#' Pre-process RPF alignment file
#' @description
#' This function takes a .bam alignment file where each row corresponds to
#' an individual RPF read; generates annotations for RPF codon index, 5'
#' digest length, 3' digest length, A-/P-/E-site codons, GC content, and bias
#' sequences; filters out invalid RPFs; and aggregates identical RPFs.
#' If `read_type` is `disome`, user must also specify `offsets_5prime_fname`
#' and `offsets_3prime_fname`.
#' @param bam_fname character; file path to .bam alignment file
#' @param transcript_fa_fname character; file path to transcriptome .fasta file
#' @param transcript_length_fname character; file path to transcriptome lengths file
#' @param offsets_fname character; file path to A-site assignment rules file
#' @param read_type character; one of `monosome` or `disome`
#' @param f5_length integer; length of sequence between RPF 5' end and A site
#' @param f3_length integer; length of sequence between A site and RPF 3' end
#' @param num_cores integer; number of cores to use for parallelization
#' @returns A data frame of aggregated RPF counts and annotations
load_bam <- function(bam_fname, transcript_fa_fname, transcript_length_fname,
offsets_fname=NULL, num_cores=NULL, gc_omit="APE",
read_type="monosome", f5_length=3, f3_length=3,
offsets_5prime_fname=NULL, offsets_3prime_fname=NULL) {
### TODO: check input parameters
transcript_seq <- load_fasta(transcript_fa_fname)
transcript_length <- load_lengths(transcript_length_fname)
if(is.null(num_cores)) {
num_cores <- parallel::detectCores()-8
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(num_cores)
# 0. detect whether bam alignment file has ZW tag from RSEM
bam_file <- Rsamtools::BamFile(bam_fname)
bam_tags <- system(paste("samtools view", bam_fname, "| cut -f12- | head -n 100"),
has_ZW_tag <- any(grepl("ZW:", bam_tags))
# 1. read in footprints
bam_features <- c("rname", "pos", "qwidth")
if(has_ZW_tag) {
bam_param <- Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(what=bam_features, tag=c("ZW", "MD"))
} else {
bam_param <- Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(what=bam_features, # isUnmappedQuery=F,
alignment <- data.frame(Rsamtools::scanBam(bam_file, param=bam_param)[[1]])
if(!has_ZW_tag) { alignment$tag.ZW <- 1 }
num_footprints <- sum(alignment$tag.ZW, na.rm=T)
print(paste("Read in", round(num_footprints, 1), "total RPF counts"))
tmp_counts <- sum(subset(alignment, is.na(rname))$tag.ZW, na.rm=T)
print(paste("... Removing",
round(tmp_counts, 1),
paste0("(", round(tmp_counts / num_footprints * 100, 1), "%)"),
"unaligned RPF counts"))
alignment <- subset(alignment, !is.na(alignment$rname))
# 2. assign 5' UTR and CDS lengths
alignment$utr5_length <- transcript_length$utr5_length[match(alignment$rname,
alignment$cds_length <- transcript_length$cds_length[match(alignment$rname,
# 3. calculate frame
if(read_type == "monosome") {
alignment$frame <- (alignment$pos - alignment$utr5_length - 1) %% 3
} else {
alignment$frame_5 <- with(alignment, ((pos - 1) - utr5_length) %% 3)
alignment$frame_3 <- with(alignment, ((pos + qwidth - 1)-utr5_length) %% 3)
# 4. remove reads outside length definitions
offsets <- load_offsets(ifelse(read_type=="monosome",
tmp_counts <- sum(subset(alignment, !(qwidth %in% unique(offsets$length)))$tag.ZW, na.rm=T)
print(paste("... Removing",
round(tmp_counts, 1),
paste0("(", round(tmp_counts / num_footprints * 100, 1), "%)"),
"RPF counts outside length distribution"))
alignment <- subset(alignment, qwidth %in% unique(offsets$length))
# 5. assign 5' digest lengths
alignment$d5 <- offsets$offset[match_rows(alignment, offsets,
"frame", "frame_5"), "qwidth"),
c("frame", "length"))]
tmp_counts <- sum(subset(alignment, is.na(d5))$tag.ZW)
print(paste("... Removing",
round(tmp_counts, 1),
paste0("(", round(tmp_counts / num_footprints * 100, 1), "%)"),
"footprints outside",
ifelse(read_type=="monosome", "A site", "5'"),
"offset definitions"))
alignment <- subset(alignment, !is.na(alignment$d5))
# 6. calculate 3' digest lengths
if(read_type=="monosome") {
alignment$d3 <- with(alignment, qwidth - d5 - 3)
} else {
offsets_3prime <- load_offsets(offsets_3prime_fname)
alignment$d3 <- offsets_3prime$offset[match_rows(alignment, offsets_3prime,
c("frame_3", "qwidth"),
c("frame", "length"))]
tmp_counts <- sum(subset(alignment, is.na(d3))$tag.ZW)
print(paste("... Removing",
round(tmp_counts, 1),
paste0("(", round(tmp_counts / num_footprints * 100, 1), "%)"),
"footprints outside 3' offset definitions"))
alignment <- subset(alignment, !is.na(alignment$d3))
# 7. calculate A site codon indices
if(read_type=="monosome") {
alignment$cod_idx <- with(alignment, ((pos-utr5_length) + d5 + 2) / 3)
} else {
alignment$cod_idx_lagging <- with(alignment, ((pos-utr5_length) + d5 + 2) / 3)
alignment$cod_idx_leading <- with(alignment, (((pos-utr5_length) + qwidth - 1) - d3) / 3)
# 7. remove reads with A site codon(s) outside CDS
if(read_type=="monosome") {
outside_cds <- with(alignment, (cod_idx < 1) | (cod_idx > cds_length/3))
} else {
outside_cds <- with(alignment,
(cod_idx_lagging < 1) | (cod_idx_lagging > cds_length/3) |
(cod_idx_leading < 1) | (cod_idx_leading > cds_length/3))
tmp_counts <- sum(subset(alignment, outside_cds)$tag.ZW, na.rm=T)
print(paste("... Removing",
round(tmp_counts, 1),
paste0("(", round(tmp_counts / num_footprints * 100, 1), "%)"),
"footprints outside CDS"))
alignment <- subset(alignment, !outside_cds)
# 7. aggregate alignments, remove reads with 0 counts
alignment <- data.table(alignment)
if(read_type=="monosome") {
aggregate_by <- 'rname,utr5_length,cod_idx,d5,d3'
} else {
aggregate_by <- "rname,utr5_length,cod_idx_lagging,cod_idx_leading,d5,d3"
alignment <- alignment[, list(count=sum(tag.ZW)), by=aggregate_by]
colnames(alignment)[colnames(alignment)=="rname"] <- "transcript"
alignment <- as.data.frame(alignment)
alignment <- subset(alignment, count > 0)
# 8. annotate bias sequences
alignment$f5 <- get_bias_seq(alignment, transcript_seq, "f5", f5_length, read_type)
alignment$f3 <- get_bias_seq(alignment, transcript_seq, "f3", f3_length, read_type)
# 9. annotate gc content
chunks <- cut(seq.int(nrow(alignment)), num_cores*10)
alignment <- foreach(x=split(alignment, chunks), .combine='rbind',
.packages="choros") %dopar% {
within(x, {
gc <- compute_rpf_gc(x, omit=gc_omit,
# return data
if(read_type=="monosome") {
subset_features <- c("transcript", "cod_idx", "d5", "d3", "f5", "f3", "gc", "count")
} else {
subset_features <- c("transcript", "cod_idx_lagging", "cod_idx_leading",
"d5", "d3", "f5", "f3", "gc", "count")
alignment <- alignment[, subset_features]
#' Generate data frame to fit negative binomial regression model
#' @description
#' This function enumerates data points to train a regression model of RPF counts,
#' given a list of transcripts for training
#' @param transcript_fa_fname character; file path to transcriptome .fasta file
#' @param transcript_length_fname character; file path to transcriptome lengths file
#' @param digest5_lengths integer vector; legal 5' digest lengths
#' @param digest3_lengths integer vector; legal 3' digest lengths
#' @param d5_d3_subsets data frame; columns of `d5` and `d3` to initiate data over
#' @param f5_length integer; length of 5' bias sequence
#' @param f3_length integer; length of 3' bias sequence
#' @param num_cores integer; number of cores to use for parallelization
#' @param which_transcripts character vector; transcripts selected for regression
#' @param exclude_codons5 integer; number of codons to exclude from 5' end of transcript
#' @param exclude_codons3 integer; number of codons to exclude from 3' end of transcript
#' @param compute_gc logical; whether to return RPF GC-content
#' @param gc_omit character; one of `A`, `AP`, or `APE` codons to omit for GC-content calculation
#' @returns data frame of data to use for downstream regression modeling
init_data <- function(transcript_fa_fname, transcript_length_fname,
digest5_lengths=15:18, digest3_lengths=9:11,
d5_d3_subsets=NULL, f5_length=3, f3_length=3,
num_cores=NULL, which_transcripts=NULL,
exclude_codons5=10, exclude_codons3=10,
compute_gc=T, gc_omit="APE") {
# 1. load transcript sequence and UTR/CDS lengths
transcript_seq <- load_fasta(transcript_fa_fname)
transcript_length <- load_lengths(transcript_length_fname)
if(!is.null(which_transcripts)) {
transcript_seq <- transcript_seq[which_transcripts]
transcript_length <- subset(transcript_length, transcript %in% which_transcripts)
# 2. enumerate transcript + codon indices
### TODO: add check for sufficient transcript length
transcript_length$num_codons <- with(transcript_length,
cds_length/3 - exclude_codons5 - exclude_codons3)
transcript <- unlist(mapply(rep, x=transcript_length$transcript,
times=(transcript_length$cds_length/3 -
exclude_codons5 - exclude_codons3)))
cod_idx <- unlist(lapply(transcript_length$cds_length/3,
function(x) {
seq(exclude_codons5 + 1, x - exclude_codons3)
# 3. enumerate A/P/E site codons
utr5_length <- transcript_length$utr5_length[match(transcript,
if(is.null(num_cores)) {
num_cores <- parallel::detectCores()-8
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(num_cores)
codons <- data.frame(transcript=transcript,
if(num_cores == 1) {
chunks <- seq.int(nrow(codons))
} else {
chunks <- cut(seq.int(nrow(codons)), num_cores)
codons <- foreach(x=split(codons, chunks),
.combine='rbind', .export=c("get_codons")) %dopar% {
transcript, cod_idx, utr5_length,
row.names=NULL, stringsAsFactors=F)
# 4. enumerate f5 and f3 end sequences
if(!is.null(d5_d3_subsets)) {
dat <- reshape::expand.grid.df(data.frame(transcript, cod_idx, codons, utr5_length,
} else {
dat <- reshape::expand.grid.df(data.frame(transcript, cod_idx, codons, utr5_length,
expand.grid(d5=digest5_lengths, d3=digest3_lengths))
if(num_cores == 1) {
chunks <- seq.int(nrow(dat))
} else {
chunks <- cut(seq.int(nrow(dat)), num_cores)
dat <- foreach(x=split(dat, chunks),
.combine='rbind', .export=c("get_bias_seq")) %dopar% {
within(x, {
f5 <- get_bias_seq(x, transcript_seq, "f5", f5_length)
f3 <- get_bias_seq(x, transcript_seq, "f3", f3_length)
# 5. compute %GC
dat$gc <- compute_rpf_gc(dat, omit=gc_omit, transcript_fa_fname,
# return enumerated footprints
dat$transcript <- as.factor(dat$transcript)
dat$d5 <- factor(dat$d5, levels=unique(d5_d3_subsets$d5))
dat$d3 <- factor(dat$d3, levels=unique(d5_d3_subsets$d3))
dat$f5 <- as.factor(dat$f5)
dat$f3 <- as.factor(dat$f3)
dat$count <- 0
#' Count RPFs by 5' and 3' digest lengths
#' @description
#' Count number of RPFs per combination of 5' and 3' digest lengths
#' @param bam_dat data frame; output from `load_bam`
#' @param plot_title character; title for heatmap plot
#' @returns A list containing a data frame of RPF counts by 5' and 3' digest
#' lengths, and ggplot heatmap of RPF counts
count_d5_d3 <- function(bam_dat, plot_title="") {
subset_count <- aggregate(count ~ d5 + d3, data=bam_dat, FUN=sum)
subset_count <- subset_count[order(subset_count$count, decreasing=T),]
subset_count$proportion <- sapply(seq(nrow(subset_count)),
function(x) {
subset_count_plot <- ggplot(subset_count, aes(x=d5, y=d3, fill=count)) + geom_tile(col="black") +
scale_fill_gradient(low="white", high="blue", name="Count") + theme_classic() +
geom_text(aes(label=paste0(round(count/sum(count)*100, 1), "%"))) +
ggtitle(plot_title) + xlab("5' digestion length") + ylab("3' digestion length")
return(list(counts=subset_count, plot=subset_count_plot))
#' Choose RPF lengths and frames to model
#' @description
#' This function chooses the most populous RPF 5' and 3' length combinations
#' to model some minimum proportion of RPF counts.
#' @param d5_d3 list; output from `count_d5_d3`
#' @param min_prop numeric; minimum proportion of RPF counts to be modeled
#' @returns A data frame of 5' and 3' digest lengths to be used for modeling
#' RPF counts.
choose_subsets <- function(d5_d3, min_prop=0.9) {
subset_counts <- d5_d3$counts
num_subsets <- which(subset_counts$proportion>min_prop)[1]
#' Count RPFs by position, frame, and length
#' @description
#' This function aggregates RPF counts for a given transcript, codon position,
#' and 5' and 3' digest lengths (which correspond to an RPF length and frame).
#' @param bam_dat data frame; output from `load_bam`
#' @param regression_data data frame; output from `init_data`
#' @param which_column character; name of column containing counts in `bam_dat`
#' @param features character vector; terms to match between `regression_data` and `bam_dat`
#' @param integer_counts logical; whether to round counts to integers
#' @returns A numeric vector of RPF counts corresponding to rows in `regression_data`
count_footprints <- function(bam_dat, regression_data, which_column="count",
features=c("transcript", "cod_idx", "d5", "d3"),
integer_counts=T) {
# count up footprints
bam_dat <- subset(bam_dat, transcript %in% levels(regression_data$transcript))
bam_dat <- aggregate(formula(paste(which_column,
paste(features, collapse=" + "),
sep=" ~ "),
data=bam_dat, FUN=sum, na.rm=T)
# add counts to regression data.frame
counts <- bam_dat[match_rows(regression_data, bam_dat, features), which_column]
counts[is.na(counts)] <- 0
if(integer_counts) {
counts <- round(counts, digits=0) # return integer counts for glm.nb()
#' Count nonzero codon positions per transcript
#' @description
#' This function retruns the number of codon positions within a transcript with
#' non-zero RPF counts.
#' @param bam_dat data frame; output from `load_bam`
#' @returns A named numeric vector
count_nonzero_codons <- function(bam_dat) {
codon_cts <- aggregate(count ~ transcript + cod_idx, bam_dat, FUN=sum)
codon_cts <- split(codon_cts, codon_cts$transcript)
num_nonzero <- sapply(codon_cts, function(x) sum(x$count > 0))
#' Calculate codon density
#' @description
#' This function returns a vector of RPF counts per codon for an individual transcrips.
#' @param bam_dat data frame; output from `load_bam`
#' @param transcript_length integer; length of transcript CDS in codons
#' @param exclude_codons5 integer; number of codons to exclude from 5' end of transcript
#' @param exclude_codons3 integer; number of codons to exclude from 3' end of transcript
#' @param normalize logical; whether to normalize codon counts by the average RPF count across the transcript
#' @param which_column character; column in `bam_dat` corresponding to RPF count
#' @returns A numeric vector of RPF counts per codon position
calculate_codon_density <- function(bam_dat, transcript_length,
exclude_codons5=10, exclude_codons3=10,
normalize=F, which_column="count") {
# 1. initialize empty vector
counts <- rep(0, transcript_length)
names(counts) <- seq(transcript_length)
# 2. count up footprints per codon
bam_dat_cts <- aggregate(count ~ cod_idx, data=bam_dat, FUN=sum)
# 3. populate counts vector
counts[bam_dat_cts$cod_idx] <- bam_dat_cts$count
# 4. remove first and last codons
counts <- counts[(1+exclude_codons5):(length(counts)-exclude_codons3)]
# 5. normalize by average across transcript
if(normalize) {
counts / mean(counts)
#' Calculate per-transcript RPF density
#' @description
#' This function computes the mean or median footprint density per codon across
#' all transcripts.
#' @param bam_dat data frame; output from `load_bam`
#' @param transcript_length_fname character; file path to transcriptome lengths file
#' @param statistic character; one of `mean` or `median`
#' @param exclude_codons5 integer; number of codons to exclude from 5' end of transcript
#' @param exclude_codons3 integer; number of codons to exclude from 3' end of transcript
#' @returns A numeric vector of RPF density per transcript
calculate_transcript_density <- function(bam_dat, transcript_length_fname,
exclude_codons5=10, exclude_codons3=10) {
transcript_lengths <- load_lengths(transcript_length_fname)
# 1. subset by transcript
bam_dat$transcript <- droplevels(bam_dat$transcript)
per_transcript <- split(bam_dat, bam_dat$transcript)
num_codons <- transcript_lengths$cds_length[match(names(per_transcript),
transcript_lengths$transcript)] / 3
# 2. aggregate footprints by cod_idx
per_transcript <- lapply(seq_along(per_transcript),
function(x) {
exclude_codons5, exclude_codons3)
names(per_transcript) <- levels(bam_dat$transcript)
# 3. calculate mean/median codon density per transcript
per_transcript <- sapply(per_transcript, FUN=statistic)
per_transcript <- sort(per_transcript, decreasing=T)
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