#' Convert snap object to Seurat by gmat and non-linear embedding
#' provided by SnapATAC
#' @param snap snap object defined in SnapATAC package
#' snap@gmat must be not empty; snap@smat@dmat should not be empty
#' @param eigDims vector, used for choosing PCA components, default 1:50
#' @param assay characters, name used in Seurat object
#' @param pcaPrefix characters, default "SnapATAC_"
#' @return Seurat object
#' @import Seurat
#' @export
snapGmat2Seurat <- function(snap, eigDims = 1:50,
assay = "GeneScore",
pcaPrefix = "SnapATAC_") {
# check snap@gmat
# check snap@smat@dmat
pcaUse <- snap@smat@dmat[, eigDims]
metaData <- snap@metaData
rownames(pcaUse) <- paste(metaData$sample, metaData$barcode, sep = ".")
colnames(pcaUse) <- paste0(pcaPrefix, 1:ncol(pcaUse))
rownames(metaData) <- paste(metaData$sample, metaData$barcode, sep = ".")
gmatUse <- t(snap@gmat)
colnames(gmatUse) <- paste(metaData$sample, metaData$barcode, sep = ".")
snapSeurat <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = gmatUse, assay = assay)
snapSeurat <- AddMetaData(snapSeurat, metadata = metaData)
snapSeurat[["pca"]] <- new(Class = "DimReduc", cell.embeddings = pcaUse,
feature.loadings = matrix(0, 0, 0),
feature.loadings.projected = matrix(0, 0, 0),
assay.used = assay, stdev = rep(1, ncol(pcaUse)),
key = pcaPrefix,
jackstraw = new(Class = "JackStrawData"), misc = list())
#' Integration with single-cell RNA sequencing data
#' @param snapSeurat Seurat object transformed from snap object
#' Assume meta.data has no column named ClusterName
#' @param rnaSeurat Seurat obejct, reference scRNA sequencing ddta
#' Assume meta.data has a column for rnaType
#' @param eigDims dims used for snapSeurat pca,
#' if NULL (default), use all the dims.
#' @param snapAssay characters, snapSeurat assay name, default "GeneScore"
#' @param preprocessSnap bool, if need to normalize and scale snap, default TRUE
#' @param preprocessRNA bool, if need to normalize, scale rnaSeurat, default TRUE
#' @param rnaTypeColnm characters, colname for rnaSeurat's type, default "ClusterName"
#' @param reso numeric, clustering resolution parameter, default 0.5
#' @return Seurat object, merge snapSeurat and rnaSeurat
#' Add predict Id from rnaSeurat for snapSeurat on metaData,
#' Add imputed gene expression from rnaSeurat for snapSeurat with Assay: "RNA"
#' Clustering on the merged Seurat object as Co-Embedding Seurat object
#' @import ggplot2 Seurat
#' @export
integrateWithScRNASeq <- function(snapSeurat,
eigDims = NULL,
snapAssay = "GeneScore",
preprocessSnap = TRUE,
preprocessRNA = TRUE,
rnaTypeColnm = "ClusterName",
reso = 0.5) {
if (nrow(snapSeurat) < 1) {
stop("No cells in snapSeurat.")
if (nrow(rnaSeurat) < 1) {
stop("No cells in rnaSeurat.")
DefaultAssay(snapSeurat) <- snapAssay
if (is.null(eigDims)) {
eigDims <- 1:nrow(snapSeurat[["pca"]])
if (preprocessSnap) {
snapSeurat <- NormalizeData(snapSeurat)
snapSeurat <- ScaleData(snapSeurat, features = rownames(snapSeurat))
if (preprocessRNA) {
rnaSeurat <- NormalizeData(rnaSeurat)
rnaSeurat <- FindVariableFeatures(rnaSeurat)
rnaSeurat <- ScaleData(rnaSeurat, features = rownames(rnaSeurat))
rnaSeurat <- RunPCA(rnaSeurat, features = VariableFeatures(rnaSeurat))
anchors <- FindTransferAnchors(
reference = rnaSeurat,
query = snapSeurat,
features = VariableFeatures(rnaSeurat),
reference.assay = "RNA",
query.assay = snapAssay,
reduction = "cca"
## predict type
transferLabel <- TransferData(
anchorset = anchors,
refdata = rnaSeurat@meta.data[, rnaTypeColnm],
weight.reduction = snapSeurat[["pca"]],
dims = eigDims
rownames(transferLabel) <- colnames(snapSeurat)
t <- data.frame(
predictId = transferLabel$predicted.id,
predictMaxScore = apply(transferLabel[, -1], 1, max),
row.names = colnames(snapSeurat)
snapSeurat <- AddMetaData(snapSeurat, metadata = t)
## impute gene expression
refdata <- GetAssayData(
object = rnaSeurat,
assay = "RNA",
slot = "data"
geneImpute <- TransferData(
anchorset = anchors,
refdata = refdata,
weight.reduction = snapSeurat[["pca"]],
dims = eigDims
snapSeurat[["RNA"]] <- CreateAssayObject(counts = geneImpute@data)
## coEmbed
coEmbed <- merge(x = snapSeurat, y = rnaSeurat)
DefaultAssay(coEmbed) <- "RNA"
coEmbed$tech <- ifelse(!is.na(coEmbed@meta.data[, rnaTypeColnm]), "RNA", "ATAC")
coEmbed <- ScaleData(coEmbed,
features = VariableFeatures(rnaSeurat),
do.scale = FALSE)
coEmbed <- RunPCA(coEmbed,
features = VariableFeatures(rnaSeurat),
verbose = FALSE)
coEmbed <- RunUMAP(coEmbed, dims = eigDims)
coEmbed <- FindNeighbors(coEmbed, dims = eigDims)
coEmbed <- FindClusters(coEmbed, resolution = reso)
getPredictId <- function(ovlp, atacLabel = "MajorType", coEmbed) {
nms <- rownames(ovlp)
p1 <- vapply(nms, function(i) {
colnames(ovlp)[which.max(ovlp[i, ])]
}, "")
p2 <- vapply(nms, function(i) {
pred <- coEmbed$predictId[coEmbed[[atacLabel]] %in% i]
stat <- table(pred)
}, "")
data.frame(fromOvlp = p1, fromCoEmbed = p2,
row.names = nms)
# t1: table with 2 columns: coembed labels, raw labels
# t2: table with 2 columns: coembed labels, raw labels
cal_ovlpScore <- function(t1, t2) {
t1.table <- table(t1)
t2.table <- table(t2)
t1.pct <- apply(t1.table, 2, function(x) {
x / sum(x)
t2.pct <- apply(t2.table, 2, function(x) {
x / sum(x)
t1.labels <- colnames(t1.pct)
t2.labels <- colnames(t2.pct)
ovlpScore.df <- data.frame(
anno1 = as.character(),
anno2 = as.character(), ovlpScore = as.numeric()
for (t1.label in t1.labels) {
for (t2.label in t2.labels) {
t1.pct.df <- data.frame(t1.pct[, t1.label])
colnames(t1.pct.df) <- "t1"
t1.pct.df$ident <- rownames(t1.pct.df)
t2.pct.df <- data.frame(t2.pct[, t2.label])
colnames(t2.pct.df) <- "t2"
t2.pct.df$ident <- rownames(t2.pct.df)
comp.df <- join(t1.pct.df, t2.pct.df, by = "ident", type = "full")
comp.df[is.na(comp.df)] <- 0
comp.df$ident <- NULL
comp.df <- t(comp.df)
ovlpScore <- sum(apply(comp.df, 2, min))
out <- data.frame(anno1 = t1.label, anno2 = t2.label, ovlpScore = ovlpScore)
ovlpScore.df <- rbind(ovlpScore.df, out)
getOverlapMatrix <- function(metaF,
atacLabel = "MajorType", rnaLabel = "ClusterName") {
ident2rna <- data.frame(idents = metaF$coembed.idents, rna_label = metaF[[rnaLabel]])
ident2rna <- ident2rna[complete.cases(ident2rna), ]
ident2atac <- data.frame(idents = metaF$coembed.idents, atac_label = metaF[[atacLabel]])
ident2atac <- ident2atac[complete.cases(ident2atac), ]
ovlp <- cal_ovlpScore(ident2rna, ident2atac)
colnames(ovlp) <- c(rnaLabel, atacLabel, "ovlpScore")
ovlp <- reshape2::dcast(ovlp, as.formula(paste(atacLabel, "~", rnaLabel, sep = " ")),
value.var = "ovlpScore", fun.aggregate = identity, fill = 0.0)
ovlp <- as.data.frame(ovlp)
rnm <- ovlp[[atacLabel]]
rownames(ovlp) <- rnm
## remove a name vector
ovlp[[atacLabel]] <- NULL
ovlp <- as.matrix(sapply(ovlp, as.numeric))
rownames(ovlp) <- rnm
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.