
Defines functions loadSampleData downloadSampleData findMarkers tuneFilterWeights tuneEdgeWeights walkCells computeLabelEdges mapCiceroToGenes mapArchRToGenes mapSnapATACToGenes mapPeaksToGenes getRegions computeCellSim

Documented in computeCellSim computeLabelEdges downloadSampleData findMarkers getRegions loadSampleData mapArchRToGenes mapCiceroToGenes mapPeaksToGenes mapSnapATACToGenes tuneEdgeWeights tuneFilterWeights walkCells

#' Compute Cell Similarity
#' \code{computeCellSim} computes a cell-to-cell similarity matrix using the given method.
#' Currently only Jaccard similarity is implemented.
#' @param ATACMat either a cell-by-peak matrix, a SnapATAC object, an ArchR project, or a Cicero count table
#' @param method function, the method used to compute cell similarity, should operate on rows of a matrix. The default
#' is Jaccard similiarty, but a second built in option is PCAdist which computes the euclidean distance in PCA space
#' @return matrix of cell-to-cell similarity
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("SampleCellWalkRData")
#' computeCellSim(SampleCellWalkRData$ATACMat)
computeCellSim = function(ATACMat, method=sparseJaccard){
    stop("Must provide either a cell-by-peak matrix or a SnapATAC object")
  if(!is(method, "function")){
    stop("Must provide a similarity function")

    if(!requireNamespace("SnapATAC", quietly = TRUE)){
      stop("Must install SnapATAC")
      stop("No bmat")
    ATACMat = SnapATAC::makeBinary(ATACMat, mat="bmat")
  else if(is(ATACMat,"ArchRProject")){
    if(!requireNamespace("ArchR", quietly = TRUE)){
      stop("Must install ArchR")
    if(!"TileMatrix" %in% ArchR::getAvailableMatrices(ATACMat)){
      stop("TileMatrix missing from ArchR project")
    ATACData = ArchR::getMatrixFromProject(ATACMat, "TileMatrix", verbose=FALSE, binarize = TRUE)
    ATACMat = Matrix::t(assay(ATACData))
  else if(is(ATACMat,"Matrix")|is(ATACMat,"matrix")){
      stop("Not enough cells or peaks in matrix")
      warning("ATACMat has more cells than peaks, does it need to be transposed?")
  else if(is(ATACMat, "data.frame")){
    peaks = unique(ATACMat[,1])
    cells = unique(ATACMat[,2])
    rowIndex = match(ATACMat[,2], cells)
    colIndex = match(ATACMat[,1], peaks)
    ATACMat = Matrix::sparseMatrix(rowIndex, colIndex, x=ATACMat[,3])
    simMat = method(ATACMat>0)
    dimnames(simMat) = list(cells,cells)
    stop("Must provide either a cell-by-peak matrix, SnapATAC object, ArchR project, or Cicero count table")

#' Get genomic regions
#' \code{getRegions} returns a GRanges object of how gene name identifiers map to
#' genomic regions either based on gene promoters or the full gene body
#' @param geneBody boolean, use gene body or just promoter
#' @param genome which genome build (hg38, mm10)
#' @param names which gene names to use (Entrez, Ensembl)
#' @return GRanges list of regions with gene_id
#' @export
#' @examples
#' getRegions()
getRegions = function(geneBody=TRUE, genome="hg38", names="Entrez"){
      stop("Not an implemented gene name identifier")
    else if(names=="Entrez"){
      pathToGenes <- system.file("extdata", "Hg38_knownGene.rds", package = "CellWalkR")
      genes <- readRDS(pathToGenes)
      stop("Not a valid gene name identifier")
  else if(genome=="mm10"){
      pathToGenes <- system.file("extdata", "Mm10_ensGene.rds", package = "CellWalkR")
      genes <- readRDS(pathToGenes)
    else if(names=="Entrez"){
      pathToGenes <- system.file("extdata", "Mm10_knownGene.rds", package = "CellWalkR")
      genes <- readRDS(pathToGenes)
      stop("Not a valid gene name identifier")
    stop("Not an implemented genome build")

  regions = GenomicRanges::promoters(genes)
    regions = c(regions, genes)


#' Map peaks to genes
#' \code{mapPeaksToGenes} Generates a mapping from genes to peaks per label
#' @param labelGenes data.frame with genes of interest in first column and corresponding
#' labels in second column
#' @param ATACMat cell-by-peak matrix
#' @param peaks GRanges object of peaks (equal to number of rows in ATACMat)
#' @param regions GRanges object of genomic regions associated with genes
#' @return list of genes and corresponding peaks by label
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("SampleCellWalkRData")
#' regions <- getRegions()
#' mapPeaksToGenes(SampleCellWalkRData$labelGenes,
#'                 SampleCellWalkRData$ATACMat,
#'                 SampleCellWalkRData$peaks,
#'                 regions)
mapPeaksToGenes = function(labelGenes, ATACMat, peaks, regions){
    stop("Must provide a table with genes of interest in first column and corresponding labels in second column")
  if(is.null(dim(labelGenes)) || dim(labelGenes)[2]<2){
    stop("Must provide a table with genes of interest in first column and corresponding labels in second column")
  labels = as.character(unique(labelGenes[,2]))
    warning("Only one label exists")
    stop("Must provide either a cell-by-peak matrix or a SnapATAC object")
    if(!requireNamespace("SnapATAC", quietly = TRUE)){
      stop("Must install SnapATAC")
      stop("No gmat, call SnapATAC function createGmatFromMat first")
    whichGenes = match(unique(labelGenes[,1]),colnames(ATACMat@gmat))
       warning("Fewer than 10 gene names match")
    stop("No need to map to genes, use gmat")
      stop("Must provide a GRanges object of genomic regions associatated with genes")
      stop("regions must be a GRanges object")
      stop("regions must contain at least one genomic range")
      stop("Each region must have an associated gene_id")
    whichGenes = match(unique(labelGenes[,1]),regions$gene_id)
      warning("Fewer than 10 gene names match")
      stop("Must provide a GRanges object of peaks")
      stop("peaks must be a GRanges object")
    if(!is(ATACMat,"Matrix") & !is(ATACMat,"matrix")){
      stop("Must provide either a cell-by-peak matrix or a SnapATAC object")
      stop("Not enough cells or peaks in matrix")
      warning("ATACMat has more cells than peaks, does it need to be transposed?")
      stop("Number of peaks must be the same as the number of columns in ATACMat")
    cellTypePeakMap = sapply(labels, function(x) {
      markerGenes = labelGenes[labelGenes[,2]==x,1]
      markerGenes = markerGenes[markerGenes %in% regions$gene_id]
      markerLocs = regions[match(markerGenes, regions$gene_id)]
      markerOverlaps = GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(peaks,markerLocs)


#' Map SnapATAC peaks to genes
#' \code{mapSnapATACToGenes} Generates a mapping from genes to peaks per label
#' @param labelGenes data.frame with genes of interest in first column and corresponding
#' labels in second column
#' @param snap a snap object
#' @param whichMat string determing whether to use "bmat" or "gmat" from snap object
#' @param regions GRanges object of genomic regions associated with genes (only needed for "bmat")
#' @return list of genes and corresponding peaks by label
#' @export
mapSnapATACToGenes = function(labelGenes, snap, whichMat = "bmat", regions){
    stop("Must provide a SnapATAC object")
    stop("Must provide a SnapATAC object")
  if(!requireNamespace("SnapATAC", quietly = TRUE)){
    stop("Must install SnapATAC")
    mapPeaksToGenes(labelGenes, ATACMat = snap@bmat, peaks=snap@feature, regions)
  else if(whichMat=="gmat"){
    whichGenes = match(unique(labelGenes[,1]),colnames(snap@gmat))
      warning("Fewer than 10 gene names match")
    sapply(as.character(unique(labelGenes[,2])), function(x) {
      markerGenes = labelGenes[labelGenes[,2]==x,1]
      markerGenes = markerGenes[markerGenes %in% colnames(snap@gmat)]
    stop("Must use bmat or gmat")

#' Map ArchR peaks to genes
#' \code{mapArchRToGenes} Generates a mapping from genes to peaks per label
#' @param labelGenes data.frame with genes of interest in first column and corresponding
#' labels in second column
#' @param ArchRproj an ArchR project
#' @param whichMat string determing whether to use "TileMatrix" or "GeneScoreMatrix" from ArchR project
#' @param regions GRanges object of genomic regions associated with genes (only needed for "TileMatrix")
#' @return list of genes and corresponding peaks by label
#' @export
mapArchRToGenes = function(labelGenes, ArchRproj, whichMat = "TileMatrix", regions){
    stop("Must provide an ArchR project")
    stop("Must provide an ArchR project")
  if(!requireNamespace("ArchR", quietly = TRUE)){
    stop("Must install ArchR")
    if(!"TileMatrix" %in% ArchR::getAvailableMatrices(ArchRproj)){
      stop("TileMatrix missing from ArchR project")
    ATACData = ArchR::getMatrixFromProject(ArchRproj, "TileMatrix", verbose=FALSE, binarize = TRUE)
    peaks = GenomicRanges::GRanges(ATACData@elementMetadata$seqnames, IRanges(start = ATACData@elementMetadata$start, width = 500))
    ATACMat = Matrix::t(assay(ATACData))
    mapPeaksToGenes(labelGenes, ATACMat = ATACMat, peaks=peaks, regions)
  else if(whichMat=="GeneScoreMatrix"){
    if(!"GeneScoreMatrix" %in% ArchR::getAvailableMatrices(ArchRproj)){
      stop("GeneScoreMatrix missing from ArchR project")
    ATACData = ArchR::getMatrixFromProject(ArchRproj, "GeneScoreMatrix", verbose=FALSE)
    whichGenes = match(unique(labelGenes[,1]),rowData(ATACData)$name)
      warning("Fewer than 10 gene names match")
    sapply(as.character(unique(labelGenes[,2])), function(x) {
      markerGenes = labelGenes[labelGenes[,2]==x,1]
      markerGenes = markerGenes[markerGenes %in% rowData(ATACData)$name]
    stop("Must use TileMatrix or GeneScoreMatrix")

#' Map peaks to genes based on Cicero coaccessibility
#' \code{mapCiceroToGenes} Generates a mapping from genes to peaks per label
#' @param labelGenes data.frame with genes of interest in first column and corresponding
#' labels in second column
#' @param cicero_gene_activities gene activity matrix
#' @return list of genes and corresponding peaks by label
#' @export
mapCiceroToGenes = function(labelGenes, cicero_gene_activities){
    stop("Must provide a gene activity matrix")
    stop("Must provide a gene activity matrix")
  whichGenes = match(unique(labelGenes[,1]),rownames(cicero_gene_activities))
    warning("Fewer than 10 gene names match")
  sapply(as.character(unique(labelGenes[,2])), function(x) {
    markerGenes = labelGenes[labelGenes[,2]==x,1]
    markerGenes = markerGenes[markerGenes %in% rownames(cicero_gene_activities)]

#' Compute Label Edges
#' \code{computeLabelEdges} generates a matrix of edges from each label to each cell.
#' Edges are scaled by the passed weights and filters. Each filter can either apply
#' just to specific peaks or to whole genes (filterGene, TRUE by default) and can be permissive or
#' filtering out (filterOut, FALSE by default). Regions mapping peaks to genes must be
#' provided to use filters. If filters are applied to specific peaks, peaks for the ATAC
#' data must also be provided.
#' @param labelGenes data.frame with genes of interest in first column and corresponding
#' labels in second column, optionally log-fold change in expression values in the third
#' @param ATACMat either a cell-by-peak matrix, a SnapATAC object, or an ArchR project
#' @param ATACGenePeak per label mapping of peaks to genes returned by mapPeaksToGenes()
#' @param method scaling method, either "Expression","Correlation", or "None"
#' @param filters list of GRanges lists for locations that pass filters
#' @param filterWeights numeric vector of weights assigned to each filter
#' @param filterOut boolean for each filter of whether those regions are permitted or filtered out
#' @param filterGene boolean for each filter of whether it applies to genes as a whole or just overlapping peaks (note that weights do not apply to peaks)
#' @param regions regions map peaks to genes
#' @param peaks GRanges of peaks in ATACMat
#' @param whichMat string determing whether to use "bmat" or "gmat" from snap object or "TileMatrix" or "GeneScoreMatrix" from ArchR project
#' @return matrix of weights from each label to each cell
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("SampleCellWalkRData")
#' computeLabelEdges(SampleCellWalkRData$labelGenes,
#'                   SampleCellWalkRData$ATACMat,
#'                   SampleCellWalkRData$ATACGenePeak)
computeLabelEdges = function(
    stop("Must provide a table with genes of interest in first column and corresponding labels in second column")
  if(is.null(dim(labelGenes)) || dim(labelGenes)[2]<2){
    stop("Must provide a table with genes of interest in first column and corresponding labels in second column")
  labels = unique(labelGenes[,2])
    warning("Only one label exists")

    stop("Must provide either a cell-by-peak matrix, a SnapATAC object, or an ArchR project")
      if(whichMat == "bmat"){
        peaks = ATACMat@feature
        ATACMat = ATACMat@bmat
      else if(whichMat == "gmat"){
        ATACMat = ATACMat@gmat
        stop("Must use bmat or gmat")
      if(whichMat == "TileMatrix"){
        ATACData = ArchR::getMatrixFromProject(ATACMat, "TileMatrix", verbose=FALSE, binarize = TRUE)
        peaks = GenomicRanges::GRanges(ATACData@elementMetadata$seqnames, IRanges(start = ATACData@elementMetadata$start, width = 500))
        ATACMat = Matrix::t(assay(ATACData))
      else if(whichMat == "GeneScoreMatrix"){
        ATACData = ArchR::getMatrixFromProject(ATACMat, "GeneScoreMatrix", verbose=FALSE)
        ATACMat = Matrix::t(assay(ATACData))
        stop("Must use TileMatrix or GeneScoreMatrix")
    if(!is(ATACMat,"Matrix") & !is(ATACMat,"matrix")){
      stop("Must provide either a cell-by-peak matrix")
      stop("Not enough cells or peaks in matrix")
      warning("ATACMat has more cells than peaks, does it need to be transposed?")
      stop("Must provide a per label mapping of peaks to genes returned by mapPeaksToGenes()")

        stop("Must provide a GRanges object of genomic regions associatated with genes to apply filters")
        stop("regions must be a GRanges object")
        stop("regions must contain at least one genomic range")
        stop("Each region must have an associated gene_id")
      if(missing(filterWeights) || length(filters)!=length(filterWeights)){
        warning("Assuming all filters have full weight")
        filterWeights = rep(1, length(filters))
      if(missing(filterOut) || length(filters)!=length(filterOut)){
        warning("Assuming all filters are permissive")
        filterOut = rep(FALSE, length(filters))
      if(missing(filterGene) || length(filters)!=length(filterGene)){
        warning("Assuming all filters apply at the gene level")
        filterGene = rep(TRUE, length(filters))
      geneFilter = rep(1, length(labelGenes[,1]))
      for(filterIndex in which(filterGene)){
        filterRanges = filters[[filterIndex]]
        regionFilterOverlap = GenomicRanges::countOverlaps(regions, filterRanges)
          geneFilterHit = labelGenes[,1] %in% names(which(regionFilterOverlap>0))
          geneFilter[geneFilterHit] = geneFilter[geneFilterHit]*(1-filterWeights[filterIndex])
          geneFilterHit = labelGenes[,1] %in% names(which(regionFilterOverlap>0))
          geneFilter[!geneFilterHit] = geneFilter[!geneFilterHit]*(1-filterWeights[filterIndex])
      geneFilter = rep(1, length(labelGenes[,1]))

    cellPeakCounts = Matrix::rowSums(ATACMat)
    cellsInMarkers = c()
    for(label in labels){
      if(!label %in% dimnames(ATACGenePeak)[[2]]){
        stop("A label is missing from the peak to gene mapping. Is it the right mapping?")
      peaksInMarkers = ATACGenePeak[["peak",label]]
      genesInMarkers = ATACGenePeak[["gene",label]]
        stop("Indecies dont match in peak to gene mapping. Is it the right mapping?")
      if(length(which(genesInMarkers %in% labelGenes[,1]))!=length(genesInMarkers)){
        stop("Genes dont match in peak to gene mapping. Is it the right mapping?")
        geneExp = rep(1, length(genesInMarkers))
      else if(method=="Correlation"){
        stop("Correlation not yet implemented")
      else if(method=="Expression"){
          stop("Must provide a table with genes of interest in first column and corresponding labels in
               second column and log fold gene expression in the third")
        # geneExp = labelGenes[match(genesInMarkers,labelGenes[labelGenes[,2]==label,1]),3]
        geneExp = labelGenes[labelGenes[,2]==label,3][match(genesInMarkers,labelGenes[labelGenes[,2]==label,1])]
        stop("Not a recognized scaling method")

      # geneFilterScale = geneFilter[match(genesInMarkers,labelGenes[labelGenes[,2]==label,1])]
      geneFilterScale = geneFilter[labelGenes[,2]==label][match(genesInMarkers,labelGenes[labelGenes[,2]==label,1])]

      if(!missing(filters) && sum(!filterGene)>0){
        if(missing(peaks) || !is(peaks,"GRanges")){
          stop("Must provide a GRanges object of peaks to apply filters to peaks")
          stop("Number of peaks must be the same as the number of columns in ATACMat")

        for(filterIndex in which(!filterGene)){
          filterRanges = filters[[filterIndex]]
          peakFilterOverlap = GenomicRanges::countOverlaps(peaks, filterRanges)
            peaksInMarkers = peaksInMarkers[peakFilterOverlap==0]
            geneExp = geneExp[peakFilterOverlap==0]
            geneFilterScale = geneFilterScale[peakFilterOverlap==0]
            peaksInMarkers = peaksInMarkers[peakFilterOverlap>0]
            geneExp = geneExp[peakFilterOverlap>0]
            geneFilterScale = geneFilterScale[peakFilterOverlap>0]
      cellsInLabelMarkers = Matrix::colSums(Matrix::t(ATACMat[,peaksInMarkers])*geneExp*geneFilterScale)/cellPeakCounts
      cellsInLabelMarkers[cellsInLabelMarkers<0] = 0
      cellsInMarkers = cbind(cellsInMarkers,cellsInLabelMarkers)
    colnames(cellsInMarkers) = labels
    cellsInMarkers = cellsInMarkers[,colSums(cellsInMarkers)!=0]

#' Run CellWalker Method
#' \code{walkCells} applies the CellWalker method to the given cell-to-cell and
#' cell-to-label edges.
#' @param cellEdges matrix of cell-to-cell similarity (c-by-c)
#' @param labelEdgesList list of cell-to-label similarity matrices each with dimensions c-by-l
#' @param labelEdgeWeights vector of weights to test for label edges
#' @param sampleDepth depth to subsample cells to for faster calculation
#' @param steps integer indicating number of steps to take if walk should not be run to convergence
#' @param tensorflow boolean to indicate whether to compute on GPU
#' @return cellWalk object with influence matrix and labels
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("SampleCellWalkRData")
#' labelEdgesList <- list(SampleCellWalkRData$labelEdges)
#' cellWalk <- walkCells(SampleCellWalkRData$cellEdges, labelEdgesList, 1)
walkCells = function(cellEdges, labelEdgesList, labelEdgeWeights, sampleDepth, steps, tensorflow=FALSE){
    stop("Must provide a matrix of cell-to-cell similarity")
  if(!is(cellEdges, "matrix") & !is(cellEdges,"Matrix")){
    stop("Cell-to-cell similarity must be a matrix")
  if(dim(cellEdges)[1] != dim(cellEdges)[2]){
    stop("Cell-to-cell similarity matrix must have dimensions c-by-c")

  c = dim(cellEdges)[1]
    sampleDepth = c
  else if(sampleDepth>c){
    warning("Sample depth is greater than number of cells, will use all cells")
    sampleDepth = c

  if(missing(labelEdgesList) || !is(labelEdgesList, "list")){
    stop("Must provide a list of cell-to-label similarity matrices")
  if(sum(sapply(labelEdgesList, function(x) dim(x)[1])!=c)!=0){
    stop("Each cell-to-label similarity matrix must have dimensions c-by-l, number of rows equal to the number of cells")

  if(missing(labelEdgeWeights) || !length(labelEdgeWeights)==length(labelEdgesList)){
    stop("Must provide a weight for each set of cell-to-label edges")

  l = sum(sapply(labelEdgesList, function(x) dim(x)[2]))
  combinedGraph = combineMultiLabelGraph(labelEdgesList, cellEdges, labelEdgeWeights)

  if(! is.null(colnames(cellEdges))){
    colnames(combinedGraph) = c( c(unlist(sapply(labelEdgesList, function(x) colnames(x)))), colnames(cellEdges))
    rownames(combinedGraph) = c( c(unlist(sapply(labelEdgesList, function(x) colnames(x)))), colnames(cellEdges))

  if(!sampleDepth == c){
    selectCells = sample(dim(cellEdges)[1], sampleDepth)+l
    combinedGraph = combinedGraph[c(1:l,selectCells),c(1:l,selectCells)]

  combinedGraph = combinedGraph[Matrix::colSums(combinedGraph)!=0, Matrix::colSums(combinedGraph)!=0]
  infMat = randomWalk(combinedGraph, tensorflow=tensorflow, steps=steps)

  if(! is.null(colnames(cellEdges))){
    rownames(infMat) = rownames(combinedGraph)
    colnames(infMat) = colnames(combinedGraph)

  normMat = normalizeInfluence(infMat[-(1:l),(1:l)])
  colnames(normMat) = c(unlist(sapply(labelEdgesList, function(x) colnames(x))))
    warning("Multiple labels share the same name")
  cellLabels = apply(normMat, 1, function(x) colnames(normMat)[order(x, decreasing = TRUE)][1])

  cellWalk = list(infMat=infMat, normMat=normMat, cellLabels=cellLabels)
  class(cellWalk) = "cellWalk"

#' Tune edge weights
#' \code{tuneEdgeWeights} generates cell homogeneity scores for possible edge
#' weight settings across all labelEdge matrices. To speed up calculations cells
#' can be subsampled to a specified sampleDepth (default 10000).
#' @param cellEdges matrix of cell-to-cell similarity (c-by-c)
#' @param labelEdgesList list of cell-to-label similarity matrices each with dimensions c-by-l
#' @param labelEdgeOpts vector of weights to test for label edges
#' @param sampleDepth integer depth to subsample cells to for faster calculation
#' @param steps integer indicating number of steps to take if walk should not be run to convergence
#' @param cellTypes list of names of cell types, if not provided unique cell labels are used
#' @param parallel boolean, execute in parallel
#' @param numCores integer, number of cores to use for parallel execution
#' @param trackProgress boolean, print percent run completed
#' @param tensorflow boolean to indicate whether to compute on GPU
#' @return data frame of weights with corresponding cell homogeneity
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("SampleCellWalkRData")
#' labelEdgesList <- list(SampleCellWalkRData$labelEdges)
#' tuneEdgeWeights(SampleCellWalkRData$cellEdges, labelEdgesList, 10^seq(1,7,1))
tuneEdgeWeights = function(
  labelEdgeOpts = 10^seq(-4,4,1),
  sampleDepth = 10000,
  parallel = FALSE,
  numCores = 1,
  trackProgress = FALSE,

    stop("Must provide a matrix of cell-to-cell similarity")
  if(!is(cellEdges, "matrix") & !is(cellEdges,"Matrix")){
    stop("Cell-to-cell similarity must be a matrix")
  if(dim(cellEdges)[1] != dim(cellEdges)[2]){
    stop("Cell-to-cell similarity matrix must have dimensions c-by-c")
  c = dim(cellEdges)[1]
    warning("Sample depth is greater than number of cells, will use all cells")
    sampleDepth = c

  if(missing(labelEdgesList) || !is(labelEdgesList, "list")){
    stop("Must provide a list of cell-to-label similarity matrices")
  if(sum(sapply(labelEdgesList, function(x) dim(x)[1])!=c)!=0){
    stop("Each cell-to-label similarity matrix must have dimensions c-by-l, number of rows equal to the number of cells")

  numLabelLists = length(labelEdgesList)
  l = sum(sapply(labelEdgesList, function(x) dim(x)[2]))

  parameterCombos = expand.grid(rep(list(labelEdgeOpts),numLabelLists))

  cellTypesMissing = FALSE
    cellTypesMissing = TRUE

    if(!requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE)){
      stop("Must install parallel")
    if(numCores >= parallel::detectCores()) {
      numCores = parallel::detectCores() - 1
      warning("numCores greater than avaialble cores, using available cores")
      warning("Cant track progress in parallel")
      warning("Cant run both on GPU and in parallel, running in parallel")

    cellHomogeneity = parallel::mcmapply(function(param){
      theseWeights = as.numeric(parameterCombos[param,])

      cellWalk = walkCells(cellEdges, labelEdgesList, theseWeights, sampleDepth, steps)

        cellTypes = unique(cellWalk[["cellLabels"]])

      computeCellHomogeneity(cellWalk, cellTypes)

    }, param=1:dim(parameterCombos)[1], mc.cores = numCores)
    cellHomogeneity = c()
    for(param in 1:dim(parameterCombos)[1]){
      theseWeights = as.numeric(parameterCombos[param,])

      cellWalk = walkCells(cellEdges, labelEdgesList, theseWeights, sampleDepth, steps, tensorflow=tensorflow)

        cellTypes = unique(cellWalk[["cellLabels"]])

      cellHomogeneity = c(cellHomogeneity, computeCellHomogeneity(cellWalk, cellTypes))

      if(trackProgress & sum(sapply(seq(.1,.9,.1), function(x)
        (param)/dim(parameterCombos)[1] >= x &
        (param-1)/dim(parameterCombos)[1] <= x))>=1){
        print(paste0(as.integer(param/dim(parameterCombos)[1]*100), "% done"))


  data.frame(parameterCombos, cellHomogeneity)


#' Tune filter weights
#' \code{tuneFilterWeights} generates cell homogeneity scores for filter weight settings (by default
#' 0 and 1 for on and off)
#' across all filters. Each filter can either apply just to specific peaks or to whole genes
#' (filterGene, TRUE by default) and can be permissive or
#' filtering out (filterOut, FALSE by default). Regions mapping peaks to genes must be
#' provided to use filters. If filters are applied to specific peaks, peaks for the ATAC
#' data must also be provided. To speed up calculations cells
#' can be subsampled to a specified sampleDepth (default 5000).
#' @param cellEdges matrix of cell-to-cell similarity (c-by-c)
#' @param labelGenesList list of tables with genes of interest in first column and corresponding
#' labels in second column, optionally log-fold change in expression values in the third
#' @param labelEdgesList list of cell-to-label similarity matrices each with dimensions c-by-l
#' @param labelEdgeWeights vector of edge weights corresponding to list of cell-to-label similarity matrices
#' @param ATACMat either a cell-by-peak matrix or a SnapATAC object
#' @param ATACGenePeak per label mapping of peaks to genes returned by mapPeaksToGenes()
#' @param method scaling method, either "Expression","Correlation", or "None"
#' @param filters list of GRanges for locations that pass filters
#' @param filterWeightOpts vector of parameters to test for weights assigned to each filter
#' @param filterOut boolean for each filter of whether those regions are permitted or filtered out
#' @param filterGene boolean for each filter of whether it applies to genes as a whole or just overlapping peaks (note that weights do not apply to peaks)
#' @param regions regions map peaks to genes
#' @param peaks GRanges of peaks in ATACMat
#' @param sampleDepth integer, depth to subsample cells to for faster calculation
#' @param steps integer indicating number of steps to take if walk should not be run to convergence
#' @param cellTypes list of names of cell types, if not provided unique cell labels are used
#' @param parallel boolean, execute in parallel
#' @param numCores integer, number of cores to use for parallel execution
#' @param trackProgress boolean, print percent run completed
#' @param tensorflow boolean to indicate whether to compute on GPU
#' @return data frame of parameters with corresponding cell homogeneity
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("SampleCellWalkRData")
#' regions <- getRegions()
#' filters <- list(SampleCellWalkRData$filter)
#' labelGenesList <- list(SampleCellWalkRData$labelGenes)
#' labelEdgesList <- list(SampleCellWalkRData$labelEdges)
#' \dontrun{tuneFilterWeights(SampleCellWalkRData$cellEdges,
#'                   labelGenesList,
#'                   labelEdgesList,
#'                   1,
#'                   SampleCellWalkRData$ATACMat,
#'                   SampleCellWalkRData$ATACGenePeak,
#'                   filters=filters,
#'                   regions=regions)}
tuneFilterWeights = function(
  method = "Expression",
  parallel = FALSE,
  numCores = 1,
  trackProgress = FALSE,
  tensorflow = FALSE){

    stop("Must provide a matrix of cell-to-cell similarity")
  if(!is(cellEdges, "matrix") & !is(cellEdges,"Matrix")){
    stop("Cell-to-cell similarity must be a matrix")
  if(dim(cellEdges)[1] != dim(cellEdges)[2]){
    stop("Cell-to-cell similarity matrix must have dimensions c-by-c")
  c = dim(cellEdges)[1]
    warning("Sample depth is greater than number of cells, will use all cells")
    sampleDepth = c

  if(missing(labelGenesList) || !is(labelGenesList, "list")){
    stop("Must provide a  list of tables with genes of interest in first column and corresponding
         labels in second column, optionally log-fold change in expression values in the third")

  if(missing(labelEdgesList) || !is(labelEdgesList, "list")){
    stop("Must provide a list of cell-to-label similarity matrices")
  if(sum(sapply(labelEdgesList, function(x) dim(x)[1])!=c)!=0){
    stop("Each cell-to-label similarity matrix must have dimensions c-by-l, number of rows equal to the number of cells")

  if(missing(labelEdgeWeights) || !length(labelEdgeWeights)==length(labelEdgesList)){
    stop("Must provide a weight for each set of cell-to-label edges")

    stop("Must provide either a cell-by-peak matrix or a SnapATAC object")
    stop("Not yet implemented")
    stop("Must provide a per label mapping of peaks to genes returned by mapPeaksToGenes()")

  if(missing(filters) || !is(filters, "list")){
    stop("Must provide list of GRanges for locations that pass filters")
      stop("Must provide a GRanges object of genomic regions associatated with genes to apply filters")

  numFilters = length(filters)
  parameterCombos = expand.grid(rep(list(filterWeightOpts),numFilters))

  cellTypesMissing = FALSE
    cellTypesMissing = TRUE

    if(!requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE)){
      stop("Must install parallel")
    if(numCores >= parallel::detectCores()) {
      numCores = parallel::detectCores() - 1
      warning("numCores greater than avaialble cores, using available cores")
      warning("Cant track progress in parallel")
      warning("Cant run both on GPU and in parallel, running in parallel")
      filterOut = rep(FALSE, length(filters))
      filterGene = rep(TRUE, length(filters))
      if(sum(!filterGene)>0 && missing(peaks)){
        stop("Must provide a GRanges object of peaks to apply filters to peaks")
        peaks = NULL
    cellHomogeneity = parallel::mcmapply(function(param){
      theseWeights = as.numeric(parameterCombos[param,])
      labelEdgesList = list()
      for(labelGenes in labelGenesList){
        newEdges = computeLabelEdges(labelGenes, ATACMat, ATACGenePeak, method,
                                     filters, theseWeights,filterOut,
                                     filterGene, regions,peaks)
        labelEdgesList = c(labelEdgesList,list(newEdges))
      l = sum(sapply(labelEdgesList, function(x) dim(x)[2]))

      cellWalk = walkCells(cellEdges, labelEdgesList, labelEdgeWeights, sampleDepth, steps)

        cellTypes = unique(cellWalk[["cellLabels"]])

      computeCellHomogeneity(cellWalk, cellTypes)

    }, param=1:dim(parameterCombos)[1], mc.cores = numCores)
    cellHomogeneity = c()
    for(param in 1:dim(parameterCombos)[1]){
      #add option for filter to only apply to some cells? to some labels?
      theseWeights = as.numeric(parameterCombos[param,])
      labelEdgesList = list()
      for(labelGenes in labelGenesList){
        newEdges = computeLabelEdges(labelGenes, ATACMat, ATACGenePeak, method,
                                     filters, theseWeights,filterOut,
                                     filterGene, regions,peaks)
        labelEdgesList = c(labelEdgesList,list(newEdges))
      l = sum(sapply(labelEdgesList, function(x) dim(x)[2]))

      cellWalk = walkCells(cellEdges, labelEdgesList, labelEdgeWeights, sampleDepth, steps, tensorflow=tensorflow)
      infMat = cellWalk[["infMat"]]
      normMat = cellWalk[["normMat"]]
      cellLabels = cellWalk[["cellLabels"]]

        cellTypes = unique(cellWalk[["cellLabels"]])

      cellHomogeneity = c(cellHomogeneity, computeCellHomogeneity(cellWalk, cellTypes))

      if(trackProgress & sum(sapply(seq(.1,.9,.1), function(x)
        (param)/dim(parameterCombos)[1] >= x &
        (param-1)/dim(parameterCombos)[1] <= x))>=1){
        print(paste0(as.integer(param/dim(parameterCombos)[1]*100), "% done"))


  data.frame(parameterCombos, cellHomogeneity)

#' Find markers in scRNA-seq data
#' \code{findMarkers} Uses Seurat to find markers in scRNA-seq data and returns
#' a table of markers and labels that can be used by CellWalker. This implementation
#' uses default parameters and is designed for a simple first pass for creating
#' labels.
#' @param RNAMat gene-by-barcode matrix of scRNA data
#' @param genes character vector of gene names
#' @param barcodes character vector of barcodes
#' @param dims integer vector of PCA dimensions to use
#' @param resolution numeric resolution to use in Louvain clustering
#' @param only.pos only return positive markers
#' @return table of marker genes, labels, and logFC in expression
#' @export
findMarkers = function(RNAMat, genes, barcodes, dims=1:10, resolution=0.5, only.pos = FALSE){
  if(!requireNamespace("Seurat", quietly = TRUE)){
    stop("Must install Seurat")
  if(missing(RNAMat) || !is(RNAMat, "matrix")){
    stop("Must provide a matrix of RNA data")
  if(missing(genes) || length(genes)!=dim(RNAMat)[1]){
    stop("Must provide a vector of gene names equal to the number of rows in the RNA matrix")
  if(missing(barcodes) || length(barcodes)!=dim(RNAMat)[2]){
    stop("Must provide a vector of barcodes equal to the number of columns in the RNA matrix")
  rownames(RNAMat) = genes
  colnames(RNAMat) = barcodes
  RNASeurat = Seurat::CreateSeuratObject(counts = RNAMat)
  RNASeurat = Seurat::NormalizeData(RNASeurat)
  RNASeurat = Seurat::FindVariableFeatures(RNASeurat)
  RNASeurat = Seurat::ScaleData(RNASeurat)
  RNASeurat = Seurat::RunPCA(RNASeurat)
  RNASeurat = Seurat::FindNeighbors(RNASeurat, dims = dims)
  RNASeurat = Seurat::FindClusters(RNASeurat, resolution = resolution)
  RNASeuratMarkers = Seurat::FindAllMarkers(RNASeurat, only.pos = only.pos)

#' Download Sample Data
#' \code{downloadSampleData} Download sample data for use with vignette
#' @param dest folder to download data to
#' @return destination folder
#' @export
downloadSampleData = function(dest="inst/extdata"){
    dir.create(dest, showWarnings = FALSE)
  downloadFiles = download.file(url = "https://figshare.com/ndownloader/files/32630126", destfile = file.path(dest,"SamplePeakMat.mtx"))
  downloadFiles = download.file(url = "https://figshare.com/ndownloader/files/32670425", destfile = file.path(dest,"SamplePeaks.txt"))

#' Load Sample Data
#' \code{loadSampleData} Download sample data for use with vignette, only used for testing.
#' To load sampel data, simply call \code{data("SampleCellWalkRData")}
#' @export
#' @return sample data
#' @examples
#' loadSampleData()
loadSampleData = function(){
  # data("SampleCellWalkRData")
  # SampleCellWalkRData
PFPrzytycki/CellWalkR documentation built on Oct. 26, 2023, 1:50 p.m.