# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
#' MVP, Memory-efficient, Visualization-enhanced, Parallel-accelerated
#' Object 1: To perform GWAS using General Linear Model (GLM), Mixed Linear Model (MLM), and FarmCPU model
#' Object 2: To calculate kinship among individuals using Varaden method
#' Object 3: Estimate variance components using EMMA, FaST-LMM, and HE regression
#' Object 4: Generate high-quality figures
#' @author Lilin Yin, Haohao Zhang, and Xiaolei Liu
#' @param phe phenotype, n * 2 matrix, n is sample size
#' @param geno genotype, either m by n or n by m is supportable, m is marker size, n is population size
#' @param map SNP map information, SNP name, Chr, Pos
#' @param K Kinship, Covariance matrix(n * n) for random effects, must be positive semi-definite
#' @param nPC.GLM number of PCs added as fixed effects in GLM
#' @param nPC.MLM number of PCs added as fixed effects in MLM
#' @param nPC.FarmCPU number of PCs added as fixed effects in FarmCPU
#' @param CV.GLM covariates added in GLM
#' @param CV.MLM covariates added in MLM
#' @param CV.FarmCPU covariates added in FarmCPU
#' @param REML a list contains ve and vg
#' @param maxLine the number of markers handled at a time, smaller value would reduce the memory cost
#' @param ncpus number of cpus used for parallel
#' @param vc.method methods for estimating variance component("EMMA" or "HE" or "BRENT")
#' @param method the GWAS model, "GLM", "MLM", and "FarmCPU", models can be selected simutaneously, i.e. c("GLM", "MLM", "FarmCPU")
#' @param maf the threshold of minor allele frequency to filter SNPs in analysis
#' @param p.threshold if all p values generated in the first iteration are bigger than p.threshold, FarmCPU stops
#' @param QTN.threshold in second and later iterations, only SNPs with lower p-values than QTN.threshold have chances to be selected as pseudo QTNs
#' @param method.bin 'static' or 'FaST-LMM'
#' @param bin.size window size in genome
#' @param bin.selection a vector, how many windows selected
#' @param maxLoop maximum number of iterations
#' @param permutation.threshold if use a permutation cutoff or not (bonferroni cutoff)
#' @param permutation.rep number of permutation replicates
#' @param col for color of points in each chromosome on manhattan plot
#' @param memo Character. A text marker on output files
#' @param outpath the path of the output files
#' @param file.output whether to output files or not
#' @param file.type figure formats, "jpg", "tiff"
#' @param dpi resolution for output figures
#' @param threshold a cutoff line on manhattan plot, 0.05/marker size
#' @param verbose whether to print detail.
#' @export
#' @return
#' Output: MVP.return$map - SNP map information, SNP name, Chr, Pos
#' Output: MVP.return$glm.results - p-values obtained by GLM method
#' Output: MVP.return$mlm.results - p-values obtained by MLM method
#' Output: MVP.return$farmcpu.results - p-values obtained by FarmCPU method
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' phePath <- system.file("extdata", "07_other", "mvp.phe", package = "rMVP")
#' phenotype <- read.table(phePath, header=TRUE)
#' print(dim(phenotype))
#' genoPath <- system.file("extdata", "06_mvp-impute", "mvp.imp.geno.desc", package = "rMVP")
#' genotype <- attach.big.matrix(genoPath)
#' print(dim(genotype))
#' mapPath <- system.file("extdata", "06_mvp-impute", "mvp.imp.geno.map", package = "rMVP")
#' map <- read.table(mapPath , head = TRUE)
#' opts <- options(rMVP.OutputLog2File = FALSE)
#' mvp <- MVP(phe=phenotype, geno=genotype, map=map, maxLoop=3,
#' method=c("GLM", "MLM", "FarmCPU"), file.output=FALSE, ncpus=1)
#' str(mvp)
#' options(opts)
#' }
MVP <-
function(phe, geno, map, K=NULL, nPC.GLM=NULL, nPC.MLM=NULL, nPC.FarmCPU=NULL,
ncpus=detectCores(logical = FALSE), vc.method=c("BRENT", "EMMA", "HE"),
method=c("GLM", "MLM", "FarmCPU"), maf=NULL, p.threshold=NA,
QTN.threshold=0.01, method.bin="static", bin.size=c(5e5,5e6,5e7),
bin.selection=seq(10,100,10), maxLoop=10, permutation.threshold=FALSE,
permutation.rep=100, memo=NULL, outpath=getwd(),
col=c("#4197d8", "#f8c120", "#413496", "#495226", "#d60b6f", "#e66519",
"#d581b7", "#83d3ad", "#7c162c", "#26755d"), file.output=TRUE,
file.type="jpg", dpi=300, threshold=0.05, verbose=TRUE
) {
# Compatible with old ways
if (is.logical(file.output)) {
if (file.output == TRUE) {
file.output <- c("pmap", "pmap.signal", "plot", "log")
} else if (file.output == FALSE) {
file.output <- c()
for(mt in method){
if(!mt %in% c("GLM", "MLM", "FarmCPU"))
stop("Unknow method: ", mt)
# Set output path of log file
logging.outpath <- NULL
if ("log" %in% file.output) {
logging.outpath <- outpath
logging.initialize("MVP", logging.outpath)
MVP.Version(width = 65, verbose = verbose)
time_start <- Sys.time()
logging.log("Start:", format(time_start, format = "%F %T %Z"), "\n", verbose = verbose)
if ("log" %in% file.output) {
logging.log("The log has been output to the file:", get("logging.file", envir = package.env), "\n", verbose = verbose)
vc.method <- match.arg(vc.method)
if (nrow(phe) != ncol(geno) & nrow(phe) != nrow(geno)) stop("The number of individuals in phenotype and genotype doesn't match!")
if (nrow(map) != ncol(geno) & nrow(map) != nrow(geno)) stop("The number of markers in genotype and map doesn't match!")
if (!is.big.matrix(geno)) stop("genotype should be in 'big.matrix' format.")
#list -> matrix
map <- as.data.frame(map)
for(i in 1 : ncol(map)){
if(is.factor(map[, i])) map[, i] <- as.character.factor(map[, i])
na.index <- NULL
if (!is.null(CV.GLM)) {
CV.GLM <- as.matrix(CV.GLM)
if (nrow(CV.GLM) != nrow(phe)) stop("The number of individuals in covariates and phenotype doesn't match!")
na.index <- c(na.index, which(is.na(CV.GLM), arr.ind = TRUE)[, 1])
if (!is.null(CV.MLM)) {
CV.MLM <- as.matrix(CV.MLM)
if (nrow(CV.MLM) != nrow(phe)) stop("The number of individuals in covariates and phenotype doesn't match!")
na.index <- c(na.index, which(is.na(CV.MLM), arr.ind = TRUE)[, 1])
if (!is.null(CV.FarmCPU)) {
CV.FarmCPU <- as.matrix(CV.FarmCPU)
if (nrow(CV.FarmCPU) != nrow(phe)) stop("The number of individuals in covariates and phenotype doesn't match!")
na.index <- c(na.index, which(is.na(CV.FarmCPU), arr.ind = TRUE)[, 1])
na.index <- unique(na.index)
#Data information
MrkByCol <- nrow(phe) == nrow(geno)
m <- ifelse(MrkByCol, ncol(geno), nrow(geno))
n <- nrow(phe)
logging.log(paste("Input data has", n, "individuals and", m, "markers"), "\n", verbose = verbose)
logging.log(paste("Markers are detected to be stored by", ifelse(MrkByCol, "column", "row")), "\n", verbose = verbose)
logging.log("Analyzed trait:", colnames(phe)[2], "\n", verbose = verbose)
logging.log("Number of threads used:", ncpus, "\n", verbose = verbose)
hpclib <- grepl("mkl", sessionInfo()$LAPACK) | grepl("openblas", sessionInfo()$LAPACK) | eval(parse(text = "!inherits(try(Revo.version,silent=TRUE),'try-error')"))
logging.log("No high performance math library detected! The computational efficiency would be greatly reduced\n", verbose = verbose)
if(grepl("mkl", sessionInfo()$LAPACK) | eval(parse(text = "!inherits(try(Revo.version,silent=TRUE),'try-error')"))){
logging.log("Math Kernel Library is detected, nice job!\n", verbose = verbose)
logging.log("OpenBLAS Library is detected, nice job!\n", verbose = verbose)
#remove samples with missing phenotype
seqTaxa <- which(!is.na(phe[,2]))
if (length(na.index) != 0) seqTaxa <- intersect(seqTaxa, c(1:n)[-na.index])
if (length(seqTaxa) == 0) stop("no effective individuals left due to missings")
if (length(seqTaxa) == n) seqTaxa <- NULL
if (!is.null(seqTaxa)) {
logging.log("Total", n - length(seqTaxa), "individuals are removed due to missings", "\n", verbose = verbose)
phe = phe[seqTaxa,]
if (!is.null(K)) { K = K[seqTaxa, seqTaxa] }
if (!is.null(CV.GLM)) { CV.GLM = CV.GLM[seqTaxa, , drop = FALSE] }
if (!is.null(CV.MLM)) { CV.MLM = CV.MLM[seqTaxa, , drop = FALSE] }
if (!is.null(CV.FarmCPU)) { CV.FarmCPU = CV.FarmCPU[seqTaxa, , drop = FALSE] }
if(length(seqTaxa) < n * 0.8){
logging.log("Re-build memory-mapping file for remaining individuals", "\n", verbose = verbose)
geno <- deepcopy(geno, cols = seqTaxa)
geno <- deepcopy(geno, rows = seqTaxa)
seqTaxa <- NULL
logging.log("Calculate allele frequency...", "\n", verbose = verbose)
marker_freq <- BigRowMean(geno@address, MrkByCol, threads = ncpus, geno_ind = seqTaxa) / 2
map$MAF <- ifelse(marker_freq > 0.5, 1 - marker_freq, marker_freq)
#remove SNPs with low MAF
geno_marker_index <- NULL
map_sub <- map
if (!is.null(maf)){
if(length(maf) != 1) stop("maf should be a value")
if(maf <= 0 || maf >= 0.5) stop("maf should be at the range of 0-0.5")
geno_marker_index <- which(map$MAF >= maf)
if(length(geno_marker_index) == 0) stop(paste("MAFs of all markers are smaller than the threshold", maf))
if(length(geno_marker_index) == 1) stop(paste("only 1 marker left on the given MAF threshold", maf))
if(length(geno_marker_index) == m) geno_marker_index <- NULL
logging.log("Total", m - length(geno_marker_index), "markers are removed at MAF threshold", maf, "\n", verbose = verbose)
remmp <- (length(geno_marker_index) < m * 0.8)
m <- length(geno_marker_index)
map_sub <- map[geno_marker_index, ]
marker_freq <- marker_freq[geno_marker_index]
logging.log("Re-build memory-mapping file for remaining individuals and markers", "\n", verbose = verbose)
geno <- deepcopy(geno, rows = seqTaxa, cols = geno_marker_index)
geno <- deepcopy(geno, cols = seqTaxa, rows = geno_marker_index)
seqTaxa <- NULL
logging.log("Re-build memory-mapping file for remaining markers", "\n", verbose = verbose)
geno <- deepcopy(geno, cols = geno_marker_index)
geno <- deepcopy(geno, rows = geno_marker_index)
geno_marker_index <- NULL
#initial results
glm.results <- NULL
mlm.results <- NULL
farmcpu.results <- NULL
#indicators for models
glm.run <- "GLM" %in% method
mlm.run <- "MLM" %in% method
farmcpu.run <- "FarmCPU" %in% method
nPC <- suppressWarnings(max(nPC.GLM, nPC.MLM, nPC.FarmCPU, na.rm = TRUE))
if (nPC <= 0) {
} else if (nPC < 3) {
nPC <- 3
if (!is.null(K)) { K <- as.matrix(K) }
if (!is.null(nPC) | "MLM" %in% method) {
if (is.null(K)) {
K <- MVP.K.VanRaden(
M = geno,
ind_idx = seqTaxa,
mrk_idx = geno_marker_index,
mrk_freq = marker_freq,
mrk_bycol = MrkByCol,
maxLine = maxLine,
cpu = ncpus,
verbose = verbose,
checkNA = FALSE
logging.log("Eigen Decomposition on GRM", "\n", verbose = verbose)
eigenK <- eigen(K, symmetric = TRUE)
if (!is.null(nPC)) {
ipca <- eigenK$vectors[, 1:nPC]
logging.log("Deriving PCs successfully", "\n", verbose = verbose)
if (("MLM" %in% method) & vc.method == "BRENT") { K <- NULL; gc()}
if (!"MLM" %in% method) { rm(eigenK); rm(K); gc() }
if (!is.null(nPC)) {
#CV for GLM
if (glm.run) {
if (!is.null(CV.GLM)) {
logging.log("Number of provided covariates of GLM:", ncol(CV.GLM), "\n", verbose = verbose)
if (!is.null(nPC.GLM)) {
logging.log("Number of PCs included:", nPC.GLM, "\n", verbose = verbose)
CV.GLM <- cbind(ipca[,1:nPC.GLM], CV.GLM)
} else if (!is.null(nPC.GLM)) {
logging.log("Number of PCs included in GLM:", nPC.GLM, "\n", verbose = verbose)
CV.GLM <- ipca[,1:nPC.GLM, drop = FALSE]
#CV for MLM
if (mlm.run) {
if (!is.null(CV.MLM)) {
logging.log("Number of provided covariates of MLM:", ncol(CV.MLM), "\n", verbose = verbose)
if (!is.null(nPC.MLM)) {
logging.log("Number of PCs included:", nPC.MLM, "\n", verbose = verbose)
CV.MLM <- cbind(ipca[,1:nPC.MLM], CV.MLM)
} else if (!is.null(nPC.MLM)) {
logging.log("Number of PCs included in MLM:", nPC.MLM, "\n", verbose = verbose)
CV.MLM <- ipca[,1:nPC.MLM, drop = FALSE]
#CV for FarmCPU
if (farmcpu.run) {
if (!is.null(CV.FarmCPU)) {
logging.log("Number of provided covariates of FarmCPU:", ncol(CV.FarmCPU), "\n", verbose = verbose)
if (!is.null(nPC.FarmCPU)) {
logging.log("Number of PCs included:", nPC.FarmCPU, "\n", verbose = verbose)
CV.FarmCPU <- cbind(ipca[,1:nPC.FarmCPU], CV.FarmCPU)
}else if (!is.null(nPC.FarmCPU)) {
logging.log("Number of PCs included in FarmCPU:", nPC.FarmCPU, "\n", verbose = verbose)
CV.FarmCPU <- ipca[,1:nPC.FarmCPU]
if (glm.run) {
if (!is.null(CV.GLM)) {
logging.log("Number of provided covariates of GLM:", ncol(CV.GLM), "\n", verbose = verbose)
if (mlm.run) {
if (!is.null(CV.MLM)) {
logging.log("Number of provided covariates of MLM:", ncol(CV.MLM), "\n", verbose = verbose)
if (farmcpu.run) {
if (!is.null(CV.FarmCPU)) {
logging.log("Number of provided covariates of FarmCPU:", ncol(CV.FarmCPU), "\n", verbose = verbose)
logging.log("-------------------------GWAS Start-------------------------", "\n", verbose = verbose)
if (glm.run) {
logging.log("General Linear Model (GLM) Start...", "\n", verbose = verbose)
glm.results <- MVP.GLM(phe=phe, geno=geno, CV=CV.GLM, ind_idx=seqTaxa, mrk_idx=geno_marker_index, mrk_bycol = MrkByCol, maxLine = maxLine, cpu=ncpus, verbose = verbose);gc()
colnames(glm.results) <- c("Effect", "SE", paste(colnames(phe)[2],"GLM",sep="."))
z = glm.results[, 1]/glm.results[, 2]
lambda = median(z^2, na.rm=TRUE)/qchisq(1/2, df = 1,lower.tail=FALSE)
logging.log("Genomic inflation factor (lambda):", round(lambda, 4), "\n", verbose = verbose)
if ("pmap" %in% file.output) {
logging.log("Writing results to local file", "\n", verbose = verbose)
write.csv(x = cbind(map_sub, glm.results),
file = file.path(outpath, paste(colnames(phe)[2], ".GLM.", memo, ifelse(is.null(memo),"csv",".csv"), sep = "")),
row.names = FALSE)
if (mlm.run) {
logging.log("Mixed Linear Model (MLM) Start...", "\n", verbose = verbose)
mlm.results <- MVP.MLM(phe=phe, geno=geno, K=K, eigenK=eigenK, CV=CV.MLM, ind_idx=seqTaxa, mrk_idx=geno_marker_index, mrk_bycol = MrkByCol, maxLine = maxLine, cpu=ncpus, vc.method=vc.method, verbose = verbose);gc()
colnames(mlm.results) <- c("Effect", "SE", paste(colnames(phe)[2],"MLM",sep="."))
z = mlm.results[, 1]/mlm.results[, 2]
lambda = median(z^2, na.rm=TRUE)/qchisq(1/2, df = 1,lower.tail=FALSE)
logging.log("Genomic inflation factor (lambda):", round(lambda, 4), "\n", verbose = verbose)
if ("pmap" %in% file.output) {
logging.log("Writing results to local file", "\n", verbose = verbose)
write.csv(x = cbind(map_sub, mlm.results),
file = file.path(outpath, paste(colnames(phe)[2], ".MLM.", memo, ifelse(is.null(memo),"csv",".csv"), sep = "")),
row.names = FALSE)
if (farmcpu.run) {
logging.log("FarmCPU Start...", "\n", verbose = verbose)
farmcpu.results <- MVP.FarmCPU(phe=phe, geno=geno, map=map[,1:3], CV=CV.FarmCPU, ind_idx=seqTaxa, mrk_idx=geno_marker_index, maxLine = maxLine, ncpus=ncpus, memo="MVP.FarmCPU", p.threshold=p.threshold, QTN.threshold=QTN.threshold, method.bin=method.bin, bin.size=bin.size, bin.selection=bin.selection, maxLoop=maxLoop, verbose = verbose)
colnames(farmcpu.results) <- c("Effect", "SE", paste(colnames(phe)[2],"FarmCPU",sep="."))
z = farmcpu.results[, 1]/farmcpu.results[, 2]
lambda = median(z^2, na.rm=TRUE)/qchisq(1/2, df = 1,lower.tail=FALSE)
logging.log("Genomic inflation factor (lambda):", round(lambda, 4), "\n", verbose = verbose)
if ("pmap" %in% file.output) {
logging.log("Writing results to local file", "\n", verbose = verbose)
write.csv(x = cbind(map_sub, farmcpu.results),
file = file.path(outpath, paste(colnames(phe)[2], ".FarmCPU.", memo, ifelse(is.null(memo),"csv",".csv"), sep = "")),
row.names = FALSE)
MVP.return <- list(map=map_sub, glm.results=glm.results, mlm.results=mlm.results, farmcpu.results=farmcpu.results)
# set.seed(12345)
for(i in 1:permutation.rep){
index = 1:nrow(phe)
index.shuffle = sample(index,length(index),replace=FALSE)
myY.shuffle = phe
myY.shuffle[,2] = myY.shuffle[index.shuffle,2]
#GWAS using t.test...
myPermutation = MVP.GLM(phe=myY.shuffle[,c(1,2)], geno=geno, ind_idx=seqTaxa, mrk_idx=geno_marker_index, maxLine=maxLine, cpu=ncpus)
pvalue = min(myPermutation[,3],na.rm=TRUE)
}#end of permutation.rep
permutation.cutoff = sort(pvalue.final)[ceiling(permutation.rep*0.05)]
threshold = permutation.cutoff * m
logging.log(paste0("Significant level: ", formatC(threshold/m, format = "e", digits = 2)), "\n", verbose = verbose)
if ("pmap.signal" %in% file.output) {
if (glm.run) {
index <- which(glm.results[, ncol(glm.results)] < threshold/m)
if (length(index) != 0) {
write.csv(x = cbind.data.frame(map_sub, glm.results)[index, ],
file = file.path(outpath, paste(colnames(phe)[2], ".GLM_signals.", memo, ifelse(is.null(memo),"csv",".csv"), sep = "")),
row.names = FALSE)
if (mlm.run) {
index <- which(mlm.results[, ncol(mlm.results)] < threshold/m)
if (length(index) != 0) {
write.csv(x = cbind.data.frame(map_sub, mlm.results)[index, ],
file = file.path(outpath, paste(colnames(phe)[2], ".MLM_signals.", memo, ifelse(is.null(memo),"csv",".csv"), sep = "")),
row.names = FALSE)
if (farmcpu.run) {
index <- which(farmcpu.results[, ncol(farmcpu.results)] < threshold/m)
if (length(index) != 0) {
write.csv(x = cbind.data.frame(map_sub, farmcpu.results)[index, ],
file = file.path(outpath, paste(colnames(phe)[2], ".FarmCPU_signals.", memo, ifelse(is.null(memo),"csv",".csv"), sep = "")),
row.names = FALSE)
if ("plot" %in% file.output) {
logging.log("---------------------Visualization Start--------------------", "\n", verbose = verbose)
logging.log("Phenotype distribution Plotting", "\n", verbose = verbose)
MVP.Hist(memo=memo, outpath=outpath, file.output=TRUE, phe=phe, file.type=file.type, col=col, dpi=dpi)
#plot3D <- !is(try(library("rgl"),silent=TRUE), "try-error")
plot3D <- FALSE
memo = ifelse(is.null(memo), colnames(phe)[2], paste(colnames(phe)[2], memo, sep=".")),
memo = memo,
chr.den.col=c("darkgreen", "yellow", "red"),
if(sum(c(is.null(glm.results), is.null(mlm.results), is.null(farmcpu.results))) < 2) {
memo = memo,
time_end <- Sys.time()
if (length(file.output) > 0) {
logging.log("Results are stored at Working Directory:", outpath, "\n", verbose = verbose)
logging.log("End:", format(time_end, format = "%F %T %Z"), "\n", verbose = verbose)
time_diff <- as.numeric(time_end) - as.numeric(time_start)
h <- time_diff %/% 3600
m <- (time_diff %% 3600) %/% 60
s <- ((time_diff %% 3600) %% 60)
index <- which(c(h, m, s) != 0)
num <- c(h, m, s)[index]
num <- round(num, 0)
char <- c("h", "m", "s")[index]
logging.log("Total running time:", paste(num, char, sep="", collapse=""), "\n", verbose = verbose)
print_accomplished(width = 60, verbose = verbose)
}#end of MVP function
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