
Defines functions rasch.mml2

Documented in rasch.mml2

## File Name: rasch.mml2.R
## File Version: 7.717

# Semiparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation in the Rasch type Model
# item discrimination and guessing parameter can be fixed
rasch.mml2 <- function( dat, theta.k=seq(-6,6,len=21), group=NULL, weights=NULL,
        constraints=NULL, glob.conv=10^(-5), parm.conv=10^(-4), mitermax=4,
        mmliter=1000, progress=TRUE, fixed.a=rep(1,ncol(dat)),
        fixed.c=rep(0,ncol(dat)), fixed.d=rep(1,ncol(dat)), fixed.K=rep(3,ncol(dat)),
        b.init=NULL, est.a=NULL, est.b=NULL, est.c=NULL, est.d=NULL, min.b=-99,
        max.b=99, min.a=-99, max.a=99, min.c=0, max.c=1, min.d=0, max.d=1,
        prior.b=NULL, prior.a=NULL, prior.c=NULL, prior.d=NULL, est.K=NULL,
        min.K=1, max.K=20, min.delta=-20, max.delta=20, beta.init=NULL, min.beta=-8,
        pid=1:(nrow(dat)), trait.weights=NULL, center.trait=TRUE, center.b=FALSE, alpha1=0, alpha2=0,
        est.alpha=FALSE, equal.alpha=FALSE, designmatrix=NULL, alpha.conv=parm.conv,
        numdiff.parm=0.00001, numdiff.alpha.parm=numdiff.parm,
        distribution.trait="normal", Qmatrix=NULL,
        variance.fixed=NULL, variance.init=NULL,
        irtmodel="raschtype", npformula=NULL, npirt.monotone=TRUE,
        use.freqpatt=is.null(group), delta.miss=0, est.delta=rep(NA,ncol(dat)),
        nimps=0, ... )

    # specifications
    conv1 <- parm.conv
    dat <- as.matrix(dat)
    adaptive.quadrature <- FALSE
    CALL <- match.call()
# a0 <- Sys.time()
    # models
    npirt <- ramsay.qm <- FALSE
    variance_fixed_input <- ! is.null(variance.fixed)
    I <- ncol(dat)

    irtmodel_missing <- c("missing1","missing2")
#    if ( esttype=="pseudoll" ){
#        if ( is.null( group) ){
#                group <- rep(1,nrow(dat) )
#                            }
#                    }

#    m1r <- FALSE
#    if (irtmodel=="missing1r"){
#        m1r <- TRUE
#        irtmodel <- "missing1"
#            }
    if ((nimps>0) | (irtmodel=="pseudoll") ){
        use.freqpatt <- FALSE
    if ( irtmodel=="ramsay.qm" ){
        ramsay.qm <- TRUE
        kG <- NULL
    if ( irtmodel=="npirt" ){
            npirt <- TRUE
            I <- ncol(dat)
            if ( ! is.null(npformula) ){
                if ( length( npformula)==1 ){
                    npformula <- rep( npformula, I )
                npformula0 <- npformula
                npformula <- list( 1:I)
                for (ii in 1:I){
                    npformula[[ii]] <- stats::as.formula( npformula0[ii] )
                npmodel <- list(1:I)
    dat.resp <- 1 - is.na(dat)
    if (is.null(Qmatrix)){
        D <- 1
    } else {
        D <- ncol(Qmatrix)
    if (irtmodel %in% c(irtmodel_missing) ){
        D <- 2
        if (is.vector(theta.k)){
            theta.k <- expand.grid( theta.k, theta.k )
        dat[ dat==9 ] <- 2
        # init b parameters
        b.init <- - stats::qlogis( colMeans( dat==1, na.rm=TRUE ) )
        # init beta parameters
        if ( is.null(beta.init) ){
            beta <-  stats::qlogis( colMeans( dat==2, na.rm=TRUE ) +  1E-3 )
        } else {
            beta <- beta.init
    # multidimensional model
    theta.k <- rasch_mml2_create_theta_k(Qmatrix=Qmatrix, theta.k=theta.k)

    if (is.data.frame(theta.k)){
        theta.k <- as.matrix(theta.k)
    if (D > 1){
        if ( is.null(variance.fixed) & ( sum(est.a) > 0) ){
            variance.fixed <- as.matrix( cbind( 1:D, 1:D, 1 ) )
    Sigma.cov <- diag(D)
    if ( ! is.null(variance.init) ){
        Sigma.cov <- variance.init
    mu <- rep(0,D)
# cat("114") ; a1 <- Sys.time(); print(a1-a0) ; a0 <- a1
#    ramsay.qm <- FALSE
    if ( ! ramsay.qm) { raschtype <- TRUE      }
    if (ramsay.qm | npirt ){
        raschtype <- FALSE
        # no alpha, a, c or d parameters can be estimated
        est.alpha <- FALSE
        est.a <- est.c <- est.d <- NULL
        pow.qm <- 1    # This parameter is ignored in analyses
    # computation time
    s1 <- Sys.time()
    if (est.alpha){
            if (is.null(alpha1) ){ alpha1 <- 0 }
            if (is.null(alpha2) ){ alpha2 <- 0 }

    #*** some data checks
    ag1 <- NULL
    if( max( colMeans( is.na( dat ) ) )==1 ){
        stop("Remove items which have no observations!")
    if ( ! is.null(group) ){
            t1 <- table(sort(group) )
            group.orig <- group
            group <- match( group.orig, sort(unique( group.orig)) )
            ag1 <- stats::aggregate( group, list( group.orig), mean )
            colnames(ag1) <- c("group", "groupindex" )
    # center trait: if there exists constraints, then do not center

    if ( is.null( colnames(dat) ) ){
            colnames(dat) <- paste( "I", 1:ncol(dat), sep="")
      if ( ! is.null( constraints ) ){
            center.trait <- FALSE
          if( ! is.numeric( constraints[,1] ) ){
            constraints[,1] <- match( paste(constraints[,1]), colnames(dat) )
             constraints <- na.omit(constraints)
             constraints <- constraints[ constraints[,1] <=ncol(dat),, drop=FALSE]
    if ( ! is.null( designmatrix) ){
            if ( ncol(dat) !=nrow(designmatrix) ){
                    stop( "Row dimension of designmatrix should be equal to number of items")
    # est.b parameters
    if ( ! is.null(est.b) ){
#        bG <- unique( est.b )
        bG <- unique( setdiff( est.b,0 ))
        if ( is.null( b.init) ){
            b <- rep(0, I ) }  else { b <- b.init }

        designmatrix <- matrix( 0, ncol(dat), length(bG) )
        for (bb in bG){
            # bb <- bG[1]
#            designmatrix[ which( est.b==bb ), bb ] <- 1
            designmatrix[ which( est.b==bb ), match(bb,bG) ] <- 1
    # set starting values for estimated c and d parameters
    if ( ( sum(est.c) > 0 ) & is.null(fixed.c) ){
        fixed.c[ est.c > 0 ] <- .10
    if ( ( sum(est.d) > 0 ) & is.null(fixed.d) ){
        fixed.d[ est.d > 0 ] <- .95

    #* estimate SD
    est_sd <- FALSE
    if (! is.null(est.a)){
        est_sd <- ( sum(est.a==0,na.rm=TRUE)+sum(is.na(est.a)) > 0 )

     WLE <- FALSE
     pure.rasch <- -9   # this parameter is only included for historical reasons of this program.
    # specify weights
    if ( is.null(weights) ){ weights <- rep( 1, nrow(dat) ) }
    # display
    if ( progress & ( npirt ) ){
        cat("Semiparametric Marginal Maximum Likelihood Estimation \n")
        cat("Nonparametric IRT Model (Rossi, Wang & Ramsay, 2002) \n")
    if ( progress & ( npirt ) ){
            cat("Semiparametric Marginal Maximum Likelihood Estimation \n")
            cat("Missing Data Item Response Model (Mislevy & Wu, 1996) \n")
    if ( progress & ( ramsay.qm ) ){
        cat("Semiparametric Marginal Maximum Likelihood Estimation \n")
        cat("Quotient Model (Ramsay, 1989) \n")
#        if (normal.trait){ cat("Normal trait distribution \n") } else { cat("Nonparametric trait distribution \n") }
#        if (ramsay.qm){ cat("Log Normal Distribution of Theta with Power of", pow.qm, "\n") }
    if ( progress & (raschtype) ){
        cat("Semiparametric Marginal Maximum Likelihood Estimation \n")
        if ( est.alpha ){
            cat(paste( "Raschtype Model with generalized logistic link function: Estimation of alpha1 and alpha2 \n") )
                    } else {
            cat(paste( "Raschtype Model with generalized logistic link function: alpha1=",alpha1, ", alpha2=", alpha2, " \n") )
        if ( sum(est.c) > 0){ cat(paste( "Estimated guessing parameter groups \n") )}  ## estimated guessing parameters
        if ( sum(est.d) > 0){ cat(paste( "Estimated slipping parameter groups \n") )}  ## estimated slipping parameters
    # revise guessing parameter (if necessary)
    if ( !is.null(fixed.c) ){
        # calculate item means
        itemmean <- colMeans( dat,  na.rm=TRUE )
        if ( any( itemmean < fixed.c) ){
                cat ( "revise fixed guessing estimates\n")
                fixed.c[ itemmean < fixed.c] <- 0

    # data preparations
    if ( ! is.null(group) ){
        use.freqpatt <- FALSE
    if ( ! ( irtmodel %in% irtmodel_missing ) ){
        dp <- data.prep( dat=dat, weights=weights, use.freqpatt=use.freqpatt,
        dat1 <- dp$dat1
        dat2 <- dp$dat2
        dat2.resp <- dp$dat2.resp
        freq.patt <- dp$freq.patt
        n <- dp$n
        I <- dp$I
    se.delta <- NULL
    if ( irtmodel %in% irtmodel_missing ){
        dat1 <- as.data.frame( cbind( "P", weights ) )
        for (ii in 1:I){
            l1 <- dat[,ii]
            l1 <- ifelse ( dat.resp[,ii]==0, 9, l1 )
            dat1[, 1 ] <- paste0( dat1[,1], l1 )
        colnames(dat1) <- c("pattern","Freq")
        dat1 <- as.data.frame(dat1)
        freq.patt <- dat1$pattern
        dat1$Freq <- weights
        dat1$mean <- rowMeans( dat==1 )
        dat2 <- dat
        dat2.resp <- dat.resp
        n <- nrow(dat2)
        I <- ncol(dat2)
        # adjust variance.fixed
        if (!variance_fixed_input){
            if (!is.null(variance.fixed)){
                ind <- which( variance.fixed[,1]==2 & variance.fixed[,2]==2 )
                if (length(ind)>0){
                    variance.fixed <- variance.fixed[-ind,,drop=FALSE]

    #*** pseudolikelihood estimation?
    fracresp <- "pseudoll"
    pseudoll <- 0
    i1 <- sum( ( dat2 > 0 ) * ( dat2 < 1), na.rm=TRUE )
    if (i1 > 1e-10 ){
        if ( fracresp=="pseudoll"){
            pseudoll <- 1
        irtmodel <- "pseudoll"
        if ( is.null(group) ){
            group <- rep( 1, nrow(dat2) )

    # probability weights at theta.k
    if (D==1){
        pi.k <- sirt_dnorm_discrete( x=theta.k )
    if (D > 1){
        pi.k <- sirt_dmvnorm_discrete( x=theta.k, mean=rep(0,D), sigma=Sigma.cov )
    G <- 1
    pi.k <- matrix( pi.k, nrow=length(pi.k), ncol=G )
        # group calculations
        if ( !is.null( group )){
            G <- length( unique( group ) )
            pi.k0 <- pi.k
            pi.k <- matrix( 0, nrow=length(pi.k0), ncol=G)
            for (gg in 1:G){
                pi.k[,gg] <- pi.k0
        sd.trait <- mean.trait <- rep(0,G)
        # initial estimates for item difficulties
        if ( is.null(b.init) & is.null(est.b) ){
            b <- - stats::qlogis( colMeans( dat, na.rm=T ) )
                if ( FALSE ){
#                if ( ramsay.qm ){
                        b <-   - log( ( fixed.K * colSums( dat, na.rm=TRUE ) ) /
                                    ( colSums( 1 - dat, na.rm=TRUE ) ) )
        if ( (!is.null(b.init) ) & is.null(est.b) ){
                    b <- b.init
        if ( G==1 ){     group <- rep(1, nrow(dat1)) }
        # missing data indicators
        ind.ii.list <- list(1:I)
        for (ii in 1:I){
            ind.ii.list[[ii]] <- which( dat2.resp[,ii]==1 )
        mean.trait <- rep(0,G)
        sd.trait <- rep(1,G)
        # initial iteration index
        iter <- 0
        par.change <- dev.change <- 3
        dev <- 99
        apmax <- 0
        maxalphachange <- 1
          # display
          disp <- "...........................................................\n"

#        old_increment.d <- old_increment.c <- rep( .2, I )
    if( sum( est.d ) > 0 ){
        old_increment.d <- rep( .2, length( unique( est.d[ est.d > 0 ] ) ) )
    if( sum( est.c ) > 0 ){
        old_increment.c <- rep( .2, length( unique( est.c[ est.c > 0 ] ) ) )
    old_increment_b <- rep( 2, I )

    h <- numdiff.parm

    # initialize standard errors
    se.alpha <- se.K <- se.b <- se.a <- se.c <- se.d <- NULL

    # Ramsay QM
#    if ( irtmodel=="ramsay.qm" ){ normal.trait <- TRUE }

    # preparations npirt and npformula
    ICC_model_matrix <- NULL
    if ( ( npirt) & ( !is.null(npformula) ) ){
        for (ii in 1:I){
                    dfr1 <- data.frame( "theta"=theta.k, "y"=1, "wgt"=NA )
                    dfr0 <- data.frame( "theta"=theta.k, "y"=0, "wgt"=NA )
                    dafr <- data.frame( rbind( dfr0, dfr1 ) )
                    theta <- dafr$theta.k
                    ICC_model_matrix[[ii]] <- stats::model.matrix( npformula[[ii]], dafr )
        # inits theta.k
        theta.k0 <- as.matrix(theta.k)
    dat2 <- as.matrix(dat2)
    dat2.resp <- as.matrix(dat2.resp)
    # inits probs
    if ( irtmodel %in% irtmodel_missing){
        TP <- nrow( theta.k)
        CC <- 3
        pjk <- array( 0, dim=c(I,CC,TP ) )

#        if ( is.null(group) ){
            group_ <- rep(0,nrow(dat2) )
#                    } else {
#            group_ <- group
#                    }

        raschtype <- FALSE
        G <- length(unique(group))

        #***** module missing1
        # if ( ! is.null( est.delta ) ){
        est_delta <- sum( 1-is.na(est.delta) ) > 0

    if ( sum(est.a) > 0 & (raschtype | irtmodel %in% irtmodel_missing ) ){
        fixed.a0 <- fixed.a
        aG <- setdiff(unique( est.a ), 0 )
    if ( center.b & is.null(Qmatrix) ){
        Qmatrix <- matrix( 1, nrow=I, ncol=1)
        theta.k <- matrix( theta.k, ncol=1 )
        center.trait <- FALSE

    #-- indicators of estimated parameters
    est_parameters <- list( a=sum(est.a)>0, c=sum(est.c)>0, d=sum(est.d)>0)

    aa0 <- Sys.time()

    #*************** MML Iteration Algorithm **************
    while ( ( dev.change > glob.conv | par.change > conv1 | maxalphachange > alpha.conv ) & iter < mmliter ){
        if (progress){
            cat("Iteration", iter+1, "   ", paste( Sys.time() ), "\n" )
        zz0 <- Sys.time()

        b0 <- b
        if ( irtmodel %in% irtmodel_missing ){
            beta0 <- beta
        dev0 <- dev
        #-------------- E-step  --------------
        if ( irtmodel %in% irtmodel_missing ){
            e1 <- rasch_mml2_estep_missing1( dat2=dat2, dat2.resp=dat2.resp, theta.k=theta.k,
                        b=b, beta=beta, delta.miss=delta.miss, I=I, CC=CC, TP=TP,
                        group_=group_, pi.k=pi.k, pjk=pjk, weights=weights,
                        fixed.a=fixed.a, est.a=est.a, irtmodel=irtmodel)
            n.ik <- e1$n.ik
            e1$ll <- e1$LL
        if ( ramsay.qm ){
            e1 <- .e.step.ramsay( dat1, dat2, dat2.resp, theta.k, pi.k, I, n, b,
                            fixed.K, group, pow.qm=pow.qm, ind.ii.list )
        if (raschtype & D==1){
            e1 <- rasch_mml2_estep_raschtype( dat1=dat1, dat2=dat2, dat2.resp=dat2.resp,
                        theta.k=theta.k, pi.k=pi.k, I=I, n=n, b=b, fixed.a=fixed.a, fixed.c=fixed.c,
                        fixed.d=fixed.d, alpha1=alpha1, alpha2=alpha2, group=group, pseudoll=pseudoll,
        if (raschtype & D>1){
            e1 <- rasch_mml2_estep_raschtype_mirt( dat1=dat1, dat2=dat2,
                        dat2.resp=dat2.resp, theta.k=theta.k, pi.k=pi.k, I=I, n=n, b=b,
                        fixed.a=fixed.a, fixed.c=fixed.c, fixed.d=fixed.d, alpha1=alpha1,
                        alpha2=alpha2, group=group, mu=mu, Sigma.cov=Sigma.cov,
                        Qmatrix=Qmatrix, pseudoll=pseudoll )
        if (npirt){
            if (iter==0){
                pjk <- stats::plogis( outer( theta.k, b, "-" ) )
            e1 <- .e.step.ramsay( dat1, dat2, dat2.resp, theta.k, pi.k, I, n, b,
                                    fixed.K, group, pow.qm=pow.qm, ind.ii.list,
                                    pjk=pjk )
        n.k <- e1$n.k
        n.jk <- e1$n.jk
        r.jk <- e1$r.jk
        pjk <- e1$pjk
        f.qk.yi <- e1$f.qk.yi
        f.yi.qk <- e1$f.yi.qk
        dev <- -2*e1$ll

# cat("e step") ; zz1 <- Sys.time(); print(zz1-zz0) ; zz0 <- zz1

        #-------------- M-step  --------------

        # Ramsay QM
        if ( ramsay.qm ){
            m1 <- .m.step.ramsay( theta.k, b, n.k, n, n.jk, r.jk, I,
                            conv1, constraints,
                            mitermax, pure.rasch,  trait.weights, fixed.K,
                            designmatrix=designmatrix, group=group,
                            numdiff.parm=numdiff.parm, pow.qm=pow.qm, max.b=max.b )
            se.b <- m1$se.b

        # generalized Rasch type model
        if (raschtype){
            m1 <- rasch_mml2_mstep_raschtype( theta.k=theta.k, b=b, n.k=n.k, n=n, n.jk=n.jk,
                        r.jk=r.jk, pi.k=pi.k, I=I, conv1=conv1, constraints=constraints,
                        mitermax=mitermax, pure.rasch=pure.rasch, trait.weights=trait.weights,
                        fixed.a=fixed.a, fixed.c=fixed.c, fixed.d=fixed.d, alpha1=alpha1,
                        alpha2=alpha2, designmatrix=designmatrix, group=group,
                        numdiff.parm=numdiff.parm, Qmatrix=Qmatrix, old_increment=old_increment_b,
                        est.b=est.b, center.b=center.b, min.b=min.b, max.b=max.b,
            se.b <- m1$se.b

        # nonparametric IRT model
        if (npirt){
            pjk0 <- pjk
            res <- .mstep.mml.npirt( pjk, r.jk, n.jk, theta.k,
                                    npformula, npmodel, G, I, npirt.monotone,
                                    ICC_model_matrix )
            pjk <- res$pjk
            npmodel <- res$npmodel
            apmax <- max( pi.k[,1]*abs( pjk - pjk0)/.40 )
            m1 <- list( "b"=b, "G"=G, "pi.k"=pi.k, "center"=FALSE )
        # missing data IRT model
        if ( irtmodel %in% irtmodel_missing ){
            m1 <- rasch_mml2_mstep_missing1( theta.k=theta.k, n.ik=n.ik,
                        mitermax=mitermax, conv1=conv1, b=b, beta=beta,
                        delta.miss=delta.miss, pjk=pjk,
                        numdiff.parm=numdiff.parm, constraints=constraints,
                        est.delta=est.delta, min.beta=min.beta, est_delta=est_delta,
                        fixed.a=fixed.a, est.a=est.a, min.delta=min.delta,
                        max.delta=max.delta, irtmodel=irtmodel)
            b <- m1$b
            se.b <- m1$se.b
            beta <- m1$beta
            se.beta <- m1$se.beta
            delta.miss <- m1$delta.miss
            se.delta <- m1$se.delta
            m1$dev <- dev
            a1beta <- max( abs( beta - beta0 ) )
            fixed.a <- m1$fixed.a
            se.a <- m1$se.a
            a_change <- m1$a_change
# cat("m step") ; zz1 <- Sys.time(); print(zz1-zz0) ; zz0 <- zz1

        # update mean and covariance in multidimensional models
        if ( D > 1){
            theta.k <- as.matrix(theta.k)
#            delta.theta <- (theta.k[2,1] - theta.k[1,1])^D
            delta.theta <- 1
                hwt <- e1$f.qk.yi
                hwt <- hwt / rowSums(hwt)
                thetabar <- hwt%*%theta.k
                # calculation of mu
                mu <- colSums( thetabar * dat1$Freq ) / sum( dat1$Freq )
                if ( ! is.null(mu.fixed ) ){
                  if (is.matrix(mu.fixed) ){
                    mu0 <- mu
                    mu[ mu.fixed[,1] ] <- mu.fixed[,2]
                    if ( ( sum( as.vector(mu.fixed[1,1:2]) - c(1,0))==0 ) &
                            (    nrow(mu.fixed)==1    )     ){
                        mu[-1] <- -mu0[1] + mu[-1]
#                  if ( mu.fixed=="center"){
#                        mu <- mu - mean(mu)
#                                        }
                # calculation of the covariance matrix
                theta.k.adj <- theta.k - matrix( mu, nrow=nrow(theta.k),
                                    ncol=ncol(theta.k), byrow=TRUE)
                for (dd1 in 1:D){
                    for (dd2 in dd1:D){
                        tk <- theta.k.adj[,dd1]*theta.k.adj[,dd2]
                        h1 <- dat1$Freq * ( hwt %*% tk ) * delta.theta
                        Sigma.cov[dd1,dd2] <- sum( h1 ) / sum( dat1$Freq )
                        if (dd1 < dd2 ){ Sigma.cov[dd2,dd1] <- Sigma.cov[dd1,dd2] }
                if ( ! is.null(variance.fixed ) ){
                    Sigma.cov[ variance.fixed[,1:2,drop=FALSE] ] <- variance.fixed[,3]
                    Sigma.cov[ variance.fixed[,c(2,1),drop=FALSE] ] <- variance.fixed[,3]
                diag(Sigma.cov) <- diag(Sigma.cov) + 1e-10
#                if (m1r){
#                    d11 <- sqrt( Sigma.cov[1,1]*Sigma.cov[2,2] )- .001
#                    Sigma.cov[2,1] <- Sigma.cov[1,2] <- d11
#                        }

                # adaptive estimation
                if ( adaptive.quadrature ){
                    theta.k <- mu + theta.k0 %*% chol(Sigma.cov)
                pi.k <- sirt_dmvnorm_discrete( theta.k, mean=mu, sigma=Sigma.cov, as_matrix=TRUE )
                m1$pi.k <- pi.k

            # end MIRT
                b <- m1$b
                # distribution
                G <- m1$G
                pi.k <- m1$pi.k
                if (!is.null( trait.weights) ){
                        pi.k <- matrix( trait.weights, ncol=1 )
                # latent ability distribution
                if (distribution.trait=="normal" & D==1){

                    delta.theta <- 1
#                    delta.theta <- theta.k[2] - theta.k[1]
#                    sd.trait <- mean.trait <- rep(0,G)
                  h <- .0001
                    for (gg in 1:G){
                        pi.k0 <- pi.k
                        f.yi.qk.gg <- e1$f.yi.qk[group==gg,]
                        dat1.gg <- dat1[group==gg,2]
                        X1 <- rep(1,nrow(f.yi.qk.gg) )
                    if ( gg > 1 | ( ! center.trait ) ){
                        # mean estimation
                        # d.change <- .est.mean( dat1.gg, f.yi.qk.gg, X1, pi.k, pi.k0, gg,
                        #          mean.trait, sd.trait, theta.k, h)
                        # mean.trait[gg] <- mean.trait[gg] + d.change

                        hwt <- e1$f.qk.yi[ group==gg, ]
                        hwt <- hwt / rowSums(hwt)
                        thetabar <- hwt%*%theta.k

                        # calculation of mu
                        mu <- colSums( thetabar * dat1.gg ) / sum( dat1.gg )
                        mean.trait[gg] <- mu

                        pi.k[,gg] <- sirt_dnorm_discrete( theta.k, mean=mean.trait[gg], sd=sd.trait[gg] )
                    if (!is.null(variance.fixed)){
                            sd.trait[1] <- sqrt(variance.fixed[1,3])


                        if (center.trait){ mean.trait[1] <- 0 }

                        # SD estimation
                        if ( ( gg > 1 ) | ( sum(est.a)==0 ) | est_sd ){

                            #        d.change <- .est.sd( dat1.gg, f.yi.qk.gg, X1, pi.k, pi.k0, gg,
                            #        mean.trait, sd.trait, theta.k, h )
                            #    sd.trait[gg] <- sd.trait[gg] + d.change
                            hwt <- e1$f.qk.yi
                            theta.k.adj <- theta.k - matrix( mu, nrow=length(theta.k), ncol=1, byrow=TRUE)
                            tk <- theta.k.adj[,1]*theta.k.adj[,1]
                            h1 <- dat1.gg * ( hwt %*% tk ) * delta.theta
                            Sigma.cov <- sum( h1 ) / sum( dat1.gg )
                            if (is.null(variance.fixed)){
                                sd.trait[gg] <- sqrt(Sigma.cov)
                    if ( ( ( ! is.null(est.a) ) | ( irtmodel=="npirt" ) ) & ( ! est_sd ) ){
                            sd.trait[1] <- 1
                        pi.k[,gg] <- sirt_dnorm_discrete( theta.k, mean=mean.trait[gg], sd=sd.trait[gg] )
                        }  # end normal distribution
               if (distribution.trait!="normal" & D==1){
               for (gg in 1:G){
                    pik1 <-    n.k[,gg] / sum(n.k[,gg] )
                    pik1 <- pik1 + 10e-10
                    if (distribution.trait!="multinomial"){
                        lpik1 <- log( pik1 )
                        tk <- theta.k
                        if ( distribution.trait=="smooth2"){
                                formula1 <- lpik1 ~ tk + I(tk^2)
                        if ( distribution.trait=="smooth3"){
                                formula1 <- lpik1 ~ tk + I(tk^2) + I(tk^3)
                        if ( distribution.trait=="smooth4"){
                                formula1 <- lpik1 ~ tk + I(tk^2) + I(tk^3)+I(tk^4)
                        mod <- stats::lm( formula1, weights=pik1 )
                        pik2 <- exp( stats::fitted(mod))
                    } else {
                        pik2 <- pik1
                    pi.k[,gg] <- pik2 / sum(pik2)
                    if (center.trait & gg==1){
                        mmm1 <- stats::weighted.mean( theta.k, pik2 )
                        theta.k <- theta.k - mmm1
                    if ( ( ! is.null(est.a) ) | ( irtmodel=="npirt" )  ){
                       if (gg==1){
                         sd1 <- sqrt( sum( theta.k^2 * pi.k[,1] ) - sum( theta.k * pi.k[,1] )^2 )
                         theta.k <- theta.k / sd1
                         }  # end non-normal distribution
#  cat("trait distribution estimation") ; zz1 <- Sys.time(); print(zz1-zz0) ; zz0 <- zz1

        #---- estimation of alpha, c and d parameters
        alpha.change <- 0
        maxalphachange <- 0
        a1a <- a1b <- 0
        a1K <- a1c <- 0

        #--- estimation of a parameters
        if ( sum(est.a) > 0 & raschtype ){
            fixed.a0 <- fixed.a
            aG <- setdiff(unique( est.a ), 0 )
            res <- rasch_mml2_raschtype_mstep_parameter_group( theta.k=theta.k,
                        b=b, fixed.a=fixed.a, fixed.c=fixed.c, fixed.d=fixed.d,
                        pjk=pjk, alpha1=alpha1, alpha2=alpha2, h=numdiff.parm, G=G, I=I,
                        r.jk=r.jk, n.jk=n.jk, est_val=est.a, min_val=min.a,
                        max_val=max.a, iter=iter, old_increment=.3,
                        Qmatrix=Qmatrix, parameter="a", prior=prior.a)
            fixed.a <- res$parm
            se.a <- res$se
            a1a <- max( abs( fixed.a - fixed.a0 ) )
        if ( irtmodel %in% irtmodel_missing ){
            a1a <- a_change

        #--- estimation of c parameter
        if ( sum(est.c) > 0 & raschtype ){
            fixed.c0 <- fixed.c
            cG <- setdiff( unique(est.c), 0 )
            res <- rasch_mml2_raschtype_mstep_parameter_group( theta.k=theta.k,
                        b=b, fixed.a=fixed.a, fixed.c=fixed.c, fixed.d=fixed.d,
                        pjk=pjk, alpha1=alpha1, alpha2=alpha2, h=numdiff.parm, G=G, I=I,
                        r.jk=r.jk, n.jk=n.jk, est_val=est.c, min_val=min.c,
                        max_val=max.c, iter=iter, old_increment=old_increment.c,
                        Qmatrix=Qmatrix, parameter="c", prior=prior.c)
            fixed.c <- res$parm
            se.c <- res$se
            a1b <- max( abs( fixed.c - fixed.c0 ) )
        # estimation of d parameters
        if ( sum( est.d ) > 0 & raschtype ){
            fixed.d0 <- fixed.d
            dG <- setdiff( unique( est.d ), 0 )
            res <- rasch_mml2_raschtype_mstep_parameter_group( theta.k=theta.k,
                        b=b, fixed.a=fixed.a, fixed.c=fixed.c, fixed.d=fixed.d,
                        pjk=pjk, alpha1=alpha1, alpha2=alpha2, h=numdiff.parm, G=G, I=I,
                        r.jk=r.jk, n.jk=n.jk, est_val=est.d, min_val=min.d,
                        max_val=max.d, iter=iter, old_increment=old_increment.d,
                        Qmatrix=Qmatrix, parameter="d", prior=prior.d)
            fixed.d <- res$parm
            se.d <- res$se
            a1c <- max( abs( fixed.d - fixed.d0 ) )
        # estimation of K parameters in Ramsay's quotient model
        if ( sum( est.K ) > 0 & ramsay.qm ){
                h <- numdiff.parm
                fixed.K0 <- fixed.K
                # identify different c parameter groups
                kG <- setdiff( unique( est.K ), 0 )

                res <- .mml.ramsay.est.K( theta.k, b, fixed.a, fixed.c, fixed.d,
                    fixed.K, pjk, alpha1, alpha2, h, G, I, r.jk, n.jk, est.K,
                    min.K, max.K, iter, pow.qm )
                fixed.K <- res$fixed.K
                se.K <- res$se.K
                # convergence is indicated in metric guess.K=1 / ( fixed.K + 1 )
                a1K <- max( abs( 1/(1+fixed.K) - 1/(1+fixed.K0) ) )
        # estimation of alpha
        if ( est.alpha ){
            alpha1.old <- alpha1
            h <- numdiff.alpha.parm

            #-- alpha1
            calc_prob_args <- list( theta.k=theta.k, b=b, fixed.a=fixed.a, fixed.c=fixed.c,
                            fixed.d=fixed.d, alpha1=alpha1, alpha2=alpha2, Qmatrix=Qmatrix )
            pjk.M <- do.call( "rasch_mml2_calc_prob", args=calc_prob_args )
            #-- alpha1 + h
            calc_prob_args$alpha1 <- alpha1 +  h
            pjk1.M <- do.call( "rasch_mml2_calc_prob", args=calc_prob_args )
            #-- alpha1 - h
            calc_prob_args$alpha1 <- alpha1 -  h
            pjk2.M <- do.call( "rasch_mml2_calc_prob", args=calc_prob_args )

            #-- log likelihood
            ll0a1 <- ll0 <- rasch_mml2_mstep_calc_likelihood( G=G, pjk.M=pjk.M, n.jk=n.jk, r.jk=r.jk )
            ll1a1 <- ll1 <- rasch_mml2_mstep_calc_likelihood( G=G, pjk.M=pjk1.M, n.jk=n.jk, r.jk=r.jk )
            ll2a1 <- ll2 <- rasch_mml2_mstep_calc_likelihood( G=G, pjk.M=pjk2.M, n.jk=n.jk, r.jk=r.jk )
            #--- derivatives
            res <- rasch_mml2_difference_quotient( ll0=ll0, ll1=ll1, ll2=ll2, h=h )
            d1 <- res$d1
            d2 <- res$d2

            # change in item difficulty
            alpha.change <- - d1 / d2
            alpha.change <- ifelse( abs( alpha.change ) > .1, .1*sign(alpha.change), alpha.change )
            alpha1 <- alpha1 + alpha.change
            a1 <- abs(alpha.change )
            se.alpha <- sqrt( 1 / abs(d2) )

            #-- alpha2
            calc_prob_args$alpha1 <- alpha1
            pjk.M <- do.call( "rasch_mml2_calc_prob", args=calc_prob_args )
            #-- alpha2 + h
            calc_prob_args$alpha2 <- alpha2 + h
            pjk1.M <- do.call( "rasch_mml2_calc_prob", args=calc_prob_args )
            #-- alpha2 - h
            calc_prob_args$alpha2 <- alpha2 - h
            pjk2.M <- do.call( "rasch_mml2_calc_prob", args=calc_prob_args )

            #-- log likelihood
            ll0a1 <- ll0 <- rasch_mml2_mstep_calc_likelihood( G=G, pjk.M=pjk.M, n.jk=n.jk, r.jk=r.jk )
            ll1a1 <- ll1 <- rasch_mml2_mstep_calc_likelihood( G=G, pjk.M=pjk1.M, n.jk=n.jk, r.jk=r.jk )
            ll2a1 <- ll2 <- rasch_mml2_mstep_calc_likelihood( G=G, pjk.M=pjk2.M, n.jk=n.jk, r.jk=r.jk )
            #--- derivatives
            res <- rasch_mml2_difference_quotient( ll0=ll0, ll1=ll1, ll2=ll2, h=h )
            d1 <- res$d1
            d2 <- res$d2

            alpha.change <- - d1 / d2
            alpha.change <- ifelse( abs( alpha.change ) > .1, .1*sign(alpha.change), alpha.change )
            alpha2 <- alpha2 + alpha.change
            a2 <- abs(alpha.change)
            maxalphachange <- max(a1, a2)
            se.alpha <- c( se.alpha, sqrt( 1 / abs(d2) ) )

            if (equal.alpha){
                ll0 <- ll0a1 + ll0
                ll1 <- ll1a1 + ll1
                ll2 <- ll2a1 + ll2
                d1 <- ( ll1 - ll2  ) / ( 2 * h )    # negative sign?
                d2 <- ( ll1 + ll2 - 2*ll0 ) / h^2
                alpha.change <- - d1 / d2
                alpha.change <- ifelse( abs( alpha.change ) > .1, .1*sign(alpha.change), alpha.change )
                alpha2 <- alpha1 <- alpha1.old + alpha.change
                a2 <- abs(alpha.change)
                maxalphachange <- max(a2)
                se.alpha <- sqrt( 1 / abs(d2) )
# cat("distribution / rest") ; zz1 <- Sys.time(); print(zz1-zz0) ; zz0 <- zz1

        ##***** output
        # iteration index
        dev.change <- abs( ( dev - dev0)/ dev0 )
        par.change <- max( c( abs(b - b0 ), abs(alpha.change ), a1a, a1b,
                        a1c, a1K, apmax) )
        if (irtmodel %in% irtmodel_missing){
            par.change <- max( c( par.change, a1beta ))
        # display convergence
        if (progress){
            cat( paste( "   Deviance=", round( dev, 4 ),
                             if (iter > 0 ){ " | Deviance change=" } else {""},
                             if( iter>0){round( - dev + dev0, 6 )} else { ""}    ,"\n",sep=""))
                    if ( ! npirt ){
                        cat( paste0( "    Maximum b parameter change", "=",
                             round( max(abs(b - b0 )), 6 ),  " \n"   )  )
                                    if ( est.alpha ){
                                        cat( paste0( "    alpha1=", round(alpha1,3), " | alpha2=", round( alpha2,3),
                                                    " | max alpha change ", round( maxalphachange,7 ), "\n", sep=""))
                                    if ( sum(est.a) > 0  ){
                                        cat( paste0( "    Maximum a parameter change", "=",
                                                paste( round(a1a,6), collapse=" " ), "\n", sep=""))
                                    if ( irtmodel %in% irtmodel_missing ){
                                        cat( paste0( "    Maximum beta parameter change=",
                                                paste0( round(a1beta,6), collapse=" " ), "\n", sep=""))
                                    if ( sum(est.c) > 0  ){
                                        cat( paste0( "    Maximum c parameter change=",
                                                paste( round(a1b,6), collapse=" " ), "\n", sep=""))
                                    if ( sum(est.d) > 0  ){
                                        cat( paste0( "    Maximum d parameter change=",
                                                paste( round(a1c,6), collapse=" " ), "\n", sep=""))
                                    if ( npirt  ){
                                        cat( paste0( "    Maximum weighted ICC change=",
                                                paste( round(apmax,6), collapse=" " ), "\n", sep=""))
                                    if ( sum(est.K) > 0  ){
                                        cat( paste0( "    Maximum K parameter change=",
                                                paste( round(a1K,6), collapse=" " ), "\n", sep=""))
                                if ( D > 1 ){
                                  cat("    Mean              | " )
                                  cat( round(as.vector(mu),3))
                                  cat("\n    Covariance Matrix | " )
                                  cat( round(Sigma.cov[!upper.tri(Sigma.cov)],3))
                                if ( irtmodel %in% irtmodel_missing ){
                                  cat("    Delta=" )
                                  r1 <- sort( unique( as.vector(delta.miss) ) )
                                  h1 <- ""
                                  if ( length(r1) > 5 ){
                                    r1 <- r1[1:5]
                                    h1 <- " ... "

                                  cat( round( r1,3))
                                  cat( h1, "\n")

        iter <- iter + 1
        ####################################### end iterations #####################

# cat(" ++++ total estimation time") ; aa1 <- Sys.time(); print(aa1-aa0) ; aa0 <- aa1

            if ( irtmodel %in% irtmodel_missing){
                m1$center <- FALSE
                G <- 1

            if (npirt & ( ! is.null(npformula ) ) ){
                item <- NULL
                for (ii in 1:I){
                    item.ii <- data.frame( "item"=colnames(dat)[ii] )
                    smod.ii <-  summary(npmodel[[ii]])
                    item.ii <- data.frame( cbind( item.ii, rownames(smod.ii$coef),
                                        smod.ii$coef[,1:2] ) )
                    colnames(item.ii)[-1] <- c("par", "est", "se" )
                    rownames(item.ii) <- NULL
                    item <- rbind( item, item.ii )

    # information criteria
    ic <- list( "deviance"=dev, "n"=nrow(dat) )
    if ( distribution.trait=="normal"){
        ic[[ "np" ]] <-  ( G - 1 ) + ncol(dat) + ( G - 0 )
    if ( distribution.trait=="smooth2"){
        ic[[ "np" ]] <-  ( G - 1 ) + ncol(dat) + ( G - 0 )
        if ( distribution.trait=="smooth3"){
                ic[[ "np" ]] <- ( G - 1 ) + ncol(dat) + ( G - 0 ) + G
        if ( distribution.trait=="smooth4"){
                ic[[ "np" ]]<-  ( G - 1 ) + ncol(dat) + ( G - 0 ) + 2*G
#        ic$itempars <- ic$traitpars - ncol(dat)
        # subtract fixed constraints
        if ( ! is.null( constraints) ){
            ic$np <- ic$np - nrow(constraints)
#            ic$itempars <- ic$itempars - nrow(constraints)
        # subtract constraints due to designmatrix
        if ( ! is.null( designmatrix ) ){
                ic$np <- ic$np - ncol(dat) + ncol(designmatrix)
#                ic$itempars <- ic$itempars - ncol(dat) + ncol(designmatrix)
        # alpha estimation
        ic$np <- ic$np + est.alpha * 2 - equal.alpha *1
#        ic$itempars <- ic$itempars + est.alpha * 2 - equal.alpha *1
        # guessing, slipping and discrimination parameter estimation
        if ( sum(est.c) > 0 ){
                    ic$np <- ic$np + length(cG)
        if ( sum(est.d) > 0 ){
                ic$np <- ic$np + length(dG)
        if ( sum(est.a) > 0 ){
                ic$np <- ic$np + length(aG) - 1
        if ( sum(est.K) > 0 ){
                ic$np <- ic$np + length(kG)
        if ( irtmodel %in% irtmodel_missing){
            ic$np <- ic$np + I
            if ( est_delta ){
                v1 <- unique( est.delta )
                v1 <- v1[ ! is.na(v1) ]
                ic$np <- ic$np + length(v1)
        # parameters for multiple dimensions
        if (D>1){
            # mean vector
            MM <- nrow(mu.fixed )
#            if ( mu.fixed=="center" ){ MM <- 1 }
            if ( is.null(mu.fixed) ){ MM <- 0 }
            ic$np <- ic$np + length(mu) - MM
            # covariance matrix
            ic$np <- ic$np - 1*(sum(est.a)==0) + D*(D+1)/2        # SD's
            if ( ! is.null(variance.fixed)){ ic$np <- ic$np - nrow( variance.fixed ) }

        # item parameter for nonparametric models
        if (npirt & ( ! is.null(npformula ) ) ){
                ic$np <- nrow(item) }
        if (npirt & (  is.null(npformula ) ) ){
                ic$np <- prod( dim(pjk)) }
        # AIC
        ic$AIC <- dev + 2*ic$np
        # BIC
        ic$BIC <- dev + ( log(ic$n) )*ic$np
        # CAIC (conistent AIC)
        ic$CAIC <- dev + ( log(ic$n) + 1 )*ic$np
        # corrected AIC
        ic$AICc <- ic$AIC + 2*ic$np * ( ic$np + 1 ) / ( ic$n - ic$np - 1 )
        # log penalty
        ic$GHP <- ic$AIC / ( sum(weights*(!is.na(dat)))) / 2

    #---- item statistics
    if ( npirt & ( ! is.null(npformula ) ) ){
        item0 <- item
    item <- data.frame( item=colnames(dat),
                        N=colSums( weights*(1 - is.na(dat)) ),
                        p=colSums( weights*(dat==1), na.rm=TRUE) / colSums( weights*(1-is.na(dat))),
    if ( ! is.null( constraints) ){
        est.b <- 1:I
        est.b[ constraints[,1] ] <- 0
        item$est.b <- est.b
    if ( npirt & ( ! is.null(npformula ) ) ){ item <- merge( x=item[,1:3], y=item0, by="item" ) }
    if ( ! npirt ){
        if (is.null(est.b)){ item$est.b=seq(1,I) } else { item$est.b <- est.b }
            # fixed parameters
            item$a <- fixed.a
            if ( ! is.null( est.a) ){  item$est.a <- est.a } else { item$est.a <- rep(0,I) }
            # include threshold
            item$thresh <- item$a*item$b
            # guessing parameter
            item$c <- fixed.c
            if ( ! is.null( est.c) ){ item$est.c <- est.c } else { item$est.c <- rep(0,I) }
            item$d <- fixed.d
            if ( ! is.null( est.d) ){  item$est.d <- est.d } else { item$est.d <- rep(0,I) }
            if (m1$center){  if ( is.null(constraints) ){ #    item[I,4] <- NA
                        else { item[ constraints[,1],4] <- NA } }
            rownames(item) <- colnames(dat)

        # latent ability distribution
        skewness.trait <- sd.trait <- mean.trait <- rep(0,G)
        if ( D==1){
            for (gg in 1:G){
                mean.trait[gg] <- weighted.mean( theta.k, pi.k[,gg] )
                sd.trait[gg] <- sqrt( weighted.mean( ( theta.k - mean.trait[gg] )^2, pi.k[,gg] ) )
                skewness.trait[gg] <- sum( ( theta.k - mean.trait[gg]  )^3 * pi.k[,gg] ) / sd.trait[gg]^3
                if (gg==1 & npirt ){ sd.trait[gg] <- 1 }
            # center trait distribution
#            if ( center.trait & G < 1 ){
#                    theta.k <- theta.k - mean.trait
#                    b <- b - mean.trait
#                    item$itemdiff <- b
#                    mean.trait <- 0
#                            }
            trait.distr <- data.frame( "theta.k"=theta.k, "pi.k"=pi.k )
        # item response pattern
        if ( D==1 ){
            if ( is.matrix(theta.k) ){
                theta.k <- as.vector( theta.k)
            ability.est <- data.frame( dat1, theta.k[ whichrowMaxs( f.qk.yi )$arg ] )
            colnames(ability.est) <- c("pattern", "AbsFreq", "mean", "MAP" )
        if (D>1){
            ability.est <- data.frame( dat1, theta.k[ whichrowMaxs( f.qk.yi )$arg,] )
            colnames(ability.est) <- c("pattern", "AbsFreq", "mean",
                    paste("MAP.Dim",1:D,sep="") )
        if (D==1){
            ability.est$EAP <- rowSums( f.qk.yi * outer( rep(1,nrow(ability.est)), theta.k  )  )
            ability.est$SE.EAP <- sqrt( rowSums( f.qk.yi * outer( rep(1,nrow(ability.est)),
                            theta.k^2  )  ) - ability.est$EAP^2 )
        if (D>1){
           for (dd in 1:D){
            ability.est[, paste("EAP.Dim",dd,sep="")] <-
                    rowSums( f.qk.yi * outer( rep(1,nrow(ability.est)), theta.k[,dd]  )  )
            ability.est[, paste("SE.EAP.Dim",dd,sep="")] <-
                sqrt( rowSums( f.qk.yi * outer( rep(1,nrow(ability.est)), theta.k[,dd]^2  )  ) -
                            ability.est[,paste("EAP.Dim",dd,sep="")]^2 )
        # posterior distribution
        rownames(f.qk.yi) <- dat1[,1]
        # merging ability estimates
#        if ( ! is.null(group)){
        if ( G > 1 ){
                    ability.est2 <- cbind( freq.patt, ability.est[,-1] )
                            } else {
               if (!(irtmodel %in% irtmodel_missing)  ){
                    ability.est2 <- merge( freq.patt, ability.est, 1, 1 )
                        } else {
                    ability.est2 <- ability.est
                    ability.est2$index <- seq(1, nrow(ability.est) )
        ability.est2 <- ability.est2[ order(ability.est2$index), -c(3:5) ]

        # EAP reliability estimate
        reliability <- NULL
        if (D==1){
            reliability$eap.reliability <-
                    1 - mean(ability.est2$SE.EAP^2) / ( mean(ability.est2$SE.EAP^2) + var(ability.est2$EAP) )
        if (D>1){
            r1 <- rep(0,D)
            for (dd in 1:D){
            r1[dd] <- 1 - mean(ability.est2[,paste("SE.EAP.Dim",dd,sep="")]^2) /
                                ( mean(ability.est2[,paste("SE.EAP.Dim",dd,sep="")]^2) +
                                    stats::var(ability.est2[,paste("EAP.Dim",dd,sep="")]) )
          if ( is.null( colnames(Qmatrix) ) ){
            dimnamesPars <- paste( "Dim",1:D, sep="")
                            } else { dimnamesPars <- colnames(Qmatrix) }
          names(r1) <- dimnamesPars
          reliability$eap.reliability <- r1
          names(mu) <- dimnamesPars
          rownames(Sigma.cov) <- colnames(Sigma.cov) <- dimnamesPars
        # include person ID
        ability.est2$pid <- pid
        # match ability patterns
        if (!(irtmodel %in% irtmodel_missing )){
            ind1 <- match( ability.est2$freq.patt, ability.est$pattern  )
            ability.est <- ability.est[ ind1, ]
            f.qk.yi <- f.qk.yi[ind1,]
            f.yi.qk <- f.yi.qk[ind1,]

        # item table for missing data IRT model
        if ( irtmodel %in% irtmodel_missing){
            item$thresh <- item$est.c <- item$est.d <- NULL
            # missing proportion
            item$pmiss <- colSums( dat2.resp * ( dat2==2 ), na.rm=TRUE) / colSums( dat2.resp, na.rm=TRUE)
            item$beta <- beta
            item$est.delta <- est.delta
            NI <- nrow(item)
            delta1 <- delta.miss
            if (est_delta & ( length(delta1) !=NI) ){
                ind_delta <- match(est.delta, sort(unique(est.delta)))
                delta1 <- delta.miss[ ind_delta ]
            item$delta.miss <- delta1
        # output fixed.a and fixed.c
        if ( is.null(fixed.a ) & is.null(fixed.c) ){  fixed.a <- rep(1,I) ; fixed.c <- rep(0,I) }
        # include item discrimination
        if (D==1){
            i1 <- item$emp.discrim <- round( item.discrim( dat,  ability.est2$MAP ), 3 )
        if (npirt){
            i1 <- data.frame( "item"=colnames(dat), "emp.discrim"=i1 )
            item$emp.discrim <- NULL
            item <- merge( x=item, y=i1, by="item" )
        if ( ! npirt ){
            item$alpha1 <- alpha1
            item$alpha2 <- alpha2
        # item summary Ramsay QM
        item2 <- NULL
        if ( ramsay.qm){
        if ( is.null(est.K) ){ est.K <- rep(0,I) }
            item2 <- data.frame( "item"=item$item, "N"=item$N, "p"=item$p,
                            "K"=fixed.K, "est.K"=est.K,
                            "b"=exp(b), "log_b"=b, "est.b"=item$est.b,
                            "emp.discrim"=item$emp.discrim )

    #--- imputed data for irtmodel="missing1" or "raschtype"
    dat_implist <- NULL
    if ( ( irtmodel %in% c(irtmodel_missing,"raschtype") ) & (nimps>0) ){
        dat_implist <- rasch_mml2_impute_data( e1=e1, b=b, beta=beta,
                            delta.miss=delta.miss, pjk=pjk, fixed.a=fixed.a, dat=dat,
                            dat.resp=dat.resp, irtmodel=irtmodel, nimps=nimps )

    #--- item response probabilities
    d1 <- dim(pjk)
    if ( length(d1)==2 ){
        rprobs <- array( 0, dim=c( d1[2], 2, d1[1] ) )
        rprobs[,2,] <- t( pjk )
        rprobs[,1,] <- 1 - t(pjk)
    } else {
        rprobs <- pjk
    dimnames(rprobs)[[1]] <- colnames(dat)

    #- collect information about priors
    priors <- rasch_mml2_prior_information( prior.a=prior.a, prior.b=prior.b,
                    prior.c=prior.c, prior.d=prior.d )

    #--- result
    res <- list( dat=dat, weights=weights, item=item, item2=item2, trait.distr=trait.distr,
                mean.trait=mean.trait, sd.trait=sd.trait, skewness.trait=skewness.trait,
                deviance=dev, pjk=pjk, rprobs=rprobs, person=ability.est2, pid=pid,
                ability.est.pattern=ability.est, f.qk.yi=f.qk.yi, f.yi.qk=f.yi.qk,
                pure.rasch=pure.rasch, fixed.a=fixed.a, fixed.c=fixed.c, G=G, alpha1=alpha1,
                alpha2=alpha2, se.b=se.b, se.a=se.a, se.c=se.c, se.d=se.d, se.alpha=se.alpha,
                se.K=se.K, se.delta=se.delta, iter=iter, reliability=reliability,
                ramsay.qm=ramsay.qm, irtmodel=irtmodel, D=D, mu=mu, Sigma.cov=Sigma.cov,
                est_parameters=est_parameters, priors=priors,
                theta.k=theta.k, trait.weights=trait.weights, pi.k=pi.k,
                dat_implist=dat_implist, variance.fixed=variance.fixed, CALL=CALL )
    class(res) <- "rasch.mml"
    res$ic <- ic
    res$est.c <- est.c
    res$groupindex <- ag1
    res$n.jk <- n.jk
    res$r.jk <- r.jk
    res$esttype <- "ll"
    if ( pseudoll ){ res$esttype <- "pseudoll" }
    # computation time
    s2 <- Sys.time()
    res$s1 <- s1
    res$s2 <- s2
    res$Rfcttype <- "rasch.mml2"
    if (progress){
        cat("Start:", paste( s1), "\n")
        cat("End:", paste(s2), "\n")
        cat("Difference:", print(s2 -s1), "\n")
alexanderrobitzsch/sirt documentation built on July 18, 2024, 11:16 p.m.