
Defines functions mergeClusters mergeCommunities findLinkedCommunities plot2DPairReport plot2DEdgeReport plot2DPair plot2DEdgeList plotGene plot3DEdgeList plot3DPair highlightEdgeList graphEdgeList graphNet getRanks getEdgeRanks plotEdgeCountPerCondition plotRsqrHistPerCondition plotPvalHistPerCondition plotRsqrPerScoreAndCondition plotPvalPerScoreAndCondition plotRsqrPerScore plotPvalPerScore plotRsqrPerCondition plotPvalPerCondition saveKINCplots KINCtoIgraph saveConditionKINCNetwork saveKINCNetwork loadGEM loadKINCNetwork

Documented in findLinkedCommunities graphEdgeList graphNet highlightEdgeList mergeClusters mergeCommunities plot2DEdgeList plot3DEdgeList plot3DPair

#' Prior to importing a KINC network, this function checks its Size.
#' For large networks it may be useful to preserve system memory
#' by reading in the network in subsets.  Prior to calling the
#' loadKINCNetwork function this function can be used to
#' determine the size of the network in terms of number of
#' edges.  Once the size is know the nrows and skip arguments
#' of the loadKINCNetwork function can be used to load
#' subsets of the network at a time.
#' @param network_file
#'   The path to the network file on the file system.
#' @return
#'   An integer indicating the number of edges in the
#'   network.
#' @export
getKINCNetworkSize = function (network_file) {
  num_lines = countLines(network_file)
  # Subtract 1 from the total to account for the header.
  return (num_lines[1] - 1)

#' Imports a network file produced by KINC into a data frame.
#' @param network_file
#'   The path to the network file on the file system.
#' @param nrows
#'   For large network files it may be useful to preserve system
#'   memory be reading in subsets of large network files.  This
#'   argument specifies the number of rows of the network that
#'   should be read.  Use this in combination with the skip
#'   argument to cycle through the entire network file
#' @param skip
#'   For large network files it may be useful to preserve system
#'   memory be reading in subsets of large network files.  This
#'   argument specifies the number of rows to skip before reading.
#'   Use this in combination with the nrows argument to cycle
#'   through the entire network file
#' @return
#'    A dataframe containing the network file contents
#' @export
loadKINCNetwork = function(network_file, nrows=-1, skip=0) {

  # First get the headers so we can tell if this is full or tidy network file.
  type = 'text'
  headers = read.table(file=network_file, header = TRUE, sep="\t", nrows=1, skip=0, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if ('Test_Name' %in% colnames(headers)) {
    type = 'tidy'

  # If we are skipping rows then we need to tell the loader not to try to
  # retrieve a header.
  header = TRUE
  if (skip > 0) {
    header = FALSE

  if (type == 'text') {
    # Get the number of columns in the file and set the column classes.
    # The first 7 columns are set by KINC.
    ncols = max(count.fields(network_file, sep = "\t"))
    colClasses = c(c(
      "character", "character", "numeric", "character", "numeric",
      "numeric", "character"
    ), rep("numeric", ncols-7))

    net = read.table(file=network_file, header = header, sep="\t", colClasses=colClasses, nrows=nrows, skip=skip)
  if (type == 'tidy') {
    colClasses = recode(colnames(headers), "Source" = "character", "Target" = "character",
                        "Similarity_Score" = "numeric", "Interaction" = "character",
                        "Cluster_Index" = "numeric", "Cluster_Size" = "numeric",
                        "Samples" = "character", "Test_Name" = "character" ,
                        "p_value" = "numeric", "r_squared" = "numeric", "rank" = "numeric",
                        "WAnova_Max" = "numeric", "WAnova_Min" = "numeric", "MissingTtest" = "numeric")
    net = read.table(file=network_file, header = header, sep="\t", colClasses=colClasses, na.strings="nan", nrows=nrows, skip=skip)

  colnames(net) = colnames(headers)
  return (net)

#' Imports a network file produced by KINC into a data frame.
#' @param GEM_file
#'   The path to the GEM file on the file system. This file should
#'   contain gene expression (or abundance data) where the rows
#'   are genes (or compounds) and the columns are samples.  The first
#'   column should countain the gene name.  The first row contain a
#'   a header with only the sample names. Thus the header row has
#'   one less values then every other row.
#' @return
#'    A dataframe containing the GEM.
#' @export
loadGEM = function(GEM_file) {
  emx = read.table(GEM_file, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
#' Exports a network data frame as a KINC compatible file.
#' @param net
#'   A network data frame int tidy format containing the KINC-produced network.
#'   The loadKINCNetwork function can be used to import the network.
#' @param network_file
#'   The path to which the network file will be saved.
#' @param append
#'   For large network files it may be useful to preserve system
#'   memory be reading in subsets of large network files, processing
#'   and then saving the processed subset before moving on to the
#'   next. Set this to TRUE to append to an existing network file.
#'   For the header to appear correctly, be sure to set append
#'   to FALSE when saving the first subset.
#' @export
saveKINCNetwork = function(net, network_file, append=FALSE) {
  col.names = TRUE
  if (append == TRUE) {
    col.names = FALSE

  num_cols = dim(net)[2]
  if (num_cols > 12) {
    for (i in 13:num_cols) {
      if (is.numeric(net[,i])) {
        net[,i] = format(net[,i], digits=4, nsmall=1)
  write.table(format(net, digits=4), file = network_file,
              sep = "\t", na="", quote=FALSE,
              row.names=FALSE, col.names=col.names, append=append)
#' Exports a condition-specific network as a Tidy KINC compatible file.
#' This function will save as many condition-specific network files as directed.
#' @param net
#'   A network data frame int tidy format containing the KINC-produced network.
#'   The loadKINCNetwork function can be used to import the network.
#' @param network_file
#'   The path to which the network file will be saved. The token %condition%
#'   should be present in the filename. The condition name will be substituted
#'   in place of this token resulting in unique files for each condition. The
#'   token %filter% can also be provided. If present the value provided to
#'   the filter argument will be substituted.
#' @param conditions
#'   An array of condition names. These must be present in the Test_Name
#'   column of the network data frame. If no conditions are provided then
#'   all of the conditions in the Test_Name column will be used.
#' @param filter
#'   The type of condition-specific network to create: 'label', 'class' or 'full'.
#'   If 'label' is provided only edges that have no other signficant tests other
#'   than the one specifid are included.  If 'class' is provided only edges in one
#'   type of class will be included. For example, if the Test_Name value is
#'   'Subspecies__Japonica' the class is 'Subspecies'.  If no value is provided
#'   then the filter defaults to 'full'.
#' @export
saveConditionKINCNetwork = function(net, network_file, conditions=c(), filter='label') {
  if (!'Test_Name' %in% colnames(net)) {
    message('ERROR: Please provide a network dataframe in Tidy format to save condition-specific networks.')

  if (length(conditions) == 0) {
    conditions = unique(net$Test_Name)

  if (filter == 'class') {
    message(paste0('Filtering for edges with unique conditional classes...'))
    net$Class = str_replace(net$Test_Name, '__.*$','')
    edge_grp = net %>% group_by(Source,Target)
    net = edge_grp %>% filter(length(unique(Class)) == 1) %>% as.data.frame()
    for (class in unique(net$Class)) {
      message(paste0('Writing the condition-specific network for the class: ', class, '...'))
      csGCN = net[which(net$Class == class),]
      if (dim(csGCN)[1] == 0) {
        message(paste0('The class ', class, ' is not present in the network dataframe. Skipping.'))
      csGCN_file = str_replace(network_file, '%condition%', class)
      csGCN_file = str_replace(csGCN_file, '%filter%', 'unique_class')
      saveKINCNetwork(csGCN, csGCN_file)

  } else if (filter == 'label') {
    message(paste0('Filtering for edges with unique conditional labels...'))
    edge_grp = net %>% group_by(Source,Target)
    net = edge_grp %>% filter(n() == 1) %>% as.data.frame()
    for (condition in conditions) {
      message(paste0('Writing the condition-specific network for the condition: ', condition, '...'))
      csGCN = net[which(net$Test_Name == condition),]
      if (dim(csGCN)[1] == 0) {
        message(paste0('The condition ', condition, ' is not present in the network dataframe. Skipping.'))
      csGCN_file = str_replace(network_file, '%condition%', condition)
      csGCN_file = str_replace(csGCN_file, '%filter%', 'unique_label')
      saveKINCNetwork(csGCN, csGCN_file)

  } else {
    for (condition in conditions) {
      message(paste0('Writing the condition-specific network for the condition: ', condition, '...'))
      csGCN = net[which(net$Test_Name == condition),]
      if (dim(csGCN)[1] == 0) {
        message(paste0('The condition ', condition, ' is not present in the network dataframe. Skipping.'))
      csGCN_file = str_replace(network_file, '%condition%', condition)
      csGCN_file = str_replace(csGCN_file, '%filter%', 'all')
      saveKINCNetwork(csGCN, csGCN_file)

#' Converts the KINC network dataframe to an iGraph object.
#' @param net
#'   A network data frame containing the KINC-produced network.  The loadNetwork
#'   function imports a dataframe in the correct format for this function.
#' @param add.attrs
#'   Set to TRUE to include all the attributes
#' @return
#'   An iGraph object.
#' @export
KINCtoIgraph = function(net, add.attrs = FALSE) {
  g = graph.edgelist(as.matrix(net[, c('Source', 'Target')]), directed = FALSE)

  if (add.attrs == TRUE) {
    attrs = colnames(net)
    for (attr in attrs) {
      if (attr == 'Source' | attr == 'Target') {
      edge_attr(g, attr) = net[, attr]

#' Creates all PNG figures describing p-value and r-squared distributions of the network.
#' The network must be in tidy format and must include condition-specfic p-values.
#' @param net
#'   A network data frame containing the KINC-produced network.  The loadNetwork
#'   function imports a dataframe in the correct format for this function.
#' @param out_prefix
#'   The prefix of the output images files.
#' @return dataframe
#'   A network dataframe with non-significant edges removed.
#' @export
saveKINCplots = function(net, out_prefix = "KINC_network") {

  if (!'Test_Name' %in% colnames(net)) {
    message('ERROR: Please provide a network dataframe in Tidy format to generate plots.')

  has_r2 = TRUE
  if(sum(is.na(net$r_squared)) == dim(net)[1]) {
    has_r2 = FALSE

  plotPvalPerCondition(net, out_prefix)
  plotPvalPerScore(net, out_prefix)
  plotPvalPerScoreAndCondition(net, out_prefix)
  plotPvalHistPerCondition(net, out_prefix)

  if (has_r2) {
    plotRsqrPerScoreAndCondition(net, out_prefix)
    plotRsqrPerScore(net, out_prefix)
    plotRsqrHistPerCondition(net, out_prefix)
    plotRsqrPerCondition(net, out_prefix)

  plotEdgeCountPerCondition(net, out_prefix)


#'Plots the distribution of p-values per condition.
#'@param net
#'   A network data frame containing the KINC-produced network.  The loadNetwork
#'   function imports a dataframe in the correct format for this function.
#'@param out_prefix
#'   The prefix of the output images files.
plotPvalPerCondition = function(net, out_prefix=NA) {
  if (!'Test_Name' %in% colnames(net)) {
    message('ERROR: Please provide a network dataframe in Tidy format to generate plots.')

  # Explore the distribution of p-values & rSqr for each trait
  if (!is.na(out_prefix)) {
    print(paste0("Saving: ", out_prefix, '.PvalPerCondition.png'))
    png(paste0(out_prefix, '.PvalPerCondition.png'), width=6 ,height=6, units="in", res=300)
  plot = ggplot(net, aes(x=Test_Name, y=p_value, fill=Test_Name)) +
    geom_boxplot() +
    scale_y_log10(breaks=c(1e-3, 1e-5, 1e-10, 1e-15, 1e-20)) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
    theme(legend.position = "none") +
    xlab("") + ylab(bquote(-log^10~(p)))
  if (!is.na(out_prefix)) {
#'Plots the distribution of p-values per condition.
#'@param net
#'   A network data frame containing the KINC-produced network.  The loadNetwork
#'   function imports a dataframe in the correct format for this function.
#'@param out_prefix
#'   The prefix of the output images files.
plotRsqrPerCondition = function(net, out_prefix=NA) {
  if (!'Test_Name' %in% colnames(net)) {
    message('ERROR: Please provide a network dataframe in Tidy format to generate plots.')

  net$r_squared = as.numeric(net$r_squared)

  if (!is.na(out_prefix)) {
    print(paste0("Saving: ", out_prefix, '.RsqrPerCondition.png'))
    png(paste0(out_prefix, '.RsqrPerCondition.png'), width=6 ,height=6, units="in", res=300)
  plot = ggplot(net, aes(x=Test_Name, y=r_squared, fill=Test_Name)) +
    geom_boxplot() +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(-100,100, by=10)/100) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
    theme(legend.position = "none") +
    xlab("") + ylab(bquote(R^2))
  if (!is.na(out_prefix)) {
#'Plots the distribution of p-values per similarity score
#'@param net
#'   A network data frame containing the KINC-produced network.  The loadNetwork
#'   function imports a dataframe in the correct format for this function.
#'@param out_prefix
#'   The prefix of the output images files.
plotPvalPerScore = function(net, out_prefix=NA)  {
  if (!'Test_Name' %in% colnames(net)) {
    message('ERROR: Please provide a network dataframe in Tidy format to generate plots.')

  # Round off the similarity sccores
  mround = function(x, base) {
    base * floor(x/base)

  net$Similarity_Score = as.factor(mround(net$Similarity_Score, 0.05))

  # Explore the distribution of p-values per correlation range.
  if (!is.na(out_prefix)) {
    print(paste0("Saving: ", out_prefix, '.PvalPerScore.png'))
    png(paste0(out_prefix, '.PvalPerScore.png'), width=6 ,height=6, units="in", res=300)
  plot = ggplot(net, aes(x=Similarity_Score, y=p_value, fill=Similarity_Score)) +
    geom_boxplot() +
    scale_y_log10(breaks=c(1e-3, 1e-5, 1e-10, 1e-15, 1e-20)) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
    theme(legend.position = "none") +
    xlab("Similarity Score") + ylab(bquote(-log^10~(p)))
  if (!is.na(out_prefix)) {

#'Plots the distribution of R-squared values per similarity score
#'@param net
#'   A network data frame containing the KINC-produced network.  The loadNetwork
#'   function imports a dataframe in the correct format for this function.
#'@param out_prefix
#'   The prefix of the output images files.
plotRsqrPerScore = function(net, out_prefix=NA)  {
  if (!'Test_Name' %in% colnames(net)) {
    message('ERROR: Please provide a network dataframe in Tidy format to generate plots.')

  # Round off the similarity sccores
  mround = function(x, base) {
    base * floor(x/base)
  net$Similarity_Score = as.factor(mround(net$Similarity_Score, 0.05))
  net$r_squared = as.numeric(net$r_squared)

  if (!is.na(out_prefix)) {
    print(paste0("Saving: ", out_prefix, '.RsqrPerScore.png'))
    png(paste0(out_prefix, '.RsqrPerScore.png'), width=6 ,height=6, units="in", res=300)
  plot = ggplot(net, aes(x=Similarity_Score, y=r_squared, fill=Similarity_Score)) +
    geom_boxplot() +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(-100,100, by=10)/100) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
    theme(legend.position = "none") +
    xlab("Similarity Score") + ylab(bquote(R^2))
  if (!is.na(out_prefix)) {

#'Plots boxplots of the p-values per similarity score and condition.
#'@param net
#'   A network data frame containing the KINC-produced network.  The loadNetwork
#'   function imports a dataframe in the correct format for this function.
#'@param out_prefix
#'   The prefix of the output images files.
plotPvalPerScoreAndCondition = function(net, out_prefix=NA) {
  if (!'Test_Name' %in% colnames(net)) {
    message('ERROR: Please provide a network dataframe in Tidy format to generate plots.')

  # Round off the similarity sccores
  mround = function(x, base) {
    base * floor(x/base)
  net$Similarity_Score = as.factor(mround(net$Similarity_Score, 0.05))

  # Explore the distribution of p-values per correlation range and trait.
  if (!is.na(out_prefix)) {
    print(paste0("Saving: ", out_prefix, '.PvalPerScoreAndCondition.png'))
    png(paste0(out_prefix, '.PvalPerScoreAndCondition.png'), width=6 ,height=6, units="in", res=300)
  plot = ggplot(net, aes(x=Similarity_Score, y=p_value, fill=Test_Name)) +
    geom_boxplot() +
    facet_wrap(~Test_Name) +
    scale_y_log10(breaks=c(1e-3, 1e-5, 1e-10, 1e-15, 1e-20)) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) +
    theme(legend.position = "none") +
    xlab("Similarity Score") + ylab(bquote(-log^10~(p)))
  if (!is.na(out_prefix)) {
#'Plots boxplots of the R-squared values per similarity score and condition.
#'@param net
#'   A network data frame containing the KINC-produced network.  The loadNetwork
#'   function imports a dataframe in the correct format for this function.
#'@param out_prefix
#'   The prefix of the output images files.
plotRsqrPerScoreAndCondition = function(net, out_prefix=NA) {
  if (!'Test_Name' %in% colnames(net)) {
    message('ERROR: Please provide a network dataframe in Tidy format to generate plots.')

  # Round off the similarity sccores
  mround = function(x, base) {
    base * floor(x/base)
  net$Similarity_Score = as.factor(mround(net$Similarity_Score, 0.05))
  net$r_squared = as.numeric(net$r_squared)

  if (!is.na(out_prefix)) {
    print(paste0("Saving: ", out_prefix, '.RsqrPerScoreAndCondition.png'))
    png(paste0(out_prefix, '.RsqrPerScoreAndCondition.png'), width=6 ,height=6, units="in", res=300)
  plot = ggplot(net, aes(x=Similarity_Score, y=r_squared, fill=Test_Name)) +
    geom_boxplot() +
    facet_wrap(~Test_Name) +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(-100,100, by=10)/100) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) +
    theme(legend.position = "none") +
    xlab("Similarity Score") + ylab(bquote(R^2))
  if (!is.na(out_prefix)) {
#'Plots a histogram of the p-values per condition
#'@param net
#'   A network data frame containing the KINC-produced network.  The loadNetwork
#'   function imports a dataframe in the correct format for this function.
#'@param out_prefix
#'   The prefix of the output images files.
plotPvalHistPerCondition = function(net, out_prefix=NA) {
  if (!'Test_Name' %in% colnames(net)) {
    message('ERROR: Please provide a network dataframe in Tidy format to generate plots.')

  # How many rows does each trait contribute
  if (!is.na(out_prefix)) {
    print(paste0("Saving: ", out_prefix, '.PvalHistPerCondition.png'))
    png(paste0(out_prefix, '.PvalHistPerCondition.png'), width=6 ,height=6, units="in", res=300)
  plot = ggplot(net, aes(x=p_value, color=Test_Name)) +
    geom_histogram(binwidth=0.5) +
    facet_wrap(~Test_Name) +
    scale_x_log10(breaks=c(1e-3, 1e-5, 1e-10, 1e-15, 1e-20)) +
    scale_y_log10() +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))+
    theme(legend.position = "none") +
    ylab("Count") + xlab(bquote(-log^10~(p)))
  if (!is.na(out_prefix)) {
#'Plots a histogram of the R-squared values per condition
#'@param net
#'   A network data frame containing the KINC-produced network.  The loadNetwork
#'   function imports a dataframe in the correct format for this function.
#'@param out_prefix
#'   The prefix of the output images files.
plotRsqrHistPerCondition = function(net, out_prefix=NA) {
  if (!'Test_Name' %in% colnames(net)) {
    message('ERROR: Please provide a network dataframe in Tidy format to generate plots.')

  # Round off the similarity sccores
  mround = function(x, base) {
    base * floor(x/base)
  net$r_squared = as.numeric(net$r_squared)

  if (!is.na(out_prefix)) {
    print(paste0("Saving: ", out_prefix, '.RsqrHistPerCondition.png'))
    png(paste0(out_prefix, '.RsqrHistPerCondition.png'), width=6 ,height=6, units="in", res=300)
  plot = ggplot(net, aes(x=r_squared, color=Test_Name)) +
    geom_histogram(binwidth=0.01) +
    facet_wrap(~Test_Name) +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(-100,100, by=10)/100) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))+
    theme(legend.position = "none") +
    ylab("Count") + xlab(bquote(R^2))
  if (!is.na(out_prefix)) {
#'Plots a bar graph of the number of edges per condition.
#'@param net
#'   A network data frame containing the KINC-produced network.  The loadNetwork
#'   function imports a dataframe in the correct format for this function.
#'@param out_prefix
#'   The prefix of the output images files.
plotEdgeCountPerCondition = function(net, out_prefix=NA) {
  if (!'Test_Name' %in% colnames(net)) {
    message('ERROR: Please provide a network dataframe in Tidy format to generate plots.')

  # Plot the edge count per category
  if (!is.na(out_prefix)) {
    print(paste0("Saving: ", out_prefix, '.EdgeCountPerCondition.png'))
    png(paste0(out_prefix, '.EdgeCountPerCondition.png'), width=6 ,height=6, units="in", res=300)
  plot = ggplot(net, aes(x=Test_Name, fill=Test_Name)) +
    geom_bar() +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))+
    theme(legend.position = "none") +
    ylab("Number of Edges") + xlab("")
  if (!is.na(out_prefix)) {

#' Ranks the edges of a network and returns those ranks.
#' Final ranks are determined by ordering p-values, R-squared and
#' similarity scores for each edge and assigning a rank to each edge
#' corresponding to the order of each value.  For example, edges with the
#' lowest p-value will receive a rank of 1.  The final rank is a weighted
#' sum of each of the three categories.
#' @param net
#'   A network data frame containing the KINC-produced network.  The loadNetwork
#'   function imports a dataframe in the correct format for this function.
#' @param by_condition
#'   If TRUE then ranks are calculated independently for each condition
#'   (i.e. value in the Test_Name column). If FALSE then ranks are
#'   calculated for the entire network.
#' @param sscore_weight
#'   The weight to apply to the Similarity Score in rankings.
#' @param pval_weight
#'   The weight to apply to the p-value in rankings.
#' @param rsqr_weight
#'   The weight to apply to the r-squared value in rankings.
#' @return
#'   An array of ranks. The order of the items in the ranks array corresponds
#'   to the order of edges in the provided network dataframe.
#' @export
getEdgeRanks = function(net, by_condition = TRUE, sscore_weight = 1, pval_weight = 1,
                        rsqr_weight = 1, anova_weight=1) {

  if (!'Test_Name' %in% colnames(net)) {
    message('ERROR: Please provide a network dataframe in Tidy format to generate plots.')

  if (by_condition == FALSE) {
    net = getRanks(net)
    valuations = (net$score_rank * sscore_weight) +
                 (net$pval_rank * pval_weight) +
                 (net$rsqr_rank * rsqr_weight) +
                 (net$anova_rank * anova_weight)
    net$valuation = valuations

    # Now order the valuations
    unique_val = unique(valuations)
    ordered_val = unique_val[order(unique_val)]
    final_ranks = data.frame(valuation = ordered_val, rank = seq(1:length(ordered_val)))

    net = left_join(net, final_ranks, by=c('valuation' = 'valuation'))

  } else {
    for (condition in unique(net$Test_Name)) {
      csGCN = net[which(net$Test_Name == condition),]
      if ('rank' %in% colnames(csGCN)) {
        csGCN = csGCN[, -which(colnames(csGCN) %in% c("rank"))]
      csGCN = getRanks(csGCN)

      # calculate the valuation for each edge.
      valuations = (csGCN$score_rank * sscore_weight) +
                   (csGCN$pval_rank * pval_weight) +
                   (csGCN$rsqr_rank * rsqr_weight) +
                   (csGCN$anova_rank * anova_weight)
      csGCN$valuation = valuations

      # Now order the valuations
      unique_val = unique(valuations)
      ordered_val = unique_val[order(unique_val)]
      final_ranks = data.frame(valuation = ordered_val, rank = seq(1:length(ordered_val)))

      csGCN = left_join(csGCN, final_ranks, by=c('valuation' = 'valuation'))
      net[which(net$Test_Name == condition), 'rank'] = csGCN$rank

#' A helper function for the getEdgeRanks
#' @param net
#'   A network data frame containing the KINC-produced network.  The loadNetwork
#'   function imports a dataframe in the correct format for this function.
#' @return
#'   A new network containing the p-value, r-squared and similarity score
#'   rankings.
getRanks = function(net) {
  net$ABS_Similarity_Score = abs(as.numeric(net$Similarity_Score))

  unique_scores = unique(net$ABS_Similarity_Score)
  ordered_scores = unique_scores[order(unique_scores, decreasing=TRUE)]
  score_ranks = data.frame(score = ordered_scores, score_rank = seq(1:length(ordered_scores)))

  unique_pvals = unique(net$p_value)
  ordered_pvals = unique_pvals[order(unique_pvals)]
  pval_ranks = data.frame(p_value = ordered_pvals, pval_rank = seq(1:length(ordered_pvals)))

  unique_rsqr = unique(net$r_squared)
  ordered_rsqr = unique_rsqr[order(unique_rsqr, decreasing=TRUE)]
  rsqr_ranks = data.frame(r_squared = ordered_rsqr, rsqr_rank = seq(1:length(ordered_rsqr)))

  unique_anova = unique(net$WAnova_Max)
  ordered_anova = unique_anova[order(unique_anova)]
  anova_ranks = data.frame(anova = ordered_anova, anova_rank = seq(1:length(ordered_anova)))

  net = left_join(net, score_ranks, by=c('ABS_Similarity_Score' = 'score'))
  net = left_join(net, pval_ranks, by=c('p_value' = 'p_value'))
  net = left_join(net, rsqr_ranks, by=c('r_squared' = 'r_squared'))
  net = left_join(net, anova_ranks, by=c('WAnova_Max' = 'anova'))

  return (net)

#' Imports sample annotations.
#' The format of the sample annotation file is tab delimited where the
#' first column is the sample name and every other column contains
#' the annotation.  The file must contain a header with the annotation
#' types and the first column of the header should be the word 'Sample'
#' @param annotation_file
#'   The path to the file containing the annotations.
#' @param sample_header
#'   The name of the column containing the sample names.
#' @return
#'   A data frame containing the annotations in the order of the samples.
#' @export
loadSampleAnnotations = function (annotation_file, sample_header="Sample") {
  # Read in the annotation file
  osa = read.table(annotation_file, sep="\t", header=TRUE, row.names=NULL, quote="", fill=TRUE)
  #sample_order = read.table(sample_order_file, colClasses=c('character'),
  #                          col.names=c('Sample'))
  #osa = merge(sample_order, sample_annots, by = "Sample", sort=FALSE)
  row.names(osa) = osa[,sample_header]

#' Draws the graph of the entire network
#' @param net
#'   A network data frame containing the KINC-produced network.  The loadNetwork
#'   function imports a dataframe in the correct format for this function.
#' @param osa
#'   The sample annotation matrix. One column must contain the header 'Sample'
#'   and the remaining colums correspond to an annotation type.  The rows
#'   of the anntation columns should contain the annotations.
#' @export
graphNet = function(net, osa = data.frame()) {
  edge_indexes = c(1:length(net$Source));
  g = graphEdgeList(edge_indexes, net, osa)

#' Draws the graph of a set of edges in the network
#' @param edge_indexes
#'   The index of the edges in the network that comprise the module.
#' @param net
#'   A network data frame containing the KINC-produced network.  The loadNetwork
#'   function imports a dataframe in the correct format for this function.
#' @param osa
#'   The sample annotation matrix. One column must contain the header 'Sample'
#'   and the remaining colums correspond to an annotation type.  The rows
#'   of the anntation columns should contain the annotations.
#' @export
graphEdgeList = function(edge_indexes, net, osa = data.frame()) {

  g = graph.edgelist(as.matrix(net[edge_indexes, c('Source', 'Target')]), directed = F)
  E(g)$weight = abs(net[edge_indexes, 'Similarity_Score'])

  # Don't show node labels if we have too many nodes.
  vlc = 0.5
  vs = 10
  if (length(edge_indexes) > 100) {
    vlc = 0.25
    vs = 5
  if (length(edge_indexes) > 1000) {
    vlc = 0.001
    vs = 2

  # Plot the graph.
  l = layout_nicely(g)
  plot(g, vertex.label.color="black", vertex.label.cex = vlc, vertex.size = vs,
       edge.color='black', vertex.color='cyan',
       layout = l)

    graph = g,
    layout = l

#' Colors the edges of a given edge list on the currently plotted graph.
#' @param edge_indexes
#'   The index of the edges in the network that comprise the module.
#' @param graph
#'   The igraph object as returned from graphNet or graphEdgeList.
#' @param layout
#'   The layout object as returned from graphNet or graphEdgeList
#' @param net
#'   A network data frame containing the KINC-produced network.  The loadNetwork
#'   function imports a dataframe in the correct format for this function.
#' @param color
#'   The color that should be used to highlith the edges
#' @export
highlightEdgeList = function(edge_indexes, graph, layout, net, color) {
   edges = net[edge_indexes, c('Source', 'Target')]
   verts = names(V(graph))
   layout = norm_coords(layout)
   for (i in 1:nrow(edges)) {
     source = edges[i, c('Source')]
     target = edges[i, c('Target')]
     sindex = which(verts == source)
     tindex = which(verts == target)
     x0 = layout[sindex, 1]
     y0 = layout[sindex, 2]
     x1 = layout[tindex, 1]
     y1 = layout[tindex, 2]
     segments(x0, y0, x1, y1, col = color)

#' Plots a 3D scatterplot for a given pair of nodes.
#' @param gene1
#'   The name of the first gene in the pair.
#' @param gene2
#'   The name of the second gene in the pair.
#' @param osa
#'   The sample annotation matrix. One column must contain the header 'Sample'
#'   and the remaining colums correspond to an annotation type.  The rows
#'   of the anntation columns should contain the annotations.
#' @param ematrix
#'   The expression matrix.
#' @param field
#'   The field in the sample annotation matrix by which to split the points
#'   into separate layers.
#' @param colors
#'   An array of colors per sample.
#' @export
plot3DPair = function(gene1, gene2, osa, ematrix, field,
                      colors = NA, samples = NA, highlight = c()) {

  rgl.bg(color = "white")

  if (!is.na(samples)) {
    x = as.factor(osa[samples, field])
    y = t(ematrix[gene1, ])
    z = t(ematrix[gene2, ])
  else {
    x = as.factor(osa[, field])
    y = t(ematrix[gene1, ])
    z = t(ematrix[gene2, ])

  size = rep(0.25, length(x))
  if (length(highlight) > 0) {
    size[highlight] = 0.5

  if (is.na(colors) == TRUE) {
    plot3d(x, y, z, type = 's', size = size)
  } else {
    plot3d(x, y, z, type = 's', size = size, col = colors)

#' Plots a 3D scatterplot for a given list of edges.
#' @param edge_indexes
#'   The index of the edge in the network data frame.
#' @param osa
#'   The sample annotation matrix. One column must contain the header 'Sample'
#'   and the remaining colums correspond to an annotation type.  The rows
#'   of the anntation columns should contain the annotations.
#' @param net
#'   A network data frame containing the KINC-produced network.  The loadNetwork
#'   function imports a dataframe in the correct format for this function.
#' @param ematrix
#'   The expression matrix.
#' @param field
#'   The field in the sample annotation matrix by which to split the points
#'   into separate layers.
#' @param samples
#'   Limit the plot to only the samples indexes provided.
#' @param highlight
#'   If set to TRUE then the samples in the edge cluster are drawn larger than the
#'   other samples in the plot.
#' @export
plot3DEdgeList = function(edge_indexes, osa, net, ematrix, field, label_field = NA,
                          samples = NA, highlight = TRUE) {

  rgl.bg(color = "white")

  # Set the row names to be the sample names.
  row.names(osa) = osa$Sample

  # Loop until the user decides to leave.
  j = 1
  done = FALSE;
  while (!done) {
    i = edge_indexes[j]

    source = net[i, 'Source']
    target = net[i, 'Target']
    sample_indexes = c()
    if ('Samples' %in% names(net)) {
      sample_indexes = getEdgeSamples(i, net)

    if (!is.na(samples)) {
      x = t(ematrix[source, samples])
      y = t(ematrix[target, samples])
      z = osa[[field]][samples]
    else {
      x = t(ematrix[source, ])
      y = t(ematrix[target, ])
      z = osa[, field]

    size = rep(0.3, length(x))
    if (highlight & length(sample_indexes) > 0) {
      size[sample_indexes] = 0.75

    # Build a color vector for the data.
    zcolors = rep('blue', length(z))
    if (class(z) != 'factor' & class(z) != 'numeric') {
      z = as.factor(z)
    if (class(z) == 'factor') {
      if (nlevels(z) > 2 & nlevels(z) <= 8) {
        colors = data.frame(colors = brewer.pal(nlevels(z), "Dark2"), zval = unique(z), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
        for (i in 1:length(z)) {
          zcolors[i] = colors$colors[which(colors$zval == z[i])]
      if (nlevels(z) > 8) {
        colfunc <- colorRampPalette(c("darkblue", "cyan"))
        colors = data.frame(colors = colfunc(length(sort(unique(z)))),
                            zval = sort(unique(z)),
        for (i in 1:length(z)) {
          if (is.na(z[i])) {
            zcolors[i] = '#000000'
          } else {
            zcolors[i] = colors$colors[which(colors$zval == z[i])]
      if (nlevels(z) == 2) {
        colors = data.frame(colors = brewer.pal(3, "Dark2")[1:2],
                            zval = unique(z),
        for (i in 1:length(z)) {
          if (is.na(z[i])) {
            zcolors[i] = '#000000'
          } else {
            zcolors[i] = colors$colors[which(colors$zval == z[i])]
    if (class(z) == 'numeric') {
      # Use a blue gradient
      colfunc <- colorRampPalette(c("darkblue", "cyan"))
      colors = data.frame(colors = colfunc(length(sort(unique(z)))),
                          zval = sort(unique(z)),
      for (i in 1:length(z)) {
        if (is.na(z[i])) {
          zcolors[i] = '#000000'
        else {
          zcolors[i] = colors$colors[which(colors$zval == z[i])]

    main = paste(source, 'vs', target, 'Edge:', i)
    plot3d(x, y, z, type = 's', main = main, size = size, col = zcolors, xlab=source, ylab=target, zlab=field, axes=FALSE)
    z_labels = unique(sort(as.factor(osa[[field]])))
    axis3d('z', nticks = length(unique(osa[, field])) - 1, labels = z_labels)
    if (!is.na(samples)) {
      text3d(x, y, z, osa[names(ematrix[samples]), ][[label_field]], adj=c(1, 1))
    else {
      text3d(x, y, z, osa[names(ematrix), ][[label_field]], adj=c(1, 1))

    # add legend
    #legend3d("topright", legend = paste('Type', c('A', 'B', 'C')), pch = 16, col = rainbow(3), cex=1, inset=c(0.02))

    # Use the key press to navigate through the images.
    val = readline(prompt="Type control keys the [enter]. Keys: n > forward, b > backwards, q > quit.")
    if (val == 'n') {
      if (j < length(edge_indexes)) {
        j = j + 1;
    if (val == 'b') {
      if (j > 1) {
        j = j - 1
    if(val == 'q') {
      done = TRUE

#' Plots a scatterplot of gene expression across a set of samples.
#' Samples will be ordered by the values of field.
#' @param gene
#'   The name of the gene to plot
#' @param osa
#'   The sample annotation matrix. One column must contain the header 'Sample'
#'   and the remaining colums correspond to an annotation type.  The rows
#'   of the anntation columns should contain the annotations.
#' @param ematrix
#'   The expression matrix.
#' @param ingroup
#'   A list of sample names that are considered the "ingroup". This could be,
#'   for exapmle, a GMM cluster.  These samples will be drawn in a larager
#'   size..
#' @param field
#'   The name of the field by which to order the points along the
#'   x-axis.
#' @param colfield
#'   The field in the OSA that should be used to color the points. Each
#'   category in the field recieves a unique color.
#' @param show.legend
#'   Set to TRUE to have a legend appear on the figure. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param fig_title
#'   The text to use for the title of the figure.
#' @param highlight
#'   A vector of sample indexes to highlight in the plot.
#' @export
plotGene = function(gene, osa, ematrix, field, ingroup=c(), colfield = field,
                    show.legend=TRUE, fig_title = NA) {

  condition = data.frame(c = osa[[field]], c2 = osa[[colfield]])
  row.names(condition) = row.names(osa)
  expdata = merge(t(ematrix[gene,]), condition, by="row.names")
  colnames(expdata) = c('Sample', gene, field, colfield)
  row.names(expdata) = expdata$Sample

  expdata['size'] = 0.25
  if (length(ingroup) > 0) {
    expdata[ingroup, 'size'] = 1

  # Remove missing values
  expdata = expdata[which(!is.na(expdata[gene])),]

  expplot = ggplot(expdata, aes_string(gene, field, color=colfield)) +
    geom_point(size=expdata$size, show.legend = show.legend)
    theme(legend.title = element_blank())
  if (!is.numeric(expdata[field])) {
    expplot = expplot + scale_color_brewer(palette="Dark2")
  if (!is.null(fig_title)) {
    expplot = expplot + ggtitle(fig_title)

#' Plots a 2D scatterplot for a given list of edges.
#' @param edge_indexes
#'   The index of the edge in the network data frame.
#' @param osa
#'   The sample annotation matrix. One column must contain the header 'Sample'
#'   and the remaining colums correspond to an annotation type.  The rows
#'   of the anntation columns should contain the annotations.
#' @param net
#'   A network data frame containing the KINC-produced network.  The loadNetwork
#'   function imports a dataframe in the correct format for this function.
#' @param ematrix
#'   The expression matrix.
#' @param field
#'   The field in the sample annotation matrix by which to split the points
#'   into separate layers.
#' @param samples
#'   An array of sample names for which the scatterplot should be included in the plot.
#'   If no value is provided then all samples with values are included.
#' @param highlight
#'   If set to TRUE, makes the samples belonging to the cluster that
#'   underlies the edge larger in the plot. Default = TRUE.
#' @param fig_title
#'   A title to give the plot. Default = NULL
#' @export
plot2DEdgeList = function(edge_indexes, osa, net, ematrix,
                          field = NA, samples = NA, highlight = TRUE,
                          fig_title = NULL, show.legend=TRUE, legend.title = field) {
  j = 1
  done = FALSE;
  while (!done) {
    i = edge_indexes[j]
    source = net$Source[i]
    target = net$Target[i]
    sample_indexes = c()
    if ('Samples' %in% names(net)) {
      sample_indexes = getEdgeSamples(i, net)

    if (!is.na(samples)) {
      x = t(ematrix[source, samples])
      y = t(ematrix[target, samples])
      colors = colors[samples]
      condition = osa[[field]][samples]
    else {
      x = t(ematrix[source, ])
      y = t(ematrix[target, ])
      condition = osa[[field]]

    size = rep(0.25, length(x))
    if (!highlight) {
      size = rep(1, length(x))
    if (highlight & length(sample_indexes) > 0) {
      size[sample_indexes] = 1.5

    coexpdata = data.frame(source = x, target = y, category = condition, size = size)
    colnames(coexpdata) = c('x', 'y', 'category', 'size')
    coexpdata = coexpdata[complete.cases(coexpdata),]
    coexpplot = ggplot(coexpdata, aes(x, y, color=category)) +
      geom_point(size=coexpdata$size, show.legend = show.legend) +
      xlab(source) + ylab(target) + labs(colour = legend.title)
    if (!is.null(fig_title)) {
      coexpplot = coexpplot + ggtitle(fig_title)

    if (length(edge_indexes) == 1) {
    # Use the key press to navigate through the images.
    val = readline(prompt=paste("Edge: ", i, '. ', j, " of ", length(edge_indexes), ". Type control keys the [enter]. Keys: n > forward, b > backwards, q > quit.", sep=""))
    if (val == 'n') {
      if (j < length(edge_indexes)) {
        j = j + 1;
    if (val == 'b') {
      if (j > 1) {
        j = j - 1
    if(val == 'q') {
      done = TRUE

#' Plots a 2D scatterplot for a given pair of genes
#' @param gene1
#'   The name of the first gene in the pair.
#' @param gene2
#'   The name of the second gene in the pair.
#' @param osa
#'   The sample annotation matrix. One column must contain the header 'Sample'
#'   and the remaining colums correspond to an annotation type.  The rows
#'   of the anntation columns should contain the annotations.
#' @param ematrix
#'   The expression matrix.
#' @param field
#'   The field in the sample annotation matrix by which to split the points
#'   into separate layers.
#' @param ingroup
#'   A list of sample names that are considered the "ingroup". This could be,
#'   for exapmle, a GMM cluster.  These samples will be drawn in a larager
#'   size..
#' @param fig_title
#'   A title to give the plot. Default = NULL
#' @export
plot2DPair = function(gene1, gene2, osa, ematrix, field, ingroup = c(),
                      fig_title = NA, show.legend=TRUE) {

    # Get the gene expression and order it by the osa sample names.
    x = t(ematrix[gene1, ])
    y = t(ematrix[gene2, ])
    coexpdata = data.frame(source = x, target = y)

    # Get the conditions of the field specified by the user.
    coexpdata['Category'] = osa[colnames(ematrix), field]
    coexpdata['Group'] = 'Out'
    coexpdata[ingroup, 'Group'] = 'In'
    coexpdata['Size'] = 0.25
    coexpdata[ingroup, 'Size'] = 1

    row.names(coexpdata) = make.names(row.names(coexpdata))

    coexpplot = ggplot(coexpdata, aes_string(gene1, gene2, color='Category')) +
      geom_point(size=coexpdata$Size, show.legend = show.legend) +
      xlab(gene1) + ylab(gene2) + labs(colour=field)
    if (!is.numeric(coexpdata$Category)) {
      coexpplot = coexpplot + scale_color_brewer(palette="Dark2")
    if (!is.null(fig_title)) {
      coexpplot = coexpplot + ggtitle(fig_title)

#' Plots four images for each edge to explore their relationship.
#' @param gene1
#'   The name of the first gene in the pair.
#' @param gene2
#'   The name of the second gene in the pair.
#' @param osa
#'   The sample annotation matrix. One column must contain the header 'Sample'
#'   and the remaining colums correspond to an annotation type.  The rows
#'   of the anntation columns should contain the annotations.
#' @param net
#'   A network data frame containing the KINC-produced network.  The loadNetwork
#'   function imports a dataframe in the correct format for this function.
#' @param ematrix
#'   The expression matrix.
#' @param field
#'   The field in the sample annotation matrix by which to split the points
#'   into separate layers in the pairwise scatterplot
#' @param field2
#'   The field in the sample annotation matrix by which to order points on
#'   the y-axis of the bottom two gene expression plots. The x-axis is
#'   ordered by expression level.
#' @export
plot2DEdgeReport <- function(edge_indexes, osa, net, ematrix,
                             field = NA, field2 = field, show.legend=TRUE,
                             control=c()) {
  j = 1
  done = FALSE;
  while (!done) {
    i = edge_indexes[j]
    source = net[i, 'Source']
    target = net[i, 'Target']

    plot2DPairReport(source, target, osa, net, ematrix, field, field2, show.legend, control=control)

    if (length(edge_indexes) == 1) {
    # Use the key press to navigate through the images.
    val = readline(prompt=paste("Edge: ", i, '. ', j, " of ", length(edge_indexes), ". Type control keys the [enter]. Keys: n > forward, b > backwards, q > quit.", sep=""))
    if (val == 'n') {
      if (j < length(edge_indexes)) {
        j = j + 1;
    if (val == 'b') {
      if (j > 1) {
        j = j - 1
    if(val == 'q') {
      done = TRUE

#' Plots four images for a given gene pair to explore their relationship.
#' @param gene1
#'   The name of the first gene in the pair.
#' @param gene2
#'   The name of the second gene in the pair.
#' @param osa
#'   The sample annotation matrix. One column must contain the header 'Sample'
#'   and the remaining colums correspond to an annotation type.  The rows
#'   of the anntation columns should contain the annotations.
#' @param ematrix
#'   The expression matrix.
#' @param field
#'   The field in the sample annotation matrix by which to split the points
#'   into separate layers in the pairwise scatterplot
#' @param ingroup
#'   A list of sample names that are considered the "ingroup". This could be,
#'   for exapmle, a GMM cluster.  These samples will be drawn in a larager
#'   size..
#' @param field2
#'   The field in the sample annotation matrix by which to order points on
#'   the y-axis of the bottom two gene expression plots. The x-axis is
#'   ordered by expression level.
#' @param show.lengend
#'   Set to TRUE to display the plot legened
#' @export
plot2DPairReport <-function(gene1, gene2, osa, ematrix, field, ingroup = c(),
                            field2 = field, show.legend=TRUE) {

  groups = osa[c(field, field2)]
  groups['Group'] = 'Out'
  groups[ingroup, 'Group'] = 'In'

  FigYa = plot2DPair(gene1, gene2, osa, ematrix, ingroup=ingroup, field = field, fig_title='(a)', show.legend=TRUE)
  FigYc = plotGene(gene1, osa, ematrix, field=field2, ingroup=ingroup, colfield=field, show.legend=TRUE, fig_title='(c)')
  FigYd = plotGene(gene2, osa, ematrix, field=field2, ingroup=ingroup, colfield=field, show.legend=TRUE, fig_title='(d)')

  expdata = merge(t(ematrix[c(gene1,gene2),]), groups, by="row.names")
  cols = c('Sample', gene1, gene2, field, field2)
  colnames(expdata) = cols
  expdata = expdata[, c('Sample', gene1, gene2, field)]
  mexpdata = melt(expdata, id.vars=c('Sample', field), variable.name='Gene', value.name='Expression' )
  colnames(expdata) = c('Sample', 'Edge', 'Gene', 'Expression')

  FigYb <- ggplot(mexpdata, aes_string(x=field, y="Expression", fill=field)) +
    geom_violin(trim=FALSE, show.legend=FALSE) + ggtitle('(b)') +
    geom_boxplot(width=0.1, show.legend=FALSE) +
    scale_fill_brewer(palette="Dark2") +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
    facet_grid(. ~ Gene)

  layout <- matrix(seq(1,100), ncol = 10, nrow = 10)
  pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(nrow(layout), ncol(layout))))
  print(FigYa, vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = c(1:6), layout.pos.col = c(1:5)))
  print(FigYb, vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = c(1:6), layout.pos.col = c(6:10)))
  print(FigYc, vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = c(7:10), layout.pos.col = c(1:5)))
  print(FigYd, vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = c(7:10), layout.pos.col = c(6:10)))

#' Finds Linked communities in the network.
#' This function uses the linked communities (linkcomm) method for module discover. This
#' approaches finds modules of edges rather than modules of nodes.  This allows
#' nodes to be in more than one module better supporting the concept of multifunctional
#' genes. This function generates three output files that it writes to the current
#' working directory.
#' @param net
#'   A network data frame containing the KINC-produced network.  The loadNetwork
#'   function imports a dataframe in the correct format for this function.
#' @param file_prefix
#'   A prefix to add to the beginning of each file name.
#' @param module_prefix
#'   A prefix to add to the beginning of the module names. By deafult this is simply
#'   the letter 'M'.
#' @param hcmethod
#'   A character string naming the hierarchical clustering method to use. Can be one of
#'   "ward.D", "single", "complete", "average", "mcquitty", "median", or "centroid".
#'   Defaults to "single".
#' @param meta
#'   Indicates if modules should be collapsed into meta-modules. If set to TRUE then
#'   the linked communities returned are meta modules. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param th
#'   Specifies the Jaccard similarity score between two modules gene content in order
#'   for those modules to be merged. Only applies if meta=TRUE. Lower threshold results in merging
#'   being more common.
#' @param min.verticies
#'   If a network is disconnected then communities will be found in each subgraph
#'   independnet of the others. This argument specifies the number of elements that
#'   must exist in a subgraph for communities to be identified.
#' @param ignore_inverse
#'   If TRUE inverese edges are removed from the analysis. Defaults to TRUE
#' @param sim_col
#'   The name of the column in the network data frame that contains the similarity
#'   score.
#' @return
#'   The linked communities object.
#' @export
findLinkedCommunities = function(net, file_prefix="net", module_prefix = 'M',
                                 hcmethod = 'ward.D', meta = TRUE,
                                 ignore_inverse = TRUE, th=0.5, min.vertices=10,
                                 sim_col = 'Similarity_Score') {
  new_net = net
  new_net$Module = NA

  # If the user requested to ignore inverse correlation edges we'll take those out.
  if (ignore_inverse) {
    g = graph.edgelist(as.matrix(net[which(net[[sim_col]] > 0), c('Source', 'Target')]), directed = F)
    E(g)$weight = abs(net[which(net[[sim_col]] > 0), sim_col])
  else {
    g = graph.edgelist(as.matrix(net[, c('Source', 'Target')]), directed = F)
    E(g)$weight = abs(net[, sim_col])

  # Remove duplicated edges or it drammatically slows down cluster merging.
  #g = unique(g)

  # Linked community method doesn't do well with disconnected graphs. So, we want
  # to decompose the graph into its disjointed subgraphs.  If the callee doesn't want
  # modules to span inverse edges then remove those.
  subg = decompose(g,  min.vertices = min.vertices);

  lcs = list()

  # Iterate through the subgraphs and find the communities.
  for (gi in 1:length(subg)) {

    print(paste('Working on subgraph', gi, 'of', length(subg), '...', sep=" "))

    # We need a large enough subnetwork to find clusters.
    subnet = as_edgelist(subg[[gi]])

    # Create the Link Community clusters.
    lc = getLinkCommunities(subnet, hcmethod = hcmethod, removetrivial = FALSE, plot = FALSE)

    # If the meta analysis was selected. Rather than use the cluster merging
    # function that comes with LCM we perform our own. This is because the
    # heirarchical clustering method of LCM improperly merges some clusters that
    # are not connected.
    if (meta) {
      r = mergeCommunities(lc, th)
    else {
      r = list(
        cedges = lc$clusters,
        cnodes = lc$nodeclusters

    lcs[[gi]] = r

    # Iterate through all of the edges in the graph and add the module to the
    # network
    for (i in 1:length(r$cedges)) {
      for (j in 1:length(r$cedges[[i]])) {
        edge = subnet[r$cedges[[i]][j],]
        node1 = edge[1]
        node2 = edge[2]
        cluster = i

        ei = which(new_net$Source == node1 & new_net$Target == node2)
        if (length(ei) > 0) {
          module = sprintf("SG%02dM%04d", gi, cluster)
          new_net[ei,]$Module = module
        ei = which(new_net$Target == node1 & new_net$Source == node2)
        if (length(ei) > 0) {
          module = sprintf("SG%02dM%04d", gi, cluster)
          new_net[ei,]$Module = module

  # Convert all of the arrays above into a data frame for printing the modules
  # list.
  write.table(new_net, file=paste(file_prefix, "gcn.lcm.txt", sep=".") ,sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, append=FALSE, quote=FALSE)

  # Write out the node list
  node_list = data.frame(Node=c(as.character(new_net$Source), as.character(new_net$Target)), Cluster=c(new_net$Module, new_net$Module))
  write.table(unique(node_list), file=paste(file_prefix, "coexpnet.edges.lcmByNodes.txt", sep=".") ,sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, append=FALSE, quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)

  # convert the edge and cluster into a report of modules by edge which can
  # be used for Cytoscape.
  new_net_edges = cbind(paste(new_net$Source, "(co)", new_net$Target, sep=" "), new_net$Module)
  colnames(new_net_edges) = c('Edge', 'Module')
  new_net_edges = new_net_edges[which(!is.na(new_net_edges[,2])),]
  write.table(new_net_edges, file=paste(file_prefix, "coexpnet.edges.lcm.cys.txt", sep=".") ,sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, append=FALSE, quote=FALSE)


#' Merges linked community clusters that have the most similar sets of nodes.
#' This merging function recursively iterates through all of the clusters
#' and performs a pair-wse Jaccard comparision between all clusters.
#' Those with the highest Jaccard score that are above the given
#' threshold (i.e. deafult of 0.5) are candidates for merging.
#' This is a helper function for the findLinkedCommunities() function and is
#' not meant to be called on its own.
#' @param lc
#'   A linkcomm object.
#' @param th
#'   Threshold to be used by `mergeClusters`. Lower threshold results in merging
#'   being more common.
#' @return
#'   A list were each element of the list is the
#'   set of nodes and edges of the merged clusters.

mergeCommunities = function(lc, th = 0.5){

  cedges = lc$clusters
  cnodes = lc$nodeclusters
  cnodes$cluster = as.integer(cnodes$cluster)
  r = mergeClusters(cedges, cnodes, th)


#' The recursive merging function called by mergeCommunities().
#' This is a helper function for the findLinkedCommunities() and mergeCommunities
#' functions and is not meant to be called on its own.
mergeClusters = function(cedges, cnodes, th) {
  nclusters = length(cedges)

  # Create a dataframe for storing the best pairwise Jaccard similarity scores.
  best = data.frame(i = 0, j = 0, ji = 0)

  for (i in 1:nclusters) {
    if (best$ji[1] == 1) next
    for (j in 1:nclusters) {
      if (best$ji[1] == 1) next
      if (j >= i) next
      A = as.character(cnodes$node[which(cnodes$cluster == i)])
      B = as.character(cnodes$node[which(cnodes$cluster == j)])
      overlap_i = length(intersect(A, B))/length(A)
      overlap_j = length(intersect(A, B))/length(B)

      if (overlap_i > best$ji[1]) {
        best$i[1] = i
        best$j[1] = j
        best$ji[1] = overlap_i
      if (overlap_j > best$ji[1]) {
        best$i[1] = i
        best$j[1] = j
        best$ji[1] = overlap_j

  # Now merge the best two clusters as long as the jaccard score is above
  # our given threshold.
  if (best$ji[1] >= th) {
    i = best$i[1]
    j = best$j[1]
    cat(paste("Merging", i, 'and', j, 'from', nclusters, 'similarity:', sprintf("%.02f", best$ji[1]), "\r", sep=" "))
    cedges[[i]] = union(cedges[[i]], cedges[[j]])
    cedges[[j]] = NULL
    cnodes$cluster[which(cnodes$cluster == j)] = i
    cnodes$cluster[which(cnodes$cluster > j)] = cnodes$cluster[which(cnodes$cluster > j)] - 1
    cnodes = cnodes[which(!duplicated(cnodes)),]
    r = mergeClusters(cedges, cnodes, th)

    cedges = cedges,
    cnodes = cnodes
SystemsGenetics/KINC.R documentation built on Nov. 10, 2021, 9:22 p.m.