Man pages for HajkD/LTRpred
De novo functional annotation of retrotransposons

AllPairwiseAlignCompute all pairwise (global) alignments with VSEARCH
assign.short.sci.nameTransform long file names to short scientific names
bcolorColors scheme for plots
clust2fastaExport sequences of TEs belonging to the same cluster
cluster.membersSelect members of a specific cluster
CLUSTpredCluster Sequences with VSEARCH
cn2bedWrite copy number estimation results to BED file format.
combinePredsCombine LTRpred prediction files
dfam.queryQuery the Dfam database to annotate putative LTRs
file.moveMove folders from one location to another
filter.jumpersDetect LTR retrotransposons that are potential jumpers
filter.ucFilter for cluster members
generate.multi.quality.filter.metaRun 'quality.filter.meta' for several different ltr...
genome.summaryGenerating genome summary files for 'LTRpred.meta' results
get.pred.filenamesRetrieve file names of files genereated by LTRpred
get.seqsQuickly retrieve the sequences of a 'Biostrings' object
gridPlotAssemblyVersionsPlot retrotransposon age distributions for predictions of...
join.with.genome.tblJoin 'gm_files' returned by...
ltr_age_estimationEstimate retrotransposon insertion age in Mya based on 5...
ltr.cnCopy Number Quantification of predicted LTRs (solo LTR...
LTRdigestRun LTRdigest to predict putative LTR Retrotransposons
LTRharvestRun LTRharvest to predict putative LTR Retrotransposons
LTRpredPredict LTR retrotransposons in a given genome
LTRpred.metaPerform Meta-Analyses with LTRpred
meta.applyApply functions to meta data generated by 'LTRpred'
meta.seq.spaceQuantification of the repeat space for multiple 'Repeat...
meta.summarizeSummarize (concatenate) all predictions of a 'LTRpred.meta'...
motif.countLow level function to detect motifs in strings
ORFpredOpen Reading Frame Prediction
plot_element_distr_along_chromosomePlot positions of predicted retrotransposons along...
plotLTRSimPlot the age distribution of predicted LTR transposons
pred2bedFormat LTR prediction data to BED file format
pred2csvFormat LTR prediction data to CSV file format
pred2fastaSave the sequence of the predicted LTR Transposons in a fasta...
pred2gffFormat LTR prediction data to GFF3 file format
pred2GRangesFormat LTR prediction data to 'GRages' object
pred2orfseqsSave the ORF sequence of the predicted LTR Transposons in a...
pred2tsvFormat LTR prediction data to TSV file format
quality.filterPipeline to eliminate false positive predictions of...
quality.filter.metaPipeline to eliminate false positive predictions of...
quant.cds.spaceQuantify the coding sequence space within a genome
quant.protein.spaceQuantify the protein space within a genome
quant.repeat.spaceQuantify the repeat space within a genome the genomic loci space for multiple genomes,...
read.blast6outRead file in blast6out format generated by USEARCH or VSEARCH
read.dfamImport Dfam Query Output
read.ltrpredImport 'LTRpred' DataSheet
read.orfsRead output of 'ORFpred'
read.predictionImport the output of LTRharvest or LTRdigest
read.seqsImport sequences of predicted LTR transposons
read.taboutImport information sheet returned by LTRdigest
read.ucRead file in USEARCH cluster format
rename.fastaHelper function to add species names to headers within fasta...
rename.fasta.metaMeta function for applying 'rename.fasta'
rename.organismsRename file path names from 'read_proteome', etc.
repbase.cleanClean the initial Repbase database for BLAST
repbase.filterFilter the Repbase query output
repbase.queryQuery the RepBase to annotate putative LTRs
SimMatAbundanceCompute histogram shape similarity between species
tidy.datasheetSelect most important columns of 'LTRpred' output for further...
totalRepeatSpaceQuantify the total repeat space from Repeat Masker output in...
ws.wrap.pathWrap whitespace in paths
HajkD/LTRpred documentation built on April 22, 2022, 4:35 p.m.