
#' Gibbs sampling algorithm for sc-Bayesian BPR finite mixture model
#' \code{sc_bayes_bpr_fdmm} implements the Gibbs sampling algorithm for
#' performing clustering of single cells based on their DNA methylation
#' profiles, where the observation model is the Bernoulli distributed Probit
#' Regression likelihood.
#' @param x A list of length I, where I are the total number of cells. Each
#'   element of the list contains another list of length N, where N is the total
#'   number of genomic regions. Each element of the inner list is an L x 2
#'   matrix of observations, where 1st column contains the locations and the 2nd
#'   column contains the methylation level of the corresponding CpGs.
#' @param K Integer denoting the number of clusters K.
#' @param pi_k Vector of length K, denoting the mixing proportions.
#' @param w A N x M x K array, where each column contains the basis function
#'   coefficients for the corresponding cluster.
#' @param basis A 'basis' object. E.g. see \code{\link{create_rbf_object}}
#' @param w_0_mean The prior mean hyperparameter for w
#' @param w_0_cov The prior covariance hyperparameter for w
#' @param dir_a The Dirichlet concentration parameter, prior over pi_k
#' @param lambda The complexity penalty coefficient for penalized regression.
#' @param gibbs_nsim Argument giving the number of simulations of the Gibbs
#'   sampler.
#' @param gibbs_burn_in Argument giving the burn in period of the Gibbs sampler.
#' @param inner_gibbs Logical, indicating if we should perform Gibbs sampling to
#'   sample from the augmented BPR model.
#' @param gibbs_inner_nsim Number of inner Gibbs simulations.
#' @param is_parallel Logical, indicating if code should be run in parallel.
#' @param no_cores Number of cores to be used, default is max_no_cores - 1.
#' @param is_verbose Logical, print results during EM iterations
#' @importFrom stats rmultinom rnorm
#' @importFrom MCMCpack rdirichlet
#' @importFrom truncnorm rtruncnorm
#' @importFrom mvtnorm rmvnorm
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @export
sc_bayes_bpr_fdmm_old <- function(x, K = 2, pi_k = rep(1/K, K), w = NULL,
                              basis = NULL, w_0_mean = NULL, w_0_cov = NULL,
                              dir_a = rep(1/K, K), lambda = 1/2,
                              gibbs_nsim = 5000, gibbs_burn_in = 1000,
                              inner_gibbs = FALSE, gibbs_inner_nsim = 50,
                              is_parallel = TRUE, no_cores = NULL,
                              is_verbose = TRUE){

    # Check that x is a list object

    # If parallel mode is ON
    if (is_parallel){
        # If number of cores is not given
        if (is.null(no_cores)){
            no_cores <- parallel::detectCores() - 2
            if (no_cores >= parallel::detectCores()){
                no_cores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
        if (is.na(no_cores)){
            no_cores <- 2
        if (no_cores > K){
            no_cores <- K
        # Create cluster object
        cl <- parallel::makeCluster(no_cores)

    # Extract number of cells
    I <- length(x)

    # TODO: Shall we consider different number of promoters for each cell?
    # Extract number of promoter regions
    N <- length(x[[1]])

    # Number of coefficients for modelling each promoter methylation profile
    M <- basis$M + 1

    # Initialize the priors over the parameters
    if (is.null(w_0_mean)){
        w_0_mean <- rep(0, M)
    if (is.null(w_0_cov)){
        w_0_cov <- diag(2, M)
    # Invert covariance matrix to get the precision matrix
    prec_0 <- solve(w_0_cov)
    # Compute product of prior mean and prior precision matrix
    w_0_prec_0 <- prec_0 %*% w_0_mean

    # Matrices for storing results
    w_pdf        <- matrix(0, nrow = I, ncol = K)  # Store weighted PDFs
    post_prob    <- matrix(0, nrow = I, ncol = K)  # Hold responsibilities
    C_i          <- matrix(0, nrow = I, ncol = K)  # Mixture components
    C_matrix     <- matrix(0, nrow = I, ncol = K)  # Total Mixture components
    NLL          <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = gibbs_nsim)
    NLL[1]       <- 1e+100

    # Store mixing proportions draws
    pi_draws <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = gibbs_nsim, ncol = K)
    pi_draws[1, ] <- pi_k

    # Store BPR coefficient draws
    w_draws <- vector(mode = "list", length = gibbs_nsim)
    # TODO: Initialize w in a sensible way
    if (is.null(w)){
        w <- array(data = 0, dim = c(N, M, K))
        #for (k in 2:K){
        #  w[, , k] <- k * 0.1
    w_draws[[1]] <- w

    # Kee a list of promoter regions with CpG coverage
    ind <- list()
    # Create design matrix for each cell for each promoter region
    des_mat <- list()
    for (i in 1:I){
        des_mat[[i]] <- vector(mode = "list", length = N)
        ind[[i]] <- which(!is.na(x[[i]]))
        # TODO: Make this function faster?
        if (is_parallel){
            des_mat[[i]][ind[[i]]] <- parallel::mclapply(X = x[[i]][ind[[i]]],
                                                         FUN = function(y)
                                                             design_matrix(x = basis,
                                                                            obs = y[, 1])$H,
                                                         mc.cores = no_cores)
            des_mat[[i]][ind[[i]]] <- lapply(X = x[[i]][ind[[i]]],
                                             FUN = function(y)
                                                 design_matrix(x = basis,
                                                                obs = y[, 1])$H)
        ##des_mat[[i]][-ind[[i]]] <- NA
    if (is_parallel){
        # Stop parallel execution

    message("Starting Gibbs sampling...")
    # Show progress bar
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = gibbs_nsim, style = 3)
    # Start Gibbs sampling
    for (t in 2:gibbs_nsim){
        ## ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Compute weighted pdfs for each cluster
        for (k in 1:K){
            # Iterate over each cell
            for (i in 1:I){
                # Apply only to regions with CpG coverage
                w_pdf[i, k] <- sum(vapply(X   = ind[[i]],
                                          FUN = function(y)
                                              .old_bpr_likelihood(w = w[y, , k],
                                                              H = des_mat[[i]][[y]],
                                                              data = x[[i]][[y]][,2],
                                                              lambda = lambda,
                                                              is_NLL = FALSE),
                                          FUN.VALUE = numeric(1),
                                          USE.NAMES = FALSE))
                # TODO: Do we need to do anything with regions with no CpGs??
            w_pdf[, k] <- log(pi_k[k]) + w_pdf[, k]
        # Use the logSumExp trick for numerical stability
        Z <- apply(w_pdf, 1, .log_sum_exp)
        # Get actual posterior probabilities, i.e. responsibilities
        post_prob <- exp(w_pdf - Z)
        # Evaluate and store the NLL
        NLL[t] <- -sum(Z)

        ## -------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Draw mixture components for ith simulation
        for (i in 1:I){ # Sample one point from a Multinomial i.e. ~ Discrete
            C_i[i, ] <- rmultinom(n = 1, size = 1, post_prob[i, ])
        if (t > gibbs_burn_in){
            C_matrix <- C_matrix + C_i

        ## -------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Calculate component counts of each cluster
        N_k <- colSums(C_i)
        # Update mixing proportions using new cluster component counts
        pi_k <- as.vector(rdirichlet(n = 1, alpha = dir_a + N_k))
        pi_draws[t, ] <- pi_k

        # Matrix to keep promoters with no CpG coverage
        empty_region <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = K)

        for (k in 1:K){
            # Which cells are assigned to cluster k
            C_k_idx <- which(C_i[, k] == 1)

            # TODO: Handle cases when clusters are empty!!
            if (length(C_k_idx) > 0){
                # Iterate over each promoter region
                for (n in 1:N){
                    # Initialize empty vector for observed methylation data
                    y <- vector(mode = "integer")
                    # Concatenate the nth promoter from all cells in cluster k
                    H <- do.call(rbind, lapply(des_mat, "[[", n)[C_k_idx])

                    # TODO: Check when we have empty promoters....
                    if (is.null(H)){
                        empty_region[n, k] <- 1
                        # Obtain the corresponding methylation levels
                        for (cell in seq_along(C_k_idx)){
                            obs <- x[[C_k_idx[cell]]][[n]]
                            if (length(obs) > 1){
                                y <- c(y, obs[, 2])
                        # Precompute for faster computations
                        len_y <- length(y)
                        sum_y <- sum(y)
                        z <- rep(NA_real_, len_y)

                        # Compute posterior variance of w_nk
                        V <- solve(prec_0 + crossprod(H, H))

                        # Perform Gibbs to sample from the augmented BPR model
                        if (inner_gibbs){
                            w_inner <- matrix(0, nrow = gibbs_inner_nsim, ncol = M)
                            w_inner[1, ] <- w[n, , k]
                            for (tt in 2:gibbs_inner_nsim){
                                # Update Mean of z
                                mu_z <- H %*% w_inner[tt - 1, ]
                                # Draw latent variable z from its full conditional: z | w, y, X
                                if (sum_y == 0){
                                    z <- rtruncnorm(len_y, mean = mu_z, sd = 1, a = -Inf, b = 0)
                                }else if (sum_y == len_y){
                                    z <- rtruncnorm(sum_y, mean = mu_z, sd = 1, a = 0, b = Inf)
                                    z[y == 1] <- rtruncnorm(sum_y, mean = mu_z[y == 1], sd = 1,
                                                            a = 0, b = Inf)
                                    z[y == 0] <- rtruncnorm(len_y - sum_y, mean = mu_z[y == 0],
                                                            sd = 1, a = -Inf, b = 0)
                                # Compute posterior mean of w
                                Mu <- V %*% (w_0_prec_0 + crossprod(H, z))
                                # Draw variable \w from its full conditional: \w | z, X
                                if (M == 1){
                                    w_inner[tt, ] <- c(rnorm(n = 1, mean = Mu, sd = V))
                                    w_inner[tt, ] <- c(rmvnorm(n = 1, mean = Mu, sigma = V))
                            if (M == 1){
                                w[n, , k] <- mean(w_inner[-(1:(gibbs_inner_nsim/2)), ])
                                w[n, , k] <- colMeans(w_inner[-(1:(gibbs_inner_nsim/2)), ])
                            # Update Mean of z
                            mu_z <- H %*% w[n, , k]
                            # Draw latent variable z from its full conditional: z | w, y, X
                            if (sum_y == 0){
                                z <- rtruncnorm(len_y, mean = mu_z, sd = 1, a = -Inf, b = 0)
                            }else if (sum_y == len_y){
                                z <- rtruncnorm(sum_y, mean = mu_z, sd = 1, a = 0, b = Inf)
                                z[y == 1] <- rtruncnorm(sum_y, mean = mu_z[y == 1], sd = 1,
                                                        a = 0, b = Inf)
                                z[y == 0] <- rtruncnorm(len_y - sum_y, mean = mu_z[y == 0],
                                                        sd = 1, a = -Inf, b = 0)
                            # Compute posterior mean of w
                            Mu <- V %*% (w_0_prec_0 + crossprod(H, z))
                            # Draw variable \w from its full conditional: \w | z, X
                            if (M == 1){
                                w[n, , k] <- c(rnorm(n = 1, mean = Mu, sd = V))
                                w[n, , k] <- c(rmvnorm(n = 1, mean = Mu, sigma = V))
                message("Warning: Empty cluster...")
                next # TODO: How to handle empty clusters

        # For each empty promoter region, take the methyation profile of the
        # promoter regions that belong to another cluster
        for (n in 1:N){
            clust_empty_ind <- which(empty_region[n, ] == 1)
            # No empty promoter regions
            if (length(clust_empty_ind) == 0){
            } # Case that should never happen with the right preprocessing step
            else if (length(clust_empty_ind) == K){
                for (k in 1:K){
                    w[n, , k] <- c(rmvnorm(1, w_0_mean, w_0_cov))
                # message("Promoter: ", n)
                # TODO: Perform a better imputation approach...
                cover_ind <- which(empty_region[n, ] == 0)
                # Randomly choose a cluster to obtain the methylation profiles
                k_imp <- sample(length(cover_ind), 1)
                for (k in seq_along(clust_empty_ind)){
                    w[n, , clust_empty_ind[k]] <- w[n, , k_imp]

        # Store the coefficient draw
        w_draws[[t]] <- w
    message("Finished Gibbs sampling...")

    message("Computing summary statistics...")
    # Compute summary statistics from Gibbs simulation
    if (K == 1){
        pi_post <- mean(pi_draws[gibbs_burn_in:gibbs_nsim, ])
        pi_post <- colMeans(pi_draws[gibbs_burn_in:gibbs_nsim, ])
    C_post <- C_matrix / (gibbs_nsim - gibbs_burn_in)
    w_post <- array(0, dim = c(N, M, K))
    for (n in 1:N){
        for (k in 1:K){
            w <- rep(0, M)
            for (t in gibbs_burn_in:gibbs_nsim){
                w <- w + w_draws[[t]][n, ,k]
            w_post[n, , k] <- w / (gibbs_nsim - gibbs_burn_in)

    # Object to keep input data
    dat <- NULL
    dat$K <- K
    dat$N <- N
    dat$I <- I
    dat$M <- M
    dat$basis <- basis
    dat$dir_a <- dir_a
    dat$lambda <- lambda
    dat$w_0_mean <- w_0_mean
    dat$w_0_cov <- w_0_cov
    dat$gibbs_nsim <- gibbs_nsim
    dat$gibbs_burn_in <- gibbs_burn_in

    # Object to hold all the Gibbs draws
    draws <- NULL
    draws$pi <- pi_draws
    draws$w <- w_draws
    draws$C <- C_matrix
    draws$NLL <- NLL

    # Object to hold the summaries for the parameters
    summary <- NULL
    summary$w <- w_post
    summary$pi <- pi_post
    summary$C <- C_post

    # Create sc_bayes_bpr_fdmm object
    obj <- structure(list(summary = summary,
                          draws   = draws,
                          dat     = dat),
                     class = "sc_bayes_bpr_fdmm")
andreaskapou/BPRMeth-devel documentation built on May 12, 2019, 3:32 a.m.