
Defines functions meta_heatmap_ploting calculate_metadata run_page_man_annotation create_signature_matrix_fn

Documented in calculate_metadata create_signature_matrix_fn meta_heatmap_ploting run_page_man_annotation

## -- Common functions used for manual annotation of spots/cells.
#' @title Create signature matrix from provided file containing names with markers.
#' @param markers_file A csv file containing list of annotation names with selected markers.
#' @export
#' @concept manual_annotation
create_signature_matrix_fn <- function(markers_file) {
  markers <- read.csv(markers_file)

  long_df <- markers %>%
      cols = everything(),
      names_to = "types",
      values_to = "gene"
    ) %>%
    dplyr::filter(gene != "")

  # Create a binary indicator for the presence of genes

  signature_matrix <- as.data.frame(
    long_df %>%
      dplyr::mutate(Presence = 1) %>%
        names_from = types,
        values_from = Presence,
        values_fill = list(Presence = 0)
  rownames(signature_matrix) <- signature_matrix$gene
  signature_matrix <- signature_matrix[, -1]

#' @title Calculate and run PAGE annotation.
#' @param sign_matrix precalculated signature matrix
#' @param sce A `SingleCellExperiment` object
#' @param values A expresion indicating which values use, logcounts as default
#' @export
#' @concept manual_annotation
run_page_man_annotation <- function(sign_matrix,
                                    values = "logcounts",
                                    # clustering,
                                    scale = NULL,
                                    overlap = 5,
                                    reverse_log_scale = FALSE,
                                    selected_annotation = NULL,
                                    output_enrichment = "zscore") {
  expr_values <- assay(sce, values)

  rownames(expr_values) <- rowData(sce)$SYMBOL
  available_ct <- c()

  for (i in colnames(sign_matrix)) {
    gene_i <- rownames(sign_matrix)[which(sign_matrix[, i] == 1)]
    overlap_i <- intersect(gene_i, rownames(expr_values))
    if (length(overlap_i) <= overlap) {
      output <- paste0("Warning, ", i, " only has ", length(overlap_i), " overlapped genes. Will remove it.")
    } else {
      available_ct <- c(available_ct, i)

  if (length(selected_annotation) > 0) {
    available_ct <- intersect(available_ct, selected_annotation)
    output <- paste0("Warning, continuing only with selected annotation. Available annotation are ", available_ct)

  if (length(available_ct) == 1) {
    stop("Only one cell type available. Program will stop")
  if (length(available_ct) < 1) {
    stop("No cell type available for this experiment. Program will stop")

  interGene <- intersect(rownames(sign_matrix), rownames(expr_values))
  filterSig <- sign_matrix[interGene, available_ct]
  signames <- rownames(filterSig)[which(filterSig[, 1] == 1)]

  # calculate mean gene expression
  if (reverse_log_scale == TRUE) {
    mean_gene_expr <- log(rowMeans(logbase^expr_values - 1, dims = 1) + 1)
  } else {
    mean_gene_expr <- Matrix::rowMeans(expr_values)
  geneFold <- expr_values - mean_gene_expr

  cellColMean <- apply(geneFold, 2, mean)
  cellColSd <- apply(geneFold, 2, stats::sd)

  # get enrichment scores
  enrichment <- matrix(
    data = NA,
    nrow = dim(filterSig)[2],
    ncol = length(cellColMean)
  for (i in (1:dim(filterSig)[2])) {
    signames <- rownames(filterSig)[which(filterSig[, i] == 1)]
    sigColMean <- apply(geneFold[signames, ], 2, mean)
    m <- length(signames)
    vectorX <- NULL
    for (j in (1:length(cellColMean))) {
      Sm <- sigColMean[j]
      u <- cellColMean[j]
      sigma <- cellColSd[j]
      zscore <- (Sm - u) * m^(1 / 2) / sigma
      vectorX <- append(vectorX, zscore)
    enrichment[i, ] <- vectorX
  rownames(enrichment) <- colnames(filterSig)
  colnames(enrichment) <- names(cellColMean)
  enrichment <- t(enrichment)

  if (output_enrichment == "zscore") {
    enrichment <- scale(enrichment)


#' @title Calculate metadata for manual cell/spot annotation for heatmap visualisation.
#' @param sce A `SingleCellExperiment` object
#' @param enrichment precalculated enrichment score for each cell/spot
#' @param clustering A vector of selected clustering used for annotation, inheritated from meta_heatmap plotting
#' @concept manual_annotation
calculate_metadata <- function(sce, enrichment, clustering) {
  cell_types <- colnames(enrichment)
  sce[[glue::glue("manual_annotation_{clustering}")]] <- colnames(enrichment)[apply(enrichment, 1, which.max)]
  cell_metadata <- cbind(enrichment, sce[[clustering]])
  colnames(cell_metadata)[ncol(cell_metadata)] <- clustering
  sce <- scdrake::sce_add_metadata(sce = sce, clustering_enrichment = cell_metadata)


#' @title Manual annotation heatmap plotting
#' @param sce A `SingleCellAnnotation` object
#' @param clustering Selected clustering
#' @param spatial Logical vector, if include spot images for each anotation
#' @param make_cell_plot Logical vector, if include pseudotissue images, for spatial extension
#' @concept manual_annotation
#' @export
meta_heatmap_ploting <-
           clus_cor_method = "pearson",
           clus_cluster_method = "complete",
           values_cor_method = "pearson",
           values_cluster_method = "complete",
           show_value = "value",
           # selection(c("value","zscores","zscores_rescaled"))
           gradient_midpoint = 0,
           gradient_limits = NULL,
           x_text_size = 10,
           x_text_angle = 45,
           y_text_size = 10,
           strip_text_size = 8,
           low = "blue",
           mid = "white",
           high = "red",
           spatial = FALSE,
           dimred = dimred,
           make_cell_plot = FALSE,
           out_dir = NULL) {
    cell_metadata <- metadata(sce)[["clustering_enrichment"]]

    cell_types <-
      colnames(cell_metadata)[!colnames(cell_metadata) %in% clustering]

    cell_metadata_cols <-
      colnames(cell_metadata)[-which(colnames(cell_metadata) %in% clustering)]

    cell_metadata <- tibble::as_tibble(cell_metadata)

    cell_metadata <- cell_metadata %>%
      dplyr::mutate_at(clustering, factor)

    workdt <- cell_metadata %>%
      dplyr::group_by(!!!rlang::syms(clustering)) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(dplyr::across(all_of(cell_metadata_cols), mean, na.rm = TRUE))

    page_enrichment <- workdt %>%
        cols = all_of(cell_metadata_cols),
        names_to = "variable",
        values_to = "value"

    ## plotMetaDataCellsHeatmap
    metaDT <- page_enrichment

    # Step 1: Calculate Z-Scores
    metaDT <- metaDT %>%
      dplyr::group_by(variable) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(zscores = c(scale(value)))

    # Step 2: Rescale Z-Scores to Range [-1, 1]
    metaDT <- metaDT %>%
      dplyr::group_by(variable) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(zscores_rescaled_per_gene = c(scales::rescale(zscores, to = c(-1, 1))))

    # Calculate means
    main_factor <- clustering

    testmain <- metaDT %>%
      dplyr::group_by(variable, !!!rlang::syms(clustering)) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(mean_value = mean(!!!rlang::syms(show_value)))
    # Step 2: Define the dfunction
    dfunction <- function(d, col_name1, col_name2, value.var) {
      d %>%
        tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = {{ col_name2 }}, values_from = {{ value.var }})

    # Step 3: Apply dfunction to testmain
    testmain_matrix <- dfunction(d = testmain, col_name1 = variable, col_name2 = clustering, value.var = mean_value)

    testmain_mat <- as.matrix(testmain_matrix[, -1])

    rownames(testmain_mat) <- testmain_matrix$variable
    # for clusters
    cormatrix <- stats::cor(x = testmain_mat, method = clus_cor_method)
    cordist <- stats::as.dist(1 - cormatrix, diag = T, upper = T)
    corclus <- stats::hclust(d = cordist, method = clus_cluster_method)
    clus_names <- rownames(cormatrix)
    names(clus_names) <- 1:length(clus_names)
    clus_sort_names <- clus_names[corclus$order]

    # for genes
    values_cormatrix <- stats::cor(x = t(testmain_mat), method = values_cor_method)
    values_cordist <- stats::as.dist(1 - values_cormatrix, diag = T, upper = T)
    values_corclus <- stats::hclust(d = values_cordist, method = values_cluster_method)
    values_names <- rownames(values_cormatrix)
    names(values_names) <- 1:length(values_names)
    values_sort_names <- values_names[values_corclus$order]

    # data.table variables
    # factor_column = variable = NULL
    ## def not necesary part
    # metaDT[, factor_column := factor(get(clustering), levels = clus_sort_names)]
    # metaDT[, variable := factor(get('variable'), levels = values_sort_names)]
    ### new part
    metaDT <- metaDT %>%
      dplyr::mutate(factor_column = factor(!!!rlang::syms(clustering))) # , levels = clus_sort_names))

    # Convert variable column to a factor with specified levels
    metaDT <- metaDT %>%
      dplyr::mutate(variable = as.character(variable)) # , levels = values_sort_names))

    pl <- ggplot2::ggplot()
    pl <- pl + ggplot2::geom_tile(
      data = metaDT,
      ggplot2::aes(x = factor_column, y = variable, fill = .data[[show_value]]),
      color = "black"
    pl <- pl + ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient2(
      low = low,
      mid = mid,
      high = high,
      midpoint = gradient_midpoint
    pl <- pl + ggplot2::theme_classic()
    pl <- pl + ggplot2::theme(
      axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(
        size = x_text_size,
        angle = x_text_angle,
        hjust = 1,
        vjust = 1
      axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = y_text_size),
      legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank()
    pl <- pl + ggplot2::labs(x = clustering, y = "cell types")
    # return(pl)

    # output pdf
    out_pdf_file <- fs::path(out_dir, glue::glue("manual_annotation_{clustering}.pdf"))
    out_png_file <- out_pdf_file
    fs::path_ext(out_png_file) <- "png"
    # pl <- list(pl)
    pl <- tryCatch(
        scdrake::save_pdf(list(pl), out_pdf_file, stop_on_error = TRUE)
          filename = out_png_file,
          plot = pl,
          device = "png",
          dpi = 300
      error = function(e) {
        if (stringr::str_detect(e$message, "Viewport has zero dimension")) {
              "Error catched: 'Viewport has zero dimension(s)'.",
              "There are probably too many levels and the legend doesn't fit into the plot.",
              "Removing the legend before saving the plot image."
          pl <- pl + theme(legend.position = "none")
          scdrake::save_pdf(list(pl), out_pdf_file)
            filename = out_png_file,
            plot = pl,
            device = "png",
            dpi = 150
        } else {

    par <- tibble::tibble(
      title = as.character(glue::glue("manual_annotation_{clustering}.pdf")),
      anot_plot = list(pl),
      anot_plot_out_pdf_file = out_pdf_file,
      anot_plot_out_png_file = out_png_file
    p <- plotReducedDim_mod(
      sce = sce,
      dimred = dimred,
      colour_by = glue::glue("manual_annotation_{clustering}"),
      text_by = glue::glue("manual_annotation_{clustering}"),
      title = glue::glue("manual_annotation_{clustering}_dimred.pdf"),
      use_default_ggplot_palette = TRUE,
      legend_title = "Cluster"
    out_pdf_file <-
    out_png_file <- out_pdf_file
    fs::path_ext(out_png_file) <- "png"
    pl <- tryCatch({
      scdrake::save_pdf(list(p), out_pdf_file, stop_on_error = TRUE)
        filename = out_png_file,
        plot = p,
        device = "png",
        dpi = 300
    error = function(e) {
      if (stringr::str_detect(e$message, "Viewport has zero dimension")) {
            "Error catched: 'Viewport has zero dimension(s)'.",
            "There are probably too many levels and the legend doesn't fit into the plot.",
            "Removing the legend before saving the plot image."
        p <- p + theme(legend.position = "none")
        scdrake::save_pdf(list(p), out_pdf_file)
          filename = out_png_file,
          plot = p,
          device = "png",
          dpi = 150
      }   else {
    dimred_par <- tibble::tibble(
      title = as.character(glue::glue("manual_annotation_{clustering}_dimred.pdf")),
      anot_plot = list(p),
      anot_plot_out_pdf_file = out_pdf_file,
      anot_plot_out_png_file = out_png_file
    par <- rbind(par, dimred_par)
    if (spatial) {
      man_anot_plot <- visualized_spots(sce,
        cell_color = glue::glue("manual_annotation_{clustering}"),
        point_size = 5,
        color_as_factor = T,
        legend_symbol_size = 3,
        legend_text = 16
      out_pdf_file <- fs::path(out_dir, "spatmananotplot.pdf")
        stop_on_error = TRUE,
        width = 14,
        height = 14
      annot_par <- tibble::tibble(
        title = "spatmananotplot.pdf",
        anot_plot = list(man_anot_plot),
        anot_plot_out_pdf_file = out_pdf_file,
        anot_plot_out_png_file = NA
      par <- rbind(par, annot_par)

      if (make_cell_plot) {
        cell_annotation_values <- cell_types
        savelist <- list()

        for (annot in cell_annotation_values) {
          enrich_plot <- visualized_spots(
            scdrake::sce_add_colData(sce, cell_metadata),
            cell_color = annot,
            point_size = 1.5
          savelist[[annot]] <- enrich_plot
        combo_plot <- cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = savelist)
        out_pdf_file <- fs::path(out_dir, "spatcellplot.pdf")
          stop_on_error = TRUE,
          width = 14,
          height = 14
        # print(head(par))

        cell_par <- tibble::tibble(
          title = "spatcellplot.pdf",
          anot_plot = list(combo_plot),
          anot_plot_out_pdf_file = out_pdf_file,
          anot_plot_out_png_file = NA
        # print(head(cell_par))

        par <- rbind(par, cell_par)
bioinfocz/scdrake documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 4:43 p.m.