
Defines functions kantorova.pasfr compute.pasfr.global.norms .pasfr.norm.name .get.migration.traj .load.mig.traj .load.wpp.traj .set.inp.migration.if.needed .get.tfr.data .get.mig.mx.pasfr.patterns .get.hiv.params .get.mig.data migration.totals2age .get.mig.template .get.pasfr.data .consolidate.pasfr .get.srb.data.and.time.periods load.inputs load.wpp.dataset read.pop.file do.pop.predict pop.predict

Documented in load.inputs migration.totals2age pop.predict read.pop.file

if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c("UNlocations", "MLTbx"))

pop.predict <- function(end.year=2100, start.year=1950, present.year=2020, wpp.year=2019,
						countries=NULL, output.dir = file.path(getwd(), "bayesPop.output"),
						annual = FALSE,
							migM=NULL, migF=NULL,
							migMt = NULL, migFt = NULL, mig = NULL,
							e0F.file=NULL, e0M.file=NULL, 
							e0F.sim.dir=NULL, e0M.sim.dir=NULL, 
							migMtraj=NULL, migFtraj=NULL, migtraj = NULL,
							GQpopM = NULL, GQpopF = NULL, average.annual = NULL
						), nr.traj = 1000, keep.vital.events=FALSE,
						fixed.mx=FALSE, fixed.pasfr=FALSE, lc.for.hiv = TRUE, lc.for.all = TRUE,
						mig.is.rate = FALSE, mig.age.method = c("auto", "un", "rc", "user"), 
						my.locations.file = NULL, 
						replace.output=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, ...) {
	prediction.exist <- FALSE
	ages <- ages.all(annual, observed = FALSE)
	unblock.gtk.if.needed('reading inputs')
	mig.age.method <- match.arg(mig.age.method)

	if(!is.null(my.locations.file)) {
		UNlocations <- NULL # needed for R check not to complain
		UNlocations <<- read.delim(file=my.locations.file, comment.char='#', check.names=FALSE)
		if(verbose) cat('Loading ', my.locations.file, '.\n')
	} else bayesTFR:::load.bdem.dataset('UNlocations', wpp.year, envir=globalenv(), verbose=verbose)
	if(is.null(countries)) {
		if(!replace.output && has.pop.prediction(sim.dir=output.dir))
			stop('Prediction in ', output.dir,
				' already exists.\nSet replace.output=TRUE if you want to overwrite existing projections.')
		inp <- load.inputs(inputs, start.year, present.year, end.year, wpp.year, fixed.mx=fixed.mx, fixed.pasfr=fixed.pasfr, 
		                   lc.for.hiv = lc.for.hiv, lc.for.all = lc.for.all, mig.is.rate = mig.is.rate,
		                   annual = annual, mig.age.method = mig.age.method, #mig.age.gcc = mig.age.gcc, 
	}else {
		if(has.pop.prediction(output.dir) && !replace.output) {
			pred <- get.pop.prediction(output.dir)
			inp <- load.inputs(pred$function.inputs, pred$inputs$start.year, pred$inputs$present.year, pred$inputs$end.year, 
								pred$wpp.year, fixed.mx=pred$inputs$fixed.mx, fixed.pasfr=pred$inputs$fixed.pasfr, all.countries=FALSE, 
								existing.mig=list(MIGm=pred$inputs$MIGm, MIGf=pred$inputs$MIGf, 
												obsMIGm=pred$inputs$observed$MIGm, obsMIGf=pred$inputs$observed$MIGf),
								lc.for.hiv = pred$inputs$lc.for.hiv, lc.for.all = pred$inputs$lc.for.all,
								annual = pred$inputs$annual, mig.age.method = mig.age.method, #mig.age.gcc = mig.age.gcc, 
				warning('Projection already exists. Using inputs from existing projection. Use replace.output=TRUE for updating inputs.')
			nr.traj <- pred$nr.traj
			ages <- pred$ages
			prediction.exist <- TRUE
		} else inp <- load.inputs(inputs, start.year, present.year, end.year, wpp.year, fixed.mx=fixed.mx, fixed.pasfr=fixed.pasfr,
		                          all.countries=FALSE, lc.for.hiv = lc.for.hiv, lc.for.all = lc.for.all, mig.is.rate = mig.is.rate,
		                          annual = annual, mig.age.method = mig.age.method, #mig.age.gcc = mig.age.gcc, 

	outdir <- file.path(output.dir, 'predictions')
	if(!prediction.exist) {
		if(!replace.output && has.pop.prediction(sim.dir=output.dir))
			stop('Prediction in ', outdir,
			' already exists.\nSet replace.output=TRUE if you want to overwrite existing projections.')
		unlink(outdir, recursive=TRUE)
	} else pop.cleanup.cache(pred)
	if(!is.null(countries) && is.na(countries[1])) { # all countries that are not included in the existing prediction
		all.countries <- intersect(unique(inp$POPm0[,'country_code']), UNcountries())
		country.codes <- if(!prediction.exist) all.countries
						else all.countries[!is.element(all.countries, pred$countries[,'code'])]
	} else {
		if(!is.null(countries)) {
			if (is.character(countries)) { # at least one of the codes is a character string
				for (icountry in 1:length(countries)) {
					if (is.character(countries[icountry])) {
						country.idx <- which(UNlocations[,'name'] == countries[icountry])
						if(length(country.idx) > 0)
							countries[icountry] <- UNlocations[country.idx,'country_code']
			country.codes <- as.integer(countries)
		} else
			country.codes <- intersect(unique(inp$POPm0[,'country_code']), UNcountries())
	do.pop.predict(country.codes, inp, outdir, nr.traj, ages, pred=if(prediction.exist) pred else NULL,
					keep.vital.events=keep.vital.events, fixed.mx=inp$fixed.mx, fixed.pasfr=fixed.pasfr, 
					function.inputs=inputs, verbose=verbose, ...)

do.pop.predict <- function(country.codes, inp, outdir, nr.traj, ages, pred=NULL, keep.vital.events=FALSE, fixed.mx=FALSE, 
							fixed.pasfr=FALSE, function.inputs=NULL, pasfr.ignore.phase2 = FALSE, verbose=FALSE, 
							parallel = FALSE, nr.nodes = NULL, ...) {
	not.valid.countries.idx <- c()
	countries.idx <- rep(NA, length(country.codes))

	for(icountry in 1:length(country.codes)) {
		country.idx <- which(UNlocations[,'country_code'] == country.codes[icountry])
		if(length(country.idx) == 0) {
			not.valid.countries.idx <- c(not.valid.countries.idx, icountry)
		countries.idx[icountry] <- country.idx
	if(length(not.valid.countries.idx) > 0) {
		warning('Countries ', paste(country.codes[not.valid.countries.idx], collapse=', '), 
					' not found in the UNlocations dataset.')
		country.codes <- country.codes[-not.valid.countries.idx]
		countries.idx <- countries.idx[-not.valid.countries.idx]
	ncountries <- length(country.codes)
	nr_project <- length(inp$proj.years)
	nages <- length(ages)
		dir.create(outdir, recursive=TRUE)
	present.and.proj.years <- c(inp$estim.years[length(inp$estim.years)], inp$proj.years)
	present.and.proj.years.pop <- present.and.proj.years
	if(!inp$annual) present.and.proj.years.pop <- present.and.proj.years.pop + 2
	prediction.file <- file.path(outdir, 'prediction.rda')	
	quantiles.to.keep <- get.quantiles.to.keep()
	nquant <- length(quantiles.to.keep)
	PIs_cqp <- quantM <- quantF <- array(NA, c(ncountries, nquant, nr_project+1),
						dimnames=list(country.codes, quantiles.to.keep, present.and.proj.years.pop))
	quantMage <- quantFage <- quantPropMage <- quantPropFage <- array(NA, c(ncountries, nages, nquant, nr_project+1),
						dimnames=list(country.codes, ages, quantiles.to.keep, present.and.proj.years.pop))
	mean_sd <- mean_sdM <- mean_sdF <- array(NA, c(ncountries, 2, nr_project+1), 
						dimnames=list(country.codes, c('mean', 'sd'), present.and.proj.years.pop))
	mx.ages <- if(inp$annual) ages else c(0,1,ages[2:nages])
	status.for.gui <- paste('out of', ncountries, 'countries.')
	gui.options <- list()
	inp.to.save <- list()
	# remove big or redundant items from inputs to be saved
	for(item in ls(inp)[!grepl('^migMpred$|^migFpred$|^TFRpred$|^e0Fpred$|^e0Mpred$|^estim.years$|^proj.years$|^wpp.years$', ls(inp))]) 
		inp.to.save[[item]] <- get(item, inp)
	if(parallel) {
	    if(is.null(nr.nodes)) nr.nodes <- getOption("cl.cores", detectCores(logical = FALSE))
	exporting.objects <- c("country.codes", "countries.idx", "UNlocations", "inp", "inp.to.save",
	                       "present.and.proj.years.pop", "present.and.proj.years", "keep.vital.events",
	                       "ages", "nages", "fixed.mx", "fixed.pasfr", "pasfr.ignore.phase2", "verbose", 
	                       "nquant", "quantiles.to.keep", "ncountries")

	# prediction function
    predict.one.country <- function(cidx, nr.traj, nr_project, do.gc = FALSE) {
		#unblock.gtk.if.needed(paste('finished', cidx, status.for.gui), gui.options)
        if(do.gc) gc()
		country <- country.codes[cidx]
		country.idx <- countries.idx[cidx]
			cat('\nProgress: ', round((cidx-1)/ncountries * 100), '%; now processing ', country, ' ', 
			    as.character(UNlocations[country.idx,'name']), ': ')
		# Extract the country-specific stuff from the inputs
		inpc <- get.country.inputs(country, inp, nr.traj, UNlocations[country.idx,'name'])
		if(is.null(inpc)) return(NULL)
		nr.traj <- min(ncol(inpc$TFRpred), nr.traj)		
			cat(nr.traj, ' trajectories')
		migr.modified <- .set.inp.migration.if.needed(inp, inpc, country)

		npred <- min(nrow(inpc$TFRpred), nr_project)
		npredplus1 <- npred+1
		nmortcat <- length(mx.ages)
		nfertcat <- age.length.fert(inp$annual)
		nmigcat <- age.length.all(inp$annual, observed = TRUE)
		fages <- ages.fert(inp$annual)
		totp <- matrix(NA, nrow=npredplus1, ncol=nr.traj, 
					dimnames=list(present.and.proj.years.pop, NULL))
		totpm <- totpf <- array(NA, dim=c(nages, npredplus1, nr.traj), 
							dimnames=list(ages, present.and.proj.years.pop, NULL))
		nvariants <- nrow(inpc$TFRhalfchild)
		totp.hch <- matrix(NA, nrow=npredplus1, ncol=nvariants,
					dimnames=list(present.and.proj.years.pop, NULL))
		totpm.hch <- totpf.hch <- array(NA, dim=c(nages, npredplus1, nvariants), 
					dimnames=list(ages, present.and.proj.years.pop, NULL))
		if(keep.vital.events) {
			btm <- btf <- array(0, dim=c(nfertcat, npredplus1, nr.traj), dimnames=list(fages, present.and.proj.years, NULL))
			deathsm <- deathsf <- array(0, dim=c(nages, npredplus1, nr.traj), dimnames=list(ages, present.and.proj.years, NULL))
			asfert <- array(0, dim=c(nfertcat, npredplus1, nr.traj), dimnames=list(fages, present.and.proj.years, NULL))
			pasfert <- array(0, dim=c(nfertcat, npredplus1, nr.traj), dimnames=list(fages, present.and.proj.years, NULL))
			btm.hch <- btf.hch <- array(0, dim=c(nfertcat, npredplus1, nvariants), dimnames=list(fages, present.and.proj.years, NULL))
			deathsm.hch <- deathsf.hch <- array(0, dim=c(nages, npredplus1, nvariants), dimnames=list(ages, present.and.proj.years, NULL))
			asfert.hch <- array(0, dim=c(nfertcat, npredplus1, nvariants), dimnames=list(fages, present.and.proj.years, NULL))
			pasfert.hch <- array(0, dim=c(nfertcat, npredplus1, nvariants), dimnames=list(fages, present.and.proj.years, NULL))
			mxm <- mxf <- array(0, dim=c(nmortcat, npredplus1, nr.traj), dimnames=list(mx.ages, present.and.proj.years, NULL))
			mxm.hch <- mxf.hch <- array(0, dim=c(nmortcat, npredplus1, nvariants), dimnames=list(mx.ages, present.and.proj.years, NULL))
			migMntraj <- if(is.null(inpc[['migMpred']])) 1 else dim(inpc[['migMpred']])[2]
			migFntraj <- if(is.null(inpc[['migFpred']])) 1 else dim(inpc[['migFpred']])[2]  
			migm <- array(0, dim=c(nmigcat, npredplus1, migMntraj), dimnames=list(ages[1:nmigcat], present.and.proj.years, NULL))
			migf <- array(0, dim=c(nmigcat, npredplus1, migFntraj), dimnames=list(ages[1:nmigcat], present.and.proj.years, NULL))
			# extend current mx to 130 age groups
			Kan.present <- KannistoAxBx.joint(inpc$MXm[,ncol(inpc$MXm), drop=FALSE], inpc$MXf[,ncol(inpc$MXf), drop=FALSE], 
			                                  compute.AxBx=FALSE, annual = inp$annual)
		debug <- FALSE
		if(!fixed.mx) {
			MxKan <- runKannisto(inpc, inp$start.year, lc.for.all = inp$lc.for.all, npred=npred, annual = inp$annual) 
			mortcast.args <- .prepare.for.mortality.projection(pattern = inpc$MXpattern, mxKan = MxKan, 
			                                                   hiv.params = inpc$HIVparams, lc.for.all = inp$lc.for.all, 
			                                                   annual = inp$annual)
			if(verbose) cat(", mx via ", paste(c(mortcast.args$meth1, mortcast.args$meth2), collapse = ","))
		} else {
			MxKan <- runKannisto.noLC(inpc, annual = inp$annual)
			LTres <- survival.fromLT(npred, MxKan, annual = inp$annual, verbose=verbose, debug=debug)
		#npasfr <- nrow(inpc$PASFR)
		    observed <- compute.observedVE(inpc, inp$pop.matrix, inpc$MIGtype, MxKan, country, estim.years=inp$estim.years, 
															mig.rate.code = inp$mig.rate.code[1], annual = inp$annual)
		tfr.med <- apply(inpc$TFRpred, 1, median, na.rm = TRUE)[nrow(inpc$TFRpred)]
		for(itraj in 1:nr.traj) {
			if(any(is.na(inpc$TFRpred[,itraj]))) next
				pasfr <- kantorova.pasfr(c(inpc$observed$TFRpred, inpc$TFRpred[,itraj]), inpc, 
										norms=inp$PASFRnorms, proj.years=inp$proj.years, 
										tfr.med=tfr.med, annual = inp$annual, 
										ignore.phase2 = pasfr.ignore.phase2)
			else pasfr <- inpc$PASFR/100.
			asfr <- pasfr
			for(i in 1:nrow(pasfr)) asfr[i,] <- inpc$TFRpred[,itraj] * asfr[i,]
			if(!fixed.mx) {
			    LTres <- project.mortality(inpc$e0Mpred[,itraj], inpc$e0Fpred[,itraj], npred, mortcast.args = mortcast.args,
									        annual = inp$annual, verbose = verbose, debug = debug)
			migpred <- list(M=NULL, F=NULL)
			for(sex in c('M', 'F')) {
				par <- paste0('mig', sex, 'pred')
				# if rates are attached slice and keep them 
				rates <- rate.codes <- NULL
				if(!is.null(inpc[[par]]) && "rate" %in% names(attributes(inpc[[par]]))) {
				    rates <- attr(inpc[[par]], "rate")[itraj,]
				    rate.codes <- attr(inpc[[par]], "code")[itraj,]
				migpred[[sex]] <- as.matrix(if(is.null(inpc[[par]])) inpc[[paste0('MIG', tolower(sex))]] else inpc[[par]][,itraj,])
				if(!is.null(rates)) {
				    attr(migpred[[sex]], "rate") <- rates
				    attr(migpred[[sex]], "code") <- rate.codes
			popres <- StoPopProj(npred, inpc, LTres, asfr, migpred, inpc$MIGtype, mig.rate.code = inp$mig.rate.code[2],
								 keep.vital.events=keep.vital.events, annual = inp$annual)
			totp[,itraj] <- popres$totpop
			totpm[,,itraj] <- popres$mpop
			totpf[,,itraj] <- popres$fpop
			if(keep.vital.events) {
			    migtrajm <- min(itraj, migMntraj)
			    migtrajf <- min(itraj, migFntraj)
			    if(!is.null(observed)) {
			        btm[1:dim(observed$btm)[1],1,itraj] <- observed$btm[,dim(observed$btm)[2],]
			        btf[1:dim(observed$btf)[1],1,itraj] <- observed$btf[,dim(observed$btf)[2],]
			        deathsm[1:dim(observed$deathsm)[1],1,itraj] <- observed$deathsm[,dim(observed$deathsm)[2],]
			        deathsf[1:dim(observed$deathsf)[1],1,itraj] <- observed$deathsf[,dim(observed$deathsf)[2],]
			        asfert[1:dim(observed$asfert)[1],1,itraj] <- observed$asfert[,dim(observed$asfert)[2],]
			        pasfert[1:dim(pasfr)[1],1,itraj] <- inpc$observed$PASFR[,dim(inpc$observed$PASFR)[2]]
			        migm[1:dim(inpc$observed$MIGm)[1],1,migtrajm] <- observed$migm[, dim(observed$migm)[2],] # inpc$observed$MIGm[,dim(inpc$observed$MIGm)[2]]
			        migf[1:dim(inpc$observed$MIGf)[1],1,migtrajf] <- observed$migf[, dim(observed$migf)[2],] # inpc$observed$MIGf[,dim(inpc$observed$MIGf)[2]]
				btm[,2:npredplus1,itraj] <- popres$mbt
				btf[,2:npredplus1,itraj] <- popres$fbt
				deathsm[,2:npredplus1,itraj] <- popres$mdeaths
				deathsf[,2:npredplus1,itraj] <- popres$fdeaths
				asfert[,2:npredplus1,itraj] <- asfr
				pasfert[,2:npredplus1,itraj] <- pasfr*100
				mxm[,2:npredplus1,itraj] <- LTres$mx[[1]]
				mxm[1:length(Kan.present$male$mx),1,itraj] <- Kan.present$male$mx
				mxf[,2:npredplus1,itraj] <- LTres$mx[[2]]
				mxf[1:length(Kan.present$female$mx),1,itraj] <- Kan.present$female$mx
				migm[,2:npredplus1,migtrajm] <- popres$mmig # migpred[['M']]
				migf[,2:npredplus1,migtrajf] <- popres$fmig # migpred[['F']]
		for (variant in 1:nvariants) { # compute the two half child variants
				pasfr <- kantorova.pasfr(c(inpc$observed$TFRpred, inpc$TFRhalfchild[variant,]), inpc, 
										norms=inp$PASFRnorms, proj.years=inp$proj.years, 
										tfr.med=tfr.med, annual = inp$annual,
										ignore.phase2 = pasfr.ignore.phase2)
			else pasfr <- inpc$PASFR/100.
			asfr <- pasfr
			for(i in 1:nrow(pasfr)) asfr[i,] <- inpc$TFRhalfchild[variant,] * asfr[i,]
			if(!fixed.mx) LTres <- project.mortality(inpc$e0Mmedian, inpc$e0Fmedian, npred, mortcast.args = mortcast.args,
			                                         annual = inp$annual, verbose=verbose, debug=debug)
			migpred.hch <- list(M=NULL, F=NULL)
			for(sex in c('M', 'F')) {
				par <- paste0('mig', sex, 'median')
				migpred.hch[[sex]] <- as.matrix(if(is.null(inpc[[par]])) inpc[[paste0('MIG', tolower(sex))]] else inpc[[par]])
			popres <- StoPopProj(npred, inpc, LTres, asfr, migpred.hch, inpc$MIGtype, 
			                     mig.rate.code = inp$mig.rate.code[2],
							    keep.vital.events=keep.vital.events, annual = inp$annual)
			totp.hch[,variant] <- popres$totpop
			totpm.hch[,,variant] <- popres$mpop
			totpf.hch[,,variant] <- popres$fpop
			if(keep.vital.events) {
				btm.hch[,2:npredplus1,variant] <- popres$mbt
				btm.hch[,1,variant] <- btm[,1,1]
				btf.hch[,2:npredplus1,variant] <- popres$fbt
				btf.hch[,1,variant] <- btf[,1,1]
				deathsm.hch[,2:npredplus1,variant] <- popres$mdeaths
				deathsm.hch[,1,variant] <- deathsm[,1,1]
				deathsf.hch[,2:npredplus1,variant] <- popres$fdeaths
				deathsf.hch[,1,variant] <- deathsf[,1,1]
				asfert.hch[,2:npredplus1,variant] <- asfr
				asfert.hch[,1,variant] <- asfert[,1,1]
				pasfert.hch[,2:npredplus1,variant] <- pasfr*100
				pasfert.hch[,1,variant] <- pasfert[,1,1]
				mxm.hch[,2:npredplus1,variant] <- LTres$mx[[1]]
				mxf.hch[,2:npredplus1,variant] <- LTres$mx[[2]]
				mxm.hch[,1,variant] <- mxm[,1,1]
				mxf.hch[,1,variant] <- mxf[,1,1]
		trajectory.indices <- inpc$trajectory.indices
		save(totp, totpm, totpf, totp.hch, totpm.hch, totpf.hch, trajectory.indices,
			 file = file.path(outdir, paste0('totpop_country', country, '.rda')))
			save(btm, btf, deathsm, deathsf, asfert, pasfert, mxm, mxf, migm, migf,
				btm.hch, btf.hch, deathsm.hch, deathsf.hch, asfert.hch, pasfert.hch, 
				mxm.hch, mxf.hch, 
					file=file.path(outdir, paste0('vital_events_country', country, '.rda')))
		res <- list()
		within(res, {
		    PIs <- apply(totp, 1, quantile, quantiles.to.keep, na.rm = TRUE)
		    dimnames(PIs)[1:2] <- list(quantiles.to.keep, present.and.proj.years.pop)
		    means <- abind(apply(totp, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE),
		                    apply(totp, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE), along = 0, 
		                   new.names = c("mean", "sd"))
		    qMage <- qFage <- qPropMage <- qPropFage <- array(NA, c(nages, nquant, nr_project+1),
		          dimnames=list(ages, quantiles.to.keep, present.and.proj.years.pop))
		    for (i in 1:nages) {
		        if(nr.traj == 1) {
		            qMage[i,,] <- matrix(rep(totpm[i,,1],nquant) , nrow=nquant, byrow=TRUE)
		            qFage[i,,] <- matrix(rep(totpf[i,,1],nquant) , nrow=nquant, byrow=TRUE)
		            qPropMage[i,,] <- matrix(rep(totpm[i,,1]/totp,nquant) , nrow=nquant, byrow=TRUE)
		            qPropFage[i,,] <- matrix(rep(totpf[i,,1]/totp,nquant) , nrow=nquant, byrow=TRUE)
		        } else {
		            qMage[i,,] <- apply(totpm[i,,], 1, quantile, quantiles.to.keep, na.rm = TRUE)
		            qFage[i,,] <- apply(totpf[i,,], 1, quantile, quantiles.to.keep, na.rm = TRUE)
		            qPropMage[i,,] <- apply(totpm[i,,]/totp, 1, quantile, quantiles.to.keep, na.rm = TRUE)
		            qPropFage[i,,] <- apply(totpf[i,,]/totp, 1, quantile, quantiles.to.keep, na.rm = TRUE)
		    stotpm <- colSums(totpm, na.rm=TRUE)
		    qM <- apply(stotpm, 1, quantile, quantiles.to.keep, na.rm = TRUE)
		    meansM <- abind(apply(stotpm, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE), 
		                    apply(stotpm, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE), along = 0, new.names = c("mean", "sd"))
		    stotpf <- colSums(totpf, na.rm=TRUE)
		    qF <- apply(stotpf, 1, quantile, quantiles.to.keep, na.rm = TRUE)
		    meansF <- abind(apply(stotpf, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE),
		                    apply(stotpf, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE), along = 0, new.names = c("mean", "sd"))
		    dimnames(qM)[1:2] <- dimnames(qF)[1:2] <- list(quantiles.to.keep, present.and.proj.years.pop)
		    migr.modified <- migr.modified
		    nr.traj <- nr.traj
		    stotp <- stotpf <- NULL
    } # end of predict.one.country
    update.results <- function(cidx, res, bayesPop.prediction) {
        if(length(cidx) == 1 && length(res) > 1) res <- list(res)
        migr.modified <- FALSE
        remove <- c()
        for(i in seq_along(cidx)) {
            idx <- cidx[i]
            rs <- res[[i]]
            country <- country.codes[idx]
            idx.in.pred.overwrite <- which(bayesPop.prediction$countries[,'code'] == country)
            if(is.null(rs)) {
                remove <- c(remove, country)

            if(length(idx.in.pred.overwrite)>0) {
                bayesPop.prediction$quantiles[idx.in.pred.overwrite,,] <- rs$PIs
                bayesPop.prediction$traj.mean.sd[idx.in.pred.overwrite,,] <- rs$means
                bayesPop.prediction$traj.mean.sdM[idx.in.pred.overwrite,,] <- rs$meansM
                bayesPop.prediction$traj.mean.sdF[idx.in.pred.overwrite,,] <- rs$meansF
                bayesPop.prediction$quantilesM[idx.in.pred.overwrite,,] <- rs$qM
                bayesPop.prediction$quantilesF[idx.in.pred.overwrite,,] <- rs$qF
                bayesPop.prediction$quantilesMage[idx.in.pred.overwrite,,,] <- rs$qMage
                bayesPop.prediction$quantilesFage[idx.in.pred.overwrite,,,] <- rs$qFage
                bayesPop.prediction$quantilesPropMage[idx.in.pred.overwrite,,,] <- rs$qPropMage
                bayesPop.prediction$quantilesPropFage[idx.in.pred.overwrite,,,] <- rs$qPropFage
            } else { 
                country.row <- UNlocations[countries.idx[idx],c('country_code', 'name')]
                colnames(country.row) <- c('code', 'name')
                new.names <- as.character(c(bayesPop.prediction$countries$code, country))
                bayesPop.prediction$quantiles <- abind(bayesPop.prediction$quantiles, rs$PIs, 
                                                       along = 1, new.names = list(new.names, NULL, NULL))
                bayesPop.prediction$traj.mean.sd <- abind(bayesPop.prediction$traj.mean.sd, rs$means, 
                                                          along = 1, new.names = list(new.names, NULL, NULL))
                bayesPop.prediction$traj.mean.sdM <- abind(bayesPop.prediction$traj.mean.sdM, rs$meansM, 
                                                           along = 1, new.names = list(new.names, NULL, NULL))
                bayesPop.prediction$traj.mean.sdF <- abind(bayesPop.prediction$traj.mean.sdF, rs$meansF, 
                                                           along = 1, new.names = list(new.names, NULL, NULL))
                bayesPop.prediction$quantilesM <- abind(bayesPop.prediction$quantilesM, rs$qM, 
                                                        along = 1, new.names = list(new.names, NULL, NULL))
                bayesPop.prediction$quantilesF <- abind(bayesPop.prediction$quantilesF, rs$qF, 
                                                        along = 1, new.names = list(new.names, NULL, NULL))
                bayesPop.prediction$quantilesMage <- abind(bayesPop.prediction$quantilesMage, rs$qMage, 
                                                           along = 1, new.names = list(new.names, NULL, NULL, NULL))
                bayesPop.prediction$quantilesFage <- abind(bayesPop.prediction$quantilesFage, rs$qFage, 
                                                           along = 1, new.names = list(new.names, NULL, NULL, NULL))
                bayesPop.prediction$quantilesPropMage <- abind(bayesPop.prediction$quantilesPropMage, rs$qPropMage, 
                                                               along = 1, new.names = list(new.names, NULL, NULL, NULL))
                bayesPop.prediction$quantilesPropFage <- abind(bayesPop.prediction$quantilesPropFage, rs$qPropFage, 
                                                               along = 1, new.names = list(new.names, NULL, NULL, NULL))
                bayesPop.prediction$countries <- rbind(bayesPop.prediction$countries, country.row)
            if(rs$migr.modified) migr.modified <- TRUE
            if(bayesPop.prediction$nr.traj != rs$nr.traj) bayesPop.prediction$nr.traj <- rs$nr.traj
        if(migr.modified) {
            for(what.mig in c('MIGm', 'MIGf')) {
                inp.to.save[[what.mig]] <- inp[[what.mig]]
                inp.to.save$observed[[what.mig]] <- inp$observed[[what.mig]]
            bayesPop.prediction$inputs <- inp.to.save
        if(length(remove) > 0) {
            # remove countries from bayesPop.prediction if present
            idx.in.pred <- which(bayesPop.prediction$countries[,'code'] %in% remove)
            if(length(idx.in.pred) > 0) {
                for(item in c("quantiles", "traj.mean.sd", "traj.mean.sdM", "traj.mean.sdF", 
                              "quantilesM", "quantilesF")) 
                    bayesPop.prediction[[item]] <- bayesPop.prediction[[item]][-idx.in.pred,,, drop = FALSE]
                for(item in c("quantilesMage", "quantilesFage", "quantilesPropMage", "quantilesPropFage"))
                    bayesPop.prediction[[item]] <- bayesPop.prediction[[item]][-idx.in.pred,,,, drop = FALSE]
                bayesPop.prediction$countries <- bayesPop.prediction$countries[-idx.in.pred,, drop = FALSE]
        save(bayesPop.prediction, file=prediction.file)
    } # end of updating result
    cntries.table <- UNlocations[countries.idx,c('country_code', 'name')]
    colnames(cntries.table)[1] <- "code"
    bayesPop.prediction <- if(!is.null(pred)) .cleanup.pop.before.save(pred, remove.cache= any(country.codes %in% pred$countries[,'code'])) 
        else structure(list(
            nr.traj = nr.traj,	
            # assign empty arrays
            quantiles = PIs_cqp,
            traj.mean.sd = mean_sd,
            quantilesM = quantM, 
            traj.mean.sdM = mean_sdM,
            quantilesF = quantF, 
            traj.mean.sdF = mean_sdF,
            quantilesMage = quantMage, 
            quantilesFage = quantFage, 
            quantilesPropMage = quantPropMage, 
            quantilesPropFage = quantPropFage,
            proj.years=present.and.proj.years, # includes present period (middle of periods)
            proj.years.pop=present.and.proj.years.pop, # end of periods
            wpp.year = inp$wpp.year,
            inputs = inp.to.save, # save as list because environment takes much more space
            annual = inp$annual), class='bayesPop.prediction')
    if(parallel) {
        cl <- create.pop.cluster(nr.nodes, ...)
        clusterExport(cl, exporting.objects, envir=environment())
        cntry.res <- clusterApplyLB(cl, 1:ncountries, predict.one.country, nr.traj = nr.traj, nr_project = nr_project, do.gc = TRUE)
        bayesPop.prediction <- update.results(1:ncountries, cntry.res, bayesPop.prediction)
    } else {
        for(cidx in 1:ncountries) {
            cntry.res <- predict.one.country(cidx, nr.traj, nr_project)
            bayesPop.prediction <- update.results(cidx, cntry.res, bayesPop.prediction)
	cat('\nPrediction stored into', outdir, '\n')

read.pop.file <- function(file, ...) 
	return(read.delim(file=file, comment.char='#', check.names=FALSE, ...))
load.wpp.dataset <- function(...)

load.inputs <- function(inputs, start.year, present.year, end.year, wpp.year, fixed.mx=FALSE, 
                        fixed.pasfr=FALSE, all.countries=TRUE, existing.mig=NULL, 
                        lc.for.hiv = TRUE, lc.for.all = FALSE, mig.is.rate = FALSE,
                        annual = FALSE, mig.age.method = "auto", #mig.age.gcc = "un", 
                        verbose=FALSE) {
	observed <- list()
	pop.ini.matrix <- pop.ini <- GQ <- list(M=NULL, F=NULL)
	# Get initial population counts
	for(sex in c('M', 'F')) {
		dataset.name <- paste0('pop', sex)
		if(is.null(inputs[[dataset.name]])) {
			POP0 <- bayesTFR:::load.from.wpp(dataset.name, wpp.year = wpp.year, annual = annual)
			if(! present.year %in% colnames(POP0)) {
			    # if present year is not found in observed years, load WPP projections
			    POP0proj <- bayesTFR:::load.from.wpp(paste0(dataset.name, "projMed"), wpp.year = wpp.year, annual = annual)
			    POP0 <- merge(POP0, POP0proj, by = c("country_code", "name", "age"), sort = FALSE)
		} else POP0 <- read.pop.file(inputs[[dataset.name]])
		num.columns <- grep('^[0-9]{4}$', colnames(POP0), value=TRUE) # values of year-columns
		if(!is.element(as.character(present.year), colnames(POP0))) {
			stop('Wrong present.year. ', present.year, ' not available in the ', dataset.name, ' file.\nAvailable years: ',
				paste(num.columns, collapse=', '))
		POP0[is.na(POP0)] <- 0
		if(! 'age' %in% colnames(POP0) || ! 'country_code' %in% colnames(POP0))
		    stop('Columns "age" and "country_code" must be present in the population datasets.')
		num.columns <- num.columns[which(as.integer(num.columns)<= present.year)]
		pop.ini.matrix[[sex]] <- POP0[,num.columns, drop=FALSE]
		dimnames(pop.ini.matrix[[sex]]) <- list(paste(POP0[,'country_code'], POP0[,'age'], sep='_'), 
		pop.ini[[sex]] <- POP0[,c('country_code', 'age', present.year)]
		dataset.name <- paste0('GQpop', sex)
		if(!is.null(inputs[[dataset.name]])) {
		    GQ[[sex]] <- read.pop.file(inputs[[dataset.name]])
		    colnames(GQ[[sex]]) <- tolower(colnames(GQ[[sex]]))
		    if(! 'age' %in% colnames(GQ[[sex]]) || ! 'country_code' %in% colnames(GQ[[sex]]) || ! 'gq' %in% colnames(GQ[[sex]]))
		        stop('Columns "age", "country_code" and "gq" must be present in the GQpop datasets.')
		    GQ[[sex]] <- GQ[[sex]][, c("country_code", "age", "gq")]
	POPm0 <- pop.ini[['M']]
	POPf0 <- pop.ini[['F']]
	GQm <- GQ[['M']]
	GQf <- GQ[['F']]

	# Get death rates
	MXm.pred <- MXf.pred <- NULL
		MXm <- bayesTFR:::load.from.wpp('mxM', wpp.year, annual = annual)
	else MXm <- read.pop.file(inputs$mxM)
	names.MXm.data <- names(MXm)
	numcol.expr <- if(annual) '^[0-9]{4}$' else '^[0-9]{4}.[0-9]{4}$'
	num.columns <- grep(numcol.expr, names.MXm.data) # index of year-columns
	if(length(num.columns) == 0) stop("Column names of numeric columns of mx are not in the right format. Use ",
	                                  if(annual) "XXXX, e.g. 1963" else "XXXX-XXXX, e.g. 1960-1965" )
	cols.starty <- as.integer(substr(names.MXm.data[num.columns], 1,4))
	if(!annual) {
	    cols.endy <- as.integer(substr(names.MXm.data[num.columns], 6,9))
	    start.index <- which((cols.starty <= start.year) & (cols.endy > start.year))
	    if(length(start.index) == 0) {
	        if(start.year <= cols.starty[1]) start.index <- 1
	        else stop("start.year not available in the mx dataset")
	    present.index <- which((cols.endy >= present.year) & (cols.starty < present.year))
	} else {
	    cols.endy <- cols.starty
	    start.index <- which(cols.starty >= start.year)[1]
	    present.index <- which(cols.starty == present.year)
	if(length(present.index) == 0) stop("present.year not available in the mx dataset")
	estim.periods <- names.MXm.data[num.columns[1:present.index]]
	start.year <- cols.starty[start.index]
	if(fixed.mx) {
		end.index <- if(annual) which(cols.endy == end.year) else which((cols.endy >= end.year) & (cols.starty < end.year))
		proj.periods <- names.MXm.data[num.columns[(present.index+1):end.index]]
		MXm.pred <- MXm[,c('country_code', 'age', proj.periods)]
	MXm <- MXm[,c('country_code', 'age', estim.periods)]
		MXf <- bayesTFR:::load.from.wpp('mxF', wpp.year, annual = annual)
	else MXf <- read.pop.file(inputs$mxF)
	if(fixed.mx) MXf.pred <- MXf[,c('country_code', 'age', proj.periods)]
	MXf <- MXf[,c('country_code', 'age', estim.periods)]
	estim.years <- cols.starty[start.index:present.index]
	if(!annual) estim.years <- estim.years + 3

	# Get sex ratio at birth
	srblist <- .get.srb.data.and.time.periods(inputs$srb, present.year, end.year, wpp.year, annual = annual)
	SRB <- srblist$srb
	observed$SRB <- srblist$obs.srb
	proj.periods <- srblist$proj.periods
	obs.periods <- srblist$obs.periods
	proj.years <- srblist$proj.years

	# Get percentage age-specific fertility rate
	pasfrlist <- .get.pasfr.data(inputs$pasfr, wpp.year, obs.periods, proj.periods, 
	                             include.projection=fixed.pasfr, annual = annual)
	PASFR <- pasfrlist$pasfr
	observed$PASFR <- pasfrlist$obs.pasfr
	# Get migration type, migration base year, mx & pasfr patterns
	patterns <- .get.mig.mx.pasfr.patterns(inputs, wpp.year, lc.for.hiv = lc.for.hiv, annual = annual)
	MIGtype <- patterns$mig.type
	MXpattern <- patterns$mx.pattern
	PASFRpattern <- patterns$pasfr.pattern
	# Get HIV parameters to be used with hiv.mortmod()
	HIVparams <- .get.hiv.params(inputs)

	if(length(mig.is.rate) < 2) mig.is.rate <- rep(mig.is.rate, 2) # one for observed, one for projection
	# Get age-specific migration
	miginp <- .get.mig.data(inputs, wpp.year, annual, periods = c(estim.periods, proj.periods), 
	                        existing.mig = existing.mig, all.countries = all.countries, pop0 = POPm0,
	                        mig.age.method = mig.age.method, mig.is.rate = mig.is.rate, 
	                        verbose = verbose)

	MIGm <- miginp[["migM"]]
	MIGf <- miginp[["migF"]]

	if(!is.null(obs.periods)) {
		if (!is.null(existing.mig)) { # Migration dataset already exists, e.g. from a previous simulation for different country
			observed$MIGm <- existing.mig$obsMIGm
			observed$MIGf <- existing.mig$obsMIGf
		} else {
			avail.obs.periods <- is.element(obs.periods, colnames(MIGm))
			observed$MIGm <- MIGm[,c('country_code', 'age', obs.periods[avail.obs.periods])]
			observed$MIGf <- MIGf[,c('country_code', 'age', obs.periods[avail.obs.periods])]
	MIGm <- MIGm[,c('country_code', 'age', proj.periods)]
	MIGf <- MIGf[,c('country_code', 'age', proj.periods)]
	# assign some migrate-specific attributes, since they get lost by slicing above
	if(!is.null((rates <- attr(miginp[["migM"]], "rate")))){
	    attr(MIGm, "rate") <- rates[, c('country_code', proj.periods), with = FALSE]
	    attr(MIGm, "code") <- attr(miginp[["migM"]], "code")[, c('country_code', proj.periods), with = FALSE]
	    if(!is.null(obs.periods) && is.null(existing.mig)) {
	        attr(observed$MIGm, "rate") <- rates[, c('country_code', obs.periods[avail.obs.periods]), with = FALSE]
	        attr(observed$MIGm, "code") <- attr(miginp[["migM"]], "code")[, c('country_code', obs.periods[avail.obs.periods]), with = FALSE]
	if(!is.null((rates <- attr(miginp[["migF"]], "rate")))){
	    attr(MIGf, "rate") <- rates[, c('country_code', proj.periods), with = FALSE]
	    attr(MIGf, "code") <- attr(miginp[["migF"]], "code")[, c('country_code', proj.periods), with = FALSE]
	    if(!is.null(obs.periods) && is.null(existing.mig)) {
	        attr(observed$MIGf, "rate") <- rates[, c('country_code', obs.periods[avail.obs.periods]), with = FALSE]
	        attr(observed$MIGf, "code") <- attr(miginp[["migF"]], "code")[, c('country_code', obs.periods[avail.obs.periods]), with = FALSE]
	# Get migration trajectories if available
	migpr <- .load.mig.traj(inputs, mig.age.method = mig.age.method, verbose = verbose)
	migMpred <- migpr$M
	migFpred <- migpr$F
	migBpred <- migpr$B
	has.mig.traj <- !is.null(migMpred) || !is.null(migFpred) || !is.null(migBpred)
	mig.rate.code <- c(miginp[["migcode"]]*mig.is.rate[1], 
	               (if(has.mig.traj) migpr[["migcode"]] else miginp[["migcode"]])*mig.is.rate[2])

	# Get life expectancy
	e0F.wpp.median.loaded <- FALSE
	e0Fpred <- e0Mpred <- NULL
	if(!is.null(inputs$e0F.file)) { # female
		if(inputs$e0F.file == 'median_') {
			e0Fpred <- .load.wpp.traj('e0F', wpp.year, median.only=TRUE, annual = annual)
			e0F.wpp.median.loaded <- TRUE
		} else {
			file.name <-  inputs$e0F.file
				stop('File ', file.name, 
					' does not exist.\nSet e0F.sim.dir, e0F.file or change WPP year.')
		 	# comma separated trajectories file
		 	if(verbose) cat('\nLoading ', file.name)
			e0Fpred <- read.csv(file=file.name, comment.char='#', check.names=FALSE)
			e0Fpred <- e0Fpred[,c('LocID', 'Year', 'Trajectory', 'e0')]
			colnames(e0Fpred) <- c('country_code', 'year', 'trajectory', 'value')
	} else {
		if(!is.null(inputs$e0F.sim.dir)) { 
			if(inputs$e0F.sim.dir == 'median_') {
				e0Fpred <- .load.wpp.traj('e0F', wpp.year, median.only=TRUE, annual = annual)
				e0F.wpp.median.loaded <- TRUE
			} else 
				e0Fpred <- get.e0.prediction(inputs$e0F.sim.dir, mcmc.dir=NA)
		} else e0Fpred <- .load.wpp.traj('e0F', wpp.year, annual = annual)			
	if(!is.null(inputs$e0M.file)) { # male
		if(inputs$e0M.file == 'median_')
			e0Mpred <- .load.wpp.traj('e0M', wpp.year, median.only=TRUE, annual = annual)
		else {
			file.name <-  inputs$e0M.file
				stop('File ', file.name, 
					' does not exist.\nSet e0M.sim.dir, e0M.file or change WPP year.')
			if(verbose) cat('\nLoading ', file.name)
			e0Mpred <- read.csv(file=file.name, comment.char='#', check.names=FALSE)
			e0Mpred <- e0Mpred[,c('LocID', 'Year', 'Trajectory', 'e0')]
			colnames(e0Mpred) <- c('country_code', 'year', 'trajectory', 'value')
	} else {
		if(!is.null(inputs$e0M.sim.dir)) { 
			if(inputs$e0M.sim.dir == 'joint_') {
				if(e0F.wpp.median.loaded) e0Mpred <- .load.wpp.traj('e0M', wpp.year, annual = annual)
				else {
						stop('No joint prediction for female and male available. Correct the e0M.sim.dir argument.' )
					e0Mpred <- get.e0.jmale.prediction(e0Fpred)
			} else e0Mpred <- get.e0.prediction(inputs$e0M.sim.dir, mcmc.dir=NA) # independent from female
		} else
			e0Mpred <- .load.wpp.traj('e0M', wpp.year, annual = annual)
	} # end if(!fixed.mx)
	# Get TFR
	TFRpred <- .get.tfr.data(inputs, wpp.year, annual = annual, verbose=verbose)
	inp <- new.env()
	for(par in c('POPm0', 'POPf0', 'MXm', 'MXf', 'MXm.pred', 'MXf.pred', 'MXpattern', 'SRB',
				'PASFR', 'PASFRpattern', 'MIGtype', 'MIGm', 'MIGf', 'HIVparams', 'GQm', 'GQf',
				'e0Mpred', 'e0Fpred', 'TFRpred', 'migMpred', 'migFpred', 'migBpred', 'estim.years', 'proj.years', 'wpp.year', 
				'start.year', 'present.year', 'end.year', 'annual', 'fixed.mx', 'fixed.pasfr', 
				'lc.for.hiv', 'lc.for.all', 'mig.rate.code', 'mig.age.method', 
		assign(par, get(par), envir=inp)
	inp$pop.matrix <- list(male=pop.ini.matrix[['M']], female=pop.ini.matrix[['F']])
	inp$PASFRnorms <- compute.pasfr.global.norms(inp)
	inp$average.annual <- inputs$average.annual
	inp$mig.alt.age.schedule <- inputs$mig.alt.age.schedule

.get.srb.data.and.time.periods <- function(srb.data, present.year, end.year, wpp.year, annual = FALSE) {
        SRB <- bayesTFR:::load.from.wpp('sexRatio', wpp.year, annual = annual)
    else {
        if(is.character(srb.data)) # file name
            SRB <- read.pop.file(srb.data)
        else SRB <- srb.data
    names.SRB.data <- names(SRB)
    numcol.expr <- if(annual) '^[0-9]{4}$' else '^[0-9]{4}.[0-9]{4}$'
    num.columns <- grep(numcol.expr, names.SRB.data) # index of year-columns
    cols.starty <- as.integer(substr(names.SRB.data[num.columns], 1,4))
    if(!annual) {
        cols.endy <-  as.integer(substr(names.SRB.data[num.columns], 6,9))
        start.index <- which((cols.starty <= present.year) & (cols.endy > present.year))
        end.index <- which((cols.endy >= end.year) & (cols.starty < end.year))
    } else {
        start.index <- which(cols.starty > present.year)[1]
        end.index <- which(cols.starty == end.year)
    if(length(end.index) == 0) {
        end.index <- length(num.columns)
        warning('Data for SexRatioAtBirth not available for all projection periods.\nLast projection period set to ', 
    proj.periods <- names.SRB.data[num.columns[start.index:end.index]]
    obs.periods <- NULL
    obs.SRB <- NULL
    if(start.index > 1) {
        obs.periods <- names.SRB.data[num.columns[1:(start.index-1)]]
        obs.SRB <- SRB[,c('country_code', obs.periods)]
    SRB <- SRB[,c('country_code', proj.periods)]
    proj.years <- cols.starty[start.index:end.index]
    if(!annual) proj.years <- proj.years + 3
    return(list(srb=SRB, obs.srb=obs.SRB, proj.periods=proj.periods, 
           obs.periods=obs.periods, proj.years=proj.years))

.consolidate.pasfr <- function(pasfr){
    # If using wpp2022 with 5-year data, the age column contains age categories 
    # 10-14 and 50-54 which are not included in previous WPPs. Here we consolidate 
    # the two groups with their neighboring groups.
    groups <- data.table::data.table(age = paste(seq(10, 50, by = 5), seq(14, 54, by = 5), sep = "-"), 
                                     new.age = c(15, seq(15, 45, by = 5), 45))
    dt <- data.table::data.table(pasfr)
    dt <- merge(dt, groups, by = "age", sort = FALSE)
    num.cols <- grep('^[0-9]{4}', colnames(dt), value=TRUE)
    condt <- dt[, lapply(.SD, sum), .SDcols = num.cols, by = c("country_code", "name", "new.age")]
    setnames(condt, "new.age", "age")

.get.pasfr.data <- function(pasfr.data, wpp.year, obs.periods, proj.periods,
                            include.projection=TRUE, annual = FALSE) {
    if(is.null(pasfr.data)) {
        PASFR <- bayesTFR:::load.from.wpp('percentASFR', wpp.year, annual = annual)
        if(wpp.year >= 2022 && ! annual) PASFR <- .consolidate.pasfr(PASFR)
    } else {
        if(is.character(pasfr.data)) # file name
            PASFR <- read.pop.file(pasfr.data)
        else PASFR <- pasfr.data
    obs.PASFR <- NULL
    if(!is.null(obs.periods)) {
        avail.obs.periods <- is.element(obs.periods, colnames(PASFR))
        obs.PASFR <- PASFR[,c('country_code', 'age', obs.periods[avail.obs.periods])]
        PASFR <- PASFR[,c('country_code', 'age', proj.periods)]
    else PASFR <- NULL
    return(list(pasfr=PASFR, obs.pasfr=obs.PASFR))

.get.mig.template <- function(countries, ages, time.periods, template = NULL, id.col = "country_code"){
    if(!is.null(template)) return(template)
    nages <- length(ages)
    df <- data.table(id = rep(countries, each = nages), age = rep(ages, length(countries)))
    df <- cbind(df, matrix(0, nrow = nrow(df), ncol = length(time.periods),
                           dimnames = list(NULL, time.periods)))
    setnames(df, "id", id.col)

migration.totals2age <- function(df, ages = NULL, annual = FALSE, time.periods = NULL, 
                                 schedule = NULL, scale = 1, method = "auto", 
                                 sex = "M", id.col = "country_code", country_code = NULL, 
                                 mig.is.rate = FALSE, alt.schedule.file = NULL, wpp.year = 2019,
                                 ...#, debug = FALSE
                                 ) {
    mig <- i.mig <- mig.orig <- i.V1 <- distr <- migf <- totmig <- total.orig <- i.total.orig <- rc <- prop <- i.prop <- new.prop <- i.new.prop <- prop.neg <- sprop <- NULL
    age <- is_pos_neg <- summigpos <- sex.ratio <- summig.orig <- migrate <- rate_code <- NULL
    debug <- FALSE
    if(is.null(dim(df))) df <- t(df)
    if(!is.data.table(df)) df <- data.table(df)
    if(is.null(time.periods)) {
        if(is.null(colnames(df))) {
            colnames(df) <- seq_len(ncol(df))
            time.periods <- colnames(df)
        } else {
            numcol.expr <- if(annual) '^[0-9]{4}$' else '^[0-9]{4}.[0-9]{4}$'
            time.periods <- colnames(df)[grep(numcol.expr, colnames(df))]
    } else 
        time.periods <- intersect(colnames(df), as.character(time.periods))
        ages <- get.age.labels(age.index.all(annual, observed = TRUE), 
                               age.is.index=TRUE, single.year = annual, last.open = TRUE)
    if(length(time.periods) == 0) stop("No time periods detected.")
    cntry.missing <- FALSE
    if(is.null(df[[id.col]])) {
        df[, (id.col) := seq_len(nrow(df))] # id.col can be "trajectory"
        cntry.missing <- TRUE
    migtempl <- .get.mig.template(unique(df[[id.col]]), ages, time.periods, id.col = id.col, ...) 
    if(length(ages) != length(unique(migtempl$age))) stop("Argument ages does not correspond to age in template.") 
    totmigl <- data.table::melt(df[, c(id.col, time.periods), with = FALSE], id.vars = id.col,
                    variable.name = "year", value.name = "totmig", variable.factor = FALSE)
    migtempll <- data.table::melt(migtempl[, c(id.col, "age", time.periods), with = FALSE], 
                      id.vars = c(id.col, "age"), variable.name = "year", value.name = "mig", variable.factor = FALSE)
    age.idx <- 1:length(ages)
    agedf <- data.table::data.table(age = migtempl[["age"]][age.idx],
                        age.idx = age.idx)
    migtmp <- merge(migtempll, totmigl, by = c(id.col, "year"), sort = FALSE)[, prop := NA][, prop := as.numeric(prop)]
    if(method != "rc") { # load schedules from sysdata.rda
        mig.sched.name <- if(annual) "mig1.schedule" else "mig5.schedule"
        mig.neg.sched.name <- if(annual) "mig1.neg.schedule" else "mig5.neg.schedule"
        mig.totals.name <- if(annual) "mig1.totals" else "mig5.totals" 
        sex.code <- if(sex == "M") 1 else 2
        locs.env <- new.env()
        if(method == "user")
            load(alt.schedule.file, envir = locs.env)
        else {
            assign(mig.sched.name, get(mig.sched.name), envir = locs.env)
            assign(mig.totals.name, get(mig.totals.name), envir = locs.env)
            assign(mig.neg.sched.name, get(mig.neg.sched.name), envir = locs.env)
        mig.schedule <- get(mig.sched.name, envir = locs.env)
        #mig.schedule[, sex.tot := sum(prop), by = .(country_code, year, sex)]
        mig.schedule <- mig.schedule[sex == sex.code]
        mig.totals <- get(mig.totals.name, envir = locs.env) # only countries included that have both, negatives and positives (i.e. from mig.neg.schedule)
        mig.schedule[mig.totals, total.orig := i.mig, on = c("country_code", "year")]
        mig.neg.schedule <- get(mig.neg.sched.name, envir = locs.env)
        #mig.neg.schedule[, sex.tot := sum(prop), by = .(country_code, year, sex)]
        mig.neg.schedule <- mig.neg.schedule[sex == sex.code]
        if(!annual) {
            if(length(grep("-", time.periods)) > 0) {
                # time is given as periods
                mig.schedule[, year := paste(year - 2, year + 3, sep = "-")]
                mig.neg.schedule[, year := paste(year - 2, year + 3, sep = "-")]
            } else {
                # time is given as middle years
                mig.schedule[, year := as.character(year + 1)] 
                mig.neg.schedule[, year := as.character(year + 1)]
            mig.schedule[, age := ifelse(age == 100, "100+", paste(age, age + 4, sep = "-"))]
            mig.neg.schedule[, age := ifelse(age == 100, "100+", paste(age, age + 4, sep = "-"))]
        } else {
            if(is.character(migtmp[, age])) {
                mig.schedule[, age := as.character(age)]
                mig.neg.schedule[, age := as.character(age)]
                if(any(migtmp[, age] == "100+")) {
                    mig.schedule[, age := ifelse(age == 100, "100+", age)]
                    mig.neg.schedule[, age := ifelse(age == 100, "100+", age)]
        cntries <- country_code
        if(id.col == "country_code")
            cntries <- unique(unlist(migtempll[, "country_code", with = FALSE]))
        # load UN codes (do not rely on the function UNcountries() as the UNlocations object can contain user-specified locations)
        bayesTFR:::load.bdem.dataset('UNlocations', wpp.year, envir=locs.env, verbose=FALSE)
        uncodes <- intersect(cntries, locs.env$UNlocations$country_code[locs.env$UNlocations$location_type==4])
        if(length(uncodes) > length(cntries)/2) { # here guessing if these are UN codes
            if(annual) migtmp[, year := as.integer(year)]
            if(!"country_code" %in% colnames(migtmp)) migtmp[, country_code := cntries] # this will be true only if migtmp corresponds to one country
            # join with positive and negative schedules
            migtmp[mig.schedule, `:=`(prop = i.prop, total.orig = i.total.orig), on = c("country_code", "year", "age")]
            migtmp[mig.neg.schedule, prop.neg := i.prop, on = c("country_code", "year", "age")]
            # for zero total migration where a schedule has positive as well as negative part, shift the total migration by a little bit 
            # so that we don't loose the schedule
            migtmp[totmig == 0 & !is.na(prop) & !is.na(prop.neg), totmig := sign(total.orig) * (if(annual) 0.001 else 0.005)] #totmigl[abs(totmig) > 0, min(abs(totmig))]
            if(debug) stop("")
            # use the negative schedule if total migration is negative and there is a different schedule for such cases
            migtmp[totmig < 0 & !is.na(prop.neg), prop := prop.neg][, prop.neg := NULL]
            migtmp[!is.na(prop), `:=`(is_pos_neg = sum(prop > 0) > 0 & sum(prop < 0) > 0), by = c(id.col, "year")] # prop can be NA if observed years are included
            migtmp[is.na(is_pos_neg), is_pos_neg := FALSE]
                migtmp[, `:=`(migrate = totmig)]
            if(migtmp[!is.na(prop), sum(is_pos_neg)] > 0){ 
                # For schedules that are both, negative and positive, add the difference between the original total mig
                # to either the positive part (if the desired total is positive) 
                # or the negative part (if the desired total is negative)
                    migtmp[!is.na(prop) & is_pos_neg == TRUE, `:=`(totmig = total.orig)] # if totmig is a rate, switch to the original total count for these records
                migspecial <- migtmp[!is.na(prop) & is_pos_neg == TRUE]
                migspecial[, mig.orig := abs(total.orig) * prop]
                migspecial[, `:=`(sumprop = sum(prop), summig.orig = sum(mig.orig)), by = c(id.col, "year")]
                # It will be added to the positive part for all because the negative schedules are flipped.
                # Thus, increasing the positive part is equivalent to increasing the negative part.
                ms <- migspecial[prop > 0, sum(mig.orig), by = c(id.col, "year")]
                migspecial[ms, summigpos := i.V1, on = c(id.col, "year")]
                migspecial[prop > 0, distr := mig.orig/summigpos]
                migspecial[, sex.ratio := abs(summig.orig / total.orig)]
                migspecial[, migf := mig.orig]
                migspecial[!is.na(distr), migf := migf + sign(totmig) * distr*(totmig - total.orig)*sex.ratio]
                migspecial[, new.prop := migf/abs(totmig)] # do not flip it
                #if(debug) stop("")
                migtmp[migspecial, prop := i.new.prop, on = c(id.col, "year", "age")]
            if(scale == 1){
                # need to rescale it to sum to 1 over one sex as the default datasets sum to 1 over both sexes
                migtmp[!is.na(prop), sprop := sum(prop), by = c(id.col, "year")]
                migtmp[!is.na(sprop) & sprop != 0, prop := prop/sprop]
                migtmp[!is.na(sprop) & sprop == 0, prop := 0]
            if(!"country_code" %in% colnames(df)) migtmp[, country_code := NULL] # remove this column if it was added above
    } else {
            migtmp[, `:=`(migrate = totmig, is_pos_neg = FALSE)]
    na.records <- migtmp[, list(is.na = all(is.na(prop))), by = c(id.col, "year")][is.na == TRUE][, is.na := NULL]
    if(nrow(na.records) > 0){
        # all non-matched countries & years are filled with Rogers-Castro curves
        if(is.null(schedule)) schedule <- rcastro.schedule(annual)
        rcdf <- data.table(age = agedf[, age], prop = scale * schedule[age.idx]/sum(schedule[age.idx]))
        rcmig <- merge(na.records, migtmp, by = c(id.col, "year"), sort = FALSE)
        rcmig[rcdf, prop := i.prop, on = "age"]
        migtmp[rcmig, prop := i.prop, on = c(id.col, "year", "age")]
    migtmp <- merge(migtmp, agedf, by = "age", sort = FALSE)
        # the schedules are all turned into the positive direction
        migtmp[is_pos_neg == TRUE, mig := sign(migrate) * abs(totmig) * prop]
        migtmp[is_pos_neg == FALSE, mig := abs(prop)]
    } else migtmp[, mig := totmig * prop]
    frm <- paste(id.col, "+ age.idx + age ~ year")
    res <- dcast(migtmp, frm, value.var = "mig")
    if(mig.is.rate) {
        frm <- paste(id.col, "~ year")
        res2 <- dcast(migtmp, frm, value.var = "migrate", fun.aggregate = mean)
        attr(res, "rate") <- res2
        #if(debug) stop("")
        migtmp[, rate_code := (!is_pos_neg) + 2*is_pos_neg] # TODO: this can yield different codes for male and female 
        rate.code <- dcast(migtmp, frm, value.var = "rate_code", fun.aggregate = mean)
        attr(res, "code") <- rate.code
    #if(debug) stop('')
    res[["age.idx"]] <- NULL
    if(cntry.missing) res[[id.col]] <- NULL

.get.mig.data <- function(inputs, wpp.year, annual, periods, existing.mig = NULL, 
                          all.countries = TRUE, pop0 = NULL, mig.age.method = "auto",  
                          mig.is.rate = c(FALSE, FALSE), verbose = FALSE) {
    # Get age-specific migration
    wppds <- data(package=paste0('wpp', wpp.year))
    recon.mig <- NULL
    miginp <- list()
    migtempl <- NULL
    migcode <- 0
    for(sex in c("M", "F")) {
        inpname <- paste0('mig', sex) 
        if(!is.null(inputs[[inpname]])) { # migration given by sex and age
            miginp[[inpname]] <- read.pop.file(inputs[[inpname]])
            if(mig.is.rate[1]) { # it is assumed that the migration file contains rates multiplied by an age schedule
                attr(miginp[[inpname]], "rate") <- rep(1, length(periods)) # this won't be used but it needs to be there
                attr(miginp[[inpname]], "code") <- rep(3, length(periods)) # assigning code 3
        # create a template  to be filled with derived migration
        if(is.null(migtempl)) {
            if(!all.countries && !is.null(existing.mig)) { # simulation is run for a subset of countries
                # AND migration dataset already exists, e.g. from a previous simulation for different country
                migtempl <- existing.mig[[paste0('MIG', tolower(sex))]]
            } else {
                # Here create only a dataframe filled with NAs 
                migtempl <- .get.mig.template(unique(pop0$country_code), 
                                                  ages = pop0$age[age.index.all(annual, observed = TRUE)],
                                                  time.periods = periods)
                migtempl[,which(!colnames(migtempl) %in% c("country", "country_code", "age"))] <- NA
            migtempl <- data.table(migtempl)
        fname <- paste0(inpname, 't')
        fnametot <- paste0("mig")
        if(!is.null(inputs[[fname]]) || !is.null(inputs[[fnametot]])) { # migration is given in inputs as totals or totals by sex
            if(!is.null(inputs[[fname]])) {
                totmig <- data.table(read.pop.file(inputs[[fname]])) # totals by sex
                migcode <- 2 # this is not implemented yet
            } else {
                totmig <- data.table(read.pop.file(inputs[[fnametot]])) # totals 
                migcode <- 3
            if(mig.age.method != "rc") migcode <- 4 # TODO: this would be wrong if migcode is 2.
            migcols <- intersect(colnames(totmig), periods)
            # disaggregate into ages
            migmtx <- migration.totals2age(totmig, ages = migtempl$age[age.index.all(annual, observed = TRUE)],
                                           annual = annual, time.periods = migcols, 
                                           scale = if(is.null(inputs[[fname]])) 0.5 else 1, # since the totals are sums over sexes
                                           method = mig.age.method,
                                           sex = sex, template = migtempl, 
                                           mig.is.rate = mig.is.rate[1], 
                                           alt.schedule.file = inputs$mig.alt.age.schedule,
                                           wpp.year = wpp.year,
                                           #debug = TRUE
            miginp[[inpname]] <- data.frame(migmtx, check.names = FALSE)
            if(!is.null((rates <- attr(migmtx, "rate")))){
                attr(miginp[[inpname]], "rate") <- rates
                attr(miginp[[inpname]], "code") <- attr(migmtx, "code")
        # If we get here, no user-specific migration was passed in the inputs.
        # If migration is not given load default datasets
        if(annual && wpp.year < 2022) stop("Migration must be given for an annual simulation and wpp.year < 2022.")
        migdsname <- paste0('migration', sex)
        if(wpp.year >= 2022) migdsname <- paste0(migdsname, if(annual) 1 else 5)
        if(migdsname %in% wppds$results[,'Item']) { # if available in the WPP package (only in wpp2012)
            miginp[[inpname]] <- bayesTFR:::load.from.wpp(migdsname, wpp.year, annual = annual)
        if(all.countries) { # split default total migration into ages for all countries
            if(annual || mig.age.method == "rc" || (mig.age.method %in% c("auto", "un") && !annual && wpp.year == 2022)) {
                # use Rogers-Castro or the UN schedules
                miginp[[inpname]] <- data.frame(migration.totals2age(bayesTFR:::load.from.wpp("migration", wpp.year, 
                                                                                   annual = annual),
                                                          ages = migtempl$age[age.index.all(annual, observed = TRUE)],
                                                          annual = annual, time.periods = periods,
                                                          scale = if(is.null(inputs[[fname]])) 0.5 else 1,
                                                          method = mig.age.method,
                                                          sex = sex, template = migtempl,
                                                          alt.schedule.file = inputs$mig.alt.age.schedule,
                                                          wpp.year = wpp.year), 
                                                check.names = FALSE)
            } else { # residual method (only for 5-year data)
                if(is.null(recon.mig)) recon.mig <- age.specific.migration(wpp.year = wpp.year, verbose = verbose)
                miginp[[inpname]] <- recon.mig[[list(M = "male", F = "female")[[sex]]]]
        # If we get here, it's projection for a subset of countries, therefore migration 
        # will be reconstructed later (in get.country.inputs).
        miginp[[inpname]] <- data.frame(migtempl, check.names = FALSE)
    miginp[["migcode"]] <- migcode

.get.hiv.params <- function(inputs){
    if(is.null(inputs$hiv.params)) return(NULL)
    params <- read.pop.file(inputs$hiv.params, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # remove country name
    if(any(colnames(params) %in% c("country", "name")))
        params <- params[, -which(colnames(params) %in% c("country", "name"))]
    for(par in c("param"))
        if(! par %in% colnames(params)) stop("Column ", par, " is obligatory in the hiv.params file.")
    if(! "sex" %in% colnames(params)) {
        warning("Column 'sex' is missing in the hiv.params file. The same values will be used for female and male.")
        params <- rbind(cbind(params, sex = "male"), cbind(params, sex = "female"))
    # replace periods by mid-years in column names if needed
    cnames <- colnames(params)
    num.columns <- grep('^[0-9]{4}.[0-9]{4}$', cnames) # index of year-columns
    if(length(num.columns) > 0) {
        cols.start <- as.integer(substr(cnames[num.columns], 1,4))
        colnames(params)[num.columns] <- cols.start + 3

.get.mig.mx.pasfr.patterns <- function(inputs, wpp.year, pattern.data = NULL, 
                                       lc.for.hiv = TRUE, annual = FALSE) {
    if(is.null(pattern.data)) {
        pattern.file <- if(!is.null(inputs$patterns)) inputs$patterns else inputs$mig.type
            vwBase <- get(paste0('vwBaseYear', wpp.year))
        else vwBase <- read.pop.file(pattern.file)
    } else vwBase <- pattern.data
    if("PasfrNorm" %in% colnames(vwBase) && !is.factor(vwBase$PasfrNorm))
        vwBase$PasfrNorm <- as.factor(vwBase$PasfrNorm)
    create.pattern <- function(dataset, columns, char.columns = c()) {
        pattern <- data.frame(dataset[,'country_code'])
        for(col in columns)
            if(col %in% colnames(dataset))
                pattern <- cbind(pattern, dataset[,col])
        for(col in char.columns)
            if(col %in% colnames(dataset))
                pattern <- cbind(pattern, as.character(dataset[,col]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        if(ncol(pattern)==1) pattern <- NULL
        else colnames(pattern) <- c('country_code', c(columns, char.columns)[c(columns, char.columns) %in% colnames(dataset)])
    MIGtype <- create.pattern(vwBase, c('ProjFirstYear', 'MigCode'))
    age.mort.pat.col <- "LatestAgeMortalityPattern"
    age.mort.pat.df.col <- "SmoothDFLatestAgeMortalityPattern"
    rename.cols <- list()
    if(annual) { # check if the annual equivalent columns are present in the dataset
        if((new.pat.col <- paste0(age.mort.pat.col, 1)) %in% colnames(vwBase)){
            rename.cols[[age.mort.pat.col]] <- new.pat.col
            age.mort.pat.col <- new.pat.col
        if((new.df.col <- paste0(age.mort.pat.df.col, 1)) %in% colnames(vwBase)){
            rename.cols[[age.mort.pat.df.col]] <- new.df.col
            age.mort.pat.df.col <- new.df.col
    MXpattern <- create.pattern(vwBase, c("AgeMortProjAdjSR", 
                                          "SmoothLatestAgeMortalityPattern", age.mort.pat.df.col, "WPPAIDS", "HIVregion"),
                                char.columns = c("AgeMortalityType", "AgeMortalityPattern", "AgeMortProjMethod1", "AgeMortProjMethod2",
                                                 "AgeMortProjPattern", "AgeMortProjMethodWeights", age.mort.pat.col))
    if(lc.for.hiv) { # replace HIVmortmod with LC
        for(col in c("AgeMortProjMethod1", "AgeMortProjMethod2"))
            if(col %in% colnames(MXpattern) && "HIVmortmod" %in% MXpattern[[col]]) MXpattern[MXpattern[[col]] == "HIVmortmod", col] <- "LC"
    if(! "HIVregion" %in% colnames(MXpattern) && "area_code" %in% colnames(UNlocations)) 
        MXpattern[["HIVregion"]] <- as.integer(UNlocations[match(MXpattern$country_code, UNlocations$country_code), "area_code"] == 903)
    # rename solumns if needed
    for(col in names(rename.cols)){
        colnames(MXpattern)[which(colnames(MXpattern) == rename.cols[[col]])] <- col
    PASFRpattern <- create.pattern(vwBase, c("PasfrNorm", paste0("Pasfr", .remove.all.spaces(levels(vwBase$PasfrNorm))), "ConstantPasfr"))
    return(list(mig.type=MIGtype, mx.pattern=MXpattern, pasfr.pattern=PASFRpattern))

.get.tfr.data <- function(inputs,  wpp.year, annual = FALSE, verbose=FALSE) {
    trajectory <- NULL
  if(!is.null(inputs$tfr.file)) {
    if(inputs$tfr.file == 'median_')
      TFRpred <- .load.wpp.traj('tfr', wpp.year, median.only=TRUE, annual = annual)
    else {
      file.name <- inputs$tfr.file
        stop('File ', file.name, 
             ' does not exist.\nSet tfr.sim.dir, tfr.file or change WPP year.')
      if(verbose) cat('\nLoading ', file.name, '\n')
      if(!is.null(inputs$tfr.file.type) && inputs$tfr.file.type == "w") { # file in tab-separated wide format
          TFRpred <- data.table(read.csv(file=file.name, comment.char='#', check.names=FALSE, sep = "\t"))
          if('LocID' %in% colnames(TFRpred))
              setnames(TFRpred, 'LocID', 'country_code')
          TFRpred <- melt(TFRpred, id.vars = "country_code", 
                          measure.vars = setdiff(colnames(TFRpred), c("country_code", "country_name", "name", "last.observed")),
                          variable.name = "year")
          TFRpred[, trajectory := 1]
          TFRpred <- as.data.frame(TFRpred)
      } else { # file in comma-separated long format 
        TFRpred <- read.csv(file=file.name, comment.char='#', check.names=FALSE)
        TFRpred <- TFRpred[,c('LocID', 'Year', 'Trajectory', 'TF')]
        colnames(TFRpred) <- c('country_code', 'year', 'trajectory', 'value')
  } else {
        #mcmc.dir <- getOption("tfr.mcmc.dir", NA)
        TFRpred <- get.tfr.prediction(inputs$tfr.sim.dir, mcmc.dir=NA)
            TFRpred <- get.tfr.prediction(inputs$tfr.sim.dir)
    } else TFRpred <- .load.wpp.traj('tfr', wpp.year, annual = annual)

.set.inp.migration.if.needed <- function(inputs, inpc, country) {
	# If the age-specific migration values in "inputs" are NA 
	# (e.g. because it was reconstructed later in the code), 
	# replace those with values from the country-specific inputs.
	migr.modified <- FALSE
	for(what.mig in c('MIGm', 'MIGf')) {
		cidx <- which(inputs[[what.mig]]$country_code==country)
		cols <- intersect(colnames(inputs[[what.mig]]), colnames(inpc[[what.mig]]))
		if(any(!is.na(inputs[[what.mig]][cidx,cols]))) next
		inputs[[what.mig]][cidx,cols] <- inpc[[what.mig]][,cols]
		cidx <- which(inputs$observed[[what.mig]]$country_code==country)
		cols <- intersect(colnames(inputs$observed[[what.mig]]), colnames(inpc$observed[[what.mig]]))
		inputs$observed[[what.mig]][cidx,cols] <- inpc$observed[[what.mig]][,cols]
		migr.modified <- TRUE

.load.wpp.traj <- function(type, wpp.year, median.only=FALSE, annual = FALSE) {
	dataset.obs <- dataset.low <- dataset.high <- NA
	if(type %in% c('e0F', 'e0M')){
		if(wpp.year < 2010) stop('e0 projections not available for wpp 2008.')
		#if(wpp.year == 2010) 
		dataset <- paste(type, 'proj', sep='')
		#else { # wpp 2012
		#	dataset <- paste(type, 'projMed', sep='')
		dataset.obs <- type
	} else { # tfr
		if(wpp.year < 2010) dataset <- type
		else {
			dataset <- paste(type, 'projMed', sep='')
			dataset.obs <- type
			if(!median.only) {
				dataset.low <- paste(type, 'projLow', sep='')
				dataset.high <- paste(type, 'projHigh', sep='')
		pred.obs <- bayesTFR:::load.from.wpp(dataset.obs, wpp.year, annual = annual)
	pred.all <- NULL
	itraj <- 1
	for(dataset.name in c(dataset, dataset.low, dataset.high)) {
		if(is.na(dataset.name)) next
		pred <- bayesTFR:::load.from.wpp(dataset.name, wpp.year, annual = annual)
		remove.cols <- which(colnames(pred) %in% c('name', 'country', 'last.observed'))
		pred <- pred[,-remove.cols]
		if(!is.na(dataset.obs)) {
			remove.cols <- which(colnames(pred.obs) %in% c('name', 'country', 'last.observed', 
			pred <- merge(pred.obs[,-remove.cols], pred, by='country_code')
		ncols <- ncol(pred)
		nonnum.idx <- which(colnames(pred)=='country_code')
		cnames <- colnames(pred)[-nonnum.idx]
		colnames(pred)[-nonnum.idx] <- paste0(type, cnames)
		pred.long <- reshape(pred, direction='long', varying=(1:ncols)[-nonnum.idx], v.names=type, times=cnames)
		pred.long <- cbind(pred.long, 
		                   year=as.integer(substr(pred.long$time,1,4))+ if(annual) 0 else 3, 
		pred.long <- pred.long[,c('country_code', 'year', 'trajectory', type)]
		pred.all <- rbind(pred.all, pred.long)
		itraj <- itraj + 1
	colnames(pred.all) <- c('country_code', 'year', 'trajectory', 'value')

.load.mig.traj <- function(inputs, mig.age.method = "auto", verbose = FALSE) {
    migMpred <- migFpred <- migBpred <- NULL
    migtrajcols <- list(LocID = "country_code", Year = "year", Trajectory = "trajectory", Age = "age", Migration = "value")
    migcode <- 1
    for(sex in c('M', 'F', '')) {
        if(is.null(inputs[[paste0('mig', sex, 'traj')]])) next
        file.name <- inputs[[paste0('mig', sex, 'traj')]]
            stop('File ', file.name, ' does not exist.')
        # comma separated trajectories file
        if(verbose) cat('\nLoading ', file.name)
        migpred.raw <- data.table::fread(file=file.name, check.names=FALSE, blank.lines.skip = TRUE)
        if("Mig" %in% colnames(migpred.raw) && !"Migration" %in% colnames(migpred.raw)) # Both Mig and Migration are OK as column names
            colnames(migpred.raw)[colnames(migpred.raw) == "Mig"] <- "Migration"
        cols.to.keep <- intersect(names(migtrajcols), colnames(migpred.raw))
        if(length((miss <- setdiff(setdiff(names(migtrajcols), "Age"), cols.to.keep)))>0)
            stop("Columns ", paste(miss, collapse = ", "), " are missing from ", file.name)
        migpred <- as.data.frame(migpred.raw[, cols.to.keep, with = FALSE])
        colnames(migpred) <- unlist(migtrajcols[cols.to.keep])
        if(sex == '') { # total for both sexes in one file; split it into two objects
            if(is.null(migMpred) || is.null(migFpred)) {
                migBpred <- migpred
                migcode <- 3
                if(mig.age.method != "rc") migcode <- 4
        } else {
            var.name <- paste0('mig',sex, 'pred')
            assign(var.name, migpred)
    return(list(M = migMpred, F = migFpred, B = migBpred, migcode = migcode))

.get.migration.traj <- function(pred, par, country, ...) {
		cidx <- pred$inputs[[par]][,'country_code'] == country 
		idx <- cidx & is.element(pred$inputs[[par]][,'year'], pred$inputs$proj.years)
		if(sum(idx) == 0) return(NULL)
		migdf <- pred$inputs[[par]][idx,-1]
		utrajs <- sort(unique(migdf$trajectory))
		ntrajs <- length(utrajs)
		lyears <- length(pred$inputs$proj.years)
		migrate <- migratecode <- NULL
		if(! "age" %in% colnames(migdf)){ # need to disaggregate into age-specific trajectories
		    dfw <- dcast(data.table(migdf), trajectory ~ year)
		    adf <- migration.totals2age(dfw, annual = pred$inputs$annual, time.periods = colnames(dfw)[-1],
		                                id.col = "trajectory", country_code = country, method = pred$inputs$mig.age.method,
		                                mig.is.rate = pred$inputs$mig.rate.code[2] > 0, 
		                                alt.schedule.file = pred$inputs$mig.alt.age.schedule, 
		                                wpp.year = pred$inputs$wpp.year, ...#, debug = TRUE
		    migdf <- melt(adf, value.name = "value", variable.name = "year", 
		                  id.vars = c("trajectory", "age"), variable.factor = FALSE)
		    migdf[, year := as.integer(year)]
		    if("rate" %in% names(attributes(adf))) { # extract rates if available
		        migrate <- attr(adf, "rate")
		        migrate <- as.matrix(migrate[, colnames(migrate)[! colnames(migrate) == "trajectory"], with = FALSE]) # remove the trajectory column
		        #migrate <- melt(attr(adf, "rate"), value.name = "migrate", variable.name = "year", id.vars = c("trajectory"))
		        migratecode <- attr(adf, "code")
		        migratecode <- as.matrix(migratecode[, colnames(migratecode)[! colnames(migratecode) == "trajectory"], with = FALSE]) # remove the trajectory column
		#migdf$age <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", migdf$age) # trim leading and trailing whitespace
		lage <- age.length.all(pred$inputs$annual, observed = TRUE)
		sorted.df <- data.table(year=rep(pred$inputs$proj.years, each=ntrajs*lage), trajectory=rep(rep(utrajs, each=lage), times=lyears),
									age = get.age.labels(ages.all(pred$inputs$annual, observed = TRUE), last.open=TRUE, single.year = pred$inputs$annual))
		# this is to get rows of the data frame in a particular order
		migdf <- merge(sorted.df, migdf, sort=FALSE)
		res <- array(migdf$value, dim=c(lage, ntrajs, lyears))
		dimnames(res) <- list(1:lage,  NULL, pred$inputs$proj.years)
		if(!is.null(migrate)) {
		    attr(res, "rate") <- migrate
		    attr(res, "code") <- migratecode

.pasfr.norm.name <- function(norms)
	return(paste0('Pasfr', .remove.all.spaces(norms)))
compute.pasfr.global.norms <- function(inputs) {
	pattern <- inputs$PASFRpattern
	if(is.null(pattern) || !('PasfrNorm' %in% colnames(pattern))) return(NULL)
	norms <- .pasfr.norm.name(levels(pattern$PasfrNorm))
	result <- list()
	for(norm in norms) {
		tpasfr <- NULL
		countries <- pattern$country_code[which(pattern[[norm]]==1)]
		if(length(countries) == 0) next
		ccounter <- rep(0, )
		for(country in countries) {
			pasfr <- .get.par.from.inputs('PASFR', inputs$observed, country)
			pasfr <- .fill.pasfr.ages(pasfr, ages.fert(inputs$annual), check.length.only = !inputs$annual)
			if(is.null(ccounter)) ccounter <- rep(0, ncol(pasfr)) # deals with missing years for some countries
            is.not.observed <- apply(pasfr, 2, function(x) any(is.na(x)))
            if(any(is.not.observed))  # fill NA with 0 
                pasfr[,is.not.observed] <- 0
            ccounter <- ccounter + !is.not.observed
			tpasfr <- if(is.null(tpasfr)) pasfr else tpasfr + pasfr
		tpasfr <- tpasfr/matrix(ccounter, nrow = nrow(tpasfr), ncol = ncol(tpasfr), byrow = TRUE)
		result[[norm]] <- scale(tpasfr, center=FALSE, scale=colSums(tpasfr))*100

kantorova.pasfr <- function(tfr, inputs, norms, proj.years, tfr.med, annual = FALSE, 
                            nr.est.points = if(annual) 15 else 3, ignore.phase2 = FALSE) {
	logit <- function(x) log(x/(1-x))
	inv.logit <- function(x) exp(x)/(1+exp(x))
	fac.mac.start <- ages.fert(annual)[1]
	if(annual) {
	    fac.mac.start <- fac.mac.start + 0.5
	    by <- 1
	} else {
	    fac.mac.start <- fac.mac.start + 2.5
	    by <- 5
	compute.mac <- function(x) {
		factors <- seq(fac.mac.start, by=by, length=dim(x)[1])
		mac <- rep(0, dim(x)[2])
        for(iage in 1:dim(x)[1]) 
        	mac <- mac + x[iage,]*factors[iage]/100.
	update.by.mac <- function(x, sp3i) {
		if(sp3i >= dim(x)[2] || all(is.na(x))) return(x)
		phase3i <- seq(sp3i, dim(x)[2])
		mac <- compute.mac(x[,phase3i]*100)		
		mac.norm <- compute.mac(matrix(gnorm, ncol=1))
		maxi <- which.max(mac)
		if(mac[maxi] <= mac.norm)
		x[,phase3i[maxi:length(phase3i)]] <- x[,phase3i[maxi]]
	pattern <- inputs$PASFRpattern
	min.value <- 1e-6
	pasfr.obs <- inputs$observed$PASFR
	if(.pattern.value('ConstantPasfr', pattern, 0) == 1)
	    return(matrix(rep(pasfr.obs[, ncol(pasfr.obs)]/100., length(proj.years)),
	                  nrow = nrow(pasfr.obs)))
	years <- as.integer(names(tfr))
		years <- sort(seq(proj.years[length(proj.years)], length=length(tfr), by=-by))
	lyears <- length(years)
	years.long <- c(years, seq(years[lyears]+by, by=by, length=75/by)) # up to 2175
	tobs <- lyears - length(proj.years)
	end.year <- years[lyears]
	end.phase2 <- if(ignore.phase2) 0 else bayesTFR:::find.lambda.for.one.country(tfr, lyears, annual = annual)
	start.phase3 <- end.phase2 + 1
	if(start.phase3 > lyears) { # Phase 3 not observed until the end of projection (Case 2)
		if(tfr[lyears] > 1.8) { # regress the last 20 years to approximate start of Phase 3
		    nrpoints <- 20/by - 1 # one point because of the way it is used
            tbeyond <- 50/by
			df <- data.frame(tfr=tfr[(lyears-nrpoints):lyears], time=(lyears-nrpoints):lyears)
			reg <- lm(tfr~time, df)
			if(reg$coefficients[2] < -1e-3 && reg$coefficients[1] > 1.8) {# use only if it has negative slope starting above 1.8
				start.phase3 <- min(max(round((1.8-reg$coefficients[1])/reg$coefficients[2],0), lyears)+1, lyears + tbeyond)
			} else {
				start.phase3 <- lyears + tbeyond
		#endT <- years.long[min(start.phase3+5, length(years.long))]
		endT <- years.long[start.phase3 + 25/by]
	} else { # Case 1
		smaller.than.median <- tfr[start.phase3:lyears] < tfr.med
		if(all(smaller.than.median)) { # t_u does not exist
			#endT <- years.long[max(start.phase3+10, tobs+10)]
			endT <- years.long[max(lyears, start.phase3 + 25/by)]
		} else { # t_u exists
			first.larger <- which(!smaller.than.median)[1] + start.phase3 - 1
			endT <- years.long[max(first.larger, tobs + 20/by)]
	#endT <- years.long[max(start.phase3+5, tobs+5)] # no upper bound
	# Trend towards global model pattern
	startTi <- which(years == proj.years[1])
	gnorm <- norms[[.pasfr.norm.name(
	    if(is.null(pattern)) "Global Norm" else pattern[,'PasfrNorm'])]]
	gnorm <- gnorm[, ncol(gnorm)] # global norm from the last time period 
	asfr1 <- asfr2 <- res.asfr <- matrix(0, nrow=length(gnorm), ncol=length(proj.years))
	t.r <- if(startTi == 1) years[1] - by else years[startTi-1]
	tau.denominator <- endT - t.r
	p.r <- pasfr.obs[,ncol(pasfr.obs)]/100. # last observed pasfr
	if(any(is.na(p.r))) stop("Observed PASFR necessary to estimate future trends.")
	p.r <- pmax(p.r, min.value)
	p.r <- p.r/sum(p.r)
	logit.pr <- logit(p.r)
	logit.dif <- logit(gnorm/100.) - logit.pr
	for(t in 1:ncol(asfr1)){
		asfr1[,t] <- logit.pr + min((years[t+tobs] - t.r)/tau.denominator, 1)*logit.dif
	asfr1 <- inv.logit(asfr1)
	asfr1 <-  scale(asfr1, center=FALSE, scale=colSums(asfr1))
	# Continuing of observed trend
	if(startTi < nr.est.points+1) { # the years vector does not include all the observed data
	    yd <- years[1] - by * (nr.est.points - startTi)
	} else yd <- years[startTi - nr.est.points]
	p.e <- pasfr.obs[,ncol(pasfr.obs)-nr.est.points+1]/100.
	if(any(is.na(p.e))) stop("Not enough data on PASFR available to estimate future trends.")
	p.e <- pmax(p.e, min.value)
	p.e <- p.e/sum(p.e)

	tau.denominator2 <- t.r - yd
	logit.dif <- logit.pr - logit(p.e)
	for(t in 1:ncol(asfr2)){
		asfr2[,t] <- logit.pr + ((years[t+tobs] - t.r)/tau.denominator2) *logit.dif
	asfr2 <- inv.logit(asfr2)
	asfr2 <-  scale(asfr2, center=FALSE, scale=colSums(asfr2))
	# combining the two trends
	logit.asfr1 <- logit(asfr1)
	logit.asfr2 <- logit(asfr2)
	for(t in 1:ncol(res.asfr)){
		tau <- min((years[t+tobs] - t.r)/tau.denominator, 1)
		res.asfr[,t] <- tau*logit.asfr1[,t] + (1-tau)*logit.asfr2[,t]
	res.asfr <- inv.logit(res.asfr)
	res.asfr <- scale(res.asfr, center=FALSE, scale=colSums(res.asfr))

	# update by MAC
	if(start.phase3 <= lyears) res.asfr <- update.by.mac(res.asfr, max(1, start.phase3-tobs))
	if(!annual) return(res.asfr)
	# for a 1x1 simulation where the child-bearing age has a larger extent, we do 
	# an extra step to keep constant ASFR at youngest ages if trends increase instead of decrease 
	# for ages 10-19
	pasfr <- res.asfr
	asfr_tfr <- t(t(pasfr) * tfr[(tobs + 1):lyears])
	for(t in 1:(ncol(asfr_tfr)-1)){
	    if(length((idx <- which(asfr_tfr[1:10,t+1] > asfr_tfr[1:10,t]))) == 0) next
	    asfr_tfr[idx,t+1] <- asfr_tfr[idx,t]
	# extra step to keep constant ASFR less than 5* starting value at oldest ages if trends increase instead of decrease compared to baseline
	# 45-54
	asfr_base <- pasfr.obs[,ncol(pasfr.obs)]/100. * tfr[tobs]
	asfr_tfr[36:45, ] <- pmin(asfr_tfr[36:45, ], 
	                          matrix(asfr_base[36:45] * 5, nrow = 10, ncol = ncol(asfr_tfr)))
	# now we scale back to original TFR by proportionally adjusting asfr in non-constrained age groups
	diff_tfr <- tfr[(tobs + 1):lyears] - colSums(asfr_tfr)
	asfr_tfr[11:35,] <- asfr_tfr[11:35,] + t(diff_tfr * t(asfr_tfr[11:35,])/colSums(asfr_tfr[11:35,]))
	pasfr <- scale(asfr_tfr, center=FALSE, scale=colSums(asfr_tfr))

.get.par.from.inputs <- function(par, inputs, country, convert.to.matrix = TRUE) {
	if(is.null(inputs[[par]])) return (NULL)
	idx <- inputs[[par]][,'country_code'] == country
	if(sum(idx)==0) return (NULL)
	res <- inputs[[par]][idx,,drop=FALSE]
	res2 <- res[, !is.element(colnames(res), c('country_code', 'age')),drop=FALSE]
	if(convert.to.matrix) {
	    res2 <- as.matrix(res2)
	    if('age' %in% colnames(res)) rownames(res2) <- res[, 'age']
	# preserve and slice attributes if needed
	country_code <- NULL
	for(attrname in c("rate", "code")){
	    if(!is.null((attrval <- attr(inputs[[par]], attrname))))
	        attr(res2, attrname) <- unlist(attrval[which(attrval[["country_code"]] == country)][,country_code := NULL])
    return (res2)

.fill.pasfr.ages <- function(dat, fages, check.length.only = FALSE){
    if(is.null(dat)) return(dat)
        if(nrow(dat) != length(fages))
            stop('PASFR dataset contains ages that are not allowed.\nAllowed: ', paste(fages, collapse = ", "),
                 '\nUsed: ', paste(rownames(dat), collapse = ", "))
    # fill-in ages if not complete
    if(all(fages %in% rownames(dat))) {
        if(!all(rownames(dat) %in% fages)) 
            warning("PASFR ages ignored: ", paste(setdiff(rownames(dat), fages), collapse = ", "))
        return(dat[as.character(fages), ])
    datf <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(dat), nrow = length(fages), dimnames = list(fages, colnames(dat)))
    datf[rownames(dat), ] <- dat

get.country.inputs <- function(country, inputs, nr.traj, country.name) {
	inpc <- list()
	obs <- list()
	for(par in c('POPm0', 'POPf0', 'MXm', 'MXf', 'MXpattern', 'SRB',
				'PASFR', 'PASFRpattern', 'MIGtype', 'MIGm', 'MIGf', 'MXm.pred', 'MXf.pred', 
				'GQm', 'GQf')) {
		inpc[[par]] <- .get.par.from.inputs(par, inputs, country)
		obs[[par]] <- .get.par.from.inputs(par, inputs$observed, country)
	repr.ages <- ages.fert(inputs$annual)
	inpc[['PASFR']] <- .fill.pasfr.ages(inpc[['PASFR']], repr.ages, check.length.only = !inputs$annual)
	obs[['PASFR']] <- .fill.pasfr.ages(obs[['PASFR']], repr.ages, check.length.only = !inputs$annual)
    if(inputs$fixed.pasfr && is.null(inpc[['PASFR']])) {
        warning('No PASFR projection for ', country.name, '. No population projection generated.')
	if(!inputs$fixed.pasfr && is.null(obs[['PASFR']])) {
	    warning('No observed PASFR for ', country.name, '. No population projection generated.')
	if(is.null(inpc[['MXm']]) || is.null(inpc[['MXf']])) {
	    warning('No mortality data for ', country.name, '. No population projection generated.')

	for(par in c('MXpattern', 'PASFRpattern', 'HIVparams')) { # keep these datasets in data.frame format
	    inpc[[par]] <- .get.par.from.inputs(par, inputs, country, convert.to.matrix = FALSE)
	inpc[['MIGBaseYear']] <- inpc[['MIGtype']][,'ProjFirstYear']
	inpc[['MIGtype']] <- inpc[['MIGtype']][,'MigCode']
	# generate sex and age-specific migration if needed
	if((!is.null(inpc[['MIGm']]) && all(is.na(inpc[['MIGm']]))) || (!is.null(inpc[['MIGf']]) && all(is.na(inpc[['MIGf']])))) {
	    if(inputs$annual || inputs$mig.age.method == "rc" || (inputs$mig.age.method %in% c("auto", "un") && !inputs$annual && inputs$wpp.year == 2022)){
	        migtempl <- if(!is.null(inpc[['MIGm']])) inpc[['MIGm']] else inpc[['MIGf']]
	        mig.recon <- list()
	        wppdata <- bayesTFR:::load.from.wpp("migration", inputs$wpp.year, annual = inputs$annual)
	        mig.recon[["male"]] <- mig.recon[["female"]] <- data.frame(
	            migration.totals2age(wppdata[wppdata$country_code == country,], 
	                                 ages = rownames(migtempl), annual = inputs$annual, 
	                                 time.periods = setdiff(colnames(wppdata), c("country_code", "name", "country")),
	                                 method = inputs$mig.age.method,
	                                 sex = "M", #country_code = country,
	                                 scale = 0.5,
	                                 mig.is.rate = inputs$mig.rate.code[1] > 0, 
	                                 alt.schedule.file = inputs$mig.alt.age.schedule,
	                                 wpp.year = inputs$wpp.year), 
	            check.names = FALSE)
	        if(inputs$mig.age.method != "rc"){ # need to run the function again because un female schedules are different than the male ones
	            mig.recon[["female"]] <- data.frame(
	                migration.totals2age(wppdata[wppdata$country_code == country,], 
	                                     ages = rownames(migtempl), annual = inputs$annual, 
	                                     time.periods = setdiff(colnames(wppdata), c("country_code", "name", "country")),
	                                     method = inputs$mig.age.method,
	                                     sex = "F", #country_code = country,
	                                     scale = 0.5,
	                                     mig.is.rate = inputs$mig.rate.code[1] > 0, 
	                                     alt.schedule.file = inputs$mig.alt.age.schedule,
	                                     wpp.year = inputs$wpp.year), 
	                check.names = FALSE)
	    } else {
		    mig.recon <- age.specific.migration(wpp.year=inputs$wpp.year, countries=country, 
		                                        #use.rc = inputs$mig.age.method == "rc", 
		                                        #gcc.un = inputs$mig.age.gcc == "un", 
	    mig.pair <- list(MIGm="male", MIGf="female")
		for(what.mig in names(mig.pair)) {
			if(!is.null(inpc[[what.mig]]) && all(is.na(inpc[[what.mig]]))) {
				# extract predicted migration
				cols <- intersect(colnames(mig.recon[[mig.pair[[what.mig]]]]), colnames(inpc[[what.mig]]))
				inpc[[what.mig]][,cols] <- as.matrix(mig.recon[[mig.pair[[what.mig]]]][,cols])
				rownames(inpc[[what.mig]]) <- rownames(mig.recon[[mig.pair[[what.mig]]]])
				# extract observed migration
				if(!is.null(obs[[what.mig]])) {
					cols <- intersect(colnames(mig.recon[[mig.pair[[what.mig]]]]), colnames(obs[[what.mig]]))
					obs[[what.mig]][,cols] <- as.matrix(mig.recon[[mig.pair[[what.mig]]]][,cols])
					rownames(obs[[what.mig]]) <- rownames(mig.recon[[mig.pair[[what.mig]]]])
				if(!is.null((rates <- attr(mig.recon[[mig.pair[[what.mig]]]], "rate")))){
				    attr(inpc[[what.mig]], "rate") <- attr(obs[[what.mig]], "rate") <- rates
				    attr(inpc[[what.mig]], "code") <- attr(obs[[what.mig]], "code") <- attr(mig.recon[[mig.pair[[what.mig]]]], "code")
	what.traj <- list(TFRpred='TFR', e0Mpred='male e0', e0Fpred='female e0')
	medians <- list()
	lyears <- length(inputs$proj.years)
	for(par in names(what.traj)) {
		if (!is.data.frame(inputs[[par]])) next
		cidx <- inputs[[par]][,'country_code'] == country 
		idx <- cidx & is.element(inputs[[par]][,'year'], inputs$proj.years)
		if(sum(idx) == 0) {
			warning('No ', what.traj[[par]], ' trajectories for ', country.name, 
				'. No population projection generated.')
		df <- inputs[[par]][idx,-1]
		utrajs <- sort(unique(df$trajectory))
		ntrajs <- length(utrajs)
		if(ntrajs > 1){
			sorted.df <- data.frame(year=rep(inputs$proj.years, times=ntrajs), trajectory=rep(utrajs, each=lyears))
			# this is to get rows of the data frame in a particular order (align years and trajectories)
			df <- merge(sorted.df, df, sort=FALSE)
		inpc[[par]] <- matrix(df[, 'value'], nrow=lyears)
		rownames(inpc[[par]]) <- as.character(inputs$proj.years)
		medians[[par]] <- apply(inpc[[par]], 1, quantile, 0.5, na.rm = TRUE)
		obsidx <- cidx & inputs[[par]][,'year'] < min(inputs$proj.years)
		if(sum(obsidx) > 0) {
			obs[[par]] <- inputs[[par]][obsidx,]
			obs.years <- unique(obs[[par]][, 'year'])
			obs[[par]] <- matrix(obs[[par]][, 'value'], nrow=length(obs.years))[,1]
			names(obs[[par]]) <- as.character(obs.years)
	e <- new.env()
	e$inputs <- inputs
	for(sex in c('M', 'F', 'B')) {
		par <- paste0('mig', sex, 'pred')
		if(is.null(inputs[[par]])) next
		if(sex == "B"){
		    for(sx in c('M', 'F')){
		        parsx <- paste0('mig', sx, 'pred')
		        if(!is.null(inputs[[parsx]])) next # ignore if already derived
		        inpc[[parsx]] <- .get.migration.traj(e, par, country, sex = sx, scale = 0.5)
		} else
		    inpc[[par]] <- .get.migration.traj(e, par, country, sex = sex)
	for(sex in c('M', 'F')){
	    par <- paste0('mig', sex, 'pred')
	    if(is.null(inpc[[par]])) next
	    medians[[par]] <- apply(inpc[[par]], c(1,3), quantile, 0.5, na.rm = TRUE)
	inpc$migMmedian <- medians$migMpred
	inpc$migFmedian <- medians$migFpred
	if(is.null(inpc$TFRpred)) {
		inpc$TFRpred <- get.tfr.trajectories(inputs$TFRpred, country)
		if(is.null(inpc$TFRpred)) {
			warning('No TFR trajectories for ', country.name, 
					'. No population projection generated.')
		country.obj <- get.country.object(country, inputs$TFRpred$mcmc.set$meta)
		medians$TFRpred <- bayesTFR::get.median.from.prediction(inputs$TFRpred, country.obj$index, country.obj$code)[-1]
		obs.tfr <- bayesTFR:::get.tfr.reconstructed(inputs$TFRpred$tfr_matrix_reconstructed, inputs$TFRpred$mcmc.set$meta)
		obs.tfr <- obs.tfr[1:if(!is.null(inputs$TFRpred$present.year.index)) inputs$TFRpred$present.year.index else nrow(obs.tfr),country.obj$index]
		# if simulation with estimated uncertainty, get the median
		if(bayesTFR:::has.est.uncertainty(inputs$TFRpred$mcmc.set)) {
		    tmp <- bayesTFR::get.tfr.estimation(mcmc.list = inputs$TFRpred$mcmc.set, country = country.obj$code, probs = 0.5)$tfr_quantile
		    obs.tfr[as.character(tmp$year)] <- tmp$V1
		obs$TFRpred <- obs.tfr
	inpc$TFRhalfchild <- bayesTFR:::get.half.child.variant(median=medians$TFRpred, increment=c(0.25, 0.4, 0.5))
	if(!all(is.element(inputs$proj.years, colnames(inpc$TFRhalfchild))))
		stop('Mismatch in projection periods of TFR and the target projection years.')
	inpc$TFRhalfchild <- inpc$TFRhalfchild[,as.character(inputs$proj.years)]
	if(is.null(inpc$e0Mpred)) {
		inpc$e0Mpred <- get.e0.trajectories(inputs$e0Mpred, country)
		if(is.null(inpc$e0Mpred)) {
			warning('No male e0 trajectories for ', country.name, 
					'. No population projection generated.')
		country.obj <- get.country.object(country, inputs$e0Mpred$mcmc.set$meta)
		medians$e0Mpred <- bayesTFR::get.median.from.prediction(inputs$e0Mpred, country.obj$index, country.obj$code)
		obs.e0M <- bayesLife:::get.e0.reconstructed(inputs$e0Mpred$e0.matrix.reconstructed, inputs$e0Mpred$mcmc.set$meta)
		obs$e0Mpred <- obs.e0M[1:if(!is.null(inputs$e0Mpred$present.year.index)) inputs$e0Mpred$present.year.index else nrow(obs.e0M),country.obj$index]
	if(!all(is.element(inputs$proj.years, names(medians$e0Mpred))))
		stop('Mismatch in projection periods of male e0 and the target projection years.')
	inpc$e0Mmedian <- medians$e0Mpred[as.character(inputs$proj.years)]
	if(is.null(inpc$e0Fpred)) {
		inpc$e0Fpred <- get.e0.trajectories(inputs$e0Fpred, country)
		if(is.null(inpc$e0Fpred)) {
			warning('No female e0 trajectories for ', country.name, 
					'. No population projection generated.')
		country.obj <- get.country.object(country, inputs$e0Fpred$mcmc.set$meta)
		medians$e0Fpred <- bayesTFR::get.median.from.prediction(inputs$e0Fpred, country.obj$index, country.obj$code)
		obs.e0F <- bayesLife:::get.e0.reconstructed(inputs$e0Fpred$e0.matrix.reconstructed, inputs$e0Fpred$mcmc.set$meta)
		obs$e0Fpred <- obs.e0F[1:if(!is.null(inputs$e0Fpred$present.year.index)) inputs$e0Fpred$present.year.index else nrow(obs.e0F),country.obj$index]

	if(!all(is.element(inputs$proj.years, names(medians$e0Fpred))))
		stop('Mismatch in projection periods of female e0 and the target projection years.')
	inpc$e0Fmedian <- medians$e0Fpred[as.character(inputs$proj.years)]
	# select trajectories
	indices <- list()
	nr.traj <- min(nr.traj, max(ncol(inpc$e0Mpred), ncol(inpc$e0Fpred), ncol(inpc$TFRpred), 
							    ncol(inpc$migMpred), ncol(inpc$migFpred)))
	for (par in c('TFRpred', 'e0Fpred', 'migMpred')) {
		if(is.null(inpc[[par]])) next
		traj.available <- ncol(inpc[[par]])
		if(traj.available == nr.traj) {
			indices[[par]] = 1:nr.traj
		if(traj.available > nr.traj) # select equidistantly
			indices[[par]] <- get.traj.index(nr.traj, inpc[[par]]) 
		else # re-sample
			indices[[par]] <- sample(1:traj.available, nr.traj, replace=TRUE)
	# dependent trajectories
	dependencies <- list(e0Fpred='e0Mpred', migMpred='migFpred')
	for(par in names(dependencies)) {
		if(is.null(inpc[[dependencies[[par]]]])) {
			if(par == 'migMpred') {
				if((is.null(inpc[[par]]) || ncol(inpc[[par]])==1)) next
				stop('Female migration trajectories must match male migration.')
		if(par == 'migMpred' && (is.null(inpc[[par]]) || (!is.null(inpc[[par]]) && ncol(inpc[[par]])==1))) {
			indices[[dependencies[[par]]]] <- rep(1, nr.traj)
			next # using one trajectory, male is default
		traj.available <- ncol(inpc[[par]])
		if (traj.available == ncol(inpc[[dependencies[[par]]]])) # same number of trajectories, therefore same indices
			indices[[dependencies[[par]]]] <- indices[[par]]
			stop('Trajectories for female ', list(e0Fpred='life expectancy', migFpred='migration')[[par]], ' do not match the male ones: ',
				traj.available, ' <> ', ncol(inpc[[dependencies[[par]]]]), ' for ', country.name, '. No population projection generated.')
	for (par in c('TFRpred', 'e0Mpred', 'e0Fpred')) { # these are matrices
		if(is.null(inpc[[par]])) next
		inpc[[par]] <- inpc[[par]][,indices[[par]], drop=FALSE]
		if(tolower(substr(par, 1,3)) %in% tolower(inputs$average.annual) && !inputs$annual) { # average annual data to 5-years data
		    years <- as.integer(rownames(inpc[[par]]))
		    year.ranges <- range(years[years %% 5 == 0])
		    mid.points <- c(0, seq(year.ranges[1]-2, year.ranges[2]+3, by = 5))
		    brks <- seq(year.ranges[1]-5, year.ranges[2] + 5, by = 5)
		    year.bin <- findInterval(years, brks, left.open = TRUE)
		    vals <- apply(inpc[[par]], 2, function(v) aggregate(v, by = list(year.bin), FUN = mean, na.rm = TRUE)[,"x"])
		    rownames(vals) <- mid.points[-c(1, length(mid.points))]
		    inpc[[par]] <- vals
		inpc[[par]] <- inpc[[par]][as.character(inputs$proj.years),, drop=FALSE]
	inpc$mig.nr.traj <- 1
	for(par in c('migMpred', 'migFpred')) { 
		if(is.null(inpc[[par]])) next
	    rates <- if("rate" %in% names(attributes(inpc[[par]]))) attr(inpc[[par]], "rate")[indices[[par]], , drop=FALSE] else NULL
	    ratecodes <- if("code" %in% names(attributes(inpc[[par]]))) attr(inpc[[par]], "code")[indices[[par]], , drop=FALSE] else NULL
		inpc[[par]] <- inpc[[par]][,indices[[par]], , drop=FALSE] # age-specific, thus 3-d arrays
		if(!is.null(rates)) {
		    attr(inpc[[par]], "rate") <- rates
		    attr(inpc[[par]], "code") <- ratecodes
		inpc$mig.nr.traj <- length(indices[[par]])
	for(par in c("GQm", "GQf")) {
	    if(is.null(inpc[[par]])) next
	    # match ages
	    age.labels <- get.age.labels(ages.all(inputs$annual, observed = TRUE), single.year = inputs$annual)
	    if(!all(rownames(inpc[[par]]) %in% age.labels))
	        stop("Mismatch in age labels for ", par, "\nAllowed labels: ", paste(age.labels, collapse = ", "))
	    gq <- rep(0, length(age.labels))
	    names(gq) <- age.labels
	    gq[rownames(inpc[[par]])] <- inpc[[par]]
	    # expand from 100+ to 130+
	    gq <- c(gq, rep(0, age.length.all(inputs$annual, observed = FALSE) - length(gq)))
	    inpc[[par]] <- gq
	inpc$observed <- obs
	inpc$trajectory.indices <- indices

get.traj.index <- function(nr.traj, traj, traj.dim=2, sample=FALSE) {
	traj.tot <- dim(traj)[traj.dim]
	if(nr.traj >= traj.tot) 
		return(if(sample) sample(1:traj.tot, nr.traj, replace=TRUE) else 1:traj.tot)
	return(if(sample) sample(1:traj.tot, nr.traj) else as.integer(seq(1, traj.tot, length=nr.traj)))

rotateLC <- function(e0, bx, bux, axM, axF, e0u=102, p=0.5) {
	# Rotation from Li, Lee, Gerland, 2013
	lmin <- -12
	lmax <- 0
	machine.max <- log(.Machine$double.xmax)
	machine.min <- log(.Machine$double.xmin)
	npred <- length(e0)
	kranges <- ax <- list()
	ku <- rep(NA, npred)
	for(sex in 1:2)
		kranges[[sex]] <- list(ku=ku, kl=ku)
	ax <- list(axM, axF)
	#if(!is.null(dim(bx)) && length(dim(bx))==2) { # aids country; bx is already a matrix
	#	Bxt <- bx
	#} else {
		wt <- (e0 - 80)/(e0u-80)
		wst <- (0.5*(1+(sin(pi/2*(2*wt-1)))))^p
		Bxt <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(bx), ncol=npred)
		for(t in 1:npred) {
			Bxt[,t] <- switch(cut(e0[t], c(0, 80, 102, 9999), labels=FALSE, right=FALSE),
					(1-wst[t])*bx + wst[t]*bux,
	bx.lim=rbind(apply(Bxt, 2, function(x) min(x[x>0])), apply(Bxt, 2, function(x) max(x[x>0])))
	for(sex in 1:2) {
		kranges[[sex]]$kl <- pmin((lmax - apply(ax[[sex]], 2, min))/bx.lim[2,], machine.max)
		kranges[[sex]]$ku <- pmax((lmin - apply(ax[[sex]], 2, max))/bx.lim[1,], machine.min)
	return(list(bx=Bxt, kranges=kranges))

.pattern.value <- function(name, pattern, default = NULL, na.means.missing = FALSE) {
    if(is.null(pattern)) return(default)
    val <- if(name %in% colnames(pattern)) pattern[, name] else default
    if(na.means.missing && is.na(val)) val <- default

.hiv.mortality <- function(e0m, e0f, country, region, params = NULL) {
    npred <- length(e0m)
    male.mx <- female.mx <- matrix(NA, nrow = 22, ncol = npred, 
                                   dimnames = list(NULL, names(e0m)))
    prevF <- prevM <- rep(3, npred)
    names(prevF) <- names(prevM) <- names(e0m)
    if(!is.null(params)) {
        prev.cols <- names(e0m)[names(e0m) %in% names(params)]
        prevF[prev.cols] <- as.numeric(params[params$param == "prev" & params$sex == "female", 
        prevM[prev.cols] <- as.numeric(params[params$param == "prev" & params$sex == "male", 
    for(i in 1:ncol(male.mx)) {
        fct <- "hiv.mortmod"
        male.mx[,i] <- do.call(fct, list(e0m[i], prev = prevM[i], sex = 0, region = region))
        female.mx[,i] <- do.call(fct, list(e0f[i], prev = prevF[i], sex = 1, region = region))
    return(list(male = list(mx = male.mx), female = list(mx = female.mx)))

.prepare.for.mortality.projection <- function(pattern, mxKan, hiv.params = NULL, lc.for.all = FALSE, annual = FALSE) {
    if(lc.for.all) {
        meth1 <- "LC"
        meth2 <- ""
    } else {
        meth1 <- .pattern.value("AgeMortProjMethod1", pattern, "LC")
        meth2 <- .pattern.value("AgeMortProjMethod2", pattern, "")
    if(is.na(meth2)) meth2 <- ""
    args <- list()
    if("MLT" %in% c(meth1, meth2)) {
        mlttype <- .pattern.value("AgeMortProjPattern", pattern, NULL)
        if(is.null(mlttype)) {
            warning("Column for MLT type (AgeMortProjPattern) is missing. CD_West used.")
            mlttype <- "CD_West"
        args[["MLT"]] <- list(type = mlttype, nx = if(annual) 1 else 5)
    if("PMD" %in% c(meth1, meth2)) {
        adj.code <- .pattern.value("AgeMortProjAdjSR", pattern, 0)
        args[["PMD"]] <- list(
            mxm0 = mxKan$male$mx.orig[,ncol(mxKan$male$mx)],
            mxf0 = mxKan$female$mx.orig[,ncol(mxKan$female$mx)],
            interp.rho = TRUE, keep.lt = TRUE,
            sexratio.adjust = adj.code == 1,
            adjust.sr.if.needed = adj.code == 3,
            nx = if(annual) 1 else 5
    if("modPMD" %in% c(meth1, meth2)) {
        adj.code <- .pattern.value("AgeMortProjAdjSR", pattern, 0)
        args[["modPMD"]] <- list(
            mxm0 = mxKan$male$mx.orig[,mxKan$mx.index, drop = FALSE],
            mxf0 = mxKan$female$mx.orig[,mxKan$mx.index, drop = FALSE],
            interp.rho = TRUE, keep.lt = TRUE,
            sexratio.adjust = adj.code == 1,
            adjust.sr.if.needed = adj.code == 3,
            use.modpmd = TRUE,
            ax.index = mxKan$ax.index, ax.smooth = mxKan$ax.smooth,
            ax.smooth.df = mxKan$ax.smooth.df,
            nx = if(annual) 1 else 5
    if("LC" %in% c(meth1, meth2)) {
        args[["LC"]] <- list(lc.pars = mxKan, keep.lt = TRUE, constrain.all.ages = TRUE)
    if("HIVmortmod" %in% c(meth1, meth2)) {
        callstr <- 'requireNamespace("HIV.LifeTables")'
        pkg.available <-  eval(parse(text = callstr))
            stop("Method HIVmortmod requires the HIV.LifeTables package to be installed. It is available on GitHub in the PPgP/HIV.LifeTables repository.")
        callstr <- "data('HIVModelLifeTables', package = 'HIV.LifeTables')"  # need to do this because requireNamespace does not attach lazy data
        eval(parse(text = callstr))
        args[["HIVmortmod"]] <- list(region = .pattern.value("HIVregion", pattern, 1),
                                     params = hiv.params
        if(! meth2 %in% c("HIVmortmod", "")) {
            warning("HIVmortmod cannot be combined with other methods.")
        meth1 <- "HIVmortmod"
        meth2 <- ""
    if("LogQuad" %in% c(meth1, meth2)) args[["LQ"]] <- list() # no arguments for logquad
    if(meth2 != "") args$weights <- eval(parse(text = .pattern.value("AgeMortProjMethodWeights", pattern, c(1, 0.5))))
    args$meth1 <- meth1
    args$meth2 <- meth2

project.mortality <- function (eopm, eopf, npred, ..., mortcast.args = NULL, annual = FALSE, verbose=FALSE, debug=FALSE) {
    args <- if(is.null(mortcast.args)) .prepare.for.mortality.projection(..., annual = annual) else mortcast.args
    nage <- age.length.all(annual, observed = FALSE)
    min.age.groups <- lt.age.length(annual, observed = FALSE)
    kann.proj.ages <- if(annual) 100:130 else seq(100, 130, by = 5)
    kann.est.ages <- if(annual) 90:99 else seq(80, 95, by = 5)
    if(args$meth2 == "") { # apply a single method 
        res <- switch(args$meth1, 
            LC = do.call("mortcast", c(list(eopm, eopf), args[["LC"]])),
            modPMD = do.call("copmd", c(list(eopm, eopf), args[["modPMD"]])),
            PMD = do.call("copmd", c(list(eopm, eopf), args[["PMD"]])),
            MLT = do.call("mltj", c(list(eopm, eopf), args[["MLT"]])),
            HIVmortmod = do.call(".hiv.mortality", c(list(eopm, eopf), args[["HIVmortmod"]])),
            LogQuad = do.call("logquadj", c(list(eopm, eopf), args[["LQ"]]))
        res <- MortCast:::.apply.kannisto.if.needed(res, min.age.groups = min.age.groups,
                                                    list(proj.ages = kann.proj.ages, est.ages = kann.est.ages))
    } else { # combination of two methods
        meth1 <- if(args$meth1 == "modPMD") "pmd" else tolower(args$meth1)
        meth2 <- if(args$meth2 == "modPMD") "pmd" else tolower(args$meth2)
        res <- mortcast.blend(eopm, eopf, meth1 = meth1, meth2 = meth2, 
                              weights = args$weights, nx = if(annual) 1 else 5,
                              min.age.groups = min.age.groups,
                              meth1.args = args[[args$meth1]], meth2.args = args[[args$meth2]],
                              kannisto.args = list(proj.ages = kann.proj.ages, est.ages = kann.est.ages))
    # consolidate results which can be in different formats from the different methods
    if(!"mx" %in% names(res))
        res <- list(mx = list(res$male$mx, res$female$mx), sr = list(res$male$sr, res$female$sr),
                    LLm = list(res$male$Lx, res$female$Lx), lx = list(res$male$lx, res$female$lx))
    res$male$sex <- 1
    res$female$sex <- 2
    if(is.null(res$sr[[1]]) || nrow(res$sr[[1]]) != nage) {# compute survival
        srinput <- list(male = list(sex = 1, mx = res$mx[[1]]),
                        female = list(sex = 2, mx = res$mx[[2]]))
        res <- survival.fromLT(npred, srinput, annual = annual, verbose=verbose, debug=debug)

survival.fromLT <- function (npred, mxKan, annual = FALSE, observed = FALSE, 
                             include01 = annual, verbose=FALSE, debug=FALSE) {
    nage <- age.length.all(annual, observed = observed)
    nagemx <- lt.age.length(annual, observed = observed)
    sr <- LLm <- lx <- list(matrix(0, nrow=nage, ncol=npred), matrix(0, nrow=nage, ncol=npred))
    Mx <- list(matrix(0, nrow=nagemx, ncol=npred), matrix(0, nrow=nagemx, ncol=npred))
    sx <- rep(0, nage)
    for (mxYKan in list(mxKan$female, mxKan$male)) { # iterate over male and female
    	Mx[[mxYKan$sex]] <- mxYKan$mx
    	sex <- c('Male', 'Female')[mxYKan$sex]
    	for(time in 1:npred) {
			res <- LifeTableMx(mxYKan$mx[,time], sex=sex, abridged = !annual)
			if(!include01) {
			    # collapse first two age groups
			    LLm[[mxYKan$sex]][,time] <- .collapse.Lx(res)  
			    sr[[mxYKan$sex]][,time] <- .collapse.sx(res)			
			    lx[[mxYKan$sex]][,time] <- .collapse.lx(res)
			} else {
			    LLm[[mxYKan$sex]][,time] <- res$Lx
			    sr[[mxYKan$sex]][,time] <- res$sx	
			    lx[[mxYKan$sex]][,time] <- res$lx
	return(list(sr=sr, LLm=LLm, mx=Mx, lx=lx))    

runKannisto <- function(inputs, start.year, lc.for.all = FALSE, ...) {
	# extend mx, get LC ax,bx,k1
    meths <- c(.pattern.value("AgeMortProjMethod1", inputs$MXpattern, "LC"),
               .pattern.value("AgeMortProjMethod2", inputs$MXpattern, "", na.means.missing = TRUE))
	KannistoAxBx.joint(inputs$MXm, inputs$MXf, start.year=start.year, mx.pattern=inputs$MXpattern, 
	                   compute.AxBx = lc.for.all || any(meths %in% c("LC", "modPMD")), 
	                   estimate.lc = lc.for.all || any(meths == "LC"),

runKannisto.noLC <- function(inputs, ...) {
	# extend mx
	KannistoAxBx.joint(inputs$MXm.pred, inputs$MXf.pred, compute.AxBx=FALSE, ...)

KannistoAxBx.joint <- function(male.mx, female.mx, start.year=1950, mx.pattern=NULL, ax.latest.periods=99, npred=19, 
								joint=TRUE, compute.AxBx=TRUE, estimate.lc = TRUE, annual = FALSE)  {
	# Extending mx to age 130 using Kannisto model and mx 80-99, OLS
	rownames(male.mx) <- rownames(female.mx) <- if(!annual) c(0,1, seq(5, by=5, length=nrow(male.mx)-2)) else 0:(nrow(male.mx)-1)
	proj.ages <- if(annual) 100:130 else seq(100, 130, by = 5)
	est.ages <- if(annual) 90:99 else seq(80, 95, by = 5)
	if(joint) {
	    kann <- cokannisto(male.mx, female.mx, est.ages = est.ages, proj.ages = proj.ages)
	    Mxe.m <- kann$male
	    Mxe.f <- kann$female
	} else {
	    Mxe.m <- kannisto(male.mx, est.ages = est.ages, proj.ages = proj.ages)
	    Mxe.f <- kannisto(female.mx, est.ages = est.ages, proj.ages = proj.ages)
	result <- list(male=list(mx=Mxe.m, mx.orig = male.mx, sex = 1), 
	               female=list(mx=Mxe.f, mx.orig = female.mx, sex = 2))
	if(!compute.AxBx) return(result)
	#Get Lee-Cater Ax and Bx
	ne <- ncol(Mxe.m)
	old.age <- age.length.all(annual, observed = TRUE)
	nmx <- lt.age.length(annual, observed = FALSE)
	years <- as.integer(substr(colnames(male.mx),1,4))
	year.step <- if(annual) 1 else 5
	first.year <- years[1]
	has.nas.in.old.ages <- FALSE
	if(any(is.na(male.mx[old.age, ]))) {# remove columns that have NAs for old ages
	    first.year <- years[which(!is.na(male.mx[old.age,]))[1]]
	    start.year <- max(start.year, first.year)
	    has.nas.in.old.ages <- TRUE
	ns <- which(years == start.year)
	if(length(ns)==0) stop('start.year must be between ', first.year, ' and ', years[ne])
    model.bx <- .pattern.value("AgeMortalityType", mx.pattern, "") == "Model life tables" && !annual # we don't have model bx available for 1x1
    lpat <- eval(parse(text = .pattern.value("LatestAgeMortalityPattern", mx.pattern, 0)))
    avg.ax <- length(lpat) == 1  && lpat == 0 # value is 0 -> take an average of all
    smooth.ax <-  !avg.ax && .pattern.value("SmoothLatestAgeMortalityPattern", mx.pattern, 0) == 1
    smooth.df <- .pattern.value("SmoothDFLatestAgeMortalityPattern", mx.pattern, 0)
    if(smooth.df == 0) smooth.df <- NULL
    is.aids.country <- .pattern.value("WPPAIDS", mx.pattern, 0) == 1
    if(is.aids.country) {
    	avg.ax <- FALSE
    	smooth.ax <- TRUE
    	aids.idx <- if(!has.nas.in.old.ages) which(years < 1985) else 1:length(years)
    	aids.npred <- min((2100-(as.integer(years[ne])+year.step))/year.step, npred)
    if(!avg.ax && !is.null(lpat)) {
        # lpat should not be a single zero because of the !avg.ax condition, 
        # but it can be negative for removing time periods, or a vector starting with 0
        ax.latest.periods <- sort(lpat) # negatives or zeros should go first 
        if(((length(ax.latest.periods) > 2) && (ax.latest.periods[1] != 0)) || 
           (length(ax.latest.periods) == 2 && (ax.latest.periods[1] > 0 || 
                                               ax.latest.periods[2] <= 0))){
           warning("Illegal value for LatestAgeMortalityPattern: ", 
                   paste(ax.latest.periods, collapse = ", "), 
                   "\nIt should be either a single non-negative number or, if it is a vector, start with a negative or a zero, followed by positive numbers. Truncated to a single value of ", 
                   ax.latest.periods[1], immediate. = TRUE)
               ax.latest.periods <- ax.latest.periods[1]
               if(ax.latest.periods == 0 && !is.aids.country) avg.ax <- TRUE
    mlt.bx <- NULL
    if(model.bx) {
    	bx.env <- new.env()
    	data(MLTbx, envir = bx.env)
    	bx.pattern <- .pattern.value("AgeMortalityPattern", mx.pattern, "UN_General")
    	if (!bx.pattern %in% rownames(bx.env$MLTbx)) bx.pattern <- "UN_General"
    	mlt.bx <- as.numeric(bx.env$MLTbx[bx.pattern,])

    length.mx <- length(ns:ne)
    if(ax.latest.periods[1] < 0) { # remove ax.latest.periods from the end
        ax.index <- (1:length.mx)[-(max(length.mx+ax.latest.periods[1]+1, 2):length.mx)] # at least one period should stay in
        if(length(ax.latest.periods) > 1 && ax.latest.periods[2] > 0)
             # take the latest time points from the already modified ax.index
            ax.index <- max(length(ax.index) - ax.latest.periods[2] + 1, 1):length(ax.index)
    } else { 
        if(ax.latest.periods[1] == 0 && length(ax.latest.periods) > 1){ # numbers following 0 are the actual indices starting with the latest year
            ax.index <- sort((length.mx - ax.latest.periods[-1] + 1))
        } else {
            # If we get here, ax.latest.periods has just one element.
            if(avg.ax || ax.latest.periods == 0) ax.index <- 1:length.mx # take all
            else { # Take the ax.latest.periods latest time periods. 
                ax.ns <- max(length.mx - ax.latest.periods+1, 1)
                ax.index <- ax.ns:length.mx
        lc.est <- lileecarter.estimate(result$male$mx[,ns:ne], result$female$mx[,ns:ne],
                                   ax.index = ax.index, ax.smooth = smooth.ax, 
                                   ax.smooth.df = smooth.df, nx = year.step)

        if(is.aids.country) { # modify ax and bx
            for(sex in c('male', 'female')) {
    	        lMxe <- log(result[[sex]]$mx)
		        axt <- matrix(lc.est[[sex]]$ax, nrow=nmx, ncol=npred)
			    ax.end <- apply(lMxe[,aids.idx, drop=FALSE], 1, sum, na.rm=TRUE)/length(aids.idx)
			    ax.end.sm <- smooth.spline(ax.end[1:old.age], df=11)$y
    		    ax.end[2:old.age] <- ax.end.sm[2:old.age] # keep value of the first age group
			    for (i in 1:nmx) { # linear interpolation to the average ax ending in 2050; after that the avg ax is used
				    axt[i,1:aids.npred] <- approx(c(1,aids.npred), c(lc.est[[sex]]$ax[i], ax.end[i]), xout=1:aids.npred)$y
				    if(aids.npred < npred)
					    axt[i,(aids.npred+1):npred] <- ax.end[i]	
    		    lc.est[[sex]]$axt <- axt
        if(model.bx) {
            names(mlt.bx) <- names(lc.est$male$bx)
            lc.est$male$bx <- lc.est$female$bx <- mlt.bx
            lc.est$bx <- (lc.est$male$bx + lc.est$female$bx)/2
            lc.est$ultimate.bx <- ultimate.bx(lc.est$bx)
        # merge results
        for(sex in c('male', 'female')) {
            lc.est[[sex]] <- c(lc.est[[sex]], result[[sex]])
        result <- lc.est
    } else { # no need for estimating LC, but need info about ax (for modPMD)
        result <- c(result, list(mx.index = ns:ne, ax.index = ax.index, ax.smooth = smooth.ax,
                                 ax.smooth.df = smooth.df))

StoPopProj <- function(npred, inputs, LT, asfr, mig.pred=NULL, mig.type=NULL, mig.rate.code = 0, country.name=NULL, 
                       keep.vital.events=FALSE, annual = FALSE) {
    change.by.gq <- function(gq, pop, factor = -1){
        pop <- pop + factor * gq
    nagecat <- age.length.all(annual, observed = FALSE)
    nbagecat <- age.length.fert(annual)
	popm <- popf <- matrix(0, nrow=nagecat, ncol=npred+1)
	popm[,1] <- c(inputs$POPm0, rep(0, nagecat - nrow(inputs$POPm0)))
	popf[,1] <- c(inputs$POPf0, rep(0, nagecat - nrow(inputs$POPf0)))
	use.gq <- FALSE
	if(!is.null(inputs$GQm)) {
	    popm[,1] <- change.by.gq(inputs$GQm, popm[,1])
	    use.gq <- TRUE
	if(!is.null(inputs$GQf)) {
	    popf[,1] <- change.by.gq(inputs$GQf, popf[,1])
	    use.gq <- TRUE
	totp <- c(sum(popm[,1]+popf[,1]), rep(0, npred))
	btageM <- btageF <- matrix(0, nrow=nbagecat, ncol=npred) # births by age of mother and sex of child
	deathsM <- deathsF <- matrix(0, nrow=nagecat, ncol=npred)
	nproj <- npred
	migM <- as.matrix(if(!is.null(mig.pred[['M']])) mig.pred[['M']] else inputs[['MIGm']])
	migF <- as.matrix(if(!is.null(mig.pred[['F']])) mig.pred[['F']] else inputs[['MIGf']])
	if(is.null((migrateM <- attr(migM, "rate")))) migrateM <- rep(0, npred)
	if(is.null((migrateF <- attr(migF, "rate")))) migrateF <- rep(0, npred)
	if(is.null((migratecodeM <- attr(migM, "code")))) migratecodeM <- rep(0, npred)
	if(is.null((migratecodeF <- attr(migF, "code")))) migratecodeF <- rep(0, npred)
	finmigM <- as.numeric(migM)
	finmigF <- as.numeric(migF)
	observed <- 0
	if(!all(migratecodeF == migratecodeM)) warning('mismatch in rate codes in ', country.name)

	res <- .C("CCM", as.integer(observed), as.integer(!annual), as.integer(nproj), 
	            as.numeric(migM), as.numeric(migF), nrow(migM), ncol(migM), as.integer(mig.type),
	            as.numeric(migrateM), as.numeric(migrateF), as.integer(migratecodeM), 
		        srm=LT$sr[[1]], srf=LT$sr[[2]], asfr=as.numeric(as.matrix(asfr)), 
		        Lm=LT$LLm[[1]], Lf=LT$LLm[[2]], lxm=LT$lx[[1]], lxf=LT$lx[[2]],
		        nages = as.integer(nagecat), nfages = as.integer(nbagecat), 
		        fstart = as.integer(age.index.fert(annual)[1]),
		        popm=popm, popf=popf, totp=totp,
		        btagem=as.numeric(btageM), btagef=as.numeric(btageF), 
		        deathsm=as.numeric(deathsM), deathsf=as.numeric(deathsF),
		        finmigm = finmigM, finmigf = finmigF
	if(use.gq) {
	    if(!is.null(inputs$GQm)) res$popm <- change.by.gq(inputs$GQm, res$popm, factor = 1)
	    if(!is.null(inputs$GQf)) res$popf <- change.by.gq(inputs$GQf, res$popf, factor = 1)
	    res$totp <- colSums(res$popm + res$popf)
 	if(any(res$popm < 0)) warnings('Negative male population for ', country.name)
	if(any(res$popf < 0)) warnings('Negative female population for ', country.name)
	vital.events <- list()
	if(keep.vital.events) {
		vital.events$mbt <- res$btagem
		vital.events$fbt <- res$btagef
		vital.events$mdeaths <- res$deathsm
		vital.events$fdeaths <- res$deathsf
	return(c(list(totpop=res$totp, mpop=res$popm, fpop=res$popf, mmig = res$finmigm, fmig = res$finmigf), vital.events))

compute.observedVE <- function(inputs, pop.matrix, mig.type, mxKan, country.code, estim.years, mig.rate.code = 0, 
                               annual = FALSE) {
	obs <- inputs$observed
	if(is.null(obs$PASFR)) return(NULL)
	npasfr <- nrow(obs$PASFR)
	nest <- max(min(length(obs$TFRpred), ncol(obs$PASFR), sum(!is.na(obs$MIGm[1,])), length(estim.years),
	            ncol(pop.matrix[[1]])-1), 1)
	estim.years <- estim.years[(length(estim.years)-nest+1):length(estim.years)]
	pasfr <- obs$PASFR[,(ncol(obs$PASFR)-nest+1):ncol(obs$PASFR), drop=FALSE]
	tfr <- obs$TFRpred[(length(obs$TFRpred)-nest+1):length(obs$TFRpred)]
	mig.data <- list(as.matrix(obs$MIGm[,(ncol(obs$MIGm)-nest+1):ncol(obs$MIGm)]), 
	migrateM <- migrateF <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(mig.data[[1]]), nrow = 2) # TODO: migration rates cannot be passed as observed data yet
	if(!is.null((migrt <- attr(obs$MIGm, "rate")))){
	    migrateM[1,] <- migrt[colnames(mig.data[[1]])]
	    migrateM[2,] <- attr(obs$MIGm, "code")[colnames(mig.data[[1]])]
	if(!is.null((migrt <- attr(obs$MIGf, "rate")))){
	    migrateF[1,] <- migrt[colnames(mig.data[[2]])]
	    migrateF[2,] <- attr(obs$MIGm, "code")[colnames(mig.data[[2]])]
	asfr <- pasfr/100.
	for(i in 1:npasfr) asfr[i,] <- tfr * asfr[i,]
	maxage <- age.length.all(annual = annual, observed = TRUE)
	reprod.age <- age.index.fert(annual)
	nfertages <- age.length.fert(annual)
	pop <- D10 <- list()
	nmx <- ncol(inputs$MXm)
	mx <-  list(inputs$MXm[,(nmx-nest+1):nmx, drop=FALSE], inputs$MXf[,(nmx-nest+1):nmx, drop=FALSE])
	srb <- obs$SRB[(length(obs$SRB)-nest+1):length(obs$SRB)]
	srb.ratio <- srb / (1 + srb)
	sr <- deaths <- list(matrix(0, nrow=maxage, ncol=nest), matrix(0, nrow=maxage, ncol=nest))
	births <- list(matrix(0, nrow=nfertages, ncol=nest), matrix(0, nrow=nfertages, ncol=nest))
	for(sex in 1:2) {
	    pop[[sex]] <- matrix(0, nrow=maxage, ncol=nest+1)
	    rownames(pop[[sex]]) <- rownames(mig.data[[sex]])
		popage <- get.pop.observed.with.age(NULL, country.code, sex=c('male', 'female')[sex], 
						data=pop.matrix, annual = annual)
		popage <- popage$data[popage$age.idx,(ncol(popage$data)-nest):ncol(popage$data), drop = FALSE]
		pop[[sex]][1:nrow(popage), 1:ncol(popage)] <- as.matrix(popage)
		pop[[sex]][is.na(pop[[sex]])] <- 0 # set pop for ages with NA to 0
	nobs <- ncol(popage)
    totp <- rep(0, ncol(pop[[1]])) # not used for observed data
	LTinputs <- list(male = list(sex = 1, mx = mx[[1]]), female = list(sex = 2, mx = mx[[2]]))
	LT <- survival.fromLT(nest, LTinputs, annual = annual, observed = TRUE)
	finmigM <- as.numeric(mig.data[[1]])
	finmigF <- as.numeric(mig.data[[2]])

	ccmres <- .C("CCM", as.integer(nobs), as.integer(!annual), as.integer(nest), 
	              as.numeric(mig.data[[1]]), as.numeric(mig.data[[2]]), 
	              nrow(mig.data[[1]]), ncol(mig.data[[1]]), as.integer(mig.type), 
	              as.numeric(migrateM[1,]), as.numeric(migrateF[1,]), as.integer(migrateM[2,]),
	              srm=LT$sr[[1]], srf=LT$sr[[2]], asfr=as.numeric(as.matrix(asfr)), 
	              Lm=LT$LLm[[1]], Lf=LT$LLm[[2]], lxm=LT$lx[[1]], lxf=LT$lx[[2]],
	              nages = as.integer(maxage), nfages = as.integer(nfertages), fstart = as.integer(reprod.age[1]),
	              popm=as.numeric(pop[[1]]), popf=as.numeric(pop[[2]]), totp=totp,
	              btagem=as.numeric(births[[1]]), btagef=as.numeric(births[[2]]), 
	              deathsm=as.numeric(deaths[[1]]), deathsf=as.numeric(deaths[[2]]),
	              finmigm = finmigM, finmigf = finmigF
    deaths[[1]] <- matrix(ccmres$deathsm, ncol = nest)
    deaths[[2]] <- matrix(ccmres$deathsf, ncol = nest)
    births[[1]] <- matrix(ccmres$btagem, ncol = nest)
    births[[2]] <- matrix(ccmres$btagef, ncol = nest)
    colnames(deaths[[1]]) <- colnames(deaths[[2]]) <- colnames(births[[1]]) <- colnames(births[[2]]) <- estim.years
    rownames(deaths[[1]]) <- rownames(deaths[[2]]) <-  ages.all(annual = annual, observed = TRUE)
    rownames(births[[1]]) <- rownames(births[[2]]) <- rownames(asfr) <- ages.fert(annual = annual)
    mig.data[[1]][] <- matrix(ccmres$finmigm, ncol = nest)
    mig.data[[2]][] <- matrix(ccmres$finmigf, ncol = nest)
	colnames(asfr) <- estim.years
	rownames(asfr) <- rownames(births[[1]])

	res <- list(btm=births[[1]], btf=births[[2]], 
				deathsm=deaths[[1]], deathsf=deaths[[2]], asfert=asfr, pasfert=pasfr, 
				mxm=mx[[1]], mxf=mx[[2]], migm = mig.data[[1]], migf = mig.data[[2]])
	for(par in names(res))
		res[[par]] <- abind(res[[par]], NULL, along=3) # add trajectory dimension

write.pop.projection.summary <- function(pop.pred, what=NULL, expression=NULL, output.dir=NULL, ...) {
	pred <- as.environment(pop.pred) # to avoid lots of copying and allowing attaching cache
	if (is.null(output.dir)) output.dir <- pop.output.directory(pred)
	if(!file.exists(output.dir)) dir.create(output.dir, recursive=TRUE)
	all.what <- c('pop', 'popsex', 'popsexage', 'popage', 'births', 'birthssex', 'birthsage', 'birthssexage', 
			'deaths', 'deathssex', 'deathsage', 'deathssexage', 'srsexage', 'fertility', 'fertilityage', 'pfertilityage')
	what <- if(is.null(what)) all.what else match.arg(what, all.what, several.ok=TRUE)
	params <- list()
	if(!is.null(expression)) {
		what <- 'expression'
		params <- list(expression=expression)
	for(summary.type in what) 
		do.call(paste0('write.', summary.type), c(list(pred, output.dir=output.dir), params, ...))

write.pop <- function(pop.pred, output.dir, ...) 
	.write.pop(pop.pred, output.dir=output.dir, bysex=FALSE, byage=FALSE, ...)
write.popsex <- function(pop.pred, output.dir, ...) 
	.write.pop(pop.pred, output.dir=output.dir, bysex=TRUE, byage=FALSE, what.log='population', ...)
write.popsexage <- function(pop.pred, output.dir, ...) 
	.write.pop(pop.pred, output.dir=output.dir, bysex=TRUE, byage=TRUE, what.log='population', ...)
write.popage <- function(pop.pred, output.dir, ...) 
	.write.pop(pop.pred, output.dir=output.dir, bysex=FALSE, byage=TRUE, what.log='population', ...)
write.births <- function(pop.pred, output.dir, ...) 
	.write.pop(pop.pred, output.dir=output.dir, bysex=FALSE, byage=FALSE, vital.event='births', 
			file.suffix='births', what.log='total births', ...)
write.birthssex <- function(pop.pred, output.dir, ...) 
	.write.pop(pop.pred, output.dir=output.dir, bysex=TRUE, byage=FALSE, vital.event='births', 
			file.suffix='births', what.log='births', ...)

write.birthsage <- function(pop.pred, output.dir, ...) 
	.write.pop(pop.pred, output.dir=output.dir, bysex=FALSE, byage=TRUE, vital.event='births', 
			file.suffix='births', what.log='births', ...)

write.birthssexage <- function(pop.pred, output.dir, ...) 
	.write.pop(pop.pred, output.dir=output.dir, bysex=TRUE, byage=TRUE, vital.event='births', 
			file.suffix='births', what.log='births', ...)

write.deaths <- function(pop.pred, output.dir, ...) 
	.write.pop(pop.pred, output.dir=output.dir, bysex=FALSE, byage=FALSE, vital.event='deaths', 
			file.suffix='deaths', what.log='total deaths', ...)
write.deathssex <- function(pop.pred, output.dir, ...) 
	.write.pop(pop.pred, output.dir=output.dir, bysex=TRUE, byage=FALSE, vital.event='deaths', 
			file.suffix='deaths', what.log='deaths', ...)

write.deathsage <- function(pop.pred, output.dir, ...) 
	.write.pop(pop.pred, output.dir=output.dir, bysex=FALSE, byage=TRUE, vital.event='deaths', 
			file.suffix='deaths', what.log='deaths', ...)
write.deathssexage <- function(pop.pred, output.dir, ...) 
	.write.pop(pop.pred, output.dir=output.dir, bysex=TRUE, byage=TRUE, vital.event='deaths', 
			file.suffix='deaths', what.log='deaths', ...)
write.srsexage <- function(pop.pred, output.dir, ...) 
	.write.pop(pop.pred, output.dir=output.dir, bysex=TRUE, byage=TRUE, vital.event='survival', 
			file.suffix='sr', what.log='survival ratio', digits=litem('digits', list(...), 4))
write.fertility <- function(pop.pred, output.dir, ...) 
	.write.pop(pop.pred, output.dir=output.dir, bysex=FALSE, byage=FALSE, vital.event='fertility', 
			file.suffix='asfr', what.log='fertility rate', digits=litem('digits', list(...), 4))
write.fertilityage <- function(pop.pred, output.dir, ...) 
	.write.pop(pop.pred, output.dir=output.dir, bysex=FALSE, byage=TRUE, vital.event='fertility', 
			file.suffix='asfr', what.log='fertility rate', digits=litem('digits', list(...), 4))
write.pfertilityage <- function(pop.pred, output.dir, ...) 
	.write.pop(pop.pred, output.dir=output.dir, bysex=FALSE, byage=TRUE, vital.event='pasfr', 
			file.suffix='pasfr', what.log='percent fertility rate', digits=litem('digits', list(...), 4))
write.expression <- function(pop.pred, expression, output.dir, file.suffix='expression', 
							expression.label=expression, include.observed=FALSE, digits=NULL, 
							adjust=FALSE, adj.to.file=NULL, allow.negative.adj = TRUE, end.time.only=FALSE) {
	cat('Creating summary file for expression ', expression, ' ...\n')
	header <- list(country.name='country_name',  country.code='country_code', variant='variant')
	variant.names <- c('median', 'lower 80', 'upper 80', 'lower 95', 'upper 95')
	nr.var <- length(variant.names)
	pred.period <- get.pop.prediction.periods(pop.pred, end.time.only=end.time.only)
	nr.proj <- length(pred.period)
	nr.obs <- 0
	if(include.observed) {
		obs.period <- get.pop.observed.periods(pop.pred, end.time.only=end.time.only)
		nr.obs <- length(obs.period)-1
		obs.period <- obs.period[-(nr.obs+1)] # remove the last one because the same as the first projection period
		for(iyear in 1:nr.obs) header[[paste0('year', iyear)]] <- obs.period[iyear]
	for(iyear in 1:nr.proj) header[[paste0('year', iyear+nr.obs)]] <- pred.period[iyear]
	col.names <- grep('year', names(header), value=TRUE)
	result <- NULL
	if(include.observed) {
		#res <- get.pop.observed.from.expression.all.countries(expression, pop.pred, time.index=1:nr.obs)
	    res <- c()
	    for(iyear in 1:nr.obs)
		    res <- cbind(res, get.pop.from.expression.all.countries(expression, pop.pred, 
		                                                            time.index=iyear, observed = TRUE))
		#copy the same data into the variant rows 
		result <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(res)*5, ncol=ncol(res))
		for(i in 1:5) result[seq(i,by=5, length=nrow(res)),] <- res
	if(adjust && is.null(pop.pred$adjust.env)) pop.pred$adjust.env <- new.env()
	for(iyear in 1:nr.proj) {	
		result <- cbind(result, as.vector(t(get.pop.from.expression.all.countries(expression, pop.pred, 
						quantiles=c(0.5, 0.1, 0.9, 0.025, 0.975), time.index=iyear, adjust=adjust, 
						adj.to.file=adj.to.file, allow.negative.adj = allow.negative.adj))))
	if(!is.null(digits)) result <- round(result, digits)
	colnames(result) <- col.names
	result <- cbind(country.name=rep(as.character(pop.pred$countries$name), each=nr.var), 
					country.code=rep(pop.pred$countries$code, each=nr.var),
					variant=rep(variant.names, length(pop.pred$countries$code)), result)
	colnames(result)[colnames(result)==names(header)] <- header
	file <- file.path(output.dir, paste('projection_summary_', file.suffix, '.csv', sep=''))
	write(paste('#', expression.label), file)
	warn <- getOption('warn')
	options(warn=-1) # disable warning messages (it doesn't like that col.names is TRUE and append=TRUE)
	write.table(result, file=file, sep=',', row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE, append=TRUE,
				quote=which(is.element(colnames(result), c('country_name', 'variant'))))
	cat('Stored into: ', file, '\n')
.write.pop <- function(pop.pred, output.dir, bysex=FALSE, byage=FALSE, vital.event=NULL, file.suffix='tpop', 
							what.log='total population', include.observed=FALSE, digits=0, adjust=FALSE, 
							allow.negative.adj = TRUE, end.time.only=FALSE) {
	cat('Creating summary file of ', what.log, ' ')
	if(bysex) cat('by sex ')
	if(byage) cat('by age ')
	cat ('...\n')
	header <- list(country.name='country_name',  country.code='country_code', variant='variant')
	if(bysex) header[['sex']] <- 'sex'
	if(byage) header[['age']] <- 'age'
	variant.names <- c('median', 'lower 80', 'upper 80', 'lower 95', 'upper 95')
	nr.var <- length(variant.names)
	if(missing(end.time.only)) end.time.only <- is.null(vital.event)
	pred.period <- get.pop.prediction.periods(pop.pred, end.time.only=end.time.only)
	#if(!is.null(vital.event)) pred.period <- pred.period[2:length(pred.period)]
	nr.obs <- 0
	if(include.observed) {
		obs.period <- get.pop.observed.periods(pop.pred, end.time.only=end.time.only)
		nr.obs <- length(obs.period)-1
		obs.period <- obs.period[-(nr.obs+1)] # remove the last one because the same as the first projection period
		for(iyear in 1:nr.obs) header[[paste0('year', iyear)]] <- obs.period[iyear]
	nr.proj <- length(pred.period)
	for (i in 1:nr.proj) 
		header[[paste0('year', i+nr.obs)]] <- pred.period[i]
	col.names <- grep('year', names(header), value=TRUE)
	result <- NULL
	sex.index <- c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)
	if(bysex) sex.index <- !sex.index
	age.index <- c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, length(pop.pred$ages)))
	if(byage) age.index <- !age.index
	ages <- 1:length(pop.pred$ages)
	if(adjust && is.null(pop.pred$adjust.env)) pop.pred$adjust.env <- new.env()
	observed.data <- NULL
	for (country in 1:nrow(pop.pred$countries)) {
		country.obj <- get.country.object(country, country.table=pop.pred$countries, index=TRUE)
		for(sex in c('both', 'male', 'female')[sex.index]) {
			if(!is.null(vital.event)) {
			 	sum.over.ages <- age.index[1]
			 		observed <- get.popVE.trajectories.and.quantiles(pop.pred, country.obj$code, event=vital.event, 
										sex=sex, age='all', sum.over.ages=sum.over.ages, is.observed=TRUE)
				traj.and.quantiles <- get.popVE.trajectories.and.quantiles(pop.pred, country.obj$code, event=vital.event, 
										sex=sex, age='all', sum.over.ages=sum.over.ages)
				if(is.null(traj.and.quantiles$trajectories)) {
					warning('Problem with loading ', vital.event, '. Possibly no vital events stored during prediction.')
				if(!sum.over.ages) { # This is because births have only subset of ages
					ages <- traj.and.quantiles$age.idx.raw
					age.index <- age.index[1:(length(ages)+1)]
					subtract.from.age <- traj.and.quantiles$age.idx.raw[1]-traj.and.quantiles$age.idx[1]
			for(age in c('all', ages)[age.index]) {
				this.result <- cbind(
							country.name=rep(country.obj$name, nr.var), 
							country.code=rep(country.obj$code, nr.var),
				if(sex != 'both')
					this.result <- cbind(this.result, sex=rep(sex, nr.var))
				if(age != 'all') {
					age <- as.integer(age)
					this.result <- cbind(this.result, age=rep(get.age.labels(pop.pred$ages, single.year = pop.pred$annual)[age], nr.var))
				if(is.null(vital.event)) {
						observed.data <- get.pop.observed(pop.pred, country.obj$code, sex=sex, age=age)
					quant <- get.pop.trajectories(pop.pred, country.obj$code, nr.traj=0, sex=sex, age=age, 
					                              adjust=adjust, allow.negative.adj = allow.negative.adj)$quantiles
					traj <- NULL
					reload <- TRUE
				} else { # vital event
					quant <- traj.and.quantiles$quantiles
					traj <- traj.and.quantiles$trajectories
						observed.data <- observed$trajectories[,,1]
					if(!sum.over.ages) {
						quant <- quant[age-subtract.from.age,,]
						traj <- traj[age-subtract.from.age,,]
						if(include.observed) {
							if (age-subtract.from.age > nrow(observed.data)) # because observed goes only up to 100+
								observed.data <- rep(0, ncol(observed.data))
								observed.data <- observed.data[age-subtract.from.age,]
					reload <- FALSE
				proj.result <- round(rbind(
					get.pop.traj.quantiles(quant, pop.pred, country.obj$index, country.obj$code, q=0.5, 
											trajectories=traj, reload=reload, sex=sex, age=age), 
					get.pop.traj.quantiles(quant, pop.pred, country.obj$index, country.obj$code, pi=80, 
											trajectories=traj, reload=reload, sex=sex, age=age),
					get.pop.traj.quantiles(quant, pop.pred, country.obj$index, country.obj$code, pi=95, 
											trajectories=traj, reload=reload, sex=sex, age=age)),
				if(!is.null(observed.data)) {
					# put it into the same shape as proj.result minus the last observed
					observed.data <- round(rbind(observed.data, NULL), digits)
					observed.data <- observed.data[rep(1, nrow(proj.result)), -ncol(observed.data)]
					proj.result <- cbind(observed.data, proj.result)
				colnames(proj.result) <- col.names
				this.result <- cbind(this.result, proj.result)
				result <- rbind(result, this.result)
	colnames(result)[colnames(result)==names(header)] <- header
	suffix <- paste(file.suffix, paste(c('sex', 'age')[c(bysex, byage)], collapse=''), sep='')
	file <- paste('projection_summary_', suffix, '.csv', sep='')
	write.table(result, file=file.path(output.dir, file), sep=',', row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE, 
				quote=which(is.element(colnames(result), c('country_name', 'variant', 'sex', 'age'))))
	cat('Stored into: ', file.path(output.dir, file), '\n')

write.pop.trajectories <- function(pop.pred, expression = "PXXX", output.file = "pop_trajectories.csv", 
                                   byage = FALSE, observed = FALSE,  wide = FALSE, digits = NULL,
                                   include.name = FALSE, sep = ",", na.rm = TRUE, ...){
    if(grepl("{", expression, fixed = TRUE) && !byage)
        warning("Expression seem to contain {} and thus is probably age-specific. If it is the case, set byage = TRUE or use [] instead of {}.")
    if(!grepl("{", expression, fixed = TRUE) && byage)
        warning("The function is asked to return results by age by the expression does not contain {}. Either set byage = FALSE or make the expression age-specific by using {}.")
    fct <- if(byage) "get.pop.exba" else "get.pop.ex"
    dat <- do.call(fct, c(list(expression, pop.pred, observed = observed, as.dt = TRUE), ...))
        dat <- dat[!is.na(indicator)]
    if(nrow(dat) == 0)
        stop("Expression yields an empty dataset.")
    indicator <- period <- NULL
        dat[, indicator := round(indicator, digits)]
    if(!pop.pred$annual && (dat$year[1] %% 5) > 0){
        dat <- dat[, period := paste(year - 3, year + 2, sep = "-")]
        data.table::setcolorder(dat, c("country_code", "period", "year"))
        frm <- paste("country_code", if(byage) "+ age" else "", "~", 
                     if("period" %in% colnames(dat)) "period" else "year")
        dat <- data.table::dcast(dat, frm, value.var = "indicator")
        dat <- merge(data.table(pop.pred$countries), dat, by.x = "code", by.y = "country_code", sort = FALSE)
        setnames(dat, "code", "country_code")

    data.table::fwrite(dat, file = output.file, sep = sep)
    cat("\n", if(observed) "Observed data" else "Trajectories", "for all countries stored in", output.file, ".\n")

LifeTableMxCol <- function(mx, colname=c('Lx', 'lx', 'qx', 'mx', 'dx', 'Tx', 'sx', 'ex', 'ax'), ...){
	colname <- match.arg(colname)
	if(is.null(dim(mx))) return(.doLifeTableMxCol(mx, colname, ...))
	return(apply(mx, 2, .doLifeTableMxCol, colname=colname, ...))

.collapse.sx <- function(LT, age05=c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) {
	# sx does not need to be collapsed, as all elements refer to a five-year age group
	# for collapsed format remove last age group so to assure same length as all other columns after collapsing	
	#sx.start <- c(LT$sx[1:2], (LT$Lx[1] + LT$Lx[2])/5)[age05]
	#return(c(sx.start, LT$sx[-(1:2)]))
				LT$sx[c(-1, -length(LT$sx))], # unuseful case of all values FALSE
				LT$sx[-length(LT$sx)], # one value TRUE (collapsed life table)
				LT$sx, # two values TRUE (abridged life table)
				c(LT$sx[1], LT$sx) # unuseful case of all values TRUE

.collapse.dx <- function(LT, age05=c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) {
	dx.start <- c(LT$dx[1:2], LT$dx[1] + LT$dx[2])[age05]
	return(c(dx.start, LT$dx[-(1:2)]))

.collapse.ax <- function(LT, age05=c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) {
	ax.start <- c(LT$ax[1:2], ((LT$Lx[1]+LT$Lx[2]-5*LT$lx[3])/(LT$dx[1]+LT$dx[2])))[age05]
	return(c(ax.start, LT$ax[-(1:2)]))

.collapse.Tx <- function(LT, age05=c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) {
	Tx.start <- c(LT$Tx[c(1,2,1)])[age05]
	return(c(Tx.start, LT$Tx[-(1:2)]))

.collapse.ex <- function(LT, age05=c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) {
	ex.start <- c(LT$ex[c(1,2,1)])[age05]
	return(c(ex.start, LT$ex[-(1:2)]))

.collapse.Lx <- function(LT, age05=c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) {
	Lx.start <- c(LT$Lx[1:2], LT$Lx[1] + LT$Lx[2])[age05]
	return(c(Lx.start, LT$Lx[-(1:2)]))

.collapse.lx <- function(LT, age05=c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) {
	lx.start <- LT$lx[c(1,2,1)][age05]
	return(c(lx.start, LT$lx[-(1:2)]))

.collapse.qx <- function(LT, age05=c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) {
	qx.start <- c(LT$qx[1:2], 1-(LT$lx[3]/LT$lx[1]))[age05]
	return(c(qx.start, LT$qx[-(1:2)]))

.collapse.mx <- function(LT, age05=c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) {
	mx.start <- c(LT$mx[1:2], (LT$lx[1] - LT$lx[3])/(LT$Lx[1] + LT$Lx[2]))[age05]
	return(c(mx.start, LT$mx[-(1:2)]))

.doLifeTableMxCol <- function(mx, colname, age05=c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), abridged = TRUE, ...) {
	# age05 determines the inclusion of ages 0-1, 1-4, 0-4
	LT <- LifeTableMx(mx, abridged = abridged, ...)
	if(!abridged || all(age05==c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE))) { # no collapsing
		result <- LT[,colname]
		names(result) <- rownames(LT)
	} else {
		result <- do.call(paste('.collapse', colname, sep='.'), list(LT, age05=age05))
		names(result) <- c(c('0-1', '1-4', '0-4')[age05], rownames(LT)[-(1:2)])

LifeTableMx <- function(mx, sex=c('Male', 'Female', 'Total'), include01=TRUE, 
                        abridged = TRUE, radix = 1, open.age = 130){
	# The first two elements of mx must correspond to 0-1 and 1-4. 
	# If include01 is FALSE, the first two age groups of the results are collapsed to 0-5
    sex <- tolower(match.arg(sex))
    LT <- MortCast::life.table(mx, sex = sex, abridged = abridged, radix = radix, open.age = open.age)
    if(!include01 && abridged) {
        if(all(is.na(LT$ax))) return(LT[-2,])
        age05 <- c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)
        LTres <- data.frame(age=LT$age[-2])
        for(colname in setdiff(colnames(LT), "age"))
            LTres[[colname]] <- do.call(paste('.collapse', colname, sep='.'), list(LT, age05=age05))
        rownames(LTres) <- rownames(LT[-2,])
        rownames(LTres)[1] <- "0-4"
        LT <- LTres

unblock.gtk.if.needed <- function(status, gui.opts=list()) {
	# This is to unblock the GUI, if the run is invoked from bayesDem
	# and pass info about its status
	# In such a case the gtk libraries are already loaded
	if(getOption('bDem.Poppred', default=FALSE)) {
		gui.opts$bDem.Poppred.status <- status
		unblock.gtk('bDem.Poppred', gui.opts)

unblock.gtk <- function(...) bayesTFR:::unblock.gtk(...)

create.pop.cluster <- function(nr.nodes, ...) {
	cl <- makeCluster(nr.nodes, ...)
	lib.paths <- .libPaths()
	clusterExport(cl, c("lib.paths"), envir=environment())
	clusterEvalQ(cl, {.libPaths(lib.paths); library(bayesPop)})

age.specific.migration <- function(wpp.year=2019, years=seq(1955, 2100, by=5), countries=NULL, smooth=TRUE, 
									rescale=TRUE, ages.to.zero=18:21, #use.rc = FALSE, gcc.un = FALSE,
									write.to.disk=FALSE, directory=getwd(), file.prefix="migration", 
									depratio=wpp.year == 2015, verbose=TRUE) {
	# Reconstruct sex- and age-specific net migration using a residual method using wpp data on population
	# and other available indicators. It is scaled to the total net migration for each country. 
	# It is not balanced over the world. Due to rounding issues, often it results in zig-zags over ages,
	# therefore it is smoothed (in a double pass through the smoother).
	# If raw residuals are desired, set smooth=FALSE, rescale=FALSE and ages.to.zero=c().
	if(verbose) {
		status.text <- paste('Reconstructing sex- and age-specific migration from', paste0('wpp', wpp.year, ' '))
		cat('\n', status.text)
	popm0 <- load.wpp.dataset("popM", wpp.year)
	popm0.num.cols <- grep('^[0-9]{4}$', colnames(popm0), value=TRUE) # values of year-columns
	popf0 <- load.wpp.dataset("popF", wpp.year)
	popf0.num.cols <- grep('^[0-9]{4}$', colnames(popf0), value=TRUE)
	popmproj <- load.wpp.dataset("popMprojMed", wpp.year)
	popmproj.num.cols <- grep('^[0-9]{4}$', colnames(popmproj), value=TRUE)
	popfproj <- load.wpp.dataset("popFprojMed", wpp.year)
	popfproj.num.cols <- grep('^[0-9]{4}$', colnames(popfproj), value=TRUE)
	sexrat <- load.wpp.dataset("sexRatio", wpp.year)
	sexrat.num.cols <- grep('^[0-9]{4}', colnames(sexrat), value=TRUE)
	mxm <- load.wpp.dataset("mxM", wpp.year)
	mxm.num.cols <- grep('^[0-9]{4}', colnames(mxm), value=TRUE)
	mxf <- load.wpp.dataset("mxF", wpp.year)
	mxf.num.cols <- grep('^[0-9]{4}', colnames(mxf), value=TRUE)
	mig <- load.wpp.dataset("migration", wpp.year)
	mig.num.cols <- grep('^[0-9]{4}', colnames(mig), value=TRUE)
	tfrproj <- .load.wpp.traj('tfr', wpp.year, median.only=TRUE)
	pasfr <- load.wpp.dataset("percentASFR", wpp.year)
	if(wpp.year >= 2022) pasfr <- .consolidate.pasfr(pasfr)
	pasfr.num.cols <- grep('^[0-9]{4}', colnames(pasfr), value=TRUE)
	vwBase <- get(paste0('vwBaseYear', wpp.year))[,c('country_code', 'MigCode')]
	pop.first.country <- popm0[popm0$country_code == mig$country_code[1],]
	max.ages <- nrow(pop.first.country)
	ages <- 1:max.ages
	age.labels <- get.age.labels(ages, age.is.index=TRUE, last.open=TRUE)
	years.periods <- paste(years-5, years, sep="-")
	lyears <- length(years)
	if(is.null(countries)) {
		countries <- mig$country_code
		# filter out non-countries
            bayesTFR:::load.bdem.dataset('UNlocations', wpp.year, envir=globalenv())
		locs <- UNcountries()
		#locs <- bayesTFR:::load.bdem.dataset('UNlocations', wpp.year, envir=globalenv())
		countries <- countries[countries %in% locs]
	} else mig <- mig[which(mig$country_code %in% countries),]
	depratio.correction <- FALSE
	if (depratio == TRUE || is.character(depratio)) {
		# if it's character it is a name of an rda file; if it's TRUE, take the default file.
		# must have objects depratioM and depratioF
		# which are data frames with columns country_code, period and three dependency ratio 
		# columns (for age groups 0-4, 5-9, 10-14).
		# They represent ratios of that age group to age group 20-25.
		edr <- new.env()
			load(depratio, envir=edr)
		else do.call("data", list(paste0("migdepratio_", wpp.year), envir=edr))
		if(!exists("depratioM", envir=edr) || !exists("depratioF", envir=edr))
			stop("The depratio object must contain objects called depratioM and depratioF\nContains: ", paste(ls(edr), collapse=", "))
		if(ncol(edr$depratioM) < 5 || ncol(edr$depratioF) < 5 || !all(c('country_code', "period") %in% colnames(edr$depratioM))
				|| !all(c('country_code', "period") %in% colnames(edr$depratioF)))
			stop("Objects depratioM and depratioF must contain at least 5 columns (country_code, period and three dependency ratio columns).")
		ratio.colsM <- (1:ncol(edr$depratioM))[-which(colnames(edr$depratioM) %in% c('country_code', "period"))]
		ratio.colsF <- (1:ncol(edr$depratioF))[-which(colnames(edr$depratioM) %in% c('country_code', "period"))]
		depratio.correction <- TRUE
	all.migM <- all.migF <- NULL
	lcountries <- length(countries)
	for(icountry in 1:lcountries) {
		if(verbose && interactive()) cat('\r', status.text, round(icountry/lcountries*100), '%')
		country <- countries[icountry]
		country.name <- as.character(mig[mig$country_code==country, 'name'])
		# filter country data
		popm.obs <- popm0[popm0$country_code==country, popm0.num.cols]
		popf.obs <- popf0[popf0$country_code==country, popf0.num.cols]
		pop1m <- cbind(popm.obs, popmproj[popmproj$country_code==country, popmproj.num.cols])
		pop1f <- cbind(popf.obs, popfproj[popfproj$country_code==country, popfproj.num.cols])
		tfra <- tfrproj[tfrproj$country_code==country,]
		asfr <- pasfr[pasfr$country_code==country, pasfr.num.cols]
		sr <- sexrat[sexrat$country_code==country, sexrat.num.cols] 
		mortM <- mxm[mxm$country_code==country, mxm.num.cols]
		mortF <- mxf[mxf$country_code==country, mxf.num.cols]
		totmig <- mig[mig$country_code==country, mig.num.cols]
		mtype <- vwBase[vwBase$country_code==country,'MigCode']
		if(length(mtype)==0) mtype <- 9
		this.all.migM <- this.all.migF <- data.frame(
				country_code=rep(country, max.ages), name=rep(country.name, max.ages), age=age.labels)
		for(iyear in 1:lyears) {
			year <- years[iyear]
			year.col <- years.periods[iyear]
			year.char <- as.character(year)
			pop0m <- pop1m[,as.character(year-5)]
			pop0f <- pop1f[,as.character(year-5)]
			mortMy <- mortM[,year.col]
			mortFy <- mortF[,year.col]
			sxm <- get.survival(matrix(mortMy, ncol=1), sex="Male")[,1,1]
      		sxf <- get.survival(matrix(mortFy, ncol=1), sex="Female")[,1,1]
			totmigy <- round(totmig[,year.col],3)
			if(totmigy == 0) netmigM <- netmigF <- rep(0, max.ages)
			else {
			    #if(gcc.un && country %in% c(784, 634, 512, 48)) { # UAE, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain)
			     #   netmigM <- gcc.mig.schedule(country, sex = "M", total.mig = totmigy, annual = FALSE)
			     #   netmigF <- gcc.mig.schedule(country, sex = "F", total.mig = totmigy, annual = FALSE)
			    #} else {
			        #       netmigM <- netmigF <- totmigy * rcastro.schedule() / 2
			        #else {
			            B2 <- sum((pop1f[4:10,year.char] + pop0f[4:10])/2 * tfra[tfra$year==year-2,'value'] * asfr[,year.col]/100)
			            netmigM <- c(NA, pop1m[2:max.ages,year.char] - (pop0m[1:(max.ages-1)] * sxm[2:max.ages]))
			            netmigF <- c(NA, pop1f[2:max.ages,year.char] - (pop0f[1:(max.ages-1)] * sxf[2:max.ages]))
			            B2m <- B2 * sr[,year.col]/(1+sr[,year.col])
			            netmigM[1] <- pop1m[1,year.char] - B2m * sxm[1]
			            netmigF[1] <- pop1f[1,year.char] - (B2 - B2m) * sxf[1]
			            migdata <- list(M=netmigM, F=netmigF)
			            sxdata <- list(M=sxm, F=sxf)
			            for(sex in c('M', 'F')) {
			                # In wpp2017, for some past years population is reported only up to 85+. 
			                # Set migration of the open age group to 0. 
			                if(any(is.na(pop1m[1:max.ages]))) {
			                    # find the index of the first NA 
			                    ina <- which(is.na(migdata[[sex]])==TRUE)[1]
			                    migdata[[sex]][ina-1] = 0
			                if(mtype == 0) { 
			                    # Migration distributed across the time interval.
			                    # In projections in this case, the migration is derived as 
			                    # M'_a = (M_a + M_{a-1}*sx_a)/2, M'_0 = M_0/2
			                    # Thus, here is the reverse of that. 
			                    # However, it can yield zig-zags, which are removed in the smoothing step.
			                    migdata[[sex]][1] <- 2*migdata[[sex]][1]
			                    for(i in 2:max.ages) {
			                        migdata[[sex]][i] <- 2*migdata[[sex]][i] - migdata[[sex]][i-1]*sxdata[[sex]][i]
			                migdata[[sex]][ages.to.zero] <- 0
			                if(smooth) { #smoothing					
			                    for(izig in 1:2) { # two passes of smoothing
			                        # are there significant zig-zags?						
			                        tops <- ((migdata[[sex]][2:(max.ages-1)] > migdata[[sex]][1:(max.ages-2)] & 
			                                      migdata[[sex]][2:(max.ages-1)] > migdata[[sex]][3:max.ages]) | 
			                                     (migdata[[sex]][2:(max.ages-1)] < migdata[[sex]][1:(max.ages-2)] & migdata[[sex]][2:(max.ages-1)] < migdata[[sex]][3:max.ages])) & 
			                            abs(diff(migdata[[sex]])[1:(max.ages-2)]/(totmigy/100)) > 0.05
			                        cs <- cumsum(c(TRUE, tops)) # consider first point as top
			                        if(any(cs[3:(max.ages-1)] > 2 & cs[3:(max.ages-1)] - cs[1:(max.ages-3)] > 1))  { # at least 3 neighboring tops
			                            migdata[[sex]] <- smooth.spline(migdata[[sex]], df=10)$y # smooth
			                            migdata[[sex]][ages.to.zero] <- 0
			                        } else break
			            netmigM <- migdata[['M']]
			            netmigF <- migdata[['F']]
			            if(depratio.correction) {
			                # correct dependency ratio
			                cntry <- country
			                rowM <- edr$depratioM[edr$depratioM$country_code==cntry & edr$depratioM$period==year.col, ratio.colsM]
			                if(nrow(rowM) > 0 && !any(is.na(rowM))) netmigM[1:3] <- as.double(netmigM[5]*rowM)
			                rowF <- edr$depratioF[edr$depratioF$country_code==cntry & edr$depratioF$period==year.col, ratio.colsF]
			                if(nrow(rowF) > 0 && !any(is.na(rowF))) netmigF[1:3] <- as.double(netmigF[5]*rowF)
			            if(rescale) {
			                # don't allow the total male mig have a different sign than the female or the totals have a different sign
			                if(sign((sM <- sum(netmigM))) != sign((sF <- sum(netmigF))) || sign(totmigy) != sign(sum(netmigM + netmigF))) { 
			                    if(sign(totmigy) == sign(sF)) 
			                        shift <- -sign(sM)*(abs(sM) + min(0.01, abs(sF)))
			                    else {  
			                        if(sign(totmigy) == sign(sM)) {
			                            shift <- -sign(sF)*(abs(sF) + min(0.01, abs(sM)))
			                        } else # totmigy has a different sign then the sum of netmigM + netmigF
			                            shift <- -sign(sM)*(max(abs(sF), abs(sM)) + min(0.01, abs(sM), abs(sF)))
			                    age.shift <- shift * rcastro.schedule()
			                    netmigF <- netmigF + age.shift
			                    netmigM <- netmigM + age.shift
			                s <- sum(netmigM + netmigF)
			                netmigM <- netmigM/s * totmigy
			                netmigF <- netmigF/s * totmigy
			this.all.migM <- cbind(this.all.migM, netmigM)
			this.all.migF <- cbind(this.all.migF, netmigF)
		colnames(this.all.migM) <- colnames(this.all.migF) <- c('country_code', 'name', 'age', years.periods)
		all.migM <- rbind(all.migM, this.all.migM)
		all.migF <- rbind(all.migF, this.all.migF)
	if(write.to.disk) {
		write.table(all.migM, file=file.path(directory, paste0(file.prefix, "M.txt")), sep='\t', row.names=FALSE)
		write.table(all.migF, file=file.path(directory, paste0(file.prefix, "F.txt")), sep='\t', row.names=FALSE)
		if(verbose) cat('\nMigration files written into ', file.path(directory, paste0(file.prefix, "X.txt")))
	if(verbose) cat('\n')
	return(invisible(list(male=all.migM, female=all.migF)))

rcastro.schedule <- function(annual = FALSE) {
    if(annual) return(rcastro1.schedule())

rcastro5.schedule <- function()
    c(0.06133, 0.02667, 0.02067, 0.10467, 0.188, 
      0.18067, 0.13733, 0.09533, 0.064, 0.04267, 
      0.028, 0.01867, 0.012, 0.008, 0.00533, 
      0.00333, 0.00333, 0, 0, 0, 

# rcastro1.schedule <- function()
#     c(0.00734, 0.00734, 0.00734, 0.00694, 0.00654, 0.00614, 0.00573, 0.00533, 0.0051, 0.00486, 
#       0.00461, 0.00437, 0.00413, 0.0075, 0.01085, 0.01421, 0.01758, 0.02093, 0.02456, 0.02819, 
#       0.03182, 0.03545, 0.03908, 0.03888, 0.03869, 0.03849, 0.0383, 0.0381, 0.03627, 0.03444, 
#       0.03261, 0.03078, 0.02894, 0.02697, 0.02499, 0.02302, 0.02104, 0.01907, 0.01782, 0.01656, 
#       0.0153, 0.01405, 0.0128, 0.01195, 0.01109, 0.01024, 0.00939, 0.00854, 0.00795, 0.00736, 
#       0.00677, 0.00619, 0.0056, 0.00522, 0.00486, 0.00448, 0.00411, 0.00373, 0.00347, 0.0032, 
#       0.00293, 0.00267, 0.0024, 0.00224, 0.00208, 0.00192, 0.00176, 0.0016, 0.00149, 0.00139, 
#       0.00128, 0.00117, 0.00107, 0.00098, 0.00091, 0.00083, 0.00074, 0.00067, 0.00067, 0.00067, 
#       0.00067, 0.00067, 0.00067, 0.00053, 4e-04, 0.00027, 0.00013, 0, 0, 0, 
#       0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
#       0)

rcastro1.schedule <- function()
    c(0.01604, 0.01362, 0.01157, 0.00983, 0.00837, 0.00712, 0.00606, 0.00517, 0.00442, 0.00382, 
      0.00346, 0.00349, 0.00418, 0.00582, 0.00856, 0.01236, 0.01695, 0.02192, 0.02681, 0.03121, 
      0.03485, 0.03757, 0.03933, 0.0402, 0.04027, 0.03968, 0.03858, 0.03709, 0.03534, 0.03341, 
      0.0314, 0.02936, 0.02734, 0.02538, 0.02349, 0.02169, 0.01999, 0.01841, 0.01692, 0.01555, 
      0.01427, 0.01309, 0.012, 0.01101, 0.01008, 0.00924, 0.00847, 0.00776, 0.00711, 0.00652, 
      0.00598, 0.00548, 0.00502, 0.00461, 0.00423, 0.00388, 0.00356, 0.00327, 0.00301, 0.00277, 
      0.00255, 0.00235, 0.00216, 0.00199, 0.00184, 0.0017, 0.00157, 0.00145, 0.00135, 0.00125, 
      0.00116, 0.00108, 0.001, 0.00093, 0.00087, 0.00082, 0.00076, 0.00071, 0.00067, 0.00063, 
      6e-04, 0.00056, 0.00053, 0.00051, 0.00048, 0.00046, 0.00044, 0.00041, 4e-04, 0.00038, 
      0.00037, 3e-05, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

gcc.mig.schedule <- function(country_code, sex, total.mig, annual = FALSE, scale.total.to.sex = TRUE){
    listname <- if(annual) "ann" else "abr"
    factors <- list(
        `784` = 1, # UAE
        `634` = 3.3,  # Qatar
        `512` = 5,  # Oman
        `48`  = 11   # Bahrain
    ue.schedule <- list(
        ann = list(M = c(
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.769, 3.579, 1.896, 5.107, 
        9.765, 14.665, 19.564, 23.481, 22.978, 19.529, 15.589, 11.649, 7.833, 4.577, 1.692, 
        -1.13, -3.952, -6.518, -7.931, -8.576, -9.092, -9.608, -9.966, -9.614, -8.79, -7.886, 
        -6.983, -6.131, -5.513, -5.05, -4.613, -4.176, -3.803, -3.717, -3.821, -3.958, -4.095, 
        -4.151, -3.846, -3.3, -2.713, -2.126, -1.51, -1.51, -1.51, -1.51, -1.51, -1.51, -1.51, 
        -1.51, -1.51, -1.51, -1.51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
                        F = c(
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4.951, 2.373, 0.022, 0.55, 1.275,
        2.032, 2.789, 3.438, 3.6, 3.436, 3.218, 3.001, 2.704, 2.049, 1.155, 0.222, -0.711, -1.525, 
        -1.803, -1.723, -1.585, -1.446, -1.334, -1.345, -1.437, -1.543, -1.649, -1.731, -1.708, 
        -1.615, -1.51, -1.405, -1.301, -1.198, -1.096, -0.995, -0.893, -0.796, -0.718, -0.653, -0.59, 
        -0.528, -0.362, -0.362, -0.362, -0.362, -0.362, -0.362, -0.362, -0.362, -0.362, -0.362, -0.362, 
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
        abr = list(M = c(0, 0, 0, 46.74, 254.985, 466.13, 45.1, -208.625, -216.195, -127.415, -96.97, 
                         -80.68, -37.75, -37.75, -7.55, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
                   F = c(0, 0, 0, 36.62, 33.34, 83.465, 27.095, -40.41, -36.54, -39.845, -27.415, 
                         -16.425, -9.05, -9.05, -1.81, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
    schedule <- ue.schedule[[listname]][[sex]] / factors[[as.character(country_code)]]

    if(total.mig == 0) return(schedule)
    model.schedule <- ue.schedule[[listname]]
        sex.fct <- abs(sum(model.schedule$M[model.schedule$M > 0])/sum(model.schedule$F[model.schedule$F > 0]))
        totmigF <- total.mig / sex.fct
        total.mig <- if(sex == "M") total.mig - totmigF else totmigF
    # scale to match the total
    to.adjust <- sign(schedule) == sign(total.mig)
    schedule[to.adjust] <- (abs(total.mig) + abs(sum(schedule[to.adjust]))) * schedule[to.adjust]/abs(sum(schedule[to.adjust]))
PPgp/bayesPop documentation built on July 23, 2024, 9:08 a.m.