#' Normalize Arrays
#' @param matrix_antigen An object of class matrix with features/proteins as
#' columns and samples as the rows
#' @param method character string specifying the normalization method.
#' Choices are \code{"none","log2","vsn","cyclic_loess"}
#' \code{"cyclic_loess_log" ,"rlm"}
#' @param batch_correct A logical value indicating whether batch
#' correction should be done or not
#' @param batch_var1 A character or factor vector of size similar to rows
#' of \code{matrix_antigen} indicating the first batch.
#' @param batch_var2 A character or factor vector of size similar to rows
#' of \code{matrix_antigen} indicating the second batch.
#' @param return_plot A logical value indicating whether a plot is returned
#' to show the results of normalisation.
#' @param control_antigens logical vector specifying the subset of spots
#' which are non-differentially-expressed control spots,
#' for use with \code{method="rlm"}
#' @param array_matrix An object of class dataframe or matrix used with
#' \code{method='rlm'} indicating the sample index and
#' @param plot_by_antigen Logical to indicate whether to plot by antigen or not
#' slide name for the matrix_antigen object.
#' @import limma tibble vsn
#' @return A data frame of normalised values
#' @export
#' @examples
#' matrix_antigen <- readr::read_csv(system.file("extdata",
#' "matrix_antigen.csv", package="protGear"))
#' #VSN
#' normlise_vsn <- matrix_normalise(as.matrix(matrix_antigen),
#' method = "vsn",
#' return_plot = TRUE
#' )
#' ## log
#' normlise_log <- matrix_normalise(as.matrix(matrix_antigen),
#' method = "log2",
#' return_plot = TRUE
#' )
#' ## cyclic_loess_log
#' normlise_cylic_log <- matrix_normalise(as.matrix(matrix_antigen),
#' method = "cyclic_loess_log",
#' return_plot = TRUE
#' )
matrix_normalise <-
method = "log2",
batch_correct = FALSE,
batch_var2 = day_batches,
return_plot = FALSE,
plot_by_antigen = TRUE,
control_antigens = NULL,
array_matrix = NULL) {
if (method == "log2") {
exprs_log <- matrix_antigen
## since log can handle negative values , we convert all the
# negative values to a constant value
# exprs_log[exprs_log<0] <- 1
## any value that is negative is allocated the smallest value in the batch
min_pos <- minpositive(exprs_log)
exprs_log <- replace(exprs_log, exprs_log < 1, min_pos)
exprs_normalised <- log2(exprs_log)
} else if (method == "none") {
exprs_normalised <- matrix_antigen
} else if (method == "vsn") {
## this approach utilises the VSN package
## structure the data to be normalised
## convert it to an Expression Set
exprs_antigen <-
Biobase::ExpressionSet(assayData = matrix_antigen)
if (batch_correct == FALSE) {
## normalise without adjusting for the strata on VSN
data_points <- dim(matrix_antigen)[[1]]
exprs_normalised <- vsn::justvsn(x = exprs_antigen ,
minDataPointsPerStratum = data_points)
} else if (batch_correct == TRUE) {
exprs_normalised <-
x = exprs_antigen ,
strata = machines ,
minDataPointsPerStratum = data_points
} else if (method == "cyclic_loess") {
exprs_normalised <- limma::normalizeCyclicLoess(
weights = NULL,
span = 0.7,
iterations = 3,
method = "fast"
} else if (method == "cyclic_loess_log") {
exprs_normalised <- limma::normalizeCyclicLoess(
weights = NULL,
span = 0.7,
iterations = 3,
method = "fast"
## any value that is negative is allocated the smallest value in the batch
min_pos <- minpositive(exprs_normalised)
exprs_normalised <-
replace(exprs_normalised, exprs_normalised < 1, min_pos)
exprs_normalised <- log2(exprs_normalised)
} else if (method == "rlm") {
if (!is.null(control_antigens)) {
exprs_df <-
matrix_antigen = matrix_antigen,
array_matrix = array_matrix,
control_antigens = control_antigens
exprs_normalised <- rlm_normalise(exprs_df)
exprs_normalised <- exprs_normalised %>%
gather(variable, value,-(antigen:sampleID2)) %>%
unite(temp, antigen) %>% select(-variable) %>%
spread(temp, value) %>%
column_to_rownames(var = "sampleID2")
} else if (is.null(control_antigens) | is.null(array_matrix)) {
stop("Specify the control antigens or array_matrix to use RLM")
cv_val <-
round(sd(as.matrix(exprs_normalised), na.rm = TRUE) /
mean(as.matrix(exprs_normalised), na.rm = TRUE), 4) *
cv_val <- paste(cv_val, "%", sep = "")
#exprs_normalised_df <- as.data.frame(exprs_normalised)
## return the data in the structure as it was supplied
if (method == "vsn") {
## this kept if a different structure is considered
matrix_antigen_normalised <- t(as.data.frame(exprs_normalised))
row.names(matrix_antigen_normalised) <-
as.numeric(gsub("X", "", row.names(matrix_antigen_normalised)))
matrix_antigen_normalised <-
} else{
matrix_antigen_normalised <- as.data.frame(exprs_normalised)
#matrix_antigen_normalised <- exprs_normalised_df
## Whether to plot by sample or antigen
if (plot_by_antigen == TRUE) {
plot_normalisation <-
exprs_normalised_df = matrix_antigen_normalised,
method = method,
batch_correct = batch_correct
} else{
plot_normalisation <-
exprs_normalised_df = matrix_antigen_normalised,
method = method,
batch_correct = batch_correct
if (return_plot == TRUE) {
matrix_antigen_normalised = matrix_antigen_normalised,
plot_normalisation = plot_normalisation
} else {
#' Nomrmalise using RLM
#' @param matrix_antigen A matrix with antigen data
#' @param array_matrix A matrix with control antigen data
#' @param control_antigens the control antigens for RLM normalisation
#' @description A function for \code{method='rlm'} from
#' \code{\link{matrix_normalise}}.
#' @return A RLM normalised data frame
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
#' @examples
#' matrix_antigen <- readr::read_csv(system.file("extdata",
#' "matrix_antigen.csv", package="protGear"))
#' # rlm_normalise_matrix(matrix_antigen=matrix_antigen,
#' #array_matrix=array_matrix,
#' # control_antigens=control_antigens)
rlm_normalise_matrix <-
control_antigens) {
array_matrix$sample_index <-
array_matrix <- array_matrix %>%
group_by(slide) %>%
mutate(Array = group_indices())
rlm_normalise_df <- as.data.frame.matrix(matrix_antigen) %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "sample_index")
rlm_normalise_df <- rlm_normalise_df %>%
select(sample_index, everything()) %>%
gather(antigen, MFI_val, -sample_index) %>%
left_join(array_matrix, by = "sample_index") %>%
rename(Block = sample_array_ID) %>%
mutate(Block = as.numeric(Block))
## create a variable to indicate the control antigens
rlm_normalise_df <- rlm_normalise_df %>%
mutate(Description = ifelse(antigen %in% all_of(control_antigens) ,
"Control", "Sample"))
#' RLM normalisation
#' @param rlm_normalise_df rlm normalised data frame
#' @description A function for \code{method='rlm'} from
#' \code{\link{matrix_normalise}}.
#' @return an elist of RLM normalisation to be utilised by
#' \code{\link{rlm_normalise_matrix}}
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' matrix_antigen <- readr::read_csv(system.file("extdata",
#' "matrix_antigen.csv", package="protGear"))
#' #rlm_normalise_df <- rlm_normalise_matrix(matrix_antigen=matrix_antigen,
#' #array_matrix=array_matrix,
#' # control_antigens=control_antigens)
#' # rlm_normalise(rlm_normalise_df)
rlm_normalise <- function(rlm_normalise_df) {
rlm_normalise_C <- rlm_normalise_df %>%
filter(grepl("Control", Description))
rlm_normalise_E <- rlm_normalise_df %>%
filter(grepl("Sample", Description))
## create the matrix of the control antigens
rlm_normalise_C <- rlm_normalise_C %>%
select(Array, Block, antigen, MFI_val) %>%
spread(Array, MFI_val)
## create the matrix of the sample antigens
rlm_normalise_E <- rlm_normalise_E %>%
select(Array, Block, antigen, MFI_val) %>%
spread(Array, MFI_val)
## create Elist for the controls and samples
sample_elist <- list(E = rlm_normalise_E %>%
select(-c(Block, antigen)) ,
genes = rlm_normalise_E %>% select(Block:antigen))
controls_elist <- list(E = rlm_normalise_C %>%
select(-c(Block, antigen)) ,
genes = rlm_normalise_C %>%
## changing less values to the lowest positivie MFI value
min_pos <- minpositive(controls_elist$E)
controls_elist$E <-
replace(controls_elist$E, controls_elist$E < 1, min_pos / 2)
## change the control EList to log2 -->
## RLM reccommends
controls_elist$E <- as.matrix(controls_elist$E)
controls_elist$E <- log2(controls_elist$E)
rownames(controls_elist$E) <- controls_elist$genes$antigen
contr_names <- unique(rownames(controls_elist$E))
contr_names_len <- length(contr_names)
contr_mapping <- matrix(nrow = contr_names_len, ncol = 1)
rownames(contr_mapping) <- contr_names
contr_mapping[, 1] <- seq_len(contr_names_len)
##the number of not control antigens
p_features <- nrow(sample_elist$E)
p_controls <- nrow(controls_elist$E)
n_arrays <- ncol(sample_elist$E)
n_blocks <- max(controls_elist$genes$Block , na.rm = TRUE)
y <- c(controls_elist$E)
## should be contr_names_len - 3 ... check
## should it be changed when the controls are more
dummies <- matrix(0, ncol = {
n_arrays + n_blocks + contr_names_len - 3
}, nrow = length(y))
rnames <- vector(length = length(y))
a_cols <- paste("a", 1:{
n_arrays - 1
}, sep = "")
b_cols <- paste("b", 1:{
n_blocks - 1
}, sep = "")
t_cols <- paste("t", 1:{
contr_names_len - 1
}, sep = "")
colnames(dummies) <- c(a_cols, b_cols, t_cols)
## matrix to hold the parameters per array for each of the control antigen
a_params <- matrix(nrow = n_arrays, ncol = 2)
rownames(a_params) <- colnames(controls_elist$E)
## matrix to hold the parameters for the Blocks
b_params <- matrix(nrow = n_blocks, ncol = 2)
idx <- 1
## putting values to the defined matrix
# fill the matrix with 1's in such manner that for each row
# the combination of 1's and 0's is unique
for (i in seq_len(n_arrays)) {
a_tmp <- paste("a", i, sep = "")
a_params[i, 1] <- a_tmp
for (j in seq_len(p_controls)) {
rnames[idx] <- rownames(controls_elist$E)[j]
b_idx <- controls_elist$genes$Block[j]
b_tmp <- paste("b", b_idx, sep = "")
b_params[b_idx, 1] <- b_tmp
t_idx <- contr_mapping[rownames(controls_elist$E)[j],
t_tmp <- paste("t", t_idx, sep = "")
if (i == n_arrays) {
dummies[idx, a_cols] <- -1
else {
dummies[idx, a_tmp] <- 1
if (b_idx == n_blocks) {
dummies[idx, b_cols] <- -1
else {
dummies[idx, b_tmp] <- 1
if (t_idx == contr_names_len) {
dummies[idx, t_cols] <- -1
else {
dummies[idx, t_tmp] <- 1
idx <- idx + 1
## bind with the control spots
dummies <- cbind(y, dummies)
rownames(dummies) <- rnames
## add the error term
e <- rnorm(length(y), 0, 1)
## run the model of controls and a matrix created out of controls
rlm_result <- MASS::rlm(y ~ . + e, data = data.frame(dummies))
### PAA approach
a_params[-n_arrays, 2] <-
rlm_result$coefficients[a_params[-n_arrays, 1]]
a_params_sum <- sum(as.numeric(a_params[-n_arrays, 2]))
a_params[n_arrays, 2] <- -a_params_sum
b_params[-n_blocks, 2] <-
rlm_result$coefficients[b_params[-n_blocks, 1]]
b_params_sum <- sum(as.numeric(b_params[-n_blocks, 2]))
b_params[n_blocks, 2] <- -b_params_sum
a <- t(matrix(rep(as.numeric(a_params[, 2]), p_features),
ncol = p_features))
b <- matrix(mapply(function(i) {
as.numeric(b_params[sample_elist$genes$Block[i], 2])
}, rep(seq_len(p_features), n_arrays)), ncol = n_arrays)
### added by ken - to convert all the negatives in the sample antigens
# to make them to the half of the lowest positive
min_pos <- minpositive(sample_elist$E)
sample_elist$E <-
replace(sample_elist$E, sample_elist$E < 1, min_pos / 2)
## sample antigens matrix log 2
sample_elist_log <- as.matrix(log2(sample_elist$E))
sample_elist_normalised <- sample_elist_log - a - b
row.names(sample_elist_normalised) <-
paste0(sample_elist$genes$Block, "_", sample_elist$genes$antigen)
sample_elist_normalised <-
as.data.frame(sample_elist_normalised) %>%
rownames_to_column("antigen_name") %>%
Block = as.integer(sub('_.*$', '', antigen_name)) ,
antigen = sub("[^_]*(.*)", "\\1", antigen_name),
antigen = sub('.', '', antigen)
) %>%
select(Block, antigen_name, antigen, everything())
elist_normalised_df <- sample_elist_normalised %>%
gather(Array, meanBest2_RLM, -c("Block", "antigen_name", "antigen")) %>%
mutate(Array = as.numeric(Array)) %>%
right_join(rlm_normalise_df, by = c("antigen", "Block", "Array"))
elist_normalised_df <-
elist_normalised_df %>% group_by(sample_index, slide)
## add the sample ID variable
elist_normalised_df$sampleID2 <-
group_indices(.data = elist_normalised_df)
elist_normalised_df <- elist_normalised_df %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(antigen, sampleID2, meanBest2_RLM)
#' Trend test using Cox–Stuart (C–S) and Mann–Kendall (M–K) trend tests
#' @param name Name of the test
#' @param p_val p value from the test
#' @param z_val the Z value of the test
#' @return A statistics of mean standard deviation trend
#' @export
#' @examples
#' output_trend_stats(name="t.test",p_val=0.001, z_val=5)
output_trend_stats <- function(name, p_val, z_val) {
if (p_val < 0.00001) {
prop <- "<0.00001"
z <- round(z_val, 4)
} else{
prop <- as.character(round(p_val, 4))
z <- round(z_val, 4)
output <- paste0(name, ' Z-val = ', z, ' P-val = ', prop)
#' Comparison of normalised data by sample
#' @param exprs_normalised_df a normalised data frame
#' @param method the method of normalisation used
#' @param batch_correct the batch correction
#' @import dplyr ggplot2
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @importFrom Kendall MannKendall
#' @importFrom genefilter rowSds
#' @importFrom plyr .
#' @return A ggplot of normalised data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' matrix_antigen <- readr::read_csv(system.file("extdata",
#' "matrix_antigen.csv", package="protGear"))
#' normlise_vsn <- matrix_normalise(as.matrix(matrix_antigen),
#' method = "vsn",
#' return_plot = FALSE
#' )
#' plot_normalised(normlise_vsn,method="vsn",batch_correct=FALSE)
plot_normalised <-
batch_correct) {
exprs_normalised_df_plot <- exprs_normalised_df %>%
mean_all_anti = rowMeans(., na.rm = TRUE),
stdev_all_anti = genefilter::rowSds(as.matrix(.), na.rm = TRUE)
) %>%
rank_mean_all_anti = rank(mean_all_anti) ,
method = method,
batch_correct = batch_correct
) %>%
# perform the trend test using the Cox–Stuart (C–S) and Mann–Kendall (M–K)
#trend tests for the null hypothesis of no
#trend in the transformed standard deviations
#under several transformation
#cs_trend <- trend::cs.test(exprs_normalised_df_plot$stdev_all_anti)
# mk_trend <- trend::mk.test(exprs_normalised_df_plot$stdev_all_anti)
mk_trend <-
cs_stuart <- "Cox-Stuart"
m_kendall <-
output_trend_stats('Mann-Kendall (tau stats)', mk_trend$sl[[1]],
normalisation_approaches <- c(
"Log2" = "log2",
"VSN" = "vsn",
"Cyclic Loess" = "cyclic_loess",
"Cyclic Loess (log)" = "cyclic_loess_log",
"RLM" = "rlm"
norm_method <- names(which(normalisation_approaches == method))
p_norm <-
ggplot(exprs_normalised_df_plot ,
aes(x = rank_mean_all_anti, y = stdev_all_anti)) +
geom_jitter(color = "red") + theme_classic() +
expand_limits(y = c(0, 10)) +
stat_cor() + geom_smooth(color = 'blue', se = FALSE, size = 0.5) +
ggtitle(paste(norm_method, "Normalisation")) +
xlab("pooled mean rank (mean of features by sample)") +
ylab("pooled SD") +
labs(caption = paste0(m_kendall , "\n", cs_stuart)) +
theme(plot.caption = element_text(
hjust = 0,
color = "black",
face = "italic"
#' Comparison of normalised data by feature
#' @param exprs_normalised_df a normalised data frame
#' @param method the method of normalisation used
#' @param batch_correct the batch correction
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom Kendall MannKendall
#' @return A ggplot of various normalisation approaches
#' @export
#' @examples
#' matrix_antigen <- readr::read_csv(system.file("extdata",
#' "matrix_antigen.csv", package="protGear"))
#' normlise_vsn <- matrix_normalise(as.matrix(matrix_antigen),
#' method = "vsn",
#' return_plot = FALSE
#' )
#' plot_normalised_antigen(normlise_vsn,method="vsn",batch_correct=FALSE)
plot_normalised_antigen <-
batch_correct) {
## how can we combine these two functions and make them the same
antigen_summ <- exprs_normalised_df %>%
gather(antigen, MFI) %>%
group_by(antigen) %>%
dplyr::summarise(mean_mfi = mean(MFI, na.rm = TRUE),
sd_mfi = sd(MFI, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
rank_mean_all_anti = rank(mean_mfi) ,
method = method,
batch_correct = batch_correct
) %>%
# perform the trend test using the Cox–Stuart (C–S) and Mann–Kendall (M–K)
# trend tests for
#for the null hypothesis of no trend in the transformed standard deviations
# under several transformation
#cs_trend2 <- trend::cs.test(antigen_summ$sd_mfi)
#mk_trend2 <- trend::mk.test(antigen_summ$sd_mfi[!is.na(antigen_summ$sd_mfi)])
#cs_stuart2 <- output_trend_stats("Cox-Stuart",
#cs_trend2$p.value, cs_trend2$statistic)
#m_kendall2 <- output_trend_stats('Mann-Kendall',
#mk_trend2$p.value,mk_trend2$statistic )
## Changed here to use Kendall packages
mk_trend2 <-
cs_stuart2 <- "Cox-Stuart"
#output_trend_stats("Cox-Stuart",cs_trend2$p.value, cs_trend2$statistic[[1]])
m_kendall2 <-
output_trend_stats('Mann-Kendall (tau stats)',
mk_trend2$sl[[1]], mk_trend2$tau[[1]])
normalisation_approaches <- c(
"Log2" = "log2",
"VSN" = "vsn",
"Cyclic Loess" = "cyclic_loess",
"Cyclic Loess (log)" = "cyclic_loess_log",
"RLM" = "rlm"
norm_method <- names(which(normalisation_approaches == method))
p_norm <-
ggplot(antigen_summ , aes(x = rank_mean_all_anti, y = sd_mfi)) +
geom_jitter(color = "red") + theme_classic() +
expand_limits(y = c(0, 10)) + stat_cor() + geom_smooth(color = 'blue',
se = FALSE, size =
0.5) +
ggtitle(paste(norm_method, "Normalisation")) +
xlab("Pooled mean rank (mean of features)") +
ylab("pooled SD") +
labs(caption = paste0(m_kendall2 , "\n", cs_stuart2)) +
theme(plot.caption = element_text(
hjust = 0,
color = "black",
face = "italic"
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