
#' Impute unknown individual biological parameters from known values
#' This function fills in holes in individual fish samples (also called imputation).
#' In cases where individuals are not aged, missing biological variables (e.g "weight","age","sex", and "specialstage") are sampled from 
#' fish in the same length group at the lowest imputation level possible.
#'	imputeLevel = 0: no imputation, biological information exists
#'	imputeLevel = 1: imputation at station level; biological information is selected at random from fish within station
#'	imputeLevel = 2: imputation at strata level; no information available at station level, random selection within stratum
#'	imputeLevel = 3: imputation at survey level; no information available at lower levels, random selection within suvey
#'	imputeLevel = 99: no imputation, no biological information exists for this length group
#' @param i		The index in the list of bootstrap iterations.
#' @param abnd	Abundance matrix with individual data
#' @param seedV	The seed vector for the random number generator, where element 'i' is picked out (this may seem strange, but is a consequence of the parallelability of the function, where 'i' is the primary parameter).
#' @return Abundance matrix with imputed biological information 
#' @importFrom stats density
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#distributeAbundance <- function(i=NULL, abnd, seedV=NULL, dotfile=NULL) {
distributeAbundance <- function(i=NULL, abnd, seedV=NULL) {
	# Function for replacing NAs by data given missing and replacement indices. This function treats individual columns to preserve the data type:
	imputeFromInd <- function(x, indMissing, indReplacement){
			for(i in unique(indMissing[,2])){
				# Get the row indices of missing and replacement values for the current column 'i':
				indMissingInCurrentCol <- indMissing[indMissing[, 2] == i, 1]
				indReplacementInCurrentCol <- indReplacement[indReplacement[, 2] == i, 1]
				x[indMissingInCurrentCol, i] <- x[indReplacementInCurrentCol, i]
	if(length(i)==1 && !"Row" %in% names(abnd)){
		abnd = abnd[[i]]
	N <- nrow(abnd)
	# 2017-11-03: The sampling procedure throughout Rstox was changed to use the function sampleSorted(). In that function the vector to be sampled can be sorted before sampling. This requires a unique ID to sort:
	# Add a unique super individual ID:
	#superindID <- paste("cruise", b$cruise, "serialno", b$serialno, "aphia", b$aphia, "samplenumber", b$samplenumber, "no", b$no, sep="_")
	# Check the order of the Row information in 'abnd':
	if(!all(abnd$Row == seq_len(nrow(abnd)))){
		warning("The superindividual table is not ordered according to the Row information. Imputing may have different results from when the table i sorted.")
	# Get the indices of known (with includeintotal==TRUE) and unknown ages:
	#knownAge <- !is.na(getVar(abnd, "age")) & getVar(abnd, "includeintotal") %in% TRUE
	#unknownAge <- is.na(getVar(abnd, "age"))
	atKnownAge <- which(!is.na(getVar(abnd, "age")) & getVar(abnd, "includeintotal") %in% TRUE)
	atUnknownAge <- which(is.na(getVar(abnd, "age")))
	NatKnownAge <- length(atKnownAge)
	NatUnknownAge <- length(atUnknownAge)
	# Bug discovered on 2017-12-12, where for no unknown ages NULL was returned for 'NumUsed' and onwards. Changed to returning NA:
	#imputeSummary <- vector("list", 7)
	imputeSummary <- as.list(rep(NA, 7))
	names(imputeSummary) <- c("NumNotAged", "NumAged", "NumUsed", "NumNoMatch", "NumImputedAtStation", "NumImputedAtStratum", "NumImputedAtSurvey")
	imputeSummary$NumAged <- NatKnownAge
	imputeSummary$NumNotAged <- NatUnknownAge
	# The following conditional expression was found obsolete after issuing the warning in imputeByAge() instead, based on the values of imputeSummary$NatKnownAge (no known ages) and imputeSummary$NumUsed (no unknown ages)
	### # Stop if no known ages and return if no unknown:
	### if(NatKnownAge == 0){
	### 	# Change made on 2017-09-15: Issuing an error here is deprecated. It should be a warning, but the imputing should continue. See note 2017-09-15 below:
	### 	# stop("No known ages")
	### 	# 2017-09-21: Ibrahim experienced a strange error " one node produced an error: replacement has 1 row, data has 0" when running impute on 4 cores over 50 bootstrap replicated. He will test with 5 replicates to see if the error is memory related.
	### 	# 2017-09-22: Having some problems merging develop into alpha... (typing this in to add a small changed in the process of fixing the problem.)
	### 	warning(paste0("No known ages in bootstrap replicate ", i))
	### }
	if(NatUnknownAge == 0){
		#warning(paste0("No unknown ages in bootstrap replicate ", i))
		# Add columns added to the bootstrap runs and return:
		temp <- integer(nrow(abnd))
		abnd$imputeLevel <- temp
		abnd$imputeRow <- temp
		abnd$imputeCount <- temp
		return(list(data=abnd, imputeSummary=imputeSummary, indMissing=NULL, indReplacement=NULL, seedM=NULL))

	# Set the seed matrix:
	# Change introduced on 2017-11-14 by Holmin. To make the code more robust to changes, all generation of seeds has been moved to the functions setSeedSingle(), getSeedV(), getSeedM(), expandSeed():
	#	seedM <- matrix(c(1231234, 1234, 1234), nrow=NatUnknownAge, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
	#	set.seed(seedV[i])
	#	# Create a seed matrix with 3 columns representing the replacement by station, stratum and survey:
	#	seedM <- matrix(sample(seq_len(10000000), 3*NatUnknownAge, replace = FALSE), ncol=3)
	seedM <- getSeedM(i, seedV=seedV, nrow=NatUnknownAge)
	# Run through the unknown rows and get indices for rows at which the missing data should be extracetd:
	#imputeRows <- rep("-", N)
	imputeRows <- rep(NA, N)
	imputeLevels <- integer(N)
	imputeCount <- integer(N)
	for(atUnkn in seq_along(atUnknownAge)){
		indUnkn <- atUnknownAge[atUnkn]
		# Get indices for which of the rows with known ages that have the same station, stratum and survey as the current unknown individual:
		matchStratum <- getVar(abnd, "Stratum")[indUnkn] == getVar(abnd, "Stratum")[atKnownAge]
		matchcruise <- getVar(abnd, "cruise")[indUnkn] == getVar(abnd, "cruise")[atKnownAge]
		matchserialno <- getVar(abnd, "serialno")[indUnkn] == getVar(abnd, "serialno")[atKnownAge]
		matchLenGrp <- getVar(abnd, "LenGrp")[indUnkn] == getVar(abnd, "LenGrp")[atKnownAge]
		#id.known.sta <- atKnownAge[ which(matchStratum & matchcruise & matchserialno & matchLenGrp) ]
		#id.known.stratum <- atKnownAge[ which(matchStratum & matchLenGrp) ]
		#id.known.survey <- atKnownAge[ which(matchLenGrp) ]
		# Get the indices of known individuals in the current station:
		id.known.sta <- atKnownAge[matchStratum & matchcruise & matchserialno & matchLenGrp]
		# Get the indices of known individuals in the current stratum:
		id.known.stratum <- atKnownAge[matchStratum & matchLenGrp]
		# Get the indices of known individuals in the wnrite survey:
		id.known.survey <- atKnownAge[matchLenGrp]
		Nid.known.sta <- length(id.known.sta)
		Nid.known.stratum <- length(id.known.stratum)
		Nid.known.survey <- length(id.known.survey)
		## Replace by station:
			# Change introduced on 2017-11-03, applying the function sampleSorted() for all sampling throughout Rstox in order to avoid dependency on the order of rows in the data:
			#imputeRows[indUnkn] <- id.known.sta[sample.int(Nid.known.sta, size=1)]
			#imputeRows[indUnkn] <- sampleSorted(id.known.sta, size=1, lx=Nid.known.sta, seed=seedM[atUnkn,1], sorted=FALSE)
			imputeCount[indUnkn] <- Nid.known.sta
			imputeRows[indUnkn] <- sampleSorted(id.known.sta, size=1, seed=seedM[atUnkn,1], sorted=FALSE)
			#imputeRows[indUnkn] <- id.known.sta[.Internal(sample(Nid.known.sta, 1L, FALSE, NULL))]
			imputeLevels[indUnkn] <- 1L
		## Replace by stratum:
		else if(any(id.known.stratum)){
			# Change introduced on 2017-11-03, applying the function sampleSorted() for all sampling throughout Rstox in order to avoid dependency on the order of rows in the data:
			#imputeRows[indUnkn] <- id.known.stratum[sample.int(Nid.known.stratum, size=1)]
			#imputeRows[indUnkn] <- sampleSorted(id.known.stratum, size=1, lx=Nid.known.stratum, seed=seedM[atUnkn,2], sorted=FALSE)
			imputeCount[indUnkn] <- Nid.known.stratum
			imputeRows[indUnkn] <- sampleSorted(id.known.stratum, size=1, seed=seedM[atUnkn,2], sorted=FALSE)
			#imputeRows[indUnkn] <- id.known.stratum[.Internal(sample(Nid.known.stratum, 1L, FALSE, NULL))]
			imputeLevels[indUnkn] <- 2L
		## Replace by survey:
		else if(any(id.known.survey)) {
			# Change introduced on 2017-11-03, applying the function sampleSorted() for all sampling throughout Rstox in order to avoid dependency on the order of rows in the data:
			#imputeRows[indUnkn] <- id.known.survey[sample.int(Nid.known.survey, size=1)]
			#imputeRows[indUnkn] <- sampleSorted(id.known.survey, size=1, lx=Nid.known.survey, seed=seedM[atUnkn,3], sorted=FALSE)
			imputeCount[indUnkn] <- Nid.known.survey
			imputeRows[indUnkn] <- sampleSorted(id.known.survey, size=1, seed=seedM[atUnkn,3], sorted=FALSE)
			#imputeRows[indUnkn] <- id.known.survey[.Internal(sample(Nid.known.survey, 1L, FALSE, NULL))]
			imputeLevels[indUnkn] <- 3L
			imputeLevels[indUnkn] <- 99L
	abnd$imputeLevel <- imputeLevels
	abnd$imputeRow <- imputeRows
	abnd$imputeCount <- imputeCount
	# Create the following two data frames: 1) the rows of abnd which contain missing age and where there is age available in other rows, and 2) the rows with age available for imputing:
	missing <- abnd[atUnknownAge, , drop=FALSE]
	available <- abnd[imputeRows[atUnknownAge], , drop=FALSE]
	# 2017-09-15: If all imputeRows are NA (happend when NatKnownAge==0) a vector of only NAs are passed to [], which causes the full data frame to be returned with all values replaced ny NA. This causes a dimension mismatch between 'missing' and 'available', since 'available' gets the full dimension of 'abnd'. To account for this, we simply crop the 'available' to the dimensions of the 'missing'. This is a dirty fix, but sould work and allow for NatKnownAge=0, which previously resulted in an error: 
		available <- available[seq_len(nrow(missing)), , drop=FALSE]
	# Get the indices of missing data in 'missing' which are present in 'available':
	#ind <- which(missing == "-" & available != "-", arr.ind=TRUE)
	ind <- which(is.na(missing) & !is.na(available), arr.ind=TRUE)
	#indMissing <- cbind(missing$Row[ind[,1]], ind[,2])
	#indReplacement <- cbind(available$Row[ind[,1]], ind[,2])
	indMissing <- data.frame(Row=missing$Row[ind[,1]], Col=ind[,2])
	indReplacement <- data.frame(Row=available$Row[ind[,1]], Col=ind[,2])
	# Store process info:
	imputeSummary$NumUsed <- length(unique(indReplacement[,1]))
	#msg[3] <- sum(abnd$imputeLevel[atUnknownAge]==1)
	#msg[4] <- sum(abnd$imputeLevel[atUnknownAge]==2)
	#msg[5] <- sum(abnd$imputeLevel[atUnknownAge]==3)
	#msg[6] <- sum(abnd$imputeLevel[atUnknownAge]==99)
	imputeSummary$NumNoMatch <- sum(abnd$imputeLevel[atUnknownAge]==99)
	imputeSummary$NumImputedAtStation <- sum(abnd$imputeLevel[atUnknownAge]==1)
	imputeSummary$NumImputedAtStratum <- sum(abnd$imputeLevel[atUnknownAge]==2)
	imputeSummary$NumImputedAtSurvey <- sum(abnd$imputeLevel[atUnknownAge]==3)
	imputeSummary <- as.data.frame(imputeSummary)
	# Apply the replacement. This may be moved to the funciton imputeByAge() in the future to allow for using previously generated indices:
	abnd <- imputeFromInd(abnd, indMissing, indReplacement)
	#	abnd[indMissing] <- abnd[indReplacement]
	#	cat(".", file=dotfile, append=TRUE)
	#list(data=abnd, msg=msg, indMissing=indMissing, indReplacement=indReplacement, atUnknownAge=atUnknownAge, imputeRows=imputeRows, seedM=seedM)
	list(data=abnd, imputeSummary=imputeSummary, indMissing=indMissing, indReplacement=indReplacement, seedM=seedM)

#' Impute	missing individual data by age
#' Impute missing data within the bootstrap data object
#' @param projectName   The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from \code{\link{getBaseline}} or \code{\link{runBaseline}}, og a project object (as returned from \code{\link{openProject}}).
#' @param seed			The seed for the random number generator (used for reproducibility)
#' @param cores			An integer giving the number of cores to run the bootstrapping over.
#' @param saveInd		Logical: if TRUE save the imputing indices.
#' @param ...			Unused but usd for robustness.
#' @return Updated list with imputed bootstrap results 
#' @examples
#' projectName <- "Test_Rstox"
#' boot <- runBootstrap(projectName, nboot=10, seed=1, bootstrapMethod="AcousticTrawl")
#' # imputeByAge() fills in empty cells:
#' system.time(bootstrap_Acoustic_imputed <- imputeByAge(projectName))
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores makeCluster parLapplyLB stopCluster
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @export
imputeByAge <- function(projectName, seed=1, cores=1, saveInd=TRUE, ...){
	# Write a dot at each iteration to a textfile:
	#dotfile <- file.path(getProjectPaths(projectName)$RReportDir, "imputeProgress.txt")
	#write("", dotfile)
	# Read the saved data from the R model. In older versions the user loaded the file "rmodel.RData" separately, but in the current code the environment "RstoxEnv" is declared on load of Rstox, and all relevant outputs are assigned to this environment:
	imputeVariable <- getProjectData(projectName=projectName, var="bootstrap")
	nboot <- length(imputeVariable$SuperIndAbundance) ## The length of the data collection corresponds to the number of bootstrap iterations
	imputeSummary.out <- vector("list", nboot)
	indMissing.out <- vector("list", nboot)
	indReplacement.out <- vector("list", nboot)
	seedM.out <- vector("list", nboot)
	# Set the seed of the runs, either as a vector of 1234s, to comply with old code, where the seeed was allways 1234 (from before 2016), or as a vector of seeds sampled with the given seed, or as NULL, in which case the seed matrix 'seedM' of distributeAbundance() is set by sampling seq_len(10000000) without seed:
	# Change introduced on 2017-11-14 by Holmin. To make the code more robust to changes, all generation of seeds has been moved to the functions setSeedSingle(), getSeedV(), getSeedM(), expandSeed():
	#	seedV = rep(TRUE, nboot+1) # seed==TRUE giving 1234 for compatibility with older versions
	#else if(is.numeric(seed)){
	#	set.seed(seed)
	#	seedV = sample(seq_len(10000000), nboot+1, replace=FALSE)
	#	seedV = NULL
	seedV <- expandSeed(seed, nboot)
	# Store the bootstrap iteration names:
	namesOfIterations <- names(imputeVariable$SuperIndAbundance)
	# Impute biological information
	imputeVariable$base.SuperIndAbundance <- distributeAbundance(i=1, abnd=imputeVariable$base.SuperIndAbundance, seedV=tail(seedV,1))$data
	# Check available cores:	
	availableCores = detectCores()
	# If memory runs out, a system call to determine number of cores might fail, thus detectCores() could return NA
	# defaulting to single core if this is the case
	if(is.na(availableCores)) availableCores <- 1
		warning(paste0("Only ", availableCores, " cores available (", cores, " requested)"))
	cores = min(cores, nboot, availableCores)
	# Generate the clusters of time steps:
		cat(paste0("Imputing missing data (", nboot, " replicates, using ", cores, " cores in parallel):\n"))
		# Bootstrap:
		out <- pblapply(seq_len(nboot), distributeAbundance, abnd=imputeVariable$SuperIndAbundance, seedV=seedV, cl=cl)
		# End the parallel bootstrapping:
		cat(paste0("Imputing missing data (", nboot, " replicates):\n"))
		out <- pblapply(seq_len(nboot), distributeAbundance, abnd=imputeVariable$SuperIndAbundance, seedV=seedV)
	imputeVariable$SuperIndAbundance <- lapply(out, "[[", "data")
	# Add names ot the iterations:
	names(imputeVariable$SuperIndAbundance) <- namesOfIterations
	imputeSummary.out <- lapply(out, "[[", "imputeSummary")
	indMissing.out <- lapply(out, "[[", "indMissing")
	indReplacement.out <- lapply(out, "[[", "indReplacement")
	seedM.out <- lapply(out, "[[", "seedM")
	#names(imputeVariable$SuperIndAbundance) <- namesOfIterations
	#msg.out <- lapply(out, "[[", "msg")
	#indMissing.out <- lapply(out, "[[", "indMissing")
	#indReplacement.out <- lapply(out, "[[", "indReplacement")
	#seedM.out <- lapply(out, "[[", "seedM")	
	# imputeSummary.out <- t(as.data.frame(imputeSummary.out))
	# Using do.call("rbind", imputeSummary.out) did not result in a data frame on which the $ operator works. Instead we use data.table::rbindlist, but convert back to data frame:
	#imputeSummary.out <- do.call("rbind", imputeSummary.out)
	imputeSummary.out <- as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(imputeSummary.out))
	#colnames(msg.out) <- c("Aged", "NotAged", "ImputedAtStation", "ImputedAtStrata", "ImputedAtSurvey", "NotImputed")
	#colnames(imputeSummary.out) <- c("NumAged", "NumNotAged", "NumUsed", "NumNoMatch", "NumImputedAtStation", "NumImputedAtStratum", "NumImputedAtSurvey")
	#rownames(imputeSummary.out) <- paste0("Iter", seq_len(nboot))
	rownames(imputeSummary.out) <- names(imputeVariable$SuperIndAbundance)
	# Issue warnings for runs with no unknown, and no known ages:
	NatKnownAge0 <- which(imputeSummary.out$NatKnownAge==0)
	#NumUsedNA <- which(is.na(imputeSummary.out$NumUsed))
		warning("The following bootstrap runs had no known ages, resulting in no imputing: ", paste(NatKnownAge0, collapse=", "))
	#	warning("The following bootstrap runs had no unknown ages, resulting in no imputing: ", paste(NumUsedNA, collapse=", "))
	# Store the output messages, the missing and replace indices, the seeds and other parameters of the imputing:
	imputeVariable$imputeParameters$imputeSummary <- imputeSummary.out
	imputeVariable$imputeParameters$seed <- seed
	imputeVariable$imputeParameters$seedV <- seedV
	imputeVariable$imputeParameters$seedM <- seedM.out
	imputeVariable$imputeParameters$nboot <- nboot
	imputeVariable$imputeParameters$cores <- cores
	# Add bootstrap methods:
	imputeVariable$imputeParameters$bootstrapMethod <- imputeVariable$bootstrapParameters$bootstrapMethod
	imputeVariable$imputeParameters$acousticMethod  <- imputeVariable$bootstrapParameters$acousticMethod 
	imputeVariable$imputeParameters$bioticMethod    <- imputeVariable$bootstrapParameters$bioticMethod   
		imputeVariable$imputeParameters$indMissing <- indMissing.out
		imputeVariable$imputeParameters$indReplacement <- indReplacement.out
	# Assign the data to the environment of the project:
	setProjectData(projectName=projectName, var=imputeVariable, name="bootstrapImpute")

#' Interprets a unit key stings as a scaleing factor
#' Given a key string such as "milliseconds" (possibly abbreviated) or the abbreviation "ms" (identical matching), the unit (here milliseconds) and scaling factor (here 1e-3) is returned.
#' @param unit			A unit key string indicating the unit (see getPlottingUnit()$definitions$unlist.units for available key strings), or alternatively a numeric value giving the scaling factor.
#' @param var			A key string indicating the variable to plot (see getPlottingUnit()$defaults$Rstox_var for available values).
#' @param baseunit		The unit used in the data.
#' @param implemented	An integer vector giving the inplemented variables, which are the first two ("Abundance", "Weight") in the current version of Rstox.
#' @param def.out		Logical: if TRUE return also the defaults and definitions.
#' @return a list of the following four elements: 1. the scaling factor, 2. the unit string, 3. a matrix of the default values, and 4. a matrix of the defintions.
#' @examples
#' getPlottingUnit(unit="milli", var="abund", baseunit="stox", def.out=FALSE)
#' getPlottingUnit(unit="milli", var="weight", baseunit="stox", def.out=FALSE)
#' getPlottingUnit(unit="hecto", var="weight", baseunit="stox")
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
getPlottingUnit <- function(unit=NULL, var="Abundance", baseunit=NULL, implemented=c(1,2,3), def.out=TRUE){
	# Function used to get the index of the match of unit against the default units:
	getUnitInd <- function(unit, var, abbrev){
		# Check abbreviations first:
		ind <- if(is.numeric(unit)) which(as.numeric(abbrev[[var]]) == unit) else which(abbrev[[var]] == unit)
		# Then do abbreviated matching:
			ind <- which(abbrMatch(unit, units[[var]], ignore.case=TRUE)$hit)
		# If still no match, use the default:
			unit <- Rstox_unit[[var]]
			warning(paste0("No match for the specified unit. Default used (", unit, ")"))
			ind <- which(abbrMatch(unit, units[[var]], ignore.case=TRUE)$hit)
	# Define variable, unit and base unit default vectors:
	Rstox_var <- c("Abundance", "Count", "Weight", "Length", "Time")[implemented]
	Rstox_unit <- c("millions", "millions", "tonnes", "meters", "seconds")[implemented]
	names(Rstox_unit) <- Rstox_var
	Rstox_baseunit <- c("1", "1", "grams", "centimeters", "seconds")[implemented]
	names(Rstox_baseunit) <- Rstox_var
	defaults <- data.frame(Rstox_var, Rstox_unit, Rstox_baseunit)
	# Define lists of allowed unit definitions, abbreviations and scaling factors to be matched with the inputs:
	units <- list(
		c( "ones", "tens", "hundreds", "thousands", "millions", "billions", "trillions" ),
		c( "ones", "tens", "hundreds", "thousands", "millions", "billions", "trillions" ),
		#c( "micrograms", "milligrams", "grams", "hectograms", "kilograms", "tonnes" , "thousandtonnes" , "milliontonnes" ),
		c( "micrograms", "milligrams", "grams", "hectograms", "kilograms", "tonnes" , "kilotonnes" , "megatonnes" ),
		c( "micrometers", "millimeters", "centimeters", "decimeters", "meters", "kilometers" ),
		c( "microseconds", "milliseconds", "seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days" ) )[implemented]
	names(units) <- Rstox_var
	abbrev <- list(
		c( "1", "10", "100", "1000", "1e6", "1e9", "1e12" ),
		c( "1", "10", "100", "1000", "1e6", "1e9", "1e12" ),
		#c( "mcg", "mg", "g", "hg", "kg", "t" , "tt" , "mt" ),
		c( "mcg", "mg", "g", "hg", "kg", "t" , "kt" , "mt" ),
		c( "mcm", "mm", "cm", "dm", "m", "km" ),
		c( "mcs", "ms", "s", "m", "h", "d" ) )[implemented]
	names(abbrev) <- Rstox_var
	scale <- list(
		c( 1e-9, 1e-6, 1e-3, 1e-1, 1, 1e3 , 1e6 , 1e9 ),
		c( 1e-6, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1, 1, 1e3 ),
		c( 1e-6, 1e-3, 1, 60, 60*60, 24*60*60 ) )[implemented]
	names(scale) <- Rstox_var
	definitions <- data.frame(unlist(units), unlist(abbrev), unlist(scale))
	# Get the variable by abbreviated matching:
	var <- abbrMatch(var[1], Rstox_var, ignore.case=TRUE)$string
	# Defalut var if missing:
		warning(paste0("'var' not matched with any of the available values (", paste0(getPlottingUnit()$defaults$Rstox_var, collapse=", "), "). Default selected (", getPlottingUnit()$defaults$Rstox_var[1],")"))
		var <- getPlottingUnit()$defaults$Rstox_var[1]
	# Defalut unit if missing:
		unit <- Rstox_unit[[var]]
		baseunit <- Rstox_baseunit[[var]]
	# Get matches:
	ind <- getUnitInd(unit, var, abbrev)
	baseind <- getUnitInd(baseunit, var, abbrev)
	unit.out <- units[[var]][ind]
	# Get the scaling factor between the base unit and requested unit:
	scale.out <- scale[[var]][ind] / scale[[var]][baseind]
	out <- list(scale=scale.out, unit=unit.out, baseunit=baseunit, var=var)
		out <- c(out, list(defaults=defaults, definitions=definitions))

#' Plot NASC distribution to file
#' Plots both original and resampled NASC distributions;
#' histogram of NASC transect means together with distribution of resampled NASC values (line).
#' Probability densities, component density, are plotted (so that the histogram has a total area of one).
#' Plot is exported to a tif- or png-file
#' @param projectName   The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from \code{\link{getBaseline}} or \code{\link{runBaseline}}, og a project object (as returned from \code{\link{openProject}}).
#' @param format		The file format of the saved plot, given as a string naming the function to use for saving the plot (such as bmp, jpeg, png, tiff), with \code{filename} as its first argument. Arguments fo the functions are given as \code{...}. Dimensions are defaulted to width=5000, height=3000, resolution to 500 dpi. If \code{format} has length 0, the plot is shown in the graphics window, and not saved to file.
#' @param filetag			A character string to append to the file name (before file extension).
#' @param ...			Parameters passed on from other functions.
#' @return Plot saved to file 
#' @examples
#' projectName <- "Test_Rstox"
#' # Run bootstrap before plotting:
#' boot <- runBootstrap(projectName, nboot=10, seed=1, bootstrapMethod="AcousticTrawl")
#' plotNASCDistribution(projectName)
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off
#' @export
plotNASCDistribution <- function(projectName, format="png", filetag=NULL, ...){
	# Get the parameters to send to the plotting function given by name in 'format':
	lll <- list(...)
	# Read the saved data from the R model. In older versions the user loaded the file "rmodel.RData" separately, but in the current code the environment "RstoxEnv" is declared on load of Rstox, and all relevant outputs are assigned to this environment:
	var <- c("psuNASC", "resampledNASC")
	projectEnv <- loadProjectData(projectName=projectName, var=var)
	# If any of the psuNASC and resampledNASCDistr are missing in the report environment, issue a warning:
	#else if(length(projectEnv) && !all(c("psuNASC", "resampledNASC") %in% ls(projectEnv))){
	if(length(projectEnv$psuNASC)==0 || length(projectEnv$resampledNASC)==0){
		#warning(paste0("At least one of the objects psuNASC and getResampledNASCDistr required to plot by the function plotNASCDistribution() are missing. These are generated by runBootstrap(, bootstrapMethod=\"AcousticTrawl\")"))
	# Aggregate the NACS values:
	if(getVar(projectEnv$psuNASC, "LayerType")[1]!="WaterColumn"){
		agg <- aggPSUNASC(projectEnv$psuNASC)
		agg <- projectEnv$psuNASC
	# Define the file name and initiate the plot file:
	#filenamebase <- getProjectPaths(projectName)$RReportDir
	#filename <- file.path(filenamebase, paste("NASC_Distribution", format, sep="."))
	filenamebase <- file.path(getProjectPaths(projectName)$RReportDir, paste0(c("NASC_Distribution", filetag), collapse="_"))
	filename <- paste(filenamebase, format, sep=".")
	### if(startsWith(tolower(format), "tif")){
	### 	filename <- file.path(filenamebase, "NASC_Distribution.tif")
	### 	tiff(filename, res=600, compression = "lzw", height=5, width=5, units="in")
	### }
	### else if(startsWith(tolower(format), "png")){
	### 	filename <- file.path(filenamebase, "NASC_Distribution.png")
	### 	png(filename, width=800, height=600)
	### }
	### else{
	### 	filename <- NA
	### 	warning("Invalid format")
	### }
	### moveToTrash(filename)
	# If width and height is not given, default to width=5000, height=3000:
	if(!all(c("width", "height") %in% names(lll))){
		lll$width <- 5000
		lll$height <- 3000
		lll$res <- 500
		do.call(format, c(list(filename=filename), applyParlist(lll, format)))
	# Run the plot
	out <- list()
			# Changed to not show the project name, in order to avoid diffs between identical plots during automatic version testing:
			#out <- hist(getVar(agg, "Value"), breaks=20, freq=FALSE, xlab="NASC transect means", ylab="Relative frequency", main=projectName)
			out <- hist(getVar(agg, "Value"), breaks=20, freq=FALSE, xlab="NASC transect means", ylab="Relative frequency", main="")
			# Change introduced in the output from getResampledNASCDistr(), which form 2017-11-03 returns a list of elements NASC and seed:
			#d <- density(projectEnv$resampledNASC)
			d <- density(if(is.list(projectEnv$resampledNASC)) projectEnv$resampledNASC$NASC else projectEnv$resampledNASC)
		finally = {
			# safe closure of image resource inside finally block
	out$filename <- filename
	out <- c(out, d)

#' Plot abundance results to the graphics device or to a file
#' Plots boxplot of bootstrap results together with Coefficient of Variation (CV).
#' @param projectName   The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from \code{\link{getBaseline}} or \code{\link{runBaseline}}, og a project object (as returned from \code{\link{openProject}}).
#' @param bootstrapMethod	The bootstrap method used to generate the data.
#' @param var				A key string indicating the variable to plot (see getPlottingUnit()$defaults$Rstox_var for available values). For plotAbundance_SweptAreaTotal() \code{var} is hard coded to "Count"
#' @param unit				A unit key string indicating the unit, or alternatively a numeric value giving the scaling factor (run getPlottingUnit() to see available values).
#' @param baseunit			The unit used in the data.
#' @param grp1				Variable used to group results, e.g. "age", "LenGrp", "sex"
#' @param grp2				An optional second grouping variable
#' @param xlab				The label to user for the x axis, with default depending on data plotted,
#' @param ylab				The label to user for the y axis, with default depending on data plotted.
#' @param main				Main title for plot (text)
#' @param format			The file format of the saved plot, given as a string naming the function to use for saving the plot (such as bmp, jpeg, png, tiff), with \code{filename} as its first argument. Arguments fo the functions are given as \code{...}. Dimensions are defaulted to width=5000, height=3000, , resolution to 500 dpi. If \code{format} has length 0, the plot is shown in the graphics window, and not saved to file.
#' @param log				Character string giving the axes to apply log10() to, or TRUE to indicate log="y".
#' @param filetag			A character string to append to the file name (before file extension).
#' @param maxcv				The maximum cv in the plot. Use Inf to indicate the maximum cv of the data.
#' @param ...				Parameters passed on from other functions. Includes \code{numberscale}, which is kept for compability with older versions. Please use 'unit' instead. (Scale results with e.g. 1000 or 1000000).
#' @return Plot saved to file and abundance table printed
#' @examples
#' projectName <- "Test_Rstox"
#' plotAbundance(projectName, grp1="age")
#' plotAbundance(projectName, grp1="age", unit=1)
#' @export
#' @rdname plotAbundance
plotAbundance <- function(projectName, bootstrapMethod="AcousticTrawl", var="Abundance", unit=NULL, baseunit=NULL, grp1="age", grp2=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, main="", format="png", log=NULL, filetag=NULL, ...){
	fun <- paste0("plotAbundance_", bootstrapMethod)
	do.call(fun, list(projectName=projectName, var=var, unit=unit, baseunit=baseunit, grp1=grp1, grp2=grp2, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, format=format, log=log, filetag=filetag, ...))
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname plotAbundance
plotAbundance_AcousticTrawl <- plotAbundance_SweptAreaLength <- function(projectName, var="Abundance", unit=NULL, baseunit=NULL, grp1="age", grp2=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, main="", format="png", maxcv=1, log=NULL, filetag=NULL, ...){
	# Get the parameters to send to the plotting function given by name in 'format':
	lll <- list(...)
	# The old parameter 'numberscale' is kept for backwards compatibility:
	if("numberscale" %in% names(lll)){
		warning("The argument numberscale is deprecated. Use the new argument 'unit' instead.")
		unit <- lll$numberscale
		lll$numberscale <- NULL
	plottingUnit <- getPlottingUnit(unit=unit, var=var, baseunit=baseunit, def.out=FALSE)
	# Process the boostrap runs:
	temp <- reportAbundance(projectName, grp1=grp1, grp2=grp2, numberscale=plottingUnit$scale, plotOutput=TRUE, msg=FALSE)
		warning("No plots generated. Possibly due to mismatch between the parameter 'bootstrapMethod' in the bootstrapping and in the plotting function.")
	outList <- list(filename=NULL, data=NULL)
	for(i in seq_along(temp)){
		level <- names(temp)[i]
		out <- temp[[i]]$abnd
		thisgrp1 <- temp[[i]]$grp1
		thisgrp2 <- temp[[i]]$grp2
		#grp1.unknown <- temp[[i]]$grp1.unknown
		abundanceSum <- temp[[i]]$abundanceSum
		# Set the missing values to low value (assuming only postive values are used for age and stratum and other variables):
		cat("Abundance by age for ", level, "\n", se0="")
		#abundanceSum[[thisgrp1]] <- setValueForMissing(abundanceSum[[thisgrp1]])
		#out[[thisgrp1]] <- setValueForMissing(out[[thisgrp1]])
		xlab <- paste(thisgrp1)
		abundanceSum[[thisgrp1]] <- factorNAfirst(abundanceSum[[thisgrp1]])
		out[[thisgrp1]] <- factorNAfirst(out[[thisgrp1]])
		#	levels <- seq(min(abundanceSum[[thisgrp1]], na.rm=TRUE), max(abundanceSum[[thisgrp1]], na.rm=TRUE), by=median(diff(sort(unique(abundanceSum[[thisgrp1]]))), na.rm=TRUE))
		#	levels <- unique(abundanceSum[[thisgrp1]])
		#	abundanceSum[[grp1]] <- setValueForMissing(abundanceSum[[grp1]])
		#	out[[grp1]] <- setValueForMissing(out[[grp1]])
		#	xlab <- paste(grp1)
		#	xlim <- range(unique(abundanceSum[[grp1]]))
		#	levels <- seq(min(abundanceSum[[grp1]], na.rm=TRUE), max(abundanceSum[[grp1]], na.rm=TRUE), by=median(diff(sort(unique(abundanceSum[[grp1]]))), na.rm=TRUE))
		#	xlab <- names(out)[1]
		#	xlim <- range(xlab)
		#	levels <- xlab
		#	grp1 <- xlab
			#abundanceSum[[grp2]] <- setValueForMissing(abundanceSum[[grp2]])
			#out[[grp2]] <- setValueForMissing(out[[grp2]])
			xlab <- paste(thisgrp1, "by", grp2)
			abundanceSum[[thisgrp2]] <- factorNAfirst(abundanceSum[[thisgrp2]])
			out[[thisgrp2]] <- factorNAfirst(out[[thisgrp2]])
		# Get ylab and xlab text:
			ylab <- paste0(plottingUnit$var, " (", plottingUnit$unit, ")")
		#if(is.empty(xlab) & !is.empty(grp2)){
		#	xlab <- paste(grp1,"by", grp2)
		#	xlab <- paste(grp1)
		# Get file name:
		filenamebase <- file.path(getProjectPaths(projectName)$RReportDir, paste0(c(level, plottingUnit$var, thisgrp1, grp2, filetag), collapse="_"))
		filename <- paste(filenamebase, format, sep=".")
		# If width and height is not given, default to width=5000, height=3000:
		if(!all(c("width", "height") %in% names(lll))){
			lll$width <- 5000
			lll$height <- 3000
			lll$res <- 500
			do.call(format, c(list(filename=filename), applyParlist(lll, format)))
		maxcv <- min(maxcv, max(out$Ab.Sum.cv, na.rm=TRUE))
			maxcv <- 1
		cvLabels <- pretty(c(0, maxcv))
		# Define the ylim, starting from the lower value of abundanceSum$Ab.Sum in the case of logarithmic plotting on the y axis:
			log <- "y"
		if("y" %in% log){
			ylim <- range(abundanceSum$Ab.Sum, na.rm=TRUE)
			ylim <- c(0, max(abundanceSum$Ab.Sum, na.rm=TRUE))
		#ylim <- c(0, max(abundanceSum$Ab.Sum, na.rm=TRUE))
		cvScalingFactor <- max(ylim) / maxcv
		# Add a tiny margin to each side of the range to avid values from missing out due to precision errors during scaling with 'cvScalingFactor':
		ylim[2] <- ylim[2] * (1 + 1e-12)
		outtmp <- out
		outtmp$Ab.Sum.cv <- outtmp$Ab.Sum.cv * cvScalingFactor
					pl <- ggplot() + 
						geom_boxplot(data=abundanceSum, aes_string(x=thisgrp1, y="Ab.Sum"), outlier.shape=18) + 
						theme_bw() + 
						scale_x_discrete(drop=FALSE) + 
						 geom_line(aes_string(x=thisgrp1, y="Ab.Sum.cv", group=1), data=outtmp, show.legend=FALSE) + 
						geom_point(aes_string(x=thisgrp1, y="Ab.Sum.cv", group=1), data=outtmp, show.legend=FALSE)
					pl <- ggplot() + 
						geom_boxplot(data=abundanceSum, aes_string(x=thisgrp1, y="Ab.Sum", fill=grp2), outlier.shape=18) + 
						theme_bw() + 
						scale_x_discrete(drop=FALSE) + 
						scale_fill_discrete(name=grp2) + 
						 geom_line(aes_string(x=thisgrp1, y="Ab.Sum.cv", group=grp2, colour=out[[grp2]]), data=outtmp, show.legend=FALSE) + 
						geom_point(aes_string(x=thisgrp1, y="Ab.Sum.cv", group=grp2, colour=out[[grp2]]), data=outtmp, show.legend=FALSE)
				pl <- pl + 
					#scale_y_continuous(limits=ylim, trans=if("y" %in% log) "log10" else "identity", sec.axis=sec_axis(~./cvScalingFactor, name="CV")) + 
					scale_y_continuous(trans=if("y" %in% log) "log10" else "identity", sec.axis=sec_axis(~./cvScalingFactor, name="CV")) + 
					coord_cartesian(ylim=ylim) + 
					xlab(xlab) +
					ylab(ylab) + 
				# Adjust text size and other theme variables:
				#pl + theme(applyParlist(lll, "theme"))
				pl + theme(axis.text=element_text(size=1.5), axis.title=element_text(size=2,face="bold"), , legend.text=element_text(size=2))
				#if("x" %in% log){
				#	pl <- pl + scale_x_log10()
				#if("y" %in% log){
				#	pl <- pl + scale_y_log10()
				# Activate the plot:
				#if(startsWith(tolower(format), "tif")){
				#	dev.copy(tiff, filename=filename, res=600, compression="lzw", height=10, width=15, units="in")
			finally = {
				# safe closure of image resource inside finally block
		#system(paste0("open '" ,filename, "'"))
		outList$filename[[level]] <- filename
		outList$data[[level]] <- temp[[i]]
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname plotAbundance
plotAbundance_SweptAreaTotal <- function(projectName, unit=NULL, baseunit=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, main="", format="png", log=NULL, filetag=NULL, ...){
	# Get the parameters to send to the plotting function given by name in 'format':
	lll <- list(...)
	# The old parameter 'numberscale' is kept for backwards compatibility:
	if("numberscale" %in% names(lll)){
		warning("The argument numberscale is deprecated. Use the new argument 'unit' instead.")
		unit <- lll$numberscale
		lll$numberscale <- NULL
	# Process the boostrap runs:
	temp <- reportAbundance_SweptAreaTotal(projectName, unit=unit, baseunit=baseunit)
	outList <- list(filename=NULL, data=NULL)
	for(i in seq_along(temp)){
		level <- names(temp)[i]
		abnd <- temp[[i]]$abnd
		# Get the var from the reportAbundance_SweptAreaTotal():
		plottingUnit <- getPlottingUnit(unit=unit, var=temp[[i]]$var, baseunit=baseunit, def.out=FALSE)
		# Get ylab and xlab text:
			ylab <- paste0(plottingUnit$var, ", mean \u00B1 standard deviation (", plottingUnit$unit, ")")
		xlab <- "SpecCat"
		# Get file name:
		#filenamebase <- file.path(getProjectPaths(projectName)$RReportDir, paste0(c(level, plottingUnit$var), collapse="_"))
		#filename <- paste(filenamebase, format, sep=".")
		filenamebase <- file.path(getProjectPaths(projectName)$RReportDir, paste0(c(level, plottingUnit$var, xlab, filetag), collapse="_"))
		filename <- paste(filenamebase, format, sep=".")
		# If width and height is not given, default to width=5000, height=3000:
		if(!all(c("width", "height") %in% names(lll))){
			lll$width <- 5000
			lll$height <- 3000
			lll$res <- 500
			do.call(format, c(list(filename=filename), applyParlist(lll, format)))
				x <- abnd
				x$Mean_minus_SD <- x$Mean - x$SD
				x$Mean_plus_SD <- x$Mean + x$SD
				pl <- ggplot(x, aes_string(x="SpecCat", y="Mean", color="SpecCat")) + 
					geom_point(data=x, aes_string(x="SpecCat", y="Mean", color="SpecCat"), size=2) + 
					geom_errorbar(aes_string(ymax="Mean_minus_SD", ymin="Mean_plus_SD"), position="dodge")
				#x <- cbind(SpecCat=rownames(abnd), abnd)
				#pl <- ggplot(x, aes(x=SpecCat, y=Mean, color=SpecCat)) + 
				#	geom_point(data=x, aes(x=SpecCat, y=Mean, color=SpecCat), size=2) + 
				#	geom_errorbar(aes(ymax=Mean + SD, ymin=Mean - SD), position="dodge")				
				pl <- pl + 
					xlab(xlab) +
					ylab(ylab) + 
				if("x" %in% log){
					pl <- pl + scale_x_log10()
				if("y" %in% log){
					pl <- pl + scale_y_log10()
				# Adjust text size and other theme variables:
				#pl + theme(applyParlist(lll, "theme"))
				pl + theme(axis.text=element_text(size=1.5), axis.title=element_text(size=2,face="bold"), , legend.text=element_text(size=2))
				# Activate the plot:
			finally = {
				# safe closure of image resource inside finally block
		#system(paste0("open '" ,filename, "'"))
		outList$filename[[level]] <- filename
		outList$data[[level]] <- temp[[i]]
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname plotAbundance
factorNAfirst <- function(x){
	### if(is.numeric(x)){
	### 	levels <- seq(min(x, na.rm=TRUE), max(x, na.rm=TRUE), by=median(diff(sort(unique(x))), na.rm=TRUE))
	### }
	### else{
	### 	levels <- unique(x)
	### }
	### if(length(levels)==1 && is.na(levels)){
	### 	levels <- "NA"
	### 	x <- rep("NA", length(x))
	### }
	### else if(any(is.na(x))){
	### 	levels <- c(NA, levels[!is.na(levels)])
	### }
	### factor(x, levels=levels, exclude=FALSE)
	### #is.nax <- is.na(x)
	### #value <- if(is.character(x) || all(is.nax)) "-" else min(x, na.rm=TRUE) - 1
	### #x[is.nax] <- value
	### #x
		levels <- seq(min(x, na.rm=TRUE), max(x, na.rm=TRUE), by=median(diff(sort(unique(x))), na.rm=TRUE))
				levels <- c(NA, levels)
		levels <- unique(x)
	if(length(levels)==1 && is.na(levels)){
		levels <- "NA"
		x <- rep("NA", length(x))
	levels <- sort(levels, na.last=FALSE)
	factor(x, levels=levels, exclude=NULL)

#' Calculate a summary of the bootstrap iterations (possibly after imputing unknown ages).
#' \code{reportAbundance} is a wrapper function for the reportAbundance functions for the bootstrapMehtods "AcousticTrawl", "SweptAreaLength" and "SweptAreaTotal". \cr \cr
#' \code{reportAbundance_AcousticTrawl} reports and writes to file the abundance with uncertanty for the different groups given by \code{grp1} and (possibly) \code{grp2}. \cr \cr
#' \code{reportAbundance_SweptAreaLength} is an alias for \code{reportAbundance_AcousticTrawl}. \cr \cr
#' \code{reportAbundance_SweptAreaTotal} returns summary statistics generated from bootstrap replicates for projects with only total catch. \cr \cr
#' \code{reportAbundanceAtLevel} is used in \code{reportAbundance_AcousticTrawl} and \code{reportAbundance_SweptAreaLength} for generating the report for each level "bootstra" or "bootstrapImpute". \cr \cr
#' @param projectName   The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from \code{\link{getBaseline}} or \code{\link{runBaseline}}, og a project object (as returned from \code{\link{openProject}}).
#' @param bootstrapMethod	The method used when bootstrapping (see \code{\link{runBootstrap}}). This option selects different versions of functions such as \code{\link{reportAbundance}}}}. Note: Currently (Rstox_1.7) the report is equal for bootstrapMethod = "AcousticTrawl" and "SweptAreaLength".
#' @param var				A key string indicating the variable to plot (see getPlottingUnit()$defaults$Rstox_var for available values).
#' @param unit				A unit key string indicating the unit, or alternatively a numeric value giving the scaling factor (run getPlottingUnit() to see available values).
#' @param baseunit			The unit used in the data.
#' @param level				A string naming the process level (see getRstoxEnv()$processLevels for available levels).
#' @param grp1				Variable used to group results, e.g. "age", "LenGrp", "sex"
#' @param grp2				An optional second grouping variable
#' @param numberscale		Kept for compability with older versions. Use 'unit' instead. (Scale results with e.g. 1000 or 1000000).
#' @param plotOutput		Logical: if TRUE return a list of the recuired data in the function plotAbundance(). Otherwise, only the abundance data frame is returned.
#' @param write				Logical: if TRUE write the data to a tab-separated file.
#' @return A data frame of the abundance in sumary per grp2 and grp1 if plotOutput=FALSE, and a list holding this object (keeping "-" for missing values and not ordering) and other objects needed by plotAbundance().
#' @examples
#' projectName <- "Test_Rstox"
#' reportAbundance(projectName, grp1=NULL, grp2=NULL)
#' reportAbundance(projectName, grp1="age", grp2=NULL)
#' reportAbundance(projectName, var="weight", grp1="age", grp2=NULL)
#' reportAbundance(projectName, grp1="age", grp2="Stratum")
#' reportAbundance(projectName, grp1="age", grp2="Stratum")
#' @export
#' @rdname reportAbundance
reportAbundance <- function(projectName, bootstrapMethod="AcousticTrawl", var="Abundance", unit=NULL, baseunit=NULL, grp1="age", grp2=NULL, numberscale=1e6, plotOutput=FALSE, write=FALSE, ...){
	fun <- paste0("reportAbundance_", bootstrapMethod)
	do.call(fun, list(projectName=projectName, var=var, unit=unit, baseunit=baseunit, grp1=grp1, grp2=grp2, numberscale=numberscale, plotOutput=plotOutput, write=write, ...))
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname reportAbundance
reportAbundance_SweptAreaLength <- function(projectName, var="Abundance", unit=NULL, baseunit=NULL, grp1="age", grp2=NULL, numberscale=1e6, plotOutput=FALSE, write=FALSE, msg=TRUE, ...){
	out <- list()
	for(level in getRstoxDef("processLevels")){
		out[[level]] <- reportAbundanceAtLevel(projectName, var=var, unit=unit, baseunit=baseunit, level=level, grp1=grp1, grp2=grp2, numberscale=numberscale, plotOutput=plotOutput, write=write)
	out <- out[sapply(out, length)>0]
	if(msg && length(out)==0){
		warning("No reports generated. Possibly due to mismatch between the parameter 'bootstrapMethod' in the bootstrapping and in the report function.")
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname reportAbundance
reportAbundance_AcousticTrawl <- reportAbundance_SweptAreaLength
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname reportAbundance
reportAbundance_SweptAreaTotal <- function(projectName, unit=NULL, baseunit=NULL, write=FALSE, ...){
	level <- "bootstrap"
	outlist <- vector("list", length(level))
	names(outlist) <- level
	projectEnv <- loadProjectData(projectName=projectName, var=level)
	plottingUnit <- getPlottingUnit(unit=unit, baseunit=baseunit, def.out=FALSE)
	plottingUnit$nboot <- projectEnv[[level]]$bootstrapParameters$nboot
	plottingUnit$seed <- projectEnv[[level]]$bootstrapParameters$seed
	plottingUnit$bootstrapMethod <- projectEnv[[level]]$bootstrapParameters$bootstrapMethod
	plottingUnit$acousticMethod <- paste(projectEnv[[level]]$bootstrapParameters$acousticMethod, collapse="~")
	plottingUnit$bioticMethod <- paste(projectEnv[[level]]$bootstrapParameters$bioticMethod, collapse="~")
	plottingUnit$var <- projectEnv[[level]]$bootstrapParameters$var
	units <- getPlottingUnit(unit=unit, baseunit=baseunit, def.out=FALSE)
	boot <- projectEnv[[level]]$TotalCatch
		warning(paste0("No object named TotalCatch in the project environment of project '", projectName, "'"))
	boot <- do.call("rbind", boot) / plottingUnit$scale
	Variance <- apply(boot, 2, var)
	SD <- sqrt(Variance)
	Mean <- apply(boot, 2, mean)
	CV <- SD / Mean
	abnd <- data.frame(SpecCat=names(Variance), Variance, SD, Mean, CV)
	# Write the data to a tab-separated file:
		filename <- paste0(file.path(getProjectPaths(projectName)$RReportDir, paste0(c(level, plottingUnit$var), collapse="_")), ".txt")
		writeLines(paste(names(plottingUnit), unlist(plottingUnit), sep=": "), con=filename)
		suppressWarnings(write.table(abnd, file=filename, append=TRUE, sep="\t", dec=".", row.names=FALSE))
		filename <- NULL
	outlist[[level]] <- c(list(abnd=abnd, filename=filename), plottingUnit)
#' @import data.table
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname reportAbundance
reportAbundanceAtLevel <- function(projectName, var="Abundance", unit=NULL, baseunit=NULL, level="bootstrapImpute", grp1="age", grp2=NULL, numberscale=1e6, plotOutput=FALSE, write=FALSE, digits=6){
	# Read the saved data from the R model. In older versions the user loaded the file "rmodel.RData" separately, but in the current code the environment "RstoxEnv" is declared on load of Rstox, and all relevant outputs are assigned to this environment:
	projectEnv <- loadProjectData(projectName=projectName, var=level)
	varInd <- abbrMatch(var[1], c("Abundance", "weight"), ignore.case=TRUE)
	# Combine all the bootstrap runs in one data table:
	DT <- rbindlist(projectEnv[[level]]$SuperIndAbundance, idcol=TRUE)
	if(sum(unlist(lapply(DT, length)))==0){
		#warning(paste0("The object ", level, " not present for project ", projectName))
	# If grp1 is missing, replace it with all zeros:
	if(length(grp1)==0 || length(DT[[grp1]])==0){
		grp1 <- c("TSN", "TSB")[varInd$ind]
		#DT[[grp1]] <- integer(nrow(DT))
		DT[[grp1]] <- grp1

	## Is any data in the grp1 input unkown?
	grp1.unknown <- TRUE
	#if(!any((DT[[grp1]]) == "-")){
	if(!any(is.na( DT[[grp1]] ))){
		#DT[[grp1]] <- as.numeric(DT[[grp1]]) 
		grp1.unknown <- FALSE 
		setkeyv(DT, cols=c(".id","Stratum", grp1, grp2))
		setkeyv(DT, cols=c(".id","Stratum", grp1))
	byGrp <- c(grp1, grp2, ".id")

	# Filter and sum by stratum:
	base <- projectEnv[[level]]$base.SuperIndAbundance
	strata <- unique(base$Stratum[base$includeintotal %in% TRUE])
	# Get the scaling factor for the plotting and the unit requested and the unit used in the data as strings:
	plottingUnit <- getPlottingUnit(unit=unit, var=var, baseunit=baseunit, def.out=FALSE)
	plottingUnit$nboot <- length(projectEnv[[level]]$SuperIndAbundance)
	plottingUnit$seed <- projectEnv[[level]]$bootstrapParameters$seed
	plottingUnit$bootstrapMethod <- projectEnv[[level]]$bootstrapParameters$bootstrapMethod
	plottingUnit$acousticMethod <- paste(projectEnv[[level]]$bootstrapParameters$acousticMethod, collapse="~")
	plottingUnit$bioticMethod <- paste(projectEnv[[level]]$bootstrapParameters$bioticMethod, collapse="~")
	# Sum the abundance or the product of abundance and weight (and possibly others in the future):
	# Declare the variables used in the DT[] expression below (this is done to avoid warnings when building the package):
	. <- NULL
	Ab.Sum <- NULL
	Abundance <- NULL
	Stratum <- NULL
	weight <- NULL
		abundanceSumDT <- DT[Stratum %in% strata, .(Ab.Sum=sum(Abundance, na.rm=TRUE) / plottingUnit$scale), by=byGrp]
	else if(varInd$ind==2){
		abundanceSumDT <- DT[Stratum %in% strata, .(Ab.Sum=sum(Abundance * weight, na.rm=TRUE) / plottingUnit$scale), by=byGrp]
		warning(paste0("'var' does not match the available values (", getPlottingUnit()$defaults$Rstox_var, ")"))
	abundanceSum <- as.data.frame(abundanceSumDT)
	unique_grp1 <- unique(abundanceSum[,grp1])
	unique_grp2 <- unique(abundanceSum[,grp2])

	setkeyv(abundanceSumDT, cols=c(".id", grp1))
	abundanceSumDT <- abundanceSumDT[CJ(unique(abundanceSumDT$.id), unique_grp1), allow.cartesian=TRUE]

		setkeyv(abundanceSumDT, cols=c(".id", grp1, grp2))
		abundanceSumDT <- abundanceSumDT[CJ(unique(abundanceSumDT$.id), unique_grp1, unique_grp2), allow.cartesian=TRUE]
	abundanceSumDT$Ab.Sum[is.na(abundanceSumDT$Ab.Sum)] <- 0
	out <- abundanceSumDT[, .("Ab.Sum.5%" = quantile(Ab.Sum, probs=0.05, na.rm=TRUE),
					"Ab.Sum.50%" = quantile(Ab.Sum, probs=0.50, na.rm=TRUE),
					"Ab.Sum.95%" = quantile(Ab.Sum, probs=0.95, na.rm=TRUE),
					Ab.Sum.mean = mean(Ab.Sum, na.rm=TRUE),
					Ab.Sum.sd = sd(Ab.Sum, na.rm=TRUE),
					Ab.Sum.cv = sd(Ab.Sum, na.rm=TRUE) / mean(Ab.Sum, na.rm=TRUE)) 
					, by = c(grp1, grp2)]
	# Before, as.numeric() was added in as.data.frame() for some reason, but as.data.frame() should convert numerics to numeric properly:
	#out <- as.data.frame(lapply(out, as.numeric))
	out <- as.data.frame(out)
	# Order the rows:
	orderFact1 <- if(length(grp1) && length(out[[grp1]])) out[[grp1]] else integer(nrow(out))
	orderFact2 <- if(length(grp2) && length(out[[grp2]])) out[[grp2]] else integer(nrow(out))
	out <- out[order(orderFact2, orderFact1, na.last=FALSE),]
	rownames(out) <- NULL
	### if(nrow(out)==1){
	### 	if(length(grp1)){
	### 		out[1] <- "-"
	### 	}
	### 	else{
	### 		out[1] <- c("TSN", "TSB")[varInd$ind]
	### 		rownames(out) <- out[1]
	### 		grp1 <- out[1]
	### 	}
	### 	#out <- out[,-1]
	### 	#out <- out[1] <- 
	### 	#rownames(out) <- c("TSN", "TSB")[varInd$ind]
	### }
	# Write the data to a tab-separated file:
		# Set temporary grp1 to NULL:
		#	grp1 <- NULL
		filename <- paste0(file.path(getProjectPaths(projectName)$RReportDir, paste0(c(level, plottingUnit$var, grp1, grp2), collapse="_")), ".txt")
		writeLines(paste(names(plottingUnit), unlist(plottingUnit), sep=": "), con=filename)
		# Set significant digits in the printed file:
		#suppressWarnings(write.table(out, file=filename, append=TRUE, sep="\t", dec=".", row.names=FALSE))
		#areNumeric <- sapply(out, is.numeric)
		#out[areNumeric] <- lapply(out[areNumeric], signif, digits=digits)
		suppressWarnings(write.table(out, file=filename, append=TRUE, sep="\t", dec=".", row.names=FALSE))
		filename <- NULL
	outlist <- c(list(abnd=out, filename=filename), plottingUnit)
		#outlist <- c(outlist, list(grp1.unknown=grp1.unknown, abundanceSum=abundanceSum, unique_grp1=unique_grp1, unique_grp2=unique_grp2, Ab.Sum=abundanceSumDT$Ab.Sum, abundanceSumDT=abundanceSumDT))
		#outlist <- c(outlist, list(grp1.unknown=grp1.unknown, abundanceSum=abundanceSum, unique_grp1=unique_grp1, unique_grp2=unique_grp2, Ab.Sum=abundanceSumDT$Ab.Sum))
		outlist <- c(outlist, list(grp1.unknown=grp1.unknown, abundanceSum=abundanceSum, Ab.Sum=abundanceSumDT$Ab.Sum, grp1=grp1, grp2=grp2))

#' Get various plots and reports in Rstox
#' \code{getPlots} calls all or a subset of the plotting functions in Rstox (name starting with plot). \cr \cr
#' \code{getReports} calls all or a subset of the report functions in Rstox (name starting with report). \cr \cr
#' @param projectName   The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from \code{\link{getBaseline}} or \code{\link{runBaseline}}, og a project object (as returned from \code{\link{openProject}}).
#' @param out			A string vector giving the plot or report functions to run. See getRstoxEnv()$keywords for available keywords.
#' @param options		A string vector holding the parameters passed on to the plotting functions. These parameters overrides identically named parameters in '...'. The parameters must be formatted as R expressions (as typed into an R console), and separated by semicolons (";"). See examples below:
#' \describe{
#'	\item{"Single string"}{"string = 'a string'"}
#'	\item{"String vector"}{"stringvec = c('red', 'blue', 'yellow2')"}
#'	\item{"Numeric"}{"num = 1.55"}
#'	\item{"Numeric vector"}{"numvec = c(1.4e-6, 16/3, runif(3))"}
#'	\item{"Logical"}{"ok = TRUE"}
#'	\item{"Logical vector"}{"okvec = c( TRUE, FALSE, T, F, {set.seed(0); runif(3)>0.3} )"}
#'	\item{"Array"}{"arr = array(runif(12), dim=3:4)"}
#'	\item{"Function"}{"fun1 = function(x) sin(rev(x))"}
#' }
#' All the examples in one string:
#' options = "string = 'a string'; stringvec = c('red', 'blue', 'yellow2'); num = 1.55; numvec = c(1.4e-6, 16/3, runif(3)); ok = TRUE; okvec = c( TRUE, FALSE, T, F, runif(3)>0.3 ); arr = array(runif(12), dim=3:4); fun1 = function(x) sin(rev(x)); fun3 = runif"
#' @param ...			Parameters passed on to the plotting functions.
#' @return A vector of file names of the plots or reports.
#' @examples
#' # View all parameters of plotting functions:
#' sapply(getFunsRstox("plot"), function(x) names(formals(x)))
#' projectName <- "Test_Rstox"
#' # Get all plots:
#' getPlots(projectName)
#' # Get all reports:
#' getReports(projectName)
#' @export
#' @rdname getPlots
getPlots <- function(projectName, out="all", options="", ...){
	runFunsRstox(projectName, string="plot", out=out, options=options, ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname getPlots
getReports <- function(projectName, out="all", options="", ...){
	runFunsRstox(projectName, string="report", out=out, options=options, write=TRUE, all.out=TRUE, ...)

#' Get various plots and reports in Rstox
#' \code{runFunsRstox} Runs all functions starting with the input parameter \code{string}. \cr \cr
#' \code{getFunsRstox} Gets all functions starting with the input parameter \code{string}. \cr \cr
#' @param projectName   The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from \code{\link{getBaseline}} or \code{\link{runBaseline}}, og a project object (as returned from \code{\link{openProject}}).
#' @param string		A string giving the first characters of the functions to run, such as "plot" or "report".
#' @param out			A string vector giving the plot or report functions to run. See getRstoxEnv()$keywords for available keywords.
#' @param options		A string vector holding the parameters passed on to the plotting functions. These parameters overrides identically named parameters in '...'. The parameters must be formatted as R expressions (as typed into an R console), and separated by semicolons (";"). See examples below:
#' \describe{
#'	\item{"Single string"}{"string = 'a string'"}
#'	\item{"String vector"}{"stringvec = c('red', 'blue', 'yellow2')"}
#'	\item{"Numeric"}{"num = 1.55"}
#'	\item{"Numeric vector"}{"numvec = c(1.4e-6, 16/3, runif(3))"}
#'	\item{"Logical"}{"ok = TRUE"}
#'	\item{"Logical vector"}{"okvec = c( TRUE, FALSE, T, F, {set.seed(0); runif(3)>0.3} )"}
#'	\item{"Array"}{"arr = array(runif(12), dim=3:4)"}
#'	\item{"Function"}{"fun1 = function(x) sin(rev(x))"}
#' }
#' All the examples in one string:
#' options = "string = 'a string'; stringvec = c('red', 'blue', 'yellow2'); num = 1.55; numvec = c(1.4e-6, 16/3, runif(3)); ok = TRUE; okvec = c( TRUE, FALSE, T, F, runif(3)>0.3 ); arr = array(runif(12), dim=3:4); fun1 = function(x) sin(rev(x)); fun3 = runif"
#' @param all.out		Logical: if TRUE return all data from the functions, and otherwise only return file names.
#' @param drop.out		Should the list of be dropped if only one funciton is run?
#' @param ...			Parameters passed on to the plotting functions.
#' @return \code{runFunsRstox} returns a the outputs from alle the functions run, whereas \code{getFunsRstox} returns a vector of functions.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname runFunsRstox
runFunsRstox <- function(projectName, string, out="all", options="", all.out=FALSE, drop.out=TRUE, ...){
	# Get the available functions:
	funs <- getFunsRstox(string=string, out=out)
	# Get the parameters
	dotlist <- list(...)
		# Merge with '...', where 'options' overrides '...':
		dotlist <- c(getOptionsText(options), dotlist)
	# Remove duplicates:
	dotlist <- dotlist[!duplicated(names(dotlist))]
	# Run functions and return outputs:
		#out <- lapply(funs, function(xx) {cat("... running", xx, "...\n"); do.call(xx, c(list(projectName=projectName), dotlist))})
		out <- lapply(funs, function(xx) tryCatch({do.call(xx, c(list(projectName=projectName), dotlist))}, error=function(err) NA))
		#out <- lapply(funs, function(xx) {cat("... running", xx, "...\n"); do.call(xx, c(list(projectName=projectName), dotlist))$filename})
		out <- lapply(funs, function(xx) tryCatch({do.call(xx, c(list(projectName=projectName), dotlist))}, error=function(err) NA)$filename)
		#out <- lapply(funs, function(xx) do.call(xx, c(list(projectName=projectName), dotlist))$filename)
	# Name the output list by the funs:
	names(out) <- funs
	# Remove errors:
	out <- out[sapply(out, function(x) !identical(x, NA))]
	out <- out[unlist(lapply(out, length))>0]
	# Return:
	if(drop.out && length(out)==1){
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname runFunsRstox
getFunsRstox <- function(string, out="all"){
	# Function for selecting an element based on the keyword:
	applyKeyword <- function(x, keyword){
		namesx <- names(x)
		hit <- which(startsWith(names(x), keyword))
			warning(paste0("Keyword (", keyword, ") matching none of the valid keywords (", paste(namesx, collapse=", ")), ")")
		else if(length(hit)>1){
			warning(paste0("Keywords (", paste(keyword, ", "), ") matching several of the valid keywords (", paste(namesx, collapse=", ")), "). First selected.")
			hit <- hit[1]
	# Define the valid functions:
	#funs <- list(
	#	plots = list(
	#		all = c("plotAbundance", "plotNASCDistribution")
	#		),
	#	reports = list(
	#		all = c("reportAbundance")
	#		)
	#	)
	# Added the Rstox functions exported to StoX in the initiateRstox(), to extract them and detect the function type by the start of the function name (2018-08-29):
	### RReportFunctions <- getRstoxDef()$RReportFunctions$Name
	### plotFunctions <- RReportFunctions[startsWith(tolower(RReportFunctions), "plot")]
	### reportFunctions <- RReportFunctions[startsWith(tolower(RReportFunctions), "report")]
	### funs <- list(
	### 	plots = list(
	### 		all = plotFunctions
	### 	),
	### 	reports = list(
	### 		all = reportFunctions
	### 	)
	### )
	funs <- list(
		plots = list(
			all = c("plotAbundance", "plotNASCDistribution", "plotRECA")
		reports = list(
			all = c("reportAbundance", "reportRECA")
	# Select the specified functions:
	hit <- applyKeyword(funs, string)
	outFuns <- funs[[hit]]
	hit <- applyKeyword(outFuns, out)
	outFuns <- outFuns[[out]]
	# Use only the functions that exists (used for testing):
	outFuns <- outFuns[sapply(outFuns, exists)]

#' Generate species matrix with biotic stations as rows and station information and the species present in the \code{ref} file as columns. One matrix generated per variable \code{var}.
#' @param projectName						A vector of cruise series names providing the data.
#' @param ref						Either a data frame with the reference information about the species, containing the variables specied in "specVar", "catVar", or the path to a csv file holding this data frame.
#' @param years						A vector of the years to process.
#' @param downloadProjects			Logical: If TRUE download the projects, which must be done the first time, or if one needs to re-download.
#' @param timeout					Used on Windows if problems with incompletely downloded data occurs (server problems).
#' @param model						The model to use in the projects. Per default only two processes are needed: ReadBioticXML reads the biotic data, and FilterBiotic filters away stations, gear, species and so on. Set FilterBiotic to filter data from ReadBioticXML.
#' @param model						Parameters such as FilterBiotic <- list(BioticData="ReadBioticXML",  FishStationExpr = "gear =~['3270','3271', '3293', '']  and gearcondition < 3 and trawlquality =~['1','3']  and fishstationtype != ['2','C']", SampleExpr = "genetics != '7'").
#' @param specVar					The name of the variable identifying the species the data. This variable must be present also in 'ref'.
#' @param catVar					The name of the variable identifying the species categories to which the data should be grouped.
#' @param stationVar				The variables in the data defining biotic stations (the combination of these variables is used).
#' @param bioticProc				The StoX process from which the data are extracted (one of "ReadBioticXML" and "FilterBiotic" (the default, useful for filtering out e.g. gears)).
#' @param var						The variables to return data of.
#' @param projectName				The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from \code{\link{getBaseline}} or \code{\link{runBaseline}}, og a project object (as returned from \code{\link{openProject}}).
#' @param specVar.bio,specVar.ref	Names of the species columns in the data and in the \code{ref} file. When only specifying \code{specVar}, a common column name is assumed.
#' @param na.as						The value to use for missing data (e.g., species categories that are not present in a station).
#' @param drop.out					Logical: If TRUE (default) unlist if only one variable is given in \code{var}.
#' @param close						Logical: If TRUE (default) close the project after reading the data.
#' @param ...						Parameters passed on to getBaseline(), e.g. for changing the baseline parameters (adding filters).
#' @return A list of data frames with stations as rows and station information and the species present in the \code{ref} file as columns.
#' @export
#' @rdname generateSpeciesMatrix
generateSpeciesMatrix <- function(projectName, ref, years, check=TRUE, 
	downloadProjects = FALSE, timeout = 600, 
	model = list("ReadBioticXML", FilterBiotic=list(BioticData="ReadBioticXML")), 
	specVar = "noname", catVar = "Speccat", stationVar = c("cruise", "serialno"), 
	bioticProc = "FilterBiotic", var = c("weight", "count"), 
	max.sampletype=49, list.out=TRUE, ...){
	# Function to detect species that are present in the data but not in the reference file:
	out.noname <- function(pr, ref, bioticProc="FilterBiotic", max.sampletype=49){
		# Read the biotic proecss and extract the catch sample level:
		cat("Project:", pr, "...\n")
		s1 <- getBaseline(pr, endProcess=bioticProc, proc=bioticProc, input=FALSE, msg=FALSE)
		dat1 <- s1$ReadBioticXML$ReadBioticXML_BioticData_CatchSample.txt
		# Note that all names are converted to lower case 
		noname.pr <- tolower(sort(as.character(unique(dat1$noname[dat1$sampletype <= max.sampletype]))))
		ref$noname <- tolower(sort(as.character(ref$noname)))

		# What is in XML file but not in Reference file:
		only.in.xml <- setdiff(noname.pr, ref$noname)
			cat("Only in xml files (not in the reference table):", only.in.xml, "\n")
	# Function for merging all years for each cruise series and each variable:
	mergeAllYears <- function(x, var){
		mergeAllYears_OneVar <- function(var, x){
			do.call(rbind, c(lapply(x, "[[", var), make.row.names=FALSE))
		out <- lapply(var, mergeAllYears_OneVar, x=x)
		names(out) <- var
	# Read the reference file linking species and species category:
		ref <- read.csv2(ref, encoding = "UTF-8", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	# Download the data and create StoX projects (use run=TRUE only the first time to avoid downloading each time the code is run. The output is the project names.):
		# Get the subset of the cruise series defined by 'years' (requires group="year" in getNMDdata()):
		cs_info <- getNMDinfo("cs")
		cs_years <- sort(as.numeric(unique(cs_info[[projectName]][, "year"])))
		subset <- rm.na(match(years, cs_years))
		# Get the years of the cruise series:
		years <- cs_years[subset]
		# Download the cruise series and create StoX projects with the specified model:
		if(downloadProjects == TRUE){
			projectName <- getNMDdata(projectName, subdir=TRUE, abbrev=TRUE, subset=subset, model=model, group="year", ow=TRUE, timeout=timeout)
		# This is only get the project names:
		if(downloadProjects == FALSE){
			projectName <- getNMDdata(projectName, subdir=TRUE, abbrev=TRUE, subset=subset, group="year", run=FALSE)
		# Use years as names to the individual project paths and the cruise series names at the top level:
		projectName <- setNames(projectName, years)

	# Report species that are present in the data but not in the reference file:
		cat("Checking whether all species are present in the reference data frame...\n")
		only.in.xml <- lapply(projectName, out.noname, ref=ref, bioticProc=bioticProc, max.sampletype=max.sampletype)
			cat("All species present\n")
	## All years using the same Speccat
	speciesMatrices <- lapply(projectName, aggregateBySpeciesCategory, ref=ref, specVar=specVar, catVar=catVar, bioticProc=bioticProc, stationVar=stationVar, var=var, ...)
	# Merge all years:
	speciesMatrices <- mergeAllYears(speciesMatrices, var=var)
		list(x=speciesMatrices, projectNames=projectName, only.in.xml=only.in.xml)
#' @export
#' @rdname generateSpeciesMatrix
mergeSpeciesMatrix <- function(...){
	# Function for rbinding all elements of a specific variable name:
	mergeSpeciesMatrixOneVar <- function(var, l){
		#do.call("rbind", lapply(l, "[[", var))
		Reduce(function(...) merge(..., all=TRUE), lapply(l, "[[", var))
	# Capture the input lists:
	l <- list(...)
	# Get the variable names:
	vars <- names(l[[1]])
	# Do the merging for each variable:
	out <- lapply(vars, mergeSpeciesMatrixOneVar, l)
	names(out) <- vars
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname generateSpeciesMatrix
aggregateBySpeciesCategory <- function(projectName, ref, specVar="noname", specVar.bio=specVar, specVar.ref=specVar, catVar="SpecCat", bioticProc="FilterBiotic", 
	stationVar=c("cruise", "serialno"), var=c("weight", "count"), na.as=0, drop.out=TRUE, close=TRUE, msg=TRUE, ...){
	# Function used for converting a matrix into a data frame and appending the rownames as the first column:
	createTempDataFrame <- function(x){
		out <- data.frame(stationVar=rownames(x), as.data.frame(x))
		names(out) <- c(stationVar, colnames(x))
	# Add concatination of 
	appendStationFirst <- function(x, stationVar=c("cruise", "serialno")){
		Station <- do.call(paste, x[stationVar])
		cbind(Station=Station, x, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	# Read the reference file linking species and species category:
		ref <- ref
		ref <- read.csv2(ref, encoding = "UTF-8", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	# Read the ref file:
	#ref <- read.csv2(ref, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	ref[[specVar]] <- tolower(ref[[specVar]])
	# Test whether the specVar and catVar are present in the ref file:
	if(!all(c(specVar.ref, catVar) %in% names(ref))){
		stop(paste0("All of 'specVar.ref' (possibly specified commonly for the biotic data and the ref file by 'specVar') and 'catVar' must be present in the 'ref' file (", paste(setdiff(c(specVar.ref, catVar), names(ref)), sep=", "), " not present in the ref file)."))
	# Get the project output:
		cat("Generating species matrix for project ", projectName, "\n")
	g <- getBaseline(projectName, input=NULL, proc=bioticProc, msg=FALSE, ...)
	# Merge station and catch data from the bioticProc, but keep all stations through all = TRUE:
	out <- g$FilterBiotic_BioticData_FishStation.txt
	out <- appendStationFirst(out, stationVar=stationVar)
	data <- g$FilterBiotic_BioticData_CatchSample.txt
	data <- appendStationFirst(data, stationVar=stationVar)
	availableVars <- names(data)
	if(!specVar.bio %in% names(data)){
		stop("'specVar.bio' (possibly specified commonly for the biotic data and the ref file by 'specVar') must be present in the biotic data of the project")

	# Convert to lower case for the species, as per protocol of StoX.
	data[[specVar]] <- tolower(data[[specVar]])
	# Remove any columns named by 'catVar', but only if specVar != catVar:
	if(specVar != catVar){
		data <- data[, names(data) != catVar]
	# Append the ref file to the data, and keep all species in the reference file:
	data <- merge(data, ref, by=specVar, all.y=TRUE)
	# Get only the the variables specified by 'var':
	if(!all(var %in% names(data))){
		var <- intersect(var, availableVars)
		warning(paste0(if(length(var)==0) "None" else "Not all", " of the variables given by 'var' are present in the data. Available columns are ", paste(availableVars, collapse=", ")))
	data <- data[, c("Station", catVar, var)]
	# Group by catVar:
	temp <- lapply(var, function(v) tapply(data[, v], data[, c("Station", catVar)], sum, na.rm=TRUE))
	# Convert into a data frame and add Station:
	temp <- lapply(temp, function(x) data.frame(Station=rownames(x), as.data.frame(x)))
	# If there was created a column named V1, rename it to "Unknown":
	#temp <- lapply(temp, function(x) {if(any("V1" == names(x))) names(x)["V1" == names(x)] <- "Unknown"; x})
	temp <- lapply(temp, function(x) if(any("V1" == names(x))) x["V1" != names(x)] else x)
	# replace NA:
	#temp <- lapply(temp, function(x) {if(any(is.na(x))) x[is.na(x)] <- na.as; x})
	# Merge with the station data:
	temp <- lapply(temp, function(x) merge(out, x, by="Station", all.x=TRUE))
	# replace NA:
	temp <- lapply(temp, function(x) {y <- x[,-seq_len(ncol(out))]; if(any(is.na(y))) y[is.na(y)] <- na.as; x[,-seq_len(ncol(out))] <- y; x})
	# Add Year as the firs column:
	temp <- lapply(temp, function(x) cbind(Year = as.numeric(format(as.Date(x$startdate, format="%d/%m/%Y"),"%Y")), x))
	# Set names to the data frame:
	names(temp) <- var
	# Write the species matrix to a csv file:
	outfile <- paste0("speciesMatrix", var, ".txt")
	outfile <- file.path(getProjectPaths(projectName)$RReportDir, outfile)
	lapply(seq_along(temp), function(i) write.table(temp[[i]], file=outfile[i], sep="\t", dec=".", row.names=FALSE, fileEncoding="UTF-8"))
	# Drop the list if only one variable is requested:
	if(drop.out && length(temp)==1){
		temp <- temp[[1]]
Sea2Data/Rstox documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:58 a.m.