
Defines functions pull_gene_details get_gene_details list_gene_symbols convert_coord list_genes_in_region

Documented in list_genes_in_region list_gene_symbols pull_gene_details

#' finds genes within one chromosome interval
#' @param cnr a cnr bundle
#' @param at character, coordinate string
#' @param show.columns subset of columns from gene.index to output.
#'  default is NULL, which shows all columns
#' @param identifier name of column with gene identifiers
#' @return
#' Returns the subset of the gene.index within the coordinates specified.
#'  By default all columns are returned, with the option to select a
#'  subset using \code{show.columns}.
#' @examples
#' data(cnr)
#' list_genes_in_region(cnr, at = "12:58,000,000-59,000,000")
#' list_genes_in_region(cnr, at = "12:58,000,000-59,000,000",
#'            show.columns = c("hgnc.symbol", "gene_biotype"))
#' @export
list_genes_in_region <- function(cnr, at,
                       show.columns = NULL,
                       identifier = "hgnc.symbol") {

    gene.list <- list_gene_symbols(cnr = cnr, at = at, identifier = identifier)
    idx <- cnr$gene.index[, identifier] %in% gene.list
    if(is.null(show.columns)) {
        out <- cnr$gene.index[idx, ]
    } else {
        assertthat::assert_that(all(show.columns %in% names(cnr$gene.index)))
        out <- cnr$gene.index[idx, show.columns]

#' convert ucsc style coordinates to ensembl
#' @param x character, coordinate string such as "chr0:000,000,000-000,000,001"
#'   or 0:000,000,000-000,000,000
#' @return
#' Returns a the same character string with the `chr`, and commas `,` removed, 
#'  and all dividers as `:`
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' convert_coord("chr12:58,000,000-59,000,000")
#' }
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
convert_coord <- function(x) {
    out <- gsub("-", ":", gsub(",", "", gsub("chr", "", x)))

#' list out genes
#' @param cnr a cnr bundle
#' @param at character, coordinate string e.g. "1:123456780:124567890", 
#' The \code{at} coordinates string is run through \code{convert_coord}, which
#' removes the preceeding `chr` and commas, and substitutes any dash `-`  with  `:` to
#' fit the format used here
#' @param identifier character, name of the gene identifier column to output,
#'  default "hgnc.symbol"
#' @return
#' A vector containing a list of genes or other gene identifier.
#' @examples
#' data(cnr)
#' list_gene_symbols(cnr, at = "12:58000000:59000000")
#' @export
list_gene_symbols <- function(cnr, at, identifier = "hgnc.symbol") {
    cc <- unlist(strsplit(convert_coord(at), split = ":"))
    out1 <- cnr$gene.index[cnr$gene.index$chrom == cc[1], c(identifier, "chrom", "start", "end")]
    out1 <- out1[out1$start >= as.numeric(cc[2]), c(identifier, "chrom", "start", "end")]
    out1 <- out1[out1$end <= as.numeric(cc[3]), c(identifier, "chrom", "start", "end")]

    out <- out1[, identifier]


#' Pull gene details for a genomic region
#' This function subsets the gene index for a genomic region of interest.
#' @param cnr a cnr bundle
#' @param chrom a chromosome name, must match one of 'cnr$gene.index$chrom'
#' @param start region start
#' @param end region end
#' @return
#' Returns the subset of the `gene.index` table for the genomic region.
#' @examples
#' data(cnr)
#' coord.df <- data.frame(chr = 12,
#'                     start = 69200804,
#'                     end = 69246466)
#' get_gene_details(cnr, chrom = coord.df$chr,
#'                   start = coord.df$start, end = coord.df$end)
#' coords.df <- data.frame(chr = c(1, 12), 
#'                      start = c(170120554, 69200804),
#'                      end =  c(172941951, 69246466))
#' do.call(rbind, apply(coords.df, 1, function(rr)
#'                      get_gene_details(cnr,
#'                                        chrom = rr[1],
#'                                        start = rr[2],
#'                                        end = rr[3])))
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
get_gene_details <- function(cnr, chrom = 12, start = 69200804, end = 69246466) {

    assertthat::assert_that(start < end)
    gene.details <- cnr$gene.index[as.character(cnr$gene.index$chrom) == chrom & cnr$gene.index$start > start & cnr$gene.index$end < end, ]

} ## get_gene_details

#' Pull gene details for a set of genes
#' This function subsets the gene index for a given set of genes
#' @param cnr a cnr bundle
#' @param genes a list of genes
#' @param show.columns columns of gene.index to show
#' @param identifier gene identifier hgnc.symbol or ensembl_gene_id. default hgnc.symbol
#' @return
#' Returns the subset of the `gene.index` table for the genomic region.
#' @examples
#' data(cnr)
#' pull_gene_details(cnr)
#' pull_gene_details(cnr,
#'   genes = c("JUN", "MDM2", "CDK4"),
#'   show.columns = c("hgnc.symbol", "bin.id", "gene_biotype"))
#' pull_gene_details(cnr,
#'   genes = c("ENSG00000177606", "ENSG00000135446", "ENSG00000135679"),
#'   identifier = "ensembl_gene_id",
#'   show.columns = c("hgnc.symbol", "bin.id", "gene_biotype"))
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
pull_gene_details <- function(cnr, genes = c("MDM2", "CDK4"),
                              show.columns = NULL,
                              identifier = "hgnc.symbol") {

    assertthat::assert_that(all(genes %in% cnr$gene.index[, identifier]))

    idx <- cnr$gene.index[, identifier] %in% genes
    if(is.null(show.columns)) {
        gene.details <- cnr$gene.index[idx, ]
    } else {
        gene.details <- cnr$gene.index[idx, show.columns]

} ## end pull gene details
SingerLab/gac documentation built on March 23, 2024, 5:15 a.m.