.cellranger DsATACsc.fragments

Documented in DsATAC.cellranger DsATACsc.fragments

#' DsATACsc.fragments
#' Create a DsATACsc dataset from multiple input fragment files
#' @param sampleAnnot  data.frame specifying the sample annotation table
#' @param fragmentFiles vector of fragment files or the column name in the sample annotation table containing thse file names.
#'                     fragment files must be tab-separated with columns "chrom", "chromStart", "chromEnd", "barcode" and "duplicateCount"
#'                     and must not contain a header line
#' @param genome       genome assembly
#' @param regionSets   a list of GRanges objects which contain region sets over which count data will be aggregated
#' @param sampleIdCol  column name or index in the sample annotation table containing unique sample identifiers
#' @param minFragsPerBarcode minimum number of fragments required for a barcode to be kept. [Only relevant if \code{cellAnnot==NULL}]
#' @param maxFragsPerBarcode maximum number of fragments per barcode. Only barcodes with fewer fragments will be kept. [Only relevant if \code{cellAnnot==NULL}]
#' @param cellAnnot    (optional) annotation table of all cells in the dataset. Must contain a \code{'cellId'} and \code{'cellBarcode'} columns.
#' @param keepInsertionInfo flag indicating whether to maintain the insertion information in the resulting object.
#' @param diskDump.fragments Keep fragment coordinates stored on disk rather than in main memory. This saves memory, but increases runtime and I/O.
#' @param cellQcStats  flag indicating whether to compute additional cell QC statistics (TSS enrichment, etc.).
#' @return \code{\linkS4class{DsATACsc}} object
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @export
DsATACsc.fragments <- function(sampleAnnot, fragmentFiles, genome, regionSets=NULL, sampleIdCol=NULL, minFragsPerBarcode=500L, maxFragsPerBarcode=Inf, cellAnnot=NULL, keepInsertionInfo=FALSE, diskDump.fragments=keepInsertionInfo, cellQcStats=TRUE){
	if (!is.character(fragmentFiles)) logger.error("Invalid value for fragmentFiles. Expected character")
	if (length(fragmentFiles)==1 && is.element(fragmentFiles, colnames(sampleAnnot))){
		fragmentFiles <- sampleAnnot[,fragmentFiles]
	} else {
		if (length(fragmentFiles)!=nrow(sampleAnnot)) logger.error("Invalid value for fragmentFiles. must match the number of rows in sampleAnnot")
	if (!is.null(sampleIdCol) && !(is.character(sampleIdCol) && length(sampleIdCol)==1)) logger.error("Invalid value for sampleIdCol Expected character or NULL")
	if (is.null(sampleIdCol)){
		sampleIdCol <- grep("sample", colnames(sampleAnnot), value=TRUE)
		if (length(sampleIdCol) != 1) logger.error("Could not uniquely determine sample id column from sample annotation column names")
		logger.info(c("Automatically determined column '", sampleIdCol, "' as sample identifier column"))
	sampleIds <- sampleAnnot[,sampleIdCol]
	rownames(sampleAnnot) <- sampleIds
	nSamples <- length(sampleIds)

	if (is.null(regionSets)){
		regionSets <- list(
			tiling5kb=getTilingRegions(genome, width=200L, onlyMainChrs=TRUE),
			tiling200bp=getTilingRegions(genome, width=200L, onlyMainChrs=TRUE)
		annoPkg <- getChrAccRAnnotationPackage(genome)
		if (!is.null(annoPkg)){
			regionSets[["promoter"]] <- get("getGeneAnnotation", asNamespace(annoPkg))(anno="gencode_coding", type="promoterGr")
		logger.info(c("Using default region sets:", paste(names(regionSets), collapse=", ")))
	if (is.null(cellAnnot)){
		logger.start("Preparing cell annotation")
			cellAnnot <- do.call("rbind", lapply(1:nSamples, FUN=function(i){
				sid <- sampleIds[i]
				logger.status(c("Sample:", sid, paste0("(", i, " of ", nSamples, ")")))
				# fragTab <- readTab(fragmentFiles[i], header=FALSE)
				# colnames(fragTab) <- c("chrom", "chromStart", "chromEnd", "barcode", "duplicateCount")
				# fragCounts <- table(fragTab[,"barcode"])

				fragGr <- rtracklayer::import(fragmentFiles[i], format="BED")
				fragGr <- setGenomeProps(fragGr, genome, onlyMainChrs=TRUE, silent=TRUE)
				colnames(elementMetadata(fragGr)) <- c("barcode", "duplicateCount")
				fragCounts <- table(elementMetadata(fragGr)[,"barcode"])

				if (minFragsPerBarcode > 0){
					idx <- fragCounts >= minFragsPerBarcode
					logger.info(c("Keeping", sum(idx), paste0("[of ", length(idx), "]"), "barcodes with more than", minFragsPerBarcode, "fragments"))
					fragCounts <- fragCounts[idx]
				if (is.finite(maxFragsPerBarcode)){
					idx <- fragCounts <= maxFragsPerBarcode
					logger.info(c("Keeping", sum(idx), paste0("[of ", length(idx), "]"), "barcodes with fewer than", maxFragsPerBarcode, "fragments"))
					fragCounts <- fragCounts[idx]
				sa.sample <- sampleAnnot[sid,]
				rownames(sa.sample) <- NULL
				sa <- data.frame(
					cellId=paste(sid, names(fragCounts), sep="_"),
	} else {
		if (!is.element("cellId", colnames(cellAnnot))){
			logger.error("Invalid parameter: cellAnnot. Expected table with column 'cellId'")
	rownames(cellAnnot) <- cellAnnot[,"cellId"]
	logger.start("Creating DsATAC object")
		obj <- DsATACsc(cellAnnot, genome, diskDump=FALSE, diskDump.fragments=diskDump.fragments, sparseCounts=TRUE)
		for (rt in names(regionSets)){
			logger.info(c("Including region set:", rt))
			obj <- regionAggregation(obj, regionSets[[rt]], rt, signal=NULL, dropEmpty=FALSE)
		if (obj@diskDump.fragments && .hasSlot(obj, "diskDump.fragments.nSamplesPerFile")){
			obj@diskDump.fragments.nSamplesPerFile <- 500L

	logger.start("Reading scATAC data (fragment data)")
		for (i in seq_along(fragmentFiles)){
			sid <- sampleIds[i]
			logger.start(c("Importing sample", ":", sid, paste0("(", i, " of ", nSamples, ")")))
				sampleIdx <- cellAnnot[,sampleIdCol]==sid
				barcode2cellId <- cellAnnot[sampleIdx,"cellId"]
				names(barcode2cellId) <- cellAnnot[sampleIdx,"cellBarcode"]

				logger.start("Preparing fragment data")
					# fragGr <- readTab(fragmentFiles[i], header=FALSE)
					# colnames(fragGr) <- c("chrom", "chromStart", "chromEnd", "barcode", "duplicateCount")
					# fragGr <- fragGr[fragGr[,"barcode"] %in% names(barcode2cellId),] # only take into account fragments that can be mapped to cells
					# if (nrow(fragGr) < 2) logger.error("Too few fragments corresponding to actual cells")
					# fragGr <- df2granges(fragGr, chrom.col=1L, start.col=2L, end.col=3L, strand.col=NULL, coord.format="B0RE", assembly=obj@genome, doSort=TRUE, adjNumChromNames=TRUE)
					fragGr <- rtracklayer::import(fragmentFiles[i], format="BED")
					colnames(elementMetadata(fragGr)) <- c("barcode", "duplicateCount")
					fragGr <- fragGr[elementMetadata(fragGr)[,"barcode"] %in% names(barcode2cellId),] # only take into account fragments that can be mapped to cells
					if (length(fragGr) < 2) logger.error("Too few fragments corresponding to actual cells")
					fragGr <- setGenomeProps(fragGr, obj@genome, onlyMainChrs=TRUE, silent=TRUE)
					fragGrl <- split(fragGr, elementMetadata(fragGr)[,"barcode"])
					names(fragGrl) <- barcode2cellId[names(fragGrl)]

				# convert GRangesList to regular list
				fragGrl <- as.list(fragGrl)
				logger.info(c("Found", length(fragGrl), "cells"))

				logger.status("Preparing insertion data ...")
				insGrl <- lapply(fragGrl, getInsertionSitesFromFragmentGr)
				logger.start("Summarizing count data")
					obj <- addCountDataFromGRL(obj, insGrl)
				if (keepInsertionInfo) {
					chunkedFragmentFiles <- obj@diskDump.fragments && .hasSlot(obj, "diskDump.fragments.nSamplesPerFile") && obj@diskDump.fragments.nSamplesPerFile > 1
					logger.status("Adding fragment data to data structure ...")
					nCells <- length(fragGrl)
					if (chunkedFragmentFiles){
						chunkL <- split(1:nCells, rep(1:ceiling(nCells/obj@diskDump.fragments.nSamplesPerFile), each=obj@diskDump.fragments.nSamplesPerFile)[1:nCells])
						names(chunkL) <- NULL
						for (k in 1:length(chunkL)){
							iis <- chunkL[[k]]
							cids <- names(fragGrl)[iis]
							fn <- tempfile(pattern="fragments_", tmpdir=tempdir(), fileext = ".rds")
							saveRDS(fragGrl[iis], fn, compress=TRUE)
							obj@fragments[cids] <- rep(list(fn), length(iis))
					} else {
						cids <- names(fragGrl)
						# # convert GRangesList to regular list
						# fragGrl <- as.list(fragGrl)
						if (obj@diskDump.fragments){
							obj@fragments[cids] <- lapply(fragGrl, FUN=function(x){
								fn <- tempfile(pattern="fragments_", tmpdir=tempdir(), fileext = ".rds")
								saveRDS(x, fn, compress=TRUE)
						} else {
							obj@fragments[cids] <- fragGrl
		# just to make sure: reorder fragment list
		if (keepInsertionInfo) {
			obj@fragments <- obj@fragments[getSamples(obj)]

	logger.start("Removing uncovered regions from annotation")
		obj <- filterLowCovg(obj, thresh=1L, reqSamples=1)
	annoPkg <- getChrAccRAnnotationPackage(obj@genome)
	if (keepInsertionInfo && cellQcStats) {
		if (!is.null(annoPkg)){
			logger.start("Calculating cell TSS enrichment")
				tsse <- getTssEnrichmentBatch(obj, tssGr=NULL)
				obj <- addSampleAnnotCol(obj, ".tssEnrichment_unsmoothed", tsse$tssEnrichment)
				obj <- addSampleAnnotCol(obj, ".tssEnrichment", tsse$tssEnrichment.smoothed)

#' DsATAC.cellranger
#' Create a DsATAC dataset from multiple input files output by 10x cellranger
#' @param sampleAnnot  data.frame specifying the sample annotation table
#' @param sampleDirPrefixCol column name specifying the directory prefix for each sample in the sample annotation table
#' @param genome       genome assembly
#' @param dataDir      directory where the files are located
#' @param regionSets   a list of GRanges objects which contain region sets over which count data will be aggregated
#' @param addPeakRegions should a merged set of peaks be created as one of the region sets (merged, non-overlapping peaks of width=500bp from the peaks of individual samples)
#' @param sampleIdCol  column name or index in the sample annotation table containing unique sample identifiers
#' @param keepInsertionInfo flag indicating whether to maintain the insertion information in the resulting object.
#' @param diskDump.fragments Keep fragment coordinates stored on disk rather than in main memory. This saves memory, but increases runtime and I/O.
#' @return \code{\linkS4class{DsATAC}} object
#' @author Fabian Mueller
#' @export
DsATAC.cellranger <- function(sampleAnnot, sampleDirPrefixCol, genome, dataDir="", regionSets=NULL, addPeakRegions=TRUE, sampleIdCol=sampleDirPrefixCol, keepInsertionInfo=FALSE,  diskDump.fragments=keepInsertionInfo){
	sampleIds <- as.character(sampleAnnot[,sampleIdCol])
	rownames(sampleAnnot) <- sampleIds

	if (nchar(dataDir) > 0){
		sampleDirs <- file.path(dataDir, paste0(sampleAnnot[,sampleDirPrefixCol]))
	} else {
		sampleDirs <- sampleAnnot[,sampleDirPrefixCol]
	sampleDirs <- file.path(sampleDirs, "outs")
	names(sampleDirs) <- sampleIds

	if (!all(dir.exists(sampleDirs))){
		missingSamples <- sampleIds[!file.exists(sampleDirs)]
		logger.error(c("Missing input files for samples:", paste(missingSamples, collapse=", ")))
	if (is.null(regionSets)){
		regionSets <- list(
			tiling5kb=getTilingRegions(genome, width=200L, onlyMainChrs=TRUE),
			tiling200bp=getTilingRegions(genome, width=200L, onlyMainChrs=TRUE)
		annoPkg <- getChrAccRAnnotationPackage(genome)
		if (!is.null(annoPkg)){
			regionSets[["promoter"]] <- get("getGeneAnnotation", asNamespace(annoPkg))(anno="gencode_coding", type="promoterGr")
		logger.info(c("Using default region sets:", paste(names(regionSets), collapse=", ")))
	if (length(names(regionSets)) < 1){
		logger.error("Region sets must be named")
	if (length(regionSets) < 1){
		logger.warning("No region sets specified")

	# for reading sample metadata from JSON
	json2df <- function(fn){
		ll <- jsonlite::fromJSON(fn)
		nr <- length(ll[[1]])
		ll <- lapply(ll, FUN=function(x){
			if (is.null(x)) return(NA)
			if (length(x)!=nr) logger.error("Could not read data.frame from JSON: not all elements have the same length")
		df <- data.frame(ll, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

	# TODO: Read cells for each sample and construct joined sample annotation table
	cellAnnotL <- lapply(1:nrow(sampleAnnot), FUN=function(i){
		sid <- sampleIds[i]
		scTabFn <- file.path(sampleDirs[sid], "per_barcode_metrics.csv")
		isMultiome <- file.exists(scTabFn)
		if (!isMultiome){
			scTabFn <- file.path(sampleDirs[sid], "singlecell.csv")
		sa <- readTab(scTabFn, sep=",")
		if (isMultiome){
			trueCellIdx <- sa[, "is_cell"]==1
		} else {
			# trueCellIdx <- !(sa[, "cell_id"] %in% c("None")) & sa[, "is__cell_barcode"]==1
			trueCellIdx <- sa[, "is__cell_barcode"]==1
		sa <- sa[trueCellIdx, ]
		colnames(sa) <- paste0(".CR.cellQC.", colnames(sa))
		# sa.qc <- readTab(file.path(sampleDirs[sid], "summary.csv"), sep=",") #reading from csv, which contains only a subset of information
		if (isMultiome){
			sa.qc <- readTab(file.path(sampleDirs[sid], "summary.csv"), sep=",")
			colnames(sa.qc) <- paste0(".CR.sampleQC.", colnames(sa.qc))
			sa.sample <- sampleAnnot[sid,]
			rownames(sa.sample) <- NULL
			sa <- data.frame(
				cellId=paste(sid, "_", sa[,".CR.cellQC.barcode"], sep=""),
				stringsAsFactors = FALSE
		} else {
			sa.qc <- json2df(file.path(sampleDirs[sid], "summary.json"))
			colnames(sa.qc) <- paste0(".CR.sampleQC.", colnames(sa.qc))
			sa.sample <- sampleAnnot[sid,]
			rownames(sa.sample) <- NULL
			sa <- data.frame(
				cellId=paste(sid, sa[,".CR.cellQC.cell_id"], sep=""),
				stringsAsFactors = FALSE
	colnames.union <- c()
	colnames.intersect <- colnames(cellAnnotL[[1]])
	for (i in seq_along(cellAnnotL)){
		colnames.union <- union(colnames.union, colnames(cellAnnotL[[i]]))
		colnames.intersect <- intersect(colnames.intersect, colnames(cellAnnotL[[i]]))
	if (!all(colnames.union %in% colnames.intersect)){
		logger.warning(c("The following columns could not be found in all CellRanger summary files and will be discarded from the annotation:", paste(setdiff(colnames.union, colnames.intersect),collapse=", ")))

	cellAnnot <- do.call("rbind", lapply(cellAnnotL, FUN=function(x){x[,colnames.intersect]}))
	rownames(cellAnnot) <- cellAnnot[,"cellId"]
	cellAnnot[,"cellBarcode"] <- cellAnnot[,".CR.cellQC.barcode"]

	# optionally merge peak sets and add to region sets (peaks.bed)
	if (addPeakRegions){
		logger.start("Retrieving (consensus) non-ovelapping, fixed-width peak set from CellRanger peaks")
			peakSet <- NULL
			for (i in seq_along(sampleDirs)){
				sid <- names(sampleDirs)[i]
				pbedFn <- list.files(sampleDirs[i], pattern="peaks.bed")[1]
				pbedFn <- file.path(sampleDirs[i], pbedFn)
				pGr <- rtracklayer::import(pbedFn, format="BED")
				pGr <- setGenomeProps(pGr, genome, onlyMainChrs=TRUE, silent=TRUE)
				pGr <- trim(resize(pGr, width=unifWidth, fix="center", ignore.strand=TRUE))
				pGr <- pGr[width(pGr)==median(width(pGr))] #remove too short regions which might have been trimmed
				elementMetadata(pGr)[,"dummyScore"] <- 1L # dummy score coloumn. All identical to 1. Results in the first peak of an overlap being selected

				if (is.null(peakSet)){
					#initialize peak set with all peaks from the first sample
					#remove overlapping peaks in initial sample based on the dummy score
					peakSet.cur <- getNonOverlappingByScore(pGr, scoreCol="dummyScore")
					# elementMetadata(peakSet.cur)[,paste0(".ov.", sid)] <- TRUE
					peakSet <- peakSet.cur
				} else {
					# add new peaks and remove the overlapping ones by taking the peaks with the best score
					peakSet <- getNonOverlappingByScore(c(peakSet, pGr), scoreCol="dummyScore")
					# elementMetadata(peakSet)[,paste0(".ov.", sid)] <- overlapsAny(peakSet, peakSet.cur, ignore.strand=TRUE)
			peakSet <- sortSeqlevels(peakSet)
			peakSet <- sort(peakSet)
			regionSets <- c(regionSets, list(.CR.peaks=peakSet))

	fragmentFiles <- sapply(sampleDirs, FUN=function(sdir){
		ffn <- file.path(sdir, "atac_fragments.tsv.gz") # multiome data
		if (file.exists(ffn)) return(ffn)
		return(file.path(sdir, "fragments.tsv.gz"))
	obj <- DsATACsc.fragments(sampleAnnot, fragmentFiles, genome=genome, regionSets=regionSets, sampleIdCol=sampleIdCol, cellAnnot=cellAnnot, keepInsertionInfo=keepInsertionInfo, diskDump.fragments=diskDump.fragments)
GreenleafLab/ChrAccR documentation built on March 22, 2023, 11:42 p.m.